The guardian reports that Kesia Dugdale ( anagram ?) is leaving labour Scottish politics to take her cash from the communist John smith institute ( the dead labour leader ) and will be specialising in fighting what she calls ‘populism ‘ and
‘ on restoring faith in fact-based politics.’
As they say – good luck with that …. I ll give her a starter – try finding the fact based politics in honouring the brexit vote , the declaration under A50 and the fact that the failing Tory party is sending us to vote in EU elections in 24 days …. rant done … and no bad words – however much I might like to use a few .
Presumably not disobeying her party and pretend parliament by repeating her Australian odyssey i.e MSP wage and a nice little ‘Celebrity get me out of here’ expenses or appearance fees? Allegedly.
I watched a recording tonight of Mastermind that was recorded while I was away last week. Pretty ordinary stuff but out of all the audience there was only one black person, a woman. She was placed, Sorry, I meant seated directly behind Humphrys left shoulder. What are the chances of that? The woman did not seem to be with anyone in the audience, she just looked at the camera with a weak smile. Mr Cass said she was a BBC staffer planted behind Humphrys deliberately.
I told him not to be so cynical.
tapwater, Basil d’Oliveira, Sir Garfield Sobers and Arthur Ashe would be a couple more names to add to that hero list. Then there’s Oscar Peterson as well. Mmmhheahhh!
Onward Easter Worshipper Soldiers has a ring to it . And there’s a beeboid called ‘Christian Frazier ‘ – maybe he is ‘Easter worshipper Frazier ‘ now .
What is your ‘Easter worshipper’ name ?
Easter worshipper Erickson ( plays for spurs )
Easter worshipper Bale ( played Moses , Batman ).
It’s one big scam that the useful idiots in Europe fall for because it makes them feel good about themselves while destroying our continent and civilisation.
The Left like it as they’ll probably vote Labour one day if they bother to vote at all.
Meanwhile they can rub the Conservatives’ noses in multiculturalism.
10:15am Switch on bingo
BBC2 Comedy a white female woman getting a laugh by shouting “Tory cuts”
and then Tez comes one with his routine which is all “I’m non white and a muslim”… yeh so what ?
Yawn. And we should get reparations from the Romans, the Vikings, the Angles, Saxons, and the Normans, to name but a few.
In fact every race and nation should get reparations from every other race and nation.
It’s like still blaming your parents for everything wrong in life.
At some point you have to grow up and move on but ‘reparations’ sounds like err …. free money hmm, everyone likes free money oh yes.
Actually I think that the average African-American SHOULD be put in the same position as the average West African, if that’s what they really want – be it credit or debit on their individual balance sheets
“There is a hostile environment” towards working mothers says the founder of Mumsnet, Justine Roberts. Women turn down senior positions after having children which contributes to the gender pay gap, she adds
It’s like they think folk forget who is married to whom in that little media bubble of theirs.
Two bits of news:
The Conservatives say they may well not take part in the forthcoming EU elections for MEPs.
Talks between Tory and Labour ministers on the Brexit scenario are described as ‘positive’.
Isolated, they are just bits of BBC bubble, space-fillers perhaps.
Together…well, not wanting to seem paranoid of course, but if there’s a monumental stitch-up in the offing, timed to get full approval before May 23, where the massive and entirely worthy benefits of Parliamentary Democracy work to our mutual benefit, where erstwhile enemies solve the knotty problem through diligent, mature and responsible debate, and a new and exciting Brexit Plan is agreed by all parties, and while it all depends on how you define the word ‘leave’ we don’t actually leave as such, more a sort of adult pact where, for now, not a lot changes and we all live happily ever after…..
I think we should watch our backs.
Well, yes, as predicted the two parties have huddled together for mutual protection.
Can’t imagine what ‘progress in talks’ could arrive at the compromise that will get through Parliament.
Maybe a alteration to the EU flag and a change to letterheads – that should do the trick.
Roll on the General Election ah, but the Tories still think Corbyn is their best reason to vote Tory and that people will simply opt back in and vote as per norm.
They’ll put up lots of distractions and we’ll all forget Brexit ever was a thing and they’ll be back to the troughs in no time.
I repeat my previous post , if Mrs Chamberlain can jump into bed with Mr Cor Bin then it would best serve this nation that The Brexit Party jump into bed with UKIP .
A revival of the Grassroots Out organization.
The Arab slave trade, across the Sahara desert and across the Indian Ocean, began after Muslim Arab and Swahili traders won control of the Swahili Coast and sea routes during the 9th century (see Sultanate of Zanzibar). These traders captured Bantu peoples (Zanj) from the interior in present-day Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania and brought them to the coast.[2][7] There, the slaves gradually assimilated in the rural areas, particularly on the Unguja and Pemba islands.[8]
Some historians assert that as many as 17 million people were sold into slavery on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and North Africa, and approximately 5 million African slaves were transported by Muslim slave traders via Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert to other parts of the world between 1500 and 1900.[9]
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes is ill-prepared and waffles, ummhhs and errhs his way through a contribution where he says not a lot. After about three sentences that I could have contributed from here in the UK, I switch off.
R W-H is a waste of space in Japan, which of course is at a premium in that country despite its so-called ‘ageing and declining population’. Bring him home. Save some costs, BBC, for the hard pressed Licence Fee payers.
Westminster already on its knees to hysterical climate industry, prepares to bite the pillow. It's spineless media driven governance in everything. A clean sweep is the only answer.
”A climate emergency has been declared in Wales following protests demanding politicians take action on climate change.” Activism works. So act. #ClimateBreakdown
”climate emergency”
3pm Radio Announcer
“We are living in climate emergency
.. coming up at 3:30pm Tom Heap speaks to one of the organisers of youth climate vroup XR”
… FFS this is pretty heavy brainwasing.
Our ancestors lived SHORTER and more difficult lives than us.
Future children are not really going to have shorter lives and suffering through temps getting slightly warmer
.. all the last years dire predictions have proved to be hysterical hyperbole
..There still is plenty of ice in the Arctic , the crops still grow etc.
For 5,000 British children there has been an EMERGENCY
they were groomed/raped/traded/prostituted
.. Except the establishment didn’t act like it was an emergency, did they ?
Instead of the problem no longer existing still goes on
.. although some effort has made it a smaller scale.
Likewise thousands of naive African kids have drowned in the Med , cos our establishment failed to halt the pull factor, and didn’t dispell the myth that Europe is some mind of easy paradise.
Only when truth is tolerated rather than suppressed can we move forward.
Constant agenda pushing
Radio 4 tweeted 20 minutes ago promoting a book of the week serial which ENDED 5 days ago
By 1979, we knew nearly everything we understand today about climate change – including how to stop it. Losing Earth – Nathaniel Rich's account of how climate change could have been halted thirty years ago:
Arabs also enslaved Europeans directly. According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[26][27][5] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[28] The most prominent Barbary pirates were European renegades.[29]
The effects of these attacks were devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirate raids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[30][31]
Periodic Muslim raiding expeditions were sent from Islamic Iberia to ravage the Christian Iberian kingdoms, bringing back slaves. In a raid against Lisbon in 1189, for example, the Almohad Berber Muslim caliph, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, took 3,000 female and child captives, while his governor of Córdoba, in a subsequent attack upon Silves in 1191, took 3,000 Christian slaves.[32]
The North African slave markets traded also in European slaves. The European slaves were acquired by Barbary pirates in slave raids on ships and by raids on coastal towns from Italy to Spain, Portugal, France, England, the Netherlands, and as far afield as Iceland. Men, women, and children were captured to such a devastating extent that vast numbers of sea coast towns were abandoned. Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the white slave trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500-1800 (Palgrave Macmillan).[68]
Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million White Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people who were enslaved by Moroccan pirates and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast),[68] and roughly 700 Americans were held captive in this region as slaves between 1785 and 1815.[69]
16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul’s additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700.[70]
19th century
In the 1800s, the slave trade from Africa to the Islamic countries picked up significantly when the European slave trade ended around the 1850s only to be ended with European colonisation of Africa around 1900.[71][full citation needed]
In 1814, Swiss explorer Johann Burckhardt wrote of his travels in Egypt and Nubia, where he saw the practice of slave trading: “I frequently witnessed scenes of the most shameless indecency, which the traders, who were the principal actors, only laughed at. I may venture to state, that very few female slaves who have passed their tenth year, reach Egypt or Arabia in a state of virginity.”[72]
David Livingstone wrote of the slave trade in the African Great Lakes region, which he visited in the mid-nineteenth century:
{{quote|To overdraw its evils is a simple impossibility ..
Presumably slavery is still allowed in Islam, along with the other disgusting practices we have witnessed in our own towns. Is that not something non-Islamic governments should be taking an interest in? Non-moslems are regarded as animals.
A report says inequality has increased over the last four years. Damian Hinds is the Secretary of State for Education. Mishal Husain is the interrogator … er, …. I mean interviewer.
Mishal is not interested in Hinds’ answers. She has her agenda to pursue and insists on talking over him.
Fortunately didn’t hear to much of that interview but a quick look at mr hinds’ -‘ life experience ‘ – he got a 1st in PPE at Oxford and spent 18 years in ‘ the hospitality industry ‘ . He sounded like the standard Tory/socialist – who can tell any more ?
A mad interview between Humph and Milliband minor . Milli minor want global warming treated as a war . Blighty should be on a war footing .
At the end they mentioned China in passing – which is opening – on average 1 new coal powered station every week . I think milli minor wants to declare war on China and reduce economic growth/ activity because they think it will ‘save the planet’.
It sounded like milli minor is having some kind of midlife crisis and has ‘gone green’ as a result .
It was just a waste of hot air . Disclosure . I could care less whether the climate is changing because of human activity . I love burning hydrocarbons – indeed the government told me I should get a diesel car because it was ‘better’. And I bet if you were to say to all those parents in their 4x4s taking their beloved offspring to school that they must stop – can you guess the reaction ?
The war that islam has declared against us should be treated as a war. That’s a real war and real people are dying every day.
What Mr bacon butty man is doing is called displacement activity. With it he can occupy his time in complete safety knowing that there are no negative consequences coming his way.
Fed, I think that this “they mentioned China in passing – which is opening – on average 1 new coal powered station every week” may be something of a Modern Urban Myth. In some provinces they are abandoning coal, I gather, in favour of alternatives.
Miliband Minor’s equivocation when pressed by The Humph on air travel was a wonder to behold. The Energy Policy of Labour 1997-2010 was more disastrous than any previous UK Government and MM had a hand in that. As you say, we need to ‘Drain the Swamp’.
Had Labour got its act together in 1997, we could, and should, have been selling small nuclear power stations to China, and building them for the Chinese by now, instead of grovelling to them to possibly, maybe, hopefully, sort of perhaps, finance the build of one for us somewhere soon.
“all those parents in their 4x4s” the wealthy don’t care what Miliband and his cohorts do. They can afford to go electric. Now where’s my bus pass before Lord Whatshisname has a chance to confiscate it?
THe lunatic Ed Milliband was interviewed on the Today program this morning, totally besotted by a 16 year old girl with no qualifications, experience, or education Millipede is an fantasical illustration of everything wrong in the politcal elites. Totally ignoring the advice from those who have qualifications and experience backed by a lifetime of study, they aren’t saying what Millipede wants to hear so their leaned advice falls on deaf ears.
People like this in real life end up leading failed lives when they refuse to heed good advice and go off half cocked risking their own capital. Millipeded however might well have charge of the countries capital, and is quite prepared to wreck the country in slavish pursuit of the dreams of a child.
Questions were put to Millipede which he clearly didn’t want to answer, such as banning flights, well I have a better option which will address some of the carbon footprint. BBC transmitters use megawatts of power shutting all of them down would save a great deal of energy !
Milli must think he can reinvent himself as some kind of extreme climate warrior . How can some one be so detached from the people who sent him to Parliament ?
Ordinary every day issues aren’t sexy enough for him – I mean substandard public services and waste of public money – he wants to claim his own version of the moral high ground and save his version of the planet ….
Meanwhile we are still in the ReichEU…
In my humble opinion, Cambridge University should bite the reparation bullet by liquidising all of their assets and giving their money away to Africa, the Caribbean and The Indian sub-continent.
That way they can virtue signal to their hearts content whilst getting rid of that awful white men historical baggage.
Would it be a loss to the nation? Not really, it seems that Oxbridge as a whole is going down the tubes. One example of the cr*p that infests our universities is evidenced by this:
I question whether or not graduates of Cambridge should be allowed out into society.
You have a point about the contribution oxbridge makes to society – just look at the number of graduates who become politicians / journalists
What value do they contribute in relation to cost ? These wealthy institutions are charities so avoid tax on a massive scale .
Perhaps if they really do feel that bad about slavery then they can renounce their charitable status as well as only accept coloured students .
Before any one jumps to their defence and comes out with stuff about ‘great contributions ‘ please explain what the economic benefits of oxbridge are ? Particularly if they have time to waste on hair brained issues such as slavery .
Cambridge and Oxford and the public schools have given us great leaders in recent years , like Cameron , Blair and Sir Nick Clegg , and all those senior civil servants and diplomats ………………………… I knew I wasn’t feeling well this morning .
I think we could close down 80% of our ‘universities’ and no-one would notice the difference in terms of serious research that emanates from the UK.
Of course there’ll be bleating from the middle-classes because their kids would still be living at home, mostly unemployable after secondary education. Maybe they’d then be a bit less effusive about all the wonderful EU migrants who’ve taken all the coffee-shop jobs.
Maybe I should have known this but I didn’t. Maybe I should be surprised, but I’m not.
Maybe I should be outraged but if we eventually Leave the EU then hopefully from that day forward it won’t matter:
I do wish Ferrari had challenged Milliband when he trotted out the mantra, “Trump’s a racist and a misogynist”.
Received views posing as truth and fact is everywhere and becomes acceptable reality because to challenge it would invoke cries of , “heretic”.
I hate those terms “racist” and “misogynist”. They are repeated so often that most people think they are meaningful terms that can be used to distinguish one person from another. The only definition of racist that I would accept is a person who believes a citizen of a country should be denied, purely on the basis of their race, rights and freedoms enjoyed by all other citizens of that country. But it’s never used in a narrow sense like that. It’s thrown at you as soon as you express the slightest deviation from leftist shibboleths. Defending yourself against a charge of racism is like being a defendant in a witch trial in the Middle Ages. “Yes, my lord, I admit I’ve got a couple of moles on my body, I’ve used a few herbal remedies and I’m not particularly keen on my neighbours. It doesn’t mean I’m in league with the Prince of Darkness.”
Old farts like him are the problem, why doesn’t he retire and let a young person talk to the affirmative action writer.
it’s not like he short of coin.
Looking back at my last comment as seen directly above I can see that my remarks come across as being rather offensive to Muslims in general and non-Muslims also who visit this website. I did not intend it to come over as so insulting. And for that I apologise.
When I said that “I knew they didn’t like bathing much…” I meant it as a play on words.
Meaning, we all know that Muslims DO bath. Muslims do the opposite – they bath themselves at least 5 times a day before the daily prayers.
Once again. I apologise to those on here who I were offended/insulted by my reckless comment. I realise I must always remind myself what consequences can arise when writing without double checking my remarks.
Boakye ‘One difference is that as a child , every friend of my Mum, Dad automatically became my uncle/aunt
.. I guess that comes from being outsiders and therefore all an extended family’
..CRAP .. this practice is common in my town also.
‘Black cool, was 100% Jamaican/West Indies’
‘It was uncool to be actual African …labelled with derogaty word Bulla’
‘I have a common Ghanaian surname, but .my parents gave me the white first name Geoffrey to fit in’
‘As a kid in Brixton I didn’t speak Brixty patois my friend said , “you sound white”..’
It is uncanny how following the sight of thousands of XR protesters demanding the declaration of a climate emergency, many MPs came to the same conclusion at the SAME time!
Really spooky though and it can’t be related to upcoming elections because that would be just too cynical and transparent.
UK car production has fallen again and as we have even more draconian green taxes in the pipe it’s hardly surprising.
People are, no doubt, considering having engines removed and replacing them with horses but then again, what about the carbon hoof print? Neigh lad!
Meanwhile Yellow Jackets storm the EU Strasbourg – shame we don’t get news from Europe (that’s where the EU is I believe.)
Has the far-left bbc collective reported anything about Julian Assange, yet?
Do we know where he is, his health, especially his mental health, his access to his legal team, his access to other people? What are our swamp rats planning to do to him?
Said it before but due to inadequate resources and a filing system at the bbc – the bits of paper with the hot, vitally important news stories get lost on their wobbly desks which are often no better than planks on bricks.
More knee-jerk reaction from the Government on the back of the now well established Cultural Marxist principle of incrementally, ‘divide and conquer’ to achieve success in its endeavour to rule the World (along with islam of course). This time promoted by a BBC employee named, Chris Packham.
I’ve just learnt that the shooting of certain species of bird classed as ‘vermin’ is now banned from 25.04.19.
“The UK Revokes its Licences for Pigeon and Crow Shooting”.
The ban ignores the fact that the ‘vermin’ birds do considerable damage to crops. In fact, from our own, “Worlds Most Trusted” in respect of wood pigeon alone, they say this:
“There are around 18 million wood pigeons across the country, double the number 25 years ago, and the National Farmers Union estimates the bird costs farmers more than £4mn in crop damage each year.”
I guess that, to make Mr Packham happy, the BBC will donate the £4 million to the relevant farming community to compensate. Whichever, the public will eventually foot the bill for another hair brain Marxist idea intended to fly in the face of common sense.
So that’s the poor countryman’s leisure activity curtailed , rough shooting ,pest and crop control .
Conservation , stopped by the Conservative party .
Not just pigeon damage G, by cancelling the General Licence all the corvids are now protected – only the chough and lamb-eye pecking raven were previously covered.
Now magpies, crows, rooks, jackdaws and jays will decimate song and ground-nesting birds – such as the curlew the RSPB are currently stressed over. Along with fox and badger numbers rocketing, the defenceless creatures who once could only rely on gamekeepers, shepherds and farmers for protection will suffer.
But hey, Packham’s an expert, and a hero. Right?
…I wanted to add: ‘And this is supposed to be of benefit to the environment’ – after ‘…will suffer.’
But for some reason I can no longer edit my comment. Anyone know why?
I was watching the BBC breakfast programme and Nicholas
Lyndhurst said that there was no way that a comedy programme
such as” Only Fools and Horses” would be allowed now on BBC
because of Political Correctness. Comedy programmes such
as “It aint half hot mum” would not get off the drawing board.
Big brother at the Diversity , Positive Discriminate and
Inclusitivity Depts would nip them in the bud before Del boy uttered
his first words.
Those of you under 45 would not remember how around Easter
and Christmas we would watch the movie blockbusters of
yesteryear. As I wrote last week there is one great epic the BBC
would NEVER show again. This film EL CID with Charlton Heston
as the 11th century warrior saviour of Christian Spain, has some
of the most spectacular battle scenes, perhaps the most glorious
film score ever composed by Miklos Roza, even better than Ben Hur. And of course the love story between Charlton Heston and
the beautiful Sophia Loren, as Jimena.
Just watch the first five minutes on YOU TUBE and you will
know why it will NEVER be shown on the BBC again.
Just as an appendage.At this time the Moors in Spain and
Portugal bought a cultural and scientific and
literary knowledge the like of , the World had never seen. BUT I
am afraid that Osama Bin Laden and Daesh,followed and follow
the MODERN Islam,like around 20% of Muslims, dating back to the 12th century,which regresses back to the 7th century and Muhammed. You
know the “religion of peace ” as supported by the BBC and
the kind we see as portrayed by Herbert Lom as Ben Yussef
in El Cid. A film you will NEVER ever see on BBC again!
Thanks for reminding me of The Cid – a truly classic movie with great music. As you say, never to be seen on the BBC again – quietly put into the bottom drawer!
Hi there BBBC’ers longtime lurker first poster. I’d like to thank all the contributors for their interesting, informative and often really bloody funny post.
Its strange even 5 years ago I would have regarded the BBC as a true national treasure now its gone all transsexual hijab bloggers.
It seems as though the BBC as well as the rest of the liberal establishment are having a nervous breakdown as their entire world view comes crashing down around their ears.
Welcome to the biased club .Someone has to witness and record what the Far Left State Broadcaster is doing to destroy Blighty. It’s us and our sister sites .
For YouTube videos just copy the URL (the http bit at the top of the browser page and then paste it (Ctrl v) straight onto the page and then you get this:
G, thanks to Blair it is happening everywhere. I recall about five years ago in Sand Bay Weston-super-mare taking the dog for a bimble, when bus after bus pulled up and disgorged Africa. It was like standing in an oil slick.
Then about two years ago, I took the dog for a walk along the shores of Loch Lomond. There was a very large group of, what I took to be Syrian Arabs, having a BBQ. I will never forget the looks of hostility as I passed through the middle of the group.
Then last year, I bimbled through Smethwick in Birmingham at about 3pm. I was one of the very few whites about. It was a cross between Somalia and Karachi.
Naturally, if Packham wanted to drum up even more applause from among the unversed and ignorant, ‘death threats’ would go down a treat. The harsh reality is that most of the severe imbalances currently afflicting fauna are man-made (specifically TV-man-made) Fox, badger, buzzard, kite and sparrow-hawk numbers are out of control while mink have been released into an environment where their numbers have also rocketed. All such predators need huge territories from which to feed, in order for a natural balance to be maintained, as much among their own species as their prey. Allow them to breed uncontrolled, the balance soon disappears and species like curlew, water voles, hedgehogs, bank voles, slow-worms, lizards and harvest mice are at crisis levels.
Many current imbalances have been created by the RSPCA and the RSPB but who has the courage, or the media outlets, to show the other side of the argument, and the damage their policies are creating for their enthusiastic but uninformed TV audiences?
@Doobster No one “deserves” a death threat
not least cos it harms their innocent family.
Packham is not the real baddie,
The man that made the sudden draconian rule change is Tony Jupiter (who Gove put in charge of Natural England) .
Also we know how these people work, such threats can be false flag operations, they set up themselves.
More PC / virtue signalling madness , this time from Darlington FC who say this on their advert for a new manager.
‘We welcome applications in particular from Women and Black & Ethnic Minority candidates and will guarantee an interview to suitably qualified individuals who meet the specification above’
Guarantee …… guarantee a interview just because they are Black or Female !!! What utter tripe and no doubt likely illegal in employment law !!! Its almost as if people / companies / organisations are deliberately trying to out Virtue Signal each other !!
Three items spotted on the home page in the last 10 days or so:
—The disabled Christians reinterpreting the Bible (Damon Rose set out to discover what Christianity has to offer disabled people beyond promises of miracle cures.)
—Is God disabled? (New Testament scholar Candida Moss on God’s ‘wheelchair’.)
—‘I cut the Bible down to 60 minutes’ (A Christian publisher has told BBC Radio 5 Live how he cut the Bible down to allow people to read it in 60 minutes.)
Gerard Batten interrogated by Jo Coburn this afternoon. How he restrained himself from socking her one I don’t know. Lisa Nandy, for some reason the darling of so many politicians, was also incredibly rude. Take Down Ukip is obviously a working title in the BBC.
Banania-I agree with you. Jo Coburn is the numero uno liberal
bigot presenter on BBC , and that’s saying something. The only
two who have really stood up to her are George Galloway
and Jacob Rees Mogg. One may detest a lot of what Galloway
supports ,but at least he verbally assaulted her, and she was lucky
it was only verbally. As for Rees Mogg he did call her what she is
I’m generally not in favour of people like Batten or T Robinson giving interviews on the MSM. Or foreign ones like Le Pen, Salvini etc, because in general why would you willingly participate in what can only be an ambush where they will talk all over you and demonise you personally?
But if they do agree to be interviewed by these worthless hacks they should make them feel embarrassed, anxious, flustered and frightened like the miserable cowardly traitors they are.
These BBC/Channel 4 dimwits need to be firmly told to ‘SHUT UP! after so many interruptions. No point in continually being on the back foot in a character assassination.
@Baniana Batte’s battle bus on Wednesday
Wednesday 1st May 2019 – UKIP Bus tour: Middlesborough – Scarborough – Hull – Wakefield.
Meet the MEPs etc.
.. I wonder if I should cycle to Hull FB
Media bubbleworld people
Last year a neighbour told me about being in Lineker’s house making a programme
.. and how he’s even worse than we think.
Yesterday someone I know said Did I tell you about the time I spent 2 weeks doing a course with R ay Mears
.. what a rude exploitative, money making git he is
… funnily enough the other TV guy was great.”
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
The BBC knows when people are responding correctly.
And, of course, when not.
The guardian reports that Kesia Dugdale ( anagram ?) is leaving labour Scottish politics to take her cash from the communist John smith institute ( the dead labour leader ) and will be specialising in fighting what she calls ‘populism ‘ and
‘ on restoring faith in fact-based politics.’
As they say – good luck with that …. I ll give her a starter – try finding the fact based politics in honouring the brexit vote , the declaration under A50 and the fact that the failing Tory party is sending us to vote in EU elections in 24 days …. rant done … and no bad words – however much I might like to use a few .
Would that be the John Smith who was the father of BBC presenter Sarah Smith?
Hello lobster – yes that’s right so absolutely no chance of bias from her -right ?
I actually listened to old edition of Radio Scotland media show today where Dugdale was being interviewed
by who ?…. Guess
…. Sarah Smith
Twitter search shows up people saying Smith favours Dugdale
Should anyone claim there is no ‘bubble ‘ – there it is made flesh …
And I’m sure Sarah Smith would have got a job with C4/BBC is she hadn’t been the daughter of a dead socialist ….
Presumably not disobeying her party and pretend parliament by repeating her Australian odyssey i.e MSP wage and a nice little ‘Celebrity get me out of here’ expenses or appearance fees? Allegedly.
I watched a recording tonight of Mastermind that was recorded while I was away last week. Pretty ordinary stuff but out of all the audience there was only one black person, a woman. She was placed, Sorry, I meant seated directly behind Humphrys left shoulder. What are the chances of that? The woman did not seem to be with anyone in the audience, she just looked at the camera with a weak smile. Mr Cass said she was a BBC staffer planted behind Humphrys deliberately.
I told him not to be so cynical.
Seemingly it’s called ‘blanking’ i.e. putting Blacks in camera shots.
Yes it also applies to the audience on Antiques Roadshow! Insidious!
BBC Online News:
“”Sports Illustrated features first burkini cover girl””
The BBC as ever, normalising the oppression of women.
Yes I just posted about that but removed it as I realised I’d linked the whole BBC Business twitter page, it has a weird backdrop photo.
Would make a good caption competition – white couple!!, he’s sniffing her hair and she’s feeling her shirlies (temples)
@Loobyloo that Twitter header graphic looks like a clip from a Wall street collapse movie
..someone will recognise the actors
This piece of high quality journalism has just appeared on the BBC.
They include a six second clip witch is about as much use as a chocolate chip pan.
They have headers above each paragraph that ends with a question mark. Why? Can they not do facts? Are opinions more important?
As a side note my name is Christian John Hill, but I demand that I now be know as Easter Worshipper John Hill.
They say ‘Sancho magic’. I’ve watched the video and Sancho scores a goal, nothing special just a goal.
When I was a lad some of my heroes were Jimi Hendrix, Mr T and Frank Bruno. I didn’t see colour, I didn’t see race.
Tap do you want the name left in – I’ll edit if you want ….
I’ve heard about your edits!!! ????
It’s the tory bit I’m struggling with at the minute.
“It’s the tory bit I’m struggling with at the minute.!
tapwater, Basil d’Oliveira, Sir Garfield Sobers and Arthur Ashe would be a couple more names to add to that hero list. Then there’s Oscar Peterson as well. Mmmhheahhh!
Never saw race and didn’t care, just great people.
I’m sick of this ‘people who look like me’ nonsense.
BBC race baiting.
Onward Easter Worshipper Soldiers has a ring to it . And there’s a beeboid called ‘Christian Frazier ‘ – maybe he is ‘Easter worshipper Frazier ‘ now .
What is your ‘Easter worshipper’ name ?
Easter worshipper Erickson ( plays for spurs )
Easter worshipper Bale ( played Moses , Batman ).
For the ladies…a nice pair of Easter Worshipper Louboutin shoes…
And for the lads…Easter Worshippero Ronaldo scores again ????
Very sexist and I don’t care ????
Couldn’t be the R.of P. could it?
I’m sure RPGs are mentioned in the Koran ….
In the spirit of the BBC charter (impartial and all that). I have to point out that the bible does have holy hand grenades.
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!
Diane Abbot did the counting.
Damn – I’d forgot the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch ..- I think it was mentioned in “acts of the apostles “ ….
It’s one big scam that the useful idiots in Europe fall for because it makes them feel good about themselves while destroying our continent and civilisation.
The Left like it as they’ll probably vote Labour one day if they bother to vote at all.
Meanwhile they can rub the Conservatives’ noses in multiculturalism.
I’ll remember this, when I, as a white hetrosexual working class male conservative apply for a job at the ………….
Pot Kettle Black
10:15am Switch on bingo
BBC2 Comedy a white female woman getting a laugh by shouting “Tory cuts”
and then Tez comes one with his routine which is all “I’m non white and a muslim”… yeh so what ?
Switch to Comedy ..It’s Alan Carr
Al Beeb don’t do comedy .
Newsnight tries a trusted wheeze to get more viewers from communities of Islington.
Yawn. And we should get reparations from the Romans, the Vikings, the Angles, Saxons, and the Normans, to name but a few.
In fact every race and nation should get reparations from every other race and nation.
It’s like still blaming your parents for everything wrong in life.
At some point you have to grow up and move on but ‘reparations’ sounds like err …. free money hmm, everyone likes free money oh yes.
Actually I think that the average African-American SHOULD be put in the same position as the average West African, if that’s what they really want – be it credit or debit on their individual balance sheets
Oh dear! That won’t do. They need for money for life as do their descendants and their descendants and their ……………………………..
Oh and all none white people should vanish from the earth.
Anyone spot the typo?
What I meant was, all none coloured people should vanish from earth.
It’s more than OK to say that.
“There is a hostile environment” towards working mothers says the founder of Mumsnet, Justine Roberts. Women turn down senior positions after having children which contributes to the gender pay gap, she adds
It’s like they think folk forget who is married to whom in that little media bubble of theirs.
Oh, and…. #CCBGB
@GuestWho you link is to a different story
I can see this Facebook video ..ah yes I se your comment
Maybe one more for the bbc subs doing the linking?
Guest Who’s link takes me to BBC News ASIA tab – “Jacinda Ardern: Working mums on how to survive a short maternity leave”.
Has Saint Jacinda become Sri Lanka’s first female Muslim prime minister now?
N.B. BBC, New Zealand is part of Australasia!
Two bits of news:
The Conservatives say they may well not take part in the forthcoming EU elections for MEPs.
Talks between Tory and Labour ministers on the Brexit scenario are described as ‘positive’.
Isolated, they are just bits of BBC bubble, space-fillers perhaps.
Together…well, not wanting to seem paranoid of course, but if there’s a monumental stitch-up in the offing, timed to get full approval before May 23, where the massive and entirely worthy benefits of Parliamentary Democracy work to our mutual benefit, where erstwhile enemies solve the knotty problem through diligent, mature and responsible debate, and a new and exciting Brexit Plan is agreed by all parties, and while it all depends on how you define the word ‘leave’ we don’t actually leave as such, more a sort of adult pact where, for now, not a lot changes and we all live happily ever after…..
I think we should watch our backs.
Well, yes, as predicted the two parties have huddled together for mutual protection.
Can’t imagine what ‘progress in talks’ could arrive at the compromise that will get through Parliament.
Maybe a alteration to the EU flag and a change to letterheads – that should do the trick.
Roll on the General Election ah, but the Tories still think Corbyn is their best reason to vote Tory and that people will simply opt back in and vote as per norm.
They’ll put up lots of distractions and we’ll all forget Brexit ever was a thing and they’ll be back to the troughs in no time.
I repeat my previous post , if Mrs Chamberlain can jump into bed with Mr Cor Bin then it would best serve this nation that The Brexit Party jump into bed with UKIP .
A revival of the Grassroots Out organization.
No further comment needed:
Now with added ‘Allegedly’.
”Though it mostly seemed interested in fish and playing fetch.”
The bbc does not like Modi. Hence:
Re reparation for slavery to black aficans who will be expected to make these payments ?
The Arab slave trade, across the Sahara desert and across the Indian Ocean, began after Muslim Arab and Swahili traders won control of the Swahili Coast and sea routes during the 9th century (see Sultanate of Zanzibar). These traders captured Bantu peoples (Zanj) from the interior in present-day Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania and brought them to the coast.[2][7] There, the slaves gradually assimilated in the rural areas, particularly on the Unguja and Pemba islands.[8]
Some historians assert that as many as 17 million people were sold into slavery on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and North Africa, and approximately 5 million African slaves were transported by Muslim slave traders via Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert to other parts of the world between 1500 and 1900.[9]
TOADY Watch #1
Something remarkable is happening today in Japan.
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes is ill-prepared and waffles, ummhhs and errhs his way through a contribution where he says not a lot. After about three sentences that I could have contributed from here in the UK, I switch off.
R W-H is a waste of space in Japan, which of course is at a premium in that country despite its so-called ‘ageing and declining population’. Bring him home. Save some costs, BBC, for the hard pressed Licence Fee payers.
Sums things up.
I’m sure I’ve seen him wandering around Bradford !
Huw set to holiday only on The Gower from now on?
Or else.
“Climate emergency in Wales” what happened, did the sun come out ? lol
Watch the idiots at Holyrood run to imitate
“Watch the idiots at Holyrood run to imitate” they (Sturgeon) already has.
Green taxes are coming, vote for us, green taxes are coming.
”climate emergency”
3pm Radio Announcer
“We are living in climate emergency
.. coming up at 3:30pm Tom Heap speaks to one of the organisers of youth climate vroup XR”
… FFS this is pretty heavy brainwasing.
Our ancestors lived SHORTER and more difficult lives than us.
Future children are not really going to have shorter lives and suffering through temps getting slightly warmer
.. all the last years dire predictions have proved to be hysterical hyperbole
..There still is plenty of ice in the Arctic , the crops still grow etc.
For 5,000 British children there has been an EMERGENCY
they were groomed/raped/traded/prostituted
.. Except the establishment didn’t act like it was an emergency, did they ?
Instead of the problem no longer existing still goes on
.. although some effort has made it a smaller scale.
Likewise thousands of naive African kids have drowned in the Med , cos our establishment failed to halt the pull factor, and didn’t dispell the myth that Europe is some mind of easy paradise.
Only when truth is tolerated rather than suppressed can we move forward.
Constant agenda pushing
Radio 4 tweeted 20 minutes ago promoting a book of the week serial which ENDED 5 days ago
Arabs also enslaved Europeans directly. According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[26][27][5] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[28] The most prominent Barbary pirates were European renegades.[29]
The effects of these attacks were devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirate raids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[30][31]
Periodic Muslim raiding expeditions were sent from Islamic Iberia to ravage the Christian Iberian kingdoms, bringing back slaves. In a raid against Lisbon in 1189, for example, the Almohad Berber Muslim caliph, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, took 3,000 female and child captives, while his governor of Córdoba, in a subsequent attack upon Silves in 1191, took 3,000 Christian slaves.[32]
European slaves
The North African slave markets traded also in European slaves. The European slaves were acquired by Barbary pirates in slave raids on ships and by raids on coastal towns from Italy to Spain, Portugal, France, England, the Netherlands, and as far afield as Iceland. Men, women, and children were captured to such a devastating extent that vast numbers of sea coast towns were abandoned. Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the white slave trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500-1800 (Palgrave Macmillan).[68]
Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million White Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people who were enslaved by Moroccan pirates and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast),[68] and roughly 700 Americans were held captive in this region as slaves between 1785 and 1815.[69]
16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul’s additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700.[70]
19th century
In the 1800s, the slave trade from Africa to the Islamic countries picked up significantly when the European slave trade ended around the 1850s only to be ended with European colonisation of Africa around 1900.[71][full citation needed]
In 1814, Swiss explorer Johann Burckhardt wrote of his travels in Egypt and Nubia, where he saw the practice of slave trading: “I frequently witnessed scenes of the most shameless indecency, which the traders, who were the principal actors, only laughed at. I may venture to state, that very few female slaves who have passed their tenth year, reach Egypt or Arabia in a state of virginity.”[72]
David Livingstone wrote of the slave trade in the African Great Lakes region, which he visited in the mid-nineteenth century:
{{quote|To overdraw its evils is a simple impossibility ..
Islamic sharia law allowed slavery but prohibited slavery involving other preexisting Muslims
Presumably slavery is still allowed in Islam, along with the other disgusting practices we have witnessed in our own towns. Is that not something non-Islamic governments should be taking an interest in? Non-moslems are regarded as animals.
We should demand reparations from Muslim slave traders and a supplement for rapists, with a bonus for child rapists. Plus ca change…
TOADY Watch #2
A report says inequality has increased over the last four years. Damian Hinds is the Secretary of State for Education. Mishal Husain is the interrogator … er, …. I mean interviewer.
Mishal is not interested in Hinds’ answers. She has her agenda to pursue and insists on talking over him.
Inquisitor maybe?
I like that, vlad, and may borrow it in future. Ta.
Fortunately didn’t hear to much of that interview but a quick look at mr hinds’ -‘ life experience ‘ – he got a 1st in PPE at Oxford and spent 18 years in ‘ the hospitality industry ‘ . He sounded like the standard Tory/socialist – who can tell any more ?
Drain the swamp .
Where could Rob’s tongue be stuck?
A mad interview between Humph and Milliband minor . Milli minor want global warming treated as a war . Blighty should be on a war footing .
At the end they mentioned China in passing – which is opening – on average 1 new coal powered station every week . I think milli minor wants to declare war on China and reduce economic growth/ activity because they think it will ‘save the planet’.
It sounded like milli minor is having some kind of midlife crisis and has ‘gone green’ as a result .
It was just a waste of hot air . Disclosure . I could care less whether the climate is changing because of human activity . I love burning hydrocarbons – indeed the government told me I should get a diesel car because it was ‘better’. And I bet if you were to say to all those parents in their 4x4s taking their beloved offspring to school that they must stop – can you guess the reaction ?
The war that islam has declared against us should be treated as a war. That’s a real war and real people are dying every day.
What Mr bacon butty man is doing is called displacement activity. With it he can occupy his time in complete safety knowing that there are no negative consequences coming his way.
Fed, I think that this “they mentioned China in passing – which is opening – on average 1 new coal powered station every week” may be something of a Modern Urban Myth. In some provinces they are abandoning coal, I gather, in favour of alternatives.
Miliband Minor’s equivocation when pressed by The Humph on air travel was a wonder to behold. The Energy Policy of Labour 1997-2010 was more disastrous than any previous UK Government and MM had a hand in that. As you say, we need to ‘Drain the Swamp’.
Had Labour got its act together in 1997, we could, and should, have been selling small nuclear power stations to China, and building them for the Chinese by now, instead of grovelling to them to possibly, maybe, hopefully, sort of perhaps, finance the build of one for us somewhere soon.
“all those parents in their 4x4s” the wealthy don’t care what Miliband and his cohorts do. They can afford to go electric. Now where’s my bus pass before Lord Whatshisname has a chance to confiscate it?
THe lunatic Ed Milliband was interviewed on the Today program this morning, totally besotted by a 16 year old girl with no qualifications, experience, or education Millipede is an fantasical illustration of everything wrong in the politcal elites. Totally ignoring the advice from those who have qualifications and experience backed by a lifetime of study, they aren’t saying what Millipede wants to hear so their leaned advice falls on deaf ears.
People like this in real life end up leading failed lives when they refuse to heed good advice and go off half cocked risking their own capital. Millipeded however might well have charge of the countries capital, and is quite prepared to wreck the country in slavish pursuit of the dreams of a child.
Questions were put to Millipede which he clearly didn’t want to answer, such as banning flights, well I have a better option which will address some of the carbon footprint. BBC transmitters use megawatts of power shutting all of them down would save a great deal of energy !
Next up in the pantheon of statesmanship greats…
Plus Nicola with some bolt-on plaits?
They’re not “leaders”…
During election times: expect more of this obsequious behaviour. Much much more. They think we’re a soft touch.
“pantheon of statesmanship greats”
All these MPs must think that the rest of the UK are pushing for these flippin discussions with our “mother earth worshippers”…they are wrong.
A ‘defends’ story about the bbc is always ironic.
Milli must think he can reinvent himself as some kind of extreme climate warrior . How can some one be so detached from the people who sent him to Parliament ?
Ordinary every day issues aren’t sexy enough for him – I mean substandard public services and waste of public money – he wants to claim his own version of the moral high ground and save his version of the planet ….
Meanwhile we are still in the ReichEU…
The guy is still “swooning” over his young Swedish friend.
Give the guy some time to recover. Like 5 years.
In my humble opinion, Cambridge University should bite the reparation bullet by liquidising all of their assets and giving their money away to Africa, the Caribbean and The Indian sub-continent.
That way they can virtue signal to their hearts content whilst getting rid of that awful white men historical baggage.
Would it be a loss to the nation? Not really, it seems that Oxbridge as a whole is going down the tubes. One example of the cr*p that infests our universities is evidenced by this:
I question whether or not graduates of Cambridge should be allowed out into society.
You have a point about the contribution oxbridge makes to society – just look at the number of graduates who become politicians / journalists
What value do they contribute in relation to cost ? These wealthy institutions are charities so avoid tax on a massive scale .
Perhaps if they really do feel that bad about slavery then they can renounce their charitable status as well as only accept coloured students .
Before any one jumps to their defence and comes out with stuff about ‘great contributions ‘ please explain what the economic benefits of oxbridge are ? Particularly if they have time to waste on hair brained issues such as slavery .
Cambridge and Oxford and the public schools have given us great leaders in recent years , like Cameron , Blair and Sir Nick Clegg , and all those senior civil servants and diplomats ………………………… I knew I wasn’t feeling well this morning .
I think we could close down 80% of our ‘universities’ and no-one would notice the difference in terms of serious research that emanates from the UK.
Of course there’ll be bleating from the middle-classes because their kids would still be living at home, mostly unemployable after secondary education. Maybe they’d then be a bit less effusive about all the wonderful EU migrants who’ve taken all the coffee-shop jobs.
Maybe I should have known this but I didn’t. Maybe I should be surprised, but I’m not.
Maybe I should be outraged but if we eventually Leave the EU then hopefully from that day forward it won’t matter:
I do wish Ferrari had challenged Milliband when he trotted out the mantra, “Trump’s a racist and a misogynist”.
Received views posing as truth and fact is everywhere and becomes acceptable reality because to challenge it would invoke cries of , “heretic”.
I hate those terms “racist” and “misogynist”. They are repeated so often that most people think they are meaningful terms that can be used to distinguish one person from another. The only definition of racist that I would accept is a person who believes a citizen of a country should be denied, purely on the basis of their race, rights and freedoms enjoyed by all other citizens of that country. But it’s never used in a narrow sense like that. It’s thrown at you as soon as you express the slightest deviation from leftist shibboleths. Defending yourself against a charge of racism is like being a defendant in a witch trial in the Middle Ages. “Yes, my lord, I admit I’ve got a couple of moles on my body, I’ve used a few herbal remedies and I’m not particularly keen on my neighbours. It doesn’t mean I’m in league with the Prince of Darkness.”
TOADY Watch #3
The Humph didn’t sound too happy this morning on the prog. I was listening from the 6am start. Yes, no. I never learn, do I?
I cannot help but wonder whether it was who The Humph was partnered with? He rather obviously cheered up during the final few minutes.
Constant agenda pushing
Old farts like him are the problem, why doesn’t he retire and let a young person talk to the affirmative action writer.
it’s not like he short of coin.
“Constant agenda pushing”
You can still see the seaweed in his hair.
I knew they didn’t like bathing much – had nuff in’t channel – for that.
Hi guys.
Looking back at my last comment as seen directly above I can see that my remarks come across as being rather offensive to Muslims in general and non-Muslims also who visit this website. I did not intend it to come over as so insulting. And for that I apologise.
When I said that “I knew they didn’t like bathing much…” I meant it as a play on words.
Meaning, we all know that Muslims DO bath. Muslims do the opposite – they bath themselves at least 5 times a day before the daily prayers.
Once again. I apologise to those on here who I were offended/insulted by my reckless comment. I realise I must always remind myself what consequences can arise when writing without double checking my remarks.
Boakye ‘One difference is that as a child , every friend of my Mum, Dad automatically became my uncle/aunt
.. I guess that comes from being outsiders and therefore all an extended family’
..CRAP .. this practice is common in my town also.
‘Black cool, was 100% Jamaican/West Indies’
‘It was uncool to be actual African …labelled with derogaty word Bulla’
‘I have a common Ghanaian surname, but .my parents gave me the white first name Geoffrey to fit in’
‘As a kid in Brixton I didn’t speak Brixty patois my friend said , “you sound white”..’
#2 Constant agenda pushing
It is uncanny how following the sight of thousands of XR protesters demanding the declaration of a climate emergency, many MPs came to the same conclusion at the SAME time!
Really spooky though and it can’t be related to upcoming elections because that would be just too cynical and transparent.
Smug face on the reporter , like HE is the story..
UK car production has fallen again and as we have even more draconian green taxes in the pipe it’s hardly surprising.
People are, no doubt, considering having engines removed and replacing them with horses but then again, what about the carbon hoof print? Neigh lad!
Meanwhile Yellow Jackets storm the EU Strasbourg – shame we don’t get news from Europe (that’s where the EU is I believe.)
Pull the other one, Gax. The EU in Strasbourg. That’s in Europe isn’t it?
Has the far-left bbc collective reported anything about Julian Assange, yet?
Do we know where he is, his health, especially his mental health, his access to his legal team, his access to other people? What are our swamp rats planning to do to him?
Said it before but due to inadequate resources and a filing system at the bbc – the bits of paper with the hot, vitally important news stories get lost on their wobbly desks which are often no better than planks on bricks.
More knee-jerk reaction from the Government on the back of the now well established Cultural Marxist principle of incrementally, ‘divide and conquer’ to achieve success in its endeavour to rule the World (along with islam of course). This time promoted by a BBC employee named, Chris Packham.
I’ve just learnt that the shooting of certain species of bird classed as ‘vermin’ is now banned from 25.04.19.
“The UK Revokes its Licences for Pigeon and Crow Shooting”.
The ban ignores the fact that the ‘vermin’ birds do considerable damage to crops. In fact, from our own, “Worlds Most Trusted” in respect of wood pigeon alone, they say this:
“There are around 18 million wood pigeons across the country, double the number 25 years ago, and the National Farmers Union estimates the bird costs farmers more than £4mn in crop damage each year.”
I guess that, to make Mr Packham happy, the BBC will donate the £4 million to the relevant farming community to compensate. Whichever, the public will eventually foot the bill for another hair brain Marxist idea intended to fly in the face of common sense.
So that’s the poor countryman’s leisure activity curtailed , rough shooting ,pest and crop control .
Conservation , stopped by the Conservative party .
Not just pigeon damage G, by cancelling the General Licence all the corvids are now protected – only the chough and lamb-eye pecking raven were previously covered.
Now magpies, crows, rooks, jackdaws and jays will decimate song and ground-nesting birds – such as the curlew the RSPB are currently stressed over. Along with fox and badger numbers rocketing, the defenceless creatures who once could only rely on gamekeepers, shepherds and farmers for protection will suffer.
But hey, Packham’s an expert, and a hero. Right?
…I wanted to add: ‘And this is supposed to be of benefit to the environment’ – after ‘…will suffer.’
But for some reason I can no longer edit my comment. Anyone know why?
I was watching the BBC breakfast programme and Nicholas
Lyndhurst said that there was no way that a comedy programme
such as” Only Fools and Horses” would be allowed now on BBC
because of Political Correctness. Comedy programmes such
as “It aint half hot mum” would not get off the drawing board.
Big brother at the Diversity , Positive Discriminate and
Inclusitivity Depts would nip them in the bud before Del boy uttered
his first words.
Those of you under 45 would not remember how around Easter
and Christmas we would watch the movie blockbusters of
yesteryear. As I wrote last week there is one great epic the BBC
would NEVER show again. This film EL CID with Charlton Heston
as the 11th century warrior saviour of Christian Spain, has some
of the most spectacular battle scenes, perhaps the most glorious
film score ever composed by Miklos Roza, even better than Ben Hur. And of course the love story between Charlton Heston and
the beautiful Sophia Loren, as Jimena.
Just watch the first five minutes on YOU TUBE and you will
know why it will NEVER be shown on the BBC again.
Just as an appendage.At this time the Moors in Spain and
Portugal bought a cultural and scientific and
literary knowledge the like of , the World had never seen. BUT I
am afraid that Osama Bin Laden and Daesh,followed and follow
the MODERN Islam,like around 20% of Muslims, dating back to the 12th century,which regresses back to the 7th century and Muhammed. You
know the “religion of peace ” as supported by the BBC and
the kind we see as portrayed by Herbert Lom as Ben Yussef
in El Cid. A film you will NEVER ever see on BBC again!
Thanks for reminding me of The Cid – a truly classic movie with great music. As you say, never to be seen on the BBC again – quietly put into the bottom drawer!
Hi there BBBC’ers longtime lurker first poster. I’d like to thank all the contributors for their interesting, informative and often really bloody funny post.
Its strange even 5 years ago I would have regarded the BBC as a true national treasure now its gone all transsexual hijab bloggers.
It seems as though the BBC as well as the rest of the liberal establishment are having a nervous breakdown as their entire world view comes crashing down around their ears.
Anyway here’s a song for you all .
Welcome to the biased club .Someone has to witness and record what the Far Left State Broadcaster is doing to destroy Blighty. It’s us and our sister sites .
Thanks Fedup2.
I don’t suppose you know how to post video links so you can see what it is before you click it ?.
For YouTube videos just copy the URL (the http bit at the top of the browser page and then paste it (Ctrl v) straight onto the page and then you get this:
“VIDEO—Blackpool, UK, Demonstrates Reality of “Great Replacement” White Genocide”
24th April 2019 –
No word on the subject from our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster? Why would that be, then?
G, thanks to Blair it is happening everywhere. I recall about five years ago in Sand Bay Weston-super-mare taking the dog for a bimble, when bus after bus pulled up and disgorged Africa. It was like standing in an oil slick.
Then about two years ago, I took the dog for a walk along the shores of Loch Lomond. There was a very large group of, what I took to be Syrian Arabs, having a BBQ. I will never forget the looks of hostility as I passed through the middle of the group.
Then last year, I bimbled through Smethwick in Birmingham at about 3pm. I was one of the very few whites about. It was a cross between Somalia and Karachi.
A few days ago someone posted a Youtube version the Blackpoolistan video
… it was removed from Youtube within hours
Thanks Jims got it now
Poor diddums !! Maybe, just maybe, people are sick to the back teeth of your constant lefty preaching you prat !!!
Shouldn’t that whole headline be in quotes? The article makes out it’s only his word for it.
Naturally, if Packham wanted to drum up even more applause from among the unversed and ignorant, ‘death threats’ would go down a treat. The harsh reality is that most of the severe imbalances currently afflicting fauna are man-made (specifically TV-man-made) Fox, badger, buzzard, kite and sparrow-hawk numbers are out of control while mink have been released into an environment where their numbers have also rocketed. All such predators need huge territories from which to feed, in order for a natural balance to be maintained, as much among their own species as their prey. Allow them to breed uncontrolled, the balance soon disappears and species like curlew, water voles, hedgehogs, bank voles, slow-worms, lizards and harvest mice are at crisis levels.
Many current imbalances have been created by the RSPCA and the RSPB but who has the courage, or the media outlets, to show the other side of the argument, and the damage their policies are creating for their enthusiastic but uninformed TV audiences?
@Doobster No one “deserves” a death threat
not least cos it harms their innocent family.
Packham is not the real baddie,
The man that made the sudden draconian rule change is Tony Jupiter (who Gove put in charge of Natural England) .
Also we know how these people work, such threats can be false flag operations, they set up themselves.
More PC / virtue signalling madness , this time from Darlington FC who say this on their advert for a new manager.
‘We welcome applications in particular from Women and Black & Ethnic Minority candidates and will guarantee an interview to suitably qualified individuals who meet the specification above’
Guarantee …… guarantee a interview just because they are Black or Female !!! What utter tripe and no doubt likely illegal in employment law !!! Its almost as if people / companies / organisations are deliberately trying to out Virtue Signal each other !!
Pathetic !!!
Three items spotted on the home page in the last 10 days or so:
—The disabled Christians reinterpreting the Bible (Damon Rose set out to discover what Christianity has to offer disabled people beyond promises of miracle cures.)
—Is God disabled? (New Testament scholar Candida Moss on God’s ‘wheelchair’.)
—‘I cut the Bible down to 60 minutes’ (A Christian publisher has told BBC Radio 5 Live how he cut the Bible down to allow people to read it in 60 minutes.)
Ramadan starts in a week, so I look forward to seeing all the BBC articles about those progressive Muslims creatively reinterpreting the Koran.
Gerard Batten interrogated by Jo Coburn this afternoon. How he restrained himself from socking her one I don’t know. Lisa Nandy, for some reason the darling of so many politicians, was also incredibly rude. Take Down Ukip is obviously a working title in the BBC.
Banania-I agree with you. Jo Coburn is the numero uno liberal
bigot presenter on BBC , and that’s saying something. The only
two who have really stood up to her are George Galloway
and Jacob Rees Mogg. One may detest a lot of what Galloway
supports ,but at least he verbally assaulted her, and she was lucky
it was only verbally. As for Rees Mogg he did call her what she is
I seem to recall that Jordan Peterson also gave her a run for her money.
Is anyone really surprised? Anyone who dares to challenge the mantra that Islam is a religion of peace and claim that we are quickly being islamised….
I’m generally not in favour of people like Batten or T Robinson giving interviews on the MSM. Or foreign ones like Le Pen, Salvini etc, because in general why would you willingly participate in what can only be an ambush where they will talk all over you and demonise you personally?
But if they do agree to be interviewed by these worthless hacks they should make them feel embarrassed, anxious, flustered and frightened like the miserable cowardly traitors they are.
These BBC/Channel 4 dimwits need to be firmly told to ‘SHUT UP! after so many interruptions. No point in continually being on the back foot in a character assassination.
@Baniana Batte’s battle bus on Wednesday
Wednesday 1st May 2019 – UKIP Bus tour: Middlesborough – Scarborough – Hull – Wakefield.
Meet the MEPs etc.
.. I wonder if I should cycle to Hull
Everyone stop what you’re doing…
James Faulkner: Australian all-rounder says he is not gay after misunderstanding
Phew. Watch Al Beeb chase their tail on this one, how dare someone be heterosexual ????
Media bubbleworld people
Last year a neighbour told me about being in Lineker’s house making a programme
.. and how he’s even worse than we think.
Yesterday someone I know said Did I tell you about the time I spent 2 weeks doing a course with R ay Mears
.. what a rude exploitative, money making git he is
… funnily enough the other TV guy was great.”