Over to you Comrades …it’s May Day – but any protests in mainland Europe will be under reported by the the biased failing BBC . They’ll distract with the usual ‘ remain ‘ lies
Headlines, Westmonster, shout:
“Brits back UN, WTO, Commonwealth and NATO more than EU, survey finds”.
What!!? Brits love the UN Migration Compact? Somethings wrong with that survey. Highly suspicious.
Don’t stop there G :
“Head of MI5: Islamist terrorism ‘most acute’ threat to UK”
What!!? I thought that ‘Right Wing Extremists’ filled that role?
More BS?
They wouldn’t if the corrupt media had told them about it, but with the BBC and the others deliberately keeping things like that as quiet as they can the people are in blissful ignorance.
That’s another destructive policy that the snake Dancing Terry signed us up to without our agreement.
It won’t be too long before we are being told that we can’t stop importing invaders because of our international obligations.
So it’s 600,000 invaders a year for the foreseeable future or until we Whites are a minority in our own country or we’ve been extirpated from the earth. As Jack Straw observed, the White race doesn’t deserve to exist. Now I wonder if he includes himself in that statement? I suspect not.
Man jailed for part in plot to import senile American and dump him on NHS.
\\ It took months to establish that Roger Curry, 78, had been a victim of “granny dumping”,
a phenomenon seen in the United States in which elderly people are abandoned by relatives so that they can receive free healthcare //
\\ On November 23 Kevin Curry and his mother flew to Denmark without his father, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s and a disorder on the autism spectrum.
Mr Davis said: “Hayes The defendant was part of a plan to bring Roger from the US and dump him in Hereford, abandoning him so he could receive care from local healthcare providers. It was clearly planned.”
Hayes took the guy to hospital, and avoided giving his name by claiming to be with the SAS.
He was only caught cos more than 6 months later Hayes, for unknown reasons, called West Mercia police and identified himself as the man who had handed the victim to nurses… but tripped up on his own lies.
Gavin Esler , is he a nice man ?
\\ Gavin Esler says he has called his dog “Farage”
as it won’t go out in the rain and makes a mess for other people to clear up. //
rather a poor , and nasty joke.
He then compared Farage to a second hand car dealer
\\ “We’re not going to buy your crappy fake Ferrari,” says Gavin Esler at the end of an extended metaphor about Nigel Farage
The CHUK audience clapped more loudly…//
Uh-oh. Sinking in that puddings may have been over-egged?
This is a little worrying. Very, very unlikely that climate change will extinguish humanity, however serious it gets – we’re far too adaptable for that. Scaremongering rarely ends well https://t.co/HmVdFcM6AP
There’s only one logical answer: Put our Greta into Number 10 and replace Treason May. But I somehow think even that would not satisfy the pubescent apprentice cultural Marxists.
On politics live I think the token leaver might have come out with it.
When we voted leave (out of SM, CU, ECJ, no ifs no buts…out) it appears that there have been a whole lot of ‘compromises’ made.
£39 billion for instance.
Every movement euphemistically called a compromise has been in one direction only.
It now looks (Telegraph) that a Customs Union will be compromised into the deal (which is also a compromise which wasn’t voted for), this, to avoid European elections which will be bad for liblabcon.
In the interest of their Party and not for the benefit of the Country.
Starting at where we voted out, has ANY ‘compromise’ at all been in the leave direction.
By the way,
I suggest any UKIP or Brexit Party people who are going to appear on politics live should get a Rabies jab beforehand.
Not necessary for liblabcon of course.
2 bodies found, all names in the Times victims and men arrested seem Muslim but from Cyprus originally
\\ A murder investigation following the discovery of two bodies at an address in Canning Town continues apace
with one man [B] remaining in police custody.
A 50-year-old man [A] has been released under investigation. http://news.met.police.uk/news/one-man-remains-in-custody-in-connection-with-canning-town-deaths-367524
Looks like May and Corbyn have a deal and the BBC are ready to praise it.
Its just a question of words, says Treezer.
‘She signalled she hoped to get Labour backing for any new customs proposal before putting it to Parliament again.
She said their aims were “very similar” and “sometimes people use different terms to mean the same thing”.’
Yeah, like betrayal means the same thing as sell out, or a pack of lies means the same thing as deceit.
Outrage bus ? : Prince William had to delete 2 tweets
after he broke NZ law by naming an injured child of tge Christchurch attack
.. names of minors are not allowed to be reported
Cromwell ( great name ) – the shame is that Mr Williamson can’t give details of what has happened for fear of prosecution – unless he can do it in the Commons On Thursday ….
But how HMG can even contemplate allowing the Chinese into British techy is beyond belief – unless Comrade May has been promised a ‘consultant’ job after she loses office . ….
The Attenboroughs are heavily into the WWF, if my memory serves me well. Wasn’t it Boaty McBoatface’s brother ‘ Dicky ‘ who was rolled out to announce the name change ( world wildlife fund changing to world wide fund for nature – but we’re keeping the acronym the same ). Bloody retards.
What does WWF stand for these days ( we just want your effing money – but the acronym is staying the same?)
Another window into luvvieland today on R5 Live as Nihal Arthanayake gushed all over hip-hop artist Coyle Larner (described by NME as “sensitive and eloquent.”)
Nihal adopts his usual stance of compassionate faux-intellectual chum as Larner ticks all the boxes: how men should talk about their feelings, being mixed race, his ADHD, treating women with respect, and how men should talk about their feelings.
Regrets? Unfortunately first up is one that’s unmentionable on air — because it would ‘definitely land him in prison’. Quickly then on to a bland, family-friendly anecdote instead. Much chuckling and mutual back-patting ensues as Nihal sidesteps yet another potential dent to the BBC’s ‘more than equal’ narrative.
Grime music is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of black men as it glorifies violence and criminality.
There will be no Macpherson report. Instead grime ‘artists’ like Stormzy will be worshipped by the BBC because ‘minorities goooooood.’ The polar opposite of moral outrage – the type they excel at when it comes to a ‘racist’ tweet. Alas here we are talking about dead bodies rather than feigned hurt feelings yet the BBC could not care less.
Times Letters from uni academics good points on Cambridge slavery reparation idea
#1 Today slavery goes on
.. ending that should be priority.
#2 Slavery is not the only kind of severe exploitation
.. which has and still goes on throughout Africa
#3 then what about the North Koreans or the dead of the holocaust ?
Why focus on just white on black slavery all injustice and illegal war was wrong
#4 Sir William Wilberforce was at St John’s College, Cambridge, as was Thomas Clarkson
#5 Is Britain to get no credit for sending the navy to stop slavery even when Arabs continued it ?
With a bit of luck there won’t be a Tory Party . Perhaps a ‘ New Britain ‘ Party ?
Certainly if the economy downturns during the period leading up to the next planned election – it will only reduce residual support for the traitors even more – but we might somehow be out of the Reich EU by then
Unfortunately this stuff detracts from the drive for a full Brexit but I don’t think people will forget we are not out yet .
Taxi rapist John Worboys back on the BBC news homepage! Hurrah! Is that a thousand separate stories about this single offender now?
Maybe if they report on it every day for a decade people will think the ‘grooming’ issue is the same amongst all groups. If anyone points out how different the offending is (getting mates and families involved, targeting children, all over the country, thousands of perpetrators) then just them arrested for thought crime!
The multicultural utopia is arriving and day now! Thank God we have the beloved BBC to guide us there.
I see that “a man” was arrested in East Belfast on Tuesday and has been charged with Domestic Servitude offences, which surely is simply another name for modern slavery, the first time ever that anyone has been charged with this crime in Northern Ireland.
Although last year there were 59 potential victims of human trafficking identified, again an issue that was until fairly recently unheard of, as were the high levels of prostitution and cannabis farming that these victims are involved in, it seems that this young woman was kept as a domestic servant. She came from Scotland apparently but hasn’t been identified, though something tells me her surname won’t begin with Mac.
Today they were able to identify the 33 year-old “man” however and it seems he isn’t actually a Belfast native. NI maybe, but Nigeria in this instance, not Northern Ireland.
Monday’s Times , scare story about how “far-right” terrorism is a big threat in Germany
It mentions no deaths
but rather speaks of two plots – 8 plotters in Chemnitz
.. and a German Officer planning a false flag attack
it ends “right-wing popularist ideas were now normal in Germany with growing hostility to asylum seekers among 54% of Germans”
…WTF that mean ? …Surely proper asylum seeker = good
Whereas cheating queue-jumping asylum seekers are the problem.
you cant just put them all in the same classification.
Whatever the outcome tomorrow, the bickering between Brexit and UKIP will ensure the seismic moment is less than it might have been. At a time when all the current major parties need a real kicking, this is simply tragic and unnecessary. Silly people.
If UKIP and The Brexit Party joined forces there would certainly be “seismic moment “.
They would achieve their ultimate goal of exactly what both parties stand for . Freedom and independence .
At least the good people of Peterborough caste 19000 votes to get rid of their corrupt criminal MP . In the last election she beat the Tory by 607 votes at about 23000 each .
The local election results there will be of special interest as will the ReichEU ones as an indicator as to whether Mr Farage finally gets his place in the rancid Parliament ….. or whether the tories will again play dirty with campaign funding to try to defeat him …
I don’t wish to be unkind but the wonder and adulation surrounding this child reminds me of Clever Hans.
The difference being that Hans was a horse who lived in the beginning of the 20th century. His owner taught him to count. Once he learned that there was no stopping him. He was able to do square roots and other calculations and answer questions on a number of topics by tapping his hoof, revealing he had mathematical abilities and interests not normally found among the more mundane of his species.
The truth was of course was that he was responding to signals from the people around him but a lot of people were convinced it was for real. They wanted to believe so much.
I wonder if the sceptics at that time were labelled ‘Hans Deniers’?
I think she is ideal for their purposes because she innocent looking, a bit Aspergers/autistic? which makes her very single minded but also means that anyone disagreeing is being “hateful” to someone with a recognised disability.
I see that Kate Andrews is the token leaver on Remainer Time this week.
An American defending our majority leave decision.
(Last week it was an actor who was the token leaver)
At least I think she supports leave.
She doesn’t like Trump though.
Emily Thornberry (real name Lady Yaxley Nugee) is on for a change along with barmy kenny Clarke.
See what they did, 1x labour, 1 x ‘tory’ for balance.
It seems the bbbc have settled on the 4 remainers to 1 leaver format as all the shows (RT, politics live etc)
I don’t recall when the last RT had 2 leavers on although THEY would count somebody like Hammond as a leaver because he supports May’s abomination of a deal.
“…we’re kickstaring our green industrial revolution now…”
The Great Leap Forward (Chinese: 大跃进; pinyin: Dà Yuèjìn) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China (CPC) from 1958 to 1962. The campaign was led by Chairman Mao Zedong and aimed to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy into a socialist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization.
These policies led to social and economic disaster, but these failures were hidden by widespread exaggeration and deceitful reports.
In short order, large resources were diverted to use on expensive new industrial operations, which, in turn, failed to produce much, and deprived the agricultural sector of urgently needed resources. An important result was a drastic decline in food output, which caused millions and millions of deaths in the Great Chinese Famine.
Playing armchair detective – since the Tory defence chap says ‘not guilty guv’ – who else would have dun the deed?
Well – Williamson said nasty things about the Russians and we know how thin skinned those delicate monsters are . So perhaps their spies on the Supreme Empire Security Council fitted mr Williamson up as an act of revenge ….
The other option is for another ambitious Minister looking to occupy number 10 getting rid of the competition – again another fit up …. home sec? Foreign sec ?
The hideously white hideously racist people of white racist Peterborough prove their hideous white racism by booting out MP Fiona Onasanya for the sole crime of being black. And lying a bit.
The Speaker has announced that the Recall Petition in #Peterborough has been successful.
As more than 10% of the constituency's electorate signed the petition, Fiona Onasanya is no longer an MP and there will be a by-election in Peterborough. pic.twitter.com/DGkTtjY5uO
— UK House of Commons (@HouseofCommons) May 1, 2019
“”Currently @FionaOnasanyaMP is they only MP (not for much longer thankfully) to wear an ankle tag . We will have to make all MP’s wear ankle tags so that we know when they are working.””
Reference above discussion re Caster Semenya.
Travelling by car for many hours and listened to BBC news bulletins. How they lapped this one up. Any opportunity for promotion of LBGTQABCXYZ, intersex (what exactly is that?) and the right-on BBC students are there. It was first story until the Williamson sacking.
Full credit to Sharon Davies, ex swimmer (and occasional BBC commentator). She made it simple.. Y chromosome. Male. Testosterone aids performance. What about the other 99.999% of normal male/female athletes? Atta girl!!!!
She’ll be on the bBBC naughty step for that.
I don’t know but I know that that female American pop star who was in Manchester when the bomb went off going by the name of Ariana Grandia (spelling) has just come-out as one. You know she’s the girl who the 6-15 yr olds love to copy.
“”Fiona Onasanya: Peterborough to have by-election as MP ousted””
“”Another possibility is that Brexit has made everyone so fed up with politics that people in Peterborough will just decide not to vote at all, and we will see a very low turnout.””
Back in late 2016 and after the Brexit Vote, Lord hall was quizzed by a Select Committee as to why the BBC had never produced a pro-Brexit programme. All programmes before (and since) have been anti-Brexit.
Lord Hall said that he would address this bias. Has he? Has he f…
Didn’t Peterborough vote “out” in the 2016 Independence Referendum – A Labour Constituency?
So who will UKIP be fielding in the forthcoming by election ?
This should be interesting.
Taffman. Ukip was on the ball and selected a candidate ready to stand as soon as she was convicted. His name is John Whitby and as long he hasn’t converted to Islam or Farage in the period since, I expect he will be standing.
9:05pm ITV4 Classic Bond : OHMSS with George Lazenby
9:12pm He’s in a mountain top hospital; the only man alone with 20 starlets from over the globe.
9:25 He beds the first one
9:31 He beds the second
9:42pm His cover is blown and Blofeld captures him
9:51pm He’s escaped
What is it with these hearings about infected blood? Yesterday we had 2 men, who had their sons with them at the press conference, and both men, as they became emotional, had a supporting hand from their son. Today as the BBC1 news at 10pm reported about the boys that died in a special needs school, a survivor had his friend provide that supporting hand. Is this the lawyers’ idea to emphasise that these people need support? Or is this a BBC invention to bring out our sympathy?
I have a personal interest in this as a very distant relative died a truly horrible death from AIDS which the NHS gave him .
The inquiry will cost a lot of money , no individual will be blamed and lessons will be learned .
The Dept Health / NHS will have destroyed incriminating records by now – but people will still be suffering and others will still be dead and their families suffering the pain .
Fed, sorry to hear you have an interest in this inquiry. But my comment was about presentation at the press conferences rather than the facts of the case. I believe someone is giving instructions for the supporting hands at the press conference and fear it is being overused. Soon every upset person on BBC news will have the ‘hand’ in the picture. I think we have enough emotion in the news with Fergal Keene, Mark Easton and Orla Guerin. I prefer facts rather than emotion or propaganda for my news.
I agree with you, far more feelings than fact in journalism as a whole now, especially the bBC, it both causes and reflects the increased feminization and weakened my of our society.
Remember the televised initial stages of the Grenfell Inquiry when each resident giving their testimony seemed to have at least one support worker/ liaison officer holding their hand as part of their legal team? Perhaps it’s common practice now.
Aunty not really interested in hemophiliacs or those accidentally infected by the medical authorities (unless they could blame it somehow on the “far right”). Over the years I have heard quite a lot on R4 about how HIV affected the “gay” community but not a lot about the poor bloody hemophiliacs.
Everyone one knows the only true “victims” whos story needs to be heard is the gay community. Fortunately now the NHS has pulled out all the stops to ensure that homosexuals can be supplied with expensive drugs so that the “”gay” community can continue with unprotected buggery whilst some poor bloody pensioner who worked all their life still waits for a hip or heart op.
I expect for the next week at least BIG BROTHER from the Diversity
Dept at the BBC will insist the main news story to be followed
will be that of Caster Semenya the South African runner whom
I believe is some form of transgender.
One of the main subjects on the BBC web page is the fact that we
are in for a treat this summer with the BBC’S expansive coverage
of women’s sport.
I have just cancelled my summer holidays because it clashes with
the World Netball event . What with the Women’s rugby we
really are in for a treat this summer on BBC. Who needs men?
The BBC for certain don’t!
Can I suggest you go back a page and read the thread on this?
Semenya is female with a high testosterone level. What you believe her to be isn’t really relevant but you should at least bother to check the facts before posting.
Please watch (1 hr) Prof. Prins explaining the betrayal of our defence, security and intelligence by the ‘May cell’ of traitors.
Be afraid.
Live-streamed at 1900 (UK) this evening 1 May: Prof Gwythian Prins’s speech in Washington DC on the defence trap in Theresa May’s exit deal. https://t.co/QwQHBlYkY5
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) May 1, 2019
Apparently parliament has declared a climate crisis ( up goes the price of petrol ) and much better – the third runway at Heathrow can be one step nearer . All that lovely Avgas in West London where the beeboids live .
“In three weeks’ time, it is entirely plausible that Nigel Farage’s Brexit party will triumph in the European parliamentary elections. It will be the greatest victory for bigotry in politics since the EU referendum campaign.”
By Owen (does his Mom know what he’s doing in his bedroom ?) Jones
Just some facts on the ousting of the horrible criminal Fiona Onasanye which the media don’t seem to have been bothering to check, or number crunch.
This is the bit they are telling 10% of the electoral roll was needed for a recall or 7000 signatures, meaning there are roughly 70000 voters registered.
19,261 signatures were made to oust her.
Here’s the figures the MSM aren’t bothering with:
This means that the bar was passed nearly three times over or that 30% of the registered electorate voted to remove her.
It’s a pretty meaningless figure though because 100% of the electorate never bother to vote. Turn out at the last election was 67.5%, quite high, but that means that 47250 (roughly) turned out to vote so using that as a baseline nearly 41% of those who voted at the last election signed that petition.
Seeing as signing a petition is not as big a deal as casting a vote, the people of Peterborough must have really hated her, but it does beg the question as to why they voted for her in the first place.
At the previous election UKIP had taken nearly 8000 votes and it seems that when they didn’t field a candidate in 2015 the vote split, but more went to Labour than Tory.
I wonder if OFCOM have even figured out how to open their office door yet?
Moreover, do they understand the word, ‘regulator’ ?
a person or thing that regulates something.
a person or body that supervises a particular industry or business activity.
eg: “regulators of privatized utilities”
Ahh, a walk down memory lane from 2017:-
“The BBC will face sanctions and fines from its new regulator unless it ends its Brexit bias, a former Culture Secretary and architect of the Royal Charter has warned.
John Whittingdale, a Conservative MP, said that he is concerned that the corporation is “constantly looking for negatives and highlighting the challenges” of Brexit.
He warned that if the corporation’s negative coverage persists MPs could “escalate” their complaints to Ofcom, which takes over regulation of the BBC in a fortnight.
The regulator has the power to impose sanctions including broadcasting corrections, banning repeats of coverage and imposing a £250,000 fine.
Mr Whittingdale, who drew up the new Royal Charter which enshrines the corporation’s duty to be impartial, said: “My own impression is that the BBC is constantly looking for negatives and highlighting the challenges that arise from Brexit.
That is born out by both the analysis of the proportion of coverage given to people talking about difficulties and risks compared to those presenting a more positive picture.”
>PLAY SONG:- ‘Fantasy Island – All I ever dreamed of ooh, ooh etc..’
Any words from Whittingdale (who bottled the Charter Review) are completely worthless. He is just another time serving, waste of space who likes his job just a little too much and was willing to sell out any of his principles in order not too upset his career too much.
Offcom just like the Electoral Commission are a corrupt political construct and will reflect the establishment views and biases over Brexit (ie we were all too stupid to vote the “right” way)
It shows how how corrupt and anti democratic things have become in the UK that these institutions are utterly shameless and now dont even bother trying to look even slightly even handed.
Just like our pro EU “parliamentarians” they are sending us all a very clear message.
It strikes me that, whether he’s guilty or not, in the long term would it not be better if the Chinese actually invaded us and reminded us how to run a serious country again? As opposed to suffering under the risible joke country run by mental defectives that we have now.
Our old communist enemies Russia and China, despite the authoritarianism, corruption and mass murders of millions in the past now seem to be a better bet.
Yes they’re still not so good on the quaint old democracy and voting thing with Xi and Putin looking like they are ‘Presidents’ for life.
But voting over here nowadays always brings in Governments that continually carry on with their own society-destroying agendas that blatantly ignore the people’s wishes.
We could stick with the unaccountable and corrupt EU telling us what to do, aided by global social-media corporations having free rein to censor our free speech. And there’s considerable input from shady oil money to grease the wheels to ensure there’s no question of reducing immigration from the third world. This is the current situation, and though nearly all our politicians think it’s wonderful it’s not working out for most of us.
If there’s no chance of us being ‘annexed’ by a Trump led USA, then I for one might be tempted to welcome in our East Asian and Russkie overlords.
Undemocratic, riven with nepotism, dodgy business dealings, some may say cruel and harsh..but as far as I can tell the inhabitants of Russia and China have not gone stark staring bonkers.
With today’s news about ‘Climate Emergency’ and multitudes of dimwits hanging on every word of that Swedish girl..I wish I could say I’m only half joking!
As always they see a pursuit where outcomes are not exactly equal among groups (as they never are in anything) and blame ‘racism.’ Of course the far higher proportion of Asians (and women) achieving degrees in medicine is not considered evidence of ‘racism’ or ‘sexism’ against white men.
Not every group has the same attitude towards education which is what explains the gap. Apparently we need talks about other cultures and more role models (how patronising!). It is not as if we don’t talk constantly about other cultures. And if one culture is rotten (thinking it is cool to dos in education) then no amount of talking about it will help. The Chinese excel in education so why not let them advise other groups who do not do so well? The problem cannot be the system/racism when one ethnic minority outperforms every other group.
If you offered my pal Anil a chance for a chat about ‘race and culture’ on campus he would laugh in your face and come join me down the pub. Call me ‘far right’ but I reckon it was his constant drinking which caused his underachievement at university.
You read a degree – the idea that some ‘racist system’ causes your underachievement is nonsense. I remember a question on fault-based divorce in my finals. We all had access to the same texts and seminars; they did not say ‘no blacks are allowed to read the first chapter of the text book.’
Giving special advantages to minorities may well be part of the problem. If you can blame the ‘system’ rather than take responsibility that must affect your attitude, which is paramount. Articles like this probably entrench the very divisions they ostensibly seek to erase.
I believe American universities have tackled the “race degree gap” (ie: low black achievement) and seriously upset a lot of very non-PC SE Asian students in the process.
Nepotism and the middle classes keeping everything amongst themselves (leg ups with jobs etc) is a huge factor. Why bother nailing your degree when the son of a politician could do half as well yet be guaranteed a sweet job when he leaves university, a job that you could only dream of?
Could Britain practically wipe out its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050? That’s the case being put by independent advisers to government who suggest the UK should “lead the global fight” against climate change. Chris Stark, of the Committee on Climate Change, tells the BBC the idea would have been “inconceivable” a few years ago but has been made possible by a huge drop in the cost of renewable energy. You can remind yourself of the global picture, via our seven charts on climate change. And, if you struggle with any of the scientific terminology on the issue, try our translation tool.
And then…. VD.
Marathon runners branded ‘fat and slow’
Many will have watched TV coverage of Sunday’s London Marathon in awe of those taking part. So you might be surprised at the abuse received by some tail-enders as the course was cleared away around them – despite them running with an official race pacer. One spoke to the Victoria Derbyshire programme.
Roger the-Horror-bin-reporting-on-it-for-years was like a dog with two tails this morning during the first hour of the programme.
“We’re going to have to eat less meat!” and “We are going to have to plant more trees.”
He is quite oblivious to the fact that vegan arable farming demands no trees and that meat from ruminants, grazers and foragers is both self-propelled (ie. no CO2 producing fossil fuel or electric vehicle required) during the production & harvesting phase and during that can live with and within a woodland environment.
Not ,
I , too , have this rebellion gene . When some one starts saying ‘you can’t ‘ ‘you must stop ‘
‘It needs banning or controlling ‘ I start going the other way .
The Far Left running the BBC and Parliament love finding things to control or stop . If an MP personally decided they don’t like something they want to stop it or control it – the internet is the most obvious example .
Freedom is threat to snowflakes and once it’s gone it’s painful to get back . I think the time this site has is limited …
Once upon a time , if a 15 year old was stabbed to death on a British street , it would have been national news .
But the BBC doesn’t consider such an event newsworthy enough . The fact that a 15 year old was murdered by stabbing in Hackney on Wednesday night doesn’t make the ‘Toady ‘ programme news agenda .
It seems for the BBC young black lives don’t matter ,
Fed up,
This entirely predictable aspect of enrichment is not to be broadcast , indeed it must be suppressed as it may upset the natives and push them into ‘I told you so’ mode. We used to live in a peaceful , cohesive society at ease with itself. But now that we have been enriched we see gangs of feral kids who committ murder , rape gangs, terrorism, honour crimes against women, FGM, disgusting ways of ritual slaughter of animals which we outlawed decades ago, a rise in diseases we had wiped out in the UK, effects of inbreeding, electoral malpractice, etc etc. To cap it all we have successive governments passing laws which allow you to be arrested not just for what you might say or write but for what someone else thinks you might be thinking! We have the police inteterviewing suspects ‘to check their thinking’in true Orwellian fashion. So we can see that enrichment has been a disaster for our small island but we aren’t allowed to talk about it let alone protest. Meantime the hateful BBC continues to ram. enrichment down our throats at every opportunity. I am pleased I’m past 60, god knows what the country will be like in ten, twenty or thirty years time.
Double – I hardly need to say you are correct . In the scheme of thing I didn’t bother reporting that there was another ‘life changer ‘ last night as well as the kid it ( possibly ) was the killer In hackney .
No point in questioning Harrabin’s beliefs. For a man, among many others, who has made a successful career from ignoring facts and creating an incontrovertible religion from spurious data, such trivial arguments are beneath him.
The unemployment figures in UK has gone up today by one .
Fiona Onasanya is no longer an MP. The first criminal MP to refuse to resign – having to be turfed out by her own constituents through lack of honour and desire for her MP pay .
She has all the qualities the BBC admires so I bet they’ll give her a job . A person so thick that she thought she could avoid prosecution and conviction in a full trial on an issue which she could easily have survived in a personal and political sense .
The bi election will be on 6 June .
The timing of this whole story is troubling – she was released from prison early and was the one vote in the brexit debate which allowed remain to win .
The deselection vote was announced on the day before local elections so news reporting was limited .
And the 6 June date will be overshadowed by the inevitable rabid reaction to the visit of the head of state of America on the 75th anniversary of D day .
Here’s the thing. Question. Does anyone else reveive email alerts from “Ready for Rees-Mogg” or “Reignite”?
‘Sam Frost’ appears as the correspondent for both. Couldn’t be someone making money could it?
Given that May ALWAYS gets it wrong and makes the wrong decisions every time,I think that Gavin Williams was, as he strongly tells us, not the leak from the security council briefing about using proven spyware installers Huawei (see Australian government cancelled contract after finding numerous spyware and back doors in Huawei installations)
I would like the Telegraph to publish a one of statement saying Williamson was NOT the source.
As Secretary of State for Defence, it was clear that @GavinWilliamson repeatedly refused to parrot the Cabinet Office campaign for UK subsumption into EU Defence contained in May’s exit deal. He knew and still knows that NATO must be unassailed as our country’s premier alliance. https://t.co/6RHRUSY3CG
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) May 1, 2019
On the matter of Gavin Williamson, I disagree entirely with Lord Dannett (on Toady, R4).
He says the key matter is the leak, not Hauwei, he says.
I say the key matter is May’s misjudgement (yet another one!): allowing Communist China a role in our strategic infrastructure, is mega-stupid.
WHEN WILL THEY/WE GIT RID OF THIS INCOMPETENT woman, before she sinks the country completely???
Talking of sinking, on this date in 1982 the Argentine Heavy Battleship General Belgrano was sent to the bottom of the South Atlantic by the Royal Navy’s HMS Conqueror.
I’m sure the Biased Beeb will at some stage today be running a message that it was an illegal sinking, exclusion zone, conscript sailors, freezing seas blah blah blah…
Simples, Beeb. Enemy combatant Warship. Part of the armed forces that invaded sovereign UK territory.
I’ve just been and voted. My grandfather always told me I should vote, he never tried to influence me or express a preferred choice, other than if you don’t vote you cant have a debate about the outcomes and that men he fought alongside in WWII died to uphold freedom and the ability to choose in this country of ours.
I ‘voted’ today and for the first time ever I spoiled the paper. It will not be counted but It made me feel better just to line through all the usual suspects on offer (liars cheats and charlatans), a fact I articulated to the CONservative and LIMP DUMB reps stood by door on the way out. Just a shame there was no red rosette there as well in order to pass comment on the criminal now ‘ex MP’ as well.
I hope the comments I provided re Brexit, Treason May etc, will at least be noted during the count later today/tomorrow.
Go vote, spoil paper, do whatever – but give let them know, give them feedback, they will get the message.
If we don’t we are all to blame for the demise of this nation.
Once upon a time I stayed up on election nights to watch results come in . Not this time .
The traitor parties will both define the local ections as local – when we know it’s the first time that people have been able to comment on the failure to carry through democracy .
In a few areas it will be on local issues – but most will be people like you registering their disgust .
London isn’t voting so I have to wait until 23 May to register my view – it will be for The Brexit Party whether it splits the right or not .
London itself will always be a Remain area because it’s full of foreigners and snowflakes . The only upside is that those avoiding paying the poll tax won’t be on the electoral register .
Another splendid demonstration of one of the BBC’s peculiar obsessions earlier (Toady 0811)…
One of their news stories was that 3,000 words have been added to the official Scrabble dictionary. And what was the one word out of all the 3,000 which the BBC chose to illustrate this new list – can you guess?
Brilliant! I’m more than happy for people to identify however they want. It’s just that of all the 3,000 words, the one the BBC selected just happened to be a favourite of the postmodernist identity-politics brigade.
andyjsnapeFeb 5, 11:37 Midweek 5th February 2025 Naga Munchetty: Scammers spread fake nude pictures of me on social media https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1ezq8ll792o Some sad B’s out there lol
tomoFeb 5, 11:36 Midweek 5th February 2025 Welsh choirboys run amok in Brussels? [img]https://i.ibb.co/7JbHm3Ty/chrome-c-Lp-JYZswr-D.png[/img]
vladFeb 5, 11:28 Midweek 5th February 2025 Any news yet on the identity of the Sweden mass shooter? Usually such delays mean a cover-up. Think Southport. Whoever…
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 11:16 Midweek 5th February 2025 Send all the Palestinians to Saudi! [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/09/20/14/2C89B40B00000578-0-image-a-163_1442757233002.jpg[/img]
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 11:14 Midweek 5th February 2025 Kay Burley throttling the truth… [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/06/20/article-1028007-01AF634200000578-872_468x355.jpg[/img]
Fedup2Feb 5, 11:09 Midweek 5th February 2025 Stop the clocks … Kay Burley ( who ?) retires from sky news ( £600 k pa ) after 226…
Fedup2Feb 5, 11:07 Midweek 5th February 2025 I mean …. Surely …. Any sane American taxpayer would look at that spending and feel sick ? 2.5 million…
Fedup2Feb 5, 10:55 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 Vlad The unasked question is – ‘why have the various third world imports formed the sort of hardcore gangs Sweden…
Headlines, Westmonster, shout:
“Brits back UN, WTO, Commonwealth and NATO more than EU, survey finds”.
What!!? Brits love the UN Migration Compact? Somethings wrong with that survey. Highly suspicious.
Don’t stop there G :
“Head of MI5: Islamist terrorism ‘most acute’ threat to UK”
What!!? I thought that ‘Right Wing Extremists’ filled that role?
More BS?
Brits love the UN Migration Compact?
They wouldn’t if the corrupt media had told them about it, but with the BBC and the others deliberately keeping things like that as quiet as they can the people are in blissful ignorance.
That’s another destructive policy that the snake Dancing Terry signed us up to without our agreement.
It won’t be too long before we are being told that we can’t stop importing invaders because of our international obligations.
So it’s 600,000 invaders a year for the foreseeable future or until we Whites are a minority in our own country or we’ve been extirpated from the earth. As Jack Straw observed, the White race doesn’t deserve to exist. Now I wonder if he includes himself in that statement? I suspect not.
Awks. Usually the BBC introduces those the wrong side of the law with their accusation status every time mentioned.
And the bbc mentions the bbc a lot.
“sanctions and fines”
Still get their monthly bonus’s though.
Must up the licence fee for that though.
Man jailed for part in plot to import senile American and dump him on NHS.
\\ It took months to establish that Roger Curry, 78, had been a victim of “granny dumping”,
a phenomenon seen in the United States in which elderly people are abandoned by relatives so that they can receive free healthcare //
\\ On November 23 Kevin Curry and his mother flew to Denmark without his father, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s and a disorder on the autism spectrum.
Mr Davis said: “Hayes The defendant was part of a plan to bring Roger from the US and dump him in Hereford, abandoning him so he could receive care from local healthcare providers. It was clearly planned.”
Hayes took the guy to hospital, and avoided giving his name by claiming to be with the SAS.
He was only caught cos more than 6 months later Hayes, for unknown reasons, called West Mercia police and identified himself as the man who had handed the victim to nurses… but tripped up on his own lies.
John the story again?
Getting to be a habit.
Isn’t that John Sweeney, the balding guy?
Gavin Esler , is he a nice man ?
\\ Gavin Esler says he has called his dog “Farage”
as it won’t go out in the rain and makes a mess for other people to clear up. //
rather a poor , and nasty joke.
He then compared Farage to a second hand car dealer
\\ “We’re not going to buy your crappy fake Ferrari,” says Gavin Esler at the end of an extended metaphor about Nigel Farage
The CHUK audience clapped more loudly…//
Times : UKIP releases video where Farage says “anti-Muslim” things
The Times also goes for smear headline against Sargon ” Candidate wins backing after using the N-word”
Uh-oh. Sinking in that puddings may have been over-egged?
Her scope seems to be expanding daily. Next… world peace? That should clinch the Nobel if Kim is into pigtails.
Oh Gawd, not another Malala “I’m a proper Brumbie” Yousafzai!
Has she tidied her room yet?
There’s only one logical answer: Put our Greta into Number 10 and replace Treason May. But I somehow think even that would not satisfy the pubescent apprentice cultural Marxists.
It looks like we’ve lost another word.
On politics live I think the token leaver might have come out with it.
When we voted leave (out of SM, CU, ECJ, no ifs no buts…out) it appears that there have been a whole lot of ‘compromises’ made.
£39 billion for instance.
Every movement euphemistically called a compromise has been in one direction only.
It now looks (Telegraph) that a Customs Union will be compromised into the deal (which is also a compromise which wasn’t voted for), this, to avoid European elections which will be bad for liblabcon.
In the interest of their Party and not for the benefit of the Country.
Starting at where we voted out, has ANY ‘compromise’ at all been in the leave direction.
By the way,
I suggest any UKIP or Brexit Party people who are going to appear on politics live should get a Rabies jab beforehand.
Not necessary for liblabcon of course.
2 bodies found, all names in the Times victims and men arrested seem Muslim but from Cyprus originally
\\ A murder investigation following the discovery of two bodies at an address in Canning Town continues apace
with one man [B] remaining in police custody.
A 50-year-old man [A] has been released under investigation.
Looks like May and Corbyn have a deal and the BBC are ready to praise it.
Its just a question of words, says Treezer.
‘She signalled she hoped to get Labour backing for any new customs proposal before putting it to Parliament again.
She said their aims were “very similar” and “sometimes people use different terms to mean the same thing”.’
Yeah, like betrayal means the same thing as sell out, or a pack of lies means the same thing as deceit.
The traitorous witch is waiting to convey the bad news until after the elections tommorow as she knows it will mean more seats lost.
“Looks like May and Corbyn have a deal and the BBC are ready to praise it.”
Oh, goody, so that’s why I voted Conservative last GE. To help the Labour leader get into power.
Outrage bus ? : Prince William had to delete 2 tweets
after he broke NZ law by naming an injured child of tge Christchurch attack
.. names of minors are not allowed to be reported
I take it William Windsor – real name William Saxcoburg Girta Yaxley Lennon ( spelling )
Will be prosecuted under NZ law and banned from twitter ….?
BBC News at One : some problems in Paris apparently… 🙁
Gavin Williamson mp ( who ?) defence secretary -is sacked for allegedly leaking that Blighty is to give the Chinese the ability to see our secrets .
A brexit traitor but someone who cares about national security .
Maybe that will cost the Tories another hundred council seats Thursday . Let’s hope .
Any one wanna be defence secretary ?
Please apply below …
Once upon a time I’d have felt sorry – today I just hope it’s another nail in the Tory coffin.
Drain the swamp
Gavin Williamson may be Brexit traitor but I think he cares deeply for the armed forces and looks like he also cares for our security.
Cromwell ( great name ) – the shame is that Mr Williamson can’t give details of what has happened for fear of prosecution – unless he can do it in the Commons On Thursday ….
But how HMG can even contemplate allowing the Chinese into British techy is beyond belief – unless Comrade May has been promised a ‘consultant’ job after she loses office . ….
Penny Mordaunt steps in as Defence Secretary. Background in the Navy She supported Treezer’s deal which would place our forces under the EU.
Times full page Climate Emergency advert from WWF
lists their demands. All in moron capitals
point 1 “Stop subsidising fossil fuels”
point 4 “speed the transition to electric cars”
Then “We are the last generation that can stop the climate crisis”
twitter image
The Attenboroughs are heavily into the WWF, if my memory serves me well. Wasn’t it Boaty McBoatface’s brother ‘ Dicky ‘ who was rolled out to announce the name change ( world wildlife fund changing to world wide fund for nature – but we’re keeping the acronym the same ). Bloody retards.
What does WWF stand for these days ( we just want your effing money – but the acronym is staying the same?)
Another charity with billions in’t bank. Yet the creeps still leeching the bank accounts of kind hearted old dears. Listen to me – I’m an old dear.
I’ve learned me lesson though. I’ll only give to cancer charities and DFVSA and Cat rescue – and of Christian Charities.
Another window into luvvieland today on R5 Live as Nihal Arthanayake gushed all over hip-hop artist Coyle Larner (described by NME as “sensitive and eloquent.”)
Nihal adopts his usual stance of compassionate faux-intellectual chum as Larner ticks all the boxes: how men should talk about their feelings, being mixed race, his ADHD, treating women with respect, and how men should talk about their feelings.
Regrets? Unfortunately first up is one that’s unmentionable on air — because it would ‘definitely land him in prison’. Quickly then on to a bland, family-friendly anecdote instead. Much chuckling and mutual back-patting ensues as Nihal sidesteps yet another potential dent to the BBC’s ‘more than equal’ narrative.
Grime music is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of black men as it glorifies violence and criminality.
There will be no Macpherson report. Instead grime ‘artists’ like Stormzy will be worshipped by the BBC because ‘minorities goooooood.’ The polar opposite of moral outrage – the type they excel at when it comes to a ‘racist’ tweet. Alas here we are talking about dead bodies rather than feigned hurt feelings yet the BBC could not care less.
Times Letters from uni academics good points on Cambridge slavery reparation idea
#1 Today slavery goes on
.. ending that should be priority.
#2 Slavery is not the only kind of severe exploitation
.. which has and still goes on throughout Africa
#3 then what about the North Koreans or the dead of the holocaust ?
Why focus on just white on black slavery all injustice and illegal war was wrong
#4 Sir William Wilberforce was at St John’s College, Cambridge, as was Thomas Clarkson
#5 Is Britain to get no credit for sending the navy to stop slavery even when Arabs continued it ?
My God they made Penelope Mordant Defence Secretary and The dimwit Rory Stewart the minister for giving taxpayers money to foreigners .
The decay of the red Tory Government is speeding up
3 facts about Rory Stewart
He said 60% of people agreed with the sellout deal in a 5 live interview which I heard ( then admitted making it up )
Promised he’d resign as prisons minister if violence wasn’t under control by August 2019
Supervised the incarceration of TR
I wonder how many decades the Tories will be out of power this next election.
With a bit of luck there won’t be a Tory Party . Perhaps a ‘ New Britain ‘ Party ?
Certainly if the economy downturns during the period leading up to the next planned election – it will only reduce residual support for the traitors even more – but we might somehow be out of the Reich EU by then
Unfortunately this stuff detracts from the drive for a full Brexit but I don’t think people will forget we are not out yet .
Taxi rapist John Worboys back on the BBC news homepage! Hurrah! Is that a thousand separate stories about this single offender now?
Maybe if they report on it every day for a decade people will think the ‘grooming’ issue is the same amongst all groups. If anyone points out how different the offending is (getting mates and families involved, targeting children, all over the country, thousands of perpetrators) then just them arrested for thought crime!
The multicultural utopia is arriving and day now! Thank God we have the beloved BBC to guide us there.
They will keep this story running as long as they can. A white rapist, it takes the heat from their beloved ropers.
I see that “a man” was arrested in East Belfast on Tuesday and has been charged with Domestic Servitude offences, which surely is simply another name for modern slavery, the first time ever that anyone has been charged with this crime in Northern Ireland.
Although last year there were 59 potential victims of human trafficking identified, again an issue that was until fairly recently unheard of, as were the high levels of prostitution and cannabis farming that these victims are involved in, it seems that this young woman was kept as a domestic servant. She came from Scotland apparently but hasn’t been identified, though something tells me her surname won’t begin with Mac.
Today they were able to identify the 33 year-old “man” however and it seems he isn’t actually a Belfast native. NI maybe, but Nigeria in this instance, not Northern Ireland.
Now, is it still called slavery when the slaver is black?
Monday’s Times , scare story about how “far-right” terrorism is a big threat in Germany
It mentions no deaths
but rather speaks of two plots – 8 plotters in Chemnitz
.. and a German Officer planning a false flag attack
it ends “right-wing popularist ideas were now normal in Germany with growing hostility to asylum seekers among 54% of Germans”
…WTF that mean ? …Surely proper asylum seeker = good
Whereas cheating queue-jumping asylum seekers are the problem.
you cant just put them all in the same classification.
Whatever the outcome tomorrow, the bickering between Brexit and UKIP will ensure the seismic moment is less than it might have been. At a time when all the current major parties need a real kicking, this is simply tragic and unnecessary. Silly people.
If UKIP and The Brexit Party joined forces there would certainly be “seismic moment “.
They would achieve their ultimate goal of exactly what both parties stand for . Freedom and independence .
At least the good people of Peterborough caste 19000 votes to get rid of their corrupt criminal MP . In the last election she beat the Tory by 607 votes at about 23000 each .
The local election results there will be of special interest as will the ReichEU ones as an indicator as to whether Mr Farage finally gets his place in the rancid Parliament ….. or whether the tories will again play dirty with campaign funding to try to defeat him …
The BBC will try to bury this one …
They have already buried it under the sacking of ‘spiderman’ Williamson for letting us all know about Mrs Chamberlain’s Chinese ‘cracker’.
Farage as an MP? It could happen.
Deep joy if it does 🙂
The corrupt elite will foam and froth.
The BBC ‘s reaction? Predictable, I think.
That photo epitomises to me everything that’s bad in politics.
I don’t wish to be unkind but the wonder and adulation surrounding this child reminds me of Clever Hans.
The difference being that Hans was a horse who lived in the beginning of the 20th century. His owner taught him to count. Once he learned that there was no stopping him. He was able to do square roots and other calculations and answer questions on a number of topics by tapping his hoof, revealing he had mathematical abilities and interests not normally found among the more mundane of his species.
The truth was of course was that he was responding to signals from the people around him but a lot of people were convinced it was for real. They wanted to believe so much.
I wonder if the sceptics at that time were labelled ‘Hans Deniers’?
I think she is ideal for their purposes because she innocent looking, a bit Aspergers/autistic? which makes her very single minded but also means that anyone disagreeing is being “hateful” to someone with a recognised disability.
Just watching the Liverpool game in Germany adverts are on and no repeat no BME content in the adverts ……..so refreshing …..
I see that Kate Andrews is the token leaver on Remainer Time this week.
An American defending our majority leave decision.
(Last week it was an actor who was the token leaver)
At least I think she supports leave.
She doesn’t like Trump though.
Emily Thornberry (real name Lady Yaxley Nugee) is on for a change along with barmy kenny Clarke.
See what they did, 1x labour, 1 x ‘tory’ for balance.
It seems the bbbc have settled on the 4 remainers to 1 leaver format as all the shows (RT, politics live etc)
I don’t recall when the last RT had 2 leavers on although THEY would count somebody like Hammond as a leaver because he supports May’s abomination of a deal.
“…we’re kickstaring our green industrial revolution now…”
The Great Leap Forward (Chinese: 大跃进; pinyin: Dà Yuèjìn) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China (CPC) from 1958 to 1962. The campaign was led by Chairman Mao Zedong and aimed to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian economy into a socialist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization.
These policies led to social and economic disaster, but these failures were hidden by widespread exaggeration and deceitful reports.
In short order, large resources were diverted to use on expensive new industrial operations, which, in turn, failed to produce much, and deprived the agricultural sector of urgently needed resources. An important result was a drastic decline in food output, which caused millions and millions of deaths in the Great Chinese Famine.
Playing armchair detective – since the Tory defence chap says ‘not guilty guv’ – who else would have dun the deed?
Well – Williamson said nasty things about the Russians and we know how thin skinned those delicate monsters are . So perhaps their spies on the Supreme Empire Security Council fitted mr Williamson up as an act of revenge ….
The other option is for another ambitious Minister looking to occupy number 10 getting rid of the competition – again another fit up …. home sec? Foreign sec ?
Schhush. The Great British Public don’t want to hear that scaremongering……………
The hideously white hideously racist people of white racist Peterborough prove their hideous white racism by booting out MP Fiona Onasanya for the sole crime of being black. And lying a bit.
I bet she makes some kind of biblical speech about those without sin – or similar –
It’s quite a funny twitter thread
Indeed! Here’s one comment:
“”Currently @FionaOnasanyaMP is they only MP (not for much longer thankfully) to wear an ankle tag . We will have to make all MP’s wear ankle tags so that we know when they are working.””
Peterborough is quite near Luton
..might worth a shot Tommy.
Or even better if one of TR’s black mates would stand that would really wind libmob up.
Williamson had the misfortune to be a man. Guilty until proved innocent.
A woman on the other hand….
Reference above discussion re Caster Semenya.
Travelling by car for many hours and listened to BBC news bulletins. How they lapped this one up. Any opportunity for promotion of LBGTQABCXYZ, intersex (what exactly is that?) and the right-on BBC students are there. It was first story until the Williamson sacking.
Full credit to Sharon Davies, ex swimmer (and occasional BBC commentator). She made it simple.. Y chromosome. Male. Testosterone aids performance. What about the other 99.999% of normal male/female athletes? Atta girl!!!!
She’ll be on the bBBC naughty step for that.
Paula Radcliffe has also waded in – she’s really putting her career with the BBC at risk.
” intersex (what exactly is that?) ”
I don’t know but I know that that female American pop star who was in Manchester when the bomb went off going by the name of Ariana Grandia (spelling) has just come-out as one. You know she’s the girl who the 6-15 yr olds love to copy.
It may have something to do with the “B” in LGBT?
BBC Online News:
“”Fiona Onasanya: Peterborough to have by-election as MP ousted””
“”Another possibility is that Brexit has made everyone so fed up with politics that people in Peterborough will just decide not to vote at all, and we will see a very low turnout.””
The BBC can’t help introducing Brexit into this.
Back in late 2016 and after the Brexit Vote, Lord hall was quizzed by a Select Committee as to why the BBC had never produced a pro-Brexit programme. All programmes before (and since) have been anti-Brexit.
Lord Hall said that he would address this bias. Has he? Has he f…
Didn’t Peterborough vote “out” in the 2016 Independence Referendum – A Labour Constituency?
So who will UKIP be fielding in the forthcoming by election ?
This should be interesting.
Yes. Over 60% from memory.
Taffman. Ukip was on the ball and selected a candidate ready to stand as soon as she was convicted. His name is John Whitby and as long he hasn’t converted to Islam or Farage in the period since, I expect he will be standing.
Getting a UKIP MP in will be the ‘crack in the dam’ and the end of an incompetent government. She will go if UKIP get in. There is a God after all.
9:05pm ITV4 Classic Bond : OHMSS with George Lazenby
9:12pm He’s in a mountain top hospital; the only man alone with 20 starlets from over the globe.
9:25 He beds the first one
9:31 He beds the second
9:42pm His cover is blown and Blofeld captures him
9:51pm He’s escaped
What is it with these hearings about infected blood? Yesterday we had 2 men, who had their sons with them at the press conference, and both men, as they became emotional, had a supporting hand from their son. Today as the BBC1 news at 10pm reported about the boys that died in a special needs school, a survivor had his friend provide that supporting hand. Is this the lawyers’ idea to emphasise that these people need support? Or is this a BBC invention to bring out our sympathy?
I have a personal interest in this as a very distant relative died a truly horrible death from AIDS which the NHS gave him .
The inquiry will cost a lot of money , no individual will be blamed and lessons will be learned .
The Dept Health / NHS will have destroyed incriminating records by now – but people will still be suffering and others will still be dead and their families suffering the pain .
Fed, sorry to hear you have an interest in this inquiry. But my comment was about presentation at the press conferences rather than the facts of the case. I believe someone is giving instructions for the supporting hands at the press conference and fear it is being overused. Soon every upset person on BBC news will have the ‘hand’ in the picture. I think we have enough emotion in the news with Fergal Keene, Mark Easton and Orla Guerin. I prefer facts rather than emotion or propaganda for my news.
I agree with you, far more feelings than fact in journalism as a whole now, especially the bBC, it both causes and reflects the increased feminization and weakened my of our society.
Remember the televised initial stages of the Grenfell Inquiry when each resident giving their testimony seemed to have at least one support worker/ liaison officer holding their hand as part of their legal team? Perhaps it’s common practice now.
Aunty not really interested in hemophiliacs or those accidentally infected by the medical authorities (unless they could blame it somehow on the “far right”). Over the years I have heard quite a lot on R4 about how HIV affected the “gay” community but not a lot about the poor bloody hemophiliacs.
Everyone one knows the only true “victims” whos story needs to be heard is the gay community. Fortunately now the NHS has pulled out all the stops to ensure that homosexuals can be supplied with expensive drugs so that the “”gay” community can continue with unprotected buggery whilst some poor bloody pensioner who worked all their life still waits for a hip or heart op.
I expect for the next week at least BIG BROTHER from the Diversity
Dept at the BBC will insist the main news story to be followed
will be that of Caster Semenya the South African runner whom
I believe is some form of transgender.
One of the main subjects on the BBC web page is the fact that we
are in for a treat this summer with the BBC’S expansive coverage
of women’s sport.
I have just cancelled my summer holidays because it clashes with
the World Netball event . What with the Women’s rugby we
really are in for a treat this summer on BBC. Who needs men?
The BBC for certain don’t!
Can I suggest you go back a page and read the thread on this?
Semenya is female with a high testosterone level. What you believe her to be isn’t really relevant but you should at least bother to check the facts before posting.
Please watch (1 hr) Prof. Prins explaining the betrayal of our defence, security and intelligence by the ‘May cell’ of traitors.
Be afraid.
Quite a day
Apparently parliament has declared a climate crisis ( up goes the price of petrol ) and much better – the third runway at Heathrow can be one step nearer . All that lovely Avgas in West London where the beeboids live .
“In three weeks’ time, it is entirely plausible that Nigel Farage’s Brexit party will triumph in the European parliamentary elections. It will be the greatest victory for bigotry in politics since the EU referendum campaign.”
By Owen (does his Mom know what he’s doing in his bedroom ?) Jones
The term ‘ bigotry ‘ is easily used but seldom understood . It’s a bit like the ‘Far’ in Far Right .
If the BBC or Guardian were to ask me my views I think I’d be classified as ‘ Far Right ‘ by them .
If fact I’d just see myself as a Republican or a proper Conservative – or what the current PM would describe as ‘ nasty’ .
Just some facts on the ousting of the horrible criminal Fiona Onasanye which the media don’t seem to have been bothering to check, or number crunch.
This is the bit they are telling 10% of the electoral roll was needed for a recall or 7000 signatures, meaning there are roughly 70000 voters registered.
19,261 signatures were made to oust her.
Here’s the figures the MSM aren’t bothering with:
This means that the bar was passed nearly three times over or that 30% of the registered electorate voted to remove her.
It’s a pretty meaningless figure though because 100% of the electorate never bother to vote. Turn out at the last election was 67.5%, quite high, but that means that 47250 (roughly) turned out to vote so using that as a baseline nearly 41% of those who voted at the last election signed that petition.
Seeing as signing a petition is not as big a deal as casting a vote, the people of Peterborough must have really hated her, but it does beg the question as to why they voted for her in the first place.
At the previous election UKIP had taken nearly 8000 votes and it seems that when they didn’t field a candidate in 2015 the vote split, but more went to Labour than Tory.
I wonder if OFCOM have even figured out how to open their office door yet?
Moreover, do they understand the word, ‘regulator’ ?
a person or thing that regulates something.
a person or body that supervises a particular industry or business activity.
eg: “regulators of privatized utilities”
Ahh, a walk down memory lane from 2017:-
“The BBC will face sanctions and fines from its new regulator unless it ends its Brexit bias, a former Culture Secretary and architect of the Royal Charter has warned.
John Whittingdale, a Conservative MP, said that he is concerned that the corporation is “constantly looking for negatives and highlighting the challenges” of Brexit.
He warned that if the corporation’s negative coverage persists MPs could “escalate” their complaints to Ofcom, which takes over regulation of the BBC in a fortnight.
The regulator has the power to impose sanctions including broadcasting corrections, banning repeats of coverage and imposing a £250,000 fine.
Mr Whittingdale, who drew up the new Royal Charter which enshrines the corporation’s duty to be impartial, said: “My own impression is that the BBC is constantly looking for negatives and highlighting the challenges that arise from Brexit.
That is born out by both the analysis of the proportion of coverage given to people talking about difficulties and risks compared to those presenting a more positive picture.”
>PLAY SONG:- ‘Fantasy Island – All I ever dreamed of ooh, ooh etc..’
Any words from Whittingdale (who bottled the Charter Review) are completely worthless. He is just another time serving, waste of space who likes his job just a little too much and was willing to sell out any of his principles in order not too upset his career too much.
Offcom just like the Electoral Commission are a corrupt political construct and will reflect the establishment views and biases over Brexit (ie we were all too stupid to vote the “right” way)
It shows how how corrupt and anti democratic things have become in the UK that these institutions are utterly shameless and now dont even bother trying to look even slightly even handed.
Just like our pro EU “parliamentarians” they are sending us all a very clear message.
Now, where does the money for the £250,000 fine come from?
Erm …let me think?
Wouldn’t it be great if we found out that Gavin Williamson’s parting shot to Theresa May was,
“F#@k this for a game of soldiers!”
About this Gavin Williamson leak/Huawei thing..
It strikes me that, whether he’s guilty or not, in the long term would it not be better if the Chinese actually invaded us and reminded us how to run a serious country again? As opposed to suffering under the risible joke country run by mental defectives that we have now.
Our old communist enemies Russia and China, despite the authoritarianism, corruption and mass murders of millions in the past now seem to be a better bet.
Yes they’re still not so good on the quaint old democracy and voting thing with Xi and Putin looking like they are ‘Presidents’ for life.
But voting over here nowadays always brings in Governments that continually carry on with their own society-destroying agendas that blatantly ignore the people’s wishes.
We could stick with the unaccountable and corrupt EU telling us what to do, aided by global social-media corporations having free rein to censor our free speech. And there’s considerable input from shady oil money to grease the wheels to ensure there’s no question of reducing immigration from the third world. This is the current situation, and though nearly all our politicians think it’s wonderful it’s not working out for most of us.
If there’s no chance of us being ‘annexed’ by a Trump led USA, then I for one might be tempted to welcome in our East Asian and Russkie overlords.
Undemocratic, riven with nepotism, dodgy business dealings, some may say cruel and harsh..but as far as I can tell the inhabitants of Russia and China have not gone stark staring bonkers.
With today’s news about ‘Climate Emergency’ and multitudes of dimwits hanging on every word of that Swedish girl..I wish I could say I’m only half joking!
The Williamson thing does have a Chinese ring to it – or will do.
“Slow The Rotation Of The Earth” – i.e. altering earths climate!
China’s Monster Three Gorges Dam Is About To Slow The Rotation Of The Earth
Cutler Cleveland, The Energy Watch Jun. 18, 2010, 9:23 AM
‘Universities must tackle race degree gap.’
What a beauty!
As always they see a pursuit where outcomes are not exactly equal among groups (as they never are in anything) and blame ‘racism.’ Of course the far higher proportion of Asians (and women) achieving degrees in medicine is not considered evidence of ‘racism’ or ‘sexism’ against white men.
Not every group has the same attitude towards education which is what explains the gap. Apparently we need talks about other cultures and more role models (how patronising!). It is not as if we don’t talk constantly about other cultures. And if one culture is rotten (thinking it is cool to dos in education) then no amount of talking about it will help. The Chinese excel in education so why not let them advise other groups who do not do so well? The problem cannot be the system/racism when one ethnic minority outperforms every other group.
If you offered my pal Anil a chance for a chat about ‘race and culture’ on campus he would laugh in your face and come join me down the pub. Call me ‘far right’ but I reckon it was his constant drinking which caused his underachievement at university.
You read a degree – the idea that some ‘racist system’ causes your underachievement is nonsense. I remember a question on fault-based divorce in my finals. We all had access to the same texts and seminars; they did not say ‘no blacks are allowed to read the first chapter of the text book.’
Giving special advantages to minorities may well be part of the problem. If you can blame the ‘system’ rather than take responsibility that must affect your attitude, which is paramount. Articles like this probably entrench the very divisions they ostensibly seek to erase.
I believe American universities have tackled the “race degree gap” (ie: low black achievement) and seriously upset a lot of very non-PC SE Asian students in the process.
Don’t hear much about it though.
Nepotism and the middle classes keeping everything amongst themselves (leg ups with jobs etc) is a huge factor. Why bother nailing your degree when the son of a politician could do half as well yet be guaranteed a sweet job when he leaves university, a job that you could only dream of?
Go out and vote 🙂 🙂
Too true.
Vote or someone else decides what they think is best for us.
Bbc morning emole:
Starting with a lot of ‘could’.
UK ‘can cut emissions to nearly zero’
Could Britain practically wipe out its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050? That’s the case being put by independent advisers to government who suggest the UK should “lead the global fight” against climate change. Chris Stark, of the Committee on Climate Change, tells the BBC the idea would have been “inconceivable” a few years ago but has been made possible by a huge drop in the cost of renewable energy. You can remind yourself of the global picture, via our seven charts on climate change. And, if you struggle with any of the scientific terminology on the issue, try our translation tool.
And then…. VD.
Marathon runners branded ‘fat and slow’
Many will have watched TV coverage of Sunday’s London Marathon in awe of those taking part. So you might be surprised at the abuse received by some tail-enders as the course was cleared away around them – despite them running with an official race pacer. One spoke to the Victoria Derbyshire programme.
Polling day or not State broadcaster campaigns every day.
TOADY Watch #1
Roger the-Horror-bin-reporting-on-it-for-years was like a dog with two tails this morning during the first hour of the programme.
“We’re going to have to eat less meat!” and “We are going to have to plant more trees.”
He is quite oblivious to the fact that vegan arable farming demands no trees and that meat from ruminants, grazers and foragers is both self-propelled (ie. no CO2 producing fossil fuel or electric vehicle required) during the production & harvesting phase and during that can live with and within a woodland environment.
I have no trouble with folk holding different views, but that’s never enough is it? I’ve got to make their dream possible.
“We’re going to have to eat less meat”.
Don’t include me in We’re.
Not ,
I , too , have this rebellion gene . When some one starts saying ‘you can’t ‘ ‘you must stop ‘
‘It needs banning or controlling ‘ I start going the other way .
The Far Left running the BBC and Parliament love finding things to control or stop . If an MP personally decided they don’t like something they want to stop it or control it – the internet is the most obvious example .
Freedom is threat to snowflakes and once it’s gone it’s painful to get back . I think the time this site has is limited …
Once upon a time , if a 15 year old was stabbed to death on a British street , it would have been national news .
But the BBC doesn’t consider such an event newsworthy enough . The fact that a 15 year old was murdered by stabbing in Hackney on Wednesday night doesn’t make the ‘Toady ‘ programme news agenda .
It seems for the BBC young black lives don’t matter ,
Fed up,
This entirely predictable aspect of enrichment is not to be broadcast , indeed it must be suppressed as it may upset the natives and push them into ‘I told you so’ mode. We used to live in a peaceful , cohesive society at ease with itself. But now that we have been enriched we see gangs of feral kids who committ murder , rape gangs, terrorism, honour crimes against women, FGM, disgusting ways of ritual slaughter of animals which we outlawed decades ago, a rise in diseases we had wiped out in the UK, effects of inbreeding, electoral malpractice, etc etc. To cap it all we have successive governments passing laws which allow you to be arrested not just for what you might say or write but for what someone else thinks you might be thinking! We have the police inteterviewing suspects ‘to check their thinking’in true Orwellian fashion. So we can see that enrichment has been a disaster for our small island but we aren’t allowed to talk about it let alone protest. Meantime the hateful BBC continues to ram. enrichment down our throats at every opportunity. I am pleased I’m past 60, god knows what the country will be like in ten, twenty or thirty years time.
Double – I hardly need to say you are correct . In the scheme of thing I didn’t bother reporting that there was another ‘life changer ‘ last night as well as the kid it ( possibly ) was the killer In hackney .
Our thoughts are with blah blah .. our pensions
It’s the new normality in a Third World city .
And they demonised Enoch Powell for his warnings.
Just as they demonise Tommy and Gerard now.
No point in questioning Harrabin’s beliefs. For a man, among many others, who has made a successful career from ignoring facts and creating an incontrovertible religion from spurious data, such trivial arguments are beneath him.
C02 is not a pollutant. It is plant food. End of.
The unemployment figures in UK has gone up today by one .
Fiona Onasanya is no longer an MP. The first criminal MP to refuse to resign – having to be turfed out by her own constituents through lack of honour and desire for her MP pay .
She has all the qualities the BBC admires so I bet they’ll give her a job . A person so thick that she thought she could avoid prosecution and conviction in a full trial on an issue which she could easily have survived in a personal and political sense .
The bi election will be on 6 June .
The timing of this whole story is troubling – she was released from prison early and was the one vote in the brexit debate which allowed remain to win .
The deselection vote was announced on the day before local elections so news reporting was limited .
And the 6 June date will be overshadowed by the inevitable rabid reaction to the visit of the head of state of America on the 75th anniversary of D day .
Here’s the thing. Question. Does anyone else reveive email alerts from “Ready for Rees-Mogg” or “Reignite”?
‘Sam Frost’ appears as the correspondent for both. Couldn’t be someone making money could it?
Are you sure it’s not ‘waiting for Rees Mosque ?’
What a waste of air that Tory turned out to be .
Drain the Swamp
That’s odd. May Day riots all over Europe and the BBC overlooks the fact. Why on earth would they do that?
Given that May ALWAYS gets it wrong and makes the wrong decisions every time,I think that Gavin Williams was, as he strongly tells us, not the leak from the security council briefing about using proven spyware installers Huawei (see Australian government cancelled contract after finding numerous spyware and back doors in Huawei installations)
I would like the Telegraph to publish a one of statement saying Williamson was NOT the source.
The real reason she sacked Gavin Williamson …
On the matter of Gavin Williamson, I disagree entirely with Lord Dannett (on Toady, R4).
He says the key matter is the leak, not Hauwei, he says.
I say the key matter is May’s misjudgement (yet another one!): allowing Communist China a role in our strategic infrastructure, is mega-stupid.
WHEN WILL THEY/WE GIT RID OF THIS INCOMPETENT woman, before she sinks the country completely???
Talking of sinking, on this date in 1982 the Argentine Heavy Battleship General Belgrano was sent to the bottom of the South Atlantic by the Royal Navy’s HMS Conqueror.
I’m sure the Biased Beeb will at some stage today be running a message that it was an illegal sinking, exclusion zone, conscript sailors, freezing seas blah blah blah…
Simples, Beeb. Enemy combatant Warship. Part of the armed forces that invaded sovereign UK territory.
Rule Britannia.
I’ve just been and voted. My grandfather always told me I should vote, he never tried to influence me or express a preferred choice, other than if you don’t vote you cant have a debate about the outcomes and that men he fought alongside in WWII died to uphold freedom and the ability to choose in this country of ours.
I ‘voted’ today and for the first time ever I spoiled the paper. It will not be counted but It made me feel better just to line through all the usual suspects on offer (liars cheats and charlatans), a fact I articulated to the CONservative and LIMP DUMB reps stood by door on the way out. Just a shame there was no red rosette there as well in order to pass comment on the criminal now ‘ex MP’ as well.
I hope the comments I provided re Brexit, Treason May etc, will at least be noted during the count later today/tomorrow.
Go vote, spoil paper, do whatever – but give let them know, give them feedback, they will get the message.
If we don’t we are all to blame for the demise of this nation.
Once upon a time I stayed up on election nights to watch results come in . Not this time .
The traitor parties will both define the local ections as local – when we know it’s the first time that people have been able to comment on the failure to carry through democracy .
In a few areas it will be on local issues – but most will be people like you registering their disgust .
London isn’t voting so I have to wait until 23 May to register my view – it will be for The Brexit Party whether it splits the right or not .
London itself will always be a Remain area because it’s full of foreigners and snowflakes . The only upside is that those avoiding paying the poll tax won’t be on the electoral register .
Another splendid demonstration of one of the BBC’s peculiar obsessions earlier (Toady 0811)…
One of their news stories was that 3,000 words have been added to the official Scrabble dictionary. And what was the one word out of all the 3,000 which the BBC chose to illustrate this new list – can you guess?
Brilliant! I’m more than happy for people to identify however they want. It’s just that of all the 3,000 words, the one the BBC selected just happened to be a favourite of the postmodernist identity-politics brigade.