Was last night’s Panorama honourable ?
Their project against TR is to highlight the dangers of messengers like TR who try to raise awareness of unfairness due to the suppression of child rape investigations.
As if messengers are the problem
…not the hyper-abusers and the culture that facilitates them and injustice.
but last night’s prog was about exposing Lincoln CoE staff eho suppressed reporting of child abuse within their own church community.
Reparations ?
Will the Queen be compensate CoE for what Henry VIII did ?
Will we seek the descendants of WW2 British prisoners of war so we can compensate them for Churchill’s broken promises ?
TR felt he should publicise a particular case cos the media were making no effort to
Then he was jailed cos the judge claimed reporting it was prejudicial even after the evidence had been heard.
Here the DM report another Huddersfield case
are the BBC publicising it ? https://www.twitter.com/BIuR4y/status/1123182170770685953
8pm Radio4 Strict Observance (fundamentalism) in the three main Abrahamic faiths is on the rise in the UK as mainstream religion struggles.
Ed Kessler examines this phenomenon.//
\\ in its true sense, fundamentalism is really only a return to the early tenets and practices of these religions //
\\ He talks to faith leaders and adherents among
the Jewish Haredi,
the Muslim Salafis
and the Christian Pentacostalists. // https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0004lb2
It should be pointed out, Stew, that in strictly orthodox terms, Islam is not an Abrahamic (Abramic) Faith. Only Judaism and Christianity fit that billing.
Is the BBC reporting this ?
LA Times on Monday
\\ The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka urged the government Monday to
crack down on Islamic extremists with more vigor “as if on war footing” in the aftermath of the Easter bombings ///
Nope cos the BBC is using that phrase in other narrative building in its join project with Team Greta and Miliband
I see Gove has been baby sitting with some kiddies who want to save the world from climate change. I thought they should be sent to bed and told to sleep tight. Here is a lullaby that might put the little dears into a sweet sleep. See how many here can see it all the way to the end.
A news story the BBC won’t be eager to follow – The Gosport NHS Hospital Mass Murder inquiry . A culture of ending lives “early”.
Where have I heard that before ?
The so called ‘medical profession”is usually very good at covering up its crimes . In this case killing became so casual and routine that they failed to cover up properly. No one will be prosecuted – as usual – it will be ‘collective failure’ – just like the
disgraceful use of contaminated blood products used on people their glorious NHS should have been caring for – instead of giving a death sentence .
These atrocities by the medical mafia were, surprisingly, covered by the far-left bbc collective today in their 1pm news.
Nearly 40 years since their infecting many patients with blood transfusions that were contaminated with HIV and other life threatening diseases. There are people in the NHS, associated with this atrocity, who should be spending the rest of their lives in prison.
If there were to be a second referendum, there’s no way ‘Leave’ would win again, the EU doesn’t work that way. No matter how many votes are cast, the outcome will be the same as for Nigel Farage at the last election – except that far more voting papers will be ‘spoiled’ and many more ballot boxes will go missing, all over the country. It’s easy when you know how.
In our millenial snowflake la la land, thanks to BBC employee Packham, is saying “stone the crows” now hate speech ?
And as for referring to black crows, jeeez watch your back….
I see the Beeb website doesn’t want to give up on the ER thing until it can wring the last vestiges of disruption out of it.
Following ER’s “disappointing” meeting with Gove. (The word NOT applied in their headline to their subsequent meeting with McDonnell of course who was apparently equally unhelpful)
Interestingly it highlights the key “Demands” (Not suggestions) of the group. With my observations following each.
Extinction Rebellion has three main demands:
For the government to “tell the truth” about the scale of the environmental crisis the world faces
(Suggesting that the government knows lots of bad stuff but isn’t saying!)
For the UK to enact legally binding policies to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025
(Despite the fact that this would almost certainly result in massive financial and economic strain resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs plus a huge dip in living standards for almost everyone including all new job-seekers. Additionally the UK is already leading many countries in this area but only represents a tiny percentage of global carbon activity so the effect globally would be miniscule but devastating at a national level.)
For the government to form a Citizens’ Assembly to oversee the changes needed to achieve this
(And who would form this assembly ?, I can only assume it would ideally be mostly ER activists backed by the shadowy global figures currently hiding behind it).
Who the f@@@ do these XR loons think they are? And what the hell is Gove doing giving them the time of day? After listening Ed Milliband on the radio today spouting on and then having to hear above Gove, is confirmation the world has gone mad.
The easy answer to the eco-brats of XR is to give them 5 years for obstructing the highway and a small book to read listing all the climate predictions that have woefuly failed to come to pass, along with some hard science that shows that CO2 is not a pollutant but a plant food. Another five years could be added if they start confusing pollution with CO2. Let’s get tough.
All ,
Can someone help. I heard on a recording of Fox News last night that the Poway Synagogue shooter, John earnest, was a convert to Islam. I have been away for a few days and this was a complete surprise to me because in the immediate aftermath he was described as a white nationalist or somesuch who thought that Trump was useless. So I started to try and surf the internet to see if other sources confirmed what I heard on Fox. But I found there was no mention of him being a convert to Islam. Infact it was suspiciously difficult to find any updates on his background other than those put out immediately he was arrested. If it turns out that he is a Muslim then I reckon this is conclusive proof that the left have gained near total censorship of the net. The only other explanation is that I was looking in the wrong place, which to be honest wouldn’t be that big a surprise to me as I am not too good with getting behind the stuff offered up bu google.
This guy (Domingo) is a Muslim convert. Interesting, big news in the USA yesterday…looked on today’s Fox website and nothing. Had to google it. Having said that, the Fox website is pretty crap.
A footnote to ER following my last post re the demanded “Citizens Assembly” to oversee the changes demanded.
We already have this, it’s called democratic Voting Rights where everyone gets to support or resist their representatives depending on their views and how they perform via what is known as “Elections”.
Of course that comes with problems where all you want is to get your own way. So I would suggest that you use the term “Polit Bureau” meaning a group of directors of a cause who have absolute power and are completely agreed on what needs to be done and have no need to refer to the general public who cannot be trusted to make rational decisions. (Sound familiar recently?)
We have enough democracy with the fools in Westminster Cardiff and Edinburgh as well as local councils . People’s assembly has the sound of the French Revolution about it .
Nothing has changed Labour hold MAMMOTH Brexit talks – before approving EXACT SAME policy
LABOUR’s ruling body has come to an agreement on the party’s position on a second referendum after an eight-hour meeting – which is EXACTLY the same as its existing one
The party’s manifesto for the European Elections will commit to supporting a second referendum if it cannot get a general election, or if the government will not change its policy on Brexit.
And so the replacing of white with black continues unabated at the BBC. Homes Under the Hammer, Great British Menu, and now Garden Rescue – all had capable presenters, but now Charlie Dimmock is the latest to share the limelight alongside someone called Arit Anderson (no me neither).
The Mail is reporting that the Tories could lose 1000 council seats come Friday, they also expect to lose at least half their MEPs come the back end of the month, and still this party of spineless idle jellyfish could not manage to oust the Marxist infiltrator leading their party.
This despite the fact she has caused consternation amongst our allies, our own security services and even ministers in her own party, by over ruling everyone else May showed some extremely sinister colours over the Huawei afair, prompting someone to break the most secret security risking their own freedom to do so.
Yet even though this Marxist woman preparing to compromise UK security and alientate our allies, the useless inept do nothing Tories, are still incapable of doing something meaningful to get rid of her.
So it’s up to us on Thursday to get out and vote for parties other than that of Marxist May whoever they might be.
Thoughtful, could well believe that figure. I thought the 800 being touted at the weekend and yesterday was a tad optimistic.
The PM could have been a hero for exactly one month yesterday. Instead, she is a total failure and a really bad advert for women in politics, generally, and Christian women in politics, especially. I am ashamed of her.
Ironically, it was Grenfell that showed us what was to come. She is another Margaret Thatcher but without the few achievements that Thatcher could lay claim to set against the disasters, but May’s rating (from me and others) is likely to be negative like some of the recent men who have occupied No.10 Downing Street. Thatcher at least scored half marks.
I am now convinced that she is highly autistic, able to function up to a point but not in the way required by the office of PM and certainly not in handling negotiations to leave the EU. On the other hand, early onset dementia may be the cause of the problem. With Thatcher we can now be fairly certain that that was a factor in the Community Charge disaster that led to her ousting from office. Perhaps, it has also struck Theresa May.
If Corbyn and Cable fall on their respective swords over the next weekend if results do not go their way either, May will look obdurately stupid if she tries to cling on to her job.
I have now had a very brief look at the Conservative Woman ‘Toppling of Theresa’ ongoing Thread and note with wry amusement that the group authors reckon that Theresa May will still be PM before the 2022 GE.
Yes, but I am beginning to think that she will. Looking at reports throughout last year when it was believed she would be gone before Christmas, and constant predictions of a meeting that would see the back of her, and she is still here. Someone or some part of the Establishment are determined to keep her – she does not have the wit to defend herself.
GWF, yes, you could be right. May does not have the wit to make any case for anything at all really, let alone defend herself over Brexit. If the Russians wished to overrun the UK, now would be a good time to do it. The PM would be completely unable to handle the situation.
I think it was Hill & Timothy, along with Perrier’s PR, who enabled Theresa May to survive at Home. Once in No.10 and as PM, I think May might have had a little rush of blood to the head and tried to fiddle with what they were doing while agreeing to their continuing direction of her and her policies and the consequent speeches. That would include the disastrous GE decision, the even worse manifesto and the even worse than that GE campaign management.
No wonder then that Cabinet Ministers went AWOL during the 2017 GE campaign.
I’m trying to think in what circumstances Russia would want to over run UK . It would obviously like to get its empire back but what has UK got that Russia would want ? They’ve bought the footy teams and real estate they want . Maybe they want golf courses or whisky distilleries …. or the BBC .
Fed, certainly the golf and the whisky, for sure. The professional military would be a plus, the banking sector another one, the Universities and our RD yet more.
Put Theresa May in the position that Margaret Thatcher found herself in April 1982 and it is currently unthinkable. She wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in extreme AGW at the Equator.
Even if her party have a vote of no confidence – when it comes round again, I still think there is no other MP whop is capable of taking her place. Boris is a joke. Gove is a remainer. No one?.
“Someone or some part of the Establishment are determined to keep her….”.
Perhaps it is the international Globalist cabal that are the puppetmasters of the conservative party (yes, small ‘c’). That would explain lots.
Do you really think anyone will resign ? I certainly don’t . The political class is beyond anything like honour any more . May has lied and broken promises beyond belief and still not been forced out .
MSM won’t even force them out because they know they have remainers in positions of power . The electorate is of no importance – they are still stupid enough to buy newspapers and still profess loyalty to corrupt political parties .
Fed, I suppose there could be some bizarre ‘Mexican stand-off’ with the Tories losing 1000+ seats, Labour losing 250-300 and the LibDems losing a net handful and all three leaders refusing to go.
Cable is going soon, anyway, but if the LibDems did not capitalise big time on massive Tory & Labour losses, there would no doubt be pressure on him to go sooner. But, as you may be hinting, he doesn’t really have to go now. In the same manner, May might justify clinging on, ostensibly to ‘get everything through by 31st October’. That would then strengthen Corbyn’s position if Labour lose a chunk of seats to UKIP and independents.
You could be right. UKIP might take a vast number of seats along with any independents and vast numbers of spoiled ballot papers but the three leaders may still be there come 21st May and the next round of voting.
All three could, of course, say there is so little time before the EU Elections that they would have to stay on to manage their Parties at least for that.
There are no normal political rules now . The MSM still label MPs on the party allegiance when it’s really leave or remain – as the TIG has formalised . A lot more MPs arnt brave enough to formerly leave their party and become TIG.
I’d make all MPs wear a Remain or Leave badge – as well as those other bubble dwellers who land up on QT and other propaganda shows the MSM put out .
If the PM has big problems, the BBC cannot be far behind in the Mrs Dailies Dire stakes. (There’s an attempt at a little radio pun for readers on here of a certain age.)
Last October, the IPCC reported that, among other changes, the world would have to switch to a vegetarian or preferably vegan diet, giving up beef and pork and lamb while cutting back hugely on chicken and fish in order to stave off an unmanageable increase in the world’s global temperature from which it would never recover.
The BBC embraced the thought of veganism with enthusiasm although I suspect meats are still available in the staff canteen and especially when Corporation Directors dine. They propagandised us like mad for most of the next six months via programmes on radio and via the web-site although I cannot speak for television. They now have a major problem.
Their enthusiasm for promoting the Anthropogenic Global Warming religion has hit a doctrinal hurdle. The land that would need to be cleared of trees and scrub to grow a vegan diet for all is likely to eventually lead to poor soil quality, also seen now where arable crops are grown. What would be needed is regular set-aside rotation with er …. ummhhh … oh dear …. can you believe it …… some cattle being introduced to graze and improve the soil.
Miliband/Sadiq/Gove & #GretaCult
3 Politicians fawning over Greta the dirty-Climate-PR people’s puppet
– Of course they can pretend to be in with XR for their own POLITICAL purposes
#1 Sadiq probably had the police hold back against XR
so he can use XR for bash the Tories purposes
#2 Gove then fawns over XR to counter that
#3 Ed Miliband doesn’t “think of the children”
.. His party had no WAR FOOTING against groomNrape gangs
#GretaCult #DirtyPR
Not forgetting the swathes of land needed for house building – they do like to build on prime agricultural land don’t they.
Politicians really should not indulge XR. It’s like when you spin your kids a promise of something fanciful and then it comes upon you produce the goods and uh oh. XR think like young children and they so want the fairy-tales to be made real. They are heading for a big disappointment and there’ll be tears before ‘xtiction’.
Someone called Nutella Ashraf does a rabid and fearful attack in The Guardian on TR . It’s great news – she sounds really worried that a British Oatriot might get a seat in the Reich Parliament.
I think Nutella has a chip on her shoulder because she allegedly got as salted in a Fish and Chip shop in London . She might have been skate ing on thin ice or it could be cods Wollop. Other tired puns are available
In an interview this morning on the Today program Labour posh girl representing the brain dead zombies in Salford was banging on about some faked ‘climate emergency’ which of course doesn’t exist. It was the usual gentle interview the BBC does with left leaning loons it agrees with, a million miles from how they interview people like Nigel Farage, but in passing Davies made mention of a preface written by Jeremy Corbyn to a vicious anti semitic book which argued that banks and newspapers were controlled by Jews, calling it a ‘great tome’.
Long Bailey took the anti Semitism evidence so lightly she actually found it funny and was laughing during questioning.
Other Labour MPs have refused to defend him and advised others to do the same, but where is the additional reporting from the BBC about this new revelation of anti semitism?
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Was last night’s Panorama honourable ?
Their project against TR is to highlight the dangers of messengers like TR who try to raise awareness of unfairness due to the suppression of child rape investigations.
As if messengers are the problem
…not the hyper-abusers and the culture that facilitates them and injustice.
but last night’s prog was about exposing Lincoln CoE staff eho suppressed reporting of child abuse within their own church community.
Reparations ?
Will the Queen be compensate CoE for what Henry VIII did ?
Will we seek the descendants of WW2 British prisoners of war so we can compensate them for Churchill’s broken promises ?
TR felt he should publicise a particular case cos the media were making no effort to
Then he was jailed cos the judge claimed reporting it was prejudicial even after the evidence had been heard.
Here the DM report another Huddersfield case
are the BBC publicising it ?
8pm Radio4 Strict Observance (fundamentalism) in the three main Abrahamic faiths is on the rise in the UK as mainstream religion struggles.
Ed Kessler examines this phenomenon.//
\\ in its true sense, fundamentalism is really only a return to the early tenets and practices of these religions //
\\ He talks to faith leaders and adherents among
the Jewish Haredi,
the Muslim Salafis
and the Christian Pentacostalists. //
It should be pointed out, Stew, that in strictly orthodox terms, Islam is not an Abrahamic (Abramic) Faith. Only Judaism and Christianity fit that billing.
Is the BBC reporting this ?
LA Times on Monday
\\ The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka urged the government Monday to
crack down on Islamic extremists with more vigor
“as if on war footing” in the aftermath of the Easter bombings ///
Nope cos the BBC is using that phrase in other narrative building in its join project with Team Greta and Miliband
I see Gove has been baby sitting with some kiddies who want to save the world from climate change. I thought they should be sent to bed and told to sleep tight. Here is a lullaby that might put the little dears into a sweet sleep. See how many here can see it all the way to the end.
A news story the BBC won’t be eager to follow – The Gosport NHS Hospital Mass Murder inquiry . A culture of ending lives “early”.
Where have I heard that before ?
The so called ‘medical profession”is usually very good at covering up its crimes . In this case killing became so casual and routine that they failed to cover up properly. No one will be prosecuted – as usual – it will be ‘collective failure’ – just like the
disgraceful use of contaminated blood products used on people their glorious NHS should have been caring for – instead of giving a death sentence .
We won’t be hear much of either crime …
These atrocities by the medical mafia were, surprisingly, covered by the far-left bbc collective today in their 1pm news.
Nearly 40 years since their infecting many patients with blood transfusions that were contaminated with HIV and other life threatening diseases. There are people in the NHS, associated with this atrocity, who should be spending the rest of their lives in prison.
Second Referendum ?
No one seems to ask – What if ‘leave’ wins again ?
And no one says, We did not have two votes or a trial period when we joined.
Anyhow, Treeser wants to suppress details of the stitch-up till after the local elections – wonder why?
If there were to be a second referendum, there’s no way ‘Leave’ would win again, the EU doesn’t work that way. No matter how many votes are cast, the outcome will be the same as for Nigel Farage at the last election – except that far more voting papers will be ‘spoiled’ and many more ballot boxes will go missing, all over the country. It’s easy when you know how.
There won’t be a pure ‘leave’ option on the ballot . Thats why remainers want yet another vote to get the answer they want …
MSM is silent on the issue on purpose ….
And now I hear Corbyn is specifying, ‘….. the Labour plan for leave.’
Heck, I thought the Tories were in power – foolish me.
Vince Cable confirmed that on QT, so we know what we’re getting.
In our millenial snowflake la la land, thanks to BBC employee Packham, is saying “stone the crows” now hate speech ?
And as for referring to black crows, jeeez watch your back….
I see the Beeb website doesn’t want to give up on the ER thing until it can wring the last vestiges of disruption out of it.
Following ER’s “disappointing” meeting with Gove. (The word NOT applied in their headline to their subsequent meeting with McDonnell of course who was apparently equally unhelpful)
Interestingly it highlights the key “Demands” (Not suggestions) of the group. With my observations following each.
Extinction Rebellion has three main demands:
For the government to “tell the truth” about the scale of the environmental crisis the world faces
(Suggesting that the government knows lots of bad stuff but isn’t saying!)
For the UK to enact legally binding policies to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025
(Despite the fact that this would almost certainly result in massive financial and economic strain resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs plus a huge dip in living standards for almost everyone including all new job-seekers. Additionally the UK is already leading many countries in this area but only represents a tiny percentage of global carbon activity so the effect globally would be miniscule but devastating at a national level.)
For the government to form a Citizens’ Assembly to oversee the changes needed to achieve this
(And who would form this assembly ?, I can only assume it would ideally be mostly ER activists backed by the shadowy global figures currently hiding behind it).
Just saying!
Who the f@@@ do these XR loons think they are? And what the hell is Gove doing giving them the time of day? After listening Ed Milliband on the radio today spouting on and then having to hear above Gove, is confirmation the world has gone mad.
The easy answer to the eco-brats of XR is to give them 5 years for obstructing the highway and a small book to read listing all the climate predictions that have woefuly failed to come to pass, along with some hard science that shows that CO2 is not a pollutant but a plant food. Another five years could be added if they start confusing pollution with CO2. Let’s get tough.
All ,
Can someone help. I heard on a recording of Fox News last night that the Poway Synagogue shooter, John earnest, was a convert to Islam. I have been away for a few days and this was a complete surprise to me because in the immediate aftermath he was described as a white nationalist or somesuch who thought that Trump was useless. So I started to try and surf the internet to see if other sources confirmed what I heard on Fox. But I found there was no mention of him being a convert to Islam. Infact it was suspiciously difficult to find any updates on his background other than those put out immediately he was arrested. If it turns out that he is a Muslim then I reckon this is conclusive proof that the left have gained near total censorship of the net. The only other explanation is that I was looking in the wrong place, which to be honest wouldn’t be that big a surprise to me as I am not too good with getting behind the stuff offered up bu google.
I think you are getting mixed up with this:
which was discussed at the same time as the synagogue shooter.
This guy (Domingo) is a Muslim convert. Interesting, big news in the USA yesterday…looked on today’s Fox website and nothing. Had to google it. Having said that, the Fox website is pretty crap.
Are you possibly thinking of the story I’ve linked below and are conflating it with the earlier one?
edit: damn – just noticed that Loobyloo has just posted about the same story – aplogies.
I think that I was mixing up the two events. Easily confused I’m afraid.
A footnote to ER following my last post re the demanded “Citizens Assembly” to oversee the changes demanded.
We already have this, it’s called democratic Voting Rights where everyone gets to support or resist their representatives depending on their views and how they perform via what is known as “Elections”.
Of course that comes with problems where all you want is to get your own way. So I would suggest that you use the term “Polit Bureau” meaning a group of directors of a cause who have absolute power and are completely agreed on what needs to be done and have no need to refer to the general public who cannot be trusted to make rational decisions. (Sound familiar recently?)
I luckily do not have a heart of stone. I wonder if Ed was trying to block trollies in Tesco’s?
Good to see dat white massa hab blek driber. Very colonial!
We have enough democracy with the fools in Westminster Cardiff and Edinburgh as well as local councils . People’s assembly has the sound of the French Revolution about it .
Nothing has changed Labour hold MAMMOTH Brexit talks – before approving EXACT SAME policy
LABOUR’s ruling body has come to an agreement on the party’s position on a second referendum after an eight-hour meeting – which is EXACTLY the same as its existing one
The party’s manifesto for the European Elections will commit to supporting a second referendum if it cannot get a general election, or if the government will not change its policy on Brexit.
Surely that’s not true.
Hasn’t the new policy got a different name or something ?
And so the replacing of white with black continues unabated at the BBC. Homes Under the Hammer, Great British Menu, and now Garden Rescue – all had capable presenters, but now Charlie Dimmock is the latest to share the limelight alongside someone called Arit Anderson (no me neither).
The Mail is reporting that the Tories could lose 1000 council seats come Friday, they also expect to lose at least half their MEPs come the back end of the month, and still this party of spineless idle jellyfish could not manage to oust the Marxist infiltrator leading their party.
This despite the fact she has caused consternation amongst our allies, our own security services and even ministers in her own party, by over ruling everyone else May showed some extremely sinister colours over the Huawei afair, prompting someone to break the most secret security risking their own freedom to do so.
Yet even though this Marxist woman preparing to compromise UK security and alientate our allies, the useless inept do nothing Tories, are still incapable of doing something meaningful to get rid of her.
So it’s up to us on Thursday to get out and vote for parties other than that of Marxist May whoever they might be.
Thoughtful, could well believe that figure. I thought the 800 being touted at the weekend and yesterday was a tad optimistic.
The PM could have been a hero for exactly one month yesterday. Instead, she is a total failure and a really bad advert for women in politics, generally, and Christian women in politics, especially. I am ashamed of her.
Ironically, it was Grenfell that showed us what was to come. She is another Margaret Thatcher but without the few achievements that Thatcher could lay claim to set against the disasters, but May’s rating (from me and others) is likely to be negative like some of the recent men who have occupied No.10 Downing Street. Thatcher at least scored half marks.
I am now convinced that she is highly autistic, able to function up to a point but not in the way required by the office of PM and certainly not in handling negotiations to leave the EU. On the other hand, early onset dementia may be the cause of the problem. With Thatcher we can now be fairly certain that that was a factor in the Community Charge disaster that led to her ousting from office. Perhaps, it has also struck Theresa May.
If Corbyn and Cable fall on their respective swords over the next weekend if results do not go their way either, May will look obdurately stupid if she tries to cling on to her job.
I have now had a very brief look at the Conservative Woman ‘Toppling of Theresa’ ongoing Thread and note with wry amusement that the group authors reckon that Theresa May will still be PM before the 2022 GE.
That is laughable.
Yes, but I am beginning to think that she will. Looking at reports throughout last year when it was believed she would be gone before Christmas, and constant predictions of a meeting that would see the back of her, and she is still here. Someone or some part of the Establishment are determined to keep her – she does not have the wit to defend herself.
GWF, yes, you could be right. May does not have the wit to make any case for anything at all really, let alone defend herself over Brexit. If the Russians wished to overrun the UK, now would be a good time to do it. The PM would be completely unable to handle the situation.
I think it was Hill & Timothy, along with Perrier’s PR, who enabled Theresa May to survive at Home. Once in No.10 and as PM, I think May might have had a little rush of blood to the head and tried to fiddle with what they were doing while agreeing to their continuing direction of her and her policies and the consequent speeches. That would include the disastrous GE decision, the even worse manifesto and the even worse than that GE campaign management.
No wonder then that Cabinet Ministers went AWOL during the 2017 GE campaign.
I’m trying to think in what circumstances Russia would want to over run UK . It would obviously like to get its empire back but what has UK got that Russia would want ? They’ve bought the footy teams and real estate they want . Maybe they want golf courses or whisky distilleries …. or the BBC .
Fed, certainly the golf and the whisky, for sure. The professional military would be a plus, the banking sector another one, the Universities and our RD yet more.
Put Theresa May in the position that Margaret Thatcher found herself in April 1982 and it is currently unthinkable. She wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in extreme AGW at the Equator.
Even if her party have a vote of no confidence – when it comes round again, I still think there is no other MP whop is capable of taking her place. Boris is a joke. Gove is a remainer. No one?.
“Someone or some part of the Establishment are determined to keep her….”.
Perhaps it is the international Globalist cabal that are the puppetmasters of the conservative party (yes, small ‘c’). That would explain lots.
I would not feel it necessary to go that far, start with that part of the establishment called the BBC
Do you really think anyone will resign ? I certainly don’t . The political class is beyond anything like honour any more . May has lied and broken promises beyond belief and still not been forced out .
MSM won’t even force them out because they know they have remainers in positions of power . The electorate is of no importance – they are still stupid enough to buy newspapers and still profess loyalty to corrupt political parties .
Fed, I suppose there could be some bizarre ‘Mexican stand-off’ with the Tories losing 1000+ seats, Labour losing 250-300 and the LibDems losing a net handful and all three leaders refusing to go.
Cable is going soon, anyway, but if the LibDems did not capitalise big time on massive Tory & Labour losses, there would no doubt be pressure on him to go sooner. But, as you may be hinting, he doesn’t really have to go now. In the same manner, May might justify clinging on, ostensibly to ‘get everything through by 31st October’. That would then strengthen Corbyn’s position if Labour lose a chunk of seats to UKIP and independents.
You could be right. UKIP might take a vast number of seats along with any independents and vast numbers of spoiled ballot papers but the three leaders may still be there come 21st May and the next round of voting.
All three could, of course, say there is so little time before the EU Elections that they would have to stay on to manage their Parties at least for that.
There are no normal political rules now . The MSM still label MPs on the party allegiance when it’s really leave or remain – as the TIG has formalised . A lot more MPs arnt brave enough to formerly leave their party and become TIG.
I’d make all MPs wear a Remain or Leave badge – as well as those other bubble dwellers who land up on QT and other propaganda shows the MSM put out .
Good point. Maybe though, it would be unwise to colour 😉 the badges, just R or L on a white ground.
If the PM has big problems, the BBC cannot be far behind in the Mrs Dailies Dire stakes. (There’s an attempt at a little radio pun for readers on here of a certain age.)
Last October, the IPCC reported that, among other changes, the world would have to switch to a vegetarian or preferably vegan diet, giving up beef and pork and lamb while cutting back hugely on chicken and fish in order to stave off an unmanageable increase in the world’s global temperature from which it would never recover.
The BBC embraced the thought of veganism with enthusiasm although I suspect meats are still available in the staff canteen and especially when Corporation Directors dine. They propagandised us like mad for most of the next six months via programmes on radio and via the web-site although I cannot speak for television. They now have a major problem.
Their enthusiasm for promoting the Anthropogenic Global Warming religion has hit a doctrinal hurdle. The land that would need to be cleared of trees and scrub to grow a vegan diet for all is likely to eventually lead to poor soil quality, also seen now where arable crops are grown. What would be needed is regular set-aside rotation with er …. ummhhh … oh dear …. can you believe it …… some cattle being introduced to graze and improve the soil.
Miliband/Sadiq/Gove & #GretaCult
3 Politicians fawning over Greta the dirty-Climate-PR people’s puppet
– Of course they can pretend to be in with XR for their own POLITICAL purposes
#1 Sadiq probably had the police hold back against XR
so he can use XR for bash the Tories purposes
#2 Gove then fawns over XR to counter that
#3 Ed Miliband doesn’t “think of the children”
.. His party had no WAR FOOTING against groomNrape gangs
#GretaCult #DirtyPR
And where are they going to put all the solar panels if they’re using the fields for crops?
“And where are they going to put all the solar panels if they’re using the fields for crops?”
I suppose they could store them underground.
Of course that would mean bringing the material excavated to the earths surface – I think?
Not forgetting the swathes of land needed for house building – they do like to build on prime agricultural land don’t they.
Politicians really should not indulge XR. It’s like when you spin your kids a promise of something fanciful and then it comes upon you produce the goods and uh oh. XR think like young children and they so want the fairy-tales to be made real. They are heading for a big disappointment and there’ll be tears before ‘xtiction’.
Someone called Nutella Ashraf does a rabid and fearful attack in The Guardian on TR . It’s great news – she sounds really worried that a British Oatriot might get a seat in the Reich Parliament.
I think Nutella has a chip on her shoulder because she allegedly got as salted in a Fish and Chip shop in London . She might have been skate ing on thin ice or it could be cods Wollop. Other tired puns are available
Let uncriptify that
..BTW antifa Mike Stitchup&Fury got Kicked off crowdfunder
New video sums up the Sargon saga , and the cafe that taxes men, but not women
Really surprised no ones has posted this yet.
In an interview this morning on the Today program Labour posh girl representing the brain dead zombies in Salford was banging on about some faked ‘climate emergency’ which of course doesn’t exist. It was the usual gentle interview the BBC does with left leaning loons it agrees with, a million miles from how they interview people like Nigel Farage, but in passing Davies made mention of a preface written by Jeremy Corbyn to a vicious anti semitic book which argued that banks and newspapers were controlled by Jews, calling it a ‘great tome’.
Long Bailey took the anti Semitism evidence so lightly she actually found it funny and was laughing during questioning.
Other Labour MPs have refused to defend him and advised others to do the same, but where is the additional reporting from the BBC about this new revelation of anti semitism?