Over to you Comrades …it’s May Day – but any protests in mainland Europe will be under reported by the the biased failing BBC . They’ll distract with the usual ‘ remain ‘ lies
Virtually every news outlet carrying ‘rumours’ of the UK staying in a customs union, which is absolutely NOT Brexit, to be announced after the local elections, and with the Euro election then cancelled to prevent UKIP and Farage embarrasing the spineless cockroaches of the useless Tories.
If this does come to pass I cannot see the Tory party surviving it, we need a new right of centre party which excludes the posh boys of the rotten school who have sowed so much corruption and rot with their self serving intentions.
Talking of sinking, on this date in 1982 the Argentine Heavy Battleship General Belgrano was sent to the bottom of the South Atlantic by the Royal Navy’s HMS Conqueror.
I’m sure the Biased Beeb will at some stage today be running a message that it was an illegal sinking, exclusion zone, conscript sailors, freezing seas blah blah blah…
Simples, Beeb. Enemy combatant Warship. Part of the armed forces that invaded sovereign UK territory.
Unusual to miss an anniversary – it’s like porn for beeboids -easy’ journalism ‘ digging up something to fit their views and fill the chasms in 24/7 rolling lies .
A few argies might do those infantile ‘ selfies ‘ of burning a union flag again will ‘ go viral’ as they kidults say …
At the bottom of the live post you’re writing on BBBC you’ll see ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here.’ Click that; then paste your URL into the box. (This action adds IMG tags to the start and end of your URL so the image displays properly.)
TM, think you may not be correct on that. .pdf’s can contain images. I have rather a lot of them. You can also scan documents and have a choice of saving .pdf or .jpeg. both with images, the latter being an image file
Yes, am aware of the URL route but I do not have that capability. I think I can also mess about in recent AdobeCC/Photoshop and get a .jpeg from a .pdf but I do not have that software either.
Yes pdfs can contain images, but they are document files and embed images into the document data differently. Most photo hosting sites will only accept image files (e.g. jpg, png, bmp, gif etc)
I don’t think this forum software can store uploads direct I’m afraid
TM, ah, got you now – yes, a doc data format. Think if I pay Adobe money it is possible to turn it into a bmp or gif. Am too poor now to get in habit of paying Adobe money! 🙁
Thanks, TM, will have a hunt. Am a bit cautious about downloading stuff at present, j-i-c, but have a couple of geeky friends who may come up with safe recommendations.
Not on your BBC, May Day riots in the centre of Paris with unarmed protesters being tear gassed. Imagine if this was an anti Trump protest in Washington DC. Check out the video. Not a peep out of the BBC. https://twitter.com/sahouraxo/status/1123662301666717705?s=21
The WestWyvern May 2, 2019 at 9:18 am
“…I ‘voted’ today and for the first time ever I spoiled the paper. It will not be counted…”
I’m afraid I have to disagree WW, the figures below relate to the 2017 General Election in my constituency, as published on the council website.
Rejected ballot papers
Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 91
Voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to 23
Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified 16
Total rejected 130
I’m going to spoil my paper today. Imagine the reaction if tens of thousands of us did the same.
One story a returning officer told was of a man who hated one particular candidate decided to spoil his paper by drawing a picture of a penis next to his name, however because he managed to stay within the lines of the box, the returning officer decided that this meant he actually intended to vote for this candidate, and thus his prank backfired.
Just remember that to spoil a paper the writing has to cross the lines of the box vertically because if it is in just one it might be counted as a legitimate vote.
Thanks Spinning, I meant ‘not counted’ in terms of the spoiled paper not able to be used in the act of ‘electing’ one of the names on the ballot to office.
But good to know that they do indeed record the totals for rejected ballot papers.
We can but hope that thousands do the same and send a message.
Me too, Spinning, although normally I reserve the right to keep my vote confidential as its a secret ballot. I thought originally, as shown by the LA w-s, that it would be only ConLabLibDem available. As it happens there was also a Green.
Still not good enough for me.
I asked politely for my Brexit that I voted for.
Leaving the EU. 29th March 2019. No deal. No ransom money.
It’s VERY important to note that Spoilt ballot papers are counted and identified. It’s to demonstrate that all ballot papers issued have not gone walkies and ended up in the ballot box. This is worth remembering if the dreaded “people’s vote” comes to fruition and we are faced with Mays appalling deal or Remain. In such a case the Spoilt Ballot papers must win the vote!
Just hearing a strong rumour of a bomb on a train to Manchester Airport with the train stopped outside the station and passengers evacuated & forced to walk down the tracks. All services on that line are now suspended and cancelled until afternoon.
Shameless open borders promo piece on the home page: “Hundreds of wives and children of former Islamic State group fighters who are detained in camps in northern Syria are stuck as their countries of origin are reluctant to take them back. In many European countries, their relatives are campaigning for their return.” This ‘news’ looks to be taken from a Reuters story over 2 months old; the journalists are:
— Alissa de Carbonnel: European Security Correspondent (“is French and American and speaks Russian and Spanish”)
— Clément Rossignol: TV Producer
— Bart Biesemans: Video journalist (“I was born and raised near Brussels […] talk to me in English, French, Spanish, German or Dutch.”)
— Farah Salhi: Studying journalism at IHECS (“IHECS is an open school, connected to the world. This connection with society and its evolutions is written in its DNA.”)
Thanks for the advice TM, that has ruined my day, listening to that screaming harridan, a pity she did not present this aspect of herself and her mob when they were bowing and begging for a passport and entry over here.
It would serve us all well when we see those pics of Syrian kids so popular in the MSM to make us sorry for them, to consider what they will turn into, demanding we let their war criminal brood back here after raping, torturing and executing western aid workers.. and generally turning on us like rabid dogs demanding their rights.
muslims have:
No compassion
No forgiveness
No humility
And they’re never going to change as long as that book of theirs dominates their thoughts and actions.
They have demonstrated repeatedly (as above for example and with Begum) that their values, culture and outlook, not to mention their loyalties, are completely and utterly incompatible with those of this country, Europe, and the indigenous population and other cultures residing here
Is it psychological warfare ?
And is it creating zombie armies ?
I came out the gate this morning
– I looked left #1 Pseudo zombie army, chanting “stop carbon, stop carbon zero CO2” they had their smart phones in one hand, and a Costa/Starbucks coffee cup in the other and driving away behind them were the giant 4x4s of their parents that had just dropped them off.
– I looked right and there was another Zombie army led by Alistair Campbell, Owen and Ash chanting “Stop Brexit, Stop Brexit, must stop Brexit”
How many us cannot listen to the BBC radio for the sake of our blood pressure
..as item, after item comes up that we oldies know is BS
.. “scientists say” = “we cherrypicked some quotes, from some cherrypicked scientists”
..”certain doom” = “On the scale of possible scenarios doom is probably a 0.2% chance”
Too true, it is exhausting.
And I was thinking of replacing our gas boiler but really I should knock my house down and build a eco one with a heat pump. Luckily I don’t live in a row of terraced so I can plug in an electric car.
All I need now is a good Lottery win – it could be me.
Widespread lunacy seems to have gripped this country.
Too many people ? Too much stress ? Too much Social Media ? Too much media agenda pushing ?
All of those I reckon as people are behaving like ants when you lift a slab.
We seem to have completely lost our priorities in the scramble to serve agendas. For example, there is more concern over whether a child is identifying as the correct gender than whether he’ll be stabbed today.
A re-balancing and re-prioritising is way overdue.
If nothing else the fears of extinction certainly distract from the more pressing and everyday concerns and of course it’s a golden ticket to wack up prices and taxes.
Lord Deben ( what a crap title – does it mean anything, is there a place called Deben, couldn’t he have chosen somewhere or something a little more melodious? ) Whose real name is John Selwyn Gummer ( good grief, he’s not having much luck with his choice of names ), as the far-left bbc collective might say, to be consistent with how they describe Tommy Robinson.
vesnadog, maybe they were trying to propagandise a growing segment of the population to the fact that ‘watching TV is not actually haram’ and that they really should pay their TV Licence Fees, please.
A 1,110-foot-wide asteroid (That’s around 30-35 times larger than the average passing rock apparently) will fly by the Earth in 2029.
The asteroid, 99942 Apophis, is predicted to come within 19,000 miles of Earth.
Should Labour push for an Asteroid Emergency next ?
Fed, they might try but pinning that one on President Trump will be a bit difficult. He’ll be at least five years into his retirement and I guess, if still fit enough, spending his time on a golf course somewhere.
Anyone know whether Trump’s ’rounds per week’ and scores are anywhere as near as high as former President Obama?
If we are going to be hit by an asteroid at least make it as big ‘ as the state of Texas’ ( to quote Armageddon)- not being rendered extinct by – 1000 foot tiddler which isn’t even going to have the decency to knock the planet off its current axis .
“Should Labour push for an Asteroid Emergency next ?”
2029? It sure won’t be any good inviting the little Swede girl back to be interviewed for her views as, on her reckoning, the Earth will come to an end two years after the asteroid event and no doubt she’ll be busy putting her final affairs in order before her demise……………….
I thought it was 10 years ? AOC says 12 years.
Anyway, it’s our duty in Britain to save the World – apparently.
Just us, by ourselves, no one else, on our own.
There’s actually a Climate Change section on the BBC news page now. Next thing you know they’ll be denying all this climate change shenanigans in recent weeks is being orchestrated.
Question related to the above photo of a floating iceberg.
When an ice cube melts in a glass of water does the water level rise?
Over to the climate change experts …………………
Simples Taffman. An ice cube melting in a glass of tap water won’t result in a rise in the water level. An iceberg melting in an ocean will cause the water level to rise because salt water and the ice have different densities.
It is small but not insignificant if it is repeated year after year. Remember that melting sea ice has other consequences – loss of habitat and warming oceans amongst them.
How does melting ice make the sea warmer? Surely it takes heat to melt the ice (?latent heat?) hence the sea gets colder – unless they are claiming all the melting is caused by the sun and none by the sea? And if the sea ice habitat is slightly smaller then the sea habitat is slightly larger so swings and roundabouts on the habitat front i think.
A lot of energy is transferred from the sea to the ice. If there is less ice, less energy is transferred therefore the sea gets warmer. Living things can’t easily switch their habitat.
The melting ice of the north polar cap will dilute the salt laden North Atlantic bottom drift (the warm current that arificailly raises the temerature of the UK, commonly called the Gulf Stream which is why we have palm tees in Cornwall and north west Scotland) and will eventually stop it, leading to our climate being similar to others in our latitude such as Northern Canada and Russia.
I’m halfway through my Mori IPSOS Rajar Listening Survey commissioned by the bbc.
The bbc will learn that I have a bias against their bias and no longer listen to them.
I imagine I’ll be classified as too old to matter and hopelessly right wing but In my younger days I was a Labour party member.
My ideas of equality, honesty and fairness have not changed one bit.
Just listened to TWATO – first time for years and the usual tick box blurb including Kevin McCloud, Builder and a complete twato (expert).
But really, Montague ?!
She sounds like a depressed Theresa May robot.
Ok so the feeling is that we may be going to see major decimation of the main political parties in the local election polls with as they like to refer to them “populist” parties making significant gains.
In view of this, on the front page of the politics section of its website, the Beeb carries a headline story…. “Dogs at the polls”. complete with 9 full page width photos of dogs sitting next to polling station signs.
Nothing like getting to the real election issues is there? Or maybe they really don’t want to contemplate that too much as things stand so see this as a nice diversion! (“What do you mean what’s happened to Brexit? Just look at these cute dogs!”)
I would hazard a guess that most of the dogs pictured belong to Beeb staff too…
…and another thing, if I see one more dog wearing a stupid pointless bandana I will scream!
According to its supporting text the beeb have explained how it is prevented from any speculative reporting on the voting by some law or another, so decided to run with the dogs n bikes story.
It’s puerile though isn’t it? Totally puerile. “Well folks, certain legal restrictions prevent us from reporting on the impending strike by a nuclear warhead, so we thought to show you some pictures of Frank Spencer fixing a roof.
When I went to vote I knew the person in charge it was 2:00O’Clock she said just 82 people had been to vote. There was no one else in when I went in and despite having a bit of a chat no one else came in while I was in, and no one was coming to vote while I was walking back to the car.
This can only be a good thing as the current councillor is Labour.
Just for amusement – the convicted ex MP for Peterborough has announced she is to stand for office in the bi election. This might be a spoof twitter job .
However politics is so corrupt now that anything is possible .i has a quick look and it appears being convicted of perverting the course of justice isn’t enough to be disqualified .
She clearly has that desire to be in the public eye and be a ‘celebrity ‘ like so many saddos
apparently turn up on day time TV .
If Farage had been an MP, was convicted of lying under oath and served a prison sentence……would he have been allowed to vote in Parliament whilst wearing a convicts bracelet-tag?
Particularly if his vote swung something as serious as Brexit?
3:32pm Radio4 “Woman of Colour” klaxon
The topic of debate is “working class”
…but the author wanted to play a different game “As a woman of colour I am not aware or class distinctions , but race …”
Hmm I don’t believe Doctor and Lawyer and professor black families hang out with working class black families.
Hang on I just check her photo
PoC ? she’s a white skinned ethnic Indian
Anita Sethi
The BBC can’t be anti-white-heterosexual-men
cos it’s appointed Geoff Norcott to its new
Diversity And Inclusion Advisory Group
…/sarc #MoreThanEqual
BBC motto : Diversity of skin colour, conformity of thought
Axa have a Green virtue-signalling advert on Talk Radio
making the improbable claim
” ocean-acidification is causing fish to lose 50% of their sense of smell”
I guess it comes from their Sky doco
Reading on the BBC website about Gavin Williamson made
me think about something else. AND I swear on my children’s
lives and you can include my cat Rosie and my bitch Mimi as well.
that WILLEM at 10/1 are a fair bet to beat AJAX in the Dutch Cup
final on Saturday. I know that up to now all my tips have lost. BUT
I swear on my grand-children’s lives my wife Glenda’s life and even
on dead hamster’s life that I am telling the truth that Willem should be not bigger than 5/1.
Have you ever seen such a Monty Python Government in all
your lives ? I don’t think even if Kenneth Williams had been defence secretary it could of been funnier.
Why do Labour, the BBC and Remainers support Climate Change?
And why is it supported with such fanatical, almost religious zeal?
Ever tried to debate with a Climate Change zealot?
I find it amusing that only the rich states of the West want to reduce their living standards this way. The rest of the world is trying to find enough to eat and prevent starvation.
The labour party are supporting this as a purely election tool to appeal to the kids they are trying to get the kids vote and will do whatever it takes to appeal to them. It will be forgotten like last time after any vote (down the memory hole) The BBC are just trouble makers and will tag on to any protests.
I have an idea that will appease all these kids calling for climate change action. I noticed during the Easter break how quiet the roads were. Ban parents from driving their 4×4’s to school and make the little blighters walk to school like I had to. It will also help tackle the “obesity crisis” 2 birds 1 stone!
It’s a little like the CND of today with the climate zealots resembling the Greenham Common fringe. They may or may not influence policy and years down the line, much like CND and the Greenham mob they’ll be able to kid themselves into thinking they made a difference.
My niece came home from grammar school yesterday and told me that “miss said” that the world will end in 12 years if we don’t take action on climate change now. Then one of the boys put up his hand, made reference to what he had just learned in science and asked how is CO2 a pollutant if the plants need it. “Miss” didn’t know.
One piece of good news from the BBC. But I’m sure they don’t see it that way!
“” Hither Green stabbed burglar Henry Vincent lawfully killed””
“”A 79-year-old man who killed an armed burglar with a kitchen knife acted lawfully, an inquest has decided.””
“”Richard Osborn-Brooks stabbed Henry Vincent with a knife in Hither Green, south-east London, in April last year.””
“”Mr Osborn-Brooks told Southwark Coroner’s Court the 37-year-old had threatened him with a screwdriver, then “rushed forward” and “ran into the knife I was holding”.””
“”Coroner Andrew Harris recorded a verdict of lawfully killing.””
I apologise in advance for posting this here, all 41 minutes of it, but my reasoning is that if only one member of the bbc hive watches this and starts to wonder if it might be true, then it’s served its purpose.
This is the best explanation of Jesus’ resurrection I have heard. John MacArthur is a wonderful teacher of the Bible:
j-i-c, is that the Roman soldier ‘cover-up’ from Matthew’s Gospel? [Matt 28vs11-15]
I haven’t watched the video – will do so later. That’s arguably the first and original X-File, although there a couple of OT contenders for that title – Moses, staff raised stopping time and King Hezekiah’s clock – that obviously pre-date the Resurrection.
Additional key evidence came from the sharp eyes of Peter and young John, the latter who in later life, pen in hand, remembered the ‘handkerchief’ wrapped around Jesus’ head. [John 20v7] The loose grave bindings, done in a hurry (probably by Joseph of Arimathea and helpers, Nicodemus?) before the Passover Sabbath – had had the resurrecting body pass through them – they were collapsed and still in their place.
The ‘handkerchief’ or ‘knapkin’, however, was neatly wrapped and placed to one side.
I can imagine the Lord doing that with a smile thinking ‘I wonder if they will notice?’ and ‘My Spirit will bring the memory back anyway’. Then He climbed out for the first encounter with a disciple.
BBC News has today learned that Chris packham has said he has received death threats along with the two dead birds hung from his garden gate .
He has annoyed farmers and blood sports enthusiasts alike with his vocal campaign to stop people shooting 16 types of birds including cwows, wooks and wavens .
He said he will set his vewy good fwiend in wome Biggus Dickus on them if they dont stop this wascleyness.
Why is this newsworthy? Only because big gob has opened his and put his foot firmly in it. Everyone gets death threats even a guy who put a video up of how to make a cup of tea.
You go on the internet you get death threats get over it.
The 16 bird species – not ravens, they were always protected – were exempted from the blanket coverage of the Wildlife & Countryside Act of 1988 and given ‘pest status’ under a General Licence. That meant that it was both legal and beneficial for crop protection – and vulnerable smaller species, most of the songbirds, whose eggs and chicks were taken by corvids like crow, rook, jackdaw and magpie – to shoot these listed birds in order to control their numbers.
Packham has a friend, Tony Juniper, the new head of Natural England who rescinded the licence as soon as he took the job. The resulting fracas will not be beneficial to wildlife, but for those who oppose shooting this is of secondary importance.
The latest news is that Natural England will be stripped of their powers in regard to the issue of General Licences and the responsibility will pass to DefRA. If this should happen, expect to hear more from Mr Packham on most TV channels, preaching to an easily impressed though largely ignorant audience. Greta Thunburg has yet to comment.
No! I won’t even go there in jest, I might want to stand for election to a parish council in the back of beyond, (damn, that’s probably offensive!), someday and I wouldn’t want that to divert the media away from the issue of emptying the dustbins weekly.
It seems more likely that poor Tommy will be charged with assault.
As for the woman in Salford asking why he was focusing on Muslims, this shows that it’s not just muslims that we have to blame for islamisation. Once the country has been islamised, Will they be happy? Also, she seems over ready to quote half remembered media soundbites.
After Mercer got ratioed on Twitter, he retweeted the vid , with a clarification
\\ Jeez.. the reaction to this.
It’s a milkshake. A *milkshake*.
Clearly I condemn political violence.
This is not political violence from this guy on the left. It is a milkshake.//
He’s got ratioed again ..twice as many replies as likes
The BBC seem to have completely given up on reporting the news in an impartial way. What they do now is lecture us on how to live our lives. We have to set the thermostat to 19 degrees, we mustn’t eat red meat too often, we must drive electric cars, etc. As it happens, I don’t particularly have a problem with any of those things myself, I just don’t want the BBC to lecture me about them, I can make my own decisions! I really miss the BBC of the 1980s which mostly reported the news in a neutral way, even if there was a very slight left-wing bias at that time. I remember the classic 6 O’clock News set-up with Nicholas Witchell and Sue Lawley presenting, and the 9 O’clock News presented by people like Michael Buerk, Phillip Hayton, Martyn Lewis and Moira Stuart.
Spotted this in the #NetZero document where they quote Venezuela. That’s how we’ll end up if Corbyn ever gets in be afraid very afraid. That said, the Tories have swallowed the Green nonsense hook line and sinker.
/Six countries (Morocco, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Uruguay and Venezuela) announced new supplementary commitments and actions when revising their NDCs (WRI, 2018)/
Channel 4’s idea of comedy.
Stereotype skinhead white racist, polite Asian, ‘with it’ white grandfather with mixed race thug for a grandson! Just feel the love! Won’t the world be a better place when they have exterminated those not approved by ‘the left’!
I seem to recall Corbyn claiming an historic victory after Labour lost the last General Election. The BS these people spout is beyond my comprehension. Do they really believe the electorate will be happy to accept their twisted version of the truth so readily these days?
Donald Trump to present Tiger Woods with Presidential Medal of Freedom https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/golf/48140429
”The 43-year-old, who won the Masters at Augusta in April, will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony on Monday, 6 May.”
Ha ha libtards wont like that !
Trump knows how to rile them,
good on Tiger for accepting.
Jonnie mercer – the unhinged Tory Ex soldier celebrating , on twitter , TR being attacked . So the next time a fellow swamp dweller gets beaten up or killed I suppose he will be equally entertained .
I thought he had better things to do like count his £84k part time job he got as a result of his position – snout in the trough eh Jonnie
Drain the swamp
The far left succeed in getting the supine Facebook and Instagram to ban anyone with views to the Right of their own, like Milo, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson. Soon the beeb and their like will have complete hegemony of the news.
Foodbank narrative ?
.. Tonight, I went to do my protest vote
.. Came out popped in the local supermarket whilst closing
..the bloke was clearing the fresh produce shelf
.. said “take what you want mate 10p an item, cos it’s going in the bin”
so 21 items including ready meals for £2.10 total
..to distribute among the pensioner neighbours tmw
#GreenZombieArmy in action on BBC Look North tonight
At minute 21 a 2 minute Green biz advert from LN Enviro correspondent Paul M
Item #1 Lady who has new biz running recharging points she claims are powered by solar
Item #2 A promo for a building company claiming to make SUSTAINABLE homes
(A quick check on Twitter shows this company has a problem replying to its customers complaints about snagging)
Are you allowed to run this kind of advertising promoting the Green viewpoint on election day ?
Ha, as if the rules apply to BBC/Greens ..they are above rules
\\ Day of the Long Knives: Facebook nixes @PrisonPlanet, Alex Jones, Milo, Laura Loomer,
… and @LouisFarrakhan (the latter being a sop to “prove” its not right/left bias) //
I just saw that. Paul Joseph Watson posted a powerful video about 5 hours ago on YouTube – ‘Banned by Facebook and Instagram’ – which has already gleaned 166 000 views and 31 000 likes.
Not sure if comments are allowed, as I’m posting this from a weird phone, but I know that PJW has been hamstrung by YouTube. We can only hope they don’t also ‘disappear’ him.
He quoted George Orwell:
“In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
And George Washington:
“If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
The lefty snowflakes at Facebook and Twitter and the rest must be delirious with joy at the power they are able to wield from their safe spaces.
Yes I heard this news early this morning. It’s getting ridiculous banned because it is claimed he is “far right”. Just because he not a Democrat or labourite he and he tells the truth he is deemed a bad lad and deserves to be shut out. I really enjoy watching his common sense views. How come a far left American organisation is allowed to shut down another view than their own. This is getting really serious. I believe the rot set in when our friend old Nick was recruited to make a difference and earn his enormous salary.I don’t know where this will end, the doors are shutting on free speech and interference in politics is becoming the norm.
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
Virtually every news outlet carrying ‘rumours’ of the UK staying in a customs union, which is absolutely NOT Brexit, to be announced after the local elections, and with the Euro election then cancelled to prevent UKIP and Farage embarrasing the spineless cockroaches of the useless Tories.
If this does come to pass I cannot see the Tory party surviving it, we need a new right of centre party which excludes the posh boys of the rotten school who have sowed so much corruption and rot with their self serving intentions.
Talking of sinking, on this date in 1982 the Argentine Heavy Battleship General Belgrano was sent to the bottom of the South Atlantic by the Royal Navy’s HMS Conqueror.
I’m sure the Biased Beeb will at some stage today be running a message that it was an illegal sinking, exclusion zone, conscript sailors, freezing seas blah blah blah…
Simples, Beeb. Enemy combatant Warship. Part of the armed forces that invaded sovereign UK territory.
Rule Britannia.
Unusual to miss an anniversary – it’s like porn for beeboids -easy’ journalism ‘ digging up something to fit their views and fill the chasms in 24/7 rolling lies .
A few argies might do those infantile ‘ selfies ‘ of burning a union flag again will ‘ go viral’ as they kidults say …
Another plea: can anyone tell me how to get a .pdf screen grab into a post on here?
There’s a hilarious example of how good the quality of BBC science knowledge is on its Home Page. It is worth a mention with a sarcastic caption.
Up2 — think you mean .png not .pdf? (Pdfs are not image files.)
You need a site to host the screengrab; try https://imgur.com or https://geekpic.net. When it’s uploaded there, copy the URL of the image (it’ll look something like https://imgur.com/xxxxx.)
At the bottom of the live post you’re writing on BBBC you’ll see ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here.’ Click that; then paste your URL into the box. (This action adds IMG tags to the start and end of your URL so the image displays properly.)
TM, think you may not be correct on that. .pdf’s can contain images. I have rather a lot of them. You can also scan documents and have a choice of saving .pdf or .jpeg. both with images, the latter being an image file
Yes, am aware of the URL route but I do not have that capability. I think I can also mess about in recent AdobeCC/Photoshop and get a .jpeg from a .pdf but I do not have that software either.
I tried drag and drop but that doesn’t work.
Yes pdfs can contain images, but they are document files and embed images into the document data differently. Most photo hosting sites will only accept image files (e.g. jpg, png, bmp, gif etc)
I don’t think this forum software can store uploads direct I’m afraid
TM, ah, got you now – yes, a doc data format. Think if I pay Adobe money it is possible to turn it into a bmp or gif. Am too poor now to get in habit of paying Adobe money! 🙁
No need for Photoshop, there’s loads of free pdf > jpg converters you can find online.
If they don’t suit, plenty of apps available too that’ll do the job if conversion is all you need e.g. https://www.docufreezer.com
Thanks, TM, will have a hunt. Am a bit cautious about downloading stuff at present, j-i-c, but have a couple of geeky friends who may come up with safe recommendations.
Not on your BBC, May Day riots in the centre of Paris with unarmed protesters being tear gassed. Imagine if this was an anti Trump protest in Washington DC. Check out the video. Not a peep out of the BBC.
The WestWyvern May 2, 2019 at 9:18 am
“…I ‘voted’ today and for the first time ever I spoiled the paper. It will not be counted…”
I’m afraid I have to disagree WW, the figures below relate to the 2017 General Election in my constituency, as published on the council website.
Rejected ballot papers
Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 91
Voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to 23
Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified 16
Total rejected 130
I’m going to spoil my paper today. Imagine the reaction if tens of thousands of us did the same.
One story a returning officer told was of a man who hated one particular candidate decided to spoil his paper by drawing a picture of a penis next to his name, however because he managed to stay within the lines of the box, the returning officer decided that this meant he actually intended to vote for this candidate, and thus his prank backfired.
Just remember that to spoil a paper the writing has to cross the lines of the box vertically because if it is in just one it might be counted as a legitimate vote.
Thanks Spinning, I meant ‘not counted’ in terms of the spoiled paper not able to be used in the act of ‘electing’ one of the names on the ballot to office.
But good to know that they do indeed record the totals for rejected ballot papers.
We can but hope that thousands do the same and send a message.
Me too, Spinning, although normally I reserve the right to keep my vote confidential as its a secret ballot. I thought originally, as shown by the LA w-s, that it would be only ConLabLibDem available. As it happens there was also a Green.
Still not good enough for me.
I asked politely for my Brexit that I voted for.
Leaving the EU. 29th March 2019. No deal. No ransom money.
Me too, it was the only option, sane option that is, now for the euros.
It’s VERY important to note that Spoilt ballot papers are counted and identified. It’s to demonstrate that all ballot papers issued have not gone walkies and ended up in the ballot box. This is worth remembering if the dreaded “people’s vote” comes to fruition and we are faced with Mays appalling deal or Remain. In such a case the Spoilt Ballot papers must win the vote!
Just hearing a strong rumour of a bomb on a train to Manchester Airport with the train stopped outside the station and passengers evacuated & forced to walk down the tracks. All services on that line are now suspended and cancelled until afternoon.
Shameless open borders promo piece on the home page: “Hundreds of wives and children of former Islamic State group fighters who are detained in camps in northern Syria are stuck as their countries of origin are reluctant to take them back. In many European countries, their relatives are campaigning for their return.” This ‘news’ looks to be taken from a Reuters story over 2 months old; the journalists are:
— Alissa de Carbonnel: European Security Correspondent (“is French and American and speaks Russian and Spanish”)
— Clément Rossignol: TV Producer
— Bart Biesemans: Video journalist (“I was born and raised near Brussels […] talk to me in English, French, Spanish, German or Dutch.”)
— Farah Salhi: Studying journalism at IHECS (“IHECS is an open school, connected to the world. This connection with society and its evolutions is written in its DNA.”)
A muzzie with a megaphone, what surpirise, probably sell one with each burkha now along with a self assembly placard kit and USA flag burning kit
Annunaki, watch the first 20s with headphones and the volume turned up, you’re in for a treat
Terminal Moraine
If they make that noise let them stay.
Thanks for the advice TM, that has ruined my day, listening to that screaming harridan, a pity she did not present this aspect of herself and her mob when they were bowing and begging for a passport and entry over here.
It would serve us all well when we see those pics of Syrian kids so popular in the MSM to make us sorry for them, to consider what they will turn into, demanding we let their war criminal brood back here after raping, torturing and executing western aid workers.. and generally turning on us like rabid dogs demanding their rights.
muslims have:
No compassion
No forgiveness
No humility
And they’re never going to change as long as that book of theirs dominates their thoughts and actions.
They have demonstrated repeatedly (as above for example and with Begum) that their values, culture and outlook, not to mention their loyalties, are completely and utterly incompatible with those of this country, Europe, and the indigenous population and other cultures residing here
Is it psychological warfare ?
And is it creating zombie armies ?
I came out the gate this morning
– I looked left #1 Pseudo zombie army, chanting “stop carbon, stop carbon zero CO2” they had their smart phones in one hand, and a Costa/Starbucks coffee cup in the other and driving away behind them were the giant 4x4s of their parents that had just dropped them off.
– I looked right and there was another Zombie army led by Alistair Campbell, Owen and Ash chanting “Stop Brexit, Stop Brexit, must stop Brexit”
How many us cannot listen to the BBC radio for the sake of our blood pressure
..as item, after item comes up that we oldies know is BS
.. “scientists say” = “we cherrypicked some quotes, from some cherrypicked scientists”
..”certain doom” = “On the scale of possible scenarios doom is probably a 0.2% chance”
Too true, it is exhausting.
And I was thinking of replacing our gas boiler but really I should knock my house down and build a eco one with a heat pump. Luckily I don’t live in a row of terraced so I can plug in an electric car.
All I need now is a good Lottery win – it could be me.
It is exhausting Gax, luckily for once!
This morning, sleepless in Kent, I listened to R5Dead for a while and the ebullient Aussie, ‘Dr’ Karl, was in full flow.
I quite like him when he’s on something serious, but then he mentioned ‘climate change’, and *click*, I was asleep again in just a few minutes!
Widespread lunacy seems to have gripped this country.
Too many people ? Too much stress ? Too much Social Media ? Too much media agenda pushing ?
All of those I reckon as people are behaving like ants when you lift a slab.
We seem to have completely lost our priorities in the scramble to serve agendas. For example, there is more concern over whether a child is identifying as the correct gender than whether he’ll be stabbed today.
A re-balancing and re-prioritising is way overdue.
This morning that Green Zombie Army is being fed by Harra , a the @Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
..a dirty-Green PR goon pushing #PerpetualMotion dream
“I see that if (as I do) you view the main news page of the BBC website via a laptop, it now has a whole dedicated climate change section.
really ???
Would you ever go on holiday somewhere 1.5C warmer ?
If nothing else the fears of extinction certainly distract from the more pressing and everyday concerns and of course it’s a golden ticket to wack up prices and taxes.
The child must have the right pedigree – chum
coming up now : The Talk Radio guy is about to lay in to “Lord Deben”
..commercials start
First advert is from Axa.co.uk about how ocean-acidification is causing fish to lose 50% of their sense of smell
Lord Deben ( what a crap title – does it mean anything, is there a place called Deben, couldn’t he have chosen somewhere or something a little more melodious? ) Whose real name is John Selwyn Gummer ( good grief, he’s not having much luck with his choice of names ), as the far-left bbc collective might say, to be consistent with how they describe Tommy Robinson.
“Whose real name is John Selwyn Gummer ”
Bet his daughter still turns her nose up at a beef burger.
His real name always reminds me of a comedy series from many years ago that I never liked. I think it was called ‘ Oh,no, it’s Selwyn Frogget’.
For some strange reason, he always reminds me of “Bluey” the Australian cop.
It could have something to do with bluey’s diet – he was very fat – so he probably loved beef burgers were Gummer’s daughter still doesn’t.
Avoid axa – awful – other dodgy insurance companies are available
Very ‘BBC’
Tugay? Someone is taking the piss, surely?
What is the address of the LGBT mosque? It doesn’t seem to be in the article.
Not if ‘in the living room watching TV’.
That BBC link is practically a flipping book about him!
Be shocked if the BBC permitted a Christian to explain his/her life story.
Even more alarming this chap lives in Germany!? Why should a citizen of germany have any interest to us in the UK?
Oops! Sorry; we all know why: “BBC Anti-Family sex-per[v]ts”
vesnadog, maybe they were trying to propagandise a growing segment of the population to the fact that ‘watching TV is not actually haram’ and that they really should pay their TV Licence Fees, please.
Pretty please.
Signed: Lord Hall
A 1,110-foot-wide asteroid (That’s around 30-35 times larger than the average passing rock apparently) will fly by the Earth in 2029.
The asteroid, 99942 Apophis, is predicted to come within 19,000 miles of Earth.
Should Labour push for an Asteroid Emergency next ?
I can image the BBC coverage – who did it ? Why wasn’t it stopped ? It’s president Trump isn’t it ?
Why did it have to land on Luton ? Has it affected the local Muslim community ? Is it racist …
And the rest …
It will probably land on some very rare polar bears ….
Fed, they might try but pinning that one on President Trump will be a bit difficult. He’ll be at least five years into his retirement and I guess, if still fit enough, spending his time on a golf course somewhere.
Anyone know whether Trump’s ’rounds per week’ and scores are anywhere as near as high as former President Obama?
If we are going to be hit by an asteroid at least make it as big ‘ as the state of Texas’ ( to quote Armageddon)- not being rendered extinct by – 1000 foot tiddler which isn’t even going to have the decency to knock the planet off its current axis .
“Should Labour push for an Asteroid Emergency next ?”
2029? It sure won’t be any good inviting the little Swede girl back to be interviewed for her views as, on her reckoning, the Earth will come to an end two years after the asteroid event and no doubt she’ll be busy putting her final affairs in order before her demise……………….
I thought it was 10 years ? AOC says 12 years.
Anyway, it’s our duty in Britain to save the World – apparently.
Just us, by ourselves, no one else, on our own.
What’s 2 years between friends and the end of the World?
”Thai king Vajiralongkorn marries bodyguard making her queen”
No, he married his girlfriend.
stuffy BBC still defining people by their work
Interesting time to be in Thailand, hot season tho..
Good job their favourite colour wasn’t gold.
They don’t look too happy about it ….
Fedup2 May 2, 2019 at 12:33 pm
” Gax
The child must have the right pedigree – chum.”
I can see this becoming another dog’s breakfast.
There’s actually a Climate Change section on the BBC news page now. Next thing you know they’ll be denying all this climate change shenanigans in recent weeks is being orchestrated.
Question related to the above photo of a floating iceberg.
When an ice cube melts in a glass of water does the water level rise?
Over to the climate change experts …………………
Simples Taffman. An ice cube melting in a glass of tap water won’t result in a rise in the water level. An iceberg melting in an ocean will cause the water level to rise because salt water and the ice have different densities.
Interesting. Thank you.
@Piku care to quantify that ?
Each tonne of melt makes the ocean slightly less salty
I bet the effect on sea level is very close to zero.
It is small but not insignificant if it is repeated year after year. Remember that melting sea ice has other consequences – loss of habitat and warming oceans amongst them.
How does melting ice make the sea warmer? Surely it takes heat to melt the ice (?latent heat?) hence the sea gets colder – unless they are claiming all the melting is caused by the sun and none by the sea? And if the sea ice habitat is slightly smaller then the sea habitat is slightly larger so swings and roundabouts on the habitat front i think.
A lot of energy is transferred from the sea to the ice. If there is less ice, less energy is transferred therefore the sea gets warmer. Living things can’t easily switch their habitat.
The melting ice of the north polar cap will dilute the salt laden North Atlantic bottom drift (the warm current that arificailly raises the temerature of the UK, commonly called the Gulf Stream which is why we have palm tees in Cornwall and north west Scotland) and will eventually stop it, leading to our climate being similar to others in our latitude such as Northern Canada and Russia.
This is the explanation but it contains a lot of assertions
I’m halfway through my Mori IPSOS Rajar Listening Survey commissioned by the bbc.
The bbc will learn that I have a bias against their bias and no longer listen to them.
I imagine I’ll be classified as too old to matter and hopelessly right wing but In my younger days I was a Labour party member.
My ideas of equality, honesty and fairness have not changed one bit.
Just listened to TWATO – first time for years and the usual tick box blurb including Kevin McCloud, Builder and a complete twato (expert).
But really, Montague ?!
She sounds like a depressed Theresa May robot.
gaxvil, Baroness Amos was good.
She said ‘So’ a lot, often at the start of a sentence.
She must be an expert, then.
The Montacutie couldn’t wait to be rid of her.
Ok so the feeling is that we may be going to see major decimation of the main political parties in the local election polls with as they like to refer to them “populist” parties making significant gains.
In view of this, on the front page of the politics section of its website, the Beeb carries a headline story…. “Dogs at the polls”. complete with 9 full page width photos of dogs sitting next to polling station signs.
Nothing like getting to the real election issues is there? Or maybe they really don’t want to contemplate that too much as things stand so see this as a nice diversion! (“What do you mean what’s happened to Brexit? Just look at these cute dogs!”)
I would hazard a guess that most of the dogs pictured belong to Beeb staff too…
…and another thing, if I see one more dog wearing a stupid pointless bandana I will scream!
According to its supporting text the beeb have explained how it is prevented from any speculative reporting on the voting by some law or another, so decided to run with the dogs n bikes story.
It’s puerile though isn’t it? Totally puerile. “Well folks, certain legal restrictions prevent us from reporting on the impending strike by a nuclear warhead, so we thought to show you some pictures of Frank Spencer fixing a roof.
Don’t just sit there. Get out and vote 🙂 🙂
Make the most of it before it’s taken away.
When I went to vote I knew the person in charge it was 2:00O’Clock she said just 82 people had been to vote. There was no one else in when I went in and despite having a bit of a chat no one else came in while I was in, and no one was coming to vote while I was walking back to the car.
This can only be a good thing as the current councillor is Labour.
Just for amusement – the convicted ex MP for Peterborough has announced she is to stand for office in the bi election. This might be a spoof twitter job .
However politics is so corrupt now that anything is possible .i has a quick look and it appears being convicted of perverting the course of justice isn’t enough to be disqualified .
She clearly has that desire to be in the public eye and be a ‘celebrity ‘ like so many saddos
apparently turn up on day time TV .
Amazing double standards.
If Farage had been an MP, was convicted of lying under oath and served a prison sentence……would he have been allowed to vote in Parliament whilst wearing a convicts bracelet-tag?
Particularly if his vote swung something as serious as Brexit?
“Black” a “criminal” “female
And immediate invite from the future CEO of the corrupt ridden BBC – Victoria Derbyshire.
Fed .It took the ordinary citizens to throw out the trash just as they did at Tower Hamlets.
just been at 4pm to thoroughly spoil the ballot paper
2 torys 2 limp dems 2 labour 1 green to choose from
there wasnt many lines ruled through on the sheets
Postal voting……
UKIP had my vote. It’s probably on its way to the incinerator with other far right ballot papers.
3:32pm Radio4 “Woman of Colour” klaxon
The topic of debate is “working class”
…but the author wanted to play a different game “As a woman of colour I am not aware or class distinctions , but race …”
Hmm I don’t believe Doctor and Lawyer and professor black families hang out with working class black families.
Hang on I just check her photo
PoC ? she’s a white skinned ethnic Indian
Anita Sethi
Is it just me or has the Mueller report now meant that the BBC have moved on from Trump to climate max?
The BBC can’t be anti-white-heterosexual-men
cos it’s appointed Geoff Norcott to its new
Diversity And Inclusion Advisory Group
…/sarc #MoreThanEqual
BBC motto : Diversity of skin colour, conformity of thought
“openly Tory comic”
That is because research has shown the bbc that, white working class people are way being up there in terms of disadvantaged – how about that ?
Grownup content : Song for people who like the Ukelele and the F-word
All the correct ingredients for a typically positive BBC story:
Axa have a Green virtue-signalling advert on Talk Radio
making the improbable claim
” ocean-acidification is causing fish to lose 50% of their sense of smell”
I guess it comes from their Sky doco
Fishy smell cut by half? Got to be another plus for the planet.
“making the improbable claim”
The sea is so poisoned that my lower right leg has just fell off – so don’t you kids copy me by putting your toe in also.
Reading on the BBC website about Gavin Williamson made
me think about something else. AND I swear on my children’s
lives and you can include my cat Rosie and my bitch Mimi as well.
that WILLEM at 10/1 are a fair bet to beat AJAX in the Dutch Cup
final on Saturday. I know that up to now all my tips have lost. BUT
I swear on my grand-children’s lives my wife Glenda’s life and even
on dead hamster’s life that I am telling the truth that Willem should be not bigger than 5/1.
Have you ever seen such a Monty Python Government in all
your lives ? I don’t think even if Kenneth Williams had been defence secretary it could of been funnier.
Carry on up the Cabinet: it has possibilities…..
Doreen Tipton with some advice on voting
Why do Labour, the BBC and Remainers support Climate Change?
And why is it supported with such fanatical, almost religious zeal?
Ever tried to debate with a Climate Change zealot?
I find it amusing that only the rich states of the West want to reduce their living standards this way. The rest of the world is trying to find enough to eat and prevent starvation.
The labour party are supporting this as a purely election tool to appeal to the kids they are trying to get the kids vote and will do whatever it takes to appeal to them. It will be forgotten like last time after any vote (down the memory hole) The BBC are just trouble makers and will tag on to any protests.
I have an idea that will appease all these kids calling for climate change action. I noticed during the Easter break how quiet the roads were. Ban parents from driving their 4×4’s to school and make the little blighters walk to school like I had to. It will also help tackle the “obesity crisis” 2 birds 1 stone!
It’s a little like the CND of today with the climate zealots resembling the Greenham Common fringe. They may or may not influence policy and years down the line, much like CND and the Greenham mob they’ll be able to kid themselves into thinking they made a difference.
My niece came home from grammar school yesterday and told me that “miss said” that the world will end in 12 years if we don’t take action on climate change now. Then one of the boys put up his hand, made reference to what he had just learned in science and asked how is CO2 a pollutant if the plants need it. “Miss” didn’t know.
Comedy Gold!
One piece of good news from the BBC. But I’m sure they don’t see it that way!
“” Hither Green stabbed burglar Henry Vincent lawfully killed””
“”A 79-year-old man who killed an armed burglar with a kitchen knife acted lawfully, an inquest has decided.””
“”Richard Osborn-Brooks stabbed Henry Vincent with a knife in Hither Green, south-east London, in April last year.””
“”Mr Osborn-Brooks told Southwark Coroner’s Court the 37-year-old had threatened him with a screwdriver, then “rushed forward” and “ran into the knife I was holding”.””
“”Coroner Andrew Harris recorded a verdict of lawfully killing.””
Lurve the image of thehome-owner having a Guinness or two 🙂
I apologise in advance for posting this here, all 41 minutes of it, but my reasoning is that if only one member of the bbc hive watches this and starts to wonder if it might be true, then it’s served its purpose.
This is the best explanation of Jesus’ resurrection I have heard. John MacArthur is a wonderful teacher of the Bible:
j-i-c, is that the Roman soldier ‘cover-up’ from Matthew’s Gospel? [Matt 28vs11-15]
I haven’t watched the video – will do so later. That’s arguably the first and original X-File, although there a couple of OT contenders for that title – Moses, staff raised stopping time and King Hezekiah’s clock – that obviously pre-date the Resurrection.
Additional key evidence came from the sharp eyes of Peter and young John, the latter who in later life, pen in hand, remembered the ‘handkerchief’ wrapped around Jesus’ head. [John 20v7] The loose grave bindings, done in a hurry (probably by Joseph of Arimathea and helpers, Nicodemus?) before the Passover Sabbath – had had the resurrecting body pass through them – they were collapsed and still in their place.
The ‘handkerchief’ or ‘knapkin’, however, was neatly wrapped and placed to one side.
I can imagine the Lord doing that with a smile thinking ‘I wonder if they will notice?’ and ‘My Spirit will bring the memory back anyway’. Then He climbed out for the first encounter with a disciple.
Just went to vote. Only the usual 4 suspects available. LibLabCon & Green eco loons.
So I wrote vertically “ None of these, Brexit please!”
BBC News has today learned that Chris packham has said he has received death threats along with the two dead birds hung from his garden gate .
He has annoyed farmers and blood sports enthusiasts alike with his vocal campaign to stop people shooting 16 types of birds including cwows, wooks and wavens .
He said he will set his vewy good fwiend in wome Biggus Dickus on them if they dont stop this wascleyness.
Why is this newsworthy? Only because big gob has opened his and put his foot firmly in it. Everyone gets death threats even a guy who put a video up of how to make a cup of tea.
You go on the internet you get death threats get over it.
The 16 bird species – not ravens, they were always protected – were exempted from the blanket coverage of the Wildlife & Countryside Act of 1988 and given ‘pest status’ under a General Licence. That meant that it was both legal and beneficial for crop protection – and vulnerable smaller species, most of the songbirds, whose eggs and chicks were taken by corvids like crow, rook, jackdaw and magpie – to shoot these listed birds in order to control their numbers.
Packham has a friend, Tony Juniper, the new head of Natural England who rescinded the licence as soon as he took the job. The resulting fracas will not be beneficial to wildlife, but for those who oppose shooting this is of secondary importance.
The latest news is that Natural England will be stripped of their powers in regard to the issue of General Licences and the responsibility will pass to DefRA. If this should happen, expect to hear more from Mr Packham on most TV channels, preaching to an easily impressed though largely ignorant audience. Greta Thunburg has yet to comment.
Tony Juniper, or Jennifer as he is referred to by Donovan in his song of that title.
I’m coming to…
No! I won’t even go there in jest, I might want to stand for election to a parish council in the back of beyond, (damn, that’s probably offensive!), someday and I wouldn’t want that to divert the media away from the issue of emptying the dustbins weekly.
The way I read your post was that the two dead birds had also received death threats. ‘Nailed to the perch’ perhaps?
Having spent hours in a hide in fields watching woodys feasting on crops intended for us I loved shooting them down and cooking them .
I don’t know if Mr Packham has a personal life or prefers animals to people but he obviously had issues which render him extreme .
It’s a bit like the Disney land version of country matters depicted each week in that ridiculous Countryfile.
TR attacked on the street today will the muslim be arrested and charged ?? like the individual who egged Corbyn ?????
It seems more likely that poor Tommy will be charged with assault.
As for the woman in Salford asking why he was focusing on Muslims, this shows that it’s not just muslims that we have to blame for islamisation. Once the country has been islamised, Will they be happy? Also, she seems over ready to quote half remembered media soundbites.
Here’s what our elected representatives think of it.
Just remember that next time you see them out campaigning.
Remember this
photo of TR

After Mercer got ratioed on Twitter, he retweeted the vid , with a clarification
\\ Jeez.. the reaction to this.
It’s a milkshake. A *milkshake*.
Clearly I condemn political violence.
This is not political violence from this guy on the left. It is a milkshake.//
He’s got ratioed again ..twice as many replies as likes
He’s done two other tweets
another incidence Woman makes contact punches on TR today
see 16s into video
I made 2 stills : contact , and post contact… here
Nice people the Tommy-haters … not
.. This tweet wouldn’t be OK if you did it to a snowflake
why I left bury
#ccbgb never more apt
Is this the reasonable ‘left’ that our MSM love?
The BBC seem to have completely given up on reporting the news in an impartial way. What they do now is lecture us on how to live our lives. We have to set the thermostat to 19 degrees, we mustn’t eat red meat too often, we must drive electric cars, etc. As it happens, I don’t particularly have a problem with any of those things myself, I just don’t want the BBC to lecture me about them, I can make my own decisions! I really miss the BBC of the 1980s which mostly reported the news in a neutral way, even if there was a very slight left-wing bias at that time. I remember the classic 6 O’clock News set-up with Nicholas Witchell and Sue Lawley presenting, and the 9 O’clock News presented by people like Michael Buerk, Phillip Hayton, Martyn Lewis and Moira Stuart.
I really just had to laugh at this latest BBC news priority.
Accessible from the webshite front page
The BBC Universe. Where fractions of a percent of the population seem to take up the majority of the time and space,
Spotted this in the #NetZero document where they quote Venezuela. That’s how we’ll end up if Corbyn ever gets in be afraid very afraid. That said, the Tories have swallowed the Green nonsense hook line and sinker.
/Six countries (Morocco, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Uruguay and Venezuela) announced new supplementary commitments and actions when revising their NDCs (WRI, 2018)/
Click to access Net-Zero-The-UKs-contribution-to-stopping-global-warming.pdf
Channel 4’s idea of comedy.
Stereotype skinhead white racist, polite Asian, ‘with it’ white grandfather with mixed race thug for a grandson! Just feel the love! Won’t the world be a better place when they have exterminated those not approved by ‘the left’!
Quite stunning to see someone jailed without any actual crime referred to.
“How dare you criticise the Koran!”
Very troubling indeed.
All day twitter has featured images of spoilt voting cards .
I wonder if the main party mouthpieces on the election programmes tonight will say –
They didn’t know what they were doing
The issues are too complicated
They’ve been lied to by brexiters
Voters are too thick to decide .
– it was better than we thought it would be
It’s actually a victory
Our message is getting through
People are coming round to ‘ remain’
Election nights are the clearest opportunity for politicians to be seen to be lying and for interviewers to embarrass themselves accepting nonsense
I seem to recall Corbyn claiming an historic victory after Labour lost the last General Election. The BS these people spout is beyond my comprehension. Do they really believe the electorate will be happy to accept their twisted version of the truth so readily these days?
Just watching Sky and some commentator said not many spoilt papers. Interesting as lots more councils to report!
Donald Trump to present Tiger Woods with Presidential Medal of Freedom

”The 43-year-old, who won the Masters at Augusta in April, will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony on Monday, 6 May.”
Ha ha libtards wont like that !
Trump knows how to rile them,
good on Tiger for accepting.
Jonnie mercer – the unhinged Tory Ex soldier celebrating , on twitter , TR being attacked . So the next time a fellow swamp dweller gets beaten up or killed I suppose he will be equally entertained .
I thought he had better things to do like count his £84k part time job he got as a result of his position – snout in the trough eh Jonnie
Drain the swamp
News not on Al Beeb yet ?
UKIP win a seat in St Annes ? Sunderland ?
Any one from over there reading this site can enlighten us ?
LibDems are doing better than expected, kids voting ?
Protest votes, I think.
Weed -free garden this summer then.
and, they paid someone for this rubbish you know.
If you couldn’t give a shit, you’re a man my son.
Another bBBC Question Time with Fiona Bruce interrupting almost every panel member to push her own view.
Get rid of her!
The far left succeed in getting the supine Facebook and Instagram to ban anyone with views to the Right of their own, like Milo, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson. Soon the beeb and their like will have complete hegemony of the news.
Foodbank narrative ?
.. Tonight, I went to do my protest vote
.. Came out popped in the local supermarket whilst closing
..the bloke was clearing the fresh produce shelf
.. said “take what you want mate 10p an item, cos it’s going in the bin”
so 21 items including ready meals for £2.10 total
..to distribute among the pensioner neighbours tmw
#GreenZombieArmy in action on BBC Look North tonight
At minute 21 a 2 minute Green biz advert from LN Enviro correspondent Paul M
Item #1 Lady who has new biz running recharging points she claims are powered by solar
Item #2 A promo for a building company claiming to make SUSTAINABLE homes
(A quick check on Twitter shows this company has a problem replying to its customers complaints about snagging)
Are you allowed to run this kind of advertising promoting the Green viewpoint on election day ?
Ha, as if the rules apply to BBC/Greens ..they are above rules
\\ Day of the Long Knives: Facebook nixes @PrisonPlanet, Alex Jones, Milo, Laura Loomer,
… and @LouisFarrakhan (the latter being a sop to “prove” its not right/left bias) //
I just saw that. Paul Joseph Watson posted a powerful video about 5 hours ago on YouTube – ‘Banned by Facebook and Instagram’ – which has already gleaned 166 000 views and 31 000 likes.
Not sure if comments are allowed, as I’m posting this from a weird phone, but I know that PJW has been hamstrung by YouTube. We can only hope they don’t also ‘disappear’ him.
He quoted George Orwell:
“In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
And George Washington:
“If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
The lefty snowflakes at Facebook and Twitter and the rest must be delirious with joy at the power they are able to wield from their safe spaces.
How do we fight back?
PJW this morning. Shocking I tell ye.
Yes I heard this news early this morning. It’s getting ridiculous banned because it is claimed he is “far right”. Just because he not a Democrat or labourite he and he tells the truth he is deemed a bad lad and deserves to be shut out. I really enjoy watching his common sense views. How come a far left American organisation is allowed to shut down another view than their own. This is getting really serious. I believe the rot set in when our friend old Nick was recruited to make a difference and earn his enormous salary.I don’t know where this will end, the doors are shutting on free speech and interference in politics is becoming the norm.