Congratulation .
Just caught a bit of Toady – going on about whether the PM should go now or later . It shows how out of touch the BBC is with brexiters .
The PM has devalued the office and democracy so much that people don’t care about her or her Party – people just want them gone .
A new day starts and it always worth checking for responses to yesterday’s posts
eg. You can see that after @GWF posted a Facebook video about Blackpoolistan
.. It’s already been removed, after the guy got pile in calling him racist.
That was on page 4 which had that last 12 posts from Tuesday night
– page 3 had Tuesday’s post from 10am
If you are not using InoReader, a good way to find today’s comments on those old pages is to Ctrl-F to bring up a searchbox and then type : April 24,
Recently someone posted an expose of the shadowy puppet masters who ‘cast’ OCD and pull her strings as a media-friendly useful tool.
She’s an adult, if one who would lose a debate with a box of rocks. However, this is a new low level of dire, actively promoted by credulous pols and desperate media:
For anyone who thinks Greta takes care of it all: Her supervisor Luisa Neubauer works for the organization https://t.co/nmIsZXZfQW . This organization is funded by, among others, Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono of U2, Open Society of George Soros. So the elite are behind this. pic.twitter.com/Nee6cnB3cB
— Gruffydd ap Keith ✝️ ???? (@Welsh_Scarlet) April 23, 2019
Here’s another apparent coincidence:
Change. Org is a George Soros front organisation.
So why would a bunch of lefty EU lovers call their new party Change UK?
What David Attenborough told BBC viewers about this raging orangutan fighting a digger is only part of the truth… and that’s just one of the flaws in the great naturalist’s ‘alarmist’ new documentary, writes DAVID ROS
One of the most talked-about programmes of the past week – a primetime documentary on BBC1 – featured two people many seem to regard as living saints.
One was the presenter, Sir David Attenborough, the other Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenage activist inspiring climate change ‘school strikes’ in several countries, including Britain.
The film rounded off a week which had already seen the BBC invite Extinction Rebellion extremists on to its news shows to expound the message – without serious challenge – that unless we cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2025, ‘our children will die’.
Around 300 ‘reactions’ (many not positive) and twenty comments, almost all negative.
If Labour bases its bandwagon policy swerves on BBC coverage of Graun talking points, they are in for a nasty shock come an actual ballot, if still allowed.
No wonder XR want Citizen Assemblies run by their unelected Napoleons.
These people are claiming not just human but all life is heading for extinction. They go even further and posit that even “Climate” is heading for extinction. What they mean by this claim I have no idea.
Do they have any basis for such wide claims. No, but they do have children making these claims, so we must grant them their wish – hundreds of billions of dollars a year to destroy an economic system that is lifting people out of poverty, while at the same time improving the planet habitat.
I cannot think of a more perverse agenda to destroy the planet in every way, then this marxist power grab. The USSR was a perfect example of reducing a people to destitution, leading then to become alcoholics, while raping the ecology of the USSR at very level.
When is this event going to take place? It will be soon after the next election. That is why the urgency for Pres Trump to be impeached now, or defeated in 2020.
Its plain and simple power politics on a global scale. Pres Trump was the wrecker of this insane power grab, and that is why he is hated beyond reason.
Can’t link now, but Googling ‘Times Israel Johnson blog Corbyn shrugs’ should bring up an analysis of Corbyn’s anti-Semitism and a mocking short video – which reminded me that many a true word is said in jest.
Should he become PM he will take the country back about 7 centuries to the expulsion of the Jews.
(OK, that’s unlikely, but if Corbyn had the guts to express his true feelings I’ve no doubt that’s what he would wish for.)
Surely, that accolade must go to the convicted terrorist Nelson Mandela and his murderous wife. Not sure that Donald Trump has been convicted of any crime. Or have a missed something?
His replies to rational questions with a bunch of leftie talking points reinforces him as being a brainwashed moron. Ideal BBC material.
To be charged with obstruction requires something to have been obstructed. Something like destroying 30000+ emails perhaps (Cough ….nton) . Providing 1 million plus requested documents does not sound like obstruction to me.
Good morning. Mishal Husain and Justin Webb are presenting.
Coming up: Is 5G technology by Huwewi a security risk? Chief of the National Cyber Security Centre, Ciaran Martin (0810). The funeral of killed journalist Lyra McKee will take place today. The Former British negotiator to NI, Jonathan Powell (0750). Trump is set to visit the UK in June (0840). Listen here: https://bbc.in/2XBJb0v
Chief of the National Cyber Security Centre, Ciaran Martin
Journalist Lyra McKee
Former British negotiator to NI, Jonathan Powell
Apparently, Treason May is about to announce the award of certain contractual parts of the coming 5g system despite dire warnings from UK Security. It seems that the UK Government is to pursue a, “Managed Risk Approach” to Huwewi in that the Communist China company will be awarded low-risk elements of the system.
I for one have the utmost confidence in our Government ‘Managing’ the risk………LoL! Don’t you?
The reality is, Communist China ignores International Patent Laws as anyone having purchased a ‘look-alike’ item from China will have realised. What could go wrong in this partnership between a, ‘Strong and Stable’ UK Government and a seasoned Communist thief?
People are so slow to recognise what is going on, and even when you tell them they still cannot accept it. Allow me to state it again.
THERESA MAY IS A MARXIST ! how difficult can it be to recognise the thing in the tin is different to the label?
She is advised and counselled by Communist sympathiser Olly Robbins, and she has been highly successful in destroying the Tory party from within – the dim witted idle posh boys thought she was wonderful.
Aside from the Huwei contracts here are some of the highlights.
Refused to ban known active leftist terrorist group antifa desipte security advice, and instead banned some little known right wing groups no one had heard of full of inadequates fantasists and mentally ill.
Backed the policies of Robert Mugabe and Cyril Ramaposa, both of them extreme leftists in the seizure of private property without compensation. At the same time the US government was threatening sanctions would be imposed if they went ahead.
Constantly muttering about the leftist dream of ‘equality’ which is of course unachievable even through the Mao suit.
Diversity, burning injustice, womens rights, the list goes on & on, Oh and then there’s the financial support she’s giving to Al Qaeda ! DIdn’t know about that one? Go look it up because the UK is funding Al Nusra to fight against Saudi’s enemy in Syria.
Then there’s t he 11 point plan of the frankfurt school of Marxism which May is following to the letter:
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
On top of this she has reduced the Police and the Military to a fraction of what they need to be, making the UK and easy target for invasion and take over, and rule, yet government spending is as bad as it would be under Corbyn!
Wake up people time to call a spade a spade and if you cannot recognise May for what she is then you need to check your education !
Yew, we have been invaded already. The rapes of young girls on a gigantic scale, while the defeated police and government were instructed to turn a blind eye, was merely the conqueror exacting his victory dues.
The first comment “This Spaniard in the video is giving his well-considered heartfelt opinion on an important issue and the government is “investigating” him. For what? For having a mind and a brain? It’s his opinion, for Christ’s sake. And if you can’t express your opinions you are not living in a free country…” appeared to give the gist.
Is it a coincidence that the same topics are on Nick Ferrari, LBC, this morning?
I would not be surprised if the designated news is distributed to the likes of LBC, Sky etc, each day by the far-left bbc collective.
Or maybe it’s GCHQ? It seems to happen in the USA with their news programmes, probably controlled by the CIA.
Slightly aside from your comment; a few months ago we watched a local item on the BBC evening programme. A bit later we tuned into the ITV local news where exactly the same bit of film of the item was used. The only difference was the presentation. Who made/makes these pieces? Difficult to tell them apart nowadays.
Why is Mrs Chamberlain ignoring the advice from our Security Services and going for a ‘Chinese Takeaway’ ? The very same person that brought our democracy to its knees.
The answer is simply she’s gone bananas. She is not coping with life or her job. Let’s put it frankly she needs help. When George the third went off the rails they appointed the Prince Regent. I’m not sure what can be done when a prime minister loses it. I think the Remoaners in the Conservative are exploiting it, and unfortunately the Brexit faction led by the ineffective Jacob Rees-Mosque are far too polite to say anything.
The BBC has to painfully report that Muslims are the mass murderers of Catholics in Sri Lanka – and one even studied here in UK . I bet we don’t find out which mosque he studied his bomb making skills at .
I think the BBC high command realise their anti Christian language was too stupid and got noticed .
They’ve dropped the ‘ Easter worshippers ‘ line and now admitting Christians were at Mass when they were slaughtered .
But they are still deflecting attention from the Muslim killers onto the families destroyed .
I’m waiting for a tearful NZ girl PM to turn up at the funerals or maybe not
The other day, I caught an old BBC clip where a poseur from the Nationalist Secularist Society said that everyone should be able to participate in Easter. Easter is where Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ and where muslims deny the resurrection ever took place and hold that this Christian belief is blasphemous in the sight of _allah_.
Anyone horrified by Toby Young’s attack on a young activist with autism should check out his form as a eugenicist. I wrote this about secret eugenics conferences he attended in London:https://t.co/6fLPJeKxQw
Louise Raw is one of these people for whom the word “eugenics” conjures up the image of Nazi doctors and she stops thinking as soon as she hears it. Actually the fascinating and important subject of the genetic deterioration of western populations is one that demands our attention. Of course, lefties want to keep people like Richard Lynn away from our education (indoctrination) system since he produces evidence for the heritability of traits like intelligence and conscientiousness and suggests that these might actually be desirable. The establishment do not see a problem in the low-fertility professional class exhibiting higher intelligence and stronger moral character than the high-fertility proletariat. Even if they accepted it as a fact, they would not accept that its basis is genetic. And they definitely cannot accept that the influx of low-IQ, low-conscientiousness, high-fertility third world immigrants could be having an adverse effect on our societies. Only leftists think that stupidity is as good as intelligence, disease is as acceptable as health, and criminality is as socially valuable as law-abidingness. The slightest suggestion that you are even considering these issues means you must be a Nazi doctor and ostracised.
Brilliantly put Zelazek-yes indeed one perceives how eventually the male will only be used with those supposedly with high-fertility injections to increase the intelligent population- leaving behind those others to live in a world of ognorance; subjugation, control, enslavement, as they bend to the rule of the few.
“”Anna Soubry MOCKED after claiming ‘NOT having a people’s vote was DENYING democracy’ “”
“And the polls show that people are changing their minds about Brexit.””
“Now not in the way that some Conservative MPs have switched from Remain to Leave to please their local Conservative association members.””
““But older Leave voters who’ve listened to their children and their grandchildren, who understand that Brexit is about those future generations not their own antagonism towards the EU.””
Someone’s been watching the Black Adder episode about Pitt the Younger and thought it would be a bit of a laugh to reprise it in today’s political house of comedians, aka swamp central.
Oh and I almost forgot to wonder if this child is meant to resemble Pippi Longstocking?
This is of course true, a groups of adult infants hanging on every word placed in the mouth of a child, whilst at the same time incapable of listening to adult ‘expert’ voices with an opinion or facts they don’t like.
What I really find comforting about all the ritualistic’ caring for the planet ‘ stuff in Blighty is that , as Andrew Neill helpfully reminds us on twitter today , China is opening a nice new coal burning power station each week . So I’d say to the climate extremists – recycle that fact.
In their version of the planet it doesn’t matter about China because it’s a long way away …
A few days ago on LBC, I think it was Mr Ferrari, an apologist for these eco-loons was asked why they are disrupting the lives of normal British citizens and not protesting outside the Chinese Embassy.
The eco-alarmist ( and it might have been the notorious George Monbiot) replied ” we can’t do everything”. The meaning seems to be that their priority is ruining our lives because that’s more important in the scheme of things than protesting about a country that not only is not reducing this carbon pollution thingy they’re so obsessed with, but China is building plants that will add to this carbon thingy that’s so bad it makes children spontaneously burst into tears and throw tantrums.
Ah, the logic of the left, manifest for all to see. And the MSM, the police and politicians all complicit in taking the piss out of us.
“Ah, the logic of the left, manifest for all to see. And the MSM, the police and politicians all complicit in taking the piss out of us”
Ah, but joe public see’s things quite differently than those deaf, dumb and blind elites – you just watch the next GE.
There will be a change coming in this land that even mr Putin will admire US. And that great and scary change – for the traitor class of this nation – won’t be towards communism nor the BBC.
I suppose that the expression: an wholesale cleanout – describes it as gently as possible for the nerves of those poor nervy elites at BBC HQ, head quarters HQ. Copy?.
It’s Wednesday right? Time to sweep those dead ‘Easter Worshippers’ from top slot on the News Front Page.
I suppose that Islamic State murder (IS to State broadcaster) so many all the time that the ‘Easter Worshippers’ novelty doesn’t justify ‘caring PM in a hijab’ extended coverage.
Here is another massive failing of an increasingly far left Tory party with even one of their ministers championing Marxist indoctrination of young minds:
“Gyimah, addressing the annual meeting of the Universities UK group in Sheffield, rebutted Young’s comments last month that students were being put off studying because universities were now “leftwing madrassas”.
The minister assured the vice-chancellors that they had his support, declaring: “I love our universities.”
He should have added “because they are leftwing madrrassas” !
“The minister assured the vice-chancellors that they had his support, declaring: “I love our universities.””
We have to give him his due, this fella. Obviously he’s saying all this twaddle to prove that he clearly has a tiny bit of insight of what’s in the social pipeline for this nation – and its not built on Christianity.
Will Continuity Remain find a ‘deal’ , aka surrender document, that allows the establishment to claim that we have left the EU and hence there is no basis for the UK to participate in the European elections next Month. I’m sure that the Tories are keen to avoid the humiliation of coming a distant third. Labour would be able to dictate the terms of surrender so they will be for it. The EU would be delighted to avoid thirty plus eurosceptics from the UK being elected and we know that Mrs May does what Brussels tells her to do , no matter what the cost to her party and the country is.
However, the fall out from such cynical manoeuvres will add even more determination to UKIP and TBP to overthrow the present two party system. The establishment are playing with fire whilst sloshing petrol around. It will take a lot more than 24/7 BBC propaganda to get this genie back in the bottle.
conservative home which should be fined for misdescription! It’s just another nu Liebour far leftist Tory site which bans any real conservatives as soon as they dare post anything approaching real conservative comment.
This is a site which is part of the problem – it just doesn’t realise it!
A spokesperson for the Whitehouse yesterday, and for the first time I think, voiced their hurt and growing anger over the UK attitude toward Donald Trump.
‘As President, Donald Trump is our top diplomat and as such should be extended all the courtesies commensurate with that status. As we would with a visit from the Queen or your Prime Minister.
If the UK hopes for continued cooperation and assistance in terms of defense, intelligence and trade it needs to amend it’s attitude toward our President’
I think it’s excruciatingly embarrassing for our nation to see these feeble minded left wing pillocks demonstrating against President Trump.
For a change we have a US leader who actually likes us and wants to do business and this is how they behave…
You have to ask questions about their moral compass.
Corbyn has had cosy chats with the leaders of every terrorist organisation on the planet. He’s the leader of a party that is mired in antisemitism. Two weeks after the IRA attempt to annihilate the entire government he invited Gerry Adams into the Houses of Parliament.
Mayor Khan fought tooth and nail to allow the black separatist and Hitler lover, Louis Farrakhan into our country. He thinks terrorism in a city like London is an occupational hazard. And despite his blather about gender equality he attends a mosque where men and women are separated.
And then you’ll have the mob that like to attend such events. It will pretty much the same folk who’ve been holding up London for the past fortnight that will be protesting about Trump’s visit. Somehow theses aged and privileged adolescents seem to have an astonishing amount of time on their hands.
I’ve got a question…
Do any of these parasites actually work?
“I think it’s excruciatingly embarrassing for our nation to see these feeble minded left wing pillocks demonstrating against President Trump.
For a change we have a US leader who actually likes us and wants to do business and this is how they behave…
You have to ask questions about their moral compass.
Corbyn has had cosy chats with the leaders of every terrorist organisation on the planet. He’s the leader of a party that is mired in antisemitism. Two weeks after the IRA attempt to annihilate the entire government he invited Gerry Adams into the Houses of Parliament.
Mayor Khan fought tooth and nail to allow the black separatist and Hitler lover, Louis Farrakhan into our country. He thinks terrorism in a city like London is an occupational hazard. And despite his blather about gender equality he attends a mosque where men and women are separated.
And then you’ll have the mob that like to attend such events. It will pretty much the same folk who’ve been holding up London for the past fortnight that will be protesting about Trump’s visit. Somehow theses aged and privileged adolescents seem to have an astonishing amount of time on their hands.
I’ve got a question…
Do any of these parasites actually work?”
Once again; speaking with a “forked-tongue” seems to be an art by our very anti-British MPS and self righteous Mayors/MSM ferals.
So, ( see, I’m using the new word that starts each sentence) Dancing Terry is going to attend the funeral of the journalist who was killed by the IRA; sorry, the New IRA, not to be confused with New Labour; and won’t therefore be at Prime Minister’s questions; loosely based on I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue.
How convenient
Why can’t the Northern Ireland Secretary attend or does Dancing Terry attend all funerals these days?
Is she going to attend the funerals of all the Christians who were murdered by muslims in Sri Lanka?
Does she have a funeral dance prepared for such occasions?
The far-left bbc collective 1pm news was on at my mother’s care home, showing Dancing Terry sitting next to the fake Irishman. But regardless, she’s a rude little sod; she completely ignored him, speaking instead to the old gentleman on her left.
Couldn’t it have been an opportunity for a few Brexit words with him? No wonder everyone hates her. All except her commie mates in the Civil Service, that is.
I’ve just remembered, they also covered 5G, with some oik pretending to know what he’s talking about. Pictures of fridges connected to the internet and such. My ears pricked up when he said something like ” but there’s a problem with all the additional transmitters that 5G requires”. I thought, at last someone is going to tell us the truth about how dangerous these transmitters are to plant and animal life.
But no, the only downside to these transmitters is how will private and confidential data be protected.
I am with you on this – it infuriates me. Every bloody response starts with So… Will somebody tell these media and university (which it normally is) idiots it is not needed…
It’s a ghastly disease with, on-screen at least, retroactive effect.
Case in point: near the start of ‘The Mercy’ (set in the late 1960s), there’s a scene in which Francis Chichester gives a speech at the London Boat Show. No points for guessing which is the first word to leave his lips…
He’s a very wise and brave man. Luckily for him he lives in the USA and has 1st Amendment rights to free speech. In this country he’d no doubt be shut down for “hate speech”. It’s the new thought crime for which truth, far from being a defence, is in fact an aggravating factor.
Eventually a pol with balls, and who is not in thrall of the BBC’s coverage baubles, will address the national interest of the silent majority and not the Jackanory sector.
The fact her thought processes will be subject to her autism and that her elite Swedish family have a financial interest in Climate Change does little to persuade me. And just why is she here in the UK – a small country with very little World influence ?
I can appreciate Tolkien’s Middle Earth as a fantasy not as a template for living on earth in the 21st Century.
My take away from the linked article “rather than question how a net increase of 300,000 people per annum might impact the UK, its social cohesion and its resource allocations, the Greens appear decidedly relaxed about it all. Perhaps things are not as urgent as we once thought.” https://archbishopcranmer.com/the-weird-cult-of-greta-thunberg-shes-not-the-green-messiah/
I’m sure I’ve read she travels by train because planes are ( my interpretation ) the devil’s work.
She’s probably too young to understand how trains work, though I’ve also read somewhere that she doesn’t go to school or study science subjects because ” the science is settled” as far as climate change is concerned.
Been looking on the web for a ‘Welcome Trump’ movement in the UK, or committee, or petition.
Strangely, you only get the ‘Stop Trumpers’…
There was a rejected petition.
I feel there is a need for a big show of support for the President.
That little twit Bercow should not have the say over Trump addressing parliament.
He always forgets he is a servant of the people, not their master!! Makes me want to puke, the sheer, unlimited arrogance of the man.
Where is everybody?
Are we all lying low so as not to offend Tulip SaddiQ?
We supporters of all aspects of the visit really need to get noisy about our views.
We should certainly let beeb know as well. We can tell where their biased publicity will go!
Does anyone know whetehr Nigel has said anything?
Would certainly expect him to.
He owes the President.
Do we have any Tory counterparts of the Tulip Saddiq role on this -batting for the President?? Or are they scared?
President Obama’s top White House lawyer, Gregory B. Craig, was indicted yesterday on very serious charges. This is a really big story, but the Fake News New York Times didn’t even put it on page one, rather page 16. @washingtonpost not much better, “tiny” page one. Corrupt News!
Do we really need this teenage girl, Greta Thunberg, coming over from Sweden with her simpleton lefty views when we have our home grown one called Owen Jones whose reason for living has suddenly burst into life with the news that Trump is coming over and can ‘protest’ to her hearts content.
Sorry chaps and chapessess (or should it now simply be, ‘people’?), a bit of Brexit.
The ‘law’ (conveniently) of (perhaps) ‘Unintended Consequences’ at work.
On the basis that the UK does not possess a formal Constitution, much credence and weight will always be given to precedent. Here’s a precedent set which reverses the role between Parliament and the Government:
“…..the Commons appears to have wrested control from the Government. The process was started by section 13 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, creating the so-called ‘meaningful vote’.” https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2019/04/23/alison-young-taking-back-control/
“….forgive then for they know not what they do”
“Strong and Stable”…………..
3pm Radio4 Money Box : Energy: Going Green
“As climate change protests continue,
how can consumers cut carbon emissions
and keep energy bills affordable?
Can you be eco-friendly and in budget?” https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0004f4b
In MediaLand it’s
“#GreenSupremacism & #LibSupremacism uber alles”
..They know better than us
.. We are just little people
NG, the problem takes on a raised prominence when the hairbrain schemes actually come to fruition. It’s one thing when the children are squabbling about a topic, another when some idiot puts money into it and/or public funds .
Radio2 Vine show “has Greta made you feel guilty about Climate ?”
It’s item #4 so that makes it after 1:20pm I guess
\\ 4️⃣ Michael Gove says meeting 16-year-old Greta Thunberg
made him feel guilty his generation haven’t done enough to protect the planet. // Twitter thread
His first item is the martyred lesbian mother Saint Lyra McKee
I switched off at that point. If the bullet had hit a police officer it wouldn’t even have made the Northern Ireland politics page.
Hearing that the Green Pixie’s little mate will be a subject helped too.
Should only reserved seat holders be allowed on trains? Pity those who have to make unplanned journeys you twonk! How about imprisoning those with reservations that sit elsewhere on the train? (Vine loves to propose new laws!
Sky News have had live coverage of Ms McKees funeral, a funeral attended by our Prime Minister, the leader of the Opposition, the Irish Prime Minister and the Irish President, as well as numerous other high profile British and Irish politicians.
Why? Because she was gay, because she was a journalist or because her murder is an example of the “return to violence caused by Brexit”? Or is it because the disingenuous Irish jumped at the chance to attend, using it as a way of gaining influence and kudos through empathy and faux sympathy and so forced the hand of the Westminster charlatans?
A terrible loss to her family in particular, and also it would seem to the communities that she identified with, but the opportunistic hypocrisy of the politicians attending stinks to high heaven and the media coverage is ridiculous and is, in a journalistic manner that is now the norm, obscenely disproportionate.
Corbyn and Sinn Fein attended the funeral, offered their condolences to her family.
He, an enthusiastic supporter and champion of the anti-British Republican doctrine that the “New” (aye right) IRA follow and they, the cowardly perpetrators of so many of the same type of indiscriminate murders that inspires them.
Re Greta @ TheBigYinJames said
\\ I’ve not seen such a bout of state-sponsored and encouraged child misbehaviour since the Hitler Youth.
I really think these people think 1984 was an instruction manual rather than a grim warning. //
If our sanctimonious MPs think that they can convince the public by sitting a child on their knee, they should take a long look back just to remind themselves how stupid they will look in the future. Not good politics. pic.twitter.com/EkatmH7f76
— Tom Foolery ???????????? (@to_mfoolery) April 24, 2019
Oh for the days decades ago when we had grown up politics to moan about. Much is said about the snowflake Millennials, but most of those in Parliament now were born from the 1970’s onwards and still haven’t a sodding clue.
I cant imagine Geoffrey Howe, Barbara Castle, and their like sitting gooey eyed at the feet of a plaited Swedish teenager !! The Press would have torn them to shreds.
My advice for her parents is avoid any invites from the Pope:
Pope Pius IX sent the Golden Rose (“blessings”) to the King of the Two Sicilies, and in less than a year, he lost his crown and kingdom.
The same Pope sent his blessings to the Austrian Kaiser, and in less
than a year, he lost Venetia and suffered defeat at Sadowa.
The same Pope sent the Golden Rose (“blessings”) to Queen Isabella of Spain, and in a short time, she lost her crown and died in
He sent his Golden Rose (“blessings”) to the Empress Eugenie of France, and in less than a year, the Emperor and Empress lost their crowns, and both died later in exile, and their only son was killed by Zulus in Africa.
The Crown Princess of Brazil was blessed by the Pope, with the result that her baby was born deformed, and she died in exile.
The Pope blessed the Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian. He was dethroned and killed by his people.
The Pope blessed the Emperor’s widow. She became a hopeless maniac and died in exile.
The Pope blessed a steamer filled with nuns enroute to South America in 1870. It never reached its destination, every soul perishing.
The Pope blessed General Boulanger and in less than two weeks he was in exile, later committing suicide.
Mrs. Sherman, wife of the American General Sherman, received the Golden Rose (“blessing” from the Pope). It proved fatal, and she died soon after”.
Just goes to show that advice from one’s parents is usually wise advice but disagreeing with mom and pop this time should be encouraged especially if your parents have their sights on Malibu beach and the hills above malibu.
Like Piers Corbyn, I don’t think I had an O’Level in Physics at the same age as Greta Thunberg. So I would strongly advise Michael Gove to obtain his Climate Science from older more qualified people with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics, Solar Astronomy and Meteorology. Lots of them are Professors advising the GWPF. I am still convinced that the 18 Professors on the GWPF Academic Advisory Council would win in a debate with that small child that is being used as the Chief Scientific Advisor of Extinction Rebellion.
A live free open scientific debate on the BBC, between Greta Thurnberg, Chief Scientific Advisor of Extinction Rebellion, versus, the 18 Professors of the Academic Advisory Council of the GWPF. Who would win if the BBC allowed it to happen?
#GreenSupremacism PR is about spinning headlines about failed Electric-car projects to make them sound successful Rise in electric community car schemes in Wales
\\ If you just read the headline and the introductory paragraphs, you might think this is a story about the success and growth of electric car schemes in Wales, but think again. Read on, and you find things like:
Supporters say they can make it easier for people in rural areas to get to job interviews, hospital appointments, or just to do the shopping. But at least one scheme in Wales has been wound up
The rural development agency Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig has just ordered two electric cars, and is looking for villages and towns that would like to run a community electric car sharing scheme.
Project Officer Carwyn ap Myrddin said:
“The aim is to have a car located in a convenient location in a village or town to help people who are isolated and who haven’t got good access to public transport.”
“Transport is an issue. There have been cutbacks.
This is a pilot project to see if an electric car sharing scheme is an answer.
It will need a strong group of local volunteers to get best use of the car, particularly as they could also act as drivers for those who need transport but can’t drive.”
The first community electric car sharing scheme in Wales was in Cilgwyn near Newport, Pembrokeshire in 2013. It was closely followed by a scheme in the city of St Davids.
But Andy Dixon, who helped run the St Davids scheme, said it was wound up after a year.
“In some ways, we were too rural for it to work properly.
We had people from outlying areas driving into St Davids in their own cars to pick up the electric one.
“The insurance also meant that people under 25 weren’t able to drive it. But they were the group of people who had the most need for a shared car.”
So the title “Rise in electric community car schemes in Wales”.
… is FakeNews
It’s just another PR piece from the BBC. //
Standard public sector madness -.once they get hold of taxpayer cash – just waste it on insane projects .
The flower bridge on the Thames led by mr bojo cost taxpayers £57 000 000 and never got built …
It never got built because Emir Khant scrapped it. The flower bridge would have beeb a thing of beauty and would have paid for itself in tourism revenues etc. I’d prefer that than the Emir squandering the money.
to me that Wales EV piece seems like it was written as a puff piece
..then someone pointed out ONE scheme had failed
..so they added that bit in.
That webstiry is not on Newsniffer
and Wayback has only one copy and that has the failed scheme in
In other news 6 serious stabbing in separate fights across Londonistan Tuesday -one dead . And now that the Easter holidays are over the kids ( Black) can get back to after school killings .
I was only wondering earlier what the tally was. It is not made common knowledge for reasons we know. Perhaps you or someone else here could include a daily tally here to keep we uninformed rural gits appraised? Perhaps on the lines of, the ‘Religion of Peace’ type tally? To include ‘race’ of course just to satisfy curiosity.
You did ask. The London homicide rate is about 1 every 2 days . Average annual homicides for London is about 110 per year excluding terrorism . Last year the number was 135. This year it’s looking toward 150 or higher as the population day/night is increasing rapidly
I used to do updates here but some suggested I stop it as it’s not directly about BBC bias . That can be argued either was . It’s always ‘interested’ me after years of studying lefty criminology …..
By the way I make the homicide count at 35 – the Sun counts at @30.
Grenfell fire, still in the beeb TV news, years on. Demands being made..
Les Ferdinand is pushing.
There’s money out there…
Beeb happy to push.
Wonder if any other humans are out there who have suffered ‘trauma’?
Probably not…
Maybe Les has made a large donation from his salary?
Would not surprise me if the ‘bosses’ at CBI, including ex-Beeboid Caroline Fairburn, also think that Remain is the best thing and President Trump is beastly and Sadiq Khan is someone best qualified to ‘lead’ London.
We really need a leader in this country.
We seem to be descending into a pit of anarchy and insanity.
The wacky, air-head in post at the moment seems to have caused a reaction similar to when the teacher pops out of the classroom on the last day of term.
Here is some terrible journalism by the BBC attacking a Tory MP who has by some very tenuous connection been attached to a failed investment operation.
Here is the story as I understand it.
Johnny Mercer Tory MP for Plymouth Moor View a former army officer works for a charity called Crucial Academy, which trains military veterans and aims to find them employment. He puts in a minimum of 20 hours a month for a salary of £85K (A little on the high side perhaps but this is a charity and no one complained about the Labourites at Oxfam getting high 6 figure salaries).
The charity is funded by a company called Surge Financial Limited which marketed along presumably with other financial instruments bonds by a seperate company London Capital and Finance (LCF), which is now in administration.
So, because Mercer works for a charity which is funded by a company which sold the products of yet another company which has gone bust, the BBC are calling for Mr Mercer to resign !
It really is unbelievable that the BBC should expect anyone so far removed from the company which went bust to have any responsibility for that, I cannot imagine any point when had this been a Labour MP the BBC would have put such a biased piece on its web page.
Mr Mercer shouldn’t be taking £85k from a charity . Easy enough to get another politician .
As an aside – PMQ /lies – a fast forward job and best watched on tV as after a nice week off the politicians on all side have faces which look like they waiting for political execution ….
And maybe not many were successful at lining up another job for the time when the government falls ….
Interesting too – the chamber was half empty /full. If politicians have given up with this meaningless weekly ritual why should ordinary voters have any regard to what do or say .
Actually of course £85K is too much for a normal safe job
… but some superstars might be worth that
We know this not a charity
but a charity fundraiser who brings in £4m instead of just £1m is worth it
A troubleshooter guy brought in to turn a company around is worth £85K
A Steve Jobs who brings intellectual property and inspiration is worth 85K
I always admire the lie about having to pay a lot of money to get the right calibre of people –
It’s usually used when a FTSE company issues it’s 3rd and final profits warning ….
It’s not a charity, its a training provider.
What special skill has this politician to warrant £350 an hour?
Asuuming he actually does anything
The whole thing stinks
Is this the same Johnny Mercer who is trashing Gerard Batten and UKIP and who has been rebuked by the Northern Ireland Veterans Association for doing so? As reported on the UKIP news website.
The BBC has timed it to coincide with Mercer being the token Anti-Establishment enemy in the bear pit of the Pro-Establishment satirical mocking of populists by left-wing elitists on the BBC‘s “Have I Got News For You” this Friday.
Had we a Woodward, a Bernstein and a ‘Deep Throat’ who had exposed the political and media covert operation to subvert democracy, block Brexit, push agendas and conduct a campaign of ever so subtle mind tricks then that would be bad enough.
But no, it’s not covert and it’s not vaguely subtle and that’s what I find so insulting.
“Trying to think of a journo who is a brexiter…”
There’s the brilliant Julia Hartly Brewer and Rod Liddle, but yes, they’re pretty thin on the ground.
Oh, while I think of it, there’s a cracking interview with JHB and James Delingpole on the Delingpole podcast.
I think it’s available on You tube.
Worth a listen!
I spent some time in Indonesia with my employment.
“All this seems to reflect the growing religiosity of Indonesian politics and society. This is indeed reflected in conservative dress codes for women, the appearance of huge Saudi-financed and styled mosques in villages, the inflammatory statements of extremist organizations (such as the Islamic Defenders Front) which challenge the secular basis of society and the adoption of Islamic laws by some local governments. https://www.theglobalist.com/indonesia-elections-joko-widodo-islam-democracy/
It is information such as this which is freely available on the internet that keeps one abreast of what’s going on in the World, by-passing our own distorted MSM and, our, “Worlds Most Trusted”.
One things for sure, the extracted excerpt above could apply to any number of countries who were once moderately islam, like Indonesia.
Further evidence if that were required that the deep pocket of the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, is focussed on islamification of the World. Pity the Cultural Marxists don’t see this about their islamic bedfellows who they view as supportive of their own cause only. I won’t be around to eventually see the monumental battle between the two but I would already put my bets on the eventual winner. Allahu Ackbar!…………..
That such things are deemed of no concern by the BBC’s finest is… unsurprising.
"Miss Thunberg’s school strike coincided with the launch of a book about climate change written by her mother, singer Malena Ernman, according to Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche" https://t.co/ArplYwL5vP
Pull at the loose thread and watch it unravel. Dragging your kids into an argument smacks of desperation as resistance to the Climate lie steadily grows.
I’m mostly in support of environmental protection, but if that’s jazz hands they’re doing instead of clapping then the planet’s in much worse shape than I thought
At last, the BBC has unleashed an actual expert in mental illness.
Everyone saying Greta Thunberg’s pop star mum is “weaponising” her kid: 1. You can’t get an autistic kid to do anything they don’t want to do; 2. It’s almost impossible to get an autistic kid NOT to do something they DO want to do; 3. Piss off.
— Mitch Benn???????????????? (@MitchBenn) April 24, 2019
Re Chris Davies MP £700 photo expenses
The judge took the view that he *may* have been splitting the bill to hide the extravagance, not just forgery for expediency
…I guess he will appeal
I think it’s way different from the speeding liar MP
Stew , no – both not fit to be MPs . Both so dumb they got caught and even worse – convicted . . Lawmakers not lawbreakers Stew .
Yes – I know Davies was a Brexiter – but still an amoral politician – drain the swamp
If virtue-signalling gnome John Bercow still insists on insulting the US by snubbing Trump then he must finally be ousted.
America is our No1 friend and ally – if Brexit ever happens, that relationship will grow even stronger.
Honour the US –
IT is horrifying that apparently serious politicians are now demanding the US president be refused a state visit.
We expect it from idiot Corbynistas. They somehow justify a “protest” against Donald Trump despite belonging to a party so racist towards Jews it faces formal investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
But if Corbyn was ever elected, Emily Thornberry would be Foreign Secretary. And she too claims it “beggars belief” Trump will get a full state visit in June.
Labour afforded Vladimir Putin the same honour, naturally. Likewise the human rights tramplers of China and Saudi Arabia and a corrupt South African president once tried for rape.
America is our No1 friend and ally. We won two world wars together. If Brexit ever happens, that relationship will grow even stronger. But if Labour’s US-hating Marxists take power it will be wilfully destroyed.
Neither must happen. And if the verbose, virtue-signalling gnome John Bercow still insists on insulting the US by snubbing Trump he must be finally ousted.
Commons Speaker he may, sadly, still be. But he does not speak for Britain.”
I wondered why the BBC was slow to name one of the Sri Lankan mass killers – one Abdul Mohamed – which doesn’t sound like a Buddhist – you know – like the Buddhists the BBC pointed the finger of guilt at on Easter Sunday …
But took 2 days to mention Islamic mass murder ….
Not much sign of the ‘love in ‘ which was the NZ killings – despite 350 Christians now dead against 73 muzzies . Do the math…
Re. The Sun Says
Puzzling what can be in the minds of some of them? We can exclude the usual suspects – the loons, goons and buffoons – but as for the politicians who supposedly have the UK’s best interests at heart and should put themselves above it all ?
Are they so weak and caught in the bubble that they just can’t think of the national interest.
In the future, which type of Politician to vote for:
(1) Those with Self Interest at heart: A career that starts with a job with a quango, moves to a job in the European Union and then on to the House of Lords, or (2) Those with the National Interest at heart: A politician who wants to restore democracy and save the taxpayer money by abolishing quangos, leave the European Union and then abolish the House of Lords.
(A) Labour Party: In the past it was (2) now even the leader is (1)
(B) Tory Party: In the past it was (1) now its still mostly (1)
(C) LibDems: Its always been (1) now its extremely selfishly (1)
(D) Brexit Party: Its always (2) now it’s also the Tory and Labour (2)
More clampdowns on the horizon for social media as Macron and the NZ Prime Minister (Peace Be Upon Her) will meet tech leaders in a bid to remove online extreme content.
They will be asked to pledge their support in Paris next month, at something called the “Christchurch Call”. Not to be confused with the “Sri Lanka Call” which won’t ever happen. And not to be confused with the non-denominational thing in Paris that caught fire that some people say was a church of Christ, but was merely a big, old building.
It takes place alongside something else called “Tech for Humanity”… which once upon a time would have conjured up images of ergonomic mice and better car seats but these days sounds unavoidably sinister.
Is it just me or is R4 going just a little over the top about the wicked murder of that irish journalist lyra Mcee. The BBC which is normally so ambivalent about crimes committed by “Derries finest” now whipping itself up into a frenzy and almost going the full Jo Cox whilst 300 murdered Christians murdered by Muslim killers can now be squeezed back down the memory hole where they obviously belong.
I wonder also, whether it has just occurred to these pampered “journalists” that just maybe, they are playing with fire themselves, maybe just a little too much. Lets hope so it would be good to think that these cowardly, liars (who normally think nothing about downplaying terrorist crimes if committed by the “right” victim group) may just be getting a little “ring twitter” themselves and just because you support momentum does not mean that you may not come to grisly end yourself.
Stand by for days of this, or at least until Aunty has decided we have all forgotten about Sri Lanka and the church bombings by “men”
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Three years on , are we out yet? Are we there yet ? Are we there yet ? Etc etc etc ………..
Congratulation .
Just caught a bit of Toady – going on about whether the PM should go now or later . It shows how out of touch the BBC is with brexiters .
The PM has devalued the office and democracy so much that people don’t care about her or her Party – people just want them gone .
A new day starts and it always worth checking for responses to yesterday’s posts
eg. You can see that after @GWF posted a Facebook video about Blackpoolistan
.. It’s already been removed, after the guy got pile in calling him racist.
That was on page 4 which had that last 12 posts from Tuesday night
– page 3 had Tuesday’s post from 10am
If you are not using InoReader, a good way to find today’s comments on those old pages is to Ctrl-F to bring up a searchbox and then type : April 24,
Thanks stew – can’t beat hiding the truth can they?
Recently someone posted an expose of the shadowy puppet masters who ‘cast’ OCD and pull her strings as a media-friendly useful tool.
She’s an adult, if one who would lose a debate with a box of rocks. However, this is a new low level of dire, actively promoted by credulous pols and desperate media:
Here’s another apparent coincidence:
Change. Org is a George Soros front organisation.
So why would a bunch of lefty EU lovers call their new party Change UK?
Obama had “Change” as his logo too.
Just as I thought on my previous post.
Smacks of exploitation on many levels.
‘Gruffydd ap Keith’
With a name like that I bet he ‘s from Taff Land?
What David Attenborough told BBC viewers about this raging orangutan fighting a digger is only part of the truth… and that’s just one of the flaws in the great naturalist’s ‘alarmist’ new documentary, writes DAVID ROS
One of the most talked-about programmes of the past week – a primetime documentary on BBC1 – featured two people many seem to regard as living saints.
One was the presenter, Sir David Attenborough, the other Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenage activist inspiring climate change ‘school strikes’ in several countries, including Britain.
The film rounded off a week which had already seen the BBC invite Extinction Rebellion extremists on to its news shows to expound the message – without serious challenge – that unless we cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2025, ‘our children will die’.
AOC gives humanity just 12 years.
The climate change they are afraid of is Trump. That Climate Change is giving rise to hysteria in the USA and beyond.
Linked from Facebook.
Around 300 ‘reactions’ (many not positive) and twenty comments, almost all negative.
If Labour bases its bandwagon policy swerves on BBC coverage of Graun talking points, they are in for a nasty shock come an actual ballot, if still allowed.
No wonder XR want Citizen Assemblies run by their unelected Napoleons.
Extinction Rebellion ?
“Extinction” is apparently global in reach.
These people are claiming not just human but all life is heading for extinction. They go even further and posit that even “Climate” is heading for extinction. What they mean by this claim I have no idea.
Do they have any basis for such wide claims. No, but they do have children making these claims, so we must grant them their wish – hundreds of billions of dollars a year to destroy an economic system that is lifting people out of poverty, while at the same time improving the planet habitat.
I cannot think of a more perverse agenda to destroy the planet in every way, then this marxist power grab. The USSR was a perfect example of reducing a people to destitution, leading then to become alcoholics, while raping the ecology of the USSR at very level.
When is this event going to take place? It will be soon after the next election. That is why the urgency for Pres Trump to be impeached now, or defeated in 2020.
Its plain and simple power politics on a global scale. Pres Trump was the wrecker of this insane power grab, and that is why he is hated beyond reason.
Can’t link now, but Googling ‘Times Israel Johnson blog Corbyn shrugs’ should bring up an analysis of Corbyn’s anti-Semitism and a mocking short video – which reminded me that many a true word is said in jest.
Should he become PM he will take the country back about 7 centuries to the expulsion of the Jews.
(OK, that’s unlikely, but if Corbyn had the guts to express his true feelings I’ve no doubt that’s what he would wish for.)
He has a constituency that would like to throw out all Jews from not just the UK but Europe and Israel too. Global Judenrein.
That’s only if he gets the chance before his muslim cronies take us back to the Stone Age.
One of the BBC’s fave history guys…
He and Mary Beard should get a green room.
Surely, that accolade must go to the convicted terrorist Nelson Mandela and his murderous wife. Not sure that Donald Trump has been convicted of any crime. Or have a missed something?
I have not seen Mr Schama for a long time. Does he still have that irritating twitch when he’s speaking?
His replies to rational questions with a bunch of leftie talking points reinforces him as being a brainwashed moron. Ideal BBC material.
To be charged with obstruction requires something to have been obstructed. Something like destroying 30000+ emails perhaps (Cough ….nton) . Providing 1 million plus requested documents does not sound like obstruction to me.
Its the Obama administration that has committed multiple crimes. But what else to expect from gangland Chicago labour union politics.
Padded Green Room?
They can’t help themselves.
The Today Programme
Good morning. Mishal Husain and Justin Webb are presenting.
Coming up: Is 5G technology by Huwewi a security risk? Chief of the National Cyber Security Centre, Ciaran Martin (0810). The funeral of killed journalist Lyra McKee will take place today. The Former British negotiator to NI, Jonathan Powell (0750). Trump is set to visit the UK in June (0840). Listen here: https://bbc.in/2XBJb0v
Chief of the National Cyber Security Centre, Ciaran Martin
Journalist Lyra McKee
Former British negotiator to NI, Jonathan Powell
Apparently, Treason May is about to announce the award of certain contractual parts of the coming 5g system despite dire warnings from UK Security. It seems that the UK Government is to pursue a, “Managed Risk Approach” to Huwewi in that the Communist China company will be awarded low-risk elements of the system.
I for one have the utmost confidence in our Government ‘Managing’ the risk………LoL! Don’t you?
The reality is, Communist China ignores International Patent Laws as anyone having purchased a ‘look-alike’ item from China will have realised. What could go wrong in this partnership between a, ‘Strong and Stable’ UK Government and a seasoned Communist thief?
People are so slow to recognise what is going on, and even when you tell them they still cannot accept it. Allow me to state it again.
THERESA MAY IS A MARXIST ! how difficult can it be to recognise the thing in the tin is different to the label?
She is advised and counselled by Communist sympathiser Olly Robbins, and she has been highly successful in destroying the Tory party from within – the dim witted idle posh boys thought she was wonderful.
Aside from the Huwei contracts here are some of the highlights.
Refused to ban known active leftist terrorist group antifa desipte security advice, and instead banned some little known right wing groups no one had heard of full of inadequates fantasists and mentally ill.
Backed the policies of Robert Mugabe and Cyril Ramaposa, both of them extreme leftists in the seizure of private property without compensation. At the same time the US government was threatening sanctions would be imposed if they went ahead.
Constantly muttering about the leftist dream of ‘equality’ which is of course unachievable even through the Mao suit.
Diversity, burning injustice, womens rights, the list goes on & on, Oh and then there’s the financial support she’s giving to Al Qaeda ! DIdn’t know about that one? Go look it up because the UK is funding Al Nusra to fight against Saudi’s enemy in Syria.
Then there’s t he 11 point plan of the frankfurt school of Marxism which May is following to the letter:
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
On top of this she has reduced the Police and the Military to a fraction of what they need to be, making the UK and easy target for invasion and take over, and rule, yet government spending is as bad as it would be under Corbyn!
Wake up people time to call a spade a spade and if you cannot recognise May for what she is then you need to check your education !
I think you are wrong on the last point . We have already been invaded . The rest is fair comment .
Yew, we have been invaded already. The rapes of young girls on a gigantic scale, while the defeated police and government were instructed to turn a blind eye, was merely the conqueror exacting his victory dues.
The invaders are now consolidating their power.
Spanish VOX leader, under investigation for stating obvious fact
The media was unavailable.
The first comment “This Spaniard in the video is giving his well-considered heartfelt opinion on an important issue and the government is “investigating” him. For what? For having a mind and a brain? It’s his opinion, for Christ’s sake. And if you can’t express your opinions you are not living in a free country…” appeared to give the gist.
Unless their local law gets him disqualified his poll ratings probably went up by 5%
The ‘Guardian’ back in 2007!! Wow!
A must read:
What’s changed over the intervening 12 years?
Is it a coincidence that the same topics are on Nick Ferrari, LBC, this morning?
I would not be surprised if the designated news is distributed to the likes of LBC, Sky etc, each day by the far-left bbc collective.
Or maybe it’s GCHQ? It seems to happen in the USA with their news programmes, probably controlled by the CIA.
Slightly aside from your comment; a few months ago we watched a local item on the BBC evening programme. A bit later we tuned into the ITV local news where exactly the same bit of film of the item was used. The only difference was the presentation. Who made/makes these pieces? Difficult to tell them apart nowadays.
“This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy.”
That must have taken ages to put together . This is extremely dangerous to our democracy TIEDTOD.
….. to be followed on 25th April by the sanctification of Emma Thompson who, strangely enough, has two films scheduled for release in 2019.
Why is Mrs Chamberlain ignoring the advice from our Security Services and going for a ‘Chinese Takeaway’ ? The very same person that brought our democracy to its knees.
The answer is simply she’s gone bananas. She is not coping with life or her job. Let’s put it frankly she needs help. When George the third went off the rails they appointed the Prince Regent. I’m not sure what can be done when a prime minister loses it. I think the Remoaners in the Conservative are exploiting it, and unfortunately the Brexit faction led by the ineffective Jacob Rees-Mosque are far too polite to say anything.
Is “.. far too polite..” a euphemism for cowardly and stupid?
John, mate, Ya got it!
Mrs Chamberlain, Mr Carney and Mr Berco Boiler are on the way out. Things are looking up.
Mrs Chamberlain? More like Rosa Luxemburg !
And not a little unlike Rosa Klebb.
When “Change” really means things will stay the same. A false flag?
The BBC has to painfully report that Muslims are the mass murderers of Catholics in Sri Lanka – and one even studied here in UK . I bet we don’t find out which mosque he studied his bomb making skills at .
I think the BBC high command realise their anti Christian language was too stupid and got noticed .
They’ve dropped the ‘ Easter worshippers ‘ line and now admitting Christians were at Mass when they were slaughtered .
But they are still deflecting attention from the Muslim killers onto the families destroyed .
I’m waiting for a tearful NZ girl PM to turn up at the funerals or maybe not
The other day, I caught an old BBC clip where a poseur from the Nationalist Secularist Society said that everyone should be able to participate in Easter. Easter is where Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ and where muslims deny the resurrection ever took place and hold that this Christian belief is blasphemous in the sight of _allah_.
The BBC have shifted the blame to Sri Lankan authorities for not preventing the Easter bombings.
The BBC state today, that eight of the nine attackers were Sri Lankan citizens. Nothing to do with Islam apparently.
They have been broadcasting continuously since Easter, that the bombers misinterpreted the peaceful teachings of Islam.
It is what they do best.
Well, those pulling her strings, and with a direct line to W1A, yes.
She seems nice. If inadvertently highlighting the strategy.
Louise Raw is one of these people for whom the word “eugenics” conjures up the image of Nazi doctors and she stops thinking as soon as she hears it. Actually the fascinating and important subject of the genetic deterioration of western populations is one that demands our attention. Of course, lefties want to keep people like Richard Lynn away from our education (indoctrination) system since he produces evidence for the heritability of traits like intelligence and conscientiousness and suggests that these might actually be desirable. The establishment do not see a problem in the low-fertility professional class exhibiting higher intelligence and stronger moral character than the high-fertility proletariat. Even if they accepted it as a fact, they would not accept that its basis is genetic. And they definitely cannot accept that the influx of low-IQ, low-conscientiousness, high-fertility third world immigrants could be having an adverse effect on our societies. Only leftists think that stupidity is as good as intelligence, disease is as acceptable as health, and criminality is as socially valuable as law-abidingness. The slightest suggestion that you are even considering these issues means you must be a Nazi doctor and ostracised.
Brilliantly put Zelazek-yes indeed one perceives how eventually the male will only be used with those supposedly with high-fertility injections to increase the intelligent population- leaving behind those others to live in a world of ognorance; subjugation, control, enslavement, as they bend to the rule of the few.
Perhaps she should think about what the Webbs and HG Wells, founding fathers [sic] of the UK Labour Movement, had to say about eugenics.
Daily Express today:
“”Anna Soubry MOCKED after claiming ‘NOT having a people’s vote was DENYING democracy’ “”
“And the polls show that people are changing their minds about Brexit.””
“Now not in the way that some Conservative MPs have switched from Remain to Leave to please their local Conservative association members.””
““But older Leave voters who’ve listened to their children and their grandchildren, who understand that Brexit is about those future generations not their own antagonism towards the EU.””
My own father has changed from Remain to Leave.
And this inadvertently shows who seek to govern in all their… idiocy.
Someone’s been watching the Black Adder episode about Pitt the Younger and thought it would be a bit of a laugh to reprise it in today’s political house of comedians, aka swamp central.
Oh and I almost forgot to wonder if this child is meant to resemble Pippi Longstocking?
Talking of resemblance, she seems to have a strong family likeness to Hermann Goering.
That’s it! What we need is tougher sentences for Geography teachers!
This is of course true, a groups of adult infants hanging on every word placed in the mouth of a child, whilst at the same time incapable of listening to adult ‘expert’ voices with an opinion or facts they don’t like.
That’s for the laugh today .
I take it the little girl is singing some Abba tunes …
It really really couldn’t be made up .
What I really find comforting about all the ritualistic’ caring for the planet ‘ stuff in Blighty is that , as Andrew Neill helpfully reminds us on twitter today , China is opening a nice new coal burning power station each week . So I’d say to the climate extremists – recycle that fact.
In their version of the planet it doesn’t matter about China because it’s a long way away …
I think it more pressing that the Government declare a, ‘Stabbing Emergency’.
I’d support the establishment of a Ministry for Deportation.
Ministry of Repatriation?
A few days ago on LBC, I think it was Mr Ferrari, an apologist for these eco-loons was asked why they are disrupting the lives of normal British citizens and not protesting outside the Chinese Embassy.
The eco-alarmist ( and it might have been the notorious George Monbiot) replied ” we can’t do everything”. The meaning seems to be that their priority is ruining our lives because that’s more important in the scheme of things than protesting about a country that not only is not reducing this carbon pollution thingy they’re so obsessed with, but China is building plants that will add to this carbon thingy that’s so bad it makes children spontaneously burst into tears and throw tantrums.
Ah, the logic of the left, manifest for all to see. And the MSM, the police and politicians all complicit in taking the piss out of us.
“Ah, the logic of the left, manifest for all to see. And the MSM, the police and politicians all complicit in taking the piss out of us”
Ah, but joe public see’s things quite differently than those deaf, dumb and blind elites – you just watch the next GE.
There will be a change coming in this land that even mr Putin will admire US. And that great and scary change – for the traitor class of this nation – won’t be towards communism nor the BBC.
I suppose that the expression: an wholesale cleanout – describes it as gently as possible for the nerves of those poor nervy elites at BBC HQ, head quarters HQ. Copy?.
Chinese coal fired plants are creating plant food for a greener planet.
miliband looks a bit creepy there, dont you think
At least they didn’t give him a bacon sandwich this time.
Children listen on while the highly qualified widely experienced Greta explains how xe is going to sort out the world.
It’s Wednesday right? Time to sweep those dead ‘Easter Worshippers’ from top slot on the News Front Page.
I suppose that Islamic State murder (IS to State broadcaster) so many all the time that the ‘Easter Worshippers’ novelty doesn’t justify ‘caring PM in a hijab’ extended coverage.
” to sweep those dead ‘Easter Worshippers’ from top slot on the News Front Page.”
Here’s something I was told yesterday by one of my many Nephews:
“Its all wrong when Muslims are killed they rightly call the victims as muslims”then in the same breath:
“so why isn’t the MSM naming the victims in Columbo as Christians?”
He was very angry about this – and he is a staunch Atheist!
So, (there’s that word agin) even he can see the treatment of Christians is shocking.
Your nephew posed a good question.
Here is another massive failing of an increasingly far left Tory party with even one of their ministers championing Marxist indoctrination of young minds:
“Gyimah, addressing the annual meeting of the Universities UK group in Sheffield, rebutted Young’s comments last month that students were being put off studying because universities were now “leftwing madrassas”.
The minister assured the vice-chancellors that they had his support, declaring: “I love our universities.”
He should have added “because they are leftwing madrrassas” !
“The minister assured the vice-chancellors that they had his support, declaring: “I love our universities.””
We have to give him his due, this fella. Obviously he’s saying all this twaddle to prove that he clearly has a tiny bit of insight of what’s in the social pipeline for this nation – and its not built on Christianity.
Will Continuity Remain find a ‘deal’ , aka surrender document, that allows the establishment to claim that we have left the EU and hence there is no basis for the UK to participate in the European elections next Month. I’m sure that the Tories are keen to avoid the humiliation of coming a distant third. Labour would be able to dictate the terms of surrender so they will be for it. The EU would be delighted to avoid thirty plus eurosceptics from the UK being elected and we know that Mrs May does what Brussels tells her to do , no matter what the cost to her party and the country is.
However, the fall out from such cynical manoeuvres will add even more determination to UKIP and TBP to overthrow the present two party system. The establishment are playing with fire whilst sloshing petrol around. It will take a lot more than 24/7 BBC propaganda to get this genie back in the bottle.
“”May breaks the record for most unpopular Conservative minister ever in our Cabinet League Table.””
conservative home which should be fined for misdescription! It’s just another nu Liebour far leftist Tory site which bans any real conservatives as soon as they dare post anything approaching real conservative comment.
This is a site which is part of the problem – it just doesn’t realise it!
A spokesperson for the Whitehouse yesterday, and for the first time I think, voiced their hurt and growing anger over the UK attitude toward Donald Trump.
‘As President, Donald Trump is our top diplomat and as such should be extended all the courtesies commensurate with that status. As we would with a visit from the Queen or your Prime Minister.
If the UK hopes for continued cooperation and assistance in terms of defense, intelligence and trade it needs to amend it’s attitude toward our President’
Quite right. We insult Trump as President; we insult the country.
I’m surprised it’s taken them so long to get pissed off with the insane vitriol against their President.
I think it’s excruciatingly embarrassing for our nation to see these feeble minded left wing pillocks demonstrating against President Trump.
For a change we have a US leader who actually likes us and wants to do business and this is how they behave…
You have to ask questions about their moral compass.
Corbyn has had cosy chats with the leaders of every terrorist organisation on the planet. He’s the leader of a party that is mired in antisemitism. Two weeks after the IRA attempt to annihilate the entire government he invited Gerry Adams into the Houses of Parliament.
Mayor Khan fought tooth and nail to allow the black separatist and Hitler lover, Louis Farrakhan into our country. He thinks terrorism in a city like London is an occupational hazard. And despite his blather about gender equality he attends a mosque where men and women are separated.
And then you’ll have the mob that like to attend such events. It will pretty much the same folk who’ve been holding up London for the past fortnight that will be protesting about Trump’s visit. Somehow theses aged and privileged adolescents seem to have an astonishing amount of time on their hands.
I’ve got a question…
Do any of these parasites actually work?
“I think it’s excruciatingly embarrassing for our nation to see these feeble minded left wing pillocks demonstrating against President Trump.
For a change we have a US leader who actually likes us and wants to do business and this is how they behave…
You have to ask questions about their moral compass.
Corbyn has had cosy chats with the leaders of every terrorist organisation on the planet. He’s the leader of a party that is mired in antisemitism. Two weeks after the IRA attempt to annihilate the entire government he invited Gerry Adams into the Houses of Parliament.
Mayor Khan fought tooth and nail to allow the black separatist and Hitler lover, Louis Farrakhan into our country. He thinks terrorism in a city like London is an occupational hazard. And despite his blather about gender equality he attends a mosque where men and women are separated.
And then you’ll have the mob that like to attend such events. It will pretty much the same folk who’ve been holding up London for the past fortnight that will be protesting about Trump’s visit. Somehow theses aged and privileged adolescents seem to have an astonishing amount of time on their hands.
I’ve got a question…
Do any of these parasites actually work?”
Once again; speaking with a “forked-tongue” seems to be an art by our very anti-British MPS and self righteous Mayors/MSM ferals.
So, ( see, I’m using the new word that starts each sentence) Dancing Terry is going to attend the funeral of the journalist who was killed by the IRA; sorry, the New IRA, not to be confused with New Labour; and won’t therefore be at Prime Minister’s questions; loosely based on I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue.
How convenient
Why can’t the Northern Ireland Secretary attend or does Dancing Terry attend all funerals these days?
Is she going to attend the funerals of all the Christians who were murdered by muslims in Sri Lanka?
Does she have a funeral dance prepared for such occasions?
So right John in Cheshire …
I had to think who Dancing Terry was and then it clicked.
No so solid with ‘Easter Worshippers’. That’s a trickier call.
Turned BBC news on and I thought I was watching a Presidential funeral service?
The far-left bbc collective 1pm news was on at my mother’s care home, showing Dancing Terry sitting next to the fake Irishman. But regardless, she’s a rude little sod; she completely ignored him, speaking instead to the old gentleman on her left.
Couldn’t it have been an opportunity for a few Brexit words with him? No wonder everyone hates her. All except her commie mates in the Civil Service, that is.
I’ve just remembered, they also covered 5G, with some oik pretending to know what he’s talking about. Pictures of fridges connected to the internet and such. My ears pricked up when he said something like ” but there’s a problem with all the additional transmitters that 5G requires”. I thought, at last someone is going to tell us the truth about how dangerous these transmitters are to plant and animal life.
But no, the only downside to these transmitters is how will private and confidential data be protected.
Lying by omission yet again.
Turned the BBC news on ….
That was your first mistake.
I am with you on this – it infuriates me. Every bloody response starts with So… Will somebody tell these media and university (which it normally is) idiots it is not needed…
It’s a ghastly disease with, on-screen at least, retroactive effect.
Case in point: near the start of ‘The Mercy’ (set in the late 1960s), there’s a scene in which Francis Chichester gives a speech at the London Boat Show. No points for guessing which is the first word to leave his lips…
Al beeb informs me that one of the muslim murderers in Sri Lanka had studied in the UK.
No doubt that’s where he was radicalised by UKIP and the Far Right.
David Wood’s crystal clear, ice-cold analysis of some of the issues around Sri Lanka, Christchurch and their aftermath.
He’s a very wise and brave man. Luckily for him he lives in the USA and has 1st Amendment rights to free speech. In this country he’d no doubt be shut down for “hate speech”. It’s the new thought crime for which truth, far from being a defence, is in fact an aggravating factor.
I think they’ve already shut down some of his social media.
Eventually a pol with balls, and who is not in thrall of the BBC’s coverage baubles, will address the national interest of the silent majority and not the Jackanory sector.
The fact her thought processes will be subject to her autism and that her elite Swedish family have a financial interest in Climate Change does little to persuade me. And just why is she here in the UK – a small country with very little World influence ?
I can appreciate Tolkien’s Middle Earth as a fantasy not as a template for living on earth in the 21st Century.
My take away from the linked article “rather than question how a net increase of 300,000 people per annum might impact the UK, its social cohesion and its resource allocations, the Greens appear decidedly relaxed about it all. Perhaps things are not as urgent as we once thought.” https://archbishopcranmer.com/the-weird-cult-of-greta-thunberg-shes-not-the-green-messiah/
just one question how did she get here??
iirc by German coal and French nuclear.
I’m sure I’ve read she travels by train because planes are ( my interpretation ) the devil’s work.
She’s probably too young to understand how trains work, though I’ve also read somewhere that she doesn’t go to school or study science subjects because ” the science is settled” as far as climate change is concerned.
“just one question how did she get here??”
May I suggest – by walking on water?
Someone had to say it. I suppose?
Get ready for her first miracle – then, you watch this young “saint” go.
Ideal visitor for the Ellen Degenerate show.
Been looking on the web for a ‘Welcome Trump’ movement in the UK, or committee, or petition.
Strangely, you only get the ‘Stop Trumpers’…
There was a rejected petition.
I feel there is a need for a big show of support for the President.
That little twit Bercow should not have the say over Trump addressing parliament.
He always forgets he is a servant of the people, not their master!! Makes me want to puke, the sheer, unlimited arrogance of the man.
Where is everybody?
Are we all lying low so as not to offend Tulip SaddiQ?
We supporters of all aspects of the visit really need to get noisy about our views.
We should certainly let beeb know as well. We can tell where their biased publicity will go!
Does anyone know whetehr Nigel has said anything?
Would certainly expect him to.
He owes the President.
Do we have any Tory counterparts of the Tulip Saddiq role on this -batting for the President?? Or are they scared?
Just another reminder that if you gain control of the airways you can control everything else.
This nation is wobbling to the point of total political/social collapse.
Some describe it as a “Coup” – I’ll go with that.
Last week’s news from the President
Do we really need this teenage girl, Greta Thunberg, coming over from Sweden with her simpleton lefty views when we have our home grown one called Owen Jones whose reason for living has suddenly burst into life with the news that Trump is coming over and can ‘protest’ to her hearts content.
Jeremy Corbyns brother hits the nail on the head, and calls Greta Thurnberg a mentally abused brainwashed child!
(Odd how the left don’t attack him in the same way as Toby Young)
Notice the leftist smears and slurs the Daily Mail resort to when reporting on Piers Corbyn despite his many qualifications as a climate scientist:
Sorry chaps and chapessess (or should it now simply be, ‘people’?), a bit of Brexit.
The ‘law’ (conveniently) of (perhaps) ‘Unintended Consequences’ at work.
On the basis that the UK does not possess a formal Constitution, much credence and weight will always be given to precedent. Here’s a precedent set which reverses the role between Parliament and the Government:
“…..the Commons appears to have wrested control from the Government. The process was started by section 13 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, creating the so-called ‘meaningful vote’.”
“….forgive then for they know not what they do”
“Strong and Stable”…………..
3pm Radio4 Money Box : Energy: Going Green
“As climate change protests continue,
how can consumers cut carbon emissions
and keep energy bills affordable?
Can you be eco-friendly and in budget?”
In MediaLand it’s
“#GreenSupremacism & #LibSupremacism uber alles”
..They know better than us
.. We are just little people
“As climate change protests continue”
The glee is almost tangible.
NG, the problem takes on a raised prominence when the hairbrain schemes actually come to fruition. It’s one thing when the children are squabbling about a topic, another when some idiot puts money into it and/or public funds .
Radio2 Vine show “has Greta made you feel guilty about Climate ?”
It’s item #4 so that makes it after 1:20pm I guess
\\ 4️⃣ Michael Gove says meeting 16-year-old Greta Thunberg
made him feel guilty his generation haven’t done enough to protect the planet. //
Twitter thread
His first item is the martyred lesbian mother Saint Lyra McKee
I switched off at that point. If the bullet had hit a police officer it wouldn’t even have made the Northern Ireland politics page.
Hearing that the Green Pixie’s little mate will be a subject helped too.
Should only reserved seat holders be allowed on trains? Pity those who have to make unplanned journeys you twonk! How about imprisoning those with reservations that sit elsewhere on the train? (Vine loves to propose new laws!
Sky News have had live coverage of Ms McKees funeral, a funeral attended by our Prime Minister, the leader of the Opposition, the Irish Prime Minister and the Irish President, as well as numerous other high profile British and Irish politicians.
Why? Because she was gay, because she was a journalist or because her murder is an example of the “return to violence caused by Brexit”? Or is it because the disingenuous Irish jumped at the chance to attend, using it as a way of gaining influence and kudos through empathy and faux sympathy and so forced the hand of the Westminster charlatans?
A terrible loss to her family in particular, and also it would seem to the communities that she identified with, but the opportunistic hypocrisy of the politicians attending stinks to high heaven and the media coverage is ridiculous and is, in a journalistic manner that is now the norm, obscenely disproportionate.
Rich – why? Well the PM can hide behind the death of a journo to be in number 10 another day .
And comrade Corbyn can visit some of his many IRA friends to review their target list for when they really get going again ….
I know Fed,
Corbyn and Sinn Fein attended the funeral, offered their condolences to her family.
He, an enthusiastic supporter and champion of the anti-British Republican doctrine that the “New” (aye right) IRA follow and they, the cowardly perpetrators of so many of the same type of indiscriminate murders that inspires them.
Anybody in the media going to point this out?
What do you expect from a GLBTR “Coup” of Great Britain.
Re Greta @ TheBigYinJames said
\\ I’ve not seen such a bout of state-sponsored and encouraged child misbehaviour since the Hitler Youth.
I really think these people think 1984 was an instruction manual rather than a grim warning. //
Jeremy Corbyn’s BROTHER brands 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg an ‘ignorant brainwashed child’ who is being ‘abused by manipulative adults’ tweet
More on Greta
Oh for the days decades ago when we had grown up politics to moan about. Much is said about the snowflake Millennials, but most of those in Parliament now were born from the 1970’s onwards and still haven’t a sodding clue.
I cant imagine Geoffrey Howe, Barbara Castle, and their like sitting gooey eyed at the feet of a plaited Swedish teenager !! The Press would have torn them to shreds.
But Ted Heath? Probably.
My advice for her parents is avoid any invites from the Pope:
Pope Pius IX sent the Golden Rose (“blessings”) to the King of the Two Sicilies, and in less than a year, he lost his crown and kingdom.
The same Pope sent his blessings to the Austrian Kaiser, and in less
than a year, he lost Venetia and suffered defeat at Sadowa.
The same Pope sent the Golden Rose (“blessings”) to Queen Isabella of Spain, and in a short time, she lost her crown and died in
He sent his Golden Rose (“blessings”) to the Empress Eugenie of France, and in less than a year, the Emperor and Empress lost their crowns, and both died later in exile, and their only son was killed by Zulus in Africa.
The Crown Princess of Brazil was blessed by the Pope, with the result that her baby was born deformed, and she died in exile.
The Pope blessed the Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian. He was dethroned and killed by his people.
The Pope blessed the Emperor’s widow. She became a hopeless maniac and died in exile.
The Pope blessed a steamer filled with nuns enroute to South America in 1870. It never reached its destination, every soul perishing.
The Pope blessed General Boulanger and in less than two weeks he was in exile, later committing suicide.
Mrs. Sherman, wife of the American General Sherman, received the Golden Rose (“blessing” from the Pope). It proved fatal, and she died soon after”.
Just goes to show that advice from one’s parents is usually wise advice but disagreeing with mom and pop this time should be encouraged especially if your parents have their sights on Malibu beach and the hills above malibu.
Vesnadog: Is there any chance we could get the Pope to bless Theresa May?
I forgot about PM traitor.
Lets pray the pope has teezers email so’s he can bless her while she sleeps for when the next vote of confidence comes around..
The government is looking for a new governor of the Bank of EUEngland . There s going to be a referendum . Greta will win.. ( false news ).
Greta – the autobiography , the statue , HMS Greta , the gretapizza,
Monday will now be Gretaday ,
Like Piers Corbyn, I don’t think I had an O’Level in Physics at the same age as Greta Thunberg. So I would strongly advise Michael Gove to obtain his Climate Science from older more qualified people with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics, Solar Astronomy and Meteorology. Lots of them are Professors advising the GWPF. I am still convinced that the 18 Professors on the GWPF Academic Advisory Council would win in a debate with that small child that is being used as the Chief Scientific Advisor of Extinction Rebellion.
A live free open scientific debate on the BBC, between Greta Thurnberg, Chief Scientific Advisor of Extinction Rebellion, versus, the 18 Professors of the Academic Advisory Council of the GWPF. Who would win if the BBC allowed it to happen?
#GreenSupremacism PR is about spinning headlines about failed Electric-car projects to make them sound successful
Rise in electric community car schemes in Wales
\\ If you just read the headline and the introductory paragraphs, you might think this is a story about the success and growth of electric car schemes in Wales, but think again. Read on, and you find things like:
So the title “Rise in electric community car schemes in Wales”.
… is FakeNews
It’s just another PR piece from the BBC. //
Standard public sector madness -.once they get hold of taxpayer cash – just waste it on insane projects .
The flower bridge on the Thames led by mr bojo cost taxpayers £57 000 000 and never got built …
It never got built because Emir Khant scrapped it. The flower bridge would have beeb a thing of beauty and would have paid for itself in tourism revenues etc. I’d prefer that than the Emir squandering the money.
to me that Wales EV piece seems like it was written as a puff piece
..then someone pointed out ONE scheme had failed
..so they added that bit in.
That webstiry is not on Newsniffer
and Wayback has only one copy and that has the failed scheme in
More ‘clockwork’ that electric? I’d like to see the size of the key that winds it up………………
You’d think, by now, people would be grasping the truth about electric vehicles, wouldn’t you…
Maybe the AfD will do something about it, in Germany…
In other news 6 serious stabbing in separate fights across Londonistan Tuesday -one dead . And now that the Easter holidays are over the kids ( Black) can get back to after school killings .
It’s so ‘ diversely enriching ‘
I was only wondering earlier what the tally was. It is not made common knowledge for reasons we know. Perhaps you or someone else here could include a daily tally here to keep we uninformed rural gits appraised? Perhaps on the lines of, the ‘Religion of Peace’ type tally? To include ‘race’ of course just to satisfy curiosity.
You did ask. The London homicide rate is about 1 every 2 days . Average annual homicides for London is about 110 per year excluding terrorism . Last year the number was 135. This year it’s looking toward 150 or higher as the population day/night is increasing rapidly
I used to do updates here but some suggested I stop it as it’s not directly about BBC bias . That can be argued either was . It’s always ‘interested’ me after years of studying lefty criminology …..
By the way I make the homicide count at 35 – the Sun counts at @30.
Grenfell fire, still in the beeb TV news, years on. Demands being made..
Les Ferdinand is pushing.
There’s money out there…
Beeb happy to push.
Wonder if any other humans are out there who have suffered ‘trauma’?
Probably not…
Maybe Les has made a large donation from his salary?
Would not surprise me if the ‘bosses’ at CBI, including ex-Beeboid Caroline Fairburn, also think that Remain is the best thing and President Trump is beastly and Sadiq Khan is someone best qualified to ‘lead’ London.
We really need a leader in this country.
We seem to be descending into a pit of anarchy and insanity.
The wacky, air-head in post at the moment seems to have caused a reaction similar to when the teacher pops out of the classroom on the last day of term.
Here is some terrible journalism by the BBC attacking a Tory MP who has by some very tenuous connection been attached to a failed investment operation.
Here is the story as I understand it.
Johnny Mercer Tory MP for Plymouth Moor View a former army officer works for a charity called Crucial Academy, which trains military veterans and aims to find them employment. He puts in a minimum of 20 hours a month for a salary of £85K (A little on the high side perhaps but this is a charity and no one complained about the Labourites at Oxfam getting high 6 figure salaries).
The charity is funded by a company called Surge Financial Limited which marketed along presumably with other financial instruments bonds by a seperate company London Capital and Finance (LCF), which is now in administration.
So, because Mercer works for a charity which is funded by a company which sold the products of yet another company which has gone bust, the BBC are calling for Mr Mercer to resign !
It really is unbelievable that the BBC should expect anyone so far removed from the company which went bust to have any responsibility for that, I cannot imagine any point when had this been a Labour MP the BBC would have put such a biased piece on its web page.
Read it yourself and reach your own conclusion.
Mr Mercer shouldn’t be taking £85k from a charity . Easy enough to get another politician .
As an aside – PMQ /lies – a fast forward job and best watched on tV as after a nice week off the politicians on all side have faces which look like they waiting for political execution ….
And maybe not many were successful at lining up another job for the time when the government falls ….
Interesting too – the chamber was half empty /full. If politicians have given up with this meaningless weekly ritual why should ordinary voters have any regard to what do or say .
Actually of course £85K is too much for a normal safe job
… but some superstars might be worth that
We know this not a charity
but a charity fundraiser who brings in £4m instead of just £1m is worth it
A troubleshooter guy brought in to turn a company around is worth £85K
A Steve Jobs who brings intellectual property and inspiration is worth 85K
I always admire the lie about having to pay a lot of money to get the right calibre of people –
It’s usually used when a FTSE company issues it’s 3rd and final profits warning ….
It’s not a charity, its a training provider.
What special skill has this politician to warrant £350 an hour?
Asuuming he actually does anything
The whole thing stinks
Thanks for correction Eddy – snouts,troughs and corruption . They can’t stop themselves – not much moral high ground for an ex soldier …
Is this the same Johnny Mercer who is trashing Gerard Batten and UKIP and who has been rebuked by the Northern Ireland Veterans Association for doing so? As reported on the UKIP news website.
The BBC has timed it to coincide with Mercer being the token Anti-Establishment enemy in the bear pit of the Pro-Establishment satirical mocking of populists by left-wing elitists on the BBC‘s “Have I Got News For You” this Friday.
Had we a Woodward, a Bernstein and a ‘Deep Throat’ who had exposed the political and media covert operation to subvert democracy, block Brexit, push agendas and conduct a campaign of ever so subtle mind tricks then that would be bad enough.
But no, it’s not covert and it’s not vaguely subtle and that’s what I find so insulting.
Trying to think of a journo who is a brexiter – can’t name one …
commentators like Quentin Letts, JHB, Melanie Phillips ?
Fed, Our Julia H-B?
Yes just got to the fingers on one hand …
Littlejohn as well.
“Trying to think of a journo who is a brexiter…”
There’s the brilliant Julia Hartly Brewer and Rod Liddle, but yes, they’re pretty thin on the ground.
Oh, while I think of it, there’s a cracking interview with JHB and James Delingpole on the Delingpole podcast.
I think it’s available on You tube.
Worth a listen!
Leo McKinstry in the D/Express.
Thanks – I know Peter Oborne turned traitor last week . Always self interest …
I spent some time in Indonesia with my employment.
“All this seems to reflect the growing religiosity of Indonesian politics and society. This is indeed reflected in conservative dress codes for women, the appearance of huge Saudi-financed and styled mosques in villages, the inflammatory statements of extremist organizations (such as the Islamic Defenders Front) which challenge the secular basis of society and the adoption of Islamic laws by some local governments.
It is information such as this which is freely available on the internet that keeps one abreast of what’s going on in the World, by-passing our own distorted MSM and, our, “Worlds Most Trusted”.
One things for sure, the extracted excerpt above could apply to any number of countries who were once moderately islam, like Indonesia.
Further evidence if that were required that the deep pocket of the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, is focussed on islamification of the World. Pity the Cultural Marxists don’t see this about their islamic bedfellows who they view as supportive of their own cause only. I won’t be around to eventually see the monumental battle between the two but I would already put my bets on the eventual winner. Allahu Ackbar!…………..
Regarding the Green Pixie (© JimS?) Laura Thunberg.
A sixteen year old girl living in Sweden?
Surely Islam will do for her before climate change?
That such things are deemed of no concern by the BBC’s finest is… unsurprising.
“So what else did mummy tell you to say and do?”.
Pull at the loose thread and watch it unravel. Dragging your kids into an argument smacks of desperation as resistance to the Climate lie steadily grows.
I’m afraid that the title of Green Pixie was taken by Caroline Lucas many years ago.
Greta Thunberg is the Green Troll.

Flabbot & XR ..same level of maths ability
I’m mostly in support of environmental protection, but if that’s jazz hands they’re doing instead of clapping then the planet’s in much worse shape than I thought
Bono – “Everytime I clap my hands a third world baby dies”
Audience member – “Stop clapping your f%#&ing hands then!!”.
Looks a bit ‘white’ except for Abbott and her megawallah, I guess the crowd must be all BNP, UKIP and Brexit?
At last, the BBC has unleashed an actual expert in mental illness.
Thanks for that insight.
I also learnt that Benn has re-named Easter as ‘Zombie Jesus Chocolate Day’.
I wonder what he is going to call 6 May 2019 or will he exclude the Muslims from suffering his wit?
Re Chris Davies MP £700 photo expenses
The judge took the view that he *may* have been splitting the bill to hide the extravagance, not just forgery for expediency
…I guess he will appeal
I think it’s way different from the speeding liar MP
Stew , no – both not fit to be MPs . Both so dumb they got caught and even worse – convicted . . Lawmakers not lawbreakers Stew .
Yes – I know Davies was a Brexiter – but still an amoral politician – drain the swamp
I disagree : justice has to be proportionate.
If he is a genuine crimbo then come up with proper evidence.
He pleaded guilty .
And for MPs conviction should mean disqualification from office . They are meant to be law makers not law breakers ( second time I’ve said it ).
NOT the Beeb:
If virtue-signalling gnome John Bercow still insists on insulting the US by snubbing Trump then he must finally be ousted.
America is our No1 friend and ally – if Brexit ever happens, that relationship will grow even stronger.
Honour the US –
IT is horrifying that apparently serious politicians are now demanding the US president be refused a state visit.
We expect it from idiot Corbynistas. They somehow justify a “protest” against Donald Trump despite belonging to a party so racist towards Jews it faces formal investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
But if Corbyn was ever elected, Emily Thornberry would be Foreign Secretary. And she too claims it “beggars belief” Trump will get a full state visit in June.
Labour afforded Vladimir Putin the same honour, naturally. Likewise the human rights tramplers of China and Saudi Arabia and a corrupt South African president once tried for rape.
America is our No1 friend and ally. We won two world wars together. If Brexit ever happens, that relationship will grow even stronger. But if Labour’s US-hating Marxists take power it will be wilfully destroyed.
Neither must happen. And if the verbose, virtue-signalling gnome John Bercow still insists on insulting the US by snubbing Trump he must be finally ousted.
Commons Speaker he may, sadly, still be. But he does not speak for Britain.”
I wondered why the BBC was slow to name one of the Sri Lankan mass killers – one Abdul Mohamed – which doesn’t sound like a Buddhist – you know – like the Buddhists the BBC pointed the finger of guilt at on Easter Sunday …
But took 2 days to mention Islamic mass murder ….
Not much sign of the ‘love in ‘ which was the NZ killings – despite 350 Christians now dead against 73 muzzies . Do the math…
The 3 golden rules of bbc journalism in such cases:
Prevaricate, obfuscate, procrastinate.
Re. The Sun Says
Puzzling what can be in the minds of some of them? We can exclude the usual suspects – the loons, goons and buffoons – but as for the politicians who supposedly have the UK’s best interests at heart and should put themselves above it all ?
Are they so weak and caught in the bubble that they just can’t think of the national interest.
In the future, which type of Politician to vote for:
(1) Those with Self Interest at heart: A career that starts with a job with a quango, moves to a job in the European Union and then on to the House of Lords, or (2) Those with the National Interest at heart: A politician who wants to restore democracy and save the taxpayer money by abolishing quangos, leave the European Union and then abolish the House of Lords.
(A) Labour Party: In the past it was (2) now even the leader is (1)
(B) Tory Party: In the past it was (1) now its still mostly (1)
(C) LibDems: Its always been (1) now its extremely selfishly (1)
(D) Brexit Party: Its always (2) now it’s also the Tory and Labour (2)
Futilistic Tories mull rule change to unseat death star.
More clampdowns on the horizon for social media as Macron and the NZ Prime Minister (Peace Be Upon Her) will meet tech leaders in a bid to remove online extreme content.
They will be asked to pledge their support in Paris next month, at something called the “Christchurch Call”. Not to be confused with the “Sri Lanka Call” which won’t ever happen. And not to be confused with the non-denominational thing in Paris that caught fire that some people say was a church of Christ, but was merely a big, old building.
It takes place alongside something else called “Tech for Humanity”… which once upon a time would have conjured up images of ergonomic mice and better car seats but these days sounds unavoidably sinister.
Is it just me or is R4 going just a little over the top about the wicked murder of that irish journalist lyra Mcee. The BBC which is normally so ambivalent about crimes committed by “Derries finest” now whipping itself up into a frenzy and almost going the full Jo Cox whilst 300 murdered Christians murdered by Muslim killers can now be squeezed back down the memory hole where they obviously belong.
I wonder also, whether it has just occurred to these pampered “journalists” that just maybe, they are playing with fire themselves, maybe just a little too much. Lets hope so it would be good to think that these cowardly, liars (who normally think nothing about downplaying terrorist crimes if committed by the “right” victim group) may just be getting a little “ring twitter” themselves and just because you support momentum does not mean that you may not come to grisly end yourself.
Stand by for days of this, or at least until Aunty has decided we have all forgotten about Sri Lanka and the church bombings by “men”