A week to the EU elections . Tommy Robinson is facing a political show Trial and the failing BBC is rolling out anti British bias as never before- despite having to obey election laws.
Midweek Open Thread 15 May 2019
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Interesting way of putting it.
ha ha ”left of centre” …
his labour party were the very definition of extremists
starting 3 wars
promoting all things homo
opening the borders
Bliar 3rd way 3rd Reich was the quote at the time. Enriched himself to the tune of around £200 Million from the Sunni oil rich Middle East. Not a bad 30 pieces of silver for betraying your country.
Join if you want to 🙂
Dover ,
I’m worried that giving that site any form of publicity could delude the BBC to believe that people support the vile anti british organisation .
No, I don’t understand that website. It appears to support the state broadcaster, yet lists all the postive things that would result from a modicum of adult supervision:
Radio 1 & Radio 2 to be sold off
Fewer natural history programmes and no more Planet Earth series
No consultation with audience, just announcements of cuts
Reduced episodes of soaps, dramas & factual programmes
BBC Three sold off
Programme & service losses forecast
Many more staff cuts threatened
£800m savings must be made over next few years
BBC website to be decimated
More cutbacks in local radio
Much less sports coverage
BBC Four closed or just online
Licence fee abolished and remnants of BBC to be funded by advertising and/or subscription
More repeats
Less specialist programmes
Reduced frequency and volume of popular entertainment programmes
re: http://saveourbbc.net/
They claim that “You and your family are very probably among the 97% of UK people who view and listen to over 18 hours of BBC content per week“
Utter tosh.
18 hours – I used to listen about 81 hours. Currently I do about 2 hours of Radio 4 Xtra.
TBP in Wolverhampton and a few references to the biased, taxpayer funded bbc plus no Brexit Party person on QT.
Segment from Newsnight: How do we balance the secular norms of an inclusive society with religious freedoms?
Kumbaya and all that, what could possibly have gone wrong?
BBC – who cares how you balance it
your politically correct mob took the cognitive dissonance path of:
invited the religious nutters into the country
whilst also empowered the mentally ill LGBT mob.
Now you fight it out .
I’ll stock up on the refreshments to watch!
Gay shame parade minces past Mosque- just as Friday prayers end…what could go wrong.
Naturally al beeb are very sensitive to the moral rights of a certain religion. I don’t recall them being so sensitive to the Christian couple who objected to the pro-gay wedding cake, or the bed and breakfast owners who objected to a gay couple sharing a room.
I don’t think it’s right to put bits of BBC output on here – for one thing there may be copyright issues and is they come for anyone it will be who ever puts it on – and not me –
Also – I don’t want the BBC thinking there are more people watching it and thereby acquiescing in its evil bias .
You put it on Flak – what do you think?
PS I’ve not watched what you put on so can make no comment about the content.
What can one say about the Channel4 news? Ken Clarke, rambling on endlessly about the ‘hard right’ and the ‘far right’ and putting the knife into his party. Sounding more Labour than J Corbyn. Jon Snow lapped it up.
Matt Frei trying to discredit Nigel Farage, by attacking A Banks’ alleged financing of the Brexit party. On and on it went.
Small mercy: so far no Guru Murphy, falling off his chair in his eagerness to nail anything that could be ‘far right’.
This is supposedly a news bulletin. Sounds much more like a party-political broadcast. Much more…
‘Agenda’ and ‘narrative’ hardly begin to describe what these eager beavers cook up.
Lucky it’s mainly bubble dwellers who watch it .
No need to worry, they are following up tommorow with a report on how many millions the trade unions give every year to Labour, how many Labour MP’s are sponsored by the Co-Operative movement and where Ms Millars sponsorship comes from. All in the interest of balance. Ha Ha.
Ah, come on. Poor Ken Clarke attended Bilderberg meetings for 20 years but he’s now too old to go. Has to vent his spleen somewhere…
Another parliament that couldn’t care less about what the people think, its own rule book, or even honesty or democracy, is the German one.
Gerold Otten, of the AfD, failed -for a second time- today to be appointed to the position of ‘Vice-President’ of the Parliament, as required by the Federal Parliament’s own rule book for an opposition party.
Lotsa virtue-signalling MPs, ignoring the rules, inspired by their law-breaking Chancellor, encouraged by the virtue-signalling MSM and public broadcasters, blocked him out. A little conspiracy a certain man with a moustache would have appreciated in its open, sneering subversiveness.
As always, the law means nothing. The rules mean nothing. They (MPs) think they’re giving their past a thumbs-down. What they don’t realize is that they’re delighting in exactly the opposite.
Btw: One day I’m going to bore the readers of this site with a list of laws and international treaties broken or simply ignored by said Chancellor. It’s a very long one, so I’m not going to cause anyone to nod off just yet. Personally, I find it interesting to see how you can be internationally celebrated and yet be guilty of many criminal offences. Says a lot about our little world…
DW suggests that the German parliament votes for deputies and ‘traditionally’ each party has one deputy.
Of course I may have mis read Deutsche Welle or they might have mistranslated ‘traditionally’.
Either way it seems, even in Germany, everyone is a democrat until democracy delivers the wrong result.
“Man ordered to uncover face in front of police camera and then fined £90”.
Mmm, I wonder if the police will be ordering certain other people to uncover their faces?
(This burqa-clad beauty raped and strangled an 11 year old boy. – https://nypost.com/2017/06/08/burka-clad-man-confesses-to-raping-strangling-11-year-old-boy/)
I did a quick look up on these fines . You can pay and not get a criminal record but if you Contest in court and lose the fine doubles and you get a criminal record .
So the system invites miscarriages of justice by inducing payment of the penalty .
I saw some of the footage and couldn’t see what power the Stasi were using to get him to uncover his face. Failure to comply with the Stasi ( 6 of them ) – brave in a group these days ….
So if the police set out to catch people who hide their face in public
..who are they gong to arrest ?
– Burqa wearers ?
– Antifa
– Hoodums in hoodies
So is it a surprise that on the day when the police were testing their system in coorperation with the BBC, they arrested 3 men
The one the BBC chose to air is a middle aged working class white man
..and they fined him £90
..ostensibly for “disorder” when they grabbed him to detain him.
If he contested that on the spot fine..surely he’d win ?
Wouldn’t it be normal to be disorderly when you are suddenly surrounded by cops grabbing you.
It’s just another example of how best intentions leads to alienation of the public . Once consent by decent people is gone it won’t come back .
Train crash on LBC Tom Swarbrick as B’ham Muslim schools bloke runs into LGBT rights bloke. That’s when east meets west and we get to appreciate the richness, diversity and utter bollox in todays Britain.
Was theLGBT guy Tom Swarbrick himself
here ?
“UK to scrap passenger landing cards”
Is this the present government’s plan to squeeze more immigrants in before the door closes when we Brexit?
Remember all those broken promises by successive governments to bring immigration numbers down.
Here is one………………………….
Joey is a fan.
Most of the Taffmen that I know are going to vote for the Brexit Party. The money that the EU gives Wales comes from the UK anyway.
The U.K. Gives the EU money and the EU gives half of it back but dictates how it is to be spent.
Got to say – mr Farage withstood the brutal questioning of some kind of remainer stazi whereas if that was me I’d have stopped turned and decked him – but I think mr Farage realises thar after so many years of hate .
If Port Talbot isn’t Wales and Merthyr is, what hapened to Hoover Mr. Jones? (Gone to ‘Europe’, that’s what).
Hoover went like the rest of Wales’ industry went — To Europe.
Always struck me that Labour were good at losing industry thru’ strikes and mismanagement whereas the Tories just love running it down ans then selling it off to foreigners.
Here is a “contribution” from your link.
“Russell Goodway @GoodwayCardiff · 23h23 hours ago
Sadly people will still vote for him – and in their thousands.
What are the main parties doing wrong that they have lost the trust of their traditional supporters?”
You have to ask, Russell, because you are yet another, thick as a plank, Remainer.
Nowt on Al Beeb about Hamas saluting Cor Bin for his support?
@6:40 “a referendum is a tool of dictatorship therefore we need another referendum”
I really must learn how to post one day.
However, I have to mention a new Ezra Levant video just up on You Tube. The title is ‘Ezra Levant slams UK media anti-Tommy Robinson bias.’
In it he shows how deficient the msm in the UK are. Especially the BBC. I know this is no surprise to us on here but it is so good to see it articulated this way. It’s not long and well worth a view.
Al Beeb World Propaganda…. Sorry ‘Service’ at around 05.10 this am ran a feature on President Trumps proposals to change US migration laws inorder to attract young, professional, English speaking applications.
Sounded sensible to me, but Al Beeb don’t think so, so had to inform us that both Reps and Dems are against it. For different reasons. But they would, wouldn’t they.
Al Beeb World Propaganda…. Sorry ‘Service’ at around 05.10 this am ran a feature on President Trumps proposals to change US migration laws inorder to attract young, professional, English speaking applications.
Sounded sensible to me, but Al Beeb don’t think so, so had to inform us that both Reps and Dems are against it. For different reasons. But they would, wouldn’t they.
R4 News Briefing at 05.38. British Steel ‘ blames BREXIT’
Well they would, wouldn’t they.
Personally, I’m surprised to hear the country still has a ‘British’ steel, given its been sold out at least twice in the last few years but I guess in Al Beebs warped world just occasionally it’s fine to use words like British, English when they need to emphasise something they perceive as a negativity.
Farming today now, time for the off button as I’m told Irish farmers will receive 100million Euros to cover BREXIT disturbance and they are playing a EU election game asking CUK, SNP and Plaid Cymru about which EU farming regs they want to see changed. No balance with UKIP or Brexit given a chance to add to the debate. But they would, would’nt they.
Someone really should tell the Farming today producers and especially the SNP spokesperson that we as a United Kingdom voted to leave, therefore No single market, no freedom of movement. The Scots porridge harvest will have to be hand picked by the direct relatives of Rob Roy in the future and not Pablo, Steffan or Yasser.
Boris J kind of announces leadership bid. There’s no vacancy, yet but he will run.
To any any Tory Party officials left out there. Sorry but BoJo is a different cheek of the same arse I’m afraid.
I will never vote Tory again as long as I draw breath. Liars, Cheats, charlatans and fundamentally unpatriotic to England and the English. Go do one.
Brexit all the way.
Interesting timing for Bojo to run to be head of an extinct Party. Maybe he felt he needed to before the ReichEU election slaughter in 6 days . In any event ‘ who cares’?
And doing the public school boy court jester act isn’t serious enough for our times – whether or not he gets a hair cut .
Blissful day – no BBC – up in the air …
I believe the predictions of the death of the Conservative party are premature.
I also believe that many of these predictions are engendered by the same people who created The Conservative Party problems.
Far left infiltrators, who cannot get honest support, so they lie and cheat.
With all its current problems The Conservative Party is infinitely superior to Corbyn.
Remove May and the many other treasonous MPs, throw Bercow in the Thames attached to an anchor.
An anchor LCS? Surely his vanity case would be enough to keep the little chap under?
No, his inflated self-approval would keep him afloat, no matter how heavy the anchor.
“With all its current problems The Conservative Party is infinitely superior to Corbyn.”
Agree with that, but its best people appear to be on the back benches. The talent simply isn’t rising.
No matter how badly they have performed in the past, Labour has always managed to do worse. Now Labour has Corbyn, MacDonnell, Abbott etc. Borderline insane. I doubt if they would survive more than one term but I worry about the damage that would be inflicted.
I don’t understand why Tory MPs aren’t physically dragging T May out of Downing Street. She has that dangerous combination of low ability, low cunning, and mule like stubbornness. She wrecks everything she touches – Brexit, law and order, immigration, the party itself and, I fear, the country.
I’m voting Brexit Party to give them a scare at the very least, and in the hope that something more will come out of it. Letting Corbyn in is just a risk I believe we have to take, frightening though it is. This can’t go on.
torys vs labour hmmm
slow suicide vs fast suicide hmmmm
Think I will choose someone else and fight to try to stay alive ta
No, Tories vs Labour vs Brexit Party.
disagree last chance. As mr Farage said the other day – do a deal with the devil to get us fully out of the ReichEU and then start the cat fight about the McDonnell hard left and wet Tories who will never get my vote .
I’m Veryv Right Wing so they’ve got to be pretty smaller State for me or i won’t bother . And if you wonder what smaller state means to me – it’s privatisation of the NHS and as much else as possible for starters – eg if you haven’t paid into the system you won’t get anything from it .
Less than a week to go until the EU elections 🙂
Wonder what ‘allegations’ the BBC have been saving for The Brexit Party? We’ll know next week.
Well Dover, it seems their mates at Channel 4 and the Daily May couldn’t wait that long.
It is tragic to see the way the Daily Fail has changed under its remainer editor Geordie Greig. Now it seems it is in alliance with the left wing weirdos of Channel 4 News trying to smear Nigel Farage.
I saw Matt Frei’s pathetic attempt at a hit piece. The pompous buffoon did his best to big it up, but it was a nothing burger.
Is there anyone who does not know that Arron Banks gives Nigel Farage financial support? Frei seemed to think this was big news, but he came across to this viewer as an absolute wanker. I can only say that Nigel Farage has the patience of a saint to put up with this moron’s obsessive pursuit of him, with his laughable attempt to corner him with fake “gotcha” style questions.
Channel 4 is as much part of the swamp as the BBC. They both need to be drained!
I think Frei shares the same kind of German pro EU – anti British stance as Heir Esler who looks down on us from such an elevated part of the Greater ReichEU. I wonder why they don’t go and live in mainland EU land since they love it so much and dispise ‘ little en ger land ‘
It’s a bit like when the losers at the BBC chose to have a twat running ‘The Archers’, John!
Listeners deserted the lovely old prog in droves, (including Mrs O’Blene), and my chance for a swift half before Sunday lunch just vanished overnight!
Matt Frei just isn’t good enough at his non-job, he should be on Cbeebies, swinging his track-suit pants and babbling the same sort of gibberish that tinies ignore anyway!
Popcorn ready for about 3:00am next Friday. I hope Dimblebore is twitching away as usual!
(Actually, Scrobs, the results won’t be around then; something to do with either a technical hitch or some prick in Brussels calling the shots – or should I say shits – Ed)
Oh buqqer…, back to the drawing board then…
BBC Framing Today Watch #1 ‘BBC – Framing the questions with Memory Loss’
(that’s really Farming Today but read on …)
Interview with Irish Beef Farmers Association spokesperson. They are to receive 1bn Euros as a Market Disruption Grant. The BBC wished to Blame It On Brexit, so they did and framed the questioning accordingly.
They conveniently overlooked the October 2018 Report from the UN’s IPCC which said – among other things – that the world had to stop eating beef and adopt a vegan diet. This was taken up enthusiastically by the BBC who did not stop talking about it and promoting it for six months.
The Irish beef farmers export most of their production and most of this comes to the UK, only just, – 52% (now where have I heard that figure before?) – out of their total export production of about 98%. That rather suggests their home market has become enthusiastically vegan or relies more on lamb and pork and fish because Irish beef is too expensive.
Wouldn’t be anything to do with transport taxation and the rising price of oil, would it BBC? Apparently, feed prices have rocketed. That’s arable … sort of vegan but sown with diesel, fertilised with oil products, harvested with diesel and transported with diesel.
Oh dear!
BBC Framing Today Watch #2 ‘BBC – Framing the questions with Bias’
(that’s really Farming Today but read on …)
Interview with Irish Beef Farmers Association spokesperson. They are to receive 1bn Euros as a Market Disruption Grant. The BBC wished to Blame It On Brexit, so they did and framed the questioning accordingly.
The Beeboid, Anna Hill (hope I got the name right), did not bother to ask whether British Beef Farmers should receive a similar grant from the EU and “If not, why not?”
The BBC have got to be, I am thinking, the most unpatriotic, unenthusiastic promoter of their nation of any national broadcaster in the world. Also becoming the most incompetent. Why can they not join up the dots to all the other things that might influence beef production, car production, mental health problems in the young, etc., etc.?
The most they do is frame things their BBC way according to their BBC agenda: it is now blatant and very, very, obvious.
BBC, you have been ‘rumbled’.
“Nigel Farage is filling a truth-shaped hole. Honesty is the only way to drive him out
Suzanne Moore”
[Moore is the only “journalist” at the home of “facts are sacred” whose column has an older photograph than Polly. Like Polly, Moore has no notable educational achievements.]
[Moore begins with]
“The leader of the Brexit party doesn’t want Brexit. He just wants the outrage and discontent he thrives on to continue”
[The only evidence adduced for this statement, that Nigel, who has spent twenty years, mostly in the wilderness, being abused physically and verbally by the Moore variants, does not want Brexit, is that Moore said so, it is in the Guardian and therefore has veracity. Conclusion, Moorebollocks.]
“Before I say anything at all, let me say that Nigel Farage is a very bad man who tells lies and that there are big questions about where his funding comes from. I have no qualms in joining the daily stream of hate justifiably directed towards him.
But we have to accept it has not made him vanish into thin air.”
[“Is a very bad man who tells lies” We are instantly converted by this assertion, from a source who joined Polly in denouncing the Rotherham revelations.]
[“questions about where his funding comes from” Fortunately there no such doubt about Guardian funding, BBC and EU, the two most deadly enemies of British people.]
[“I have no qualms in joining the daily stream of hate” Thank you, SM for this admission that your views are based on hate. Prediction, the article will be changed and this error will go the way of the Commissar.]
“There is little need for you to tell me the thing they voted for was impossible or undeliverable”
[Brexit is only undeliverable in the mendacious world inhabited by this half-witted, half-educated, self-confessed hater. Moorebollocks.]
“which [Parliament] does not know how to represent these bad 17 million people”
[Here we have it, from the home of facts are sacred, everyone who voted for Brexit is bad. If you read this Moorebollocks of an article, bad is the only comparative term this author in her minute vocabulary.]
[I promised myself that I would take this nonsense apart, line by line, to the bitter end. There is a limit to how much I nonsense and nastiness from the Guardian I can take. There is more, Moorebollocks, but you will have to read it yourself.]
PS – No comments allowed.
Above is not a comment.
Excellent post, LCS.
OK, that’s a comment.
[Is that a haiku?]
The alternative, taken by 99.9%r of the population, is not to read the Guardian.
Make that simple decision and Polly and Suzanne cease to exist.
From the bBBC print edition: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/may/17/brexit-party-candidates-book-favoured-benefit-cuts-for-single-mothers
He’s got my vote then.
Hope his views haven’t changed in the last 25 years.
TOADY Watch #1 and maybe only
Newspaper review after 6.08am in-prog Weather: JustRemainIn Webb relates with surprising relish that the Guardian has inside (no mention on front page) an article about the political Party formerly known as The Independent Group. The article is surprisingly honest that support for the Party is vanishing like morning mist on a sunny day.
Like the Neil interview (not the Marr one), the bbc is clinging onto whatever they can.
Bit obvious, Ems.
Farage was evasive in the interview, possibly because of the case of Boris being sued for his lying.
It’s a Mortons Fork question being asked in which there is no correct answer. Farage would have been better to say that post Brexit it is up to which ever government is in charge to decide on the distribution of funds, or that people should not have to rely on subsidy to survive.
He is now between a roack and a hard place because this question is going to be asked again & again.
We give £360 million a week to the EU and that could be used by the government to smooth the loss of EU subsidy. He should also have said the UK gives far more money to the EU than we get back so there should be ample money for the regions, depending on how the government chooses to distribute it.
“We give £360 million a week to the EU”
£250 million after the rebate, surely? Don’t fall into that trap.
Then we get some of the £250 million back, but not under our control.
£360 million tip of the iceberg
@Thoughtful @Guest Who ..this is the same clip that I mentioned below when Jo Caulfield tweeted it
,,Just cos they say Farage lost ..that doesn’t mean it’s true
He did indeed immediately point out that all EU money is our money
..Thw BBC GOTCHA reporter then said ‘but Wales is a £250m net beneficiary’
(he didn’t say over what time period)
Farage then said it didn’t benefit the Steel Industry much
.. and the BBC guy dismissed that ..by saying “that’s 40 miles away”
Also note the clip is called “uedited” but ends abruptly at 1m35s
..where’s the rest ?
OT, but Jon is back in his dark place.
Can the BBC be far behind?
Or, are they already there but racists can’t see them?
I believe Mr Snow is married to a diverse lady from Africa so he has skin in the game .
I can’t forget his face when the plebs rounded on him at some council block where he went and treated it as another planet .
He received a suitable level of hostility doing a kind of Orince Phillip act .Actually found myself feeling sorry for him . That went away quickly
British Steel announced it had funding last night
.. BBC local reported it this morning
but seems that other radio presenters hadn’t caught up.
“UK knife crime: The first 100 fatal stabbings of 2019”
C/with montage of the 100 faces of the deceased.
Let’s put some ‘reality’ meat on the bones provided by our far left Marxist State Broadcaster as ever anxious to hide/not convey important factors:
100 deaths to 14th May 2019. That’s 134 days into the year i.e. 36.7% of 2019. Therefore, it can safely be assumed that a total of 489 ‘people’ will be stabbed to death in 2019, mainly in Londonistan. This assumes that the police will not reduce the number of deaths by application of many ludicrous policies that defy common sense. Argument: there would not likely be 100 deaths if stupid police tactics had worked like statistical predictions of where the stabbings will take place. Big accolade for that a few months ago.
Taking the names or identity through the photo’s of those who are likely not British born, (i.e. of ‘foreign extraction’), the number is 46 of the 100.
The Economists figures for Jan, Feb, March of 2018 –
Perhaps they’d like to amend the article headed, “New York’s annual murder statistics are still worse than London’s” for 2019?
Reduce the numbers of those killed by the stroke of a pen? Simples. Send all foreigners back to their homeland.
Not sure how you worked this out, but if there are fewer than 1 death per day then there cannot be more deaths than days in the year, a maximum of 365.
I work the figure out to be 272.5
Thanks for pointing that out. My colossal error: divided the wrong way around to get 1.34 x 365, whereas it should have been 0.746 x 365 = 272 pa. No excuse, simply wrong.
I run those numbers every so often for academic reasons
Without social or legal control feral boys will increasingly hurt kill each other in cities and it will just be a ‘price ‘
There is no solution in current circumstances
For instance a Tory MP suggested putting a chip in every knife. They are that dumb .
Very often the solution is demographic as in the number of males in the population of the stabby age range – say 13 to 30 .
This is more complicated now as the open door immigration policy cannot predict numbers .
Death penalty won’t help but would save money .
ID cards could help but would be used against decent people by the Stasi as easy targets .
Londonistan homicides used to average about 119 for a 6 million population . Now the pop is at least 8 million. The body count for 2018 was 135
I reckon on about 160 for this year – mainly diverse killers of diverse victims .
I’m just waiting for next whitee killer of a black kid so that the whole racial industry can go into action – including – of course the BBC .
“I run those numbers every so often for academic reasons” Not the same as my first thoughtless attempt I’m sure!
Oh Beeboid comic Jo Caulfield comes out with a lot of hate towards Farage
I call her out on it
And she gets triggered
I must give this Twitter crapola a go. Seems all you have to do is knock Trump and Farage, sport a goatie, wear a beret over a man bun, revere Corbyn, claim to have a ‘tat’ or two, a genital piercing and be a woman sometimes and you’re there in the scene dude!
I am a goatie, and wouldn’t touch Twatter with a barge pole…
It’s all the old entering lalaland stuff
Like I talked about the Metr-elite who get “BBC salaries”
..and she denies back by nitpicking that she never got a BBC salary
.. FFS Just cos she was paid on a freelance basis that doesn’t change the main point is she did get licence payers’ moneys from her many series.
Then the way her and her followers practice the smear/label/dismiss PR trick call political opponents , “loonies/idiots/bigots/denier”
.. yet are incredibly nasty and hatey themselves
..ie those labels come from them them PROJECTING their own behaviour onto anyone with purple or orange skin ..like Farage /Trump supporters
Her original comment
\\ How can anyone listen to the rambling nonsense Farage comes out with, and still support him?
He be as well say “Ostrich, pizza, British steel, I’m a little teapot, vote for me…” //
Then you watch the video
Snarly gotcha host
“These towns like Merthyr have recieved millions from the EU, what will Brexit off ?”
Farage ” Well, its not EU money, is it, it’s our money”
“Wales has net benefits of £250m”
“We UK have given away hundreds of millions”
“Farage the Welsh Steel industry hasn’t been a net beneficiary”
“Brexit will offer opponuties for Steel industry”
..”oh well that is 40 miles away”
Oh and the video she retweeted is from the BBC Wales reporter
ie its a BBC video
and despite the “unedited” claim in the title
It clips off quickly at 1:35 ..so doesn’t seem full context
“”Brexit Party Could Win 9 Out Of 12 Regions””
(Yougov Poll).
With that lot in the EU Parliament, the EU will be begging us to Leave!
Perhaps they’ll have to pay us £39bn to do so 🙂
Andrew Neil interviewed this burka wearer recently about the government having a legal definition of islamophobia but her voice was so muffled by her head bag I did not really hear what she had to say; if indeed she was a female.
The interview starts at 20 mins 15 secs:
Katie Hopkins commented:
“For the benefit of hearing impaired viewers who need to lip read – here are subtitles:
The Muslim Council of Wales (eyeballs featured here) struggles to define Islamophobia….Whilst demanding govt accepts their definition of Islamophobia.”
Nicky Campbell, BBC Radio 5Live this morning:
“I love the song “I am the anti-Christ” in fact I decided to sing it in the BBC foyer this morning while I was passing a group of Evangelical Christians – I love that song”
Told ya BBC hates Christianity and Judaism. That BBC hatred can’t fail to rise to the surface.
Mocking Christianity is the last freedom.
Hatred springs eternal (just make sure the target is legal) and it’s ‘good to go’.
Campbell may not have been the Anti-Christ but I think he might have been acquainted with him…
OK equality.
Muslims, LGBTs etc can have their ‘hate’ laws but if we’re talking equality it’s about time Christians were included. They are the most persecuted group in the World after all.
Toxic Tess hits the EU Campaign trail for the near destroyed Tories, and polling intentions then drops to single figures behind even the Green party, such is the work of destruction wrought by Marxist
entryist Theresa May.
Yes she will go and they will probably then elect the wrong leader with the spineless morons consigning themselves to ignominy , but even if they do elect Boris those same spineless morons remain behind as corrupt and rotten as ever they were.
Whoever is in charge of candidate selection for the Tories needs shooting !
I bet her staff will carefully choose the places the Traitor PM appears at and she won’t do many – particularly when some one tries the ‘milkshake’ treatment …,
That would be the MPs. The ones elected by us.
I think the problem is deeper than candidate selection. What exactly are the Conservatives trying to ‘conserve’? Decide that and select candidates who agree with and are willing to promote that cause.
I’m not sure ‘all things to all men’ is the way forward as much as FPTP encourages this approach?
But that’s the problem with the Party system – people don’t vote for the person -it’s the Party – unless celebrity is involved of course .
This is complicated by Parties where policies are not far apart – eg funding of the NHS , giving money away overseas or maintaining benefits at a minimum level .
Brexit has highlighted the defect which has been there for – what – since Mrs T – where it’s all about short time approval ratings as opposed to stuff people believe in .
That’s a bit deep bringing ‘belief’ into a discussion about a game where everybody lies? Of course folk vote with party allegiance and with the same cross for PM. I also think folk vote to ‘keep the other bu**ers out’. A magic pencil.
You make a good point that headline policies like NHS etc are never far apart so what’s to choose? ‘Where should we be ruled from’ seems like a basic question and we even got an answer in 2016.
As said before we then shot ourselves in the foot by voting for a remain parliament to implement our wishes from the previous year. And we wonder why the best we can hope for is ‘half in, half out’?
Perhaps too many forget that the craven running for cover and backstabbing between Gove and Johnson within hours of Brexit was a major factor in the ensuing mayhem, resulting to a very large extent in the current Mayhem.
I fully agree with you. But I wanna see the day when Hammond and May Mark 2 Rudd is speedily shown the door. That will be a momentous occasion for this nation. Well, for me it will.
I’ll never forget Rudd’s expression – when asked by some eagle eyed reporter outside her home – are you going to resign from the cabinet if Mrs May keeps the no-deal on the table – poor reporter – bet he still has nightmares seeing her face of hatred.
The BBC Climatogeddon and Anti-plastic Jihad.
I’d be the first to admit I’m no climate scientist, so although I’ve long had doubts about many of the BBC’s claims re: Climatogeddon, until a few years ago I was prepared to take their word for it. Clearly (I’d reason with myself), they’re advised by better informed individuals than me on the subject, people who could be trusted to know what they were talking about, and if the odd article jarred a bit with my own scientific knowledge, well maybe it was just a misunderstanding on the part of the reporter, or my own ignorance.
Now, in recent months the BBC have been going mental about ‘plastics’, thanks to the venerable St. David the Attenborough (a man I once looked up to). ‘Plastics’ are something I happen to know quite a bit about, having a couple of degrees in the subject, and rather a few years experience in compunding and using various polymeric materials for high-tech engineering applications.
To cut a long story short, quite frankly the BBC are totally and utterly clueless when it comes to ‘plastics’. I can’t read any of their articles on the subject without frothing at the mouth at the inaccuracies and fallacies they constantly repeat, and I’m sure if I still had a TV licence and watched any of their ‘news’ on the subject I’d blow a fuse. The problem is just they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, and it shows – do they have no technical advisers on the subject?
Quite frankly, I’ve never read so much, ill informed, ignorant, pseudo-science bullshit… err… ever.
Which makes me wonder about everything else they produce on ‘scientific’ and ‘technical’ subjects. In fact, on EVERYTHING they produce… is it all just shit? Yes, I think it probably is.
PS The problem with plastic waste (and it is a problem) is entirely a problem with waste disposal, not plastics themselves. Plastics are wonderful materials which have totally revolutionised the world and without which life, as we know it, supporting so many billions of humans and providing them with fresh food and effective medicines, would now be physically impossible.
PPS The solution is simple, high temperature incineration, close to the source of the waste. Burn any polymer hot enough and you generate energy (which we could use) and a little carbon dioxide (which could be removed at exhaust with scrubbers, especially algal ones, the algae then being used as soil fertiliser/animal feed… as they could with most other ‘fossil fuel’ powerplants actually, making me wonder what all this ‘pumping Co2 into the atmosphere’ fuss is about… but, that’s another story).
PPPS Shipping our waste plastics half way around the world to some ‘industrialising nation’ in the Far East, so that it can be ‘recycled’ (e.g. chucked in the river). is an act of absolute lunacy and incredibly cynical eco-destruction. I wonder who thought that scam up… oh, I see.
But they DO have an “expert” on everything climactically climatic – Sir Roger of Horrorbin. He knows everything…
“do they have no technical advisers on the subject?”
Don’t tempt them! Otherwise the only techincal advisors they enlist the aid of will have a black bag over their head or, blacked out and using a face covering + baseball bat.
Can we not do even better by using pyrolysis? (Essentially heating stuff up inside a sealed can). That way new feedstocks can be fractioned off and some energy extracted.
Not my subject though and there might be other issues. [Avonmouth Pyrolysis Plant to close until 2020]
Top post, Big Bro. It’s time to put pressure on Govey for this to happen here in UK at local, county level.
It will be essential, if they are going to stop people using gas for heat and fill our streets and our fields with electric cars, electric buses, electric tractors and electric combine harvesters. Renewable sources just will not provide enough electricity.
As a general point this site isn’t easy viewing this morning; my browser keeps self scrolling up the page to ‘flash’ a black dalek with a crazy red eye.
It’s what passes for fashion these days I suppose?
NG That weren’t no Dalek. It was a Cylon. Well, according to my ‘Boys Own Book of Extra-terrestrial Nasties’. I’ve a good mind to report you for mislabeling an undesirable alien.
I’m sure there’s a law against it.
“I’m sure there’s a law against it.”
Give it time.
Disgusted at the lack of media coverage of their protests against the prosecution of Soldier F and others, Veterans are staging static rallies at various bBC media locations tomorrow – including Broadcasting House.
There will also be the Veterans motorcycle clubs arriving making a big noise. We estimate thousands as this has been very well organised and feed back has been fantastic.
Mmm, you could have the makings of a revolutionary army there, if things get really bad.
A sort of Dad’s Army resisting enemies both external and internal.
Who do you think you are kidding Mister Juncker…
Love it. Hee Hee.
Even using Mr Mannering’s rusty old Lewis gun we would still beat the blighters.
Is there now a countdown to October 31?
I propose we leave cleanly on October 21 (2019) – Trafalgar Day.
(Or earlier obviously).
I would love to leave on June 18th ( Battle of Waterloo). I think now that a token PM ( who’ll be a Remainer ) will be trotting to Brussels every year till the universe ends for an extension.
The BBC Radio Lincolnshire we fund is carrying the news
and platforming Climate Protesters who are carrying out a demo calling for the council to declare a Climate Emergency
and go climate neutral by 2030
And the university we fund is calling Packham a “professor”
.. em that is not true in the general sense.
The BBC Radio Lincs we fund has its 1pm News
‘ Labour councillors will be pressing for Lincolnshire County Council to declare a ‘climate emergency
..we are at the demonstration there now
They helped with the PR by tweeting a photo
..but even they couldn’t make 6 protesters look like a big crowd
\\ Climate change activists gather outside @LincolnshireCC offices
to ask authority to become carbon neutral
. It’s in support of a motion to be brought by @CllrRobParker today in the chamber//
The 1pm news promised that the motion would be passed at 1:30pm
Yet the 2pm news contained no mention of Climate at all
They moved on to plugging Al Murray’s gig
..cos he takes the micky out of working class Brexiteers
OK 6 protesters and one dog
The dog is looking how I feel…couldn’t give a toss. Probably the only one in the group that might be worth spending some time with.
her on the left doesnt appear to like vegetables
It’s known a FLT, Kaiser, fat leg trouble…
The twonk with the plastic hooter looks even more stupid!
What an idiotic picture!
I think that’s Eddie Jordan sitting above the hound.
Actually, it looks like a clone of Joe Corribin, Flak. Mrs O’Blene altered a terrible pic of him in some leftie flyer we had plnoked though our letter box the other day, and now I’m confused…
(Who’e Eddie Jordan anyway, doesn’t he race whizzy, plastic cars or something)?
Scroblene, Eddie Jordan is the small, annoying man who provides some inane commentary for F1, so not too dissimilar to Corribin after all.
“we are at the demonstration there now”
Wonder which one of them holds a job down? I mean a proper 40 hrs a week job not just 2 hours a day every few days.
The reason why Radio Lincs dropped the Climate demo news
is cos their council motion failed.
Instead of declaring a Climate Emergency and Zero Emissions by 2030
.. they set the target to as 2050.
Like as if all their fire engines would be electric in just 10 years
and all their old folks home zero gas…
Greens don’t use real world maths, they do so tantrums
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thank you Stew!
Pathetic isn’t it!
Get a job morons.
Jeremy Vine
‘It’s my birthday today so I am going to use that an excuse to play this segment by a lefty Thatcher hating listener who calls my programme
..you see I was born on May 16th 1965 ..same day as the Rhondda Pit disaster”
But does Mr Aston call or is he called? (I see resident Muslim, Ishtiaq Hussain, called in too, about being off main-drainage).
Mr Aston is a very conflicted man, mining is a hard life but please don’t close our pits. A pity too that the explosion happened under a Labour government and pre-Thatcher, how did that happen? What caused the explosion? An arc in an electrical cabinet? Don’t forget Mr Aston wasn’t a miner, he was an underground electrician.
Terry ‘the allotment’ ruined the narrative a bit. Up until him everyone was part of a big community and knew each other. Another caller had told us that the boys at his school were related to the victims and that the whole school had lined the route of the funeral. Terry had been at the same school too but didn’t appear to have any connection to the mine.
Having said that I think it is part of human nature to have empathy with the tragedies of others and the closer the links the more that is felt.
Andrew Neil showed a clip of ex-Labour MP Ian Austin tearing Jeremy Corbyn apart.
Good to see and it appears to be more evidence that the BBC is not that fond of Corbyn. Perhaps they think he is carrying too much extremist, terrorist-loving, anti—Semitic baggage to be elected PM, resulting in Labour failing in the next GE. And that would of course mean a pitiful lack of empty champagne bottles in BBC corridors.
Neil also defended Marr against Farage. I found that a bit strange as it really was a useless interview, with Marr pushing a narrow, lefty agenda to discredit Farage and showing no interest whatsoever in Brexit’s remarkable capturing of the public imagination. Neil really couldn’t see that?
Neil had a young blonde Brexit Party member on the show. A rare species indeed, seldom seen in BBC habitat.
TT, the thing that terrifies the BBC about Corbyn and McDonnell is that they are going to increase the higher and top rate bands of Income Tax as soon as they are elected to government. That is going to hit the overpaid Beeboids. They hope the Licence Fee will rocket upward to keep them in champagne and Buy-to-Lets but there’s no guarantee that this next Labour government will love the BBC quite like the Blair and Brown ones did.
Jeremy Corbyn is the only party leader to explicitly state that the bbc is safe under him if they toe the line.
That most brain farts to con remedial class voters from the Labour front bench are shared verbatim as ‘Labour says’ is thus explained.
Hamas, the well known terrorist organization, sent a message to Corbyn – praising him.
Did I dream that ?
Increasingly, debates with remainers resemble ‘discussions’ with four year olds at meal times.
‘Try it’
> ‘Don’t like it’
‘But you’ve not tried it’
> ‘I won’t like it’
‘How do you know you won’t like it’
> ‘It looks horrible’
‘Just try it – you might like it’
‘I want my Remain nuggets and Euro chips’
Wah, wah, wah ………………………………..
I’m interested to know how the BBBC will react in order to minimise the newsworthiness of a landslide Brexit party victory in the MEP elections. I’d bet my favourite pants on them describing it as merely a protest vote and little more than that, unlike the Lib Dem mega victory in the council elections, which was a turning point in British politics. (Btw, is it just me or does Vince Cable remind you of Kenneth Williams in Carry on Screaming? I half expect him to announce “Frying tonight?” Before any speech).
They’ll present it as a disturbing move to the Right by the great unwashed basket of deplorables, who haven’t had the EU adequately explained to them; who are therefore in need of further re-education with even more propaganda and scare stories that the beeb will be happy to provide.
They won’t report it except in passing.
Might be too big for even the biased beeb to ignore…
Ha ha yes you are right about that. I can’t help thinking all the lot of them in the HOC seem as if they are performing in a carry on film.
Add together all the votes of those who voted for any Party other than TBP and UKIP…then add to that the number of all those who didn’t vote. That will CLEARLY show the People’s wish to remain… 🙁
Let’s see the BBC try the line ‘we didn’t know what we were voting for’ this time, eh. Derrr.. the clue is in the title THE BREXIT PARTY!
“I half expect him to announce “Frying tonight?” Before any speech).”
Incidentally, as he was saying that he dies. Politically He and his party died long ago.
“Listen Up everybody, this is BIG BROTHER from the Diversity
and Positive Discrimination dept. We at the BBC have to cover the London Bridge “collateral damage incident inquest” I want a diverse reporter to cover it for the BBC Website. ” Big brother do you think
that is being a little insensitive?”We won’t show her wearing her hijab.”
” Big brother I know you control all output on BBC, but when a brother is gutted on the streets of London , by another brother ,we try and be sensitive on reporting
it on the London Programme. But, I know you know best, Big Brother.”
Did they really do that?
Must come under ‘rubbing their noses in it’ policy.
Listen Up everybody, Jack Renshaw; white supremacist, neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, paedophile was jailed for life today, after plotting to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper. How can we best cover this story? Okay, 15 seconds on ’News at Ten’; that should do it.
BiasedBBC strangely silent …
You could run it under a general campaign to demand a cure for gayness be found .
Pro Homo BBC strangely never use the G word when dealing with these stories..
Jack Renshaw had his faults, true, but was a tax payer too,
Why isn’t the BBC outraged that zero NHS money is directed to help stop the bent plague that’s sweeping the west ? they could at least look to try and find the cause.
Like that bloke John Snow, who stopped a cholera outbreak
in Soho 1854, by noticing they all used the same contaminated water tap.
I’m stunned – you actually have posted something about the BBC as opposed to comments made by people here. Well done you and let there be more of the same .
As for your comment – I suspect the reason there was only 15 seconds on this sentencing was that they don’t want to enough ideas about the treatment of other traitor MPs —over 500 of them if you don’t include the traitor Speaker
Maybe I’m misreading your comment as an attempt at dry humour – if so you need to do far better ….
PHEW! May and Corbyn fail to reach a ‘Deal’… 🙂
cb, certainly a good thing, that.
Mind you, when Brexit is done and dusted, I think I’m going to miss the R4 Political Correspondent, Ian Watson, talking about possibilities of ‘a deewall’.
“R4 Political Correspondent, Ian Watson”
I’m now 100% convinced that there’s key in his back and the BBC janitor winds him-up 3 times per day to set him off on his same rant about how Brexit is dangerous to our nation – much like the he does with Big Ben.
ves, a lot of Beeboids are like that. Which probably explains why we refer to them as Beeboids.
Ian has not said or had to say ‘deewall’ the last few times I have heard him on R4 so I’m hoping for it at least once tomorrow morning on TOADY.
I only hear his beloved comments when he is on BBC Radio Five live.
I see him on the telly every now and then.
BBC elites must love him? Or Marr puts a good word for him; or Marr simply likes the way he sings back stage.
If only: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. It won’t happen in my time sadly. In relation to to the debate currently with that Chinese Tech company H-I fear that day when technology overlaps with out humanity, the world will only have a generation of idiots. We are mighty close to that now, don’t you think? Some say that if we don’t act NOW the horror that will come is NOT merely probable but certain.
BBC Online News:
“”UK stabbings: Is austerity causing rising knife crime in Birmingham?””
“”Paramedics and police rushed to the aid of Sidali Mohamed, an aspiring accountant who fled war-torn Somalia with his family as a toddler.””
“”Yards away from a nearby primary school, in Small Heath, south-east Birmingham, Abdullah Muhammad was stabbed in the back and chest.””
“”Electrical engineering student Hazrat Umar was found injured on a road in Bordesley Green on 25 February.””
“”…….35 trained mediators, who specialised in sitting face-to-face with possible killers, were being asked to work on a zero-hours contract. The catalyst for that was austerity. The draconian way in which money was taken away from community organisations has led to where we are now.””
As always with the Left/BBC, there’s no such thing as personal responsibility. Its always someone else’s fault.
“aspiring accountant” is that bbc speak for cant do sums yet
““aspiring accountant” is that bbc speak for cant do sums yet”
I was thinking this very thing a minute or so a go when I glanced a shot of some “”“aspiring historian of UK politics” when being questioned on BBC TV News – she was blonde, pretty, in her late teens – well, that’s what I guessed her age to be – and she didn’t half go on a bit. I don’t care what they say – no one young can know so much as to be invited on BBC TV News to give their professional opinion on Politics. She just isn’t old enough.
Can’t think who questioned her? Could have been Hew – stiff haired – Edwards, himself?
Dover, “As always with the Left/BBC, there’s no such thing as personal responsibility. Its always someone else’s fault.” and it is always – implied by the BBC and their Lefty colleagues in the print media – the fault of the basic rate taxpayer!
There was a ‘report’ this morning, possibly on the bbc, that some Chief Constables had identified that the rise in knife crime is in many cases due to people using knives.
IiRc Citizens’ Assembly Fuhrer Greta demanded just this recently. So she is scaring herself mental.
How long before Rog and Co. ‘conform’?
“IiRc Citizens’ Assembly Fuhrer Greta ”
Beyoncé should watch out – Greta and her team of 500 will be demanding similar perks/conditions if she is to continue working her fans.
Joe Corribin hadn’t taken his medication when he slurred that, Country!
He’ll be OK in a few days, preferably after next Thursday…
Why does the political bunch of morons in Westminster think that they really understand ‘a deal’? A real deal is when companies agree to make more business work better, make profits for shareholders and their customers. Not piddle around in the HOC wanking away at petty squabbles, gabbling away at commercial issues they don’t understand, make ‘laws’ which they’ll never see work, but who cares…
The autocue readers on the bbbc progs are of the same ilk; naive, unfocussed, brainwashed, usually silly, unprepared, unable to understand real business ethics, ‘trained’ at some tin-pot ‘college’, likely to have hissy fits, lovers of ‘diversity’, very rich on TV tax-payers’ money, self-opinionated, generally disliked by normal people, scorned by the guy in a white van whi is trying to earn a crust, seen as the main problem for the left, and secretly despised, perhaps not as much as Blair or Brown, but hated all the same, not very attractive these days and generally a waste of space on our treasured airwaves!
Shock horror that Nasty Nike corporation who pay athletes to wear Nike symbols when they winning competitions
… don’t pay athletes when they are sitting at home pregnant.
The Beeb have never had to earn their crust so understand nothing about business and sports sponsorship.
Like the socialists they are, they know only how to spend other people’s money on lefty causes.
Absolutely, Vlad!
And luckily, more and more citizens are turning their backs on the crap they ‘produce’.
“Like the socialists they are, they know only how to spend other people’s money on lefty causes.”
Do it all the time on their BBC TV News Travel Show.
This morning it was some very young female trendy in her bovver boots and tinted hair all down her left side of her head – while balancing that mass of hair – with the big metal studs in her right ear.
Oh, did I mention, her hair was all shaved off except on her left side.
She simply couldn’t stop smiling. No wonder both her and her camera crew awash with cash.
(Not on BBC)
The Sun Newspaper today:
“”TOUGH JUSTICE Donald Trump says cop killers should ‘immediately’ get death penalty after ‘quick trials’
The US president said those convicted of ambushing and killing America’s police officers must pay the ultimate price””
“It’s got to be fair, but it’s got to go fast,” he said at a ceremony for fallen officers at the US Capitol, in Washington DC.
“That’s happening. Fair, but fast, right?”
“”Trump also hit out at the light penalties that some “big city” prosecutors have given violent criminals saying his US-Mexico border wall will keep out criminals.””
“”And slammed those who file false police reports which is being seen as a reference to Empire actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging the highly publicised attack in Chicago.””
“”Trump said his administration condemns anti-police rhetoric, while arguing the majority of Americans fully support law enforcement.””
BBC Scotland in trouble ?
Oh shock horror
Perform fails to conform to libSupremacist order that hate must be shown to Tommy Robinson
#Orewellian Diversity=Conformity
\\ The row led a series of high-profile UKIP figures to quit,
including former leader Mr Farage who said the EDL leader had brought “scuffles” and “violence” to the party.//
Sloppy cos TR is NOT the EDL leader
…they used “ex-English Defence League (EDL) leader” near the start of the article
Do you reckon if the BBC produced a smear-job story
against the Brexit Party/ UKIP /TommyRobinson
that some guy would retweet in ELEVEN times ?
….. Dai has
“Do you reckon if the BBC produced a smear-job story…”
“New Brexit Party AM calls Tommy Robinson ‘courageous’”
In what way is the reporting of David Rowlands’ admiration of Tommy “a smear”?
What’s that smell?
BBC Wales started their own Twitter thread of hate
\\ New Brexit Party AM David Rowlands says ex-English Defence League leader ‘reflects the views of a great many people’ //
Isn’t repetitively using “ex-English Defence League leader” in headlines instead of ” Tommy Robinson”
..just like stopping using the word “BBC” and instead using “The base of child rapist Jimmy Savile” ?
“BBC Wales started their own Twitter thread of hate
\\ New Brexit Party AM David Rowlands says ex-English Defence League leader ‘reflects the views of a great many people’ //”
Huh? You’re complaining because the BBC is sharing David Rowlands’ praise for Tommy Robinson?
“Isn’t repetitively using “ex-English Defence League leader” in headlines instead of ” Tommy Robinson” ..just like stopping using the word “BBC” and instead using “The base of child rapist Jimmy Savile” ?”
Huh? What’s wrong with being the ex-leader of the EDL?
Hello Maxicony,
A new thread will be opened shortly but you’ll stay around the tail end of an old thread no doubt .
The offer is still there if you want to take up the previous challenges . We could ask the moderators to give a separate thread to them .
I’ll give another on a new thread . Look forward to hearing from you .
Has anyone noticed that our sockpuppet troll has a new controller.
Things are getting desperate down at Al Beeb because they know that their end is nigh.
Damn autocorrect
Oh shock horror
Person fails to conform to libSupremacist order that hate must be shown to Tommy Robinson
Did they perhaps to mention Tommy Robinson’s “real name”? That might have caused some confusion.