We can get bogged down in individual incidents of BBC Bias – but trying to identify the main areas
pro Muslim – anti Judeo Christian
pro homosexuality – anti heterosexuality
pro remain – anti democracy
Pro multiculturalism – anti Britain
pro green .
Pro Scots/Irish /Welsh nationalism – but not English
Pro London – wheres the rest of the UK?
I had to laugh at this.
Not the BBC, but from a report about Greta Thunberg in the Daily Mail.
Her Mother, Malena talking abut her daughter.
“She became a vegan, refused to fly anywhere, stopped buying anything non-essential – then sank into chronic depression”
I think that sums up this climate change “religion” beautifully..
Climate change has many people alarmed and confused, but let us consider something else far more immediately dangerous to us all.
As new studies continue to point to a direct link between the widely-used glyphosate herbicide and various forms of cancer, the agribusiness lobby fights ferociously to ignore or discredit evidence of human and other damage. A second US court jury case just ruled that Monsanto, now a part of the German Bayer AG, must pay $ 81 million in damages to plaintiff Edwin Hardeman who contracted non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer. The ruling and a line-up of another 11,000 pending cases in US courts going after the effects of glyphosate, have hit Bayer AG hard with the company announcing several thousand layoffs as its stock price plunges.
In a trial in San Francisco the jury was unanimous in their verdict that Monsanto Roundup weed-killer, based on glyphosate, had been responsible for Hardeman’s cancer
Glyphosate residues have been found in tap water, orange juice, children’s urine, breast milk, chips, snacks, beer, wine, cereals, eggs, oatmeal, wheat products, and most conventional foods tested. It’s everywhere, in brief.glyphosate is not only having alarming effects on human health. Soil scientists are beginning to realize the residues of glyphosate application are also having a possibly dramatic effect on soil health and nutrition, effects that can take years to restore.While most attention is understandably drawn to the human effects of exposure to glyphosate, the most widely used agriculture chemical in the world today, independent scientists are beginning to look at another alarming effect of the agrochemical– its effect on essential soil nutrients.
Scientists at Austria’s University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna showed that casting activity of earthworms had nearly disappeared from the surface of farmland within three weeks of glyphosate application. Casting is the process of the worm pushing fertile soils to the surface as they burrow, essential for healthy soil and plant nutrition. A study at Holland’s Wageningen University of topsoil samples from more than 300 soil sites across the EU found that 83% of the soils contained 1 or more pesticide residues. Evidence of soil experts is beginning to reveal clear links between use of pesticides such as glyphosate and dramatic drops in soil fertility and the collapse of microbe systems essential to healthy soil. Worms are one of the most essential. The EU puts no limits on how much glyphosate can be put on crops even though it is established that glyphosate can kill specific fungi and bacteria that plants need to suck up nutrients in addition to its effects on earthworms. That is a major blind spot.
What is becoming clearer is the colossal and obviously deliberate official blind eye given to potential dangers of glyphosate-based pesticides by regulatory bodies not only in the EU and the USA, but also in China, which today produces more glyphosate than even Monsanto. Since the Monsanto Roundup patent expired, Chinese companies, including Syngenta, Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Company, SinoHarvest, and Anhui Huaxing Chemical Industry Company, have emerged as the world’s major producers of the chemical as well as largest consumers, a not good omen for the future of the legendary Chinese cuisine. If one were cynical, you would almost think this continued official support for glyphosate-based herbicides is about more than mere bureaucratic stupidity or ignorance, even more than simply corruption, though that for sure plays a role. The nutritional quality of our food chain is being systematically destroyed and it is about more than corporate agribusiness profit.
Good cutNpasting
but since you show me NO extraordinary evidence to back your extraordinary claim, I doubt it even more.
Tarien, just like recent university studies concerning climate change, I don’t trust any papers brought out by universities about chemicals produced by Monsanto or agriculture in general. Their results may be correct, but they may not. As far as court cases in San Francisco – how on earth did they get a non left leaning jury of eco warriors?
Roundup has been an essential component in British Agriculture’s armoury. Presuming you want to eat food that you know has been grown to high standards you need to allow U.K. farmers to compete with the rest of the world. Destroy British agriculture and you will have to eat food for which there is no provenance, we already import chicken from the Far East.
Doesn’t Roundup turn into something harmless and inert as soon as it hits the ground (excuse my unscientific language)?
Thanks for posting tarien.
Some links on health risks of glyphosates — about which the WHO said in 2015: “The herbicide glyphosate and the insecticides malathion and diazinon were classified as probably carcinogenic to humans.”
Click to access MonographVolume112-1.pdf
Click to access ijerph-11-04449.pdf
Actually pretty much any substance on earth may trigger cells to become cancerous.
Here’s a somewhat silly experiment conducted many years ago.
A sliver of coin was affixed to mice.
The sites, in some cases developed tumours.
That’s a real scientific word from the scientific lexicon: “….probably….”. Who were they wishing to prevent offending?
There is so much supposition, wrongness and regurgitation of flawed ‘research’ in your comment, tarien. Those who wish to have a balanced and properly-informed perspective, I suggest reading Matt Ridley http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/the-glyphosate-scandal/ and http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/roundup-or-glyphosate/
and http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/pseudoscience/
Ed, just read your comments on ‘Dateline London’. Once again the MSM seeks to portray muslims as innocent victims (most BBC radio programmes seemed to have gone on about nothing else this week) and actively promote the idea that ‘Islamophobia’ is now widespread. Here’s a quote that I think puts things in perspective:
“A phobia is an irrational fear. A fear that muslims are terrorists is not islamophobia but a fear grounded in reality.”
Forgive me but If you have been unfortunate to come across such a photograph but when was the last time that you saw a photograph of a non muslim holding a human head?
Or, as the strapline says for Bare Naked Islam: It isn’t Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you.
Seen in the daily mail today.
Knife crime is not ethnic and no ethnic group stands out in the statistics. It’s all because of austerity.
If they get a poster printed of all the victims and perpetrators of knife crimes, both murders and stabbings, I think they might just see that they are lying.
It may have been true about 30 or more years ago but since the mass enrichment most of those being enriched by the introduction of a knife into their body are the enrichers themselves (plus a few innocent bystanders)
A quick Google search suggests otherwise…
“Two thirds of knife offenders under 25 were black or minority ethnic”
David Dimbleby, 8 November 2018
Likewise for victims of knife crime:
I think I can see the error you are making. Sadiq Khan with his pet Cressida Dick are looking at knife crime as being a public health issue. Therefore, if Sajid Javid ratifies this re-classification, we can classify all stabbers as ‘street surgeons’ and said ‘patient’ dies on the operating table aka the street.
Problem solved, PC Plod can go back to monitoring hate crime on twitter thereby making best use of their limited resources.
over YouTuber Carl Benjamin, also known as Sargon of Akkad
… the report doesn’t actually name nay people as resigning
Saw that Annunziata Rees Mogg being interviewed on Sly news. Despite Adam Boulton trying to trip her up for being ‘posh’ she easily handled him.
So much better than all the mainstream politicians, especially the absolutely laughable labour ones.
Bet those labour MPs who drink in their clubs/darts team can’t even count properly always asking the bar man “what do those 3 arrows leave me?”
I honestly believe that some of those present labour MPs/street fighters are really that stupid. That’s why if live on’t telly they should be asked the easiest of questions they probably need to ask their agent to request 5 hours notice in order to prepare their delicate minds to answer.
Article in the Telegraph on Tommy .. biased as usual. Paywalled but you can access the comments at the bottom …. these are really not what the DT expected I bet!
Oh dear …. the DT have taken down all the comments on the TR article as per above post …. not going their way. In fact I would say Tommy has got quite a few converts from reading their biased bile.
“Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon….”
I can only assume there must be a contractual obligation to include that phrase, because all media include it, every time. It’s actually becoming quite funny.
Roland – I don’t ever remember them saying “Tony Benn, whose real name was Anthony Wedgwood-Benn, formerly Viscount Stansgate” or “Emily Thornberry, whose real name is Lady Nugee”
Funny, that…….
The logical move for Tommy is to change his name back to Yaxley-Lennon. That’ll sort ’em out.
Then they would say, “Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, formerly known as Tommy Robinson”, You can’t win with these people.
Or, perhaps, “Sarah Montague” Whose real name is, “Lady Brooke”.
“In 2002, Montague married businessman Richard Christopher Brooke. They are friends of former Prime Minister David Cameron, with whom Brooke went to Eton College. Montague is the mother of three daughters and also has a stepdaughter. In 2012, Mrs. Brooke became Lady Brooke, when her husband inherited the family baronetcy, to become Sir Christopher Brooke, Bt.”
Is an explanation ever offered by our learned fourth estate as to why this is?
I wonder if the £5.4bn of BBC resources will be ploughed in to promoting the new Aretha film ?
#AgendaPushing #VirtueSignalling #InvertedRacism
Rewriting history ?
8pm Radio4
1979: Democracy’s Nightmares
Archive on 4
Documentary-maker Phil Tinline traces
the political fears and hopes of a divided, uncertain Britain – 40 years ago,
in the period just before Mrs Thatcher’s 1979 election victory //
Times2 magazine : cover and pg2,3 Greta
pg 4,5 promoting @AkramKhanLive’s The Curry House Kid
a dance work to air 10pm Mon, on @Channel4
inspired by his experience of growing up in a Bangladeshi family in Wimbledon
that was on Thursday
Half. million kids not vaccinated against measles
… libmob media would tell is if its about demographics wouldn’t they ?
Is it hippy mothers, or are certain ethnic muslim groups a hot spot ?
April 24 Sadiqland
April 25 Sadiqland
BTW The tube has big adverts for Brunei tourism
… I guess people can hope to see the execution of gays
So what/who do we believe then ? Childhood obesity as a growing problem ? OR childhood poverty where kids are starving and don’t have access to water at school – as commented by the dowager Emma Thomson ?
@Beltane it’s rather fried chicken shops
Sadiq doesn’t seem to mind when there are 10 on one street.
Donner kebab anyone?
“Childhood obesity is a serious and growing problem. Only bold action will bring about the change we need”
I see he’s been reading the articles of some of his vegan friends’ articles again.
Sadiq – no one ever reads them; only you as they are only ever found in your GPs waiting room. And that’s in Harley st, as you know.
But is halal-tortured lamb kebab ok to eat, Dr Khant?
Don’t worry; they have their reward:
Matthew 6:5.
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets [and in front of Eifel Tower], that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.”
Times : The BBC spy in Iran maybe swapped for an Iranian spy we hold
Dr Jennifer Rudd @jruddchemist is outraged
\\ #everydaysexism Just did a @5liveSport interview with Stephen Nolan and Dr RupertRead
He got referred to repeatedly as Dr Read.
Despite being introduced as “Dr Jennifer Rudd” I repeatedly got referred to as “jennifer”
Thanks for that. //
#1 Dr Rudd can’t even get the name of the radio station right
It’s 5 Live @Bbc5Live
#2 Stephen Nolan was airing 2 XR supporters at the same time
one Dr Read, one Dr Rudd, those names seem too similar
#3 Dr Rudd sounds like “doctored”
So is it #everydaysexism
or playingThe Victim #Dramaqueening #OutrageBus ?
Brexit : British Steel bids €47m for small French plant
British Steel?
Indian surely?
Chipping away at our institutions. The winners of the FA Cup will no longer celebrate with champaigne as it might upset the perfect people whose religion forbids alcohol. Diversity and inclusiveness reigns over up.
I guess Abide with me is for the chop, to be replaced by that old British adhan or call to prayer
Is it a battle of offence .? I’m offended by not celebrating with champagne . It’s ok for FI to use Pomagne or similar in corrupt Muslim countries but here ? In Blighty ? For a few Muslim players ? No that’s disrespectful to us . No wonder so many people have ‘no time ‘ for Muslims and see them as an enemy …
Gerard is not impressed.
This is a small but significant example of ‘Islamisation’ – the process of submitting to the cult. Islam means ‘submission’. You can either submit or resist. Resist.
Don’t know how the welders and grinders of this land will go on without their steel toe-capped boots; now that sandels are to be compulsory?
You are not implying that muslims are condescending enough to join their infidel enemies and work as mere welders and grinders are you? That’s not their role. Their role is to live off the Jizyaa provided by those welders and grinders.
For goodness sake, who actually knows of a muslim welder or grinder anyway?
I get ya!
I was referring to those white people who are in that branch of engineering. They would have to comply with every Islamic rule and law – otherwise.
On my phone so I just posted this On the dead thread. I just said that the weather reminded me of the Cabinet; all wind and water. In fact not so much April showers but May’s Shower
I’ve listened to ‘from our own correspondent ‘ for about 35 years . It was once a fair and authoritative programme . So today I waited to hear something about the Easter Sunday massacre of Christians .
Not a mention .
Contrast that with The NZ killings – they were all over it – all the time . Some deaths are more important than others . Even the killing of british citizens didn’t register .
Ms Adie was once a journalist – now just another beeboid make weight building up the pension…..
There’s discrepancy with how they are reported too, I think this really kicked in after the 2015 Bataclan attacks. For attacks by certain groups of people reporting moves at a snails pace, less detail, and much less likely to point fingers. Information that is available immediately takes days to filter through and even then appears highly diluted.
“Scientists have developed a brain implant that can read people’s minds and turn their thoughts to speech.”
This item was reported here earlier in the week. I couldn’t find the relevant passage in ‘1984’ but I have now.
“It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself – anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime it was called.”
The subject matter takes Orwell’s ‘facecrime’ a step further………
Poor old beeb. They were all fervently praying to allah for the Sri Lanka story to just go away. And for a while it did, allah be praised.
Then another bomb goes off and they’re forced to put it back on the Home page.
Bbc staff at prayer:
Six children were included in the dead following the detonation of suicide bombs as police raided a safe house.
The cult of death or the religion of peace ?
The living can decide – too late for the dead.
According to one report one of the bombers stood among a Sunday school class of children outside a church to detonate his bomb.
Unimaginable depravity.
That’s beats the other example of the sheer Evil of these vermin . The one at the hotel who waited for a big enough number of guests to come to the buffet queue before detonating his rucksack bomb . As least there’s been a bit of pay back today with a number dead during police raids –
But that might be one of those staged events to make it look as though the security forces are doing something ….
A phobia is an irrational fear of something.
What people have is a rational fear of Islam BASED ON WHAT THEY WITNESS.
About this time to-morrow, the MSM will be doing a hatchet job on Carl Benjamin. I fear his political ambitions may well hit the dustbin of history. Only the left can get away with such things and more. I am thinking of Harman and her alleged empathy for PIE. If true, it was no bar to her parliamentary career. Neither was it a bar to Keith Vaz in his allegedly iffy goings on
Should be a fun couple of weeks:
The media discussing with the media how much the media talks about each other’s pet obsessions is quite funny at times.
impartial journo
or raging doom activist ?
or campaigning #GreenSupremacist ?
Michael Gove, known as the “child in a grown man’s body”, tries to solve problems for Theresa, causing disruption in the process. With Climate Change, Gove brings various unusual schemes and contrivances to solve a problem that does not exist. This is because Gove is very unusual, a “useful idiot” of an “idiot“ called Theresa. He often seems unaware of basic aspects of the way the world works, getting all his ideas about how to bring about Brexit from watching “Game Of Thrones”, therefore inadvertently causing the disastrous catastrophic end to the Tory Party. Never Mind.
The BBC appear to be supremely relaxed for some people from some countries to ‘interfere’ in ‘our’ politics and political processes – and even assists them in their endeavours by providing a platform for them – but not others.
Ah though she was poor where it mattered; at constructing and holding an argument. By the end any spirit had ebbed away.
BBC NEWS Must See Videos
Heartbreaking tale of female queers having a hard time, allegedly.
Contains a large picture of two hands of different colours, naturally the more perversion the more the BBC likes it.
Since the BBC employs more queers and others of doubtful sanity and morality, than any other organisation.
Makes me glad to know I am not paying for this biased rubbish.
The beeb seems surprisingly uncritical about some North Korean TV news programme. Reading the blurb below, you might think the NK TV channel had elicited some spontaneous unscripted vox pops about their leader from random people. They forget to mention that one wrong word, one wrong look or intonation, is likely to get you executed by ack-ack gun or fed alive to the Dear Leader’s dogs.
“North Koreans discuss Kim Jong-un’s trip to Russia
In a rare move, North Korean workers and officials spoke to Korean Central Television (KCTV), North Korea’s state-owned broadcaster, about Kim Jong-un’s trip to Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin.
Normally, production is confined to the studio. But during the Kim-Putin summit the TV cameras went out on the streets to sample the mood.”
Bit awks at the next alumni gathering then.
Our Paul evidently frets about Yaxley – but how does he equate the origins of his surname with the communist creed he basks in?
Perhaps he restricts his aprons to helping with the washing up – without suggesting that his wife (if some poor woman labours under that job description) is incapable of coping on her own in his altogether equal society.
I am not quite sure what this says for the BBC1 news, Saturday 10pm. Mr D came in to see the very end of an item that there had been a shooting at a Chabad House in California. I went to the Daily Mail website that was still telling me that Idris Elba had married and the BBC website had nothing. I had to go to The Times of Israel site to find anything more. Could BBC1 News really be ahead of the curve?
Give the BBC about a week.
Let them process and distort the information and filter it through a politically correct prism and…eventually they’ll report (a version of) it.
We had this with the mass sexual assaults in Germany a couple of years ago. Nine days after the attacks our state broadcaster briefly mentioned the event, but gave the impression the assaults were carried out by native Germans…it’s how they operate. It was only when it was all over the internet that they were forced (reluctantly) to fill in the blanks.
And don’t forget the Westminster ISIS driver who, according to the Beeb, FOR A WHOLE WEEK! was involved in an act of dangerous driving.
The BBC are very careful in how they bring us the news.
And it bears very little resemblance to the truth…
Al Beeb Aka The Biased Broadcasting Corporation……………………………
“2019 European elections: Lib Dems stand on ‘stop Brexit’ message”
The shortest suicide note in history ?
At least the Liberals stand for something.
UKIP does.
Conservative and Labour; does anyone know?
David Wood on the radicalisation of muslims (including the Sri Lankan bombers) in the West, and in particular at our universities.
Watch and despair.
Some queried why the unassuming bomber stayed at the back, when this photo first appeared. Now we know, it’s a woman – so absurd muslim misogyny applies even when giving it all up for allah.
BBC bl@@dy quick and happy to quote motives this morning: Police did not suggest a motive but US President Donald Trump said the attack appeared to be “a hate crime”.
A 19-year-old man named as John Earnest was arrested after the attack
Authorities later said Mr Earnest was under investigation in connection with a fire at a mosque last month.
21 April: after churh bombings: It remains unclear who carried out the attacks, but reports say 13 people have so far been arrested.
Despite this in New York Times on 21 April:
• A top police official alerted security officials in an advisory 10 days ago about a threat to churches from a radical Islamist group, National Thowheeth Jama’ath. But it was unclear what safeguards, if any, were taken, or if in the end the group played any role in the violence
I was switching between Radio4 and BBC local radio
So I think it was the “expert” on the Radio4 religion who talking about Sri Lanka attack referred to it as “Far Right Islam” and then went into how ISIS has become a loose network, where individuals make an attack claiming they are inspired by ISIS and then said “and now we have individual attacking a synagogue in San Diego”
Again to make this false equivalence to deeply rooted crimes from Islamic scripture and white individuals who want to stage violent attacks against minorities.
Yes it was R4 … There’s a Twitter thread
Yes local 7am news headline was “Fracking czar resigns”
..by 7:30am the synagogue attack had been elevated to top
and by 8pm they were building up more narrative.
Very interesting to see how this will be reported in our MSM – this is what happens when you have a businessman for a President. Trump’s strong negotiating behaviour is reaping rewards. Japanese plants closing all over Europe, yet building like crazy in the USA.
The BBC has never met an outrage it could not inflame further, because it can.
8:10am BBC Radio 4 News just misgendered Jack Munroe
In the newspaper review the newsreader said “In the Observer Jack Munroe praises Greta Thunberg… HE says…..”
Yep, I am shocked, cos since @BBCRadio4 is made
BY bigoted pseudo-liberals
FOR bigoted pseudo-liberals
how could they misgender one of their own beloved ?
Stew, I heard that and it made be laugh. I wonder if Jack will be suing the Beeb for the emotional trauma it’s caused.
Diane best watch out, the bbc is renaming the hospitality suites the ‘brown folk’s rooms’. Apparently.
Picking up on something Stew mentioned earlier.
It’s seems that Natasha Engel was under the illusion that common sense and “the national interest” might prevail when dealing with the environmental lobby and our government.
So Harridan, how the f#@& are we going to keep the lights on then?
“It’s seems that Natasha Engel was under the illusion that common sense and “the national interest” might prevail when dealing with the environmental lobby and our government.”
We are well into the land of ‘knee-jerk’ response politics now. The land of the lobbyist’s setting the agenda and total control of events. Common sense has flown. Lord knows where it all will take us. One things for sure, the subdivision of the issues and the (forgive me), ‘fracturing’ of the population is well under way. Cultural Marxism reigns – Yeah!!!
By the way, I heard earlier that there is an effort to persuade Parliament, sorry parliament (it doesn’t warrant a capital ‘P’) to make the first (of any World Government), announcement and subsequent passing into law that the fiction of so-called, ‘Climate Change’ is real and set a legally bound programme to deal with it. Ah! the smell of new taxes and restriction’s first thing in the morning. Breath-taking…………
Well, after all, someone has to pay for the immigrants who live on State Benefits.
No problem at all Rich. Harridan has the edge on us already, with integral wind-powered ear sails, to drive that immense intellect. But for the rest of us, dressed in our faux furs, comfortably housed in defunct air-liners and tending our in-depth veg patches – not flourishing in the CO2-free environment but, well, we can’t have everything – and loving our fellow hermaphrodites, life will be idyllic. Stands to reason, does that.
Did I hear news monkey Neil Sleet on the latest 8am news review of the Sunday papers( 8.12 am, Radio 4) refer to the Observers Jack Monroe as ” he”?
HE? Lets hope that there’s a disciplinary, or at least his glasses get publicly smashed at the next Laoghi/ Red Guard Cultural Correction Session . I’m still clutching my pearls here and inconsolable. Tell me, I misheard?
Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV).
It’s all coming together nicely.
Will they be asking for Trump’s help? I hope they do.
This photo was from Labour campaigning, in contrast to Boris Johnson surrounded by oddly adoring fans Billy no mates here has to rely on members of his own party to get a group photo. Notice the abscence of any members of the public in this shot.
Jerry can? More like a Jerry can’t.
It’s a bit lame, I know.
Here’s a bandwagon; jump on.
Keep your ******* green taxes Corbyn.
An accurate an wryly amusing piece on the state of the UK political elites by Dan Hodges.
For the last three years we have consistently been told by the political left that the only reason 52% voted for Brexit, and the sole reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, was due to Russia’s manipulation of the elections via social media, cynically manipulating the views of vulnerable people so that they inadvertently voted for the wrong person. This, in their eyes, invalidated the results.
We now have the main players in the world of social media…….Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, all banning anyone who remotely says anything they don’t like e.g. Tommy Robinson, from possessing any form of social media platform whatsoever and strangely, the political left seem to think that it’s a good idea and don’t class that as interfering in any way.
Hypocrites doesn’t come close to describing them.
Really? I thought the reason in both cases was the only one the left is ever capable of deploying – the meaningless word ‘racism’.
Cos I follow @BBCYoungReport(er) on Twitter it pushes this kind of stuff at me
Yeah, that’ll work.
Farage on LBC at 11am
from 10am Iain Dale will be talking about the minor parties : UKIP, Greens etc.
The MSM.
One of the most senior political editors complains about hearing any news about one of the most important political people in Britain because he doesn’t like him.
No bias from the media there whatsoever.
My question would be to Mr Dale:
Are you going to give Gerard Batten the opportunity to be interviewed for an hour?
Given that Mr Farage is an employee of LBC and isn’t supposed to be hosting a radio show during election time ( as I understand the rules) isn’t this interview with Mr Farage a bending of the rules?
I see the LBC YouTuve livestream starts at 11am
but just now Castle did a stitchup
‘Here we have a Green Party poli, and UKIP poli and they are going to ask each other questions”
yeh there was 2 minutes of that
Then the Green guy brought up the Sargon 2016 quote wrong stating it said “Your not good enough to rape”
..then it was a 5 minute pile on against the UKIP guy with IainDale doing most of the talking, using the old tweet as a kosh to beat UKIP with
.. The UKIP guys really have to be on par against this.
IainDale outraged about what someone said ?
IainDale has had a police caution for assault after he dragged a protester out the way, when the guy was trying to get in camerashot
Rod Liddle in the Speccie: We condemned the ideology behind Christchurch. Why didn’t we do the same after Sri Lanka?
The carnage in Sri Lanka which left more than 300 dead may have been carried out by ‘Buddhists’, according to the BBC Today presenter Nick Robinson on the morning after those hideous bombings. We all grope slowly towards meaning, don’t we? We look for precedent, we search for clues. I did both when I heard of the murders and came to a different conclusion to Nick. Someone had attacked Christians and westerners in a series of suicide bombings: that gave me an inkling. Perhaps — just perhaps — it wasn’t Buddhists. Perhaps it was instead the fanatics responsible for the vast majority of terrorism outrages in the world (Global Terrorism Index, 2000-2013) and 92 per cent of all terrorism murders in the United States since 1992 (Cato Institute, 2017). Yes, I thought, it’s probably them again. I didn’t find it a terribly hard call to make.
Compare Nick’s reaction, and indeed the overwhelming reaction of the western world leaders and liberal media, to the murders in Sri Lanka and the murders in Christchurch. In the latter case, everybody was clear firstly that it was terrorism and that Muslim people had been targeted, and they were happy to say as much. But they did not stop there. With great alacrity they also identified the poisonous ideology behind the Christchurch attack: racism, Islamophobia and white supremacy. The far right. Many commentators over here, including LBC’s in-house cretin James O’Brien, went further and suggested that those of us who find certain aspects of Islam a little difficult to swallow were directly responsible for the murders. The ideology was seized upon and rightly eviscerated.
Now look at what happened in Sri Lanka, and how we reported it. Of 20 world leaders, ex-leaders (Obama) and hideously useless also-rans (Hillary) who took time to condemn the atrocity, only one — Xavier Bettel of Luxembourg — mentioned that the victims of the attack were Christians. None of the 20 — none — mentioned the word Islam. So in one attack we were rightly enjoined to stand in solidarity with the victim group, who were not merely identified but lionised, and also enjoined to condemn the ideology behind the attack, which was very clearly explained in every broadcast. In the other, the victim group was not named and nor was the ideology. Why should that be?
Appeasing the bbc has worked out so well for them so far.
So The BBC thinks we are now being governed by a 16 year old Swedish kid.
Mishap Hussain, standing in for Andrew Marr questions Andrew Gwynne on an issue about planning permission for a new coal mine.
“Should they rethink the idea of digging new for coal, is something Greta Thunberg, says is beyond absurd?”
Greta doesn’t mind being hauled across Europe in a German brown coal fired train.
Rod Liddle Cont’d:
We have got ourselves in a terrible irrational tangle over Islam and its confected opposite, its specious other, Islamophobia. It may well be that under our current definition of the term, it would be Islamophobic — and therefore a hate crime — simply to state this plain and simple fact: the murders in Sri Lanka were carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam. It is an article of faith for the liberals, who still cleave to the ludicrous idea of multiculturalism, that there are two things: Islam, which is a religion of peace followed by million upon million of pacific souls and must therefore be respected, and this other thing, non-Islam, which is what is followed by a minuscule proportion of nutters and extremists and has nothing to do with the religion itself, or is instead a grotesque perversion of it.
This is wishful thinking taken to surreal levels and an obviously false dichotomy. There are indeed million upon million of peaceable Muslims. But the gap between those two supposed opposites is not so wide as you might think. Almost one in four British Muslims, for example, thought the 7/7 attacks in London were justified (NOP poll, 2006). A year earlier, another poll suggested that 37 per cent of British Muslims thought Jews were a ‘legitimate target’. A poll for BBC Radio 4 in 2015 reported that 45 per cent of British Muslims thought that imams who preach violence against the West were still part of ‘mainstream Islam’. You take my point? And that is only Britain, where our Muslim community has been exposed to the undoubted transcendent virtues of mutual toleration and representative democracy. A worldwide poll from Pew Research in 2013 reported that only 57 per cent of Muslims in the world disapproved of al Qaeda.
The inconvenient truth is that a fervent commitment to Islam led those benighted savages to murder Christians in Sri Lanka and that a sizeable proportion of Muslims worldwide are not entirely averse to such despicable actions. You cannot quite separate Islam from the horrors carried out in its name, no matter how well intentioned you may be. Nor, for that matter, can you separate Islam from the appalling treatment of women, gays, apostates and Christians in states which call themselves Islamic. Islam, as it is practised today, is in general neither peaceable nor tolerant and it seems to me absurd to pretend that it is.
One man got it right on the Sri Lanka atrocity. Rauff Hakeem, from the Sri Lankan Muslim Congress, was prepared to say what the vacillating western leaders would not say: he called for Sri Lankan Muslims to enter a period of introspection, adding: ‘We are ashamed and outraged. We must try to address issues within the community.’
Those were painfully honest and heartfelt words and worth far more than the bovine platitudes bestowed upon the victims by Theresa May et al. And also a reason for hope, amid the shattered limbs and the destroyed lives. Rauff clearly grasps the point rather better than the western world, which, in its paroxysms of political correctness, engendered partly through fear, blinds itself to the unpleasant realities. And nor, we should add, are the large majority of blameless, peaceable Muslims, most of whom are as outraged as we are about these remorseless attacks.
You cannot solve a problem by pretending that it doesn’t exist.
What Rod Liddle doesn’t appear to have realised yet is that most of what he sees as ” vacillating western leaders “, are in fact corrupt individuals in the pay of the oil rich Sunni Muslim gulf states and unwilling to compromise the massive rewards they will receive post office by criticising Islam.
Excellent article. Thanks for posting.
Perhaps the most poignant and disgraceful example of the BBC attitude was the headscarved harpies in the QT audience, the day after 9/11, bringing the US Ambassador to tears with their unspeakably vile intolerance and triumphalism.
That was, or should have been, a watershed moment for the BBC. Instead….well, you know the rest.
PS As Ed neatly confirms, below.
The BBC is certainly consistent in its bias by omission. Not only did Question Time totally ignore the biggest news story of the past week, the Sri Lanka massacres, but today’s bizarre Marr show totally ignored it too.
It would be interesting to learn what editorial directives are being given. Imagine the planning conferences for these flagship shows where someone sticks up their hand to suggest that persecution of Christian minorities might be an issue worth discussing – that Christianaphobia and anti semitism may be part of the same root fascist ideology – and you are told to hush up.
However, stand-in presenter Mishal Husain did manage to turn an interview with the Conservatives’ Brandon Lewis, supposedly about the local and Euro elections, into an interrogation about Islamaphobia.
And there we have the consistency. Constantly biased, constantly at odds with the real concerns of its viewers.