The Slaughter of Christians by Muslims continues to be under reported by the BBC and the rest of the main stream media . Yet even the slightest incident involving Muslims as victims gets the full treatment . I’m sure the BBC could explain this – surely ?
Start the Week Open Thread 22 April 2019
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Toady 3
I heard part of an interview in which the interviewee said “ there are some terrible things happening in our society at the moment – the rise of the Right Wing…”
Then I turned it off – which I regret . Apparently now – it’s not ok to be anything other than Far Left or Liberal .
They don’t even use the amorphous term “Far Right” any more …
The ‘rise of the right-wing/far-right’ always makes me think of this:
The dead bodies of Nazi Stormtoopers rising from their graves!
Really it is just people that they don’t agree with exercising their democratic right to have their say for a change, rather than remaining as ‘the silenced majority’.
The fact that ‘the rise of the right-wing/far-right’ always brings about calls for them to be ‘smashed’ or otherwise eliminated belies all the calls for ‘diversity’, ‘tolerance’, ‘inclusivity’ and ‘hope not hate’ of the ‘progressives’.
Happy St George’s Day.
But don’t tell the bBBC.
Likewise – I was watching to see if St George got a mention anywhere …..
Saint WHO?
Oh, you mean the patron saint of the Far Right nationalists.
Only today I have heard JIHADI & SYRIAN & IS in the same story revolving around the SRI LANKA bombings of Christian churches & hotels within the region, this was on TALKRADIO with JHB – however, it was not said on the station by a TALKRADIO rep but a record clip played by the station.
Supposedly there has been a lack of anyone admitting to these horrific acts.
like the JIHADI’s are realising they can move freer if they don’t take credit for their act’s – as the Western world media will protect them from persecution & any wrong doing on the JIHADI’s part – we all know the BBC will be flying the flag.
BBC Online News:
“”Lyra McKee killing: ‘New IRA’ admits responsibility””
“”Ms McKee was standing near a police 4×4 vehicle when she was shot after a masked gunman fired towards police and onlookers.””
See how the BBC use their own pro-republican views to manipulate the news?
1. IRA were shooting at Police vehicle. That’s ok.
2. Minimise murder by blaming Police presence.
I heard that this morning and it shocked me to the core – they’ve taken responsibility and apologiesed but its okay because there target was the POLICE.
Amazes me at the brute honesty of the people at times.
When the climate change lobby have to resort to the wittering’s of an Autistic girl I am not sure whether to laugh or cry . On the one hand they are having to rely on emotions rather than facts or reality. Or we have reached such a nadir that the truth doesn’t matter any more. After Attenborough’s latest propaganda piece I rather suspect the later.
“She is not the new Messiah, she is a very naughty girl…”
She has Aspergers.
The list of conditions is eye opening.
That such a person is placed by her parents in such a position and indulged by complicit media in a position of leadership is a disgrace.
Already I see ‘calls for’ her to be ‘protected’ by a wall of ‘advisers’, doubtless ‘elected’ by a ‘Citizens’ Assembly’ of ‘ordinary people’.
That the bbc is playing along with this would be funny if not dangerous.
I wonder if she ll survive the ‘self ‘imposed pressure until the end of the Year ? Smell of child abuse about this if she is mentally disturbed .
However – apparently UK hasn’t burnt coal for electricity for over 90 hours – a record . Meanwhile China is building as many coal stations as it can – maybe the kid can get on the train and go to China to tell them how to live …
I rather suspect that she ‘has Aspergers’ because Aspergers is such a fashionable thing to have, like Louis Vuiton handbags once were.
BBC Online News:
“”Sri Lanka attacks: What led to carnage?””
“”It’s important to remember that so far no group has admitted carrying out the Easter Sunday bombings – and the manner in which NTJ (Muslim Terrorists) was identified was circuitous. “” (Brackets mine).
“”If the suicide bombers were local Sri Lankan Muslims, as stated by the government, then it is a colossal failure by the intelligence agencies.””
Sums up the BBC’s ‘Divert-From-Islam’ strategy.
Neatly complemented by the bbc’s Variable National Pride Strategy in rare mention of St. George’s Day.
BBC Hereford & Worcester
It’s St George’s Day – are you proud to be waving your St George’s cross today or does the whole event leave you feeling embarrassed?
Notice who’s nearest the camera.
Shouldn’t it be the other way round?
I mean, no decent sports photographer would have the goal scorer in the back ground with the goal keeper enlarged reet at front??
The BBC explains everything regarding Sri Lanka’s atrocities.
Muslims were not necessarily responsible.
If they were then it was not their fault.
The only victims of attacks in Sri Lanka are Muslims.
Thoughtfully, the BBC interviewed Muslim ‘leaders’ who totally agree with the BBC.
Obviously, Christians weren’t worth listening to.
SS, very spooky, just had the identical conversation with my wife, effectively your post word for word, I do wonder sometimes why I read their “reports” as they anger me so much
Am I understanding this correctly, Christianity, as an ‘expression of white western privilege’ and along with an associated baggage of ‘post-colonial guilt’ is responsible for both the Christchurch massacre of Muslims and the Sri Lankan slaughter of Christians?
‘All they kept saying was ‘Catch-22, Catch-22.’ What does it mean, Catch-22? What is Catch-22?”
“Didn’t they show it to you?” Yossarian demanded, stamping about in anger and distress. “Didn’t you even make them read it?”
“They don’t have to show us Catch-22,” the old woman answered. “The law says they don’t have to.”
“What law says they don’t have to?”
Joseph Heller
The main feature on the BBC Website is ” Sri Lanka attacks ,what
led to carnage.” It is an “interesting” article which is possibly
inferring that Islamist’s may not be responsible for the GENOCIDE.
Off course there is is a picture of an innocent Moslem little boy.
I am reasonably literate, other than being a lousy speller. But I needed
to use my dictionary to find out what certain words such as circuitous meant.
Could it be that this atrocity had nothing to do with Islamic
terrorism? Could it be the Tamil Tigers? Or maybe like Notre Dame
several electrical faults in the churches?
Medieval wiring; it can’t be trusted.
There’s a much bigger and immediate threat to us all , more so than ‘climate change’, ‘Brexit’, ‘Donald Trump’.
Can you guess what it is yet?
The main threat, soon to be headlines on the BBC. The far right LDC (London Dressmakers Club). Well known for their subversive creation of fabric shopping bags. Their sole purpose is to infiltrate the eco warriors and undermine them with breakable fabric bags requiring a reversion to plastic.
What a sympathetic picture al beeb paints of the muslim minority in Sri Lanka, practically excusing terrorism.
And the choice of pictures. One of some veiled women mourning (see? they were victims too) and one of a photogenic young boy peering at a smashed window (see? they’ve suffered violence in the past – who hasn’t in Sri Lanka? – little wonder they’ve turned to terrorism).
When I grow up I want to be a …
A manual of sorts.
What’s that book he’s looking at so longingly?
One simple Rule of Life everyday showing its worth albeit it is not 100% infalible:
Stay clear of crowds and keep your eyes up your as* as sharp as those to the front.
He was probably looking for his football.
Forgive me “john In Cheshire” I didn’t notice your point till later.
But vlad?
That boy is looking at the Islamic’s holy book “the holy koran”
You can tell by islams habit of scrolls n twirls embossed on their front cover..
Also notice the designs in the glass tinted windows behind him. Islams crescent moon design.
Well, that’s all right then, everyone knows candles always make everything right again.
Good to see the BBC has made a similar effort with its patriotic idents today
… Nah , bet they’ve done nothing.
I see that Princess Nikki Campbell is talking about the evil threat of disposable nappies this morning.
It had to happen: finally, he is literally talking shit.
Off topic – how do i add an Image to my profile? ladies & gents..
Hope this helps
I thought I’d join in Mrs K and Von, but looking at your link, it was like a version of Line of Duty ! so many initials to work out the meaning, that I think I’ll pass.
You’ve reminded me of Franz Kafka’s novel, The Trial.
It is a similar theme to Catch 22.
There’s also the Monty Python, Doug and Dinsdale Piranha sketch; victim of the two thugs replies to interviewer when asked why they tortured him ” I had broken the underwritten law’. Then asked what he’d done, the victim replies “they didn’t tell me that”.
The swamp rats have turned fiction into fact.
The 16 year old Swedish figurehead of ER has Asperger’s Syndrome.
You can look up the effects on children but I’m afraid it can’t be argued that her responses can be considered ‘normal’.
…and also OCD…
“…and also OCD…”
No wonder the parents didn’t argue with her – about wanting to tell others about her idea – think of the condition of most rooms in the house if they had refused her.
I’d read that but was wary of passing it on for fear it was a smear. But it seems it’s true.
Those taking political advantage of a vulnerable and impressionable child are despicable.
It’s a PR trick
If your arguments aren’t making progress with your dogma pushing
then appeal to people’s emotion using pics if babies and kids
Hence the new SmartMeter advert
” I want to live in a world where there ate polar bears ….. etc.”
Stew – bit of a slip there – ‘are’ not ‘ate Polar Bears’.
That might come to be be a line from, Extinction Rebellion Rebellion, for taking away our roast beef.
@Gaxvil yes my typo
BTW the Shell Energy advert uses the emotional blackmail using kids as well
The Grauniad seem to be learning misinformation tricks from al beeb – or perhaps the other way round.
“Sri Lanka bombings were in retaliation for New Zealand attacks, minister says” screams the headline.
So what you’re saying is, Sri Lanka is really the fault of the Far Right, i.e. Trump and Farage? Ha, we knew it all along.
But read down the article (if you can bear to read the Guardian) and it’s not quite so simple:
“But terrorism researchers have said the sophisticated nature of the attack and the equipment used would likely have required months of preparation, including conditioning the suicide bombers and testing the explosives.” In other words, way before Christchurch.
So what they’re really saying is: Sri Lanka bombings were NOT in retaliation for New Zealand attacks.
But never mind, the damage is done, the headline has planted the idea in readers’ minds (mostly bbc staff) which both exonerates the muslim murderers and incriminates the evil Far Right.
Win-win. Job done. A good day at the office.
The beeb has an article about what caused the attack and guess what its because of bad treatment of muslims by Buddhists ??? apparently
The State broadcaster themselves are “in and out” on citing Islamic State (or IS as they call them) through urging caution.
Islamic State – isn’t that our State broadcaster Poster Girl Begum’s chosen allegiance?
No wonder Begum’s mouthpiece doesn’t want to shout Islamic State from the rooftops.
I’m a little disappointed the BBC have yet to interview Begum about the attacks, to provide some ‘balance’.
The 2pm news used that lines
‘An ISIS source said the bombings were in response to Christchurch’
the clip was a bit weak as if the reader didn’t really believe that.
The Beeb are also saying its a reprisal for Christchurch. Then they follow it up with how the moslem minority have been persecuted in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka attacks: What led to carnage?
It’s a good job that Christians aren’t retaliating for every Muslim attack. If so the world would be in chaos. But the current liberal policy of appeasing Islam isn’t going to end well. They will take what is on offer , steadily grow their numbers and strength in the West and then take over. The liberals have created an existentialist threat and have no idea what to do and so keep whistling in the dark hoping it doesn’t all explode tomorrow. But all the while the threat grows and our time is running out.
Well that wicked, evil Trump did his bit to quell ISIS.
The saintly, angelic Obama – not so good. In fact quite the opposite.
Strikes one as a bit incongruous eh?
Let us all wish each other a HAPPY St GEORGE’S DAY. Perhaps the BBC have forgotten or just simply don’t want to be reminded of England’s Saint, but prefer to support St Patrick, or St David or in fact any other saint of a foreign type-even Islam. So very sad that society appears or gives the impression of tunring its back against our land, its culture and traditions.
My maternal grandad was an Englishman married to an Irish woman. My dad’s side is all from Ireland but I was born in England. I’m quite fond of Ireland but I consider myself English and I love this nation. I can’t accept the ridiculous notion that patriotism is somehow far-right or xenophobic.
I have loved England, dearly and deeply
Since that first morning, shining and pure,
The white cliffs of Dover, I saw rising steeply
Out of the sea that once made her secure.
I have loved England, dearly and deeply
Since that first morning, shining and pure
The white cliffs of Dover, I saw rising steeply
As we paddled our way to her shores.
What do people make of these comments taken from Breitbart discussions on Brexit Party?
I must admit, I do think this sudden emergence of a Brexit Party is a little convenient and the support from the mainstream unusual.
“You are all being fooled by the Brexit party. Sheeple to the slaughter. He is being funded by Murdoch, let that sink in.”
“That’s the Plan, the LIBLABCON ESTABLISHMENT PARTIES are out to split the Anti LIBLABCON vote.
Hence the timing of the appearance of the Brexit Party, the stench of the LIBLABCON ESTABLISHMENT PARTIES involvement in the Brexit Party is all over this.“
“Who’s to say that Farage’s ‘Brexit’ MEP’s will be disruptive and angry. If, as I think, they are an Establishment set up, they could as easily be supine and compliant to the EU Dictatorship.”
I’ve seen more than one discussion among ‘experts’ on TV debating possible future voting intentions in the UK…they all agreed the Conservatives have moved too far to the right…Labour is leftish, but generally good…UKIP are finished…the TIGgers have a great chance of sweeping up the disenfranchised voters of the middle ground! The Brexit Party was not seen as worthy of a mention.
Today I read in my paper that the Brexit Party is ‘far-right’. I believe that the MSM will soon go to all-out attack mode if they perceive it might be a danger… 🙁
No one expects them to achieve much in the European Parliament. The important thing is to make a pro-Brexit point and right now voting for the Brexit Party is the way to do it, regardless of our feelings about how they’ve emerged or a preference for UKIP. I’d go so far as to say I’d vote for George Galloway to get Brexit over the line.
If the Brexit Party is an Establishment stitch-up they may find they’ve created a monster they cannot control.
Very good point and an illustration that something has changed.
Yes I’d vote for Galloway also.
Roland, they will achieve much in the European Parliament. I suspect that the EU will live to regret giving Treason May more time. Estimates for anti-EU grouping in the EU will be over 1/3 of the Parliament – with FN, AFD, plus the Dutch, Hungarians, Polish, Greeks, Italians all getting large minorities. Easily enough to destroy the smooth flow of the Elites and their status-quo.
You know how often the EU Parliament lies almost empty, with a handful of MEP’s voting through dozens of laws? Imagine if, one day, the Anti-EU group were all whipped to be there and voted every law down. What would they do? Only have votes when all MEP’s were in Parliament? Whip ALL MEP’s to attend every voting session? (thus removing one of the main reasons for being an MEP – to get maximum, tax-free income for the least work.)
No, things are going to be very different, and I predict that the entirely undemocratic EU will find they do not enjoy pretending to be a ‘democracy’, and follow the Roman Empire – allow a dozen ‘Senators’ to make every decision.
Maybe this is the end of the road??
All UK political parties includy Farage, but except UKIP
are bad cos they are willing to bear false witness against people and throw smear labels like racist/fascist/far-right around.
This is wrong.
The other day I did spot a photo in Leave forum, which basically said
‘look Muslims are having many children and stealing your pension’
..It struck me as a racist poster probably placed by under cover HateyNoHoper people in an attempt to discredit Leave voters.
(The thing is the label Muslim can be applied to people who are trying to get out of Islam, rather that people who are pushing the dogma )
Parties have to be ‘electable’ if they want to change things otherwise they’re just getting protest votes.
Like it or not there are some Muslims who’ll vote Brexit Party but not UKIP as it is.
@Gaxvil I disagree, of course there are ethnic Muslims who support UKIP and Tommy Robinson
Raheem Kassam for a start
..which other party stands up for ex-Muslims ?
NF still winning…
It does tell me just how deep now is our mistrust of the media and politicians. Terminal in my opinion.
If white christian European men were randomly and continuously murdering Muslim men women and children around the world, what would the BBC’s reaction be??
Blame TR? 🙁
What we need is protection.
Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence.
With more devious dilly-dallying and obfuscation continuing in our Remain Parliament this week please note that the next EU Foreign Affairs Council takes place in a mere three weeks on 14 May.
Most of our Defence sell-out since 2016 seems to have been undertaken by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office colluding with the Cabinet Office. EU toady Alan Duncan is the main culprit.
Conservative leader hopefuls Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and, before him, Boris Johnson must be complicit. I assume the MoD is also complicit, whether unwittingly or not.
What further abominations will we be secretly signing up to on 14 May whilst attention is conveniently diverted by MEP elections or when/if TM will step down?
This should be stopped. For all we know we may have already left (legal challenges)!
See also @VeteransBritain tweet of 4 February
The only way to escape EU military integration is a clean and immediate exit.
Remember many of the EU nations still have “compulsory conscription”.
Soon every EU nation will follow.
In typical duplicitous fashion, the hateful BBC tries to have it both ways:
First this:
“…The Islamic State (IS) group claimed the attack on Tuesday via its news outlet. Sri Lanka’s government has blamed the blasts on local Islamist group National Thowheed Jamath (NTJ).
A BBC correspondent in Sri Lanka says the IS statement should be treated cautiously. As with previous attacks that the group says it carried out, it has provided no evidence for the claim.”
But just dig a little deeper and there’s this:
“…But given how small NTJ are, officials suspect that it wasn’t acting alone.
“We don’t see that only a small organisation in this country can do all that,” Mr Senaratne said. “We are now investigating the international support for them, and their other links, how they produced the suicide bombers here, and how they produced bombs like this.”
And while not naming the NTJ directly, the Sri Lankan president’s office echoed this belief that whichever group was behind the attacks had help from abroad.”
If only the BBC could connect the dots…
Hideously white.
One from the BBC for Saint George’s Day 🙂
“”Hallaton Bottle Kicking: Villages compete in bruising tradition””
Steady on, the article is not actually anti-white or anti-British
I would prefer a far-left bbc collective bucket kicking contest; who’s going to kick the bucket first?
BBC = £5bn/ pa platform for #GreenDream & #GreenSupremacism movement.
Glancing at Twitter under @BBC5Live
\\ from @FlightFree2020 24m
Replying to @bbc5live and @Chloetilley
Here’s the flight free campaign that we mentioned with Nicky Campbell. Aviation is a massive contributor to climate change, so pledging to take a year off flying could have a big impact //
next one
\\ from @MariaBBC5live 24m to @staciriordan
Hi, I’m a producer @bbc5live
. This Sat’day we’ll be talking about sustainable fashion. For balance, we need to talk to someone who’d describe themselves as a fan of fast fashion and who’s not prepared to give it up. Please could you suggest someone? Thanks //
Vine’s got another anti-meat scare story to run
Note same appearance as ex-BBC far left Gavin Essler.
No tie, same haircut, same age, same voice and same beliefs.
Same mould – it hadn’t even cooled down before the second one was turned out.
The BBC says that policing Trump’s last visit cost £10 million. The liberal media caused such high costs, not Trump.
Perhaps if they did not stir so much hysteria it would cost less? Maybe tell people that ‘protesting’ is infantile and gives law enforcement a massive headache? That Police force which the BBC is constantly reminding us is underfunded? Perhaps they could focus on preventing black men from stabbing each other rather than curbing the tantrums of predominantly middle class w**kers?
The visit of the Head of State of the USA linked to the 75th anniversary of D Day / should be funded and welcomed whom ever the President is .
I have no regard for Obama or Clinton but they were Presidents and should be treated accordingly – and so should President Trump .
And the beeboids will be sharpening their knives on behalf of snowflakes everywhere .
We only just had a huge policing cost due to libmob XR people
The Government are to meet ER and hear their demands.
If anyone, anywhere takes any steps toward reducing pollution –
it will be in spite of ER not because of ER.
As I consider buying anti stab vests for the kids I consider ER as a very expensive luxury. We would adore an electric car, solar panels, a house battery and windmill but we ain’t got the money.
We would love to buy locally produced, responsibly sourced everything but we can’t so there you go.
Stick that in your low carbon ER pipe and combust it.
Speaking of which “Top ten ideas: How might ministers win over climate protesters?” shouts the State broadcaster.
Aside from presenting XR the bill for their disruption why should the government concede anything at all? It is still the government for all the UK not just for window breakers, paint spraying vandals, litter louts, bus blockers, drama queens and collective Police time wasters.
ER or XR whatever should, by rights, be leavers ?
The EU is behind us on emissions, travel and transport restrictions should please ER and the money we pay the EU could be redirected.
Yep, they must be leavers for sure.
Ah but we forget, “With how America is going we need a European army.”
I can’t think of a time when we have judged a leader, not Chinese, Saudi, African or straight up murdering Terrorist chief so harshly.
We’ve treated them civilly, if not joyously but not Trump because Trump is on a par with the worst. Least ways that is what they struggle for us to believe. As the put equal effort into convincing us that Muslims and Jihad Brides are poor creatures, a little misguided perhaps but so worthy of our forgiveness and love.
The USA, our closest ally, massive trading partner and their part Scottish President who has offered us nothing but kind words and assistance.
Spiteful, nasty schoolgirls in the corner of the MSM playground – grow up for heavens sake
Well, it hasn’t taken long at all for the BBC to return to its normal, pathetic agenda. Or rather, continue in the same old mealy mouthed leftie way.
Today’s Politics Live was nearly all about climate change protests, and then some blather about Change UK’s Euro election launch – with no coverage of the Brexit Party’s impressive candidates launch.
And of course the massacre of Christians in Sri Lanka is already being sidelined, unlike the days of wall to wall outrage venting after the Christchurch attack.
Meanwhile, the BBC website also barely mentions the Brexit Party candidates press conference, just listing them under the politics tab way down the end of the story about the obviously far more important (!) Change U.K. launch, with most of that being focused on Rachel Johnson and, of course, liberal elite darling Gavin (I was once an impartial BBC journalist) Esler.
Normal service resumed….BBC biased to its core.
Far away from the Change UK chattering-class bubble, take a look at the new Brexit Party candidates and compare.
About time some one with a military back ground – some one with a tactical mind and who is gifted with “foresight”.
“Foresight” Something very rarely (if not at all) found among todays MPs.
The NYT admitted yesterday that the Steele dossier, upon which the whole Mueller witch hunt depended, was probably false and , not to put too fine a point on it , a pack of lies. They even wrote that severe doubts about its accuracy were noted by the FBI in March 2017 , two months before a Mueller was even appointed! So proving that the President was right all along, it was a set up intended to frame him , in other words a coup. They are even trying to claim that the MSM and the CIA/ FBI were probably fed and swallowed Russian misinformation!
For the NYT to be casting doubts on the Steele dossier means that there is something afoot. Either the Dems and MSM are going to start blaming each other for the farago of the past two years and try to avoid prosecution, or, there is a deal being struck between Trump and his persecutors. They come semi clean and admit there was nothing behind the allegations and agree to treat him fairly and honestly in future and he doesn’t demand a full and thorough investigation into the coup. I hope it’s the former because I want to see the conspirators in prison for years and I want the dumb liberals who believed all these lies made to look the stupid gullible fools that they are. It’s the only way to restore the rule of law in the USA . If the US falls every other Western country will fall.
“If the US falls every other Western country will fall.”
True, but there are many in the West working hard to turn the place into Mogadishu but with electric pickup trucks.
I hope the involvement of the British establishment is revealed in great detail, especially the role played by Mrs May and her Civil Service cohorts.
I notice that little Billy Hague is making a fool of himself again, behind the Telegraph paywall, so I can’t read it. This time he’s burbling about climate change; according to the headline, he thinks it’s time we took climate change seriously.
He obviously knows nowt about it otherwise he’d have a different opinion, such as repealing all climate change legislation.
One of my lecturers used to say to us, when in doubt, keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than opening your mouth and having it confirmed. But I suppose he’s being paid regardless. Nice work if you can get it.
MetroLib media
‘ Yeh the NZ guy was far-right, he hates brown people’
‘ISIS retaliated again the NZ attacker by killing 250 brown people’
IS have plenty to go at still before they get into being selective. Ultimately they get down to murdering the ‘wrong kind of Muslims.’
A picture’s worth a thousand words, but a non-picture can speak volumes too.
Within minutes of the bomb attacks in Sri Lanka, news agencies were naming Zahran Hashim as one of the suicide bombers, and providing photos.
Strangely the world’s most trusted and most funded seems to have missed them.
Perhaps he’s a bit too, ahem, bearded and be-turbaned for al beeb’s delicate sensitivities?
How many Jesus films were there on telly over the last (Christian holiday) weekend? Or perhaps something Jewish for Passover?
I did 2 searches on different days and found only one dramatisation on the National Geographic Channel. National Geographic. Are they “far right”? Having the word National in their title and showing a drama series based on the life of the founder of the Christian faith is a bit suspicious is it not?
Don’t I remember as a child there always being Jesus films on telly around this particular holiday? There were a handful of famous films that were oft repeated. What have the programmers of Telly-Land done with the Biblical epics we knew? The amount of repeats they do of other films leaves them no excuse for the omission.
There were two –
The Robe on Saturday
And ‘Risen’ on Sunday night
The latter is the best of them all in my view
But you are right – the ‘regular ‘ films were missing .
The Robe with Victor Mature? What side were those on?
BBC2 on Good Friday …
It’s the one with Tony Blair playing Caesar
Plenty of modern fast movies with young pretty, sexy white females looking at camera pointing handguns at ya. “Freeze”.
Modern movies – If you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. Note: the IF? I must confess I’m simply going off their unavoidable trailers.
Not BBC nor religious movies.
Nearly as bad are the stupid TV adds that come into our living rooms trying to get the money out of your wallet are these:
But they don’t tell the silly buyers that:
Most are of MDF construction and collapse if you get the sofa too wet. And at a bargain @ £1200 a pop that’s quite a sofa.
Just on that point I went into DFS and despite them advertising their stuff is made in the UK – I asked and the sales guy admitted most was now made in Poland – in fact we found one item with a UK label on it. They make out it’s made in the UK by saying things like our designers – or cloth designers etc so basically little to none of it is made in the UK – So avoid them if you can – however found a UK mattress maker
I recently had my 17 year old English made sofa recovered and reupholstered by Plumbs. Yes it was pricey, but well worth the money, and will see me out, compared to the firewood that’s sold today.
Thanks for that.
“however found a UK mattress maker”
You are very lucky. I found our mattress and it was made in England. Somewhere down south. And a good one it is.
Can’t go up stairs to lift mattress up to see where in UK as it would spill all my collection of bread crumbs n stale biscuits onto our foreign made carpet.
“Sri Lanka bombings ‘could have been prevented’ – PM”
Yes they could, but unfortunately, the Brexit-hating, BBC-loving political class have introduced laws preventing me saying how because, apparently, that would be a hate crime.
Over 300 Christians dead and 500 injured by radical Islamic terrorists attempting to punish anyone who is not of the Muslim faith and the MSM still find time to cover the important issues
“Lyra McKee: ‘Brave’ reporter covered her struggle of growing up gay in Belfast”
Sheffield MEP elections : Magid Magid is on the ballot for the Green Party
… People will probably vote for him, as it would mean sendyhim away to Brussels.
Will Al Beeb give its full weight and support to ‘The Change Party’ or will it be Biased against, as it is with UKIP ? No prizes given for the correct answer .
A happy St George’s Day to all you across the border from Taffland .
Now , lets get out of The EU !
Thanks Taffman, but be careful. Someone will be monitoring your activity and suspect you’re a white supremacist for even suggesting we should have a happy St George’s Day.
A few years back I attended a St George’s Day event with knights and dragons. It was a spectacular day with some very impressive horsemanship and a convincing dragon (they used a fire extinguisher to blow ‘smoke’ through its nose). When the chap playing St George stood up in his stirrups, drew his sword and bellowed, ‘For God, For England and St George!’ the bloke next to me wiped a tear from his eye and sheepishly admitted he was Welsh. That brought a tear to mine. We shared a precious moment there :0)
A Polish Yorkshireman tells us what it once was to be British (English)!
Please note – The dragon that St George fought was not The Red One.
BBC have a new drama, written by one of their favourite lefty writers.
Emma Thompson plays the baddie a non-lefty politician
..which seems to be a caricature of Katie Hopkins and JHB
The BBC PR people can’t even spell “disastrous”
Plenty of people picking up on the typo. BBC so poor they can’t afford to spell check. Or maybe the level of stupid has been lowered in favour of sjw affiliation.
So who’s up for hanging out at some iconic Catholic building ?
.. The Catholic church does seem unlucky these days
..Notre Dame
– Then the churches targetted in Sri Lanka were Catholic
…. Did the BBC mention that ?
..Or often requoted the local cardinal’s words ?
“Archbishop Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith,
called on Sri Lanka’s government
to “mercilessly” punish those responsible
…“because only animals can behave like that”
Have the BBC often quoted the pope ?
Please indulge me! Do you know what film we never see on BBC
again EL CID with Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren. I very
much expect that the diversity department of the BBC would not
allow it to be shown. You see The Cid defeated the Moors and saved
Christian Europe from the Moslems. I am not at all practical
with the internet. Someone put on the last few minutes of the
film or just watch it on You Tube. It will make you feel better. Fxxx
the BBC!!!
I see that POTUS is visiting the UK to mark the 75th anniversary of the D Day landings no doubt he will also pay homage to the thousands of US servicemen who died liberating Europe from Adolf Hitler (BBC words and here’s me thinking it was Germany). So no doubt the lefties will be out in force screaming and shouting and making complete dicks and dickeses of themselves. They won’t understand the sacrifice of others they have had it too soft they don’t understand that the might of the US has prevented further world wars. So let them shout abuse at the POTUS but let’s see him protected by the First Airborne and see how they react to those soft snowflake arses insulting the US and it’s brave young soldiers who died for them….
I will be there with my flag giving him a welcome …..:-)
Much easier to just say ‘bowlocks’ because I never believe a word the bbbc spouts, and just about everyone who ‘works’ there is probably an asshole anyway. They’re the sort of people who steal from the poor and then go to Tuscany to their squitty little holiday homes.
Nasty people the bbbc race, very unlikeable, and never welcome in this household.
Won’t their mothers be proud. Was the guy at the back a bit shy? Perhaps it was his first outing as a suicide bomber.
Won’t their mothers be proud. Was the guy at the back a bit shy? Perhaps it was his first outing as a suicide bomber.
“IS ‘may be linked’ to Sri Lanka attacks” News Front Page
Crumbs they still can’t bring themselves to say it.
The darling schoolgirl, Greta Thumpberg says her future has been stolen. What a crock! She’s living in the best ever time to be alive and she comes up with sh*t like this.
And what a bunch of d**ks the politicians look as they stand to clap this trip –
To be fair she is likely the brightest of the other two combined, but as ‘vacant’ goes that is quite the line up.
I don’t want to watch the BBC News at 6 but I wanted to witness the ‘ non reporting ‘ of who committed mass murder of Christians on Easter Sunday .
I was right . Islamic terrorism gets a mention .Just once . Concentrate on the victims look away from the Muslim religion which is doing this .
As an aside – there doesn’t seem to much of a whip round for the victims and their families . The Hungarian Government is to donate a bit of cash but there are hundreds of victims .
The RC church will collect but they’ll need a lot of cash .
Meanwhile the bbc has the bit between its teeth.
We’re supposed to believe that this girl has arranged all the talks and speeches on her own ? give me a break. Can you imagine any 16 year old (or anyone else for that matter) pitching up to Parliament and wanting to lecture a roomful of MPs on their failings ? Nooooooo, there is someone or an army behind her pulling the strings, arranging travel/meetings/hotel accommodation whatever. We are not fooled.
ITV Calendar second itenm
scary scarry Global Warming we’ve had a dry spell farmers are worried
…FFS you nutters it will rain tmw and other days this week
Farmer “This soil is dry so the seeds won’t germinate until the rain” ..yeh tmw
and lo Bettsy appears “Yes we are in for drier summers”
Que ? that’s a new story.
The presenters just move on to the next item
… Im guessing that was a forced national item that was dropped into every local news prog.
Can we borrow that pink “tell the truth” boat and dump it outside BBC HQ ?
“…and maybe a protest or two,” says George Alagiah about Trump’s state visit. This is not news. This is incitement. If he must speculate, then why can’t he also say that there are plenty of ordinary Brits like me who will be pleased to welcome him here. The voices of Sopel, Bercow, Khan and their traitorous ilk do not represent people like me.
Yes I think incitement is a fair assessment of the BBC stance – together with a helpful reminder of what happened the last time the US President visited.
Just to add a bit more fizz – the Emir of Londonistan wants money for failing to police the spoilt green brats last week as well as more cash for the Presidential visit ..
The Speaker of the Commons has suggested that he will not invite President to address the two Houses of Parliament – even though the President of China got to do it .
I don’t feel like popcorn at the moment but there may be a need – unless of course Muslim terrorists murder more innocents ….
One minute libmob are saying “Brexiteers shouldn’t use inflammatory language”
then the next moment they are getting away with most inflammatory language themselves on their pet hates
..even getting away with rhetorical death threats against Trump etc.
No problem here. The visit is part of the D Day 75th commemoration so let’s threaten to round up the protesting snowflakes, give em a rifle and tell em to storm the beaches under fire. They would run home to mummy wailing that they needed their safe place under the quilt.
And the BBC’s near ban on platforming Global Warming activists continues.
…a couple of rare exceptions
3:30pm Costing the Earth with Tom Heap
6:30pm MyTeenage Diary with Chris Packham
oh and the book of the week on twice a day is the diary of an activist “Losing The Earth”
oh PR stunt Greta is on bbc1 news now.
I open a Twitter search page and it immediately starts playing a Greta video at me.
“XR is nothing about climate change”.
Maybe… they are not worthy of being ‘won over’?
“Starving polar bears…”
Hang on, the other day I read that the polar bear population had massively increased in the past decade. Despite all the horror stories of melting icebergs, crumbling glaciers and climactic mayhem, the polar bear is a success story. The only reason some might be going hungry is that they’ve been too successful and there are so many more of them competing for food.
Surely some of the grown ups should have told her?
With luck, in time, Greta will come to regret being associated with such a poorly informed propagandist.
They are just like us. Apparently.
is it me, or does she look a bit weird for a 16 year old ??
She looks a lot younger than 16.
I believe ‘Asperger-y’ people do tend to look a bit younger than their age. What I find more odd about this weird pudgy-faced adolescent is that she looks physically stunted, as if she’s stopped growing altogether. A normal 16 year old girl would look like a young woman but she is still a tiny tomboy, problems with hormones I guess.
And mad to boot.
She certainly doesn’t look as weird as the halfwit on the left…