Some reactions to Alastair Cambell’s sacking from within the Labour party are sympathetic, and one or two here might feel the same – judging recent posts. But those inclined to worry that the loss of party might unhinge poor Al, again, should ask themselves why he made his voting choice public. He is, after all, not just a bully, a rogue and a charlatan, he’s also an accomplished spin doctor.
‘Nutter votes for more nutters’ is my way of simplifying a trivial subject – I couldn’t really care a tinker’s cuss what he does, he’s always been a duplicitous liar, unlikeable and a genuinely unpleasant, nasty piece of work.
He can piss off in any language as far as I’m concerned.
Only just noticed that in what must be the most Freudian of slips, I took the ‘p’ out of Cam(p)bell’s name. Unintentional but funny by default. I thought of claiming it was deliberately witty – but if we’re not honest on here there’s not much point in contributing.
alastair camp-bellend might have gone from the joke that is the labour party but the Ministry Of Truth still rams camp-bellend down the veiwers throats as though alastair camp-bellend was something important in the same way the Ministry Of Truth does with cmpbellend’s master, antony charles lynton blair.
As I have already posted, then so should M. Heseltine be drummed out of the Tory party for also voting with the Lib-Dems-a right trouble maker-always has been and only for himself.
“What a pathetic bunch of twonks we pay for in Westminster – we deserve much better.”
No you don’t! You pay peanuts and you get moneys ! MPs pay might be twice the average for London, but who on Earth would do it for such a pittance.
An MPs salary is less than that of a Police Superintendent, it’s also around the salary of a school departmental head, or a Supermarket manager after a few years.
Thin the numbers, up the pay, and make sure the people selected are fit for the job.
Oh I don’t know, Thoughtful, we at ‘The Turrets’ seem to muddle along on our meagre pensions, but we definitely never have the perks and expenses that we still pay taxes for!
I’m all for thinning the numbers though, and would be delighted if the members had some business acumen, not just a diploma in vegan gender studies.
I should find out a bit more, but I only learned recently that Switzerland doesn’t have a Prime Minister, they have a small ‘cabinet’ which takes the decisions.
Thinning the numbers in both Houses, esp. the HoL, would be a good thing but please bear in mind for the HoC it might reduce the services & help available to constituents.
Thinning the weight & size of the members of both Houses might also be a good thing. It would be interesting to know how many are obese and overweight.
They are not so much monkeys as pigs (with their snouts in the trough). Most are very wealthy – typically around 60-70% of MPs in recent parliaments have been millionaires – and being an MP or former MP opens up all sorts of doors in industry and the lucrative NGO/lobbying world.
Looking for something better in the Palace Of Fools………….Then dont bother with any section of the liblabcon Brussels uniparty. All sections of the liblabcon Brussels uniparty are unfit for purpose. That statement off course also includes the joke that is the greens.
Beltane ,
I’m very disappointed that he has been sacked – he could really have helped out the brexit party by ranting on even more and alienating more labour supporters from the Party .
Now he’s going to be touring TV studios going ‘peak victim’ and boring viewers with his rants .
I disagree about your view that he is an accomplished spin doctor – he may have started that way but he screwed up on Iraq and got caught too many times . He became known because of his ego and therefore became , in my view , a failure .
He’s got plenty of cash so he s ok on that front .
Another delicious irony is that dear Al shares sacking space with Heseltine – another self-satisfied fraud, obsessed with a non-existent place in history.
There was a memorable moment in the program on Maggie Thatcher last night, in which My Lord of Heseltine said, in all seriousness: ‘….she saw me as her natural successor.’
You stupid vainglorious oaf. You treated her as a grocer’s daughter, lauding your spurious gentrification based on money, not lineage, and she always saw you for what you were and are. Idiot.
But LBC only have themselves to blame for asking the idiot into their programmes.
As for Mr Heseltine, he’s got ideas above his station; he’s a fake aristo. A real one once said about Mr Heseltine that he had to buy his own furniture. A great and telling insult of the man.
The Guardian: ‘Spectres of the past’: Angela Merkel sounds alarm over antisemitism.“Merkel’s critics claim her decision to let almost 1 million refugees into Germany in 2015 contributed to a rise in support for the far right, in particular of the rightwing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), but she defended her policy once again in the interview.”
Merkel’s critics claim what? The Guardian and the BBC trying to outdo each other when it comes to unjoining dots. Maybe it’s some sort of in-house competition they’ve got going on.
Word count:
Rightwing / far right = 4
Populism = 3
Religion = 0
Islam = 0
Muslim = 0
That of course is explained the fact that the Ministry of Truth is the broadcast arm of Al-Guardian, The Ministry Of Truth and Al-Guardian remind me of two old drunks staggering down the road……Noisy, Annoying and irrelevent.
In 2016 we didn’t know what we were voting for!!
What is the excuse now
Deselect Yvette Cooper and every other member of parliament who tries to defy the will of the people
Leave wins 52% in the EU referendum 2016
Re-moaners, its not by enough
Leave wins 80% the 2017 general election.
Re-moaners, But it wasn’t clear
Leave wins 2019 EU elections
Re-moaners, But the combined vote of the remain losers is higher!
Anyone seeing a pattern forming here?
FedUp, I did notice at the end of the last thread, that you were having to edit a number of posts using the surname of the current Foreign Secretary, using the version of his surname promulgated by the BBC and other news outlets. Would it be acceptable to refer to him as Mr Chunt, thus saving you valuable time?
Major Pannick
Thanks for noticing-yes I think your solution is ok unless someone else moans .
It does cheese me off – people venting off here using ‘industrial language ‘ . Why do it ? In the world which is not the internet – otherwise known as ‘Real Life ‘ I am a skilled user of ‘industrial language ‘ and it gives me great comfort – particularly when alone in the car ….but I refrain ( most of the time I think ) from engaging the more ‘brutal’ Naughty words of our precious language .
I saw that the outgoing PM is going off to Brussels and to say ‘goodbye “ ( until she gets a job there ) . I was wondering what fairwell present ( gift – in American ) that the ReichEU will award her… ( and her Belgian assistant – Oliver robbins ) ..
FU2, as name changes is the new fashion I prefer to call him Oily Robbins it suits his image better. Being a lady I won’t say the name change that occurs for Laura K….. She of the BBC liars, it would need an edit from you.
Farewell gifts for Theresa and Olly? Well, with plenty of time for cooking now, a life-long supply of Brussels sprouts might go down a treat. As for Olly, a similar quantity of waffles.
I wonder if the BBC will interview one of its favourites – whitewash Shabi – that famous champion of human rights and self enrichment – concerning the inquiry into anti semitism by a State Quango .
Why are they wasting public money on something that shabi has already dealt with ?
Will shabi give evidence of her method and findings ?
She is , after all ,shadow Attorney General so her word will be ‘law’ right?
Good News , despite Brexit, Bombardier’s Derby site will build 280 train cars for delivery to Egypt between 2021 and 2024, subject to confirmation. Also, there prospective buyers for British Steel.
Has Al Beeb covered these yet ? Do they do News or are they just a propaganda site ?
“P&O seeks £33m in damages over Brexit ferry settlement”
And we havn’t left the EU yet . Is this money well spent or money wasted ? Is this coming out of Grayling’s pocket ?
We need a little light relief. How about this ?
The biased BBC are reporting that in London some Somali families are sending their children back to East Africa because they are worried about knife crime in London.
I suspect the subtext here is that the evil Tory austerity government have underfunded the Police.
Here are a couple of questions the investigative journalists at the BBC, all 2000 of them, don’t seem to be asking.
1. Why don’t the whole families go back ?
2. If they were admitted as asylum seekers in the first place should this designation not now be removed?
3. How much taxpayers money has been spent on these families in the last 5 and 10 years?
That’s outrageous Pug, giving all the credit to Mark Easton. What about Orla and Fergal? How could we ever begin to appreciate the true gravity of the situation without their in-depth and heart-rending deliveries?
As I have mentioned here previously, many so-called Somali refugees are from the former British colony of Somaliland, capital Hargeisa. There were a couple of days of light skirmishing around Hargeisa in the early 1990s, but it has been peaceful ever since. Yet and yet, the UK government has been giving refugee status to these Somalis and who come from a perfectly safe self-governing “country” that is seeking independence from Somalia. Madness.
Mind you, having lived in Nairobi I very much doubt that “Eastlands”, the Somali part of the city, is safer than London – even with the stabbings.
Since the EU Elections on Thursday, I’ve become depressed because it’s been explained to me that the Brexit Party didn’t do as well as all the other Parties.
From the utterings of analysts, experts, politicians and the MSM I think the situation may be hopeless. Did they learn nothing?
Could the Brexit Party repeat its success (I mean failure) in a GE? It may be necessary methinks.
Lovely piece by Polly Toynbee in the Guardian BTW… 🙁
BBC Three trolling you
\\ Young Welsh and Pretty Religious: The skydiving geneticist breaking stereotypes
“I’m a proud Welsh Muslim and you’ve got to accept me for who I am.” //
CCBGB cee-ceebeegeebees
Oh that Welsh religion prog is on now
\\ Religious hate crime in Wales is rising and this programme considers what it is like to be on the receiving end of the abuse.
Niqab-wearing Sahar speaks out about being abused on the streets and how she tackles Islamophobia head on,
Hannah talks about the rise in anti-semitism and the lengths the Jewish community have to go to in order to protect themselves,
and bi-sexual Christian Will and a group of his LGBT+ friends share their experiences of being rejected by their churches.
(that bit was on just now)//
There are 313 conservative MPs . I think at the moment there are 10 of them campaigning to be the leader of their Party .
Once upon a time I was vaguely supportive of the Conservative Party particularly under Margaret Thatcher . Now I want to see it gone and replaced by a Right Wing Party – maybe that’s what it should be called The Right Wing Party .
Obviously the BBC would add the prefix ‘Far’ to it .
Fascinating piece about the coming inquiry of the Labour Party on institutional anti semitism on C4 News . They went around ten minutes on it without mentioning Shabi and her award winning inquiry ( the award was a place to put her bottom in the toilet of the so called Upper House ) . Quite something .
In the BBC world, The Brexit Party cannot win in Peterborough. They will promote a system called Imaginary Multiple Transferable Votes until the ‘correct’ result is acheived i.e.
1st Round – The Brexit Party receive most votes. NO OVERALL WINNER.
2nd Round – The combined votes of Labour, Conservative, LibDems and Watermelon parties are taken into account. If The Brexit Party still have the most votes, NO OVERALL WINNER.
3rd Round – The number of non-voters, hypothetical SNP and Plaid Cymru voters are taken into account. The Brexit Party still have the most votes, NO OVERALL WINNER.
4th Round – Votes achieved by Macron and Merkel in the EU election are added. The Brexit Party no longer have the most votes. LABOUR PARTY DECLARED LANDSLIDE WINNER.
Jess Phillips – with al beeb’s tacit approval – refers to TR as ‘vermin’.
Personally I think verminous is allowing this country to be taken over by a hostile alien cult, that is violent, supremacist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic and fundamentally inimical to our way of life.
Surely she should be treated in the same way as Sargon, after all she is actually using nazi terminology for the type of people she dislikes and thinks she is superior to.
Using the new form of mathematic if The Brexit Party gains the seat they will not have won because the combined vote of the other Partys – and if that’s not enough – those who didn’t vote – will outnumber those of the New MP which renders them illegitimate so as to require a fresh people’s vote .
I somehow think that the once bouncy Chooka people will hide in London rather than risk it on the hard dangerous streets of .. er … Peterborough .
Peterborough of course is named after a Christian Saint . The Devil would be much happier if it was changed ….to say … Moborough ?
“It was almost as if Thursday’s vote had never happened. You wouldn’t have thought that Farage’s Brexit Party had gone from 0-32 per cent in six weeks from a standing start.
If this had been Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson would have hailed him as the best ever Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.
Instead, pundit after pundit was wheeled onto the BBC and Sky to rubbish the result.”
Piers Morgan just tweeted this in response to someone asking who he voted for
“didn’t vote. I won’t vote again in Britain if the EU Referendum result isn’t honoured”
Lots of respect for Piers !!!! A very very rare, remainer who wants to see the referendum result implemented . Worth checking out his Twitter account today, he’s been on fire. Absolutely taking down Alistair Campbell ‘s pants !!!!! Lovely.
It a shame that those such as Piers, who hold that view, didn’t vote for the Brexit Party to protest and uphold democracy.
So given this, can the remoaners now consider all those who didn’t vote to the votes of the Brexit Party for the purposes of the BBBC’s dodgy bar charts?
“”Trump moves to de-fang global warming science with ‘climate review panel’ led by Princeton physicist who believes ‘The ‘demonization of carbon dioxide’ is like ‘the poor Jews under Hitler’ “”
“hand waving” is drawing or assuming conclusions without evidence
The New York Times uses it to say
‘ OMG President Trump is attacking climate science’
Thanks for that reference Stew. I am still unsure about climate change and articles so sources like that are useful.
Unlike most people here I don’t have a degree in astrophysics etc and I am still in the process of reading up on the topic.
But after some helpful comments by some of the people here I decided to reduce my carbon emissions by using my old Holden less and I bought a Hales’ Magnetic Solar Cycle! I must say that while a bit pricey, Hales have done a wonderful job. It takes a lot of the hard work out of pedaling except, of course, when the sun goes behind a cloud then you have to work a bit harder. But if it really clouds over that’s when you switch to the magnets and you can really work up a speed. The downside is that you always have to have a vehicle in front of you.
Yasser, you don’t need a degree in astrophysics. Some schooldays physics & biology (gas science and what CO2 is useful for & what humans are made of) plus economics, if you studied it, (a lot of the IPCC members are economists but that doesn’t stop them coming out with rubbish) plus a healthy dose of common sense are all you need.
Loved the rest of your post. Keep that ol’ V8* a’hummin’!
I hope it’s a V8 and not one of those downmarket Holdens ….. 😉 🙂
Well just when you think you’ve seen everything, something comes up which is so jaw droppingly stupid you are forced to stop and read it all again.
The BBC is attempting to stage a debate with the 10 (up to now) candidates for the Tory leadership, of course this is cheap TV and a chance for them to attack the hated tories, and maybe ruin someones career for life.
However that is not the stupid refered to earlier.
Some unbelievable leftist loon has complained that the fact every one of the debaters is from the Tory party shows the BBC is biased towards the Tory party !
No doubt at this point you like me are stll trying to get your head around the momunetal levels of stupid that this leftie exhibits.
Just as I thought, that little b*****d Bercow is planning to facilitate legislation to rule out a ‘no deal’ and May is still trying to coerce MPs to pass her Treaty.
I don’t know why so many Conservative MPs are giving her such an easy time. She is totally responsible for this mess and has created or at least allowed a situation where the Government have lost control of Parliament, the Speaker and Brexit. There is now a real danger Brexit will be lost.
THAT is her Legacy, I hope she is proud of it.
Field Marshall
If Brexit were to be lost – and the ReichEU process of subsuming Nation States into it – then I think thing will go two ways –
A substantiate part of the population turning away from ‘ current affairs ‘
Or / and extra parliamentary activity – at one end civil disobedience – at the other end – state institutions being blown up .
I don’t know which way it would go – but I would guess the former rather than the latter .
We certainly wouldn’t be in a democracy – if we ever really were..
And the result of that would be a free pass for the installation of a Left wing Government run by the lunatic fringe who might very well succeed in totally destroying out Democracy and Economy.
Apparently the pygmy Bercow has decided to stay in post after all.
Cromwell’s speech covered everything in 1653, from Brexit to expenses fiddling and Bercow staying put…….. funny how 350 years later that speech is as relevant now as it was then. Perhaps it should be pinned up for them all to read as they enter the Chamber.
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
Was chatting with Labour voting, pro-Brexit friend, earlier and suggested that McDonnell might arrange for Corbyn to be replaced. Suggested Jess Phillips as an outsider candidate but they didn’t know who she was.
Let me guess – Keira Knightley? The one who was in the Harry Potter thing ? Or an unemployed actress from ‘ thrones ‘ ? The flea bag one ? The northern lefty luvvie al beeb loves ? Big choice . Can’t believe they havent done “ Cox – the musical “ ( offensive ?).
Silly season is early this year – if it ever ends !
We are doomed..this woman is a disgrace to the HoP..oh sorry no she is exactly what most of them are like..especially those from the Woman’s only short lists ..and with a foul mouth..
I didn’t think the BBC could fall lower than it already has..
I can never remember her name but I wouldn’t mind betting that at least one of her female MP colleges will be absolutely fuming at this TV deal. (I think that she and not this Phillips woman looked every bit the future darling of the BBC tent).
You must have seen her sobbing on’t telly at PMQT. She’s the one who always breaks out in tears every time she stood up to criticise everything and everyone who she disagrees with.
I’m convinced that that female MP had a very well planned agenda from the very first day she entered parliament hoping to attract the attention of the BBC/SKY people. It seems that she wasn’t dishonest enough for the BBC and chucked her.
Love this clip from SkyNews Australia which exposes how the London bubble simply cannot accept that the Brexit Party won and genuienly despise all of us that want out of the EU cabal.
Interesting difference in the approach of 2 parts of the Sky Corp isn’t it ? As well as some drone doing the drossy ITV breakfast stuff -why dont they just stick to whether some celebrity is pregnant or not – ? Which i assume they do most of the time .
And Murdoch has noticed it too. Guido posted the other day that TalkRadio, owned by Murdoch?, is to become TalkTv. Apparently Sky News was losing £20 million a year whilst Fox is making $100’s of millions and now that Murdoch doesn’t need to support SkyNews…
The English Democrats and Robin Tilbrook are moving steadily forward with the court case to establish that we left the EU on 29th. March 2019.
Daddy Dragon videos on YouTube are quite informative on this matter. They’re worth a look. And as he confirms, there’s a general ban by the MSM on reporting on this case; it had been mentioned I know in the Express. In his latest video he even has an interesting snippet about Mr Farage.
As we approach the end of the month the message to Al Beeb is ………
Parliament, Al Beeb and the MSM are versus the People.
The people can see this .
What price democracy ?
One for the global warmists at Al Beeb…………….
On my rounds this evening the instruments are showing 7 Deg C and falling .
Is this a normal temperature for the end of May ?
Of the announced and likely Tory leadership contenders, only Steve Baker and Priti Patel have perfect Brexit voting records – from the 2016 EU referendum right through to backing No Deal in Parliament ????
My local Tory MP who voted Remain and for Theresa Mays £39 Billion surrender document, three times, is now found grinning in the local media, visiting and supporting a local Schools climate change propaganda policy, brainwashing school children to support Green party policies before they learn anything about Physics to challenge the hoax and support the Brexit Party. Meanwhile my local Brexit MEP John Longworth is also a scientist with a Master of Science degree in Physics and therefore like that other one in the Labour Party and Peter Lilly, listed as a climate science denier by left-wing green party activists. Also in Yorkshire the Yorkshire National Party beat Change UK by 20,680 votes.
BBC reporting with some glee that Real Madrid Are the world’s most prosperous club according to KMPG…..however what the real headline should say is that (It’s in thier own report)
Absolute dominance’
Mr Sartori added: “At league level the English Premier league has confirmed its absolute dominance, having nine clubs in the top 32 and accounting for 43% of the total aggregate value…
So let’s not report that English football has absolute dominance let’s report a Spanish club is top. Yet another example of the FBBC not wishing to report positives about England or the UK……
We are paying for this I cannot believe it. In no other country would you HAVE to pay or go to prison for not paying the resulting fine for not wishing to subscribe to a TV channel thats dedicated to undermining a country and culture that has contributed more to the world than any other over the last 400 years…..
How hard would it be to say “Madrid top the club rich list however English premier leauge clubs continue to absolutely dominate”……Not a cat in hells chance.
On BBC 2 at 9.30 pm Tuesday, Brian Cox made a huge error in his new documentary “The Planets”. He used the raditive hoax and black body temperature hypothesis for the greenhouse effect when he should have used the atmospheric mass/gravity/pressure Greenhouse effect of James Clark Maxwell, found in 1888. Gravity pulling molecules downward producing the heat gradient. A hypothesis using the grey body temperature that was proven and turned into a Theory in 2011 by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, who provided the formula that works for both the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars and all the other known planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
To further correct the BBC. From Venus the Sun appears 38 percent bigger than it does from the Earth, thus on Venus the Oceans have evaporated and molecules of water in its atmosphere were broken up by short-wave radiation from the Sun, and then re-combined to form molecules of oxygen and hydrogen; the lighter hydrogen rose to the top of the atmosphere and has escaped into space while the oxygen combined with carbon from the rocks to produce an atmosphere that is 96.5 percent CO2 and 93 times both the mass and the surface pressure of the Earths Atmosphere as well as having a quarter of a million times more CO2 than the Earth. But in one billion years the same process will occur on the Earth as the Oceans will turn to gas, adding to the Atmosphere, this would produce an Atmosphere three times the mass of that of the Venusian atmosphere, but also shows that Venus could have lost two thirds of its atmosphere into space since the Venusian Oceans turned into Atmospheric gas. Also I think I heard that the surface pressure of the Atmosphere of Venus just before the Oceans boiled away must have been over ten bar.
But this means that the BBC has made a huge error or falsehood. Or as Donald Trump would say, a hoax.
If any of the BBC,s 24 “best scientific experts” who don’t have any scientific qualifications, such as the one who thinks men and apes did not evolve from monkeys, read the article above. The above scientists are not science deniers, just deniers of an assumption due to evidence that the Greenhouse effect that Brian Cox was talking about has been falsified as a hoax.
This is a bit like the paper “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“. But does not produce the answer, only proof of the hoax. You need an Einstein or someone with an IQ of 164 to find a simple answer. The “Unified Theory of Climate” is far more simpler than you would expect. Its far more simpler than Ferenc Miskolczi’s work on Mars which was very much a highly complex and nerdy heat input and output observational paper, but did not produce any answers that could be transferred to understand what they call the special case of Venus, which isn’t a special case after all.
People trained to understand the nature of heat in thermodynamics would understand that molecules move about like tiny hammers bashing about the place creating the illusion of heat. Gravity pulls the molecules downwards and decelerates those going upwards producing a temperature gradient in line with atmospheric pressure. An atmosphere lower than one tenth of a bar has radiation from space dominating the temperature gradient. Simple.
Two 19th Century scientists James Clerk Maxwell and William Herschel were correct. One 19th Century scientist Svante Arrhenius produced the most damaging and expensive mistake in the history of science. A mistake that attracts the thickest left-wing morons in society.
Even the expression ‘Green house effect’ is a lie –
“The name, greenhouse effect is unfortunate, for a real greenhouse does not behave as the atmosphere does. The primary mechanism keeping the air warm in a real greenhouse is the suppression of convection (the exchange of air between the inside and outside). Thus, a real greenhouse does act like a blanket to prevent bubbles of warm air from being carried away from the surface. As we have seen, this is not how the atmosphere keeps the Earth’s surface warm”
I took that from a page with the definition of brainwashing at the top-
“Be very, very careful what you put into that head,
because you will never, ever get it out.
Thomas Cardinal Wolsey (1471-1530)”
The closest the Moon gets to the Earth is 356,400 km (221, 457 miles) and the furthest is 406, 700 km (252, 712 miles).
If you hold out your arm towards the Moon you will find that it is about the size of your thumbnail all the time. When the Moon is low in the sky it appears to be larger than when it is high in the sky. Supposedly this is because when it is low in the sky it appears to be comparable to objects like houses and trees , when it is high there is nothing to compare it to except the very small, (because of distance), stars.
The Apollo mission had to get men to the Moon and back which isn’t a trivial matter as rockets launched from the Earth are only marginally capable of taking off at all, (the mass of the fuel is the greater part of the mass of the rocket leaving very little margin for the ‘payload’). This link might help.
Reminds me of that wonderful bit in Father Ted where he is trying to explain to the idiot priest the different between cows being ‘near ‘ and ‘far away ‘????(it’s on YouTube )
For anyone into the Apollo stuff – there are a few programmes on the excellent PBS America describing the development of the project . It played down the involvement of the war criminal verner Von Braun though – building the V1 and V2 and firing them in large numbers at south east England was discounted …
” It played down the involvement of the war criminal verner Von Braun though – building the V1 and V2 and firing them in large numbers at south east England was discounted …”
I have been 12 miles up at a speed of 1,400 mph over the North Sea in a British aircraft called Concorde. Due to Brexit, I could now travel to the Moon in a British spaceship called Skylon. An air breathing rocket engine invented by British inventor Alan Bond and Reaction Engines Ltd called SABRE could be performing unmanned test flights by 2025.
Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems are also investors in the SABRE engine development. An Orbital Base Station could be built for the Skylon spacecraft. The structure is based on a cylinder, designed to allow space inside the cylindrical section for the preparation and refuelling of the Skylon spacecraft for me to travel to and then orbit but not land on the Moon, then returning to Newquay Spaceport.
A one week British holiday from Yorkshire to Newquay Spaceport to Orbital Base Station to Moon Orbit to Newquay Spaceport back to Yorkshire. Nice.
“He’s crossed swords with ministers and angered Brexiteers, gaining a cult following across Europe in the process, but it seems Commons Speaker John Bercow is not – as some thought – leaving his chair any time soon. With “momentous events” taking place and “great issues to be resolved”, he tells the Guardian it “doesn’t seem… sensible to vacate the chair”. He’s talking about Brexit. It’s a matter over which some Conservatives have accused him of bias, with one trying to have him removed. In March, our parliamentary correspondent Mark D’Arcy wondered if we had reached “Peak Bercow” and there was manoeuvring by potential successors . Perhaps it was all a bit premature…”
Guest – Bercow really does embody the disconnect of people and the political class. He has allowed his personal views , dressed up as duty , to , to help destroy the reputation of the institution .
Add that to his personal view of the Head of State of the most powerful country in the world and we really do have a ‘lidl’ level speaker as opposed to a ‘waitrose’ one ( I use neither ).
Being some one very tall – I have often been on the receiving end of ‘small man syndrome’ – I have considered it something sad but Bercow turns it into a brutal vindictive thing as shown by his treatment of Mrs leadsom and there others he bullies in public . Dreadful man .
I’m going to get fedup with popcorn at the current rate . Ok the the BBC is fixated on their best friend – Alistair mental Campbell .
So he gets thrown out of The Party He Loves for voting liberal. But now other Labour members are also admitting voting elsewhere . Will they be thrown out too ? Surely they must ?
It smacks of a kind of Stalinism much admired by comrade McDonnell .
What does the Labour Kremlin do ? Ignore the others and increase the Alistair mental Campbell ability to stride into TV studios playing an ego driven victim ? Or throw those who admitted they voted else where – including apparently real MPs – out?
This is why I might get fedup with popcorn . Now that the issue has become threatening to the socialists I think the BBC will get its customers to look elsewhere .
I’ve got to say it gives me great pleasure 2 see the ‘monopoly’ parties in difficulty – both deserve it so much for their poor government of the UK ( see unrestricted immigration for s start ).
As for your link to Sopel – nice to see him on the receiving end from some of his traditional ‘friends ‘.
And no one inside has noticed because the doors to the bubble are closed.
But I do get to wonder if within it there are a few amongst the Bercows, Abbotts, Lammys, Soubreys, Eslers, Maitlises, Vines, YABs, Pollys, Campbells, etc who on occasion look around and think ‘is it any wonder the public alternate between distain and derision as we all expose ourselves in the world’s most bizarre reality show?’.
My concern is that I can and do find tv choices that serve. But Politically there is almost nothing worth considering. However leaving it to Blair’s politicised civil service is not an option.
He does now when he remembers – he’s been ‘treated ‘ by advisors _ who told him to use phrases like ‘a little bit more ‘ – in terms of increases taxes by billions .
It doesn’t really work for him – a man who said he could never be on personal friendly terms with a Tory , long time IRA supporter and brooder in the same way that Gordon Brown was .
I wonder if he might be similar to Gordon Brown in the sense of putting all his energy and scheming into becoming top dog but not really knowing what to do when he got there…
I still laugh at the climate activists on Vauxhall bridge or wherever making the group porridge on a calor gas cooker !!!…..they haven’t got a clue it’s just a focal point for alternative lifestyle hippys…..
Someone should tell those idiots to go and buy 20 @ 15 kg Calor Gas bottle refils so they they can then form a circle around them on Westminster Bridge then have a group “hummm” – that way they won’t need to go to Stonehenge every year. Save on the taxi fare as well.
There is recent legal precedent that says nurses are not allowed to PROMOTE their own religion at work
#GreenReligion, #DramaGreening #FakeGreens are a cult
Court of Appeal finds it was fair for hospital trust to dismiss a Christian nurse for discussing religion with patients at work #UKemplaw
Rob falls back on ‘it’s true because the bbc says it is’.
Yep, a Tory leadership contest does overwhelming feature Tories. But whoever wins will be the next Prime Minister. Surely a good idea to find out where they stand even if you can’t influence who wins. And you know @maitlis and @afneil will ask the right questions.
To resolve Brexit and Al Beeb a new government is needed. That government must be led by The Brexit Party.
D – Day is on its way and it may begin at Peterborough?
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 12:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Davie wears suit and tie as he squirms in front of DCMS Committee:
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Now that’s a stylist way to start a thread X
Pity it’s just a photoshop job.
Some reactions to Alastair Cambell’s sacking from within the Labour party are sympathetic, and one or two here might feel the same – judging recent posts. But those inclined to worry that the loss of party might unhinge poor Al, again, should ask themselves why he made his voting choice public. He is, after all, not just a bully, a rogue and a charlatan, he’s also an accomplished spin doctor.
Absolutely, Belters!
‘Nutter votes for more nutters’ is my way of simplifying a trivial subject – I couldn’t really care a tinker’s cuss what he does, he’s always been a duplicitous liar, unlikeable and a genuinely unpleasant, nasty piece of work.
He can piss off in any language as far as I’m concerned.
What about all the other Labour voters who voted Brexit. What will happen to them?
Didn’t they take his ‘condition’ into account?
Expulsion could have pushed him over the top.
Maybe they’ve had enough of the filthy scumbag too.
Only just noticed that in what must be the most Freudian of slips, I took the ‘p’ out of Cam(p)bell’s name. Unintentional but funny by default. I thought of claiming it was deliberately witty – but if we’re not honest on here there’s not much point in contributing.
alastair camp-bellend might have gone from the joke that is the labour party but the Ministry Of Truth still rams camp-bellend down the veiwers throats as though alastair camp-bellend was something important in the same way the Ministry Of Truth does with cmpbellend’s master, antony charles lynton blair.
As I have already posted, then so should M. Heseltine be drummed out of the Tory party for also voting with the Lib-Dems-a right trouble maker-always has been and only for himself.
Just seen this on Twitter, should Corbyn now expel himself?
What on earth is the silly old fool up to now!
Two twats piddling about in the mire they created years ago, and still wandering around in the wilderness!
What a pathetic bunch of twonks we pay for in Westminster – we deserve much better.
“What a pathetic bunch of twonks we pay for in Westminster – we deserve much better.”
No you don’t! You pay peanuts and you get moneys ! MPs pay might be twice the average for London, but who on Earth would do it for such a pittance.
An MPs salary is less than that of a Police Superintendent, it’s also around the salary of a school departmental head, or a Supermarket manager after a few years.
Thin the numbers, up the pay, and make sure the people selected are fit for the job.
It’s volunteers for the job .
How about every constituency sets the level they are willing to fork out for their delegate to Parliament?
Or every candidate declares how much he/she will will extract from the constituency to do the job ?
Oh I don’t know, Thoughtful, we at ‘The Turrets’ seem to muddle along on our meagre pensions, but we definitely never have the perks and expenses that we still pay taxes for!
I’m all for thinning the numbers though, and would be delighted if the members had some business acumen, not just a diploma in vegan gender studies.
I should find out a bit more, but I only learned recently that Switzerland doesn’t have a Prime Minister, they have a small ‘cabinet’ which takes the decisions.
I’ll try and read up on it when I have less time!
Thinning the numbers in both Houses, esp. the HoL, would be a good thing but please bear in mind for the HoC it might reduce the services & help available to constituents.
Thinning the weight & size of the members of both Houses might also be a good thing. It would be interesting to know how many are obese and overweight.
They are not so much monkeys as pigs (with their snouts in the trough). Most are very wealthy – typically around 60-70% of MPs in recent parliaments have been millionaires – and being an MP or former MP opens up all sorts of doors in industry and the lucrative NGO/lobbying world.
Thoughtful – come on -admit it -you’re an MP- there’s nothing to be ashamed of – oh actually -there is.
Just don’t get how you persistently think they are of value
Drain the swamp .
wo twats piddling about in the mire they created years ago,
One hopes good sir that the “Two Twats” you are referring to are the garden gnome corbyn and gobby galloway ???
Looking for something better in the Palace Of Fools………….Then dont bother with any section of the liblabcon Brussels uniparty. All sections of the liblabcon Brussels uniparty are unfit for purpose. That statement off course also includes the joke that is the greens.
Beltane ,
I’m very disappointed that he has been sacked – he could really have helped out the brexit party by ranting on even more and alienating more labour supporters from the Party .
Now he’s going to be touring TV studios going ‘peak victim’ and boring viewers with his rants .
I disagree about your view that he is an accomplished spin doctor – he may have started that way but he screwed up on Iraq and got caught too many times . He became known because of his ego and therefore became , in my view , a failure .
He’s got plenty of cash so he s ok on that front .
Fed, the bloke’s a loony, ignore him!
I wonder if he ‘does god ‘ yet ?
Another delicious irony is that dear Al shares sacking space with Heseltine – another self-satisfied fraud, obsessed with a non-existent place in history.
There was a memorable moment in the program on Maggie Thatcher last night, in which My Lord of Heseltine said, in all seriousness: ‘….she saw me as her natural successor.’
You stupid vainglorious oaf. You treated her as a grocer’s daughter, lauding your spurious gentrification based on money, not lineage, and she always saw you for what you were and are. Idiot.
I thought this was funny. Mr Adonis wittering on as usual and knownothing Nick pleading with him to shut up:
But LBC only have themselves to blame for asking the idiot onto their programmes.
I thought this was funny. Mr Adonis wittering on as usual and knownothing Nick pleading with him to shut up:
But LBC only have themselves to blame for asking the idiot into their programmes.
As for Mr Heseltine, he’s got ideas above his station; he’s a fake aristo. A real one once said about Mr Heseltine that he had to buy his own furniture. A great and telling insult of the man.
The Guardian: ‘Spectres of the past’: Angela Merkel sounds alarm over antisemitism. “Merkel’s critics claim her decision to let almost 1 million refugees into Germany in 2015 contributed to a rise in support for the far right, in particular of the rightwing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), but she defended her policy once again in the interview.”
Merkel’s critics claim what? The Guardian and the BBC trying to outdo each other when it comes to unjoining dots. Maybe it’s some sort of in-house competition they’ve got going on.
Word count:
Rightwing / far right = 4
Populism = 3
Religion = 0
Islam = 0
Muslim = 0
That of course is explained the fact that the Ministry of Truth is the broadcast arm of Al-Guardian, The Ministry Of Truth and Al-Guardian remind me of two old drunks staggering down the road……Noisy, Annoying and irrelevent.
In 2016 we didn’t know what we were voting for!!
What is the excuse now
Deselect Yvette Cooper and every other member of parliament who tries to defy the will of the people
Leave wins 52% in the EU referendum 2016
Re-moaners, its not by enough
Leave wins 80% the 2017 general election.
Re-moaners, But it wasn’t clear
Leave wins 2019 EU elections
Re-moaners, But the combined vote of the remain losers is higher!
Anyone seeing a pattern forming here?
FedUp, I did notice at the end of the last thread, that you were having to edit a number of posts using the surname of the current Foreign Secretary, using the version of his surname promulgated by the BBC and other news outlets. Would it be acceptable to refer to him as Mr Chunt, thus saving you valuable time?
Major Pannick
Thanks for noticing-yes I think your solution is ok unless someone else moans .
It does cheese me off – people venting off here using ‘industrial language ‘ . Why do it ? In the world which is not the internet – otherwise known as ‘Real Life ‘ I am a skilled user of ‘industrial language ‘ and it gives me great comfort – particularly when alone in the car ….but I refrain ( most of the time I think ) from engaging the more ‘brutal’ Naughty words of our precious language .
I saw that the outgoing PM is going off to Brussels and to say ‘goodbye “ ( until she gets a job there ) . I was wondering what fairwell present ( gift – in American ) that the ReichEU will award her… ( and her Belgian assistant – Oliver robbins ) ..
FU2, as name changes is the new fashion I prefer to call him Oily Robbins it suits his image better. Being a lady I won’t say the name change that occurs for Laura K….. She of the BBC liars, it would need an edit from you.
Mrs Kitty, I think if you called her Laura Chuntsburger, that might work?
CP, isn’t that sort of thing one letter removed from an Aussie slang expression for vomit and vomiting?
If she ends up in a US prison cell, maybe the EU gang of ne’er-do-wells will give her something to keep her company in those dark lonely nights.
Farewell gifts for Theresa and Olly? Well, with plenty of time for cooking now, a life-long supply of Brussels sprouts might go down a treat. As for Olly, a similar quantity of waffles.
A one way ticket to the euro-pigsty with permenant residency permits in brussels looks good to me for both theresa pushmay-pullmay and oily robbins !!
My name is Lucy Yaxley-Lennon
You’re not Tomasina Robinson by any chance?
I hear Robina Thomsason is available.
Or even Mrs Luxury-Yacht, whose real name was something like Throat-Warbler-Mangrove!
That was one of the funniest Python sketches ever, and Graham Chapman’s polystyrene nose was a real hoot! (‘pun’ intended…)
Of course, the BBC wouldn’t like that now, it was funny…
I wonder if the BBC will interview one of its favourites – whitewash Shabi – that famous champion of human rights and self enrichment – concerning the inquiry into anti semitism by a State Quango .
Why are they wasting public money on something that shabi has already dealt with ?
Will shabi give evidence of her method and findings ?
She is , after all ,shadow Attorney General so her word will be ‘law’ right?
Good News , despite Brexit, Bombardier’s Derby site will build 280 train cars for delivery to Egypt between 2021 and 2024, subject to confirmation. Also, there prospective buyers for British Steel.
Has Al Beeb covered these yet ? Do they do News or are they just a propaganda site ?
“P&O seeks £33m in damages over Brexit ferry settlement”
And we havn’t left the EU yet . Is this money well spent or money wasted ? Is this coming out of Grayling’s pocket ?
Grayling might be a leaver but that hasn’t stopped him being absolutely, totally useless.
We need a little light relief. How about this ?
The biased BBC are reporting that in London some Somali families are sending their children back to East Africa because they are worried about knife crime in London.
I suspect the subtext here is that the evil Tory austerity government have underfunded the Police.
Here are a couple of questions the investigative journalists at the BBC, all 2000 of them, don’t seem to be asking.
1. Why don’t the whole families go back ?
2. If they were admitted as asylum seekers in the first place should this designation not now be removed?
3. How much taxpayers money has been spent on these families in the last 5 and 10 years?
You can’t make it up.
That’s outrageous Pug, giving all the credit to Mark Easton. What about Orla and Fergal? How could we ever begin to appreciate the true gravity of the situation without their in-depth and heart-rending deliveries?
“I was expecting a comfortable life and that they would provide us with help,” he says. “But it was so difficult.”
What, don’t tell me they made him – gasp! – fill in forms before they gave him handouts, accommodation and medical care?
Or worse still – double gasp!! – expected him to actually WORK for a living??
Oh man’s inhumanity to man.
As I have mentioned here previously, many so-called Somali refugees are from the former British colony of Somaliland, capital Hargeisa. There were a couple of days of light skirmishing around Hargeisa in the early 1990s, but it has been peaceful ever since. Yet and yet, the UK government has been giving refugee status to these Somalis and who come from a perfectly safe self-governing “country” that is seeking independence from Somalia. Madness.
Mind you, having lived in Nairobi I very much doubt that “Eastlands”, the Somali part of the city, is safer than London – even with the stabbings.
I hope that film has been seen, right through at least twice, by Angela Merkel and ‘her people’.
There is no way the BBC will not have Ali on just as much as before.
He knows people.
Since the EU Elections on Thursday, I’ve become depressed because it’s been explained to me that the Brexit Party didn’t do as well as all the other Parties.
From the utterings of analysts, experts, politicians and the MSM I think the situation may be hopeless. Did they learn nothing?
Could the Brexit Party repeat its success (I mean failure) in a GE? It may be necessary methinks.
Lovely piece by Polly Toynbee in the Guardian BTW… 🙁
Thanks for the reference to Polly’s article. She is surely quite mad.
It’s good that Polly and her ilk keep pushing that line, just in case a second EU vote is foisted on us.
BBC Three trolling you
\\ Young Welsh and Pretty Religious: The skydiving geneticist breaking stereotypes
“I’m a proud Welsh Muslim and you’ve got to accept me for who I am.” //
CCBGB cee-ceebeegeebees
Oh that Welsh religion prog is on now
\\ Religious hate crime in Wales is rising and this programme considers what it is like to be on the receiving end of the abuse.
Niqab-wearing Sahar speaks out about being abused on the streets and how she tackles Islamophobia head on,
Hannah talks about the rise in anti-semitism and the lengths the Jewish community have to go to in order to protect themselves,
and bi-sexual Christian Will and a group of his LGBT+ friends share their experiences of being rejected by their churches.
(that bit was on just now)//
In my ideal world I identify as my favourite comic book hero…….Judge Dredd.
Daniel Bostock : They Didn’t Like My Vote
There are 313 conservative MPs . I think at the moment there are 10 of them campaigning to be the leader of their Party .
Once upon a time I was vaguely supportive of the Conservative Party particularly under Margaret Thatcher . Now I want to see it gone and replaced by a Right Wing Party – maybe that’s what it should be called The Right Wing Party .
Obviously the BBC would add the prefix ‘Far’ to it .
Fascinating piece about the coming inquiry of the Labour Party on institutional anti semitism on C4 News . They went around ten minutes on it without mentioning Shabi and her award winning inquiry ( the award was a place to put her bottom in the toilet of the so called Upper House ) . Quite something .
OT, but favours they do themselves not.
The things people do to get the next promotion . The foreigners must really think these characters are mugs .
Peterborough By-election Betting Odds:
Brexit Party 2/9
Labour 7/2
Conservatives 20/1
Assuming that The Brexit Party win, the BBC will start to froth from all orifices…
In the BBC world, The Brexit Party cannot win in Peterborough. They will promote a system called Imaginary Multiple Transferable Votes until the ‘correct’ result is acheived i.e.
1st Round – The Brexit Party receive most votes. NO OVERALL WINNER.
2nd Round – The combined votes of Labour, Conservative, LibDems and Watermelon parties are taken into account. If The Brexit Party still have the most votes, NO OVERALL WINNER.
3rd Round – The number of non-voters, hypothetical SNP and Plaid Cymru voters are taken into account. The Brexit Party still have the most votes, NO OVERALL WINNER.
4th Round – Votes achieved by Macron and Merkel in the EU election are added. The Brexit Party no longer have the most votes. LABOUR PARTY DECLARED LANDSLIDE WINNER.
Jess Phillips – with al beeb’s tacit approval – refers to TR as ‘vermin’.
Personally I think verminous is allowing this country to be taken over by a hostile alien cult, that is violent, supremacist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic and fundamentally inimical to our way of life.
Surely she should be treated in the same way as Sargon, after all she is actually using nazi terminology for the type of people she dislikes and thinks she is superior to.
Using the new form of mathematic if The Brexit Party gains the seat they will not have won because the combined vote of the other Partys – and if that’s not enough – those who didn’t vote – will outnumber those of the New MP which renders them illegitimate so as to require a fresh people’s vote .
I somehow think that the once bouncy Chooka people will hide in London rather than risk it on the hard dangerous streets of .. er … Peterborough .
Peterborough of course is named after a Christian Saint . The Devil would be much happier if it was changed ….to say … Moborough ?
Littlejohn says it all
“It was almost as if Thursday’s vote had never happened. You wouldn’t have thought that Farage’s Brexit Party had gone from 0-32 per cent in six weeks from a standing start.
If this had been Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson would have hailed him as the best ever Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.
Instead, pundit after pundit was wheeled onto the BBC and Sky to rubbish the result.”
Great article thanks . Bang on the money. Nailed it.
You got there before me TI ! its an excellent article that everyone should read. And when I read……. ”
Instead, pundit after pundit was wheeled onto the BBC and Sky to rubbish the result”
it was what every Brexiteer was thinking.
Piers Morgan just tweeted this in response to someone asking who he voted for
“didn’t vote. I won’t vote again in Britain if the EU Referendum result isn’t honoured”
Lots of respect for Piers !!!! A very very rare, remainer who wants to see the referendum result implemented . Worth checking out his Twitter account today, he’s been on fire. Absolutely taking down Alistair Campbell ‘s pants !!!!! Lovely.
It a shame that those such as Piers, who hold that view, didn’t vote for the Brexit Party to protest and uphold democracy.
So given this, can the remoaners now consider all those who didn’t vote to the votes of the Brexit Party for the purposes of the BBBC’s dodgy bar charts?
Daily Mail:
“”Trump moves to de-fang global warming science with ‘climate review panel’ led by Princeton physicist who believes ‘The ‘demonization of carbon dioxide’ is like ‘the poor Jews under Hitler’ “”
The BBC will be frothing from every orifice.
“hand waving” is drawing or assuming conclusions without evidence
The New York Times uses it to say
‘ OMG President Trump is attacking climate science’
.. When in fact all he doing is saying concentrate on short term models like 20 years cos 100 year models can be way way out.
Thanks for that reference Stew. I am still unsure about climate change and articles so sources like that are useful.
Unlike most people here I don’t have a degree in astrophysics etc and I am still in the process of reading up on the topic.
But after some helpful comments by some of the people here I decided to reduce my carbon emissions by using my old Holden less and I bought a Hales’ Magnetic Solar Cycle! I must say that while a bit pricey, Hales have done a wonderful job. It takes a lot of the hard work out of pedaling except, of course, when the sun goes behind a cloud then you have to work a bit harder. But if it really clouds over that’s when you switch to the magnets and you can really work up a speed. The downside is that you always have to have a vehicle in front of you.
Yasser, you don’t need a degree in astrophysics. Some schooldays physics & biology (gas science and what CO2 is useful for & what humans are made of) plus economics, if you studied it, (a lot of the IPCC members are economists but that doesn’t stop them coming out with rubbish) plus a healthy dose of common sense are all you need.
Loved the rest of your post. Keep that ol’ V8* a’hummin’!
I hope it’s a V8 and not one of those downmarket Holdens ….. 😉 🙂
Well just when you think you’ve seen everything, something comes up which is so jaw droppingly stupid you are forced to stop and read it all again.
The BBC is attempting to stage a debate with the 10 (up to now) candidates for the Tory leadership, of course this is cheap TV and a chance for them to attack the hated tories, and maybe ruin someones career for life.
However that is not the stupid refered to earlier.
Some unbelievable leftist loon has complained that the fact every one of the debaters is from the Tory party shows the BBC is biased towards the Tory party !
No doubt at this point you like me are stll trying to get your head around the momunetal levels of stupid that this leftie exhibits.
I don’t think this can ever be surpassed !
Just as I thought, that little b*****d Bercow is planning to facilitate legislation to rule out a ‘no deal’ and May is still trying to coerce MPs to pass her Treaty.
I don’t know why so many Conservative MPs are giving her such an easy time. She is totally responsible for this mess and has created or at least allowed a situation where the Government have lost control of Parliament, the Speaker and Brexit. There is now a real danger Brexit will be lost.
THAT is her Legacy, I hope she is proud of it.
Field Marshall
If Brexit were to be lost – and the ReichEU process of subsuming Nation States into it – then I think thing will go two ways –
A substantiate part of the population turning away from ‘ current affairs ‘
Or / and extra parliamentary activity – at one end civil disobedience – at the other end – state institutions being blown up .
I don’t know which way it would go – but I would guess the former rather than the latter .
We certainly wouldn’t be in a democracy – if we ever really were..
And the result of that would be a free pass for the installation of a Left wing Government run by the lunatic fringe who might very well succeed in totally destroying out Democracy and Economy.
That is the long term goal With the BBC and the EU being willing flag carriers.
Apparently the pygmy Bercow has decided to stay in post after all.
Cromwell’s speech covered everything in 1653, from Brexit to expenses fiddling and Bercow staying put…….. funny how 350 years later that speech is as relevant now as it was then. Perhaps it should be pinned up for them all to read as they enter the Chamber.
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!”
Ratings gold.
The bbc knows what sells.
If ever there was a time for CCBGB this is it. Twitter at its best. HILARIOUS !!!. But people like Jess still think they are the bees knees !!!!!
Was chatting with Labour voting, pro-Brexit friend, earlier and suggested that McDonnell might arrange for Corbyn to be replaced. Suggested Jess Phillips as an outsider candidate but they didn’t know who she was.
May well do so soon if that TV ‘drama’ comes off.
Am so glad I cannot watch telly. 🙂
Let me guess – Keira Knightley? The one who was in the Harry Potter thing ? Or an unemployed actress from ‘ thrones ‘ ? The flea bag one ? The northern lefty luvvie al beeb loves ? Big choice . Can’t believe they havent done “ Cox – the musical “ ( offensive ?).
Silly season is early this year – if it ever ends !
Maybe the Communist one who is currently making a few quid peddling green bullshit lies about smart meters.
No. Maybe Catherine Tate in Lauren Cooper mode?
“Young men, committing suicide? Am I bovvered?”
We are doomed..this woman is a disgrace to the HoP..oh sorry no she is exactly what most of them are like..especially those from the Woman’s only short lists ..and with a foul mouth..
I didn’t think the BBC could fall lower than it already has..
“Jess Phillips”
I can never remember her name but I wouldn’t mind betting that at least one of her female MP colleges will be absolutely fuming at this TV deal. (I think that she and not this Phillips woman looked every bit the future darling of the BBC tent).
You must have seen her sobbing on’t telly at PMQT. She’s the one who always breaks out in tears every time she stood up to criticise everything and everyone who she disagrees with.
I’m convinced that that female MP had a very well planned agenda from the very first day she entered parliament hoping to attract the attention of the BBC/SKY people. It seems that she wasn’t dishonest enough for the BBC and chucked her.
Can’t remember her name though?
And its not that angry SNP lesbian.
Will it end with her being harpooned?
Not the bbc. Might as well have been.
Interesting difference in the approach of 2 parts of the Sky Corp isn’t it ? As well as some drone doing the drossy ITV breakfast stuff -why dont they just stick to whether some celebrity is pregnant or not – ? Which i assume they do most of the time .
And Murdoch has noticed it too. Guido posted the other day that TalkRadio, owned by Murdoch?, is to become TalkTv. Apparently Sky News was losing £20 million a year whilst Fox is making $100’s of millions and now that Murdoch doesn’t need to support SkyNews…
The English Democrats and Robin Tilbrook are moving steadily forward with the court case to establish that we left the EU on 29th. March 2019.
Daddy Dragon videos on YouTube are quite informative on this matter. They’re worth a look. And as he confirms, there’s a general ban by the MSM on reporting on this case; it had been mentioned I know in the Express. In his latest video he even has an interesting snippet about Mr Farage.
As we approach the end of the month the message to Al Beeb is ………
Parliament, Al Beeb and the MSM are versus the People.
The people can see this .
What price democracy ?
One for the global warmists at Al Beeb…………….
On my rounds this evening the instruments are showing 7 Deg C and falling .
Is this a normal temperature for the end of May ?
My message to Al Beeb…………..
The next government could be The Brexit Party and then, the end of Al Beeb .
Labour Party says Al Beeb’s Euro promoter Campbell is persona non grata.
Campbell says he is not .
How will he spin that ?
My local Tory MP who voted Remain and for Theresa Mays £39 Billion surrender document, three times, is now found grinning in the local media, visiting and supporting a local Schools climate change propaganda policy, brainwashing school children to support Green party policies before they learn anything about Physics to challenge the hoax and support the Brexit Party. Meanwhile my local Brexit MEP John Longworth is also a scientist with a Master of Science degree in Physics and therefore like that other one in the Labour Party and Peter Lilly, listed as a climate science denier by left-wing green party activists. Also in Yorkshire the Yorkshire National Party beat Change UK by 20,680 votes.
BBC reporting with some glee that Real Madrid Are the world’s most prosperous club according to KMPG…..however what the real headline should say is that (It’s in thier own report)
Absolute dominance’
Mr Sartori added: “At league level the English Premier league has confirmed its absolute dominance, having nine clubs in the top 32 and accounting for 43% of the total aggregate value…
So let’s not report that English football has absolute dominance let’s report a Spanish club is top. Yet another example of the FBBC not wishing to report positives about England or the UK……
We are paying for this I cannot believe it. In no other country would you HAVE to pay or go to prison for not paying the resulting fine for not wishing to subscribe to a TV channel thats dedicated to undermining a country and culture that has contributed more to the world than any other over the last 400 years…..
How hard would it be to say “Madrid top the club rich list however English premier leauge clubs continue to absolutely dominate”……Not a cat in hells chance.
Isn’t State Broadcaster inverting the ‘losers won the EU Parliament Election’ analysis promoted by Campbell and others?
When it suits top dog gets the limelight.
On BBC 2 at 9.30 pm Tuesday, Brian Cox made a huge error in his new documentary “The Planets”. He used the raditive hoax and black body temperature hypothesis for the greenhouse effect when he should have used the atmospheric mass/gravity/pressure Greenhouse effect of James Clark Maxwell, found in 1888. Gravity pulling molecules downward producing the heat gradient. A hypothesis using the grey body temperature that was proven and turned into a Theory in 2011 by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, who provided the formula that works for both the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars and all the other known planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
To further correct the BBC. From Venus the Sun appears 38 percent bigger than it does from the Earth, thus on Venus the Oceans have evaporated and molecules of water in its atmosphere were broken up by short-wave radiation from the Sun, and then re-combined to form molecules of oxygen and hydrogen; the lighter hydrogen rose to the top of the atmosphere and has escaped into space while the oxygen combined with carbon from the rocks to produce an atmosphere that is 96.5 percent CO2 and 93 times both the mass and the surface pressure of the Earths Atmosphere as well as having a quarter of a million times more CO2 than the Earth. But in one billion years the same process will occur on the Earth as the Oceans will turn to gas, adding to the Atmosphere, this would produce an Atmosphere three times the mass of that of the Venusian atmosphere, but also shows that Venus could have lost two thirds of its atmosphere into space since the Venusian Oceans turned into Atmospheric gas. Also I think I heard that the surface pressure of the Atmosphere of Venus just before the Oceans boiled away must have been over ten bar.
But this means that the BBC has made a huge error or falsehood. Or as Donald Trump would say, a hoax.
If any of the BBC,s 24 “best scientific experts” who don’t have any scientific qualifications, such as the one who thinks men and apes did not evolve from monkeys, read the article above. The above scientists are not science deniers, just deniers of an assumption due to evidence that the Greenhouse effect that Brian Cox was talking about has been falsified as a hoax.
RP, Did a bit of Googling and found this article –
“Science is a process of getting it wrong and hopefully learning – on this single issue Michael Hammer and the IPCC can’t both be right.”
If Michael Hammer is correct it appears that it would undermine the IPCC models on Climate Change.
The BBC wouldn’t want Brian Cox undermining their climate alarmist propaganda and Cox is happy to play along?
Cox is happy to gurn away on TV in return for a massive pay cheque.
This is a bit like the paper “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“. But does not produce the answer, only proof of the hoax. You need an Einstein or someone with an IQ of 164 to find a simple answer. The “Unified Theory of Climate” is far more simpler than you would expect. Its far more simpler than Ferenc Miskolczi’s work on Mars which was very much a highly complex and nerdy heat input and output observational paper, but did not produce any answers that could be transferred to understand what they call the special case of Venus, which isn’t a special case after all.
People trained to understand the nature of heat in thermodynamics would understand that molecules move about like tiny hammers bashing about the place creating the illusion of heat. Gravity pulls the molecules downwards and decelerates those going upwards producing a temperature gradient in line with atmospheric pressure. An atmosphere lower than one tenth of a bar has radiation from space dominating the temperature gradient. Simple.
Two 19th Century scientists James Clerk Maxwell and William Herschel were correct. One 19th Century scientist Svante Arrhenius produced the most damaging and expensive mistake in the history of science. A mistake that attracts the thickest left-wing morons in society.
Even the expression ‘Green house effect’ is a lie –
“The name, greenhouse effect is unfortunate, for a real greenhouse does not behave as the atmosphere does. The primary mechanism keeping the air warm in a real greenhouse is the suppression of convection (the exchange of air between the inside and outside). Thus, a real greenhouse does act like a blanket to prevent bubbles of warm air from being carried away from the surface. As we have seen, this is not how the atmosphere keeps the Earth’s surface warm”
I took that from a page with the definition of brainwashing at the top-
“Be very, very careful what you put into that head,
because you will never, ever get it out.
Thomas Cardinal Wolsey (1471-1530)”
I hope you can answer this question that confuses me?
I’m told that the moon is 250,000 miles from the earth.
Q 1) Is this when the moon it so big that at times it looks like it’s near touching the earth. I think during our summer time?
Or is it when the moon is so far away that it looks like a tiny dot?
And if its Q 1) why does it take so long for Nasa to get there? It looks close enough for Branson’s failed space ship to get there in a few hours.
The closest the Moon gets to the Earth is 356,400 km (221, 457 miles) and the furthest is 406, 700 km (252, 712 miles).
If you hold out your arm towards the Moon you will find that it is about the size of your thumbnail all the time. When the Moon is low in the sky it appears to be larger than when it is high in the sky. Supposedly this is because when it is low in the sky it appears to be comparable to objects like houses and trees , when it is high there is nothing to compare it to except the very small, (because of distance), stars.
The Apollo mission had to get men to the Moon and back which isn’t a trivial matter as rockets launched from the Earth are only marginally capable of taking off at all, (the mass of the fuel is the greater part of the mass of the rocket leaving very little margin for the ‘payload’). This link might help.
Jim /ves
Reminds me of that wonderful bit in Father Ted where he is trying to explain to the idiot priest the different between cows being ‘near ‘ and ‘far away ‘????(it’s on YouTube )
For anyone into the Apollo stuff – there are a few programmes on the excellent PBS America describing the development of the project . It played down the involvement of the war criminal verner Von Braun though – building the V1 and V2 and firing them in large numbers at south east England was discounted …
” It played down the involvement of the war criminal verner Von Braun though – building the V1 and V2 and firing them in large numbers at south east England was discounted …”
Well one has to practice!
Don Pettit explains The Tyrany Of The Rocket Equation
Father Ted explains Far Cow Near Cow
I have been 12 miles up at a speed of 1,400 mph over the North Sea in a British aircraft called Concorde. Due to Brexit, I could now travel to the Moon in a British spaceship called Skylon. An air breathing rocket engine invented by British inventor Alan Bond and Reaction Engines Ltd called SABRE could be performing unmanned test flights by 2025.
Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems are also investors in the SABRE engine development. An Orbital Base Station could be built for the Skylon spacecraft. The structure is based on a cylinder, designed to allow space inside the cylindrical section for the preparation and refuelling of the Skylon spacecraft for me to travel to and then orbit but not land on the Moon, then returning to Newquay Spaceport.
A one week British holiday from Yorkshire to Newquay Spaceport to Orbital Base Station to Moon Orbit to Newquay Spaceport back to Yorkshire. Nice.
But as I looking at the moon through naked yes when its at its biggest it is much larger than it is when its very small?
Thanks for the Intel anyway.
The comments…
The bbc knows who it likes. Moaning emole:
Bercow plans to stay on as Speaker
“He’s crossed swords with ministers and angered Brexiteers, gaining a cult following across Europe in the process, but it seems Commons Speaker John Bercow is not – as some thought – leaving his chair any time soon. With “momentous events” taking place and “great issues to be resolved”, he tells the Guardian it “doesn’t seem… sensible to vacate the chair”. He’s talking about Brexit. It’s a matter over which some Conservatives have accused him of bias, with one trying to have him removed. In March, our parliamentary correspondent Mark D’Arcy wondered if we had reached “Peak Bercow” and there was manoeuvring by potential successors . Perhaps it was all a bit premature…”
Seems he’s a bit of a cult.
Guest – Bercow really does embody the disconnect of people and the political class. He has allowed his personal views , dressed up as duty , to , to help destroy the reputation of the institution .
Add that to his personal view of the Head of State of the most powerful country in the world and we really do have a ‘lidl’ level speaker as opposed to a ‘waitrose’ one ( I use neither ).
Napoleon complex ?
What was the name of the new leader who emerged to head the Citizen’s Assembly at the conclusion of Animal Farm?
He’s a superb recruitment asset for The Brexit Party.
Let him stay, I say 🙂
taffman, Napolean Complex? Aah, a companion for M’sieu Macron.
My mother always used to tell us kids that whenever a very short nobody thought himself a VIP; she always said:
“his A##e is to near tut’ floor to be awkward”
Being some one very tall – I have often been on the receiving end of ‘small man syndrome’ – I have considered it something sad but Bercow turns it into a brutal vindictive thing as shown by his treatment of Mrs leadsom and there others he bullies in public . Dreadful man .
I agree.
Good comments too.
I’m going to get fedup with popcorn at the current rate . Ok the the BBC is fixated on their best friend – Alistair mental Campbell .
So he gets thrown out of The Party He Loves for voting liberal. But now other Labour members are also admitting voting elsewhere . Will they be thrown out too ? Surely they must ?
It smacks of a kind of Stalinism much admired by comrade McDonnell .
What does the Labour Kremlin do ? Ignore the others and increase the Alistair mental Campbell ability to stride into TV studios playing an ego driven victim ? Or throw those who admitted they voted else where – including apparently real MPs – out?
This is why I might get fedup with popcorn . Now that the issue has become threatening to the socialists I think the BBC will get its customers to look elsewhere .
I’ve got to say it gives me great pleasure 2 see the ‘monopoly’ parties in difficulty – both deserve it so much for their poor government of the UK ( see unrestricted immigration for s start ).
As for your link to Sopel – nice to see him on the receiving end from some of his traditional ‘friends ‘.
The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
And no one inside has noticed because the doors to the bubble are closed.
But I do get to wonder if within it there are a few amongst the Bercows, Abbotts, Lammys, Soubreys, Eslers, Maitlises, Vines, YABs, Pollys, Campbells, etc who on occasion look around and think ‘is it any wonder the public alternate between distain and derision as we all expose ourselves in the world’s most bizarre reality show?’.
My concern is that I can and do find tv choices that serve. But Politically there is almost nothing worth considering. However leaving it to Blair’s politicised civil service is not an option.
“comrade McDonnell ”
Never seen him smile once.
He does now when he remembers – he’s been ‘treated ‘ by advisors _ who told him to use phrases like ‘a little bit more ‘ – in terms of increases taxes by billions .
It doesn’t really work for him – a man who said he could never be on personal friendly terms with a Tory , long time IRA supporter and brooder in the same way that Gordon Brown was .
I wonder if he might be similar to Gordon Brown in the sense of putting all his energy and scheming into becoming top dog but not really knowing what to do when he got there…
“He does now when he remembers – he’s been ‘treated ‘ by advisors”
His Advisors. Says it all.
Great headline from today’s BBC website:
“Climate activism failing to represent BAME groups, say campaigners”
Says it all, really.
I still laugh at the climate activists on Vauxhall bridge or wherever making the group porridge on a calor gas cooker !!!…..they haven’t got a clue it’s just a focal point for alternative lifestyle hippys…..
“climate activists”
Someone should tell those idiots to go and buy 20 @ 15 kg Calor Gas bottle refils so they they can then form a circle around them on Westminster Bridge then have a group “hummm” – that way they won’t need to go to Stonehenge every year. Save on the taxi fare as well.
You could have stopped at “Climate activism failing”.
OT, but guessing a degree in nursing is needed for all the stuff that has near zero to do with patient care?
There is recent legal precedent that says nurses are not allowed to PROMOTE their own religion at work
#GreenReligion, #DramaGreening #FakeGreens are a cult
I take it the case was heard by Lord `justice Satan and a couple of his Devils ….
Rob falls back on ‘it’s true because the bbc says it is’.
Good luck with that, Rob.
I’d like to interview Rob and Priti Patel.
I’d ask Priti how many more votes Leave would have got had the BBC not been utterly bent.
I’d then ask Rob where in the production hierarchy of the BBC Jasmine Lawrence was now.
See, Rob, that is what controlling the broadcast production means.
“will ask the right questions”
And will receive the right answers.
To resolve Brexit and Al Beeb a new government is needed. That government must be led by The Brexit Party.
D – Day is on its way and it may begin at Peterborough?
General, Private Eye may have a point…
(Continued on Page 94)…
It’s time they gave “er” a rest. It might have been funny once.