The Slaughter of Christians by Muslims continues to be under reported by the BBC and the rest of the main stream media . Yet even the slightest incident involving Muslims as victims gets the full treatment . I’m sure the BBC could explain this – surely ?
Start the Week Open Thread 22 April 2019
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Page 4 Sunday posts from 5pm
– Page 3 Sunday posts from 7am
Thanks Stew – nice and early …
As to the thread topic – for all of my 80 years various religious factions have been indulging in murderous activities, but of late they seem to be worse, or at least more reported. The surprise, for me was somebody provoking Bhuddists to violence!
So the U.K. PM copies the bbc trend for referring to terrorist atrocities against people as ‘some stuff that happened to buildings’.
And the BBC….
“aftermath of deadly blasts on mosques,”.
Now, where is Mishal with her death tally chart?
Can the Barry Beatification Commune resist sharing this one?
Wonder if the bbc will notice, or wonder, too?
Who is writing their material for them?
Muslim Council of America?
Same people who write Treezer’s speeches.
4 different Democrat accounts used the strange term “Easter worshippers”
see here
..No surprise that such accounts are run by PR people , especially on a holiday.
Craig of @ITBB points the BBC started use that phrase, 6 times this morning alone
\\ Well, but I thought I’d check TV Eyes to see if the BBC was mentioning their use of that weird phrase and, guess what?
Yes, the BBC is using “Easter worshippers” too!
BBC Breakfast used it 6 times this morning.
Here’s Naga reading from the autocue at 8:33 am:
“Police said that 24 arrests have been made, but nobody has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which targeted luxury hotels and churches packed with Easter worshippers.”
And here she is at 8:02 am: ” Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which targeted luxury hotels and churches packed with Easter worshippers.”
And at 7:30: “Police said that 24 arrests have been made, but nobody has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which targeted luxury hotels and churches packed with Easter worshippers.”
And at 7:01, 6:31 and 6:01. //
The use of the term ‘Easter worshippers’ is only temporary. The BBC would like to start using the terms ‘Cruscaders’ and ‘Infidels’, which are the preferred terms of ISIS and Friends.
‘I would argue that it takes a true savant of exquisitely attuned grievance collection to read an individual reference to “Easter worshippers” as an attempt to avoid acknowledging Christianity’:
Worth reading to the end!
Easter worshipers
This started in Europe and England. Their main place of worship now is Stonehenge. Their main festival is when the sun is mid spring and summer equinox in the northern hemisphere, which is around mid April.
These people were heavily persecuted in Europe, and consequently fled to a remote island in the Pacific. This is now Easter island. The stone statues of faces pointed to the sun is the equivalent of Stonehenge lines.
Modern scholars call these people Easter Worshipers.
The Today Programme
Good morning, presenting today are Mishal Husain and Nick Robinson.
Coming up: the death toll from the Sri Lanka attacks rises to 290 (0810) and (0709).
The BBC has clearly assigned the role well.
Sounds like the perfect guest.
Especially if they don’t check his rucksack at security.
During, say, WW2, would our politicians or the press or religious leaders, have expressed shock that our enemies were shooting at us, bombing us, trying to kill us? I can’t see Mr Churchill saying to the public that he’s not very happy that Rommel and his army are firing on our troops and trying to kill them. After all, in a war, that’s what combatants do.
islam has declared war on the West; they did it decades ago, more likely centuries ago. And in doing so, the muslim forces have done and are continuing to do what aggressors do; namely trying their best to kill us.
But because we, their enemies, have failed to play our part in this war; by recognising that it is a war and preparing for it accordingly; we are at a perpetual disadvantage. And our leaders are time and again shocked when our muslim enemy scores a hit.
During any war, would we import millions of the enemy into our country and pretend they are not the enemy and maybe hope they behave themselves white the war continues? I don’t think so. So why are we doing so with this muslim war?
This has been what I have been writing on blogs since 9/11.
We are in a state of war, and if ever there was an attack that made that clear, it was 9/11. The entire NATO was lined up behind the USA and Pres Bush. The USA could have gone which ever way they wanted, and NATO would have followed.
What Pres Bush did was to name Islam as the “Religion of Peace” – a misnomer if ever there was one. Then followed it by opening the USA to mass Muslim immigration. Then declared war on secular Arab states. The result has been the eviction of Iraqi “Easter worshipers”. America almost succeeded in overthrowing secular Syria, the only place in the Arab world that allows Christians to be free of fear.
The rest of NATO has followed, with doors wide open to Muslim immigration.
The election of Pres Trump has opened up the possibility that all GWB policies will be overturned. I believe this is one of the main reasons why the Left, BBC included, is in a state of hysteria to stop his presidency.
Kosova war was the precursor, of the attacks on states to help the Muslims, here Serbia was attacked by The West’s NATO and forced to cede it’s province to the Muslims in 1999
Guest who:So the U.K. PM copies the bbc trend for referring to terrorist atrocities against people as ‘some stuff that happened to buildings’.
Its the new Somali congresswoman now-famous remark about 9/11: “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”
I wonder if we will ever get the truth about the Notre dame cathedral fires ( two of them )
Me too David
So I switched on the Toady programme eager to hear more accurate reporting of the slaughter of fellow Christians – nearly another hundred people have died overnight – but the BBC carries on avoiding any speculation about the identity of the killers .
Indeed it it now switching into its ‘blame the security forces for failing ‘ type narrative which allows killers to go without comment whilst the BBC plays it’s comfortable ‘ lessons will be learnt ‘ game .
To distract people – The BBC news agenda seems fixated on the election of a comic to the presidency of Ukraine- I don’t think they’ll be laughing when the Russians invade …
Last night I switched on the World Service and the comedian President was the headline!
I see today on the BBC website, they have admitted the that it might possibly be an Islamic terrorist attack. You can almost feel the teeth gnashing and hand wringing that was required to state the bleeding obvious.
Everyone but everyone is stating that it was a Jihad attack. Only the BBC deliberately refuse to do so.
This morning, they spent a long time interviewing the head of the Red Cross in Shri Lanka. The Red Cross is not allowed by its charter to mention any aspects of mass murdering perpetrators, as that would jeopardize their mission. The BBC know this.
The Red Cross in Sri Lanka are also working at the scenes:
Tweets by SLRedCross
I rather be invaded by the Russians than this three pronged attack we are under at the moment from: the far left, the EU and the religion of peace.
Дядя Владимир, пожалуйста, приезжайте и спасите нас!
Is it wise Putin your trust in him? 😉
I’m sorry I appear to have pressed “report” when I wanted to “reply”.
I just wanted to comment that they might have elected a comic as President but we have a clown for Prime Minister!
“Religion of peace ”
Look around the world at the evidence Al Beeb, look around the world.
That would require real investigative journalism, Taff, something the BBC isn’t particularly fond of, as they’ll offend someone.
Possibly, the Sopel effect of trying to be interesting with sharp wit and fantasy, and failing in just about everyone’s eyes, is their norm, so like the boaty stuff, it’s much easier to ignore the crap they spout, light a beer and chat with chums on sites like here!
I use this place to get news, sometimes popping over to the DT and even the Express, never the Mail, (too lefty now), and of course, the Undependent and the Groanier never get a look in as they’re worse than the BBBBBC!
I’m sorry if this is a bit passive, I suppose I should get out more, and even dare to watch some live TV, but as the night-time radio is the only stuff I hear, and usually switch off when they start squealing about women’s baseball, I think I’ll choose a decent piece of music, like Durufle’s Requiem, which will make your hair stand on end for days…
I’ve spotted the MSM language change
‘Muslim Terrorist’ is now’ Religious Extremist ‘…
More on the activities of the RoP as it spreads its message around
Oh. Do tell.
As they say: ‘Comments could be going better’.
Here too.
A rather distasteful photo from the BBC.
Unless there were 4 one leged people who left their shoe
lined up outside a church etc ,
they have been arranged for a photoshoot.
I would suggest its important to understand who the victims were. These kinds of articles are heartbreaking.
News coverage has evolved to put a focus on the people who were lost in these kinds of atrocities. There’s also a decent argument, that in the likes of school shootings or Christchurch for example, that less attention should be on the killers – by not plastering their face and name everywhere for example.
But of course reporting who was responsible and their motive is front and center. Any responsible news broadcaster is also going to be cautious in attributing responsibility, it’s certainly initially going to be a case of reporting what the relevant authorities are saying.
And if you follow the coverage, you will invariably find that this is the case.
The current top story on the Sri Lanka bombings:
For those who can’t be bothered to read it:
‘Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said the Islamic State (IS) group may be linked to the blasts.
IS has said it was responsible for the attacks, which targeted churches and high-end hotels, although it has not provided direct evidence of its involvement’
It asks:
What do we know about the attackers?
Who could be behind the attacks?
Funny thing is, lots of Muslims complain that terrorists are only called terrorists when they’re Muslim. They did so after the Christchurch attack. Even though that too was bollocks.
And it’s a little ironic too that one of the main objectives of Al-Quaeda was to begin a Muslim v everyone else war.
Who could be behind the attacks?
20,000 staff.
£5,000,000,000 per annum.
By force.
Our ‘ sister’ website isthebbcbiased does a great job in the cause . Thank you for the link which tells a damn sight more than the State Broadcaster chooses to do .
I don’t get to the other site as much as I could because of trying to administer this site but it is very worth the visit .
It is a worthy complement.
No Toady today – the off switch has already been hit . And not just by me it seems — after reading the Sunday Times on the ‘failing BBC’.
I was trying to figure out where we are and where we are going . Part of the answer depends on ones ‘ age and therefore experience .
I’ve come to the conclusion that we really are heading for the George Orwell 1984 prediction .
People can become ‘ non people ‘ by having channels of expression removed
Certain books can be ‘burnt’ by retailers who don’t favour their views
Only certain forms of news is suitable for the population – news spun in an acceptable form to suit the States’ political aims .
Proles must be given entertainment to stop them from thinking so there are plenty of ‘celebrities ‘ to aspire to be polluting daily life for many
I have my read 1984 for a while but I think it’s time to go to it again – before it becomes ‘ unavailable ‘.
I hate that silly ballroom dancing show that goes by the stupid name: Strictly.
The ferals at the BBC must have thought “strictly” had something to do with “dominant sex” so the boss said to his underlings – yeah, I hope you know what your doing but I will let you go ahead with the show and see how pilot show goes with the viewers.
I still think the morons at BBC Head head quarters HQ boardroom level still think its got something to do with sex (the kind of sex were games of another nature are played).
I hope that the BBC will continue with these kind of brain numbing family shows as I believe its a sure bet that that series and other BBC fun shows will be the death of said extortioner corporation.
There’s an Australian film called Strictly Ballroom. I suspect the far-left bbc collective, being wanting in the originality department, adopted the title for their tacky show. I can imagine the production team hive feeling quite pleased with themselves when one of them came up with the suggestion.
That was an amusing film – the Ozzies used to make good films.
They still make good tv progs. The Heart Guy now in its third series and tucked away on Drama is beyond brilliant, in humour, acting and all the rest. Why none of the mainstream channels haven’t picked it up is staggering.
Ves – each to their own . I can’t say anything about the very popular stuff TV puts out as I’ve never seen it – soaps are not for me nor any of that ‘ reality ‘ stuff -but I do have an idea what ‘ dec and ant ‘ are …
Talking about book burning, I was surprised to learn that the McCanns used their lawyers; I think it’s the infamous Carter-Ruck; to prevent the sale of the Portuguese policeman, Gonçalo Amaral’s book about Madeleine McCann, from being sold in the UK.
This should calm us down and take us way back to when the bbc was good.
The Radio5Dead ‘news’ is almost incoherent, the night-time bulletins are delivered either by a chap who has to take enormous intakes of gasping breath between each paragraph, gulping in air at the rate of a jumbo jet, while one of the girls seems to be undertaking a table-ender while gabbling a stuttering sentence at high speed.
The ‘sport’ item is even worse, as some inane bloke/LBGTFRDES$$ shrieks incomprehensibly about some sort of trans-world-euro-shield-cup thing, mentioning unheard-of teams and countries, and trying to whip up a beer-fuelled anthem…
At three-o’clock in the morning…
Learnt something new already today – what a ‘table ender ‘ is…. if anyone doesn’t know and wants to find out I suggest you google it . I’m sure that the Internet holds plenty of picture of people having ‘ table enders’ ….
It would be a whole new advertising theme for DFS and other multicoloured furniture retailers …
Ha ha ha, Fed!
The good thing about one of those antics, is that it cuts out the middle man (the stairs), and makes life even more mutual fun for the effort!
Blimey, it’s only just 8 o’clock…
BBC Online News:
“”How Islamophobia Feels””
“”For me, being Muslim is less about a cultural identity and more about being fearless in the face of hatred.””
“”In the days following the (Manchester) attack, I organised a vigil for 60 people in Nottingham. I wanted to give Muslims a space where we could connect with the guilt we all felt as survivors, grieve for those who died, and deal with the suppressed fear inside us that it might be our mosque next. It might be our family. And we are powerless to stop it.””
“”….and carried on my life as normal: attending classes, being involved in student politics (I’m the BME officer of my Student Union) and going for coffee with friends.””
“”I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to explain that yes, I wear the hijab out of choice. And no, I’m not oppressed. I’ve been lucky enough not to be attacked on campus for wearing it, but I do know girls who’ve had theirs pulled off.””
Why am I not weeping in shock at her hardships?
And the reason you wear that stupid headgear, when mulslims from the last 50 years never felt the need to wear them ? to put up two fingers to our culture and religion
1. An expression of identity
Caitlin Killian, a professor of sociology at Drew University, explains that there is disagreement among scholars about whether the religious text, the Quran, explicitly commands women to veil.
“Various passages,” she writes, “make reference to veiling by the prophet’s wives. But scholars disagree about whether these statements apply only to the prophet’s wives or to all Muslim women.”
Killian argues that the hijab can be a positive assertion of an identity. She explains that in countries that were colonized by the French or the British, Muslim women were encouraged to remove the veil and be more like European women. “Consequently, in North African and Middle Eastern countries, the veil became a symbol of national identity and opposition to the West,” she argues
“Consequently, in North African and Middle Eastern countries, the veil became a symbol of national identity and opposition to the West,”
That will be why their young men all wear T-shirts and jeans then?
“And the reason you wear that stupid headgear”
1) either their husbands will not tolerate “white men” looking at their woman while walking down the high street.
2) muslim women believe that all “white men” are predators and rapists.
100,000 Iranian Women March Against The Hijab Law In 1979 Tehran
“muslim women believe that all “white men” are predators and rapists.” Well they got that 180 degrees wrong.
Anukaki – to put up two fingers to our culture and religion
Yes, and also to tell us that our time in the UK will soon be over.
It is difficult to think of anything more offensive and insensitive at the present time, which is presumably why the BBC considers it appropriate to promote this 5 day-old item to the front page. At the moment, nobody really wants to hear about how Islamophobia feels – a largely imaginary condition. The emphasis should be very much on how Christianophobia actually kills.
“”How Islamophobia Feels””
Christian girls in Pakistan and other Muslim countries will be shocked.
Shocked – or shot?
Or raped then married off as a fourth wife or concubine to a believer.
I always thought the flimsy veil on the Turkish Delight model plying her wares in the desert was quite sexy – well the guy who played the Sheikh was anyway. 🙂
All across the world Muslims repeatedly demonstrate their belief that they are exceptional and that Islam is the only true way of life and religion and that all unbelievers must be converted by the book or by the sword. The death toll of Islamification rises daily. They have even managed to force Buddhists to resort to violence to protect themselves. The Chinese are taking stern measures to deal with the rise of Islam. In contrast the authorities in the West protect Muslims , persecute those who express concern or fear about Islamification via ridiculous hate speech laws and ensures that the MSM portray Muslims as cuddly victims of white supremacists.
There are signs that in some European countries the people are preparing to defend themselves from Islam. In the UK there are no signs whatsoever. Most people just don’t recognise the danger to future generations or are, understandably, fearful of the response of the authorities if they raise their head above the parapet. Beside this existentialist threat to our way of life Brexit is but a pinprick.
But double – part of the reason for the brexit vote was to get border control again and to stop unregulated settlement of foreigners – including the type of third world Muslims Merkel let into Europe – from getting into soft touch Blighty .
The current two main parties see Muslims as assets to their cause whilst the British people know the truth of the matter – whatever the propaganda spewed by the BBC and MSN .
By the way – the Londonistan Evening News refers to the Shri lankan mass murderers as ‘ religious extremists’ so maybe they’re not Scientologists then …
“The current two main parties see Muslims as assets to their cause whilst the British people know the truth of the matter – whatever the propaganda spewed by the BBC and MSN .”
Over the last 10 years or so, the BBC sewer people have begun to realise what what “a captive audience” really means so they passed that tip onto their underlings to create a new “we admire Islam because it hates Christianity” department.
And seeing that this Islamic Dept is so successful the BBC HQ boffins have begun another exclusive Dept for those tens of thousands BBC employees who admire “the Pink Tolerance Brigade”
The BBC still admires Islam but it has moved onto the “Pink Tolerance Brigade”…or have they. No worries as they will return in the next few hours.
Fed up,
I know that most of us who voted Leave wanted control of our borders as a precursor to stopping more enrichment from the third world. However, apart from Mr Batten is there any Leave politician who you think shares that view? Certainly the Mog, Boris, Nigel don’t. They seem to think that we must view any migrant applicant from wherever in the world on an equal basis. So if we stop free movement from within the EU and replace it with controlled immigration from the world as a whole we are likely to get more RoPers than if we stayed in the EU. That’s is why I think that Brexit is important regarding democracy and giving the liberals a well deserved punch in the mouth but actually it’s an secondary issue compared to stopping the horror of Islamification.
Great post.
The EU threatens our political independence. Islam threatens our cultural existence. Which is worse?
Moreover, the former we can recover from. Not so the latter.
Forgive my cynicism but in the current climate – particularly the hostility of the Bubble with regard to any discussion of really controlling immigration – politicians can’t couple immigration and Brexit .
The most important thing is getting away from the reichEU and then starting the long hard process of stopping UK from becoming an uncontrollable benefits based mess .
The likes of Mr Batten are easily shot down by the bubble in all its forms . It’s a shame UKIP can’t just give up,and hand over to the Brexit party – which as a simple message ….
Fed up,
Yes I agree that there is no future for any politician who dares to oppose immigration, particularly from the third world. As you say the bubble will squash them flat. I also agree that Mr Batten will be squashed even though his policies are the right ones. So as NCBbC says above the two issues before us is political independence , where we do have a semblance of choice via Brexit, or cultural annihilation were we currently have no choice at all. Bloody depressing .
“They seem to think that we must view any migrant applicant from wherever in the world on an equal basis.”
As indeed we should. And say ‘no’ to all of them.
The For Britain manifesto includes freezing immigration to the UK for a period of 5 years.
There is a clear split between Western and Eastern Europe. The West is now doomed to civil war since the number of Muslims in those countries has reached a critical mass and they have considerable political power. It is also clear to anyone who is paying attention that laws are being introduced that would not look out of place under Sharia. The people are being prepared to accept Sharia as a way of life in other words. That’s why you can go to Manchester Airport and be served by a majority of women wearing hijabs or see proposals to make swearing in public a criminal offence. It all goes back to Islam.
Couldn’t believe my ears and had a quick chuckle. The lengths our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster and news co-conspirators will go to steer the news narative well away from islam: 0800 R4 News Toady tells me that the Sri Lankan, “…..stuff…..” was perhaps a botched Coup d’état.
Well, I never did………………Fancy that……Clutching at straws.
Toady on top form this morning.
First we get lots of coverage of the Sri Lankan mass murders without any attempt to consider who might have carried them out, though a considerable attempt to avoid that issue.
Then a sort of hilarious ‘back to the 70s’ interval when a female communist in the studio was allowed free rein to denounce each and every facet of capitalism as a key contributor to global warming, profits are evil, big business is evil etc etc. She was given this free ride by Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein, including being allowed repeatedly to interrupt her ‘interview opponent’ who, surprise surprise, was on a bad telephone line.
Marxism lives on Radio 4. Or should that be Radio 4 lives on Marxism?
I just want to reiterate what I wrote last night as one of the
final contributors of the Weekend site.
Towards the end of the BBC TV 10.00 PM news on the terrorist
atrocity in Sri Lanca ,there was a report from Colombo . The
reporter had a very strong Sub Indian Continent English accent,
which in itself was fairly difficult to fully comprehend to the
untrained ear. I believe he was talking about whom might be
the perpetrators of the horrendous barbarism.BUT it sounded
to me that his message was being scrambled so that we could
not understand what he was saying.
After the interview Huw Edwards made no reference to the point
that the reporters information was garbled at the very least.
I will admit that this morning after being being rather less than
serious in fact being very jocular on the sofa , Naga Munchetty
managed to calm herself down when questioning the Sri Lanka
High Commissioner.
You may ask why I even watch the BBC. You see I am very interested in women’s sport , in particular Netball, Rugby and Football. And none of the rest of the media cover it as much as the
BBC. I nearly had an orgasm when I learnt that we had beaten
Kasakhstan at tennis and were promoted to World Group 2 from
Group 3. BUT I must admit that the BBC did spend a shade more
time on the Sri Lanka collateral damage interview than the tennis.
from 9:07am the BBC 5Live phone in will be about the Sri Lankan bombings
It seems their government wants to prevent a racial backlash so is holding back from shouting Islamic terrorism.
The expert said it was an anti-christian attack cos the bombers just presume all western tourists are Christian.
The UK Greens are affected cos the family of the ASOS founder are rewilding Scotland, but 3 of his 4 children were killed.
“95% of suicide bombings are from sects of Sunni Islam”
.. cos Shia Islam ruled against suicide bombing”
said 5 Live expert
He claimed it wasn’t normal Islam but comes from Saudi Wahabi
Later Campbell looked to start an outrage bus against the Foreign Secretary for saying Christians are the most persecuted.
He was getting it confused with “most killed” so the experts cut him down by quoting Pew Research
Foreign Secretary \\ Of all the people who suffer persecution for their faith, it may surprise some to know that the greatest number are Christian.//
\\ In total, about 245 million Christians endure oppression worldwide, according to the campaign group Open Doors. And last year more than 4,000 Christians were killed because of their faith.
In 2015, Christians faced harassment from governments or social groups in 128 nations, according to the Pew Research Centre.
By 2016, this had risen to 144. China imposes the ‘highest levels of government restrictions’.
Should religious persecution matter in an increasingly secular world?
The truth is that, if a regime tries to control what you believe, it will generally seek to control every other aspect of your life.
Where Christians are persecuted, other human rights are often brutally abused. //
Sri Lankan intelligence warning translated in full here….

someone tweeted it from CNN
Here’s Nihal retweeting that claim that it was a hoax
the woman later deleted that claim
Lisa Fuler deleted her tweet, if it was oK why did she delete it ?
BBC 9 o’clock News Sri Lanka.
I did hear the words ‘radical Islamic group operating locally.’ Through gritted teeth.
Next they say ‘It is not quite clear who is behind the attack,
But say there were warnings about the attack 10 days ago.
It seems everyone except the BBC are aware who the warnings were from…
Well into the second day of the murderous Sri Lankan attacks and the lying al-beeb are still sticking to their absurd claim that “it is not yet known who carried out the attacks”.
There is a now a mass of information about who carried out the attacks, which clearly al-beeb are wilfully ignoring.
Once again the tactic is to confuse, distract, prevaricate, procrastinate and misinform as long as possible with misleading chaff (eg history of conflict between Sinhalese and Tamils, Buddhists and Hindus – clearly not relevant given what is known in this case), and at all costs divert attention from islamic terrorism, which isn’t mentioned once in the main report.
Compare with Christchurch where they wasted no time in pointing the finger at the ‘far-right’ and white supremacist ideologies and groups.
vlad, IIRC, it was the perpetrator in Christchurch – not the BBC – who called attention to his own so-called ‘far right’/’white supremacist ideology’ by filming and broadcasting his own attack on the Internet.
Her next message about Sri Lanka will be that it had nothing to do with islam, which as we know is a great religion, a religion of peace.
And how muslims are the real victims and we must do more to protect mosques from a possible backlash.
“And how muslims are the real victims and we must do more to protect mosques from a possible backlash.”
However, kill those stupid muslim mothers outside our schools who are harassing to the hilt our female/he/it/ teachers from brainwashing other parents children with sex. sex and even more deviant sex lessons!
Don’t you know that many of our lesbian teachers studied hard to achieve/bring to fruition many more deviant child communities all around the UK. Why, we have even emailed the BBC programmes dept to come up with the idea of a family friendly show with only genuine deviant contestants.
TOADY Watch #1 and only
Total failure to join up the dots.
Doesn’t matter what the subject under consideration may be, the BBC Presenters, Editors and journalists are incapable of critical interview, thought and evaluation. Science, terrorism, environment, climate change, nature, migration, food, medicine, transport, persecution of Christians, nature, food, persecution of minorities, medicine, economics, transport, utilities, politics, Global Warming – they fail either deliberately or through lack of preparation or research or personal knowledge to ask key questions and then realise & interrogate the connection with other areas of human activity.
Several on the programme this morning. Too many to mention in a brief post. The TOADY programme is collapsing under Sarah Sands’ Editorship. She should be sacked before it is too late.
‘Toady’ also gave ecomentalist Bill McKibben an opportunity to plug his new book. No challenge to any of his wild statements;
indeed ‘tourettes’ seemed to disappear from the item for a bit as Bill was able to ramble on.
Anyone in any doubt about this guy and where he sees ‘world climate governance’ heading should read these:-
jazz, funny you should mention that but my immediate thought on hearing that item …
‘ …hmmmn, trees chopped down, transported to mill via fossil fuel burning vehicle, made into paper & board via applications of more carbon energy, paper & board go to printer, more CO2, ink is made, more CO2, ink goes to printer, more CO2, book is transfered electronically to printer, hooray … er no, maybe …. more CO2, finished books go to warehouse, more CO2, warehouse sends orders to bookshops, more CO2, potential customer hears about …. you know what? MORE CO2!
You could have saved some trees to act as carbon sinks and a whole lot more CO2 by not bothering to write the wretched book in the first place!
Of course, a sharp thought like that could not penetrate Nick Robinson’s impressive skull, or …
….. maybe it did but he was not allowed or was too scared to voice it?
The way she talks, too.
It’s all starting to make sense.
But who programmed her? The EU?
Dwiggy dwiggy dwiggy
Strong and stable….
Yup, the one on the left makes more sense… Probably couldn’t lie either as that function wasn’t in its ‘programming’
The BBC’s reliance on bland cooking shows, tired quizzes and low-brow comedies is putting its future at risk, a former executive claims.
As rivals such as Netflix innovate and flourish, the BBC is becoming marginalised and struggles to justify its licence fee, argued Roger Mosey.
Recent entertainment shows have attracted ‘terrible reviews and awful ratings’, he said, adding: ‘It is hard to imagine that the nation would be the poorer if some of the corporation’s current broadcast offerings were lost.’
He described one recent programme – For Facts Sake, featuring Mrs Brown’s Boys star Brendan O’Carroll – as an ‘indefensible commission’ and said viewers deserved more.
Meanwhile, the corporation has used nearly £100million of public money collecting the licence fee.
In 2017 it spent almost £16million sending threatening letters and emails, and stepped up visits by TV licence enforcement officers, but still missed out on more than £250million from people who dodged the charge.
Mrs Browns Boys ‘star’ ???
My local pigeons display more talent from their rear-ends.
University Challenge is the only BBC I watch
Even there they have started having transvestite contestants,(Warwick seems to have most sufferers- polluted water ?) with questions tailored to help them too.
And UC are also trying to include an equal number of questions about notable females and males – a weighting that doesn’t refelect the ratio of achievers in most fields.
The other one on Pointless. He can go back to the Munsters show.
Anything from Steptoe yet?
He was quick to condemn Christchurch.
Is there a record anywhere of ‘backlash’ attacks against Muslims in the west?
You can guarantee if there is, then Al-Beeb will have it across all news 24/7.
Linking it to far right, Nazis, Brexit, Global Warming, pale stale white men and diesel cars…..
on LBC from 10 @MaajidNawaz
\\ Coming up on @LBC in 30 mins:
1) As the death toll in Sri Lanka reached 290, are we neglecting persecuted Christians abroad?
2) Tony Blair says multiculturalism has failed the integration of our minority communities. Is he right?
3) What should @ExtinctionR do next? //
Maajid picks up the point no one shouts Christianophobia
and compares tweets Obama/Hillary/Maybot send after the NZ attacks
to their new tweets which don’t seem to mention Christians or terrorism
‘ attacks on Sunday worshippers’
BTW Maajid himself says he never uses the word Islamophobia , but says “Anti-Muslim-Bigotry” instead
”intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.”
”unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own.”
My house my rules-Anyone dont like them, then don’t invite yourself in .
Racial hatred?
what race ..
She really is a national effing disgrace.
They’ll be shitting themselves if the Euro elections go ahead – UKIP and Brexit Party leading the polls, UKIP promising to abolish the licence fee, and I suspect Nigel will hold a similar position.
I think the EU poll has been downplayed since UKIP hit No1.
FPTP has always distorted national polling through the perceived need for negative voting.
I read somewhere that the SPTP voting system now determines the winners in UK elections and referenda… 😉
ukip has about 20 of the 70 uk meps at the moment , dont think they have much power, even if they win all the seats this time.
Nice token gesture of two fingers up, though..
The State broadcaster as a facilitator of tax avoidance.
Wasn’t there a minor kerfuffle in the far-left bbc collective hive some years ago when it was revealed how John Birt had ‘arranged’ his personal finances?
Where is he now, I wonder?
“CNN 18” were putting out the NAMES and photos of at least 2 of the muslim murderers and the jihadist group responsible within minutes of the attacks.
More than 24 hours later, the world’s most funded is STILL pretending that “it is not yet known who carried out the attacks”.
None so blind as those who will not see.
None so biased as the bbc.
The reporter for CNN and BBC are the same – a female Muslim.
How is that even when Muslims are a tiny minority in nations, they get all the plum jobs in the BBC or CNN.
Just in case some of us haven’t seen this report in Breitbart about that pillar of respectability, appointed to the HoL by that other beacon of light in a world of darkness Mr Beliar, that will known muslim Mr Ahmed:
Just had an article published on the BBC’s Climate Change Bias that you might like to read.
Horrendous though the Sri Lankan massacres are, it should be remembered they are only equivalent to an average two weeks of worldwide butchery by the religion of peace.
Another complementary observation on BBC SOP.
thing is, they are not just looking away, they are saying to anyone foolish enough to take heed… ‘Look…. over there… squirrel!’.
Great find, this article describes an intelligence agency alert that the NTJ (National Thowheeth Jama’ath, a radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka) had planned to carry out such suicide attacks targeting prominent churches
Failure of the BBC to perform some investigative journalism? 100% failure… but of course probably they did know about this, but because they are a filthy deceptive propaganda outfit tey decided not to report, in case that made people “hate” Islam…because as we know “hating” people who are out to kill you or rape your children is illegal in 2019 Britain.
Green Agenda pushing on 5 Live now
When things were simpler.
“Climate change has been called the biggest threat facing our generation.”
Um, no I don’t think so…
290 (and counting) slaughtered because they were Christians in Sri Lanka. Possibly more than a thousand injured.
Across the world every day people are being killed because they’re not Muslims.
Throughout Europe there’s a litany of mayhem that follows this lunatic religion around like a putrid smell.
Mass murders, rapes, child grooming, beheadings and arson…
FFS wake up!
And my answer is I’m not wasting electricity listening to your garbage.
If the BBC is serious about environmental issues then it should do something that’s guaranteed to remove a heavily toxic element from the UK: disband.
“Climate change”
It gets warmer so my central goes off – I save money on my energy bills and lower carbon footprint. Simples
The BBC wants you to know that “UKIP’s Carl Benjamin not sorry for MP rape comments”… reading the article you can hear the BBC howel at the wound as it’s safe space fantesy world is punctured.
Of course if the headline was honest it would say tha “UKIP’s Carl Benjamin said he would not rape MP Jess Phillips”, and it would point out that the Labour MP involved, Jess Phillips, had been deriding male suicide when Banjamin made his “offensive comment”… and that the comment was meant to be offesnive.
The BBC lies on this are yet again so disgausting, that these people are empowerd to snatch money from the British people, then use that money to spead these lies is plain evil.
However Carl Benjamin’s response to the media is worth a look, lets hope we see more of this “refusing to apploagize” attitude. The BBC can shove it up their ass as far as i’m concerned along with a few reels of cyanide laced barbed wire:
Funny that she feels insulted because somebody would not rape her.
So Labour brought in Sharia complient rules on the London underground, such as no alchhol, no images of imodestly dressed women, and Corbyn even suggested gender segregated train carriages (not yet implimnted).
Now we have an image of a an Labour MP drinking alcohol on the underground flouting their own rules, they have the name of the MP and they have a confession. So will the BBC help ensure this MP is prosecuted the same as the general public would be?
Why is our PM not stating “There can be no place in our societies for the vile ideology that drives and incites hatred and fear”.
Was 9/11, 7/11, Madrid, Paris, Nice, Mumbai, Manchester arena, and countless others, not sufficient evidence?
I’m guessing the Crown `prosecution Service would find that it is not in the public interest for a Shadow Home Secretary to be prosecuted for a crime she apparently committed –
I’m sure she voted for the law she broke …..
[i might be wrong on the second point as it may be delegated legislation ]
The BBC editorial strategy for Muslim terrorist attacks becomes clearer and should be remembered for the many future ones
1. Report the killings from a distance – don’t send a beeboid directly to the site for some time
2. Initially don’t even mention it as a ‘terrorist attack’ – call it an ‘incident
3 don’t even speculate on the cause
4 allow time in the news cycle to pass and hope for something ‘more important to turn up to distract
5 even if other agencies start attributing Muslim terrorism as the attack ignore it and run down the clock
6 eventually send a junior reporter but use the ‘bad signal ‘ trick to prevent communication
7 start gentle blame speculation but don’t mention Islamic terrorist killers
8 talk about the victims but not the acts themselves
9 if pushed – describe ‘religious extremists ‘ as the possible cause
10 if lucky – kill the story after 24 hours – hope someone famous dies for vicarious grief and distraction
Then repeat …..
[ I look forward to our maxi s forensic dissection and useful contributions – hope you’re well maxi and ‘Mohamhead]
[in a previous life a had a job writing ‘if asked ‘ questions for people who might be ‘quizzed ‘ by the meeja…lie well lie often but arch the honest eyebrows – see Evette cooper ]
Fedup2, and if the far-left bbc collective have to mention the remote possibility that muslims are the killers, then focus the audience’s attention on how worried the muslims are about any backlash and how the muslim ‘community’ needs support and protection. Also, maybe mention something about a nebulous thing called far right and try to include Tommy Robinson, UKIP and perhaps their new bogeyman, Carl Benjamin in the propaganda piece.
And as you say, rinse and repeat.
As neil Hamilton says, finally a grooming case labour care about, lets see if the BBC point this out:
Of Course Shamimma Begum was “groomed” in to persecuting and and killing infidels, whereas in places like Rotherham “groomed” infidels were raped, murdered, and even minced for kebab meat like Charliene Downes.
The BBC is complicit in this lies and filth, and by faling to report properly is complicit and even responsible for Islamic child rape and murder.
The News Front page unusually isn’t promoting their poster girl today.
Al Beeb are beginning to sound like ‘Comical Ali’.
BiasedBBC #GreenSupremacism
13 hours after Feedback asked “Does the BBC do enough for Climate Change activism ?”
Radio 4 started the Book of the Week
Losing Earth : The Activist and the Scientist
Now it’s week 2
\\ Nathaniel Rich’s account of how the course of climate change could have been halted in the 1980s and why it wasn’t.
\\ In 1979, the science of climate change was known – what was happening,
why it was happening, and how to stop it.
In the US, over the next decade a variety of activists, scientists and politicians worked tirelessly to safeguard the environment but despite their efforts they couldn’t.
Losing Earth is American novelist Nathaniel Rich’s account of the decade when the world came tantalizingly close to signing binding treaties that could have made a difference. //
The State broadcaster loves to campaign.
In my 1970’s Uni days, the air was actually quite poor in quality but the big fear on the climate front was that of global cooling. The progressives were obviously stumped on how to ‘redistribute wealth’ in that scenario so the junk science of global warming was fabricated. The BBC was happy to assist their bedfellows. They saw it as a way to side-step the democratic process. Something that the left will gladly embrace.
That’s not true …history has been rewitten.
See the blurb for the BBC Radio4 book of the week
Makes you wonder how much the British public have been deceived/lied too by the Labour/Tory governments over the decades now that we are finding out how the internet appears to prove that we have been lied too by the hour.
One wonders how much we were lied too by PM Brown and Blair especially.
Cooper’s honest eyebrows?
Abbott does eye rolling.
Always know what’s best the pair of them.
When Cooper does the Arching Eyebrows thing you know it’s a big lie – Tony Blair was good at it too . But some might say – that as a former barrister – the only time Blair wasn’t telling lies was when his mouth was shut .
Oh my, the biased BBC is really surpassing itself, lowering its editorial integrity even further, with its insipid and truly shocking coverage of the Sri Lanka attacks.
Most news outlets are now openly reporting who is behind this horror, but the BBC’s main website article avoids any reference to “Islamists”.
Yes, there is reference to “the support of an international network” and then “the government has blamed a little-known local jihadist group, National Thowheed Jamath.”
The NTJ is later referred to as “a group” who were previously blamed for “damaging Buddhist statues.”
But scroll all the way down the BBC report and the “I” word is not used once.
So, anyone unable to read between the lines might think this “group” of attackers could be anything…the Sri Lankan branch of the KKK, arts anarchists who don’t like Buddhist statues, or a boy band on a rampage. No pointers, no clarity, no truth telling.
This is an utter betrayal of journalistic standards – the BBC is never slow in calling out Islamaphobia etc. but when it comes to Christianaphobia….zilch.
Islamist is also a misnomer. The people who committed these crimes are muslims who adhere to the teachings of the Koran and the Hadiths. They are Muslims not Islamists. Using the term Islamist is an attempt to imply that they are not acting in accordance with koranic scripture. They most definitely are.
Happy Earth Day! When we celebrate every failed alarmist prediction!
Stew that’s great – I’ll drive around the M25 for no reason at all to celebrate …
Enjoy your drive, and take time to notice how green and lush the
motorway verges are..
That would be a fantastic background for Attenboroughs PC.
The motorway verges are one of the main successes in encouraging nature.
As there is no human intrusion, the small animals, flowers and plants etc. all grow happily.
That’s a great cartoon above, and worthy of a print-out for the kitchen!
This is the biased BBC website. But could the BBC be more
than just biased? It now grudgingly reports that the Sri Lanka
authorities have said that barbaric , murderous terrorist attacks
were carried out by Islamic terrorists with outside help. The
BBC’S provisio is that no group has admitted responsibility for the genocide.
The military wing of Hamas is listed as a terrorist organization . As
is Hezbollah. Can one be given ” terrorist status” , by giving
succour to murdering Islamic bastards? Or religious
murdering scum from any religion.
Mogg verses Clooney … fight!
I thought Mr Mogg was a Christian. Or is he one of those ecumenical types who think it doesn’t matter what you worship as long as you worship something?
If he said that criticising islam shouldn’t be allowed then he’s a huge disappointment.
Apparently he is now referred to as Jacob Rees-Mosque.
(“Yes, Jacob, you are a good boy and can lead what remains of the Conservative Party after the election, but keep in mind all the Saudi and Qatari money we are dependent upon”).
It was Mr Mogg who said of Mrs May:
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
I think it probably now applies to him.
Maybe she’d like to start in the UK on, ‘Hate Speech’ and the almost daily growing restrictions on any reference to islam. If she doesn’t start here first, she should be fired. And Hunt alongwith her.
That celeb couple should move to South Africa just like Harry and Meghan are going too.
I never understood by Clooney married a woman called ‘Anal’.
#BiasedBBC #GreenSupremacism ..third prog of the day
11am R4
\\ Tom Heap sets off on a guilt trip road trip to find out why people like him won’t give up the things they know are destroying the planet.
The “experts”
– Jack Monroe food writer and cook, who has helped make veganism a pleasure rather than a pain.
– John Browne, the oil company CEO who tried to push BP, Beyond Petroleum
– Christiana Figueres, the diplomat who persuaded Presidents and PMs to sign up to carbon reductions.
– Bishop of Salford who thinks we should heed the Gospels and accept that personal sacrifice is essential to save the world. //
Latest Al beeb headline:
“Sri Lanka attacks: ‘International network’ linked to bombings”
Still can’t quite bring themselves to say the taboo M or I words, can they?
Operation Obfuscation Continues.
Just watched Sly News on Sri Lanka and they are no better.
They had some “news” on the possible perpetrators, apparently a known “local group”. A Pink Floyd tribute band maybe?
“local group”
I’m sure their State broadcaster colleagues mentioned an “international group” this morning.
between the pair of them that’s got it covered then.