The BBC isn’t too keen to share the shocking news that Labour is being investigated by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission over its rampant anti semitism.
The story was actually given a down page display on the home page of its website for a period yesterday. Blink and you might have missed it.
However, soo too was a story about the Muslim Council of Britain asking the EHRC to probe the Tory Party over alleged Islamaphobia.
Both tales were given similar treatments and were of similar length. The BBC is desperate to show balance here, I naively thought.
Yet today the far more serious anti semitism story has been dropped totally, despite the fact that three national papers think it is important enough to include on their front pages.
But strangely, the BBC is today still featuring the Islamaphobia item, this time on its politics page.
So the Muslim Council’s allegation against the Tories, surely mischievous in nature and clearly timed to coincide with the anti semitism announcement, has been given priority by our ever biased BBC.
So the BBC has dropped the investigation of Labour anti-Semitism down the Memory Hole while still holding onto alleged Conservative Islamophobia?
This is really worrying. The BBC doesn’t want to tell us about the real problem of the former while pushing the fake allegation of the latter? It’s also surprising since the BBC has challenged Corbyn several times over his lack of action against anti-Semitism, often bringing the subject up on Question Time.
Islam is tightening its grip on the nation, full stop. Every day, in every way. They know the power of an organised lobby and are using it to the full.
It’s an organised lobby backed with the implicit threat of violence. Never forget that. I think it started in this country with the Satanic Verses affair. They found that they could threaten a man with death for something he had written, and he was the one who had to go into hiding and live in fear. Imagine the thrill they get by having that sort of power.
Has there ever been any hard proof of hard Islamophobia in the Conservative Party, compared to the rampant antisemitism within Labour?
It seems to be a counter attack by the left wing media (which includes the BBC) to try and deflect from Labour’s ongoing issues which the BBC are trying to lend a helping hand in.
Yes I remember that. I expect that to be brought up a few times over the next few weeks, or maybe years if Bojo gets the job of PM.
His status as a pro Brexiteer would mean he could be the most smeared PM ever although the joke is on the BBC, he could actually be one of the best PMs ever if they even give him a chance!
It is utterly assymmetrical. There is no rational ground for antisemitism on the one hand, but what is called a “phobia” on the other is perfectly rational.
Bercow is an arrogant and dangerous little man, who always strikes me as someone who feels he is so much better and wiser than everyone else. He seems to have decided it is his personal role to thwart the will of the people.
Nobody else in British politics decides how long they want to stay in post. There must be a system to get rid of him?
Is there? Or is it yet again up to our so-called ‘parliament’?
If nothing else someone could stand for election against him, if we are ever allowed to vote again, (nothing would surprise me with the current corrupt shower).
She’s one of the very few contenders that haven’t been tainted by May’s pathetic surrender treaty. She’s really solid on Brexit.
She’s a former TV presenter, so knows how to handle an irritating Beeboid and she’s easy on the eye. However, she has a voice that puts my teeth on edge and she won’t get close to the second round.
There are so many standing now that I’ve lost count! My particular favourite had always been Andrea Leadsome. She was brilliant during the original Brexit debates, speaks well, doesn’t get flustered and could appeal to most voters. However, she stuck limpet like to May when any reasonable Brexiteer knew it was time to jump ship. So she’s toast as far as I’m concerned.
With the Tories innate ability to pick lame ducks I’m afraid I’m not optimistic. Though surely, after the utter debacle of last week’s vote, even this lot of useless time servers couldn’t inflict someone like Gove or Hunt on us…
Could they?
Jeff, you could also add Theresa Villiers to a list with Leadsom. TV was interviewed on TWatO the other day and spoke well. However, please see my comments about speaking well below!
I think I was reminded by someone that McVey did back the PM’s WA in the second vote but the pressure was on then w/29.3 looming but she is a full on Brexiteer as is Leadsom and Villiers.
Von, Scouser, IIRC, bit of a looker, well thought of by colleagues & the Beeb, possibly a Libby conservative, realist or pragmatist or both but a definite Brexiteer. Merely my impressions from a distance, quite some distance ie. same as many on here.
More impressions of Scousers – which could be wrong – there are two types, one of which is tough in a scrap, as hard and as resilient as diamonds but fair & generous to all. If she wins out, I hope she falls in that category. She will need to be.
Anyone who brings the current anti democratic system Down . I’d nominate Chris Grayling or on second thoughts the Rory character who seems not to be familiar with the difference between truth and non truth .
Really Fed? would you really want that SCROTBAG Stewart as next PM or is it intentional as you know he may cause the Gov’t to collapse – he’s seems too much of a weasal and his creation of Figures on that radio show has put me right off him – 80% of uk support the WA!!??!?! erm no they dont Mr Stewart – where did 80% come from, erm i made it up to show you how i think the public thinks.
These types of politicians are self serving, a real politician would find you the correct and accurate number, wether that ends or breaks their career.
Yes – if Rory or failing grayling bought down the government that would be good for me .
Have another election – risk a communist government for a few months before the recession bit – the current parliament isn’t going to let us leave the ReichEU in any meaningful way so to me it becomes an anti democratic enemy .
We have seen that what the majority of people voted for is not being delivered so let the whole thing fall .
James Cleverly, in Prime 8.10am Interview slot as latest decl. Tory lead candidate, spoke very well. However, a Scottish expression popped into my head: “Fine words butter no parsnips!”. That’s the problem with this sort of thing in that ‘they can all talk the talk’ ….
However, he could be one to watch & held up well against a not overly hostile The Humph.
No, he’s another one who supported the Maybot deal.
Hopeless! We need someone who really wants to leave. Not another half in, half out hokey cokey Brexit.
ti posted this about McV:
theisland May 28, 2019 at 8:54 am
Esther McVey voted FOR the WA (Meaningful Vote 3) on 29 March.
Several have been compromised by at some point ‘being loyal Conservatives’. Should that be held against them?
I wish there could have been a legal argument in High Court and/or Supreme Court over Parliament having multiple votes on Brexit but I guess that the case against based on SC decision re Miller & others just did not hold water.
It looks as if the Government are keeping the matter quiet, also that they may be delaying it. They are employing, at vast expense to the taxpayer, the lawyer who represented them in the Miller case. All this and more is on the Daddy Dragon videos, but you have to sit through a lot of rather slow talk.
I looked up Cleverly in Wiki and discovered that we went to the same SE London school, but he many years after me.
Initially feeling quite chuffed I looked up the school and was horrified to find that Oily Robbins went there too! And his father was….wait for it..
a prof of sociology at the notorious UEL!!
One of my then best mates (from a different school) also became a prof of sociology and author of socialist bs there after a first degree at the equally notorious Goldsmith’s College. Have only met him once, decades ago, since leaving school.
I didn’t know (or had forgotten) that Cleverly was BAME origin until racist BBC reminded me. Shame on you, The Humph, and you a Welshman an’ all!
Cleverly knows what Bojo is like, apparently, having been a London Assembly member. I’m wondering whether Bojo may not run. Has he officially declared? Guido has Bojo down as a candidate.
“I didn’t know (or had forgotten) that Cleverly was BAME origin until racist BBC reminded me. Shame on you, The Humph, and you a Welshman an’ all!”
That really shocked me too! Unless he was giving him the opportunity to say “I could be the first black PM”, it was totally unnecessary …
Really is time for The Humph to go
If reasons are required to get rid of Squeaker Bercow, here is a review of some of his greatest hits…
6th February 2017: Dispensed with neutrality and attempted to bar the US President from addressing Parliament, without consulting the Lords Speaker, despite hosting numerous representatives of authoritarian regimes himself.
6th February 2017: Scrapped wigs for clerks
29th June 2017: Overruled convention on MPs’ ties
12th March 2018: Chaired debate on his own bullying despite his requirement for neutrality.
2nd May 2018: Used his position in an unfit way to call his patsy Julian Lewis to lavish praise on him
16th May 2018: Conspired with the Opposition to come up with arcane Parliamentary procedures to frustrate Brexit.
17th May 2018: Granted excessive numbers of SO24 debates, allowing Labour to bombard the Government to gain partisan support.
11th June 2018: Preferential treatment of one specific MP – Keith Vaz. Granted one of the most pointless urgent questions to Vaz over foreign military attack on third country while generally allowing Vaz more questions than any other MP.
13th June 2018: Bullied Claire Perry
6th November 2018: Stitched up Parliament’s bullying enquiry by ruling out taking action in individual cases to protect himself
7th November 2018: Misused his personal veto in order to block investigation into Keith Vaz
22nd November 2018: Bullied Andrea Leadsom out of the chamber
18th May 2018: Uses his position to reject standards probe into him calling Andrea Leadsom a stupid woman in the chamber.
9th January 2019: Overruled clerks’ advice to select the Grieve amendment in order to delay Brexit
14th March 2019: Refused to select the cross-party amendment B despite it having cross party support of 127 MPs, more than every other selected amendment put together.
Ongoing: Refuses to honour his election to speaker pledge which notes he would serve for no more than 9 years in total.
“Now the Government has made them permanent thousands of couples across the country will be able improve their existing home if they plan to have more children instead of being forced to find somewhere bigger. ”
The local government association planning officers are opposed to it:
‘While we recognise building extensions under permitted development has been popular with home owners, the planning process exists for a reason.
‘We do not believe this right should be made permanent until an independent review is carried out of its impact, both on neighbouring residents and businesses, and also the capacity of local planning departments.’
‘The current process also means councils have limited opportunity to consider the impact of such extensions on the local area, because they don’t go through the full planning process.’
We all know who this is aimed at, and we all know the reasons why it has been made a permanent policy. Just more Islamo pandering.
Things are desperate enough already with the projections of the % of the population that will be Muslim by 2050 scaring the pants of any sane non Muslim. Yet there is no sign of any real organised mass movement to this invasion. Rather as you point out just the opposite. The pro Islam establishment have control of what the mass of the population see and hear. Until that is wrested from their grasp we are going to continue down the path of Islamification.
This is not our country. For a long time it has been the property of Tony Blair and his accomplices and successors to do as they like with. What the country, demographically, has been deliberately turned into has never been the subject of any discussion in which the views of the native population might have been expressed.
My parental home is on a road that is steadily being colonised by Asian families. When they buy a house they invariable extend it. In one case they built on top of the original single-storey extension, built a new single-storey extension to the side and a single-storey extension to the rear, (about twice the width of the original house).
The latest purchase has seen the whole of the rear of the house demolished, allowing a double-storey extension to extend out to the limit of the previous full-width single-storey extension. A new full-width single-storey extension has been added to the rear. The re-roofing of the house adds another two bedrooms. So the house now has seven bedrooms against the original four.
If the build goes to form the front garden will be totally stripped out and block-paved to provide parking for four BMW/M-B/Range Rovers. Another two will be parked on the driveways crossing the grass verge and possibly another two on the road. The rear garden will be ripped out to provide space for a marquee for family events.
Now consider that the drainage systems for this road were based on gardens front and rear, i.e. minimal run-off and occupation by two adults and a maximum of three children per house. Add to that the habit of the Asians to hose-wash every vehicle at least weekly, come rain or shine. (Do they do it so as to be ‘one up’ on their cousins back in dry Delhi?)
We are creating one hell of an infrastructure problem in our cities if nothing else.
Very similar to what is happening on my road now Jim. I’m fortunate to live in a road on the edge of the Birmingham green belt. In the space of four years several Asian families moved in and did what you have posted about. They don’t really care about planning permission as they have discovered a loop in the regulations which means providing they leave one original wall standing, they can demolish and build a new house on that wall and the house will not be classed as new build house. But any fool can see that it is a new house.
The sewers cannot cope with the increased amount of people living in the road now, so in the summer we now have the delightful smell of raw sewage on warm evenings.
The young men who have moved here with their parents race their high spec cars loudly up the road regularly each day and in the early hours of the morning. People’s sleep patterns are affected.
Accidents are now more frequent. Here’s a story from The Birmingham Mail to illustrate my point:
Asian businessmen in nearby Walsall are resubmitting their umpteenth planning application to convert farmland into a Muslim cemetery. The main concerns are that as Muslims get buried in shrouds, nearby water courses will become contaminated. The proposal looks as if it may be successful this time:
The businessmen are now calling it a ‘Natural Burial Cemetery’ but after the several previous planning applications referring to it as a Muslim cemetery, people all know from which community the future custom base will be from.
The two main parties in England increasingly rely on their imported core voters to vote for them. But they should now be aware that the majority of voters can see what they actually are about now and they want an upheaval of the current voting system.
And they rarely seek planning permission nor building control involvement. All builders are non British, and paid in cash. This is effectively a method of laundering drug money. The fancy cars they have are on lease, usually from another Muslim, and paid for in cash to avoid any issues with Inland Revenue / police.
I’m not a fan of judges making law or ‘judicial reviews’. How does a single person, unelected and unaccountable to the electorate get to have so much power?
I don’t think they can even claim to be operating ‘in the national interest’, rather just how clever they are in pushing ‘there must be a law against that’ idea. These sort of people infest every organisation, they don’t have a position of authority per se with the resposibility that comes with that but instead take their power from ‘the rule book’.
Of course ‘authority without responsibility’, (which judges have), is exactly what he accuses the (plebs) people of. The difference is that the judge closes the file and moves on to another (well-paid) case whereas ‘the people’ have to live the consequences, good or bad, of their collective decision.
Jim, in an elective democracy Judges derive their authority from that democracy that elects a Government from the periodic referendums that it takes or makes to choose representatives for the people. Jonathan Sumption should remember that.
It was an unfortunate trend of the Blair & Brown governments (note the small ‘g’) that they both tried to enshrine things in law. Pass binding laws on politicians and people.
They had a measure of self interest in that in that the HoC (as Sumption has or should observe) is stacked with lawyers. It is dangerous, again has Sumption has already stated in lecture 1 or 2, that that attempt to bind Parliaments can clash with a change of understanding or desire or fashion over time. BTW, a Judge does have responsibility 1. to the Law, and 2. to the demos, the latter being both under the Law but able to change it. Judges also hate being overturned so they do make an effort to get things right.
All officials, even down to the lowest social security clerk, get their authority ‘from the democratic process’, and they all have ‘responsibility to get it right’. My point is that a judge can decide that, say, a new social security provision is unlawful, but has no responsibility to balance a budget, manage the organisation or deliver a particular social reform, none of which is trivial or easy.
Of course government should ‘get it right’ and ‘follow the rules’ but in theory all these checks and balances are built into the parliamentary process, (which is more than just the politicians by the way). As to judges ‘getting it right’ its not exactly rare for judgements to be reversed twice in the appeal process.
(I find it particularly irksome that well-paid judges can take months/years to come to a conclusion and then pronounce judgement on someone, often paid very little, that made the ‘wrong’ split-second decision. There but by the grace of God, as some say).
Salvini is saying that he is determined to set a budget in Italy to revitalise the economy and significantly reduce youth unemployment. Quite a socialist policy. This busts the Euro rules wide open. The EU of course says that this is breaching the EU rules and sanctions will be imposed on Italy if it goes ahead. Ant yet in the UK hundreds of thousands of young folks who vote overwhelmingly for comrade Corbyn also vote for the EU. It’s very puzzling . The only explanation that I can come up with is that young Brits are gullible in the extreme , easily duped , unable to think for themselves and terminally thick.
Dt, the young in Britain were told via BBC R4 post-EU Ref that they would not be able to study or travel or live or work ‘abroad’. They all love the Planet and think Global Warming and Climate Change will harm it irrevocably so they wish to get as much traveling in as possible first. Entirely logical.
I had a discussion with a late 20’s something the other day and she voted to remain but admitted she had no idea why and also had no idea that the EU was constituted as a State or know anything about the electoral process or what its intentions were. When I told her about the plans to basically take over all functions of each country and leave places like the HoP redundant and how the Euro and not being able to set currency levels impacts on countries, with a few facts about youth unemployment in the EU versus the UK etc she admitted maybe it was the wrong vote –
so gullible, yes – follow the facebook crap yes, scared to break from what the loudest voices say yes..but actually not thick – just don’t think …and the only reason she had the conversation was because of Nigel Farage and the Brexit party crashing her beliefs – so well done NF
In my job I speak to many in their late teens and early twenties and the majority voted to remain – again without the foggiest idea of the aims of the EU. Some will come up with the usual ‘it’s the young vote that counts as it effects us for longer’, and worse, ‘the older generation voted for selfish reasons blah blah.’
I reply,
1)I voted leave BECAUSE of my kids and their future, and I suspect most parents and grandparents who voted leave did so for the same reason. And…
2) Don’t you think it’s odd that it’s the older generation voting for change while the younger want things to stay the same? Plus, shouldn’t you take note of those who’ve lived longer under the auspices of the EU and seen what they’re up to?
And when they come out with the usual crap about those who were 16 at the time of the vote didn’t have a say in their future – I reply, I was 12 when we voted to go in, so I’ve lived all my adult life under the ever-encroaching EU. And when I eventually get my chance to express an opinion, you want to ignore it!!!!
Usually met with silence. But if I can plant a few seeds of doubt about the EU it’s worth the effort.
Of course parents and grandparents only think about themselves.
For the nine months I carried you,
Growin’ inside me – NO CHARGE,
For the nights I’ve sat up with you,
Doctored you, prayed for you – NO CHARGE,
For the toys, food and clothes.
And for wiping your nose, there’s NO CHARGE,
When you add it all up.
The full cost of my love is NO CHARGE.
I switch on the kitchen radio and find it’s tuned to Radio Five Moribund. It’s the tail-end of an item where Adrian Chiles discovers from some Labour oik why Labour now needs to go flat out for a Remain policy. I am left with the residual impression of two football fans commiserating over their team’s defeat the previous Saturday. “Barmitage is a good enough striker. The trouble is he’s not getting any service from the wings.”
A few minutes later I return to the kitchen. Kerry McCarthy MP (Lab) and the afore-mentioned Mr Chiles are trying to persuade Charlie Elphicke MP (Con) that a second referendum is the only logical solution to our problems. Transmission terminated.
Quick question but why has the BBC followed the left wing media (Guardian Independent ect) by reporting on Boris Johnson attending court yet have completely ignored the fact that the Labour party are being investigated for antisemitism and the only party other than the BNP to be investigated in such a way?
Even if the £350 million a week is the net figure, that does not make it a lie. And no figure was put on what might have been given to the NHS instead, nor could it have been. I can’t see what the court will have to discuss.
I’m heartily sick of all this debate about some figures on a bus.
If there are any figures to be discussed when debating the EU it should perhaps be their accounts, which I believe have not be signed off by an independent third party for well over 20 years.
I say believe because I don’t have the full facts. Perhaps some al Beeb journos could start an investigation, to expose the truth. Perhaps.
Today’s Vine R2 show asked: is Brexit really important or just a distraction?
Dressed up as a balanced debate about what the presenter called a “counter intuitive” notion, the entire coverage was framed by the narrative that there far more important things to worry about than our sovereignty, democracy etc.
They did the usual thing which was to invite calls representing various opinions.
But the aim was clearly to plant the idea in listeners’ minds that Brexit isn’t really a big deal – why can’t we just stick with the status quo, we have an okay set up with the EU etc etc.
The presenter at one stage even opined that Brexit was “just a trade deal”.
They could have asked: “is democracy under threat” or “is the EU out of control” but, no, it’s all about the suggestion that people who believe in national values, democracy and are against supranational, federalist, statist dictatorship are somehow detached from reality and on the fringes.
Thanks BBC, but we see right through you.
Ed – “There are far more more important things to worry about than our sovereignty.” It’s always difficult to determine whether the bbbc is composed of fools or knaves. But I think if we proposed the re-establishment of the British Empire on the justification that the ordinary black African was better off under colonialism than they are at present under their own corrupt governments, we would soon hear from the BBC how sovereignty is the most fundamentally important issue for every people.
Ed – is that comment about ‘ sovereignty’ just loose words or verbatim . If it’s the latter then I’m sure a visit to the D Day cemeteries or Those from the Great War can be flattened and turned into theme parks or estates for ReichEU civil servants .
I see Boris is summoned to appear in court for lying (yet again) over his Brexit claim of £350 million per week.
It is prima facie true but fails to account for the rebate but it could potentially open a huge can of worms.
If Johnson is guilty then why can we not sue BLiar for lying over the Iraq war and several other matters? (Islam is a religion of peace is an enormous lie!)
If politicians telling untruths amounts to misconduct in public office then virtually every Prime Minister we have had is going to be guilty !
I note that the State Broadcaster has a report about Boris Johnson in court over a claim made during campaigning in 2016. It will be interesting to see if further legal action is taken over statements reportedly made by Remainers such as the George Osborne “slash public spending and increase taxes in an emergency Budget to tackle a £30bn “black hole” if the UK votes to leave the European Union” claim. Or how about the ‘implementing the will of the people’ claims made by the main parties in 2016 and 2017?
Looks, on beeb lunchtime news, extremely vague – centred on someone called -was it Marcus Ball? All the flavour of a hastily thrown together beeb hatchet job (lead item!)
Could be entirely ‘true’, but we know our beeb by now…
Timing: more than a little suspicious?
This case against Johnson will probably go to the highest level because the ‘progressives’ have infiltrated everywhere. Boris’s lawyer has said that, rather than courts, it up to the people to decide whether to believe politicians.
Celtic -.i have no time for ex bullingdon club members but the claim by Alex Johnson was one for the campaign -not the courts .
I suppose the court proceedings will be struck out as ‘ vexatious ‘ as the case will achieve nothing and only be accepted by those whom it suits .
Soros trying again ….
ok so for one I dont think someone understands sarcasm in that article
Farage the most hated man in the EU ,
who the EU would love to get rid of ,
asking them for an extension,
so he can come back with even more Nigel Farages to be a pain in their butt
I disagree – it’s not worth the watch – i stayed with it for 4 long minutes before getting fedup with this bloke rambling along .
Why is this video on the Biased BBC site ? If it’s just an attack on The Brexit Party – which I guess you don’t like then maybe it should be posted elsewhere ?
You could do us a favour and summarise the narrators points without having to waste 32 minutes on it….
From Guido.
Brexit Party Chairman is going over to the Legal offensive against a Scottish MEP who alleged on Sky that The Brexit Party was a money laundering front.
“”Brexit Party Chairman Richard Tice has issued a legal letter to SNP MEP Alyn Smith, for calling the party “a money laundering front” on live television. They demand that by midday tomorrow Smith must issue the following (surprisingly reserved) statement otherwise High Court proceedings will be brought “for appropriate relief”:
“On 27 May 2019 I was interviewed by Sky News. In that interview I stated that the Brexit Party and by implication its Chairman, Richard Tice, were involved in money laundering. Having reflected upon this, I am happy to state that in fact I do not have any evidence to support this allegation. I spoke in the heat of the moment and did not give proper consideration to the implications of what I was saying. Neither the Brexit Party nor Mr Tice are involved in money laundering. I am happy to set the record straight “”
id pay good money to see this happen – that scottish MEP is a grade A Pr**k – uses abusive language in parliament like its normal and when someone does the same to him he cries to Leader of Parliament for the other person to apologies
I hope he refuses to do so, so TBP can take him for everything he’s got
1. Priti Patel – Yes
2. McVey – Yes
3. Boris – Maybe
4. Raab – Maybe
5. Leadsom – Maybe
6. Javid – No
7. Cleverly – No
8. Jeremy Hunt – No
9. Hancock – No
10. Rory Stewart – f No
11. Michael Gove – f No
Am I allowed to say I like Patel?….British Indian heritage…big Thatcherite and formed the Referendum Party before becoming MP?…she seems to speak sense and shoots from the hip.
Its her or Leadsom at the moment for me…the only two with any ‘balls’
(I thought Rory Stewart was great as Uriah Heep in BBC’s David Copperfield adaptation incidentally)
Pritti Patel is very good on Brexit. But I recall her being very much in favour of mass immigration!
Correct me if I’m wrong.
I wonder if there any body in the Tory line -up who is willing to speak against it?
I am afraid that I don’t trust any Tory government or any party in The House of Comedians to get us out of the EU . Three years have passed since the promise of freedom and we still haven’t left. We are governed by a rotten parliament full of traitors.
Our only salvation is The Brexit Party.
Yes but, no but, that spare £11m per week could have gone to Local Authorities to help pay for full-time care. 😉 Boris might have thought it but just forgot to say it.
Re the Boris Johnson prosecution thing, it looks like the left (leavers) in the UK are borrowing tactics used by the lefty Dems in the USA now, if you can’t win, accuse, accuse, accuse trying to make some crap stick. Being financed by them to do it? Does make you wonder. And why have they waited until the threat of Boris = PM comes up?
i guess they know the justice system is run mainly by elites and lefties and they can bend it to political advantage (Remember the Gina Miller and Tommy Robinson farces!)
This should have been thrown out of court. If it succeeds I think we should assemble a team of like-minded folks watching everything these left worms (and the BBC) claim and if ANY of it looks dodgy or inaccurate, or based on supposition then crowd fund it into court time after time like this odious little chap has done.
It’s called Lawfare and it’s been around for a while. The court case timing is coincidental, no one could have predicted the resignation of May or the Tory leadership election.
It’s not all one sided though as we see with the Tilbrook case.
“This should have been thrown out of court.”
But then the greedy weasels wouldn’t be able to claim all those lovely fees, which is what is most important.
Andrew Lillico in the Telegraph points out that the gross amount is paid to the EU itself but that most of the ‘rebates’ are ‘given’ to us by EU member states rather than the EU.
Ahead of Maitlis and Neil interrogations of the final Conservative candidates you ponder some underlying issues and how the winning candidate might address such
!) SNP/Sinn Fein/Irish Republic issue- a concerted attempt under the guise of Brexit to break up the UK on 2 fronts(Scotland and N.I.) – it draws many parallels with the Gunpowder Plot at least in terms of power and influence.
These 3 can be classed together as first class bluffers – the new leader will have to demonstrate how their bluff will be called or at least faced down.
2)Brexit Party- how will the new leader deal with this to develop an understanding of a win win scenario in the face of communism/liberals with sandals and Green Fiends coalition?
– under a Remain Agenda.
3) EU – How can their “re-organisation” be utilized for a new deal
ahead of the October deadline………and if not what happens on Halloween?
4) The Bercow factor including the Frenchman, Grieve, The Syrian host Pixie Balls……..and Frankenstein Benn clutching a book of stamps minus the Queens head in memory of his late father!
Think I,ll go for Butterkist….not just plain popcorn.
The £350 million per week was incompetent because it is before the rebate, which is not paid over in the first instance.
The correct figure is around £250 million, which is paid over. We get a chunk of it back but we have no control over how that is spent, so that would have been a legitimate criticism of our membership.
I did check whether the correct figures were included in the Cameron Government’s leaflet, but they weren’t.
Nobody voted leave solely because of the wording of a slogan on a bus. Everybody must have heard the arguments by now but The Brexit Party still won.
if the NET figure had been on the bus , it would have been completely ignored and not mentioned by putting the GROSS amount on
It caused a massive stir with the MSM constantly reminding everyone it was “ONLY” £250m , which as we all knows is a damn sight larger than 0 , and reminding everyone that the EU isnt FREE
You would would have needed to be deaf and illiterate not to have known the figure was “ONLY” £250m
And lets not talk about the amount we send from CET and all the other backdoor indirect deals and cost
I think it was clever to use a figure that could be challenged because that ensured an interminable discussion about – and therefore a constant reminder of – the huge expense of belonging to this organization.
Helen, you are right but sort of wrong. Or sort of wrong but right.
The UK taxpayer pays the Gross figure, £18.8bn for 2014. We are taxed to that. The rebate and any other EU ‘investment’ in the UK does not get returned to the taxpayer. As you rightly imply, it gets spent at the EU’s behest.
If we leave the EU without a deal, we pay nothing and stop paying the Gross figure. We do not stop paying the Net figure while still receiving the Rebate and EU ‘investment’.
Hope that helps with the understanding of it.
It’s very simple. Funny thing is, the only people who appear to have trouble with this £350m p/w on the Leave bus, when you push them, it appears they voted Remain anyway.
Not sure about that. Are you confusing the rebate with the amount returned and spent according to EU instructions?
This seems to support my figures, is it reliable?
It goes on to say: “The UK doesn’t pay or “send to Brussels” this higher figure of £18.6 billion, or anything equivalent per week or per day. The rebate is applied straight away (its size is calculated based on the previous year’s contributions), so the UK never contributes this much.
You know when you go to the London Transport counter to report a suspicious package
that guy behind the counter has not been on the C4 show ‘The Jihadi next door’
..And his own family have not reported him to police
And he will not go on to kill London people in a big terrorist attack.
…. Right ?
Family of London Bridge terrorist destroyed his ppt & reported him to police when he revealed plans to travel to Syria to support IS. Butt’s brother-in-law called gov't’s anti-terrorism hotline after they had heated argument about the jihadist organisation
2015 family report him
August 2015 TV appearance
– Family destroy his passport so he can’t travel
May 2016 employed as customer service on the underground.
June 2018 He was one of the London Bridge terrorists
It might have been waycist to refuse him a job,or Islamofauxbik. Better that a few white people die than a effnik gets offended in any way.
If the left are prepared to turn a blind eye to the rape of tens if not hundreds of thousands of young white girls then what else are they turning a blind eye to ?
I heard Alistair Campbell’s name mentioned in conjunction with ‘spiteful’ on the radio and thought “sums the miserable old git up nicely”, then I realised it was about him getting kicked out of the Labour Party.
He should put his name forward for the next leader of the Limpundems, he’d fit in well there.
When Scunthorpe is a ghost town due to Lib/Lab/Con green taxes and rules
Rory Stewart will be doubling British overseas aid dedicated to fighting Global Warming to £2.2bn in 2025
Hey Sadiq what is the 2019 London Hatey Tweet count ?
cos you don’t seem bothered about the 2019 London stabbing death count.
A man who was attacked while trying to stop his moped being stolen in Battersea, south west London on Saturday has died in hospital. You maybe happy to sit back & let London turn into a shithole but we’re not, Hand in your resignation now!
— Marcus????????4Brexit (@gray_mgray70) May 29, 2019
Stew – not readily – they are still running at one stab killing in London every 3 days ….it’s about 30 so far …
There was little comment that a second ‘youth ‘ was charged with killing the 17 year old girl ( scout ) in a playground in outer east London a couple of days ago.
When the poor girl was murdered there was a rightful outcry – but because the yoof can’t be named for illegal reasons the press has looked away
I have always disposed that snowflake nonsense of not naming kids charged with crimes ….
“UK ‘needs more overseas vets and architects’, say government advisers”
Why ?
Because we fund our kids to waste their time in Uni studying meeja, drama, art, theology and all the other easy ‘ology’ courses instead of getting real jobs.
Why is Al Beeb so driven to flood our nation with immigrants ? One of main reasons that the people of this nation voted for Brexit was to cut immigration . Our present government have failed to deliver either of these .
“Web designers” said one BBC radio report
. You know that internet job that you can do from anywhere else in the world.
Any UK kid can be a webdesigner
And any foreign kid can build UK websites from his own bedroom
Its hilarious they think he/she would need to immigrate here.
Basically agree but training Vets is hugely expensive and once trained there is no real return back to the state that funded it.
Partly for this reason, places on Vet courses are like gold-dust.
Meeja studies may be useless but are cheap to run.
What an irony that the right-on multiculturalists want to deprive countries who have trained their people to become Vets from benefiting from that training. A strange left-wing morality indeed.
Useless ‘ology’ courses were set up by previous governments as a means of keeping kids off the dole. Their time would have been better spent learning building, engineering and nursing skills.
Wasted years, wasted lives.
Getting real jobs would have enabled our youth to get on the housing ladder sooner along with ‘pensionable years’ under their belt.
Taffman, according to last Sunday’s Sunday on BBC R4 (7.10-7.50+am) our kids are not doing theology any more at school or Uni. The Sunday Service after the 8am News & Sunday Papers featured a Canon Collingwood who is a Zen(!) teacher. Seems like he could do with a bit more of an ‘ology’ to get him onto the right path, pun intended.
‘Sadiq Khan challenges John Cleese when he says London is no longer an English city’.
The irony of this statement is evidently lost on those reporting it.
A few years back a US tourist sat at the next table to my son and I in a London restaurant. After hearing us speak, he leaned over and asked if we we’re English. He then stood and shook our hands saying we were the first English he’d met all day – and this was 8pm!
As President Trump’s visit is fast approaching, expect Al Beeb and the MSM to hype up the anti-Trump frenzy towards our most powerful friend and allay.
When it was put to the arch Remainer Dominic Grieve that a majority voted Leave in the Referendum, he responded that yes but that was three years ago and people change their minds over that period of time and therefore we should reconsider.
The problem with this logic is that the implementation of the Withdrawal process was always going to take three years, therefore any result was always going to be deemed invalid.
Yeh cos the UKs main priority in 2020 will be to get the whole world to fly to London for a Global Warming jamboree ..COP26
Please sign our Parliamentary petition calling for the UK to host the next global climate change summit, COP26, which will see world leaders setting out the next stages of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. @CEN_HQ
I came across a story in a national newspaper with the headline “Melbourne hit by coldest May day since 2000 as snow hits Ballarat…”
So knowing the BBC’s regard for all things climate change coupled with the fact that little old Aussie is probably one of the the first places that comes to mind in feeling the dreaded effects of Global Warming I tried to find any mention of this on the Beeb website… Zilch…. so I tried their search feature and only came up with an article teaser…”what will the weather be like for the Australian Grand Prix?”, Ah at last a bit of info so I clicked the link and…
Today : Melbourne
BBC : Australia’s ‘Egg Boy’ gives donations to NZ attack survivors
: Senator Anning had caused fury when he said, on the day of the shootings, Muslim migration was to blame for them.
Will Connolly egged Fraser Anning in March – prompting people to flood him with donations to pay his legal costs
He has given almost A$100,000 (£55,000; $69,000) to survivors of the Christchurch mosque attacks.
( but zero to victims of Muslim attacks within his own city)
“the controversial far-right senator”
..I bet he doesn’t label himself that.
… he lost re-election last month
Loads of Australians retweet that BBC story
cos the BBC uses our money to serve its Australian libmob friends.
So if people are intolerant with words, resort to physical violence. Is that what we are promoting here?
For the record: I disagree with the senators comments.
BBC News – Australia's 'Egg Boy' gives donations to NZ attack survivors
— Thomas Evans ✝️✡️☪️☮️????️☸️ (@ThomasEvans1984) May 29, 2019
The second most recent BBC Melbourne story
3 days ago · “The brutal killing of a young, homeless woman has renewed discussion in Australia about violence against women.”
I’d be surprised if the murder rate for men isn’t way higher than for women
Not BBC – but if anyone doesn’t know – and needs a footy fix – BT are apparently streaming the Euro footy final free tonight – Wednesday – kickoff 2000 London time – in somewhere called Bacu – see if anyone has bought the Ref…. ????
So ex-Beeboid Peston comes out as a groupie for the young man taking Boris to court, unaware or unconcerned by the actual reporting by Guido as to the context behind this fellow’s efforts.
Meanwhile on a similar ‘it fits my dreams so I’ll run with it’ journalism chez Aunty, here’s American Beauty Jon being neatly filleted for views that are, doubtless, his own, if published under the banner of the British national broadcaster that speaks for the nation. Apparently:
Reminder: it is not clear if @BBCJonSopel has beaten up an old lady and stolen a child's lollipop before writing this silly tweet
The Times : \\ Jessikka Aro Russian investigator went undercover at Russia’s IRA (Internet Research Agency) troll factory and found hundreds of Russians working as paid trolls in rotating shifts //
yes very bad
but the entire western media act as a giant troll factory themselves , so they should look inward as well
.. instead of just saying “look over there Russians !”
‘ should the 14 billion pounds overseas giveaway budget be directed at Social Care in the UK ?’
Instead it advertised a Panorama programme showing the human consequences of underfunding social care .
I don’t like the term ‘ social care ‘. It sounds passive – neutral and unimportant .
It is about caring for the old and those with the need for support /help in their daily lives beyond being in hospital .
I have been on the receiving end of underfunding of social care for a close relative so I know what the effect is .
Whilst parliament plays its anti democratic games – with background music supplied by the MSM – millions of british people are suffering every day because the parliament decided to send money to bongo bongo land instead of keeping it at home .
For those interested in the Tory leadership I think Priti Patel is one of the few to support the reduction of the overseas aid budget ….
‘Social care’ money is cash provided by honest citizens during their working lives for awful politicians like Bliar, Brown and co, and a few Tories as well, to p*** up the wall on their fanatical ‘projects’.
That money was paid to be in trust for a decent retirement, not to be squandered on illegal wars, illegal immigration, and a failure to protect the vulnerable in run-down places, especially London, but then with such a useless ‘mair’, who’s surprised!
“Port Talbot Banksy mural: Artwork arrives at new home”
Is this art or vandalism ?
While we are at it, how much of a carbon footprint did this exercise leave ?
I thought Port Talbot needed a bit more than some tasteless graffiti.
I hope the good people working their socks off to make the place stay alive are not going to get charged for all this scribble appearing on their streets.
As a supporter of Michael Andrew Gove to be next Conservative
leader and Prime Minister and betting him at 9/2 a few days ago.
And also dabbling in anagrams . I can say We head govern claim!
I feel so bad. The One Show had a story about all these British people who are returning to the UK from Spain because of…..Brexit.
I’m distraught, It’s all my fault!
BBC never misses an opportunity to push the propaganda, Joseph Goebbels would have been so proud.
Shame I’ve never seen the Un show – presumably the British coming back from Spain have got return tickets – if I remember Ryanair do flights at about £30.
Obviously because of ReichEU economic policy it’s harder to get a job in Spain than in many bits of Blighty – and perhaps why one hears a lot more Spanish around London these days . …
Mr Cleese might be another one of those TV personalities with ‘ issues ‘ but he is right about London not being English any more .
That blasted Gina Muller gets in everywhere, doesn’t she!
She must be raking in thousands, well, almost as much as Dieene A’Bott, Nutter Comical Ali and crim, Victoria Pryce-Price-is-right!
Why do we have to endure the endless, boring trash these useless objects spurt every time they get dragged in off the street! What’s the going rate at BBBC? £600 a pop at the last count, and nobody gives a stuff what they say anyway!
I even used to like Simon Jack before he started to wear glasses, but now, he’s plonked on the airwaves as a brilliant business guru, with the ability to run an international conglomerate.
Pathetic BBBC ‘promotion’ really, he’s still just a bloke who reads the headlines like most of us!
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
The BBC isn’t too keen to share the shocking news that Labour is being investigated by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission over its rampant anti semitism.
The story was actually given a down page display on the home page of its website for a period yesterday. Blink and you might have missed it.
However, soo too was a story about the Muslim Council of Britain asking the EHRC to probe the Tory Party over alleged Islamaphobia.
Both tales were given similar treatments and were of similar length. The BBC is desperate to show balance here, I naively thought.
Yet today the far more serious anti semitism story has been dropped totally, despite the fact that three national papers think it is important enough to include on their front pages.
But strangely, the BBC is today still featuring the Islamaphobia item, this time on its politics page.
So the Muslim Council’s allegation against the Tories, surely mischievous in nature and clearly timed to coincide with the anti semitism announcement, has been given priority by our ever biased BBC.
Ed Hitter,
So the BBC has dropped the investigation of Labour anti-Semitism down the Memory Hole while still holding onto alleged Conservative Islamophobia?
This is really worrying. The BBC doesn’t want to tell us about the real problem of the former while pushing the fake allegation of the latter? It’s also surprising since the BBC has challenged Corbyn several times over his lack of action against anti-Semitism, often bringing the subject up on Question Time.
I guess Islam is tightening its grip on the BBC.
Islam is tightening its grip on the nation, full stop. Every day, in every way. They know the power of an organised lobby and are using it to the full.
It’s an organised lobby backed with the implicit threat of violence. Never forget that. I think it started in this country with the Satanic Verses affair. They found that they could threaten a man with death for something he had written, and he was the one who had to go into hiding and live in fear. Imagine the thrill they get by having that sort of power.
Are any practical plans being discussed for the restriction of Islam in this country?
Has there ever been any hard proof of hard Islamophobia in the Conservative Party, compared to the rampant antisemitism within Labour?
It seems to be a counter attack by the left wing media (which includes the BBC) to try and deflect from Labour’s ongoing issues which the BBC are trying to lend a helping hand in.
I think boris mentioned letterboxes once and may showed a tiny bit of displeasure at some islamic atrocity . so yeah case proven in BBC terms
Is this why the media is getting excited by ‘accusations’ that have wound up common purpose legal types?
Yes I remember that. I expect that to be brought up a few times over the next few weeks, or maybe years if Bojo gets the job of PM.
His status as a pro Brexiteer would mean he could be the most smeared PM ever although the joke is on the BBC, he could actually be one of the best PMs ever if they even give him a chance!
It is utterly assymmetrical. There is no rational ground for antisemitism on the one hand, but what is called a “phobia” on the other is perfectly rational.
Bercow is an arrogant and dangerous little man, who always strikes me as someone who feels he is so much better and wiser than everyone else. He seems to have decided it is his personal role to thwart the will of the people.
Nobody else in British politics decides how long they want to stay in post. There must be a system to get rid of him?
Is there? Or is it yet again up to our so-called ‘parliament’?
If nothing else someone could stand for election against him, if we are ever allowed to vote again, (nothing would surprise me with the current corrupt shower).
Napoleon Complex ?
esther mcvey – your thoughts people…she’s the only one i dont have an opinion on and she’s advercating no deal exit from EU.
I need opinions that aren’t mine 🙂 please & Thank you.
She’s one of the very few contenders that haven’t been tainted by May’s pathetic surrender treaty. She’s really solid on Brexit.
She’s a former TV presenter, so knows how to handle an irritating Beeboid and she’s easy on the eye. However, she has a voice that puts my teeth on edge and she won’t get close to the second round.
There are so many standing now that I’ve lost count! My particular favourite had always been Andrea Leadsome. She was brilliant during the original Brexit debates, speaks well, doesn’t get flustered and could appeal to most voters. However, she stuck limpet like to May when any reasonable Brexiteer knew it was time to jump ship. So she’s toast as far as I’m concerned.
With the Tories innate ability to pick lame ducks I’m afraid I’m not optimistic. Though surely, after the utter debacle of last week’s vote, even this lot of useless time servers couldn’t inflict someone like Gove or Hunt on us…
Could they?
Jeff, you could also add Theresa Villiers to a list with Leadsom. TV was interviewed on TWatO the other day and spoke well. However, please see my comments about speaking well below!
I think I was reminded by someone that McVey did back the PM’s WA in the second vote but the pressure was on then w/29.3 looming but she is a full on Brexiteer as is Leadsom and Villiers.
Von, Scouser, IIRC, bit of a looker, well thought of by colleagues & the Beeb, possibly a Libby conservative, realist or pragmatist or both but a definite Brexiteer. Merely my impressions from a distance, quite some distance ie. same as many on here.
More impressions of Scousers – which could be wrong – there are two types, one of which is tough in a scrap, as hard and as resilient as diamonds but fair & generous to all. If she wins out, I hope she falls in that category. She will need to be.
Anyone who brings the current anti democratic system Down . I’d nominate Chris Grayling or on second thoughts the Rory character who seems not to be familiar with the difference between truth and non truth .
Really Fed? would you really want that SCROTBAG Stewart as next PM or is it intentional as you know he may cause the Gov’t to collapse – he’s seems too much of a weasal and his creation of Figures on that radio show has put me right off him – 80% of uk support the WA!!??!?! erm no they dont Mr Stewart – where did 80% come from, erm i made it up to show you how i think the public thinks.
These types of politicians are self serving, a real politician would find you the correct and accurate number, wether that ends or breaks their career.
Yes – if Rory or failing grayling bought down the government that would be good for me .
Have another election – risk a communist government for a few months before the recession bit – the current parliament isn’t going to let us leave the ReichEU in any meaningful way so to me it becomes an anti democratic enemy .
We have seen that what the majority of people voted for is not being delivered so let the whole thing fall .
TOADY Watch #1 and possibly only
James Cleverly, in Prime 8.10am Interview slot as latest decl. Tory lead candidate, spoke very well. However, a Scottish expression popped into my head: “Fine words butter no parsnips!”. That’s the problem with this sort of thing in that ‘they can all talk the talk’ ….
However, he could be one to watch & held up well against a not overly hostile The Humph.
No, he’s another one who supported the Maybot deal.
Hopeless! We need someone who really wants to leave. Not another half in, half out hokey cokey Brexit.
ti posted this about McV:
theisland May 28, 2019 at 8:54 am
Esther McVey voted FOR the WA (Meaningful Vote 3) on 29 March.
Several have been compromised by at some point ‘being loyal Conservatives’. Should that be held against them?
I wish there could have been a legal argument in High Court and/or Supreme Court over Parliament having multiple votes on Brexit but I guess that the case against based on SC decision re Miller & others just did not hold water.
It looks as if the Government are keeping the matter quiet, also that they may be delaying it. They are employing, at vast expense to the taxpayer, the lawyer who represented them in the Miller case. All this and more is on the Daddy Dragon videos, but you have to sit through a lot of rather slow talk.
I looked up Cleverly in Wiki and discovered that we went to the same SE London school, but he many years after me.
Initially feeling quite chuffed I looked up the school and was horrified to find that Oily Robbins went there too! And his father was….wait for it..
a prof of sociology at the notorious UEL!!
One of my then best mates (from a different school) also became a prof of sociology and author of socialist bs there after a first degree at the equally notorious Goldsmith’s College. Have only met him once, decades ago, since leaving school.
PG, I looked at Wiki like you did.
I didn’t know (or had forgotten) that Cleverly was BAME origin until racist BBC reminded me. Shame on you, The Humph, and you a Welshman an’ all!
Cleverly knows what Bojo is like, apparently, having been a London Assembly member. I’m wondering whether Bojo may not run. Has he officially declared? Guido has Bojo down as a candidate.
When’s the deadline for entries?
“I didn’t know (or had forgotten) that Cleverly was BAME origin until racist BBC reminded me. Shame on you, The Humph, and you a Welshman an’ all!”
That really shocked me too! Unless he was giving him the opportunity to say “I could be the first black PM”, it was totally unnecessary …
Really is time for The Humph to go
Here is a useful website where you can look up the voting records of MPs. You can search by using your own (or another) post code. They cover debates and have a useful ‘write to them’ format as well.
Thanks, Lucy, that is useful.
If reasons are required to get rid of Squeaker Bercow, here is a review of some of his greatest hits…
6th February 2017: Dispensed with neutrality and attempted to bar the US President from addressing Parliament, without consulting the Lords Speaker, despite hosting numerous representatives of authoritarian regimes himself.
6th February 2017: Scrapped wigs for clerks
29th June 2017: Overruled convention on MPs’ ties
12th March 2018: Chaired debate on his own bullying despite his requirement for neutrality.
2nd May 2018: Used his position in an unfit way to call his patsy Julian Lewis to lavish praise on him
16th May 2018: Conspired with the Opposition to come up with arcane Parliamentary procedures to frustrate Brexit.
17th May 2018: Granted excessive numbers of SO24 debates, allowing Labour to bombard the Government to gain partisan support.
11th June 2018: Preferential treatment of one specific MP – Keith Vaz. Granted one of the most pointless urgent questions to Vaz over foreign military attack on third country while generally allowing Vaz more questions than any other MP.
13th June 2018: Bullied Claire Perry
6th November 2018: Stitched up Parliament’s bullying enquiry by ruling out taking action in individual cases to protect himself
7th November 2018: Misused his personal veto in order to block investigation into Keith Vaz
22nd November 2018: Bullied Andrea Leadsom out of the chamber
18th May 2018: Uses his position to reject standards probe into him calling Andrea Leadsom a stupid woman in the chamber.
9th January 2019: Overruled clerks’ advice to select the Grieve amendment in order to delay Brexit
14th March 2019: Refused to select the cross-party amendment B despite it having cross party support of 127 MPs, more than every other selected amendment put together.
Ongoing: Refuses to honour his election to speaker pledge which notes he would serve for no more than 9 years in total.
This is the state of the current governments pro Islamic large family position:
“Now the Government has made them permanent thousands of couples across the country will be able improve their existing home if they plan to have more children instead of being forced to find somewhere bigger. ”
The local government association planning officers are opposed to it:
‘While we recognise building extensions under permitted development has been popular with home owners, the planning process exists for a reason.
‘We do not believe this right should be made permanent until an independent review is carried out of its impact, both on neighbouring residents and businesses, and also the capacity of local planning departments.’
‘The current process also means councils have limited opportunity to consider the impact of such extensions on the local area, because they don’t go through the full planning process.’
We all know who this is aimed at, and we all know the reasons why it has been made a permanent policy. Just more Islamo pandering.
Things are desperate enough already with the projections of the % of the population that will be Muslim by 2050 scaring the pants of any sane non Muslim. Yet there is no sign of any real organised mass movement to this invasion. Rather as you point out just the opposite. The pro Islam establishment have control of what the mass of the population see and hear. Until that is wrested from their grasp we are going to continue down the path of Islamification.
This is not our country. For a long time it has been the property of Tony Blair and his accomplices and successors to do as they like with. What the country, demographically, has been deliberately turned into has never been the subject of any discussion in which the views of the native population might have been expressed.
My parental home is on a road that is steadily being colonised by Asian families. When they buy a house they invariable extend it. In one case they built on top of the original single-storey extension, built a new single-storey extension to the side and a single-storey extension to the rear, (about twice the width of the original house).
The latest purchase has seen the whole of the rear of the house demolished, allowing a double-storey extension to extend out to the limit of the previous full-width single-storey extension. A new full-width single-storey extension has been added to the rear. The re-roofing of the house adds another two bedrooms. So the house now has seven bedrooms against the original four.
If the build goes to form the front garden will be totally stripped out and block-paved to provide parking for four BMW/M-B/Range Rovers. Another two will be parked on the driveways crossing the grass verge and possibly another two on the road. The rear garden will be ripped out to provide space for a marquee for family events.
Now consider that the drainage systems for this road were based on gardens front and rear, i.e. minimal run-off and occupation by two adults and a maximum of three children per house. Add to that the habit of the Asians to hose-wash every vehicle at least weekly, come rain or shine. (Do they do it so as to be ‘one up’ on their cousins back in dry Delhi?)
We are creating one hell of an infrastructure problem in our cities if nothing else.
Very similar to what is happening on my road now Jim. I’m fortunate to live in a road on the edge of the Birmingham green belt. In the space of four years several Asian families moved in and did what you have posted about. They don’t really care about planning permission as they have discovered a loop in the regulations which means providing they leave one original wall standing, they can demolish and build a new house on that wall and the house will not be classed as new build house. But any fool can see that it is a new house.
The sewers cannot cope with the increased amount of people living in the road now, so in the summer we now have the delightful smell of raw sewage on warm evenings.
The young men who have moved here with their parents race their high spec cars loudly up the road regularly each day and in the early hours of the morning. People’s sleep patterns are affected.
Accidents are now more frequent. Here’s a story from The Birmingham Mail to illustrate my point:
Asian businessmen in nearby Walsall are resubmitting their umpteenth planning application to convert farmland into a Muslim cemetery. The main concerns are that as Muslims get buried in shrouds, nearby water courses will become contaminated. The proposal looks as if it may be successful this time:
The businessmen are now calling it a ‘Natural Burial Cemetery’ but after the several previous planning applications referring to it as a Muslim cemetery, people all know from which community the future custom base will be from.
The two main parties in England increasingly rely on their imported core voters to vote for them. But they should now be aware that the majority of voters can see what they actually are about now and they want an upheaval of the current voting system.
Ignore them at your peril.
“…if nothing else.” Masterly understatement.
And they rarely seek planning permission nor building control involvement. All builders are non British, and paid in cash. This is effectively a method of laundering drug money. The fancy cars they have are on lease, usually from another Muslim, and paid for in cash to avoid any issues with Inland Revenue / police.
I’m not a fan of judges making law or ‘judicial reviews’. How does a single person, unelected and unaccountable to the electorate get to have so much power?
I don’t think they can even claim to be operating ‘in the national interest’, rather just how clever they are in pushing ‘there must be a law against that’ idea. These sort of people infest every organisation, they don’t have a position of authority per se with the resposibility that comes with that but instead take their power from ‘the rule book’.
Of course ‘authority without responsibility’, (which judges have), is exactly what he accuses the (plebs) people of. The difference is that the judge closes the file and moves on to another (well-paid) case whereas ‘the people’ have to live the consequences, good or bad, of their collective decision.
Jim, in an elective democracy Judges derive their authority from that democracy that elects a Government from the periodic referendums that it takes or makes to choose representatives for the people. Jonathan Sumption should remember that.
It was an unfortunate trend of the Blair & Brown governments (note the small ‘g’) that they both tried to enshrine things in law. Pass binding laws on politicians and people.
They had a measure of self interest in that in that the HoC (as Sumption has or should observe) is stacked with lawyers. It is dangerous, again has Sumption has already stated in lecture 1 or 2, that that attempt to bind Parliaments can clash with a change of understanding or desire or fashion over time. BTW, a Judge does have responsibility 1. to the Law, and 2. to the demos, the latter being both under the Law but able to change it. Judges also hate being overturned so they do make an effort to get things right.
Or should do …
All officials, even down to the lowest social security clerk, get their authority ‘from the democratic process’, and they all have ‘responsibility to get it right’. My point is that a judge can decide that, say, a new social security provision is unlawful, but has no responsibility to balance a budget, manage the organisation or deliver a particular social reform, none of which is trivial or easy.
Of course government should ‘get it right’ and ‘follow the rules’ but in theory all these checks and balances are built into the parliamentary process, (which is more than just the politicians by the way). As to judges ‘getting it right’ its not exactly rare for judgements to be reversed twice in the appeal process.
(I find it particularly irksome that well-paid judges can take months/years to come to a conclusion and then pronounce judgement on someone, often paid very little, that made the ‘wrong’ split-second decision. There but by the grace of God, as some say).
Salvini is saying that he is determined to set a budget in Italy to revitalise the economy and significantly reduce youth unemployment. Quite a socialist policy. This busts the Euro rules wide open. The EU of course says that this is breaching the EU rules and sanctions will be imposed on Italy if it goes ahead. Ant yet in the UK hundreds of thousands of young folks who vote overwhelmingly for comrade Corbyn also vote for the EU. It’s very puzzling . The only explanation that I can come up with is that young Brits are gullible in the extreme , easily duped , unable to think for themselves and terminally thick.
Dt, the young in Britain were told via BBC R4 post-EU Ref that they would not be able to study or travel or live or work ‘abroad’. They all love the Planet and think Global Warming and Climate Change will harm it irrevocably so they wish to get as much traveling in as possible first. Entirely logical.
To them.
“Entirely logical.” Yes, assuming the existent gullibility and thickness.
I had a discussion with a late 20’s something the other day and she voted to remain but admitted she had no idea why and also had no idea that the EU was constituted as a State or know anything about the electoral process or what its intentions were. When I told her about the plans to basically take over all functions of each country and leave places like the HoP redundant and how the Euro and not being able to set currency levels impacts on countries, with a few facts about youth unemployment in the EU versus the UK etc she admitted maybe it was the wrong vote –
so gullible, yes – follow the facebook crap yes, scared to break from what the loudest voices say yes..but actually not thick – just don’t think …and the only reason she had the conversation was because of Nigel Farage and the Brexit party crashing her beliefs – so well done NF
In my job I speak to many in their late teens and early twenties and the majority voted to remain – again without the foggiest idea of the aims of the EU. Some will come up with the usual ‘it’s the young vote that counts as it effects us for longer’, and worse, ‘the older generation voted for selfish reasons blah blah.’
I reply,
1)I voted leave BECAUSE of my kids and their future, and I suspect most parents and grandparents who voted leave did so for the same reason. And…
2) Don’t you think it’s odd that it’s the older generation voting for change while the younger want things to stay the same? Plus, shouldn’t you take note of those who’ve lived longer under the auspices of the EU and seen what they’re up to?
And when they come out with the usual crap about those who were 16 at the time of the vote didn’t have a say in their future – I reply, I was 12 when we voted to go in, so I’ve lived all my adult life under the ever-encroaching EU. And when I eventually get my chance to express an opinion, you want to ignore it!!!!
Usually met with silence. But if I can plant a few seeds of doubt about the EU it’s worth the effort.
I don’t think that any of us voted to go in – the odious Ted Heath made that decision for us.
Yeah, meant when parliament took us in :0)
Of course parents and grandparents only think about themselves.
– Harland Howard
Incapacity for independent thought is a kind of thickness.
I switch on the kitchen radio and find it’s tuned to Radio Five Moribund. It’s the tail-end of an item where Adrian Chiles discovers from some Labour oik why Labour now needs to go flat out for a Remain policy. I am left with the residual impression of two football fans commiserating over their team’s defeat the previous Saturday. “Barmitage is a good enough striker. The trouble is he’s not getting any service from the wings.”
A few minutes later I return to the kitchen. Kerry McCarthy MP (Lab) and the afore-mentioned Mr Chiles are trying to persuade Charlie Elphicke MP (Con) that a second referendum is the only logical solution to our problems. Transmission terminated.
Late result: BBC 6 Impartiality 0.
Quick question but why has the BBC followed the left wing media (Guardian Independent ect) by reporting on Boris Johnson attending court yet have completely ignored the fact that the Labour party are being investigated for antisemitism and the only party other than the BNP to be investigated in such a way?
Left wing media?
Ah, answers my question just now above.
quite how that ended up in court beggars belief
but if he loses every MP will be right up s**t street without a paddle
can we crowd fund to take May to court 108 times for saying “we leave on march 29th”
Kaiser, and just imagine how many pseudo-climate scientists could end up in court!!
RR, that could be wonderful.
Old Geezer: “You promised me Global Warming in 1990 and 2000 and 2010 and its Summer 2019 and I’m freezing here in Worthing.”
Young Fogey in winter 2019: “You said the Climate would change in 1998 and 2008. I want to go ski-ing in Scotland next week and there’s no snow!”
“but if he loses every MP will be right up s**t street without a paddle”
Has Bercow a brother/sister who is a judge?
Even if the £350 million a week is the net figure, that does not make it a lie. And no figure was put on what might have been given to the NHS instead, nor could it have been. I can’t see what the court will have to discuss.
I’m heartily sick of all this debate about some figures on a bus.
If there are any figures to be discussed when debating the EU it should perhaps be their accounts, which I believe have not be signed off by an independent third party for well over 20 years.
I say believe because I don’t have the full facts. Perhaps some al Beeb journos could start an investigation, to expose the truth. Perhaps.
Today’s Vine R2 show asked: is Brexit really important or just a distraction?
Dressed up as a balanced debate about what the presenter called a “counter intuitive” notion, the entire coverage was framed by the narrative that there far more important things to worry about than our sovereignty, democracy etc.
They did the usual thing which was to invite calls representing various opinions.
But the aim was clearly to plant the idea in listeners’ minds that Brexit isn’t really a big deal – why can’t we just stick with the status quo, we have an okay set up with the EU etc etc.
The presenter at one stage even opined that Brexit was “just a trade deal”.
They could have asked: “is democracy under threat” or “is the EU out of control” but, no, it’s all about the suggestion that people who believe in national values, democracy and are against supranational, federalist, statist dictatorship are somehow detached from reality and on the fringes.
Thanks BBC, but we see right through you.
Ed – “There are far more more important things to worry about than our sovereignty.” It’s always difficult to determine whether the bbbc is composed of fools or knaves. But I think if we proposed the re-establishment of the British Empire on the justification that the ordinary black African was better off under colonialism than they are at present under their own corrupt governments, we would soon hear from the BBC how sovereignty is the most fundamentally important issue for every people.
Ed – is that comment about ‘ sovereignty’ just loose words or verbatim . If it’s the latter then I’m sure a visit to the D Day cemeteries or Those from the Great War can be flattened and turned into theme parks or estates for ReichEU civil servants .
I see Boris is summoned to appear in court for lying (yet again) over his Brexit claim of £350 million per week.
It is prima facie true but fails to account for the rebate but it could potentially open a huge can of worms.
If Johnson is guilty then why can we not sue BLiar for lying over the Iraq war and several other matters? (Islam is a religion of peace is an enormous lie!)
If politicians telling untruths amounts to misconduct in public office then virtually every Prime Minister we have had is going to be guilty !
Surely then, on that basis, we can crowd fund a court case against the biased BBC, for lying about most things, instead of paying the telly tax!
Thoughful beat me to it…
I note that the State Broadcaster has a report about Boris Johnson in court over a claim made during campaigning in 2016. It will be interesting to see if further legal action is taken over statements reportedly made by Remainers such as the George Osborne “slash public spending and increase taxes in an emergency Budget to tackle a £30bn “black hole” if the UK votes to leave the European Union” claim. Or how about the ‘implementing the will of the people’ claims made by the main parties in 2016 and 2017?
Looks, on beeb lunchtime news, extremely vague – centred on someone called -was it Marcus Ball? All the flavour of a hastily thrown together beeb hatchet job (lead item!)
Could be entirely ‘true’, but we know our beeb by now…
Timing: more than a little suspicious?
This case against Johnson will probably go to the highest level because the ‘progressives’ have infiltrated everywhere. Boris’s lawyer has said that, rather than courts, it up to the people to decide whether to believe politicians.
Boris Johnson in court. Could end up sharing a cell with Tommy – Yaxley Lennon – as Boris is a waycist Islamophobe who makes fun of letterbox women.
Celtic -.i have no time for ex bullingdon club members but the claim by Alex Johnson was one for the campaign -not the courts .
I suppose the court proceedings will be struck out as ‘ vexatious ‘ as the case will achieve nothing and only be accepted by those whom it suits .
Soros trying again ….
“I have no time for ex bullingdon club members…”
Gosh, that’s harsh.
This video is just under half an hour long but is worth a watch. It’s quite damning about Mr Farage.
You have to take something like this with a pinch of salt when a man comes on and accuses Farage of saying he doesn’t believe in our constitution.
The UK is one of the few countries in the world which doesn’t have a constitution !
which doesn’t have a WRITTEN constitution
ok so for one I dont think someone understands sarcasm in that article
Farage the most hated man in the EU ,
who the EU would love to get rid of ,
asking them for an extension,
so he can come back with even more Nigel Farages to be a pain in their butt
I disagree – it’s not worth the watch – i stayed with it for 4 long minutes before getting fedup with this bloke rambling along .
Why is this video on the Biased BBC site ? If it’s just an attack on The Brexit Party – which I guess you don’t like then maybe it should be posted elsewhere ?
You could do us a favour and summarise the narrators points without having to waste 32 minutes on it….
Some of the Tory leadership contenders are promising all kinds to vote for them, Corbyn style. The phrase robbing Peter to pay Paul comes to mind
From Guido.
Brexit Party Chairman is going over to the Legal offensive against a Scottish MEP who alleged on Sky that The Brexit Party was a money laundering front.
“”Brexit Party Chairman Richard Tice has issued a legal letter to SNP MEP Alyn Smith, for calling the party “a money laundering front” on live television. They demand that by midday tomorrow Smith must issue the following (surprisingly reserved) statement otherwise High Court proceedings will be brought “for appropriate relief”:
“On 27 May 2019 I was interviewed by Sky News. In that interview I stated that the Brexit Party and by implication its Chairman, Richard Tice, were involved in money laundering. Having reflected upon this, I am happy to state that in fact I do not have any evidence to support this allegation. I spoke in the heat of the moment and did not give proper consideration to the implications of what I was saying. Neither the Brexit Party nor Mr Tice are involved in money laundering. I am happy to set the record straight “”
id pay good money to see this happen – that scottish MEP is a grade A Pr**k – uses abusive language in parliament like its normal and when someone does the same to him he cries to Leader of Parliament for the other person to apologies
I hope he refuses to do so, so TBP can take him for everything he’s got
The brexit Party did say they’d consider legal action against mental Campbell and others -.i hope they go for it and ruin them just on costs .
Yes so do I it might stop other people throwing out insults and slander.
Which Scotchman was it, that little one with a beard?
1. Priti Patel – Yes
2. McVey – Yes
3. Boris – Maybe
4. Raab – Maybe
5. Leadsom – Maybe
6. Javid – No
7. Cleverly – No
8. Jeremy Hunt – No
9. Hancock – No
10. Rory Stewart – f No
11. Michael Gove – f No
Am I allowed to say I like Patel?….British Indian heritage…big Thatcherite and formed the Referendum Party before becoming MP?…she seems to speak sense and shoots from the hip.
Its her or Leadsom at the moment for me…the only two with any ‘balls’
(I thought Rory Stewart was great as Uriah Heep in BBC’s David Copperfield adaptation incidentally)
Lucky – yes you are .
Priti Patel – so much more aptly named than ‘Lord Adonis’, gets my vote too.
Next PM ?
Nigel Farage gets my Vote .
Steve Baker? I assume he will at least be in the cabinet.
Pritti for me all the way…..
Pritti Patel is very good on Brexit. But I recall her being very much in favour of mass immigration!
Correct me if I’m wrong.
I wonder if there any body in the Tory line -up who is willing to speak against it?
I am afraid that I don’t trust any Tory government or any party in The House of Comedians to get us out of the EU . Three years have passed since the promise of freedom and we still haven’t left. We are governed by a rotten parliament full of traitors.
Our only salvation is The Brexit Party.
I had the misfortune to hear an interview on LBC at the weekend with Mr Stewart.
I’m told he was once in the armed forces.?
Leader of men, jeez what a Rupert, you wouldn’t follow him out of idle curiosity.
I’d bet the BBC will go with the FN’s
Laura appears to know the mind of the voter. I suspect there are other reasons, beyond leaving the EU to vote for, say, the SNP?
Yes but, no but, that spare £11m per week could have gone to Local Authorities to help pay for full-time care. 😉 Boris might have thought it but just forgot to say it.
Anyone would think the figure on the side of the bus wasn’t questioned before the poll?
Re the Boris Johnson prosecution thing, it looks like the left (leavers) in the UK are borrowing tactics used by the lefty Dems in the USA now, if you can’t win, accuse, accuse, accuse trying to make some crap stick. Being financed by them to do it? Does make you wonder. And why have they waited until the threat of Boris = PM comes up?
i guess they know the justice system is run mainly by elites and lefties and they can bend it to political advantage (Remember the Gina Miller and Tommy Robinson farces!)
This should have been thrown out of court. If it succeeds I think we should assemble a team of like-minded folks watching everything these left worms (and the BBC) claim and if ANY of it looks dodgy or inaccurate, or based on supposition then crowd fund it into court time after time like this odious little chap has done.
We could tie the courts up for years!
It’s called Lawfare and it’s been around for a while. The court case timing is coincidental, no one could have predicted the resignation of May or the Tory leadership election.
It’s not all one sided though as we see with the Tilbrook case.
“This should have been thrown out of court.”
But then the greedy weasels wouldn’t be able to claim all those lovely fees, which is what is most important.
Andrew Lillico in the Telegraph points out that the gross amount is paid to the EU itself but that most of the ‘rebates’ are ‘given’ to us by EU member states rather than the EU.
Ahead of Maitlis and Neil interrogations of the final Conservative candidates you ponder some underlying issues and how the winning candidate might address such
!) SNP/Sinn Fein/Irish Republic issue- a concerted attempt under the guise of Brexit to break up the UK on 2 fronts(Scotland and N.I.) – it draws many parallels with the Gunpowder Plot at least in terms of power and influence.
These 3 can be classed together as first class bluffers – the new leader will have to demonstrate how their bluff will be called or at least faced down.
2)Brexit Party- how will the new leader deal with this to develop an understanding of a win win scenario in the face of communism/liberals with sandals and Green Fiends coalition?
– under a Remain Agenda.
3) EU – How can their “re-organisation” be utilized for a new deal
ahead of the October deadline………and if not what happens on Halloween?
4) The Bercow factor including the Frenchman, Grieve, The Syrian host Pixie Balls……..and Frankenstein Benn clutching a book of stamps minus the Queens head in memory of his late father!
Think I,ll go for Butterkist….not just plain popcorn.
The £350 million per week was incompetent because it is before the rebate, which is not paid over in the first instance.
The correct figure is around £250 million, which is paid over. We get a chunk of it back but we have no control over how that is spent, so that would have been a legitimate criticism of our membership.
I did check whether the correct figures were included in the Cameron Government’s leaflet, but they weren’t.
Nobody voted leave solely because of the wording of a slogan on a bus. Everybody must have heard the arguments by now but The Brexit Party still won.
if the NET figure had been on the bus , it would have been completely ignored and not mentioned by putting the GROSS amount on
It caused a massive stir with the MSM constantly reminding everyone it was “ONLY” £250m , which as we all knows is a damn sight larger than 0 , and reminding everyone that the EU isnt FREE
You would would have needed to be deaf and illiterate not to have known the figure was “ONLY” £250m
And lets not talk about the amount we send from CET and all the other backdoor indirect deals and cost
But using that logic you could equally justify the lies told by the likes of George Osborne.
I think it was clever to use a figure that could be challenged because that ensured an interminable discussion about – and therefore a constant reminder of – the huge expense of belonging to this organization.
Helen, you are right but sort of wrong. Or sort of wrong but right.
The UK taxpayer pays the Gross figure, £18.8bn for 2014. We are taxed to that. The rebate and any other EU ‘investment’ in the UK does not get returned to the taxpayer. As you rightly imply, it gets spent at the EU’s behest.
If we leave the EU without a deal, we pay nothing and stop paying the Gross figure. We do not stop paying the Net figure while still receiving the Rebate and EU ‘investment’.
Hope that helps with the understanding of it.
It’s very simple. Funny thing is, the only people who appear to have trouble with this £350m p/w on the Leave bus, when you push them, it appears they voted Remain anyway.
Not sure about that. Are you confusing the rebate with the amount returned and spent according to EU instructions?
This seems to support my figures, is it reliable?
It goes on to say: “The UK doesn’t pay or “send to Brussels” this higher figure of £18.6 billion, or anything equivalent per week or per day. The rebate is applied straight away (its size is calculated based on the previous year’s contributions), so the UK never contributes this much.
You know when you go to the London Transport counter to report a suspicious package
that guy behind the counter has not been on the C4 show ‘The Jihadi next door’
..And his own family have not reported him to police
And he will not go on to kill London people in a big terrorist attack.
…. Right ?
2015 family report him
August 2015 TV appearance
– Family destroy his passport so he can’t travel
May 2016 employed as customer service on the underground.
June 2018 He was one of the London Bridge terrorists
It might have been waycist to refuse him a job,or Islamofauxbik. Better that a few white people die than a effnik gets offended in any way.
If the left are prepared to turn a blind eye to the rape of tens if not hundreds of thousands of young white girls then what else are they turning a blind eye to ?
A pity he didn’t go to support IS and get himself blown up.
The police and security services are too busy chasing down imaginary islamophobia to screen real terrorists like Butt.
(Good name for an arsehole.)
I heard Alistair Campbell’s name mentioned in conjunction with ‘spiteful’ on the radio and thought “sums the miserable old git up nicely”, then I realised it was about him getting kicked out of the Labour Party.
He should put his name forward for the next leader of the Limpundems, he’d fit in well there.
When Scunthorpe is a ghost town due to Lib/Lab/Con green taxes and rules
Rory Stewart will be doubling British overseas aid dedicated to fighting Global Warming to £2.2bn in 2025
Hey Sadiq what is the 2019 London Hatey Tweet count ?
cos you don’t seem bothered about the 2019 London stabbing death count.
@FedUp2 do we have 2019 knife murder count ?
Stew – not readily – they are still running at one stab killing in London every 3 days ….it’s about 30 so far …
There was little comment that a second ‘youth ‘ was charged with killing the 17 year old girl ( scout ) in a playground in outer east London a couple of days ago.
When the poor girl was murdered there was a rightful outcry – but because the yoof can’t be named for illegal reasons the press has looked away
I have always disposed that snowflake nonsense of not naming kids charged with crimes ….
“UK ‘needs more overseas vets and architects’, say government advisers”
Why ?
Because we fund our kids to waste their time in Uni studying meeja, drama, art, theology and all the other easy ‘ology’ courses instead of getting real jobs.
Why is Al Beeb so driven to flood our nation with immigrants ? One of main reasons that the people of this nation voted for Brexit was to cut immigration . Our present government have failed to deliver either of these .
“Web designers” said one BBC radio report
. You know that internet job that you can do from anywhere else in the world.
Any UK kid can be a webdesigner
And any foreign kid can build UK websites from his own bedroom
Its hilarious they think he/she would need to immigrate here.
“web design” is not a skilled job, programmers that build said design are the skilled ones
Basically agree but training Vets is hugely expensive and once trained there is no real return back to the state that funded it.
Partly for this reason, places on Vet courses are like gold-dust.
Meeja studies may be useless but are cheap to run.
What an irony that the right-on multiculturalists want to deprive countries who have trained their people to become Vets from benefiting from that training. A strange left-wing morality indeed.
Useless ‘ology’ courses were set up by previous governments as a means of keeping kids off the dole. Their time would have been better spent learning building, engineering and nursing skills.
Wasted years, wasted lives.
Getting real jobs would have enabled our youth to get on the housing ladder sooner along with ‘pensionable years’ under their belt.
I did botany at school and for the life of me I have no idea what gain I got from it . Afterwards I turned over a new leaf …
Ah!, but did you chose the right branch ?
You could have been a cert for Vegan Gender studies, Fed!
I turned over a new Leaf, and Nissan said it was my fault so the insurance company won’t pay up…
(coat applied for)…
“………… the insurance company won’t pay up”
They must have got to the root of the problem?
Taffman, according to last Sunday’s Sunday on BBC R4 (7.10-7.50+am) our kids are not doing theology any more at school or Uni. The Sunday Service after the 8am News & Sunday Papers featured a Canon Collingwood who is a Zen(!) teacher. Seems like he could do with a bit more of an ‘ology’ to get him onto the right path, pun intended.
\\John Cleese criticised for saying London is ‘no longer an English city’//
I think he could be right ?
Stand by for Snowflake outrage.
Its been on LBC all day…?…tedious.Cleese is actually 100% correct
Is it news ?
He’s said it before .
‘Sadiq Khan challenges John Cleese when he says London is no longer an English city’.
The irony of this statement is evidently lost on those reporting it.
صادق خان جان کلییس کو چیلنج کرتے ہیں جب وہ کہتے ہیں کہ لندن اب انگریزی زبان نہیں ہے.
The irony of this statement is evidently lost on those reporting it.
A few years back a US tourist sat at the next table to my son and I in a London restaurant. After hearing us speak, he leaned over and asked if we we’re English. He then stood and shook our hands saying we were the first English he’d met all day – and this was 8pm!
I used to teach foreign students in London. They kept asking me where all the English people were, hoping to meet some.
Its been like this in Didsbury, Manchester for years.
I’m not disputing John Cleese’s comments but if he had visited somewhere like Bradford decades ago, he would have seen it coming.
He’s from Weston-super-Mare. I’m sure that nearby Bristol was showing early signs of vibrancy as well.
A bit rich to start whining so late in his career.
As President Trump’s visit is fast approaching, expect Al Beeb and the MSM to hype up the anti-Trump frenzy towards our most powerful friend and allay.
I see proponents of the Religion of Peace are performing well up to their usual standards
My goodness, even The Guardian has noticed
Brazil gang wars
40 prison inmates strangled in one city in one night
15 the day before.
…Out of 776K prisoners across the country.
When it was put to the arch Remainer Dominic Grieve that a majority voted Leave in the Referendum, he responded that yes but that was three years ago and people change their minds over that period of time and therefore we should reconsider.
The problem with this logic is that the implementation of the Withdrawal process was always going to take three years, therefore any result was always going to be deemed invalid.
Yeh cos the UKs main priority in 2020 will be to get the whole world to fly to London for a Global Warming jamboree ..COP26
I came across a story in a national newspaper with the headline “Melbourne hit by coldest May day since 2000 as snow hits Ballarat…”
So knowing the BBC’s regard for all things climate change coupled with the fact that little old Aussie is probably one of the the first places that comes to mind in feeling the dreaded effects of Global Warming I tried to find any mention of this on the Beeb website… Zilch…. so I tried their search feature and only came up with an article teaser…”what will the weather be like for the Australian Grand Prix?”, Ah at last a bit of info so I clicked the link and…
…sorry this page could not be found!
Call me cynical but…..
Today : Melbourne
BBC : Australia’s ‘Egg Boy’ gives donations to NZ attack survivors
: Senator Anning had caused fury when he said, on the day of the shootings, Muslim migration was to blame for them.
Will Connolly egged Fraser Anning in March – prompting people to flood him with donations to pay his legal costs
He has given almost A$100,000 (£55,000; $69,000) to survivors of the Christchurch mosque attacks.
( but zero to victims of Muslim attacks within his own city)
“the controversial far-right senator”
..I bet he doesn’t label himself that.
… he lost re-election last month
Loads of Australians retweet that BBC story
cos the BBC uses our money to serve its Australian libmob friends.
The second most recent BBC Melbourne story
3 days ago · “The brutal killing of a young, homeless woman has renewed discussion in Australia about violence against women.”
I’d be surprised if the murder rate for men isn’t way higher than for women
Not BBC – but if anyone doesn’t know – and needs a footy fix – BT are apparently streaming the Euro footy final free tonight – Wednesday – kickoff 2000 London time – in somewhere called Bacu – see if anyone has bought the Ref…. ????
Helluva a long way to go to see a local derby…
Hope the supporters are back in time to start work again tomorrow morning.
Lucky it wasn’t decided on penalties -all the Remain ones added together -including the ones not taken – would easily outnumbered the Leave ones ….
So ex-Beeboid Peston comes out as a groupie for the young man taking Boris to court, unaware or unconcerned by the actual reporting by Guido as to the context behind this fellow’s efforts.
Meanwhile on a similar ‘it fits my dreams so I’ll run with it’ journalism chez Aunty, here’s American Beauty Jon being neatly filleted for views that are, doubtless, his own, if published under the banner of the British national broadcaster that speaks for the nation. Apparently:
I’m amazed the Americans havent deported sopel yet .
The Times : \\ Jessikka Aro Russian investigator went undercover at Russia’s IRA (Internet Research Agency) troll factory and found hundreds of Russians working as paid trolls in rotating shifts //
yes very bad
but the entire western media act as a giant troll factory themselves , so they should look inward as well
.. instead of just saying “look over there Russians !”
The headline on the 6pm Tv news should have been
‘ should the 14 billion pounds overseas giveaway budget be directed at Social Care in the UK ?’
Instead it advertised a Panorama programme showing the human consequences of underfunding social care .
I don’t like the term ‘ social care ‘. It sounds passive – neutral and unimportant .
It is about caring for the old and those with the need for support /help in their daily lives beyond being in hospital .
I have been on the receiving end of underfunding of social care for a close relative so I know what the effect is .
Whilst parliament plays its anti democratic games – with background music supplied by the MSM – millions of british people are suffering every day because the parliament decided to send money to bongo bongo land instead of keeping it at home .
For those interested in the Tory leadership I think Priti Patel is one of the few to support the reduction of the overseas aid budget ….
You’re absolutely right, Fed!
‘Social care’ money is cash provided by honest citizens during their working lives for awful politicians like Bliar, Brown and co, and a few Tories as well, to p*** up the wall on their fanatical ‘projects’.
That money was paid to be in trust for a decent retirement, not to be squandered on illegal wars, illegal immigration, and a failure to protect the vulnerable in run-down places, especially London, but then with such a useless ‘mair’, who’s surprised!
Vote for me – I’m running for the leadership of the Fedup Party … but I might be lying … which means I could land up in court …
“Vote for me – I’m running for the leadership of the Fedup Party … but I might be lying … which means I could land up in court …”
Or get elected.
Stew Green:
just hundreds , underfunded amateurs compared to the massed thousands working at the BBC
The leaver on this weeks question time is Alex Phillips.
According to the video posted earlier Nigel Farage says he has no confidence in the British ‘justice’ system and the courts.
With stories like this is it any wonder?
“Port Talbot Banksy mural: Artwork arrives at new home”
Is this art or vandalism ?
While we are at it, how much of a carbon footprint did this exercise leave ?
Not to mention the police escort. I thought the police were over stretched, having to sift through hatey tweets and the like?
I thought Port Talbot needed a bit more than some tasteless graffiti.
I hope the good people working their socks off to make the place stay alive are not going to get charged for all this scribble appearing on their streets.
As a supporter of Michael Andrew Gove to be next Conservative
leader and Prime Minister and betting him at 9/2 a few days ago.
And also dabbling in anagrams . I can say We head govern claim!
I see the BBC are spinning Muller and his very strange speech
“if we could prove Trump HAD NOT committed a crime we would have said so”
clown world
I feel so bad. The One Show had a story about all these British people who are returning to the UK from Spain because of…..Brexit.
I’m distraught, It’s all my fault!
BBC never misses an opportunity to push the propaganda, Joseph Goebbels would have been so proud.
why would that be?? spain has already said all british nationals can stay
Shame I’ve never seen the Un show – presumably the British coming back from Spain have got return tickets – if I remember Ryanair do flights at about £30.
Obviously because of ReichEU economic policy it’s harder to get a job in Spain than in many bits of Blighty – and perhaps why one hears a lot more Spanish around London these days . …
Mr Cleese might be another one of those TV personalities with ‘ issues ‘ but he is right about London not being English any more .
Even the tourists are mainly foreigners …
for some odd reason ch4 news is on and I see
some nazanin zaghari ratcliffe (the BBC not journalist) maybe perhaps news has coincidentally popped up today
perhaps they speculate, iran wont let her go because of some £400m the FO is refusing to release to IRAN dating back decades blah blah blah
then they pop back to remind us of Boris’s (mis)words
seems project get boris is getting into full flow in the MSM , I wonder which remainer they are trying to anoint this time
Guest, in fact Maurizio got it slightly wrong…
The old lady was a black belt bare-knuckle super-woman, and the kid had rabies and bit him!
Both lady and child are being recommended for a big award, for treating this ‘reporter’ of restricted growth with the statement: –
F*** o*** you c***-faced p****, you are just the dumbest little chap ever to get a visa to come over here and squeal c***!
The child was mimed by an adult of course!
That blasted Gina Muller gets in everywhere, doesn’t she!
She must be raking in thousands, well, almost as much as Dieene A’Bott, Nutter Comical Ali and crim, Victoria Pryce-Price-is-right!
Why do we have to endure the endless, boring trash these useless objects spurt every time they get dragged in off the street! What’s the going rate at BBBC? £600 a pop at the last count, and nobody gives a stuff what they say anyway!
I even used to like Simon Jack before he started to wear glasses, but now, he’s plonked on the airwaves as a brilliant business guru, with the ability to run an international conglomerate.
Pathetic BBBC ‘promotion’ really, he’s still just a bloke who reads the headlines like most of us!
I’ve just got to make it a ‘trio’ on this thread, so while the clock ticks on this post, I’m off to get another glass of red…
Happy days, eh?
When Bojo appears before the Bench, Kaiser, I wonder if he will be taking that BBC Chart posted up this Thread by pug?
‘BBC saves Bojo’