And didn’t I make the most of it :0) While I’m here, still sod all on the BBC news and website about the large fire near Heathrow. All the papers, and as mentioned earlier, Aussie news channels, and even Arab News, but not even a tweet from the beeb.
All that BBC local news page gives me is London Marathon
..I’d expect that half the BBC saff were running and half reporting and now in the afternoon the whole lot are not working
BBC West Drayton page
At first I thought I was watching an old Peperami commercial but then I realised I was looking at Mo Farah who considerately had “Sir Mo” printed on his vest, in case spectators did not know who he was.
Thanks for the link. Yes, not broadcast by National ‘Beauty’ despite, “Station manager Jon Holt said: “The fire is very visible and is producing a lot of smoke.” Clearly, for the BBC, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Presumably the internal chain of assessment and filtration/manipulation hasn’t worked out yet whether the fire was not caused by islamicists
Keep calm everyone . Once they see it posted on this site their ‘news hounds’ will report it – in time.
I have often read news reports on this site long before Al Beeb, but you must remember that the duty censor is not always available at short notice .
The fire near Heathrow could be used as a test of Ann Coulter’s Law. The longer it takes to report it and identify any potential culprit, the more likely it is the work of Jihady boys.
G.W.F, considering its proximity to Heathrow Airport, my money is on those eco-loons from XR. I bet they’ve got a direct line to some journo at the BBC and couldn’t resist boasting about it. When every other major news outlet reports it and the BBC don’t, then my spider-sense tingles and tells me some bod there knows who’s responsible.
The DPP has said that the Heathrow fire was an accident and that no one was seen on CCTV acting suspiciously and that there is no need for anyone to investigate … ( false news ) but a recently played “French “ tune . ….
West Drayton fire: Terrifying video captures moment warehouse erupts into flames
Eyewitnesses near Heathrow Airport watched on in horror as the warehouse container is rapidly engulfed in flames forcing them to look for safety
Sorry, but after years of systematic suppression of certain ‘inconvenient’ crime reports, I no longer believe the msm or the authorities on such matters.
Silent Slaughter: Media Quiet as Muslims Kill Hundreds of Christians in Nigeria
According to Christianity Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), an NGO that advocates for persecuted Christians around the world, attacks included several women and children who had gathered for prayer at a church.
Around 400 attackers split into three groups. One group killed people, the second group set fire to buildings, and the third group chased down fleeing residents.
“It is the stupidest thing to do,” complained Hilmy Ahmed, vice-president of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulema organisation, which represents Muslim clerics, in comments to the BBC.
“We strongly criticise the decision. We will not accept the authorities interfering with the religion without consulting the religious leadership,” he warned.
Spain : With 36% of the vote in from Spain, it appears that VOX is on track for a night below their expectations.
Polls showed them around 12-13% and exit polls projected 36-38 seats,
… but official results so far have them at around 9.5% with just under 25 seats.
BBC news at 11p.m.already comparing the VOX party to General Franco and his fascist party.So there you have it,vote to protect your national identity and traditions and you are automatically branded as a fascist and racist in the BBC’s eyes.
Vox made a huge jump in the polls some weeks back but if you follow the tracking graphs it was obvious they had peaked and the result was going to be lower than people were expecting.
There is a tendency for new inexperienced parties everywhere to over-estimate their own position.
It’s like a team getting two converted tries in the first 15 minutes and thinking they have won the game. The political field is every bit as tough as they rugby field. And of course you need stamina.
I don’t claim to know why they didn’t get a few more percentage points but a let’s see what happens in the Euro elections.
On Sky last night they claimed Vox is pro-EU. If so, I don’t regard them as a potential ally to any pro-UK party like UKIP or the FBP (Farage Brexit Party).
I hadn’t heard that, Demon. But I look at it this way if they are firmly set against mass Islamic immigration then they cannot but clash with the EU over the biggest issue facing the bloc. And that can only be good for Britain.
Demon – I’d take that as a standard sky lie . VOX is nationalist . Spain being Spanish and not part of a caliphate ( again) or some multicultural mess like UK .
You won’t see too many EU flags at VOX rallies …
Then on Sunday .. the Sun/Mail published quotes from a discussion in which he said gay sex with young boys is OK.
What do you reckon..was that real , or a photoshop job ??
..He’s suing
– The best place for info is his Facebook page
All this obscene amount of technology and al beeb can’t report on a huge fire that they could see if they removed their heads from up their ars*s and looked out the window.
Glad our billions are being well spent.
The FREE Standard have had the story for about 9 hours, along with most other news outlets.
“2019 European elections: Tories aim not to have to fight campaign”
“Brandon Lewis has refused to say when the Tories’ European election campaign will launch, saying his priority is not to have to fight them at all.”
Ha!, I wonder why ?
The only way for the Torys to avoid EU elections would be to somehow push Treasa’s ‘deal’ through.
‘Hows about that then?’ as Sir Jimmy would have said.
Staggering between lies and threats. May will be telling the Tories “We will be wiped out in the EU Elections, so you better vote for the WA before then”. That is plan A. There is no Plan B.
Did anyone listen to Radio 4 The Populist Curtain after six o clock ?
Forgive me for commenting on two programmes I could only half listen to , last week due to working , this week due to a phone call , but it shows the mindset of the BBC .
Just like some Guardian articles or Yasmin Alibi Brown’ s book in Defence of Policical Correctness , you could dissect and analysise contra to the thesis line by line . It would be better if the programme was flawed in a major way in just one or two aspects , it’s easier to debunk , quicker and your time is better spent . These two programmes should be filed under Total Hypocracy .
Last week they were traducing Hungary and Victor Orban’s government . He – or should it really be elected representatives – were going to put the main television station under government control .
Sounds horrible . Until a moments thought and comparison .
A broadcasting media under control of a democratically elected power , or a broadcasting media under the control of an undemocratic , unaccountable Gramscian filled organisation .
The Fidez government might wield power over the airwaves , true , but they can be voted out .
( And at this stage critics might say but the ruling power has a greater monopoly of influence over its rivals . True . But what if the established media monopoly is polically active and not subject to democratic or accountability control ? )
In the first half of today’s show ( I missed the second half ) was a visit ( carbon footprint ? ) to Austria , and the gist was ‘ populism ‘ was wrong , you shouldn’t talk about immigration , ordinary folk are so stupid and young people are cleverer unless they are populist , which in a democracy is wrong .
So by that logic , Franco is right for usurping the Popular Front in Spain .
There are about fifty investigators of the Notre Dame fire. Arson was ruled out less than two hours into the fire by Paris prosecutor Rémy Heitz, but Investigators have already questioned 15 construction workers who were working on the Notre Dame scaffolding, 12 of the workers were employed by Europe Échafaudage. Others interviewed were not working on the scaffolding. The scaffolders say they left the roof at 5.20 PM and closed the site at 5.50 PM. French laws against discrimination mean that it would be illegal to ban Muslims from working on the restoration of Notre Dame. So Muslim workers are thought to have been under investigation, but the police wont say. The Insurers and Priests have not been asked about this and the employers say they don’t employ any foreigners on the restoration side of the job, but wont confirm whether any of the scaffolders were Muslims. Investigators noted that the statement about an electrical fault as the possible cause was broadcast before investigators were allowed in to investigate the fire. The first detection of the fire was at 6:20 PM, near scaffolding. No electricity was allowed near the roof, because it was made of wood and as a matter of security, every inflammable thing was banned too. Restoration work hadn’t started on the roof. The scaffolding was still being put in place. Everything was done to avoid any source of heat near the wood of the roof. No electrical plug, no welding was allowed. The head of the company that was building the scaffoldings “Europe Echafaudage“, Julien Le Bras, said “All safety procedures on the Notre-Dame de Paris site have been respected”. Investigators indicate that to have a fire on the roof of Notre-Dame, someone had to bring something there, a match for a fag, maybe, and lit it up. The fire started at least in two different places near the “valley”, where the nave and the transept of the cathedral meet, white smoke indicating that an accelerant had been soaked into the wood. Investigators are testing the ash to get the name of the particular accelerant that was applied to the roof and spire structures.
I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Muslim engaging in physical labour save when they are illegal immigrants. As one said to a friend “Pakistani’s are the laziest people in the world” Some of them will drive 20 feet to the shop rather than walk!
The chances of a Muslim scaffolder are pretty remote.
Julien Le Bras, said “All safety procedures on the Notre-Dame de Paris site have been respected” Yeah like allowing your workers to smoke on site! This man lies in every word he says. It’s clear the safety proceedures have not been followed and he would do better to admit that.
When you pop over to anyone of the zillion of TV/Radio stations in the States even the smallest media outlet leaves the BBC FOR DEAD re: professionalism, and immediate coverage of local, national, international news.
No wonder every BBC correspondent can only cope to report from the US for so long. It must be a nightmare for every young BBC hopeful who arrives there to begin their shift, observing the US MSM must be horrendous.
No wonder every BBC reporter leaves the states with their tails between their legs.
I wouldn’t mind betting that this is real reason why such creatures as Sopel, and Co, mock most things American. Bet the US Media guys can’t see the back of um quick enough.
When any BBC TV studio is compared to other “professional” “smart” US TV/Radio broadcasting Companies, lets just say:
If we compare the US MEDIA verses the BBC MSM then the Americans could be compared to a Cheetah were as the BBC is simply a flabby old Sloth.
Too Fat because they/IT are too much under worked.
Lead on BBBC’s website – “While laws are drafted by the European Commission, it is the directly-elected parliament along with the Council of 28 governments which decide. MEPs have the power to approve, amend or reject nearly all EU legislation”. The article then goes on to list EU legislation, all initiated by the Commission, but at no time does it mention that the Parliament altered or refused any of it. In other words, like the Chinese People’s Assembly it rubber-stamped the Rulers’ dictats. A waste of time and a mere façade of democracy that we pay dearly for. The Beeb at its EU-grovelling best.
I think the EU parliament is a Potemkin Parliament.
In the same way, this man-made climate garbage is Lysenko science.
The lefties only have a few arrows in their quiver but they are adept at using and reusing them to great effect. But eventually the truth will out, even if it takes a hundred years.
Meanwhile the BBC, Sky, etc are going bananas over Krankie and Jez jumping on the ponytail express without once asking them questions about their economic plans either.
I heard Damian Green on R4 this a.m. Seems the over 50s are going to be paying extra for social care. Also, Green thinks we all have lots of money locked up in our homes, that needs to be ‘liberated’ by government.
The Tories don’t learn. If you’re a ‘migrant’ you can come straight into the system to benefit from social spending, without ever having had to put in a penny! This would include social care. In fact, any minority which can claim to have been ‘oppressed’ has money thrown at it.
But if you’re ‘over 50’, been slaving your guts out all your life (for 40-50 years), paying taxes and NI, playing the game, you’ve got to pay extra for social care.
Green thinks like a socialist. The target: the now much-despised ‘elderly’, who have apparently been oppressing the poor ‘youth’. Part of the new narrative, that the ‘nasty’ elderly are hogging all the money while the yoof are being deprived of the goodies, kept out of the housing market, etc This narrative is heavily pushed by the beeb.
I was young and dirt poor once. I had to work hard for a lifetime. Now the Tories want to grab what is rightfully mine. Because of Theresa, and the Tory drift to the left, I wasn’t going to vote Tory anyway. But you could threaten me with torture now, I still wouldn’t!
Good timing, Damian.
Fake – I wholeheartedly agree . Having never voted anything other than conservative I won’t be voting for them again and look forward to their demise.
‘Some say’ that a Labour Party will get power but I say ‘ where’s the difference?’ Neither care about white British people . Neither listen to their voters . Both produce manifestos which are worthless .
Yes I’m personally affected by this . The replacement of the ‘fair’ flat rate fee is now replaced by a ‘ progressive ‘ charge ( tax) based on the value of the Estate . A socialist tax imposed by a Tory regime .
Cynical because it only affects people when involved in death . So who know when that will happen and another tax aimed at ‘senior’ citizens .
Unfortunately, Damian Green’s constituency is Ashford Kent.
When I worked there as a sprog in an estate agents in the sixties, the lovely old market town became subject to GLC overspill, which flooded the dear old place with new interns, and huge unsightly estates, which soon became slums and no-go areas. All these occupants are well over 50 by now, so he’s got that wrong hasn’t he!
Like many Kent towns, the various ‘governments’ have misread the local requirements, and are now intent on joining all the villages up with even more crap housing.
Luckily, he isn’t my MP (Tunbridge Wells), but hell would freeze over if they ever lost the Tory seat.
However, despite Boris bleating on about not blaming councillors in the local elections, we (Mrs Scroblene and I), will tactically vote lib dem, because they haven’t a cat in hell’s chance in our ward.
And when the MEP wants our vote, he can piss off as well, it’s Brexit for us!
Slightly off topic, but Radio Kent is just as bad as the national version, with mainly idiots squawking gibberish, especially late in the evening and during the night up to R5Dead starting up…
I’ve just fired off a seething letter to the Mail, after reading Alex Brummer’s essay on Elderly Care.
I’m just sick of reading the comments by journalists and commentators – Alex Brummer included, when they call some elderly ‘reckless for frittering away their money’ and getting free state care, while others who own their homes have to pay for care. YES the system is flawed and needs overhauling….
BUT , there are still thousands of the very elderly, whom, like my late parents who lived through the War, could never afford a bloody holiday, let alone their own home ! my Dad was never out of work, so there was always food on the table, and the rented home was always spotless and us kids were neatly turned out, with the best they could provide at Christmas and birthdays.
So I felt no guilt whatsoever when Dad had to be cared for in a Home, with the State paying for it. He paid his dues for a lifetime in taxes, fought for his Country, was a great community figure and led a decent life.
This generation are similar, in that they too cannot afford their own homes, so what will the situation be in 30 – 40 years time when they need elderly care ? are they going to be called ‘reckless’ too ??
And spend some to clean up our coasts and the remainder to those still suffering the effects of slavery 200 years after we abolished it.
(These effects can be so subtle as not to be quantified or described.)
Have the Norse countries gone through the slavery reparation thing?
Germany is being held up as a wonderful example of coming to terms with it’s past while telling Greece, ‘No’ to WW2 reparations.
“privileged white men” klaxon just now when I switched on Radio 4
Elizabeth Day “I make a podcast about failure, people talk about 3 things they failed at,
but when I approached white males they said but I’ve never failed at anything”
Then the immigrant Nigerian actor said he’d never heard of “white privilege” until he came to the UK
There are no white males on the panel, Amol is presenting today
That kind of racism is #everydayLibSupremacism
@BBCRadio4 White people have a right to exist can you stop attacking them…. Do you talk about other race and gender in such a derogatory way?, I am reporting this show to the ombudsman
Elizabeth Day “I make a podcast about failure, people talk about 3 things they failed at,
but when I approached white males they said but I’ve never failed at anything”
I paraphrase ‘When I ask women they have no problem in listing failure’
‘See this is the world of privileged white men blah blah
Some listeners liked the prog ..many didn’t :
it’s these people who live in bbc studios who are privileged moving from one studio space to another telling everyone how downtrodden they are
Identity politics overload on #starttheweek. Unbearable. Switched off. @BBCRadio4
this discussion is horrific
all poor white people are supposed to be “privileged”
the level of anger of these people is alienating
Who the hell is this woman on @BBCRadio4 I certainly don’t have half the issues she’s stating women have. I really think people who speak in public should state it’s in their opinion, the route they’ve followed and the research they’ve done and not state ALL.
can you stop racist guest attacking white males. This is like hearing nazis on the radio attacking jews
Could it be that mixed farming has ‘always’ been known to be better than to keep taking an arable crop, which takes from the land and gives nothing back? Animals capture nitrogen from the air and put it into the ground via their urine. Legumes, like peas, were once thought to capture nitrogen but now its seems they capture it for their own purposes and return the excess to the atmosphere when they die.
Has the BBC never heard of ‘muck spreading’ (in the farming sense!)? Just because a cow might ‘dump in the yard’ doesn’t mean it stays there. What does the BBC think happens? Do farmers use super-Andrex and flush it down the drain?
The trouble is that the more cow dung produced, the more methane belched and farted from said excreting ruminant. The climate change experts tell we morons that methane is ten times more global warmanish that carbon dioxide, so you can’t win.
If these twonks realised that bigging up climate change inaccuracies, they create huge wealth for the energy companies, via stupid interjections by inept, thick politicians, they’d crap in their knickers.
I love methane, and CO2; it is the lifeline and greatest result from a simple tin of baked beans one could ever wish for!
I am tempting it now! But whenever you and I shout at the filipin weeds in our garden they never-ever answer us back but the mother-earth people always tell their critics that “she” always speaks back to them – most days – especially when they have too much weed/wine. Apparently “earth mother” gives her worshipers heaps of advice. You know; what they should eat, what they should wear, what they should say to critics. Strange how “earth mother” never talks to them about getting a job or being less obnoxious? (especially that darling Swedish child)
Hello. I’m a new ‘un but I have been following this website for some time. I would just like to thank one and all for putting me into contact with other news providers other than the BBC. For example, because of a post some time ago of an interview by Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio which I would never have heard on the BBC, I have now turned away from the Today programme and listen to her in the mornings instead. She gives much better interviews than flabby old Nick Robinson and Justin Webb,et al, and I heard her say once, (paraphrasing) You might get away with that rubbish on the BBC but not here! (incidentally, when I first listened to her show there were commercials, but now her show at 6.30am, and the one before at 5.00am are now commercial free!) She is followed by Mike Graham who also gives good interviews. Last Friday he had an interview with Lord Truth who is one of those in the House of Lords who wants to cut bus passes, heating allowances, the triple lock on free TV licenses for pensioners. Also, because I caught Channel 4 slagging of a new independant news programme – you know, putting a biased slant on them – I thought, ooh! I wonder what they’re like so I looked them up. They are called Unity News and they try to investigate news that you don’t hear anywhere else on the MSM. Give ’em a go!
Anyone else tired of the smug lefty w*****s labelling anyone who doesn’t share their view of the world as “gammon”?
My initial reaction when it all started was a shoulder shrug. Within a couple of weeks this moved on to wanting to punch the liberal tw*ts in their smug, condescending faces.
Now I have decided to adopt a similar method of labelling which I hope will catch on.
I refer to them as “lettuce”.
Green (as in unworldly rather than environmentalist – although one tends to go with the other)
Wilts in no time if taken out of the fridge (safe space)
Of negligible nutritional or other value
Easily forgotten
“Gammon” is an Ad Hom, a label and dismiss thing
When they don’t have good argument against someones message, they attack the messenger and try to dehumanise them
See how the G-word is used in the same way as the N-word or J-word
I am not tired of them using the G-word.. it’s their admission they’ve lost.
And when politicians and media fail to call them out on it,
.. we can see that these politicians/media are traitors.
Fortunately their name calling is just a response to the ‘snowflake ‘ term which I think causes them discomfort . The latter , I think , has more staying power than the former . Which might be best left to die if unsaid . [ Monday morning convoluted wordage from me ]
Toady watch
The smug and the bee keeper did it today so I went straight to ‘off switch ‘ . The only one worth hearing any more is ‘humph ‘ who is starting to seriously skip – language wise and will soon say something which the snowflakes will use to get a token coloured girl in place …
When you hear them shout out a smear like “white-supremacist !”
You have to check for projection
Do they think they are the “supreme” ones ?
.. Yes hence their accusation comes from being “lib-supremacists” or pseudo-liberal-supremacists
… Likewise greenreligion preachers are “Green-supremacists”
I’m happy to ignore “gammon”. They want a reaction and I’m sure it irritates them when no one bites. So, like attention-seeking toddlers they say it even more in order to try forcing a reaction. But all that happens is they land up looking like the tossers they are.
Woman’s Hour : It’s Margaret Thatcher week
\\ It is 40 years this Friday since the UK elected its first woman Prime Minister on May 3rd 1979.
Woman’s Hour marks this pivotal moment with a week of programming.
The late Margaret Thatcher remains a deeply controversial and divisive figure
and Woman’s Hour will explore her importance as a female leader; focusing on the woman and her impact on women’s lives.
Today Jane Garvey looks at how the Woman’s Hour archive captured this moment in time.//
There have been a spate of incidents in NI recently, well into double figures over the last year I think, where thieves have used stolen JCBs to remove cashpoints from outside supermarkets, petrol stations, etc. This is the closest the PSNI have come to catching them.
It happened in my hometown. Police saw the robbers, and would of had to have been close to do that, leaving the scene in a pickup truck weighed down by two ATMs and any attached masonry, but we’re still unable to apprehend them. Knowing the area my immediate response when I heard this was “How tf did they get away?” .
The machines were recovered about a mile and a half away, only two straight roads and one left turn would have to be negotiated in any pursuit, most of that distance a country road.
I think that this is one of the most pathetic things I’ve read in a long time, so defeatist and full of shoulder-shrugging acceptance of idiotic regulation. It would seem that the powers that be don’t really want to “crack crime” after all.
It could depend on what the stolen cash is intended for. Perhaps funding certain causes – possibly due to reductions in US contributions – might find sympathy with certain members of ‘law enforcement’.
Another benefit of diversity, in a political rather than ethnic sense?
It’s actually not a bad road, there are a couple of little industrial parks in the area and a large Michelin plant that closed last year. Both it and the nearby JTI ( Japanese Tobacco) factory have shut down, over 2,000 well-paid jobs gone and production moved to Eastern Europe, EU subsidised of course, having employed 3 or 4 generations in the town. Anyway, it was 3 in the morning when this happened, there was no other traffic, there was no risk to the public.
Bring back a decent police “force” not a bloody useless “service”. Take a bow Chris Patten, you parcel of piss and wind.
Is that the same Chris Patten who served under various Tory Leaders who when every where his leader sent him he was the person who made the so called “changes at the BBC” only to leave the BBC worse than when he arrived (higher salary’s for the star players who workl there), more secrecy, etc ; is that the same Patten who was in charge of giving away Hong Kong to china even though most of its population didn’t want it? etc, etc?
I don’t know if its the same elite but I do know it was him who was sent to Ireland to do more damage for the democratic process there?.
“Brexit uncertainty” or “We’d rather give our money to people who like and appreciate us rather than simply tolerate or openly despise us, whose government isn’t involved in attempting to shaft us, ruin our economy and milk us dry, and where we and our children can feel safe amongst culturally similar, like-minded people we trust”?
Do France, Spain, Turkey, Ireland or even Malta deserve our money? At least it can be argued the Greeks and Italians are making an effort.
— African American Anthony Ray Hinton spent 28 years on death row for being wrongly convicted of murder. It’s a terrible miscarriage of justice, but how do the BBC kick this one off? The police were white, the jury was white, but “death row was the only place I never experienced any racism.” Every one had to eat the same, wear the same clothes “…we had nothing more than each other… we all had the same thing… there was nothing to be jealous of.”
Thus outlining the BBC’s preferred vision of New World Living. I’m sure we’d learn to put up with the minor inconveniences like total loss of freedom, fruity showers and state-approved executions for a world free of social inequality.
Not BBC bias, if you ignore the African adoration therein, just BBC ignorance and incompetence
By The Secret Aerodynamicist
Writing for BBC Sport
26 April 2019
From the section Formula 1
Azerbaijan Grand Prix: The secret aerodynamicist on design icon Adrian Newey
I am a senior aerodynamicist at a current F1 team. I cannot reveal my identity,
You would design your rear brake drums and suspension specifically to the set-up you chose.
Brake drums! Strange that, here was I thinking drums have not been used on fast road cars for 50 years. I am not alone.
Formula 1 cars have disc brakes
All the cars on the grid now use carbon fibre composite brake discs
For once Jon makes a very valid point. The answer tho Jon is that its very fashionable at the moment to Virtue Signal at any little opportunity that may present itself. That’s all they are doing. Piers Morgan stated as much this morning asking why Corbyn was boycotting President Trump but was OK to dine with Hamas !!!
A genuine question – why are Labour leader, Lib Dem leader and Speaker boycotting state banquet for @realDonaldTrump, with US our closest ally – when they attended the one for President Xi – who comes from a country without elections, freedom of expression or basic human rights
” when they attended the one for President Xi – who comes from a country without elections, freedom of expression or basic human rights”
The boycotters admire the Chinese/Hammas, political modus operandi with which they have more affinity over what little remains of democracy over here. In that respect, they have a point………..
After what the Muslims did on Easter Sunday ‘ some might say’ it is luck that there are any Muslims in Sri Lanka now – at all . And no mosques have been destroyed .
This is muslims complaining yet again. And muslims never lie, do they?
And how did they know they were Christians? Were they shouting Jesus is greater as they were beating the muslims? Or were they all wearing bin liners and other clothing with crosses on them? Maybe the US Demonrats had sent over a few KKK members, masquerading as Christians.
12:40pm BBC #YouAndYours building narrative about farmer James Metcalf
‘poor farmer is £14K in debt so has to use a foodbank’
Guest Sue Pritchard of London-liberal @FFC_Commission used that to push libSupremacist politics prices have to go up, so farmers can afford to care for nature etc.
FFS farming is big business most have £millions of debt
Then after harvest some not, over 10 years most do OK
Though you hear farmers moaning all the time,
… then they flog off a small piece of land for half a million quid.
The thing was the prog contained no counter view
nor was it explained that FFC – the Food and Farming Commission is part of the Central London based Royal Society of Arts
I heard that programme with the farmer saying he had to use food banks, I said tough s**t. I have known farmers who plead poverty ( they admitted it to me) to get grants etc. Then they try to get planning permission for houses. These food banks seem to me a bit of a scam, I know there are genuine cases and they deserve help but all you hear these days is food banks. It’s a way of trying g to make people feel guilty.
You would have enjoyed La Harrabin promoting the ‘mobile milking parlour’ to help spread dung naturally rather than ‘leave it in the farmyard’. The man is an absurdity in human form – of a sort – who evidently seems to believe the ideal farm is a bijou earth-friendly set-up with vegan aspirations.
Try servicing a few hundred Freisians, even in a 20-bay mobile, the poor sods would be queuing for hours with bursting udders but that’s just a nuisance compared with saving the planet.
Personally, I could well do without the dripping multi-mega-litre slurry tankers rolling past the cottage day and night once a month, but, sorry Rog, the shit has to go somewhere, even fertilising other fields, would you believe. How much could Jeremy’s allotment cope with, d’you think?
Good luck with Turkey Kevin !! Never has the expression ” Have a good time, hope you come back in one piece” been so true !!!!! LOL
"For the first time we are going to Turkey. The value of the pound there versus the Euro makes it a much better value holiday": Kevin Coles is 64 and from Northamptonshire
Vine doing Femsupremacism “Oh we had that brilliant Caroline Criado Perez on the other day
..and she was talking about how everything in the world is designed around MEN not women”
… That is totally tosh cos consumer surveying consistently shows women are responsible for most consumer spending decisions
.. therefore much advertising is skewed to connect with women, rather than men.
“….she was talking about how everything in the world is designed around MEN not women”.
You’ve got to feel sorry for normal women and the transgender people and the difficulty aspiring men transitioning to female have in obtaining suitable attire………….
My heart bleeds and I feel their pain.
As prejudices go, anti-Semitism can sometimes be hard to pin down, but on Thursday the opinion pages of The New York Times international edition provided a textbook illustration of it.
Except that The Times wasn’t explaining anti-Semitism. It was purveying it.
It did so in the form of a cartoon, provided to the newspaper by a wire service and published directly above an unrelated column by Tom Friedman, in which a guide dog with a prideful countenance and the face of Benjamin Netanyahu leads a blind, fat Donald Trump wearing dark glasses and a black yarmulke. Lest there be any doubt as to the identity of the dog-man, it wears a collar from which hangs a Star of David.
Here was an image that, in another age, might have been published in the pages of Der Stürmer. The Jew in the form of a dog. The small but wily Jew leading the dumb and trusting American. The hated Trump being Judaized with a skullcap. The nominal servant acting as the true master. The cartoon checked so many anti-Semitic boxes that the only thing missing was a dollar sign.
I liked this response in the comments to Stephens’ article:
The Times has apologized.
But in reality the Editorial Board couldn’t care less; the apology just makes it go away: Oops. We apologize.
Gone now.
But in fact it’s just another coldly calculated attempt to subvert the presidency by presenting false narratives, a hallmark of the New York Times.
Plus, think of the clicks it generates.
An apology about this sort of thing, from this outlet, is risable.
That’s precisely how the BBC reacts to complaints – fob them off, or, if it’s unavoidable, apologise and then just blithely carry on as usual.
Still, I doubt the BBC would publish anything as vile as this cartoon. The BBC tries to maintain the fiction that it is not really anti-Semitic, but just in favour of a resolution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict
Beeb out of the blocks like a greyhound with the soil putting Carbon into the atmosphere (due to wicked farmers). I thought about it for 5 minutes and think i see a flaw in the science. For the soil to be carried into the atmosphere it needs 2 things, very dry soil combined with strongish winds. I go to my allotment most days winter and summer and I can vouch that for the vast majority of the year a) the soil is either wet or damp. and b) Strong winds are the exception rather than the rule. So as far as I can see this new hysterical outburst is just a way of grabbing hold of the Climate Change narrative to make it last a bit longer. A lot of people may have been surprised by this report but I saw through it for the manipulative, scheming bull***t it really is and I think as the scare stories get wilder and wilder, more and more people will too. Could be lots of very angry people around anytime soon! The only other thing I can say is that I am amazed that some real scientists haven’t shot it down in flames, or perhaps they have but been silenced by the media?
I see Harrrabin as more of a rescue camel than a greyhound, but as you so rightly say, the hysterical outburst was purely Rogerian. He also made absurd claims for mobile milking parlours – see comment above.
“”Europe and nationalism: A country-by-country guide””
“”A boom in voter support has led to the far right sharing power in Austria and the nationalist League forming a populist coalition in Italy. Spain – once thought a barren ground for such politics – elected multiple far-right politicians to parliament for the first time since the country returned to democracy in 1975.””
“”Germany – From its beginnings as an anti-euro party, it has pushed for strict anti-immigration policies, tapped into anxieties over the influence of Islam and broken decades-old anti-Nazi taboos. It enjoyed a surge in popularity as Germany allowed in over a million undocumented migrants.””
“”Spain – Vox styles itself as defending the unity of the Spanish state, with a promise to deport illegal immigrants and repeal laws against gender violence. It has made major gains by calling for a suspension of autonomy for the north-eastern Catalonia region, after separatists failed in their push for independence in October 2017.””
“”Austria – Since it came to power, the Freedom Party has become caught up in a series of race rows. Its leader Heinz-Christian Strache was earlier this month accused of linking on his Facebook page to a website accused of Holocaust denial.””
“”France – The FN became the National Rally (Rassemblement National) and latest opinion polls give the rebranded party a lead over President Macron’s ruling liberal LREM ahead of the European elections.””
“”Ms Le Pen’s party is opposed to the euro and blames the EU for mass immigration, and she has found a common voice with other nationalist and far-right parties in Europe.””
“”Sweden – The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD) made significant gains in the 2018 general election, winning about 18% of the vote.””
“”The party has its roots in neo-Nazism, but it rebranded itself in recent years and first entered parliament in 2010. It opposes multiculturalism and wants strict immigration controls.””
“”As with many of the countries featured here, though, the picture is complex. Sweden has welcomed more asylum seekers per capita than any other European country and has one of the most positive attitudes towards migrants.””
Sargon has a good discussion Reddit, but in the way big tech is anti-peopleWhoChallengeLibs
they Reddit have placed a big warning to deter you
“This community isquarantined
It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.”
Err of course it isn’t made me click twice to get past the warning
Politics live.
Some pro remain geezer on saying we are making a right dog’s breakfast over Brexit.
I think it’s basically a bunch of hard line remainers led by May conducting our Brexit for a remainers Brexit with 500 remainers in cessminster all doing their utmost to trash Brexit (which they support of course…but…) all supported by a remainer civil service, MSM and all the luvvies.
If we had proper leavers doing the negotiations we would have been out now and it wouldn’t cost £39 billion plus all the other negatives.
No wonder brexit is going badly, the traitors are all against it and they are the ones who are supposed to get us out.
The sooner they are flushed round the U bend the better.
The Mensa Forum asks: Is our Prime Minister mad?: She appears to have made every possible political error and continues on an unwavering course to break the country, the politics, and the party. This could just be chronic incompetence and stupidity, but does the failure to learn and adjust indicate a serious underlying problem? I find it hard to envisage a sane person with some concept of the consequences of their actions behaving like this.
Some Comments: “She refuses to acknowledge why Parliament has rejected her awful deal 3 times for good reason and still tries to tell us it is Brexit when it clearly is not” “she seems determined to force the worst possible deal that causes the country maximum political damage, over the longest possible time, and with the minimum number of people seeing it as a true Brexit. She has had three years to seek better solutions, but has failed to convince even the party faithful to go along with another half decent plan” “I have no admiration for someone who simply persists in doing something stupid” “If she is mad what does that make the people who keep voting for her” “she has found the best way of upsetting almost everyone. She appears to have thrown away any leverage that we might have had unnecessarily” “She’s a complete disaster” “She has failed to listen to anyone” “who in their right minds voted for a leader of a losing team to lead the country on these negotiations” “She should be pilloried on a stake for Halloween” and “I think she’s lost her marbles”.
““She should be pilloried on a stake for Halloween” and “I think she’s lost her marbles”.”
I can think of a better solution. It involves a tree, a rope and preferably a strong horizontal branch. Strong enough to support others as well…….
Note that this is what the EU (i.e. the Commission) has achieved. The Parliament merely rubber-stamped them. If, by some strange reason, they disagreed with the Commission then they would have been obliged to re-vote until they got it right, by rewording if necessary, same as countries have to over treaties. The Parliament is just there to give a veneer of democracy, an expensive one at that.
Surely this has been decided upon before ?
To prevent prejudicing
Before trial it’s complainant/accused
Only after conviction is it victim/rapist( or abuser, sex pest etc)
The quality of BBC journalism is going from bad to worse. The other day I heard a newscaster reading his script claiming something was ” knocked off” instead of stolen.
Yorkshire Post tells us about a a brainwash primary school kids trial initiative
\\ Become a #ClimateChangeTeacher!
We need one in Every School, accredited by #UNCCLearn.
Delivering 500+ lessons on the curriculum with Climate Literacy at the heart of each lesson.
#eduCCate #YPO. (I think those are the firms training the teachers) //
Green org Facebook
\\ “We are looking for every school in the UK to have at least one Lead Teacher for Climate Change Education so that our children can transform knowledge into positive climate protection action”
Compared to the The Daily Mile exercise sponsors #ClimateVandals INEOS who want to use every school in the UK to greenwash their #Fracking4Plastics #Kickoutfossilfuels //
The YP also has a full page photo spread
“keeping faith with fusion”
about Eritrean refugees who have opened amazing restaurant in Wakefield
#OnlyLookAtPostives of pet agendas
Ah, they’ll require an uneducated, brainwashed eco-warrior, then, who only is aware of their side of the debate. Plenty of them on the streets, and available.
Thanks very much for that post. I watched the whole video on Youtube (before they ban them!) That took me onto another video of another interview which I don’t think you’d get on “Today”.
It’s funny how Youtube would like to “demonize” certain videos but continue to put “recommended for you” along the side!
Don’t forget, when we vote in the council elections, it won’t be a secret ballot.
Oh dear, claims made by Andrew Neil ( alleged real name Andrew Yaxley Lennon Brillo Neil) allegedly broke Ofcom rules, so Ofcom alleges.
(ps, never forgave that man for his attack on Tommy Robinson)
Claims made by BBC presenter Andrew Neil during an interview with former SNP leader Alex Salmond breached Ofcom rules, the watchdog has ruled.
On the BBC’s Sunday Politics programme, Mr Neil asked why one in five Scottish pupils were “functionally illiterate” when they left primary school.
Ofcom said the statement, made ahead of elections in 2017, was “materially misleading” for viewers.
Mr Neil had argued that the claim was “credible” and did not breach the rule.
Ofcom also criticised the BBC for its handling of the complaint.
Did Radio 3 make a mistake this morning? Essential Classics usually has guest interview spread throughout the week. All guests seem to come from the same fold for some reason. Last week’s was Maxine Peake, which will gives some idea of the typical guest.
This week we have Gabriela Montero, a Venezuelan pianist. Venezuela is one of the BBC’s favourite countries so I can guess why she was chosen!
Oh dear! She is not a fan of Hugo Chávez at all! ‘But didn’t he introduce socialism to the arts?’ Suzy Klein offers, followed by ‘what about the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra?’
Gabriela wasn’t having any of this! The orchestra was all about propaganda for the regime! One got the sense that she thought all these Western socialists that raved about Chávez should have had the chance to change places with the Venezuelans that actually had to suffer him.
Mr Condells 8 minutes raised one big issue which I’ve missed so far . Anyone who votes for the Labour Tory Liberal mafia is complicit in the overthrow of democracy .
We must vote – but not for the traitor parties .
The video also points toward the potential for non legal responses to a failure to get UK out of the EU – I will leave it to you to interpret what ‘non legal responses ‘ means .
Both ITV Local news and Yorkshire Post promoting the Jo Cox Foundation planned street parties and More in Common Theme
.. Reality is their lot do sow hate and division themselves, by bearing false witness just for political purposes.
Complete and utter rubbish. There is NOTHING whatsoever in that speech re violence. MPS who lied to their constituents in 2017 (about 160 of them, based on public voting records) are anti-democratic liars.
You are seeking to divide people on behalf of the Labour party -disgrace!
Stew – if the tedious cox groupies believe the line of free speech to criminal speech was crossed they’ll be making a criminal allegation to the Stasi .
If not they can shut up can’t they . The Cox industry is getting bigger ….sainthood soon . Can always get another politician / journo
And again and again, how many more are out there ?
Two women are on trial for child cruelty alongside men ‘who attacked vulnerable girl who was raped and abused from age of 11’
Victim ‘targeted by men who wanted to use her for their own sexual purposes’
Prosecutor said the girl was groomed in the Huddersfield area of West Yorkshire
The victim was ‘deliberately targeted by men who wanted to use her for their own sexual purposes’ throughout her childhood, prosecutors told Leeds Crown Court on Monday.
Opening the trial of Mohammed Akram and Usman Khalid, Richard Wright QC, prosecuting, told the jury: ‘We say that both of the men in the dock had sexual contact with her when she was just 12 and they knew how old she was.
‘They each, on separate occasions, took her out of the children’s home where she was living without permission and with a sinister, ultimately sexually motivated, purpose.
Five people including a priest have died in an apparent jihadist attack on a church in Burkina Faso.
Gunmen on motorbikes entered the church in the town of Silgadji near Djibo, the capital of Soum province, and opened fire near the end of Sunday’s service.
The priest, named as Pierre Ouedraogo, and two of his sons are said to have been killed in the attack.
“There has been a disproportionate focus on ‘Islamist’ terrorism and extremism” says Chloe Coliver from the anti-extremism organisation – the Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Is it me?
Backlinks to Weekend Thread
– Sunday started half way down page 2
– Sunday after 11am was on page 3
Sorry RobRoy reported by mistake.
Damnation, just too late, yes Robroy, its you.
And didn’t I make the most of it :0) While I’m here, still sod all on the BBC news and website about the large fire near Heathrow. All the papers, and as mentioned earlier, Aussie news channels, and even Arab News, but not even a tweet from the beeb.
All that BBC local news page gives me is London Marathon
..I’d expect that half the BBC saff were running and half reporting and now in the afternoon the whole lot are not working
BBC West Drayton page
Here’s a Sky report from 4pm or something
\\ Massive fire at former coal depot causing major disruption to Heathrow trains
… A container, an industrial conveyor belt, 15 vans and three articulated lorries are on fire at the depot in Tavistock Road, West Drayton.//
Black person won, what do you expect, also black person got married that was in some kind of bbc series, headline news for some reason
At first I thought I was watching an old Peperami commercial but then I realised I was looking at Mo Farah who considerately had “Sir Mo” printed on his vest, in case spectators did not know who he was.
Thanks for the link. Yes, not broadcast by National ‘Beauty’ despite, “Station manager Jon Holt said: “The fire is very visible and is producing a lot of smoke.” Clearly, for the BBC, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Presumably the internal chain of assessment and filtration/manipulation hasn’t worked out yet whether the fire was not caused by islamicists
Keep calm everyone . Once they see it posted on this site their ‘news hounds’ will report it – in time.
I have often read news reports on this site long before Al Beeb, but you must remember that the duty censor is not always available at short notice .
The fire near Heathrow could be used as a test of Ann Coulter’s Law. The longer it takes to report it and identify any potential culprit, the more likely it is the work of Jihady boys.
G.W.F, considering its proximity to Heathrow Airport, my money is on those eco-loons from XR. I bet they’ve got a direct line to some journo at the BBC and couldn’t resist boasting about it. When every other major news outlet reports it and the BBC don’t, then my spider-sense tingles and tells me some bod there knows who’s responsible.
The DPP has said that the Heathrow fire was an accident and that no one was seen on CCTV acting suspiciously and that there is no need for anyone to investigate … ( false news ) but a recently played “French “ tune . ….
Nothing to see here… move along, eh.
Yes West Drayton fire
nothing to see
Sorry, but after years of systematic suppression of certain ‘inconvenient’ crime reports, I no longer believe the msm or the authorities on such matters.
Silent Slaughter: Media Quiet as Muslims Kill Hundreds of Christians in Nigeria
According to Christianity Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), an NGO that advocates for persecuted Christians around the world, attacks included several women and children who had gathered for prayer at a church.
Around 400 attackers split into three groups. One group killed people, the second group set fire to buildings, and the third group chased down fleeing residents.
Sri Lanka : Face coverings have been banned
.. like veiled women , and antifa use
“It is the stupidest thing to do,” complained Hilmy Ahmed, vice-president of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulema organisation, which represents Muslim clerics, in comments to the BBC.
“We strongly criticise the decision. We will not accept the authorities interfering with the religion without consulting the religious leadership,” he warned.
No thought for the mayhem and murder they continuously create around the world. But threats they issue.
Spain : With 36% of the vote in from Spain, it appears that VOX is on track for a night below their expectations.
Polls showed them around 12-13% and exit polls projected 36-38 seats,
… but official results so far have them at around 9.5% with just under 25 seats.
BBC news at 11p.m.already comparing the VOX party to General Franco and his fascist party.So there you have it,vote to protect your national identity and traditions and you are automatically branded as a fascist and racist in the BBC’s eyes.
Vox made a huge jump in the polls some weeks back but if you follow the tracking graphs it was obvious they had peaked and the result was going to be lower than people were expecting.
There is a tendency for new inexperienced parties everywhere to over-estimate their own position.
It’s like a team getting two converted tries in the first 15 minutes and thinking they have won the game. The political field is every bit as tough as they rugby field. And of course you need stamina.
I don’t claim to know why they didn’t get a few more percentage points but a let’s see what happens in the Euro elections.
On Sky last night they claimed Vox is pro-EU. If so, I don’t regard them as a potential ally to any pro-UK party like UKIP or the FBP (Farage Brexit Party).
I hadn’t heard that, Demon. But I look at it this way if they are firmly set against mass Islamic immigration then they cannot but clash with the EU over the biggest issue facing the bloc. And that can only be good for Britain.
Demon – I’d take that as a standard sky lie . VOX is nationalist . Spain being Spanish and not part of a caliphate ( again) or some multicultural mess like UK .
You won’t see too many EU flags at VOX rallies …
And an unbiased referee is always a big help, Yasser.
UKIP news : On Saturday
Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) put out a simple explantion of the “non-rape-tweet” furore
Then on Sunday .. the Sun/Mail published quotes from a discussion in which he said gay sex with young boys is OK.
What do you reckon..was that real , or a photoshop job ??
..He’s suing
– The best place for info is his Facebook page
All this obscene amount of technology and al beeb can’t report on a huge fire that they could see if they removed their heads from up their ars*s and looked out the window.
Glad our billions are being well spent.
The FREE Standard have had the story for about 9 hours, along with most other news outlets.
As I look at your photo it looks like the majority of um have been sent home early – again?.
\\Flights diverted after Gatwick Airport ‘drone sighting’//
I don’t think we are being told the full story ? Something strange going on .
“2019 European elections: Tories aim not to have to fight campaign”
“Brandon Lewis has refused to say when the Tories’ European election campaign will launch, saying his priority is not to have to fight them at all.”
Ha!, I wonder why ?
No election? We should be getting details of postal votes soon if an election is on the cards.
The only way for the Torys to avoid EU elections would be to somehow push Treasa’s ‘deal’ through.
‘Hows about that then?’ as Sir Jimmy would have said.
Staggering between lies and threats. May will be telling the Tories “We will be wiped out in the EU Elections, so you better vote for the WA before then”. That is plan A. There is no Plan B.
Did anyone listen to Radio 4 The Populist Curtain after six o clock ?
Forgive me for commenting on two programmes I could only half listen to , last week due to working , this week due to a phone call , but it shows the mindset of the BBC .
Just like some Guardian articles or Yasmin Alibi Brown’ s book in Defence of Policical Correctness , you could dissect and analysise contra to the thesis line by line . It would be better if the programme was flawed in a major way in just one or two aspects , it’s easier to debunk , quicker and your time is better spent . These two programmes should be filed under Total Hypocracy .
Last week they were traducing Hungary and Victor Orban’s government . He – or should it really be elected representatives – were going to put the main television station under government control .
Sounds horrible . Until a moments thought and comparison .
A broadcasting media under control of a democratically elected power , or a broadcasting media under the control of an undemocratic , unaccountable Gramscian filled organisation .
The Fidez government might wield power over the airwaves , true , but they can be voted out .
( And at this stage critics might say but the ruling power has a greater monopoly of influence over its rivals . True . But what if the established media monopoly is polically active and not subject to democratic or accountability control ? )
In the first half of today’s show ( I missed the second half ) was a visit ( carbon footprint ? ) to Austria , and the gist was ‘ populism ‘ was wrong , you shouldn’t talk about immigration , ordinary folk are so stupid and young people are cleverer unless they are populist , which in a democracy is wrong .
So by that logic , Franco is right for usurping the Popular Front in Spain .
There are about fifty investigators of the Notre Dame fire. Arson was ruled out less than two hours into the fire by Paris prosecutor Rémy Heitz, but Investigators have already questioned 15 construction workers who were working on the Notre Dame scaffolding, 12 of the workers were employed by Europe Échafaudage. Others interviewed were not working on the scaffolding. The scaffolders say they left the roof at 5.20 PM and closed the site at 5.50 PM. French laws against discrimination mean that it would be illegal to ban Muslims from working on the restoration of Notre Dame. So Muslim workers are thought to have been under investigation, but the police wont say. The Insurers and Priests have not been asked about this and the employers say they don’t employ any foreigners on the restoration side of the job, but wont confirm whether any of the scaffolders were Muslims. Investigators noted that the statement about an electrical fault as the possible cause was broadcast before investigators were allowed in to investigate the fire. The first detection of the fire was at 6:20 PM, near scaffolding. No electricity was allowed near the roof, because it was made of wood and as a matter of security, every inflammable thing was banned too. Restoration work hadn’t started on the roof. The scaffolding was still being put in place. Everything was done to avoid any source of heat near the wood of the roof. No electrical plug, no welding was allowed. The head of the company that was building the scaffoldings “Europe Echafaudage“, Julien Le Bras, said “All safety procedures on the Notre-Dame de Paris site have been respected”. Investigators indicate that to have a fire on the roof of Notre-Dame, someone had to bring something there, a match for a fag, maybe, and lit it up. The fire started at least in two different places near the “valley”, where the nave and the transept of the cathedral meet, white smoke indicating that an accelerant had been soaked into the wood. Investigators are testing the ash to get the name of the particular accelerant that was applied to the roof and spire structures.
Smells fishy.
I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Muslim engaging in physical labour save when they are illegal immigrants. As one said to a friend “Pakistani’s are the laziest people in the world” Some of them will drive 20 feet to the shop rather than walk!
The chances of a Muslim scaffolder are pretty remote.
Julien Le Bras, said “All safety procedures on the Notre-Dame de Paris site have been respected” Yeah like allowing your workers to smoke on site! This man lies in every word he says. It’s clear the safety proceedures have not been followed and he would do better to admit that.
I doubt if we ever know who stated the fires.
What use is terrorism if we don’t know who is doing it? I would expect some political organization to “claim responsibility”.
Wow, Al Beeb really aren’t fit for purpose:
Sugar ‘not necessary’ for a good cuppa
Fraudster poses as Jason Statham to steal victim’s money
Shut the whole waste of money down.
When you pop over to anyone of the zillion of TV/Radio stations in the States even the smallest media outlet leaves the BBC FOR DEAD re: professionalism, and immediate coverage of local, national, international news.
No wonder every BBC correspondent can only cope to report from the US for so long. It must be a nightmare for every young BBC hopeful who arrives there to begin their shift, observing the US MSM must be horrendous.
No wonder every BBC reporter leaves the states with their tails between their legs.
I wouldn’t mind betting that this is real reason why such creatures as Sopel, and Co, mock most things American. Bet the US Media guys can’t see the back of um quick enough.
When any BBC TV studio is compared to other “professional” “smart” US TV/Radio broadcasting Companies, lets just say:
If we compare the US MEDIA verses the BBC MSM then the Americans could be compared to a Cheetah were as the BBC is simply a flabby old Sloth.
Too Fat because they/IT are too much under worked.
Lead on BBBC’s website – “While laws are drafted by the European Commission, it is the directly-elected parliament along with the Council of 28 governments which decide. MEPs have the power to approve, amend or reject nearly all EU legislation”. The article then goes on to list EU legislation, all initiated by the Commission, but at no time does it mention that the Parliament altered or refused any of it. In other words, like the Chinese People’s Assembly it rubber-stamped the Rulers’ dictats. A waste of time and a mere façade of democracy that we pay dearly for. The Beeb at its EU-grovelling best.
I think the EU parliament is a Potemkin Parliament.
In the same way, this man-made climate garbage is Lysenko science.
The lefties only have a few arrows in their quiver but they are adept at using and reusing them to great effect. But eventually the truth will out, even if it takes a hundred years.
Alternative Social Media?
Personally, as a relic of a bygone age, I have avoided the well-known social media brands, but a few of you may find this helpful:-
Link :
you can’t see anything without registering
..and google doesn’t show it in searches
There is a blog part
Nick comes out well.
Meanwhile the BBC, Sky, etc are going bananas over Krankie and Jez jumping on the ponytail express without once asking them questions about their economic plans either.
I heard Damian Green on R4 this a.m. Seems the over 50s are going to be paying extra for social care. Also, Green thinks we all have lots of money locked up in our homes, that needs to be ‘liberated’ by government.
The Tories don’t learn. If you’re a ‘migrant’ you can come straight into the system to benefit from social spending, without ever having had to put in a penny! This would include social care. In fact, any minority which can claim to have been ‘oppressed’ has money thrown at it.
But if you’re ‘over 50’, been slaving your guts out all your life (for 40-50 years), paying taxes and NI, playing the game, you’ve got to pay extra for social care.
Green thinks like a socialist. The target: the now much-despised ‘elderly’, who have apparently been oppressing the poor ‘youth’. Part of the new narrative, that the ‘nasty’ elderly are hogging all the money while the yoof are being deprived of the goodies, kept out of the housing market, etc This narrative is heavily pushed by the beeb.
I was young and dirt poor once. I had to work hard for a lifetime. Now the Tories want to grab what is rightfully mine. Because of Theresa, and the Tory drift to the left, I wasn’t going to vote Tory anyway. But you could threaten me with torture now, I still wouldn’t!
Good timing, Damian.
Fake – I wholeheartedly agree . Having never voted anything other than conservative I won’t be voting for them again and look forward to their demise.
‘Some say’ that a Labour Party will get power but I say ‘ where’s the difference?’ Neither care about white British people . Neither listen to their voters . Both produce manifestos which are worthless .
Drain the swamp .
And what they don’t steal from us while we are alive, they’ll steal from us when we die with high probate charges and crippling inheritance tax.
Yes I’m personally affected by this . The replacement of the ‘fair’ flat rate fee is now replaced by a ‘ progressive ‘ charge ( tax) based on the value of the Estate . A socialist tax imposed by a Tory regime .
Cynical because it only affects people when involved in death . So who know when that will happen and another tax aimed at ‘senior’ citizens .
By the way the ‘old’ fixed cost was £240?
Unfortunately, Damian Green’s constituency is Ashford Kent.
When I worked there as a sprog in an estate agents in the sixties, the lovely old market town became subject to GLC overspill, which flooded the dear old place with new interns, and huge unsightly estates, which soon became slums and no-go areas. All these occupants are well over 50 by now, so he’s got that wrong hasn’t he!
Like many Kent towns, the various ‘governments’ have misread the local requirements, and are now intent on joining all the villages up with even more crap housing.
Luckily, he isn’t my MP (Tunbridge Wells), but hell would freeze over if they ever lost the Tory seat.
However, despite Boris bleating on about not blaming councillors in the local elections, we (Mrs Scroblene and I), will tactically vote lib dem, because they haven’t a cat in hell’s chance in our ward.
And when the MEP wants our vote, he can piss off as well, it’s Brexit for us!
Slightly off topic, but Radio Kent is just as bad as the national version, with mainly idiots squawking gibberish, especially late in the evening and during the night up to R5Dead starting up…
Divert the money wasted on Foreign Aid to fund Social Care.
I’ve just fired off a seething letter to the Mail, after reading Alex Brummer’s essay on Elderly Care.
I’m just sick of reading the comments by journalists and commentators – Alex Brummer included, when they call some elderly ‘reckless for frittering away their money’ and getting free state care, while others who own their homes have to pay for care. YES the system is flawed and needs overhauling….
BUT , there are still thousands of the very elderly, whom, like my late parents who lived through the War, could never afford a bloody holiday, let alone their own home ! my Dad was never out of work, so there was always food on the table, and the rented home was always spotless and us kids were neatly turned out, with the best they could provide at Christmas and birthdays.
So I felt no guilt whatsoever when Dad had to be cared for in a Home, with the State paying for it. He paid his dues for a lifetime in taxes, fought for his Country, was a great community figure and led a decent life.
This generation are similar, in that they too cannot afford their own homes, so what will the situation be in 30 – 40 years time when they need elderly care ? are they going to be called ‘reckless’ too ??
And spend some to clean up our coasts and the remainder to those still suffering the effects of slavery 200 years after we abolished it.
(These effects can be so subtle as not to be quantified or described.)
Have the Norse countries gone through the slavery reparation thing?
Germany is being held up as a wonderful example of coming to terms with it’s past while telling Greece, ‘No’ to WW2 reparations.
“privileged white men” klaxon just now when I switched on Radio 4
Elizabeth Day “I make a podcast about failure, people talk about 3 things they failed at,
but when I approached white males they said but I’ve never failed at anything”
Then the immigrant Nigerian actor said he’d never heard of “white privilege” until he came to the UK
There are no white males on the panel, Amol is presenting today
That kind of racism is #everydayLibSupremacism
Elizabeth Day “I make a podcast about failure, people talk about 3 things they failed at,
but when I approached white males they said but I’ve never failed at anything”
I paraphrase ‘When I ask women they have no problem in listing failure’
‘See this is the world of privileged white men blah blah
Some listeners liked the prog ..many didn’t :
Is the a charidee for underprivileged white men like me I wonder ? Apart from The Samaritans ?
Priviledge is maybe the benefit of not admiring violence, knifing, selling drugs and joining a gang
BBC Online News:
“”How cow dung can help fight climate change””
“”Hurting the soil affects the climate””
Could it be that mixed farming has ‘always’ been known to be better than to keep taking an arable crop, which takes from the land and gives nothing back? Animals capture nitrogen from the air and put it into the ground via their urine. Legumes, like peas, were once thought to capture nitrogen but now its seems they capture it for their own purposes and return the excess to the atmosphere when they die.
Has the BBC never heard of ‘muck spreading’ (in the farming sense!)? Just because a cow might ‘dump in the yard’ doesn’t mean it stays there. What does the BBC think happens? Do farmers use super-Andrex and flush it down the drain?
The trouble is that the more cow dung produced, the more methane belched and farted from said excreting ruminant. The climate change experts tell we morons that methane is ten times more global warmanish that carbon dioxide, so you can’t win.
Methane. Great stuff, collect it, burn it, generate electricity, or cook your non-vegan dinner.
I don’t want to fight climate change, I want to enjoy it. Leave it alone, it’s been going on for longer than we have. Leave it alone, it benefits us.
Absolutely, Mr Goat.
If these twonks realised that bigging up climate change inaccuracies, they create huge wealth for the energy companies, via stupid interjections by inept, thick politicians, they’d crap in their knickers.
I love methane, and CO2; it is the lifeline and greatest result from a simple tin of baked beans one could ever wish for!
““”Hurting the soil affects the climate””
I am tempting it now! But whenever you and I shout at the filipin weeds in our garden they never-ever answer us back but the mother-earth people always tell their critics that “she” always speaks back to them – most days – especially when they have too much weed/wine. Apparently “earth mother” gives her worshipers heaps of advice. You know; what they should eat, what they should wear, what they should say to critics. Strange how “earth mother” never talks to them about getting a job or being less obnoxious? (especially that darling Swedish child)
Hello. I’m a new ‘un but I have been following this website for some time. I would just like to thank one and all for putting me into contact with other news providers other than the BBC. For example, because of a post some time ago of an interview by Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio which I would never have heard on the BBC, I have now turned away from the Today programme and listen to her in the mornings instead. She gives much better interviews than flabby old Nick Robinson and Justin Webb,et al, and I heard her say once, (paraphrasing) You might get away with that rubbish on the BBC but not here! (incidentally, when I first listened to her show there were commercials, but now her show at 6.30am, and the one before at 5.00am are now commercial free!) She is followed by Mike Graham who also gives good interviews. Last Friday he had an interview with Lord Truth who is one of those in the House of Lords who wants to cut bus passes, heating allowances, the triple lock on free TV licenses for pensioners. Also, because I caught Channel 4 slagging of a new independant news programme – you know, putting a biased slant on them – I thought, ooh! I wonder what they’re like so I looked them up. They are called Unity News and they try to investigate news that you don’t hear anywhere else on the MSM. Give ’em a go!
“…cut bus passes, heating allowances, the triple lock…”
Real vote winners. (Which party?)
“Lord Truth” – really?
Welcome to the show
It’s amazing that the Upper Chamber should wantvti create legislation since it is both unelected and unrepresentative .
I would have thought they’d keep their heads down due to the metaphoric likelihood of losing them
But Westminster politicians are now world famous for being out of touch with the people they repressively govern so badly .
Drain the swamp soon
Anyone else tired of the smug lefty w*****s labelling anyone who doesn’t share their view of the world as “gammon”?
My initial reaction when it all started was a shoulder shrug. Within a couple of weeks this moved on to wanting to punch the liberal tw*ts in their smug, condescending faces.
Now I have decided to adopt a similar method of labelling which I hope will catch on.
I refer to them as “lettuce”.
Green (as in unworldly rather than environmentalist – although one tends to go with the other)
Wilts in no time if taken out of the fridge (safe space)
Of negligible nutritional or other value
Easily forgotten
“Gammon” is an Ad Hom, a label and dismiss thing
When they don’t have good argument against someones message, they attack the messenger and try to dehumanise them
See how the G-word is used in the same way as the N-word or J-word
I am not tired of them using the G-word.. it’s their admission they’ve lost.
And when politicians and media fail to call them out on it,
.. we can see that these politicians/media are traitors.
“politicians and media fail to call them out”
There is a game being played.
I prefer ‘Watermelon’.
Green on the outside, Red on the inside.
Fortunately their name calling is just a response to the ‘snowflake ‘ term which I think causes them discomfort . The latter , I think , has more staying power than the former . Which might be best left to die if unsaid . [ Monday morning convoluted wordage from me ]
Toady watch
The smug and the bee keeper did it today so I went straight to ‘off switch ‘ . The only one worth hearing any more is ‘humph ‘ who is starting to seriously skip – language wise and will soon say something which the snowflakes will use to get a token coloured girl in place …
An insult to lettuce. I liked your “liberal tw*ts” better.
I quite like being gammon.
When you hear them shout out a smear like “white-supremacist !”
You have to check for projection
Do they think they are the “supreme” ones ?
.. Yes hence their accusation comes from being “lib-supremacists” or pseudo-liberal-supremacists
… Likewise greenreligion preachers are “Green-supremacists”
I heard somebody at a market stall today ask for a quarter of a pound of mature Ribblesdale goat. Any relation?
I’m happy to ignore “gammon”. They want a reaction and I’m sure it irritates them when no one bites. So, like attention-seeking toddlers they say it even more in order to try forcing a reaction. But all that happens is they land up looking like the tossers they are.
AD, you could add to your list: ‘Mostly comprising water’
Woman’s Hour : It’s Margaret Thatcher week
\\ It is 40 years this Friday since the UK elected its first woman Prime Minister on May 3rd 1979.
Woman’s Hour marks this pivotal moment with a week of programming.
The late Margaret Thatcher remains a deeply controversial and divisive figure
and Woman’s Hour will explore her importance as a female leader; focusing on the woman and her impact on women’s lives.
Today Jane Garvey looks at how the Woman’s Hour archive captured this moment in time.//
Not the bBC but have a look at this.
There have been a spate of incidents in NI recently, well into double figures over the last year I think, where thieves have used stolen JCBs to remove cashpoints from outside supermarkets, petrol stations, etc. This is the closest the PSNI have come to catching them.
It happened in my hometown. Police saw the robbers, and would of had to have been close to do that, leaving the scene in a pickup truck weighed down by two ATMs and any attached masonry, but we’re still unable to apprehend them. Knowing the area my immediate response when I heard this was “How tf did they get away?” .
The machines were recovered about a mile and a half away, only two straight roads and one left turn would have to be negotiated in any pursuit, most of that distance a country road.
I think that this is one of the most pathetic things I’ve read in a long time, so defeatist and full of shoulder-shrugging acceptance of idiotic regulation. It would seem that the powers that be don’t really want to “crack crime” after all.
It could depend on what the stolen cash is intended for. Perhaps funding certain causes – possibly due to reductions in US contributions – might find sympathy with certain members of ‘law enforcement’.
Another benefit of diversity, in a political rather than ethnic sense?
Especially with those narrow roads you have?
Very strange?
Bring back the Royal Ulster Constabulary.
It’s actually not a bad road, there are a couple of little industrial parks in the area and a large Michelin plant that closed last year. Both it and the nearby JTI ( Japanese Tobacco) factory have shut down, over 2,000 well-paid jobs gone and production moved to Eastern Europe, EU subsidised of course, having employed 3 or 4 generations in the town. Anyway, it was 3 in the morning when this happened, there was no other traffic, there was no risk to the public.
Bring back a decent police “force” not a bloody useless “service”. Take a bow Chris Patten, you parcel of piss and wind.
Is that the same Chris Patten who served under various Tory Leaders who when every where his leader sent him he was the person who made the so called “changes at the BBC” only to leave the BBC worse than when he arrived (higher salary’s for the star players who workl there), more secrecy, etc ; is that the same Patten who was in charge of giving away Hong Kong to china even though most of its population didn’t want it? etc, etc?
I don’t know if its the same elite but I do know it was him who was sent to Ireland to do more damage for the democratic process there?.
The Honk telling the Far Left BBC do -gooder the real truth.
The Turkish tourist board must have bunged a beeboid to say the British are going to turkey – a dirty unstable Muslim hole .kidding – right ?
“Brexit uncertainty” or “We’d rather give our money to people who like and appreciate us rather than simply tolerate or openly despise us, whose government isn’t involved in attempting to shaft us, ruin our economy and milk us dry, and where we and our children can feel safe amongst culturally similar, like-minded people we trust”?
Do France, Spain, Turkey, Ireland or even Malta deserve our money? At least it can be argued the Greeks and Italians are making an effort.
R5 Live this morning with Emma Barnett:
— African American Anthony Ray Hinton spent 28 years on death row for being wrongly convicted of murder. It’s a terrible miscarriage of justice, but how do the BBC kick this one off? The police were white, the jury was white, but “death row was the only place I never experienced any racism.” Every one had to eat the same, wear the same clothes “…we had nothing more than each other… we all had the same thing… there was nothing to be jealous of.”
Thus outlining the BBC’s preferred vision of New World Living. I’m sure we’d learn to put up with the minor inconveniences like total loss of freedom, fruity showers and state-approved executions for a world free of social inequality.
— Next up is actress and writer Sara Alexander, who plays a clitoris in the production “Rejoicing at Her Wondrous Vulva The Young Woman Applauded Herself”. (There’s a photo of her in costume on Emma’s twitter but I won’t post it here.)
Progressivism is always for the best, remember that.
Frankly, the joke writes itself but I’d hate to incur FU2’s wrath by posting it. 😀
Not BBC bias, if you ignore the African adoration therein, just BBC ignorance and incompetence
By The Secret Aerodynamicist
Writing for BBC Sport
26 April 2019
From the section Formula 1
Azerbaijan Grand Prix: The secret aerodynamicist on design icon Adrian Newey
I am a senior aerodynamicist at a current F1 team. I cannot reveal my identity,
You would design your rear brake drums and suspension specifically to the set-up you chose.
Brake drums! Strange that, here was I thinking drums have not been used on fast road cars for 50 years. I am not alone.
Formula 1 cars have disc brakes
All the cars on the grid now use carbon fibre composite brake discs
Goes with the cross ply tyres.
For once Jon makes a very valid point. The answer tho Jon is that its very fashionable at the moment to Virtue Signal at any little opportunity that may present itself. That’s all they are doing. Piers Morgan stated as much this morning asking why Corbyn was boycotting President Trump but was OK to dine with Hamas !!!
That would imply that most of Soapy’s questions, are NOT genuine….
That tweet is dated April 26th so we are discussed at least twice already here and ITBB have thread
” when they attended the one for President Xi – who comes from a country without elections, freedom of expression or basic human rights”
The boycotters admire the Chinese/Hammas, political modus operandi with which they have more affinity over what little remains of democracy over here. In that respect, they have a point………..
After what the Muslims did on Easter Sunday ‘ some might say’ it is luck that there are any Muslims in Sri Lanka now – at all . And no mosques have been destroyed .
Christians being Christian maybe ….
I thought they were Easter Worshippers
“”They even beat my kids,” said a Pakistani refugee who has lived in Sri Lanka for two years.”
Pakistan is over 96% muslim, so why did she leave and become a refugee? The word ‘hijrah’ springs to mind.
This is muslims complaining yet again. And muslims never lie, do they?
And how did they know they were Christians? Were they shouting Jesus is greater as they were beating the muslims? Or were they all wearing bin liners and other clothing with crosses on them? Maybe the US Demonrats had sent over a few KKK members, masquerading as Christians.
” muslims never lie, do they?”
May I? even more remarkable is that even “murdering muslims never lie, do they?”
12:40pm BBC #YouAndYours building narrative about farmer James Metcalf
‘poor farmer is £14K in debt so has to use a foodbank’
Guest Sue Pritchard of London-liberal @FFC_Commission used that to push libSupremacist politics prices have to go up, so farmers can afford to care for nature etc.
FFS farming is big business most have £millions of debt
Then after harvest some not, over 10 years most do OK
Though you hear farmers moaning all the time,
… then they flog off a small piece of land for half a million quid.
The thing was the prog contained no counter view
nor was it explained that FFC – the Food and Farming Commission is part of the Central London based Royal Society of Arts
I heard that programme with the farmer saying he had to use food banks, I said tough s**t. I have known farmers who plead poverty ( they admitted it to me) to get grants etc. Then they try to get planning permission for houses. These food banks seem to me a bit of a scam, I know there are genuine cases and they deserve help but all you hear these days is food banks. It’s a way of trying g to make people feel guilty.
You would have enjoyed La Harrabin promoting the ‘mobile milking parlour’ to help spread dung naturally rather than ‘leave it in the farmyard’. The man is an absurdity in human form – of a sort – who evidently seems to believe the ideal farm is a bijou earth-friendly set-up with vegan aspirations.
Try servicing a few hundred Freisians, even in a 20-bay mobile, the poor sods would be queuing for hours with bursting udders but that’s just a nuisance compared with saving the planet.
Personally, I could well do without the dripping multi-mega-litre slurry tankers rolling past the cottage day and night once a month, but, sorry Rog, the shit has to go somewhere, even fertilising other fields, would you believe. How much could Jeremy’s allotment cope with, d’you think?
Good luck with Turkey Kevin !! Never has the expression ” Have a good time, hope you come back in one piece” been so true !!!!! LOL
Vine doing Femsupremacism “Oh we had that brilliant Caroline Criado Perez on the other day
..and she was talking about how everything in the world is designed around MEN not women”
… That is totally tosh cos consumer surveying consistently shows women are responsible for most consumer spending decisions
.. therefore much advertising is skewed to connect with women, rather than men.
Criado Perz just replied to Vine with a high five
..smug London liberal media bubbleworld
“….she was talking about how everything in the world is designed around MEN not women”.
You’ve got to feel sorry for normal women and the transgender people and the difficulty aspiring men transitioning to female have in obtaining suitable attire………….
My heart bleeds and I feel their pain.
Bret Stephens has an interesting article on the anti-Semitic cartoon in the New York Times – which he writes for:
As prejudices go, anti-Semitism can sometimes be hard to pin down, but on Thursday the opinion pages of The New York Times international edition provided a textbook illustration of it.
Except that The Times wasn’t explaining anti-Semitism. It was purveying it.
It did so in the form of a cartoon, provided to the newspaper by a wire service and published directly above an unrelated column by Tom Friedman, in which a guide dog with a prideful countenance and the face of Benjamin Netanyahu leads a blind, fat Donald Trump wearing dark glasses and a black yarmulke. Lest there be any doubt as to the identity of the dog-man, it wears a collar from which hangs a Star of David.
Here was an image that, in another age, might have been published in the pages of Der Stürmer. The Jew in the form of a dog. The small but wily Jew leading the dumb and trusting American. The hated Trump being Judaized with a skullcap. The nominal servant acting as the true master. The cartoon checked so many anti-Semitic boxes that the only thing missing was a dollar sign.
I liked this response in the comments to Stephens’ article:
The Times has apologized.
But in reality the Editorial Board couldn’t care less; the apology just makes it go away: Oops. We apologize.
Gone now.
But in fact it’s just another coldly calculated attempt to subvert the presidency by presenting false narratives, a hallmark of the New York Times.
Plus, think of the clicks it generates.
An apology about this sort of thing, from this outlet, is risable.
That’s precisely how the BBC reacts to complaints – fob them off, or, if it’s unavoidable, apologise and then just blithely carry on as usual.
Still, I doubt the BBC would publish anything as vile as this cartoon. The BBC tries to maintain the fiction that it is not really anti-Semitic, but just in favour of a resolution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict
Here’s the cartoon
Beeb out of the blocks like a greyhound with the soil putting Carbon into the atmosphere (due to wicked farmers). I thought about it for 5 minutes and think i see a flaw in the science. For the soil to be carried into the atmosphere it needs 2 things, very dry soil combined with strongish winds. I go to my allotment most days winter and summer and I can vouch that for the vast majority of the year a) the soil is either wet or damp. and b) Strong winds are the exception rather than the rule. So as far as I can see this new hysterical outburst is just a way of grabbing hold of the Climate Change narrative to make it last a bit longer. A lot of people may have been surprised by this report but I saw through it for the manipulative, scheming bull***t it really is and I think as the scare stories get wilder and wilder, more and more people will too. Could be lots of very angry people around anytime soon! The only other thing I can say is that I am amazed that some real scientists haven’t shot it down in flames, or perhaps they have but been silenced by the media?
I see Harrrabin as more of a rescue camel than a greyhound, but as you so rightly say, the hysterical outburst was purely Rogerian. He also made absurd claims for mobile milking parlours – see comment above.
BBC Online News:
“”Europe and nationalism: A country-by-country guide””
“”A boom in voter support has led to the far right sharing power in Austria and the nationalist League forming a populist coalition in Italy. Spain – once thought a barren ground for such politics – elected multiple far-right politicians to parliament for the first time since the country returned to democracy in 1975.””
“”Germany – From its beginnings as an anti-euro party, it has pushed for strict anti-immigration policies, tapped into anxieties over the influence of Islam and broken decades-old anti-Nazi taboos. It enjoyed a surge in popularity as Germany allowed in over a million undocumented migrants.””
“”Spain – Vox styles itself as defending the unity of the Spanish state, with a promise to deport illegal immigrants and repeal laws against gender violence. It has made major gains by calling for a suspension of autonomy for the north-eastern Catalonia region, after separatists failed in their push for independence in October 2017.””
“”Austria – Since it came to power, the Freedom Party has become caught up in a series of race rows. Its leader Heinz-Christian Strache was earlier this month accused of linking on his Facebook page to a website accused of Holocaust denial.””
“”France – The FN became the National Rally (Rassemblement National) and latest opinion polls give the rebranded party a lead over President Macron’s ruling liberal LREM ahead of the European elections.””
“”Ms Le Pen’s party is opposed to the euro and blames the EU for mass immigration, and she has found a common voice with other nationalist and far-right parties in Europe.””
“”Sweden – The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD) made significant gains in the 2018 general election, winning about 18% of the vote.””
“”The party has its roots in neo-Nazism, but it rebranded itself in recent years and first entered parliament in 2010. It opposes multiculturalism and wants strict immigration controls.””
“”As with many of the countries featured here, though, the picture is complex. Sweden has welcomed more asylum seekers per capita than any other European country and has one of the most positive attitudes towards migrants.””
The Left/BBC is concerned. It cannot produce an article of this importance without dragging in Nazi connections.
The Left/BBC see the ‘nationalist’ groups as being at fault, but not EU policies.
BBCwatch tackles Maitlis hypocrisy
Good video interview with Sargon of Akkad
about the Daily Mail printing a fabricated screenshot discussion etc.
Sargon has a good discussion Reddit, but in the way big tech is anti-peopleWhoChallengeLibs
they Reddit have placed a big warning to deter you
“This community isquarantined
It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.”
Err of course it isn’t made me click twice to get past the warning
Politics live.
Some pro remain geezer on saying we are making a right dog’s breakfast over Brexit.
I think it’s basically a bunch of hard line remainers led by May conducting our Brexit for a remainers Brexit with 500 remainers in cessminster all doing their utmost to trash Brexit (which they support of course…but…) all supported by a remainer civil service, MSM and all the luvvies.
If we had proper leavers doing the negotiations we would have been out now and it wouldn’t cost £39 billion plus all the other negatives.
No wonder brexit is going badly, the traitors are all against it and they are the ones who are supposed to get us out.
The sooner they are flushed round the U bend the better.
The Mensa Forum asks: Is our Prime Minister mad?: She appears to have made every possible political error and continues on an unwavering course to break the country, the politics, and the party. This could just be chronic incompetence and stupidity, but does the failure to learn and adjust indicate a serious underlying problem? I find it hard to envisage a sane person with some concept of the consequences of their actions behaving like this.
Some Comments: “She refuses to acknowledge why Parliament has rejected her awful deal 3 times for good reason and still tries to tell us it is Brexit when it clearly is not” “she seems determined to force the worst possible deal that causes the country maximum political damage, over the longest possible time, and with the minimum number of people seeing it as a true Brexit. She has had three years to seek better solutions, but has failed to convince even the party faithful to go along with another half decent plan” “I have no admiration for someone who simply persists in doing something stupid” “If she is mad what does that make the people who keep voting for her” “she has found the best way of upsetting almost everyone. She appears to have thrown away any leverage that we might have had unnecessarily” “She’s a complete disaster” “She has failed to listen to anyone” “who in their right minds voted for a leader of a losing team to lead the country on these negotiations” “She should be pilloried on a stake for Halloween” and “I think she’s lost her marbles”.
““She should be pilloried on a stake for Halloween” and “I think she’s lost her marbles”.”
I can think of a better solution. It involves a tree, a rope and preferably a strong horizontal branch. Strong enough to support others as well…….
BBC Online News:
“”So, what has the EU achieved in this five-year term?””
1. “”EU mobile phone roaming charges scrapped””
2. “”(Possibly) Saving the bees””
3. “”Controversial copyright changes””
4. “”An end to fish dumping”” (EU Legislation caused fish dumping in the first plaice).
5. “”Handing over air passenger data””
6. “”Overhauling data privacy””
7. “”Targeting plastics””
8. “”Cutting emissions – or at least planning to””
With a dozen volunteers, I could have achieved that within a month.
Perhaps number 9 should be “”Frustrating Brexit””?
Note that this is what the EU (i.e. the Commission) has achieved. The Parliament merely rubber-stamped them. If, by some strange reason, they disagreed with the Commission then they would have been obliged to re-vote until they got it right, by rewording if necessary, same as countries have to over treaties. The Parliament is just there to give a veneer of democracy, an expensive one at that.
Surely this has been decided upon before ?
To prevent prejudicing
Before trial it’s complainant/accused
Only after conviction is it victim/rapist( or abuser, sex pest etc)
The quality of BBC journalism is going from bad to worse. The other day I heard a newscaster reading his script claiming something was ” knocked off” instead of stolen.
Yorkshire Post tells us about a a brainwash primary school kids trial initiative
\\ Become a #ClimateChangeTeacher!
We need one in Every School, accredited by #UNCCLearn.
Delivering 500+ lessons on the curriculum with Climate Literacy at the heart of each lesson.
#eduCCate #YPO. (I think those are the firms training the teachers) //
Green org Facebook
\\ “We are looking for every school in the UK to have at least one Lead Teacher for Climate Change Education so that our children can transform knowledge into positive climate protection action”
Compared to the The Daily Mile exercise sponsors #ClimateVandals INEOS who want to use every school in the UK to greenwash their #Fracking4Plastics #Kickoutfossilfuels //
The YP also has a full page photo spread
“keeping faith with fusion”
about Eritrean refugees who have opened amazing restaurant in Wakefield
#OnlyLookAtPostives of pet agendas
Ah, they’ll require an uneducated, brainwashed eco-warrior, then, who only is aware of their side of the debate. Plenty of them on the streets, and available.
Four reasons to vote UKIP in the local elections.
Got my vote!
Thanks very much for that post. I watched the whole video on Youtube (before they ban them!) That took me onto another video of another interview which I don’t think you’d get on “Today”.
It’s funny how Youtube would like to “demonize” certain videos but continue to put “recommended for you” along the side!
Don’t forget, when we vote in the council elections, it won’t be a secret ballot.
Oh dear, claims made by Andrew Neil ( alleged real name Andrew Yaxley Lennon Brillo Neil) allegedly broke Ofcom rules, so Ofcom alleges.
(ps, never forgave that man for his attack on Tommy Robinson)
Claims made by BBC presenter Andrew Neil during an interview with former SNP leader Alex Salmond breached Ofcom rules, the watchdog has ruled.
On the BBC’s Sunday Politics programme, Mr Neil asked why one in five Scottish pupils were “functionally illiterate” when they left primary school.
Ofcom said the statement, made ahead of elections in 2017, was “materially misleading” for viewers.
Mr Neil had argued that the claim was “credible” and did not breach the rule.
Ofcom also criticised the BBC for its handling of the complaint.
Did Radio 3 make a mistake this morning? Essential Classics usually has guest interview spread throughout the week. All guests seem to come from the same fold for some reason. Last week’s was Maxine Peake, which will gives some idea of the typical guest.
This week we have Gabriela Montero, a Venezuelan pianist. Venezuela is one of the BBC’s favourite countries so I can guess why she was chosen!
Oh dear! She is not a fan of Hugo Chávez at all! ‘But didn’t he introduce socialism to the arts?’ Suzy Klein offers, followed by ‘what about the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra?’
Gabriela wasn’t having any of this! The orchestra was all about propaganda for the regime! One got the sense that she thought all these Western socialists that raved about Chávez should have had the chance to change places with the Venezuelans that actually had to suffer him.
Better luck next time Radio 3!
Lovely post, Jim. 🙂
My apologies if this has already been posted but Pat Condell has produced a new video and it is a cracker.
Thank you so much for posting this. Magnificent!
Mr Condells 8 minutes raised one big issue which I’ve missed so far . Anyone who votes for the Labour Tory Liberal mafia is complicit in the overthrow of democracy .
We must vote – but not for the traitor parties .
The video also points toward the potential for non legal responses to a failure to get UK out of the EU – I will leave it to you to interpret what ‘non legal responses ‘ means .
One of Pat Condell’s very best. A must watch !!
Both ITV Local news and Yorkshire Post promoting the Jo Cox Foundation planned street parties and More in Common Theme
.. Reality is their lot do sow hate and division themselves, by bearing false witness just for political purposes.
Oh BBC Look North Leeds and Radio Leeds are doing Twitter PR as well
Stew – if the tedious cox groupies believe the line of free speech to criminal speech was crossed they’ll be making a criminal allegation to the Stasi .
If not they can shut up can’t they . The Cox industry is getting bigger ….sainthood soon . Can always get another politician / journo
More Jo Cox deceptive PR in the Yorkshire Post today
And again and again, how many more are out there ?
Two women are on trial for child cruelty alongside men ‘who attacked vulnerable girl who was raped and abused from age of 11’
Victim ‘targeted by men who wanted to use her for their own sexual purposes’
Prosecutor said the girl was groomed in the Huddersfield area of West Yorkshire
The victim was ‘deliberately targeted by men who wanted to use her for their own sexual purposes’ throughout her childhood, prosecutors told Leeds Crown Court on Monday.
Opening the trial of Mohammed Akram and Usman Khalid, Richard Wright QC, prosecuting, told the jury: ‘We say that both of the men in the dock had sexual contact with her when she was just 12 and they knew how old she was.
‘They each, on separate occasions, took her out of the children’s home where she was living without permission and with a sinister, ultimately sexually motivated, purpose.
Import third world peasants into a kind of first world country and guess what happens ?
And our current “conservative” govt is about to make criticism of Islam a crime for all practical purposes.
The political establishment are intent on destroying the UK.
Five people including a priest have died in an apparent jihadist attack on a church in Burkina Faso.
Gunmen on motorbikes entered the church in the town of Silgadji near Djibo, the capital of Soum province, and opened fire near the end of Sunday’s service.
The priest, named as Pierre Ouedraogo, and two of his sons are said to have been killed in the attack.
The Today Programme tells it often enough.
“There has been a disproportionate focus on ‘Islamist’ terrorism and extremism” says Chloe Coliver from the anti-extremism organisation – the Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
As opposed to the ubiquitous Mormon terrorism perhaps?
How would they cope with all the rape victims of the gangs? Or is that a different kind of rape?