The Slaughter of Christians by Muslims continues to be under reported by the BBC and the rest of the main stream media . Yet even the slightest incident involving Muslims as victims gets the full treatment . I’m sure the BBC could explain this – surely ?
Start the Week Open Thread 22 April 2019
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Colour me shocked.
When you get such and endorsement how can you lose!?
Oh, and… oops.
Probably his ex colleagues will do the decent thing and not mention?
Said “racist” tweet
Suppose they had a dinner and nobody came?
That’s great news – why would President Trump even spare a second for the enemy bubble . ? I hope the US government doesn’t pay for their dinner . They don’t deserve a penny .
I bet Mr Trump goes to a home state to be with his supporters . Time better spent .
Would that be the dinner where they hired a ‘comedienne’ to screech about one of the ‘top table’ guests (Sarah Huckabee Sanders)? Not exactly polite. (I thought being ‘PC’ was suposed to be about being polite?)
For those of you that are unlucky enough not to be able to
receive the Londonistan Programme. Basically it is a programme
where presenters and reporters tell us that it
is the Metropolitan Police heavy handiness and not
understanding black culture which is responsible for the knife crime
in the capitol. In particular Riz Lateef and Assad Ahmad the
chief presenters are at the forefront for this agenda.
Their Anarchist and Trotskyist editors , and researchers are now
preparing their programme for the State visit of Donald Trump.
We in London will be given a birds eye view of the forthcoming
violent demonstrations against Trump. The Londonistan reporters
will be right at the heart of the demonstrations. Aren’t we lucky
in London to have such a programme every night after the 6PM
news. All that is missing is a statue of Mark Duggan in the studio.
Save the Moonbat One!
Bono will be fretting.
And our Bob – he will be devastated.
Hoist with his own petard.
Joey is helping the Franophobes.
So BBC Journo Joey D’Urso actually supports deletion of evidence chains
How is that integrity ?
#BiasedBBC #ImpartialMyAss
Does the BBC ever visit Blackpoolistan, once it was a seaside town in England.
As can be seen from the video, Blackpool is now safe from Islamic State terrorist attacks.
Brighton next?
Been going here over the last 40 years.
Walking along the prom last year I noticed so many foreign people, like they have been stealthily introduced over the last couple of years.
Stood out a mile
@GWF that video has already been removed, after the guy got pile in calling him racist.
His discussion
Ali Sadjady has stepped down as a prospective TIG MEP on the same day that he was nominated . Apparently an ‘inappropriate tweet’.
I’m sure this will receive blanket coverage by the State Broadcaster – just as they’d do with UKIP or The Brexit Party .
The State broadcaster acts like a partisan newspaper. It’s a strange thing to be obliged to pay for the Guardian (or whatever) regardless of whether it’s read or not.
Apparently the tweet was about Romanian Pickpockets – seems that the truth – that Romanians specialise in pickpocketing – is now not acceptable even if true ….
An amusing point you make about the child grooming the adults…
To me, Greta is just a powerfully boring kid but I can see why she might be regarded as charismatic by a certain type of severely earnest lefty green fanatic. Greta’s autism is the kind of handicap that is seen by superstitious twits as proof that she must be touched with divine wisdom. Her artlessly direct way of speaking persuades the twits that her platitudes are diamond-sharp insights. And her extreme youth suggests to them that it must be a fresh perspective.
It’s all poppycock of course. It’s not the charisma of the messenger that’s important. It’s the strength of the arguments.
Just re-watching an earlier piece of leftist BBC propaganda called ‘threads’ which depicts the aftermath of a nuclear bomb on Sheffield. Of course today it would indisputably improve the shit hole especially if it also took Rotherham as well.
However this film was made in 1984 and what really is striking is the amount of Christian hymns being played, and the lack of ‘enrichment’. The corner shops are all British owned people behaved as I remember. Can our political elites in Westminster really have destroyed our country in just 30 years, and what do they think they have gained from this?
It’s a different country. The clock might have to be wound back a touch more than 30 years for clarity.
In whose mind was what we have today the destination?
Thoughtful -it’s quite an achievement in 30 years eh? I would think the Russian Targetting Committee would have some difficulty trying to find a target in Blighty worth hitting now – except of course for WC1A….
No doubt plenty of ‘mo s’ go to sleep dreaming of the day they get their ‘dirty bomb ‘ together…
It’s noteworthy that a complaint about BBC bias has never been upheld –
/Ofcom received 432 such complaints in total in the specified period. The majority of these (357) were made to Ofcom before the complainant had completed the BBC’s complaints process. We therefore directed the complainant to return to the BBC and follow its formal complaints procedure, in line with the “BBC First”3 process. Ofcom assessed 75 complaints that had completed the BBC’s complaints process and, after careful consideration of the complaints and the broadcast material, did not identify any issues regarding due impartiality or bias that warranted further investigation./
Click to access BBC-complaints-FOI.pdf
The state broadcaster is unregulated with regard to bias?
“”Blame fake conservatives for this law and disorder””
“”We should admit that the police are badly led by the Crown Prosecution Service, judges, and politicians.””
“”Amazingly, our current explosion in crime has occurred under nearly nine years of Conservative government, except it’s really fake conservatism, as fashioned by David Cameron and Theresa May, who was Home Secretary before she succeeded him as premier in July 2016.””
“”Sajid Javid is marketing himself as a potential leader – not by being tough on crime, but by talking about himself as a victim.””
“”The CPS is still obsessed with prosecuting hate crimes and sex crimes as if the accused is already guilty.””
Sadly, how very true.
\\Ed Miliband has called on the energy minister to persuade Theresa May to declare a “climate emergency” in the UK.
The former Labour leader asked Claire Perry about the Extinction Rebellion protests in London over the last week, saying it was “no wonder” activists were taking such a stand given the seriousness of the threat.
Teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg was watching from the public gallery in the Commons. //
Yesterday young climate loon William Hague got a kicking in the comments after his telegraph article and on Twitter
which said “The time for denial is over. Conservatives have to take the climate crisis seriously”.
Listen you arrogant discredited metropolitan-liberal media mob
Don’t give me your “listen to the kids” plea on Greta and Begum
..when you did your upmost to hide the voice of kids groomed/raped/traded/prostituted in all those English towns
… 5,000 plus isn’t it ?
And to this day the rule is you wait till the last day of the court case, then read out the names once or twice and quickly move on
And how you metro-liberals can plead urgence on Climate
.. when you spend most of your life dragging your feet on Brexit
is beyond me
We had a vote, so the priority is to get on with Brexit
..and then free from EU corruption we will be free to get on with other matters.
Welcome to topsy turvy land.
Vote for it and the legislature will spend three years talking about it and still nothing is settled.
Don’t be asked to vote; be thumped with green laws and green taxes thanks to a mob who care little about anyone who doesn’t share their outlook (though are prepared to give time to their cause).
Where do you even start with this one?
Let’s assume that climate change due to man-made pollution is an issue. Is the UK a significant contributor to that issue? No. Can we unilaterally take action that will arrest that climate change? Again, no. We are, in global pollution terms, insignificant.
Moving on to the next logical step, does Miliband think that we have the power and/or authority to compel the world’s big polluters to change their ways? If he does then perhaps he’d like to explain why even the smallest of nation states would pay heed to a country that has allowed itself to be cowed by a bunch of jumped-up junior civil servants with comedy accents.
If Miliband, as he surely must, concludes that the UK’s power and influence is negligible then perhaps he’d care to tell us why he thinks a state of ‘climate emergency’ (whatever that is) should be declared in the UK? And what purpose it would serve apart from creating yet more work for the sort of condescending, parasitical dolts that we already have an overabundance of.
BBC Online News:
“”St George’s Day: England marks saint’s day but churches delay””
Quite a good feature by the BBC.
Telegraph : Politicians and the police increasingly try to create a false equivalence between terrorism committed by the far-Right and by Islamists.
It’s a downright lie, writes @allisonpearson
I give you the Twitter link so that you can read the discussion or move on to the articles
“tweet unavailable” is says next to 3 replies there
I wonder if Twitter is filtering on words that insult Islam.
Telegraph comment : “why are so many comments been deleted?
are the gestapo mods back from their tea break?!”
\\ On Monday, The Washington Post ran a bizarre story about the Easter Sunday massacre with the headline, “Sri Lanka church bombings stoke far-Right anger in the West”.
That was wildly premature, but it inadvertently revealed their overwhelming concern: not that so many had been slaughtered, but that such horrors would provoke a backlash against Muslims.
The Post continued, “far-Right groups began to describe the attacks in specifically religious terms”.
… Possibly not unrelated to the fact that the Sri Lankan authorities had just blamed a militant Islamist group.
“To some”, the paper opined gingerly, “it was further proof that Christians in many parts of the world are under attack.” //
“it was further proof that Christians in many parts of the world are under attack.” Classic.
On that Telegraph article I get this
\\ Comments are not allowed on this conversation //
Quest channel : new series of Airplane repo men just started
It’s kind of reality docudrama, but I like it
On the subject of airplanes, I found this little video posted on Going Postal a few days ago. This bloke really goes the extra mile with his Airfix kits!
Strangely compelling though – all my efforts when I was a lad were terrible, glue everywhere and rubbish paint jobs.
I had had a bunch of unfinished models
no stamina
What an uncritical, fawning article on the BBC news tonight over young Greta. Utter propaganda. Not one note of criticism. This is nothing short of child exploitation, of a vulnerable child with issues. Surely there are rules about this?
[Ed. – yes, there are. Thou shalt not criticise the god of climate change.]
April 16, 2019 : Four arrested Sri Lankans at Luton Airport, England released
This page says Tamils
I’m watching the BBC 10 o’clock news, and it really is unbearable. More politically correct than ever before, and personally I think they’re getting the tone wrong for the Sri Lankan bombings as well. Too mawkish and sentimental. I know that might upset some people but I think reporting on tragedies like this should be a bit more reserved. We don’t need to keep seeing close-ups of bereaved families, we need in-depth analysis of why and how this was allowed to happen.
It’s the way of the cultural marxists, our supposed-elite in academia, journalism and politics, replacing facts with feelings, hiding their lack of knowledge and expertise and laziness. So many of those allowed to shape debate are preprogrammed and lacking in cognitive thought skills, so many of them are simply mediocre tokens and placemen. Untalented and stupid and too agenda-driven and corrupt to be objective or honest.
It’s all around us in every western society at the moment. Lotus-eaters, spoilt and self-centred, the new establishment ensuring that each generation is increasingly emasculated, more feminised and weakened, softened and made ripe for evermore manipulation and control.
I so much agree with you about the tone. And like you, I think, I don’t mean to appear unfeeling in pointing this out. We British used to have a dignified reserve when tragedy struck and this was solemnly reflected on the news reports. But since Diana’s death we seem to have sunk deeper into mawkishness and exhibitionistic emoting and the broadcasters seem to encourage us to descend into the goo of the saccharine. Long tributes are often read out from victims’ families that understandably idealise the deceased but are so over the top that a sensible editor should discreetly omit them from any national broadcast. An extraordinarily huge amount of time was spent on reading out these preposterous panegyrics during a BBC news report I saw on the recent Sri Lankan bombings.
Public inquiry into the bias in the BBC
This response was given on 14 January 2019
The BBC has a duty to deliver impartial, accurate news coverage and content under its Charter. Perceived editorial bias at the BBC is a matter for Ofcom as the independent regulator, not government.
Read the response in full
At 100,000 signatures…
At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament
Every bl@@dy day and now this :
What about them respecting our culture ?????????????????
FA to scrap tradition of awarding case of champagne to FA Cup winners out of respect for players’ religious beliefs
The FA will no longer award a case of champagne to the winners of the FA Cup
They have a long held tradition of giving a case of bubbly to the winning team
They will abandon it so not to offend players whose religion forbids alcohol use
Sacked Emmerdale star Shila Iqbal claims she didn’t know ‘the true meaning’ of her racist and homophobic tweets – but insists ‘being judged’ on something she did as a teenager ‘was unfair’
Bristol University’s black and ethnic minority officer faces investigation after telling Jewish student to ‘be like Israel and cease to exist’
Omar Chowdhury told Izzy Posen he should ‘be like Israel and cease to exist’
‘This is your Nuremberg moment’: Amal Clooney urges UN Security Council to take action on ‘genocide’ of sexual violence perpetrated by ISIS fighters
Barrister Amal Clooney, 41, was speaking at the UN in New York on Tuesday
She told the UN Security Council Yazidi women were victims of an ISIS genocide
\\ At a time when there is instant global communication, and just after they do a piece on XR,
… the BBC present the news from Colombo, with a specially flown over news anchor.
.. Irony doesn’t exist in the BBC! //
h/t @Ian
Young woman is raped and murdered ‘by hospital staff’ in Pakistan after visiting to get help for her toothache
Victim’s body was found by her mother at Sindh Government Hospital in Korangi
Family members were first told she had died due to a fatal antibiotic reaction
Police arrested three accused and the fourth suspect has yet to be found
ISIS brides are trying to recreate the caliphate within refugee camps and have reformed brutal ‘morality police’… as they plead to be allowed back to their home countries
Women in the al-Hol and Roj camps in Syria are reportedly forming the units
ISIS-loyal brides are forming into groups of feared religious police, the ‘Hisba’
Many women in the Syrian camps are appealing to western nations for asylum
Brunei defends its death penalty for gay sex, saying convictions will be rare because it would require two men ‘of high moral standing’ to have witnessed the ‘crime’
Brunei’s mission to the EU sent a letter to MEPs urging ‘tolerance’ for the laws
British Sinhalese Buddhists have started a petition against the BBC coverage
(BTW I was in Sri Lankan warzones like Tricomolee in 1993 and the only building left in a Tamil village I visited was a white church
.. It didn’t look to me that the Sinhalese Buddhists were the good guys )
Infowars against the BBC coverage
I’m sure things have been said about the Trump visit on here, which I have missed . Apologies. Does anyone know of a pro-Trump welcome demonstration? Or body like ‘ Welcome Trump’ ? There is a big effort by ‘Stop Trump’, led by some Arabic sounding fellow. Full of Labour MPs (paid by for by US).
We also need to put pressure on Tory MPs. And we need to write to Bercow to demand that the President may address both Houses of Parliament. That little Hitler should not be the one who decides.
All of us need to become noisy, and not leave all the noise to the anti-Trump bigrade. And if more than noisy is required, lets’ do it!
I’m so sick of the ARROGANT anti Trump gang, imposing their will on the visit, I feel we should not be sitting still.
Anti-Trump = Remainers
Anything on Al Beeb about Mr Carney being ‘Replaced’ ?
My next door neighbours have 2 over 30 asperger males. You should hear the noises from their house every single day. One of their bedrooms is back to back with our bedroom and he sounds as if he’s having weight lifting lessons without a trainer/teacher. (they don’t believe in carpets, hence all their noises become our noise by adoption, and they don’t believe in any kind of medication – but thats another story) maybe they should then perhaps they won’t be so noisy.
I believe people who suffer with that usually jump up and shout all kinds of embarrassing niceties.
I think thats why the other day she must have been shouting some of those “niceties” and thats why those MPs invited her.
I see that millions of kids throughout Europe have missed measles vaccination. Could it be children of immigrants… no no and no. So BBC and liberal left will put kids life’s at risk by not confronting the real issue as that would be seen as racist….it’s disgusting.
Meanwhile in Italy you ain’t going to school unless you’ve been vaccinated.