QT this evening.
Well Done John Rhys-Davies I say !
Typical ‘boy from the valleys’ message to the politicians – “you have betrayed democracy “.
Did you hear it, “you have betrayed democracy “.
They certainly have betrayed democracy and they will have pay for it.
Over to you the people of Great Britain, sort them out ………….
yes was quite refreshing wasnt it?
Still he was the only Pro Leave/Pro Trump on the panel?
I cant stand Lucas have to say…just cant stand her.And Jess Phillips is on This Week slagging off Carl Benjamin…not good
Ive just text the BBC to tell them what I think (I do every week actually)
I don’t tell them anything . They don’t listen .
They rob from the poor to give to the rich and they are anti-democracy .
Your best response would be to stop paying the Telly Tax as they are not fit for purpose.
“Tommy Robinson to stand in European Parliament election”
Yes Al Beeb, we do know for the umpteenth time that his ” real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.”
A perfect example of the bbbc and how they report things to influence public opinion and directly then avoid stories that tell the truth and other side of the story. It is disgusting how the BBC are now political and mislead people!!
Fascinating post. I’ve been suspicious of this ‘cut n paste’ journalism for many years and here is a prime example of it, soundly exposed, together with bbbc’s, ‘don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind’s made up’ reporting.
The message to them is…………… “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Taff, thing is how can the BBC get away with conning people so much?
If we had in the UK some MSM which was at least right of centre or right wing it could give balance to the news. People could watch both and make their own minds up.
When I travel to other countries they have often two channels of news that give both sides to the story.
But in this country all the news channels now are totally left wing biased, they are scared of the hard left and won’t report things even when they are true. No wonder we on here have so low regard to the bbbc now.
Tommy Robinson has announced he's standing to be an MEP for the North West. The former EDL leader, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, says he'll stand as an independent candidate at the European Elections on May the 23rd. He made the announcement at a rally in Wythenshawe.
As Kaiser and taffman commented earlier, Jess Phillips appeared on This Week with a none too thinly veiled (and unchallenged of course) expression of disapproval regarding UKIP candidate Sargon aka Carl Benjamin, identified on the programme as a ‘bearded’ fellow.
I doubt he’d be allowed to appear on a future edition of the show in order to refute her criticism though. BBC bias as usual….
I am a of part of Extinction Rebellion!
The exctinction of CHRISTIANS worries me.
The press reporting worries me:
Compare New Zealand to Sri Lanka!
There is something very wrong here.
Did Ardern travel across to Sr Lanka, wearing a big cross?
Why is beeb not featuring Christian victims?
Massive hypocrisy: beeb very cautious about the SL aftermath?
Where is all the hype?
Come on, we want some reporting, beeb
Name some details, please!
Interviews with Church ministers, with their flock.
Don’t be shy, beeb. We pay you.
Not only to report on Muslim victims.
Are you afraid, bbc????
The Telegraph is RIGHT>.
The BBC seems to feel ‘Tell it often’ enough propaganda on top of ‘never happened’ censorship will address the fact that the gruesome body count difference in Sri Lanka (Another for Mishal’s terror tally charts?) by a coordinated group of faith-based ideologues still overshadows what happened in Christchurch in total at the hands of an actual lone nutter. Like a deadlier version of Remain rhetoric about polls, marches and petitions over Brexit, facts give way again to rhetoric. Just as Alinsky advised. With the BBC on hand carrying out PR.
I see that Macron has made promises in his address to the nation to enforce France’s borders to reduce illegal immigration and to do one regarding punitive measures aimed at reducing “so called” climate change. These measures have hardly been reported by the BBC they seem to concentrate on tax and PR reforms (that will please the far right ….thier words not mine) I’d like to see extinction rebellion try protests in Paris it wouldn’t be the police that see them off it would be the people……viva la France I say !!!!
I believe the postal votes for the local elections are due by the 29th although many have already been submitted. This will allow plenty of time for the UKIP votes to be removed.
I share the anger expressed here over the past week at the savage attack by Muslim terrorists on Christians in Sri Lanka and the sly attempts by the vile BBC to minimise it and divert attention from the perpetrators.
I’m reminded of the same major, savage attacks by Muslim terrorists on Coptic Christians in Egypt. This happens every few years, though one wouldn’t know that listening to the BBC. Several years ago I was astounded by the total lack of World Service coverage for days after one such attack, while it was covered by other media. When the report eventually came, it was typical BBC from this most trusted broadcaster, give me a break. We expect the same when the Religion of Peace slaughters Christians in Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere and the BBC always delivers.
It’s OK, the bbc have realised they have been a bit obvious with what they don’t mention versus what they do all the time, and addressed this in their morning emole.
William speaks of mosque attacks
William visits scene of New Zealand mosque attack
The Duke of Cambridge has said that last month’s attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, in which 50 people were killed, were an “unspeakable act of hate”. The duke, who is visiting New Zealand on behalf of the Queen following the shootings, told those gathered at the Masjid Al Noor mosque that a “terrorist attempted to sow division and hatred in a place that stands for togetherness and selflessness”. Prince William also praised New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who joined him in Christchurch, for her “extraordinary leadership and compassion” in the wake of the shootings. Here’s what we know about the people who were killed as they prayed, and some of their life stories.
Guest Who, this is beyond belief. Isn’t this the guy who could soon be king of a country which is still predominantly Christian? In a sane world he would be in Sri Lanka commiserating with the families of those so savagely slaughtered by Muslims, not commiserating with Muslims over an older attack with far fewer victims – though of course indisputably a vile terrorist deed.
Seems there is no end and no limit to the blind virtue-signaling of the left. How the BBC must love William.
Some of us are old enough to remember when Britain was a serious country, a proper democracy, with a sense of proportion.
When becoming a Member of Parliament was a solemn undertaking, when our votes actually counted for something. When MPs felt they had a duty to respect the will of the majority.
There was a time when the laws and rules by which we were governed were decided upon after sober debate and enacted for the benefit of what we used to call the ‘silent majority’, not the noisy minority.
That, of course, was before the tyranny of social media, 24-hour rolling news and rent-a-gob radio phone-ins. Nowadays, the so-called moral high ground belongs to whoever shouts the loudest.
Why bother voting when the only surefire way to change the world is by taking to the streets or summoning up a ‘Twitter storm’? We are governed by knee-jerk over-reaction to single-issue fanaticism.
Corporations are as guilty as politicians of panicking in the face of online criticism. For instance, Waitrose, part of the John Lewis group, recently issued a public apology over a chocolate duck which someone complained was ‘racist’.
The dark chocolate duck, labelled ‘ugly’ — in reference to the famous Hans Christian Andersen tale — was part of an Easter range, which included a milk chocolate duck, labelled ‘crispy’, and a white chocolate duck, labelled ‘fluffy’.
This was enough, in the warped mind of one individual, to put Waitrose right up there with the Ku Klux Klan.
Instead of laughing it off and telling the complainant to get a life, Waitrose went into headless chicken mode. The duck was immediately withdrawn from sale and the company put out a statement saying sorry for any ‘offence’ which may have been caused.
Never mind the fact that anyone who considers a chocolate duck to be racist deserves to be sectioned under the provisions of the Mental Health Act, Waitrose simply caved in.
Not surprising really; bearing in mind the way the intellectuals think these days – the person who did the complaining was probably the same graphic artist at Waitrose who designed the duck but had forgotten that he had complained as that evening he was filing his nails or texting.
Just caught up with Question Time, and what an utter disgrace. The biggest story in the world this week was not even mentioned.
There were just three questions to the pro-Remain panel and they certainly reflected the biased BBC agenda – climate change (taking up about half the programme), Brexit (with one lone non political voice against four weasels) and Trump.
So the massacre and continuing persecution of Christians by a fascist religious death cult – including the murder of several of our own citizens – did not even get on the schedule.
If we ever needed proof that the BBC is working to undermine Christian values and concerns while deflecting attention away from the Islamist fascists, then this was it.
I’m sure they edited out the minute silence out of respect for 300 murders Christian s and the many questions about the current 3rd world war on decent people by Muslims .
The Muslim big day – Friday – I wonder if there’ll be any fires caused by renovation work or attacks on
I turned on toady at 0755 to get the weather . Roger Scrutton was busily being slandered by our Justin-on a pre recorded interview which apparently is 17 minutes long
At the end Justin spoke live for over a minute to ‘explain ‘ the interview – which seems to only happen when it’s an interview they didn’t like .
Then , like so many others, I hit the ‘off’ switch …
I don’t watch QT for health reasons – and I don’t want to damage another television .
So watched the excerpts on twitter – with John Rees Davies Handing four Remain MPs and a beeboid their well paid bottoms .
The audience surprisingly played their part too. It’s great to see the anger at our betrayal by these traitors not going away- indeed – getting stronger-
Even though MSM is using every distraction technique – including the “ how black is the new royal baby ?” Nonsense due next week .
And the naming – Stephen Lawrence Windsor perhaps . ? Mandela Windsor . ?
At the beginning of this thread, Eminent colleague Guest Who , posted a tweet by Simon Schama , an ‘historian’ beloved of the BBC, insulting Donald Trump – a man whose boots Schama is not fit to shine.
This took me back 3 years to a Munk debate on the Global ‘refugee crisis’ between Schama and Louise Arbour (a far-left Canadian judge and ‘Human Rights’ shmuckess) on the one side and Mark Steyn and Nigel Farage on the other.
In this clip from the debate, Arbour and Schama employ the typical tactics of the left when faced with facts they don’t like – attack the opposition with unwarranted insults. Steyn responds with a blistering denunciation of their tactics, even gleaning some applause from the lefty audience.
The whole debate is worth watching, if you can get past the annoying introductory clips from past debates and the far-more annoying introduction by the self-absorbed moderator.
TooTrue, what I find interesting is how Scruton can have his reputation and career wrecked by a conniving journo with an agenda at the New Statesmen because it’s splattered all over the BBC. Yet Schama got no coverage for those remarks.
I need to apologise to the Tory on QT last night – a barrister called Vicky something . In an earlier post I described her as the token remainer on their panel .
In fact she is another traitor remainer
I apologise for my inaccuracy and any distress caused . Drain the swamp .
( in defence of the BBC – the panel was a fair representation ——— of every shade of Remain ) .
Vicky Something was another classic example of the QT Tory – female, unknown, earnest and able to offer predictable sound-bites without being especially articulate or inspiring any sense of competence. She follows a well-established pattern of playing lip service to party equality while presenting a nicely negative persona. Luckily for her the greasy Labour representative – could he be related to Barry Gardiner? – provided his own inept performance to balance the imbalance.
Quite how this equates to the BBC feminist agenda is a mystery known only to the QT production team. Still, Pixie Lucas fulfilled her role throughout, so that must have made the selection worthwhile.
Since Leave/Remain is the division in society at the moment, how can the BBC feel justify favouring one party so heavily over the other? The division cuts across other political categories, but it suits them not to recognize this.
The plain fact is that there are now many jobs which quite simply do not require a degree but for which employers nonetheless demand one. It has led to degree inflation where there is an abundance of useless degrees around, so youngsters can get a degree just for the sake of it. Oh, and receive a few years of lefty indoctrination while they’re at it.
Incidentally, I liked this reply on Twitter to that story:
Roland – as a person with 3 degrees ( loved their songs ) – but not dependant on them to get a job ( already had one ) – I noticed the quality of both lecturers and students and courses reduce as cash came into academia .
I’m talking about being a “grown up” studying law in this context .
I was so worried about the quality of the education that by the end of my studies I forced myself to attend one of those ‘ famous ‘ universities with an international reputation just to reassure myself that I wouldn’t be suffering third rate teaching . Glad I did it . Glad it was really really difficult …
Sometimes I had a candid discussion with teachers who knew that huge numbers of law grads wouldn’t get law jobs because there was just too many . Pretty cynical really .
Spectator says that after the 2015 election there were 119 lawyers out of 650 MPs – so much for all that crap about making the treasonous place reflective of the population ….
The male/female – black / white representation argument is just a shallow distraction of under representation by decent people – I don’t include lawyers in that description and I’m tainted with the law brush myself …
There are a number of reasons why Nu Liebour wanted to get kids into university.
1) It cuts down on the number of unemployed youth if a large number are still in full time education for 3+ years.
2) University infantilises young adults, and we all know that quote by Churchill “If you don’t vote ‘Liberal’ (now Labour) when you’re young you have no heart, if you don’t vote Tory when you’re older you have no brain” The upshot of which is that the young tend to have more leftist views because they have neither the wit, wealth or experience to realise it won’t work.
3) Indoctrination As was said only recently our universities have become little more than left wing madrassas indoctrinating young people into the insane ideology of the left, and brooking no dissent.
It was sold as the left usually do, out of concern and ekwalitee for all, but that just hid the much more sinister purpose behind it.
The absurdity of the Uni-For-All mantra is becoming ever more evident, but you have to go back a few more decades to find one of the underlying causes of education’s failure.
Back in the days of National Service one of the few ways in which to avoid the 2-years at His/Her Majesty’s Pleasure was to enter the teaching profession. Thus a whole section of draft dodgers with no vocation whatsoever for their chosen escape route inflicted themselves on a generation and more of children, the consequences of which can be seen and appreciated today – the BBC being among them.
Mohammed Farah – a BBC saint – apparently seems to have been less than nice in some dispute somewhere …
Is there any coverage of this on his favoured news outlet ? Just wondered as the BBC loved him for being a muzzie – but covered it up by calling him ‘ mo’ and the fact that he is a refugee made good – but not British- he’s probably got the American passport by now..
This is the same Mohammed Farah, who claimed he (in his own words) ‘deserved a knighthood’, keeps company (by association) with suspected drug users, is arrogant and totally immodest, loves the limelight and adulation, obviously very quick tempered, and is clearly handy with his fists.
What’s not to love with this ‘national treasure’ ???
“From Christchurch to Colombo, Islamists and the far right are playing a deadly duet Scott Atran”
“The atrocities in Sri Lanka are part of a spiral of violence that poses profound questions for liberal societies”
“Scott Atran is an anthropologist and founding fellow of the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at the University of Oxford”
Scott Atran has a Wikipedia article which you may read if you wish.
Scott Atran is a globalist who only understands, and explains, from a global perspective.
Who hates nationalism and nationalists of all types and equates anti globalism with 9/11.
Because it is good propaganda, or so Atran believes.
Because this article is propaganda, the Guardian allows a friendly academic, who is allowed to pose as a scientist, to tell its readers what they need to believe.
Atran is totally unable to even imagine, let alone criticise, the 1984+++ style completely unfree societies, that the EUSSR globalists are determined to create.
Which Brexit is going to destroy, for the benefit of free people everywhere.
A few years ago a character in a BBC drama was allowed to say “going for a chinkee”.
Outrage, a female viewer formally complained, stating how offended she was.
In the resulting HYS a wit stated that there was no problem, the original complainant
phoned back an hour later, to say she was no longer offended.
Is that screen caption that Sky legal by election law ?
… Mostly throughout the interview the words “Wouldn’t even rape you” appear beneath Sargon’s name/face
That amounts to loaded language and framing from Sky
I put it to you the role reversal test wouldn’t work
If a woman or black man had said something that out of context could be seen as inflammatory ,
.. that phrase would not always appear beneath them in a screen caption.
Do SkyNews put a 10 minute screen caption below Jess Phillips using the words
“Jess Phillips, LAUGHS at the idea of men’s suicides being a serious issue” ?
Watching the brillo show – he had that pammy Anderson lady on who used to provide some with early Saturday night relief on the bay watch .( never saw it )
Anyway – I held off on stereotyping her as a blond bimbo and listened to her piece to camera .
She doesn’t know the difference between the EU and Europe
And is an ageing actress looking for a job . Sad really .
11am Radio prog about impartiality
\\ Critics claim the Brexit debate has shown the mainstream media is not impartial.
But Jonathan Coffey asks what impartiality is and how it functions in a polarised society.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0004f5s
Note how the screenshot shows not TR or Batten , but John McDonnell ..as he is a victim of partisan media
First guest Emily Maitliss
Second voice Krishnan Guru Murthy
“escaping our biases”
He then introduces the third voice Rod Liddle ,
… by saying that they are meeting in a bar
(that sounded like Coffey was showing bias by his framing of Liddle and his tone of voice)
JC “The loudest complaints of bias are from the political right”
Fourth voice is from the Labour magazine The Canary
..”just having a token lefty on who is the victim”
back to Liddle saying the BBC isn’t actually left wing but rather middle class establishment
next voice ..beeboid
next voice – Carolyn Anne Mendoza
– Robert Peston
Oh I spot a listener with bias https://twitter.com/TiltMyHat/status/1121717488050372608
@SteveBrooks13 tweeted
\\ I’ve just heard Rod Liddle
citing #r4today as a left wing news source right wingers should listen to to broaden their viewpoints.
He’s bonkers. //
I can only think that someone in the Far Left BBC thought it a good idea to stick out a programme about ‘ bias’ as a defence for the next ofcom white wash .
The guru Murphy is so innocent in his self belief that it heightens his arrogance even further . And to put maitless on -that was a joke too ?
Maitliss began the prog as if she had something important to say
..It was ..mere weird platitudes
“It’s about giving the public as much as they need
to understand the story better
.. about helping the audience to form their views, we try to work out how best we do that (ie brainwash them ?)
.. It’s a really live on going discussion (que ? just tell the truth, air from all angles and don’t omit important facets ..it’s not an ongoing discussion at all) ” endquote
Alex Cull will probably do a transcript
..and you’ll be able to check
Then when it came to Liddle Coffey did massive framing
Coffey “impartiality is what distinguishes broadcast from print media”
TOSH the BBC and Guardian are indistinguishable
Then when it came to Liddle Coffey did massive framing
..”Rod Liddle likes to do interviews with a chilled glass of white wine (smirk) so of course he proposed we meet in a bar”
Yeh you could say say “emily Maitliss likes to hang out with male strippers”.. but Coffey didn’t frame her that way
As ever the BBC are so biased, that half the time they don’t even know they’re showing it
..Such bias-sluts that they don’t even realise they are showing us their bias-knickers.
continues “Now Liddle spend *much* of his time bashing his former employer”
..not much …some
Maitlis at minute 8:30
“I don’t want to be working somewhere that has given up on impartiality”
… Yep she said that
and continued
” … cos then we are just opinion, we are just ranty TV
..there plenty of that in other parts of the world”
Richard Sandbrooke “the BBC was too slow to pickup on immigration (red herring ?)
..there was nuance people said it was good for the economy ..we had too much of this constructive view”
KAM “Who is underrepresented ITS THE LEFT and that’s a fact” BS !
Peston is brought on to back her up ‘there is too much focus on can we afford it ?’ (I paraphrase)
“There was a hysteria against what Corbyn stood for”
Jordan “All sides of an argument should be presented
though not necessarily with the same weight”
“All sides of an argument should be presented though not necessarily with the same weight”
There is a lot of wriggle room here. As ever it boils down to the State broadcaster behaving like a newspaper. Newspaper readers have a choice as to who to fund.
\\ Kerry Ann Mendoza from The Canary
(according to @supergutman, the Icke of the left). But to BBCR4 she’s a credible “journalist”. //
@BBCWatch@Ofcom Currently on @BBCRadio4: a programme about bias in the media that doesn't even touch on BBC bias against Israel & Jews and features Kerry Ann Mendoza from The Canary (according to @supergutman, the Icke of the left). But to BBCR4 she's a credible "journalist".
I was driving when I heard the fragrant Emily come out with that one stew – I nearly crashed the car – could I have told the insurance that it was her fault I was laughing so much ?
I wonder if she really really believes what she said ?
Fedup2 The deciding on where the centre lies is a matter for debate. That said the State broadcaster seems to be a happy place with little disagreement on show. I’d even dare to suggest they’re a well disciplined political party; except of course they don’t promote causes.
Coffey brought on California philosopher Jason Baehr to talk about “open mindedness”
Yes he actually realises journos are not.
Peston said “impartiality means saying this is more likely to be true given the evidence”
..Em no it isn’t that is still the presenter making the judgement call
..instead of presenting ALL the story and leaving the public to make the judgements
David Jordan “In news we shouldn’t be taking position, except in support of democracy
..you’d wouldn’t expect the BBC to be neutral on discrimination”
Coffey “Impartial journos can take a position when the facts stack up”
..that the problem ..thick journos think facts stack up, when often they don’t.
Coffey concludes “impartial journalism needs to raise it’s game.”
Totalitarian? “a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of the life and productive capacity of the nation especially by coercive measures (such as censorship and terrorism)” [merriam-webster]
@MerchantsCrosby school tweet
Looking forward to hosting @BBCRadio4’s Any Questions this evening! ????
The panel will include @AndyBurnhamGM @MrHarryCole @cajardineMP and @JakeBerry
We still have a few tickets remaining if you’d like to attend or you can listen live tonight: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0004f6y
John Rhys-Davies was the only sane voice on the stage – and I’m including Fiona Bruce in that. Near the end he seemed frustrated enough with the Lucas creature to want to belt her.
I thought the Tory was OK till it became clear that she really believes the withdrawal ‘deal’ means Leave. What’s the function of a ‘Crime Minister’ anyway? I guess she is responsible for covering up the crimes committed by the government – in this case the crime of ignoring democracy and the rule of law by denying Brexit..
Dimbleby used to admonish shouters but still arrange for a mike for them to express their concerns. Fiona Bruce just admonishes them, and then denies them a say.
It was an extremely rowdy QT. I was encouraged to see that the awful, smug Lucas got nearly as many boos as applause when she insulted Nigel Farage. All the panelists were booed at some stage.
For those who might want to grit their teeth and watch it, here it is.
Meant to agree with colleagues on this page that it was great to see Rhys-Davies challenge the other panelists on their denial of democracy re Brexit.
Off button radio – Listening to what can only be described as, hate speech directed at, Trump, Farage and Brexiteers.
But I guess it’s ok so long as you hate the ‘correct’ people.
At least in the 1984 template hate time was confined to certain times not wall to wall.
What’s the difference between Orwell’s 1984 & the modern BiasedBBC ?
..Orwell only wrote about the “Hour of hate”
… not the “24 hours of hate & anger” the BBC news rooms have
Endless BBC agenda pushing today …. endless .. no wonder the viewing figures are falling off a cliff !!!!!
Council elections: Why are women, younger people and those from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds less likely to stand? https://t.co/efxsE3qEjM
Read an excellent letter to one of the nationals at the weekend by a reader, in response to an Eastender actor bemoaning the lack of BAMEs in the soap; and the first time I had read outright criticism of the advertising industry by a member of the public – or anyone !
He effectively told the actor to stop whingeing, as other areas of the media had overloaded their PC quote by more than the national ratio of BAME’s in tv adverts, and historically incorrect tv dramas .
More letters and the like, are needed to let the advertising industry know we re ‘on to them’.
(I see that Coronation Street is to get its first black family ensconced soon, in the history of the soap !)
See, it wasn’t that bad after all.
The Beebs unofficial source newspaper announce that the death toll in Sri Lanka wasn’t as high as previously reported. Only 253 dead rather than the 359 originally claimed by officials who said that some bodies had been double counted due to being blown apart.
I also note that the media seem now to be more interested in exposing the gaffes made by the Sri Lankan officials. Wrong picture posted, incorrect bodycount etc. despite the fact that they have within a very short space of time made a number of arrests and named some of the perpetrators which I regard as pretty quick going. Perhaps a diversion to stop too many questions regarding why “wealthy middle-class ” citizens decided that this was a great idea.
I write out the 10? Point method the BBC uses for murder by Muslim s to stop decent people getting ‘upset’ by it . Distracting the blame was at about number 7.
It’s on the previous thread and I might well repeat it a few times as the bias and corruption needs to be highlighted ..
“I also note that the media seem now to be more interested in exposing the gaffes made by the Sri Lankan officials. Wrong picture posted, incorrect bodycount etc”
Most serious mistakes are usually by the “new, gay, loud, slippery BBC employees” which we see to many times to think they are not deliberate mistakes. Especially in the BBC TV News editing dept.
You only need watch BBC TV news to see at the bottom of the screen all kinds of spelling mistakes, errors, deliberate omissions – specially when it comes to BBC revealing how much certain programmes cost, how long the budgets will keep on coming, farcical costings especially by that Karmal – “revealed in a leaked email: ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if” – Ahmed, creature..
Packham : Hmm a petition to have someone sacked usually looks to me like bullying
, cos it’s up to the law , not to the mob
but I note this petition for BBC to sack Chris Packham : 101,636 have signed since April 24th
\\ As an employee of the BBC, Chris Packham should remain impartial and keep his views and beliefs to himself however, he is the face of many anti hunting campaigns and uses his celeb status as a platform to push his anti hunting agenda, he has made his goal to ban all kinds of hunting, and country sports and pursuits and I feel he is no longer fit to work for the BBC // https://www.change.org/p/bbc-bbc-to-sack-chris-packham
Just signed. This guy is seriously bad for my blood pressure every time he opens his mouth! Now up to 102,309 – seems there’s quite a few like us out there.
24 Debenhams stops are too close – the sin of being too expensive – no mention of Mike Ashley – the capitalist the MSM hate so much – maybe having been able to turn them around .
For the record – I went into a JDSports shop -which mr Ashley owns – yesterday and bought a quality product for half the price Amazon was selling it …
Only because Maxine might point it out and decide it invalidates everything you’ve ever written, it’s Sports Direct that Mike Ashley owns. Though he may have a small stake in JD.
Had to smile – a video of, ‘God Bless Texas’ BY Little Texas.
Babes in bikinis, V8 pickups, beef steaks and good old boys.
America does seem to have an idea of who it is.
As we fall over ourselves not mis-speak on the one hand and hate the ‘correct’ people on the other I truly despair.
“Global Warming; 31,487 Scientists say NO to Alarm”
Much about Global Warming as a subject and the nonsense being continually spouted about it by leftie Cultural Marxists on YouTube. Search on: ‘1000frolly’ for much more. (Don’t know when YouTube will remove 1000frolly for telling the truth)
Keep well away. Communist China. Big smile, all business, then THUD!
Belt and road. Keep well away. Communist China. This is my smiley face. We’re all about TRADE, you know. Oh, by the way, this is my fist; it’s gonna pound you capitalists….
Hammond, what a twit. On TV news at 13h00: “Hauwei OK.”
We won’t even accord May such a compliment. Worse than twit.
US, Australia and India know exactly what’s going on.
But UK velly stupid. Lets China control our critical digital infrastructure.
Get rid of ‘leader’ very, very urgently. No leadership. Worse, actually…
Person in charge proven record of failure and poor decisions.
Needs to go urgently.
Somewhere in the sixties, I read a book: ‘You can TRUST a Communist….’
Sub-title: ‘…to be a Communist.’
Must find my copy to send on to No10
Not quite the reaction that the BBC was hoping for? A clear lack of impartiality has seriously, maybe fatally, damaged the BBC's credibility & reputation. When a Public Service Broadcaster ceases to be impartial then it is no longer a Public Service Broadcaster. @DCMS_SecOfState
Excellent … may take a look later , will enjoy that. Piers Morgan is a rare breed, he is a Remainer , but a very fair one , and they are bloody rare !!!
Often says he does not like the referendum result but quite rightly always points out it was a Democratic vote and the result MUST be implemented. Fair play to the guy !!!! Not everyone’s cup of tea but i really like watching him on GMB when he is on.
Others here have pointed out that the beeb do like an anniversary when it suits them. Earlier this year they marked 30 years since The Satanic Verses by giving Mobeen Azhar (who won a Bafta for 2017’s Muslims Like Us) an 11-part radio show to explore the book’s effect on his community and how ‘Salman Rushdie radicalised my generation’. He did this by chatting to Muslims, so that we know the effect a Muslim-ordained death sentence of a non-Muslim had on other Muslims, all told by a Muslim.
Now BBC2 drama ‘The Looming Tower’ covers the threat of Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda and the rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the investigation post-9/11. The book on which it’s based is 80% from the viewpoint of the jihadis, but not so this TV production. And sure enough — just 15 seconds into the review — “focuses on the failure of America’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to stop the September 11th attacks…”
Quick topical reference to the Sri Lanka bombings: “…yet again it’s intelligence failures that are being blamed…”
Mostly by you, BBC. Again and again.
Relentless criticism of the incumbent system at the expense of any broader, more accurate analysis. Cultural Marxism for the win.
The BBC’s trailer for The Looming Tower includes a question asking “how can you fight an enemy when you’re at war with yourself?” Quite. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0761drw
But the Left preach to us about Tolerance, Respect etc etc etc ……..imagine if Tommy Robinson tweeted exactly the same about a Labour Candidate !!! He would be up before the judge tomorrow !! The media would be rolling 24 hr breaking news about the far Right thug and his tweet.
But this is the left , so as per, UN – BLOODY – TOUCHABLE !!! Make my blood boil these double standards.
NZ PM with her headscarf ( surely not when in Rome, do as the Romans…? – is NZ the only place that applies? and does it only there apply to everyone but one minority?)
Nice noises from Prince.
Is he going to Sri Lanka? Convenient stop-over en route Auckland – London?
Or are those the wrong kind of victims? There are certainly many, many more of them than in NZ?
No doubt it will be much too dangerous? He’s not a chicken. But his advisors?
Sorry if this post -or similar- has featured before.
Christchurch 14 Sri Lanka zero
h/t @FarLeftHate Watch ..an account worth following
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about the Christchurch mosque attack 14 times. She didn’t tweet once about the attack on Christians in Sri Lanka. The lack of anger over the Islamist slaughter in Sri Lanka is alarming.”
Stew – I think we already have a pretty good picture of OC, and thus the above comes as no surprise!
She’s just plain bad news, so far no mitigating features detected, although there must be one somewhere?
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Jess Phillips on this week
smearing sargon and celebrating antifa
I see pammys flown in to tell us we need a green new deal, despite no longer being recyclable herself
QT this evening.
Well Done John Rhys-Davies I say !
Typical ‘boy from the valleys’ message to the politicians – “you have betrayed democracy “.
Did you hear it, “you have betrayed democracy “.
They certainly have betrayed democracy and they will have pay for it.
Over to you the people of Great Britain, sort them out ………….
yes was quite refreshing wasnt it?
Still he was the only Pro Leave/Pro Trump on the panel?
I cant stand Lucas have to say…just cant stand her.And Jess Phillips is on This Week slagging off Carl Benjamin…not good
Ive just text the BBC to tell them what I think (I do every week actually)
I don’t tell them anything . They don’t listen .
They rob from the poor to give to the rich and they are anti-democracy .
Your best response would be to stop paying the Telly Tax as they are not fit for purpose.
@TaffMan the John Rhys-Davies video clip
“Tommy Robinson to stand in European Parliament election”
Yes Al Beeb, we do know for the umpteenth time that his ” real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.”
I never remember the BBC doing that to Cassius Clay.
A perfect example of the bbbc and how they report things to influence public opinion and directly then avoid stories that tell the truth and other side of the story. It is disgusting how the BBC are now political and mislead people!!
April 10th 2019- BBC report this as important news: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-politics-47880669
However they fail to now report the facts because they don’t like it, instead of letting people make their own minds up:
How is the BBC getting away with this?
They are getting close to now the same reporting standards as North Korea.
Shame on the bbc
Fascinating post. I’ve been suspicious of this ‘cut n paste’ journalism for many years and here is a prime example of it, soundly exposed, together with bbbc’s, ‘don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind’s made up’ reporting.
They are, apparently going to do something on TOADY this a.m. about Roger Scruton. Trailled by JustRemainIn Webb using pejorative language, I note.
The message to them is…………… “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Taff, thing is how can the BBC get away with conning people so much?
If we had in the UK some MSM which was at least right of centre or right wing it could give balance to the news. People could watch both and make their own minds up.
When I travel to other countries they have often two channels of news that give both sides to the story.
But in this country all the news channels now are totally left wing biased, they are scared of the hard left and won’t report things even when they are true. No wonder we on here have so low regard to the bbbc now.
“UK warns against all but essential Sri Lanka travel”
Stating the bleeding obvious .
Don’t worry taffman – if you fly to Sri Lanka by
Etihad ( ideath) or emir rats airlines you’ll be safe …
“His real name is ..”
Yes Big Brother we hear you
As Kaiser and taffman commented earlier, Jess Phillips appeared on This Week with a none too thinly veiled (and unchallenged of course) expression of disapproval regarding UKIP candidate Sargon aka Carl Benjamin, identified on the programme as a ‘bearded’ fellow.
I doubt he’d be allowed to appear on a future edition of the show in order to refute her criticism though. BBC bias as usual….
Even the Indian Times
So basically if you want to know what’s really going on in the UK read the India Times.
It would seem so, but one does have to wade through the local news:
Ghandi, real name Mahātmā Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, is now celebrated in new Elton John song “Sandals in the Wind”.
Usually the mob likes a celeb. Be interesting how the right to a view qualifications of this one are respected and defended.
I am a of part of Extinction Rebellion!
The exctinction of CHRISTIANS worries me.
The press reporting worries me:
Compare New Zealand to Sri Lanka!
There is something very wrong here.
Did Ardern travel across to Sr Lanka, wearing a big cross?
Why is beeb not featuring Christian victims?
Massive hypocrisy: beeb very cautious about the SL aftermath?
Where is all the hype?
Come on, we want some reporting, beeb
Name some details, please!
Interviews with Church ministers, with their flock.
Don’t be shy, beeb. We pay you.
Not only to report on Muslim victims.
Are you afraid, bbc????
The Telegraph is RIGHT>.
The BBC seems to feel ‘Tell it often’ enough propaganda on top of ‘never happened’ censorship will address the fact that the gruesome body count difference in Sri Lanka (Another for Mishal’s terror tally charts?) by a coordinated group of faith-based ideologues still overshadows what happened in Christchurch in total at the hands of an actual lone nutter. Like a deadlier version of Remain rhetoric about polls, marches and petitions over Brexit, facts give way again to rhetoric. Just as Alinsky advised. With the BBC on hand carrying out PR.
I see that Macron has made promises in his address to the nation to enforce France’s borders to reduce illegal immigration and to do one regarding punitive measures aimed at reducing “so called” climate change. These measures have hardly been reported by the BBC they seem to concentrate on tax and PR reforms (that will please the far right ….thier words not mine) I’d like to see extinction rebellion try protests in Paris it wouldn’t be the police that see them off it would be the people……viva la France I say !!!!
Oh, they already have…
It is very important for people to vote in the Local Authority elections. Vote wisely, vote shrewdly!
Do not shrug and stay at home.
Democracy is under threat in the UK and the USA.
I believe the postal votes for the local elections are due by the 29th although many have already been submitted. This will allow plenty of time for the UKIP votes to be removed.
Seconded —— I got my MEP vote card today … god I hope the brexit Party is on it …
I share the anger expressed here over the past week at the savage attack by Muslim terrorists on Christians in Sri Lanka and the sly attempts by the vile BBC to minimise it and divert attention from the perpetrators.
I’m reminded of the same major, savage attacks by Muslim terrorists on Coptic Christians in Egypt. This happens every few years, though one wouldn’t know that listening to the BBC. Several years ago I was astounded by the total lack of World Service coverage for days after one such attack, while it was covered by other media. When the report eventually came, it was typical BBC from this most trusted broadcaster, give me a break. We expect the same when the Religion of Peace slaughters Christians in Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere and the BBC always delivers.
It’s OK, the bbc have realised they have been a bit obvious with what they don’t mention versus what they do all the time, and addressed this in their morning emole.
William speaks of mosque attacks
William visits scene of New Zealand mosque attack
The Duke of Cambridge has said that last month’s attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, in which 50 people were killed, were an “unspeakable act of hate”. The duke, who is visiting New Zealand on behalf of the Queen following the shootings, told those gathered at the Masjid Al Noor mosque that a “terrorist attempted to sow division and hatred in a place that stands for togetherness and selflessness”. Prince William also praised New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who joined him in Christchurch, for her “extraordinary leadership and compassion” in the wake of the shootings. Here’s what we know about the people who were killed as they prayed, and some of their life stories.
‘Some’. BBC editorial integrity.
Guest Who, this is beyond belief. Isn’t this the guy who could soon be king of a country which is still predominantly Christian? In a sane world he would be in Sri Lanka commiserating with the families of those so savagely slaughtered by Muslims, not commiserating with Muslims over an older attack with far fewer victims – though of course indisputably a vile terrorist deed.
Seems there is no end and no limit to the blind virtue-signaling of the left. How the BBC must love William.
“Seems there is no end and no limit to the blind virtue-signaling of the left. How the BBC must love William”
I have always admired the UK Monarchy but this kind of drip-drip bias for all things Islam by a future King of England is really testing my loyalty.
Williams grandmother shouldn’t shut her ears to what her subjects are complaining about. The monarchy can sooner fall as it arose. Over night some.
I could not have said it better, so:
Some of us are old enough to remember when Britain was a serious country, a proper democracy, with a sense of proportion.
When becoming a Member of Parliament was a solemn undertaking, when our votes actually counted for something. When MPs felt they had a duty to respect the will of the majority.
There was a time when the laws and rules by which we were governed were decided upon after sober debate and enacted for the benefit of what we used to call the ‘silent majority’, not the noisy minority.
That, of course, was before the tyranny of social media, 24-hour rolling news and rent-a-gob radio phone-ins. Nowadays, the so-called moral high ground belongs to whoever shouts the loudest.
Why bother voting when the only surefire way to change the world is by taking to the streets or summoning up a ‘Twitter storm’? We are governed by knee-jerk over-reaction to single-issue fanaticism.
Corporations are as guilty as politicians of panicking in the face of online criticism. For instance, Waitrose, part of the John Lewis group, recently issued a public apology over a chocolate duck which someone complained was ‘racist’.
The dark chocolate duck, labelled ‘ugly’ — in reference to the famous Hans Christian Andersen tale — was part of an Easter range, which included a milk chocolate duck, labelled ‘crispy’, and a white chocolate duck, labelled ‘fluffy’.
This was enough, in the warped mind of one individual, to put Waitrose right up there with the Ku Klux Klan.
Instead of laughing it off and telling the complainant to get a life, Waitrose went into headless chicken mode. The duck was immediately withdrawn from sale and the company put out a statement saying sorry for any ‘offence’ which may have been caused.
Never mind the fact that anyone who considers a chocolate duck to be racist deserves to be sectioned under the provisions of the Mental Health Act, Waitrose simply caved in.
“Waitrose simply caved in”
Not surprising really; bearing in mind the way the intellectuals think these days – the person who did the complaining was probably the same graphic artist at Waitrose who designed the duck but had forgotten that he had complained as that evening he was filing his nails or texting.
Just caught up with Question Time, and what an utter disgrace. The biggest story in the world this week was not even mentioned.
There were just three questions to the pro-Remain panel and they certainly reflected the biased BBC agenda – climate change (taking up about half the programme), Brexit (with one lone non political voice against four weasels) and Trump.
So the massacre and continuing persecution of Christians by a fascist religious death cult – including the murder of several of our own citizens – did not even get on the schedule.
If we ever needed proof that the BBC is working to undermine Christian values and concerns while deflecting attention away from the Islamist fascists, then this was it.
I’m sure they edited out the minute silence out of respect for 300 murders Christian s and the many questions about the current 3rd world war on decent people by Muslims .
The Muslim big day – Friday – I wonder if there’ll be any fires caused by renovation work or attacks on
“ Friday worshippers “?
I turned on toady at 0755 to get the weather . Roger Scrutton was busily being slandered by our Justin-on a pre recorded interview which apparently is 17 minutes long
At the end Justin spoke live for over a minute to ‘explain ‘ the interview – which seems to only happen when it’s an interview they didn’t like .
Then , like so many others, I hit the ‘off’ switch …
Breitbart have the full Scruton story.
A lot of people need to apologise and/or resign.
The NS need to check their litigation funding as I do hope they need it !
The BBC comes out and asks it.
Tom there is nothing to stop *you* and your friends from giving up flying.
Me – all I want is a stack of pancakes and a V8.
I enjoy the helpful thingy on the BA website which shows how many miles I have flown .
It’s great – it goes up every year .
Other bad overpriced airlines are available . – and if you wanna fight – go on Ryanair or easyJet
Unless one needs to attend a Climate Conference or a Climate Rally in London….
Glad he used a Muslim airline in his header picture……must be a mistake….
MSM absolutely digusting full again of mosque attack victims AGAIN nothing about CHURCH attack victims
I don’t watch QT for health reasons – and I don’t want to damage another television .
So watched the excerpts on twitter – with John Rees Davies Handing four Remain MPs and a beeboid their well paid bottoms .
The audience surprisingly played their part too. It’s great to see the anger at our betrayal by these traitors not going away- indeed – getting stronger-
Even though MSM is using every distraction technique – including the “ how black is the new royal baby ?” Nonsense due next week .
And the naming – Stephen Lawrence Windsor perhaps . ? Mandela Windsor . ?
My money is on M’boola.
At the beginning of this thread, Eminent colleague Guest Who , posted a tweet by Simon Schama , an ‘historian’ beloved of the BBC, insulting Donald Trump – a man whose boots Schama is not fit to shine.
This took me back 3 years to a Munk debate on the Global ‘refugee crisis’ between Schama and Louise Arbour (a far-left Canadian judge and ‘Human Rights’ shmuckess) on the one side and Mark Steyn and Nigel Farage on the other.
In this clip from the debate, Arbour and Schama employ the typical tactics of the left when faced with facts they don’t like – attack the opposition with unwarranted insults. Steyn responds with a blistering denunciation of their tactics, even gleaning some applause from the lefty audience.
The whole debate is worth watching, if you can get past the annoying introductory clips from past debates and the far-more annoying introduction by the self-absorbed moderator.
TooTrue, what I find interesting is how Scruton can have his reputation and career wrecked by a conniving journo with an agenda at the New Statesmen because it’s splattered all over the BBC. Yet Schama got no coverage for those remarks.
I need to apologise to the Tory on QT last night – a barrister called Vicky something . In an earlier post I described her as the token remainer on their panel .
In fact she is another traitor remainer
I apologise for my inaccuracy and any distress caused . Drain the swamp .
( in defence of the BBC – the panel was a fair representation ——— of every shade of Remain ) .
Vicky Something was another classic example of the QT Tory – female, unknown, earnest and able to offer predictable sound-bites without being especially articulate or inspiring any sense of competence. She follows a well-established pattern of playing lip service to party equality while presenting a nicely negative persona. Luckily for her the greasy Labour representative – could he be related to Barry Gardiner? – provided his own inept performance to balance the imbalance.
Quite how this equates to the BBC feminist agenda is a mystery known only to the QT production team. Still, Pixie Lucas fulfilled her role throughout, so that must have made the selection worthwhile.
Since Leave/Remain is the division in society at the moment, how can the BBC feel justify favouring one party so heavily over the other? The division cuts across other political categories, but it suits them not to recognize this.
What does QT stand for again ? Quisling Time ?
QT stands for Remainer Time.
BBC Online News:
“”Two degrees now needed to get higher pay””
Thanks to Gordon Brown making University Education available to all and thereby devaluing it.
I would have thought that the BBC would mention that? Oh no, stupid me. Labour are the BBC’s chosen party.
Note the stock image used by the BBC to represent university students. Two white females and three black males.
The plain fact is that there are now many jobs which quite simply do not require a degree but for which employers nonetheless demand one. It has led to degree inflation where there is an abundance of useless degrees around, so youngsters can get a degree just for the sake of it. Oh, and receive a few years of lefty indoctrination while they’re at it.
Incidentally, I liked this reply on Twitter to that story:
Older readers will understand.
Roland – as a person with 3 degrees ( loved their songs ) – but not dependant on them to get a job ( already had one ) – I noticed the quality of both lecturers and students and courses reduce as cash came into academia .
I’m talking about being a “grown up” studying law in this context .
I was so worried about the quality of the education that by the end of my studies I forced myself to attend one of those ‘ famous ‘ universities with an international reputation just to reassure myself that I wouldn’t be suffering third rate teaching . Glad I did it . Glad it was really really difficult …
Sometimes I had a candid discussion with teachers who knew that huge numbers of law grads wouldn’t get law jobs because there was just too many . Pretty cynical really .
Is that why there are so many lawyers in the Commons? Really, it would be interesting to know how many.
Spectator says that after the 2015 election there were 119 lawyers out of 650 MPs – so much for all that crap about making the treasonous place reflective of the population ….
The male/female – black / white representation argument is just a shallow distraction of under representation by decent people – I don’t include lawyers in that description and I’m tainted with the law brush myself …
“making University Education available to all and thereby devaluing it”
Rebranding Polytechnics and Teacher Training Colleges helped inflate attendance.
And devaluing traditional trades.
The shortage of tradesmen now is completely down to Nu Labour.
But it’s good for business now.
Anywhere with a blackboard was turned into a university. Oops, I used a rude word.
There are a number of reasons why Nu Liebour wanted to get kids into university.
1) It cuts down on the number of unemployed youth if a large number are still in full time education for 3+ years.
2) University infantilises young adults, and we all know that quote by Churchill “If you don’t vote ‘Liberal’ (now Labour) when you’re young you have no heart, if you don’t vote Tory when you’re older you have no brain” The upshot of which is that the young tend to have more leftist views because they have neither the wit, wealth or experience to realise it won’t work.
3) Indoctrination As was said only recently our universities have become little more than left wing madrassas indoctrinating young people into the insane ideology of the left, and brooking no dissent.
It was sold as the left usually do, out of concern and ekwalitee for all, but that just hid the much more sinister purpose behind it.
An excellent book about broken British universities:
The Great University Con – David Craig
The absurdity of the Uni-For-All mantra is becoming ever more evident, but you have to go back a few more decades to find one of the underlying causes of education’s failure.
Back in the days of National Service one of the few ways in which to avoid the 2-years at His/Her Majesty’s Pleasure was to enter the teaching profession. Thus a whole section of draft dodgers with no vocation whatsoever for their chosen escape route inflicted themselves on a generation and more of children, the consequences of which can be seen and appreciated today – the BBC being among them.
Mohammed Farah – a BBC saint – apparently seems to have been less than nice in some dispute somewhere …
Is there any coverage of this on his favoured news outlet ? Just wondered as the BBC loved him for being a muzzie – but covered it up by calling him ‘ mo’ and the fact that he is a refugee made good – but not British- he’s probably got the American passport by now..
Nope he is the “victim” of course what else could he be ?
It will be portrayed as a blue on blue incident by the beeb. Pure friendly fire accident.
Is his brother Ahmed out yet after his 4 year sentence for robbery ?
This is the same Mohammed Farah, who claimed he (in his own words) ‘deserved a knighthood’, keeps company (by association) with suspected drug users, is arrogant and totally immodest, loves the limelight and adulation, obviously very quick tempered, and is clearly handy with his fists.
What’s not to love with this ‘national treasure’ ???
Or “national” treasure.
“From Christchurch to Colombo, Islamists and the far right are playing a deadly duet Scott Atran”
“The atrocities in Sri Lanka are part of a spiral of violence that poses profound questions for liberal societies”
“Scott Atran is an anthropologist and founding fellow of the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at the University of Oxford”
Scott Atran has a Wikipedia article which you may read if you wish.
Scott Atran is a globalist who only understands, and explains, from a global perspective.
Who hates nationalism and nationalists of all types and equates anti globalism with 9/11.
Because it is good propaganda, or so Atran believes.
Because this article is propaganda, the Guardian allows a friendly academic, who is allowed to pose as a scientist, to tell its readers what they need to believe.
Atran is totally unable to even imagine, let alone criticise, the 1984+++ style completely unfree societies, that the EUSSR globalists are determined to create.
Which Brexit is going to destroy, for the benefit of free people everywhere.
No comments allowed.
The MSM have decided that the wholesale slaughter of Christians by Muslims is not a issue they want to pursue.
However, a UKIP candidate who once called an Asian person “a chink” is outrageous and a danger to society.
A few years ago a character in a BBC drama was allowed to say “going for a chinkee”.
Outrage, a female viewer formally complained, stating how offended she was.
In the resulting HYS a wit stated that there was no problem, the original complainant
phoned back an hour later, to say she was no longer offended.
Excellent ????
Context : Sargon posted this video last night
Is that screen caption that Sky legal by election law ?
… Mostly throughout the interview the words “Wouldn’t even rape you” appear beneath Sargon’s name/face
That amounts to loaded language and framing from Sky
I put it to you the role reversal test wouldn’t work
If a woman or black man had said something that out of context could be seen as inflammatory ,
.. that phrase would not always appear beneath them in a screen caption.
Do SkyNews put a 10 minute screen caption below Jess Phillips using the words
“Jess Phillips, LAUGHS at the idea of men’s suicides being a serious issue” ?
Are you even allowed to say “Chinaman” now?
Watching the brillo show – he had that pammy Anderson lady on who used to provide some with early Saturday night relief on the bay watch .( never saw it )
Anyway – I held off on stereotyping her as a blond bimbo and listened to her piece to camera .
She doesn’t know the difference between the EU and Europe
And is an ageing actress looking for a job . Sad really .
Ageing? How does she look like that?
11am Radio prog about impartiality
\\ Critics claim the Brexit debate has shown the mainstream media is not impartial.
But Jonathan Coffey asks what impartiality is and how it functions in a polarised society.//
Note how the screenshot shows not TR or Batten , but John McDonnell ..as he is a victim of partisan media
First guest Emily Maitliss
Second voice Krishnan Guru Murthy
“escaping our biases”
He then introduces the third voice Rod Liddle ,
… by saying that they are meeting in a bar
(that sounded like Coffey was showing bias by his framing of Liddle and his tone of voice)
JC “The loudest complaints of bias are from the political right”
Fourth voice is from the Labour magazine The Canary
..”just having a token lefty on who is the victim”
back to Liddle saying the BBC isn’t actually left wing but rather middle class establishment
next voice ..beeboid
next voice – Carolyn Anne Mendoza
– Robert Peston
Oh I spot a listener with bias
@SteveBrooks13 tweeted
\\ I’ve just heard Rod Liddle
citing #r4today as a left wing news source right wingers should listen to to broaden their viewpoints.
He’s bonkers. //
I can only think that someone in the Far Left BBC thought it a good idea to stick out a programme about ‘ bias’ as a defence for the next ofcom white wash .
The guru Murphy is so innocent in his self belief that it heightens his arrogance even further . And to put maitless on -that was a joke too ?
Maitliss began the prog as if she had something important to say
..It was ..mere weird platitudes
“It’s about giving the public as much as they need
to understand the story better
.. about helping the audience to form their views, we try to work out how best we do that (ie brainwash them ?)
.. It’s a really live on going discussion (que ? just tell the truth, air from all angles and don’t omit important facets ..it’s not an ongoing discussion at all) ” endquote
Alex Cull will probably do a transcript
..and you’ll be able to check
Then when it came to Liddle Coffey did massive framing
I wonder if he is related to Tory MP Ann Coffey ?
Coffey “impartiality is what distinguishes broadcast from print media”
TOSH the BBC and Guardian are indistinguishable
Then when it came to Liddle Coffey did massive framing
..”Rod Liddle likes to do interviews with a chilled glass of white wine (smirk) so of course he proposed we meet in a bar”
Yeh you could say say “emily Maitliss likes to hang out with male strippers”.. but Coffey didn’t frame her that way
As ever the BBC are so biased, that half the time they don’t even know they’re showing it
..Such bias-sluts that they don’t even realise they are showing us their bias-knickers.
continues “Now Liddle spend *much* of his time bashing his former employer”
..not much …some
Maitlis at minute 8:30
“I don’t want to be working somewhere that has given up on impartiality”
… Yep she said that
and continued
” … cos then we are just opinion, we are just ranty TV
..there plenty of that in other parts of the world”
Richard Sandbrooke “the BBC was too slow to pickup on immigration (red herring ?)
..there was nuance people said it was good for the economy ..we had too much of this constructive view”
KAM “Who is underrepresented ITS THE LEFT and that’s a fact” BS !
Peston is brought on to back her up ‘there is too much focus on can we afford it ?’ (I paraphrase)
“There was a hysteria against what Corbyn stood for”
Jordan “All sides of an argument should be presented
though not necessarily with the same weight”
“All sides of an argument should be presented though not necessarily with the same weight”
There is a lot of wriggle room here. As ever it boils down to the State broadcaster behaving like a newspaper. Newspaper readers have a choice as to who to fund.
\\ Kerry Ann Mendoza from The Canary
(according to @supergutman, the Icke of the left). But to BBCR4 she’s a credible “journalist”. //
I was driving when I heard the fragrant Emily come out with that one stew – I nearly crashed the car – could I have told the insurance that it was her fault I was laughing so much ?
I wonder if she really really believes what she said ?
Fedup2 The deciding on where the centre lies is a matter for debate. That said the State broadcaster seems to be a happy place with little disagreement on show. I’d even dare to suggest they’re a well disciplined political party; except of course they don’t promote causes.
-Richard Sandbrooke BBC news
– David Jordan head of BBC policy
Krishnan Guru Murthy ..making sense as he talks about journos tweeting with what they think are established values everyone shares
Context : Coffey did a June 2018 lecture
\\ Today, @BBCPanorama journalist Jonathan Coffey will be speaking on the role of impartiality in investigative journalism. The title of his talk is “Let’s Make Impartiality Meaningful Again” – 12.30pm, Parliament Hall @univofstandrews. Come join us! //
David Jordan – apparently – is in charge of the Editorial policy at the bbc .this comes from a programme on R4 this Friday morning at 1100
The presenter claims innocence about bbc bias .
It’s quite funny …
Coffey brought on California philosopher Jason Baehr to talk about “open mindedness”
Yes he actually realises journos are not.
Peston said “impartiality means saying this is more likely to be true given the evidence”
..Em no it isn’t that is still the presenter making the judgement call
..instead of presenting ALL the story and leaving the public to make the judgements
David Jordan “In news we shouldn’t be taking position, except in support of democracy
..you’d wouldn’t expect the BBC to be neutral on discrimination”
Coffey “Impartial journos can take a position when the facts stack up”
..that the problem ..thick journos think facts stack up, when often they don’t.
Coffey concludes “impartial journalism needs to raise it’s game.”
“impartial journalism”
If there’s such a thing as a loaded term then this is it.
R4Today, Hungary , Zoe Williams
Stew – obviously been on the meds again .
Guardian 5th columnist – good reliable BBC fare. Thank god for Hungary making some effort …
““very, very dark totalitarian state””
Totalitarian? “a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of the life and productive capacity of the nation especially by coercive measures (such as censorship and terrorism)” [merriam-webster]
Not so much bias as hyperbole (I hope).
Not so much hyperbole as BBC endorsed lies. Fake news.
Sounds like most middle east hell holes
Hungary is a lovely place and surprisingly free of knifings, shootings and. bombings.
Not up to date though paints a picture (other maps are available).

map from AD 620 onwards
So Hungary do not fall over and grovel to her kind
#MoreThanEqual #VirtueSignalling #BBCinvertedRacism
Oooh, they’ve got a real live ethnic. Orgasms all round.
@MerchantsCrosby school tweet
Looking forward to hosting @BBCRadio4’s Any Questions this evening! ????
The panel will include @AndyBurnhamGM @MrHarryCole @cajardineMP and @JakeBerry
We still have a few tickets remaining if you’d like to attend or you can listen live tonight:
Thought I’d put my oar in re Question Time:
John Rhys-Davies was the only sane voice on the stage – and I’m including Fiona Bruce in that. Near the end he seemed frustrated enough with the Lucas creature to want to belt her.
I thought the Tory was OK till it became clear that she really believes the withdrawal ‘deal’ means Leave. What’s the function of a ‘Crime Minister’ anyway? I guess she is responsible for covering up the crimes committed by the government – in this case the crime of ignoring democracy and the rule of law by denying Brexit..
Dimbleby used to admonish shouters but still arrange for a mike for them to express their concerns. Fiona Bruce just admonishes them, and then denies them a say.
It was an extremely rowdy QT. I was encouraged to see that the awful, smug Lucas got nearly as many boos as applause when she insulted Nigel Farage. All the panelists were booed at some stage.
For those who might want to grit their teeth and watch it, here it is.
Meant to agree with colleagues on this page that it was great to see Rhys-Davies challenge the other panelists on their denial of democracy re Brexit.
Look at that horrible racist man at 32:50 mins, saying that he will be voting for the Brexit party.
Yes, a black guy voting for Brexit, a party led by a white man. The BBC would happily tie itself in knots explaining how that is racist.
Off button radio – Listening to what can only be described as, hate speech directed at, Trump, Farage and Brexiteers.
But I guess it’s ok so long as you hate the ‘correct’ people.
At least in the 1984 template hate time was confined to certain times not wall to wall.
What’s the difference between Orwell’s 1984 & the modern BiasedBBC ?
..Orwell only wrote about the “Hour of hate”
… not the “24 hours of hate & anger” the BBC news rooms have
Have they banned Animal Farm yet for being meatist ?
Endless BBC agenda pushing today …. endless .. no wonder the viewing figures are falling off a cliff !!!!!
“Why are women, younger people and those from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds less likely to stand?”
I don’t know. Is it because white middle aged gentleman are likely to give up their seat for them?
Read an excellent letter to one of the nationals at the weekend by a reader, in response to an Eastender actor bemoaning the lack of BAMEs in the soap; and the first time I had read outright criticism of the advertising industry by a member of the public – or anyone !
He effectively told the actor to stop whingeing, as other areas of the media had overloaded their PC quote by more than the national ratio of BAME’s in tv adverts, and historically incorrect tv dramas .
More letters and the like, are needed to let the advertising industry know we re ‘on to them’.
(I see that Coronation Street is to get its first black family ensconced soon, in the history of the soap !)
See, it wasn’t that bad after all.
The Beebs unofficial source newspaper announce that the death toll in Sri Lanka wasn’t as high as previously reported. Only 253 dead rather than the 359 originally claimed by officials who said that some bodies had been double counted due to being blown apart.
So that’s all right then!
I also note that the media seem now to be more interested in exposing the gaffes made by the Sri Lankan officials. Wrong picture posted, incorrect bodycount etc. despite the fact that they have within a very short space of time made a number of arrests and named some of the perpetrators which I regard as pretty quick going. Perhaps a diversion to stop too many questions regarding why “wealthy middle-class ” citizens decided that this was a great idea.
I write out the 10? Point method the BBC uses for murder by Muslim s to stop decent people getting ‘upset’ by it . Distracting the blame was at about number 7.
It’s on the previous thread and I might well repeat it a few times as the bias and corruption needs to be highlighted ..
“I also note that the media seem now to be more interested in exposing the gaffes made by the Sri Lankan officials. Wrong picture posted, incorrect bodycount etc”
Most serious mistakes are usually by the “new, gay, loud, slippery BBC employees” which we see to many times to think they are not deliberate mistakes. Especially in the BBC TV News editing dept.
You only need watch BBC TV news to see at the bottom of the screen all kinds of spelling mistakes, errors, deliberate omissions – specially when it comes to BBC revealing how much certain programmes cost, how long the budgets will keep on coming, farcical costings especially by that Karmal – “revealed in a leaked email: ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if” – Ahmed, creature..
Packham : Hmm a petition to have someone sacked usually looks to me like bullying
, cos it’s up to the law , not to the mob
but I note this petition for BBC to sack Chris Packham : 101,636 have signed since April 24th
\\ As an employee of the BBC, Chris Packham should remain impartial and keep his views and beliefs to himself however, he is the face of many anti hunting campaigns and uses his celeb status as a platform to push his anti hunting agenda, he has made his goal to ban all kinds of hunting, and country sports and pursuits and I feel he is no longer fit to work for the BBC //
Just signed. This guy is seriously bad for my blood pressure every time he opens his mouth! Now up to 102,309 – seems there’s quite a few like us out there.
24 Debenhams stops are too close – the sin of being too expensive – no mention of Mike Ashley – the capitalist the MSM hate so much – maybe having been able to turn them around .
For the record – I went into a JDSports shop -which mr Ashley owns – yesterday and bought a quality product for half the price Amazon was selling it …
Only because Maxine might point it out and decide it invalidates everything you’ve ever written, it’s Sports Direct that Mike Ashley owns. Though he may have a small stake in JD.
Had to smile – a video of, ‘God Bless Texas’ BY Little Texas.
Babes in bikinis, V8 pickups, beef steaks and good old boys.
America does seem to have an idea of who it is.
As we fall over ourselves not mis-speak on the one hand and hate the ‘correct’ people on the other I truly despair.
“Global Warming; 31,487 Scientists say NO to Alarm”
Much about Global Warming as a subject and the nonsense being continually spouted about it by leftie Cultural Marxists on YouTube. Search on: ‘1000frolly’ for much more. (Don’t know when YouTube will remove 1000frolly for telling the truth)
Keep well away. Communist China. Big smile, all business, then THUD!
Belt and road. Keep well away. Communist China. This is my smiley face. We’re all about TRADE, you know. Oh, by the way, this is my fist; it’s gonna pound you capitalists….
Hammond, what a twit. On TV news at 13h00: “Hauwei OK.”
We won’t even accord May such a compliment. Worse than twit.
US, Australia and India know exactly what’s going on.
But UK velly stupid. Lets China control our critical digital infrastructure.
Get rid of ‘leader’ very, very urgently. No leadership. Worse, actually…
Person in charge proven record of failure and poor decisions.
Needs to go urgently.
Somewhere in the sixties, I read a book: ‘You can TRUST a Communist….’
Sub-title: ‘…to be a Communist.’
Must find my copy to send on to No10
QT : Piers Morgan watched
\\ .. the panel v out of sync with audience.
3 biggest choruses of boos ‘ 2nd Ref’ ‘ Ban Trump visit’ ‘ Farage is a racist’ //
Excellent … may take a look later , will enjoy that. Piers Morgan is a rare breed, he is a Remainer , but a very fair one , and they are bloody rare !!!
Often says he does not like the referendum result but quite rightly always points out it was a Democratic vote and the result MUST be implemented. Fair play to the guy !!!! Not everyone’s cup of tea but i really like watching him on GMB when he is on.
AND has got Meghan Markle totally sussed – he says what we’re all thinking.
I’m having to revise my opinion of him. At least to a degree. Not that he’ll care.
Others here have pointed out that the beeb do like an anniversary when it suits them. Earlier this year they marked 30 years since The Satanic Verses by giving Mobeen Azhar (who won a Bafta for 2017’s Muslims Like Us) an 11-part radio show to explore the book’s effect on his community and how ‘Salman Rushdie radicalised my generation’. He did this by chatting to Muslims, so that we know the effect a Muslim-ordained death sentence of a non-Muslim had on other Muslims, all told by a Muslim.
Now BBC2 drama ‘The Looming Tower’ covers the threat of Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda and the rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the investigation post-9/11. The book on which it’s based is 80% from the viewpoint of the jihadis, but not so this TV production. And sure enough — just 15 seconds into the review — “focuses on the failure of America’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to stop the September 11th attacks…”
Quick topical reference to the Sri Lanka bombings: “…yet again it’s intelligence failures that are being blamed…”
Mostly by you, BBC. Again and again.
Relentless criticism of the incumbent system at the expense of any broader, more accurate analysis. Cultural Marxism for the win.
The BBC’s trailer for The Looming Tower includes a question asking “how can you fight an enemy when you’re at war with yourself?” Quite.
Free speech is one thing
* incitement to violence is clearly illegal *
yet Hatton’s tweet stands untouched
But the Left preach to us about Tolerance, Respect etc etc etc ……..imagine if Tommy Robinson tweeted exactly the same about a Labour Candidate !!! He would be up before the judge tomorrow !! The media would be rolling 24 hr breaking news about the far Right thug and his tweet.
But this is the left , so as per, UN – BLOODY – TOUCHABLE !!! Make my blood boil these double standards.
NZ PM with her headscarf ( surely not when in Rome, do as the Romans…? – is NZ the only place that applies? and does it only there apply to everyone but one minority?)
Nice noises from Prince.
Is he going to Sri Lanka? Convenient stop-over en route Auckland – London?
Or are those the wrong kind of victims? There are certainly many, many more of them than in NZ?
No doubt it will be much too dangerous? He’s not a chicken. But his advisors?
Sorry if this post -or similar- has featured before.
Christchurch 14 Sri Lanka zero
h/t @FarLeftHate Watch ..an account worth following
Stew – I think we already have a pretty good picture of OC, and thus the above comes as no surprise!
She’s just plain bad news, so far no mitigating features detected, although there must be one somewhere?
Katie Hopkins being tactful as ever in her message to Saint Jacinda of Mecca:
“I expect you to be dressed as the Pope, ringing church bells across #NZ and praying in Latin in Parliament by noon.”