“The BBC despises…” is this not a bit like The Conservatives in 2015 deciding to appeal to the young even if it meant rubbing up their ‘traditional’ vote the wrong way?
It’s a tricky game appealing to a new demographic whilst still reliant on the old one to pay the bills. Clever manipulative people will find a way – a campaign highlighting the unique funding model perhaps?
Me likewise. I have now mostly given up on the World Service. Like the lottery you can sometimes catch a neutral program.
Old dramas and comedy on R4 Xtra is still ok.
Radio 4 is now just a distant memory.
I’ve now taken to some bits of LBC. Best to record it and shoot through the rubbish.
As an ardent talk radio fan since age 9 and for around 55 years that is where I’m now at – have I really changed that much ?
2 people really getting on my tits at the moment that the BBC and general MSM are obsessed with are that freaky, wide eyed frog Greta Thornberg and the worlds current Virtue Signalling champion, Emma Thompson !!!! Sozzinski has the right idea
She cannot stop virtue signalling can she? Have made a complete arse of herself over the climate change middle-class "rebellion" she now moves onto this.
A manipulated and exploited child with a mental illness – I’m sure her highly moral parents and users are very proud.
I) She has a new movie
2) She has no need to go on working
3) She can afford a Tesla and all that kinda stuff
4) She is forced to use air travel – FORCED ! ? $*
5) She can live anywhere she pleases
6) She has no concept of life for anyone but her sort
7) She has spent too long in the Hollywood bubble
8) Did I say she has a new movie
Doob…… It doesn’t make any sense at all” – Actress Emma Thompson says as one of the richest economies in the world the UK shouldn’t have an issue with child food poverty. ”
Well, there wouldn’t be a problem, if people stopped having kids they cant afford. Or are they just referring to BAME and migrant kids ?
There is a choice of having children, however, being an old person and in poverty is not a choice – well I suppose there is, – they could die . So who is shouting down their megaphone for them ?
For anyone who might be interested, this link shows how hard it is to get a seasoned piece of oak to burn. You can use kindling, a blow torch, white spirit and fire lighters, and all that happens is that they burn themselves out. Notre Dame’s retired chief architect can offer no explanation as to how the cathedral burnt, and having seen this, neither can I.
Still, it’s good to know that within a few hours of the cathedral going up in flames, the French government was confident enough to announce that it was all an accident. Move along people, nothing to see here…
If you cast your mind back both Windsor castle and York Minster suffered similar damage from fire, all with oak going up in flames quite readily.
The test here is not really relevant to the fire with no indication of the type of Oak (there are very different species types). Also don’t forget that an enclosed space with rubbish from previous building work will be very different to the open air and a blowtorch.
I can’t see any admission about workers smoking in that article.
I suppose that the proverbial “carelessly discarded cigarette” may have worked where white spirit, firelighters and a blow torch failed, but part of me just can’t help having doubts…
Thanks Rob. It proves AT THE VERY LEAST that it’s not at all easy to start a fire with old seasoned timbers.
And that the French authorities’ first and overwhelming priority – like ours – is always to divert suspicion away from you-know-who.
The BBC choose not to “fact check” Biden’s partial recollection of Trump’s statements after the Charlottesville incident. BBC says In his announcement, Mr Biden recalled President Donald Trump’s much-criticised remark that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the deadly Charlottesville white nationalist riots of 2017.
“With those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” Mr Biden said. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47601125
Trump’s statements at the press conference at the time were “Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
And “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/03/21/trump_didnt_call_neo-nazis_fine_people_heres_proof_139815.html
When Donald Trump announced his intention to run for POTUS the BBC described him as a pussy grabber, a sexual deviant who likes to be urinated on and a man who threatens prostitutes by intimidation and bribes.
When sex pest Joe Biden, Democrat and friend of both Hillary and Barack Obama, announces he is to run for POTUS, the BBC use the phrases “inappropriately invaded the personal space of woman” and “allegations of inappropriate physical contact”.
They should, then, always refer to “sex criminal ” Clinton, and his enabling wife who attacked his sex asault victims, also then, but it appears the BBC may be biased
You can see the very cunning plan, worthy of Machiavelli, unfolding.
Treesa refreshed after her walking holiday, slips her deal through the Commons and locks it into law.
She resigns, skips off to her country cottage and Hunt is slotted in.
Euro Elections scrapped, bbc does wall to wall anti Trump visit to distract us fools, Farage becomes superfluous and we’re back to ‘normal’.
The Today Programme
7 hrs ·
Is British actress Emma Thomson tempted to go into politics?
“Oh God, no”
She and Greta could so be there. Idiots, with no savant.
Ron Steigler: Mr. Gardner, uh, my editors and I have been wondering if you would consider writing a book for us, something about your um, political philosophy, what do you say?
Chance: I can’t write.
Ron Steigler: Heh, heh, of course not, who can nowadays? Listen, I have trouble writing a postcard to my children. Look uhh, we can give you a six figure advance, I’ll provide you with the very best ghost-writer, proof-readers…
Chance: I can’t read.
Ron Steigler: Of course you can’t! No one has the time! We, we glance at things, we watch television…
Chance: I like to watch TV.
Ron Steigler: Oh, oh, oh sure you do. No one reads!
The joint press conference between comrades may and Corbyn will be a true popcorn event . Never will there be such false sincerity and ‘agreeing for the sake of the country ‘.
It will be epic political suffering – there may even be tears . Three weeks to the Illegal EU elections ….
DT – Allison Pearson:
Islamist terrorists, bombs strapped to their backs, had gone into churches on the holiest day in the Christian calendar with the express purpose of murdering as many innocents as possible. There was also carnage at hotels popular with Western tourists. “It remains unclear who carried out the attacks,” the BBC website was still insisting 12 hours after the massacres. We knew. And they knew. But if you stayed tuned to the news all day, you would not hear the word “terrorist” and certainly not the most inflammatory term of all: “Christian”.
The contrast with the reporting of the mosque shootings in New Zealand could not have been more striking. Back in March, there was no doubt that the massacres in Christchurch, by a lone gunman during Friday prayers, were motivated by hatred of Muslims.
One evil man’s actions were swiftly used to extrapolate an entire theory of racism on the Right. Journalists like me, who had dared to criticise the burka, or the grievous failure of integration (finally admitted by Tony Blair this week, I see), were said by Leftists to be guilty of Islamophobia and therefore “implicated” in the murder of 50 men, women and children.
When it’s the other way around, though, the denial is deafening. Theresa May tweeted, “The acts of violence against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are truly appalling, and my sympathies go out to all of those affected at this tragic time.”
But they weren’t acts of violence against buildings, were they, Prime Minister? If you detonate a bomb inside a church on Easter Sunday, the result does tend to be that you kill an awful lot of followers of Jesus Christ. When a vicar’s daughter decides that it’s wiser not to mention the C-word, you know that fear is now greater than faith.
Compare and contrast the reaction of Hillary Clinton to the two tragedies. On Sunday, she tweeted, “I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travellers in Sri Lanka.” Easter worshippers? That’s a clunking new euphemism for Christians. When the mosques in Christchurch were targeted, did Clinton talk of Ramadan worshippers? No, she wrote, “My heart breaks for New Zealand and the global Muslim community.”
I’m afraid that politicians like Clinton and May are paralysed by a terrible dilemma. It’s too scary to admit that militant Islamists are at war with Christianity and Western civilization, that vandalism of churches is rife across Europe and that, according to the Pew Report, Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion.
Their problem is by denying Muslim war on western judeochristian civilisation so overtly – that when the event comes which is so horrible – so murderous that what has gone before is eclipsed – they will be washed away in the torrent of
Reaction .
Maybe the Muslims can be put back in their box when Wahhabi funding reduces or someone finally ends Saudi Arabia but who knows if that will happen – when it should have happened on 9/12…
DT. Cont’d:
In order to cover up this inconvenient truth, politicians and the police increasingly try to create a false equivalence between terrorism committed by the far-Right and by Islamists. It’s a downright lie. In the UK alone, intelligence officers have identified 23,000 jihadist extremists, at least 3,000 of whom are believed to pose an active threat. Scores of foul fiends must have plotted and carried out the Sri Lankan attacks.
This is deeply uncomfortable for the liberal media, which responds with shifty obfuscation. On Monday, The Washington Post ran a bizarre story about the Easter Sunday massacre with the headline, “Sri Lanka church bombings stoke far-Right anger in the West”.
That was wildly premature, but it inadvertently revealed their overwhelming concern: not that so many had been slaughtered, but that such horrors would provoke a backlash against Muslims.
The Post continued, “far-Right groups began to describe the attacks in specifically religious terms”. Possibly not unrelated to the fact that the Sri Lankan authorities had just blamed a militant Islamist group. “To some”, the paper opined gingerly, “it was further proof that Christians in many parts of the world are under attack.”
DT. End:
Well, yes, the cold-blooded murder of more than 290 people, most of them Christians in their place of worship, does tend to give credence to the theory that a certain religion is “under attack”. Sorry.
You know, we had been thinking of taking a holiday this Easter in Sri Lanka because so many friends, some of them Sri Lankans, had urged us to go. We could easily have been the Nicholsons. Mum, Anita with her adorable son and daughter, Alex and Annabel, having breakfast in their Colombo hotel while dad, Ben, popped up to the room, or back to the buffet. A beautiful family wiped out in a split second, leaving him to wonder why he was spared.
In that same restaurant, Anne Storm Pedersen, the wife of Danish billionaire, Anders Holch Povlsen, cried out for people to pray for three of her four children who had just been murdered. The mind melts at the thought of such intolerable suffering.
Most likely, though, we would have dragged the kids, protesting, to church at the nearby St Anthony’s. In typical CofE fashion, we would have tried to join in the familiar hymns and prayers, a quarter of a beat behind. “Though we are many we are one body, because we all share in one bread.”
It is still unclear how many of the thousand-strong congregation were killed. Video footage shows a man walking into St Sebastian’s church in Negombo carrying a bomb and entering a pew. Moments later, all the good, happy people around him were gone. At Zion Church in Batticaloa, 14 children at the Sunday school were among the victims.
They were my brothers and sisters. Sharing a belief in the love that passeth all understanding made them the target of a vast and incomprehensible hatred, which is a danger to each and every one of us.
They were not Easter worshippers. How dare cowards call them that, to avoid giving offence. At the very least, they deserve to be referred to by their rightful name. Say it aloud: they were Christians. May God rest their souls.
“Top EU officials have met foreign billionaire George Soros, at his request, on repeated occasions. Soros is said to have given the anti-Brexit group ‘Best for Britain’ £800,000.
Former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has openly being seeking to stop Brexit and has reportedly been in contact with France’s President Macron as well.”
How can the BBC cope with an issue on which gays and moslems disagree?
I wonder if the BBC will report this.
Moslem medical scientist has produced a cure for gayness, which, she says, can also cure lesbianism.
You see the cause of homosexuality is a semen eating worm up yer bum. She has invented a suppository that kills the worm. And cures homosexuality.
Gays in Pink News are not convinced of this latest piece of Islamic science.
They ought to be careful in case they are accused of Islamophobia.
We await the BBC report.
Science was never their forte, or engineering, art, literature, music, theatre, sport, well anything really that makes us human, as a quick look around the middle east will show, (despite oil money paying for others to build their infrastructure) but dancing around in pajamas shooting guns and burning flags, endless whingeing whining and complaining, attacking minorities, killing and torturing people in ever more imaginative ways, they are experts, well done : a credit to humanity
Meanwhile, inevitably, in complement, into the inboxes of too many credulous and those working at the BBC or in the HoP… another freaking petition. And I have just seen on FB a now clearly lunatic, aspiring Asburger acquaintance (certainly his posts are suggestive of severe mental impairment) has already signed up for the next bus of barmies to ‘protest’ Trump having had so much fun ‘doing Brexit’.
“The basic problem is the same everywhere and that is nothing is being done.”
Those were the words of 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg to MPs. [1] Species are disappearing by the day, there are freak weather events and temperatures are skyrocketing. [2]. If we don’t act to stop the climate crisis now, our world will change beyond recognition.
But it isn’t too late, if we act fast. People across the world are standing up for our planet. School children are going on strike. [3] There are protests in the streets. [4] And scientists are releasing report after report. [5] Politicians are feeling the pressure. [6] But they need to hear our voices.
Together we can prove to politicians that the public – that’s us! – demand bold action. It’s not just a few people that care about this. There are hundreds of thousands of us who want to protect our environment for future generations.
So, Rube, will you sign the petition demanding urgent action to stop the climate crisis now? Together, our voices will be impossible to ignore:
Facing the scale of the problem can be scary, but there is hope – and we all have our part to play. [7] 38 Degrees works because we know that together, we can send a message to the government that hundreds of thousands of us want action now.
It will take ambitious action to fix this mess, but it’s within reach. If politicians are going to act, they need to know the public want them to go further than ever before to protect our wonderful planet, buzzing bees and beautiful coastlines.
Sheep-for-brains will you add your name to the petition to stop the climate crisis now? Every single signature counts:
Thank you for everything you do,
Holly, Gordon, Stewart, Ryan and the 38 Degrees office team
Holly, Gordo, Stew, Ryan and all the rest of the ‘team’ can kiss my aspidistra.
Evan Davis used this term 4 times in the first minute of the beeb news after 5.30! (R4.)
So beware.
Joe Biden, we are told, is a ‘centrist’. (He declared earlier today he was running for President. Co incidence?)
Macron is also ‘centrist’.
Centrists were all over the place.
The beeb are up to something. I haven’t heard them using that term for ages.
What lies behind this out break of ‘centrism’?
After all, we know the term ‘far-right’ is constantly used (abused) by the beeb.
Now, let’s find out who, other than Biden and Macron are ‘centrists’….
Or was it just that Evan was practising a new word he had just learnt?
‘Splash dat cash’: County lines drugs gang who filmed themselves kicking around £50 notes are found guilty of exploiting children as young as 13 to flood streets with heroin and crack cocaine
The ‘Rico/Mitch’ gang, which operated between London and Devon, filmed themselves with huge stacks of £50 notes while boasting ‘Splash dat cash’. Two gang members, Shuiab Awadh, 24, and Bobo Faki, 19, were found guilty at Exeter Crown Court of being part of a conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. Another six men and one woman have already pleaded guilty. The trial heard how the ‘Rico’ county lines gang sent youngsters from London to conduct their deals. Pictured: Gang members Faisal Ibraham (top), 25, Hassan Sufi (bottom left), 20, and Yakub Sufi (bottom right).
No comment: especially when the next appeal appears on TV:
Mother, 39, has 38 CHILDREN with six sets of twins, four sets of triplets and five sets of quadruplets – including six babies who tragically did not survive – due to unusually large ovaries
Mariam Nabatanzi’s husband left her three years ago, meaning that she has to raise all her 38 children alone
Mariam Nabatanzi gave birth to twins a year after she was married off at the age of 12
Family sizes are at their largest in Africa. In Uganda, the fertility rate averages out at 5.6 children per woman
ISIS celebrate Sri Lankan bomb attack with poster showing the Pope and Donald Trump on fire on blood-splattered background
Pro-ISIS forums have been celebrating the Easter Sunday attack in Sri Lanka
Latest poster shows attackers above message vowing ‘rivers of unclean blood’
Also shows Trump, Pope Francis and Buddha on fire and spattered with blood
Coordinated bombings against churches and hotels killed at least 359 people
BBC favourite Chris Packham – see earlier posts – is making much of the fact that ‘vandals’ have left two dead crows hanging from the gate of his New Forest home, with Twitter duly outraged.
Nobody could deny that there are some mentally challenged klutzes within the shooting community, yet it’s difficult to see how they might think that such behaviour could help their cause, nor why they should hang the birds in space with a large 5-bar gate so conveniently placed within a couple of feet to display them.
On the other hand the heightened sense of fury among the antis and environmentalists created by the sight of dead birds swinging by the neck could be just the very straw to help overload Packham’s burden. Not that he or any of his fans would deliberately do such a thing, of course.
and during my environmental degree studies I found out that the cat population in this country was responsible for desecration of wildlife similar to the Torrey Canyon 1967 oil tanker disaster EVERY YEAR and we wonder where all the songbirds are ? post that on twitter and see the reaction
As a matter of interest:
SS Torrey Canyon was an LR2 Suezmax class oil tanker with a cargo capacity of 120,000 tons of crude oil.
Torrey Canyon struck Pollard’s Rock on Seven Stones reef, between the Cornish mainland and the Isles of Scilly, on 18 March. It became grounded and, several days later, began to break up.
Hundreds of miles of coastline in Britain, France, Guernsey, and Spain were affected by the oil and other substances used in an effort to mitigate damage.[2]
In an effort to reduce the size of the oil spill, the British government decided to set the wreck on fire, by means of air strikes from the Fleet Air Arm (FAA) and Royal Air Force (RAF). On 28 March 1967, FAA Blackburn Buccaneers from RNAS Lossiemouth dropped 1,000 lb (454 kg) bombs on the ship. Afterwards RAF Hawker Hunter from RAF Chivenor dropped cans of jet fuel (kerosene), to fuel the blaze.[3] However, the fire was put out by high tides,[clarification needed] and further strikes were needed to re-ignite the oil, by FAA de Havilland Sea Vixens from RNAS Yeovilton and Buccaneers from the RNAS Brawdy, as well as RAF Hunters of No 1(F) Sqn from RAF West Raynham with napalm. Bombing continued into the next day, until Torrey Canyon finally sank.[4] A total of 161 bombs, 16 rockets, 1,500 tons of napalm and 44,500 litres of kerosene were used.
Yes there’s the hidden word 1,500 tons of napalm which if I remember right caused a scandal because our government had claimed they had no stocks of napalm.
I first read that as ‘two dead cows’ – now that would have been some feat! But how many birds are killed by the wind turbines Packham seems to love so much.
Just remember the UK is not a free and fair country. It is most certainly not a democracy, and our elections are not secret ballots where the neither the state nor anyone else do not know the candidate you have voted for.
Your voting slip is numbered and that number is written down next to your name and address when you take it from the people manning the desks. The voting booth only has a soft thick pencil, which would be incredibly easy to erase and remark.
Worse than that it is incredibly easy for certain groups who are naturally more corrupt to take those votes which have not been cast, and cast them on someone elses behalf. In some cases legitimate voters have been prevented from casting their vote because someone else has voted using their identity.
This is not a democratic country, and as the judge said it is one which would shame a banana republic.
Election fraud has been allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of “political correctness”, a major report finds as it calls for unprecedented reforms to the British voting system.
In a report commissioned by the Government, Sir Eric Pickles, the former Conservative Cabinet minister, today warns that the authorities are in a “state of denial” and are “turning a blind eye” to election fraud.
He said that there is evidence of voter fraud “especially in communities of Pakistani and Bangladeshi background” but that the cases have been ignored because of “over-sensitivities about ethnicity and religion”.
Sir Eric warns that “challenging issues” over community cohesion should never be an “excuse” for failing to “uphold the rule of law and protect British liberties”.
Sir Eric’s report makes a series of recommendations to Theresa May, the Prime Minister, and calls for people to require identification when they are voting and for police cordons around polling stations to prevent intimidation.
Voters in ‘vulnerable’ areas may have to show passports government proposes
VOTERS in towns and cities will show their passport or driving licences in order to cast their ballots amid fears of electoral fraud, the Government has announced. Each of the 18 areas selected has a high Muslim population.
New electoral fraud allegations in east London are being investigated by police. Almost 40 new claims of corruption have been reported in the run-up to the local elections in Tower Hamlets next month, according to the Evening Standard.
A team from the Metropolitan Police’s specialist crime and operations division is said to be investigating 39 complaints of bribery, forgery and ballot tampering before the mayoral contest in Tower Hamlets.
Police officers equipped with body cameras will be stationed at polling stations across the borough on May 3 in an attempt to deter and monitor attempted fraud.
Tower Hamlets gained national attention in 2015 when Lutfur Rahman, Britain’s first elected Muslim mayor, was unseated in disgrace by the High Court after rigging his election
Then they can take them off as those with hoods and crash helmets have to do it is not religious it is tribal and also was never used until recently just a way of putting up two fingers to this country as I said before
Yes “they” are in local govt everywhere and are allowed to be voting staff, immigration dept at Croydon, as I know personally, I was at a London local authority for a while and was shocked at the lack of diversity i.e. white males in the whole building, “breakfast” would start as soon as they arrived AT WORK around 9 – 10 am loaded with tupperware boxes, with regular fire evacuations due to burnt garlic bread left in toasters at least one morning every two weeks or so ,(I kid you not and the smell..) and from 11.30 onwards we would have curry time around the office in all microwaves so customer service took second place to the street food festival taking place every day and woe betide trying to discuss business when they were “ea h in” which was most of the time.
Apologies for posting again on the subject of Sri Lanka, but the hypocrisy of the Liberal – Left (in which I include al-beeb of course) on the most important issue of islamic terrorism needs to be hammered home relentlessly. This topic must not be allowed to be swept under the carpet and forgotten.
And who better than Ben Shapiro and David Wood to spell out the issues with great clarity? (Ben Shapiro is razor sharp and David Wood is amusing too.)
C4 now have two ‘stars ‘ in Sri Lanka – the Guru Murphy and their tame Orish reporter. Muslim terrorists are now described as ‘militants’ but leaving the Muslim bit out in the standard bias by omission .
One of the Muslim murderers did a qualification in IED making at Kingston poly – which is nice . He then went to Australia and did a masters in suicide bombing .
I think C4 is trying to cover its shame in the initial reporting of this mass murder by Muslim terrorists and was pleased to announce the body count is down from 350 to 255 because body parts were double counted …
No – avoided say Christian or talking about victims at all – just distracting by playing the blame game
More positively – there is an excellent article in `the Guardian about the BBC admitting it has lost the iPlayer / Netflix war and is on the way to being irrelevant – which is a bit cheering .
There can be only one explanation, occams razor, it is the continual barraging and lobbyng by the rop that is influencing those at the BBC, they are running courses at the mcb in how to do this, natural complainers and whingers et al by nature, until they get into power, and then we will see how they deal with complaints…a look around the hell holes they have run away from will tell
Britain has issued its sharpest condemnation of the direction of Saudi Arabian human rights policy, describing its mass executions as “repulsive” and “utterly unacceptable in the modern world”.
The remarks came after further details emerged of the Saudi government’s execution on Tuesday of 37 people, including three who were minors at the time of their alleged offence.
One of those executed was then crucified, according to Saudi state media.
Amnesty International said of those executed, 11 men were convicted of spying, and 14 others were convicted of violent offences, including participation in anti-government demonstrations in Saudi Arabia’s Shia-majority Eastern Province between 2011 and 2012. The 14 were subjected to prolonged pre-trial detention and told the court they were tortured or otherwise ill-treated to extract “confessions” from them.
Organised premeditated racist gang rape of underage white children in EVERY muslim ghetto around our country, , attacks on Jews, homosexuals, OFSTED inspectors, oppression of women, widespread organised electoral fraud, support for terrorists, random attacks on our soldiers, attacks on Christian preachers at Hyde Park corner is there no end to the joys of diversity with a particular minority in our country who are a MINORITY, amongst so many others who just get along with life in the UK : the Sikhs Hindus Chinese etc etc
Occams razor again : they hate us and our country and wish to destroy it, the only reason they are here,
lucky enough we have quite a few Chinese here and they know how to deal with this lot, we may have to rely on America and China as we cannot seem to rely on our Govt or Eurpoean leaders to protect us, the primary role of Govt.
A leak from the grandly names insecurity council – that the Chinese can bug 5G software they flog Blighty . A criminal investigation – but perhaps whoever leaked it deserves a medal – but not a Chinese one …
Bungs or gongs all round .
In 20 yrs time: which is the frying pan and which the fire ? common sense says judge by their actions and there is one which fails spectacularly in that respect
I know a cllr they are not having a good time at the doorstep wherever they come from as despite ones views on Europe no one but no one has any respect for they way our MPs and the idiot speaker has conducted themselves including a criminal mp still standing after prison with no honour (but very diverse and enriching) and anothe drinking on a train etc etc so enriching
This very poignant, candid and wholly accurate summary from Allison Pearson in the DT of the Sri Lankan Islamic terrorist attacks on Christians as covered by the Liberal MSM Lefties:
By Allison Pearson
23rd Apr 2019, 7:09 pm
Easter Sunday was such a heavenly day. The churchyard was frothing with blossom. Young and old were there to celebrate. The anguish and suffering of Good Friday was banished. Even those of us whose faith is less a rock, more a comforting pebble, could enjoy belting out, “Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son.”
But not this year. Some wiped away tears as they sang. News had filtered through. Five thousand miles away, another Calvary. In Sri Lanka, hell had broken loose.
Islamist terrorists, bombs strapped to their backs, had gone into churches on the holiest day in the Christian calendar with the express purpose of murdering as many innocents as possible. There was also carnage at hotels popular with Western tourists. “It remains unclear who carried out the attacks,” the BBC website was still insisting 12 hours after the massacres. We knew. And they knew. But if you stayed tuned to the news all day, you would not hear the word “terrorist” and certainly not the most inflammatory term of all: “Christian”.
The contrast with the reporting of the mosque shootings in New Zealand could not have been more striking. Back in March, there was no doubt that the massacres in Christchurch, by a lone gunman during Friday prayers, were motivated by hatred of Muslims.
One evil man’s actions were swiftly used to extrapolate an entire theory of racism on the Right. Journalists like me, who had dared to criticise the burka, or the grievous failure of integration (finally admitted by Tony Blair this week, I see), were said by Leftists to be guilty of Islamophobia and therefore “implicated” in the murder of 50 men, women and children.
When it’s the other way around, though, the denial is deafening. Theresa May tweeted, “The acts of violence against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are truly appalling, and my sympathies go out to all of those affected at this tragic time.”
But they weren’t acts of violence against buildings, were they, Prime Minister? If you detonate a bomb inside a church on Easter Sunday, the result does tend to be that you kill an awful lot of followers of Jesus Christ. When a vicar’s daughter decides that it’s wiser not to mention the C-word, you know that fear is now greater than faith.
Compare and contrast the reaction of Hillary Clinton to the two tragedies. On Sunday, she tweeted, “I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travellers in Sri Lanka.” Easter worshippers? That’s a clunking new euphemism for Christians. When the mosques in Christchurch were targeted, did Clinton talk of Ramadan worshippers? No, she wrote, “My heart breaks for New Zealand and the global Muslim community.”
I’m afraid that politicians like Clinton and May are paralysed by a terrible dilemma. It’s too scary to admit that militant Islamists are at war with Christianity and Western civilization, that vandalism of churches is rife across Europe and that, according to the Pew Report, Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion.
In order to cover up this inconvenient truth, politicians and the police increasingly try to create a false equivalence between terrorism committed by the far-Right and by Islamists. It’s a downright lie. In the UK alone, intelligence officers have identified 23,000 jihadist extremists, at least 3,000 of whom are believed to pose an active threat. Scores of foul fiends must have plotted and carried out the Sri Lankan attacks.
This is deeply uncomfortable for the liberal media, which responds with shifty obfuscation. On Monday, The Washington Post ran a bizarre story about the Easter Sunday massacre with the headline, “Sri Lanka church bombings stoke far-Right anger in the West”.
That was wildly premature, but it inadvertently revealed their overwhelming concern: not that so many had been slaughtered, but that such horrors would provoke a backlash against Muslims.
The Post continued, “far-Right groups began to describe the attacks in specifically religious terms”. Possibly not unrelated to the fact that the Sri Lankan authorities had just blamed a militant Islamist group. “To some”, the paper opined gingerly, “it was further proof that Christians in many parts of the world are under attack.”
Well, yes, the cold-blooded murder of more than 290 people, most of them Christians in their place of worship, does tend to give credence to the theory that a certain religion is “under attack”. Sorry.
You know, we had been thinking of taking a holiday this Easter in Sri Lanka because so many friends, some of them Sri Lankans, had urged us to go. We could easily have been the Nicholsons. Mum, Anita with her adorable son and daughter, Alex and Annabel, having breakfast in their Colombo hotel while dad, Ben, popped up to the room, or back to the buffet. A beautiful family wiped out in a split second, leaving him to wonder why he was spared.
In that same restaurant, Anne Storm Pedersen, the wife of Danish billionaire, Anders Holch Povlsen, cried out for people to pray for three of her four children who had just been murdered. The mind melts at the thought of such intolerable suffering.
Most likely, though, we would have dragged the kids, protesting, to church at the nearby St Anthony’s. In typical CofE fashion, we would have tried to join in the familiar hymns and prayers, a quarter of a beat behind. “Though we are many we are one body, because we all share in one bread.”
It is still unclear how many of the thousand-strong congregation were killed. Video footage shows a man walking into St Sebastian’s church in Negombo carrying a bomb and entering a pew. Moments later, all the good, happy people around him were gone. At Zion Church in Batticaloa, 14 children at the Sunday school were among the victims.
They were my brothers and sisters. Sharing a belief in the love that passeth all understanding made them the target of a vast and incomprehensible hatred, which is a danger to each and every one of us.
They were not Easter worshippers. How dare cowards call them that, to avoid giving offence. At the very least, they deserve to be referred to by their rightful name. Say it aloud: they were Christians. May God rest their souls.
No probs Up2snuff. Much of it covered in comments here on bBBC but good that some journos will speak open and honest truths against the huge weight of the controlling media and establishment. It gives you hope that commentators such as Alison, Melanie and Rod when spread around will resonate with the masses and force changes in the press and media.
The more traction the brexit Party is getting in the run up to 23 May the more desperate the MSM will become to undermine it – particularly since enemy parties such as the Tories and the chuka show are already finding councillors resigning because of things said on the Facebook .
Now that TR had declared to become an MEP they will go for him too, At least Michael Crick won’t be pestering decent populist candidates as the bitch of C4 this time round ….
I’d say we must vote but it seems many wards only have remainer parties to choose from ….. which isn’t democracy is it ? Whether it is local politics or not …
Nigerian deliberately runs down Christian boys killing 8.
Police try to suggest it was an accident. So it’s not just the bbc and our police who are corrupt.
Good to see the driver got what he deserved;
The President of The United States of America, President Donald J. Trump, accompanied by Mrs Melania Trump, has accepted an invitation from Her Majesty The Queen to pay a State Visit to the UK. pic.twitter.com/e3ANW9bUKa
The preponderance of horrified lefty tweets in response to this strongly suggests (to me) that the twitter account of the Royal Family is being manipulated – but by whom?
Rather pithy response to the state of the bbc reporting:
Maybe @CliveMyrieBBC should mention that the reason the Sri Lankan death toll has come down sharply is because there were so many dismembered body parts no one could tell how many humans they had belonged to?
Dear oh dear, this article says it all about the bbc’s role as a mouthpiece for Muslim propaganda. Under the guise of announcing that the death toll has been revised downwards, (so obviously these Sri Lankan’s can’t be trusted, hopefully they can revise it to less than the Christchurch total, thereby releasing the Muslim terrorists from blame!)….
Shortly into the piece:
‘Hundreds of Muslims, fearing revenge attacks, have been fleeing the city of Negombo, site of one of the attacks’
Sub sections:
‘What is the situation with the Muslim minority?’
‘A community in fear’
So as predicted, no apparent concern for Christians, the victims, but we should all know about the danger that Muslims are in as a result of their own extremists.
Oh God, another Thursday night and I have yet again fallen victim to the irresistible temptation to switch channels to our beloved national propaganda service and watch their flagship topical debating programme, and 5 minutes in, the wife is already moving everything throwable out of my immediate reach in order to preserve the integrity of the old Samsung flatscreen. I really must learn to listen to my instincts.
“5 minutes in, the wife is already moving everything throwable out of my immediate reach”
I stopped watching that “left-wing place of worship” many years ago. It was way too bad for my hypertension. I dread to think what its like these days.
If nothing is done soon about the outrageous bias at the BBC it [BBC] will soon be a “politically Protected Species”.
Wythenshawe : Posted on FB by one of the leaders of the campaign against TR there
\\ Tommy in front of camera is scary! Tommy away from camera was a geezer and I felt we connected in a nice, respectable way….we had a couple of different views and opinions….but overall I left feeling we’d actually connected in a good way.
Look forward to breaking bread with him again and chatting some more. //
click the link to see the full post
The TR speech Key line
‘Yeh UKIP will get some seats, BrexitP will get some seats
… but will that sent a shockwave ?
Now if TR gets elected will that send a shockwave ?”
..crowd cheer
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
The BBC despises everyone over 40.
Everyone under 40 despises the BBC.
Based on my kids and their mates I reckon that for 99.9% of schoolkids these days, the bbc means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
“The BBC despises…” is this not a bit like The Conservatives in 2015 deciding to appeal to the young even if it meant rubbing up their ‘traditional’ vote the wrong way?
It’s a tricky game appealing to a new demographic whilst still reliant on the old one to pay the bills. Clever manipulative people will find a way – a campaign highlighting the unique funding model perhaps?
Me likewise. I have now mostly given up on the World Service. Like the lottery you can sometimes catch a neutral program.
Old dramas and comedy on R4 Xtra is still ok.
Radio 4 is now just a distant memory.
I’ve now taken to some bits of LBC. Best to record it and shoot through the rubbish.
As an ardent talk radio fan since age 9 and for around 55 years that is where I’m now at – have I really changed that much ?
Anyway, a quick quiz.
Spot the odd one out:-
2 people really getting on my tits at the moment that the BBC and general MSM are obsessed with are that freaky, wide eyed frog Greta Thornberg and the worlds current Virtue Signalling champion, Emma Thompson !!!! Sozzinski has the right idea
These “Luvvies” of the Far Left, really do live preaching dont they !!! Sickening.
A manipulated and exploited child with a mental illness – I’m sure her highly moral parents and users are very proud.
I) She has a new movie
2) She has no need to go on working
3) She can afford a Tesla and all that kinda stuff
4) She is forced to use air travel – FORCED ! ? $*
5) She can live anywhere she pleases
6) She has no concept of life for anyone but her sort
7) She has spent too long in the Hollywood bubble
8) Did I say she has a new movie
Doob…… It doesn’t make any sense at all” – Actress Emma Thompson says as one of the richest economies in the world the UK shouldn’t have an issue with child food poverty. ”
Well, there wouldn’t be a problem, if people stopped having kids they cant afford. Or are they just referring to BAME and migrant kids ?
There is a choice of having children, however, being an old person and in poverty is not a choice – well I suppose there is, – they could die . So who is shouting down their megaphone for them ?
For anyone who might be interested, this link shows how hard it is to get a seasoned piece of oak to burn. You can use kindling, a blow torch, white spirit and fire lighters, and all that happens is that they burn themselves out. Notre Dame’s retired chief architect can offer no explanation as to how the cathedral burnt, and having seen this, neither can I.
Still, it’s good to know that within a few hours of the cathedral going up in flames, the French government was confident enough to announce that it was all an accident. Move along people, nothing to see here…
The scaffolding company has already admitted that the workers flouted the smoking ban and were openly puffing away while they worked.
If you cast your mind back both Windsor castle and York Minster suffered similar damage from fire, all with oak going up in flames quite readily.
The test here is not really relevant to the fire with no indication of the type of Oak (there are very different species types). Also don’t forget that an enclosed space with rubbish from previous building work will be very different to the open air and a blowtorch.
We can all have theories. The investigation of the cause will take weeks.
I can’t see any admission about workers smoking in that article.
I suppose that the proverbial “carelessly discarded cigarette” may have worked where white spirit, firelighters and a blow torch failed, but part of me just can’t help having doubts…
Thanks Rob. It proves AT THE VERY LEAST that it’s not at all easy to start a fire with old seasoned timbers.
And that the French authorities’ first and overwhelming priority – like ours – is always to divert suspicion away from you-know-who.
The BBC choose not to “fact check” Biden’s partial recollection of Trump’s statements after the Charlottesville incident. BBC says In his announcement, Mr Biden recalled President Donald Trump’s much-criticised remark that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the deadly Charlottesville white nationalist riots of 2017.
“With those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” Mr Biden said.
Trump’s statements at the press conference at the time were
“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
“fact check”
If the facts don’t fit the narrative write some that do. Or better still quote an authoritative source such as an opponent.
They do not appear to have Twitter accounts, but I wonder if Fran and Tony get a daily summary from a cabal of courtiers keen not to upset their rarified existences?
When Donald Trump announced his intention to run for POTUS the BBC described him as a pussy grabber, a sexual deviant who likes to be urinated on and a man who threatens prostitutes by intimidation and bribes.
When sex pest Joe Biden, Democrat and friend of both Hillary and Barack Obama, announces he is to run for POTUS, the BBC use the phrases “inappropriately invaded the personal space of woman” and “allegations of inappropriate physical contact”.
They should, then, always refer to “sex criminal ” Clinton, and his enabling wife who attacked his sex asault victims, also then, but it appears the BBC may be biased
Twitter can be confusing but it seems that Andrew Adonis the famous onanist- has become a Brexiter MEP candidate . Just don’t get that …
You can see the very cunning plan, worthy of Machiavelli, unfolding.
Treesa refreshed after her walking holiday, slips her deal through the Commons and locks it into law.
She resigns, skips off to her country cottage and Hunt is slotted in.
Euro Elections scrapped, bbc does wall to wall anti Trump visit to distract us fools, Farage becomes superfluous and we’re back to ‘normal’.
Seems it is Emma Thompson day on the BBC. Again.
This is my favourite.
The Today Programme
7 hrs ·
Is British actress Emma Thomson tempted to go into politics?
“Oh God, no”
She and Greta could so be there. Idiots, with no savant.
Ron Steigler: Mr. Gardner, uh, my editors and I have been wondering if you would consider writing a book for us, something about your um, political philosophy, what do you say?
Chance: I can’t write.
Ron Steigler: Heh, heh, of course not, who can nowadays? Listen, I have trouble writing a postcard to my children. Look uhh, we can give you a six figure advance, I’ll provide you with the very best ghost-writer, proof-readers…
Chance: I can’t read.
Ron Steigler: Of course you can’t! No one has the time! We, we glance at things, we watch television…
Chance: I like to watch TV.
Ron Steigler: Oh, oh, oh sure you do. No one reads!
The BBC MSM is suffering from a group psychosis which makes wimmin like
The mental Greta
The insane Dame
The insane ISIS terrorist
Worthy of being listened to . Madness – sheer madness .
{ didn’t even include the OCD Hispanic Democrat drip ]
And when the kid has a bad days and tries to top herself where will blame fall ?
The BBC is also moving into overt propaganda beyond reason.
And there appears no one in the entire HoP with half a brain cell to even notice, much less do anything about the damage this does.
The joint press conference between comrades may and Corbyn will be a true popcorn event . Never will there be such false sincerity and ‘agreeing for the sake of the country ‘.
It will be epic political suffering – there may even be tears . Three weeks to the Illegal EU elections ….
DT – Allison Pearson:
Islamist terrorists, bombs strapped to their backs, had gone into churches on the holiest day in the Christian calendar with the express purpose of murdering as many innocents as possible. There was also carnage at hotels popular with Western tourists. “It remains unclear who carried out the attacks,” the BBC website was still insisting 12 hours after the massacres. We knew. And they knew. But if you stayed tuned to the news all day, you would not hear the word “terrorist” and certainly not the most inflammatory term of all: “Christian”.
The contrast with the reporting of the mosque shootings in New Zealand could not have been more striking. Back in March, there was no doubt that the massacres in Christchurch, by a lone gunman during Friday prayers, were motivated by hatred of Muslims.
One evil man’s actions were swiftly used to extrapolate an entire theory of racism on the Right. Journalists like me, who had dared to criticise the burka, or the grievous failure of integration (finally admitted by Tony Blair this week, I see), were said by Leftists to be guilty of Islamophobia and therefore “implicated” in the murder of 50 men, women and children.
When it’s the other way around, though, the denial is deafening. Theresa May tweeted, “The acts of violence against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are truly appalling, and my sympathies go out to all of those affected at this tragic time.”
But they weren’t acts of violence against buildings, were they, Prime Minister? If you detonate a bomb inside a church on Easter Sunday, the result does tend to be that you kill an awful lot of followers of Jesus Christ. When a vicar’s daughter decides that it’s wiser not to mention the C-word, you know that fear is now greater than faith.
Compare and contrast the reaction of Hillary Clinton to the two tragedies. On Sunday, she tweeted, “I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travellers in Sri Lanka.” Easter worshippers? That’s a clunking new euphemism for Christians. When the mosques in Christchurch were targeted, did Clinton talk of Ramadan worshippers? No, she wrote, “My heart breaks for New Zealand and the global Muslim community.”
I’m afraid that politicians like Clinton and May are paralysed by a terrible dilemma. It’s too scary to admit that militant Islamists are at war with Christianity and Western civilization, that vandalism of churches is rife across Europe and that, according to the Pew Report, Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion.
Their problem is by denying Muslim war on western judeochristian civilisation so overtly – that when the event comes which is so horrible – so murderous that what has gone before is eclipsed – they will be washed away in the torrent of
Reaction .
Maybe the Muslims can be put back in their box when Wahhabi funding reduces or someone finally ends Saudi Arabia but who knows if that will happen – when it should have happened on 9/12…
TR standing for MEP in the north-west?
Dover Sentry
There is a glaring omission in the report that Tommy Robinson is standing as an MEP
DT. Cont’d:
In order to cover up this inconvenient truth, politicians and the police increasingly try to create a false equivalence between terrorism committed by the far-Right and by Islamists. It’s a downright lie. In the UK alone, intelligence officers have identified 23,000 jihadist extremists, at least 3,000 of whom are believed to pose an active threat. Scores of foul fiends must have plotted and carried out the Sri Lankan attacks.
This is deeply uncomfortable for the liberal media, which responds with shifty obfuscation. On Monday, The Washington Post ran a bizarre story about the Easter Sunday massacre with the headline, “Sri Lanka church bombings stoke far-Right anger in the West”.
That was wildly premature, but it inadvertently revealed their overwhelming concern: not that so many had been slaughtered, but that such horrors would provoke a backlash against Muslims.
The Post continued, “far-Right groups began to describe the attacks in specifically religious terms”. Possibly not unrelated to the fact that the Sri Lankan authorities had just blamed a militant Islamist group. “To some”, the paper opined gingerly, “it was further proof that Christians in many parts of the world are under attack.”
DT. End:
Well, yes, the cold-blooded murder of more than 290 people, most of them Christians in their place of worship, does tend to give credence to the theory that a certain religion is “under attack”. Sorry.
You know, we had been thinking of taking a holiday this Easter in Sri Lanka because so many friends, some of them Sri Lankans, had urged us to go. We could easily have been the Nicholsons. Mum, Anita with her adorable son and daughter, Alex and Annabel, having breakfast in their Colombo hotel while dad, Ben, popped up to the room, or back to the buffet. A beautiful family wiped out in a split second, leaving him to wonder why he was spared.
In that same restaurant, Anne Storm Pedersen, the wife of Danish billionaire, Anders Holch Povlsen, cried out for people to pray for three of her four children who had just been murdered. The mind melts at the thought of such intolerable suffering.
Most likely, though, we would have dragged the kids, protesting, to church at the nearby St Anthony’s. In typical CofE fashion, we would have tried to join in the familiar hymns and prayers, a quarter of a beat behind. “Though we are many we are one body, because we all share in one bread.”
It is still unclear how many of the thousand-strong congregation were killed. Video footage shows a man walking into St Sebastian’s church in Negombo carrying a bomb and entering a pew. Moments later, all the good, happy people around him were gone. At Zion Church in Batticaloa, 14 children at the Sunday school were among the victims.
They were my brothers and sisters. Sharing a belief in the love that passeth all understanding made them the target of a vast and incomprehensible hatred, which is a danger to each and every one of us.
They were not Easter worshippers. How dare cowards call them that, to avoid giving offence. At the very least, they deserve to be referred to by their rightful name. Say it aloud: they were Christians. May God rest their souls.
Bless you Allison for having more balls than May, Saints Obama and Clinton, and the entire staff of al beeb put together.
You, at least, speak truth to power.
The unspeakable in pursuit of the unacceptable:-
“Top EU officials have met foreign billionaire George Soros, at his request, on repeated occasions. Soros is said to have given the anti-Brexit group ‘Best for Britain’ £800,000.
Former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has openly being seeking to stop Brexit and has reportedly been in contact with France’s President Macron as well.”
How can the BBC cope with an issue on which gays and moslems disagree?
I wonder if the BBC will report this.
Moslem medical scientist has produced a cure for gayness, which, she says, can also cure lesbianism.
You see the cause of homosexuality is a semen eating worm up yer bum. She has invented a suppository that kills the worm. And cures homosexuality.
Gays in Pink News are not convinced of this latest piece of Islamic science.
They ought to be careful in case they are accused of Islamophobia.
We await the BBC report.
Science was never their forte, or engineering, art, literature, music, theatre, sport, well anything really that makes us human, as a quick look around the middle east will show, (despite oil money paying for others to build their infrastructure) but dancing around in pajamas shooting guns and burning flags, endless whingeing whining and complaining, attacking minorities, killing and torturing people in ever more imaginative ways, they are experts, well done : a credit to humanity
Another Lefty Lib – Islam train crash ooerr !
Meanwhile, inevitably, in complement, into the inboxes of too many credulous and those working at the BBC or in the HoP… another freaking petition. And I have just seen on FB a now clearly lunatic, aspiring Asburger acquaintance (certainly his posts are suggestive of severe mental impairment) has already signed up for the next bus of barmies to ‘protest’ Trump having had so much fun ‘doing Brexit’.
“The basic problem is the same everywhere and that is nothing is being done.”
Those were the words of 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg to MPs. [1] Species are disappearing by the day, there are freak weather events and temperatures are skyrocketing. [2]. If we don’t act to stop the climate crisis now, our world will change beyond recognition.
But it isn’t too late, if we act fast. People across the world are standing up for our planet. School children are going on strike. [3] There are protests in the streets. [4] And scientists are releasing report after report. [5] Politicians are feeling the pressure. [6] But they need to hear our voices.
Together we can prove to politicians that the public – that’s us! – demand bold action. It’s not just a few people that care about this. There are hundreds of thousands of us who want to protect our environment for future generations.
So, Rube, will you sign the petition demanding urgent action to stop the climate crisis now? Together, our voices will be impossible to ignore:
Facing the scale of the problem can be scary, but there is hope – and we all have our part to play. [7] 38 Degrees works because we know that together, we can send a message to the government that hundreds of thousands of us want action now.
It will take ambitious action to fix this mess, but it’s within reach. If politicians are going to act, they need to know the public want them to go further than ever before to protect our wonderful planet, buzzing bees and beautiful coastlines.
Sheep-for-brains will you add your name to the petition to stop the climate crisis now? Every single signature counts:
Thank you for everything you do,
Holly, Gordon, Stewart, Ryan and the 38 Degrees office team
Holly, Gordo, Stew, Ryan and all the rest of the ‘team’ can kiss my aspidistra.
RE Greta: Give her a Barbie doll or a pony and shut her up for while
Evan Davis used this term 4 times in the first minute of the beeb news after 5.30! (R4.)
So beware.
Joe Biden, we are told, is a ‘centrist’. (He declared earlier today he was running for President. Co incidence?)
Macron is also ‘centrist’.
Centrists were all over the place.
The beeb are up to something. I haven’t heard them using that term for ages.
What lies behind this out break of ‘centrism’?
After all, we know the term ‘far-right’ is constantly used (abused) by the beeb.
Now, let’s find out who, other than Biden and Macron are ‘centrists’….
Or was it just that Evan was practising a new word he had just learnt?
Another lie because some are far leftists and others are puppets of someone else!
He probably came across it whil e crayoning-in a picture of President Trump while his sister was visting him in his manhatten padded cell.
Wonder where this lot hail from ? good old anglo saxon / norman names, bringing such enrichment to us
‘Splash dat cash’: County lines drugs gang who filmed themselves kicking around £50 notes are found guilty of exploiting children as young as 13 to flood streets with heroin and crack cocaine
The ‘Rico/Mitch’ gang, which operated between London and Devon, filmed themselves with huge stacks of £50 notes while boasting ‘Splash dat cash’. Two gang members, Shuiab Awadh, 24, and Bobo Faki, 19, were found guilty at Exeter Crown Court of being part of a conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. Another six men and one woman have already pleaded guilty. The trial heard how the ‘Rico’ county lines gang sent youngsters from London to conduct their deals. Pictured: Gang members Faisal Ibraham (top), 25, Hassan Sufi (bottom left), 20, and Yakub Sufi (bottom right).
No comment: especially when the next appeal appears on TV:
Mother, 39, has 38 CHILDREN with six sets of twins, four sets of triplets and five sets of quadruplets – including six babies who tragically did not survive – due to unusually large ovaries
Mariam Nabatanzi’s husband left her three years ago, meaning that she has to raise all her 38 children alone
Mariam Nabatanzi gave birth to twins a year after she was married off at the age of 12
Family sizes are at their largest in Africa. In Uganda, the fertility rate averages out at 5.6 children per woman
Just goes to prove why family inbreeding is not recommended.
The employed in this country will no doubt finance their hospital visits once the incestual inbreeding will come to the fore. Any time soon is my bet.
Something to cheer Begum and the rest up:
ISIS celebrate Sri Lankan bomb attack with poster showing the Pope and Donald Trump on fire on blood-splattered background
Pro-ISIS forums have been celebrating the Easter Sunday attack in Sri Lanka
Latest poster shows attackers above message vowing ‘rivers of unclean blood’
Also shows Trump, Pope Francis and Buddha on fire and spattered with blood
Coordinated bombings against churches and hotels killed at least 359 people
Update: Public inquiry into the bias in the BBC is currently at 97,971 and will soon pass the required 100,000 for a debate in parliament. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/234797
98071 now including me …
BBC favourite Chris Packham – see earlier posts – is making much of the fact that ‘vandals’ have left two dead crows hanging from the gate of his New Forest home, with Twitter duly outraged.
Nobody could deny that there are some mentally challenged klutzes within the shooting community, yet it’s difficult to see how they might think that such behaviour could help their cause, nor why they should hang the birds in space with a large 5-bar gate so conveniently placed within a couple of feet to display them.
On the other hand the heightened sense of fury among the antis and environmentalists created by the sight of dead birds swinging by the neck could be just the very straw to help overload Packham’s burden. Not that he or any of his fans would deliberately do such a thing, of course.
and during my environmental degree studies I found out that the cat population in this country was responsible for desecration of wildlife similar to the Torrey Canyon 1967 oil tanker disaster EVERY YEAR and we wonder where all the songbirds are ? post that on twitter and see the reaction
As a matter of interest:
SS Torrey Canyon was an LR2 Suezmax class oil tanker with a cargo capacity of 120,000 tons of crude oil.
Torrey Canyon struck Pollard’s Rock on Seven Stones reef, between the Cornish mainland and the Isles of Scilly, on 18 March. It became grounded and, several days later, began to break up.
Hundreds of miles of coastline in Britain, France, Guernsey, and Spain were affected by the oil and other substances used in an effort to mitigate damage.[2]
In an effort to reduce the size of the oil spill, the British government decided to set the wreck on fire, by means of air strikes from the Fleet Air Arm (FAA) and Royal Air Force (RAF). On 28 March 1967, FAA Blackburn Buccaneers from RNAS Lossiemouth dropped 1,000 lb (454 kg) bombs on the ship. Afterwards RAF Hawker Hunter from RAF Chivenor dropped cans of jet fuel (kerosene), to fuel the blaze.[3] However, the fire was put out by high tides,[clarification needed] and further strikes were needed to re-ignite the oil, by FAA de Havilland Sea Vixens from RNAS Yeovilton and Buccaneers from the RNAS Brawdy, as well as RAF Hunters of No 1(F) Sqn from RAF West Raynham with napalm. Bombing continued into the next day, until Torrey Canyon finally sank.[4] A total of 161 bombs, 16 rockets, 1,500 tons of napalm and 44,500 litres of kerosene were used.
Yes there’s the hidden word 1,500 tons of napalm which if I remember right caused a scandal because our government had claimed they had no stocks of napalm.
I first read that as ‘two dead cows’ – now that would have been some feat! But how many birds are killed by the wind turbines Packham seems to love so much.
Tommy Robinson’s MEP campaign video.
This should spur the politicians to enact May’s deal and avoid EU elections
Just remember the UK is not a free and fair country. It is most certainly not a democracy, and our elections are not secret ballots where the neither the state nor anyone else do not know the candidate you have voted for.
Your voting slip is numbered and that number is written down next to your name and address when you take it from the people manning the desks. The voting booth only has a soft thick pencil, which would be incredibly easy to erase and remark.
Worse than that it is incredibly easy for certain groups who are naturally more corrupt to take those votes which have not been cast, and cast them on someone elses behalf. In some cases legitimate voters have been prevented from casting their vote because someone else has voted using their identity.
This is not a democratic country, and as the judge said it is one which would shame a banana republic.
As a registered political candidate TR will have a whole lot of protections
… from being shut down etc.
And guess who specialises in this :
Election fraud has been allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of “political correctness”, a major report finds as it calls for unprecedented reforms to the British voting system.
In a report commissioned by the Government, Sir Eric Pickles, the former Conservative Cabinet minister, today warns that the authorities are in a “state of denial” and are “turning a blind eye” to election fraud.
He said that there is evidence of voter fraud “especially in communities of Pakistani and Bangladeshi background” but that the cases have been ignored because of “over-sensitivities about ethnicity and religion”.
Sir Eric warns that “challenging issues” over community cohesion should never be an “excuse” for failing to “uphold the rule of law and protect British liberties”.
Sir Eric’s report makes a series of recommendations to Theresa May, the Prime Minister, and calls for people to require identification when they are voting and for police cordons around polling stations to prevent intimidation.
He also calls for officials at polling stations to be banned from speaking any language other than English and says that it should be made a criminal offense to attempt to influence someone to vote for a candidate because of their religion.
Voters in ‘vulnerable’ areas may have to show passports government proposes
VOTERS in towns and cities will show their passport or driving licences in order to cast their ballots amid fears of electoral fraud, the Government has announced. Each of the 18 areas selected has a high Muslim population.
Unless they abolish postal votes they are wasting their time.
New electoral fraud allegations in east London are being investigated by police. Almost 40 new claims of corruption have been reported in the run-up to the local elections in Tower Hamlets next month, according to the Evening Standard.
A team from the Metropolitan Police’s specialist crime and operations division is said to be investigating 39 complaints of bribery, forgery and ballot tampering before the mayoral contest in Tower Hamlets.
Police officers equipped with body cameras will be stationed at polling stations across the borough on May 3 in an attempt to deter and monitor attempted fraud.
Tower Hamlets gained national attention in 2015 when Lutfur Rahman, Britain’s first elected Muslim mayor, was unseated in disgrace by the High Court after rigging his election
It will be a bit tricky using body cameras on that muzzie full face fancy dress ….
Then they can take them off as those with hoods and crash helmets have to do it is not religious it is tribal and also was never used until recently just a way of putting up two fingers to this country as I said before
Probably find out that the voting staff are corrupt any way ….they’ll probably be ‘on loan’ from £housing £££
Yes “they” are in local govt everywhere and are allowed to be voting staff, immigration dept at Croydon, as I know personally, I was at a London local authority for a while and was shocked at the lack of diversity i.e. white males in the whole building, “breakfast” would start as soon as they arrived AT WORK around 9 – 10 am loaded with tupperware boxes, with regular fire evacuations due to burnt garlic bread left in toasters at least one morning every two weeks or so ,(I kid you not and the smell..) and from 11.30 onwards we would have curry time around the office in all microwaves so customer service took second place to the street food festival taking place every day and woe betide trying to discuss business when they were “ea h in” which was most of the time.
Apologies for posting again on the subject of Sri Lanka, but the hypocrisy of the Liberal – Left (in which I include al-beeb of course) on the most important issue of islamic terrorism needs to be hammered home relentlessly. This topic must not be allowed to be swept under the carpet and forgotten.
And who better than Ben Shapiro and David Wood to spell out the issues with great clarity? (Ben Shapiro is razor sharp and David Wood is amusing too.)
Vlad – you might as well keep going until ‘Islamophobia’ becomes a criminal offence . Then we are ‘done’.
I think it already is.
C4 now have two ‘stars ‘ in Sri Lanka – the Guru Murphy and their tame Orish reporter. Muslim terrorists are now described as ‘militants’ but leaving the Muslim bit out in the standard bias by omission .
One of the Muslim murderers did a qualification in IED making at Kingston poly – which is nice . He then went to Australia and did a masters in suicide bombing .
I think C4 is trying to cover its shame in the initial reporting of this mass murder by Muslim terrorists and was pleased to announce the body count is down from 350 to 255 because body parts were double counted …
Any BBC background about the victims ? CHRISTIAN victims ? tumbleweed again
No – avoided say Christian or talking about victims at all – just distracting by playing the blame game
More positively – there is an excellent article in `the Guardian about the BBC admitting it has lost the iPlayer / Netflix war and is on the way to being irrelevant – which is a bit cheering .
There can be only one explanation, occams razor, it is the continual barraging and lobbyng by the rop that is influencing those at the BBC, they are running courses at the mcb in how to do this, natural complainers and whingers et al by nature, until they get into power, and then we will see how they deal with complaints…a look around the hell holes they have run away from will tell
Britain has issued its sharpest condemnation of the direction of Saudi Arabian human rights policy, describing its mass executions as “repulsive” and “utterly unacceptable in the modern world”.
The remarks came after further details emerged of the Saudi government’s execution on Tuesday of 37 people, including three who were minors at the time of their alleged offence.
One of those executed was then crucified, according to Saudi state media.
Amnesty International said of those executed, 11 men were convicted of spying, and 14 others were convicted of violent offences, including participation in anti-government demonstrations in Saudi Arabia’s Shia-majority Eastern Province between 2011 and 2012. The 14 were subjected to prolonged pre-trial detention and told the court they were tortured or otherwise ill-treated to extract “confessions” from them.
Organised premeditated racist gang rape of underage white children in EVERY muslim ghetto around our country, , attacks on Jews, homosexuals, OFSTED inspectors, oppression of women, widespread organised electoral fraud, support for terrorists, random attacks on our soldiers, attacks on Christian preachers at Hyde Park corner is there no end to the joys of diversity with a particular minority in our country who are a MINORITY, amongst so many others who just get along with life in the UK : the Sikhs Hindus Chinese etc etc
Occams razor again : they hate us and our country and wish to destroy it, the only reason they are here,
lucky enough we have quite a few Chinese here and they know how to deal with this lot, we may have to rely on America and China as we cannot seem to rely on our Govt or Eurpoean leaders to protect us, the primary role of Govt.
A leak from the grandly names insecurity council – that the Chinese can bug 5G software they flog Blighty . A criminal investigation – but perhaps whoever leaked it deserves a medal – but not a Chinese one …
Bungs or gongs all round .
In 20 yrs time: which is the frying pan and which the fire ? common sense says judge by their actions and there is one which fails spectacularly in that respect
not a beard in sight, a good start maybe
High Comedy on C4 news . Northern reporting going doorsteping with labour and Tory councillors –
You could tell it was fixed – no swearing and no one got hit .
I know a cllr they are not having a good time at the doorstep wherever they come from as despite ones views on Europe no one but no one has any respect for they way our MPs and the idiot speaker has conducted themselves including a criminal mp still standing after prison with no honour (but very diverse and enriching) and anothe drinking on a train etc etc so enriching
This very poignant, candid and wholly accurate summary from Allison Pearson in the DT of the Sri Lankan Islamic terrorist attacks on Christians as covered by the Liberal MSM Lefties:
By Allison Pearson
23rd Apr 2019, 7:09 pm
Easter Sunday was such a heavenly day. The churchyard was frothing with blossom. Young and old were there to celebrate. The anguish and suffering of Good Friday was banished. Even those of us whose faith is less a rock, more a comforting pebble, could enjoy belting out, “Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son.”
But not this year. Some wiped away tears as they sang. News had filtered through. Five thousand miles away, another Calvary. In Sri Lanka, hell had broken loose.
Islamist terrorists, bombs strapped to their backs, had gone into churches on the holiest day in the Christian calendar with the express purpose of murdering as many innocents as possible. There was also carnage at hotels popular with Western tourists. “It remains unclear who carried out the attacks,” the BBC website was still insisting 12 hours after the massacres. We knew. And they knew. But if you stayed tuned to the news all day, you would not hear the word “terrorist” and certainly not the most inflammatory term of all: “Christian”.
The contrast with the reporting of the mosque shootings in New Zealand could not have been more striking. Back in March, there was no doubt that the massacres in Christchurch, by a lone gunman during Friday prayers, were motivated by hatred of Muslims.
One evil man’s actions were swiftly used to extrapolate an entire theory of racism on the Right. Journalists like me, who had dared to criticise the burka, or the grievous failure of integration (finally admitted by Tony Blair this week, I see), were said by Leftists to be guilty of Islamophobia and therefore “implicated” in the murder of 50 men, women and children.
When it’s the other way around, though, the denial is deafening. Theresa May tweeted, “The acts of violence against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are truly appalling, and my sympathies go out to all of those affected at this tragic time.”
But they weren’t acts of violence against buildings, were they, Prime Minister? If you detonate a bomb inside a church on Easter Sunday, the result does tend to be that you kill an awful lot of followers of Jesus Christ. When a vicar’s daughter decides that it’s wiser not to mention the C-word, you know that fear is now greater than faith.
Compare and contrast the reaction of Hillary Clinton to the two tragedies. On Sunday, she tweeted, “I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travellers in Sri Lanka.” Easter worshippers? That’s a clunking new euphemism for Christians. When the mosques in Christchurch were targeted, did Clinton talk of Ramadan worshippers? No, she wrote, “My heart breaks for New Zealand and the global Muslim community.”
I’m afraid that politicians like Clinton and May are paralysed by a terrible dilemma. It’s too scary to admit that militant Islamists are at war with Christianity and Western civilization, that vandalism of churches is rife across Europe and that, according to the Pew Report, Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion.
In order to cover up this inconvenient truth, politicians and the police increasingly try to create a false equivalence between terrorism committed by the far-Right and by Islamists. It’s a downright lie. In the UK alone, intelligence officers have identified 23,000 jihadist extremists, at least 3,000 of whom are believed to pose an active threat. Scores of foul fiends must have plotted and carried out the Sri Lankan attacks.
This is deeply uncomfortable for the liberal media, which responds with shifty obfuscation. On Monday, The Washington Post ran a bizarre story about the Easter Sunday massacre with the headline, “Sri Lanka church bombings stoke far-Right anger in the West”.
That was wildly premature, but it inadvertently revealed their overwhelming concern: not that so many had been slaughtered, but that such horrors would provoke a backlash against Muslims.
The Post continued, “far-Right groups began to describe the attacks in specifically religious terms”. Possibly not unrelated to the fact that the Sri Lankan authorities had just blamed a militant Islamist group. “To some”, the paper opined gingerly, “it was further proof that Christians in many parts of the world are under attack.”
Well, yes, the cold-blooded murder of more than 290 people, most of them Christians in their place of worship, does tend to give credence to the theory that a certain religion is “under attack”. Sorry.
You know, we had been thinking of taking a holiday this Easter in Sri Lanka because so many friends, some of them Sri Lankans, had urged us to go. We could easily have been the Nicholsons. Mum, Anita with her adorable son and daughter, Alex and Annabel, having breakfast in their Colombo hotel while dad, Ben, popped up to the room, or back to the buffet. A beautiful family wiped out in a split second, leaving him to wonder why he was spared.
In that same restaurant, Anne Storm Pedersen, the wife of Danish billionaire, Anders Holch Povlsen, cried out for people to pray for three of her four children who had just been murdered. The mind melts at the thought of such intolerable suffering.
Most likely, though, we would have dragged the kids, protesting, to church at the nearby St Anthony’s. In typical CofE fashion, we would have tried to join in the familiar hymns and prayers, a quarter of a beat behind. “Though we are many we are one body, because we all share in one bread.”
It is still unclear how many of the thousand-strong congregation were killed. Video footage shows a man walking into St Sebastian’s church in Negombo carrying a bomb and entering a pew. Moments later, all the good, happy people around him were gone. At Zion Church in Batticaloa, 14 children at the Sunday school were among the victims.
They were my brothers and sisters. Sharing a belief in the love that passeth all understanding made them the target of a vast and incomprehensible hatred, which is a danger to each and every one of us.
They were not Easter worshippers. How dare cowards call them that, to avoid giving offence. At the very least, they deserve to be referred to by their rightful name. Say it aloud: they were Christians. May God rest their souls.
The promoting of Islam in the West ?
Is it conspiracy, corruption or cock-up ?
Wahabbi conspiracy funded by Saudi oil
That’s a superb piece of writing by Allison Pearson. Thanks for putting it up, Heyho.
BBC DG, Tony Hall and James Purnell and Kamal Ahmed and Roger Hawley and Sarah Sands should hang their heads in shame and resign.
No probs Up2snuff. Much of it covered in comments here on bBBC but good that some journos will speak open and honest truths against the huge weight of the controlling media and establishment. It gives you hope that commentators such as Alison, Melanie and Rod when spread around will resonate with the masses and force changes in the press and media.
The more traction the brexit Party is getting in the run up to 23 May the more desperate the MSM will become to undermine it – particularly since enemy parties such as the Tories and the chuka show are already finding councillors resigning because of things said on the Facebook .
Now that TR had declared to become an MEP they will go for him too, At least Michael Crick won’t be pestering decent populist candidates as the bitch of C4 this time round ….
I’d say we must vote but it seems many wards only have remainer parties to choose from ….. which isn’t democracy is it ? Whether it is local politics or not …
Nigerian deliberately runs down Christian boys killing 8.
Police try to suggest it was an accident. So it’s not just the bbc and our police who are corrupt.
Good to see the driver got what he deserved;
Note how the bbc try and make excuses for the driver because the boys “made him ‘unhappy’ for blocking the road…some say”
“Meghan Markle to avoid visit of ‘divisive’ Donald Trump.”
She’s just gone down another rung in my estimation.
This has to be with the consent of the Government/establishment. Look out for more snubs. Breaking with the US shows the UK is loyal to the EU.
The preponderance of horrified lefty tweets in response to this strongly suggests (to me) that the twitter account of the Royal Family is being manipulated – but by whom?
death toll down by 100 according to the bbc thats ok then
Rather pithy response to the state of the bbc reporting:
Only 253 murdered?
See? They’re not so bad after all, just misunderstood.
Sri Lanka attacks: Death toll revised down by ‘about 100’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-48059328
Dear oh dear, this article says it all about the bbc’s role as a mouthpiece for Muslim propaganda. Under the guise of announcing that the death toll has been revised downwards, (so obviously these Sri Lankan’s can’t be trusted, hopefully they can revise it to less than the Christchurch total, thereby releasing the Muslim terrorists from blame!)….
Shortly into the piece:
‘Hundreds of Muslims, fearing revenge attacks, have been fleeing the city of Negombo, site of one of the attacks’
Sub sections:
‘What is the situation with the Muslim minority?’
‘A community in fear’
So as predicted, no apparent concern for Christians, the victims, but we should all know about the danger that Muslims are in as a result of their own extremists.
Hailie is nasty about Mo, and Mo is nasty about Hailie.
Beeb news at 10 thinks we wanna know.
No we don’t.
Oh God, another Thursday night and I have yet again fallen victim to the irresistible temptation to switch channels to our beloved national propaganda service and watch their flagship topical debating programme, and 5 minutes in, the wife is already moving everything throwable out of my immediate reach in order to preserve the integrity of the old Samsung flatscreen. I really must learn to listen to my instincts.
“5 minutes in, the wife is already moving everything throwable out of my immediate reach”
I stopped watching that “left-wing place of worship” many years ago. It was way too bad for my hypertension. I dread to think what its like these days.
If nothing is done soon about the outrageous bias at the BBC it [BBC] will soon be a “politically Protected Species”.
Wythenshawe : Posted on FB by one of the leaders of the campaign against TR there
\\ Tommy in front of camera is scary! Tommy away from camera was a geezer and I felt we connected in a nice, respectable way….we had a couple of different views and opinions….but overall I left feeling we’d actually connected in a good way.
Look forward to breaking bread with him again and chatting some more. //
click the link to see the full post
Twitterati claiming TR only had 300 supports in Wythenshawe tonight
.. You can see that is BS when the camera pans
.. And there appear to be many videos uploaded to Twitter
The TR speech Key line
‘Yeh UKIP will get some seats, BrexitP will get some seats
… but will that sent a shockwave ?
Now if TR gets elected will that send a shockwave ?”
..crowd cheer
in DannyTommo’s livestream that’s minute 39
The audience doesnt sound happy on question time
despite a seemingly massive green party presence
john rhys davies though actor -luvvie superstar
lucas still pushing the muller report as some kind of magic bullet