A week to the EU elections . Tommy Robinson is facing a political show Trial and the failing BBC is rolling out anti British bias as never before- despite having to obey election laws.
Midweek Open Thread 15 May 2019
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Would someone else like to go first? Have this one on me.
“Have this one on me”.
Every time I hear someone say that I think of the scene in the old bBC comedy, “Dear John”, when there is a woman at a party with a severe flatulence problem. As the men in the group take turns at saving her embarrassment, the not-so-gallant Kirk St Moritz steps in to conspicuously accept ownership of one of her uncontrollable and very loud farts.
Across a crowded room,
” That’s alright Mrs Boyd-Peters, you have that one on me”.
Rich, that’s really funny.
But today it would be considered fartist, or something.
Such comedy could never be aired in this stifling atmosphere.
By the way, to counter embarrassment when someone commits the offence, make a joke of it:
Speak, O toothless one.
Angry host speaking to an embarrassed guest. ‘Sir, you have farted in front of my wife’.
Reply from embarrassed guest. ‘My sincere apologies, I did not know it was her turn’.
I’m practically rolling on the floor at that one!
He who smelt it dealt it!
Or as we used to say in our police communications environment “ Go ahead Brown, you’re through”
One of my favourite bloggers, ‘Idle’, said that the answer to a good old-fashioned bottom-burp was: –
‘Keep on shouting Colonel, we’re sending a rope down shortly’!
As a seventy-one-year-old twonk, I still giggle at that…
That’s the time the BBC had a sense of humor!
look at Eastenders, dont think the beeb would know what a sense of humor is
That’s the time when the BBC had a sense of humor!
Sorry fat fingers strike again. Reported by mistake.
This was for Rich @7.54 am
Actually I was wondering, wasn’t there a trial taking place regarding the legitimacy of the UK staying in the EU beyond March 29th? If that’s the case, did the judge come to the wrong(!) conclusion and it was all hushed up?
Submissions have been made but there is no court date for a decision yet afaik.
Also no publicity (cf. Miller). It appears the Remainer machine is just keeping it quiet and delaying in the hope that the claimant (the English Democrats) will run out of money. Sound familiar?
Yet Gina Miller’s was all over the place.
God almighty, was it that big?
Link back to last page of previous thread
page 4 … page 3
Thanks stew .
The voting for the EU elections soon, never really bothered with voting for that because of the corruption and unelected comission.
However this time, may as well vote.
The BBC will be crying when they have to read the results of the lefties across Europe getting trashed.
Labour and the conservatives, who are not even conservative anymore and are all traitors by not respecting the brexit result, when they loose loads of seats maybe then we will get parliament to wake up and do what we voted for.
Not only that but President trump is visiting the same time and the by-election so lots of stuff going on. lets see how upset the BBC gets and if it will report impartiality. We need a big shake up of politics and these EU elections are the start of it
I hadn’t looked for some time (and he doesn’t update often nowadays, unfortunately) but this morning I opened Dominic Cummings’ blog, and it was a revelation although I’d read it before and forgotten it.
“(It was a training exercise that turned out surprisingly well.) SW1 ~100% ignored it, thankfully. The intricacies of the Regional Assembly were not central to how the campaign developed, just as the EU will not be central to a second referendum — it will be about YOU AND YOUR PARTIES, dear MPs, and if you think 2016 was bad, you will find the next one somewhere between intolerable and career-ending.”
Hopefully DC (no, not Boy Dave Cameron) is right again!
“lets see how upset the BBC gets and if it will report impartiality.”
I doubt it.
Its just like the BBC bosses to send its reporters abroad to cover other stories or give them an extra weeks holiday.
Anti-Semitic, Anti-Family, Anti-biology, Anti-reality – that’s the BBC.
BBC will never be capable of getting this curse off their back. Period.
Do I really have to get up this early to be in the top ten new thread posters?
Nigel being kept out of House of Lords by the front trough users. You couldn’t make it up if you tried. The likes of Adonis, unelected and probably unelectable keeping the latest (people’s choice) out!!
Absolutely, English Lass!
People like Mr Farage have always been succeeders, especially in proper business circles, whereas the old dollops plonking their fat bums on the leather in the council house of lords have rarely done anything more than chew on the fat taxes screwed from an ageing nation.
Like most politicians, the ‘hol’ and now the ‘hoc’ are becoming a laughing stock, and we all know what happens when clowns get past their sell-by date!
Elsewhere, I’ve started actively promoting Mr Farage’s party, The Brexit Party, and if that gets even one more vote for what he believes in, then I’ll be very happy!
Lord – how did he get that title -Adonis. The same way he gets everything – patronage started by Tony Blair!
Why anyone listens to him is beyond me…he really is the best example of snout in trough…never elected to any position just given jobs by his chums..
You can’t say that James, he’s a barrister fergodsake!
Or a wanker…
You choose!
English Lass,
I think it is a wonderful idea by our politicos. It will reinforce just how vile and corrupt our political class really are. A few more years down the line and we might end up with some representative democracy and a proper justice system when that appalling spiteful, greedy, grasping shower get the heave-ho.
Spot on, Mart!
The tossers we have in the hoc are just a despicable bunch of self-serving crooks now, and a good dose of Nigel Farage’s The Brexit Party can end a lot of that.
I don’t normally hate people, but when they combine into a bunch of dreadful wankers, I start to get up on my hind legs and yowl a bit.
Beware Greg Clark (my mp, sadly), you’re in for a big shock at the next GE.
one of those “men” again:
Just think of the security implications of his reconnaissance.
What a landmark, what a trophy target.
The proposed definition calls Islamophobia a ‘type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness’.
Mr Hewitt, chairman of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, said an official wording could weaken terror laws and prevent stop-and-search at ports, The Times reported.
The term was ‘perhaps misleading in the context of hate crime… hate crime seeks to protect Muslims and not Islam,’ he warned the Prime Minister.
MPs will discuss the matter tomorrow.
God help us.
I think they need to define muslimness or perceived (by whom?) muslimness..they seem to be conflating race with religion as neither muslim nor islam is a race as far as I can see
When can we expect christianaphobia…or Britishaphobia. which would be a type of racism that target expressions of Britishness…for example saying Sharia law should be implemented or that our soldiers should be killed if they fight in Muslim countries
Don.t hold your breath..but expect the BBC to go on about Islamaphobia – because that’s a real issue in the UK isn’t it
Ramadan Day 10
56 attacks, 252 killed.
Not bad – 25 per day on an empty stomach.
Also Pastor among 6 Killed During Attack on Church. So far, no massive outpouring of anger and apologies by Muslims .
Muslims believe in “Inshallah” – everything is the will of allah. Thus a successful Jihadi attack, where hundreds of Infidels are killed, must be due to the will of allah – Inshaallah. So it cannot be condemned by definition.
Muslims will apologise briefly with weasel words, only if the pressure becomes so intense that not apologising causes more harm to Islam.
Maybe it’s because they’re grumpy on empty stomachs that terrorist murder rates go up during Ramadan. Or the incendiary “kill the infidels” speeches they hear at their mosques.
Vlad, a member of my family has a vaguely Asian name, and I get junk mail here, wrongly addressed, which is always chucked back, because the bloody ramadamadoo is not anything to do with me, or anyone else I have in my family.
I don’t even mind if they go farting around with their customs and nasties, but to bung rubbish at me directly is an insult, so they can all f**k off as far as I’m concerned.
Toady watch .
Welch nationalist and the ReichEU and independence . 3.2 million population – good luck with that . The welsh chap said that other small countries are ok in the EU so wales would be too .
So as he was getting an easy time from the toady EU supporter – Tourette’s Robinson I looked up EU payments by nation
Guess what – the small nations take cash from the EU. So wales would be owned by the ReichEU. No mention in this interview.
Declaration – I could care less if the nations of the UK stay as the UK but such interviews should be fair and this one wasn’t .
Should interviews be fair? Yes State Broadcaster should promote all its funders viewpoints not just their own. There should be a price extracted for the unique privilage of funding through taxation. Access for all viewpoints doesn’t seem too much to ask.
If a broadcaster claims neutrality the interview should be fair . But if the personal and editorial line is biased it should say so. When one watches RT or Al jazz one knows where the bias will be – but the hated BBC practices state sponsors deceit .
“Guess what – the small nations take cash from the EU.” Not forgetting the receipt of money from the UK Government in the form of the unfair Barnett Formula. “Unfair” in that money flows from the Treasury to the regions in levels above that received per head of population in England – the payer! Long overdue revision to the scheme or, scrap it.
Do you notice how some broadcasters can be taken away from their jobs whilst others are fireproof ?
Jeremy Kyle – Danny Baker – in the space of a week . I don’t know the full details of the former but o presume his daytime TV was popular .
Make one unapproved comment and you’re gone – eg carol thatcher and others I barely recall .
I thought that Alastair Campbell had ‘had it’ after he attacked the BBC over their reporting of the circumstances of the death of Dr. David Kelly.
For a few months that was true.
Carol who? David beardy, cockney professor?
They didn’t sack Richard Dimbleby after he mentioned (off air) ‘Jesus wept’.
Quite a few bishops went ballistic though, but who cares…
Kafkaesque indeed
Golden Gav comes out with another gem.
Guest -let us hope that with his BBC connections – mr elser will get more media exposure because he really is the gift that keeps on giving . The comments on his column are quite restrained in the circumstances .
When the BBC talks about balance he will be another useful weapon for us to show that beeboids do not leave personal views at the studio door .
I suppose that since mr esler has German parents it explains a lot about his enthusiasm for a Greater … EU…
What is it when pricks like Esler start gabbling bollocks, that his comments are taken as serious knowledge?
The bloke’s an idiot, a tap-room pillock, the sort of twat that you usually ignore after just a few seconds, but as we will be paying for his pension in a few years time, thanks to the BBC lucrative money-laundering supplement, he can do no wrong…
Except with normal people, who think he’s just an arsehole!
JHB defending our right to criticise Islam on Talk Radio.
Not to be heard on the biased BBC.
not sure the BBC get this ACTUAL football malarky without the feminine touch
how many “rude” “tasteless” “nasty” football songs are there ??
The justification for the further prosecution of Tommy Robinson in another British state political show trial seems to go like this .
The defendants in the case , being filmed on the way into court for their trial , could become distressed and thus be unable to follow proceedings or give directions to the legal counsel .
Now if the full judgement becomes publicly available I ll read it . But if the above sentence it true then no one should be filmed going into court . And perhaps further no one should be named in case it stresses them .
No doubt the hideous Batman clothes horse loony woman will rely on this finding to stop her fraud trial
( £62 million ?) as its all a bit upsetting . I bet the bbc have got a big chair waiting for her in the wimmins hour studio to do a full victim show …
I was at Peterborough when he sued the police who claimed they did not know who he was, the same police force and individual police officer that was at his Luton rally, funny that, and he was filmed and asked questions all the way from the car park to the court, no one has been instantly prosecuted and jailed, funny that
Yesterdays headline re “British” Steel financial problems…
British Steel seeks government loan for ‘Brexit issues’
So lets take a look at this and a bit of history, a quick google pulled up some interesting stuff, of course this is right off Google so I have no way of verifying it.
The owner of “British” Steel is Greybull Capital, run by some international financial chaps with fairly non “British” names.
A bit of history….
They bought the Company for a pound from Tata Steel…..
Things they have bought then dissolved soon afterwards.
Comet 2011 – 2014
Rileys Bars 2012 – 2014
Monarch 2014 – 2017
M Stores (Morrisons) 2015 – 2016
Previously on British Steel…
From This is money December 2017, originally from the Daily Mail I understand.
“The former owners of failed Monarch Airlines are set to extract millions from British Steel after loading it with debt, accounts reveal.
Brothers Marc and Nathaniel Meyohas and business partners Richard Perlhagen and Daniel Goldstein are charging interest of 9.6 per cent on a £154million loan.
Their private equity firm Greybull Capital snapped up British Steel, which employs 4,400 people in the UK, largely in Scunthorpe, for a nominal £1 to stop it going under in 2016.
Employees took a pay cut to try to turn around the firm.”
I think the Beeb may have been a bit light with this story but at least they managed to find the Brexit connection so that’s all right then.
digg, good post.
Good piece thanks – I studied pension law in another life and was amazed at how easy the law made it for rich people to take over companies in order to plunder the pension fund . Maxwell was obviously the high point .
Your piece demonstrates how accountancy can be used to destroy companies and jobs – especially if there is ‘emotion’ involved such as steel workers jobs …
Thanks Fedup2 and Up2Snuff, I could go on all day about Private Equity Companies but in this case I wanted to highlight the Bias by Omission and selective facts that the Beeb is so cute with….
Digg, you obviously know your stuff!
I wonder how many bbbc knobs were Lloyds ‘names’?
Inside info is usually OK once you’ve done the check, but if a beeb employee, through his or her ‘knowledge’, found a few nasties, then it could be quite an interesting debate!
Just asking, mind you, I’m a legal, grey-haired sort of bloke!
I’m guessing not many of you saw News Night yesterday evening. I wish I hadn’t.
Emily Faketan interrogated a UKIP spokesman. It really was toe curling. He was a bluff northerner who might have gone down well telling gags at The Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club back in the seventies, but was far too inarticulate to be put on national television.
Of course she brought up the “Sargon” argument with Jess Philips. Everybody has heard it and through one rash remark this pillock has managed to make the perennially irritating and gobby Philips into a martyred victim.
This is going to haunt UKIP. Gerard Batten might think he’s trawling a few of Sargon’s twitter devotees, but they’re losing far more of middle England in the process.
The only weaponry this oaf had in his armoury were some barbed comments about Nigel Farage. This was sweet music to Emily’s ears and she allowed him to bluster on.
By a strange irony I’ll be in Belgium on the day of the vote, showing family members around the killing fields of Flanders. “They gave their todays…so that we could be betrayed by a bunch of gutless and corrupt politicians”.
Don’t fret, I’ve sorted out my postal vote.
I’m really hoping The Brexit Party absolutely smash it in the Euro elections.
As for UKIP…
I always wondered who still watches Newsnight … their viewing figures must be low to unmeasurable these days .
Dear Mr Fedup2
I am a senior BBC controller and I am responding to your comment on the viewing figures for our acclaimed, flagship programme, Newsnight, along with the unsubstantiated claim that ‘viewing figures must be low to be unmeasurable these days.’ This is far from the case: BBC research has indicated that all of the staff involved in the production of the programme watch it, along with the guests. Well, not all of the production staff, but some of them. And the guests don’t usually bother. But aside from that, viewing figures are as expected. And anyway, as we have more than £4 billion to play with that we don’t have to justify or account for, who gives a toss?
Yours sincerely
White Middle Aged Liberal, Eton, PPE at Balliol etc.
Ha ha – Ian you shook me for a moment because I’m waiting for the outcome of the ‘ investigation ‘ into the complaint I made to the BBC recently .
I’ll say what it is about when I get a reply as I reckon the enemy read this site to see what we are up to .
I’m waiting to hear about individual beeboid carbon footprints -particularly for those beeboids sent on jollies to stand in front of a closed building and say that there’s nothing going on now….
For the record – burn those hydrocarbons . – but the BBC lectures us on saving so what are they doing ?
Jeff — I caught 5 minutes of that and came to the same conclusions as you. He was completely out of his depth and had no response. Maitlis looked so malignant I thought she might start summoning demons from the ancient world.
UKIPs comms dept have messed up a lot recently. Hard to see where they go from here
The news from Britain’s broadcaster.
“Arthur and his classmates watch on as his favourite teacher Mr Ratburn marries his partner Patrick. ????”
It’s a bit like living in the final days of the Weimar Republic (and we all know what happened next…)
I see May is proposing to take her deal back to Parliament unchanged for a fourth outing.
I cannot see how the corrupt speaker of the house could allow this after he barred the third attempt , however seeing as May has said she will resign if the thing passes I can see those alumni of the rotten school taking the most expedient route to get the old school tie into number ten.
If there is one thing this debacle has shown us, is just how rotten to the core Parliament is, and how unfit for purpose the Tory party has become, largely as a result of the members of the rotten school they’ve allowed in.
More interested now in fighting each other than the opposition, it’s been this way since they stabbed Margaret Thatcher in the back. They cannot become a party of government because they have no cohesion. remember BLiars pagers and the phrase ‘on message’, the Tories are the opposite of that, and it isn’t just because of Theresa May.
I expect to see the horrible expedient, Rees Mogg and a few fellows vote for Mays deal because it will allow Boris into number 10 a few weeks earlier, regardless of the reality that even May would find a fourth rejection difficult to sustain.
I do find myself with a tiny bit of sympathy for the Conservative party. We voted, in one visit to the poll booth, both a remainer and a minority government. The EU took full advantage and broke the DUP alliance through their ‘backstop’.
It’s arguable whether the 2017 election should have been called though the alternative would have been Corbyn and State Broadcaster moaning incessantly about May’s legitimacy.
Not – I’m surprised there there is even a ‘tiny bit ‘…of sympathy .
I try to step back and try to do the impossible – try to read how people in the future will view this time . Just imagine – a healthy economy – high employment levels – debt reducing – but a government – Cameron /May – so dumb that they got themselves into a self abusive position of a badly thought out referendum and a badly executed election – which no opposition was able to capitalise on .
With – the background the ReichEU and a host of traitors with British passports intent on causing as much punishment as possible .
I wonder if brexit will be a bit of a side issue in comparison with the kind of growth of anti EU parties in other countries . We ll see .
What those in the future might well not understand is how disastrous local election results – followed up by disastrous EU elections had no effect on a governing party so out of touch that it turned into a joke … and members were ridiculing each other and their leadership .
Methinks – and fears – is that May seething at her back benchers and Tory grass roots for calling for her head will still be way hovering in the air directly above her high-horse and with her front bench traitors who dream of a second referendum and just to please commie Corbyn and his knuckle head intellectuals on his front bench.
“Statistically” Specially the handsome one who can never seems to get her statistics right?
I have believed and stated several times on this website, that the ever more extreme left Guardian could not sink any lower. Every time I have been wrong.
Time for a qualified statement. The following article represents, in my opinion, a disgusting new nadir, in Guardian articles which I have read.
Guardian Opinion
Rape and sexual assault
Mon 13 May 2019 10.00 BST Last modified on Tue 14 May 2019 10.53 BST
“Sexual abuse charities need money – but not from Tommy Robinson
Sarah Green”
“Sarah Green is co-director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition”
[My searches failed to discover anything about Green.]
“The anti-Islam activist is feigning concern for women to stoke hatred – we won’t let him”
[No evidence for this “feigning” from Green, just lying.]
“On Friday 43 women’s organisations published an open letter voicing our disgust at Tommy Robinson’s pledge to donate his MEP salary to victims of sexual abuse if he is elected in the north-west of England”
[Hundreds of MPs fiddle their expenses. Hundreds of MPs indulge in an epidemic of Brexit deceit, mendacity, betrayal and treason (praised by the Guardian).
One man, who has put his life on the line for the rape vicims, now offers to give up his salary (when others are still feathering their nests whilst simultaneously pushing their snouts further into the trough) if elected, and the lefty women sexists don’t like it.]
“We thought long and hard about potentially giving Robinson – whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – further publicity”
[No marks for creativity here Green, you and your sexist mates do not seem very good at this thinking.]
“But we can no longer stay silent as he makes lies about the sexual abuse of girls”
[Untrue, and desparate, Green. Robinson tells the truth about the mass gang rapes, his remarks have greater resonance because the Greens in the Guardian tried to conceal the events, because that really helps the victims.]
“The far right has a long history of seeking to incite racial hatred by whipping up fear about who has access to and control over women’s bodies”
[Like Nick Griffin, a patriot who raised concerns about the gang rapes years before Tommy. The left tried to have Griffin jailed. It is not racial hatred, just more lies Green. Whipping up fear, no whipping required, you have not read the police reports. Parents threatened with jail. Little girls soaked in petrol.]
“The idea of far-right men presenting themselves as defenders of women’s rights is absurd …”
[Long paragraph containing a number of assertions for which no evidence is offered. More extreme left wing opinions well suited to an opinion column. The absurdity is in your mind Green, as demonstrated by this article]
No comments allowed. Although I noted this about the equally sexist, anti male, Mayer article yesterday and the Guardian opened comments afterwards.
Yes, this is a truly disgusting article – trying to portray Tommy Robinson as hypocritical and racist because he chooses to defend white children from Muslim rapists. I’ve never heard Tommy say he is not concerned about the Sikh children raped by these Muslims.
This statement revealed a lot about the attitude of the deluded feminist left:
Meanwhile, as they persist with their racism-inciting rhetoric on rape, survivors’ groups and women’s rights activists, many of whom have spent their lives fighting for victims of abuse, are pushed back.
So it’s her turf and Tommy Robinson is not only intruding on it but somehow preventing others from joining her group? What a bubble this woman lives in. She should be welcoming anyone who fights rapists of children and defends those children.
Weird how the article is published under ‘Comment is Free’ and yet it’s closed to comments. I guess the ‘Editors’ just wanted to let her rant without the terrible experience of having her views challenged by some comments – as I’m sure they would have been.
The Guardian is a disgusting lefty rag but it used to have a reasonably open policy re comments. Not any more, apparently.
And they have the cheek to continually beg for money from readers.
None of these pig-faced, purple haired, unwashed examples of what used to be a woman, never make statements of this aggression against the perpetrators of the worst sexual crimes in this country’s history.
“Weird how the article is published under ‘Comment is Free’”
As accurate as “facts are sacred”.
“My searches failed to discover anything about Green”
‘Sarah Green’ seems to be a common name (nom de guerre?) for activists. Take your pick:
IR Thank you.
Our Staff – Everyone listed as staff was female (or at least had a female Christian name).
Our Funders –
The Coutts Foundation. Home page has one picture, no white people.
A list of organisations it supports.
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.
A record of anti British Activity, documented in BBBC.
Other funders are listed.
EVAW is concerned about rapes, or so it states.
I enter the “I” word into its search box.
Which produces exactly ONE result.
“Home Secretary should reverse decision on Shamima Begum’s citizenship”
QED, they are lying bastards.
“Our member Sarah Green and two other activists were arrested for peacefully protesting the construction of #HS2 – an environmental disaster that is not wanted and must be stopped. We stand with”……
1) religious instruction in schools will banned.
2)church schools will be stripped of taxpayers money.
3)trade & cultivation of cannabis will be de-crimalised.
4) assisted dying will be legalised.
5)monarchy abolished.
6) the military eventually abolished.
Anyone of the above is more important for the well being of our nation than “mother earth”
They think they are angels we know they are black sheep (with a greenish tint)
New defence secretary Penny Mordaunt will announce that ‘unfair military prosecutions will be barred and that stronger legal protection will be offered for battlefield actions after 10 years….’
‘Er, except for alleged offences in Northern Ireland…’
Courage is such an outmoded concept, isn’t it?
And there’s the border to think of, of course.
And all Verhofstadt’s advisors.
LBC now discussing Islamophobia according to the new Soubry and all definition
Muslim caller is agreeing saying
‘Islam can be criticised but you shouldn’t be allyto call it barbaric
..or draw Muhammad’s head with a bomb on etc’
BTW that calller was the guy that wrote the definition Sheikh Someone
This new definition would effectively make a Muslim .. version of Life Of Brian illegal
Ah I see @Annunaki mentioned the topic above .. May 15, 2019 at 7:18 am
Ferrari just said that any special law that protects Muslims is unequal
, and all ethnicities should be protected under the same one law EQUALLY
Meanwhile JHB is airing Molly Scott Cato of Green Party
… on the idea that due to EU election all parties must be aired.
I switched off JHB again
her prog isn’t balanced cos it toes the metrolib line, so is biased towards metrolib
eg the way she feels the need to rant against Sargon, without having him or someone who supports him on.
The best way of getting balance is thru confrontational debate
ie if you put a Green on , put a non-Green against them
..However cos Greens can’t deal with that , they won’t come on ifctheir ideas will be confronted.
“However cos Greens can’t deal with that , they won’t come on ifctheir ideas will be confronted.”
Especially if their new wooly jumpers are covered in dead bark from hugging the pretty trees they love on mammas estate.
“News Daily: Brexit vote in June, and children killed after parents given contact”
News briefing, several different reports, which the BBC uses to create a headline giving the (false) impression that the child deaths were connected to the Brexit vote (they were not connected).
The talk radio thing where people compare one against another is productive
eg an LBC caller compared
#1 The way MP’s are now desperate to prevent the suicides of people who appeared on the Jeremy Kyle show, by banning the show
vs #2 The way MP’s seem UNCONCERNED about the suicides of VETERANS
unfortunately we live in a country where our politicians are so inept that they have knee jerk reactions to everything – how they walk with reactions like that is beyond me. The answer to everything seems to be ban it/stop it…that takes no thought but they might get some hearts and hugs on their social media…why the hell they don’t just wait for the evidence before opening their mouths is also beyond me. Oh I know why…..it’s because they are in general stupid..
but the BBC are loving it because it’s an ITV programme..Piers Morgan summed it up this morning when he said the BBC seem to think it’s ok to shove a camera in of the face a distressed person (after a bombing or major event) …because they are the BBC or C4..no thought for the person…BBC hypocrisy
BBC Picture Desk, how does it work ?
“We are doing a story about Farage or Tommy, can we get a pic of them that looks even more snarling ?”
.. “We are doing about how mad climate fanatics at BAFTA want Climate Change inserted into every story
what picture shall we use ?
… no we will use a nice picture of fruit and vegetables”
Just to ‘pop their bubble’, why don’t they insert the facts from this video into every ‘plot line’?
What could the alarmists fear?
Fruit and veg? I thought at first it was Batmanjello’s private parts… 🙁
Oh dear, trouble in paradise!
As parents to darling (?) teenage sprogs we’re subjected to the usual highs and lows of parenthood, including some rather interesting emails from their school. Like this one for example:
“Dear Parents
Climate Change Protest
We have been made aware that some students are planning to join the next climate change protest, which takes place next week. As a school, we always wish to both encourage, and demonstrate, responsible behaviour with regard to our obligations towards the environment and the conservation of our natural resources, and are pleased that our young people are both conversant and passionate about this subject. We cannot, however, condone absence from lessons during term-time which would be detrimental to learning. I cannot stress enough the importance of full school attendance for all students. There is a direct relationship between excellent attendance and successful outcomes and even one day of absence will be a lost opportunity to learn.
Regretfully, any absence from school to attend the protest will be unauthorised. Students are very welcome to come and speak to me, or their Head of House, to discuss their ideas on how the school community may improve our efforts to adopt more sustainable practices.
Best regards
(blanked out)
One of the young Geography teachers at the school has apparently been going a little overboard on the new ‘Climate Change’ section of the curriculum, and she has been showing the kids videos from the BBC (the head needs to have a quiet word).
My son came up with this great idea “Hey Dad, if my mates are all having a day off school for the climate change demo, can I stay at home instead (and, he didn’t need to add, play on the X-Box)”.
Full marks for effort son, you’ll go far.
We are hopefully about to witness the most extraordinary political tsumani of our lifetimes with the rise and rise of the Brexit Party and it’s leader Nigel Farage but the BBC decide that it’s lead article on it news site should be:-
“The Jeremy Kyle show axed by ITV”
Good grief.
Fine, you sneer at the Jeremy Kyle show.
But have some concern for the Remainers, they now have two choices :-
#1 Watch other TV programmes, which will contain material above their intellectual pay grade.
#2 Watch old Kyle shows again, and again.
Damn i was just thinking of going on the Jeremy Kyle show to get one of them there free DNA tests –
What are the yooni kids gonna do now ? Let’s ban something else …what about the letter T? Which clearly is a symbol of patrimonial dominance ….
But then won’t be able to say the word shi*
There’s always HomesUnderThe HammerMakeover.
I like omes under the ammer. I bought a street for £10k in ’ull and painted it mushroom pink then it’s valued by a shyster estate agent at a million …. love it
BBC running scared so they try to disguise it. It won’t work,
Don’t knock the Jeremy Kyle. Because of the absence of anything worthwhile to watch on the BBC – JK had been my viewing of last resort. And when poorly with flu etc, I could watch JK from morning to night without having to use catchup and use up data – besides which there is nothing on the BBC I want to watch even using iplayer. Although I have to admit that wall-to-wall Jeremy was an indication of how poorly I was.
I should also admit that both my mother and mother-in-law when old ladies used to like to watch it. Mr D was in favour of disowning both of them.
Those who gawp at that awful show would fit in with Rome and the Christians vs lions, and I do believe there were also many old women watching the guillotine in revolutionary France
There is a disturbance in the Farce.
I’m guessing those people are waiting for a bus which says ‘we ll give 39 billion of your pounds to Brussels as a freebie”..but I think the Remain bus has got lost trying to get out of Londonistan – Islamic republic of Westminster ….
I get the feeling the BBC might not cover the results of the ReichEU elections too closely or for very long …. get Sopel to run a President Trump story . Again .
Londonistan? One wonders why the BBC haven’t discussed issues as raised in this article: https://www.rightminds.nz/articles/rapid-islamisation-new-zealand
Funny you should mention NZ . Yesterday twitter carried a 2miin 20 second segment of an armed cop with a friend – wearing body armour – turning up at the front door of a chap on a Sunday morning to talk to him about his on line comments. They didn’t like being recorded and wouldn’t talk unless he turned the camera off . He wouldn’t do they legged it .
This is happening in Blighty and I’m surecGCHQ with its ISP list has our details ready for the glorious day when Islamic Stasi – under the Varsi -order our detention for ‘ community safety ‘ reasons ….
In that link.
I come away from reading it with a question to myself;
Why are Muslims always smiling?
Answers on the inside back cover of our free NZ version of the Qur’an. (available at all dairy’s in, Feilding, Napier, Wanganui, Mangaweka etc. Oh, we are shut all day Ramadan cause we usually run out of booze and best side of bacon.
Can be the first to offer to buy all 10 of them one way non-returnable tickets to Brussels?
James O’Brian on LBC stating that being anti abortion is far Right, Fascist, Nazi, Misogynist.
Then goes on to say, as an adopted child, had abortion been available when he was born, he would not be here today, on the radio arguing that to be anti abortion is unspeakable.
He lumps it with, of course, with all the phobias and being pro fox hunting as being Far Right ?
“…. a group of cells you decide to call an unborn child.” Fascinating, I nearly dropped my, Far Right, cork leg.
A long time ago there was a quiz show called Take Your Pick. It had a session where contestants had to answer questions without saying yes, no, or nodding their heads. If we had a current day one having to go an entire programme without saying Far Right, Fascist, Nazi, or Misogynist. The gong would be going so fast on O’Brian’s show you would think the fire bell was going off and everyone would leave the building. Peace and quiet for the rest of the show.
Michael Miles. I remember it, well.
I think we are all disappointed abortion wasnt available when he was born
James nO’Brain puts into words a concept which would have seemed a good idea.
He was adopted presumably by Emperor Palpatine.
Absent fathers of black helmet often cause societal issues.
O’Brian, the only person I know who can spend a 3 hour radio programme arguing with himself about himself in order to convince himself that he is right, that he has always been right and that he always will be right and if you don’t agree with him then you must believe in unicorns. The latter for some reason I’m not sure about.
Elegantly put.
You could have just said ‘wanker’…
O’Brian? Phew, not just me then.
With talk in the media of, what is Islamophobia and the strapping of ‘phobia’ to everything, I get increasingly annoyed on a couple of levels, although I shouldn’t.
A phobia is an irrational fear, that’s a fear with no overarching survival basis.
… and in science ‘phobic’ can be used to describe something which is physically repelled by something else, and which won’t react/bond/mix with it. Think oil and water, for example.
Actually, I find that a more useful definition when trying to visualise some of the modern ‘phobias’ we apparently all suffer from.
It is so very much easier to define, Christian phobia, that’s simply killing Christians or West phobia or the simplest of all, not a Muslim phobia.
Really not very much thought required to come up with those definitions and practical illustrations.
BBC north american reporter this after noon looking angry and dismayed about the vote in the Alabama senate that passed a bill which will ban all abortions except those which will be dangerous to the mother.
Later, the BBC guy asked a senator: is this your intention for the rest of the US – Senator – yes! BBC reporter “silent”
Earlier in the piece some pretty trendy female gave her tuppence worth of objections about the fetus being “just” a bunch of cells but to no avail forgetting that she and the BBC reporter is “just” a bunch of cells.
BBC depressed.
Wales doesn’t matter to the BBC – at least you’d think that if you saw the BBC website . Four welsh Politicians have signed up to the Brexit Party yet it’s a side issue compared to an ITV daytime tv programme being ended . BBC anti brexit bias ? Yes .
It’s the Juvenal “bread and circuses” as usual Fed.
The bBC is becoming more and more low-brow, ‘populist’ even to use their term, full of non-entities and nonsense, but have you seen the Daily Mail website lately?
MailOnline is the main source of news for millions in the UK, forms an opinion of Britain for many English speakers further afield, and it’s more like the National Enquirer or Heat than the paper the Mail was a few years ago.
Yes I look at the mail online and can still be astonished that someone I’ve never heard of has insulted / broken up / bedded someone else I don’t know . ….
And my favourite – some ‘actress’ flaunting gym honed bits on a beach in somewhere sunny …
And people still buy the paper…. but each to his own I guess
And does thinking about ‘things’ lead to happiness ?
The Sunday Sport.
Scantily clad tits for pensioners does infest its website but it does report a lot that the far left BBC (real name Bahgdad Broadcasting Corporation) or something, often fails to do for some very strange reason, like muslim rape gangs or any other crimes comitted by those the BBC hold sacred and continually promote as enriching our country despite plenty of evidence to the contrary
Much as I love things American, I do wish our media would stop talking as if we were American and Trump was our President – we’re not and he’s not.
America is another country not our country and other countries do other things but our media never give the other foreign countries the same prominence when it comes to reporting.
I always thought that was a downside of speaking a version of the same language . America is a foreign country whose interests will have primacy – for America .
The ‘special relationship ‘ is a kind of comfort blanket as our empire transferred to them.
But judging by what has happened to Blighty I sometimes wish I had an American passport …..
I’d be a card carrying President Trump supporter – someone with a manifesto which meant something and delivered on his promises …. I’d be tougher on foreign news agencies though ( but then the constitution would stop me – wouldn’t it ?)
Before I grew up and went to America to work and visit I used to look down on Americans a bit . Especially that thing about how many don’t have passports . But when you really realise the size of the place -no wonder so many don’t leave it . I envy Americans now .
Agreed. Never been but given the chance to move there I’d be very torn. This is not the country I grew up in and not the one I want my kids to grow up in unless there are some very fundamental changes.
Britain really has lost it’s identity in the scramble to become diverse and global and inclusive.
It’s only in recent years that I’ve more fully appreciated that, much in the same way London is not England, New York and LA are most definitely not to be taken as truly representative of the USA. I never really thought of rural, small-town America, aware of its history and connections to my own Ulster Scots heritage certainly, but more often reminded of the Irish Catholic communities of the cities than any other.
I never had any real interest in visiting there but now, even more so since the election of Trump, find myself wanting to travel to Maine, Virginia, the Carolinas, the Rust Belt, through the Southern States or Mid- America, and to engage with historically connected and similar people who seem to value family, community, even church, and who believe that their culture and society should be shared and celebrated. I would certainly encourage my children to consider a life there, it seems so much less claustrophobic and choking than our society is on its way to becoming.
Why are the travel industry in America not targeting British holidaymakers more now, when so many of our traditional tourist destinations seem to accept our money only grudgingly, are becoming less and less welcoming and safe, and when the EU seem determined to make visiting them as difficult as possible?
One can only admire a country that is proud of itself, and its history RE founding fathers thanksgiving, independence day etc, whereas we are being berated to feel guilt at every moment, crap like reparation for slavery to blacks etc etc (look up the arab slave trade and see who should really be digging in ther pockets) this country is pandering to those who detest its heritage and values, and laws, and despise those who literally fought for it but are now too old to defend themselves against uneducated but very vocal twitter twats willing to sell our culture, laws and history to the arabs breeding like >>> over here in a determined effort to take over, yet, when they do, all we have to do is examine where they came from and the hell holes of intertribal war and complete lack of human empathy, tolerance for minorities, art or education or enterprise or ingenuity to see why I hope my children find somewhere else to live
“I… find myself wanting to travel to … Virginia, … the Rust Belt, through the Southern States or Mid- America, and to engage with historically connected and similar people who seem to value family, community, even church, and who believe that their culture and society should be shared and celebrated.”
Did you never watch Deliverance? (Only joking USA!)
Dueling Banjos
JimS do you have a purty mouth ?
There are parts of rural Ulster that would make the Deliverance canoe trip seem like a barging holiday on the Broads with Prunella and Timothy, some of the villages here are prime examples of what happens when cousins marry.
I’m pretty sure that the guy playing the banjo is a Sinn Fein councillor in Co Fermanagh now.
Not so much a gene pool as a puddle
The difference between American diversity and the UK version is that there is a semblance of unity in the American version – the flag and the constitution .
The UK one has nothing – they look to royalty to be a focal point but their only interest is self preservation( see Diana ) – otherwise there is no single focus – so when an alien ‘culture ‘ Islam – arrives its peasants can exploit the dominant guilt complex of the snowflakes who think they are in charge of the place – by claiming to be ‘victims ‘ all the time ( see varsi )
“but their only interest is self preservation( see Diana )”
Eh? Well she wasn’t very good at it, was she? One of the few occasions I’ve agreed with Private Eye: “A neurotic, irresponsible and manipulative troublemaker”.
My point is that ‘the firm ‘ adapted and survived all the vicarious grief being thrown at the lady when she died . As someone who watched the whole thing choking on my popcorn at the collective emotional breakdown many experienced I thought that perhaps the Royal Family might have to into exile somewhere nice. But they got over it .
Well, you might have had the same problem that she had, that prick Charles for a start!
Notice the TV advertising obsession with ” binging on boxsets” whatever they are, no alcohol or drugs so you get to work the next day for them, no going out for a walk as you might just notice like I did yesterday in the coutryside, that there are no muzzies and immigrants that are constantly fed to us through the media outside of our ghettos and this is still, for the moment, a beatiful counrty
Yes, for the most part Americans are very much for their flag whereas we, for years, have been taught to be ashamed of it and really, that’s no way to run a whelk stall let alone a nation.
It seems the BBC is spending a whole day tomorrow advertising the Huffington Post, that well-known impartial web news provider.
What am I going to do ? Jeremy Kyle banned . No more “ I married a woman who turned out to be a bloke who was my long lost dad” . Lucky I got the “ best of dvd” . At least there’s lovable Sarf lundun Danny Baker to listen too .
First they came for your daytime tv stars … then ‘strictly come dancing ‘? And ‘thrones ‘ …?
‘Did Islam Have Anything to Do With It?’
I visited 13 sites of Islamic terrorist attacks and asked witnesses that one question.
“Do you think his [or their] religion had anything to do with the attack?”
With the exception of the New York firemen, London taxi drivers (who don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of their opinions), and the Nigerian Christians, the answers were always the same as Lily’s. Islam, they have been told again and again, is a religion of peace, and they were simply unwilling — or unable — to acknowledge the obvious.
To put this in some perspective, were I to ask any educated person what inspired kamikazes, the suicide bombers of the previous century, to fly their planes into American ships during the Second World War, they would undoubtedly say Emperor worship and the militarism of Imperial Japan. So why the inability to make the connection between terrorism and Islam? ”
Extract from American Spectator article.
“Brexit: Stephen Barclay says PM’s deal is ‘dead’ if bill fails”
“He said if the plan is rejected by MPs, the UK will face no deal, or Article 50 could be revoked – so no Brexit.”
Is it going to be parliament Vs the People ?
Vote UKIP and The Brexit Party to get rid of Mrs Chamberlain and to drain the swamp.
D-Day is coming!
She’s more like Mrs Stalin than Mrs Chamberlain !
Her reaction to Bone MP presenting his letter from resigning party activists today I found creepy.
Gax – for the first time in a long time I stopped listening to PM Q lies / I take it Mrs May hoped Peter Bone and Mrs Bone will have a long life ?
“Her reaction to Bone MP presenting his letter from resigning party activists today I found creepy.”
I agree.
Her expression told me she was thinking:
“You leave MPs have no idea what’s coming next if I lose the vote.
“I will tear up the Brexit result and will remain in the EU – take that you idiots.”
We instructed our public representatives to leave Europe, this seems pretty straghforward to me as how our democracy functions, if not,maybe someone can explain how our elected reprentatives are able to ignore a clear mandate from the population for years on end ?
BTW ignore percentages, oft quoted, the majority was over a million people, and their reasons for voting, oft assumed, are also irrelevant, as this was not part of the vote, the country was asked and they gave you a clear answer
The latest nonsense seems to be – if you don’t vote for the sell out there won’t be a deal so parliament will withdraw A50 before the October deadline .
Trying to work out what the reaction to withdrawing A50 and remaining in the ReichEU is hard to guess –
At one extreme parliament would be torched and MPs taking to their country bunkers and at the other end — acollective shrug .
A lot of toxic water has to flow under Westminster bridge before we get to that of course.
“vote for the sell out”
Leave with chain irons.
Important not to use the term ‘ deal’ when the proper term is ‘ sell out’ .
May is do dumb that she thinks enough of the last 400 MPs who voted against it will change their minds and vote for it –
With a trumped up threat that if they don’t then a50 will be withdrawn – which what the traitors want …
I don’t recall the ballot being ambiguous. The UK had signed up to nearly half a century’s worth of laws that needed undoing; though nothing so headscratchingly difficult that Cameron couldn’t deal with without quitting the morning after?
Did a runner more like, Not.
Spineless, not very bright and well rid of. But he did give us Theresa, so we can despise him even more…
ITV local news just reported this “Dewsbury man” jailed because he deliberately drove his car at speed into this off duty soldier causing him horrific injuries.
Just look how this report taken from the West Yorkshire Police website contrasts with that description. Apparently there was an “incident” where a man was “knocked down”.
This is as despicable as the bbc!
“A man has been jailed for eight years following an incident outside a nightclub in Batley where a man was knocked down by a car.”
Even the bbc version is more honest than the police one! Well apart from the fact that they have included the obvious lie that the soldier was not the intended victim. Just like that milk shake accidentally ended up on Tommy Robinson the other week.
Now what would motivate someone to attack an off duty British soldier?
9pm BBC1 Anxiety prog featuring some BBC tick box favourites
The BBC seem to have created 17 different videos and photo stories to promote the prog
Probably her religion causing her all that anxiety. Me too.
She suffers from Islamophobia, so we should sympathize.
“Nadiya Hussain explains how severe anxiety affects her life.”
I agree, its terrible. The whites should go back to their own country Australia, eh.
And if it was a muzzie outside a mosque how would that story run ? A “man” run down ?
They are only “men” when they commit crimes, disgusting organised gang rapes ? “men” when they are victims they are paraded by the far left BBC (real name Bhagdad Broadcasting Corporation) as muslims
Otherwise known as the ‘ Finsbury Park mosque terrorist ‘ where a drunken lost non Londoner hit one who had a heart attack . Wall to wall thoughts and prayers ….
On politics live there was a scotch lass who kept interjecting “we should have a referendum, May’s deal or Remain in the eu”
Of course, nobody challenged that.
Nobody mentioned we already voted to leave and ‘leave’ wasn’t in her two options.
Nobody mentioned May’s deal wasn’t leaving.
Just suppose the scotchies had won the referendum to be independent and some 3 years later, when they were still ruled by Westminster, were given the option of some slight devolvement (and paying us a huge sum) or remain in the Uk.
I wonder if they would think it fair and reasonable.
One point that the BBC ignored is that the energy to leave the ReichEU has not lost any of its strength .
I would posit that leavers have become even stronger and maybe even more in number – not even taking into account the election in 7 days where there will be further indication of how out of touch the bubble is with what people think and believe .
It does make one consider, who really is in charge and Germany seem to be quite comfortable, what an achievement since 1945 through the back door, shutting down free speech, attacking Jews and defending those who attack them and promote Palestine
A ‘man’ (bearded and wearing what looks like unusual headgear) spotted in the Tower of London.
A ‘man’ (bearded and wearing what looks like unusual headgear) spotted in the Tower of London.
Another “man” so many of them, who are these when descriptions are required to investigate, we can cleasrly see another ( insert description) of an immigrant shall we pop over to Mecca and try trespassing see how these anmals treat others ?
It is apposite to consider we are being infested by these and anyone that uses words like right wing or far right have no consideration for what we fought against and the similar traits of those some seek to defend
Not the BBC but shameful propaganda now on ITV “experimenting” with kids to identify the differences with their gender. Talking about how the “rules have changed” and today more than ever you can ” be who you want to be”
Normalising gender swapping for kids.