pug, you are right about the increasing cost of EU membership.
If you wish to annoy a Remainer or a Remoaner, ask them if they think the rate of VAT is too high. Ask them if they like paying VAT on their energy bills or sanitary products, if female.
Then you can tell them that it will get worse if we stay in the EU.
The Commission have their sights set on tax harmonisation across the Union and the first tax they wish to ‘harmonise’ is the one that pays them money.
How ridiculous is the decision to prosecute Boris for the £350 mil statement? Why not prosecute May for lying, by promising we would leave the EU on 29th March? Further proof that the government, mainstream media and the courts all work together to further the globalist agenda.
I was pondering that a bit – does any economic claim by any elected politician become subject to examination by a court ?
The case against this politician will be struck out but it is interesting that because the matter is one concerning ‘ leave’ the MSM are not up in arms about it .
When it is some claim by the SNP First Minister or the Corbyn Money tree – will that lead to prosecution too ?
Exactly, as usual it’s one rule for those the establishment doesn’t like, and another for those it does.
Let’s be honest, there would never be enough court time to prosecute every politician who is accused of telling a lie!
The only reason Boris is being prosecuted is because he’s a favourite for the Tory leadership. They are worried about his possible enthusiasm for a “hard Brexit” (or as normal people call it a “real Brexit”!)
Tonight guido reveals that the bloke launching the private prosecution originally had a Facebook funding thing to prosecute leavers thereby opening the way to a judicial review of the referendum and result.
The site was taken down on advice of his lawyers ££ – robem and screwem
And replaced by a cover ‘ to stop lies in politics ‘
I’m waiting to find out the details of the judge who decided there was a case to answer and her connection to ‘ remain ‘
Should ‘someone’ be prosecuted for saying we are leaving Europe on March 29th?
Will Parliament be taken to court for not ‘respecting the wishes of the people’ following the result of the referendum?
The swamp , ‘the political swamp’ is beginning to drain it self . Watch Peterborough next week and the next general election when it happens .
“The U.K.’s preferred Brexit outcome will cost the exchequer £615 million a week in lost revenue and all four scenarios laid out by the government would leave the country worse off, according to a study by the think tank Global Future published Wednesday.
The analysis used the government’s own comprehensive assessment of the impact of Brexit, including the direct and indirect costs and benefits for public finances from likely increased barriers to trade as well as reduced contributions to the EU budget.
Under a “Norway model” of European Economic Area membership — where the U.K. would stay in the single market and adhere to EU rules and regulations but leave the customs union — the study predicts the fiscal impact on the U.K. would be £260 million a week. The highest net loss would occur if there is no deal, forcing the U.K. to trade with the EU on World Trade Organization terms. This scenario is estimated at £1.25 billion a week.”
Actually, I believe the inquest into Boris’ claim will be on going for years and years. Perhaps at the same cost that both UK governments still forks out for the Madeleine McCann investigation.
Hillsborough may just about pip both for legal fees.
Sumption is a magnificent chronicler of The Hundred Years War but is a p-poor observer of current events.
Interesting point in quoting Burke, who was an inspiration to, inter alia, Thomas Jefferson – there is a bust of Burke in Jefferson’s study/bedroom at Monticello. America did not have a government as such when Jefferson and others decided that not paying taxes to England and instead going to war with them was good for its people. America’s people took up this struggle so well that they beat an empire, one which was much less malevolent than the EU is shaping up to be.
Just think of all the votes for The Brexit Party that these farces are generating.
Their Chairman, Richard Rice has not only the will but also the money to take these traitorous fools to court. And with justification.
Are we seeing something similar to the BBC/Left war against Trump? The BBC/Left lost the Referendum and also the EU Elections. The forthcoming Peterborough by election is very likely to be won by The Brexit Party.
A Brexit Party MP? He will be a constant BBC/Left target. I hope he has no overdue Library Books. He could find himself at the Crown Court in no time.
Very disturbing news that the violence which is now an intrinsic part of Britains Fascist left is being brought to bear against the Equalities Comission and the lawyers they employ.
In yet more staggering stuidity and self delusion they declare that there is no anti Semetism in Labour and anyway the EHRC is headed up by Jews & Zionists and taking orders from Israel !
I wonder how much of this is going to be reported by the BBC ?
The BBC said that the last time the Liberals beat the Conservatives in a nationwide election was in 1906. Even more amazing was the fact that the last time the Liberal Party came second in a nationwide election was in 1910. Even more fantastic was that the last time the Liberal Party won more votes than Labour in a nationwide election was in 1918. But the most fantastically amazing fact of all was that the Green Party had its best results for 30 years. But the BBC seemed disappointed that the Brexit Party did not do as well as expected, so therefore the BBC wont be inviting any Brexit Party MEP’s onto Question Time in future.
I’m sure the ‘eagle-eyed’ would find other problems with the article but I chose this statement attributed to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)
” a no-deal Brexit would make the declines worse with the threat of border delays, production stoppages and additional costs”
” A ‘no deal’ Brexit, however, could exacerbate this decline, with the threat of border delays, production stoppages and additional costs compromising competitiveness. (1)
The (1) at the end refers to what the SMMT calls ‘notes to the editors’ –
1. The Production Outlook is an independent forecast of UK vehicle manufacturing commissioned from AutoAnalysis. It is updated up to four times a year to respond to market and production cycle fluctuations. The latest analysis, assuming a favourable Brexit deal and transition period maintaining the status quo, forecasts 1.36 million units for 2019, down from 1.52 million units in 2018.
So who is AutoAnalysis?
It has a website which says – Thanks for looking me up. One day I will get around to doing a website. Ian Henry http://www.autoanalysis.co.uk/
On the SMMT web site itself one can find a pdf by Ian Henry –
The most striking item in this document is that Germany dominates car production in the EU –
UK and France battle for 3rd place behind Germany and Spain
– Germany’s leadership position clear. Within EU, Spain is and will
remain 2nd largest producing country
– Spanish growth reflects breadth of VM investment and commitment
– UK and France will compete for 3rd place in production rankings.
– Positions will be determined by new model timings from JLR in
particular and the degree to which Renault and PSA plants can meet
the production targets set in these companies labour agreements.
falling while LCV production will rise strongly in medium term.
– Rise of Turkey to c1.5mn upa reflects expansion at Tofas and
concentration of Ford van production in Turkey.
– Czech Republic production remains >1.2mn; production in Slovakia,
Italy and Poland will remain c750-950,000 upa.
Monty Python star John Cleese sparks outrage by saying London is ‘not really an English city any more’
Fawlty Towers star ventured his views on Twitter and provoked heated reaction
Cleese said that friends confirmed his view that London is no longer English
Comment caused furore online, some mocking and others supporting Cleese
John wrote: “It might interest those people who seem to think my remarks about London are racist as opposed to culturalist, to consider that what I like about spending time in Nevis.
“Nevis has excellent race relations, a very well educated population, no sign of political correctness……
John was not done there and in another dig at London, he added: “And the icing on the cake is that Nevis is not the world centre for Russian dirty money laundering.”
Explaining his decision to emigrate last year, he told the BBC he was “so disappointed with so much about this country”.
“……no sign of Rupert Murdoch, conscientious lawyers, a relaxed and humorous life style, a deep love of cricket, and a complete lack of knife crime And, of course, wonderful weather.”
Mr. Cleese has said things that cannot be said . Therefore he must receive the full ‘non person ‘ treatment . This means no more repeats of python or fawlty towers . Huge amounts of revenue will be lost to the bbc but that is nothing if principles are not adhered too.
I base this on the ‘clarkson doctrine ‘
Good video , but it”s not diversity per se that makes London so unattractive, it’s the overwhelming low quality of the newcomers, It’s become a dustbin for the worse people from all the worlds worst countries, rich and poor the same.. No surprise the BBC upedsticks to Manchester,
In the 1950″s and 60″s the government realized London was far too overcrowded and moved people out to expanding places like Peterborough Milton Keynes etc
Result the population fell and it was a comfortable great city by the 1980″s .Then Blair and New !abour decides to fill the place back up, and then some.
My 14 year old son loves Monty Python, apparently heard about it from a school friend, he says loads of them at school watch it on Netflix and it seems to be a popular topic in the playground (among the bright, geeky kids presumably, as he’s very much of that set).
It probably helps that their PSHE teacher (who is not popular) says it is ‘racist rubbish’ (with no logical rationale I can discern), she also told them ‘Tommy Robinson was a racist Nazi sympathiser, hiding under an alias’ (that doesn’t seem to have gendered any interest in TR tho’, to be fair).
John was not done there and in another dig at London, he added: “And the icing on the cake is that Nevis is not the world centre for Russian dirty money laundering.”
Explaining his decision to emigrate last year, he told the BBC he was “so disappointed with so much about this country”.
Anyone who has visited London recently with open eyes and an enquiring mind will agree with John Cleese – whilst it is in England the majority of people who seem to live there do not reflect England..so essentially he is right….I was born and brought up there – I am a cockney..but I would never go back…trouble is I went to Manchester and that is now becoming a little London and losing what was great about it in the process..
I went off Sumption even more when I read this morning’s Speccie Diary-
“History will be kinder to her than we have been. Faced with what many regard as an act of economic vandalism by a bare majority of the electorate, she did her loyal best to limit the damage. Her mistake was to repudiate those who would have been her natural allies. Instead, she made her pitch to the grim fanatics behind her, with whom no agreement on damage limitation was ever possible. Their guide was faith, not reason; compromise was treason and the EU was the Antichrist. Naturally, they responded by devouring her, and destroying their own party in the process. But by the time she realised this, it was too late. May’s courage in the face of adversity commands respect. She was let down by her insularity, which deprived her of wise advice, and by her own utter lack of political imagination, tactical agility or basic communication skills.”
Only partly true bit is the last sentence. Tends to prove the old saw that most judges do not live in the real world.
The BBC is currently promoting wearers of the hijab, which by inference is the same as promoting the religion of the wearers of this headbag, Islam.
Meanwhile there The London Bridge inquest is continuing. The perpetrators of this terrorist attack were Muslims, just like the women that they are promoting in these BBC video reports. In fact, just like the women featured, the attackers used Islam to justify their attacks.
The victims of the attacks were all non-muslims (or Kaffirs as the Muslims affectionately call us), ironically just like the intended viewers of the BBC video reports.
It took me less than five minutes to get these eight BBC links on the promotion of Islam and the hijab. Could someone to do the same for say, Christians and the wearing of the crucifix and let me know how long it takes?
Same with references -on this day – to the Christian ‘ascension day ‘ – will that get a mention on the BBC when it is so eager to mention the significant dates of another god foresaken religion – namely evil Islam .
Very soon writing those words will be a criminal offence .
Taken from the first link about the gym;
“She said Muslim women were required to wear the headscarf in front of men who were not relatives”
But hang on a minute BBC, you told us that these women are not forced to wear the hijab, that it is a personal choice.
Were you lying to us BBC?
Should we crowd fund a court case because you lied to us (ref Boris Johnson)?
BBBC – the Biased Bulls**t Broadcasting Corporation.
“But hang on a minute BBC, you told us that these women are not forced to wear the hijab, that it is a personal choice.”
No, no, Dysty, you clearly don’t understand. It is definitely not a requirement, it is always a personal choice. It’s just that some women make a personal choice that they don’t want to be insulted, assaulted, molested, raped, murdered, set on fire, have acid thrown over them etc.
Boris will forever be reminded that he faced charges of criminal behaviour over Brexit, even after the charges are inevitably dropped at the Crown Court.
The Left/BBC can’t lose. In one, its a hit against the Brexit result and a hit against a senior Tory.
There will be more of this. But it has generated thousands more votes for The Brexit Party and made certain of their win in Peterborough.
Marcus Ball hates lies. He especially hates politicians who lie, a fact trumpeted on his own page on a professional networking website which states: ‘When politicians lie, democracy dies.’
This is why the 29-year-old is prosecuting Boris Johnson.
Mr Ball, pictured at court yesterday, has repeatedly insisted the case has nothing to do with a wish to frustrate Brexit.
It is simply to ‘stop lying in politics’. All very noble. Yet one man’s ‘lie’ is usually another’s ‘fair comment’, especially in these vexed political times. So how does Mr Ball live up to his own high-minded ideals?
To find out, let us look at his personal page on the website Crowdfunder.co.uk, where he launched his legal fight in July 2016.
It was mysteriously deleted at 5.18pm on the 29th of that month. A copy can still be seen on internet archives and it shows the floppy-haired Mr Ball’s pitch in pursuit of ‘£100,000 minimum’ from donors.
‘Once these prosecutions have established that politicians did indeed lie to voters, our next step will be to take other action to prevent Brexit,’ it reads. ‘This may be in the form of a judicial review.’
Mr Ball’s statement added that the campaign was being organised with ‘other Remain campaigners’ and had been born in a Facebook page called The 48 Percent – presumably referring to the minority who voted Remain.
All of which suggests his intention, at the time, was very much to stop Brexit. Despite the large number of times he subsequently insisted that wasn’t the case.
So were his own aforementioned public statements lies? Did he simply misspeak? Or have his views evolved over time?
Then there’s the issue of Mr Ball’s finances.
The fundraising website explained: ‘This is a non-profit campaign. The people involved are volunteering their time freely.’
In October 2016, Mr Ball repeated this line, saying he had ‘worked unpaid on the campaign for the past three months.’
That position has evolved, too.
At some point, Mr Ball decided not to volunteer his time freely. He recently told an interviewer that he was paying himself a salary of ‘around £24,000’ from his crowd-funding kitty.
This money will have supplemented his other earnings, which according to Mr Ball’s personal website, come from his varied career as a ‘prosecutor’, ‘reformer’, ‘speaker’ and ‘writer’.
That site, which is adorned with pictures and videos of Mr Ball, represents an intriguing exercise in personal branding.
On the page devoted to his public speaking career, for example, it says that since 2010 he has earned money from ‘speaking in public and teaching public speaking skills’.
The page is illustrated with the logos of a number of major institutions which have invited him to speak, including the University of Cambridge.
However, Mr Ball, who was educated at Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent, is believed to have given only one talk in Cambridge – in the last academic year, to Peterhouse College.
That appears to be the limit of his dealings with Cambridge. Intriguingly, Mr Ball’s website also says he’s contributed to Russia Today, the controversial Kremlin-funded TV station recently fined by Ofcom for breaching broadcasting standards during coverage of the Salisbury poisonings.
The website carries the logo (a two-headed eagle resembling a coat of arms) of an organisation called Ambition House. In fact, it’s a company Mr Ball founded in 2012 to ‘provide unique training and education to students and graduates’ but which has since been dissolved.
Mr Ball is a director of three other companies: Think of a Name Later Ltd, a software development firm founded in 2016 but which has been dormant since then; a PR firm incorporated in 2017, which was due to file accounts last month, but hasn’t.
And finally Brexit Justice Ltd, which seems to have been created to run his legal campaign against Boris Johnson, and whose latest accounts show assets of just £22,000.
Several are registered to his family home, a £630,000 property near Norwich Cathedral. Mr Ball was born in the Norfolk city in 1989, the son of a retired English teacher.
His birth certificate lists his name as Joshua Edwin Ball. At some point during adulthood, it is believed he changed it by deed poll, to Marcus, for £15. It’s unclear why.
But as Boris Johnson will doubtless reflect, this is a man with a habit of seeking to re-write history.
Maybe someone could pass this onto him so he can prosecute George aswell …. as he’s is such a liberal lefty who preach fairness, surely its only right and proper ???? The snivelling little turd.
Interesting that Soros can avoid accusations of direct funding of legal operations by using ‘crowdfunding ‘ where he pretends to be a crowd – same way that the funding of the Gina miller case wasn’t declared .
Anyway on the detail given above – thank you -annu should be enough to sink the suit – but if it’s a remainer judge who wants a seat on the EJC – then it might get a full run – just for burning money .
It’s a BBC free day for me but I read the article by Gordon Brown in the BBC house paper – The Guardian – slagging of Nigel Farage .
If ever there was a recruiting piece for The Brexit Party – the Gordon Brown piece is it .
It was so bad that I started to think about the things Brown does not mention such as
– 1 Scotland – he hating England
-2 The EU – not mentioned – no criticism
-3.his roll in further turning Britain into a third world cess pit
At the end of the article it helpfully reminds the reader that Gordon `Brown was Prime Minister for 3 years …
NB – apparently the reason ex PMs don’t take up a seat in the So called Upper House -is because they would have to declare their finances and ‘funding ‘ . So Cameron. Brown , Major and Blair haven’t taken up the Ermin ……
…how much does that say about British politics .
“Interesting that Soros can avoid accusations of direct funding of legal operations by using ‘crowdfunding ‘ where he pretends to be a crowd – same way that the funding of the Gina miller case wasn’t declared .”
Begs the questiion: where did the ‘Crowd’ get the money in the first place……………….
The fact that the Plaintiff is a Remainer should mean the Magistrate chucks out his case. He has suffered no personal harm.
Had the Plaintiff been a Leave voter in poor health and had the Party in government – the Conservatives – been campaigning for Leave, then the Plaintiff could just about claim a harm because Brexit has not been delivered on schedule and extra substantial funding much closer to the level of £350m p/week has not been granted to the NHS.
But then what do I – a non-qualified lawyer – know? More importantly the normal axis of this planet became skewed about thirty to fifty years ago and I guess there could just be a Magistrate somewhere who decides there is a case to answer and refers it to Crown Court for trial. People are definitely now daft enough to think like that.
I wonder if Alex Johnson put the chap up to litigating against him to get an edge in his hunt for the Big Prize – that black and white portrait on the stairs in number 10…
Apparently the Magistrate or Judge has agreed – according to the newspaper front pages today – that Bojo should got to trial for claiming that £350m could be paid to the NHS instead of to the EU if we left the EU.
That’ll teach me to not be not up-to-date with the news.
Funny, no reference to that decision in BBC R4 News that I heard this a.m. during TOADY.
“His birth certificate lists his name as Joshua Edwin Ball. At some point during adulthood, it is believed he changed it by deed poll, to Marcus, for £15. It’s unclear why.”
Ah… Marcus Ball real name Joshua Edwin Ball. Gotcha!
Kaiser – if I cared I’d say either Esther or Priti but it’s an academic exercise .
I would love them to get power and see if they would end the overseas give away budget and give it to UK regions instead – it’s a lot of money – kill of H2S as well , save 39 billion on brexit and there’s good money saved . Then down size the upper house and cut their allowances – really getting there ….
NG, once upon a time the Upper House was wonderfully democratic.
It was elected via birth and the accidents of family. The nation’s representatives there could turn out to be anything: saints or sinners. Charlatans, creators of wealth & business & jobs, frauds & crooks, benefactors, complete wastrels, conservators & patricians, the list goes on with endless possibilities.
Now they are merely clones, largely has-been politicians & Party hacks or, if not, merely those that have caught the eye of those in elected power at the time.
It’s started again with a renewed vigour. “Start impeachment process”. President Trump under fire again and again without any evidence of his collusion and/or obstruction of justice. A mere suggestion of wrongdoing from the main agent of those wishing to destroy the POTUS. If the Democrats pursue impeachment it may trigger civil unrest in the US. Visions of Mickey Mouse realising that he had unleased forces he could not control in Disney’s, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice accompanied by Paul Dukas’ wonderfully appropriate piece.
Needless to say, our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster only delivers the Democratic point of view. In keeping with their policy of brain washing: No balanced reporting with the topic, only displaying their continuing arrogant bias for the listener.
Message to: “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” – If you want objective people to tune into your so-called, (Flagship?) “News” programmes give us the alternative views and fact of what’s actually happening in US Politics instead of your undying affection to your fellow Democrats who share the same policies of spreading Cultural Marxism as you do.
The Dems know that impeaching Trump might guarantee him winning in 2020 because, if history is anything to go by, after his impeachment Clinton’s rating reached its highest point of 73% approval.
Thinking about how dim some people can be in the modern world and also thinking of Tinsel Town, it appears the employees of the Disney Corporation are none too bright.
They object to tight restrictions on abortion. They are, therefore, refusing to work on films made by the company in Georgia because that US State has tightened its law on abortion.
Those Disney Corp workers might like to get a strong cup of coffee and sit down and have a little think about where their future customers come from ……
Not BBC Bias, apologies. But as we live in an age where educated students know best it might be worth considering how they can stay in their safe spaces, avoid discussion and access to knowledge, but still get good grades.
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This is a big business now and the real culprits are often the University lecturers who don’t care…I recently reported one of my students for plagiarism and the Uni didn’t want to do anything about it…
If lecturers actually looked at their student’s work they would know it wasn’t written by them – but nowadays Universities are too scared to get a bad report from students…education is now all about money and not about quality…soon people will going to India for a good education
Whether it be no prosecutions for Europeans living and working in the UK for Benefit Fraud or the example you cite, it’s all grist to the mill for the Rule of Law. Rapidly disappearing, “Rule” bit……….
Amanda Abbington, one of the stars of BBC’s Sherlock does not agree with John Cleese’s comments about London.
This is the same Amanda Abbington who declares herself as a Corbyn supporting member of The Labour Party, yet sends her sons to private schools, has private health care and was declared bankrupt by the High Court in March 2013 as a result of a £120,000 tax bill, thus depriving the NHS and schools of much needed money.
I still remember Bob Geldof slagging off the fishing industry of the UK, begging for money for starving Africans and telling people who supported Brexit that they are nazi scum.
according to the beeb 45% car production slashed due to brexit – i work in the automotive sector and i’m so annoyed they lie! the last part of the article refers to the true reason – production worldwide has slowed!
When will the beeb be up in court for spreading lies, they seem to think they are above the law, and the leftist view is the ONLY view allowed
“I’ve known for years everything the press report about the NHS and British medical practice is complete bollocks, and don’t get me started on how they portray us (GPs) in dramas. The problem is once you digest the fact that everything the press report about your field and interests is complete rubbish, you can’t believe a word they say on anything else.”
andy, nothing can beat your eye-witness testimony although the BBC would prefer their myth of Brexit to cancel it.
There’s another factor at play don’t forget: many EU States have decreed no more petrol and diesel fuelled car vehicles from 2040 and in some cases 2030. That is far more damaging to car companies than Brexit because of the redesigning and re-tooling required to meet the political demands.
On top of that, some countries’ politicians – notably the UK – have been a bit confused and vague about the future of hybrids, which really doesn’t help when planning future production.
Torsten Bell from he Resolution Foundation was on during the 6.30-7am segment. He claimed that we have the lowest unemployment and highest unemployment ‘evvah’ in the UK at present. ‘fraid not Torsten. Both were better in the 1960s.
JustRemainIn Webb was not sharp enough to pull him up on that point. As a journalist with umpteen assistants, no doubt, he should have those facts & figures at hand. Torsten Bell looks young enough not to know anything about the 1960s so has a bit of an excuse but not much.
I note with some amusement from a quick search that: Torsten is the Director of the Resolution Foundation, a think tank that combines analytical rigour with policy prescriptions etc., etc.,….
Up2, sorry to be picky, but you may have one too many ‘UN’ in Torstens employment stats quote. Anyway, your comparison to the 60’s is also open to debate, as it depends whether you use percentiles of the working age population, or the total numbers. In that case, go back to early 1940’s for really low unemployment percentiles. As I remember the quote, you may be using statistics as a drunken man uses a lamp post, that is for support rather than illumination. Torsten, not you.
A massively important piece was publised yesterday in the Guardian (so the BBC have to be aware of it) by Labour chair Ian Lavery.
In it he makes several observations about the party ‘remainers’ and who they are:
“As someone who has opposed a so-called public vote, not least because parliament has no majority for it in principle and nobody has the faintest idea what we would actually put on the ballot, I have been doggedly attacked by certain sections of the party, as well as those on the outside. It does feel that a certain portion of “leftwing intellectuals” are sneering at ordinary people and piling on those trying to convey the feelings of hundreds of thousands of Labour voters.”
Here are the key points.
Far leftist ‘intellectuals’ from Hampstead & Islington are driving the second referendum calls.
No majority to support this in either parliament nor the Labour party
They have not the first clue as to any wording on a second referendum nor even what they want to ask the public.
The Islington set sneering at working class Brexit voters
No chance of Labour winning a General Election chasing a portion of the 48% of remain voters.
This article is definitely worth reading. The BBC must be aware of it, yet I don’t believe I’ve heard anything connected to it perhaps because many of the BBC types are the leftist ‘intellectuals’ refered to in the article.
“They have not the first clue as to any wording on a second referendum nor even what they want to ask the public.”
Oh, yes they do: they want ‘Remain in the EU’ at the top of the ballot paper for ThePeoplesVote/2nd (or 3rd) EU Referendum.
Then they want at least two questions below it, preferably three or four, that split up the Leave vote or confuse voters “who didn’t know what they were voting for in 2016.”.
Why “public” vote? Was the last one private? And in view of the Euro election results, how can the remainers think they would win it, so what is their real motive?
Notice a trend? No wonder the Labour Party is being investigated. Not exactly their diversity in action, is it?
Jonathan Djanogly (2001–present), Conservative MP
Paul Goodman (2001-2010) Conservative MP
David Miliband (2001-2013) Labour MP
Susan Kramer (2005-2010), Liberal Democrat MP
Lynne Featherstone (2005-2015), Liberal Democrat MP
Ed Miliband (2005–present), Labour MP and former Leader of the Labour Party
Brooks Newmark (2005-2015) Conservative MP
Grant Shapps (2005–present), Conservative MP
Lee Scott (2005-2015), Conservative MP
Luciana Berger (2010–present), Labour Co-operative MP and later Independent MP
Michael Ellis (2010–present), Conservative MP
Zac Goldsmith (2010-2016 & 2017-present), Conservative MP
Robert Halfon (2010–present), Conservative MP
Richard Harrington (2010-present), Conservative MP
Julian Huppert (2010-2015) Liberal Democrat MP
Andrew Percy (2010–present), Conservative MP
Dominic Raab (2010–present), Conservative MP
Lucy Frazer (2015-present) Conservative MP
Ruth Smeeth (2015–present), Labour MP
Alex Sobel (2017-present), Labour MP
The Labour Party has no doubt calculated the number of Jewish votes available and the number of votes available from adherents of ahem a certain other religion (oP)
Once this concept is accepted the antisemitism and the lukewarm response to it can be seen as a logical nett vote-winning act of policy.
Labour, anti-Semitism and the Cultural Marxist’s use of, “Adjacency”:
I do love this new word in the far left lexicon. “Adjacency”, it simply rolls off the tongue. It has a good feel about it. I predict a fruitful future for this leftie word. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/14248/guilt-by-association
However, as any normal thinking person will immediately grasp, the word comes with a boomerang attached. But have no fear. As is pointed out in the Gatestone article, “adjacency” has a limited application to anything right wing, populist and/or racist. So, Jeremy Corbyn is not condemned under the heading of “adjacency” when seen with the IRA or Palestinian terrorist but, for example, Boris will be alongside a large red bus.
We need to monitor the progress of use of this new Marxist term.
Remainer entrepreneur who crowdfunded to prosecute Boris Johnson spent £50,000 of donations on cupcakes, self-defence classes and a luxury flat with private gym
Remainer Marcus Ball, 29, has crowdfunded £370,000 for private prosecution
He successfully lobbied court to bring misconduct case against Boris Johnson
But own finances reveal he has spent nearly £50,000 of donations on himself
Figures show he spent hundreds of pounds on self-defence and cupcakes
He also splashed out more than £6,000 on luxury flat in Canary Wharf
Perhaps ‘opportunist’ might better describe young master Ball.
At least he has already made a name for himself in employing an inarticulate and hesitant solicitor – though that would be especially unique if due to a guilty conscience.
Just checked my Facebook feed. A long series of BBC posts, all with Remainers, of which one with this utter tool is one.
The Today Programme
“If the Conservatives can’t decide what Brexit means then we didn’t know what it meant in 2016.”
Liberal Democrats leadership hopeful Sir Ed Davey says the party wants to stop Brexit “in a democratic way”. https://bbc.in/2ETU8nt
The Democrats will end up impeaching Donald Trump for having an antisocial haircut, they’re that desperate to pin something on him.
Meanwhile in the real world you ought to be aware of more information that has come to light about their attempted coup. With an advert first the main item starts at 1.34.
What a deeply unpleasant and intolerant country we’re becoming.
Today It’s john Cleese’s turn to face the pitch fork mob.
He apparently gave his opinion on the state of London. He was quite eloquent in his appraisal. He spoke of earlier, happier times when people were polite and easy with each other. He said it seemed like a foreign country.
He’s clearly a dinosaur who doesn’t appreciate the untold advantages we’ve enjoyed since cultural enrichment was brought to the capital. Stabbings and acid attacks were relatively rare back in those dark old days.
Of course first out of the blocks to admonish him was the runt Muslim mayor who said something so gormlessly PC and crass it could have come straight from the pages of 1984. “Diversity is our strength.” Ye gods it’s pitiful!
Having been born and bred in London I find mysself in total agreement with Mr Cleese. I only have one small criticism. I wouldn’t have used all those long words to sum up the state of modern London.
I just think it’s a shit hole.
John Cleese hit back at critics who savaged him for a tweet in which he said that London is no longer an English city by tweeting, “I prefer cultures that do not tolerate female genital mutilation.”
The question is quite legitimate. There are statistics available. We know the answers but they are inconvenient. London is nothing like the city of my childhood in it’s population and ethnic mix. . Whether or not this is a good thing is irrelevant. it is a fact.
Well, well, well. Is this the man who gave the go ahead for the prosecution of Boris?
The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill QC is a Remoaner who criticised Boris Johnson in the aftermath of the 2016 referendum. These tweets prove it.
He must recuse himself from deciding whether the absurd Johnson prosecution should go ahead. pic.twitter.com/wKGbXN8GPA
RD, didn’t it come up first in a Magistrates Court as a private prosecution? So it was a dumb decision from an individual or panel who decided they didn’t have the guts to chuck it out. Am surprised that it appears Bojo didn’t have a representative in Court. They could have put 1. the ONS figures up in defence – therefore no case to answer, and, 2. the fact, IIRC, that Bojo didn’t decide to vote Leave until about a week before the Referendum – therefore no case to answer.
It is only now the DPP get involved in that the CPS has to decide if there is a provable case or it is a waste of public money to host in a CC.
I heard on the radio this morning that the DPP had decided it wasn’t vexatious and could go ahead. Being on the radio doesn’t, of course, make it true.
Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax…And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. It was a crime that didn’t exist. So now the Dems and their partner, the Fake News Media,…..
There was a priceless bit of froth on the media programme – someone has allegedly made the multi millionaires democrat politician – Nancy pelosi – sounds drunk in a speech using some online techs . They did a compare and contrast .
If the BBC had any sense of humour they might have suggested that the software actually made a drunk Pelosi sound sober – but it didn’t happen ….
I just admire President Trump more and more each day. I really do. Just keeps giving it right back to these Liberals who are so used to having it all their own way. They just cannot process people having the audacity to fight back !!! Well done Sir.
And to think, all these sandal wearing, vegan, do gooder’s planning their spiteful little protests for his UK visit, with their petty home made placards , really , truly believe he will give a toss !!! Mugs, the lot of em.
Fedup posted above Gordon Brown’s hit piece on Farage in the Guardian from which I quote:
“The new division in British politics is between the patriotic majority – tolerant, fair-minded, outward-looking and pragmatic – against the Faragists, who will follow Farage wherever he goes. The dogmatism and divisiveness of their them-versus-us nationalism has more in common with the Le Pens, the Salvinis and the Orbans […]”
Someone needs a logic refresher. Still, maybe we should be issued proper guidelines on what kind of nationwide dissent is allowed. I’d hate to fall foul of the authorities by not adhering to the correct form of tolerant, fair-minded division so beloved of Gordon and the Guardian.
Very true Terminal. The trend of late has been towards approved political thought. I can almost see now why State Broadcaster won’t identify a motive for mass murderer if it means crossing the line to what Brown would consider divisive.
It’s great that a political beast has found purpose in retirement as moral arbiter for the whole of the UK. Brown could never win a UK election even though he “was a good man” or so his wife told us.
““The new division in British politics is between the patriotic majority – tolerant, fair-minded, outward-looking and pragmatic – against the Faragists, who will follow Farage wherever he goes.”
Sounds just like his many TV walking speeches he did during the Referendum campaign 2016.
This recent speech of his will also go the same way.
TM, Gordon Brown was complicit in ‘rubbing their noses in diversity’ which fits neatly under the heading that he hypocritically supplies for others “The dogmatism and divisiveness of their them-versus-us” or, more correctly Gordon, “The dogmatism and divisiveness of our us-versus-the nation”
“Children are whitening their skin with make-up to avoid being bullied or racially abused at school, according to charity NSPCC.”
Not so long ago, I worked in the world of education. We could not stop African and Caribbean children bringing in face whitening cream and applying it on their faces. The practice was often encouraged by their parents. The reason was that in the African Caribbean culture, pale skin is desirable, despite what they say (think of black pop stars that sometimes have a lighter skin tone in some photographs than others).
I’ve lost count of the times I’ve had to break up fights between two black boys because one would accuse the other boy of looking ‘blacker’ than the other black boys.
Another way the West Indian children would wind each other up was by saying to another child of West Indian origin that, “you smell like an African.”
It made me laugh when I once heard David Lammy say black people cannot be racist. Black people, despite what they say can be very racist towards white, Chinese and Asian people.
The BBC story I have just read is a complete distortion of the facts.
You really need to watch this, as it could save your life. Experts are saying that Islamic terrorists getting their hands on and deploying nuclear weapons isn’t a possibility, it is an inevitability and the authorities are doing precious little to prevent it.
No wonder CND aren’t very noisy any more it’s the whites who are being targetted and they hate us with such passion they’d probably assist an Islamist in detonation.
It’s 25 minutes long and I urge you to watch it until the end, it might just save your life:
Why would there be any doubt that Muslim terrorists will make a dirty bomb or something chemical or biological for use on Western target(s) ?
Surely it’s s given ?Just depends which country will be on the receiving end , the of lives / land / materials and whether anyone accepts responsibility .
Then of course – if NATO is in its present form – article 5 will be invoked and a suitable response imposed .
I’m really not sure what this has to do with the BBC and its bias though . And the blokes pretty low level in terms of the things individuals can do should they wish to survive a nuclear incident – a tip – work out which way the wind is blowing …..
If you watch the video you will find a nice quote, that Al Qaeda does not have a return address.
There cannot be a ‘suitable response’ these people are stateless often in a country like Syria or Libya which doesn’t even want them there. They cannot easily be attacked and even if they are they simply don’t care as they then become martyrs and guaranteed a place in heaven.
The old tenet of Mutually Assured Destruction threfore no longer works. This is the whole point of the video.
It will happen.
Our useless political elites have done nothing to prevent it
Our useless political elites have done nothing to prepare for it
The only thing which you can do is to learn how to survive the aftermath and how to help others, and you aren’t going to be able to access this info while it happens.
Thoughtful – this stuff is ancient -it’s a bit like tagging any nuclear material used in a dirty bomb in order to destroy the reactor or country from where it came .
Personally after 9/11 the Americans would have got away with nuking Afghanistan as the source of the plan – I don’t know what the population of the main target areas would have been but I suppose one of the main reasons it was not done was that they needed solid proof that bin Ladin was dead as opposed to vaporised .
It would certainly have saved a lot of british lives wandering around the place getting blown up by Iranian IEDs …
The bias is that the BBC I remember a while ago talking about the possibility of a dirty bomb, but it is a long time ago, and they are certainly not keeping the public informed about something which is being described as an inevitability.
I would suggest the reason for that is because of the religion of the perpetrators.
Too much stupidity engaged in climate change alarmism, with the futility of it all falling on deaf ears. This would be a far better use of resources, as this is far more likely than a climate Armageddon which is probably not on the cards, at all.
It is looking more and more likely that we are seeing the end of the Conservative party.
It is stuffed full of liberals with only a handful of real conservatives. We all know who the good guys are.
That daft clot Hammond is saying he will vote against his own party in a confidence vote if he doesn’t get his own way (if a new leader accepts the so called ‘no deal’ which is actually wto rules deal). He says this is for the good of the country. He thinks Corbyn will be better running the country than the conservatives.
He’s in the wrong party.
I think TBP will easily win in Peterborough and can win the next GE. Once the ‘old conservatives’ have disappeared, TBP can be renamed the Conservative Party for old times sake.
PM Farage.
Sounds right to me.
The Japan school girl attack was against a Catholic school
… isn’t that interesting ?
\\ The attack took place at a bus stop where children, reportedly between the ages of 6 and 7, waited for a ride to a local Catholic school, the only such school in Kawasaki //
Different day.
Same basic story.
Yesterday – a woman burned alive in Bangla Desh.
Today we have this… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48460242
‘Coercive husband battered wife to death’
I wonder what those left wing feminist groups and any of those 2000 journalists at the bBBC have to say about these stories and what appears to link them?
Just as I thiught.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
pug, you are right about the increasing cost of EU membership.
If you wish to annoy a Remainer or a Remoaner, ask them if they think the rate of VAT is too high. Ask them if they like paying VAT on their energy bills or sanitary products, if female.
Then you can tell them that it will get worse if we stay in the EU.
The Commission have their sights set on tax harmonisation across the Union and the first tax they wish to ‘harmonise’ is the one that pays them money.
Funny that.
How ridiculous is the decision to prosecute Boris for the £350 mil statement? Why not prosecute May for lying, by promising we would leave the EU on 29th March? Further proof that the government, mainstream media and the courts all work together to further the globalist agenda.
I was pondering that a bit – does any economic claim by any elected politician become subject to examination by a court ?
The case against this politician will be struck out but it is interesting that because the matter is one concerning ‘ leave’ the MSM are not up in arms about it .
When it is some claim by the SNP First Minister or the Corbyn Money tree – will that lead to prosecution too ?
Silly season rules …
Exactly, as usual it’s one rule for those the establishment doesn’t like, and another for those it does.
Let’s be honest, there would never be enough court time to prosecute every politician who is accused of telling a lie!
The only reason Boris is being prosecuted is because he’s a favourite for the Tory leadership. They are worried about his possible enthusiasm for a “hard Brexit” (or as normal people call it a “real Brexit”!)
Tonight guido reveals that the bloke launching the private prosecution originally had a Facebook funding thing to prosecute leavers thereby opening the way to a judicial review of the referendum and result.
The site was taken down on advice of his lawyers ££ – robem and screwem
And replaced by a cover ‘ to stop lies in politics ‘
I’m waiting to find out the details of the judge who decided there was a case to answer and her connection to ‘ remain ‘
The Swamp sure needs draining .
Should ‘someone’ be prosecuted for saying we are leaving Europe on March 29th?
Will Parliament be taken to court for not ‘respecting the wishes of the people’ following the result of the referendum?
The swamp , ‘the political swamp’ is beginning to drain it self . Watch Peterborough next week and the next general election when it happens .
But Boris got it wrong, its gone up by 75% to £615 million a week. Boris should be awarded 175% of his defence costs from those prosecuting him.

Did that come from here:
or here:
“The U.K.’s preferred Brexit outcome will cost the exchequer £615 million a week in lost revenue and all four scenarios laid out by the government would leave the country worse off, according to a study by the think tank Global Future published Wednesday.
The analysis used the government’s own comprehensive assessment of the impact of Brexit, including the direct and indirect costs and benefits for public finances from likely increased barriers to trade as well as reduced contributions to the EU budget.
Under a “Norway model” of European Economic Area membership — where the U.K. would stay in the single market and adhere to EU rules and regulations but leave the customs union — the study predicts the fiscal impact on the U.K. would be £260 million a week. The highest net loss would occur if there is no deal, forcing the U.K. to trade with the EU on World Trade Organization terms. This scenario is estimated at £1.25 billion a week.”
Actually, I believe the inquest into Boris’ claim will be on going for years and years. Perhaps at the same cost that both UK governments still forks out for the Madeleine McCann investigation.
Hillsborough may just about pip both for legal fees.
Sumption is a magnificent chronicler of The Hundred Years War but is a p-poor observer of current events.
Interesting point in quoting Burke, who was an inspiration to, inter alia, Thomas Jefferson – there is a bust of Burke in Jefferson’s study/bedroom at Monticello. America did not have a government as such when Jefferson and others decided that not paying taxes to England and instead going to war with them was good for its people. America’s people took up this struggle so well that they beat an empire, one which was much less malevolent than the EU is shaping up to be.
‘Congratulations Arsenal on your superb win in the Europa League Final.’ Best regards, Vince.
If you add up the number of minutes in which Chelsea weren’t scoring – including half time -you will find that arsenal won that by a big number ….
Just think of all the votes for The Brexit Party that these farces are generating.
Their Chairman, Richard Rice has not only the will but also the money to take these traitorous fools to court. And with justification.
Are we seeing something similar to the BBC/Left war against Trump? The BBC/Left lost the Referendum and also the EU Elections. The forthcoming Peterborough by election is very likely to be won by The Brexit Party.
A Brexit Party MP? He will be a constant BBC/Left target. I hope he has no overdue Library Books. He could find himself at the Crown Court in no time.
Love to hear from Franny and Lord Tone just what got left at the door to concoct this interesting piece of hagiography.
Very disturbing news that the violence which is now an intrinsic part of Britains Fascist left is being brought to bear against the Equalities Comission and the lawyers they employ.
In yet more staggering stuidity and self delusion they declare that there is no anti Semetism in Labour and anyway the EHRC is headed up by Jews & Zionists and taking orders from Israel !
I wonder how much of this is going to be reported by the BBC ?
“Labour shouldn’t be the party of leave or remain, but a force to unite the country
Ian Lavery”
“Ian Lavery is chair of the Labour party”
“Labour ‘conspiracy let in 3.6m to create multicultural Britain’”
“One Million Child Victims of Muslim Rape Gangs in the U.K.?
A national disaster sweeps Britain.”
“The BBC and Islam: Let the children be raped”
I do hope that the Labour party will not be offended if I mention the, fortunately dead, Aneurin Bevan, comment about the Conservative Party
“So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin,”
This was the same Labour party, the same Bevan, who approved of the Stalinist regime which killed c20 million people.
Our enemies identify themselves.
”Moby cancels UK book tour after Natalie Portman row”
I wonder what his real name is , no mention here,,,
Possibly Richard, or a shortened version of that name?
Moby Dick was a hideously white whale.
Racist, sexist, populist !
I am off to my safe space .
Richard Melville Hall, descendant of Herman Melville. I quite like his “Play” album.
The BBC said that the last time the Liberals beat the Conservatives in a nationwide election was in 1906. Even more amazing was the fact that the last time the Liberal Party came second in a nationwide election was in 1910. Even more fantastic was that the last time the Liberal Party won more votes than Labour in a nationwide election was in 1918. But the most fantastically amazing fact of all was that the Green Party had its best results for 30 years. But the BBC seemed disappointed that the Brexit Party did not do as well as expected, so therefore the BBC wont be inviting any Brexit Party MEP’s onto Question Time in future.
Here’s an example of BBC muddying the waters – this time in UK car production
I’m sure the ‘eagle-eyed’ would find other problems with the article but I chose this statement attributed to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)
” a no-deal Brexit would make the declines worse with the threat of border delays, production stoppages and additional costs”
When one goes to the actual SMMT website it does in fact say something similar but not exactly-
” A ‘no deal’ Brexit, however, could exacerbate this decline, with the threat of border delays, production stoppages and additional costs compromising competitiveness. (1)
The (1) at the end refers to what the SMMT calls ‘notes to the editors’ –
1. The Production Outlook is an independent forecast of UK vehicle manufacturing commissioned from AutoAnalysis. It is updated up to four times a year to respond to market and production cycle fluctuations. The latest analysis, assuming a favourable Brexit deal and transition period maintaining the status quo, forecasts 1.36 million units for 2019, down from 1.52 million units in 2018.
So who is AutoAnalysis?
It has a website which says – Thanks for looking me up. One day I will get around to doing a website. Ian Henry
On the SMMT web site itself one can find a pdf by Ian Henry –
Click to access Open-Forum-March-2014-Ian-Henry.pdf
The most striking item in this document is that Germany dominates car production in the EU –
UK and France battle for 3rd place behind Germany and Spain
– Germany’s leadership position clear. Within EU, Spain is and will
remain 2nd largest producing country
– Spanish growth reflects breadth of VM investment and commitment
– UK and France will compete for 3rd place in production rankings.
– Positions will be determined by new model timings from JLR in
particular and the degree to which Renault and PSA plants can meet
the production targets set in these companies labour agreements.
falling while LCV production will rise strongly in medium term.
– Rise of Turkey to c1.5mn upa reflects expansion at Tofas and
concentration of Ford van production in Turkey.
– Czech Republic production remains >1.2mn; production in Slovakia,
Italy and Poland will remain c750-950,000 upa.
Over to you
Pilloried for telling the truth:
Monty Python star John Cleese sparks outrage by saying London is ‘not really an English city any more’
Fawlty Towers star ventured his views on Twitter and provoked heated reaction
Cleese said that friends confirmed his view that London is no longer English
Comment caused furore online, some mocking and others supporting Cleese
As ever, Paul Joseph Watson analyses the illiberal Left’s hypocrisy with wit and accuracy:
But there is also some good news for London: CNN, the BBC’s main competitor in the False News Network stakes, is to reduce staff in its London office, as reported by the BBC in-house newspaper:
John wrote: “It might interest those people who seem to think my remarks about London are racist as opposed to culturalist, to consider that what I like about spending time in Nevis.
“Nevis has excellent race relations, a very well educated population, no sign of political correctness……
John was not done there and in another dig at London, he added: “And the icing on the cake is that Nevis is not the world centre for Russian dirty money laundering.”
Explaining his decision to emigrate last year, he told the BBC he was “so disappointed with so much about this country”.
“……no sign of Rupert Murdoch, conscientious lawyers, a relaxed and humorous life style, a deep love of cricket, and a complete lack of knife crime And, of course, wonderful weather.”
Mr. Cleese has said things that cannot be said . Therefore he must receive the full ‘non person ‘ treatment . This means no more repeats of python or fawlty towers . Huge amounts of revenue will be lost to the bbc but that is nothing if principles are not adhered too.
I base this on the ‘clarkson doctrine ‘
Good video , but it”s not diversity per se that makes London so unattractive, it’s the overwhelming low quality of the newcomers, It’s become a dustbin for the worse people from all the worlds worst countries, rich and poor the same.. No surprise the BBC upedsticks to Manchester,
In the 1950″s and 60″s the government realized London was far too overcrowded and moved people out to expanding places like Peterborough Milton Keynes etc
Result the population fell and it was a comfortable great city by the 1980″s .Then Blair and New !abour decides to fill the place back up, and then some.
Meanwhile in Peterborough….
BBC’s loss is Netflix’s gain.
My 14 year old son loves Monty Python, apparently heard about it from a school friend, he says loads of them at school watch it on Netflix and it seems to be a popular topic in the playground (among the bright, geeky kids presumably, as he’s very much of that set).
It probably helps that their PSHE teacher (who is not popular) says it is ‘racist rubbish’ (with no logical rationale I can discern), she also told them ‘Tommy Robinson was a racist Nazi sympathiser, hiding under an alias’ (that doesn’t seem to have gendered any interest in TR tho’, to be fair).
John was not done there and in another dig at London, he added: “And the icing on the cake is that Nevis is not the world centre for Russian dirty money laundering.”
Explaining his decision to emigrate last year, he told the BBC he was “so disappointed with so much about this country”.
Anyone who has visited London recently with open eyes and an enquiring mind will agree with John Cleese – whilst it is in England the majority of people who seem to live there do not reflect England..so essentially he is right….I was born and brought up there – I am a cockney..but I would never go back…trouble is I went to Manchester and that is now becoming a little London and losing what was great about it in the process..
I went off Sumption even more when I read this morning’s Speccie Diary-
“History will be kinder to her than we have been. Faced with what many regard as an act of economic vandalism by a bare majority of the electorate, she did her loyal best to limit the damage. Her mistake was to repudiate those who would have been her natural allies. Instead, she made her pitch to the grim fanatics behind her, with whom no agreement on damage limitation was ever possible. Their guide was faith, not reason; compromise was treason and the EU was the Antichrist. Naturally, they responded by devouring her, and destroying their own party in the process. But by the time she realised this, it was too late. May’s courage in the face of adversity commands respect. She was let down by her insularity, which deprived her of wise advice, and by her own utter lack of political imagination, tactical agility or basic communication skills.”
Only partly true bit is the last sentence. Tends to prove the old saw that most judges do not live in the real world.
The BBC is currently promoting wearers of the hijab, which by inference is the same as promoting the religion of the wearers of this headbag, Islam.
Meanwhile there The London Bridge inquest is continuing. The perpetrators of this terrorist attack were Muslims, just like the women that they are promoting in these BBC video reports. In fact, just like the women featured, the attackers used Islam to justify their attacks.
The victims of the attacks were all non-muslims (or Kaffirs as the Muslims affectionately call us), ironically just like the intended viewers of the BBC video reports.
It took me less than five minutes to get these eight BBC links on the promotion of Islam and the hijab. Could someone to do the same for say, Christians and the wearing of the crucifix and let me know how long it takes?
Same with references -on this day – to the Christian ‘ascension day ‘ – will that get a mention on the BBC when it is so eager to mention the significant dates of another god foresaken religion – namely evil Islam .
Very soon writing those words will be a criminal offence .
Taken from the first link about the gym;
“She said Muslim women were required to wear the headscarf in front of men who were not relatives”
But hang on a minute BBC, you told us that these women are not forced to wear the hijab, that it is a personal choice.
Were you lying to us BBC?
Should we crowd fund a court case because you lied to us (ref Boris Johnson)?
BBBC – the Biased Bulls**t Broadcasting Corporation.
“But hang on a minute BBC, you told us that these women are not forced to wear the hijab, that it is a personal choice.”
No, no, Dysty, you clearly don’t understand. It is definitely not a requirement, it is always a personal choice. It’s just that some women make a personal choice that they don’t want to be insulted, assaulted, molested, raped, murdered, set on fire, have acid thrown over them etc.
Hi Dystopian, i for 1 will add to the crowd fund against the eu.bbc
State Broadcaster appears either clueless or evasive where it comes to motive for this mass murder in London.
“…the attackers used Islam to justify their attacks. “
You might equally say that Islam used the attackers.
Boris will forever be reminded that he faced charges of criminal behaviour over Brexit, even after the charges are inevitably dropped at the Crown Court.
The Left/BBC can’t lose. In one, its a hit against the Brexit result and a hit against a senior Tory.
There will be more of this. But it has generated thousands more votes for The Brexit Party and made certain of their win in Peterborough.
Brexit Party as short as 1/5….so looking good!
I hope BoJo eventually sues though Mr Crowd Funded will doubtless be found to be made of straw.
A victory for Mr Crowd Funded would I trust put Blair, Osborne and others in the frame. Goose and Gander.
The Remain obsessive battling to sink BoJo: GUY ADAMS on the man who took £24,000 out of fighting fund to pay himself
Marcus Ball hates lies. He especially hates politicians who lie, a fact trumpeted on his own page on a professional networking website which states: ‘When politicians lie, democracy dies.’
This is why the 29-year-old is prosecuting Boris Johnson.
Mr Ball, pictured at court yesterday, has repeatedly insisted the case has nothing to do with a wish to frustrate Brexit.
It is simply to ‘stop lying in politics’. All very noble. Yet one man’s ‘lie’ is usually another’s ‘fair comment’, especially in these vexed political times. So how does Mr Ball live up to his own high-minded ideals?
To find out, let us look at his personal page on the website Crowdfunder.co.uk, where he launched his legal fight in July 2016.
It was mysteriously deleted at 5.18pm on the 29th of that month. A copy can still be seen on internet archives and it shows the floppy-haired Mr Ball’s pitch in pursuit of ‘£100,000 minimum’ from donors.
‘Once these prosecutions have established that politicians did indeed lie to voters, our next step will be to take other action to prevent Brexit,’ it reads. ‘This may be in the form of a judicial review.’
Mr Ball’s statement added that the campaign was being organised with ‘other Remain campaigners’ and had been born in a Facebook page called The 48 Percent – presumably referring to the minority who voted Remain.
All of which suggests his intention, at the time, was very much to stop Brexit. Despite the large number of times he subsequently insisted that wasn’t the case.
So were his own aforementioned public statements lies? Did he simply misspeak? Or have his views evolved over time?
Then there’s the issue of Mr Ball’s finances.
The fundraising website explained: ‘This is a non-profit campaign. The people involved are volunteering their time freely.’
In October 2016, Mr Ball repeated this line, saying he had ‘worked unpaid on the campaign for the past three months.’
That position has evolved, too.
At some point, Mr Ball decided not to volunteer his time freely. He recently told an interviewer that he was paying himself a salary of ‘around £24,000’ from his crowd-funding kitty.
This money will have supplemented his other earnings, which according to Mr Ball’s personal website, come from his varied career as a ‘prosecutor’, ‘reformer’, ‘speaker’ and ‘writer’.
That site, which is adorned with pictures and videos of Mr Ball, represents an intriguing exercise in personal branding.
On the page devoted to his public speaking career, for example, it says that since 2010 he has earned money from ‘speaking in public and teaching public speaking skills’.
The page is illustrated with the logos of a number of major institutions which have invited him to speak, including the University of Cambridge.
However, Mr Ball, who was educated at Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent, is believed to have given only one talk in Cambridge – in the last academic year, to Peterhouse College.
That appears to be the limit of his dealings with Cambridge. Intriguingly, Mr Ball’s website also says he’s contributed to Russia Today, the controversial Kremlin-funded TV station recently fined by Ofcom for breaching broadcasting standards during coverage of the Salisbury poisonings.
The website carries the logo (a two-headed eagle resembling a coat of arms) of an organisation called Ambition House. In fact, it’s a company Mr Ball founded in 2012 to ‘provide unique training and education to students and graduates’ but which has since been dissolved.
Mr Ball is a director of three other companies: Think of a Name Later Ltd, a software development firm founded in 2016 but which has been dormant since then; a PR firm incorporated in 2017, which was due to file accounts last month, but hasn’t.
And finally Brexit Justice Ltd, which seems to have been created to run his legal campaign against Boris Johnson, and whose latest accounts show assets of just £22,000.
Several are registered to his family home, a £630,000 property near Norwich Cathedral. Mr Ball was born in the Norfolk city in 1989, the son of a retired English teacher.
His birth certificate lists his name as Joshua Edwin Ball. At some point during adulthood, it is believed he changed it by deed poll, to Marcus, for £15. It’s unclear why.
But as Boris Johnson will doubtless reflect, this is a man with a habit of seeking to re-write history.
Maybe someone could pass this onto him so he can prosecute George aswell …. as he’s is such a liberal lefty who preach fairness, surely its only right and proper ???? The snivelling little turd.
Interesting that Soros can avoid accusations of direct funding of legal operations by using ‘crowdfunding ‘ where he pretends to be a crowd – same way that the funding of the Gina miller case wasn’t declared .
Anyway on the detail given above – thank you -annu should be enough to sink the suit – but if it’s a remainer judge who wants a seat on the EJC – then it might get a full run – just for burning money .
It’s a BBC free day for me but I read the article by Gordon Brown in the BBC house paper – The Guardian – slagging of Nigel Farage .
If ever there was a recruiting piece for The Brexit Party – the Gordon Brown piece is it .
It was so bad that I started to think about the things Brown does not mention such as
– 1 Scotland – he hating England
-2 The EU – not mentioned – no criticism
-3.his roll in further turning Britain into a third world cess pit
At the end of the article it helpfully reminds the reader that Gordon `Brown was Prime Minister for 3 years …
NB – apparently the reason ex PMs don’t take up a seat in the So called Upper House -is because they would have to declare their finances and ‘funding ‘ . So Cameron. Brown , Major and Blair haven’t taken up the Ermin ……
…how much does that say about British politics .
Swamp draining please …
“Interesting that Soros can avoid accusations of direct funding of legal operations by using ‘crowdfunding ‘ where he pretends to be a crowd – same way that the funding of the Gina miller case wasn’t declared .”
Begs the questiion: where did the ‘Crowd’ get the money in the first place……………….
Annu, thanks for passing that on.
The fact that the Plaintiff is a Remainer should mean the Magistrate chucks out his case. He has suffered no personal harm.
Had the Plaintiff been a Leave voter in poor health and had the Party in government – the Conservatives – been campaigning for Leave, then the Plaintiff could just about claim a harm because Brexit has not been delivered on schedule and extra substantial funding much closer to the level of £350m p/week has not been granted to the NHS.
But then what do I – a non-qualified lawyer – know? More importantly the normal axis of this planet became skewed about thirty to fifty years ago and I guess there could just be a Magistrate somewhere who decides there is a case to answer and refers it to Crown Court for trial. People are definitely now daft enough to think like that.
I wonder if Alex Johnson put the chap up to litigating against him to get an edge in his hunt for the Big Prize – that black and white portrait on the stairs in number 10…
As they say in Tinsel Town, Fed, there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
Or at least there wasn’t until the advent of #metoo.
Aah … now …. Al Jolson Johnson …. hmmmmn?
Apparently the Magistrate or Judge has agreed – according to the newspaper front pages today – that Bojo should got to trial for claiming that £350m could be paid to the NHS instead of to the EU if we left the EU.
That’ll teach me to not be not up-to-date with the news.
Funny, no reference to that decision in BBC R4 News that I heard this a.m. during TOADY.
I wonder why?
“His birth certificate lists his name as Joshua Edwin Ball. At some point during adulthood, it is believed he changed it by deed poll, to Marcus, for £15. It’s unclear why.”
Ah… Marcus Ball real name Joshua Edwin Ball. Gotcha!
esther mcvey giving the beeboids a run around this morning
she is promising to cut the foreign aid budget and spend half of it at home
poor beeb heads cant get their heads around where this “new” money is coming from, then imply if the economy collapses that money wont be there!
what ALL OF IT we are having a 100% collapse now are we
she all so sticks it too them reminding her of the £39bn elephant in the room which spreadsheet phil seems to keep forgetting about
Not a bad job Esther , not bad
“Not a bad job Esther , not bad”
Sadly, Esther is 1 person, the BBC who will have 2000 employees working 24/7 against her!
So I can’t see her handling that kind of pressure.
Kaiser – if I cared I’d say either Esther or Priti but it’s an academic exercise .
I would love them to get power and see if they would end the overseas give away budget and give it to UK regions instead – it’s a lot of money – kill of H2S as well , save 39 billion on brexit and there’s good money saved . Then down size the upper house and cut their allowances – really getting there ….
“down size the upper house”
Zero would be a nice round number.
An unelected legislature must have seemed likea great idea once.
NG, once upon a time the Upper House was wonderfully democratic.
It was elected via birth and the accidents of family. The nation’s representatives there could turn out to be anything: saints or sinners. Charlatans, creators of wealth & business & jobs, frauds & crooks, benefactors, complete wastrels, conservators & patricians, the list goes on with endless possibilities.
Now they are merely clones, largely has-been politicians & Party hacks or, if not, merely those that have caught the eye of those in elected power at the time.
It’s started again with a renewed vigour. “Start impeachment process”. President Trump under fire again and again without any evidence of his collusion and/or obstruction of justice. A mere suggestion of wrongdoing from the main agent of those wishing to destroy the POTUS. If the Democrats pursue impeachment it may trigger civil unrest in the US. Visions of Mickey Mouse realising that he had unleased forces he could not control in Disney’s, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice accompanied by Paul Dukas’ wonderfully appropriate piece.
Needless to say, our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster only delivers the Democratic point of view. In keeping with their policy of brain washing: No balanced reporting with the topic, only displaying their continuing arrogant bias for the listener.
Message to: “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” – If you want objective people to tune into your so-called, (Flagship?) “News” programmes give us the alternative views and fact of what’s actually happening in US Politics instead of your undying affection to your fellow Democrats who share the same policies of spreading Cultural Marxism as you do.
The Dems know that impeaching Trump might guarantee him winning in 2020 because, if history is anything to go by, after his impeachment Clinton’s rating reached its highest point of 73% approval.
TOADY Watch #1
Thinking about how dim some people can be in the modern world and also thinking of Tinsel Town, it appears the employees of the Disney Corporation are none too bright.
They object to tight restrictions on abortion. They are, therefore, refusing to work on films made by the company in Georgia because that US State has tightened its law on abortion.
Those Disney Corp workers might like to get a strong cup of coffee and sit down and have a little think about where their future customers come from ……
….. doh!
Not BBC Bias, apologies. But as we live in an age where educated students know best it might be worth considering how they can stay in their safe spaces, avoid discussion and access to knowledge, but still get good grades.
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This is a big business now and the real culprits are often the University lecturers who don’t care…I recently reported one of my students for plagiarism and the Uni didn’t want to do anything about it…
If lecturers actually looked at their student’s work they would know it wasn’t written by them – but nowadays Universities are too scared to get a bad report from students…education is now all about money and not about quality…soon people will going to India for a good education
Whether it be no prosecutions for Europeans living and working in the UK for Benefit Fraud or the example you cite, it’s all grist to the mill for the Rule of Law. Rapidly disappearing, “Rule” bit……….
Amanda Abbington, one of the stars of BBC’s Sherlock does not agree with John Cleese’s comments about London.
This is the same Amanda Abbington who declares herself as a Corbyn supporting member of The Labour Party, yet sends her sons to private schools, has private health care and was declared bankrupt by the High Court in March 2013 as a result of a £120,000 tax bill, thus depriving the NHS and schools of much needed money.
I still remember Bob Geldof slagging off the fishing industry of the UK, begging for money for starving Africans and telling people who supported Brexit that they are nazi scum.
Celebrities, I don’t care what you think.
We live in a bizarre world where the regurgitated ‘opinions’ of air headed puppets like her are given any credence.
“We live in a bizarre world where the regurgitated ‘opinions’ of air headed puppets like her are given any credence.”
As long as the person adds “Love Island” at the end of every sentence – they will have their vote.
Note: I have never watched Love Island. Heard some BBC Radio5 hosts giggle about how promiscuous it is to convince me I shall never watch it.
according to the beeb 45% car production slashed due to brexit – i work in the automotive sector and i’m so annoyed they lie! the last part of the article refers to the true reason – production worldwide has slowed!
When will the beeb be up in court for spreading lies, they seem to think they are above the law, and the leftist view is the ONLY view allowed
As a friend, a GP, said some time back:
“I’ve known for years everything the press report about the NHS and British medical practice is complete bollocks, and don’t get me started on how they portray us (GPs) in dramas. The problem is once you digest the fact that everything the press report about your field and interests is complete rubbish, you can’t believe a word they say on anything else.”
andy, nothing can beat your eye-witness testimony although the BBC would prefer their myth of Brexit to cancel it.
There’s another factor at play don’t forget: many EU States have decreed no more petrol and diesel fuelled car vehicles from 2040 and in some cases 2030. That is far more damaging to car companies than Brexit because of the redesigning and re-tooling required to meet the political demands.
On top of that, some countries’ politicians – notably the UK – have been a bit confused and vague about the future of hybrids, which really doesn’t help when planning future production.
report then to Ofcom – it worked for me..
TOADY Watch #2
Torsten Bell from he Resolution Foundation was on during the 6.30-7am segment. He claimed that we have the lowest unemployment and highest unemployment ‘evvah’ in the UK at present. ‘fraid not Torsten. Both were better in the 1960s.
JustRemainIn Webb was not sharp enough to pull him up on that point. As a journalist with umpteen assistants, no doubt, he should have those facts & figures at hand. Torsten Bell looks young enough not to know anything about the 1960s so has a bit of an excuse but not much.
I note with some amusement from a quick search that: Torsten is the Director of the Resolution Foundation, a think tank that combines analytical rigour with policy prescriptions etc., etc.,….
Up2, sorry to be picky, but you may have one too many ‘UN’ in Torstens employment stats quote. Anyway, your comparison to the 60’s is also open to debate, as it depends whether you use percentiles of the working age population, or the total numbers. In that case, go back to early 1940’s for really low unemployment percentiles. As I remember the quote, you may be using statistics as a drunken man uses a lamp post, that is for support rather than illumination. Torsten, not you.
A massively important piece was publised yesterday in the Guardian (so the BBC have to be aware of it) by Labour chair Ian Lavery.
In it he makes several observations about the party ‘remainers’ and who they are:
“As someone who has opposed a so-called public vote, not least because parliament has no majority for it in principle and nobody has the faintest idea what we would actually put on the ballot, I have been doggedly attacked by certain sections of the party, as well as those on the outside. It does feel that a certain portion of “leftwing intellectuals” are sneering at ordinary people and piling on those trying to convey the feelings of hundreds of thousands of Labour voters.”
Here are the key points.
Far leftist ‘intellectuals’ from Hampstead & Islington are driving the second referendum calls.
No majority to support this in either parliament nor the Labour party
They have not the first clue as to any wording on a second referendum nor even what they want to ask the public.
The Islington set sneering at working class Brexit voters
No chance of Labour winning a General Election chasing a portion of the 48% of remain voters.
This article is definitely worth reading. The BBC must be aware of it, yet I don’t believe I’ve heard anything connected to it perhaps because many of the BBC types are the leftist ‘intellectuals’ refered to in the article.
Thoughtful, thanks for that.
“They have not the first clue as to any wording on a second referendum nor even what they want to ask the public.”
Oh, yes they do: they want ‘Remain in the EU’ at the top of the ballot paper for ThePeoplesVote/2nd (or 3rd) EU Referendum.
Then they want at least two questions below it, preferably three or four, that split up the Leave vote or confuse voters “who didn’t know what they were voting for in 2016.”.
They’re not so stupid as to think the electoral services comission would allow them to get away with that!
See the composition of the Electoral Commission!!!!
Why “public” vote? Was the last one private? And in view of the Euro election results, how can the remainers think they would win it, so what is their real motive?
There are 9 Jewish MPs in the Conservative Party.
There are only 3 Jewish MPs in the Labour Party.
Notice a trend? No wonder the Labour Party is being investigated. Not exactly their diversity in action, is it?
Jonathan Djanogly (2001–present), Conservative MP
Paul Goodman (2001-2010) Conservative MP
David Miliband (2001-2013) Labour MP
Susan Kramer (2005-2010), Liberal Democrat MP
Lynne Featherstone (2005-2015), Liberal Democrat MP
Ed Miliband (2005–present), Labour MP and former Leader of the Labour Party
Brooks Newmark (2005-2015) Conservative MP
Grant Shapps (2005–present), Conservative MP
Lee Scott (2005-2015), Conservative MP
Luciana Berger (2010–present), Labour Co-operative MP and later Independent MP
Michael Ellis (2010–present), Conservative MP
Zac Goldsmith (2010-2016 & 2017-present), Conservative MP
Robert Halfon (2010–present), Conservative MP
Richard Harrington (2010-present), Conservative MP
Julian Huppert (2010-2015) Liberal Democrat MP
Andrew Percy (2010–present), Conservative MP
Dominic Raab (2010–present), Conservative MP
Lucy Frazer (2015-present) Conservative MP
Ruth Smeeth (2015–present), Labour MP
Alex Sobel (2017-present), Labour MP
The Labour Party has no doubt calculated the number of Jewish votes available and the number of votes available from adherents of ahem a certain other religion (oP)
Once this concept is accepted the antisemitism and the lukewarm response to it can be seen as a logical nett vote-winning act of policy.
Labour, anti-Semitism and the Cultural Marxist’s use of, “Adjacency”:
I do love this new word in the far left lexicon. “Adjacency”, it simply rolls off the tongue. It has a good feel about it. I predict a fruitful future for this leftie word.
However, as any normal thinking person will immediately grasp, the word comes with a boomerang attached. But have no fear. As is pointed out in the Gatestone article, “adjacency” has a limited application to anything right wing, populist and/or racist. So, Jeremy Corbyn is not condemned under the heading of “adjacency” when seen with the IRA or Palestinian terrorist but, for example, Boris will be alongside a large red bus.
We need to monitor the progress of use of this new Marxist term.
Guilt by who shouts the loudest.
Or guilt by who controls the output of State Broadcaster.
After all those who aren’t accused can’t be guilty?
Sounds like the Jordan Peterson stood next a guy with a proud Islamophobe T shirt makes him guilty be adjacency
Remainer entrepreneur who crowdfunded to prosecute Boris Johnson spent £50,000 of donations on cupcakes, self-defence classes and a luxury flat with private gym
Remainer Marcus Ball, 29, has crowdfunded £370,000 for private prosecution
He successfully lobbied court to bring misconduct case against Boris Johnson
But own finances reveal he has spent nearly £50,000 of donations on himself
Figures show he spent hundreds of pounds on self-defence and cupcakes
He also splashed out more than £6,000 on luxury flat in Canary Wharf
As noted above, Marcus is Not His Real Name.
Does the BBC know?
Perhaps ‘opportunist’ might better describe young master Ball.
At least he has already made a name for himself in employing an inarticulate and hesitant solicitor – though that would be especially unique if due to a guilty conscience.
Just checked my Facebook feed. A long series of BBC posts, all with Remainers, of which one with this utter tool is one.
The Today Programme
“If the Conservatives can’t decide what Brexit means then we didn’t know what it meant in 2016.”
Liberal Democrats leadership hopeful Sir Ed Davey says the party wants to stop Brexit “in a democratic way”. https://bbc.in/2ETU8nt
The Democrats will end up impeaching Donald Trump for having an antisocial haircut, they’re that desperate to pin something on him.
Meanwhile in the real world you ought to be aware of more information that has come to light about their attempted coup. With an advert first the main item starts at 1.34.
What a deeply unpleasant and intolerant country we’re becoming.
Today It’s john Cleese’s turn to face the pitch fork mob.
He apparently gave his opinion on the state of London. He was quite eloquent in his appraisal. He spoke of earlier, happier times when people were polite and easy with each other. He said it seemed like a foreign country.
He’s clearly a dinosaur who doesn’t appreciate the untold advantages we’ve enjoyed since cultural enrichment was brought to the capital. Stabbings and acid attacks were relatively rare back in those dark old days.
Of course first out of the blocks to admonish him was the runt Muslim mayor who said something so gormlessly PC and crass it could have come straight from the pages of 1984. “Diversity is our strength.” Ye gods it’s pitiful!
Having been born and bred in London I find mysself in total agreement with Mr Cleese. I only have one small criticism. I wouldn’t have used all those long words to sum up the state of modern London.
I just think it’s a shit hole.
The little Khant was spouting off particularly viciously about Nigel on TV the other night.
I would love to ask him – ‘Do you think you have more in common with Nigel Farage or ISIS?’
John Cleese hit back at critics who savaged him for a tweet in which he said that London is no longer an English city by tweeting, “I prefer cultures that do not tolerate female genital mutilation.”
The question is quite legitimate. There are statistics available. We know the answers but they are inconvenient. London is nothing like the city of my childhood in it’s population and ethnic mix. . Whether or not this is a good thing is irrelevant. it is a fact.
“Diversity is our strength” is about half a squeak away from “Strength Through Joy”.
I’m actually finding it hard to believe this one. But the BBC seems certain. I wonder if it will age well?
Well, well, well. Is this the man who gave the go ahead for the prosecution of Boris?
The fetid swamp needs drained.
RD, didn’t it come up first in a Magistrates Court as a private prosecution? So it was a dumb decision from an individual or panel who decided they didn’t have the guts to chuck it out. Am surprised that it appears Bojo didn’t have a representative in Court. They could have put 1. the ONS figures up in defence – therefore no case to answer, and, 2. the fact, IIRC, that Bojo didn’t decide to vote Leave until about a week before the Referendum – therefore no case to answer.
It is only now the DPP get involved in that the CPS has to decide if there is a provable case or it is a waste of public money to host in a CC.
I heard on the radio this morning that the DPP had decided it wasn’t vexatious and could go ahead. Being on the radio doesn’t, of course, make it true.
“Being on the radio doesn’t, of course, make it true.”
For shame! Doesn’t that go against the whole spirit of this blog?
“Max Hill QC is a Remoaner”
They simply don’t get it do they!
My IQ is terrible but even I can discern the kind of evil that lurks within UK Politics/Law.
I think I detect just a whiff of wishful thinking.
And look what she retweeted.

Except here’s the full tweet.
“A crime that didn’t exist.” But Katty doesn’t want to notice that, so keen is she to see what is not there.
There was a priceless bit of froth on the media programme – someone has allegedly made the multi millionaires democrat politician – Nancy pelosi – sounds drunk in a speech using some online techs . They did a compare and contrast .
If the BBC had any sense of humour they might have suggested that the software actually made a drunk Pelosi sound sober – but it didn’t happen ….
Did the lady do a Churchill
“but tomorrow I shall be sober”?
A modest lady with a lot to be modest about …
I just admire President Trump more and more each day. I really do. Just keeps giving it right back to these Liberals who are so used to having it all their own way. They just cannot process people having the audacity to fight back !!! Well done Sir.
And to think, all these sandal wearing, vegan, do gooder’s planning their spiteful little protests for his UK visit, with their petty home made placards , really , truly believe he will give a toss !!! Mugs, the lot of em.
I hear he has just said, just before his state visit, “Boris and Nigel are my friends”.
Any attention from the BBC as regards The Brexit Party?
There’s much to discuss. Perhaps tomorrow, eh?
BBC doesn’t even bother to read complaints
I complained about “Climate change the facts” and at the end asked them please don’t send a form letter. Guess what…
PM, they sent you in reply a ‘form letter’?
That shower simply don’t get it or can’t even see it.
BBCs eventual collapse I mean.
We viewers have plenty of patience unfortunately the BBC employees don’t have plenty of time.
Snuffy’s attention span and memory is taking a spanking today!
I went to check on Bojo’s conversion from Remain to Leave. According to the Gruaniad – why would they deceive on such a matter – it was four months, not eight days, away from the 23 June 2016 vote.
Only excuse, I must have been thinking of something else that Bojo did at the ‘last minute’. That’ll teach me not to post before checking!
Fedup posted above Gordon Brown’s hit piece on Farage in the Guardian from which I quote:
“The new division in British politics is between the patriotic majority – tolerant, fair-minded, outward-looking and pragmatic – against the Faragists, who will follow Farage wherever he goes. The dogmatism and divisiveness of their them-versus-us nationalism has more in common with the Le Pens, the Salvinis and the Orbans […]”
Someone needs a logic refresher. Still, maybe we should be issued proper guidelines on what kind of nationwide dissent is allowed. I’d hate to fall foul of the authorities by not adhering to the correct form of tolerant, fair-minded division so beloved of Gordon and the Guardian.
Very true Terminal. The trend of late has been towards approved political thought. I can almost see now why State Broadcaster won’t identify a motive for mass murderer if it means crossing the line to what Brown would consider divisive.
It’s great that a political beast has found purpose in retirement as moral arbiter for the whole of the UK. Brown could never win a UK election even though he “was a good man” or so his wife told us.
““The new division in British politics is between the patriotic majority – tolerant, fair-minded, outward-looking and pragmatic – against the Faragists, who will follow Farage wherever he goes.”
Sounds just like his many TV walking speeches he did during the Referendum campaign 2016.
This recent speech of his will also go the same way.
TM, Gordon Brown was complicit in ‘rubbing their noses in diversity’ which fits neatly under the heading that he hypocritically supplies for others “The dogmatism and divisiveness of their them-versus-us” or, more correctly Gordon, “The dogmatism and divisiveness of our us-versus-the nation”
BBC Online News:
“”Student loans: Would the proposed changes help poorer students?””
Photos of seven students. No white male to be seen.
Wishful thinking by the globalist far-left BBC, perhaps?
A minor story but still fake news.
“Children are whitening their skin with make-up to avoid being bullied or racially abused at school, according to charity NSPCC.”
Not so long ago, I worked in the world of education. We could not stop African and Caribbean children bringing in face whitening cream and applying it on their faces. The practice was often encouraged by their parents. The reason was that in the African Caribbean culture, pale skin is desirable, despite what they say (think of black pop stars that sometimes have a lighter skin tone in some photographs than others).
I’ve lost count of the times I’ve had to break up fights between two black boys because one would accuse the other boy of looking ‘blacker’ than the other black boys.
Another way the West Indian children would wind each other up was by saying to another child of West Indian origin that, “you smell like an African.”
It made me laugh when I once heard David Lammy say black people cannot be racist. Black people, despite what they say can be very racist towards white, Chinese and Asian people.
The BBC story I have just read is a complete distortion of the facts.
You really need to watch this, as it could save your life. Experts are saying that Islamic terrorists getting their hands on and deploying nuclear weapons isn’t a possibility, it is an inevitability and the authorities are doing precious little to prevent it.
No wonder CND aren’t very noisy any more it’s the whites who are being targetted and they hate us with such passion they’d probably assist an Islamist in detonation.
It’s 25 minutes long and I urge you to watch it until the end, it might just save your life:
Why would there be any doubt that Muslim terrorists will make a dirty bomb or something chemical or biological for use on Western target(s) ?
Surely it’s s given ?Just depends which country will be on the receiving end , the of lives / land / materials and whether anyone accepts responsibility .
Then of course – if NATO is in its present form – article 5 will be invoked and a suitable response imposed .
I’m really not sure what this has to do with the BBC and its bias though . And the blokes pretty low level in terms of the things individuals can do should they wish to survive a nuclear incident – a tip – work out which way the wind is blowing …..
If you watch the video you will find a nice quote, that Al Qaeda does not have a return address.
There cannot be a ‘suitable response’ these people are stateless often in a country like Syria or Libya which doesn’t even want them there. They cannot easily be attacked and even if they are they simply don’t care as they then become martyrs and guaranteed a place in heaven.
The old tenet of Mutually Assured Destruction threfore no longer works. This is the whole point of the video.
It will happen.
Our useless political elites have done nothing to prevent it
Our useless political elites have done nothing to prepare for it
The only thing which you can do is to learn how to survive the aftermath and how to help others, and you aren’t going to be able to access this info while it happens.
Thoughtful – this stuff is ancient -it’s a bit like tagging any nuclear material used in a dirty bomb in order to destroy the reactor or country from where it came .
Personally after 9/11 the Americans would have got away with nuking Afghanistan as the source of the plan – I don’t know what the population of the main target areas would have been but I suppose one of the main reasons it was not done was that they needed solid proof that bin Ladin was dead as opposed to vaporised .
It would certainly have saved a lot of british lives wandering around the place getting blown up by Iranian IEDs …
The bias is that the BBC I remember a while ago talking about the possibility of a dirty bomb, but it is a long time ago, and they are certainly not keeping the public informed about something which is being described as an inevitability.
I would suggest the reason for that is because of the religion of the perpetrators.
Too much stupidity engaged in climate change alarmism, with the futility of it all falling on deaf ears. This would be a far better use of resources, as this is far more likely than a climate Armageddon which is probably not on the cards, at all.
Paul Bristow anyone? Who is he? Well, prospective Conservative candidate for the Peterborough By-Election 6th June.
A career politician. http://ukpbconsulting.com/staff-member/paul-bristow/
Mike Green is standing for the Brexit Party. Fingers crossed.
See the extensive national coverage by, “The Most Trusted Broadcaster”.
Paul Bristow looks to me like a typical swamp dweller. Not had a proper job.
It is looking more and more likely that we are seeing the end of the Conservative party.
It is stuffed full of liberals with only a handful of real conservatives. We all know who the good guys are.
That daft clot Hammond is saying he will vote against his own party in a confidence vote if he doesn’t get his own way (if a new leader accepts the so called ‘no deal’ which is actually wto rules deal). He says this is for the good of the country. He thinks Corbyn will be better running the country than the conservatives.
He’s in the wrong party.
I think TBP will easily win in Peterborough and can win the next GE. Once the ‘old conservatives’ have disappeared, TBP can be renamed the Conservative Party for old times sake.
PM Farage.
Sounds right to me.
Broad church parties appear to struggle in hung parliaments. The losers’ consent is absent.
The Japan school girl attack was against a Catholic school
… isn’t that interesting ?
\\ The attack took place at a bus stop where children, reportedly between the ages of 6 and 7, waited for a ride to a local Catholic school, the only such school in Kawasaki //
Different day.
Same basic story.
Yesterday – a woman burned alive in Bangla Desh.
Today we have this…
‘Coercive husband battered wife to death’
I wonder what those left wing feminist groups and any of those 2000 journalists at the bBBC have to say about these stories and what appears to link them?
Just as I thiught.