I’ve been watching US presidents come and go since Dwight Eisenhower.
So far, I’ve only seen one concerted campaign to overthrow (probably by impeachment) an elected President starting on day one (and obviously being cooked up before that) of his presidency. That is President Trump.
It is spearheaded by the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as agencies supposedly there to protect the US. And, of course, by the lefty (frequently Socialist) Democrats.
I can’t remember, until now, genuine Socialism entering the picture. It feels pretty weird. Not even George McGovern created that feeling. It coincides -apparently- with Whites becoming a minority in the US. Make of that what you will.
I still liked Reagan the most, and had a sneaking respect for JFK. So I’m not the greatest Trump fan. But that is completely irrelevant. Big things are at stake. When push comes to shove, I hope Trump knocks the s… out of the socialists.
And with a bit of luck the NYT and WP will close down. Interesting that the bbc slavishly follows the same line as they do. Not a soul believes they’re impartial! So, if they were to close down too, no tears will be shed by me.
Au contraire: the champers will flow…
If you ever listen to Radio5Dead, Fakers, you’d be made to think that the only news worth hearing comes from the Wapo, NYT, Boston Globe, Huffpo and the rest, including Bloomberg now.
I don’t know why we have pricks like Sopel and KittyKat over there, they’re just useless!
If the agencies that Clinton/ Obama set against the Trump campaign haven’t covered their tracks I’d be very surprised .
Like UK – where the security agencies of the state have been politicised by the Left and are now primarily directed against those considered to be against the multicultural anti british dream which came from the 1960s
The process seems to be accelerating with the eager help of the main stream media . The internet will be repressed even more soon and the likes of this site terminated because it is critical of ‘mainstream thought ‘ or some other forthcoming Orwellian phrase …. betcha
It’s funny how the outcome of elections are contested on both sides of the Atlantic …
ITV local news
Hull : funeralnof Trans, lottery winner
Another item was a LGBT vs Refugees football match
also involving actors from a play about Jamaican immigrants not being able to find a proper barbershop in Britain
Disappointing news – the mcvey Tory leader has promised to put 3 billion pounds from the overseas giveaway budget to the …. police ! More lovely pictures of community pacification officers smiling in some god forsaken mosque bending to sharia .
Spend it on social care not plod .
Next item : actual live coverage from Goole
Buzzfeed has found that a 21 year old Conservative councillor sent an Islamophobic tweet in 2017 when he was 19
and 2 years before he became a Tory councillor
‘And as we know there are serious concerns about Islamophobia in the Tory party ‘
As ever it’s Labour Party as news , cos they don’t show us the actual tweet
They do give us some context “it was after the Westminister attack
..and he said something like ‘these Islamic attacks are like the Nazi blitz”
Coultish tweet that caused the Buzzfeed outrage bus:
Britain withstood the Blitz and got up, had a cup of tea and got on with rebuilding the next day.
We will stand against the tide of Islam” on March 23, 2017.
..em that tweet doesn’t contain the word “Nazi”
They also report that he tweeted:
Quote of the day: ‘There are two forces killing our people and our citizens
: Islam and political correctness’”
and “Im SICK TO DEATH of hearing the word ‘racist’.
ISLAM IS NOT A RACE and were (sic) not racist for having a opinion dif from mainstream media.
the Tories have said that Cllr Coultish can keep his position in the party but the young councillor wanted to set the record straight by publishing his own apology on Twitter.
These comments were made before University and at a low-point for me, I was upset and grieving and trying to make sense of the lives lost.
My comments were wholly reactionary and unthoughtful, I was referring to radical Islamic extremism, of course not real Muslims who are peaceful and live with British Values.
“These comments were NOT made in a professional capacity as the article suggests
and I have since removed the tweets and made the accounts into a private account.
“I was young, not yet involved in politics in a big way and naïve. I’m sorry for any confusion or any offence my historic tweets caused.”
He later told Hull Live: “I’m genuinely sorry as they were comments made one day as a teenager and they obviously do not reflect my views.
“I do not remember tweeting them but I regret them.
The Guardian runs with
“Tories under pressure to suspend councillors over anti-Islam tweets”
again that looks like wishful thinking from written by the Labour Party PR dept
.. The Tories are not under pressure at all about him generally
The only people making pressure are the Labour clique and the unelected MCB rabble.
It seems ridiculous to give into to lefty bullying and suspend a councillor for old LEGAL tweets he sent 2 years before he was a councillor.
“BBC Local News with Lord Heseltine interview
… saying Brexit will damage the area”
Its obvious that Corbyn and the guy who leads the liberals has commissioned their chief evangelists out go and walk “to and fro through the earth” in the vain hope of converting the usual suspects who always fall for their kind of lies and half truths.
You know the type I mean. The MSM and the “couldn’t care less about politics unless it includes – clubbing or sun-tan shops” brigade.
I include mr deluded himself in that group of voters.
C4 News -leads with a bit of tidy IRA propaganda of events from 1971 in Ballymurphy at an inquest .
C4 just loves undermining the British Army – and revealed the Michael Mansfield ( yes he’s still alive ) is representing the families of some of the dead .
C4 calls it a search for’ justice ‘ or ‘closure ‘ or ‘ the truth ‘ when we all know that true responsibility lies with the verminous IRA terrorists and its dirty political wing .
Later in the programme the traitor Jon Snow ‘ celebrates ‘ a para who dropped on Normandy on 5/6 June 1944 .
The way C4 news sees the world I’m surprised they haven’t called for a public inquiry into why so many German soldiers were killed in the war when they could have been taken prisoner and given ‘ support ‘ or compensation for being the subject of harsh treatment .
Bloody silly season .
I’m dreading the 75th anniversary of the Overlord operation next week . We ll be told that d Day was really achieved because of non white troops delivering curry and pizza to the front to cheer the brave boys up ..
Or some similar nonsense about how teenage girls had a vital unsung part it it .
Actually it was Audrey’s brothers who were involved in the resistance. She was still a young girl scratching around for food with her mother – at the height of the war. Operation Manna and Chowhound saved a lot of Dutch from starvation when planeloads of food was dropped from overhead aircraft.
Living in Kent in the 60’s we didn’t need a passport to cross over to Calais on the ferry, an ID card was all that was needed, and I think it lasted for a year.
That will have been the British Visitor’s Passport, which was cheap and lasted for a year. You could get them from the Post Office. Someone should have told the Jackal, it would have saved him a lot of trouble.
The working class and the upper class have a bond in the Royal Marines.
The middle class (C4, BBC) don’t fight.
They have no idea, some of the greatest people I’ve stood with cannot stand the so called ‘educated middle class’. Socialist fuck bags the lot of them.
But when the shit hits the fan who will they turn to?
8pm Good old British Radio 4
a Christian prog : A Celebration for Ascension Day
from St Martin-in-the-Fields in London.
..features a new “Samba Mass” https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0005f62
The Sun has footage of Jacob Rees Mosque being ambushed in the street by a variety of ‘ remainers ‘ shouting at him and then throwing a liquid at him as he gets in a car .
The liquid turns out to be water but it is only a matter of time before something more noxious is used .
Stew, Samba Mass on Radio 4 – not necessarily a bad thing – I’m reminded of The Missa Luba, a Congolese Mass sung in a traditional style, originally performed and recorded in 1958 by Les Troubadours du Roi Baudouin. Pasolini used it in his film The Gospel According to St Matthew. Very different and moving Christian music, particularly as used in the fim – well worth a listen.
I’m sure the biased BBC will be all over this like a rash, however the lead is well within the margin of error, but it looks like both the main parties are heading for oblivion.
I do wonder how they might rescuse themselves from this, and my immediate thought is the only way is a massive deselection of traitors to the party.
Here is a potential scenarion:
Tories lose a vote of no confidence and the PM goes to the queen and resigns.
Bercow (the scum bag) puts his deputy into the chair and tells the queen he is in a position to form a government.
He then returns to parliament, forms a coalition of remainers who vote to revoke article 50.
He then returns to the queen and resigns as PM and calls a General Election.
This scenario is being mooted as a realistic possibility by the treacherous elites.
The difficulty with Bercow is that as we know everyone outside the bubble detests him we don’t know how popular he is within the Commons . I suspect that although remainer traitors depend on him he might not be too popular – particularly since he lacks any kind of grace or diplomacy in belittling MPs he decides not to like .
Also – I don’t think The Queens advisors would let anywhere near her or allow the Crown to be played by a greasy social climber like him.
Actually – the idea that a speaker could usurp the position of the Leader of the Opposition – whomever that might be is just too much ….
It’s fantasy football .
Momentum / labour faithful just wouldn’t have it .
I’m sorry to say that if you’re on the right in politics then any association with Tommy is toxic.
The media loathe him. It’s not just the Beeb and the Guardian, it’s across the spectrum.
I think UKIP made a massive mistake in bringing the likes of TR and Sargon into their fold.
We may like them. Indeed I admire Tommy immensely and appreciate what he’s trying to do. I went on the two London demos last year in an attempt to gain his freedom.
However, the UKIP / Brexit Party vote is made up of disgruntled middle Englanders. These people wouldn’t allow Tommy into their houses let alone vote for him.
Any hint that you sympathise with him is political suicide.
Sad but true.
linking Tommy and Sargon directly as being the same thing is patently ridiculous.
I dont have any issues with tommy personally , but recognise why he brings problems down on UKIP
Carl Benjamin though thats a different kettle of fish, and lets be honest if they werent attacking him, they would just move on to the next kipper who wasnt entirely PC
We are suggesting effectively all UKIP should be nominated by the Guardian ,
In which case they have won and we might as well shut up, lie down and die.
I do agree though lets get BREXIT through first as nothing is going to change until thats done.
They’re not the same thing but both are political poison.
Gerard Batten spent every interview I heard attempting (and failing) to defend his relationship with Tommy Robinson and explain Sargon’s remarks to the delightful Jess Phillips were only a bad taste joke.
Getting a fair hearing is difficult enough.
With idiots like this on your team it’s impossible.
“Sargon or Corbyn…?”
Well for me, Sargon every day. But I’m afraid that commie Corbyn now leads the Labour Party and due to that gets a lot of media kudos.
Mcdonnell, particularly after the Grenfell tragedy, has said some things that are tantamount to incitement. Abbott and Lammy are both racists, but they’re black and therefore…
Sargon on the other hand just gets slated.
It’s not fair, but it’s a fact.
TT You are right to be concerned about Nigel Farage. While we can all applaud his success at the polls there are very disturbing aspects of his denunciation of TR and especially his attitude to his former followers in Ukip. But he is riding along on the crest of a wave at the moment and doesn’t care about the resentment he builds up among other people aligned to the same policies.
He continues to spout the line that gave up on Ukip because it was going down the far right road. Codswallop!
He gave up on the party much earlier after he didn’t get his Thanet seat. He spoke about his ordinary members in derogatory terms. This was some time before Tommy came on the scene.
He couldn’t stand being accountable to any internal party body and obviously wanted to be leader of a party of cheerleaders where he could do and say what he wanted and not be questioned.
Congratulations to him, he got it.
But how long for? Make hay, Nigel.
Farage is terrified that the Left will use any means possible to hang the labels ‘far Right’, waycism, xenophobia, etc etc
To him anything which can detract from the single goal of exiting the European Union has to be distanced.
The Brexit party looks like destroying the rotten and corrupt Tory party, but once it achieves its objective, what then?
No leader no policies no direction – it’s the mistakes Farage made when he left UKIP after winning the referendum. He needs to do better this time.
That’s why I voted UKIP. Farage isn’t going to face down Muslims if we get out of the EU. We need someone like Geert Wilders. It’s a chilling indicator of the moral turpitude of this nation that the man who has courage to defend young victims from the onslaught of barbarity is the one who is considered toxic by the mainstream. Those without morals rage at us ceaselessly. When will we stop caring what evil people think and say about us?
“That’s why I voted UKIP. Farage isn’t going to face down Muslims if we get out of the EU. We need someone like Geert Wilders.”
No point in having a Geert Wilders if we don’t have a public that is prepared to vote for one. That’s the problem that Farage understands. It’s not enough for UKIP simply to sit there and exist. Batten means well but he’s a failure politically.
Large sections of the public are too self-centred/hypocritical/bien pensant to “face down” Muslims, as you put it, or to give sufficient support to someone who will. They have a shallow need to feel “nice” about themselves.
Things will have to get worse before they get better.
Re TR. Sadly those to the Right, who are themselves in danger of being labelled ‘Far Right / extremist / racist’ etc, often feel obliged to put clear blue water between themselves and people like TR, not to be tarred with the same brush.
The beeb and other msm have succeeded in making TR so ‘toxic’ that other conservatives have to distance themselves from him out of self preservation.
If Farage showed the slightest sympathy towards TR the beeb would crucify him quicker than you can say Laura Kuntsberg, and his political career would be over.
You hit it right on the head . TR has been made toxic – and for someone after the ‘ respectable ‘
‘Popular’ vote they must distance themselves from him.
The primary objective is getting out of the ReichEU – no individual or anything else can stand in the way of that .
After we get out of the EU – we can start on the long process of dealing with other pressing issues .
( cut and paste that one maxi – if you’re still playing troll tourist).
So many interesting observations on TR, UKIP and Farage. I have much sympathy for anyone, like Lucy Pevensey, who stuck with UKIP and also those who respect Tommy.
I went back to the Tommy thread and the results of the regions, comparing the 2019 and 2014 EU elections. Adding the votes UKIP got in 2014 to the votes they got in 2019 comes close to The Brexit Party votes in 2019 through most of the regions.
Dunno enough about UK politics to form a conclusion here, but one does seem inescapable.
Another thing – scanning the Wiki links of EU elections since 1999, I found that only 4 Independents got more votes than Tommy, the best got 93 000.
Distance themselves if they wish but to join the MSM and lie and completely trash him is not good especially when we know that what TR is saying is going to be our future.
So was Ray Honeyford. He used language in the low-circulation Salisbury Review that was far less colourful than Powell, but he was still driven out of his profession.
So much for the argument that Powell stirred things up. He did nothing of the sort.
Farage is already labelled ‘far right’ as is just about every white person who doesn’t subscribe to the insanity of what in truth is far left intolerance.
80 – 90% of the British population are ‘far right’ according to the out of control media.
Surprising ( and welcome ) attack piece on the so called upper house by of all things The Guardian listing those peers who have snorted maximum expenses but not spoken in parliament .
I would have thought The Guardian would have favoured the upper house as it’s rammed full with remainers , bought off labour people and various low life friends of various PMs .
creepy Barry on QT denying everything that was on Cameron’s leaflet
You can be out and in the single market and the customs union apparently according to creepy Barry
The EU wont give us a decent deal so therefore we should remain (lets ignore the second ref part as thats just a polite way of saying remain)
So pretty much these people are saying its not possible to leave because they wont let you, which sounds to me like the best reason for leaving deal or no-deal
How long before any word of criticism of Muslims is deemed as racist?We are rapidly getting to the point where free speech is regarded as less important than not offending them.If and when that happens I hope and pray the people rise up and fight this insane policy of political correctness.
Good. That sort of thing just reveals these people for the intolerant extremists they are. Farage has too much widespread support now to simply be dismissed as beyond the pale, because by implication it puts a third of the population beyond the pale. You can’t go on insulting such a large number and get away with it. People know now they’re not alone in their views and feel safety in numbers.
It’s time to turn the “extremist” label back on them. Their mask is slipping.
Why do Brexiteers go on QT ? Is it for fame or money ? What is the point ? It would be much better is the seat was left vacant because the BBC couldn’t fine any one dumb enough to conform to the BBC version of current affairs …
Disclosure – I have no interest in waiting thar programme
This is a maxi type cut and paste of s Twitter by a professional working class brummie female MP ;
Is there anything worse than a beauty parade of politicians saying stupid stuff To appeal to 100,000 ageing right-wingers. In the process of this leadership race the country will be dragged back to the standards of a masonic lodge in Bury St Edmunds.
Can you guess who it might be ? Presumably she is too thick to know that Freemasons cannot be female – which takes out a number of candidates for the top job …
“Ex BBC Executive Board Member warns Tories over no-deal Brexit
Story detail
The head of the Confederation of British Industry and Ex BBC Executive Board Member is warning Tory leadership hopefuls against letting the UK leave the EU without a Brexit deal. Smaller companies cannot afford the necessary preparations for leaving without a plan, Ex BBC Executive Board Member Carolyn Fairbairn says in an open letter to the growing number of Conservatives bidding to be the next prime minister. It’s the latest in a series of warnings from the lobby group headed by the Ex BBC Executive Board Member which has claimed some sectors face “extinction” without a close trading relationship to Brussels.
The first of the dozen candidates (so far) to enter the race, Esther McVey, believes the UK needs to “actively embrace leaving the EU without a deal”, while ex-cabinet colleagues Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab want to renegotiate the terms agreed by Theresa May but would enforce the 31 October deadline either way. However, Ex BBC Executive Board Member Ms Fairbairn’s letter argues: “Short-term disruption and long-term damage to British competitiveness will be severe if we leave without [a deal].”
TOADY: PROJECT FEAR WITH MISHAL: are the Tories still the natural party of business?
Corbyn could be better than a ‘no-deal’ Brexit, says Simon.
The depth and breadth of business against ‘no deal’. The business community says that the Tory frontrunners are all committed to ‘no deal’.
Some of the other efforts are so TV. Slick, quite convincing if you happen to be watching, but why would anyone share or talk about it?https://t.co/G5NTZ40YuI
How long before the poor, misunderstood media moppet is given a slot on ‘Enders?
The lawyer for Shamima Begum's family has accused UK authorities of failing to protect the east London girl from being "groomed" by Islamic State. https://t.co/R4r5KAmOhS
The UK should now stop all overseas aid to Bangladesh, stop any money transfers to that country and impose import tariffs on their goods until the agree to take back this woman and her family in Britain.
Why shoul we the decent people of this country be subjected to the threat of terrorism from this group of people.
I for one do not believe or accept that they knew nothing, I believe that the daughters left with the families blessing.
How very Easter Worshipper of us to take on State Broadcaster’s poster girl. Legal representation and no doubt a compensation cheque followed by a life on benefits – all at our expense.
What are we waiting for – let’s welcome Begum back.
I guess the CBI as well. On Toady earlier outlining their demand that the next PM also rule out No Deal whilst ‘negotiating’ a better deal. In doing so, they expose to every onlooker, including the EU by the way, their own unique ‘negotiating’ style and skills. Problem is, having been associated with the cosy EU business ‘club’ for too long, the CBI have lost any concept of ‘negotiation’.
Borey Rory: ‘My stance?…..ummmm…….reach out…..compromise….carry on Mays good work….live in a world which still has Polar bears….smoke dope wid da kidz, man….ya know?’
But Rory, the EU don’t want to reach out and compromise.
Borey Rory: ‘Ooooh dear, I was thinking more about us compromising with the Remainers! Well in that case we’ll just have to revoke Article 50, not much I can do about it if Parliament want to, that’s how democracy works. In fact, I’m a big believer in democracy and I believe revoking Article 50 actually respects the result of the referendum because the BBC said it did.’
Is it true Borey Rory that the mouth of Wallace, of Wallace and Gromit fame, was modelled on yours?
There’s a brilliant piece by Sargon on You tube talking about the John Cleese kerfuffle. I’m afraid I’m not clever enough to “download” it, but it’s well worth a view.
Take a gander…
You will never ever see the loquacious Paul Weston on BBC TV again.
He even got Andrew Neil flustered on the clip from You Tube from
awhile back. As for the liberal bigot Jo Coburn in the background,
she couldn’t hide her disdain for Weston . Who is not afraid to tell
us what fundamental Islam is all about.
Old Goat,
I notice in the guidelines “ask people how they define themselves”.
Same old lefty double standard at work.
This principle is blatantly trodden upon every time we hear ourselves slurred as “far right”. How do WE define OURSELVES? The question is never asked of the natives.
That guidance from the NUJ says Get advice from the UAF and from Hopey-Hatey, or did I misread it? That would be extraordinary. What’s next, hand over policing the streets to Antifa? I am watching an excellent series on the life of Hitler, and can see that we have the brownshirts among us.
The young lady presenter on Breakfast TV on the BBC may tick
all the right boxes so far as BIG BROTHER at the BBC is concerned,
but I am not interested in her opinion on “how many more Conservative Party leader contenders are there to be?”
As for Hanna Yusuf telling us how innocent Shamina Begum is .
All one can say is “that she would say that.”
I know of course that BBC TV is now a wimmins channel. Yes , BIG BROTHER still allows up to 25% of men to act as presenters and reporters, but give BIG BROTHER and maybe that’s an anachronism It should BIG SISTER , time
The thorny path to transgenderenlightenment is an arduous one Foscari, made all the worse by all those Transphobiacs out there, and the Feminazis who think they have a monopoly on being made miserable by their vaginas.
Yesterday saw another predictable stream of agenda on the BBC home page:
– Transgender no longer recognised as ‘disorder’
– What does a genderless voice sound like?
– ‘What happened when our dad transitioned to female’
– Does crying actually make you feel good?
– Ellen DeGeneres opens up about sexual abuse
– ‘The only character who looked like me was Captain Hook’
– Netflix accused of ‘whitewashing’ by show host
– ‘I’m giving up Netflix and social media for Ramadan’
– Who are the Muslim patrols protecting US mosques?
This guy has done some interesting research on LexisNexis (looks to be a data analytics service). A series of graphs shows usage of terms in the NYT 1980-2018. Scroll down and they all show a similar pattern i.e. the extraordinary explosion of words like ‘racism’, ‘diversity’, ‘privilege’.
It would seem to fit with much of what many here already know anecdotally — especially ramping up between 2010-2015 which would coincide with the migration crisis in Europe. Cultural Marxism in action… makes for interesting viewing.
Right when the Globalists started observing moves to object to Globalisation if I’m not mistaken. 2010/2012 saw many European nationals waking up to where their political ‘leaders’ were taking them. Coincidental with the Globalists winding the pace up to get ‘integration’ done and dusted before the people revolted. Then 2015……. I guess it could be said of Merkel, ‘thank you’ for finally making the European peoples acutely aware.
“”Business lobby group CBI warns Tories over no-deal Brexit””
“”Such a scenario would do “severe” damage to businesses, the body – which supported Remain – told all the MPs running to lead the party.””
“”Director general Carolyn Fairbairn told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that a no-deal Brexit should be an option “that is not even considered”.””
“”She was speaking after the CBI sent an open letter to candidates.””
“”In its letter the CBI says: “Firms large and small are clear that leaving the EU with a deal is the best way forward.”
“”That gulf still seems very wide with business saying it can’t work with anyone who contemplates no deal – and a party which may find it hard to contemplate a leader who won’t.””
“”Meanwhile, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has said the deal reached between the UK and the EU was “the only option” if the UK wanted to leave “in an orderly manner”.””
Yep CBI – Confederation of British Mafia
.. that likes to protect businesses sucking on the teat of subsidies.
And supports the closing of businesses that drill and mine and pay vast amounts of tax
AFAIK most CBI members have land and collect EU subsidies
This morning’s business news was Germany cuts growth forecast from 0.9% to 0.6% citing it being dependent on China and China is slowing.
The CBI does NOT represent business, as it claims, it represents large corporates, often foreign owned, and has been undermining Brexit by trying to keep us in the Customs Union. Next PM should speak to companies but shun CBI. Its next Leader top Remainer https://t.co/T3YCQ3D7U6
I’m getting heartily sick of all the ‘disorders’ that are getting reported by the media., and its like a badge of honour to be worn if you have one, particularly if its a celebrity who’s suffering.
Mental illness has opened up a huge umbrella of everything that can be thought of —- depression with Alistair Campbell, Nadya Hussein, Keely Hawes // bipolar with Kerry Katona, Geri Horner and umpteen others /// transgender , just pick any school !!!
Then we’ve had the cancer spotlight, again with all the tele people throwing their hat into the ring who are ‘battling’ the disease.
We’ve ALL had our own issues to deal with, whether its bereavement, divorce, debt, bullying, etc so do we feel any better because someone from a defunct pop group or an amateur cook bares all to the media ? NO we bloody don’t, in fact after a session of watching ANY Victoria Derbyshire show I’m surprised no off screen deaths have been attributed to viewing her programme.
I’m certainly not belittling anyone who is living with the black dog or a disease every day, (I’ve had my fair share), but does shouting it from the rooftops help anybody? I don’t think so.
Couldn’t agree more Briss. The continuous promotion of personal matters is nobly presented as a problem shared – when in fact it’s simply another vicarious space-filler. Big Brother has much to answer for.
Those mainly cosmopolitan, upper middle-class self promoting effeminates usually always love to promote their virtues under the guise of mental illness.
‘Everything’ in modern life appears to impact on our health, so surely the continous stream of ‘negativity’ from the BBC and others must cause some harm?
Brissles, for all their championing of mental health issues with much mutual back-patting, notice how they won’t touch anything outside of the ‘safe’ disorders i.e. depression and anxiety.
I have sympathy with anyone who’s experienced these but you won’t hear anyone tackling schizophrenia, psychopathy, borderline personality disorder etc. Disturbing or violent behaviour which may represent a danger to others is strictly verboten — only popping up if you’ve driven a van into some pedestrians in which case its a quick mention, and now here’s half an hour with a soap actress who’s written a new book talking about her depression.
A Disneyland version of the human psyche is all the BBC and MSM understand and can cope with.
BBC gets its news from “SOURCES”
Tweets the BBC-Young Reporters account
..What as in “sources say” ?
The BBC is a virtual powerful unelected political party
..it has HOUSE views , but covers itself by saying “sources say”
Most BBC stories come not from hard work, but rather siting on their backsides CONSTRUCTING news stories from cutNpasting PR their activist mates have sent in from NGOs, GreenBiz etc.
Those sources not only sit next to the journo at dinner party
but sometimes seem to live in the same house.
These BBC TV people would be completely lost should the auto cue break down. I can assure those who have never witnessed such an event as its really a laugh a minute as the announcer dives headlong over his desk hoping that his paper version on the desk in front of them is not full of errors or spelling mistakes as none of the high earner presenters would stoop so low as to write their own scripts.
Had to chuckle at this story from the Daily Express:
Westminster chaos: Brexit Party surges ahead of the Tories.
Then we learn that a poll of voters for a general election put The Brexit Party at 22%, with Tories and Labour tied at 19%. Dunno if that is a “surge” though it is remarkable for a brand new party to edge ahead of the two main established parties.
Then we learn that in a “surprise twist” the Liberal Democrats would get 24% of the vote. So they are in fact “surging ahead” a bit more than TBP.
The Express is doing precisely what BBC habitually does, except with a different agenda.
But then, of course, nobody is forced to pay for the Express.
Brexit leader @Nigel_Farage has hit out at @YouGov for #FakePolling after revelations that their latest poll – which put the Brexit Party on a whopping 22% – didn't even give the party as one of the main options to be selected. Shocking!
Stew Green, you mean there actually was a surge for The Brexit Party so the Express got it right without knowing that the poll wording was fiddled against Brexit?
The BBC chose to have a series about mental health
They chose to focus on 3 people.
#1 Their favourite celebrity Muslim
#2 A black actor David Harewood
#3 The biggest voice in the Anti-Brexit campaign, PR man Alistair Campbell
It was subcontracted to Silverfish Films
a look at their website AboutUs page ..shows a director with the same name as Alistair Campbell’s daughter
Humour: What like her Dad slandering the leading political party over funding or sugary milky drinks being tipped over those who advocate enabling the will of the people?
R4 now : Rethinking Representation
The crisis around Brexit has revealed limitations in the relationship between representatives and represented. In these three programmes David Runciman explores that relationship — between MPs and voters
Who does he bring on ?
Farage ?
.. No 5 minutes from Exntinction Rebellion
Presenter just asserted
“The biggest predictor of your political opinion on Brexit , is whether you went to university or not”
.. is that how educated ?
.. or how PROGRAMMED you are ?
We can all have an opinion. What I don’t think the losing side in a democratic process should be allowed to do is to drag out a process until everyone’s opinion is the same as their’s.
R4 Comedy just now is a repeat from 2017
Strangely the Daily Mail TV guide gives it 4 stars
The comedian telling a joke about an orangtan
says “shall we tell her the man running for president , might be a relative of hers ?”
.. So calling people monkeys is OK on Radio4 ?
I was driving early and kept flicking onto R4 and heard this ‘comedian’ – R4 does not do comedy – it does politics slanted with canned laughter. Can you imagine if POTUS had a black great grandfather…how would they deal with that?
The rest of my flicking heard this:
Feminists are great, Woman are downtrodden by men, the world will be better when more women are in charge, women have sex drives like men (just better of course) and deserve to spout on about it –
Black people have always had their artistic history appropriated by white people…
Story about Africa…
and BBC discussing 1984 and associating it with POTUS and not themselves..hilarious…
‘there are none so blind who will not see’
“Why can’t we have Sky News Australia?!”
The bBC licence has to GO.
WATCH | "The media elite in London are the absolute swamp! They are desperate to Remain – they hate Brexit! They sneer and look down at the people who voted for Brexit."
Why can't we have Sky News Australia?! ???? @SkyNewsAust
That is Sky Australia, but not sure that is typical of them
They allow some righties on
Some even make progs like Andrew Bolt
Her guest is Rowan Dean the editor of Spectator Australia
.. he correctly predicted that libmediamob was wrong to say Labor would win the Australian election.
“We tried Fox News in the UK, but it wasn’t successful”
.. statement by the talking head in last week’s R4 Media Show
… Utter Tosh .. Sky-UK stopped offering Fox cos it wanted to please the regulators during its sale to Disney
Extinction Rebellion activists are threatening to shut down Heathrow Airport with drones. The climate change protest group vowed to stage a one-day demonstration in June and then 10 further days in July – unless the government cancels plans for expanding the airport. Ten days of protests across central London in April saw 1,130 people arrested for various offences.
Heathrow Airport said the plan was “reckless” and could “endanger lives”.
Extinction Rebellion said it was in talks with its members about carrying out “nonviolent direct action to ensure Heathrow authorities close the airport” on 18 June. It said it would “act to shut the airport down for up to 10 days from 1 July” if the government does not cancel all Heathrow expansion. The plan to use drones was revealed in a leaked consultation document shared between group members. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48470623
The radical left declares its intention to deliberately endanger the lives of men, women and children… the BBC calls them ‘activists’. I know it’s a detail, but if one incites or plans an act or acts of terror, what does that actually make one? Just like the BBC, I’m struggling to remember the correct word…
As if we ever need reminding, here again is yet another example of the sheer evil of the radical left. They really do consider themselves above the rule of law.
The moral cowardice on the part of the Airport, law enforcement and government authorities in pandering to their illegitimate so-called ‘climate change’ claims is beyond reprehensible.
I suppose they’re helping the English Tourist Board .
Although how Attenborough and all the other BBC luvvies will get by I don’t know . Hopefully Emma Thompson will fly in to help and not be able to return first class and miss her filming schedule.
“Although how Attenborough and all the other BBC luvvies will get by I don’t know”
Attenborough will be fine; he will get the loan of Geldof’s private jet just as long as he agrees with said singer that he also knows “that it never rains in Africa”
As prev mentioned, i work for a Local Council and as you can imagine i am surrounded by wet blankets (Liberal lefties). I sit next to a lovely lady called Andrea, she is in her 50s, lives alone, has dogs, wears sandals and dungaree’s , vegetarian and pretty hard left. Pretty much industry standard for the Council and the Left in general.
About 15 minutes ago, i put the BBC website on my PC and she saw it. There was a big picture of President Trump on the Homepage.
The following conversation ensued …. i kid you not !!!
Andrea – He just’s needs doing away with.
Me – Why ?
Andrea – Because he just does.
Me – Why ?
Andrea – Cos he is just horrible.
Me – Why ?
Andrea – He’s just a nasty man
Me – Why ?
Andrea – The things he says are awful
Me – Why ?
Andrea – They just are, hes just horrible
Conversation ended. And that just about sums up the hard left. They hate Trump, but dont actually know why !!! They want to Remain in the EU, but ask them why, they dont know !! All they know is how to Virtue Signal, its like a badge of honour for them.
Get a reporter to ask all these students / women why they are protesting against the President on his UK visit and 95% of them wont have a clue why but will just be happy to be amongst fellow hard left professional virtue signallers !!! Pathetic.
Yes Doobster, I have seen this behaviour too, many times. A good example is in the Guardian story about the D-Day events in Portsmouth which Mr T will be attending. They had a vox-pop amongst “local residents” (probably tame Guardian contacts) and found mainly negative reactions including one lady intending protest who said “We all have to do what we can. I hope it’s rainy and windy so his hair flies around everywhere”.
So we see a group of people who fully intend to try to rubbish the whole thing because the President of the USA has decided that it is important enough to pay homage.
Despite the fact that the event is actually intended to mark the bravery of thousands of UK and USA young men, many of whom paid with their lives.
” I hope it’s rainy and windy so his hair flies around everywhere”.
Would that be the real hair that the liberal media kept banging on about being fake in 2016? Until The Don allowed that talk show host to mess it up on air.
Sounds exactly like Mme. Goat, who loathes Trump, but can’t think of a single reason why. Same for “Tony” Robinson, Nigel Farage, and similar. No debate, no conversation, nuffin’.
She’s not alone, in this area of France, where other ex-pats (English, American, and Dutch) are just the same. It seems to be a resting ground for lefties, which is a worry for me, being the only sensible one amongst ’em.
You know you would pay a fortune to have been a fly on the wall to witness Lady Fiona’s re-education after a faltering start to her Question Time reign.
Some Dimbelby tuition has surely been to hand…..and just in case that failed (or she was slow learner) a panel pick that gave her an 80% win chance of delivering the bBC agenda .
In good time you can only hope the Brexit party …orders a review of the bBC,s behavior over the Brexit period. What a dole queue could emerge from that.
This page is hilarious – 3/4 negative on the Pro Brexit and 1/8 neutral on Remainers , 1/8 on fluff
One has to wonder how hard they investigated the Remainers – do you think they will supply their search criteria?
Just more BBC crap served up with the help of a Uni to make it seem more rigorous
James, The BBC say they worked with, “William Dance, a linguistics and fake news expert from Lancaster University”, but it turns out he is described as “My PhD student” by Dr Claire Hardaker (she/her)
I’d love to see the full report because my guess is that the BBC have picked through it to produce a biased Summary. The references to Tommy may have been in it also owing to his high profile and spectacular election result.
The BBC’s own Twitter thread contains some very critical replies such as –
“BBC are being investigated by OFCOM now because so many people are complaining about bias. Seems it was their coverage of the EU elections that finally did for them ????” https://twitter (dot) com/LyusPaula/status/1134251323887693824
i see that the Manchester Victoria attacker who stabbed three people on NYE has been charged with attempted murder. and also being in possession of terrorist material. At the time the BBC were quite happy to say he had been detained under the mental health act, it would appear now that the CPS have decided to charge him. Now, and here is the funny bit if indeed anything that involves stabbings could be seen as funny…..A BBC reporter witnessing the attack is quoted in the MEN as a Mr Clack who verified (now probably regrets it) that the incident was a terrorist attack.
Mr Clack, on his way to catch a tram home, said police officers used a Taser and pepper spray before, ‘six or seven’ officers jumped on the man.
Mr Clack, who is from Newcastle but is working in Manchester for the BBC, said as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of shit is going to keep happening.”
Now then its funny that the BBC have wiped this from there reports and fail to report on it today as they report that Mahdi Mohamud will be charged with attempted murder. So will the BBC reporter testify that he heard Mr Mohamud uttering these words and therefore confirm it was a act of terror …..what do you think ???
” Listen up everybody ,it’s BIG BROTHER. I’ve been told that
there is ANOTHER men’s football match being played tomorrow.
Didn’t we have to cover the World Cup last year? And what about the
Cup Final? When does the Women’s Rugby World Cup or the Netball
Championships begin ? This what the Diversity and Positive
Discrimination Dept are interested in.”
” BIG BROTHER it is between two English sides.” Where is the
diversity there?” OK if we have to cover it make sure that most of
the reporters are women. if we can.”
am not sure if we have any more women sports’s reporters to
cover the football, they are all covering the cricket.”
” I don’t care if they don’t know anything about football. I WANT
have I told you that I want rid of Gary Lineker !!!!!!!!!
Al Beeb is busy interviewing former Labour luminaries like BLiar’s former legal chief Falconer but I haven’t heard anyone ask them yet how Willsman’s latest ant-Semitic outburst fits with Sami Chakrabarti’s whitewashing of Labour’s racial prejudice.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
BBC Online News:
“University tuition fees ‘should be cut to £7,500’ ”
The BBC are at it again!
8 photos of students. Only 1 a white male.
Soon they’ll have no white males in their photos, ever.
BBC nirvana!! 🙂
The so called ‘bbc question time ‘ Thursday night has the usual one Brexiter and the rest Remainers . It’s from Epsom – which was 52% remain .
I wonder what a complete outsider would think of this weekly anti democratic propaganda by the state broadcaster ?
I really thank God that I don’t pay the licence Tax . I can easily afford it but I just couldn’t do it .
I don’t know how any decent person can pay the wages of that awful outfit .
Save the money for your personal welfare ….
I’ve been watching US presidents come and go since Dwight Eisenhower.
So far, I’ve only seen one concerted campaign to overthrow (probably by impeachment) an elected President starting on day one (and obviously being cooked up before that) of his presidency. That is President Trump.
It is spearheaded by the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as agencies supposedly there to protect the US. And, of course, by the lefty (frequently Socialist) Democrats.
I can’t remember, until now, genuine Socialism entering the picture. It feels pretty weird. Not even George McGovern created that feeling. It coincides -apparently- with Whites becoming a minority in the US. Make of that what you will.
I still liked Reagan the most, and had a sneaking respect for JFK. So I’m not the greatest Trump fan. But that is completely irrelevant. Big things are at stake. When push comes to shove, I hope Trump knocks the s… out of the socialists.
And with a bit of luck the NYT and WP will close down. Interesting that the bbc slavishly follows the same line as they do. Not a soul believes they’re impartial! So, if they were to close down too, no tears will be shed by me.
Au contraire: the champers will flow…
If you ever listen to Radio5Dead, Fakers, you’d be made to think that the only news worth hearing comes from the Wapo, NYT, Boston Globe, Huffpo and the rest, including Bloomberg now.
I don’t know why we have pricks like Sopel and KittyKat over there, they’re just useless!
If the agencies that Clinton/ Obama set against the Trump campaign haven’t covered their tracks I’d be very surprised .
Like UK – where the security agencies of the state have been politicised by the Left and are now primarily directed against those considered to be against the multicultural anti british dream which came from the 1960s
The process seems to be accelerating with the eager help of the main stream media . The internet will be repressed even more soon and the likes of this site terminated because it is critical of ‘mainstream thought ‘ or some other forthcoming Orwellian phrase …. betcha
It’s funny how the outcome of elections are contested on both sides of the Atlantic …
ITV local news
Hull : funeralnof Trans, lottery winner
Another item was a LGBT vs Refugees football match
also involving actors from a play about Jamaican immigrants not being able to find a proper barbershop in Britain
Disappointing news – the mcvey Tory leader has promised to put 3 billion pounds from the overseas giveaway budget to the …. police ! More lovely pictures of community pacification officers smiling in some god forsaken mosque bending to sharia .
Spend it on social care not plod .
BBC Local News with Lord Heseltine interview
… saying Brexit will damage the area
Next item : actual live coverage from Goole
Buzzfeed has found that a 21 year old Conservative councillor sent an Islamophobic tweet in 2017 when he was 19
and 2 years before he became a Tory councillor
‘And as we know there are serious concerns about Islamophobia in the Tory party ‘
As ever it’s Labour Party as news , cos they don’t show us the actual tweet
They do give us some context “it was after the Westminister attack
..and he said something like ‘these Islamic attacks are like the Nazi blitz”
I’ll have to look it up
Coultish tweet that caused the Buzzfeed outrage bus:
..em that tweet doesn’t contain the word “Nazi”
They also report that he tweeted:
the Tories have said that Cllr Coultish can keep his position in the party but the young councillor wanted to set the record straight by publishing his own apology on Twitter.
I think that apology was written by the Conservative PR dept
and I suspect the Buzzfeed hitjob was written by the Labour Party PR dept.
The Guardian runs with
“Tories under pressure to suspend councillors over anti-Islam tweets”
again that looks like wishful thinking from written by the Labour Party PR dept
.. The Tories are not under pressure at all about him generally
The only people making pressure are the Labour clique and the unelected MCB rabble.
It seems ridiculous to give into to lefty bullying and suspend a councillor for old LEGAL tweets he sent 2 years before he was a councillor.
“BBC Local News with Lord Heseltine interview
… saying Brexit will damage the area”
Its obvious that Corbyn and the guy who leads the liberals has commissioned their chief evangelists out go and walk “to and fro through the earth” in the vain hope of converting the usual suspects who always fall for their kind of lies and half truths.
You know the type I mean. The MSM and the “couldn’t care less about politics unless it includes – clubbing or sun-tan shops” brigade.
I include mr deluded himself in that group of voters.
From Guido.
“Trump: Nigel and Boris are friends of mine.”
Four days before his visit! 🙂
C4 News -leads with a bit of tidy IRA propaganda of events from 1971 in Ballymurphy at an inquest .
C4 just loves undermining the British Army – and revealed the Michael Mansfield ( yes he’s still alive ) is representing the families of some of the dead .
C4 calls it a search for’ justice ‘ or ‘closure ‘ or ‘ the truth ‘ when we all know that true responsibility lies with the verminous IRA terrorists and its dirty political wing .
Later in the programme the traitor Jon Snow ‘ celebrates ‘ a para who dropped on Normandy on 5/6 June 1944 .
The way C4 news sees the world I’m surprised they haven’t called for a public inquiry into why so many German soldiers were killed in the war when they could have been taken prisoner and given ‘ support ‘ or compensation for being the subject of harsh treatment .
Bloody silly season .
I’m dreading the 75th anniversary of the Overlord operation next week . We ll be told that d Day was really achieved because of non white troops delivering curry and pizza to the front to cheer the brave boys up ..
Or some similar nonsense about how teenage girls had a vital unsung part it it .
Some teenage girls did play their part, just look at Audrey Hepburns WWII activities with the resistance.
Yeah I’m sure there were thousands of them jumping out of DC3s or running up Sword Or Gold Beach ..
There were a few blokes in skirts there if that counts ?
The ladies from hell.
Actually it was Audrey’s brothers who were involved in the resistance. She was still a young girl scratching around for food with her mother – at the height of the war. Operation Manna and Chowhound saved a lot of Dutch from starvation when planeloads of food was dropped from overhead aircraft.
Quite simple really, in June 1944 Britain was desperate to get into ‘Europe’!
In those days youngsters got free travel to France and didn’t even need a passport, bloody marvelous!
I can almost hear Dan Snow telling his daughters that now.
Living in Kent in the 60’s we didn’t need a passport to cross over to Calais on the ferry, an ID card was all that was needed, and I think it lasted for a year.
That will have been the British Visitor’s Passport, which was cheap and lasted for a year. You could get them from the Post Office. Someone should have told the Jackal, it would have saved him a lot of trouble.
A.N. Wilson thinks the Victorians are his property.
The working class and the upper class have a bond in the Royal Marines.
The middle class (C4, BBC) don’t fight.
They have no idea, some of the greatest people I’ve stood with cannot stand the so called ‘educated middle class’. Socialist fuck bags the lot of them.
But when the shit hits the fan who will they turn to?
Tap –
They’d turn to people who may well be on bail pending police state inquiries courtesy of the latest Phil £££amoral Shine ‘lawyer ‘ .
8pm Good old British Radio 4
a Christian prog : A Celebration for Ascension Day
from St Martin-in-the-Fields in London.
..features a new “Samba Mass”
The Sun has footage of Jacob Rees Mosque being ambushed in the street by a variety of ‘ remainers ‘ shouting at him and then throwing a liquid at him as he gets in a car .
The liquid turns out to be water but it is only a matter of time before something more noxious is used .
I’m assuming the BBC won’t report this .
It’s sad that, for the noisy, the physical abuse of elected politicians is OK provided the person being targeted isn’t one of their own.
Stew, Samba Mass on Radio 4 – not necessarily a bad thing – I’m reminded of The Missa Luba, a Congolese Mass sung in a traditional style, originally performed and recorded in 1958 by Les Troubadours du Roi Baudouin. Pasolini used it in his film The Gospel According to St Matthew. Very different and moving Christian music, particularly as used in the fim – well worth a listen.
I’m sure the biased BBC will be all over this like a rash, however the lead is well within the margin of error, but it looks like both the main parties are heading for oblivion.
I do wonder how they might rescuse themselves from this, and my immediate thought is the only way is a massive deselection of traitors to the party.
Here is a potential scenarion:
Tories lose a vote of no confidence and the PM goes to the queen and resigns.
Bercow (the scum bag) puts his deputy into the chair and tells the queen he is in a position to form a government.
He then returns to parliament, forms a coalition of remainers who vote to revoke article 50.
He then returns to the queen and resigns as PM and calls a General Election.
This scenario is being mooted as a realistic possibility by the treacherous elites.
It’s as fair a scenario as any other –
The difficulty with Bercow is that as we know everyone outside the bubble detests him we don’t know how popular he is within the Commons . I suspect that although remainer traitors depend on him he might not be too popular – particularly since he lacks any kind of grace or diplomacy in belittling MPs he decides not to like .
Also – I don’t think The Queens advisors would let anywhere near her or allow the Crown to be played by a greasy social climber like him.
Actually – the idea that a speaker could usurp the position of the Leader of the Opposition – whomever that might be is just too much ….
It’s fantasy football .
Momentum / labour faithful just wouldn’t have it .
I’d really choke on the popcorn with that one .
As delighted as I am with the stunning Victory by The Brexit Party, I was unimpressed with Nigel Farage on his talk show here.
In response to a caller he throws cold water on UKIP and then trashes Tommy Robinson.
Surely Mr. Farage should understand that he is on the same side as Tommy and UKIP and also try to be more of a gracious winner.
Perhaps he has more of an allegiance to the elite even though he has fought so hard against them.
I’m sorry to say that if you’re on the right in politics then any association with Tommy is toxic.
The media loathe him. It’s not just the Beeb and the Guardian, it’s across the spectrum.
I think UKIP made a massive mistake in bringing the likes of TR and Sargon into their fold.
We may like them. Indeed I admire Tommy immensely and appreciate what he’s trying to do. I went on the two London demos last year in an attempt to gain his freedom.
However, the UKIP / Brexit Party vote is made up of disgruntled middle Englanders. These people wouldn’t allow Tommy into their houses let alone vote for him.
Any hint that you sympathise with him is political suicide.
Sad but true.
linking Tommy and Sargon directly as being the same thing is patently ridiculous.
I dont have any issues with tommy personally , but recognise why he brings problems down on UKIP
Carl Benjamin though thats a different kettle of fish, and lets be honest if they werent attacking him, they would just move on to the next kipper who wasnt entirely PC
We are suggesting effectively all UKIP should be nominated by the Guardian ,
In which case they have won and we might as well shut up, lie down and die.
I do agree though lets get BREXIT through first as nothing is going to change until thats done.
They’re not the same thing but both are political poison.
Gerard Batten spent every interview I heard attempting (and failing) to defend his relationship with Tommy Robinson and explain Sargon’s remarks to the delightful Jess Phillips were only a bad taste joke.
Getting a fair hearing is difficult enough.
With idiots like this on your team it’s impossible.
“With idiots like this on your team it’s impossible”
Sargon or Corbyn (just as an example there is lots more to choose from Vaz McDonnell Lammy Abbott and thats just the tip of the iceberg)
which one is the extremist/idiot
“Sargon or Corbyn…?”
Well for me, Sargon every day. But I’m afraid that commie Corbyn now leads the Labour Party and due to that gets a lot of media kudos.
Mcdonnell, particularly after the Grenfell tragedy, has said some things that are tantamount to incitement. Abbott and Lammy are both racists, but they’re black and therefore…
Sargon on the other hand just gets slated.
It’s not fair, but it’s a fact.
TT You are right to be concerned about Nigel Farage. While we can all applaud his success at the polls there are very disturbing aspects of his denunciation of TR and especially his attitude to his former followers in Ukip. But he is riding along on the crest of a wave at the moment and doesn’t care about the resentment he builds up among other people aligned to the same policies.
He continues to spout the line that gave up on Ukip because it was going down the far right road. Codswallop!
He gave up on the party much earlier after he didn’t get his Thanet seat. He spoke about his ordinary members in derogatory terms. This was some time before Tommy came on the scene.
He couldn’t stand being accountable to any internal party body and obviously wanted to be leader of a party of cheerleaders where he could do and say what he wanted and not be questioned.
Congratulations to him, he got it.
But how long for? Make hay, Nigel.
Farage is terrified that the Left will use any means possible to hang the labels ‘far Right’, waycism, xenophobia, etc etc
To him anything which can detract from the single goal of exiting the European Union has to be distanced.
The Brexit party looks like destroying the rotten and corrupt Tory party, but once it achieves its objective, what then?
No leader no policies no direction – it’s the mistakes Farage made when he left UKIP after winning the referendum. He needs to do better this time.
That’s why I voted UKIP. Farage isn’t going to face down Muslims if we get out of the EU. We need someone like Geert Wilders. It’s a chilling indicator of the moral turpitude of this nation that the man who has courage to defend young victims from the onslaught of barbarity is the one who is considered toxic by the mainstream. Those without morals rage at us ceaselessly. When will we stop caring what evil people think and say about us?
“That’s why I voted UKIP. Farage isn’t going to face down Muslims if we get out of the EU. We need someone like Geert Wilders.”
No point in having a Geert Wilders if we don’t have a public that is prepared to vote for one. That’s the problem that Farage understands. It’s not enough for UKIP simply to sit there and exist. Batten means well but he’s a failure politically.
Large sections of the public are too self-centred/hypocritical/bien pensant to “face down” Muslims, as you put it, or to give sufficient support to someone who will. They have a shallow need to feel “nice” about themselves.
Things will have to get worse before they get better.
Re TR. Sadly those to the Right, who are themselves in danger of being labelled ‘Far Right / extremist / racist’ etc, often feel obliged to put clear blue water between themselves and people like TR, not to be tarred with the same brush.
The beeb and other msm have succeeded in making TR so ‘toxic’ that other conservatives have to distance themselves from him out of self preservation.
If Farage showed the slightest sympathy towards TR the beeb would crucify him quicker than you can say Laura Kuntsberg, and his political career would be over.
You hit it right on the head . TR has been made toxic – and for someone after the ‘ respectable ‘
‘Popular’ vote they must distance themselves from him.
The primary objective is getting out of the ReichEU – no individual or anything else can stand in the way of that .
After we get out of the EU – we can start on the long process of dealing with other pressing issues .
( cut and paste that one maxi – if you’re still playing troll tourist).
So many interesting observations on TR, UKIP and Farage. I have much sympathy for anyone, like Lucy Pevensey, who stuck with UKIP and also those who respect Tommy.
I went back to the Tommy thread and the results of the regions, comparing the 2019 and 2014 EU elections. Adding the votes UKIP got in 2014 to the votes they got in 2019 comes close to The Brexit Party votes in 2019 through most of the regions.
Dunno enough about UK politics to form a conclusion here, but one does seem inescapable.
Another thing – scanning the Wiki links of EU elections since 1999, I found that only 4 Independents got more votes than Tommy, the best got 93 000.
Distance themselves if they wish but to join the MSM and lie and completely trash him is not good especially when we know that what TR is saying is going to be our future.
Enoch Powell warned us of our future and he too was trashed and vilified. Will we ever wake up and listen?
So was Ray Honeyford. He used language in the low-circulation Salisbury Review that was far less colourful than Powell, but he was still driven out of his profession.
So much for the argument that Powell stirred things up. He did nothing of the sort.
Farage is already labelled ‘far right’ as is just about every white person who doesn’t subscribe to the insanity of what in truth is far left intolerance.
80 – 90% of the British population are ‘far right’ according to the out of control media.
Surprising ( and welcome ) attack piece on the so called upper house by of all things The Guardian listing those peers who have snorted maximum expenses but not spoken in parliament .
I would have thought The Guardian would have favoured the upper house as it’s rammed full with remainers , bought off labour people and various low life friends of various PMs .
creepy Barry on QT denying everything that was on Cameron’s leaflet
You can be out and in the single market and the customs union apparently according to creepy Barry
The EU wont give us a decent deal so therefore we should remain (lets ignore the second ref part as thats just a polite way of saying remain)
So pretty much these people are saying its not possible to leave because they wont let you, which sounds to me like the best reason for leaving deal or no-deal
How long before any word of criticism of Muslims is deemed as racist?We are rapidly getting to the point where free speech is regarded as less important than not offending them.If and when that happens I hope and pray the people rise up and fight this insane policy of political correctness.
See the oh so lovely Limp-Dumbs have sent an attack dog to QT , Nigel Farage beyond the pale and should not be allowed in our politics blah blah blah
Good. That sort of thing just reveals these people for the intolerant extremists they are. Farage has too much widespread support now to simply be dismissed as beyond the pale, because by implication it puts a third of the population beyond the pale. You can’t go on insulting such a large number and get away with it. People know now they’re not alone in their views and feel safety in numbers.
It’s time to turn the “extremist” label back on them. Their mask is slipping.
The masque fell off completely quite some time ago. There has been snarling, growling, foaming and bearing of fangs since 2016.
Why do Brexiteers go on QT ? Is it for fame or money ? What is the point ? It would be much better is the seat was left vacant because the BBC couldn’t fine any one dumb enough to conform to the BBC version of current affairs …
Disclosure – I have no interest in waiting thar programme
This is a maxi type cut and paste of s Twitter by a professional working class brummie female MP ;
Is there anything worse than a beauty parade of politicians saying stupid stuff To appeal to 100,000 ageing right-wingers. In the process of this leadership race the country will be dragged back to the standards of a masonic lodge in Bury St Edmunds.
Can you guess who it might be ? Presumably she is too thick to know that Freemasons cannot be female – which takes out a number of candidates for the top job …
And Bury St Edmunds is the loveliest town in England .
“Business warns Tories over no-deal Brexit ”
Protect fear is back ! Didn’t the CBI say this last year?
Project Fear won’t go away whilst there is a chance to Remain. The lead story on State Broadcaster Breakfast bangs the drum without reply.
Bbc moaning emole (with added bbc context):
“Ex BBC Executive Board Member warns Tories over no-deal Brexit
Story detail
The head of the Confederation of British Industry and Ex BBC Executive Board Member is warning Tory leadership hopefuls against letting the UK leave the EU without a Brexit deal. Smaller companies cannot afford the necessary preparations for leaving without a plan, Ex BBC Executive Board Member Carolyn Fairbairn says in an open letter to the growing number of Conservatives bidding to be the next prime minister. It’s the latest in a series of warnings from the lobby group headed by the Ex BBC Executive Board Member which has claimed some sectors face “extinction” without a close trading relationship to Brussels.
The first of the dozen candidates (so far) to enter the race, Esther McVey, believes the UK needs to “actively embrace leaving the EU without a deal”, while ex-cabinet colleagues Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab want to renegotiate the terms agreed by Theresa May but would enforce the 31 October deadline either way. However, Ex BBC Executive Board Member Ms Fairbairn’s letter argues: “Short-term disruption and long-term damage to British competitiveness will be severe if we leave without [a deal].”
Not the bbc but their partners in crime;
Apparently, the limpdums would win an election tomorrow according to a “new poll”.
Well there you have it then, because the polls have never been wrong and used to try and sway public opinion have they!
That’s not how it works these days. You have to add up the number who said they wouldn’t vote for the LibDems and you’ll find they’d lose badly.
There was a poll of 40000000 last week. How many in the “new poll” – 1000?
TOADY: PROJECT FEAR WITH MISHAL: are the Tories still the natural party of business?
Corbyn could be better than a ‘no-deal’ Brexit, says Simon.
The depth and breadth of business against ‘no deal’. The business community says that the Tory frontrunners are all committed to ‘no deal’.
“….the Tory frontrunners are all committed to ‘no deal’.” Problem is, we cannot in any way trust them and their ‘committments’ to ‘No Deal’
The bbc knows who it likes.
Even da W1a kidz.
FNW,G, I would say don’t be fooled again. The only party whose purpose is to achieve Brexit is the Brexit Party. The clue’s in the name.
How long before the poor, misunderstood media moppet is given a slot on ‘Enders?
Spot on Ann … the sheer audacity of these folk beggers belief !!!
The UK should now stop all overseas aid to Bangladesh, stop any money transfers to that country and impose import tariffs on their goods until the agree to take back this woman and her family in Britain.
Why shoul we the decent people of this country be subjected to the threat of terrorism from this group of people.
I for one do not believe or accept that they knew nothing, I believe that the daughters left with the families blessing.
A muslim lawyer no doubt…………..
groomed and trafficked and forcibly married (and it follows raped) and its all our fault.
meanwhile no sign of this story
“its all our fault.”
How very Easter Worshipper of us to take on State Broadcaster’s poster girl. Legal representation and no doubt a compensation cheque followed by a life on benefits – all at our expense.
What are we waiting for – let’s welcome Begum back.
How long before her parents are enobled?
What gets the bbc obsessed by whom is often less than edifying.
Blimey, the BBC want Rory so bad it is painful.
Losing count of the gush from ardent Roryphiles at W1A.
What is his Brexit stance again?
I guess the CBI as well. On Toady earlier outlining their demand that the next PM also rule out No Deal whilst ‘negotiating’ a better deal. In doing so, they expose to every onlooker, including the EU by the way, their own unique ‘negotiating’ style and skills. Problem is, having been associated with the cosy EU business ‘club’ for too long, the CBI have lost any concept of ‘negotiation’.
Given their leadership, I am surprised the CBI does not advocate some unique funding deal for the EU via compulsion once the U.K. has left.
Borey Rory: ‘My stance?…..ummmm…….reach out…..compromise….carry on Mays good work….live in a world which still has Polar bears….smoke dope wid da kidz, man….ya know?’
But Rory, the EU don’t want to reach out and compromise.
Borey Rory: ‘Ooooh dear, I was thinking more about us compromising with the Remainers! Well in that case we’ll just have to revoke Article 50, not much I can do about it if Parliament want to, that’s how democracy works. In fact, I’m a big believer in democracy and I believe revoking Article 50 actually respects the result of the referendum because the BBC said it did.’
Is it true Borey Rory that the mouth of Wallace, of Wallace and Gromit fame, was modelled on yours?
There’s a brilliant piece by Sargon on You tube talking about the John Cleese kerfuffle. I’m afraid I’m not clever enough to “download” it, but it’s well worth a view.
Take a gander…
The link to ‘Sargon on Cleese’ is here.
This is slightly off topic, but a follow up by Paul Weston on his thoughts about the Islamification of the police:
You will never ever see the loquacious Paul Weston on BBC TV again.
He even got Andrew Neil flustered on the clip from You Tube from
awhile back. As for the liberal bigot Jo Coburn in the background,
she couldn’t hide her disdain for Weston . Who is not afraid to tell
us what fundamental Islam is all about.
Much as Andrew Neil is admired by conservatives his loyalty to Islam is complete. See his interviews with TR and Katie Hopkins .
Thanks for this Paul Weston vid and whoever posted the previous one — I’m looking at his stuff now.
Old Goat,
I notice in the guidelines “ask people how they define themselves”.
Same old lefty double standard at work.
This principle is blatantly trodden upon every time we hear ourselves slurred as “far right”. How do WE define OURSELVES? The question is never asked of the natives.
That guidance from the NUJ says Get advice from the UAF and from Hopey-Hatey, or did I misread it? That would be extraordinary. What’s next, hand over policing the streets to Antifa? I am watching an excellent series on the life of Hitler, and can see that we have the brownshirts among us.
The young lady presenter on Breakfast TV on the BBC may tick
all the right boxes so far as BIG BROTHER at the BBC is concerned,
but I am not interested in her opinion on “how many more Conservative Party leader contenders are there to be?”
As for Hanna Yusuf telling us how innocent Shamina Begum is .
All one can say is “that she would say that.”
I know of course that BBC TV is now a wimmins channel. Yes , BIG BROTHER still allows up to 25% of men to act as presenters and reporters, but give BIG BROTHER and maybe that’s an anachronism It should BIG SISTER , time
The thorny path to transgenderenlightenment is an arduous one Foscari, made all the worse by all those Transphobiacs out there, and the Feminazis who think they have a monopoly on being made miserable by their vaginas.
All hail BigSis!
“….how many more Conservative Party leader contenders are there to be?”
The horror! The horror!
The Sun’s leader column skewers the Speaker:
“a man so painfully self-centred he would have been in the first lifeboat off the Titanic”
The BBC would never make such a comment. Bercow is their man after all.
With Project Fear volume 687234521 well under way, this article is a good read from last August.
Yesterday saw another predictable stream of agenda on the BBC home page:
– Transgender no longer recognised as ‘disorder’
– What does a genderless voice sound like?
– ‘What happened when our dad transitioned to female’
– Does crying actually make you feel good?
– Ellen DeGeneres opens up about sexual abuse
– ‘The only character who looked like me was Captain Hook’
– Netflix accused of ‘whitewashing’ by show host
– ‘I’m giving up Netflix and social media for Ramadan’
– Who are the Muslim patrols protecting US mosques?
This guy has done some interesting research on LexisNexis (looks to be a data analytics service). A series of graphs shows usage of terms in the NYT 1980-2018. Scroll down and they all show a similar pattern i.e. the extraordinary explosion of words like ‘racism’, ‘diversity’, ‘privilege’.
It would seem to fit with much of what many here already know anecdotally — especially ramping up between 2010-2015 which would coincide with the migration crisis in Europe. Cultural Marxism in action… makes for interesting viewing.
Right when the Globalists started observing moves to object to Globalisation if I’m not mistaken. 2010/2012 saw many European nationals waking up to where their political ‘leaders’ were taking them. Coincidental with the Globalists winding the pace up to get ‘integration’ done and dusted before the people revolted. Then 2015……. I guess it could be said of Merkel, ‘thank you’ for finally making the European peoples acutely aware.
BBC Online News:
“”Business lobby group CBI warns Tories over no-deal Brexit””
“”Such a scenario would do “severe” damage to businesses, the body – which supported Remain – told all the MPs running to lead the party.””
“”Director general Carolyn Fairbairn told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that a no-deal Brexit should be an option “that is not even considered”.””
“”She was speaking after the CBI sent an open letter to candidates.””
“”In its letter the CBI says: “Firms large and small are clear that leaving the EU with a deal is the best way forward.”
“”That gulf still seems very wide with business saying it can’t work with anyone who contemplates no deal – and a party which may find it hard to contemplate a leader who won’t.””
“”Meanwhile, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has said the deal reached between the UK and the EU was “the only option” if the UK wanted to leave “in an orderly manner”.””
The head of the CBI is an ex-BBC Director. Even the BBC admits that the CBI is pro-Remain.
This article is the BBC’s number two headline.
Yep CBI – Confederation of British Mafia
.. that likes to protect businesses sucking on the teat of subsidies.
And supports the closing of businesses that drill and mine and pay vast amounts of tax
AFAIK most CBI members have land and collect EU subsidies
This morning’s business news was Germany cuts growth forecast from 0.9% to 0.6% citing it being dependent on China and China is slowing.
I’m getting heartily sick of all the ‘disorders’ that are getting reported by the media., and its like a badge of honour to be worn if you have one, particularly if its a celebrity who’s suffering.
Mental illness has opened up a huge umbrella of everything that can be thought of —- depression with Alistair Campbell, Nadya Hussein, Keely Hawes // bipolar with Kerry Katona, Geri Horner and umpteen others /// transgender , just pick any school !!!
Then we’ve had the cancer spotlight, again with all the tele people throwing their hat into the ring who are ‘battling’ the disease.
We’ve ALL had our own issues to deal with, whether its bereavement, divorce, debt, bullying, etc so do we feel any better because someone from a defunct pop group or an amateur cook bares all to the media ? NO we bloody don’t, in fact after a session of watching ANY Victoria Derbyshire show I’m surprised no off screen deaths have been attributed to viewing her programme.
I’m certainly not belittling anyone who is living with the black dog or a disease every day, (I’ve had my fair share), but does shouting it from the rooftops help anybody? I don’t think so.
Couldn’t agree more Briss. The continuous promotion of personal matters is nobly presented as a problem shared – when in fact it’s simply another vicarious space-filler. Big Brother has much to answer for.
I also agree with you.
Those mainly cosmopolitan, upper middle-class self promoting effeminates usually always love to promote their virtues under the guise of mental illness.
‘Everything’ in modern life appears to impact on our health, so surely the continous stream of ‘negativity’ from the BBC and others must cause some harm?
Brissles, for all their championing of mental health issues with much mutual back-patting, notice how they won’t touch anything outside of the ‘safe’ disorders i.e. depression and anxiety.
I have sympathy with anyone who’s experienced these but you won’t hear anyone tackling schizophrenia, psychopathy, borderline personality disorder etc. Disturbing or violent behaviour which may represent a danger to others is strictly verboten — only popping up if you’ve driven a van into some pedestrians in which case its a quick mention, and now here’s half an hour with a soap actress who’s written a new book talking about her depression.
A Disneyland version of the human psyche is all the BBC and MSM understand and can cope with.
BBC gets its news from “SOURCES”
Tweets the BBC-Young Reporters account
..What as in “sources say” ?
The BBC is a virtual powerful unelected political party
..it has HOUSE views , but covers itself by saying “sources say”
Most BBC stories come not from hard work, but rather siting on their backsides CONSTRUCTING news stories from cutNpasting PR their activist mates have sent in from NGOs, GreenBiz etc.
Those sources not only sit next to the journo at dinner party
but sometimes seem to live in the same house.
Hence their need for the “Auto Cue”
These BBC TV people would be completely lost should the auto cue break down. I can assure those who have never witnessed such an event as its really a laugh a minute as the announcer dives headlong over his desk hoping that his paper version on the desk in front of them is not full of errors or spelling mistakes as none of the high earner presenters would stoop so low as to write their own scripts.
Had to chuckle at this story from the Daily Express:
Westminster chaos: Brexit Party surges ahead of the Tories.
Then we learn that a poll of voters for a general election put The Brexit Party at 22%, with Tories and Labour tied at 19%. Dunno if that is a “surge” though it is remarkable for a brand new party to edge ahead of the two main established parties.
Then we learn that in a “surprise twist” the Liberal Democrats would get 24% of the vote. So they are in fact “surging ahead” a bit more than TBP.
The Express is doing precisely what BBC habitually does, except with a different agenda.
But then, of course, nobody is forced to pay for the Express.
@TrueToo : actually
Stew Green, you mean there actually was a surge for The Brexit Party so the Express got it right without knowing that the poll wording was fiddled against Brexit?
The BBC chose to have a series about mental health
They chose to focus on 3 people.
#1 Their favourite celebrity Muslim
#2 A black actor David Harewood
#3 The biggest voice in the Anti-Brexit campaign, PR man Alistair Campbell
It was subcontracted to Silverfish Films
a look at their website AboutUs page ..shows a director with the same name as Alistair Campbell’s daughter
“We need more humour injected into Brexit debate”
Humour: What like her Dad slandering the leading political party over funding or sugary milky drinks being tipped over those who advocate enabling the will of the people?
My main point was that BBC paid the company she works for to make a film which heavily promotes her and her father.
R4 now : Rethinking Representation
The crisis around Brexit has revealed limitations in the relationship between representatives and represented. In these three programmes David Runciman explores that relationship — between MPs and voters
Who does he bring on ?
Farage ?
.. No 5 minutes from Exntinction Rebellion
Presenter just asserted
“The biggest predictor of your political opinion on Brexit , is whether you went to university or not”
.. is that how educated ?
.. or how PROGRAMMED you are ?
“your political opinion on Brexit”
We can all have an opinion. What I don’t think the losing side in a democratic process should be allowed to do is to drag out a process until everyone’s opinion is the same as their’s.
That said the losers are in charge.
Yes I had the same thought but you know what they were implying…
XR’s manifesto had/has a cornerstone around the establishment of ‘Citizens Assemblies’.
I rather suspect who heads these will be achieved using democratic representation every bit as unique as BBC editorial integrity.
BBC dreamboat Rory is also a fan.
Being ruled by a cabal including him, the bbc and Greta is not something I favour.
R4 Comedy just now is a repeat from 2017
Strangely the Daily Mail TV guide gives it 4 stars
The comedian telling a joke about an orangtan
says “shall we tell her the man running for president , might be a relative of hers ?”
.. So calling people monkeys is OK on Radio4 ?
I was driving early and kept flicking onto R4 and heard this ‘comedian’ – R4 does not do comedy – it does politics slanted with canned laughter. Can you imagine if POTUS had a black great grandfather…how would they deal with that?
The rest of my flicking heard this:
Feminists are great, Woman are downtrodden by men, the world will be better when more women are in charge, women have sex drives like men (just better of course) and deserve to spout on about it –
Black people have always had their artistic history appropriated by white people…
Story about Africa…
and BBC discussing 1984 and associating it with POTUS and not themselves..hilarious…
‘there are none so blind who will not see’
“Why can’t we have Sky News Australia?!”
The bBC licence has to GO.
That is Sky Australia, but not sure that is typical of them
They allow some righties on
Some even make progs like Andrew Bolt
Her guest is Rowan Dean the editor of Spectator Australia
.. he correctly predicted that libmediamob was wrong to say Labor would win the Australian election.
Why can’t we have Fox News?!
“We tried Fox News in the UK, but it wasn’t successful”
.. statement by the talking head in last week’s R4 Media Show
… Utter Tosh .. Sky-UK stopped offering Fox cos it wanted to please the regulators during its sale to Disney
Extinction Rebellion plans Heathrow drone protest
Extinction Rebellion activists are threatening to shut down Heathrow Airport with drones. The climate change protest group vowed to stage a one-day demonstration in June and then 10 further days in July – unless the government cancels plans for expanding the airport. Ten days of protests across central London in April saw 1,130 people arrested for various offences.
Heathrow Airport said the plan was “reckless” and could “endanger lives”.
Extinction Rebellion said it was in talks with its members about carrying out “nonviolent direct action to ensure Heathrow authorities close the airport” on 18 June. It said it would “act to shut the airport down for up to 10 days from 1 July” if the government does not cancel all Heathrow expansion. The plan to use drones was revealed in a leaked consultation document shared between group members.
The radical left declares its intention to deliberately endanger the lives of men, women and children… the BBC calls them ‘activists’. I know it’s a detail, but if one incites or plans an act or acts of terror, what does that actually make one? Just like the BBC, I’m struggling to remember the correct word…
As if we ever need reminding, here again is yet another example of the sheer evil of the radical left. They really do consider themselves above the rule of law.
The moral cowardice on the part of the Airport, law enforcement and government authorities in pandering to their illegitimate so-called ‘climate change’ claims is beyond reprehensible.
I suppose they’re helping the English Tourist Board .
Although how Attenborough and all the other BBC luvvies will get by I don’t know . Hopefully Emma Thompson will fly in to help and not be able to return first class and miss her filming schedule.
“Although how Attenborough and all the other BBC luvvies will get by I don’t know”
Attenborough will be fine; he will get the loan of Geldof’s private jet just as long as he agrees with said singer that he also knows “that it never rains in Africa”
That has to have broken some law, surely?
Law? What’s a “law”? I thought they’d long gone…
As prev mentioned, i work for a Local Council and as you can imagine i am surrounded by wet blankets (Liberal lefties). I sit next to a lovely lady called Andrea, she is in her 50s, lives alone, has dogs, wears sandals and dungaree’s , vegetarian and pretty hard left. Pretty much industry standard for the Council and the Left in general.
About 15 minutes ago, i put the BBC website on my PC and she saw it. There was a big picture of President Trump on the Homepage.
The following conversation ensued …. i kid you not !!!
Andrea – He just’s needs doing away with.
Me – Why ?
Andrea – Because he just does.
Me – Why ?
Andrea – Cos he is just horrible.
Me – Why ?
Andrea – He’s just a nasty man
Me – Why ?
Andrea – The things he says are awful
Me – Why ?
Andrea – They just are, hes just horrible
Conversation ended. And that just about sums up the hard left. They hate Trump, but dont actually know why !!! They want to Remain in the EU, but ask them why, they dont know !! All they know is how to Virtue Signal, its like a badge of honour for them.
Get a reporter to ask all these students / women why they are protesting against the President on his UK visit and 95% of them wont have a clue why but will just be happy to be amongst fellow hard left professional virtue signallers !!! Pathetic.
I’ve had a similar experience at a lunch that couldn’t be got out of. Try as I might were no specifics offered up to engage on.
The ones who shout “hope not hate” are the ones who can’t construct an argument.
Yes Doobster, I have seen this behaviour too, many times. A good example is in the Guardian story about the D-Day events in Portsmouth which Mr T will be attending. They had a vox-pop amongst “local residents” (probably tame Guardian contacts) and found mainly negative reactions including one lady intending protest who said “We all have to do what we can. I hope it’s rainy and windy so his hair flies around everywhere”.
So we see a group of people who fully intend to try to rubbish the whole thing because the President of the USA has decided that it is important enough to pay homage.
Despite the fact that the event is actually intended to mark the bravery of thousands of UK and USA young men, many of whom paid with their lives.
…or is it just that they don’t like his hair?
” I hope it’s rainy and windy so his hair flies around everywhere”.
Would that be the real hair that the liberal media kept banging on about being fake in 2016? Until The Don allowed that talk show host to mess it up on air.
President Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein.
I don’t envy you sitting next to a dungaree-clad sandal-wearing vegetarian lefty. The farting must be legendary.
Sounds exactly like Mme. Goat, who loathes Trump, but can’t think of a single reason why. Same for “Tony” Robinson, Nigel Farage, and similar. No debate, no conversation, nuffin’.
She’s not alone, in this area of France, where other ex-pats (English, American, and Dutch) are just the same. It seems to be a resting ground for lefties, which is a worry for me, being the only sensible one amongst ’em.
You know you would pay a fortune to have been a fly on the wall to witness Lady Fiona’s re-education after a faltering start to her Question Time reign.
Some Dimbelby tuition has surely been to hand…..and just in case that failed (or she was slow learner) a panel pick that gave her an 80% win chance of delivering the bBC agenda .
In good time you can only hope the Brexit party …orders a review of the bBC,s behavior over the Brexit period. What a dole queue could emerge from that.
Bjorn Lomborg writing i the WSJ
I see Tommy gets a couple of mentions
I’d bet they didn’t investigate the far left activity
This page is hilarious – 3/4 negative on the Pro Brexit and 1/8 neutral on Remainers , 1/8 on fluff
One has to wonder how hard they investigated the Remainers – do you think they will supply their search criteria?
Just more BBC crap served up with the help of a Uni to make it seem more rigorous
Not a surprise
from the prog whose real title is
“BBC *what we want to be* Tending”
James, The BBC say they worked with, “William Dance, a linguistics and fake news expert from Lancaster University”, but it turns out he is described as “My PhD student” by Dr Claire Hardaker (she/her)
I’d love to see the full report because my guess is that the BBC have picked through it to produce a biased Summary. The references to Tommy may have been in it also owing to his high profile and spectacular election result.
The BBC’s own Twitter thread contains some very critical replies such as –
“BBC are being investigated by OFCOM now because so many people are complaining about bias. Seems it was their coverage of the EU elections that finally did for them ????”
https://twitter (dot) com/LyusPaula/status/1134251323887693824
Seems this true as reported in the Express –
i see that the Manchester Victoria attacker who stabbed three people on NYE has been charged with attempted murder. and also being in possession of terrorist material. At the time the BBC were quite happy to say he had been detained under the mental health act, it would appear now that the CPS have decided to charge him. Now, and here is the funny bit if indeed anything that involves stabbings could be seen as funny…..A BBC reporter witnessing the attack is quoted in the MEN as a Mr Clack who verified (now probably regrets it) that the incident was a terrorist attack.
Mr Clack, on his way to catch a tram home, said police officers used a Taser and pepper spray before, ‘six or seven’ officers jumped on the man.
Mr Clack, who is from Newcastle but is working in Manchester for the BBC, said as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of shit is going to keep happening.”
Now then its funny that the BBC have wiped this from there reports and fail to report on it today as they report that Mahdi Mohamud will be charged with attempted murder. So will the BBC reporter testify that he heard Mr Mohamud uttering these words and therefore confirm it was a act of terror …..what do you think ???
” Listen up everybody ,it’s BIG BROTHER. I’ve been told that
there is ANOTHER men’s football match being played tomorrow.
Didn’t we have to cover the World Cup last year? And what about the
Cup Final? When does the Women’s Rugby World Cup or the Netball
Championships begin ? This what the Diversity and Positive
Discrimination Dept are interested in.”
” BIG BROTHER it is between two English sides.” Where is the
diversity there?” OK if we have to cover it make sure that most of
the reporters are women. if we can.”
am not sure if we have any more women sports’s reporters to
cover the football, they are all covering the cricket.”
” I don’t care if they don’t know anything about football. I WANT
have I told you that I want rid of Gary Lineker !!!!!!!!!
Al Beeb is busy interviewing former Labour luminaries like BLiar’s former legal chief Falconer but I haven’t heard anyone ask them yet how Willsman’s latest ant-Semitic outburst fits with Sami Chakrabarti’s whitewashing of Labour’s racial prejudice.
Funny that!