Over to you Comrades …it’s May Day – but any protests in mainland Europe will be under reported by the the biased failing BBC . They’ll distract with the usual ‘ remain ‘ lies
Five Live news this morning informs us you can have unprotected gay sex when HIV positive provided you are undergoing treatment and your partner will not be infected.
What a lovely start to the day! They just have to shoehorn in some virtue signalling guff about minorities. Absolutely vital information – just the thing all licence fee payers are desperate to hear about.
In fact, an earlier version even stated that such acts – ‘whatever the method of sexual contact’ would be taken into consideration in the research…
I reckon I’d like to concentrate on hearing the local results, rather than that sort of stuff, but they did mention minorities like the Greens getting a seat somewhere, and also Anna Soubry as some sort of elixir of life, so I suppose this is their way of balancing the books!
And I wish that blasted newsreader would stop gasping in a huge gulp of fetid air between each sentence. He’s clearly too young to remember real newsreaders like Richard Baker, or Alvar Liddell. And also get Suze Courtney to get her voice fixed as well. She has the Capstan Full-strength Syndrome, but is actually among some of the better commenters.
Elocution lessons please broadcasters, you can spout what opinions you like but at least do it correctly!
“just the thing all licence fee payers are desperate to hear about.”
BBC aren’t doing this for the sake of licence payer – they are doing this in the hope that they catch the attention of the licence payers very young children – the young males in the family. Used to be called: “The Corruption of a Minor”
Has anyone else noticed that the BBC and others now don’t call UKIIP by name, they come under ‘other parties’ . Grrr Liberal Party doing well in local elections……
The European parliament's outspoken Brexit chief, Guy Verhofsdat, is coming to Britain next week to knock on doors in the European elections on behalf of the Liberal Democrats. My guard dog is salivating in anticipation.. https://t.co/DOKO8AWnmw
This is how our “minorities” deal with minorities when they have the upper hand REMEMBER this: when they are whingeing and whining
Persecution of Christians is modern-day ‘genocide’ says report as Foreign Secretary blames failure to confront the oppression of world’s most targeted faith group on ‘political correctness’
‘Political correctness’ to blame for failure to confront oppression of Christians
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said that Christians were sometimes neglected
New report reveals Christians are enduring genocide in some parts of the world
Bird shooting climbdown as Michael Gove is forced to cave into Tory MPs furious at plan to stop farmers from shooting wild crows that target lambs
Natural England caused outcry after revoking permits allowing culling of birds
It means farmers now risk prosecution for shooting birds that attack livestock
Now Michael Gove has stripped gun licensing powers from the nature watchdog
He met with MPs furious telling them he will ‘fix the issue as soon as possible
A plague on all your houses… That’s one assessment of the early results of council and mayoral elections across England, where the Conservatives and Labour had lost both seats and vote share. Analysis of selected wards suggests the Tory share could be down about 6% on last year, with Labour dropping 7%, although both parties have made some gains. Political editor Laura Kuenssberg suggests divisions over Brexit have cost both parties, interpreting the message from voters as: “It’s not us, it’s both of you.”
With 140 of the 248 participating councils expected to declare throughout Friday, it is too early to fully assess the overall picture. However, the Liberal Democrats are on course to pick up hundreds of councillors – and control of several town halls – while the Green Party was averaging an 11% vote share in wards it contested, up five points on last year. Counting in Northern Ireland starts later.
Have to admire that ‘analysis’ from Laura, daintily skirting that the problem the big parties are having is they did and still do all in their power to avoid Brexit so their core didn’t vote. Dims and Greens winning because their activists kept voting for them. Even though locals have sod all to do with matters EU.
I hope that round here when the potholes get deeper because all the yellow and green councillors are entertaining Guy and Greta, the public will be suitably impressed.
I guess both Labour 1 & Labour 2 (Tories) see the local elections as being sacrificial, hoping the voters will feel satisfied at making their point leaving a GE, eventually, relatively unmolested.
Before anybody can draw any conclusions from the Local Elections we need to see the actual numbers that voted for each Party in each constituency. The number of seats changing hands means nothing if the winning Party received roughly the same amounts of votes as in 2015. In theory a Party could win with less votes than 2015 if their opposing Parties failed to gain support due to failure to leave EU.
The better indication will be the European Elections, assuming Tories and Labour frightened by the possible results, allow them to go ahead or scupper them by pushing through May’s diabolical ‘not really leaving deal’.
Lets hope The Brexit Party get a big result CUuk perform poorly and the Tories and Labour are humiliated. This should prove to be the second referendum with a clear option to leave without a deal on WTO terms.
Wouldn’t it be great if the maybe 800 tories who lost their council seats today ( when all the votes are in ) got together and signed Allegiance to The Brexit Party .
The failure to honour the referendum vote has broken politics . Even Parliament was sent home early because there was nothing ( thankfully ) for them to do.
I really fear that there will be no EU voting on the 23 rd because labour and tories know what we will say about them
They are frightened of UKIP, can’t see a problem in remaining in the EU, don’t really want to upset their comfortable apple cart, and are totally oblivious (thanks to the MSM lies and deceit) to what’s going on across the channel. Most of Europe is slowly seeing the light and espousing Nationalism, whilst the Brits steadfastly turn their backs and march in the opposite direction.
I think it’s because the liberals and greens clearly want to stay in the Reich so that’s where remainers will go – particularly when labour is unable to fully capitalise on the demise of the traitor Tory party because their ‘leader ‘ and his friends are the likes of Lammy , Abbot and of course – Darth Vader aka John McDonnell…
Not true chancy, the evidence shows the opposite with UKIP also losing many seats and the Fib Dems gaining 287. If you are going to draw conclusions then I’m afraid it would be that people are sick of Brexit and want to remain.
I wouldn’t push this if I were you because you might not like the answers.
I wonder how many ‘leave’ voters who in protest backed the Lib Dems this time realise how firmly they are committed to staying in the EU. The MSM will interpret this as support for ‘remain’.
Hilarious interview between humph and Brandon Lewis – chair of the Tory party .
After three years of supporting remain a beeboid pretends they are not involved and let’s thr Tory ramble on about election results in those sanitised lies they always use …pretending its business as usual .
Roll on 23 May – I’m a postal voter and can’t wait . Can I vote a few times like the muzzies in Tower Hamlets do ?
I just wonder if toxic Tess is going to allow that vote on the 23rd, or whether today she will announce the treachery that the UK will be going into a customs union with the EU which means remaining.
I do find the performance of UKIP last night troubling if people had indeed wanted to register a protest they could have done so by voting UKIP but they didn’t.
I would have voted UKIP if they had stood in my area. I had to resort to spoiling my paper with a message because I couldn’t vote for the three parties that have smashed democracy in this country.
They should all be renamed – the Conservative Party conserves nothing anymore except for their salaries and pensions. The Labour Party is now anti-Working Class and is only for the Middle Class elite in London. The Liberal Democrats are completely illiberal and openly anti-democracy.
Hello Demon
I too spoiled my ballot paper in a similar manner but when I checked the results for my constituency I found no mention or record of spoiled papers.
I agree with your sentiment on UKIP’s performance, Thoughtful. I came to the conclusion a while ago that the people of this once great country don’t want/deserve to be saved from an apocalyptic future enslaved to a EUSSR much less have any semblance remaining of our ancestral heritage. In fact it seems that a significant number of people actually desire such a state of affairs.There seems to be legions of these people. Then there is the spectacle of a large percentage of the self obsessed dumbed down who simply don’t care and who place more importance on the football, X factor and the like. I’m close to being able to live elsewhere if I want to and that is increasingly looking like the only way of avoiding having to watch the advance of the progressive marxists who have this country in their grip.
I didn’t get the choice to vote UKIP. Just the LibLabCon & Greens. I suspect that some who voted Greens or Liberal Undemocrats didn’t even know their policies but didn’t want to vote for the other two. I spoiled my paper by writing “None of these-Brexit please”! Had there been a representative of UKIP I would certainly have voted for them.
Am struggling to see that English local election results unequivocally mean people want Brexit done/dusted. Remainer Lib Dems and Greens did well. Brexiter Tories and Brexitish(or maybe not) Labour didn’t. Uber-Brexit UKIP also didn’t do well
Do people seriously consider the two main parties as “leavers”? What a joke with Theresa Maybe not and Steptoe talking about a customs union (ie remain). What planet do these remainers live on!
The votes for the SDLP are an indication of how much the other two are loathed.
Unfortunately we had little choice – spoil the paper or vote Vince ?
Sorry Vince.
As Osborne and his pals still babble on with an anti Brexit argument which equates to a General Election where, for example, Labour got 48% and the Tories 52%. Would he be arguing for another vote or a more socialist Tory government – I don’t think so.
I’m not sure that’s such a bad idea – we could have my favourite Tory Rory Stewart as Kim Jon ill – our very own rocket man – who is ascending the greasy pole by accident . My god he’s even in the cabinet as minister of giving our money away – the next home sec in the waiting – if the traitor government isn’t deposed in a welcome coup
Another Pakistani Muslim showing how easily lies drip from their lips even when the evidence clearly shows deliberate intent. No one should ever believe a word they say without coroborating evidence.
Tommy Robinson really needs to control his temper. That incident could have been staged by his many enemies to provoke the precise reaction he provided.
Nobody knows better than Tommy himself that the powers that be are salivating at the prospect of shoving him into a cell in a Muslim-controlled prison and throwing the key away.
As for the drink sipping out of his adversary’s hand, I guess if nobody buys that lie the next one will be that the milkshake developed a will of it’s own and jumped out of the glass onto Tommy.
Unfortunately for liars, everyone is walking around videoing everything these days.
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force,
A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: “We are aware of an allegation of assault made following an incident in Bridge Street in Warrington this afternoon. We are looking into the circumstances.”
Manchester Evening News describes Tommy as
“The far right extremist…”
How is he an extremist? Is it extremist to want to protect your own people. In that case, every soldier who ever fought a war must also be an extremist. Really bored of this narrative now.
I thought it hilariously funny that feminazi lesbian moaner Martina Navratilova has been hoisted on her own petard over the Caster Semenya affair, and been exposed as the nasty little bigot she really is.
For some time now she has been opposed to trans women participating in womens sport – note that she has no issue with trans men doing so – something I will come on to later.
To promote her bigotry she has used the excuse of higher testosterone levels, something which has not only been questioned, but actually disproved in real life. Now her actions have resulted in the decision against Caster Semenya she says it’s unfair, and wrong, yet she was the one who pushed for the decision!
This is so often the case on the hate filled left, they fail to even consider that their arguements might be weak, have unintended consequences, or completely backfire on them.
Take the instance of the assinine Margaret Becket who nominated Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership because she claimed it would ‘broaden the debate’, she never forsaw the possibility he might win, even though it was a contest to decide a winner. After the contest she even described herself as ‘moronic’, but it’s too late the damage has been done, and how many other times has she done that when the damage affected other people?
There’s a certain amount of schardenfreude here, not for Semenya who is the victim of Feminist stupidity and pure evil, but but against Navratilova and friends who through their hatred & bigotry achieved something they failed to forsee.
Re the Semenya case, the BBC are always keen to roll out the odd ‘scientist’ who claims studies show no impact on performance due to levels of testosterone. Yet what they fail to mention is those studies have looked at MEN, they found in MEN, the levels of testosterone don’t make much difference.
So how can a so-called scientist say with a straight face testosterone levels make no difference in women when there have been no studies? But Semenya proves it in the field – she broke the 800 and 1500m records by a huge amount. If it’s not hormonal, how do they explain why men can run faster, jump higher and throw further?
For example, shot putt. The world record for men is over 23m, for women its 22m. Not much difference you may think until you know men use a 7.2kg shot, women throw a 4kg – almost half the weight.
And as for the trans issue – it’s about protecting women’s sport. I’m involved in athletics and if trans were allowed to participate as women, ALL current records would be broken in a very short time – the real women may as well give up now. Can you imagine a male shot putter who transistions and enter the women’s event. I’ve seen a bloke heave a 4kg shot putt over 32m ffs!
There are many things that ladies can do far more proficiently than men but sport just ain’t one of ’em. Now, I know nowt about soccer but I am pretty sure that not one single female plays for a UK premier league team. Also,as far as I am aware,there appears to be no major professional sporting event which features a final play off between male and female. There must be a good reason for that and I doubt that it is all down to misogyny. The day that I am reliably informed that I am mistaken in my view then I will begin to take the feminists seriously. Having said that and to just state the obvious, without the ladies, human life on earth would just not be possible or tolerable.
Roll on the UK Euro elections. If Mrs May were to consider them unnecessary I think that would be a rather unfortunate mistake.
None of you have understood what I have written! Go back read it again and have another attempt!
This is all about one woman fighting a battle which didn’t even need to be fought, and ending up with consequences which she neither foresaw nor wanted, and nothing much to do with trans save for that fact it was her irrational hatred which triggered it all in the first place.
Sorry to be a wet blanket but all the indications are for a stitch-up. The major parties have had a kicking, but not as brutal as expected – and listening to that old union rabble-rouser Ian Lavery shifting the blame and pushing his pseudo-Geordie accent to the limit, it’s easy to see what Labour are up to.
Both parties know that they will be humiliated on May 23 in the EU elections, so they will agree a ‘compromise’ deal within the next week or so and cancel the elections. This will nullify both the Brexit Party and UKIP leaving both to fume while the Tories get another ‘leader’ and put off the next general election for as long as possible – or longer if they can get away with it.
Meanwhile Tom Watson will be pushing hard as the ‘reasonable face of Labour’, possibly gathering enough support to push Steptoe into retirement. Then he’ll go for the People’s Vote, and put off Brexit for another year, or more, or much more.
Vince Cable and the LibDems will make a huge fuss about a major swing – overlooking the fact that they represent the one major-ish party with the published intention of remaining. Somehow I don’t think they’ll do as well as they hope in the next GE. Let’s face it, they never do, so what’s different?
I’m not sure apparently there are more ‘hung councils ‘ . Now I know these parties are traitors but for the locals to hang them sounds a bit extreme .
Being a believer in less government interfering in my life and taking more money from me I favour hung’ parliaments because they can expend their limited energy on fighting each other .
Spot on Beltane. Just add a little bit of Sturgeon nibbling round the edges pouring bile and hate on to Brexit, and we have the current impasse until 2021.
The Tories won’t get another ‘leader’ May said she would go when the UK leaves the EU and we know that’s not going to happen. With enough remain socialist Tory MPs determined to prevent a leave candidate such as Boris at any cost – including the collapse of their party, they are likely to support May as leader until the next election which they will lose disastrously.
I’m waiting for todays anticipated announcement of the UK remaining in the EU in a customs union and the explosion which will result.
Valid point about Treasa T. They really are taking duplicity to new heights and guessing the next moves is becoming a sad exercise in resignation – though not in the political sense.
A new report comfirms the shocking increase in global persecution of Christians, and it is apparently worst in predominately Muslim countries. It calls it a modern day genocide.
One vastly important subject for the BBC to get its teeth into, surely?
Widespread news coverage, a top item, scrutiny, analysis, debate?
Remember when a politician talked about letterboxes and burkas, it supplied endless hours of BBC angst – well, this is certainly far more important and deserving of its attention.
It’s not on its news channel yet, or anywhere on its website, but hey, let’s just wait and see…….. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6986565/Persecution-Christians-modern-day-genocide-says-report.html
Oh my god – I have not been listening to BBC and felt the better for it – now working at home caught some of Wimmins Hour – apparently misogyny is rife and all woman suffer from it – even worse if a man criticises the May Bot he is a misogynist – So we still have this situation where more medics, lawyers, teachers, university lecturers, health workers generally, nurses etc are female and men are still the problem!!!! My wife and other sensible females I know have more issues with women bosses and co workers than male ones..what is it called when a woman holds back or denigrates another woman? BBC get off your bloody soap boxes
Not BBC bias but I look to this site for wisdom beyond that.
Rory Stewart on Beeb website states he intends to stand for leadership of Conservative party. Apparently he wants to move “beyond my brief”.
Compare and contrast with Common Purpose..
“devoted to developing leaders who can cross boundaries” and “..people who can lead beyond authority.”
Can’t see the International Development funds being cut back, and IF he becomes leader of the Tories…?
Never mind, he should get on well with Cressida, and most of the Civil Service.
Having shared and written about Tory Rory s ascent to greatness – the leader of a soon to be dead traitors party I assumed he is deluded enough to go for the big one .
He would IDS look like Churchill but it would be good for popcorn sales .
IDS is my MP – a true leaver – but I can’t vote for him anymore because he is still associated with the traitor Tory party .
As for Rory Stewart – I think the PM woukd support him as he’d make her look good …!
“THE Birmingham-based president of the British Pakistani Youth Council once said he would ‘salute’ Adolf Hitler if he killed more Jews than Muslims.
When quizzed by BirminghamLive (The Birmingham Mail web page) this week, he said: “If it’s on my Facebook, I said it.”
After a picture of Hitler appeared on his Facebook page, he was admonished by another poster who pointed out that the Nazi leader was a racist.
Mr Ishtiaq had replied: “I know that and to be honest he would have killed Muslims too if he got a chance.
“But you know what, I would salute him still if he killed 90 Muslims and 92 Jews.”
He added: “Now why he is my hero cuz, he just killed Jews, didn’t get a chance to kill Muslims… lol.”
The BBC likes to pursue the likes of TR, saying that he encourages hate crime. I think Kamran Ishtiaq, an influential member of the Pakistani community has committed a hate crime but I’ve got a horrible feeling this will be swept under the carpet. It would be interesting to find out if Ishtiaq is a member of The Labour Party?
I’m not on Farcebook but I doubt they would take any action against this savage if his adoration of Hitler and hatred of Jews were reported to Mark Shmuckerberg and company.
But they’re happy to rip the platforms out from under people who simply don’t bow to lefty ideology.
Just seen Norman Smith on the BBC telling us how well the Lib Dems have done and is it a swing towards Remain parties !!!!
For crying out loud Norman ..you utter moronic cretin , its a PROTEST VOTE …nothing more, nothing less, that’s the only reason for the Lib Dems decent showing. Good results all by default. The real winner yesterday was most likely Spoiled Papers !!!!!!!
Ed the Lib Dem fella on earlier almost soiling himself in excitement and telling us all that its a move towards REMAIN. Do you think they actually believe that crap ????
Wait for the European Elections (if we get them) … going to be a even bigger wake up call for these morons.
I had a choice between Conservative, Labour or Green, so I spoiled my voting slip by writing “UKIP” across it. It’s interesting that I have now become a remainer, apparently.
Naturally the BBC will promote LibDem ‘success’ with all they’ve got. As the only party with a clear and published Remain position, the Remain BBC will automatically support and promote them, despite their rather obvious and naïve disdain for history, even recent history, which would show them that we, the electorate, have been here before, several times, and every time – including the Cameron-Clegg coalition – it has ended in tears for the ones dressed in yellow. They probably see it as Gold, but we know is just common or garden yellow. Nothing changes.
BBC on local elections – disaster for Cons – naturally! Majorly promoting the central narrative that this is a pro REMAIN vote. Lib Dems given uninterrupted party political broadcast just now.
Playing down the disaster for Jeremy for now. No doubt a hurried meeting at party HQ to decide how best to spin it for Labour.
Britain’s EU-loving civil servants are now matching the EU’s unelected executives: make policies and treaties in secret, avoid accountability, tell elected politicians what to endorse, demand secrecy, and take the scalps of elected politicians who don’t toe the line.
The top rated on HYS here on this BBC article which is one of the most utterly disgusting BIAS piece you will ever read.
Good news of course, better than expected figures AGAIN (despite brexit) and Mark Carney and all those highly paid forecasters WRONG AGAIN !!! Alas, the BBC choose to ignore this for the headline and choose to find the most negative aspect possible to put in bold. Its just plain disgusting BIAS and shows how much the BBC want the UK to fail.
A National broadcaster wanting their own country to fail ??? Staggering.
Better growth than Europe, we should have been in a massive depression now according to project fear.
Lots of happy Limp Dumbs being paraded on the Al-Beeb. Remoaner in Chief Vince Fable hailing it as ‘remain’ success. Are Limp Dumbs the real ‘hold yer nose’ alternative to CONS or LIEBour?
But where’s the real in-depth analysis Beeb?
Over 800 spoiled papers in one Essex constituency.
The winning result in Alvaston Derby, 56.4% of the vote to UKIP.
Independents doing better than ever previously seen.
Mmmm, now I wonder different things would appear if a credible Brexit option was available to many?
I’ve seen many people alleging that figure of 800 spoiled papers to be fake news, and haven’t seen evidence of where the figure comes from. So am taking it with a pinch of salt for now.
I had a look on the BBC website for details of voting numbers, hoping to find out something about the number of spoiled papers. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Which seems surprising.
Until we know if the LibDem “triumph” is due to them increasing their vote or simply Tories sitting on their hands (or spoiling their papers) we can’t really assess the significance. For now, we only hear from the winners, but the analysis of voting patterns will be the real story in days to come.
Do they report the actual number of votes cast? If Tory and Labour voters were wittholding their votes that might bring about the kind of results we are seeing.
The countrys industrys are about to desimated by self imposed climate change commitments. Its a good job that the BBC and the British people are supportive of this approach just look at how many councils the Greens control ……hang on a minute they dont control any OMG cancel climate change. It just goes to prove that the people that vote arent the ones that protest that may be that you have to declare yor address pay council tax etc……youll soon be able to vote with just an ID and no proof of address…watch this space. I voted independant as the bloke standing in my ward was in WILKINSONS on Saturday i recognised his face off the flyer on my hall floor.
Johnny Mercer MP has deleted his tweet approving of the assault on Tommy (NHRN) Robinson but has doubled down.
For those who seem to be targeting me after a shout out from Tommy Robinson, I’m afraid I rarely read the cess-pit that social media can be. My views on him have never changed ????Its time his supporters took the scales from their eyes. pic.twitter.com/BTN3mpNtp8
I’ve told him exactly what I think of him and I’d urge anyone else on Twitter to do the same.
This really is a sinister turn of events, with the likes of Mercer amongst others saying assault on opponents is just dandy if you don’t like them. As far as I’m concerned this has given me the green light to chuck things over the likes of him. That kind of behaviour really isn’t in my nature, but right now I feel angry enough to do it. I think we’ve now got to the point where Brexit isn’t going to be resolved without violence and we need to plan accordingly to deal with that.
Nailed in Roland. I feel exactly the same !!! If no arrest + conviction as per the Corbyn egg man, then its open season to my mind to throw stuff on MP’s when out canvassing.
I am furious with this bell end Mercer !!! Like others said, just imagine if that had been done to Anna Soubry ….imagine the uproar and outrage form the lefties !!!
Its these double standards that are making the bog standard, quiet, law abiding folk like me , angry as hell and like you say …there is going to be a tipping point very very soon !!!!!
Roland I agree – I suppose Mercer was a decent fella at some stage but the air in parliament does things to people which stops them from being people and turns them into politicians .
When some one who is not an inbred politician turns up – like Trump Farage TR it shows politicians up for the corruption the majority are .
There must be a prize for a milkshake on mercer by now . I’d pay to watch the footage .
It’s always worth thinking if a tweet or post is so wacky, it will get deleted
and taking a screenshot
For Windows .. Ctrl + Print screen ( a key above the number zero on my keyboard)
For Android … I pull top the top screen menu and there is a screenshot button to click on
(or Volume Down and Power buttons at the same time, hold them for a second, and your phone will take a screenshot)
However that’s not necessary for MP’s cos accounts like @deletedbyMPs automatically store MPs’ deleted tweets
We are on page 4 now ..we mentioned Mercer’s tweet last night half way down page 3 here
Our BBBC site preserves deleted tweets but not the pictures within the tweet,
… so you don’t see the video that Mercer posted just his words
2 of his 3 deleted tweets were just words so are visible on page 3
.. or you can see them via @deletedbyMPs here
I think people have to speak out before we are all criminalised by the coming – further – repression in the name of ‘community safety ‘ .
The next time an MP is attacked / killed will be the excuse for the likes of Bercow to connive with his club in parliament to criminalise whatever is left of free speech .
This site and those like it will be gone in the press of a Facebook censors , finger .
So before then – within the current law ( how fluid that is ) – if people wish I’ll of politicians – so be it .
As one finger-wagged for including a link to a Beeboid tweet using bad language, might I offer that ‘wishing ill’ of anyone here, even via the medium of a McWhoopise Smoothie is a smidge worse?
But my main point is that those tempted to test the law based on coherence might end up unpleasantly surprised.
Now he’s trying to say he didn’t condone it. Liar.
No. Comparing a milkshake being thrown over someone to serious political violence is infantile. Never weighed in on colleagues getting shouted at in London, because in comparison to some countries, we are very lucky. I don’t condone any of it, but let’s not pretend we’re Zimbabwe https://t.co/aMKhBNNtZv
Beltane is dead right about the Illiberal Anti-Democrats.
I would bet that the number of votes for the LDs hasn’t gone up too much for these seats since the last time. What has happened is that Labour and Conservative Brexit supporters are disillusioned with their party but have nowhere else to go; UKIP didn’t stand in nearly as many seats as last time so people, like me for instance, have either sat at home or spoilt their ballot form (like I did).
Therefore the Conservative and Labour votes have dropped dramatically, while the LD voters, who are delighted that their party openly wants to destroy democracy, will be happy to come out and vote. It isn’t that the LDs have gone above the Cons and Labs so much, but the two “big” parties have dropped below the LibDums. No doubt some few will have switched from the others to LD as a protest but I would guess not very many. Certainly I can’t imagine any Brexit believer would have switched to them. The same goes for the watermelon “Greens”.
My big takeaway from the results is that the Conservative and Labour votes have fsallen through the floor due to too many of their MPs not honouring the 2016 vote. If the Conservatives replace their leader with a true Brexiteer and he/she takes us out of the EU under WTO they would eventually recover. The LibDums vote remains constant. UKIP are in trouble because they were unable to fund as many candidates as last time. To me I don’t see UKIP’s troubles and the LD and Green’s successes as endorsing Remain as much as their supporters are happy with the destruction of Brexit.
Lastly, was anyone surprised and disgusted to see May so chipper in her speech in Wales this morning? I am now of the belief that as her MPs and the grass-root members have turned against her she is now trying to get her own back by destroying their party. A woman scorned, eh?
She may have thought herself chipper Demon, but outside of the hall viewers were most probably remembering that absurd Abba dance-on at the conference.
I think she’s so fundamentally obtuse she genuinely has no concept of what a ludicrous figure she makes. Marabou stork comes closest.
Many thanks pertelote, a picture paints a thousand words, as they say. Even the size of the necklace is true to life and, who knows, the diet of decaying carrion may well apply, shortly with luck.
It shows the effect of urban heat islands (UHI) and how it has exaggerated average temperatures. Those of us here who read the work of Anthony Watts have known this for a long time, but now it’s been published it deserves wide coverage. This is good news for everyone as the world may not in 12 years after all!
The BBC should report it and stop scaring the little ones out of their skins about climate change. Perhaps St Greta could also offer us her valued opinion. But sadly, I doubt the ‘science’ bods at the BBC will even notice.
735 Tory councillors – with a bit of luck it will make 900.
The EU will use this to edge the sell out between the current Traitor parties with some sweetener over this weekend which will presumably be ‘ leaked’ and approved after the bank holiday .
A joint Tory labour TIG SNP alliance will push it through .
Included in The New Deal will be a condition that the ReichEU flag will still be flown in UK as we won’t really have left and nothing will have changed – apart from giving away £40 billion of our money to Brussels …..
He is the first paragraph in the Manchester Evening News report …. look at all the Tommy Robinson Buzzwords used !!! Its a joke. Utter joke. It TR’s fault , he reacted physically. I mean ..do me a favour !!!
“A man who covered Tommy Robinson with a milkshake claims the drink ‘slipped’ out of his hand.
The far right extremist was campaigning in Warrington, Cheshire, when the McDonald’s drink was covered over his head, the Mirror reports.
Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, appeared to react physically to the incident
Imagine if the ghastly Vulcan Caroline Lucas had ever been given a tough interview by the BBC or asked how she manages to cycle from Brighton to Westminster and back each day. Or what a shambles the Green Party-run Brighton Council is.
I have seen thugs around TR and they are all so called antifa, hurling vile abuse and attacking only when they outnumber and with their faces hidden:
Look at this one with her hoodie to hide her face and ring hanging off her lip ….fag hanging out her mouth as she pushes and jostles people walking along the street, suddenly parading itself as a victim when someone responds to its attacks
Thugs ‘backing Tommy Robinson’ brutally punch anti-racism activist leaving her with broken nose moments after EDL founder is hit by milkshake during MEP campaign trail’
I sincerely hope that all those antia and muslims who attack are filmed and reported to the police and, if no action is taken, then the police are also investigated and complaints lodged and petitions started online for action to be taken
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force
I wonder whether police can be charged with ‘dereliction of duty’ in that scenario. Could they possibly even be sued where they obviously allowed an assault to proceed, without intervening? Any lawyers on here?
The reason police have numbers on their shoulders/cars is that they can be identified, so complaints can be made, i.a. The time, nature and location of the incident needs be taken. Video/photos would help. Looks like there is every reason to make one.
‘Police leave scene during assault’ would make a good headline. That’s what the press are there for..
Had I been a witness, I should certainly have put in a complaint at my local cop shop and then bugged them with follow-up calls.
#FakeNews saying in Malton and Nortonspoiled votes won with 39%
breaks the “too wow” to be true” rule
There is no ward “Malton and Norton”
spoiled votes was about 1% across the 3 actual wards Twitter thread
A few weeks ago I suggested voting for a local resident’s group to unseat the mainstream party as they may have a chance. Pleased to say in my ward the Tory candidate was not only unseated but lost by 20%.
Did Jon Sopel, professional journalist and admired seeker after truth that he is, really say ‘why’ when he meant ‘who’?
Maybe he’s simply too famous to bother with proof-reading.
And Soapy seems to think the genuine courage of those journalists challenging the vile islamic regime will somehow redound onto the likes of him, who support the ROP at every opportunity.
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force
What is also highlighted is the rather disappointing performance of UKIP. They contested quite a few seats in my area but received very few votes. The Conservatives did well, which appears to say that the electorate want more of the same.
The electorate may well think UKIP is a single issue party, and that that issue has been resolved.
This, of course, is mistaken -but the media, in general, are not about to go into that.
Nigel is suddenly getting a great deal more mainstream media profile. Could it be that an attempt to blur the issue and downgrade Gerard is behind this? (Although latter has been on TV?)
Or is my observation incorrect?
Perhaps UKIP need to explicitly draw attention to other policies, as there is now a ‘Brexit’ party? There are many issues on which the Tories are almost indistinguishable from Labour.
Theresa should have left the stage long ago! Instead she appears to thrive in Never-neverland, apparently counting on her party not having a ‘logical’ successor? Happy to stay in for another day/week/month…
fnw, the problem as I see it for UKIP is fourfold:
1. Those that know politics, know that it was a bad political tactical error to tie the Party to Tommy Robinson
2. Those that know politics, know that the MSM will lazily bring up the link to Tommy Robinson every time and most will use it as a stick to beat both Batten and UKIP
3. Those that know UKIP, supported it and worked for it in the past, know the egos and in-fighting that has gone on for positions and power in the Party after Farage stood down and therefore are as disillusioned as Conservative grassroots campaigners, and,
4. The general voting public, even if not politically involved or even inclined, often have a strange and unerring instinct for these things and vote accordingly.
When UKIP lost the chance of having Steven Woolfe as leader the slide downward started and it accelerated under the self-seeking, self-serving, Henry Bolton. Gerard Batten has an almost hopeless task and his own political naivety has now made it near impossible.
TT, yes, I did a ‘header piece’ on the PM’s position at the Easter Recess. It may still sit in the Editorial part of this site’s Contact Us tab. If you cannot find it, I’ll send it again. Think I kept a copy.
If you think it is not too long and not out of date, thanks to the Local Authority elections & results please feel free to use it. I did have a follow-up in mind, relating to Corbyn but that really related to the events of the MPs return to Westminster a week ago Tuesday. In a similar fashion, it’s a little out of date but as it’s still in my head, it may fall out on to paper with some continuing relevance.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to get to your post via the ‘contact us,’ but if you can find your copy, or amend it or post a new one, then you can put the finished copy on an open thread and I’ll cut it and post it above the line in your name.
Of course I’ll need to be watching out for the post so give me an idea of when you want to post it and I’ll put it up – as long as you differentiate it from a normal comment!
I meant to add, it will need a title – but I guess you’ve thought of that.
TT, OK here it is. Feel free to chop the first para if you think it is too long.
title> The Deep State of Mire the PM has created for herself – and us.
Had Theresa May had the nerve, the honesty, the decency to accept her Withdrawal Agreement was no good and had gone for a No Deal Brexit on 29 March, she would possibly by now be a hero instead of a villain. In addition, her Chancellor Philip Hammond would have probably been in a position to introduce some groundbreaking tax reforms at the Party Conference in September that not only would please the country but also cut the fiscal legs from under Labour. More perhaps on that another time.
If Prime Ministers are advised to do two things then they would be ‘Do not make promises that are not kept.’ and ‘Do not create Calendar dates that will remind the Opposition, the Media and the Voter of your failures.’.
Theresa May has fallen into both traps.
While a break from Parliament business may provide her with a pause to think, she might be wise to remember and re-read her leadership speech outside Downing Street after she had won the Party leadership. The manifest unfairness and divisiveness of pandering to a small minority of Remain voters, many in both Houses of Parliament or retired from there, will be remembered every time Europe and the EU and Brexit are mentioned. Then there is the phrase “Leave means leave.”
The media and the voter will have reminders when Parliament returns on 23 April, again on 2 May in Local Authority elections and on 22/23 May in Europe when the EU Parliament Elections take place, irrespective of whether the UK has to vote. After a brief pause, the media and the voter will have another reminder from the Conservative Party Conference and then again as the 31st October revised deadline for the UK’s departure from the EU, barring or perhaps because of the result of a ‘Peoples Vote’ Referendum.
I do not think the Prime Minister can possibly survive in post much beyond 31st October 2019. In an Age of Equality it would be proper to think of her as a ‘Dead Man Walking’ or a ‘Zombie PM’. Lame Duck seems wholly inadequate.
Should something remarkable happen if Theresa May hangs on and wins a Confidence Vote in December 2019 then the big Calendar reminders will still come around without fail, along with all the small ones, prompted by any news events from the EU, again next year and after that all while she remains as leader.
Fed, it’s a chronic shame that there is a need for a Brexit Party and that UKIP cannot enjoy life as a fringe Party, gradually losing its spies, infiltrators and Fifth Columnists while gaining a credible manifesto.
Had Theresa May had the guts to say “Three Strikes, my Withdrawal Agreement is Out!” on 29th March and settled for a No Deal Brexit, then there’s a good chance the Conservatives might not have lost over 1000 Council seats.
Not only that, the inevitable confusion and initial difficulties, delays and disruption of a No Deal Brexit would have faded over a glorious Easter Bank Holiday, with its tragic and horrible news of the savage Sri Lanka murders of Christians. Instead of everyone sitting in gloom over that AND no Brexit, I suspect it may have had, instead, a galvanising effect on everyone to make Brexit work.
All that has been lost.
And so, still, is the Prime Minister, only now even more so.
“…and that issue has been resolved.” How? Nobody can possibly think that. We’ve had nearly three long years with Dithering Deidre doing her best to louse things up. We’ve got 75% of Parliament against Brexit and a devious media, headed by the Beeb, who are trying to frighten people into wanting to remain. Absolutely no one can possibly believe this issue has been resolved.
The truth is UKIP have had it. They’ve blown their chances. They should have had an excellent local election, being the only Brexit party on the bloody paper. But no… Wake up and smell the coffee.
UKIP used to be the party of disgruntled middle England, but their flirtation with Tommy Robinson and recent adoption of certain controversial figures has completely knackered their electorial chances.
You may not like it and I certainly don’t like it, but it’s what’s just happened.
I nipped down to the polling booth and voted for them thinking they should do well. They didn’t, it was a disaster.
We can blame the media (rightly) we can moan about Nigel Farage, but it won’t make a blind bit of difference. They’re done for.
Come the European vote I’m voting for the Brexit Party.
Painfully true Jeff. But there are good people in UKIP, people who already have made their mark and been noticed, and for the sake of their country and for democracy they should put their differences aside and defect to Brexit.
There’s no shame in changing your mind or loyalty in politics – Churchill managed it several times, and he still became one of our greatest, and certainly our last true statesman.
Plain clothes UKIP did win a whole council
A party called “Lincolnshire Independents won North Kesteven, in Lincolnshire” if they can arrange with 6 other actual Independent candidates.
Seems that many of the LI were UKIP before.
Also there were 471 spoilt ballot papers in North Kesteven wards.
in one ward it was 7.4% //
In total independents have taken control of THREE councils – Ashfield, Uttlesford and North Kesteven.
I am told that there is footage of the pice of s**t danyal mahmud and a groups of his mates assaulting two white girls which is why TR got so annoyed at him, but then you cannot expect the enemies of the people which are the MSM to report the whole truth, only the part which they want to tell their bitter and twisted version of events.
You know the rule, don’t judge TR (or indeed anyone) when you have only seen edited clip, you have to wait until you see fuller footage
TR did put out a longer video
at around Friday 3pm
Only 5K views when I looked
Bombs or threats of them all over Manchester this evening, with two in Piccadilly gardens in the centre and one 26 year old effnik in Police custody and rather more incredibly one left at Oldham Library which is full of Pakistani Muslims most of the time.
The devices in Piccadilly were made to look like bombs while the Oldham one is being reported as a viable device. The incidents are being treated as linked. Wonder what the MSM is going to make of this.
Apparently the excellent Mark Francios MP – brexiter – has likened the local council results as the phase in a sunami
Where the sea goes out and on 23 May guess what happens ?….
With a bit of luck the communist Labour Party will realise that they have a chance of a general election if the Tories get the blame for a break down in the ‘ sell out’ talks and we ll get to the ReichEU elections where they’ll be enough anti EUReich parties across Europe to disable the functions of the EU …
I wonder if the remainer MPs will now go into full ‘siege ‘ mode as they realise many political careers will be extinguished whenever the next election comes . And they can’t all be peers as the place is so full of deadheads it’s a national joke .
There was a lady from the Brexit Party on bbc news at about 6pm Friday night and boy was she good . It also looks like the wide variety of prospective `brexit MEPs will also be attractive – they’ve even got an ex rear admiral on board ….
Yes, looks like all hope is now in the Brexit Party.
Pity about the divisions between them and UKIP.
I suppose an optimist could envision the UK twelve years or so on with Brexit and UKIP forming a coalition government and the EU in the dustbin of history..
It could be that the ReichEU in its current form is ended / changed by the MEPs of other countries who are more willing to take on the ‘ ever closer ‘poisonous federal fantasy .
At the moment any one /group which doesn’t conform to snowflake doctrine is instantly labelled ‘Far Right “ . I ponder what would happen if a real right wing government in the EU evolved … which with uncontrolled third world illegal immigration seems inevitable ….
Not Tommy, but leftie luvvie Tony Robinson
.. is if he is Remain or Brexit ?
I’ve left the Labour Party after nearly 45 years of service at Branch, Constituency and NEC levels,partly because of it’s continued duplicity on Brexit, partly because of it’s antisemitism, but also because its leadership is complete shit.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16BtpSCufU0 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Five Live news this morning informs us you can have unprotected gay sex when HIV positive provided you are undergoing treatment and your partner will not be infected.
What a lovely start to the day! They just have to shoehorn in some virtue signalling guff about minorities. Absolutely vital information – just the thing all licence fee payers are desperate to hear about.
Yes, I heard that too, Beeb.
In fact, an earlier version even stated that such acts – ‘whatever the method of sexual contact’ would be taken into consideration in the research…
I reckon I’d like to concentrate on hearing the local results, rather than that sort of stuff, but they did mention minorities like the Greens getting a seat somewhere, and also Anna Soubry as some sort of elixir of life, so I suppose this is their way of balancing the books!
And I wish that blasted newsreader would stop gasping in a huge gulp of fetid air between each sentence. He’s clearly too young to remember real newsreaders like Richard Baker, or Alvar Liddell. And also get Suze Courtney to get her voice fixed as well. She has the Capstan Full-strength Syndrome, but is actually among some of the better commenters.
Elocution lessons please broadcasters, you can spout what opinions you like but at least do it correctly!
It’s on R4 news – – I think the BBC wants everyone equally HIV positive ….
It’s strange that medics and scientists don’t say that bugs change and it won’t be long until there an HIV new version with no current cure ….
“just the thing all licence fee payers are desperate to hear about.”
BBC aren’t doing this for the sake of licence payer – they are doing this in the hope that they catch the attention of the licence payers very young children – the young males in the family. Used to be called: “The Corruption of a Minor”
Has anyone else noticed that the BBC and others now don’t call UKIIP by name, they come under ‘other parties’ . Grrr Liberal Party doing well in local elections……
Foreign interference.
It is indeed May and her cohorts who are the threat to our national security
This is how our “minorities” deal with minorities when they have the upper hand REMEMBER this: when they are whingeing and whining
Persecution of Christians is modern-day ‘genocide’ says report as Foreign Secretary blames failure to confront the oppression of world’s most targeted faith group on ‘political correctness’
‘Political correctness’ to blame for failure to confront oppression of Christians
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said that Christians were sometimes neglected
New report reveals Christians are enduring genocide in some parts of the world
Mere, Yin & Yang. We will have our day.
Bird shooting climbdown as Michael Gove is forced to cave into Tory MPs furious at plan to stop farmers from shooting wild crows that target lambs
Natural England caused outcry after revoking permits allowing culling of birds
It means farmers now risk prosecution for shooting birds that attack livestock
Now Michael Gove has stripped gun licensing powers from the nature watchdog
He met with MPs furious telling them he will ‘fix the issue as soon as possible
Morning emole:
A local election Brexit backlash?
A plague on all your houses… That’s one assessment of the early results of council and mayoral elections across England, where the Conservatives and Labour had lost both seats and vote share. Analysis of selected wards suggests the Tory share could be down about 6% on last year, with Labour dropping 7%, although both parties have made some gains. Political editor Laura Kuenssberg suggests divisions over Brexit have cost both parties, interpreting the message from voters as: “It’s not us, it’s both of you.”
With 140 of the 248 participating councils expected to declare throughout Friday, it is too early to fully assess the overall picture. However, the Liberal Democrats are on course to pick up hundreds of councillors – and control of several town halls – while the Green Party was averaging an 11% vote share in wards it contested, up five points on last year. Counting in Northern Ireland starts later.
Have to admire that ‘analysis’ from Laura, daintily skirting that the problem the big parties are having is they did and still do all in their power to avoid Brexit so their core didn’t vote. Dims and Greens winning because their activists kept voting for them. Even though locals have sod all to do with matters EU.
I hope that round here when the potholes get deeper because all the yellow and green councillors are entertaining Guy and Greta, the public will be suitably impressed.
I guess both Labour 1 & Labour 2 (Tories) see the local elections as being sacrificial, hoping the voters will feel satisfied at making their point leaving a GE, eventually, relatively unmolested.
A very sad night for politics – the tory and Labour Party still exist.
D-day is coming ……
Message to Al Beeb and Mrs Chamberlain, “Brexit means Brexit”.
Before anybody can draw any conclusions from the Local Elections we need to see the actual numbers that voted for each Party in each constituency. The number of seats changing hands means nothing if the winning Party received roughly the same amounts of votes as in 2015. In theory a Party could win with less votes than 2015 if their opposing Parties failed to gain support due to failure to leave EU.
The better indication will be the European Elections, assuming Tories and Labour frightened by the possible results, allow them to go ahead or scupper them by pushing through May’s diabolical ‘not really leaving deal’.
Lets hope The Brexit Party get a big result CUuk perform poorly and the Tories and Labour are humiliated. This should prove to be the second referendum with a clear option to leave without a deal on WTO terms.
Wouldn’t it be great if the maybe 800 tories who lost their council seats today ( when all the votes are in ) got together and signed Allegiance to The Brexit Party .
The failure to honour the referendum vote has broken politics . Even Parliament was sent home early because there was nothing ( thankfully ) for them to do.
I really fear that there will be no EU voting on the 23 rd because labour and tories know what we will say about them
DFS and Nationwide will be miffed the BBC snagged that picture.
Oh, and…. #CCBGB
I do despair.
In what universe does disatisfaction over the implementation of Brexit result in increased votes for Lib Dems & Greens?
What genuinely did people hear from them that warranted their support?
They are frightened of UKIP, can’t see a problem in remaining in the EU, don’t really want to upset their comfortable apple cart, and are totally oblivious (thanks to the MSM lies and deceit) to what’s going on across the channel. Most of Europe is slowly seeing the light and espousing Nationalism, whilst the Brits steadfastly turn their backs and march in the opposite direction.
Have they garnered more votes, or seats?
If the latter that is simply holding their base and having no competition.
I think it’s because the liberals and greens clearly want to stay in the Reich so that’s where remainers will go – particularly when labour is unable to fully capitalise on the demise of the traitor Tory party because their ‘leader ‘ and his friends are the likes of Lammy , Abbot and of course – Darth Vader aka John McDonnell…
A good day for Yurt ? And tofu ?shops
Parliament destroyed democracy this year.
Democracy is fighting back.
‘BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg says the results suggest the two main parties are being punished for their handling of Brexit’
Let me help Laura here. Please replace the word ‘suggest’ with ‘confirm’ and the expression ‘handling of’ with ‘failure to deliver’.
Not true chancy, the evidence shows the opposite with UKIP also losing many seats and the Fib Dems gaining 287. If you are going to draw conclusions then I’m afraid it would be that people are sick of Brexit and want to remain.
I wouldn’t push this if I were you because you might not like the answers.
I wonder how many ‘leave’ voters who in protest backed the Lib Dems this time realise how firmly they are committed to staying in the EU. The MSM will interpret this as support for ‘remain’.
Toady watch
Hilarious interview between humph and Brandon Lewis – chair of the Tory party .
After three years of supporting remain a beeboid pretends they are not involved and let’s thr Tory ramble on about election results in those sanitised lies they always use …pretending its business as usual .
Roll on 23 May – I’m a postal voter and can’t wait . Can I vote a few times like the muzzies in Tower Hamlets do ?
I just wonder if toxic Tess is going to allow that vote on the 23rd, or whether today she will announce the treachery that the UK will be going into a customs union with the EU which means remaining.
I do find the performance of UKIP last night troubling if people had indeed wanted to register a protest they could have done so by voting UKIP but they didn’t.
I would have voted UKIP if they had stood in my area. I had to resort to spoiling my paper with a message because I couldn’t vote for the three parties that have smashed democracy in this country.
They should all be renamed – the Conservative Party conserves nothing anymore except for their salaries and pensions. The Labour Party is now anti-Working Class and is only for the Middle Class elite in London. The Liberal Democrats are completely illiberal and openly anti-democracy.
Hello Demon
I too spoiled my ballot paper in a similar manner but when I checked the results for my constituency I found no mention or record of spoiled papers.
I agree with your sentiment on UKIP’s performance, Thoughtful. I came to the conclusion a while ago that the people of this once great country don’t want/deserve to be saved from an apocalyptic future enslaved to a EUSSR much less have any semblance remaining of our ancestral heritage. In fact it seems that a significant number of people actually desire such a state of affairs.There seems to be legions of these people. Then there is the spectacle of a large percentage of the self obsessed dumbed down who simply don’t care and who place more importance on the football, X factor and the like. I’m close to being able to live elsewhere if I want to and that is increasingly looking like the only way of avoiding having to watch the advance of the progressive marxists who have this country in their grip.
I didn’t get the choice to vote UKIP. Just the LibLabCon & Greens. I suspect that some who voted Greens or Liberal Undemocrats didn’t even know their policies but didn’t want to vote for the other two. I spoiled my paper by writing “None of these-Brexit please”! Had there been a representative of UKIP I would certainly have voted for them.
Laura being factual. If cute. The comments that follow are hilarious.
I will be interested in the actual voting turnout and party numbers.
KGM struggles on.
Do people seriously consider the two main parties as “leavers”? What a joke with Theresa Maybe not and Steptoe talking about a customs union (ie remain). What planet do these remainers live on!
The votes for the SDLP are an indication of how much the other two are loathed.
Unfortunately we had little choice – spoil the paper or vote Vince ?
Sorry Vince.
Exactly. If my option had been Con/Lab/Lib I would have voted Lib.
In the past I’ve been a Con voter. Never, ever again.
As Osborne and his pals still babble on with an anti Brexit argument which equates to a General Election where, for example, Labour got 48% and the Tories 52%. Would he be arguing for another vote or a more socialist Tory government – I don’t think so.
a more Socialist ‘Tory’ government would be something akin to North Korea !
I’m not sure that’s such a bad idea – we could have my favourite Tory Rory Stewart as Kim Jon ill – our very own rocket man – who is ascending the greasy pole by accident . My god he’s even in the cabinet as minister of giving our money away – the next home sec in the waiting – if the traitor government isn’t deposed in a welcome coup
Another Pakistani Muslim showing how easily lies drip from their lips even when the evidence clearly shows deliberate intent. No one should ever believe a word they say without coroborating evidence.
Tommy Robinson really needs to control his temper. That incident could have been staged by his many enemies to provoke the precise reaction he provided.
Nobody knows better than Tommy himself that the powers that be are salivating at the prospect of shoving him into a cell in a Muslim-controlled prison and throwing the key away.
As for the drink sipping out of his adversary’s hand, I guess if nobody buys that lie the next one will be that the milkshake developed a will of it’s own and jumped out of the glass onto Tommy.
Unfortunately for liars, everyone is walking around videoing everything these days.
Remember folks, it’s only wrong when the left say it is !
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force,
A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: “We are aware of an allegation of assault made following an incident in Bridge Street in Warrington this afternoon. We are looking into the circumstances.”
Will justice prevail?
Manchester Evening News describes Tommy as
“The far right extremist…”
How is he an extremist? Is it extremist to want to protect your own people. In that case, every soldier who ever fought a war must also be an extremist. Really bored of this narrative now.
I thought it hilariously funny that feminazi lesbian moaner Martina Navratilova has been hoisted on her own petard over the Caster Semenya affair, and been exposed as the nasty little bigot she really is.
For some time now she has been opposed to trans women participating in womens sport – note that she has no issue with trans men doing so – something I will come on to later.
To promote her bigotry she has used the excuse of higher testosterone levels, something which has not only been questioned, but actually disproved in real life. Now her actions have resulted in the decision against Caster Semenya she says it’s unfair, and wrong, yet she was the one who pushed for the decision!
This is so often the case on the hate filled left, they fail to even consider that their arguements might be weak, have unintended consequences, or completely backfire on them.
Take the instance of the assinine Margaret Becket who nominated Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership because she claimed it would ‘broaden the debate’, she never forsaw the possibility he might win, even though it was a contest to decide a winner. After the contest she even described herself as ‘moronic’, but it’s too late the damage has been done, and how many other times has she done that when the damage affected other people?
There’s a certain amount of schardenfreude here, not for Semenya who is the victim of Feminist stupidity and pure evil, but but against Navratilova and friends who through their hatred & bigotry achieved something they failed to forsee.
Can’t agree with you Thoughtful – in fact if we had the option of a thumbs-down, you’d get one.
Re the Semenya case, the BBC are always keen to roll out the odd ‘scientist’ who claims studies show no impact on performance due to levels of testosterone. Yet what they fail to mention is those studies have looked at MEN, they found in MEN, the levels of testosterone don’t make much difference.
So how can a so-called scientist say with a straight face testosterone levels make no difference in women when there have been no studies? But Semenya proves it in the field – she broke the 800 and 1500m records by a huge amount. If it’s not hormonal, how do they explain why men can run faster, jump higher and throw further?
For example, shot putt. The world record for men is over 23m, for women its 22m. Not much difference you may think until you know men use a 7.2kg shot, women throw a 4kg – almost half the weight.
And as for the trans issue – it’s about protecting women’s sport. I’m involved in athletics and if trans were allowed to participate as women, ALL current records would be broken in a very short time – the real women may as well give up now. Can you imagine a male shot putter who transistions and enter the women’s event. I’ve seen a bloke heave a 4kg shot putt over 32m ffs!
There are many things that ladies can do far more proficiently than men but sport just ain’t one of ’em. Now, I know nowt about soccer but I am pretty sure that not one single female plays for a UK premier league team. Also,as far as I am aware,there appears to be no major professional sporting event which features a final play off between male and female. There must be a good reason for that and I doubt that it is all down to misogyny. The day that I am reliably informed that I am mistaken in my view then I will begin to take the feminists seriously. Having said that and to just state the obvious, without the ladies, human life on earth would just not be possible or tolerable.
Roll on the UK Euro elections. If Mrs May were to consider them unnecessary I think that would be a rather unfortunate mistake.
None of you have understood what I have written! Go back read it again and have another attempt!
This is all about one woman fighting a battle which didn’t even need to be fought, and ending up with consequences which she neither foresaw nor wanted, and nothing much to do with trans save for that fact it was her irrational hatred which triggered it all in the first place.
Sorry to be a wet blanket but all the indications are for a stitch-up. The major parties have had a kicking, but not as brutal as expected – and listening to that old union rabble-rouser Ian Lavery shifting the blame and pushing his pseudo-Geordie accent to the limit, it’s easy to see what Labour are up to.
Both parties know that they will be humiliated on May 23 in the EU elections, so they will agree a ‘compromise’ deal within the next week or so and cancel the elections. This will nullify both the Brexit Party and UKIP leaving both to fume while the Tories get another ‘leader’ and put off the next general election for as long as possible – or longer if they can get away with it.
Meanwhile Tom Watson will be pushing hard as the ‘reasonable face of Labour’, possibly gathering enough support to push Steptoe into retirement. Then he’ll go for the People’s Vote, and put off Brexit for another year, or more, or much more.
Vince Cable and the LibDems will make a huge fuss about a major swing – overlooking the fact that they represent the one major-ish party with the published intention of remaining. Somehow I don’t think they’ll do as well as they hope in the next GE. Let’s face it, they never do, so what’s different?
I’m not sure apparently there are more ‘hung councils ‘ . Now I know these parties are traitors but for the locals to hang them sounds a bit extreme .
Being a believer in less government interfering in my life and taking more money from me I favour hung’ parliaments because they can expend their limited energy on fighting each other .
Spot on Beltane. Just add a little bit of Sturgeon nibbling round the edges pouring bile and hate on to Brexit, and we have the current impasse until 2021.
The Tories won’t get another ‘leader’ May said she would go when the UK leaves the EU and we know that’s not going to happen. With enough remain socialist Tory MPs determined to prevent a leave candidate such as Boris at any cost – including the collapse of their party, they are likely to support May as leader until the next election which they will lose disastrously.
I’m waiting for todays anticipated announcement of the UK remaining in the EU in a customs union and the explosion which will result.
Valid point about Treasa T. They really are taking duplicity to new heights and guessing the next moves is becoming a sad exercise in resignation – though not in the political sense.
A new report comfirms the shocking increase in global persecution of Christians, and it is apparently worst in predominately Muslim countries. It calls it a modern day genocide.
One vastly important subject for the BBC to get its teeth into, surely?
Widespread news coverage, a top item, scrutiny, analysis, debate?
Remember when a politician talked about letterboxes and burkas, it supplied endless hours of BBC angst – well, this is certainly far more important and deserving of its attention.
It’s not on its news channel yet, or anywhere on its website, but hey, let’s just wait and see……..
Amazing! Political Correctness caused the refusal to name Islam as the driving force for this genocide.
Would Muslims suffer in silence under Political Correctness if thousands of Muslims were suffering genocide by Christians?
Oh my god – I have not been listening to BBC and felt the better for it – now working at home caught some of Wimmins Hour – apparently misogyny is rife and all woman suffer from it – even worse if a man criticises the May Bot he is a misogynist – So we still have this situation where more medics, lawyers, teachers, university lecturers, health workers generally, nurses etc are female and men are still the problem!!!! My wife and other sensible females I know have more issues with women bosses and co workers than male ones..what is it called when a woman holds back or denigrates another woman? BBC get off your bloody soap boxes
It’s interesting that the BBC reckon that critisising May is mysoginist, but critisising Margaret Thatcher wasn’t.
I wonder what it is about the spat between Ibrahimovic and Nedum Onuoha that’s kept this story on the home page for 4 days now?
I don’t remember them being as interested in the antics of Roy Keane, Vinnie Jones, Materazzi, Harald Schumacher etc
Not BBC bias but I look to this site for wisdom beyond that.
Rory Stewart on Beeb website states he intends to stand for leadership of Conservative party. Apparently he wants to move “beyond my brief”.
Compare and contrast with Common Purpose..
“devoted to developing leaders who can cross boundaries” and “..people who can lead beyond authority.”
Can’t see the International Development funds being cut back, and IF he becomes leader of the Tories…?
Never mind, he should get on well with Cressida, and most of the Civil Service.
Having shared and written about Tory Rory s ascent to greatness – the leader of a soon to be dead traitors party I assumed he is deluded enough to go for the big one .
He would IDS look like Churchill but it would be good for popcorn sales .
IDS is my MP – a true leaver – but I can’t vote for him anymore because he is still associated with the traitor Tory party .
As for Rory Stewart – I think the PM woukd support him as he’d make her look good …!
Unfortunately, those who lead beyond authority are often leading beyond their ability, sometimes with disastrous consequences.
Nothing as yet in BBC local or national news about about Kamran Ishtiaq, the Birmingham-based president of the British Pakistani Youth Council yet…
“THE Birmingham-based president of the British Pakistani Youth Council once said he would ‘salute’ Adolf Hitler if he killed more Jews than Muslims.
When quizzed by BirminghamLive (The Birmingham Mail web page) this week, he said: “If it’s on my Facebook, I said it.”
After a picture of Hitler appeared on his Facebook page, he was admonished by another poster who pointed out that the Nazi leader was a racist.
Mr Ishtiaq had replied: “I know that and to be honest he would have killed Muslims too if he got a chance.
“But you know what, I would salute him still if he killed 90 Muslims and 92 Jews.”
He added: “Now why he is my hero cuz, he just killed Jews, didn’t get a chance to kill Muslims… lol.”
The BBC likes to pursue the likes of TR, saying that he encourages hate crime. I think Kamran Ishtiaq, an influential member of the Pakistani community has committed a hate crime but I’ve got a horrible feeling this will be swept under the carpet. It would be interesting to find out if Ishtiaq is a member of The Labour Party?
Worth reporting to the police?
I’m not on Farcebook but I doubt they would take any action against this savage if his adoration of Hitler and hatred of Jews were reported to Mark Shmuckerberg and company.
But they’re happy to rip the platforms out from under people who simply don’t bow to lefty ideology.
Just seen Norman Smith on the BBC telling us how well the Lib Dems have done and is it a swing towards Remain parties !!!!
For crying out loud Norman ..you utter moronic cretin , its a PROTEST VOTE …nothing more, nothing less, that’s the only reason for the Lib Dems decent showing. Good results all by default. The real winner yesterday was most likely Spoiled Papers !!!!!!!
Ed the Lib Dem fella on earlier almost soiling himself in excitement and telling us all that its a move towards REMAIN. Do you think they actually believe that crap ????
Wait for the European Elections (if we get them) … going to be a even bigger wake up call for these morons.
I had a choice between Conservative, Labour or Green, so I spoiled my voting slip by writing “UKIP” across it. It’s interesting that I have now become a remainer, apparently.
Naturally the BBC will promote LibDem ‘success’ with all they’ve got. As the only party with a clear and published Remain position, the Remain BBC will automatically support and promote them, despite their rather obvious and naïve disdain for history, even recent history, which would show them that we, the electorate, have been here before, several times, and every time – including the Cameron-Clegg coalition – it has ended in tears for the ones dressed in yellow. They probably see it as Gold, but we know is just common or garden yellow. Nothing changes.
BBC on local elections – disaster for Cons – naturally! Majorly promoting the central narrative that this is a pro REMAIN vote. Lib Dems given uninterrupted party political broadcast just now.
Playing down the disaster for Jeremy for now. No doubt a hurried meeting at party HQ to decide how best to spin it for Labour.
Sedwill and Robbins.
Britain’s EU-loving civil servants are now matching the EU’s unelected executives: make policies and treaties in secret, avoid accountability, tell elected politicians what to endorse, demand secrecy, and take the scalps of elected politicians who don’t toe the line.
The top rated on HYS here on this BBC article which is one of the most utterly disgusting BIAS piece you will ever read.
Good news of course, better than expected figures AGAIN (despite brexit) and Mark Carney and all those highly paid forecasters WRONG AGAIN !!! Alas, the BBC choose to ignore this for the headline and choose to find the most negative aspect possible to put in bold. Its just plain disgusting BIAS and shows how much the BBC want the UK to fail.
A National broadcaster wanting their own country to fail ??? Staggering.
Better growth than Europe, we should have been in a massive depression now according to project fear.
“seems she likes sucking up to over-bearing and tyrannical regimes….like the EU and China.”
Simple really; they tendered more money!
Right or wrong has nothing to do with it with PM Traitor.
Lots of happy Limp Dumbs being paraded on the Al-Beeb. Remoaner in Chief Vince Fable hailing it as ‘remain’ success. Are Limp Dumbs the real ‘hold yer nose’ alternative to CONS or LIEBour?
But where’s the real in-depth analysis Beeb?
Over 800 spoiled papers in one Essex constituency.
The winning result in Alvaston Derby, 56.4% of the vote to UKIP.
Independents doing better than ever previously seen.
Mmmm, now I wonder different things would appear if a credible Brexit option was available to many?
I’ve seen many people alleging that figure of 800 spoiled papers to be fake news, and haven’t seen evidence of where the figure comes from. So am taking it with a pinch of salt for now.
I had a look on the BBC website for details of voting numbers, hoping to find out something about the number of spoiled papers. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Which seems surprising.
Until we know if the LibDem “triumph” is due to them increasing their vote or simply Tories sitting on their hands (or spoiling their papers) we can’t really assess the significance. For now, we only hear from the winners, but the analysis of voting patterns will be the real story in days to come.
Where did you get the figures from about spoiled papers?
I spoiled mine but cannot find any reference to it in the results of my Ward
Do they report the actual number of votes cast? If Tory and Labour voters were wittholding their votes that might bring about the kind of results we are seeing.
The countrys industrys are about to desimated by self imposed climate change commitments. Its a good job that the BBC and the British people are supportive of this approach just look at how many councils the Greens control ……hang on a minute they dont control any OMG cancel climate change. It just goes to prove that the people that vote arent the ones that protest that may be that you have to declare yor address pay council tax etc……youll soon be able to vote with just an ID and no proof of address…watch this space. I voted independant as the bloke standing in my ward was in WILKINSONS on Saturday i recognised his face off the flyer on my hall floor.
Johnny Mercer MP has deleted his tweet approving of the assault on Tommy (NHRN) Robinson but has doubled down.
I’ve told him exactly what I think of him and I’d urge anyone else on Twitter to do the same.
This really is a sinister turn of events, with the likes of Mercer amongst others saying assault on opponents is just dandy if you don’t like them. As far as I’m concerned this has given me the green light to chuck things over the likes of him. That kind of behaviour really isn’t in my nature, but right now I feel angry enough to do it. I think we’ve now got to the point where Brexit isn’t going to be resolved without violence and we need to plan accordingly to deal with that.
Nailed in Roland. I feel exactly the same !!! If no arrest + conviction as per the Corbyn egg man, then its open season to my mind to throw stuff on MP’s when out canvassing.
I am furious with this bell end Mercer !!! Like others said, just imagine if that had been done to Anna Soubry ….imagine the uproar and outrage form the lefties !!!
Its these double standards that are making the bog standard, quiet, law abiding folk like me , angry as hell and like you say …there is going to be a tipping point very very soon !!!!!
Roland I agree – I suppose Mercer was a decent fella at some stage but the air in parliament does things to people which stops them from being people and turns them into politicians .
When some one who is not an inbred politician turns up – like Trump Farage TR it shows politicians up for the corruption the majority are .
There must be a prize for a milkshake on mercer by now . I’d pay to watch the footage .
It’s always worth thinking if a tweet or post is so wacky, it will get deleted
and taking a screenshot
For Windows .. Ctrl + Print screen ( a key above the number zero on my keyboard)
For Android … I pull top the top screen menu and there is a screenshot button to click on
(or Volume Down and Power buttons at the same time, hold them for a second, and your phone will take a screenshot)
However that’s not necessary for MP’s cos accounts like @deletedbyMPs automatically store MPs’ deleted tweets
We are on page 4 now ..we mentioned Mercer’s tweet last night half way down page 3 here
Our BBBC site preserves deleted tweets but not the pictures within the tweet,
… so you don’t see the video that Mercer posted just his words
2 of his 3 deleted tweets were just words so are visible on page 3
.. or you can see them via @deletedbyMPs here
Don’t be tempted to get down there.
Mercer, and the BBC, and others like them are doing great damage to their positions with the variable precedents they set.
However… they do currently control the establishment systems, now shown to be entirely sanguine about dual track law enforcement and prosecution.
Great question – LOL
Anyone at that event selling milkshakes will make a killing ….
Well people could wear Bisto T-shirts since he loves his gravy
I think people have to speak out before we are all criminalised by the coming – further – repression in the name of ‘community safety ‘ .
The next time an MP is attacked / killed will be the excuse for the likes of Bercow to connive with his club in parliament to criminalise whatever is left of free speech .
This site and those like it will be gone in the press of a Facebook censors , finger .
So before then – within the current law ( how fluid that is ) – if people wish I’ll of politicians – so be it .
Speak out fine, whilst we can.
As one finger-wagged for including a link to a Beeboid tweet using bad language, might I offer that ‘wishing ill’ of anyone here, even via the medium of a McWhoopise Smoothie is a smidge worse?
But my main point is that those tempted to test the law based on coherence might end up unpleasantly surprised.
Now he’s trying to say he didn’t condone it. Liar.
Beltane is dead right about the Illiberal Anti-Democrats.
I would bet that the number of votes for the LDs hasn’t gone up too much for these seats since the last time. What has happened is that Labour and Conservative Brexit supporters are disillusioned with their party but have nowhere else to go; UKIP didn’t stand in nearly as many seats as last time so people, like me for instance, have either sat at home or spoilt their ballot form (like I did).
Therefore the Conservative and Labour votes have dropped dramatically, while the LD voters, who are delighted that their party openly wants to destroy democracy, will be happy to come out and vote. It isn’t that the LDs have gone above the Cons and Labs so much, but the two “big” parties have dropped below the LibDums. No doubt some few will have switched from the others to LD as a protest but I would guess not very many. Certainly I can’t imagine any Brexit believer would have switched to them. The same goes for the watermelon “Greens”.
My big takeaway from the results is that the Conservative and Labour votes have fsallen through the floor due to too many of their MPs not honouring the 2016 vote. If the Conservatives replace their leader with a true Brexiteer and he/she takes us out of the EU under WTO they would eventually recover. The LibDums vote remains constant. UKIP are in trouble because they were unable to fund as many candidates as last time. To me I don’t see UKIP’s troubles and the LD and Green’s successes as endorsing Remain as much as their supporters are happy with the destruction of Brexit.
Lastly, was anyone surprised and disgusted to see May so chipper in her speech in Wales this morning? I am now of the belief that as her MPs and the grass-root members have turned against her she is now trying to get her own back by destroying their party. A woman scorned, eh?
She may have thought herself chipper Demon, but outside of the hall viewers were most probably remembering that absurd Abba dance-on at the conference.
I think she’s so fundamentally obtuse she genuinely has no concept of what a ludicrous figure she makes. Marabou stork comes closest.
what’s not to like eh Beltane!?
Many thanks pertelote, a picture paints a thousand words, as they say. Even the size of the necklace is true to life and, who knows, the diet of decaying carrion may well apply, shortly with luck.
That Awful , Nasty President Trump again !!! Making America Great Again !!! Go Donald !!! Just keeps serving it up to em.
Do you think there’s any chance the BBC and MSM will be reporting the findings from this study?
It shows the effect of urban heat islands (UHI) and how it has exaggerated average temperatures. Those of us here who read the work of Anthony Watts have known this for a long time, but now it’s been published it deserves wide coverage. This is good news for everyone as the world may not in 12 years after all!
The BBC should report it and stop scaring the little ones out of their skins about climate change. Perhaps St Greta could also offer us her valued opinion. But sadly, I doubt the ‘science’ bods at the BBC will even notice.
This is how Emma Thompson causes Global Warming.
Body count at 1430 Friday afternoon
735 Tory councillors – with a bit of luck it will make 900.
The EU will use this to edge the sell out between the current Traitor parties with some sweetener over this weekend which will presumably be ‘ leaked’ and approved after the bank holiday .
A joint Tory labour TIG SNP alliance will push it through .
Included in The New Deal will be a condition that the ReichEU flag will still be flown in UK as we won’t really have left and nothing will have changed – apart from giving away £40 billion of our money to Brussels …..
He is the first paragraph in the Manchester Evening News report …. look at all the Tommy Robinson Buzzwords used !!! Its a joke. Utter joke. It TR’s fault , he reacted physically. I mean ..do me a favour !!!
“A man who covered Tommy Robinson with a milkshake claims the drink ‘slipped’ out of his hand.
The far right extremist was campaigning in Warrington, Cheshire, when the McDonald’s drink was covered over his head, the Mirror reports.
Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, appeared to react physically to the incident
Didn’t John Prescott once punch somebody for throwing an egg at him? I don’t remember him being vilified. Quite the opposite.
He used to front a BBC show, you know.
Imagine if half the people you prate at believed a quarter of what you say.
LBC’s in-house cretin, as Rod Liddle described you, to perfection.
Imagine if the ghastly Vulcan Caroline Lucas had ever been given a tough interview by the BBC or asked how she manages to cycle from Brighton to Westminster and back each day. Or what a shambles the Green Party-run Brighton Council is.
Two points TS. Ms Lucas re-cycles to work and, to be fair, she’s really rather pretty – to other Vulcans.
Imagine no Mark Chapman.
I have seen thugs around TR and they are all so called antifa, hurling vile abuse and attacking only when they outnumber and with their faces hidden:
Look at this one with her hoodie to hide her face and ring hanging off her lip ….fag hanging out her mouth as she pushes and jostles people walking along the street, suddenly parading itself as a victim when someone responds to its attacks
Thugs ‘backing Tommy Robinson’ brutally punch anti-racism activist leaving her with broken nose moments after EDL founder is hit by milkshake during MEP campaign trail’
I sincerely hope that all those antia and muslims who attack are filmed and reported to the police and, if no action is taken, then the police are also investigated and complaints lodged and petitions started online for action to be taken
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force
Bent just like the government.
I wonder whether police can be charged with ‘dereliction of duty’ in that scenario. Could they possibly even be sued where they obviously allowed an assault to proceed, without intervening? Any lawyers on here?
The reason police have numbers on their shoulders/cars is that they can be identified, so complaints can be made, i.a. The time, nature and location of the incident needs be taken. Video/photos would help. Looks like there is every reason to make one.
‘Police leave scene during assault’ would make a good headline. That’s what the press are there for..
Had I been a witness, I should certainly have put in a complaint at my local cop shop and then bugged them with follow-up calls.
After all, they are paid from our taxes, so it’s not about doing favours.
It’s about a legal obligation.
#FakeNews saying in Malton and Nortonspoiled votes won with 39%
breaks the “too wow” to be true” rule
There is no ward “Malton and Norton”
spoiled votes was about 1% across the 3 actual wards
Twitter thread
Well that spoof got people’s attention
.. but this Mail journo seems to stand by other #LocalElection2019 spoilt/rejected vote tallies
A few weeks ago I suggested voting for a local resident’s group to unseat the mainstream party as they may have a chance. Pleased to say in my ward the Tory candidate was not only unseated but lost by 20%.
900 Tory councillors now gone . Let’s get it to a thousand or more .
Maybe that might shake them a bit as nothing else seems to .
At least people know where they stand with the Liberals – remainers all .
@BBCNews & @SkyNews & other MetroLib news
… are Remain to the core
… are Rotten to the core
Ballot papers spoilt by “Brexit” scrawl”
I notice that the BBC link uses the word “scrawl”.
The examples in the Mail article look perfectly legible to me.
Good point well spotted. I guess we are all knuckle draggers if we want them to deliver on a democratic vote.
Jon seems to think that journalists in Iran facing harassment means we should accept media lies about Trump etc.
Did Jon Sopel, professional journalist and admired seeker after truth that he is, really say ‘why’ when he meant ‘who’?
Maybe he’s simply too famous to bother with proof-reading.
And Soapy seems to think the genuine courage of those journalists challenging the vile islamic regime will somehow redound onto the likes of him, who support the ROP at every opportunity.
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force
Let’s be thankful it wasn’t bleach or acid thrown in Tommy’s face.
I wonder how this would have turned out instead of it being Tommy it was somebody like soubry or Abbott.
Not really.
We all know how different it would be.
I have just watched the videos of those thugs (Male and female atifa types) assaulting Tommy Robinson and assaulting the two women. The useless police who were there must ignoring it and some of them getting g into the police car and leaving. What an absolute disgrace, what were they there for if it to keep the peace, perhaps they were just there incase Tommy assaulted someone and they could have arrested him.I am so angry about this.What on earth are they for.Is there anyway we can make a complaint about their lack of action. Tommy said they even give the thug who threw liquid in his face a lift to the station!!! What a joke we have the keystone cops as a police force
Are you going to continue making the same post ? shall I delete some of the repeats?
Sorry my tablet started acting up
Did they repeat on you ? 🙂
Any bets on TR being charged with a racially motivated assault? Presumably, the authorities (CPS and Plod) would be eager to do so.
As I understand it anyone can report a hate crime ….even us as we have seen quite clearly hateful behaviour by antifa
heading towards 1700 Friday – the Golden Number of 1000 tory councillors is about to be achieved.
In fact – as I write – it hit 1007.
What the BBC doesn’t seem to cover is the number of spoilt votes – which to me are valid votes about the conduct of Traitor Politicians…
What is also highlighted is the rather disappointing performance of UKIP. They contested quite a few seats in my area but received very few votes. The Conservatives did well, which appears to say that the electorate want more of the same.
The electorate may well think UKIP is a single issue party, and that that issue has been resolved.
This, of course, is mistaken -but the media, in general, are not about to go into that.
Nigel is suddenly getting a great deal more mainstream media profile. Could it be that an attempt to blur the issue and downgrade Gerard is behind this? (Although latter has been on TV?)
Or is my observation incorrect?
Perhaps UKIP need to explicitly draw attention to other policies, as there is now a ‘Brexit’ party? There are many issues on which the Tories are almost indistinguishable from Labour.
Theresa should have left the stage long ago! Instead she appears to thrive in Never-neverland, apparently counting on her party not having a ‘logical’ successor? Happy to stay in for another day/week/month…
fnw, the problem as I see it for UKIP is fourfold:
1. Those that know politics, know that it was a bad political tactical error to tie the Party to Tommy Robinson
2. Those that know politics, know that the MSM will lazily bring up the link to Tommy Robinson every time and most will use it as a stick to beat both Batten and UKIP
3. Those that know UKIP, supported it and worked for it in the past, know the egos and in-fighting that has gone on for positions and power in the Party after Farage stood down and therefore are as disillusioned as Conservative grassroots campaigners, and,
4. The general voting public, even if not politically involved or even inclined, often have a strange and unerring instinct for these things and vote accordingly.
When UKIP lost the chance of having Steven Woolfe as leader the slide downward started and it accelerated under the self-seeking, self-serving, Henry Bolton. Gerard Batten has an almost hopeless task and his own political naivety has now made it near impossible.
Rumour has it that you wanted to connect with some info for me. Sorry about the delay. Can you respond on these pages?
Thanks in advance.
TT, yes, I did a ‘header piece’ on the PM’s position at the Easter Recess. It may still sit in the Editorial part of this site’s Contact Us tab. If you cannot find it, I’ll send it again. Think I kept a copy.
If you think it is not too long and not out of date, thanks to the Local Authority elections & results please feel free to use it. I did have a follow-up in mind, relating to Corbyn but that really related to the events of the MPs return to Westminster a week ago Tuesday. In a similar fashion, it’s a little out of date but as it’s still in my head, it may fall out on to paper with some continuing relevance.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to get to your post via the ‘contact us,’ but if you can find your copy, or amend it or post a new one, then you can put the finished copy on an open thread and I’ll cut it and post it above the line in your name.
Of course I’ll need to be watching out for the post so give me an idea of when you want to post it and I’ll put it up – as long as you differentiate it from a normal comment!
I meant to add, it will need a title – but I guess you’ve thought of that.
TT, OK here it is. Feel free to chop the first para if you think it is too long.
title> The Deep State of Mire the PM has created for herself – and us.
Had Theresa May had the nerve, the honesty, the decency to accept her Withdrawal Agreement was no good and had gone for a No Deal Brexit on 29 March, she would possibly by now be a hero instead of a villain. In addition, her Chancellor Philip Hammond would have probably been in a position to introduce some groundbreaking tax reforms at the Party Conference in September that not only would please the country but also cut the fiscal legs from under Labour. More perhaps on that another time.
If Prime Ministers are advised to do two things then they would be ‘Do not make promises that are not kept.’ and ‘Do not create Calendar dates that will remind the Opposition, the Media and the Voter of your failures.’.
Theresa May has fallen into both traps.
While a break from Parliament business may provide her with a pause to think, she might be wise to remember and re-read her leadership speech outside Downing Street after she had won the Party leadership. The manifest unfairness and divisiveness of pandering to a small minority of Remain voters, many in both Houses of Parliament or retired from there, will be remembered every time Europe and the EU and Brexit are mentioned. Then there is the phrase “Leave means leave.”
The media and the voter will have reminders when Parliament returns on 23 April, again on 2 May in Local Authority elections and on 22/23 May in Europe when the EU Parliament Elections take place, irrespective of whether the UK has to vote. After a brief pause, the media and the voter will have another reminder from the Conservative Party Conference and then again as the 31st October revised deadline for the UK’s departure from the EU, barring or perhaps because of the result of a ‘Peoples Vote’ Referendum.
I do not think the Prime Minister can possibly survive in post much beyond 31st October 2019. In an Age of Equality it would be proper to think of her as a ‘Dead Man Walking’ or a ‘Zombie PM’. Lame Duck seems wholly inadequate.
Should something remarkable happen if Theresa May hangs on and wins a Confidence Vote in December 2019 then the big Calendar reminders will still come around without fail, along with all the small ones, prompted by any news events from the EU, again next year and after that all while she remains as leader.
It’s a real shame UKIP just couldn’t shut down and hand over to The Brexit Party to keep things simple .
Fed, it’s a chronic shame that there is a need for a Brexit Party and that UKIP cannot enjoy life as a fringe Party, gradually losing its spies, infiltrators and Fifth Columnists while gaining a credible manifesto.
Had Theresa May had the guts to say “Three Strikes, my Withdrawal Agreement is Out!” on 29th March and settled for a No Deal Brexit, then there’s a good chance the Conservatives might not have lost over 1000 Council seats.
Not only that, the inevitable confusion and initial difficulties, delays and disruption of a No Deal Brexit would have faded over a glorious Easter Bank Holiday, with its tragic and horrible news of the savage Sri Lanka murders of Christians. Instead of everyone sitting in gloom over that AND no Brexit, I suspect it may have had, instead, a galvanising effect on everyone to make Brexit work.
All that has been lost.
And so, still, is the Prime Minister, only now even more so.
“…and that issue has been resolved.” How? Nobody can possibly think that. We’ve had nearly three long years with Dithering Deidre doing her best to louse things up. We’ve got 75% of Parliament against Brexit and a devious media, headed by the Beeb, who are trying to frighten people into wanting to remain. Absolutely no one can possibly believe this issue has been resolved.
The truth is UKIP have had it. They’ve blown their chances. They should have had an excellent local election, being the only Brexit party on the bloody paper. But no… Wake up and smell the coffee.
UKIP used to be the party of disgruntled middle England, but their flirtation with Tommy Robinson and recent adoption of certain controversial figures has completely knackered their electorial chances.
You may not like it and I certainly don’t like it, but it’s what’s just happened.
I nipped down to the polling booth and voted for them thinking they should do well. They didn’t, it was a disaster.
We can blame the media (rightly) we can moan about Nigel Farage, but it won’t make a blind bit of difference. They’re done for.
Come the European vote I’m voting for the Brexit Party.
Painfully true Jeff. But there are good people in UKIP, people who already have made their mark and been noticed, and for the sake of their country and for democracy they should put their differences aside and defect to Brexit.
There’s no shame in changing your mind or loyalty in politics – Churchill managed it several times, and he still became one of our greatest, and certainly our last true statesman.
Plain clothes UKIP did win a whole council
A party called “Lincolnshire Independents won North Kesteven, in Lincolnshire” if they can arrange with 6 other actual Independent candidates.
Seems that many of the LI were UKIP before.
Also there were 471 spoilt ballot papers in North Kesteven wards.
in one ward it was 7.4% //
In total independents have taken control of THREE councils – Ashfield, Uttlesford and North Kesteven.
Great turn of phrase, Stew: “Plain clothes UKIP did win a whole council”
I enjoyed that. 🙂
Tommy Robinson: police investigate assaults after visit
I am told that there is footage of the pice of s**t danyal mahmud and a groups of his mates assaulting two white girls which is why TR got so annoyed at him, but then you cannot expect the enemies of the people which are the MSM to report the whole truth, only the part which they want to tell their bitter and twisted version of events.
You know the rule, don’t judge TR (or indeed anyone) when you have only seen edited clip, you have to wait until you see fuller footage
TR did put out a longer video
at around Friday 3pm
Only 5K views when I looked
Bombs or threats of them all over Manchester this evening, with two in Piccadilly gardens in the centre and one 26 year old effnik in Police custody and rather more incredibly one left at Oldham Library which is full of Pakistani Muslims most of the time.
The devices in Piccadilly were made to look like bombs while the Oldham one is being reported as a viable device. The incidents are being treated as linked. Wonder what the MSM is going to make of this.
If it’s non Muslim the MSM will be all over it like a rash . If it’s Islam’s finest on a Friday it never happened .
Now headlines on the Mail
Apparently the excellent Mark Francios MP – brexiter – has likened the local council results as the phase in a sunami
Where the sea goes out and on 23 May guess what happens ?….
With a bit of luck the communist Labour Party will realise that they have a chance of a general election if the Tories get the blame for a break down in the ‘ sell out’ talks and we ll get to the ReichEU elections where they’ll be enough anti EUReich parties across Europe to disable the functions of the EU …
Is it me but watching MSM tv news coverage it’s as though the msm might be realising that over 17 million people voted to leave the ReichEU. ?
A deal ( sell out) was never mentioned – just to leave
I notice , too , that traitors are starting to say it’s such a long time since the vote that it’s time for a new one . Now that’s rich .
Yes there’s no end to the inventiveness of the traitors when it comes to finding reasons to deny Brexit.
If they can sleep at night, then they have no moral compass.
Truetoo / Up2
I wonder if the remainer MPs will now go into full ‘siege ‘ mode as they realise many political careers will be extinguished whenever the next election comes . And they can’t all be peers as the place is so full of deadheads it’s a national joke .
There was a lady from the Brexit Party on bbc news at about 6pm Friday night and boy was she good . It also looks like the wide variety of prospective `brexit MEPs will also be attractive – they’ve even got an ex rear admiral on board ….
Yes, looks like all hope is now in the Brexit Party.
Pity about the divisions between them and UKIP.
I suppose an optimist could envision the UK twelve years or so on with Brexit and UKIP forming a coalition government and the EU in the dustbin of history..
It could be that the ReichEU in its current form is ended / changed by the MEPs of other countries who are more willing to take on the ‘ ever closer ‘poisonous federal fantasy .
At the moment any one /group which doesn’t conform to snowflake doctrine is instantly labelled ‘Far Right “ . I ponder what would happen if a real right wing government in the EU evolved … which with uncontrolled third world illegal immigration seems inevitable ….
That was always part of the plan.
Your post is up. Thanks for the contribution.
Thanks, TT.
You’re welcome.
Not Tommy, but leftie luvvie Tony Robinson
.. is if he is Remain or Brexit ?
He’s most definitely a Remainer.
He’s most definitely a Remainer.
He’s most definitely a Remainer.
Tony Robinson waxing eloquent, as ever, as ‘a Luvvie’.