Pre election polling for East Germany AfD 23% , Merkels CD 22%
AfD set to be biggest party in East Germany
Alternative for Germany has emerged as the most popular party in the east of the country, overtaking Angela Merkel’s conservatives before finely balanced elections
In news stories AfD is preceded by two words
guess which.
Just edging toward, ‘real’ Thought Police. Soon they’ll track your thoughts and that would really amount to solving thought crimes. Just think: ‘that expression shows us that you were having a thought crime and we are arresting you to take you for analysis. We’ll get the truth out of you one way or another’. Josef Mengele –
George Orwell would be overjoyed.
Clive Myrie tells us on the BBC 6PM news that what the bastard
Islamic terrorist murderers did was a perversion of Islam.
No it’s not! The Koran tells it’s followers to kill Infidels . The
perversion is the way that the BBC presents the news. We see
a picture of a Sri Lankan Muslim little boy with a copy of the
Koran in front of him. The editors of the news make sure that
Muslim’s showing their respects are at the forefront of any
film release. The problem is not the 85% of law abiding Muslims.
It’s the 15% who to one degree or another follow the decrees of
the Koran to the letter. And the 15% don’t believe they are
perverted in any way. As many as 5% consider that they are at
war with Western religions and culture. We need to take them
seriously, once and for all.
I was trying to imagine the change conversations between the Party Leaders in the place over to Northern Ireland for the beatification of a dead journo .
All about ganging up on The Brexit Party and finding a way for Mr Farage to have an accident or illness me thinks ….
At least two were regarded as “moderate” i.e. who knows what the so called “moderates ” over here really think, if they had the chance we would all be up against a wall I suspect, I remember ten years ago doing a team game in a Luton school and the 95% muslim kids were all arguing who could call their team Al quaeda: 7 year olds, where did they get that from ????
“…was a perversion of Islam…”
If what Myrie says is true with the seemingly endless list of arson, mass murder, bombing, beheading, grooming, raping and general mayhem that follows these people about…
There must be an awful lot of perverts following Islam…
Any arguments?
You are right: there’s no peversion of islam. There’s just islam.
However, “We’ve known for more than 50 years that the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) is up to 50 per cent higher in first-generation South Asians than in the white European population in the UK.”
Perhaps the muslims understand that they have a higher risk of CHD and death and that’s what makes them more recklessly suicidal? Don’t know personally.
You correctly state: “No it’s not! The Koran tells it’s followers to kill Infidels”
To prove your great point, we find the following death camp orders from Islam:
“the devout Muslim must kill for the faith, just as Muhammad did:
“Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191
“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” 3:28
“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” 3:85
“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” 5:33
Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” 8:12
“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” 8:60
“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” 8:65
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” 9:5
“The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.” 9:28
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.” 9:29
“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” 9:30
“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” 9:123
“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” 22:19
“Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.” 47:4
BBC Clive – this is true Islam, not some sentimental stuff muslims try to hoodwink the public with. Good grief!
Regarding so called moderates over here I always wonder, in a different world, if ISIS had taken over Europe and were on the verge of invading, how many moderates would we have then , prepared to protect the land that gave them a home.
Plenty more Begums over here I suspect, just watching and waiting
In a bid to avoid costly litigation, Natural England have caved in to demands from Wild Justice, led by Chris Packham, to revoke the General Licences issued each year to permit the control of pigeons and corvids.
Without the ability to control the huge numbers of woodpigeons which do enormous damage to crops throughout the UK, and as a direct consequence, rapeseed oil, bread and many brassicas and other vegetables may well cost more while increasing numbers of song birds lose their eggs and hatchlings.
Farmers are unhappy but what do they know? Chris is a hero, right? Greta would agree.
Sri Lanka according to al beeb.
First it was the Buddhists’ fault.
Then, well, it’s very complicated, who knows what’s going on over there, your guess as good as ours, but the important thing is that they won’t divide us, whoever they are.
Now it’s the government’s for bungling the intel.
But it is most definitely not the fault of you-know-who.
“Sri Lanka attacks: Government admits ‘major intelligence lapse’ ”
Burma dodged a “mass extinction of Buddhists” bullet. But they know Islam regards Buddhists as the lowest of the low, as they are atheists. No luxury of jizya for them.
Islam ranking
1,. Muslims Sunni/shia
2. Female Muslims
3. Jews
4. Christians -they believe in God but have split the unity of God
5. Hindus – polytheists, deserving death
6. Buddhists – essentially atheists, deserving immediate death. No choice of jizya for them.
7. Communists, marxists, leftys, etc same #6.
Burmese know where they are in the pecking order. Afghanistan was a lesson they are not going to forget.
More and more these days I find myself watching Agatha Christie’s Poirot on ITV3, simply because it’s the only non-politically correct show on television a lot of the time.
Having said that, that only applies to the first few series of Poirot. The ones filmed over the last few years have had an element of political correctness shoehorned into them, for example Murder In Mesopotamia, which had a story about a child being beaten by a cruel nurse inserted into it, which wasn’t in the original novel.
There s some great stuff on YouTube – a ducumentary about Harold Wilson and the last time there was a coup plan for Blighty – which apparently involved armoured cars at Heathrow and the BBC being taken over …
No mention to take control of the power stations which is key to running the show ,….
Just three days after the the Islamic bombing of Sri Lanka churches, with over 300 people murdered by the RoP, the BBC is concentrating its attention on where the blame should lie
In NZ the BBC did not let up on the White supremacist theme for days on end. But in Sri Lanka the BBC ignores the continuous stream of bombings and mass murder from the RoP.
We’ve been saying it for a while but as many accept a mentally ill child as the nearest thing to holy – we are now truly on the path to being Third World.
Yet another BBCQT full of remainer’s on the panel.
Not sure on John Rhys-Davies position though, I’m sure ill find out tonight – QT is the only BBC programme I try to watch and it angers me every time lol
Rhys-Davies is one of those ultra-rare British actors who isn’t an insufferable left-wing luvvie. He’s been around in TV and films for years, probably best known for ‘Gimli’ in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
@adamboultonSKY retweeted the claim
… and got a kicking
\\ It was a parody account.
Second time you have retweeted fake news in the past few days.
Must try harder, Adam!! //
On the home page, the beeb have hit the double jackpot: ‘Eco mosque’ opens for prayers in Cambridge.
The architects behind the UK’s “first green mosque” say the building will be a “cultural bridge” for Islam in Britain in the 21st Century […] It boasts zero carbon on-site emissions, rainwater harvesting and air source heat pumps.
No doubt unlike the unfortunate infidels living in the houses seen in the background………….
I trust the ‘eco’ bit eliminated the external sound of the call to prayers?
“Government ministers are calling for a “full and proper” investigation after high-level discussions about the UK using Huawei technology were leaked.”
Perhaps it was a deliberate leak, done in the interest of national security ?
“Government ministers are calling for a “full and proper” investigation after high-level discussions about the UK using Huawei technology were leaked.”
Something which was not done regarding The Madeleine McCann mystery? Strange that.
Phones are more important than a little 3 yr old girl. Strange that?
Hardly a peep about President Trump on Al Beeb today ?
Something changed their stance ?
He’s on his way to our country and they prime us with “What can we expect?”
“Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Iran offers prisoner ”
Could President Trump play a trump card and ‘do a swap’ for Great Britain as a pre-visit gesture ?
He does admire and favor us and wants to put us in front of the queue.
I would rather have a john wayne type of a guy PM/President to protect and make decisions for my family/country – even though he may speak coarser and with far fewer pretty words as traitor May or Blair does – but we know that they DO KNOW by now that they have not only cut their own throats but have completely ruined any hope of a tory/labour government for the next 20 years or more (of course appeasers like Ken – the orator- clarke – will no longer be sat in that favourite seat next GE) even though he will continue spouting off his now fading “repeats” of: oh, our nation will be annihilated if we leave the EU.
Typical scare tactics, along with his usual hysteria.
Give me the John Wayne type of PM/ President before the effeminate, false, fake, self righteous, kind of english man or woman who is only in it to do themselves and their highly educated chumps favours-a-plenty in order to retire with heaps in their bank accounts yet have not one bit of conscience in their hearts.
The Tory Party takes uselessness to a new depth. Don’t miss the latest chapter in this ongoing saga of betrayal, distraction, submission, and downright grovelling!
Watch it all on the BBC folks with glorious gloating commentary!
\\Extinction Rebellion: London climate protest ‘ending on Thursday’//
What will Mrs Chamberlain respond with ?
She could abolish the Senior Citizen’ Bus Pass and winter fuel allowance to punish all the oldies for voting for Brexit .
“She could abolish the Senior Citizen’ Bus Pass and winter fuel allowance to punish all the oldies for voting for Brexit.”
With her track record, the decision could be as random and arbitrary as that. Certainly very little thought would go into it.
Actually, I fear that joe public will get to know nothing that our traitor PM along with that two-faced politician Hammond will be giving away to Soros (I mean to our EU masters).
As bees love to swarm towards any jam or honey so our politicians love to swarm towards bribes, dirty tricks, lies as long as there’s something in it for them at the end of the day.
Police have confirmed that a fire in the French church of Notre-Dame de Grace on Easter Sunday appears to have been intentionally set, making it the latest in a string of arson attacks on Christian churches in the country this year, although Notre Dame Paris was instantly declared officially, defiantly and certainly not an arson attack, with the Mainstream media actively shutting down anyone who dared even suggesting that arson should be looked into. The fire in this second Notre Dame was started in a large, wooden confessional around 4:30pm and proceeded to consume a dais in the presbytery of the eighteenth-century church located in the southern French town of Eyguières, near Provence.
Some Islamic looking racial types find it rather funny. (see below)
Meanwhile, I had to check this but its true. Macron says Notre Dame should be rebuilt consistent with the modern, diverse France, with architects suggesting the inclusion of a minaret.
I have worked in automotive hardware and software an i can say with confidence that it is so easy to build an undetectable back door into a microprocessor hardware, firmware or software that its ridiculous.
As and example for the layperson: Every month a new unintentional vulnerabilities are found in Microsoft Windows that can give access to hackers (that Microsoft updates).
Windows has 20 years of improvements, and is probably the most heavily tested pieces of software in the world. So one can imagine that to insert intentional back-doors would be a piece of cake.
Why do our thick-as-fuck retards in government think that they can stop the Chinese from hiding backdoors in the software, firmware, or hardware if they wanted to?
And why don’t the deranged BBC (who no doubt think it would be racist to suggest China might spy on us) do some freaking journalism, and get an expert to explain this in their article???
These people just think they now better, whether it’s this or Brexit, teaching kids about gay sex, or insisting that Islam is a religion of peace … when in fact they know nothing.
This shower of imbeciles is what you get when select leaders based on identity quotas, number of vaginas, and ethnic origin. Stunningly incompetent.
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
Think treezer should be wearing flowers in her hair, stud for her nose, bottom lip, friendship bangles, tattoos, doc martens…then perhaps her worshippers will flock to see her as the first occupier of the ancient practice of the “ducking chair” as it will be exhibited near traitors gate, tower of London some time in December of this year..
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
Lets just say that at the moment its best if we let May and her cabinet alone as its only a matter of time afore their whole worlds going to collapse around them and their party.
I suppose the way that our politicians have been behaving over the last 20 years it was always going to happen. But even we didn’t think it would collapse in the shocking way its going to do for hundreds of MPs. Few will be seen in British politics again.
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
I’m fine with them rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral with a minaret, so long as the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca gets a new steeple and bell tower at the same time, and welcomes Christians for Sunday prayers.
UK-educated Sri Lanka suicide bomber BOTCHED his attack when his vest failed to explode at busy five-star hotel – forcing him to target tiny guesthouse instead killing just one other person
Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed failed to detonate device at Taj Samudra hotel
It malfunctioned and went off at a small guest house, sparing dozens of lives
Security expert says Mohamed may have been radicalised at a British university
The number of confirmed dead in the Easter Sunday attacks has risen to 359
It is believed that there were nine suicide bombers, eight have been identified
Yesterday it emerged that Mohamed – one of nine members of an ISIS death squad that killed 359 people and injured more than 500 on Easter Sunday – is believed to have studied in the southeast of England at some point between 2006 and 2007.
The revelation that one of the terrorists had studied in Britain sparked fears that he could have been radicalised at a university here.
British investigators are now scrambling to retrace his steps and officers from Scotland Yard, MI5 and MI6, the FBI and other Western intelligence agencies have all flown out to Sri Lanka to investigate fears of a resurgent global terror network.
Security expert Professor Anthony Glees has described 2006-7 as the ‘heyday of Islamist activity on British campuses’ – particularly in London and the Southeast.
Professor Glees, who has written a book on the subject titled When Students Turn to Terror: Terrorist and Extremist Activity on British Campuses, says a high proportion of British Islamist terrorists both convicted or killed in the course of their attacks came from higher education backgrounds.
He said that the disproportionately high number of Islamists who went to university points to the fact that they are interested in ideas and studying, and have middle-class aspirations. This is far more true of Britain than other European countries.
For example, Mohammed Emwazi – or ‘Jihadhi John’ – a well-known ISIS executioner from London, studied at the University of Westminster in 2006.
Earlier this month an ISIS fighter told the BBC at least seven students and ex-students from University of Westminster joined the terror group.
BBC tumbleweed again so interested in wimmins rights how did they miss this ????
Last week demonstrators surrounded the Iranian Embassy in London with a giant white veil this week in protest against the country’s incarceration of women who break strict hijab laws.
Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced last month to 38 years in jail and 148 lashes for representing women’s rights and defending a number of female protesters jailed in the strict Muslim country for standing against the compulsory hijab (veiling) law.
Her sentence was passed on March 11 this year while she was in prison, without a trial having taken place – and just one day later, the United Nations announced Iran will get a seat on the UN women’s rights committee – a decision that sparked a raft of damning complaints over the country’s violations of women’s rights.
Starting on July 19, 1988 and lasting for approximately five months, the 1988 executions was a series of state-sponsored killings of political prisoners across Iran – which have now been described as a political purge without precedent.
Amnesty International recorded the names of over 4,482 disappeared prisoners during this time, but other estimates suggest at least 30,000 prisoners may have perished in one of the biggest covers up of all time.
Before the executions, Iranian leader Ruhollah Khomeini issued “a secret but extraordinary order – some suspect a formal fatwa”, according to Ervand Abrahamian, author of Tortured Confessions.
The order supposedly set up “Special Commissions with instructions to execute members of People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran as moharebs (those who war against Allah) and leftists as mortads (apostates from Islam).”
A leaked audio tape, which surfaced in 2016, purportedly highlighted Ebrahim Raisi’s role in the 1988 executions of thousands of political prisoners.
In the recording, Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, the deputy supreme leader at the time, is heard chastising four officials in charge of the systematic executions, which remain one of Iran’s biggest mysteries following the government attempts to block any investigation into the deaths.
He is heard saying the executions included “pregnant women and 15-year-old girls”, and were the “biggest crimes committed by the Islamic Republic” .
Mohareb, mortad, jihad, fatwa, eid, taqiyya, etc. Looks like we’re gradually becoming fluent in a foreign language whether we want to or not. Gone are the days of a bit of basic Latin or French…..
Last but not least the (so-called holy month of) blood letting of ramadan – which coincidentally ends at the time of the President’s visit.
Well, there we have it, the Sri Lanka massacre is off the BBC web home page. Not a word. Took just five days for this seismic event to be downgraded – you will find the latest update half way down the ‘world’ page.
Oh, and try finding news or analysis of Widdecombe leaving the Tories and joining the Brexit party…..biased to the core.
I don’t believe that the BBC should be subscribed as a terrorist
organization. Ok maybe some of the hierarchy and editorial
staff may have anarchist or Trotskyist tendencies. It could be
that the Diversity , Positive discrimination and Inclusivity
departments, have complete control on the output of the BBC.
But this in itself does not make the BBC a terrorist organization.
Even if day after day the London Prgramme slags off the
Metropolitan Police and blame them for knife crime or blame the
Toreeeeeeeees or the BOSSES of Transport for London or the
National Health for everything that is wrong with the capitol, this does not make them a terrorist organization.
So the last comment we are likely to see on the Sri Lankan
collateral damage on the BBC was Clive Myrie telling us on the 10 PM news
was that it was perpetuated by a perverse form of Islam.
Maybe it was a perverse form of Jainism. Because there was
nothing perverse about it so far as teachings of Koran are
Friend’s tell me that I don’t the full meaning of anachronism.
I often say that that I am a Jewish atheist which is an anachronism?
Islam the religion of peace , a better one? Maybe the BBC is
a terrorist organization is an even better one. Or is it?
“It could be that the Diversity , Positive discrimination and Inclusivity
departments, have complete control on the output of the BBC.
But this in itself does not make the BBC a terrorist organization.”
No, but it makes it a ardent devotee to the principles of Cultural Marxism.
Why? Neither of them have any Maori blood or Polynesian ancestry.
And just when I thought Jacinda Ardern couldn’t look anymore insincerely smug, the first picture proves me wrong. Let’s not forget she used to work for Blair.
Sure enough, as fast as decency allows Sri Lanka has slipped off the Home page and is rapidly disappearing altogether. The one remaining article tries to blame the Sri Lankan government for a ‘major security lapse’, conveniently diverting attention from the real culprits. And no weeping, hugging Jacinda; no detailed bios and eulogies of all the victims as in Christchurch; no demands that ‘this must never happen again’; no global call to identify and extirpate the evil ideology behind the attack once and for all.
Once again al-beeb is left baffled that members of a faith whose scriptures command them to kill Christians, Jews and unbelievers, should go and kill Christians, Jews and unbelievers.
I’m shocked these days, how our MSM services are willing to condemn the failures of another Gov’t / Country, but not condemn the people that committed these atrocities or criticise or condemn the Ideology used to commit these horrific.
The way I see it and I say it time and time again.
I heard that roughly 25% of the Muslim community is/are allegedly radicalised.
If 25% of kids used a Toy off the shelf to harm others, whether to mame, injury, kill etc, the toy would be reviewed and recalled & removed from our shelves. so why is the current political sphere so TOLERANT
What this Greta Thunberg should be talking about is the apparently disgraceful way her Government are not dealing with the multiple rapes cases one hears about all the time in Sweden-mostly committed by the flood of immigrants that have been allowed to enter this very liberal nation. Liberal here being the operative word. In any event at 16 yrs old what experience could she possibly have about Climate Change? It is not Climate Change that is the problem facing this troubled world, its Pullution-such as the Coal Fired Power stations China is now building at a great rate. Go back to your country young lady and study scientifically if you must the full picture of the Worlds Climate and its ever continuing change.
She’s a RED flag on a stick for politicians – her life will forever be a PR spin rollercoaster – when she gets 21-24 I’m sure she will be glueing herself to every inanimate object in view. IN THE NAME OF CLIMATE.
‘Fraid not. When she reaches 24, on her (or her mother’s) reckoning she will be 8 years into the 12 they claim the planet has left. Provided the disastrous change they predict does not occur overnight, she may not have the the capacity to glue herself to her mother if suffering the gradual debilitating effects of terminal CC.
The following email was from a new Muslim delivery service for Dunelm I recieved yesterday:
“Hi, I’m Hasina;
I am your local courier, I like helping a local charity and spending time with my family”
We also deliver other packages but they are usually attached to our body so you will have to invite us into your home/offices/airport/station/military base/church..
What’s with the Maori greeting thing between that New Zealand woman and Prince William? Cultural appropriation at its most nauseating. The same as her ghastly virtue signalling when she wore the headscarf a few weeks ago. She’s obviously rather odd. If a policeman was killed would she wear a police helmet out of respect? No, of course not. It’s pathetic.
If you need proof that what started some years back as the respectable(ish) pseudo-scientific ‘Theory of Manmade Global Warming”, has fully transitioned into a hysterical (and I don’t mean amusing), apocalyptic, doomsday cult, you need look no further than St Greta the Green (the 21st Century’s own Jean of Arc), and her ‘Children’s Crusade’ AKA ‘Extinction Rebellion’.
Converts to the cult seem to include most (all?) of our leading politicians, many allegedly converted after listening to the charismatic, crazed old prophet, the Venerable Father Attenborough himself, and the high pulpit for his preaching and the spreading of the gospel? Why, the good old BBC of course.
I used to think we’d advanced as a civilisation since the Middle Ages, now I see we’re quickly, regressing back to the Dark Ages instead.
We are never short of people to tell us what to do. Since the Dark Ages we have advanced to witnessing today’s elected representatives fawning over a foreign part time school girl.
Which would all be great if they stopped there. Mark my words new green taxes are rolling, rolling, rolling…
Not BBC bias, mere BBC incompetence, short term memory loss and the inability to join up the dots: TOADY Watch #1.
‘A group’ wishes to protect crows because ‘another group’ has said there are too many crows in parts of the UK and they are having a damaging effect. For example, they kill other birds and particularly curlews. (IIRC, crows scavenge and kill on the ground and curlews are ground breeding & nesting birds.)
Only last week on the TOADY Programme a spokesperson for a wildlife group was bemoaning the fact that curlews are under threat and their population was drastically reducing, in Ireland for example – it was claimed – by 99%.
JustRemainIn Webb, I think it was, who did not manage to connect the dots ………
The group is ‘Wild Justice’ fronted by the remarkable Chris Packham – nature’s answer to Bono. They have managed to get the General Licences – issued annually since the Wildlife & Countryside Act of 1988 – cancelled. These licenses exempted woodpigeons and most members of the corvid family from the blanket protection provided by the act for all wild birds. Such species were defined as agricultural pests allowing their numbers to be controlled, usually by shooting.
By giving them protection crop damage throughout the UK will increase exponentially (predominantly rapeseed, cereals and brassicas) while nesting songbirds and all other vulnerable species will suffer major losses of eggs, hatchlings and chicks.
With ground-nesting birds, like curlews and many others, already under attack from increased fox and badger predation, by protecting crows, magpies, jays, rooks and jackdaws the losses will also be enormous. Quite how the RSPB will equate this with Packham’s star status is a little conundrum for them to solve.
Thanks for that info, Beltane. Confess I wasn’t listening too thoroughly at that point and the name ‘Wild Justice’ hadn’t burned itself into my consciousness. Your informative post has given me a really wild idea.
Maybe we need to lock Wild Justice, the UN’s IPCC and various Vegan groups in a room for twenty-four or forty-eight hours with limited food and water and find out who survives at the end of the period.
No doubt, on a TOADY Programme at the weekend or Monday, the Brassica Protection & Promotion Society (informally known as the Cabbage Heads or Sprouters) will asking for protection and special status for their beloved products. Once again, a Beeboid TOADY presenter, without the benefit of the brains of a cabbage will, no doubt, fail to join the dots . . ….
What other alternative is there for our government to increase the annual budget for warm earth squatters/anarchists/layabouts so’s to finance their usual twice weekly visits to both south and north Atlantic (good news – soon to be 3 times a week) as they must be given the opportunity at least once in their luxurious lives to travel by private jet (free weed included) in order to take a few selfies of themselves and a chance to take a video running naked on the ice onto their Facebook account.
BBC Agenda Bingo : 9:45am “Global Warming”
I switched on at about 9:42am
I got a bit of our Melvin, then into the next prog
“The Year is 1999 and the world and George Bush are getting ready to sign the IPCC agreement”
Someone could make BBC Agenda Bingo cards
and then we could compete to see who can collect the Pet agenda mentions the quickest
e.g. “IPCC”, “Austerity”, “Remainer biased panel”, “trans kids”, “Not enough black X” etc.
Tonight’s TV
BBC1 6:55pm Green Party PPB
10:35pm Question Remainer Time
BBC2 7:30pm A decent archaeology prog
9pm The Trans drag queen drama series
10pm Frankly Vile
10pm AgendaPushingNight
7:30pm ITV Investigation into UK knife crime
9pm Jill Dando 20 year mystery
8pm Ch4 prog about being comfortable naked
10pm BBC4 The Fantastic Mr Feynman
If Feynman was around now they’d find a way to ban him for some off the cuff remark or do a “Petersen” on him —- “so what you’re saying is you’re a white make fascist “
This man must be barred from the BBC, he will surely offend the snowflakes.
“I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.”
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”
“The highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion.”
“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.”
“We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.”
“If you thought that science was certain – well, that is just an error on your part.”
“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”
“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.”
“I don’t know what’s the matter with people: they don’t learn by understanding, they learn by some other way — by rote or something. Their knowledge is so fragile!”
Man’s bicycle stolen after he lefts it overnight lockedup in South London street
..For some reason the BBC wrote I long long webnews story about it
For her part, Le Pen has sought to anchor her new vision in the idea that the individual is “not simply a consumer or producer” but “someone rooted, someone who wants to live on their land and to pass it on to their children”. Extrapolating from this axiom, she argued that someone “who is rooted in their home is an ecologist”, whereas those who are “nomadic […] do not care about the environment; they have no homeland”.
It is difficult to understand how all those politicians and activists that flit from international conference to conference and immigrants and their families that fly back and forth for reunions are going to ‘save the planet’.
I bet immigrants from warmer countries have their house thermostats set the wrong side of 20 celsius. Continual car washing seems to be a hobby of theirs too.
Joe – don’t touch- Biden to run in 2020 . I don’t think so at his age. He got a predicable easy review on Toady from Justin – they put Obama Hussain’s voice on whenever they can . They still haven’t got over losing him and see Biden as an excuse to replay all those empty hallelujah speeches .
This was re-tweeted by the snivelling little shit Lineker … all views his own of course !!!!
Have a teenager? Know a teenager? Please watch & share. Nobody under 21 voted for this. I wrote this for them. They need to know the truth of what happened. The lies, the criminality, the failure to hold to account. It’s their future. Please share
Truly a ‘mad cat lady’!
Where does she think the ‘paid for by the EU’ money came from? What did the EU do to save coal mining and steel making in South Wales? Who are these Japanese car mnufacturers in South Wales? Why did the Hoover factory in Merthyr close and production move to Italy and the Czech Republic? Did the EU help with that?
Did no-one in South Wales get ‘Cameron’s Leaflet’? Does no-one in South Wales watch the BBC? Why did Turkey apply to join the EU if there are no plans for it to join the EU? Does no-one ‘up the valleys’ pop down to Cardiff-stan?
Ah, but yes but Facebook dun it with those adverts that no-one reads! (Remember when the sainted Obama did that? A work of genius! No Republican would ever win an election ever again).
She wants ‘Silcon Valley’ to protect democracy by only letting one viewpoint prevail.
Anybody know if the leaver on tonight’s Remainer Time is a real leaver or one of those who is supporting May’s WA which isn’t leave at all. Victoria Atkins is her name.
Would Tommy Atkins approve of his namesake.
I wish this global warming would hurry up as it’s cool and miserable outside right now.
Or is it global cooling this week?
Stories coming out supporting Notre Dame was arson.
I wonder if this wunderkind Greta Thunfisch has heard of overpopulation and if she agrees with concreting over our countryside to house the extra 300,000+ each year.
Maybe she should tell her followers (mps, MSM and other idiots) who hang on her every utterance what to do to supply water and food plus everything else needed for too many people crammed together.
“I wonder if this wunderkind Greta Thunfisch has heard of overpopulation”
Bet she hears the following request quite often:
“must get a second accountant for my daughter as the numbers of incoming cheques are at the stage were they are too much to handle for one accountant”.
Wonder when the BBC and the MSM spots the similarities…
1976 Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot ……. Communist peasant farming society
The the Khmer Rouge established the state of Democratic Kampuchea. The party’s aim was to establish a classless communist state based on a rural agrarian economy and a complete rejection of the free market and capitalism.3
2019 Greta Thunberg…… Communist peasant farming society..
The system that needs to be changed to avert climate disaster is capitalism, which is losing its legitimacy largely due to the system’s failure to respond effectively to climate change.
Applying all I’ve learned about how systems change, it’s possible to imagine that the current system which sustains business-as-usual capitalism – horizon one in the framework – is occupied by those who continue to produce, sell and consume products and services that rely on fossil fuels. That’s most of us, but horizon one is also maintained by climate deniers and investors in fossil energy, who, despite the scientific evidence, keep chugging along.
A more sustainable system could include policies we might currently consider “extreme”, like universal basic income. This is a guaranteed payment for all people regardless of their wealth which could help break the cycle of production and consumption that pollutes the atmosphere and fills the ocean with discarded plastic. Evidence suggests there is growing support for this, particularly among young people..
I see there’s a petition to scrap testing of 4-5 year olds and a demo with a load of mothers and their children.
As this affects 4-5 year olds I think they (4-5 year olds and maybe 2-3 year olds) should be given a vote as it affects them.
The same argument that teenagers should be allowed to vote on the next Brexit referendums as it affects them more than the oldies.
I used to love the World Service programmes on through the night on Radio 4; what a solace to wake during the night to hear some professor talking about prime numbers, how watches work or some deliciously obscure titbit of knowledge.
Now it is constant SJW garbage. I switched over last night and it’s something about a black activist clashing with Police decades ago (not enough oppression these days.). Same divisive, victim culture nonsense over and over and over. A big chunk of joy and solace for me has been ripped away. There’s no remedy for a foul Little Englander like me. No ‘white ex grammar school boy association’ will come to my rescue.
And I hate the patronising tone that has infected it. Some genius with a clipboard studies degree has decreed that everything must be more ‘accessible.’ Try to please everyone and you will end up pleasing nobody. Certainly not a loyal listener like me.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
Pre election polling for East Germany AfD 23% , Merkels CD 22%
AfD set to be biggest party in East Germany
Alternative for Germany has emerged as the most popular party in the east of the country, overtaking Angela Merkel’s conservatives before finely balanced elections
In news stories AfD is preceded by two words
guess which.
Most of what lies down the back of a sofa does describe the BBC ‘science’ propaganda offering.
And Greta does seem to have found a spiritual home.
Oh dear! It’s being hailed as an inovation for health, but I think we all know exactly where this is going to go:
Just edging toward, ‘real’ Thought Police. Soon they’ll track your thoughts and that would really amount to solving thought crimes. Just think: ‘that expression shows us that you were having a thought crime and we are arresting you to take you for analysis. We’ll get the truth out of you one way or another’. Josef Mengele –
George Orwell would be overjoyed.
Clive Myrie tells us on the BBC 6PM news that what the bastard
Islamic terrorist murderers did was a perversion of Islam.
No it’s not! The Koran tells it’s followers to kill Infidels . The
perversion is the way that the BBC presents the news. We see
a picture of a Sri Lankan Muslim little boy with a copy of the
Koran in front of him. The editors of the news make sure that
Muslim’s showing their respects are at the forefront of any
film release. The problem is not the 85% of law abiding Muslims.
It’s the 15% who to one degree or another follow the decrees of
the Koran to the letter. And the 15% don’t believe they are
perverted in any way. As many as 5% consider that they are at
war with Western religions and culture. We need to take them
seriously, once and for all.
I’m sick to death of all things islam but what really gets my goat is the MSM’s insistence on using the term ‘ radical islam’.
If these swamp rats insist on having an adjective before this noun, then the correct one should be ‘pure’. Pure islam.
I was trying to imagine the change conversations between the Party Leaders in the place over to Northern Ireland for the beatification of a dead journo .
All about ganging up on The Brexit Party and finding a way for Mr Farage to have an accident or illness me thinks ….
At least two were regarded as “moderate” i.e. who knows what the so called “moderates ” over here really think, if they had the chance we would all be up against a wall I suspect, I remember ten years ago doing a team game in a Luton school and the 95% muslim kids were all arguing who could call their team Al quaeda: 7 year olds, where did they get that from ????
A moderate muslim is one who hasn’t read the quran properly.
Or who has, but hasn’t got round to acting on it yet.
“…was a perversion of Islam…”
If what Myrie says is true with the seemingly endless list of arson, mass murder, bombing, beheading, grooming, raping and general mayhem that follows these people about…
There must be an awful lot of perverts following Islam…
Any arguments?
You are right: there’s no peversion of islam. There’s just islam.
However, “We’ve known for more than 50 years that the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) is up to 50 per cent higher in first-generation South Asians than in the white European population in the UK.”
Perhaps the muslims understand that they have a higher risk of CHD and death and that’s what makes them more recklessly suicidal? Don’t know personally.
You correctly state: “No it’s not! The Koran tells it’s followers to kill Infidels”
To prove your great point, we find the following death camp orders from Islam:
“the devout Muslim must kill for the faith, just as Muhammad did:
“Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191
“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” 3:28
“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” 3:85
“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” 5:33
Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” 8:12
“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” 8:60
“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” 8:65
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” 9:5
“The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.” 9:28
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.” 9:29
“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” 9:30
“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” 9:123
“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” 22:19
“Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.” 47:4
BBC Clive – this is true Islam, not some sentimental stuff muslims try to hoodwink the public with. Good grief!
Because al-beeb can’t be arsed, this is a picture of a young boy murdered in Sri Lanka by muslim militants, and his mother.
Regarding so called moderates over here I always wonder, in a different world, if ISIS had taken over Europe and were on the verge of invading, how many moderates would we have then , prepared to protect the land that gave them a home.
Plenty more Begums over here I suspect, just watching and waiting
In a bid to avoid costly litigation, Natural England have caved in to demands from Wild Justice, led by Chris Packham, to revoke the General Licences issued each year to permit the control of pigeons and corvids.
Without the ability to control the huge numbers of woodpigeons which do enormous damage to crops throughout the UK, and as a direct consequence, rapeseed oil, bread and many brassicas and other vegetables may well cost more while increasing numbers of song birds lose their eggs and hatchlings.
Farmers are unhappy but what do they know? Chris is a hero, right? Greta would agree.
Sri Lanka according to al beeb.
First it was the Buddhists’ fault.
Then, well, it’s very complicated, who knows what’s going on over there, your guess as good as ours, but the important thing is that they won’t divide us, whoever they are.
Now it’s the government’s for bungling the intel.
But it is most definitely not the fault of you-know-who.
“Sri Lanka attacks: Government admits ‘major intelligence lapse’ ”
Burma dodged a “mass extinction of Buddhists” bullet. But they know Islam regards Buddhists as the lowest of the low, as they are atheists. No luxury of jizya for them.
Islam ranking
1,. Muslims Sunni/shia
2. Female Muslims
3. Jews
4. Christians -they believe in God but have split the unity of God
5. Hindus – polytheists, deserving death
6. Buddhists – essentially atheists, deserving immediate death. No choice of jizya for them.
7. Communists, marxists, leftys, etc same #6.
Burmese know where they are in the pecking order. Afghanistan was a lesson they are not going to forget.
More and more these days I find myself watching Agatha Christie’s Poirot on ITV3, simply because it’s the only non-politically correct show on television a lot of the time.
Having said that, that only applies to the first few series of Poirot. The ones filmed over the last few years have had an element of political correctness shoehorned into them, for example Murder In Mesopotamia, which had a story about a child being beaten by a cruel nurse inserted into it, which wasn’t in the original novel.
Talking Pictures channel 81
There s some great stuff on YouTube – a ducumentary about Harold Wilson and the last time there was a coup plan for Blighty – which apparently involved armoured cars at Heathrow and the BBC being taken over …
No mention to take control of the power stations which is key to running the show ,….
That attempted coup was some story. Still not possible to tell it truthfully I believe. So best forget about it.
Just three days after the the Islamic bombing of Sri Lanka churches, with over 300 people murdered by the RoP, the BBC is concentrating its attention on where the blame should lie
Sri Lanka admits ‘major intelligence lapse’
In NZ the BBC did not let up on the White supremacist theme for days on end. But in Sri Lanka the BBC ignores the continuous stream of bombings and mass murder from the RoP.
This is rather like a judge asking a victim of wife beating why, when she was getting a black eye, why didn’t she duck?
We’ve been saying it for a while but as many accept a mentally ill child as the nearest thing to holy – we are now truly on the path to being Third World.
We are certainly on the road to more green taxes.
Question Time ….Whose the half a Brexiteer?
Looks like barrister and oxbridge graduate vicky Atkins is the token Brexiteer on this panel .
Looks like QT is only being broadcast from Remainer locations – preferably with snowflake universities . Saves on bussing remainers in .
Why isn’t Greta on the panel ?
And where’s ye olde Ken Clarke – another ‘ national treasure ‘.
Why does Caroline Lucas get so much TV time? Can you imagine the Greta Scumbag love-in… arrrhhh! I just can’t bring myself to watch it.
Hey Stew,
Yet another BBCQT full of remainer’s on the panel.
Not sure on John Rhys-Davies position though, I’m sure ill find out tonight – QT is the only BBC programme I try to watch and it angers me every time lol
Rhys-Davies is one of those ultra-rare British actors who isn’t an insufferable left-wing luvvie. He’s been around in TV and films for years, probably best known for ‘Gimli’ in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
@FedUp2 It’s a bit quiet
where is everyone ?
Stew – watching the manc game …
Direct connection between brain and mouth?
That could be the ruin of some politicians.
Just think, in June Mayor Khan can lecture to Trump on gun control and how knives are so much quieter and less polluting.
Top Remainiacs rush to tweet a “too good to be true poll” and fail to realise its a parody account
#1 from an MEP
@adamboultonSKY retweeted the claim
… and got a kicking
\\ It was a parody account.
Second time you have retweeted fake news in the past few days.
Must try harder, Adam!! //
On the home page, the beeb have hit the double jackpot: ‘Eco mosque’ opens for prayers in Cambridge.
The architects behind the UK’s “first green mosque” say the building will be a “cultural bridge” for Islam in Britain in the 21st Century […] It boasts zero carbon on-site emissions, rainwater harvesting and air source heat pumps.
Lovely, a nice airy fortress from which to settle the conquered lands.
And will there be a green eco-dungeon wherein to imprison any infidel members of the resistance?
vlad, building a dungeon’s an extra cost when you can get mass gatherings of people on the streets instead and just blow them up.
Extinction Submission, religion of peace style
… doh ! any building with no gas or fire has ” zero carbon on-site emissions”
No doubt unlike the unfortunate infidels living in the houses seen in the background………….
I trust the ‘eco’ bit eliminated the external sound of the call to prayers?
“Government ministers are calling for a “full and proper” investigation after high-level discussions about the UK using Huawei technology were leaked.”
Perhaps it was a deliberate leak, done in the interest of national security ?
“Government ministers are calling for a “full and proper” investigation after high-level discussions about the UK using Huawei technology were leaked.”
Something which was not done regarding The Madeleine McCann mystery? Strange that.
Phones are more important than a little 3 yr old girl. Strange that?
Hardly a peep about President Trump on Al Beeb today ?
Something changed their stance ?
He’s on his way to our country and they prime us with “What can we expect?”
“Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Iran offers prisoner ”
Could President Trump play a trump card and ‘do a swap’ for Great Britain as a pre-visit gesture ?
He does admire and favor us and wants to put us in front of the queue.
I see it like this:
I would rather have a john wayne type of a guy PM/President to protect and make decisions for my family/country – even though he may speak coarser and with far fewer pretty words as traitor May or Blair does – but we know that they DO KNOW by now that they have not only cut their own throats but have completely ruined any hope of a tory/labour government for the next 20 years or more (of course appeasers like Ken – the orator- clarke – will no longer be sat in that favourite seat next GE) even though he will continue spouting off his now fading “repeats” of: oh, our nation will be annihilated if we leave the EU.
Typical scare tactics, along with his usual hysteria.
Give me the John Wayne type of PM/ President before the effeminate, false, fake, self righteous, kind of english man or woman who is only in it to do themselves and their highly educated chumps favours-a-plenty in order to retire with heaps in their bank accounts yet have not one bit of conscience in their hearts.
“Senior Tories rule out early challenge to PM”
They have chickened out.
Vote UKIP.
The Night of the Rubber Knives part 17.
The Tory Party takes uselessness to a new depth. Don’t miss the latest chapter in this ongoing saga of betrayal, distraction, submission, and downright grovelling!
Watch it all on the BBC folks with glorious gloating commentary!
\\Extinction Rebellion: London climate protest ‘ending on Thursday’//
What will Mrs Chamberlain respond with ?
She could abolish the Senior Citizen’ Bus Pass and winter fuel allowance to punish all the oldies for voting for Brexit .
“She could abolish the Senior Citizen’ Bus Pass and winter fuel allowance to punish all the oldies for voting for Brexit.”
With her track record, the decision could be as random and arbitrary as that. Certainly very little thought would go into it.
“What will Mrs Chamberlain respond with ?”
Actually, I fear that joe public will get to know nothing that our traitor PM along with that two-faced politician Hammond will be giving away to Soros (I mean to our EU masters).
As bees love to swarm towards any jam or honey so our politicians love to swarm towards bribes, dirty tricks, lies as long as there’s something in it for them at the end of the day.
Not on the BBC because of pro-Islamic bias.
Police have confirmed that a fire in the French church of Notre-Dame de Grace on Easter Sunday appears to have been intentionally set, making it the latest in a string of arson attacks on Christian churches in the country this year, although Notre Dame Paris was instantly declared officially, defiantly and certainly not an arson attack, with the Mainstream media actively shutting down anyone who dared even suggesting that arson should be looked into. The fire in this second Notre Dame was started in a large, wooden confessional around 4:30pm and proceeded to consume a dais in the presbytery of the eighteenth-century church located in the southern French town of Eyguières, near Provence.
Some Islamic looking racial types find it rather funny. (see below)

Meanwhile, I had to check this but its true. Macron says Notre Dame should be rebuilt consistent with the modern, diverse France, with architects suggesting the inclusion of a minaret.
They probably started it.
And no links to sources at all!
Many of us like / need to check sources and if you don’t include them then we have to go looking wasting everyones time.
Please remember to include a link to the source material to make it easier.
@Thoughtful, agree , there is no point in relaying dramatic claims without giving us a web-link to check.
A 15-year old ‘suffering from mental issues’ has been arrested.
“Huawei row: UK to let Chinese firm help build 5G network”:
I have worked in automotive hardware and software an i can say with confidence that it is so easy to build an undetectable back door into a microprocessor hardware, firmware or software that its ridiculous.
As and example for the layperson: Every month a new unintentional vulnerabilities are found in Microsoft Windows that can give access to hackers (that Microsoft updates).
Windows has 20 years of improvements, and is probably the most heavily tested pieces of software in the world. So one can imagine that to insert intentional back-doors would be a piece of cake.
Why do our thick-as-fuck retards in government think that they can stop the Chinese from hiding backdoors in the software, firmware, or hardware if they wanted to?
And why don’t the deranged BBC (who no doubt think it would be racist to suggest China might spy on us) do some freaking journalism, and get an expert to explain this in their article???
These people just think they now better, whether it’s this or Brexit, teaching kids about gay sex, or insisting that Islam is a religion of peace … when in fact they know nothing.
This shower of imbeciles is what you get when select leaders based on identity quotas, number of vaginas, and ethnic origin. Stunningly incompetent.
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
Think treezer should be wearing flowers in her hair, stud for her nose, bottom lip, friendship bangles, tattoos, doc martens…then perhaps her worshippers will flock to see her as the first occupier of the ancient practice of the “ducking chair” as it will be exhibited near traitors gate, tower of London some time in December of this year..
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
Lets just say that at the moment its best if we let May and her cabinet alone as its only a matter of time afore their whole worlds going to collapse around them and their party.
I suppose the way that our politicians have been behaving over the last 20 years it was always going to happen. But even we didn’t think it would collapse in the shocking way its going to do for hundreds of MPs. Few will be seen in British politics again.
I think it was done in the full knowledge that it is a huge risk.
What better way to upset our non EU allies (and particularly the one offering us a trade deal) and push us back into the arms of the EU. we have seen this before with Theresa, happy to pick up the POTUS on tweets, stand idly by as UK journalists insult trump, Letting the squeaker get away with insulting Trump etc.
Just like her EU negotiation, she knows exactly what she is doing.
I don’t like the way this is going, it reminds me of the treacherous morons who agitated for an islamic centre on ground-zero after 9/11…
“Macron says Notre Dame should be rebuilt consistent with the modern, diverse France – and architects suggest a glass roof, steel spire and minaret.”
The generous donors to the restoration fund should write to him:
“Cher Monsieur Macron,
If you dare put a minaret on Notre Dame we will use the millions we donated to take it down and shove it up your sorry French cul.”
(P.S. Voice of Europe, below, looks sound.)
For a better representation of France they should include a yellow vest.
I’m fine with them rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral with a minaret, so long as the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca gets a new steeple and bell tower at the same time, and welcomes Christians for Sunday prayers.
And its off the BBC front page now they know its muzzies, how long did they go on and on and on about the Christchurch victims and far right ?
Despite questions still remaining about two of them infecting our country, and an apology to bhuddists would not go amiss either
UK-educated Sri Lanka suicide bomber BOTCHED his attack when his vest failed to explode at busy five-star hotel – forcing him to target tiny guesthouse instead killing just one other person
Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed failed to detonate device at Taj Samudra hotel
It malfunctioned and went off at a small guest house, sparing dozens of lives
Security expert says Mohamed may have been radicalised at a British university
The number of confirmed dead in the Easter Sunday attacks has risen to 359
It is believed that there were nine suicide bombers, eight have been identified
Yesterday it emerged that Mohamed – one of nine members of an ISIS death squad that killed 359 people and injured more than 500 on Easter Sunday – is believed to have studied in the southeast of England at some point between 2006 and 2007.
The revelation that one of the terrorists had studied in Britain sparked fears that he could have been radicalised at a university here.
British investigators are now scrambling to retrace his steps and officers from Scotland Yard, MI5 and MI6, the FBI and other Western intelligence agencies have all flown out to Sri Lanka to investigate fears of a resurgent global terror network.
Security expert Professor Anthony Glees has described 2006-7 as the ‘heyday of Islamist activity on British campuses’ – particularly in London and the Southeast.
Professor Glees, who has written a book on the subject titled When Students Turn to Terror: Terrorist and Extremist Activity on British Campuses, says a high proportion of British Islamist terrorists both convicted or killed in the course of their attacks came from higher education backgrounds.
He said that the disproportionately high number of Islamists who went to university points to the fact that they are interested in ideas and studying, and have middle-class aspirations. This is far more true of Britain than other European countries.
For example, Mohammed Emwazi – or ‘Jihadhi John’ – a well-known ISIS executioner from London, studied at the University of Westminster in 2006.
Earlier this month an ISIS fighter told the BBC at least seven students and ex-students from University of Westminster joined the terror group.
Yep, our great seats of learning now just churn out brainwashed neo-Marxists and muslim terrorists.
And our learned chancellors and vice-chancellors and ministers don’t have the guts to do anything about it.
BBC tumbleweed again so interested in wimmins rights how did they miss this ????
Last week demonstrators surrounded the Iranian Embassy in London with a giant white veil this week in protest against the country’s incarceration of women who break strict hijab laws.
Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced last month to 38 years in jail and 148 lashes for representing women’s rights and defending a number of female protesters jailed in the strict Muslim country for standing against the compulsory hijab (veiling) law.
Her sentence was passed on March 11 this year while she was in prison, without a trial having taken place – and just one day later, the United Nations announced Iran will get a seat on the UN women’s rights committee – a decision that sparked a raft of damning complaints over the country’s violations of women’s rights.
What happened in 1988?
Starting on July 19, 1988 and lasting for approximately five months, the 1988 executions was a series of state-sponsored killings of political prisoners across Iran – which have now been described as a political purge without precedent.
Amnesty International recorded the names of over 4,482 disappeared prisoners during this time, but other estimates suggest at least 30,000 prisoners may have perished in one of the biggest covers up of all time.
Before the executions, Iranian leader Ruhollah Khomeini issued “a secret but extraordinary order – some suspect a formal fatwa”, according to Ervand Abrahamian, author of Tortured Confessions.
The order supposedly set up “Special Commissions with instructions to execute members of People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran as moharebs (those who war against Allah) and leftists as mortads (apostates from Islam).”
A leaked audio tape, which surfaced in 2016, purportedly highlighted Ebrahim Raisi’s role in the 1988 executions of thousands of political prisoners.
In the recording, Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, the deputy supreme leader at the time, is heard chastising four officials in charge of the systematic executions, which remain one of Iran’s biggest mysteries following the government attempts to block any investigation into the deaths.
He is heard saying the executions included “pregnant women and 15-year-old girls”, and were the “biggest crimes committed by the Islamic Republic” .
Mohareb, mortad, jihad, fatwa, eid, taqiyya, etc. Looks like we’re gradually becoming fluent in a foreign language whether we want to or not. Gone are the days of a bit of basic Latin or French…..
Last but not least the (so-called holy month of) blood letting of ramadan – which coincidentally ends at the time of the President’s visit.
Well, there we have it, the Sri Lanka massacre is off the BBC web home page. Not a word. Took just five days for this seismic event to be downgraded – you will find the latest update half way down the ‘world’ page.
Oh, and try finding news or analysis of Widdecombe leaving the Tories and joining the Brexit party…..biased to the core.
While I do agree with you Ed, the Brexit Party’s own website can’t be bothered to announce AW’s defection or list her as a candidate either !
As AW was one of the ‘gang of five’ who voted against the Climate Change Act so don’t expect her to get a BBC easy ride.
I don’t believe that the BBC should be subscribed as a terrorist
organization. Ok maybe some of the hierarchy and editorial
staff may have anarchist or Trotskyist tendencies. It could be
that the Diversity , Positive discrimination and Inclusivity
departments, have complete control on the output of the BBC.
But this in itself does not make the BBC a terrorist organization.
Even if day after day the London Prgramme slags off the
Metropolitan Police and blame them for knife crime or blame the
Toreeeeeeeees or the BOSSES of Transport for London or the
National Health for everything that is wrong with the capitol, this does not make them a terrorist organization.
So the last comment we are likely to see on the Sri Lankan
collateral damage on the BBC was Clive Myrie telling us on the 10 PM news
was that it was perpetuated by a perverse form of Islam.
Maybe it was a perverse form of Jainism. Because there was
nothing perverse about it so far as teachings of Koran are
Friend’s tell me that I don’t the full meaning of anachronism.
I often say that that I am a Jewish atheist which is an anachronism?
Islam the religion of peace , a better one? Maybe the BBC is
a terrorist organization is an even better one. Or is it?
“It could be that the Diversity , Positive discrimination and Inclusivity
departments, have complete control on the output of the BBC.
But this in itself does not make the BBC a terrorist organization.”
No, but it makes it a ardent devotee to the principles of Cultural Marxism.
I know this might seem a bit petty but …….
Why? Neither of them have any Maori blood or Polynesian ancestry.
And just when I thought Jacinda Ardern couldn’t look anymore insincerely smug, the first picture proves me wrong. Let’s not forget she used to work for Blair.
It’s a Maori/Vulcan mind meld, or Morun Mmmmm for short.
Cultural appropriation, surely. Mind you, Ardern has previous for that, doesn’t she?
Joey is going to need a talking to. The Bbc dies not like stats that show those they support using MSM avenues are out of touch.
Sure enough, as fast as decency allows Sri Lanka has slipped off the Home page and is rapidly disappearing altogether. The one remaining article tries to blame the Sri Lankan government for a ‘major security lapse’, conveniently diverting attention from the real culprits. And no weeping, hugging Jacinda; no detailed bios and eulogies of all the victims as in Christchurch; no demands that ‘this must never happen again’; no global call to identify and extirpate the evil ideology behind the attack once and for all.
Once again al-beeb is left baffled that members of a faith whose scriptures command them to kill Christians, Jews and unbelievers, should go and kill Christians, Jews and unbelievers.
Baffling, isn’t it?
Verses of violence in the quran:
I’m shocked these days, how our MSM services are willing to condemn the failures of another Gov’t / Country, but not condemn the people that committed these atrocities or criticise or condemn the Ideology used to commit these horrific.
The way I see it and I say it time and time again.
I heard that roughly 25% of the Muslim community is/are allegedly radicalised.
If 25% of kids used a Toy off the shelf to harm others, whether to mame, injury, kill etc, the toy would be reviewed and recalled & removed from our shelves. so why is the current political sphere so TOLERANT
What this Greta Thunberg should be talking about is the apparently disgraceful way her Government are not dealing with the multiple rapes cases one hears about all the time in Sweden-mostly committed by the flood of immigrants that have been allowed to enter this very liberal nation. Liberal here being the operative word. In any event at 16 yrs old what experience could she possibly have about Climate Change? It is not Climate Change that is the problem facing this troubled world, its Pullution-such as the Coal Fired Power stations China is now building at a great rate. Go back to your country young lady and study scientifically if you must the full picture of the Worlds Climate and its ever continuing change.
She’s a RED flag on a stick for politicians – her life will forever be a PR spin rollercoaster – when she gets 21-24 I’m sure she will be glueing herself to every inanimate object in view. IN THE NAME OF CLIMATE.
‘Fraid not. When she reaches 24, on her (or her mother’s) reckoning she will be 8 years into the 12 they claim the planet has left. Provided the disastrous change they predict does not occur overnight, she may not have the the capacity to glue herself to her mother if suffering the gradual debilitating effects of terminal CC.
I for one am looking forward to the Mad max apocolypse future…..bring on the THUNDERDOME 😉
Or should it be… the Thunbergdome – see what I did there :0)
I’d glue myself to her mother – but not in protest :0P
State broadcaster loves a poster girl. Ask Begum (who must be really peeved).
As an aside, I wonder how ‘Saint’ Jacinda is coping now that Greta Thunberg has emerged as a serious rival for the attentions of the stupid?
The following email was from a new Muslim delivery service for Dunelm I recieved yesterday:
“Hi, I’m Hasina;
I am your local courier, I like helping a local charity and spending time with my family”
We also deliver other packages but they are usually attached to our body so you will have to invite us into your home/offices/airport/station/military base/church..
And yes, the photo of Hasina – as seen above – was included in her email to my inbox.
What’s with the Maori greeting thing between that New Zealand woman and Prince William? Cultural appropriation at its most nauseating. The same as her ghastly virtue signalling when she wore the headscarf a few weeks ago. She’s obviously rather odd. If a policeman was killed would she wear a police helmet out of respect? No, of course not. It’s pathetic.
Or maybe two?
If you need proof that what started some years back as the respectable(ish) pseudo-scientific ‘Theory of Manmade Global Warming”, has fully transitioned into a hysterical (and I don’t mean amusing), apocalyptic, doomsday cult, you need look no further than St Greta the Green (the 21st Century’s own Jean of Arc), and her ‘Children’s Crusade’ AKA ‘Extinction Rebellion’.
Converts to the cult seem to include most (all?) of our leading politicians, many allegedly converted after listening to the charismatic, crazed old prophet, the Venerable Father Attenborough himself, and the high pulpit for his preaching and the spreading of the gospel? Why, the good old BBC of course.
I used to think we’d advanced as a civilisation since the Middle Ages, now I see we’re quickly, regressing back to the Dark Ages instead.
We are never short of people to tell us what to do. Since the Dark Ages we have advanced to witnessing today’s elected representatives fawning over a foreign part time school girl.
Which would all be great if they stopped there. Mark my words new green taxes are rolling, rolling, rolling…
Not BBC bias, mere BBC incompetence, short term memory loss and the inability to join up the dots: TOADY Watch #1.
‘A group’ wishes to protect crows because ‘another group’ has said there are too many crows in parts of the UK and they are having a damaging effect. For example, they kill other birds and particularly curlews. (IIRC, crows scavenge and kill on the ground and curlews are ground breeding & nesting birds.)
Only last week on the TOADY Programme a spokesperson for a wildlife group was bemoaning the fact that curlews are under threat and their population was drastically reducing, in Ireland for example – it was claimed – by 99%.
JustRemainIn Webb, I think it was, who did not manage to connect the dots ………
The group is ‘Wild Justice’ fronted by the remarkable Chris Packham – nature’s answer to Bono. They have managed to get the General Licences – issued annually since the Wildlife & Countryside Act of 1988 – cancelled. These licenses exempted woodpigeons and most members of the corvid family from the blanket protection provided by the act for all wild birds. Such species were defined as agricultural pests allowing their numbers to be controlled, usually by shooting.
By giving them protection crop damage throughout the UK will increase exponentially (predominantly rapeseed, cereals and brassicas) while nesting songbirds and all other vulnerable species will suffer major losses of eggs, hatchlings and chicks.
With ground-nesting birds, like curlews and many others, already under attack from increased fox and badger predation, by protecting crows, magpies, jays, rooks and jackdaws the losses will also be enormous. Quite how the RSPB will equate this with Packham’s star status is a little conundrum for them to solve.
Thanks for that info, Beltane. Confess I wasn’t listening too thoroughly at that point and the name ‘Wild Justice’ hadn’t burned itself into my consciousness. Your informative post has given me a really wild idea.
Maybe we need to lock Wild Justice, the UN’s IPCC and various Vegan groups in a room for twenty-four or forty-eight hours with limited food and water and find out who survives at the end of the period.
No doubt, on a TOADY Programme at the weekend or Monday, the Brassica Protection & Promotion Society (informally known as the Cabbage Heads or Sprouters) will asking for protection and special status for their beloved products. Once again, a Beeboid TOADY presenter, without the benefit of the brains of a cabbage will, no doubt, fail to join the dots . . ….
I think my sisters insulin will have to go!
What other alternative is there for our government to increase the annual budget for warm earth squatters/anarchists/layabouts so’s to finance their usual twice weekly visits to both south and north Atlantic (good news – soon to be 3 times a week) as they must be given the opportunity at least once in their luxurious lives to travel by private jet (free weed included) in order to take a few selfies of themselves and a chance to take a video running naked on the ice onto their Facebook account.
Anyone got a source for those old fashioned plastic fruit hats to be adorned if the Telly Tax Goons come round the doors?
Via @MarkHodgso
BBC Agenda-setting?
Yes, I would say so. Front page news on the BBC website Wednesday:
– Extinction Rebellion: Climate activists block London Stock Exchange
– Antarctica: Thousands of emperor penguin chicks wiped out
[Not news – “The catastrophe occurred in 2016 in Antarctica’s Weddell Sea.” “The colony could have been doomed regardless of what happened in 2016.”]
– Coffee waste ‘could replace palm oil’
– Prince William given Maori greeting in New Zealand
“He is to meet survivors of March’s Christchurch mosque attacks – where 50 people died – and their families.
The duke is also expected to visit emergency services personnel and Muslim community leaders.”
– Deforestation: Tropical tree losses persist at high levels
..agenda , agenda and agenda
BBC Agenda Bingo : 9:45am “Global Warming”
I switched on at about 9:42am
I got a bit of our Melvin, then into the next prog
“The Year is 1999 and the world and George Bush are getting ready to sign the IPCC agreement”
Someone could make BBC Agenda Bingo cards
and then we could compete to see who can collect the Pet agenda mentions the quickest
e.g. “IPCC”, “Austerity”, “Remainer biased panel”, “trans kids”, “Not enough black X” etc.
Tonight’s TV
BBC1 6:55pm Green Party PPB
QuestionRemainer TimeBBC2 7:30pm A decent archaeology prog
9pm The Trans drag queen drama series
10pm Frankly Vile
10pm AgendaPushingNight
7:30pm ITV Investigation into UK knife crime
9pm Jill Dando 20 year mystery
8pm Ch4 prog about being comfortable naked
10pm BBC4 The Fantastic Mr Feynman
If Feynman was around now they’d find a way to ban him for some off the cuff remark or do a “Petersen” on him —- “so what you’re saying is you’re a white make fascist “
This man must be barred from the BBC, he will surely offend the snowflakes.
“I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.”
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”
“The highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion.”
“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.”
“We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.”
“If you thought that science was certain – well, that is just an error on your part.”
“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”
“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.”
“I don’t know what’s the matter with people: they don’t learn by understanding, they learn by some other way — by rote or something. Their knowledge is so fragile!”
Man’s bicycle stolen after he lefts it overnight lockedup in South London street
..For some reason the BBC wrote I long long webnews story about it
Marine Le Pen ‘goes green‘.
It is difficult to understand how all those politicians and activists that flit from international conference to conference and immigrants and their families that fly back and forth for reunions are going to ‘save the planet’.
I bet immigrants from warmer countries have their house thermostats set the wrong side of 20 celsius. Continual car washing seems to be a hobby of theirs too.
Joe – don’t touch- Biden to run in 2020 . I don’t think so at his age. He got a predicable easy review on Toady from Justin – they put Obama Hussain’s voice on whenever they can . They still haven’t got over losing him and see Biden as an excuse to replay all those empty hallelujah speeches .
Jon still getting his little digs in !!!
This was re-tweeted by the snivelling little shit Lineker … all views his own of course !!!!
Truly a ‘mad cat lady’!
Where does she think the ‘paid for by the EU’ money came from? What did the EU do to save coal mining and steel making in South Wales? Who are these Japanese car mnufacturers in South Wales? Why did the Hoover factory in Merthyr close and production move to Italy and the Czech Republic? Did the EU help with that?
Did no-one in South Wales get ‘Cameron’s Leaflet’? Does no-one in South Wales watch the BBC? Why did Turkey apply to join the EU if there are no plans for it to join the EU? Does no-one ‘up the valleys’ pop down to Cardiff-stan?
Ah, but yes but Facebook dun it with those adverts that no-one reads! (Remember when the sainted Obama did that? A work of genius! No Republican would ever win an election ever again).
She wants ‘Silcon Valley’ to protect democracy by only letting one viewpoint prevail.
Anybody know if the leaver on tonight’s Remainer Time is a real leaver or one of those who is supporting May’s WA which isn’t leave at all. Victoria Atkins is her name.
Would Tommy Atkins approve of his namesake.
I wish this global warming would hurry up as it’s cool and miserable outside right now.
Or is it global cooling this week?
Stories coming out supporting Notre Dame was arson.
I wonder if this wunderkind Greta Thunfisch has heard of overpopulation and if she agrees with concreting over our countryside to house the extra 300,000+ each year.
Maybe she should tell her followers (mps, MSM and other idiots) who hang on her every utterance what to do to supply water and food plus everything else needed for too many people crammed together.
I did a wiki yesterday and it looked like she’s a Brexiter . However she is a barrister so sold her morality even before becoming a politician .
I’m guessing she’s in the May camp for climbing the greasy pole and getting a nice cabinet red box – because there’s no one else left …
“I wonder if this wunderkind Greta Thunfisch has heard of overpopulation”
Bet she hears the following request quite often:
“must get a second accountant for my daughter as the numbers of incoming cheques are at the stage were they are too much to handle for one accountant”.
Wonder when the BBC and the MSM spots the similarities…
1976 Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot ……. Communist peasant farming society
The the Khmer Rouge established the state of Democratic Kampuchea. The party’s aim was to establish a classless communist state based on a rural agrarian economy and a complete rejection of the free market and capitalism.3
2019 Greta Thunberg…… Communist peasant farming society..
The system that needs to be changed to avert climate disaster is capitalism, which is losing its legitimacy largely due to the system’s failure to respond effectively to climate change.
Applying all I’ve learned about how systems change, it’s possible to imagine that the current system which sustains business-as-usual capitalism – horizon one in the framework – is occupied by those who continue to produce, sell and consume products and services that rely on fossil fuels. That’s most of us, but horizon one is also maintained by climate deniers and investors in fossil energy, who, despite the scientific evidence, keep chugging along.
A more sustainable system could include policies we might currently consider “extreme”, like universal basic income. This is a guaranteed payment for all people regardless of their wealth which could help break the cycle of production and consumption that pollutes the atmosphere and fills the ocean with discarded plastic. Evidence suggests there is growing support for this, particularly among young people..
I see there’s a petition to scrap testing of 4-5 year olds and a demo with a load of mothers and their children.
As this affects 4-5 year olds I think they (4-5 year olds and maybe 2-3 year olds) should be given a vote as it affects them.
The same argument that teenagers should be allowed to vote on the next Brexit referendums as it affects them more than the oldies.
Quite so, and by the same token, foetuses should be allowed to vote on abortion and contraception matters.
I used to love the World Service programmes on through the night on Radio 4; what a solace to wake during the night to hear some professor talking about prime numbers, how watches work or some deliciously obscure titbit of knowledge.
Now it is constant SJW garbage. I switched over last night and it’s something about a black activist clashing with Police decades ago (not enough oppression these days.). Same divisive, victim culture nonsense over and over and over. A big chunk of joy and solace for me has been ripped away. There’s no remedy for a foul Little Englander like me. No ‘white ex grammar school boy association’ will come to my rescue.
And I hate the patronising tone that has infected it. Some genius with a clipboard studies degree has decreed that everything must be more ‘accessible.’ Try to please everyone and you will end up pleasing nobody. Certainly not a loyal listener like me.