The Far Left Failing Biased Remainer BBC is gearing up to be the official opposition to the Brexit Party . Ofcom will look away from the breaches of Election Law the BBC will be committing . Drain the Swamp .
Start the Week 13 May 2019
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Thought it worth noting-The EU’s de facto ex loving communist , EU Foreign Secretary Federica Mogherini, did her degree in Iran studies- has been involved in certain negotations to support lifting sanctions on Iran-hates the UK, is very dangerous in view of the present USA’s sanctions situ.
Theresa May’s Government continues to back the position of the EU, rather than that of the UK’s staunchest and largest ally, the United States. why does the UK Government slavishly curry favour with the EU’s unelected foreign policy supremo, when our strategic objectives could be said to lie in another direction? Only a couple of decades ago, it would have been the British Foreign Secretary who would have been leading the charge. Now we have a former Communist from Italy, an unelected EU Commissioner, who is making the running.
As George, from Norwich said -The USA has been the UK’s natural ally in the last hundred years. The EU is an unnatural one (and in my opinion untrustworthy).
Having all the un-elected commissioners’ power from the EU is also unnatural for a democratic country like the UK. The hostile and childish behaviour we see from many of our politicians (including the PM!) towards the President of the United States of America – regardless of who it is – is beyond belief. I’m convinced that this unprofessional and dangerous behaviour is rooted in the EU by pointing all kinds of anybodies and nobodies into positions they don’t deserve, are not up to, have never had to work for, and who don’t have the worry about losing their position and the attached power.
I still haven’t worked out (and maybe never will) that if nothing else, how doesn’t this put a shiver down the spine of remainers?
Other- Remainers are like lemmings to a cliff, either they are brainwashed or just not intelligent enough to read newspapers or listen to biased newscasting and work things out for themselves? Maybe they have no ability to form their own opinion and compare it to others.
It seems to me that the world is being pushed towards conflict yet again and as we go along that route it becomes more and more intolerant.
The biggest bitch I have with remoanians is there total intolerance of any other view except their own. This is one of the main reason that Brexit is being wrecked and why there is so much violence in our societies.
Don’t laugh; every time a war or threat of war against Britain arises the governments of both main parties reduce our armed forces?
What kind of mentality is that?
Perhaps the same kind of mentality that favours our masters in the EU over our staunchest friend the US.
Guilty secret -saw a bit of the Monday politics show with Adonis ( yawn ) and Danny Hannon – who used to be a cocky Tory MEP but now seems diminished as he knows his corrupt Tory party is about to achieve welcome oblivion .
Bearing in mind that there were over a million more people who voted for brexit the bubble seems quite shocked that the Brexit Party is apparently doing so well .
Tell your friends vote brexit Party – don’t leave it to others …. this time the vote really really counts…
Some might say … that this site itself is biased … and in my view it is .. it’s biased in favour of democracy and Britain .
If the BBC, and other Remainers, are talking about the Marr/Farage interview in terms of who won and lost, then they are merely proving the point that impartial, proper journalism doesn’t exist at the BBC. A half-decent interviewer would be asking straight-forward, pertinent questions that would enhance the understanding of the viewer, not trying to trap the interviewee and score cheap points. Marr is a sad figure and should be pensioned off. (Sacked would be better and cheaper.) It would give him more time to improve his very poor painting techniques.
Marr had an affair which precipitated a stroke. Strokes can and do influence mental processes.
I could say they May Marr them.
Brutal and true – looked totally inadequate in that disgraceful piece on his own show – I thought a bit of it might have been the scream from his employers coming through his ear piece ….
He must be due be replaced by someone diverse – plenty of ex MPs on the way … the Chucka Show ? After he does the dancing show ? …
The latest You Gov GE voting intentions poll puts Labour and Tory on 24 and TBP on 18. Have people not been paying attention ?
Guido is saying that betting sites are offering 2/1 that the Soubry chooka Party doesn’t get a seat anywhere … can but dream …
I assume that if this happened Heidi et al will go to their constituencies for bi elections to find some form of legitimacy …
But that would be sacrificing another 3 years of parliamentary pension and expenses ….
Change, the ‘look at us party’ for those committed to change but not a lot. Lower than a snake’s Liberal campaign slogan.
I see they are recruiting and riot training the UK Border force
I feel so much better that tough battle hardened people like these will be doing their duty for us
or against us…
They’ll be trained in pulling illegal immigrant boats to the nearest benefits office …..straight up the Thames to the Islamic republic of tower hamlets …
I must be glutton for punishment – TWATO – caught them asking somebody (a pollster) what the current situation was for support for a 2nd vote – he used so many weasel words to basically say there wasn’t much of an appetite (obviously didn’t want to upset BBC) then he said what is clear is that the strongest support is from labour supporters – now did he mean members of the Labour party or voters – struck me as a weasel words – say voters or supporters
And is it me or has the BBC been throwing Remainers at us all day?
‘Living in fear’ after being deported from the UK
Basically a sob story about a young man who got sent back to Jamacia

( he only left there at 14) after getting sentenced to over a year inside for dangerous driving – 115mph trying to outrun the police.
A trained barber but he cannot get a job over there and fears the crime ..
BBC seems to think it’s news worthy even spending time:
”The Jamaican High Commissioner was contacted for comment.”
Caflon Ear Piercing Certificate
Another highly skilled migrant lost…
Many of them are practiced at various forms of piercing, just sayin’
Chevon Brown came to the UK from Jamaica (on a Jamaican passport) aged 14, to live with his father, and never applied for UK citizenship during the 7 years he was here, although he did earn some kind of Diploma in ‘Professional Ear Piercing’, and another in ‘Professional Hairdressing’. Clearly considering these a higher priority than taking out British citizenship (a simple process).
Then, at the age of 21, having not yet passed his driving test and being completely uninsured, he illegally went out for a drive on his own. When the police attempted to stop him, he sped off, speeding through red lights, topping 115mph, and ploughing through people’s front gardens. That’s quite a spree, it is very lucky he didn’t hit anyone, or hit anyone else’s vehicles whilst uninsured (or did he ?).
Having had an uninsured driver, in an untaxed, and non-roadworthy car, run down an elderly friend of my mothers who was walking on the pavement, and then drive off, leaving her bleeding on the road, and flee back to his native Poland (and thus, apparently, totally escaping the pathetic reach of our law) I don’t have a lot of sympathy with young Chevon.
As a result of this crime spree, Chevon Brown was legally sentenced to 14 months in prison, of which he served only 8 months, before being deported back to Jamaica, the nation where he had citizenship (not having bothered to take out UK citizenship). Now he is ‘frightened for his life’ and can’t find work as a barber in Jamaica, and his father, who is still living in the UK (on a Jamaican passport too?) is worried about him. That’s unfortunate, honestly it is, but not really any of our business.
Big ,
If the uk authorities didn’t deal with the polish criminal I’d be thinking of getting on a plane to Polski for a chat with him ….
Fedup, that happened well over a year ago now, the lady in question had a broken hip and collar bone, a couple of broken ribs, and was really badly bruised. It was painful to see her hobbling around after, but she’s of the type, and generation, not to complain and any offers of help were brushed off with a “I’m alright love, don’t worry yourself.”
Luckily she is a ‘trooper’, to quote my Mum, and seems to be one tough old lady. There are plenty of us around here who’d not mind having a few words with the driver in question… nuff said.
Big – I’m glad to hear the lady is ‘ok’ I’ve become a believer in ‘ goes around comes around ‘ so the guilty part will get his ..
‘Professional Ear Piercing’
Really? Being fascinated by all types of human endeavour, I decided to Google this. £30 will buy you a two hour Caflon Ear Piercing Course. That’s a big sacrifice.
Now maybe I’m being cynical and Chevon studied this fine skill in much greater depth – a sort of Ear Piercing PhD and, credit where credit’s due, he is clearly a polymath of the fashion industry because he has mastered the art of hairdressing as well.
Our loss is Jamaica’s gain. Never mind.
Sounds a bit like one of those ‘promising footballers ‘ or ‘promising musicians ‘ which seem to regularly come a cropper because the opponent was a bit quicker with the blade …
The 14 year old stabbed in my borough on Friday hasn’t died yet but the injuries were ‘life threatening ‘….
You don’t suppose there’s any link between the Professional Hairdressing and the ear-piercing? Bit casual with the scissors – start of a new career?
Could he not put his PhD in ear piercing to good use in Jamaica?
I’m sure there’s a huge demand.
Not too many would be Architects around lately or has that been played out ?
“So what you are saying is…” that an illegal immigrant has been deported to where he came from.
Oh dear. What a pity. Never mind.
Also, Al Beeb have misrepresented this story by calling it ‘his car’. The Oxford Mail says that he took the keys to a Jag from a front door. Strangely he doesn’t seem to have been charged with theft. Comments are almost all in favor of the govt action in deporting this menace. Strange that Al Beeb would seem to disagree..
Plenty more:
By the looks of that certificate he appears to have been running out of ink.
Do a second print Caflon.
ITTB has noted the Marr Show’s commitment to accuracyness and truthiness by claiming (quietly, later) a claim made was based on the bbc’s Research team not being able to find their own appendages. In this vein…
Odd, as he spends a lot of time with Labour MPs.
Well at least it is only British Racists who back Brexit , clearly all of the other racists (non British, of which there are many) don’t so they must be Remainer racists
He is a bit of TWATO
The more they say that the more votes for the Brexit party. The idiots never learn. I might write
Tips for Remainers
How to win friends and influence voters.
A waste of time really.
Just like Shami Kevin Maguire
is “yet to find a British racist in the Labour Party”
So close to the trees he cannot see the wood.
What’s his nickname? Oh yes, Toilets Maguire.
Kevin Maguire is a right pratt !!!!!!!!
Yes he deserves that extra ‘t’.
That would be the racist labour party and its racist supporters attacking Jews and calling their racism by a different name in the hope no one will notice what it is : racism
And that includes the far left BBC (real name Bahgdad Broadcasting Corporation) or something…
Wouldn’t mind betting that there are far more Jewish Brexit voters than there are remainers. Those in the EU are plainly racist.
An optimistic guest post by Ted Malloch.
Dunno if this has been posted yet, but here’s the eminent Paul Joseph Watson with a blistering attack on the chief censor of Farcebook, who gagged him:
There’s a link under the video to Subscribe Star where one can join and donate to his worthy cause. He’s gained just over 900 subscribers in a few days, which doesn’t seem that much for a guy who can draw millions to his superb videos, but we’ll see.
Could be people are not that keen to join, because it seems that soon even if you think, Paul Joseph Watson, with fingers poised over your keyboard, the computer nerds in California will know about it and gag and deplatform you across social media before you can even type the capital ‘P’.
He’s just the latest. TR, Robert Spencer, Dave Wood and so many others.
Radio4 drama now is a tale of empowerment of a black woman in 1920s America
Ticks all the BBC boxes
The claim is made is that it is based on a true story
and the characters brother was viciously lynched in 1901
Nothing – but NOTHING – excites beeboids like prejudice in the Deep South. And a lynching to boot?! Halleluiah.
Did they play Strange Fruit?
Next week I wonder if they’ll do a play on gang killings in the Deep Sarf of London?
No, too close to home and altogether off message. Much easier to go point the finger somewhere far away in time and space, with whitie as the villain. How original. How cutting edge. How brave.
I’m happy that they draw attention to some of the injustices that have happened, although it does seem one-sided. I would bet the last thing the BBC would ever point out that the lynchers, klansmen and corrupt politicians who encouraged this vile behaviour all came from the same party – the Democrats.
To admit this truth would spoil their America narrative and they would all have exploding brains due to the cognitive dissonance in their heads.
Stew: There was quite a bit of obvious phantasy in this gruesome tail (the ghost), the question being where did the phantasy stop and the reality start? It struck me that:
a. The ‘ghost’ wasn’t the only phantasy we heard;
b. There was a very definite agenda, which had to do with neither music nor storytelling.
I think I heard a piece of an interview with this Sylvia, where she was claiming that ALL music came ultimately from Africa. Chopin appeared in the drama, although no such claim was made in it. I remember wondering in the interview where Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Elgar, V Williams etc came into the picture?
Over and above that, R4 seems to lately have developed an affection for tales of lynching in the Deep South…
One wonders why? Would it be that it fits well into a certain current narrative?
There appear to be quite a few people at R4, eager to stir the pot of hate…
@FNW I wonder how much artistic licence was used ?
It is true that someone with a name like Warren Stewart was lynched in 1901
..and all lynching is was wrong
We know that
It is a possible scenario that
#1 that Stewart was the brother of the modern woman’s famous singer great grandmother Tempy Stuart Smith
And That #2 Stuart was truely in a love affair with the woman who he is alledged to have abused.
.. However there is no evidence on the internet that the abuse was merely a romantic affair, that the drama said it was .
Other scenarios are that he was not the the grandmother’s brother (cos some newspapers used a completely different name), nor an innocent man.
.. And that the tale has got taller in the telling.
Stew: I have also tried to piece this jigsaw together.
We are agreed on the criminality of an act of lynching. Plain and simple murder.
However, there is nothing plain and simple about the retelling of this tale on R4. All the gory detail (repetitive) was not necessary if a factual event was being relayed.
One got the feeling that the artistic licence ran away with itself…
So the motive of this was quite a different one.
Just when you think …………………..
Blair, “If we leave on No Deal there will be rioting in the streets ……….”
Labour’s planned top tax lower threshold from £150,00 down to £80,000. I guess he knows that would discourage scarce GPs big time?
No it won’t because the GPs are Labour’s shock troops and must be protected by them. They may well lower the income tax bands but they would increase GP pay to compensate. Heads they win, tails they win. The most powerful union in the country and Labour will never let them be disadvantaged by one of their policies..
My GP has just retired…..age 58 and in perfect health.
It can’t be because the Liar Brown increased their salaries enormously and then paid them extra for carrying out the tests they previously carried out as part of their normal duties, can it?
If you look at your GP availability board you’ll see the several names with very few appearing on there for most days. Days not on duty they are free to work as locum GPs or work in a hospital on enhanced pay – pretty cool huh?
This may be of interest to you:
Thanks for that.
If a Brexiteer politician suggested that there will be rioting over an issue with no rider to say it would be wrong, I’m sure he/she would be hearing the police coming to arrest/charge them the following morning. How does a disgusting liar and hypocrite like Blair get away with encouraging rioting if his globalist puppet-masters don’t get their way.
The polling looks pretty good for the Euro’s in terms of giving the liberal establishment a good kicking . As mentioned above by other posters UKIP voters could make a substantial improvement to the number of Eurosceptics elected by voting TBP. But Nigel has declared his colours on RoPers etc so I can understand their reluctance to ‘lend’ him their votes.
But if the present two party system isn’t broken we are certainly going to be Overrun. If the two party system is broken up there is a chance that the British people can vote in a Salvini look alike and save themselves. But the key is to break the liberal consensus which has dominated British politics for the past thirty disastrous years.
Commonsense can exist alongside common humanity – fact.
Common humanity is NOT solely in the ownership of the Liberal Left – fact.
JRM on #Marr-Gate
I hope someone repeats the fact that the EU has paid millions to the BBC so, what can you expect?
Drive it home. The BBC is dishonest!!
Since the 1960’s, its known that White Supremacists have loved the idea of a European Union. White Supremacists in Austria and the Ukraine still do and those in the Ukraine are supported by the EU. Anti-Semites in the Labour Party also love the EU. This is because a pro-European white racist is someone who loves the white European race, but not Jews. A black racist is someone who hates the white European race, so would not support the European Union because of racism against whites. But Brexiteers just want freedom.
We also love that man with a French surname, a descendant of French Huguenots who married a German. Because he wants freedom as well. But the BBC is racist against him because he doesn’t support the white supremacist dream of a united Europe.
The BBC is full of racists because a racist is someone who is obsessed with race. Only a racist would think that Islam is a race, or that Europeans can be racist against Europeans. Even the race industry in the United States doesn’t perceive the existence of white on white racism between those of French and German descent, and those of British descent. Only people in the BBC would do so.
I was upset to find out that my Irish ancestors where Southern Catholics not Protestant Unionists, but that wasn’t because of racism against myself by myself, as those purely English people in the BBC would think it was.
Well if we are all to be charged with racism, then sometimes there is little wonder.
The following came from a forum of mainly middle aged ladies, where the discussion was the biased shown to BAME’s, and this was one lady’s take on the subject………..
“…….My son is a Police Sgt and he was asked to partner a new female officer when he was working on rapid response. He had worked with many other officers in his almost 20 years service of both genders and admires a good officer whatever their race, colour, creed, or gender.
One day he had to respond to a 999 call where a neighbour hadn`t seen the man next door for days and was worried. They arrived at the house and banged on the door, no response and so he lifted the letterbox to shout through and straight away he could smell something wasn`t right. He had to break in through the door. In a nutshell the guy was dead and obviously had been for a while. Where was my son`s working partner? She was sitting in the car refusing to go into the house. Now fair enough a dead body wasn`t going to harm my son but he and his partner were supposed to work as a team, watch each others backs and deal with whatever turned up together. A murderer could have been in that house or whatever
Once back at the station my son went to write up his report and also to speak to his boss. He told his boss what had happened, not in a nasty way but in a way to query whether his new partner was up to the job. His boss shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, agreed more or less that she wasn`t but said she was Asian and female and according to the powers that be, they had to show that a certain percentage of their force fitted such criteria come what may.
My son when he told me this story said outright that if she`d been white female or white male she`d have been in front of the boss straight away and disciplined.”…………………
Another (ex-social worker) weakling in a job she isn’t capable of doing. Back to your social work me girl of breaking up families simply because they are poor or sick.
No doubt she will be on permanent leave by now due to stress brought on by the traumatic situations to which she has been exposed……..on full pay of course.
Jacob, we have been saying this for years on this site .
And Mogg is a mainstream politician of a mainstream party and yet, like May, the bbc ship sails on regardless in the face of the facts.
Oh BBC I am starving from not being fed enough #agenda
..surely you have some Climate Alarmist to throw at me ?
Radio4 8pm
It’s by Meara Sharma
That’s OK you can mention Coastal Erosion without banging on about Climate Change
oh her last tweet was her Washington Post article
“It’s not too late to stem climate change. But we have no more time to waste.”
It’s a positive review of Bill McKibben’s book
On a scale of 1-10 of alarmism Bill McKibben is 11+
And we used to be connected to Europe by a land bridge – darn this erosion thingy !
gaxvil, don’t you mean ‘Dam this erosion thingy!’ ?
I’m sure I heard the cries of “mother earth” last night?
Could have been her and one of her children – Attenborough.
Considering the amount of air time that news channels give to the death of some obscure rap star, I wonder if the divine Miss Doris Day will warrant a little more than a segment on the main news !
Rest in Peace fabulous Dottie, you had a wonderful voice, were a terrific actress, and a figure to die for wearing the designs that were created for you.
I loved Doris Day, her voice was like velvet and a talented actress. She wasnt lucky with her choice of husbands, one used to beat her and another stole all her money and she had to work hard in the sixties to pay Bills that he left her when he died. Did you know she had a song banned by the BBC in the sixties because it was too risque. It was called Move Over Darling, lovely song, I’d post it on here but a bit unsure how to do it. Suprised BBC did quite a long spot on her this evening on the news
“Move Over Darling”
Don’t worry crom; the BBC will perhaps use the sound track in one of their many real life lesbian propaganda programmes perhaps were three lesbians live together only for the loser in the bed to be pushed out to make way for a Muslim newcomer.
Brissles, she could make small boys from Finchley Cub Scouts go weak at the knees …..
Who said, “I knew her before she was a virgin”?
My money’s on Bob Hope.
Avi is over here following TR’s campaign. Here he exposes the rentamob as non-locals.
May I commend this article to the house?
Recycling ?
“Plans to Convert Walsall Toilets into Homes Refused”
But they accept plans to turn homes into toilets.
“Swindon Honda closure ‘a body blow’, says Unite”
Please note at the very bottom of the page …………
“Honda said the move was due to global changes in the car industry and the need to launch electric vehicles, and it had nothing to do with Brexit.”
…and there is no need to launch electric vehicles…
For me this is another small piece of evidence that the global planners in the UN and elsewhere have decided that self drive electric cars are the future.
There’ll be no private ownership and if you need transport you’ll have to use an app to book a car from a fleet. Consequently, there will be fewer new cars made and so the motor industry as we know it will all but disappear.
The EU-Japan trade agreement will remove EU tariffs of 10% on Japanese cars. That is why Honda is moving back to Japan and not to another part of the EU.
Today Nigel Farage was at a rally in castleford and afterward he was quizzed by a fella from LBC for 30 minutes together with some people from the audience
The MSM kid was looking for a sound bite to use against him but he really hit a brick wall. It’s on YouTube and is a bit long but better than watching MSM news sponsored by the ReichEU .
There is apparently a public meeting by constituents of the lovely Evette Cooper Balls want her out because 68 percent of her constituency voted Leave – no ifs no buts —–
Notice how Ed Balls is quiet – thankfully
This one maybe? Enjoy Farage putting the boot into the beeb.
Thanks – yes that’s the one – 28 minutes long but a good counter to the Marr nonsense. Mr Farage mentions that Marr gets £400 000 taxpayers money via his BBC pay .
But the interview and audience rightly focus on the need for a full British brexit with no sell outs .
The interviewer sounded a bit out of his comfort zone with people with Northern accents telling him how it is .
I think he was looking forward to seeing the M1 South sign … but that’s my prejudice as an English speaking lunduner – an ethnic minority these days …
Fed, you’ve got some Irish blood in your veins. Most of Ireland is north of Watford and Dublin is pretty much ‘on a par’ with Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds.
BBC’s favourite topic ..making news stories about themselves
.. Look North is doing a 5 min item about their radio presenter doing a walk
.. The last 5 mins was a BBC news report about tonight’s Panorama
Tonight’s Panorama is about the BBC themselves, cos one of their cameraman was given a story by someone he met at Exeter rail station.
He was told an Iraqi refugee from Basra who has been in the UK for 27 years was getting sudden Facebook messages from a woman in Iraq claiming to be his mother.
Time passes and a BBC DNA test seems to prove a match.
Happy for him,
.. but it’s kind of top rule with refugee children that the parents are often alive when people claim they are dead, so you have to do your upmost to find them,
cos a child should is mostly better off not being taken away from their parents
..and second best is keeping them within their own culture.
But people dream of SAVING a child by bringing them to the prosperous West.
That his mother turns out to be alive, seems to be a great failure for our refugee system
The whole BBC story is here
A few months back another BBC journo tried to get the same story when he encountered first a Ukrainian mother who didn’t want to believe her son had died with Soviet forces and then found there was a lost white man in Afghanistan
..that time the BBC DNA test came back as 100% negative.
Here’s a pic of the Panorama story
I don’t really want to know but does that mean he can be deported from where he came ?
I’m surprised Panorama has tried another assassination job on TR in the run up to the election but maybe they are hoping the courts will try to kill him again …
Good Luck tomorrow with a British political trial which some might say should have failed the CPS ‘ public interest test ‘ – but we know which ‘ public ‘ they work for….
Treezer : says NO to Second Referendum.
Does that guarantee one? 🙁
If Treezer Quisling Chamberlain keeps to form, the 2nd referendum will be announced in under two weeks.
A stitch up referendum. Three choices ?
Neither Labour nor Conservatives are looking forward to the forthcoming EU elections and will try their best to avoid them .
I think the elections have to go ahead now – whatever happens between the 2 traitor main parties … EU law prevails …
I hope that you are correct, I have already bought my indelible felt tip pen.
There are a few outlets that eke a living off humour (Joe, etc). They can be funny, but mostly miss the mark. They also appear designed to lure the unwary into a propaganda zone.
This is a flat out Esler.
Well, Katty and Christian are ever so cross: V Orban is visiting the White House, so we had to have one Kupchan, Obama flunkey, guest on their programme, raging on about the ‘populists’….
Visit bbc4 for a good laugh.
fnw, I wish the BBC would explain how you can get elected as an unpopulist. Has it ever, in the history of the world, happened in a true democracy? The only circumstance would be where no second election/re-run is allowed and the winning candidate is disqualified for a fraud or something similar and the next least popular vote winner gets the job instead.
It’s why the term ‘ populist ‘ is , in my view , offensive – and I guess- termed by a snotty snowflake somewhere …
Snuff & Fed – Things can’t be all bad, the treacherous beeb notwithstanding:
Trump welcomes Orban to the White House.
Nigel is back and flattens Marr.
‘Populists’ are popular all across Europe. Appropriately.
Everywhere the MSM stand with their fingers plugging the holes in the EU dykes, hoping the tide doesn’t subsume them…
Wouldn’t it be nice to hear the screeches of Merkel and May as they are swept away on its crests! Sigh; one can but wait and hope…
As a born pessimist I can never be disappointed .
Apart from the spoilers MSM will be trying for the next 9 days to disrupt or undermine the Brexit Party – mainly I guess next weekend – I am looking forward to the British voting for the Brexit Party .
I looked at the regional prospective MEPs today and it looks like there are so many remain candidates that their vote will be greatly diluted by greens . Reds , chuka , libdemtraitors and the rest ….
Thanks smokey – Marr diminishes himself and the BBC ( further ) with that case study in anti brexit bias .
Troll Warning
When Al Beeb get desperate, ‘maxi’ usually pops his head up.
Following that Farage interview they are desperate.
I’d thought about the potential for inferior trolling over the next few days .
As this site is primarily about bearing witness to the bias of the BBC I wondered if I should recuse myself until the 24th of May as I am pro democracy and pro Britain – hence a supporter of the Brexit Party .
Then I thought – after the Traitor Marr episode – nah – I’ll stick with it unless someone seriously objects .
As an aside – the MSM go on about the stamina of the traitor PM . But what about Nigel Farage . Now there’s a man who will deserve a beer at the end of it . Vote brexit
Imagine the trauma Al Beeb would suffer if Nigel Farage was to become Prime Minister ?
Wouldn’t that be something!
Nigel continues to surprise and delight with each passing day. The fantastic news of the popularity of the Brexit Party in the polls is just heartening.
From feeling like I’m in a third world country to feeling like I’m part of the greatest nation to have ever conquered, built and defined this earth. Thanks Nigel, TR and the rest of you.
Something else to cheer you: Peter Whittle’s videos called “So What You’re Saying Is”. The one I have just watched is a conversation with David Starkey.
As a person of disability, permanently affected by spinal injury, I object to and am deeply offended by the hideously and institutionally able-bodied BBC’s appropriation of my community at the beginning of this Andrew Marr video and by the use of the same community as a weapon in the promotion of their far left political agenda. Not in my name.
According to the DT (but not al beeb, surprise surprise) a vipers’ nest of terrorists is beginning to reform around Anjem Choudary.
One of them is called Kazi Islam. (Nothing to do with Islam, of course.)
Kazi Islam – hoping to be flushed with success no doubt.
Carry on up the Khyber comes to mind.
Is this a psyop I wonder?
As long as its not a spyop and I have to be the one watching!
Ezra coming over to cover the trial, plus crowdfunding for others.
“We have no agenda other than to tell the truth — to do the real reporting that the UK mainstream media just won’t.”
There’s an article in the Telegraph, which I can’t read because it’s paywalled but the headline is:
“Michael Gove urges Tory MPs to give Theresa May the ‘time, space and dignity’ to quit on her own terms”
What on earth is the matter with him?
I’ve come to the conclusion that although Mrs May is the worst Prime Minister we’ve ever had, Mr Gove is the worst Prime Minister we never had. Thank goodness.
If he hadn’t put the mockers on Boris, we could be out now or a little further ahead at the very least.
Funny thing but thinking of the worst Prime Minister we never had (Gove) I also immediately thought ‘It could be worse, it might be Bojo!’
I had a lot of respect for Gove when he was at Education. I really thought he was fighting ‘The Blob’. But at Environment he seems to have gone native. The photo of him looking adoringly at a 16 year old girl was the final straw for me.
If you want a laugh read this article
US author loses book deal for tweet-shaming
Then try to work out
1) who’s the goody
2) who’s the baddy
3) who Al Beeb are siding with
4) why
5) who’s been hoisted by their own petard
It is not about being black. And nobody likes a sneak.
Rob goes with the oldies and goodies.
And they are true because Rob says so.
I have just found out that the directors of kids company are all facing immenent court action including our old friend Botney with a bid to ban him from being a company director.
Meanwhile the walking laundry basket has unbelievably asked the judge to let her off before the trial on the ground that ‘It would save time, cost and stress for her.’
She also asked if she could present her evidence late after she had a chance to see what others had said about her.
It failed to fly with the judge, who just said “why doesn’t she just tell the truth”?
The Insolvency service is seeking a 6 year ban on Batmanghelidjh being a company or charity director, and a 3 year ban on the others including Botney.
Imagine that a BBC director banned for being a incompetent or worse – the verdict will tell.
It’s far too big a story for the BBC not to report, but I imagine they will find a way of mitigation, usually by distancing themselves, tut tutting and muttering ‘nothing to do with us he left years ago’.
Thanks for the reminder about the batman .
It’s strange how every so often a creature comes along who turns politicians into nodding donkeys – a 16 year old girl is the latest one – Mandela and Obama were other examples .,perhaps also Jimmy Saville ..,
The gift of the Gav.
Oh Times journos ..why don’t you troll thru sources and see if you can find some authority figure who’ll say Brexit causes harm ?
..April 29 Chief Constable Dee Collins on the “unintended consequence” of Brexit
What’s that ? Another one moaning about the ‘glass ceiling ‘. ?
They have other priorities:
To bBBC NorthWest the main news is that vengeance-seeking Scousers are whingeing because the turnstile commander at Hillsborough thirty years ago isn’t going to be hanged.
They will be inquests about this tragedy decades after the football stadium no longer exists.
This may be too unkind; but I have noticed over many years how the people of Liverpool don’t seem to be happy unless they are seen queuing to put flowers and cards of sympathy outside some ex-Liverpool persons home/work place/stadium/hard shoulder/ who died, was murdered, was robbed, died through an accident, drowning queuing outside their houses with the usual habit of “placing their red football scarves” on the ground, over the gates, on walls in fact anywhere there is space one tends to see these red scarves.
I once wrote that this practice was so common these days that:
I hope no scouser ever sees a dead mouse on the east lancs motorway as there would soon be huge traffic jams because some Liverpudlian had phoned the local radio station and by tea time their was a line of some 3 000 scarves all the way along the hard shoulder where this mouse was sadly knocked down and right up to the nearest roundabout.
Just a observation.
‘Is Farage doing a Donald Trump by attacking the Media and will we see more of this with the rise of populist parties across Europe?’ They ask.
Making out Farage defending himself on Marr and criticizing the bbc to be a ‘thing’. In so far as the MSM never liked Trump and MSM never liked Farage it is a ‘thing’, in that both men have called them out for what they are. Trump and Farage agree on one thing for sure and that’s that the bbc is an extremist organisation when it comes to bias.
The Media = The Swamp.
Time to drain the same .
Al Beeb
\\Jeremy Hunt says UK ‘should consider defence spending boost’//
A bit late in coming up with that one Mr Hunt aren’t you?
Although I must say its very timely given the present circumstances such as foreign countries building British Warships, the threat of an European Army, and your futile attempt at becoming a Prime Minster. Disgraceful.
Your party is finished Mr Hunt, finished. Your party has betrayed this great nation.
Vote UKIP or The Brexit Party .
Perhaps Mr Hunt could join his relative, Peter Bottomley, in trying to revive the obsolete UAF and say, turn it into a political party to compete with Mr Farage for votes.
Al Beeb………..
“Brexit: Cross-party deal must include new referendum – Sir Keir Starmer”
They were not listening before and they are not listening now.
We should have left the EU three years ago – DEMOCRACY !
Vote UKIP or The Brexit Party.
LBC, Nick Ferrari this morning will be hosting Nigel Farage. Again. He’s had just about every party standing in the EU elections on his show but one. Is it any surprise that UKIP’s Gerard Batten has not ( yet? )been on Mr Ferrari’s entertainment show?
Just seen that they have found a plastic bag at the deepest part of the ocean. Now I always thought that things only sunk to the bottom if the water below wasn’t dense enough to support the object, therefore I’m really really surprised that a 5g Tesco bag or similar was seen bobbing about down there.
Now the synic in me might think the exploration team might and I say “might” be looking to raise funds and how better than to jump on the latest eco craze of plastics in the sea. So please let me know if it’s possible for a bag to be at those depths….I’m sure the biased BBC science team will be able to review my theory and comment.
Did they see an airliner while they were down there?
Hello Halifax
Excellent news that they found rubbish in that trench . Maybe they can put more rubbish in it -like a couple of British political parties ….
Fill the swamp ?
“A” plastic bag? Wow! How exciting! I expect Attenborough is wetting his incontinence pants as he rapidly puts together another programme about his dislike of the human species.
The bag was weighed down, being half full of unwanted blue plastic discs.
Funny how quickly things change: TOADY Watch #1
No questions asked about CO2 produced in sending a mission to Mars.
I wonder why?
Lots of questions on others stuff…
Good morning. Today: Inequalities in the UK pose a threat to prosperity and democracy according to a report. Sir Angus Deaton from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (0709). Is a US-Iran war looming? US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook (0750). Huawei’s VP for Western Europe, Tim Watkins (0810). Also: Ex-Tory MP Nick Boles on Brexit (0715).
Angus done well since the coke and hookers? Maybe he can have a chat with Botney? And golly, look… Nick Boles!
When they get there Attenborough will probably claim they found plastic bottles – but no water ….
LOL! 🙂
Sadiq will have installed fountains. And tweeted a pic of himself.
I thought Alan Yentob was in this up to his neck too. Just before the foulness of Kids Company was exposed, wasn’t he lobbying Mr Cameron for huge wads of dough for the company? Is he not being prosecuted for anything?
Bbc news leading with some socialist crap about ‘ wealth inequality ‘ ( note -I’m a basic tax payer ) . Immediately I thought of – Humph £650k pa , lineker , Marr £400k . …. talking about crapping on ones own doorstep …
They interviewed the head of the research – Angus deayton who has moved on from Have I got news ..,, to getting a Nobel prize for smugness .
Any way – he is head of this academic jolly which will take years – I wonder how much he’s getting paid ? Pigs , trough ?
Snap! But you beat me by a minute!
Ha ha Guest – some say the BBC doesn’t do comedy but listening to that nonsense – not so sure . Gave me a giggle .
No, it’s not Angus ‘BBC disgrace’ Deayton (pronounced DAYton) but an economist Prof, who is also a Sir, pronounced Deeton.
The thing that gets me is that the BBC like to laud the IFS although it is the OBR that are the independent, authoritative, body on economic and financial matters.
During or after the 6am News & programme intros they had someone from the IFS talk complete twaddle about shareholders and dividends.
In business, until you have paid workers to make, produce, deliver a good and the business has made a profit and taxes paid, do you get dividends going to shareholders and more taxes paid. Not that anyone from the IFS will be reading that and getting their production cycle straightened out but Paul Johnson should be thinking about having an earnest chat with, if not sacking, one of his employees this morning.
I did a quick check on how much a punter gets for the Nobel prize . Answer – it varies each year due to the size of the ( investment ) fund but the guess is about a million pounds .
So the bloke doing the wealth disparity study isn’t short of a few bob,,,, or awards … which is nice ….
Did he, Prof Sir Deaton, create a Charity? Some Nobel winners give their loot away, Fed.
Within 10 minutes about the launch of this research about inequality as headline story at 7am (the launch presented in such a way that would lead you to think the BBC knows what it will find) and mention of how profits in firms are going to shareholders (how terrible), the Australian business editor was on air. He was telling us how badly Vodafone were doing and that it has cut its dividend. Explained it will affect many of us because shares are held in many pension funds. Is the Toady programme in Wonderland where things can be what Alice wants them to be or 1984 where 2+2=3 or 2+2=5 depending what Big Brother wants it to be?
See my earlier post about the up coming prosecution.
I couldn’t help but notice that last nights episode of that well loved slice of Mockney “East End” life contained a substantial helping of “woke” issues. Now while i understand that a popular show like this is likely to include elements of everyday life and interest, I get the feeling that there may be some interplay between the writers and the general media “bubble-speak” managers of the organisation. So this stops being entertainment and becomes propaganda. It makes me believe that the scripts come under scrutiny and pressure to ensure that the corporation mantra is projected. I am surprised that more touchy matters such as Brexit haven’t come up more but I guess that they are “woke” enough to realise that their audience might not take too kindly to that and they need the viewing figures!
Maybe SurAngus can ‘discuss’ the inequalities of a fake TV set costing £80,000,000 to portray an actual area such amounts might do much to benefit?
Looks like the next head of religious programming is a shoo-in.
More Toady Fun
They’ve got a retired judge to deliver the Reith Lectures this year . Our Justin interviewed him .
How can someone be so out of touch ? And get a job of telling us how things are? Maybe he’s related to a senior beeboid or let the BBC off a big fine .
Even in the interview he indicated that the plebs were too thick to be given a vote about the ReichEU membership .
Fed, you beat me to it. You’ve ruined my TOADY Watch #3!
Wasn’t that amazing?
I was hearing a dishonest retired Judge!
Not only did he contradict himself – twice – during the course of the interview, I was hearing the voice of a deceiver. The Reith Lectures should be very interesting – again – this year.
Needless to say, both in that interview and the later Dame Lynne Owens one with Mishal, there was some propaganda in there, including on Brexit.
Apologies – especially because your Toadys are more forensic than mine – which have a touch of the early morning Cavalier about them .
This afternoon TR will be put through the legal££££ ringer again with a british political show trial . Words I never dreamt of writing as the British State continues to attempt to grind him into the ground .
You’d think it had other things to do like prosecuting soldiers for killing our enemies or letting out corrupt MPs before their sentence has finished ….
Good luck to anyone going . The macee Dee in The Strand sells delicious ‘shakes’ ( no milk) which members of the MSM might enjoy…
Fed, you are forgiven. Bless you, my son. Especially for this which gave me a cheering chuckle: “mine – which have a touch of the early morning Cavalier about them .”
I probably would have had to commit suicide during the English Civil War.
I would have been killed by both sides anyway. While I have strong inclinations towards the Puritans, their ‘throwing out of the baby with the bathwater’ and the obvious potential for decline into Pharisee-ism plus the Regicide which offends against God and His word, together with the Puritan’s general gloominess, all leaves me with strong Cavalier sympathies.
By the time I had decided which cause and side to choose, it would have all been over for a decade or more.
The Observer, on 28th February, 1999 did a feature on BBC’s Andrew Marr. I wonder if he still stands by his past views?
Mr Marr is a nasty piece of work, isn’t he. It’s always the case that these people never envision themselves as the oppressed, they’re always the oppressors.
What did the Bible say – do unto others… Mr Marr and his fellow totalitarians would do well to heed that instruction. But it’s unlikely any of them are card carrying Christians. Their card probably has a hammer and sickle as the logo.
Cassandra, that link doesn’t appear to work.
If my link does not work on your computer Up2, here is the source link from The Observer
…and a piece from Leo McKinstry of The Sun
I don’t know about you but I find the comments quite disturbing.