There is no doubt in my mind what the truth is, particularly in relation to ceding our defence and fishing grounds (two crucial issues ignored by the media).
And add to this the so-called ‘Irish border problem’
Thank-you for posting Mr Grimes………..very interesting!
We can only wonder what the bBC’s Katya Adler and the cheery fellow Adam Fleming?…the Brussels reporter chap would know about this. Nothing most likely as they are mere disc jockeys.
Certainly the “constructive ambiguity” of the Political declaration and the Gobbledook would support the proposition that the hand what wrote it was far from pukkah! In fact, it bears the hallmarks of
a rush job…possibly over an Erdinger and Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut.
And within earshot of Olly…who might have been disguised as a tree standing in the corner of the bar.
Well some of those “colonial English idiots” must have contributed to the considerable wealth of a passable pianist who sings with a strained, whiny, fake American accent. And why is anyone who has received formal music lessons invariably described as “classically trained”? As fare as I’m aware, he only attended the Royal Academy of Music’s Junior Academy once a week.
I’m not sure where “colonialism” comes in. But then any old insult will do. Oscar Wilde he isn’t (well, in some ways …).
Not a fan, as you might have gathered. Still getting over a miserable evening at The Lion King.
BBC More or Less : Live from BBC Bubbleworld Goes to Hay
In explaining the Dunning Kruger Effect
they admit they put a giant pic of Donald Trump on the wall
… Projection is libmob characteristic
Oh now they’ve just done a joke about the Daily Mail
Oh to do a Nigel Farage impression the producer Ruth is heard opening a can of beer.
Last night’s Question Time was dire. I can’t watch that verbose, pompous ass Barry Gardiner. In fact, I haven’t been able to watch him since he showered devotion and affection on Jeremy Corbyn during a Dimbleby QT while defending him against allegations of anti-Semitism. He was so devout and affectionate that even that duplicitous snake Corbyn might have been embarrassed by the display had he been there to witness it.
Then there was the LIbDem woman, reveling in the idea of standing for the leadership of a party that does not know the meaning of its own name.
And Uriah Heep will happily deny the 2016 referendum if that’s what it will take to keep his precious party in power.
I quite liked the American psychology guy, though he also doesn’t understand democracy. I’ve always found it interesting that the educated intelligentsia are so often the dumbest people around.
I would have thrown a brick through the screen if not for The Brexit Party lady – the only sane voice on the panel.
Seems to me that the time is ripe for a new general election. But I guess that if the results of the local and EU elections have not obliged the Tories to seek a mandate from the people to continue to govern, nothing will.
The BP lady seems knew to that kind of malarky , when harassed by Creepy Barry about whether Norway or Turkey were in the EU , she should have just asked him whether he had read Camorons glossy £9m leaflet
Im sure she will get better , cos she is going to be attacked a lot
4:55pm Radio4, 5 minute head to head prog
Features the makers of the “Femme Fag and Negress” podcast
..what a surprise that Radio4 went for #MoreEqualThan people
Stew – What was really amusing is how the ‘lady’ in question rambled on about ‘cultural appropriation’, blissfully unaware that she had ‘appropriated’ an entire country/culture unto herself. By her own argument, surely she was a Zimbabwean, who should hasten back there?
I will refrain from commenting on the breadth -or lack thereof- of her vocab…
An embarrassing few minutes from an embarrassing channel.
Pro-Palestine activists have been conducting a ‘campaign of intimidation’ against Jewish shops that sell products from Israel for years
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign, which is supported by Corbyn, has forced two Jewish businesses to close and activists have threatened others
Other groups targeted a British Jewish shopkeeper in Ireland and Scotland, forcing him to relocate three times and eventually flee Britain
A new film, Hounded, has been released by anti-racist campaigners to draw attention to how British Jewish shopkeepers have been living in fear for years
Dunno if that group is the same as the Palestine Solidarity Movement, which is or was basically a terrorist front. Probably is.
I look forward to Imams ranting and raving in their mosques against the scum that go around threatening productive people and destroying their businesses just because they are Jewish.
I also look forward to indignant reports from the BBC as they expose this evil.
Almost all of Anderton’s 800 pupils are Muslims, for who homosexuality is sinful
The religious divide at heart of this community culminates in school gate pickets
Protests feature placards with ‘My child, my choice’, ‘Our voice must be heard’
I could go on but just 3 examples of gobby muslims and their twisted agenda, they should be handed a free placard and megaphone at immigrstion and a British flag to burn
This is the sorry excuse of a man who speaks with the authority vested in him as the Mayor of London yet complains incessantly whilst failing even to keep the roads open.
“This poll is manipulated, BS! I know, because I am YouGov member, and was a participant!
On the question of who you would vote for in the next General Election, Brexit Party was not an option. You had to select ‘OTHER’, and it then gave you more options including CUKS, Brexit Party, etc.”
Now Breitbart comments tend to be just one notch above YouTube comments, so I’m wary, and decided to join YouGov myself to see what happens. The application process includes many questions on a variety of subjects, one of which is “How did you vote in the EU Election”. “The Brexit Party” was not an option, I had to tick the “Other” box. This lends credence to the Breitbart comment, above.
Looking forward to taking part in the first YouGov poll.
I’ve been thinking about my personal way forward in relation to use of the MSM . I’ve been cutting down on most BBC current affairs and output generally ;often I find the level of bias beyond offence . I never buy newspapers, don’t pay or use Sky nor any of the other entertainment providers ( yet ).
I help administer this site so I read the entries just in case any of them need ‘cleaning up ‘ – as you know – thankfully few do – so thank you .
Fed, in much the same vane, I don’t subscribe to SLY or take the MSM news rags, infact stopped around the time of Bonking Boris in the Sun (late 80s) I think.
As for the Beeb, well I’m still waiting for a letter and a visit, but to be fair they can go to hell as the last two weeks have hardened my already entrenched views as to their bias, anti British propaganda and general approach to normalising and promotion of everything I view as wrong, deviant and corrupt in society.
And thanks for the continued good admin work on the site. It’s an oasis of sanity.
Pre judging the words someone is going to use on the basis of past comments is pretty shallow fare .
Surely it gives opportunity to explain or justify – if such a thing is possible .
But to just denounce and withdraw an invitation does reflect something about our time . Perhaps it’s a side effect of the internet being forever there .
If people who are doctors do this sort of thing what hope for those lower down on the moral high ground ?
Sometimes I think it’s a kind of rolling circus where someone says they disapprove of something and then a mindless bandwagon of virtue gets going leading to individuals just badged as toxic . There is no one able to stop it once it gets going ,
TR is obviously the model for this . It can only be a matter of time for those who run the internet to
Remove thought and opinion with which it does not agree – which puts sites like this – with no constitutional freedom of speech to defend it – well and truly on the Target List .
CBI leader Carolyn Fairbairn, worth a look at her on Wikipedia.
A more typical globalist, elitist and ‘anywhere’ in the world type of person it would be hard to find.
Also owns posh hotel in France, 454€ per night. Perhaps this is why she wishes to remain as close to the EU as possible. There is always a grubby little self interest lurking in the swamp these people inhabit.
Typical bbc lunchtime news on the visit: a lot about controversy, past gaffes, protests, etc.
Then Vicky somebody, protester, interviewed.
Now Jon Sopel. GROANNNNN…
Sopel launches an attack about the Khan tweet.
Simon says it’s time to watch your twitter account…
They simply can’t do the arrival ceremony, period.
Now we have Adina Campbell, who talks to two wimmin, one of whom has anti-Trump views. No men about, it seems…
Adina says there will be protests. Costs. etc etc
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
This seems to confirm the skimpy facts known to date –
We’ve been sold down the river and Donald-ducked most royally!
Thanks for this link.
There is no doubt in my mind what the truth is, particularly in relation to ceding our defence and fishing grounds (two crucial issues ignored by the media).
And add to this the so-called ‘Irish border problem’
With a few exceptions our political class are lazy, stupid and/or (most seriously) compliant/co-conspirators.
Could someone with better it skills than me send this recording to The Brexit Party. It could be very useful in their campaign in Peterborough thanks
Well if that’s true. Trial for treason it is then.
Thank-you for posting Mr Grimes………..very interesting!
We can only wonder what the bBC’s Katya Adler and the cheery fellow Adam Fleming?…the Brussels reporter chap would know about this. Nothing most likely as they are mere disc jockeys.
Certainly the “constructive ambiguity” of the Political declaration and the Gobbledook would support the proposition that the hand what wrote it was far from pukkah! In fact, it bears the hallmarks of
a rush job…possibly over an Erdinger and Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut.
And within earshot of Olly…who might have been disguised as a tree standing in the corner of the bar.
So Elton John ((HIS NAME IS REG DWIGHT!!!)) has had a self-loathing moan in Verona.
I guess he doesn’t realise how many Italians hate the EU as much us idiot colonial Breixiteers.
Well some of those “colonial English idiots” must have contributed to the considerable wealth of a passable pianist who sings with a strained, whiny, fake American accent. And why is anyone who has received formal music lessons invariably described as “classically trained”? As fare as I’m aware, he only attended the Royal Academy of Music’s Junior Academy once a week.
I’m not sure where “colonialism” comes in. But then any old insult will do. Oscar Wilde he isn’t (well, in some ways …).
Not a fan, as you might have gathered. Still getting over a miserable evening at The Lion King.
BBC More or Less : Live from BBC Bubbleworld Goes to Hay
In explaining the Dunning Kruger Effect
they admit they put a giant pic of Donald Trump on the wall
… Projection is libmob characteristic
Oh now they’ve just done a joke about the Daily Mail
Oh to do a Nigel Farage impression the producer Ruth is heard opening a can of beer.
Last night’s Question Time was dire. I can’t watch that verbose, pompous ass Barry Gardiner. In fact, I haven’t been able to watch him since he showered devotion and affection on Jeremy Corbyn during a Dimbleby QT while defending him against allegations of anti-Semitism. He was so devout and affectionate that even that duplicitous snake Corbyn might have been embarrassed by the display had he been there to witness it.
Then there was the LIbDem woman, reveling in the idea of standing for the leadership of a party that does not know the meaning of its own name.
And Uriah Heep will happily deny the 2016 referendum if that’s what it will take to keep his precious party in power.
I quite liked the American psychology guy, though he also doesn’t understand democracy. I’ve always found it interesting that the educated intelligentsia are so often the dumbest people around.
I would have thrown a brick through the screen if not for The Brexit Party lady – the only sane voice on the panel.
Seems to me that the time is ripe for a new general election. But I guess that if the results of the local and EU elections have not obliged the Tories to seek a mandate from the people to continue to govern, nothing will.
The BP lady seems knew to that kind of malarky , when harassed by Creepy Barry about whether Norway or Turkey were in the EU , she should have just asked him whether he had read Camorons glossy £9m leaflet
Im sure she will get better , cos she is going to be attacked a lot
Yes I noticed she was a bit taken aback by Gardiner – that self-righteous little ideologue who thinks he is so wonderful.
And yes, I think she will improve.
4:55pm Radio4, 5 minute head to head prog
Features the makers of the “Femme Fag and Negress” podcast
..what a surprise that Radio4 went for #MoreEqualThan people
Stew – What was really amusing is how the ‘lady’ in question rambled on about ‘cultural appropriation’, blissfully unaware that she had ‘appropriated’ an entire country/culture unto herself. By her own argument, surely she was a Zimbabwean, who should hasten back there?
I will refrain from commenting on the breadth -or lack thereof- of her vocab…
An embarrassing few minutes from an embarrassing channel.
Why we are at war with islamists in our country:
Number 1:
EXCLUSIVE: British Jews in fear after pro-Palestine group supported by Corbyn forces Jewish shops to close with ‘campaign of intimidation’
Pro-Palestine activists have been conducting a ‘campaign of intimidation’ against Jewish shops that sell products from Israel for years
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign, which is supported by Corbyn, has forced two Jewish businesses to close and activists have threatened others
Other groups targeted a British Jewish shopkeeper in Ireland and Scotland, forcing him to relocate three times and eventually flee Britain
A new film, Hounded, has been released by anti-racist campaigners to draw attention to how British Jewish shopkeepers have been living in fear for years
Dunno if that group is the same as the Palestine Solidarity Movement, which is or was basically a terrorist front. Probably is.
I look forward to Imams ranting and raving in their mosques against the scum that go around threatening productive people and destroying their businesses just because they are Jewish.
I also look forward to indignant reports from the BBC as they expose this evil.
I guess I’ll be waiting a long time.
reminiscent of Krystallnacht, although most of the Fascists verging on Nazi who support Corbyn.
Dangerous and frightening times
Why we are at war with islamists in our country:
Number 2:
Shamima Begum’s family accuse Sajid Javid of ‘human fly-tipping’ jihadi bride and exploiting her to aid his career – as they blame Britain for failing to protect her from being ‘groomed’ by ISIS
“human fly-tipping”
Is this what mowing tourists down on Westminster Bridge is called?
One headline moans that “UK failed IS bride” (Shamima).
I would put it the other way round: Shamima (and family) failed UK!
Why we are at war with islamists in our country:
Number 3:
The new school gate BULLIES: It started with one Birmingham primary, now it’s spreading nationwide – fundamentalist Muslims (some dressed in horror masks) protesting over LGBT lessons in class. PAUL BRACCHI investigates
Almost all of Anderton’s 800 pupils are Muslims, for who homosexuality is sinful
The religious divide at heart of this community culminates in school gate pickets
Protests feature placards with ‘My child, my choice’, ‘Our voice must be heard’
It will be interesting to see how this pans out
I could go on but just 3 examples of gobby muslims and their twisted agenda, they should be handed a free placard and megaphone at immigrstion and a British flag to burn
Why do we not have a written consitution that all immigrants and their brood have to sign up to on pain of forced repatriation
Britain should ‘not be rolling out red carpet’ for Donald Trump, says London mayor Sadiq Khan –
This is the sorry excuse of a man who speaks with the authority vested in him as the Mayor of London yet complains incessantly whilst failing even to keep the roads open.
This is not directly related to the BBC but it concerns bias and might be of interest.
I was intrigued by a comment under this Breitbart article:
Brexit Party and Lib Dems Grapple for Westminster First Place as Voters Abandon Tories, Labour
“This poll is manipulated, BS! I know, because I am YouGov member, and was a participant!
On the question of who you would vote for in the next General Election, Brexit Party was not an option. You had to select ‘OTHER’, and it then gave you more options including CUKS, Brexit Party, etc.”
Now Breitbart comments tend to be just one notch above YouTube comments, so I’m wary, and decided to join YouGov myself to see what happens. The application process includes many questions on a variety of subjects, one of which is “How did you vote in the EU Election”. “The Brexit Party” was not an option, I had to tick the “Other” box. This lends credence to the Breitbart comment, above.
Looking forward to taking part in the first YouGov poll.
Helen Richardson,
Well, to mangle an old saying, there are lies, damn lies and then there are polls.
I recall that some US polls before the US elections had Donald Trump as a no-hoper.
And everyone and his dog was sure that labor had the Aussie elections won by a mile.
It’s really a hopeful sign that The Brexit Party can do so well on a skewed poll like that one.
I have done exactly the same.
Hope to do my bit to redress the balance.
BBC News…
House prices rise = BAD
House prices fall = BAD
House prices stagnate = BAD
…all due to the uncertainties of Brexit! BBC onto a sure-fire winner there… 🙁
Sky tweets \\ Lib Dems ‘would win general election tomorrow’//
Yeh Sky making an outrageous headline
..just to make me click …GFY SKY
7:30pm Channel 4 prog on WWF human right’s abusers
\\ WWF-funded “eco-guards” who protect neighbouring national parks harass them,
not least because the Baka are traditionally discriminated against as pygmies //–s37-e6-forest-of-fear/
Live tweeting during prog
Reg is in the (non) news.
I like this one best so far.
Would Elton have said that in 1940 when Germany ruled Europe and wanted us as a compliant colony and…..wait a minute..
Good stuff Guest,
Should have pointed out that Elton John, real name Reginald Dwight…..
I’m ashamed he’s British.
I’ve been thinking about my personal way forward in relation to use of the MSM . I’ve been cutting down on most BBC current affairs and output generally ;often I find the level of bias beyond offence . I never buy newspapers, don’t pay or use Sky nor any of the other entertainment providers ( yet ).
I help administer this site so I read the entries just in case any of them need ‘cleaning up ‘ – as you know – thankfully few do – so thank you .
I’m going to put up the weekend thread now
Fed, in much the same vane, I don’t subscribe to SLY or take the MSM news rags, infact stopped around the time of Bonking Boris in the Sun (late 80s) I think.
As for the Beeb, well I’m still waiting for a letter and a visit, but to be fair they can go to hell as the last two weeks have hardened my already entrenched views as to their bias, anti British propaganda and general approach to normalising and promotion of everything I view as wrong, deviant and corrupt in society.
And thanks for the continued good admin work on the site. It’s an oasis of sanity.
PS for someone I think who asked, a Wyvern is a mythological British cryptid, like a Dragon, but smaller, more tenacious and vicious, apparently!
I thought it was a Vauxhall economy version of a Cresta ?
Discussion about Labour Remainiac GPs deplatforming JHB
using offence archaeology by digging up a 3 year old tweet saying that Enoch Powell was not a racist
Pre judging the words someone is going to use on the basis of past comments is pretty shallow fare .
Surely it gives opportunity to explain or justify – if such a thing is possible .
But to just denounce and withdraw an invitation does reflect something about our time . Perhaps it’s a side effect of the internet being forever there .
If people who are doctors do this sort of thing what hope for those lower down on the moral high ground ?
Sometimes I think it’s a kind of rolling circus where someone says they disapprove of something and then a mindless bandwagon of virtue gets going leading to individuals just badged as toxic . There is no one able to stop it once it gets going ,
TR is obviously the model for this . It can only be a matter of time for those who run the internet to
Remove thought and opinion with which it does not agree – which puts sites like this – with no constitutional freedom of speech to defend it – well and truly on the Target List .
“constitutional freedom of speech”
It’s never going to happen – that boat has sailed.
It’s another benefit of being inclusive (even to those who wish us harm).
CBI leader Carolyn Fairbairn, worth a look at her on Wikipedia.
A more typical globalist, elitist and ‘anywhere’ in the world type of person it would be hard to find.
Also owns posh hotel in France, 454€ per night. Perhaps this is why she wishes to remain as close to the EU as possible. There is always a grubby little self interest lurking in the swamp these people inhabit.
I had missed this and sure it has been mentioned already?
Typical bbc lunchtime news on the visit: a lot about controversy, past gaffes, protests, etc.
Then Vicky somebody, protester, interviewed.
Now Jon Sopel. GROANNNNN…
Sopel launches an attack about the Khan tweet.
Simon says it’s time to watch your twitter account…
They simply can’t do the arrival ceremony, period.
Now we have Adina Campbell, who talks to two wimmin, one of whom has anti-Trump views. No men about, it seems…
Adina says there will be protests. Costs. etc etc