Post created by Up2snuff
Had Theresa May had the nerve, the honesty, the decency to accept her Withdrawal Agreement was no good and had gone for a No Deal Brexit on 29 March, she would possibly by now be a hero instead of a villain. In addition, her Chancellor Philip Hammond would have probably been in a position to introduce some groundbreaking tax reforms at the Party Conference in September that not only would please the country but also cut the fiscal legs from under Labour. More perhaps on that another time.
If Prime Ministers are advised to do two things then they would be ‘Do not make promises that are not kept.’ and ‘Do not create Calendar dates that will remind the Opposition, the Media and the Voter of your failures.’.
Theresa May has fallen into both traps.
While a break from Parliament business may provide her with a pause to think, she might be wise to remember and re-read her leadership speech outside Downing Street after she had won the Party leadership. The manifest unfairness and divisiveness of pandering to a small minority of Remain voters, many in both Houses of Parliament or retired from there, will be remembered every time Europe and the EU and Brexit are mentioned. Then there is the phrase “Leave means leave.”
The media and the voter will have reminders when Parliament returns on 23 April, again on 2 May in Local Authority elections and on 22/23 May in Europe when the EU Parliament Elections take place, irrespective of whether the UK has to vote. After a brief pause, the media and the voter will have another reminder from the Conservative Party Conference and then again as the 31st October revised deadline for the UK’s departure from the EU, barring or perhaps because of the result of a ‘Peoples Vote’ Referendum.
I do not think the Prime Minister can possibly survive in post much beyond 31st October 2019. In an Age of Equality it would be proper to think of her as a ‘Dead Man Walking’ or a ‘Zombie PM’. Lame Duck seems wholly inadequate.
Should something remarkable happen if Theresa May hangs on and wins a Confidence Vote in December 2019 then the big Calendar reminders will still come around without fail, along with all the small ones, prompted by any news events from the EU, again next year and after that all while she remains as leader.
-1334 councillors lost have they got the message yet??
Our hero Prime Minister doesn’t know the meaning of fear .
And also the meaning of promises , dignity , negotiation , corruption , unwanted and Conservatism .
Nibor: you left out any sense of ‘honour’ and responsibility.
Trouble being May and Corbyn will stitch us up and then insult us all by saying we’ve ‘left’ the EU when everyone will know that we’ll be remaining in all but name.
Brexit party is our only hope.
Voters forget things fast (main stream media won’t remind them) eg
the snap election –
with the big parties all committed to delivering Brexit.
Unfortunately, generally speaking, you are correct. After the BIG Expenses scandal, how many MPs were voted back in the following election? They had conned/defrauded the paying public out of millions and……. They got back into power.
As the saying goes, the MPs we get we deserve.
“Had Theresa May had the nerve, the honesty, the decency to accept her Withdrawal Agreement was no good and had gone for a No Deal Brexit on 29 March, she would possibly by now be a hero instead of a villain.”
Have you been overdoing the wine gums?
May is a traitor, the only verdict is guilty.
Include half the cabinet in the proceedings.
The Brexit party must metamorphose into the NEW, TRUE, CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST PARTY.
With a determination to win General Elections, not just EU elections.
With a determination to exclude the pretend Conservatives.
With policies to wreak our vengeance on the traitors in the UK.
With policies to wreak our vengeance on the traitors in the EU.
‘Twas not I, but Up2snuff who created the post above the line. I just hauled it up there, but it is the creation of the aforementioned eminent Up2snuff.
I used to eat wine gums as a child, really liked them.
Sorry, I had to tweak your post a bit. I’m sure you know why.
Definitely not wine gums for me, then or now.
Last Chance, I think you miss the point. Brexit would have all been done and dusted if the PM had had the guts to say “My deal is rejected, so it is No Deal.” on 29th March.
She did not. She still believes her WA is a good deal – it is not, it keeps us in the EU* and breaches at least one of her red lines – but she is still blindly determined to get it through.
She will hopefully fail for a fourth time because it is a very bad deal, which she said she wished to avoid. Instead of hero status, she has only a future of failure ahead of her.
If she gets her WA through, a majority in the country will be angry and consider her a failure for sabotaging Brexit. If she doesn’t get it through and miracle of miracles, a No Deal Brexit is somehow delivered at the end of October, a very vocal minority of remaining Remain supporters (including a majority of MPs and that is true also of her own Party) will consider her a failure and a future liability.
The PM has turned away from the opportunity for a great victory into total defeat whatever she does and whatever the outcome. She’d make a great football manager.
Hope this explanation helps.
(* See any number of articles on Lawyers for Britain web-site)
The line about her being a heroine if she had taken us out when she said she would is quite correct. I believe the same thing myself – she would have been regarded by history as a forward-thinking and brave PM.
It’s the fact that she didn’t allow us to leave on WTO on 29 March that makes her a traitor and unfit to be elected to a Parish council let alone PM of this once free and independent great nation.
Well put, Demon!
Mrs May isn’t the one who makes the decision as to when she leaves office.That decision will be made by her puppet masters, the Globalist Remain elite. I’m sure they are considering the following factors . Firstly, can she still get a squishy soft Brexit through Parliament and then be used to convince enough Leavers that it was the best that could be done. Secondly, if she goes who would replace her, it mustn’t be a Leaver who might actually deliver on the referendum result but on the other hand another Remainer PM would cause even more voters to revolt. Thirdly, can they tame Corbyn et al if they get into power so as to safeguard their wealth. It’s a tricky calculation , how to avoid Brexit and avoid a Corbyn government and avoid the voters insisting on a whole new political settlement.
They may well come to think that their wealth and power would have been best served by delivering a proper Brexit based on a sovereign UK dealing amicably with the EU rather than playing with fire by trying to overturn democracy. Let’s hope that in the long run their foolishness does for the supercilious Remainer elite snobs.
The Prime Nutcase, says “No Deal is better than a bad Deal, unless the deal is so bad, only Remain supporting Tory MP,s think it’s a good Deal, because it looks like Remaining in the European Union, but without any UKIP MEP,s” also “Leave means having no further commands at present, I take Leave to Remain. Your affectionate friend, to serve you, yours insincerely, Theresa May”. The Prime Headcase then head-butts the Cabinet room desk, damaging a mahogany desk that is thought to have survived damage by head-butts since William Pitt the Younger.
Thread heading now reads
“The Deep State of Mire the PM has created for herself – and us
By TrueToo | May 3, 2019 | BBC bias
Post created by Up2snuff”
My comment Headed “LastChanceSaloon May 4, 2019 at 10:11 am”
First response to my comment by
TrueToo May 4, 2019 at 10:31 am
‘Twas not I, but Up2snuff who created the post above the line. I just hauled it up there, but it is the creation of the aforementioned eminent Up2snuff.
Thank you for allowing me to become better informed. However “Post created by Up2snuff”, in BOLD, was added since my comment!
A very BBC like, act.
Are BBBC users expected to be clairvoyant?
Second response to my comment by
“Up2snuff May 4, 2019 at 6:41 pm
Last Chance, I think you miss the point.”
“She still believes her WA is a good deal”
I believe you missed the point, and by light years. The MAY WA is a good deal, by the May goal, which is do exactly the opposite of the task entrusted to her.
“If she gets her WA through, a majority in the country will be angry”
So you believe the “majority” is not already angry?
“consider her a failure for sabotaging Brexit”
How can you describe May as a failure if Brexit is thwarted? May will have succeeded. May is a traitor.
The anuses who May has turned to in her hour of need, comically named The British Labour Party, has far more traitors, in prominent positions.
Nope, ‘Post created by Up2snuff’ was up there in bold from the beginning, not an afterthought. The point was to differentiate it from myself so people would know it was Up2snuff’s work, not mine.
You didn’t notice it and seeing my name at the top, thought it was my post.
Not good of you to compare me to the BBC. I’ve been battling against their sly propaganda for nearly two decades.
LastChanceSaloon, are you a troll who has bashed the real LCS on the head and is impersonating him just to get on this Thread?
If you go to the Midweek Thread, started 1 May, you will find on the penultimate page, about four-fifths of the way down, at 6.01pm on 3 May, an exchange between the author of the header piece here – me, Snuffy – and the Editor or Sub-Editor [do you have a racy title like that, TT? ] who put it up, True Too.
Hope that quells all your anxieties.
Thanks for the chuckle, Up2snuff.
No , I am title-free. I have no administrative status here. Not much of a hierarchy here anyway. I guess I’m sort of like a sub-editor.
I hope LastChanceSaloon is suitably chastised.
New BBC Asian Network dreamboat to rival Nihil?
Getting kinda trendy, this Death Threat thing.
The BBC were building up Packham this a.m. as though every single Latin American drug Lord, Mafia Capo, FSB, GRU, SVR, CIA & MI6 operative in the world were out to get him.
They should be…
“Getting kinda trendy, this Death Threat thing.”
Only commensurate with the growth of the muslim population because, it is a, ‘muslim thing’. Only have to ask Salman Rushdie……