spoiler alert – the BBC and the rest of the biased media will do all it can to disrupt democracy by attacking Brexit supporters in the run up to the EU elections …
Has anyone thought about complaining to the BBC about the line up for the Marr Programme which is due on Sunday morning on the grounds of unfair representation ? they are all remainers .
There is a lot on twitter about it .
I d do it but I’m waiting for the outcome of the complaint I made last weekend . They have 5 more working days to respond before they breach their own complaints system ….
The picture of traitor may in the Telegraph at the launch of the Tory election campaign has received rightful criticism on the twitter – some say it resembles a hostage photograph ( sick ) with one of the tories tapping out ‘help me escape ‘ in morse code
How could a once respectable political party turn into a joke in the space of three years ?
Brexit has exposed the rot at the heart of our national institutions. I believe it’s happened slowly over the past 40 or 50 years mainly as a result of the enervating effect of being in the EU but I think that’s a consequence of earlier planning to give away our heritage, by stealth, by traitors who want to abolish nation states and introduce world government.
“As rightwing populism spreads, bigotry against the LGBT community is growing
Hannah Jane Parkinson”
[Are you looking for experts on bigotry? Try the Guardian, its pages are filled with anti Brexit, anti male
anti white, anti Conservative, anti British examples of bigots at work, six days a week. Except they are
unconscious bigots. Unware of their bigot status.
They believe that it is impossible for them to be wrong about anything, especially their expertise in bigot identification.
As comments BTL demonstrate, Guardian viewers are also largely lefty bigots.]
[Unusually I could not find a Wikipedia article about Parkinson. https://www.theguardian.com/profile/hannah-jane-parkinson
Hannah Jane Parkinson is a Guardian columnist who writes on pop culture, music, tech, football, politics and mental health
End of profile.
So I do not know if Hannah has more degrees than a thermometer or is just another useless, embittered, bent lefty, employed solely because she is an embittered, bent lefty.
Queer bio’s raison d’etre is the well being of non heterosexuals, so the Parkinson article does not refer her sexuality.
As I would expect from a homosexual based site it is ****ing useless. It quotes from the Guardian “profile” above.
Two links 1) The Guardian, above 2) A 404, page not found. That’s all folks.]
“Now, however, as rightwing populism spreads around the world, there is a noticeable rise in bigotry.
The LGBT+ community is feeling besieged once again”
“On a day dedicated to ending prejudice, I feel more uneasy than ever before about the negative rhetoric around LGBT rights”
[A very long list of how hard done by the homosexuals is next]
“Protests have taken place outside schools in Birmingham and Manchester, because children were being taught tolerance around LGBT+ issues”
[Except Hannah, the parents complained that homosexuality was not being taught, it was being promoted.
Which is illegal, as the homosexual teacher presenting the material was well aware, having left another school after queer promotion allegations.
Adult male homosexual teacher , promoting homosexuality in minors, also known as grooming. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2019/mar/04/birmingham-school-stops-lgbt-lessons-after-parent-protests%5D
“But it is the rise in recent LGBT+ hate crime that is truly alarming. In the year 2017-2018, LGBT+ hate crimes in England and Wales have risen by 28%”
[Hannah provides a link https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-crime-lgbt/rise-in-reported-lgbt-hate-crime-in-uk-a-wake-up-call-idUSKCN1MQ231
But not to the statistics, to a Reuter’s report relying on Stonewall. So Hannah, how many of these so-called hate crimes, were actually drunken queers having sex in public being told to piss off by a normal person? How many people were physically attacked?]
“although the proposal was rejected in a non-confirmatory people’s referendum last year”
[Hannah getting some Remain propaganda into her article.]
[Summary, bigoted vindictive queer demonstrates traits common to her type.]
A website called the peerage.com described ms Parkinson as linked to the shabby ruling class – she seems to write on mental issues so I don’t know if she’s directly affected by it .
I wonder how this left terminology of ‘populism ‘ actually works – I’ve said before on this site that I won’t sign up to the term – but – what is the opposite ?
Unpopulism ?
It seems that both the labour and conservative parties are both ‘unpopulist’ parties – and the liberals aren’t worth mentioning
The opposite of populism is elitism.
Elites seem to be the darlings of the Left Liberals which is odd.
Don’t reckon LGBTQIs would do any better under what we’re heading for ie: Islamism
Popularity is what the left like to have.
Which the left court with policies such as money trees and soak the rich.
Which have been disastrous wherever they have been tried, except in Corbyn land, where Communism
has “not really been tried”.
The left also import popularity, if the locals will not vote lefty. 3.6 million by Blair, Mandy and the other traitors. Bribe the imports with housing and benefits, **** the natives, rub their noses in it.
Populism is what the left hate, tradition, history, a sense of nationhood, personal responsibility, hard work,
small government. The Conservative Party in brief. Before it was infiltrated by the lefties who cannot win
elections, so they cheat and lie.
The people who have recently delayed Brexit are CINO. The ERG should lead a merciless clear out of MPs
and give more power and administrative help to local Conservative Branches, to ensure no more CINO are selected as candidates, ever.
The Conservatives need a new, untainted, candidate, in about 500 constituencies in the next General Election.
No more Ken Clarke attitudes must be allowed to enter the HoC with a Conservative rosette, let alone permitted to stay for 40 years.
Most importantly, the next Conservative leader must hate the EU and the Eurocrats and have its destruction
(and the freedom of other Europeans) amongst their policies.
Not being a licence payer, I do not watch BBC TV or listen to BBC radio. I do not miss the programmes but this limits my ability to comment thereupon. I am sure other BBBC contributors labour under the same conditions.
I treat The Guardian as a Siamese Twin of the BBC. I have read the post-Brexit extreme left nastiness and lies, posing daily in The Guardian, as educated opinion. It disgusts me.
Much of it, when examined forensically, is of dubious validity at best, much of it nonsense. The self-appointed higher intellectual, educational and even moral, standards; which the Guardian claims for the publication, its writers, its readers and Remain voters, are fictitious. Most recent UK Graduates, are graduates only because of hyper grade inflation, and it shows BTL in the Guardian.
Another Trump moment for the Left with a right of centre leader snatching victory against what the polls said was going to happen. Thanks God Aus must be breathing a collective sigh of relief they won’t be Islamised and oppressed like the UK.
“a big loss for the Liberals was Tony Abbott. He had won in a landslide six years ago, leading the Libs to a big victory then. But he was diabolically undermined by Turnbull. So now he is gone, but so too is Turnbull, and Pyne, and Bishop, and some other lefty Libs. That will make things a lot easier for the Morrison government.
Labor losses include the following: Shorten has now lost two elections and has stepped down as Labor leader. Like Hillary Clinton in America, he is the twice-failed candidate, and a new leader will have to be found. Also, lesbian activist Kerryn Phelps may lose her seat”
BBC will be having nightmares for years and years.
BBC finds a hideously whitish bar in Exeter..
Almost a week late too
Usual clone man sat there with the ‘hipster ‘ beard + shaved sides , long on top hairstyle whatever it’s called
I hope the Dragon kills everyone,
Much to my delight, it incinerated that gay eunuch in the last episode, so maybe we can look forward to a bent free final.
I would imagine the liberal bigots at the BBC must of had
orgasms as Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream told us all on
Newsnight that he didn’t believe in the right of State Of Israel to
Looks like he ticks all the boxes to get a senior position at the
BBC. BIG BROTHER at the BBC why don’t you have the guts to
come out and agree with everything that Gillespie said?
Interesting, but Newsnight does question him over his belief that Israel should not exist, saying that is seen as anti-Semitism.
Never heard his music and now wouldn’t want to. He looks quite sleazy. And ‘Primal Scream’ is hardly an original name. It was coined way before he was born.
TrueToo- Yes I get your point. BUT I believe that the liberal bigots
at the BBC find it an anathema that Israel should be presenting
the Eurovision Song Contest. They have to cover it. But are doing
their best to get others to do their anti Israel bidding for them.
Yes, I think I’m with you now. I guess the Israel-haters know they will be welcome any time on the BBC, no exceptions made, even for a fun competition that is meant to bring nations together.
Al-Baghdadi has a BA an MA and a Phd in Islamic studies from the university of Cairo, but according to some spotty hipster called Nigel at the BBC he doesn’t know anything about Islam!
Yeah right Nigel you probably think it’s still a peaceful religion despite not being able to quote a verse of peace from the instruction manual that is their holy book!
Come to that whenever you do get accosted by the usual loon insisting it is all peaceful, ask them to quote a peaceful verse from the book. They either can’t – in which case “don’t you think with all the promotion of it as a peaceful religion that someone would have managed to find one”?
Or the usual thing about he who saves a life
IN which case why have you only quoted half of it and missed the impotant bit “thus we ordained for the children of Israel” in other words nothing to do with Muslims save for the following verse which tells them to murder everyone who causes ‘mischief’!
Mohamad Tawhidi is a muslim who believes that sharia, the way of life prescribed by _allah_, is perfect.
_allah_, the ignorant psychopathic thug at the rotten core of islam, cannot be _reformed_ out of islam.
Oh no my mistake , it was not him and it’s apparently not art this time, but vandalism, as it’s target is a pro EU MP.
”Chris Bryant MP: ‘Traitor’ painted on constituency offices”
Not sure what he has done to enrage someone, and don’t expect the BBC to bother telling us- not like a proper news outlet would,
“I don’t know why anybody would think spending 10 minutes spray-painting names on a shutter will change my mind,” he said.
Maybe they were just doing it to piss you off?
Anyway they did a good job spacing the lettering out
The result for the Rhondda in the referendum was a reflection on the national (UK) one . So I think the traitor badge fits quite well .
I’m not sure what connection mr Bryant has with the Rhondda – according to Wikipedia . Anyway there is an interesting comment about this former C or E priests’ expenses claim as an MP –
Bryant claimed over £92,000 in expenses over the five years leading up to the 2009 scandal over MPs’ expenses.[19] During that time he flipped his second-home expenses twice, claimed mortgage interest expenses that started at £7,800 per year before rising (after flipping) to £12,000 per year. He also claimed £6,400 in stamp duty and other fees on his most recent purchase, and £6,000 per year in service charges.
So he is pretty good with our money into his bank account – no doubt all legal ….
“Anyway they did a good job spacing the lettering out”
It looks like a stencil to me, especially the O.
Probably prepared on cardboard, the corrugated cardboard supplied in large rolls for packing, this is the cheapest
commonly available material in the large size required.
The cardboard would be stapled to a wooden frame.
The users of this cardboard are also likely to be users of large stencils.
Three people, one at each end holding the frame, the third person does the spraying.
7.5t flatbed truck to transport materials and personnel, not sure if a Ford Transit type van is large enough.
Less than 10 minutes with some practise beforehand.
This is how we did it 40 years ago.
If I am correct there are not many people who need stencils that big. I would look at boatyards and airfields.
Possibly smaller stencils enlarged with a home made pantograph.
“How did you guess the method”
Early in my half century of being right wing I helped put some anti Communist slogans on brick walls.
Using the method described above.
Another right winger worked for a packing company, a very good worker.
He was highly regarded by his employer, had the use of a company vehicle and was able to buy the materials at cost.
A third right winger was a carpenter, the signs were made in his garage.
The results pictured by EB still look home-made-ish to me.
But I am guessing, this was a long time ago, and technology has advanced.
No doubt digital methods are available today, but I doubt if any of them are cheap.
I hope this is helpful.
Are you considering some “All Cables should be suspended” signs?
Wouldn’t mind betting that in the early days of his public exhibition of his Art; Banksy was at a guess, more conservative in his politics – but now – after having made his millions selling his work to NY/Islington effeminates etc – he will probably have been speedily converted to the far, far left of British politics.
Especially after hearing “Greta The Swede”.
Oh, her and the Anti-Semite: P. Snow. and Attenborough, Blair, Clegg and especially after he heard the gentle tones of King Bercow.inc. Copy!
Friends in Australia all thought Labor would win. Apparently Labor did not have a strong message, flipping from increasing taxes on the rich to green issues, etc.
I think that could also apply to Change UK. What does that name even mean? And do they just stand for change for change’s sake? And the sly Corbyn cannot lead and cannot adopt a principle and stick to it, as he tries to figure out where best to position himself and be all things to all Labour voters.
People need a strong individual leader with a strong, consistent message they can agree with and get behind. That’s part of the reason why Farage is doing so well in the polls.
So true. The Israel-bashers, BBC included, will never concede that there is freedom of religion for all faiths in Israel, in total contrast to its neighbours.
The number has shrunk since the establishment of Israel to one or two percent of Jews who remain in the Arab world. They are in Morocco and Tunisia. I doubt there is a single Jew left in any of the other Arab countries, where they numbered in the thousands or hundreds of thousands and in some cases even preceded the Arab inhabitants.
And there are people so blinded by prejudice that they accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing.
And fancy the BBC news crews constantly bombarding the UK TV viewers with accusations of “No wonder the Arabs hate Jews when day after day all that the world see’s from the god fearing Muslim is how gracious and peaceful they really are only to be attacked by the IDF and Apache Helicopters”.
I suppose it couldn’t have anything to do with the dozens of rockets lobbed directly into the dwelling/work places of Jewish Families?
Note: They also use knives. Much like their London brethren.
The fact that most of the rockets fired at Israel don’t kill or injure is good fortune. The INTENT is to kill as many Israeli men, women and children as possible. Each rocket amounts to attempted murder.
Over to you BBC and terrorist associate Jeremy Corbin.
Islam’s only claim to the site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is some heavy trip dream of the so-called prophet. This against the thousands of years of it being a sacred site for Jews. Yet the media always describes Jerusalem as being of equal importance to Jews and muzzies, (and Christians sometimes) never trying to explain how, or what really happened.
Can anyone remember how many non-muslims are allowed to enter Mecca?
Especially those who will use the opportunity to find evidence to finally prove that mohamad and his bunch of muslim followers never existed ….
I’m sure MSM and ‘our’ political masters will be preparing the excuses and insults ready for Thursday:-
‘The Brexit Party told lies, they didn’t know what they were voting for, the voters are un-educated, it’s just a protest vote and so on …….. ‘
Ice cream ban near Farage Edinburgh campaign rally https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-48321451
A McDonald’s near a rally addressed by Nigel Farage in Edinburgh was asked by police not to sell milkshakes or ice cream, staff have said.
Burger King’s UK Twitter account posted: “Dear people of Scotland. We’re selling milkshakes all weekend. Have fun. Love BK #justsaying”
I guessed wrongly that extraordinary tweet was a genuine Burger King tweet and it was still there this lunchtime
It is mild incitement to violence
but fails a risk assessment
cos if a million people see a Tweet some will be fragile autistics who act
TR rally in Oldham.
Not only do the police fail to arrest the perpetrators but there are suggestions online that they accompanied them to the location.
Guess who will be blamed.
Why are the police idly standing by whilst these thugs calling themselves the Muslim Defence League throw stones at a campaigning MEP candidate? They should arrest each and every one of these violent hooligans. https://t.co/5SlO6NwfoL
Shocking, and be sure that things will just get worse and worse as the pusillanimous police cave in to politicians who themselves will cave in ever more to the increasing voting power of the muslims who will become increasingly emboldened by the lack of response to such outrages, creating a vicious circle.
It’s Burnhams Gestapo Manchester ‘Police’ yet again, the same ones as the failed bunch in Warrington.
this is what happens when you allow the Fascist left to politicise the Police.
Burnham is a cast iron Fascist, his party is verging on Nazi, and some of the Labour MPs around his patch are openly anti Semitic yet Burnham fails to call them out in spite of his fake calls for ‘unity’. Well I got news for you ober grupenfuhrer, diversity is the opposite of unity and division is all you have achieved with your crackpot policies.
Burnham’s police were surprisingly civilised to the Tommy crowd in Salford at Panodrama
… So I don’t know what happened in Oldham
up the road in Rochdale there was a murder yesterday.
\\ Murder investigation launched after a man’s death in Rochdale. Police appeal for witnesses to what was described as an ‘ongoing fight in the street’.
A 25 year old woman has been arrested
The victim, believed to be in his 20s, collapsed in the street after being stabbed.
He was treated by paramedics before being taken to hospital, where he died.
Greater Manchester Police believe the fight had lasted for around 20 minutes before they were called, and the man was stabbed in the neck.
Selective enforcement of the law will be the downfall of the police . They’ll lose any remaining legitimacy or decent public confidence as they race to show minority third worlders that they are on their side and not the side of the British – the people who pay for them .
They’ll become an army of occupation as predicted long ago . It’s just happening quicker – as the video portrays …
“Selective enforcement of the law will be the downfall of the police . They’ll lose any remaining legitimacy or decent public confidence as they race to show minority third worlders that they are on their side and not the side of the British – the people who pay for them. They’ll become an army of occupation as predicted long ago . It’s just happening quicker – as the video portrays”
The original John Peel but in reverse.
Our original Bobby (John Peel) was white, English, born in England, fought crime and died for his nation. Now the MET has changed that way of recruitment by doing the exact opposite.
One of these days the police are going to need the help of we the indigenous white and rightful owners of our country and we won’t be there to help them. Then they’ll be able to enjoy the enrichment they’ve supported, all by themselves.
Blimey! The BBC have at last reported this. Why? Perhaps because ex-members of the Parachute Regiment were at their front door 🙂
BBC Online News:
“”Rallies held for British soldiers facing NI charges””
“”Hundreds of people – many of them waving banners in support of an Army veteran being prosecuted for the murder of two men on Bloody Sunday – protested outside Broadcasting House in London.””
“”One protester said soldiers were being “persecuted” for doing their job.””
“”Rallies were also held in Glasgow, Cardiff, Bristol and Northern Ireland.””
“”They also expressed anger at what they say is a lack of media coverage of the issue.””
I get the feeling that The Brexit Party and electoral consequences are sending painful shivers down the BBC spine.
The video clip is a must-watch. The sight of eight ex-Paras in their red berets marching outside and towards the BBC with letters on their back spelling ‘BETRAYAL’ is stirring. The BBC was fortunate that these men halted outside their entrance doors…
Nah the plebs were thick three years ago and they are still thick . We, the bubble , will always know better and do what we want for their own good .
I’m sure it’s a flaw in my character, but whenever I encounter references to “the bubble” I’m put in mind of the finale of Zardoz. There the elite lived in their secure haven protected from the plebs by a technological bubble; until the hero found a way to destroy the technology. The plebs broke in and the elite were massacred.
I’ve said, many times before, the time is rapidly approaching when the indigenous part of the public will have to stand up and be counted. All these events throw petrol on increasingly glowing embers.
Members of the so called Muslim Defence League seen here handing out eggs to be thrown at people attending the #TommyRobinsonMEP event in Oldham. All premeditated violence & aggression accommodated by the police as they did nothing to stop it. pic.twitter.com/E47RhZxRLb
I’m surprised that that gang of Islamic thugs didn’t have a open bar-b-Q for all the street because the cops on the other side of the fence won’t attempt to climb over said fence nor will they come round the street corner to arrest them as the finger nails of most female police officers might get damaged. I understand that the chief police officers nails have never been scratched in all the years they have served.
It’s reassuring to know that when the muslim mobs sweep up my street pulling people out of their houses to be taken away for throat slitting or stoning (Taliban style), that our, ‘boy’s in blue’ will be there ready and willing to step in to halt the mob…………..
It’s only a matter of time, now. Be prepared.
Regarding the Oldham “demo”. I really think that the time is long overdue that we stop pussyfooting about when dealing with this vermin.
We must defend our own people.
The police are worse than useless, our political elite are cowardly and deceitful and the media are beyond despicable.
“They have their firearms to protect their families but what do we in the UK have to protect our families?”
I would comment on that, but not here on this open blog………..
We’re at the official start time for the Biden Philly rally. It’s not a Bernie or Kamala sized crowd, but it’s filled out in front of the cameras, which is what counts https://t.co/4yfFxHIc3M
More appalling bias by the Bolocks broadcasting Corp (tm Vince Cable) where half the report is given over to Fascist MP Jim McMahon who cannot bring himself to admit the truth that his brown eyed boys were in fact the cause of the problems.
“Rallies held for British soldiers facing NI charges” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-48321738
Ah ! I see that there is no “Have Your Say” running on this topic .
I wonder why ?
“Eurovision 2019: Netherlands wins 2019 Eurovision Song Contest” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-48324831
The UK comes bottom.
The nation that probably sold more pop music to the rest of the world “comes bottom”, I wonder why?
Brexit propaganda perhaps?
Russia with a “shit” song gets nearly the highest viewer vote after
one of the lowest from the European panels. Russian voters could
not vote for their own song, but could they?
This has nothing to do with the BBC and I don’t know anything
about, what is it called BOTS or something? The Russians are not capable of this, are they?
I had the misfortune to view some of the Eurovision.
The Norwegian song was catchy, had a good beat and interesting video. The men appeared to be men and the lady appeared to be a lady. The crowd were bopping along and it was ok.
The Icelandic entry looked to be a scene from a bondage porn vid.
The British entry appeared to be non gender specific, slightly overweight wearing very tight jeans dodgy footwear and a cardigan. The song was flat and in my view a whining tuneless dirge. It summed up the state of most things wrong in the UK.
Well. No doubt this Iceland protest was secretly approved by our national broadcaster
Several members of the band Hatari held up Palestinian banners to the cameras as their vote total was announced during the finals of the competition, held this year in Tel Aviv
What a bunch of dumb f@@ks – I bet they don’t have the first idea of what goes on in Palestine. But never mind, just look at us being cool, trendy and rebellious.
Those effeminates above are the moral crusaders of todays school children.
Two of um at least, look like Geography teachers.
The other more like a head teacher in his holiday attire for when cruising around the gent’s toilets just off the beach road Ibiza where he no doubt he holidays with his two husbands the coming summer holidays.
A particular cloud of stupidity seems to have descended on the Nordic Countries where, no matter how much destruction is caused by muslims to their countries, they continue to think it’s cool, trendy and ‘liberal’ to support them.
I made up a sing that I regard as being universal in its words and message. I sing it to my mother every time I visit her in her care home. She has dementia. It only has one verse but can be repeated if required. I’m thinking of submitting it to the Eurovision selection panel for next year’s entry. The words are:
Ethnic Russians are spread about all their former colonies of the USSR. Nothing can stop them voting in those places which is why they always out-perform in the voting as opposed to their performance.
Didn’t watch it because I think it ceased to be relevant in the early 70s and rarely is there a song from anywhere worth more than one listen.
By order of das EU Reichsfuhrer, UK vill come last in the Eurovision noise-fest.
Zis vill be a lesson and a varning to any other country having exit ideas, ja?
In the article about Victorian Muslims the final paragraph states:
“People aren’t afraid to stand up and say what they believe in, whether that’s politically or religiously”
Hmmm… From what I see on the BBC this only seems to apply if you’re pro-EU, pro-Islam. Any other point of view is not welcome and they will try to make you afraid to say it by painting you as a bigot, racist, .
Having my morning cuckold session reading the BBC headlines as it gets the blood pumping, however this morning’s headlines have resulted in my heart becoming supercharged ….Have you ever ever read such Anti Christian and anti white rubbish in your life…….
1) Are weddings too white?
2) The British Victorian that became Muslim
Are Banks too Black? A special report from the BBC.
“It was very disheartening not to see myself reflected in the branches” says English-born George. He had walked into his local branch of the Halifax and was shocked to find that of the six large posters on the walls, four featured black women and the other two a bearded Muslim man. “I think financial institutions should reflect the community as a whole”, he continued, “but 95.8% of the population of this town are White. What are they saying: they don’t want our custom at all? Is it some sort of ethnic cleansing? Are they trying to replace us?”
But if me and the good lady had decided on a Caribbean, or ethnic theme for our wedding, we’d then be accused of the heinous crime of cultural appropriation. You just can’t win.
“”Five future ‘super foods’ that are good for you and the planet””
“”If you want to stay healthy and help save the planet, how about a dish of algae followed by some cactus and ancient grains?””
“”Once a staple mainly eaten in Bolivia and Peru, quinoa has now become a familiar food across the globe – so what other healthy foods are waiting to be discovered?””
“”A new report lists 50 so-called future foods which are both healthy and good for the environment. So which “super” foods are on the menu of the future?””
“Brexit: Theresa May plans ‘bold offer’ to get support for deal”
Has Mrs Chamberlain lost her marbles?
Is the Tory Party trying to find them ?
Answers please on a post card to the 1922 Committee .
The above is hilarious in many parts and is worth watching. Although many jokes against the “English” are quite offensive, inasmuch that if a British comedian made the equally offensive remarks against the Germans he would be life-banned from television, be visited by the police and sent to a re-education gulag.
Despite that I thought it was excellent for the most part (who says the Germans have no sense of humour?).
The BBC seems to find it extraordinarily difficult to locate and provide vox pop interviews with Remain voters – latest example this morning's Broadcasting House. This is surprising because polls show up to 61 per cent of us now support Remain
Tommy Robinson, (whose real name is…….), talking about our fine public protectors dressed in blue otherwise known, (in a past era) as, ‘Police’ –
“They actually escorted a large group of violent Muslim agitators wearing balaclavas towards us. They travelled miles with them so that they could be near our rally.
What began with extremists throwing eggs quickly escalated into hurling bricks, shattered car windows, and the evacuation of crying and terrified children from the estate.
I personally witnessed women and children injured by rocks and bricks at the hands of these Muslim thugs. One of my cameramen was bleeding from his head after being hit by a stone.
Again, the police didn’t stop any of it. By not acting, they allowed and encouraged these violent thugs to attack us.
This was the latest in an ongoing wave of attacks against my supporters and team. All designed to stop my political campaign.”
The Police were no doubt hoping (and prepared for) that TR’s supporters would respond and the police could allege they ‘rioted’. Any opportunity to redress the statistical imbalance and create, ‘Far Right Nazis’ where there are very few. Playing with Fire I do believe. Actually fanning the flames of physical confrontation, intentionally.
Police aiding and abetting the commission of a crime, anybody?
Meanwhile, elsewhere, the descent to anarchy continued.
SDP stall in Peterborough attacked whilst campaigning for Patrick O'Flynn SDP MEP candidate for Peterborough by-election. Milkshake thrown over the table and water stolen then thrown at SDP campaigner Mary Herdman pic.twitter.com/EmKmh2WdD9
Re. the top vid. Now that they have established they can be violent and throw bricks with impunity, they will ratchet it up to the next level of violence while the useless police stand by.
Methinks that this is just a brief example of what’s to come for the UK if Muslims continue roaming our streets and then the cops will have to deal with the inevitable in order to protect our children on their way too school/church.
Now where did I put me big pebble and sling-shot. King David managed it so why not us.
The British police force escort a mass of masked and black shirted thugs towards a peaceful rally, including women and children, and then stand by and passively watch as bricks and bottles, clearly intended to wound or maim, are thrown at them. Who are the Nazis BBC? This is the Britain you and your fellow ‘liberals’ have made for the rest of us and you wonder why we think you are scum?
Paddy’s ‘Broadcasting House’ on R4 is biased and poor on things political. Worst of all are his ‘paper-readers’.
One this morning though the German CDU was ‘centre-right’. It’s been twenty years or more, since that applied. The CDU has shifted way over to the Left under Merkel on almost all key issues, and is now in what seems a permanent embrace with the Socialist SPD. They are indistinguishable, really.
The CDU have also tried to outflank the even further left-wing Green Party on issues such as environment and immigration…Not even a Communist Party would have been able to keep up.
Communist? Interesting thought. Study Merkel’s history, and things start making sense.
I always wonder whether Paddy’s guests are really so ignorant, or whether they are actually willfully malicious?
On a second point, German ‘democracy’ may be beyond saving. This morning’s ‘Die Welt’ reports the massive destruction and vandalism of almost all AfD election posters in Berlin. They come down as fast as they go up. Taken together with the anti-AfD shananigans in parliament, on which I reported earlier, and a picture of the 30s builds up.
You just cannot believe what a load of duplicitous shits we have in and around the parliamentary cabinet-just consider this statement, you won’t credit it-unbelieveable.
Today arch-Remoaning MPs Amber Rudd, Damien Green, Nicky Morgan and Sir Nicholas Soames will launch a ‘Caucus’ to prevent democratic pro-Brexit MPs from becoming leader of the Conservative Party.
Sir Nicholas told the Daily Telegraph: “We cannot succumb to the comfort blanket of populism.”
According to the Daily Telegraph some 60 Conservative MPs including eight Remainer Cabinet Ministers are backing the campaign, named the “One Nation Caucus”. The group’s aim is to block the most sound Parliamentarians on Brexit from becoming leadership candidates, in the event that Theresa May is at some point dragged from No.10 Downing Street.
What will the BBC make of that I wonder. I can guess and I know what you and I make of it-Democracy sliding down into the abyss.
Tarien – looked up nick soames – a Tory MP swamp dweller since 1983. I make that 36 years . In fairness to him he had always been a ‘remainer ‘ so doesn’t need a ‘populist comfort blanket ‘ as you describe .
I wonder what his grandfather would have said ? I’m guessing more of an ‘empire ‘ man than a ReichEU type .
By way of ‘balance’ on Marr, elsewhere on the bbc…
Latest @bbcworldservice#Fail : Julian Worricker hosts 2 Remain guests who argue that referendums shouldn't be used to decide and therefore we need a new #brexit referendum
I believe May has cxaved into Corbyn and promised him a second referendum as this can only be the reason why – suddenly – Corbyn has stated today: I will make it quite clear; we will back a second referendum.
These people must think we are dull and can’t read nor hear?
Whilst I don’t believe for an instant in any man made global warming, I do accept that the Earths climate is in constant change. I also accept that Earths resources are finite and should be used carefully and efficiently to preserve their longevity.
This however is extremely concerning, and all readers here should be aware of it:
It is a graph showing the rate of melt of the polar ice caps and they are melting at a faster rate than ever before. I am pointing this out so readers will be pre cogniscent of this when it is paraded as proof positive of man made climate change.
There is a small caveat here however. The freeze cycle last year was quite significant and it might be that ice moved to areas where it wasn’t normally seen, and therefore rapid retreat might be expected. Either way if that were the case the rate should slow to something more average, and to date it is not doing so.
You should also bear in mind that we are at the nadir of sun cycle 24 with almost no sunspots which has an effect on climate of course.
There are a large number of factors (and cycles of varying length) which bear on the amount of sea ice at the poles and trying to draw any conclusions from a 5 month period of the current year is frankly ludicrous, even the 10 year figures you show are far too short a period. Suffice it to say that CAGW crowd always try to ignore the charts showing the early 70s polar ice as this does not fit their catastrophic narrative.
A one month trend below the line is not necessarily concerning
#1 why’s someone chose to put the 2012 line ?
seems is bit arbitrary ..you could put 1981 or something
#2 I think here has been stuff outside the line before , then it turned out to be faulty instruments are was revised later
#3 Are there different types of ice counting ?
Yes this “3 day sea ice , in areas which have at least 15% coverage”
I’d guess that other metrics include ice depth , not just coverage
Someone like Tony Heller will be watching this stuff
Remember in another area a glacier has reversed it’s decline trend and has started growing.
Canadian mathematical model expert Christopher Essex said they should stop pretending that sea ice is a kind of thermometer
..cos there are so many dynamics that can make such a difference
eg the way ice forms in a bay one year is not the same as the next
BTW your graph and discussion is here https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions from just reading from one source
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
Times : full page advert for asylum charity
“Extremist views are becoming mainstream, putting our shared values under threat”
“The UK has been slammed by the U
Freedom from Torture : uses slightly different language on the web
Has anyone thought about complaining to the BBC about the line up for the Marr Programme which is due on Sunday morning on the grounds of unfair representation ? they are all remainers .
There is a lot on twitter about it .
I d do it but I’m waiting for the outcome of the complaint I made last weekend . They have 5 more working days to respond before they breach their own complaints system ….
The progs tweet is well ratio-ed
550 likes vs 2,800 replies complaining about it
The picture of traitor may in the Telegraph at the launch of the Tory election campaign has received rightful criticism on the twitter – some say it resembles a hostage photograph ( sick ) with one of the tories tapping out ‘help me escape ‘ in morse code
How could a once respectable political party turn into a joke in the space of three years ?
Answer: Brexit.
It’s destroyed two Tory PMs and will do the same to the party.
Moral?: Reject the little people at your peril.
Brexit has exposed the rot at the heart of our national institutions. I believe it’s happened slowly over the past 40 or 50 years mainly as a result of the enervating effect of being in the EU but I think that’s a consequence of earlier planning to give away our heritage, by stealth, by traitors who want to abolish nation states and introduce world government.
“As rightwing populism spreads, bigotry against the LGBT community is growing
Hannah Jane Parkinson”
[Are you looking for experts on bigotry? Try the Guardian, its pages are filled with anti Brexit, anti male
anti white, anti Conservative, anti British examples of bigots at work, six days a week. Except they are
unconscious bigots. Unware of their bigot status.
They believe that it is impossible for them to be wrong about anything, especially their expertise in bigot identification.
As comments BTL demonstrate, Guardian viewers are also largely lefty bigots.]
[Unusually I could not find a Wikipedia article about Parkinson.
Hannah Jane Parkinson is a Guardian columnist who writes on pop culture, music, tech, football, politics and mental health
End of profile.
So I do not know if Hannah has more degrees than a thermometer or is just another useless, embittered, bent lefty, employed solely because she is an embittered, bent lefty.
Queer bio’s raison d’etre is the well being of non heterosexuals, so the Parkinson article does not refer her sexuality.
As I would expect from a homosexual based site it is ****ing useless. It quotes from the Guardian “profile” above.
Two links 1) The Guardian, above 2) A 404, page not found. That’s all folks.]
“Now, however, as rightwing populism spreads around the world, there is a noticeable rise in bigotry.
The LGBT+ community is feeling besieged once again”
“On a day dedicated to ending prejudice, I feel more uneasy than ever before about the negative rhetoric around LGBT rights”
[A very long list of how hard done by the homosexuals is next]
“Protests have taken place outside schools in Birmingham and Manchester, because children were being taught tolerance around LGBT+ issues”
[Except Hannah, the parents complained that homosexuality was not being taught, it was being promoted.
Which is illegal, as the homosexual teacher presenting the material was well aware, having left another school after queer promotion allegations.
Adult male homosexual teacher , promoting homosexuality in minors, also known as grooming.
“But it is the rise in recent LGBT+ hate crime that is truly alarming. In the year 2017-2018, LGBT+ hate crimes in England and Wales have risen by 28%”
[Hannah provides a link
But not to the statistics, to a Reuter’s report relying on Stonewall. So Hannah, how many of these so-called hate crimes, were actually drunken queers having sex in public being told to piss off by a normal person? How many people were physically attacked?]
“although the proposal was rejected in a non-confirmatory people’s referendum last year”
[Hannah getting some Remain propaganda into her article.]
[Summary, bigoted vindictive queer demonstrates traits common to her type.]
Last chance
A website called the peerage.com described ms Parkinson as linked to the shabby ruling class – she seems to write on mental issues so I don’t know if she’s directly affected by it .
I wonder how this left terminology of ‘populism ‘ actually works – I’ve said before on this site that I won’t sign up to the term – but – what is the opposite ?
Unpopulism ?
It seems that both the labour and conservative parties are both ‘unpopulist’ parties – and the liberals aren’t worth mentioning
The opposite of populism is elitism.
Elites seem to be the darlings of the Left Liberals which is odd.
Don’t reckon LGBTQIs would do any better under what we’re heading for ie: Islamism
Is the opposite of populism retardism?
See, I can make up words too. But mine probably carries some germ of truth in it.
Popularity is what the left like to have.
Which the left court with policies such as money trees and soak the rich.
Which have been disastrous wherever they have been tried, except in Corbyn land, where Communism
has “not really been tried”.
The left also import popularity, if the locals will not vote lefty. 3.6 million by Blair, Mandy and the other traitors. Bribe the imports with housing and benefits, **** the natives, rub their noses in it.
Populism is what the left hate, tradition, history, a sense of nationhood, personal responsibility, hard work,
small government. The Conservative Party in brief. Before it was infiltrated by the lefties who cannot win
elections, so they cheat and lie.
The people who have recently delayed Brexit are CINO. The ERG should lead a merciless clear out of MPs
and give more power and administrative help to local Conservative Branches, to ensure no more CINO are selected as candidates, ever.
The Conservatives need a new, untainted, candidate, in about 500 constituencies in the next General Election.
No more Ken Clarke attitudes must be allowed to enter the HoC with a Conservative rosette, let alone permitted to stay for 40 years.
Most importantly, the next Conservative leader must hate the EU and the Eurocrats and have its destruction
(and the freedom of other Europeans) amongst their policies.
Not being a licence payer, I do not watch BBC TV or listen to BBC radio. I do not miss the programmes but this limits my ability to comment thereupon. I am sure other BBBC contributors labour under the same conditions.
I treat The Guardian as a Siamese Twin of the BBC. I have read the post-Brexit extreme left nastiness and lies, posing daily in The Guardian, as educated opinion. It disgusts me.
Much of it, when examined forensically, is of dubious validity at best, much of it nonsense. The self-appointed higher intellectual, educational and even moral, standards; which the Guardian claims for the publication, its writers, its readers and Remain voters, are fictitious. Most recent UK Graduates, are graduates only because of hyper grade inflation, and it shows BTL in the Guardian.
Another Trump moment for the Left with a right of centre leader snatching victory against what the polls said was going to happen. Thanks God Aus must be breathing a collective sigh of relief they won’t be Islamised and oppressed like the UK.
“a big loss for the Liberals was Tony Abbott. He had won in a landslide six years ago, leading the Libs to a big victory then. But he was diabolically undermined by Turnbull. So now he is gone, but so too is Turnbull, and Pyne, and Bishop, and some other lefty Libs. That will make things a lot easier for the Morrison government.
Labor losses include the following: Shorten has now lost two elections and has stepped down as Labor leader. Like Hillary Clinton in America, he is the twice-failed candidate, and a new leader will have to be found. Also, lesbian activist Kerryn Phelps may lose her seat”
BBC will be having nightmares for years and years.
BBC finds a hideously whitish bar in Exeter..
Almost a week late too
Usual clone man sat there with the ‘hipster ‘ beard + shaved sides , long on top hairstyle whatever it’s called
I hope the Dragon kills everyone,
Much to my delight, it incinerated that gay eunuch in the last episode, so maybe we can look forward to a bent free final.
I’ve seen that bloke – he appears in the weekly Lidl booklet, either with a power tool or doing the ironing.
I think he plays on the wing for citeh ….
I would imagine the liberal bigots at the BBC must of had
orgasms as Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream told us all on
Newsnight that he didn’t believe in the right of State Of Israel to
Looks like he ticks all the boxes to get a senior position at the
BBC. BIG BROTHER at the BBC why don’t you have the guts to
come out and agree with everything that Gillespie said?
What an easy ride Kirsty Squawk gave the ageing rocker as he sat there saying the state of Israel didn’t have the right to exist.
Isn’t that hate speech?
I take it a Police investigation is underway ?
Bobby Gillespie – we should care what he thinks because ………………………………………………………………………. ?
Interesting, but Newsnight does question him over his belief that Israel should not exist, saying that is seen as anti-Semitism.
Never heard his music and now wouldn’t want to. He looks quite sleazy. And ‘Primal Scream’ is hardly an original name. It was coined way before he was born.
TrueToo- Yes I get your point. BUT I believe that the liberal bigots
at the BBC find it an anathema that Israel should be presenting
the Eurovision Song Contest. They have to cover it. But are doing
their best to get others to do their anti Israel bidding for them.
Yes, I think I’m with you now. I guess the Israel-haters know they will be welcome any time on the BBC, no exceptions made, even for a fun competition that is meant to bring nations together.
The BBC really is beneath contempt.
Not the bBBC but pertinent –
Al-Baghdadi has a BA an MA and a Phd in Islamic studies from the university of Cairo, but according to some spotty hipster called Nigel at the BBC he doesn’t know anything about Islam!
Yeah right Nigel you probably think it’s still a peaceful religion despite not being able to quote a verse of peace from the instruction manual that is their holy book!
Come to that whenever you do get accosted by the usual loon insisting it is all peaceful, ask them to quote a peaceful verse from the book. They either can’t – in which case “don’t you think with all the promotion of it as a peaceful religion that someone would have managed to find one”?
Or the usual thing about he who saves a life
IN which case why have you only quoted half of it and missed the impotant bit “thus we ordained for the children of Israel” in other words nothing to do with Muslims save for the following verse which tells them to murder everyone who causes ‘mischief’!
I don’t trust Wikipedia much, nevertheless, the Mohamad Tawhidi entry is worth a read – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamad_Tawhidi
Mohamad Tawhidi is a muslim who believes that sharia, the way of life prescribed by _allah_, is perfect.
_allah_, the ignorant psychopathic thug at the rotten core of islam, cannot be _reformed_ out of islam.
Banksy strikes again in wales?

Oh no my mistake , it was not him and it’s apparently not art this time, but vandalism, as it’s target is a pro EU MP.
”Chris Bryant MP: ‘Traitor’ painted on constituency offices”
Not sure what he has done to enrage someone, and don’t expect the BBC to bother telling us- not like a proper news outlet would,
“I don’t know why anybody would think spending 10 minutes spray-painting names on a shutter will change my mind,” he said.
Maybe they were just doing it to piss you off?
Anyway they did a good job spacing the lettering out
this cannot be! John Bercow announced none of them were traitors for denying democracy to the people!
The result for the Rhondda in the referendum was a reflection on the national (UK) one . So I think the traitor badge fits quite well .
I’m not sure what connection mr Bryant has with the Rhondda – according to Wikipedia . Anyway there is an interesting comment about this former C or E priests’ expenses claim as an MP –
Bryant claimed over £92,000 in expenses over the five years leading up to the 2009 scandal over MPs’ expenses.[19] During that time he flipped his second-home expenses twice, claimed mortgage interest expenses that started at £7,800 per year before rising (after flipping) to £12,000 per year. He also claimed £6,400 in stamp duty and other fees on his most recent purchase, and £6,000 per year in service charges.
So he is pretty good with our money into his bank account – no doubt all legal ….
“Anyway they did a good job spacing the lettering out”
It looks like a stencil to me, especially the O.
Probably prepared on cardboard, the corrugated cardboard supplied in large rolls for packing, this is the cheapest
commonly available material in the large size required.
The cardboard would be stapled to a wooden frame.
The users of this cardboard are also likely to be users of large stencils.
Three people, one at each end holding the frame, the third person does the spraying.
7.5t flatbed truck to transport materials and personnel, not sure if a Ford Transit type van is large enough.
Less than 10 minutes with some practise beforehand.
This is how we did it 40 years ago.
If I am correct there are not many people who need stencils that big. I would look at boatyards and airfields.
Possibly smaller stencils enlarged with a home made pantograph.
How did you guess the method – actually it took me 15 minutes – not 10 ( just kidding – never been to Rhondda – help me )
“How did you guess the method”
Early in my half century of being right wing I helped put some anti Communist slogans on brick walls.
Using the method described above.
Another right winger worked for a packing company, a very good worker.
He was highly regarded by his employer, had the use of a company vehicle and was able to buy the materials at cost.
A third right winger was a carpenter, the signs were made in his garage.
The results pictured by EB still look home-made-ish to me.
But I am guessing, this was a long time ago, and technology has advanced.
No doubt digital methods are available today, but I doubt if any of them are cheap.
I hope this is helpful.
Are you considering some “All Cables should be suspended” signs?
Wouldn’t mind betting that in the early days of his public exhibition of his Art; Banksy was at a guess, more conservative in his politics – but now – after having made his millions selling his work to NY/Islington effeminates etc – he will probably have been speedily converted to the far, far left of British politics.
Especially after hearing “Greta The Swede”.
Oh, her and the Anti-Semite: P. Snow. and Attenborough, Blair, Clegg and especially after he heard the gentle tones of King Bercow.inc. Copy!
What is the betting that Bryant will convert to islam so he can claim that it is a hate crime?
Art or vandalism? Tricky one.
The artistry would narrow the field of suspects. Probably only two or three in the area.
The bbc website headline on Australia keeps changing but doesn’t say that the right wing won much as a surprise as labour were meant to be a shoo in .
Excellent example of bias by omission
Friends in Australia all thought Labor would win. Apparently Labor did not have a strong message, flipping from increasing taxes on the rich to green issues, etc.
I think that could also apply to Change UK. What does that name even mean? And do they just stand for change for change’s sake? And the sly Corbyn cannot lead and cannot adopt a principle and stick to it, as he tries to figure out where best to position himself and be all things to all Labour voters.
People need a strong individual leader with a strong, consistent message they can agree with and get behind. That’s part of the reason why Farage is doing so well in the polls.
What change do Change UK want? Only to change the result of the referendum so that we lost.
92,000 Palestinian Muslim worshipers attended #Ramadan prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Can anyone point me to a muslim country where 92,000 Jews would be allowed to celebrate outdoors?
Christians? Buddhists? Hindus?
So true. The Israel-bashers, BBC included, will never concede that there is freedom of religion for all faiths in Israel, in total contrast to its neighbours.
And 20% of the population of Israel is Muslim. And they don’t want to live in a Muslim country.
Any Jews in an Arab country? Any?
Dover Sentry,
Any Jews in an Arab country? Any?
The number has shrunk since the establishment of Israel to one or two percent of Jews who remain in the Arab world. They are in Morocco and Tunisia. I doubt there is a single Jew left in any of the other Arab countries, where they numbered in the thousands or hundreds of thousands and in some cases even preceded the Arab inhabitants.
And there are people so blinded by prejudice that they accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing.
And fancy the BBC news crews constantly bombarding the UK TV viewers with accusations of “No wonder the Arabs hate Jews when day after day all that the world see’s from the god fearing Muslim is how gracious and peaceful they really are only to be attacked by the IDF and Apache Helicopters”.
I suppose it couldn’t have anything to do with the dozens of rockets lobbed directly into the dwelling/work places of Jewish Families?
Note: They also use knives. Much like their London brethren.
True. ‘There are none so blind as those who will not see.’
The fact that most of the rockets fired at Israel don’t kill or injure is good fortune. The INTENT is to kill as many Israeli men, women and children as possible. Each rocket amounts to attempted murder.
Over to you BBC and terrorist associate Jeremy Corbin.
Islam’s only claim to the site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is some heavy trip dream of the so-called prophet. This against the thousands of years of it being a sacred site for Jews. Yet the media always describes Jerusalem as being of equal importance to Jews and muzzies, (and Christians sometimes) never trying to explain how, or what really happened.
Can anyone remember how many non-muslims are allowed to enter Mecca?
Especially those who will use the opportunity to find evidence to finally prove that mohamad and his bunch of muslim followers never existed ….
I tried to “like” that post but the number wouldn’t respond.
I’m sure MSM and ‘our’ political masters will be preparing the excuses and insults ready for Thursday:-
‘The Brexit Party told lies, they didn’t know what they were voting for, the voters are un-educated, it’s just a protest vote and so on …….. ‘
Ice cream ban near Farage Edinburgh campaign rally

A McDonald’s near a rally addressed by Nigel Farage in Edinburgh was asked by police not to sell milkshakes or ice cream, staff have said.
Burger King’s UK Twitter account posted: “Dear people of Scotland. We’re selling milkshakes all weekend. Have fun. Love BK #justsaying”
Incitement from Burger King ?
Eddy Booth,
Incitement from Burger King ?
Could be. But if it is they could just claim they were taking advantage of the ban to make money.
I bet that Burger King one
.. is a Photoshop job ..not real
I guessed wrongly that extraordinary tweet was a genuine Burger King tweet and it was still there this lunchtime
It is mild incitement to violence
but fails a risk assessment
cos if a million people see a Tweet some will be fragile autistics who act
TR rally in Oldham.
Not only do the police fail to arrest the perpetrators but there are suggestions online that they accompanied them to the location.
Guess who will be blamed.
The only hope is that the police will use their own video evidence to arrest them at a later date. That seems to be the current tactic.
‘Course they won’t.
Shocking, and be sure that things will just get worse and worse as the pusillanimous police cave in to politicians who themselves will cave in ever more to the increasing voting power of the muslims who will become increasingly emboldened by the lack of response to such outrages, creating a vicious circle.
It’s Burnhams Gestapo Manchester ‘Police’ yet again, the same ones as the failed bunch in Warrington.
this is what happens when you allow the Fascist left to politicise the Police.
Burnham is a cast iron Fascist, his party is verging on Nazi, and some of the Labour MPs around his patch are openly anti Semitic yet Burnham fails to call them out in spite of his fake calls for ‘unity’. Well I got news for you ober grupenfuhrer, diversity is the opposite of unity and division is all you have achieved with your crackpot policies.
Burnham’s police were surprisingly civilised to the Tommy crowd in Salford at Panodrama
… So I don’t know what happened in Oldham
up the road in Rochdale there was a murder yesterday.
\\ Murder investigation launched after a man’s death in Rochdale. Police appeal for witnesses to what was described as an ‘ongoing fight in the street’.
A 25 year old woman has been arrested
The victim, believed to be in his 20s, collapsed in the street after being stabbed.
He was treated by paramedics before being taken to hospital, where he died.
Greater Manchester Police believe the fight had lasted for around 20 minutes before they were called, and the man was stabbed in the neck.
A 25-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder and assault.//
Selective enforcement of the law will be the downfall of the police . They’ll lose any remaining legitimacy or decent public confidence as they race to show minority third worlders that they are on their side and not the side of the British – the people who pay for them .
They’ll become an army of occupation as predicted long ago . It’s just happening quicker – as the video portrays …
“Selective enforcement of the law will be the downfall of the police . They’ll lose any remaining legitimacy or decent public confidence as they race to show minority third worlders that they are on their side and not the side of the British – the people who pay for them. They’ll become an army of occupation as predicted long ago . It’s just happening quicker – as the video portrays”
The original John Peel but in reverse.
Our original Bobby (John Peel) was white, English, born in England, fought crime and died for his nation. Now the MET has changed that way of recruitment by doing the exact opposite.
One of these days the police are going to need the help of we the indigenous white and rightful owners of our country and we won’t be there to help them. Then they’ll be able to enjoy the enrichment they’ve supported, all by themselves.
The nazis calling their opponents nazi scum. They are clearly stupid as well as violent thugs.
Blimey! The BBC have at last reported this. Why? Perhaps because ex-members of the Parachute Regiment were at their front door 🙂
BBC Online News:
“”Rallies held for British soldiers facing NI charges””
“”Hundreds of people – many of them waving banners in support of an Army veteran being prosecuted for the murder of two men on Bloody Sunday – protested outside Broadcasting House in London.””
“”One protester said soldiers were being “persecuted” for doing their job.””
“”Rallies were also held in Glasgow, Cardiff, Bristol and Northern Ireland.””
“”They also expressed anger at what they say is a lack of media coverage of the issue.””
I get the feeling that The Brexit Party and electoral consequences are sending painful shivers down the BBC spine.
The video clip is a must-watch. The sight of eight ex-Paras in their red berets marching outside and towards the BBC with letters on their back spelling ‘BETRAYAL’ is stirring. The BBC was fortunate that these men halted outside their entrance doors…
Nah the plebs were thick three years ago and they are still thick . We, the bubble , will always know better and do what we want for their own good .
Drain it.
I’m sure it’s a flaw in my character, but whenever I encounter references to “the bubble” I’m put in mind of the finale of Zardoz. There the elite lived in their secure haven protected from the plebs by a technological bubble; until the hero found a way to destroy the technology. The plebs broke in and the elite were massacred.
RJ I like happy endings.
Lefties massacred, that would be justice after all the blood they have spilt.
I’ve said, many times before, the time is rapidly approaching when the indigenous part of the public will have to stand up and be counted. All these events throw petrol on increasingly glowing embers.
Oldham : Ex-Muslim condemns the police
Lucy a href=”https://www.twitter.com/lucyfrown/status/1129832144199659520″>has a photo labelled police chasing Muslim Defence League
Lucy has a photo labelled police chasing Muslim Defence League
Danny Tommo’s view
What’s the betting our esteemed media can’t resist the temptation to imply these people are Tommy People rather than masked ethnic bad lads out of control
Open this thread to see Tommy’s statement and other shocking videos
“Police said they understood that many of the people involved were not from Oldham”.
No, about 4,000 miles East.
Re Photo above.
I’m surprised that that gang of Islamic thugs didn’t have a open bar-b-Q for all the street because the cops on the other side of the fence won’t attempt to climb over said fence nor will they come round the street corner to arrest them as the finger nails of most female police officers might get damaged. I understand that the chief police officers nails have never been scratched in all the years they have served.
It’s reassuring to know that when the muslim mobs sweep up my street pulling people out of their houses to be taken away for throat slitting or stoning (Taliban style), that our, ‘boy’s in blue’ will be there ready and willing to step in to halt the mob…………..
It’s only a matter of time, now. Be prepared.
Meanwhile, in Burkina – Faso……….
‘As he was being led off, he was heard to say, “All I did is vote Conservative”.
Regarding the Oldham “demo”. I really think that the time is long overdue that we stop pussyfooting about when dealing with this vermin.
We must defend our own people.
The police are worse than useless, our political elite are cowardly and deceitful and the media are beyond despicable.
Gloves off.
As others here have said the police force has become a political force and no longer represent, or care about those who pay their wages.
Democracy is dying and along with it the concept of justice.
I think I’m beginning to see now what the preppers in the US would call ” government suppression of its own people”
They have their firearms to protect their families but what do we in the UK have to protect our families?
Nigel? Certainly not the Tory Government.
I feel that very soon the UK will experience huge political/social changes
“They have their firearms to protect their families but what do we in the UK have to protect our families?”
I would comment on that, but not here on this open blog………..
I get ya! ; – )
Anthony seems smitten.
Zurcher’s a clueless twerp.
If you want proof – go look at his filings for the 2016 US election.
More appalling bias by the Bolocks broadcasting Corp (tm Vince Cable) where half the report is given over to Fascist MP Jim McMahon who cannot bring himself to admit the truth that his brown eyed boys were in fact the cause of the problems.
BTW check out the corruption of the council he led before he became MP here: http://chronic-oldham.co.uk/
No doubt al beeb will roundly condemn the balaclava-ed brick-throwing islamo-fascists.
But at least the police assured us that “those involved can expect to be arrested and dealt with robustly.” (So long as they’re not muslim.)
“Rallies held for British soldiers facing NI charges”
Ah ! I see that there is no “Have Your Say” running on this topic .
I wonder why ?
cos HYS moderators don’t work on Sundays
Then they need to get real jobs which include working weekends and working shifts for their wages.
Wages I must add, that I do not pay .
dum de dum the whole party appear to be chock full of em
“Eurovision 2019: Netherlands wins 2019 Eurovision Song Contest”
The UK comes bottom.
The nation that probably sold more pop music to the rest of the world “comes bottom”, I wonder why?
Brexit propaganda perhaps?
Australia : Making the election about Global Warming didn’t work
Discussion & full text of Bolt’s article
I’d wondered why State Broadcaster seemed to be so wishing for a change of government in another country.
[Edit] From StewGreen’s second link “Bullying works in public, but people vote alone.”
Russia with a “shit” song gets nearly the highest viewer vote after
one of the lowest from the European panels. Russian voters could
not vote for their own song, but could they?
This has nothing to do with the BBC and I don’t know anything
about, what is it called BOTS or something? The Russians are not capable of this, are they?
im not sure if russians are that interested in winning homovision
I had the misfortune to view some of the Eurovision.
The Norwegian song was catchy, had a good beat and interesting video. The men appeared to be men and the lady appeared to be a lady. The crowd were bopping along and it was ok.
The Icelandic entry looked to be a scene from a bondage porn vid.
The British entry appeared to be non gender specific, slightly overweight wearing very tight jeans dodgy footwear and a cardigan. The song was flat and in my view a whining tuneless dirge. It summed up the state of most things wrong in the UK.
Well. No doubt this Iceland protest was secretly approved by our national broadcaster
Several members of the band Hatari held up Palestinian banners to the cameras as their vote total was announced during the finals of the competition, held this year in Tel Aviv
What a bunch of dumb f@@ks – I bet they don’t have the first idea of what goes on in Palestine. But never mind, just look at us being cool, trendy and rebellious.
Those effeminates above are the moral crusaders of todays school children.
Two of um at least, look like Geography teachers.
The other more like a head teacher in his holiday attire for when cruising around the gent’s toilets just off the beach road Ibiza where he no doubt he holidays with his two husbands the coming summer holidays.
Just look at them. Palestine – you can HAVE um.
A particular cloud of stupidity seems to have descended on the Nordic Countries where, no matter how much destruction is caused by muslims to their countries, they continue to think it’s cool, trendy and ‘liberal’ to support them.
A bit like here, really.
I made up a sing that I regard as being universal in its words and message. I sing it to my mother every time I visit her in her care home. She has dementia. It only has one verse but can be repeated if required. I’m thinking of submitting it to the Eurovision selection panel for next year’s entry. The words are:
Bing-a-bing-a- bing-a-bing-a-bingbangbong
Very good, but it might be a bit too intellectual.
Ethnic Russians are spread about all their former colonies of the USSR. Nothing can stop them voting in those places which is why they always out-perform in the voting as opposed to their performance.
Didn’t watch it because I think it ceased to be relevant in the early 70s and rarely is there a song from anywhere worth more than one listen.
Some say that Boris is having a crack at PM.
It won’t change Tory chances. They lost it under Mrs Chamberlain to Farage .
Just been talking with my atheist Nephew. You know the one I mentioned some while back who does my gardens.
Yes, he still hates those remainer MPs who are betraying our nation with a passion. More so than our last talk. He’s voting for TR.
I told him I’ve already voted postal vote. The Brexit Party.
He’ still an atheist though.
By order of das EU Reichsfuhrer, UK vill come last in the Eurovision noise-fest.
Zis vill be a lesson and a varning to any other country having exit ideas, ja?
The British Victorians who became Muslims https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-48069763
What agenda?
Are our weddings too white? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47632929
Lol I just posted the exact same thing albeit I added an expletive…..
In the article about Victorian Muslims the final paragraph states:
“People aren’t afraid to stand up and say what they believe in, whether that’s politically or religiously”
Hmmm… From what I see on the BBC this only seems to apply if you’re pro-EU, pro-Islam. Any other point of view is not welcome and they will try to make you afraid to say it by painting you as a bigot, racist, .
Having my morning cuckold session reading the BBC headlines as it gets the blood pumping, however this morning’s headlines have resulted in my heart becoming supercharged ….Have you ever ever read such Anti Christian and anti white rubbish in your life…….
1) Are weddings too white?
2) The British Victorian that became Muslim
We are paying for this…….who reads this shit !!!!
07.11 ‘Sunday’ with pompous old Ed Spurt on.
Literally the opening words,
‘The government this week have rejected an move to define islamahopbia….
‘ I’m joined by two Muslims with……..
OFF BUTTON smashed!
@Halifax, Did the Victorian Christians stone the converts to death for being apostates…??
Are Banks too Black? A special report from the BBC.
“It was very disheartening not to see myself reflected in the branches” says English-born George. He had walked into his local branch of the Halifax and was shocked to find that of the six large posters on the walls, four featured black women and the other two a bearded Muslim man. “I think financial institutions should reflect the community as a whole”, he continued, “but 95.8% of the population of this town are White. What are they saying: they don’t want our custom at all? Is it some sort of ethnic cleansing? Are they trying to replace us?”
BBC: ‘Are weddings too white?’
But if me and the good lady had decided on a Caribbean, or ethnic theme for our wedding, we’d then be accused of the heinous crime of cultural appropriation. You just can’t win.
The people who voted the UK last at the Eurovision contest clearly didn’t understand what they were doing. I demand a second vote.
(Just kidding, UK was crap and deserved to lose. I liked Latvia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j61TWsjcJY)
BBC Online News:
“”Five future ‘super foods’ that are good for you and the planet””
“”If you want to stay healthy and help save the planet, how about a dish of algae followed by some cactus and ancient grains?””
“”Once a staple mainly eaten in Bolivia and Peru, quinoa has now become a familiar food across the globe – so what other healthy foods are waiting to be discovered?””
“”A new report lists 50 so-called future foods which are both healthy and good for the environment. So which “super” foods are on the menu of the future?””
Foxtrot Oscar, please.
The BBC are becoming a parody of themselves.
It’s like the bbc have people they like having on as much as there are those they consider beyond the pale.
Are they sending JonDon back to Oz now to ‘report’ in that unique way he has?
Guessing they don’t mean when the cute blonde got nekkid?
Grrr Power!
I should add that ANYONE who posts spoilers before I am able to watch… I shall hunt you down with my special set of skills.
Sean Bean is set to be the next Captain Marvel. Apparently.
He’ll die in the first series.
But will live on in a special room in Futurama.
At your side, Roland. I’m in the same boat. You have my ax (that’s my special skill, not too subtle but pretty damn effective in a tight spot!)
If it isn’t Muslims or LGBT, it’s wimmin. Even GoT ain’t safe from the BBC campaigns.
A quick look at Al Beeb’s News Headlines this morning ……………..
Nothing but utter pap !
“Brexit: Theresa May plans ‘bold offer’ to get support for deal”
Has Mrs Chamberlain lost her marbles?
Is the Tory Party trying to find them ?
Answers please on a post card to the 1922 Committee .
The above is hilarious in many parts and is worth watching. Although many jokes against the “English” are quite offensive, inasmuch that if a British comedian made the equally offensive remarks against the Germans he would be life-banned from television, be visited by the police and sent to a re-education gulag.
Despite that I thought it was excellent for the most part (who says the Germans have no sense of humour?).
Excellent! The German view is that Brexit chaos is the result of 2,000 years of Island incest! They could be right 🙂
(I typed with my webbed feet…).
Perhaps that is Merkel’s cunning plan – prevent inbreeding by importing hundreds of thousands of, well, anybody.
If that’s the alternative, I think I prefer the company of six-fingered banjo players, thanks. Still better than the Eurovison freak show.
But then who cares what Germany thinks? That’s why we want to leave.
Al Beeb’s report of the ‘soldiers’ protest outside Al Beeb HQ has been moved off the front page.
Maybe he should start his own party?
Tommy Robinson, (whose real name is…….), talking about our fine public protectors dressed in blue otherwise known, (in a past era) as, ‘Police’ –
“They actually escorted a large group of violent Muslim agitators wearing balaclavas towards us. They travelled miles with them so that they could be near our rally.
What began with extremists throwing eggs quickly escalated into hurling bricks, shattered car windows, and the evacuation of crying and terrified children from the estate.
I personally witnessed women and children injured by rocks and bricks at the hands of these Muslim thugs. One of my cameramen was bleeding from his head after being hit by a stone.
Again, the police didn’t stop any of it. By not acting, they allowed and encouraged these violent thugs to attack us.
This was the latest in an ongoing wave of attacks against my supporters and team. All designed to stop my political campaign.”
The Police were no doubt hoping (and prepared for) that TR’s supporters would respond and the police could allege they ‘rioted’. Any opportunity to redress the statistical imbalance and create, ‘Far Right Nazis’ where there are very few. Playing with Fire I do believe. Actually fanning the flames of physical confrontation, intentionally.
Police aiding and abetting the commission of a crime, anybody?
You can see the escort on this video.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, the descent to anarchy continued.
While some corporations think it’s all a big joke.
Milkshakes today, eggs tomorrow, bricks next week. And all fine and dandy if the correct targets are chosen. Dark times.
Either all political gatherings are fair game for targetting with eggs, milkshakes, excrement and the rest or none.
Re. the top vid. Now that they have established they can be violent and throw bricks with impunity, they will ratchet it up to the next level of violence while the useless police stand by.
TR spoke briefly about this yesterday (2 mins).
He intends to produce a longer video in due course.
Methinks that this is just a brief example of what’s to come for the UK if Muslims continue roaming our streets and then the cops will have to deal with the inevitable in order to protect our children on their way too school/church.
Now where did I put me big pebble and sling-shot. King David managed it so why not us.
The British police force escort a mass of masked and black shirted thugs towards a peaceful rally, including women and children, and then stand by and passively watch as bricks and bottles, clearly intended to wound or maim, are thrown at them. Who are the Nazis BBC? This is the Britain you and your fellow ‘liberals’ have made for the rest of us and you wonder why we think you are scum?
Paddy’s ‘Broadcasting House’ on R4 is biased and poor on things political. Worst of all are his ‘paper-readers’.
One this morning though the German CDU was ‘centre-right’. It’s been twenty years or more, since that applied. The CDU has shifted way over to the Left under Merkel on almost all key issues, and is now in what seems a permanent embrace with the Socialist SPD. They are indistinguishable, really.
The CDU have also tried to outflank the even further left-wing Green Party on issues such as environment and immigration…Not even a Communist Party would have been able to keep up.
Communist? Interesting thought. Study Merkel’s history, and things start making sense.
I always wonder whether Paddy’s guests are really so ignorant, or whether they are actually willfully malicious?
On a second point, German ‘democracy’ may be beyond saving. This morning’s ‘Die Welt’ reports the massive destruction and vandalism of almost all AfD election posters in Berlin. They come down as fast as they go up. Taken together with the anti-AfD shananigans in parliament, on which I reported earlier, and a picture of the 30s builds up.
You just cannot believe what a load of duplicitous shits we have in and around the parliamentary cabinet-just consider this statement, you won’t credit it-unbelieveable.
Today arch-Remoaning MPs Amber Rudd, Damien Green, Nicky Morgan and Sir Nicholas Soames will launch a ‘Caucus’ to prevent democratic pro-Brexit MPs from becoming leader of the Conservative Party.
Sir Nicholas told the Daily Telegraph: “We cannot succumb to the comfort blanket of populism.”
According to the Daily Telegraph some 60 Conservative MPs including eight Remainer Cabinet Ministers are backing the campaign, named the “One Nation Caucus”. The group’s aim is to block the most sound Parliamentarians on Brexit from becoming leadership candidates, in the event that Theresa May is at some point dragged from No.10 Downing Street.
What will the BBC make of that I wonder. I can guess and I know what you and I make of it-Democracy sliding down into the abyss.
Slight alteration to interpretation if I may:
“We cannot succumb to the comfort blanket of democracy.”
Tarien – looked up nick soames – a Tory MP swamp dweller since 1983. I make that 36 years . In fairness to him he had always been a ‘remainer ‘ so doesn’t need a ‘populist comfort blanket ‘ as you describe .
I wonder what his grandfather would have said ? I’m guessing more of an ‘empire ‘ man than a ReichEU type .
By way of ‘balance’ on Marr, elsewhere on the bbc…
I believe May has cxaved into Corbyn and promised him a second referendum as this can only be the reason why – suddenly – Corbyn has stated today: I will make it quite clear; we will back a second referendum.
These people must think we are dull and can’t read nor hear?
Clueless or deliberate lies?
Whilst I don’t believe for an instant in any man made global warming, I do accept that the Earths climate is in constant change. I also accept that Earths resources are finite and should be used carefully and efficiently to preserve their longevity.
This however is extremely concerning, and all readers here should be aware of it:
It is a graph showing the rate of melt of the polar ice caps and they are melting at a faster rate than ever before. I am pointing this out so readers will be pre cogniscent of this when it is paraded as proof positive of man made climate change.
There is a small caveat here however. The freeze cycle last year was quite significant and it might be that ice moved to areas where it wasn’t normally seen, and therefore rapid retreat might be expected. Either way if that were the case the rate should slow to something more average, and to date it is not doing so.
You should also bear in mind that we are at the nadir of sun cycle 24 with almost no sunspots which has an effect on climate of course.
There are a large number of factors (and cycles of varying length) which bear on the amount of sea ice at the poles and trying to draw any conclusions from a 5 month period of the current year is frankly ludicrous, even the 10 year figures you show are far too short a period. Suffice it to say that CAGW crowd always try to ignore the charts showing the early 70s polar ice as this does not fit their catastrophic narrative.
@Thoughtful See last years graph
Yeh started outside 10 year mean then went well inside it
A one month trend below the line is not necessarily concerning
#1 why’s someone chose to put the 2012 line ?
seems is bit arbitrary ..you could put 1981 or something
#2 I think here has been stuff outside the line before , then it turned out to be faulty instruments are was revised later
#3 Are there different types of ice counting ?
Yes this “3 day sea ice , in areas which have at least 15% coverage”
I’d guess that other metrics include ice depth , not just coverage
Someone like Tony Heller will be watching this stuff
Remember in another area a glacier has reversed it’s decline trend and has started growing.
Canadian mathematical model expert Christopher Essex said they should stop pretending that sea ice is a kind of thermometer
..cos there are so many dynamics that can make such a difference
eg the way ice forms in a bay one year is not the same as the next
BTW your graph and discussion is here
I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions from just reading from one source