We can get bogged down in individual incidents of BBC Bias – but trying to identify the main areas
pro Muslim – anti Judeo Christian
pro homosexuality – anti heterosexuality
pro remain – anti democracy
Pro multiculturalism – anti Britain
pro green .
Pro Scots/Irish /Welsh nationalism – but not English
Pro London – wheres the rest of the UK?
Three years after voting to leave the EU and we are still in !
Why isn’t the State Broadcaster campaigning for the majority of the people that pay its wages to get us out ?
Why isn’t Al Beeb campaigning for democracy.
Vote UKIP or for the Brexit Party to send a message to Al Beeb, The EU and the rest of the world that this nation stands for Democracy.
Why are we waiting ?
Sadly in our locals it’s a choice of Conartists, Limp Dumbs or Liebour. No Brexit or UKIP or decent local Indy. I shall head to the booth as always, because people died for us to be able to vote after all.
My paper shall be spoiled, ‘All the above represent liars and charlatans. They are not fit to receive my vote or hold any form of office’
I hope for a better choice (Brexit and UKIP) in the Euros, where I think we have first and second preferences?
Likewise no-one to vote for in the locals so it will be a line through and NONE written in caps.
The EU election lists have been published
Is it first and second preferences by party?
PS Don’t forget to take a pen.
I am also planning to spoil my paper. My wife finds it stupid that I will make the effort to go to the polling booth and not vote. I still haven’t settled on the choice of words I will write on it but I will definitely write something.
Although my vote will just be registered as one of many spoiled papers, if enough people do it, say 10%, it will be nationally newsworthy.
“…….it will be nationally newsworthy.” Wow! you have that faith in the media?
Will definitely vote in the locals. And it will be Libdims, as UKIP or Brexit party is unavailable. Not that I like the Libs particularly, but it will be against the effective anti-Brexit parties, that is, Cons and Lab.
The Libs are even more anti Brexit than the other two. An increase in the vote for them would look as if Remain was getting more support. The Liberal Party is a worse choice than the other two in my opinion.
Demon is right. In that instance it seems to me to be a ballot spoiling ‘No Deal Brexit Now, Please’ massage is most appropriate.
Or more correctly ‘message’ …
It is a dilemma though: do you risk letting Labour win seats previously controlled by the Conservatives and have to put up with Labour policies in your community? Or spoil your ballot paper?
Whatever you do, don’t stay home. A low turnout gives an advantage to the anti-democrats.
The constituency I’m in is a safe Labour seat for parliament but a marginal, to an extent, in the local elections, with LibDems giving Labour a run. Tories don’t count here, while UKIP and Brexit parties are not in the running.
The constituency though is vehemently pro-Brexit. Therefore a very strong showing for Libs will send a message to Labour about its Brexit behaviour. It can hardly be taken as a sudden change to “Remain”. Bear in mind, the Libs are not a force in parliament or the Euro parliament, therefore a vote for them in the locals will be taken as an angry vote against Labour. That is the point. Would do the same if one substituted Labour for Tories.
Not voting or spoiling the ballot paper in any form, is wasting an opportunity to show our displeasure.
I disagree. I have a pair of five bladed scisors and will use them to shred my European ballot paper and dump it on the floor. When arrested for this my defence will be that I know my choice is the “wrong” one for the authorities and therefore will be ignored.
Local elections … I too only have Con/Lab/Lib/Green … I shall be making the effort to go and spoil my ballot paper … I will write “None” across the names and below it “WTO Brexit”.
I don’t care if not many people see it .. if I have no choice as a voter, and many more will be in the same boat, then maybe if enough do it, it might sneak through onto some media platform somewhere?
We know one it won’t sneak through onto though, don’t we?
EU elections (can’t wait!) it will be Brexit Party and UKIP.
Long time Tory voter.
Same choices here in Basingstoke. So I wrote in Brexit Party on the postal ballot form
I agree with you, I have done this myself in the past . Many years ago I used to take part in counting votes after elections. Spoilt papers were carefully examined by the agents of all parties, presumably to see if they could claim them. Published election results used to state the number of spoilt papers but it does not seem the case nowadays.
There is no local council election in my area, however for MEPs (and it’s a shame we have to bother with this at all) I have a choice of UKIP and the Brexit Party.
It’s UKIP for me without a doubt. People may whinge about splitting the vote, but the way I look at it is you may as well be hung for a sheep than a lamb. I’ve got so cynical nowadays that I distrust all politicians, but the ones who might get my vote will more likely be fighters who are not afraid of speaking their mind and will take on the media whores’ lies.
The entire establishment is against UKIP, they are not very keen on the Brexit Party either but I’m sure they know which one is more amenable to being tamed.
I believe old Nigel has had his day in the sun. Good for speeches, not very good at running a political party. If a lot of Tories scared of losing their seats defect to his party you can be sure they’ll mostly consist of ‘wets’ and/or spivs.
The whole thing feels like controlled opposition. Lord Snooty’s sister (Numptiata Rees-Mogg) is only there to add a dash of glamour and to appeal to vaguely Brexitish Tory women.
I could be wrong, but for now I can’t trust the Brexit Party. If they do well in the elections fair play to them, but it’s UKIP for me.
Its UKIP too for moi. I have stated the EU is a threat to the political freedom of Britain. Islam is an existential threat. Thus UKIP.
Breaking: Wills is sailing back from NZ as Greta told him too, the BBC has learned. Apparently.
I trust he won’t be using fossil fuels – a sailing ship should get him back by the time is sister in law has dropped another Windsor…
The royal family changed it’s name from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor on 17th July, 1917 because of the anti-Germam sentiment in the British Empire during The Great War. But then again, with Harry’s ginger hair and fondness for polo…hang on, it sounds like my front door is being kicked down, give me a mo…
BBC dream, Greta and Chris ‘Fudge’ Packham on the same enviroMentalist stage, hosted by Dave ‘National Treasure’ Attinborough….
Listening to the R4 TOADY news this a.m., the thought struck me that as a matter of climate urgency Greta Thunberg ought to travel to the island of Sri Lanka by train to speak to all the politicians there. It has only one airport as such – as BBC R4 told me – so there will be only one major thing to close down to benefit the climate of the planet.
I didn’t realise the future king is visiting NZ to pay homage to dead Muslims . I suppose he’ll be going straight to Sri Lanka afterward and spend the rest of his life touring places where Muslims have slaughtered Christians ….
Or maybe the prince will do it on skype . Amazing to think is a ‘car crash ‘ hadn’t got in the way his step dad would have been a muzzie ….
I’ve seen reports that the Queen can trace her genealogy back to mohamad. And didn’t Charles Windsor say he is related to Vlad the Impaler?
If so, we have both the key muslim killer and a significant killer of muslims in the same family and ruling over us. Schizophrenic, maybe?
As a senior member of the royal firm he has been given the task of marketing their impeccable multi faith credentials. Harry and his wife are covering the ‘woke folk’ base . Sadly as the DoE and the Queen slip away from public life the Roayl family can ‘pivot’ towards the future and disown the white imperil past of the Empire they once led . No doubt as Islamification continues apace and European culture dies, the Royals, like all good multinational enterprises, will embrace it . Perhaps it will be by marriage , like Harry suddenly changing from warrior prince to becoming woke , or by conversion. But as surely as eggs are eggs it will happen sometime in the next fifty years or sooner.
Rolling back the tidal wave of Islam is the greatest challenge facing the West but few leaders dare to admit it or even to recognise it and most folks remain in blissful ignorance and slumber on whilst the wokists use the power of the MSM to normalise this hateful ideology for Western audiences.
Only Pres Trump realizes the existential threat that Islam poses the West, and has tried to act on it, despite the implacable hostility of the MSM and the insane pro-Islam pro-Marxism Democratic party.
Speaking of future kings. I don’t think Harrys marriage will last much longer or they will move full time to the States.
One of the reasons – which the Queen won’t accept I’m sure – is the recent news that Harry has publicly given his blessings to a pro-transsexual group linked to damaging gender stereotypes and being on the “wrong side of science”.
So with Prince Harry now jumping “ship-reality” preferring to deny “Science” before “reality”, either he goes with her back to California or the Queen goes against her Christian faith/conscience by denying reality also preferring to break up the family as we’ve known it for at least 3.000 yrs?
Who knows; the first glimpse of disease within any family/political party/monarchy is usually caused by the youngest son or daughter in law only then do we see its downfall?.
I’ll give the marriage two of three years. A royal payoff, a book and film rights. Harry can find a Moslem wife, there are lots on the internet.
“We love you and we forgive you,” says Pastor of bombed Evangelical church in Sri Lanka to their attackers
Their Senior Pastor Roshan Mahesen must be weary with weeping and mourning and burying the dead. They were his family – people he prayed with and laughed with who will never pray or laugh again. He has sent a video message to his church’s attackers, and a witness to the world:
We are hurt. We are angry also, but still, as the senior pastor of Zion Church Batticaloa, the whole congregation and every family affected, we say to the suicide bomber, and also to the group that sent the suicide bomber, that we love you and we forgive you, no matter what you have done to us, we love you, because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
3rd? I’ll take that!
Er… not quite, sorry. But you you could make thirty-third if you are lucky.
A proper interview question to Emma Thompson who flys around the world .
Q; why don’t you stay in one place and act there , and let another actress play the part who is nearby the film shooting ?
Although I doubt she’d answer honestly , like ” because I’m greedy for the money and don’t want my fame to diminish ” .
Her PR team sent her to XR London.
in the preamble I purposely left out reference to the Londonistan Marathon which will be compered by John Snow who will say “I’ve never seen so many white people in one place”.
Is Mohammed Farah honouring us with a quick visit soon, in order to collect another shed load of cash before flying back, first class, to Ethiopia?
Africa and the Middle East have always struggled in the athletic arena, generally because anyone who can run, jump or swim is over here already with a Bri ‘h’ ish passport
He lives in the US. Think Seattle last time round.
Then again, that may be his 4 th US pad.
I thought it would be Somalia, that is, if they have an airport.
2019-04-26 16:45 BBC Politics.
Jeremy Corbyn has said he will not attend the state banquet at Buckingham Palace in honour of Donald Trump.
The Labour leader argued it would be wrong to “roll out the red carpet” for the US president, whom he accused of using “racist and misogynist rhetoric”.
This is the dim clown who is happy to talk to the IRA, Hamas, Fatah.
Who attends meetings honouring their “war dead”.
Who cannot find a seat in an empty train.
A Globalist who pretends otherwise.
Vote Labour and you must have the IQ of a goldfish.
Trump for Prime Minister.
Corbyn separates the man from the office.
Just dim.
Last ,
I bet President Trump will be pleased not to have to share a room with comrade Corbyn yet alone shake hands with the creature …
In other words the racist will not be dining with the party leader. That is the anti-Semitic Cornyn will not be dining with the leader of the Republican Party.
Not just him though, the biased speaker Bercow and senile Limp Dem Vincent Cable all showing their total contempt for the democratic will of in the this case the American people sending them a two fingered salute.
Then there is the total intolerance of any view which they do not approve of.
This is one of the best examples of the British politicians putting their own arrogance stupidity and intolerant hate in front of the interests of the people of the UK.
Is that a fake ?
I didn’t think so (but I’m not that tech savvy).
That tweet has 4,000 likes
none of the other tweets actually written by Sopel has got one tenth of that recently
However I suspect that he wants you to say ..we hold the US to a higher standard
..and that the signal to cause Trump to change.
Whereas the way to change China is to talk to them.
Why would anyone want to change China – the Communists are already in control?
PM May is threatening our relationship with the USA.
She should have shut up Khan and Bercow long ago. Instead she has allowed them free reign.
Her attempt to play both sides in the coming conflict with China will lead to disaster for Britain.
We rely on America for our permanent member status in the UNSC. If we lose America’s trust we lose the UNSC. Then we lose the Falklands, and its fisheries and Antarctic rights. We lose Five Eyes effective immediate.
Globally we are finished without America’s support. Active hostility would be very bad indeed. Even if Pres Trump loses the next election, the Democratic party is not going to help, as it is very hostile to Britain anyway(Remember Obama). Too, now they have a Pali congresswoman, who blames Britain for creating Israel.
As for Australia and NZ, they are unlikely to do anything which may antagonise America.
With our special status with America gone, the EU gone, the City will lose its pull. It will flee to Amsterdam, Dublin or Frankfurt, or wither away.
We will have to go back to the EU on our knees, which is probably what May wants.
“With our special status with America gone,”
In a way but did the UK have special status in the first place?
You see, as I understand it, the oldest friend of the US is France. Helping the Americans in their many wars – against us.
Then again, I might be wrong?
In a way we do have a special relationship, as US Intelligence was originally shared only with the Britain. Only later was Canada, Australia and NZ allowed in. Too, there are very close ties with the US armed forces.
Nevertheless, humiliating Pres Trump, as Britain has been doing lately, can lead to serious unpleasantness for the UK. Lets hope the investigation of the failed coup against Pres Trump does not have British involvement.
I agree with you.
Error in my precious metal eukaryote comparisons.
If you vote Labour you have the IQ of a silverfish.
beardy wierdy, just sayin’
QT last nite: Fiona Bruce should have stuck to doing antiques. She was out of her depth.
It became clear that a sharp, political mind in a chairperson was sorely needed. Someone with knowledge of the world, who is able to direct things, not allow people with nothing to say, to prattle on. Someone, themselves without obvious bias- not easy, but possible..
I don’t think the question of whether President Trump should have been invited was even formally asked, yet lots of people had to immediately have their say about him. In the end, Bruce herself had to keep harping on about it!
Some years ago it was reported that she was being paid £600,000/year for doing practically nothing.
Now that she has added being totally useless on Question Time to her portfolio, she must be on at least £1 million.
How nice for her.
Ever pandering, there’s an incredibly stupid article on the Beeb’s website today – “Should the colour of plasters match skin tones?” A 45 year-old African-American called Dom, who works for a non-profit racial awareness organisation, cut his finger one day and upon discovering the world of different coloured plasters ended up sending the following tweet:
“It’s taken me 45 trips around the sun, but for the first time in my life I know what it feels like to have a band-aid in my own skin tone. You can barely even spot it in the first image. For real I’m holding back tears.”
There then follows some SJW crap about flesh coloured toys, tights, crayons, ballet shoes etc. I think Dom needs to grow up and the BBC needs to die.
Use a bloody felt pen. I do.
My last plaster was blue – does that mean I’m Avatar?
Tr, or a TORY?
Shock! Horror!
He needs a band aid for his brain.
if he’s a chef, in a cooking environment or in the NHS, he can think again about flesh coloured plasters ! There’s a reason that cooks/chefs /nursing staff sport blue plasters and that is they are easy to spot if they come off !!!! And really ? flesh coloured on a white person can mean anything from a putrid pink to pale beige.
The tw..t needs to get a life.
“He needs a band aid for his brain.”
Oh, don’t let him here you.
I saw Vince Cable on the news today. I must say he is a very dislikable cove. He has an air of decay about him and, I suspect, a strong smell of embalming fluid as well. He seems to wear his traitorous and anti-democratic views on Brexit like some badge of courage. (If this had been wartime then I’m sure he would have been a collaborator.) I’m looking forward to a complete Lib-Dem wipe out at the forthcoming elections.
Baldylocks chromedome, just sayin’
And something queer about his mouth, which I have noticed in all Lib Dems.
I agree, he does have an air about him.
I thought IDS snarled somewhat during the run-up to the new DWP benefit changes a few years ago (and that made the viewer wince) .
However, Mr weasel words himself not only snarls but comes with its very own sound system built-in.
What was that proclamation: go home and prepare for government.
A friendly reminder
The Libdems went into the last general election on a manifesto that included a second referendum .
And just how many seats did they get ………………..
Well done, what an artistic statement:
Stormzy Vossi Bop: ‘F*** the government and f*** Boris,’ star raps in new track
Vossi Bop, filmed at locations including Westminster Bridge and the Bank of England, also includes a cameo from Idris Elba.
Grime artist Stormzy has taken a swipe at the government and Boris Johnson in his new song, Vossi Bop.
“Rule number two don’t make the promise, if you can’t keep the deal then just be honest,” he raps towards the beginning of the track.
“I could never die, I’m Chuck Norris; f*** the government and f*** Boris.”
hmmm yes I see….
Surely this number would make top billing for the remodelled ‘Last Night of the F…ing Proms’ wouldn’t it?
Chuck Norris is white. Just saying. I suppose Wesley Snipes doesn’t have the same ring to it, really only rhymes with wipes.
Speaking of arses, the cult of Elba baffles me a bit to me honest, I know it’s because he’s black, but he seems to me to have built his reputation on “The Wire”, which nobody I know watched, and “Luther”, which nobody I know watches either. Both shown on the bBC I see, to “critical acclaim”.
It looks like Trump has seen evidence of GCHQ looking at his emails, phone calls and financial transactions from CIA documents. GCHQ staff looking at his emails and financial transactions by searching MTI, using the Tempora computer system and PRISM, while tapping his phone using GTE. The British support of the operation being coordinated by the then-director of GCHQ Robert Hannigan who has since been forced to resign. The decision to insert GCHQ as a back door to eavesdrop was sparked by the denial of two FISA Court warrant applications filed by the FBI to seek wiretaps of Trump associates. But GCHQ did not work from its HQ in Cheltenham, but from the NSA Headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland with direct NSA supervision. Attorney General Bill Barr said last week he would form a team to examine the origins of the investigation, which he termed “spying” on the Trump Campaign.
Thanks Richard P for the heads up
Some serious “shyte” is coming down.
The BBC finally question the Labour Party about Grooming gang victims:
Of course its about how Shamima Begum was “groomed” in to ISIS no mention of the millions of Islamic rapes perpetrated while copying prophet Muhammad targeting English children.
My numbers are not hyperbolic; According to the Jay report (page 91) Rotherham had a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% women, and 30% are children, mean there were about 2,800 Muslim Men during the time covered by the report.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. ALL of these victims were gang raped, and a “gang” requires at least two members by definition… so we have a minimum of two perpetrators per victim… so we are looking at 2,800 perpetrators MINIMUM… That is a at least one Islamic child rape perpetrator for every single Muslim man in that town.
Of course The Majority of court cases describe between 4 and 10 perpetrators per victim, and that many victims were being raped hundreds of times in total.
If just 10% of victims were raped 100 times, this would already be 14,000 rapes, That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average. If there were an average of 4 perpetrators per victim we’d be looking at 5400 perpetrators in a town of just 2800 Muslim men.
Even now according to police there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children. That is fully 15% of the Adult Male Muslim population in that town.
As is perfectly clear there is absolutely no interest in these English grooming victims from either Labour or the BBC. These people in these organizations are sick and disgusting creatures… happy to turn a blind eye to child rape to suit their own self-serving and sick agenda.
Government report, the Jay report:
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
NUmbers under active investigation:
Example court cases indicate 8 perpetrators per victim (55 perpetrators, 7 victims,)
There are estimated to be up to a million victims, sp maybe 10 million rapes or more:
A million victims would mean 8 million perpetrators…. we only have 1.5 million Muslim men in the country… the Islamic “community” is awash with infidel child rape because they are copying the prophet Muhammad.
Thanks but those numbers are frightening ..
Yeah in the next census we could have 10% Musilm… in 1920 Lebanon was 15% Muslim (85% Christian)… then they let the Muslims in.
By 1975 through immigration and breeding the population increased to over 50% Muslim and war broke out for Islam to gain control. The war lasted 15 years…
Lebanon is now a Muslim country. Same thing happened in Bosnia. Already several European countries have approaching 10% Muslim and demographic trends suggest alignment with the Lebanon process.
European countries, eh? Does Anatolia ring a bell? What about the Byzantine Empire? Or let’s take big cities: does Constantinople ring a bell?
Places that were once Greek or Roman…
Wonder what happened to them?
I have been working these kinds of figures for several years, long before Rotherham came out. Whichever way one calculates, the figures are grotesque.
It amounts to a “war crime” on children that has no precedence in history. Why war crime? There is hardly any doubt that Islam is waging war on what it sees as Christendom. A war we allowed them to wage from within the walls. Too, a victorious army collects its war booty by raping the conquered women and girls.
The above is normal in war. What is without precedence is that we did not lose the war, but the authorities acted if they had, and allowed the rapes to continue for decades.
Banishment is the only just response that Europe has for the perpetrators. For those that knowingly allowed it, its difficult to think what punishment will fit.
NCBBC, yes whatever way you look at these figures it’s grotesque. The establishment might be able to claim that “not all Muslims rape children” or “not all Muslims knew about it”….
But can it really be the case that only “a Minority” knew this was going on?
From these numbers at least 50% of Muslims must have known about this… yet i have never heard of a case of a Muslim going to the police…
Nothing much happens in the Muslim community without the imams not knowing. Too the women knew too, as most women know what their men are upto. In essence, with few exceptions, the entire Muslim community knew.
Look at the numbers. You have said that there were
“1,400 child gang rape victims. ALL of these victims were gang raped, and a “gang” requires at least two members by definition… so we have a minimum of two perpetrators per victim… so we are looking at 2,800 perpetrators MINIMUM… ” NO it may imply (equally unlikely) a gang of 2 who committed all the rapes. Learn some mathematics beyond multiplication. This entire argument is designed to maximise the number of culprits. I agree that there is evidence that Muslim rape gangs existed, but not this many individuals were involved. Do you really believe that “A million victims would mean 8 million perpetrators…. we only have 1.5 million Muslim men in the country” and if so the other 6,5000,000 came here specially to take part in rapes but went home again?
Do you by any chance teach Maths?
Ok David:
For hypotheticals sake, lets say only 10% of Muslim men were doing this…. which i never said was not entirely possible
Then each of these men wold have 10 victims each… this would mean that these people are serious, serious prolific child rapists.
Each Muslim must know at least 20-30 Men friends, relatives, work colleagues ect…. so the average Muslim would know 2-3 prolific child rapists… yet not one single Muslim seems to have noticed and reported them to the police?
Number of Islamic child rapists reported by a Muslim = NONE
David, can you “spin” these numbers in any realistic scenario that does not make this appalling?, because i’d be interested to read that scenario and change my view.
But the reason they don’t report them to the police David, is because this IS their religion:
The fact is David, is that in Islam, Muhammad is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt.
He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe,. he murdered 700 “infidel” prisoners at Khybar a town that he attacked. He married his cousin Zaynab, and stole his sons wife Zayd,
He had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for writing insulting poems, apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine, and forced non Muslims he didn’t kill, to pay the “Jizya” which was a protection racket.
Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, incest, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates, and extortion and servitude for any one who they don’t kill.
ISBN 978 1 78606 513 1 one victim has written a book if could bear to read it, the pakis were phoning their wives whilst raping them and gave one to one of their kids as a 16 birthday present, the whole communiy knew, they were even taken out of school in paki taxis during the day with nothing said.
They were also whipped whilst naked and racially abused yet never prosecuted as a racially aggravated crime which it most certainly was.
It may be that David is actually is one of these leftist types who are trying to push that pedophilia is a “sexual orientation”… and he may be a child predictor himself since he thinks these numbers are not appalling.
These ideas are being pushed out now, for example the majority Saudi owned “independent newspaper” was pushing this… pedophilia is just anther area where some on the left and in Islam align.
If one believes “white wh@re and white c@nt constitutes a race / hate crime, then they were all guity of this in addition to rape as they tied them to a bed and took turns whipping them
The followers of Islam in the UK have been encouraged to follow their own parallel “sharia” Islamic law… According to sharia law sex slavery of the infidel is allowed… it even states that no Muslim should be punished for killing an infidel because non-Muslims are the worst of creatures. This is simply the outcome of this policy.
Racist in itself and so should be made illegal in the UK and Europe ?
The problem is that the the BBC is racist, they think that “brown people” are unable to follow the same laws as everyone else. so although it is illegal, they turn a racist blind-eye t this.
Since the democrats politicised their law enforcement in the same way the Blair Labour Party did to the British police – it’s no surprise that they spied on an’enemy’.
The MSM are really enjoying the mole hunt over the Chinese spying technology the PM wants to implant into the 5 eyes …
With a PM whom nobody respects any more – no wonder her world is leaking like a sieve . And deservedly so for an anti democratic traitor .
The 70th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth.
53 countries, united under a single banner.
53 not the 27 and many more exotic, representing many creeds and colours, billions in trade, even more post Brexit – so why isn’t this being pushed up the agenda? On face it would appear to be a runner amongst the many.
The “Liberal Democrats” are “Intolerant Elitists”, “Change UK” want the “Same EU” and Jeremy Corbyn, who has a long record of support for anti-Semitic terrorists such as “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel (see below). Corbyn has refused to meet Donald Trump, probably because he has a Jewish Son in-law, moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, is a great friend of the Israeli Prime Minister and unlike Corbyn, does not regard Hamas and Hezbollah as his “friends”
As Emperor Claudius says of plots against him, “Let all the poison that is in the wood hatch out.”
Appropriate for now because boy are we seeing some poison hatching.
“The “Liberal Democrats” are “Intolerant Elitists”, “Change UK” want the “Same EU” and Jeremy Corbyn, who has a long record of support for anti-Semitic terrorists such as “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel (see below). Corbyn has refused to meet Donald Trump, probably because he has a Jewish Son in-law, moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, is a great friend of the Israeli Prime Minister and unlike Corbyn, does not regard Hamas and Hezbollah as his “friends”
In a way, it would serve us (UK) right if we get a commie government under Corbyn. Boy, would it be the ruination of this once great Christian nation for which I know many of my friends relatives on here fought for – some dying in the process only to have “that creature” to rule over us.
I feel as if I’m watching a nightmare unfold and few politicans have their brains set on planet earth preferring to living in “another world atmosphere”
Not on BBC.
Daily Mail:
“”Tory candidates abandon the Conservatives for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party – with up to FORTY MEPs plotting to defect amid fears of a ‘disaster’ in May’s EU elections””
“”Twenty-six MPs have reportedly told Farage in private they’ll vote from his party””
“”Even more said to be switching from Tory candidates to stand for Brexit Party””
“”TV star and politicians from mainstream parties said to be among the joiners””
You just have stand and marvel at the total hypocrisy of these rats leaving the sinking ship. They aren’t joining the Brexit party because they believe in it, they’re joining purely because they’re going to lose their precious seats in the coming Tory wipeout
Hopefuly Farage will not allow them to stand for election for the Brexit party or they will cause as much trouble and incomptence as they have in their own party.
Surely no one will be taken in by the same faces simply adopting a new name just to secure their incomes?
“of these rats leaving the sinking ship”
Correct, Farage must not absorb a group of closet EUSSR worshippers pretenting to be Conservatives.
These deep penetration agents in the Conservative and Unionist Party are the reason Brexit has not happened yet.
There is a major problem. Corbyn. This Communist must not get anywhere near Downing Street.
If he does we will be living in the Neolithic by the end of his first term.
Time for Boris to call May a traitor in public and promise an investigation into crimes, including treason, comitted by the Remainers in the HoC, HoL and the Civil Servive, if he becomes PM.
If NF allows any ‘Conservative’ who has ever voluntarily voted for the TREATY to join then we know where we stand.
Can politicians ever be trusted, specially those who turn traitor?
Anyone notice that most remainers are also Anti-Trump?
Al Beeb, Berco Boiler, Libtards, Cor-bin, Mrs Chamberlain and the MSM & Press.
Whereas most Brexiteers and Ex British Forces have no problem with a democratically elected President of the USA .
Birds of a feather?
They really need to watch their stupid, flabby mouths and their dodgy Chinese phone deals.
We need America, they don’t need us.
That’s because the POTUS is a threat to their agenda, Taffman.
And to their jobs.
It’s not surprising that Remainer are anti Trump. Remainers , at least the leaders , the rest are just thick followers, are ardent Globalists . Trump is the sworn enemy of Globalists which is why so many Repbulican leaders are never Trumpers. Politics has moved from a simple left v right straight line , to a matrix with left v right on the horizontal axis and a nationalist to Globalist vertical axis.
The Globalist agenda , which wasn’t well understood by the public until recently, would lead to the destruction of nation states and national cultures and in their deluded dreams to a homogenised peaceful world. It has never been explained by Globalists how they would tame Islam and fit it into their world scheme of peace. Those of us with a practical bent realise that it is highly unlikely that Muslims will exchange their Conquest of the world by Islam goal for this Globalist Utopia , consequently the Globalists must be defeated before Islam can be rolled back.
A Labour dimwit says:- “We only offer state visits to those we think we can get to change their ways. That’s why Putin and Mugabe got one but we know Trump won’t change so there’s no point.”
Clearly he’s not up on the misdeeds of, John Kennedy or Bill Clinton – or maybe he’s just a hypocrite or more likely just thick as mud.
I’m thinking – where’s a 16 year autistic girl when you need one.
“those we think we can get to change their ways”
“Influence” “control”
What so everyone the left disagree with needs to change their ways to suit what the left want basically?
I wonder if we who disagree with the left can get them to change their ways instead!
Someone like this brainy girl:
“Jessica Skelton, 16, achieved six passes in the week that biologist Richard Dawkins caused fury by insisting it is right to abort Down’s foetuses.”
This girl has made my day. Thanks for posting.
We should thank Jessica, and her parents.
But thanks for your thanks.
Corbyn’s constituency (nameless at the moment), is anti- Jew to the core, so one is not surprised that Pres Trump will not be his cup of tea.
“2019 European elections: Lib Dems stand on ‘stop Brexit’ message”
The Lib Dems are a disgrace to democracy. They are not fit to have Dems (Democrats) in their name.
9:30pm BBC drama series about Al Qaeda and 911
\\ Powerful portrayal of the actual events leading up to September 11th 2001.
The CIA withholds intel on an al-Qaeda plot, so FBI man John O’Neill hopes a young Muslim agent can help.
while old hand Bob Chesney follows an unlikely lead in Kenya, on the eve of a major atrocity.
Powerful, Emmy-nominated portrayal of the actual events leading up to September 11th 2001, documented in the book by Lawrence Wright.//
@FedUp are you going to correct your spelling, before Taffman notices ?
“welch nationalism”
I used to miss spell stuff on purpose when I was teaching to see if any one read it . I did the same in an earlier post about mr Rhys-Davies earlier on …. but yes corrected ….
An archaic form of Welsh.
See – The Welch Regiment & The Royal Welch Fusiliers .
I had a feeling I was right somewhere along the line . Unfortunately the software muddle the preamble a bit but I am going to leave it now .
More substantially – many are writing on twitter about the action of Bercow in refusing an invitation from the Monarch to attend a State function to represent his office and the House of Commons .
The BBC has chosen not to give significance to this . Some are saying it is a ‘discourtesy to two heads of state . ‘Discourtesy’ is one of those words Bercow likes to be placed in Hansard when he is bullying someone in the chamber he doesn’t like .
Drain the swamp …
Berco Boiler is part of that swamp along with Al Beeb.
It’s changing adverts are now using oriental people…..they have learend…
There was a Welch Regiment.
FFS Gardening prog now “we use too much plastic” .. .#GreenPreaching
Waitrose advert has all white family
..middle class ma/pa and punk daughter
…. Heads will roll.
Don’t know if you’ve seen the add?
But I was struck with an add for some overseas travel company – its a popular one – it seems. And in it it has 2 men and 1 woman. One man is black the other nearing white. The female slightly tanned. It shows the viewer on their plane with a woman in the middle seat looking in the yes of one of the guys then next looking in the eyes of the other male. (looking so in love with each other)
Then they are on the beach teasing each other. Then eating at the same table together then in the hotel they are in the same blooming bedroom.
I ‘ve decided this could be the type of relationship were 3 are in the same relationship a – sexual relationship. I think its called: a polyamorous marriage, or similar? – not the mormon kind.
I heard about these relationships in the States. I suppose once the floodgates open then nothing is banned. Animals? Children? I know certain groups of gay men in Spain have paraded in the streets of Spain calling for it to be legalised. I’ve seen it in their newspapers etc
– Derek Hatton did an incitement to violence tweet
– 2 Free speech advocates standing for political office as MEPs
thought it would be OK if their campaign teams ran the 2 campaign Twitter accounts
….. what happened ?
Hatten’s tweet was still up at 2pm
..He must have taken it down
but MEP candidates TR and Sargon have both had their accounts suspended
It can be argued that they got kicked off once and aren’t allowed back.
However it exposes that is a punishment that leaves them at a lifetime disadvantage.
Oh look Sky had put up an edited version of an interview with him
and he had put up the full interview
.. Now of course retweets of that video cannot be seen
Imagine if an Africa country establishment
.. applied a label, say “un-patriotic” or “blasphemer”
to a political candidate and order that person should not be able to use the post office or telephone service
… The western dogooders would scream “unfair”
Yet this is the same
Big tech are near monopilies and should not be able to exclude people, #1 unless law broken, and #2 without due process.
Edited? For effect? The very idea….
Maybe one for Emily and the gang with their latest BBC ‘we report about fake news’ comedy show.
More good news for Trump: the terrorist loving Marxist creep Corblimey won’t be banqueting with him at Buck House.
‘Who were the attackers?’, the BBC asks – clearly unable or unwilling to venture a guess itself.
‘Nine people are suspected of carrying out the attacks. President Sirisena confirmed that the alleged ringleader, Zahran Hashim, died in the attack at the Shangri-La hotel in the capital, Colombo. Two of the bombers are said to have been the sons of spice trader Mohammad Yusuf Ibrahim, one of Sri Lanka’s richest men. Mr Ibrahim was detained and questioned after the attacks.
One thing we do know from this report, by now, is that the ‘attackers’ were definitely not white or conservative. If they had been, the BBC would have been all over those facts like a rash, and would have dissected their ‘far right’ ideology and politics (Nazism, in details, with pics) within moments of the first blasts in Colombo. *Sigh*. But let’s continue…
‘Sister of ‘ringleader’ deplores attack
One of his sons was reportedly the second bomber at the Shangri-La hotel alongside Zahran Hashim. The other son reportedly targeted the restaurant at the high-end Cinnamon Grand hotel, a short distance away. A woman said to be a wife of one of Mr Ibrahim’s sons detonated explosives during a police raid at the family’s villa on Sunday. Several people, including children and three police officers, were reportedly killed in that blast.
According to the Sri Lankan government, most of the attackers were “well educated” and had come from “middle- or upper middle-class” families.
Sri Lanka attacks: Who were the bombers?
Another of the alleged bombers studied in the UK, a senior Whitehall official told the BBC. Abdul Latif Jamil Mohammed studied aerospace engineering at Kingston University in 2006-7 but did not complete a full degree.
So, hardly the poor, dispossessed ‘sons of the soil’ the BBC normally likes to portray these sainted martyrs as being. Quite the opposite, in fact: yet more resentful, over-indulged, privileged and dangerously radicalized middle class zealots. Our modern universities are doing such a fine job, after all, it’s little wonder all they seem to produce these days are coddled sociopaths, and clueless, indoctrinated foot soldiers for either religious extremism or the discredited, utterly malignant politics of socialism.
Oh, and the BBC, dissemblers all, even when going through the doubtless painful process of at least pretending to ask important, insightful questions about the origins of the Sri Lanka mass-murderers, just can’t find the necessary language to accurately explain or report any of it. The word ‘muslim’ doesn’t appear once in any of the above quoted text.
If you don’t say it by its name, it doesn’t actually exist… right?
Sri Lankan police and military discover bodies after shootout with suspected Islamic militants
Militants linked to Easter suicide bombings opened fire and set off explosives during a raid by Sri Lankan security forces on a house in the country’s east, leaving behind a grisly discovery: 15 bodies, including six children.
Key points:
Sunday masses have been indefinitely cancelled and officials have urged Muslims to stay at home for prayers
During the raid police found bodies, Islamic State uniforms, 150 gelignite sticks and 100,000 metal balls
Authorities are looking for 140 people believed to have links with the Islamic State group, 70 have been arrested
The gunfight and the carnage that followed came amid widespread fear of more attacks as officials hunted for militants with explosives believed to still be at large after the coordinated bombings of churches and luxury hotels that killed more than 250 nearly a week ago.
So much for the tiny minority.
BBC Online News:
“”Trump state visit: Corbyn boycotts Buckingham Palace banquet””
The BBC have reported this without an opposing view offered. This is always the case when the BBC approve of the subject’s actions.
One opposing view might be that Corbyn has now ensured the loss of one million Labour voters?
There are those who would say….
Sources have told the BBC…
A question that clearly passed the bbc by…
OT but…. the comments.
Paraphrasing from Twitter comments “The kids are the ones who usually have a tantrum in supermarkets”.
Mass attack of “the vapours” as supplies of avocados run out “due to Brexit”!
I can’t really afford the above mentioned supermarket prices. If they try it on my local store, I shall have no worries about trampling on them inorder to reach the shelves.
No mark losers.
Oh how I wish I was at that Waitrose protest, my shopping comes first and if I had to tread on a few protestors to reach the ‘little less than perfect pears’, well so be it.
Finally almost a week after the ” Easter Worshippers ” murders.
Within the first article on the News Front Page State broadcaster spells it out.
Islamic State.
Talk about pulling teeth.
The BBC has failed to report on attacks on mosques since the mass murder of catholics on Easter Sunday .
This is because there haven’t been any . What does that tell us …?
Radio Leeds news this morning, told us about today’s seminar to protect mosques.
To prove you are not a robot, identify all pictures that should be targeted for an air-strike.
So Muslims are killing everyone, bombing churches, but these people are rushing to defend mosques.
Martha interviewing the leader of the Labour MEPs- a certain Mathew Corbett ( I guess his nickname is ‘sooty’).
Sooty listed all the terrible things that have happened because of Brexit . I thought my ears were playing up . Maybe we really have left the ReichEU , maybe I’m stuck in a warp of time .
Poor Martha barely challenged – but when sooty said that brexit had damaged the economy – even Martha hiccuped and the equivalent of ‘you’ve got to be kidding ‘ .
Sooty didn’t sound very happy – indeed he was very grumpy – perhaps because he knows after 23 May he’ll be looking fo a new job – ideally one where he asks whether you want ‘fries ‘ with your burger ….
“…even Martha hiccuped and the equivalent of ‘you’ve got to be kidding‘…”
Sooty won’t be discarded for deviating off script. Of course Sooty is a true pro and a puppet.
Not Gwent
Ha ha I hadn’t been awake long and it was the first thing I heard ( I actually wanted to know if storm Greta had ended the world ) – I really had to do a double take listening to someone so distant from the majority view in his country that he was an embarrassment to the Labour Party .
I wished a proper interviewer dealt with him . He’d have rightly drowned in his own lies .
Why do we have to tolerate lie upon lie dressed up as valid viewpoints?
A lie is a lie.
‘Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth’ as Joe Goebbels so succinctly put it all those years ago.
Saturday morning ‘Newswatch’ is always a treat and we all know the BBC don’t do irony, or even partiality, but the item on climate change was truly exceptional. While all on-screen complaints focused on the ‘lack of coverage for XR’ we were given the arrogant and specious Mr Harrabin, ears in full sail, with the utter temerity to claim that the BBC’s duty of impartiality had to be paramount.
Evidently BBC impartiality does not include alternative views.
Newswatch provides a means for the BBC not to apologise for anything and as you suggest argue itself to go even further on a subject they are clearly biased towards. I always enjoy the Not the Nine O’clock News version of Points of View. Remember when the BBC made decent comedy?! Follow this link to be entertained: https://youtu.be/4lzS8yW8INA
Meanwhile the Independent makes much of the ‘complete Labour meltdown’ over the lack of commitment or even mention of a second referendum in local election leaflets. Apparently Labour rank and file are spitting furious feathers – though not, according to the BBC, who fail to mention the fact save for a passing mention on text pages, referring to leaflets ‘yet to be finalised’.
Somebody is not telling the whole story here.
Labour’s problem is that the middle class public sector wankers from London who form its core membership, and think the sun shines out of Corbyn’s arse, are mad keen on defeating Brexit and having a second referendum/”confirmatory vote”. However, the bulk of their white working class voters in the north of England voted FOR Brexit and want to see it happen as soon as possible.
The disconnect is obvious. Corbyn can placate his party members, whom he depends on for his position, or he placate his actual voters, on whom he also depends for his position. But he can’t do both.
Really, it would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
I think Tom Watson with his Second Referendum promotion has pushed for the knight in shining armour role – perhaps he slimmed down to fit a suit he picked up in Portobello Road – but those who see him as the voice of logical labour might recall Dr David Kelly and Watson’s hectoring, nagging, thuggish bullying in the WMD investigation, and the outcome.
That was, and still is, the real Tom Watson, as nasty a man as John MacDonnell, though not quite as obviously so.
Toady 2
Martha the bee keeper as inept as the Muslim work experience girl – interviewed the former head of BT ( sir mike rake ) who is now a paid mouthpiece for that Chinese telecom outfit that no one can say or spell
Being a BT shareholder I did a quick check of what the share;rice did whilst he was in charge – answer – it halved – yes halved – so he must really be worth listening to.
I enjoy listening to knights of the realm who are on a huge pension but have still sold their soul to a potential enemies to Blighty . I’d love to know what his wages are ….
Sir Mike says it will be okay to use chinese technology to run Blighty – so we need not worry .
Now I’ve heard leading Labour Party traitors – Evette cooper for one – suddenly getting all concerned about the ‘threat to national security’ caused by leaving the EU . But she is no shouting from the treetops about this bigger threat .
I can’t think why ? Can you ?
The last 300 at Waitrose.
Ha ha ha haha
Goodness knows what would have happened if confronted by the Monty Python fish slapping team or the Spanish inquisition comfy chair and soft cushions!
Maybe they should spend some time in a demo in Moscow and see what really needs a scream.
Ronaldo’s sister ?
Is that the Greta ex climate change wierdo thing..?
Hey – manners, please! Show a little respect. Her name is Greta Thunberg.
Village of the damned.
GW! that clip needs a health warning! I made the mistake of playing it while Mrs Panick was in the throne room. She, believing it to be another cat fight starting, panicked, and demanded I stop the fight with immediate effect. The normal vet bill for our larger cat, who is bloody useless as a pugilist, is about €100. Mrs P has now settled down, and a G&T has been supplied to ease the pain.
Toady 3 (final)
A beeboid reporting on VOX – the Spanish political party which wants to keep Spain spanish . Even the beeboid realised that people in Europe are fed up with the ReichEU . Naturally the EU wasn’t mentioned – nor Brexit .
VOX has traction because the Spanish don’t want Islam invading again from across the Med and the suffering the country is going through because it is tied to the Reichmark euro .
I won’t call VOX ‘populist ‘ because the term is an invention of the corrupt bubble . It’s more about basic common sense than the hyped false morality which leads to throwing 13 billion a year to other countries as ‘aid’ when the elderly and others in Blighty are suffering
VOX will do well in the forthcoming European elections and hopefully brexit MEPs will link to them , Adf and other sensible parties and move further toward destroying the EU in its current form.
Facts vs. ideology. Like…. the BBC.
Gav is shaping up a winner already.
Ahh facts then is it ? As a bbc employee he knows all about facts.
That would be, facts you like, facts you ignore, facts you suppress and facts that you invent – ah facts.
Why is not banned like Sargon? Sarc on. I thought Twitter was impartial. Sarc of
Bubble dwellers.
Ex journos talking to politicos, talking to journos talking to politicos, talking to ex journos…. Repeat ad infinitum.
Many things in common including no real world experience, never held real jobs and sneer and smear the masses who don’t agree with or follow their warped lefty ideologies.
The Today Programme
Social media algorithms push people to contentious material says the former head of UK counter-terrorism, Sir Mark Rowley. “The contentious is often the extremist so they are pushing readers towards extremist material.”
Coming from a bbc editorial studio…. cute.
The Graun leaps to the Beeb’s defence.
Well, an old white man does.
I dont pay for or provide funding for any of the above mentioned propaganda pushers.
” Michal white ”
Oh, the £1000 a week retaining list member who depends on those deposits in its bank account from Sky/BBC for her comments re the news.
Now why would she talk like that?
Some extracts of Douglas Murray’s detailed analysis of what Roger Scruton actually said as opposed to what the outrage mob and the creep from the New Statesman (pic) would have you believe:
“Scruton is the latest, though far from the first victim of the modern outrage mob…
Nobel prize-winning scientist Tim Hunt was fired by University College London (…) after one member of the audience at a conference in Korea tweeted something he had said about working with women and professed outrage at the comment’s alleged sexism. None of the institutions which dropped Hunt asked if there was any case for the defence. They all just behaved as almost everyone in authority now does: they saw a potential fight and ran…
In January, we saw the Covington Boys scandal in America, when a group of schoolboys became the subject of a two-minute hate for allegedly surrounding and taunting a native American tribal elder. By the time the facts came out (there had been no taunting, the boys had done nothing wrong) they had been denounced as racists in front of millions.
The hit job on Sir Roger can be seen as a classic of the genre: he was sacked within five hours of the Twitter storm breaking. His fate offers a perfect case study in the art of modern character assassination.
vlad, we are rapidly heading to mob rule in the UK and western world.
Something not seen in Britain for hundreds of years.
People are going to get hurt.
Only a spiritual revival will halt it.
Interesting comment.
Today’s main webpage has a feature, if that is the right
description on ” Soiled Tube Carriages” on the London Underground.
I am less than proud to tell you that my line ,The Northern came
top in 2018 with 221 case of urine, vomit and other “samples”
having to be cleaned up by london Transport cleaners.
To be honest I am surprised the figures are that SMALL. I
happen to live in one of the more salubrious suburbs of North
London and myself have never felt the need to relieve myself
on the train as we headed towards Woodside Park. The occasional
stinking fart on a crowded train was about as bad as it got!
To be honest I am surprised that a few knifed bodies have
not been found as the trains speed towards the less subrious
districts of South London !
Being a former hardened every day user of the Tube I entertained myself looking at the shocked faces of the ‘ out of towners’ doing a day visit to The Greatest City in The World .
There cannot be a more brutal place than the London Underground . Even ISIS can’t be bothered bombing it any more …( yes I was there on 7/7 – and the kings x fire )
Foscari, there are loos at Woodside Park (one of the few tube stations I know that are equipped) , just in case you ever need them.
Pardon me for being a PC klutz but anyone know how to add an Adobe pdf screen grab to a post?
I was down one line from Foscari (next item along, in fact) and his/her post on the BBC’s Home Page when I spotted something interesting.
I was also one line along as well … in the London Underground sense … from Foscari. The ‘new’ 1930s extensions to the Piccadilly Line (previously terminated at Wood Green) were all built with station public toilet facilities but these were withdrawn from use by the incompetent/lazy/greedy/strike-bound/cheapskate management {delete that which does not apply} that ran London Transport/LUL/TfL. Things made no better by two London Mayors, although the latest I gather is trying to improve things.
Any screengrab will be an image file which you can upload at https://imgbb.com/. This will give a web address for the image which can be uploaded per instructions below your comment box.
Bit of a faff, but the only way to do it here.
Two quotes from Heather MacDonald’s book, The Diversity Delusion, both from African-Americans, that illustrate the change that has taken place in ‘the land of the free’:
“I sit with Shakespeare and he winces not. Across the color line I move arm in arm with Balzac and Dumas. I summon Aristotle and Aurelius and what soul I will, and they come, all graciously with no scorn nor condescension.” – W.E.B. DuBois, 1903
“Why did I have to listen to this Mozart? Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color.” – Present day Columbia University student.
There is an interview with her on ConWoman. She is brilliant.
RT has coverage of Putin in Beijing announcing his plan to DOUBLE gas transit through eastern Russia.
…. That’s probably why Putin’s little helpers Extinction Rebellion are not working today, they are celebrating China buying Russian gas instead of western pseudo-green lalaland energy solutions.
I dare even Maxi not to look at this list and feel a glimmer of shame at what the bbc stands for.
Beyond Today? Is that real or a Chris Morris spoof.
Anyhow, a chap presented me with a ipsos Mori Rajar Survey to fill in for next week. Radio listening is falling apparently so the bbc has commissioned this survey that we pay for.
Sadly, the bit for overall comments is quite small. They want to know demographics and the newspapers you read so mine will go straight in their bin I’m thinking.
Meanwhile, still Trump visit bashing. I guess the Chinese Premier who made himself president for life, has people disappeared and has ethnic Muslims, yes Muslims carted off to ‘re -education camps’ is to be envied by all right thinking Trump haters.
…and who continues the cultural genocide in Tibet, imprisonment and torture of monks, religious suppression in totalitarian communist China, illegal expansion into the South China Sea, support of murderous rogue regimes like N. Korea etc.
Yes indeed, that would be the Chinese one party state but maybe that’s the kind of thing Corbyn and his followers dream of attaining.
“Beyond today.” It reminds me of the grafitto that used to be visible from the train as you came out of Paddington Station: “FAR AWAY IS NEAR AT HAND IN IMAGES OF ELSEWHERE”.
Beyond Belief, surely.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic.
Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
It is a little tricky to blame Christianity (and Islam? about which I am ignorant) for the survival of witchcraft. Christianity has freed a great many of witchcraft, and if many people remain enslaved to it, it is not for want of the Christians doing their best to free them.
XR and Emma
I’ve just seen an interview/ debate on SkewNews between the ex-bBC vainglorious drone that is George Monbiot and James Woudhuysen, who treated Monbiot with the level of incredulity that some of his statements rightly deserved. I haven’t paid much attention to Monbiot before and will now heed him even less. I can fully understand and appreciate why so many here choose to treat his demands and doctrine with distain. He has no realistic idea of how the majority of people in this country live, have to live or want to live and is oblivious to the damage that the idiocy he promotes will do to Britain and to British society.
Monbiot is a fan of XR and, based on what I saw and on his answers to some pretty reasonable points from Woudhuysen, is a fool. Expensively educated perhaps, but a fool nonetheless.
The problem these days is that fools are not merely tolerated, but fêted these days at the BBC and other media. Instead of given the ridicule and scorn they deserve.
Which merely encourages more fools to come forward.
Chris: tell the truth.
Then what?
And how much can you handle?
Never properly reported or discussed.
Dateline London discussed the Sri Lanka massacres with barely a reference to Christian persecution. I might have missed it, but was there even a mention of Christians?
The introduction referrred to Muslim fears of a backlash, and then the entire discussion focused on Muslims as victims. Apparently all these attacks are by extremists whose main targets are other Muslims, said one of the useful idiots.
And the situation is apparently being made worse because of the rise of populist politics….despite the fact that all this has been going on for decades now. There was even a reference to far right “jihadis” – and I don’t think they meant IS – as if that was relevant to Sri Lanka.
There was nowt about Christians living in fear across the world, nowt about our own security concerns…and then it was on to the usual Trump bashing. Typical, biased BBC.
It’s worse than mere bias – it’s dangerously treacherous distortions and downright lies. It’s all leading to the ‘Strange Death of Europe’ that Douglas Murray alerts us to.
Its the weary old Bozzo – you can’t blame the muslims for fighting back excuse by the BBC antichristian haters, again, and again….
Only a matter of time before the next government will begin to implement a reversal of the devious cost of the licence fee – and about time too.