\\ UK-wide bottle deposit scheme could raise over £1bn for charities say @CPRE //
#1 cos that £1bn will be paid by magic unicorns
… oh hang on YOU will pay it even tho you already bin your bottles properly
#2 CPRE have a financial relationship with the reverse-vending machine makers
#FakeGreens #corruption
Islington people’s fraud
done by doctoring invoices.
Led the high life, but also used money to pay her previous fraud.
Libmob bubbleworld are not good at policing themselves.
Charity finance officer steals £171,000 to repay money stolen from previous employers: The Social Impact Group was unaware Rushna Choudhury had stolen almost £80,000 from the housing association she had worked for in 2013 https://t.co/ipNN18UhsT
Whether it’s a lorry driver watching TV, on the phone, or well over the limit, who drives over a car and kills six.
Or a GP raping a patient.
Or a GP dealing in drugs.
Or a GP mis-diagnosing a condition, when all the evidence was there, and the patient dies.
Or a surgeon who incompetently cuts through some tissue, does not notice, and the patient dies from septicemia.
Or a Government solicitor who was paid by organised criminals, for hiding evidence against them, so it could not be used in court.
Or a another Government solicitor who told organised criminals where evidence against them was stored, so they could burn down the building.
Or a so-called charity worker who has her hand in the till, as in this report.
Or any of the many other examples of criminality or incompetence, I am too angry to list.
The common characteristic is that they are, nearly always, not British.
Time for a referendum to decide if we want all the enrichers to be deported to the lands of their ancestors. My vote will be yes.
” nearly always, not British”
Yeh well I’m not falling for that trolling
The vast vast majority of criminal nutters in the UK have British citizenship
.. a few of them don’t have British ancestry
The jails are disproportionately inhabited by them
but we ‘ve got enough full British nutters for a start
Didn’t Dr Shipman kill 200 ?
and as for multiple charity fraud
AFAIK it was a British woman that first got fired from being in charge of Grenfell funds , then it turned out she’d already been fired from the NHS for embezzling their funds.
At the end of Women’s International Football, England vs. New Zealand on BBC One this afternoon, they screened a promotion for #changethegame. One of the things a search for it on the BBC website brought up was this semi-literate mangling, sorry “re-imagining” of Kipling’s “If-” (apologies if anyone has posted this before, it’s from a month ago).
Note that “impostors” is replaced by “feelings.”
The football? I saw maybe the last 20-30 minutes.
I can listen to music by Ligeti. I can watch films by Tarkovsky.
I can’t watch 90 mins of England’s “Lionesses.”
“I don’t really think overall, taking the coverage as the whole, allowing for our utter inherent partiality, anybody could be any doubt that we reported absolutely fairly, completely straightly…”
I don’t listen very often to Woman’s Hour – but occasionally I prefer speaking to music. A couple of days ago I was in the car and switched on – firstly was an item about ‘Mum’ which is apparently a brilliant sit-com on BBC2 which sends up posh women (no I hadn’t heard of it before) but as last time I switched on there was an item about ‘Fleabag’, ‘Teabag’ or whatever I have now realised that viewing figures must be so low on the TV that the BBC has to use Woman’s Hour for its adverts. I expect their excuse is it is drama specially written for women (that was the excuse over Teabag), maybe they haven’t realised that women don’t want drama specially written for them but the sort that everybody can enjoy.
But then came the item on ‘sexual desire’. This was half term week, mid morning. I did think, ‘thank goodness this wasn’t on when my son was little and I was driving him to some activity’ and felt sorry for all the Mums and Grandmums who may be taking their child somewhere. Can’t tell you how explicit – because I switched off. I could have listened again just now on Saturday afternoon – but I have chose to again switch off the radio (and the iron) and come to the computer to type this comment. At the very least the BBC doesn’t think, care, when it puts what on.
When they launched they claimed @tortoise would be "slower, wiser news". Within a few months it has become just another left-of-centre listicle website whining about Trump, Farage and Brexit. https://t.co/6wguDogsPg
I was going to keep this until the start of a new thread. Regular posters know how much I love Countryfile. Last week we were all too full of the EU elections to make posting anything else worthwhile. But Countryfile had Tom Heap doing one of his regular unrealistic hard hitting (well he always thinks they are – and they are usually just plain wrong) items. A week later I cannot remember what it was about (I could go to iplayer but watching twice would make me lose the will to live) but there he was in an extremely large 4 x 4. Doesn’t he know about Climate Crisis and how we all have to give up driving these large vehicles. Or is he like Al Gore and Emma Thompson – where it only matters what they say and not what they do. Actually as someone who thinks that climate change is what climate does, I can relax in the car I drive, apart from the interference of the EU and UK government.
Come to think of it, its telling that the only environmentalists I know who are sceptics are scientists David Bellamy and Patrick Moore, the Canadian Patrick Moore who founded Greenpeace. Also, the only left-wing sceptics known to me are also scientists Piers Corbyn, brother of the Labour leader and Graham Stringer, Labour MP. Brexit MEP’s and Scientists are effectively barred from appearing on and advising the BBC and speaking on university property in Britain. Editors of science magazines have also been sacked for publishing letters from scientists in science magazines in Britain. In Britain the Tories are as loony as Al Gore and the Democrats, so scientists have only got internet publishing, the GWPF or going abroad.
Its known that like most scientifically ignorant scientific advisors employed by the BBC. Tom Heap is a jumped up sound mixer without any scientific qualifications, appointed as a BBC Science Correspondent because of his right on views about the environment.
Its why everyone who appears on the BBC talks like a moron. Mensa members then complain, but are then fobbed off by scientifically unqualified environmental activists professing to be the best scientific experts.
Richard – How right you are. How does Tom Heap become Science and Environment advisor given he has absolutely no qualifications as far as I can see – in science or anything else. Now I am not saying you need specific ones – but one would be nice..
I’m sure the BBC could lay claim to far more than simple Mr Heap when it comes to the unqualified becoming presenters – which can so rapidly evolve to advisor and thence to expert. Harrabin, Monbiot, Packham and Oddie come all too easily to mind, without even a tentative step towards female football punditry.
On Thursday, I think that Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Marine Le Pen should invade and Free France from Merkel, Juncker, Tusk and that French puppet, Macron.
75 years ago, Eisenhower, Montgomery, Churchill and De Gaulle did invade and free France from Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and that French puppet, Petain.
The Russians could help again, please. And then put all the Remainers on trial in Nuremburg, including Blair, Heseltine and May.
As the BBC has been under the direct control of European Union Propaganda during the EU occupation of Britain. I recommend the appointment of Andrew Pierce from LBC to implement the desupranationalisation of the BBC. Pierce should set out to establish a broadcaster along the lines of the LBC, just like Hugh Carleton Greene did in Germany after the last time that the Germans tried to unite Europe.
just pondering what to put in the bomb bays, torn between pork scratchings, Mc Donald Happy meals and some job application forms with guaranteed interviews, should do for most of them…Oh and maybe some invitations to a Bar Mitzfa
Thank you for your scientific contributions to this website, which have increased my knowledge.
However, “and that French puppet, Petain.”
Sorry, no, Petain was a hero in WW1.
Battle of Verdun, you may have heard of it.
Along with the cheese eating surrender monkey nonsense.
Petain chose to oppose the USSR loving, French Communist Party.
He had a difficult choice, which he made.
A choice which I will compare with the unenviable decision made by Mogg to vote for May “WA3”.
Mogg is a patriot, Petain was a patriot.
There are many excellent contributors to BBBC, who can detect current BBC/Guardian propaganda at 2km.
Who all seem to still swallow the BBC WW2 propaganda, they learned in kindergarten.
Still offering this as evidence.
Shouldn’t be a problem, anti fa lefties and their muzzie mates only attack when they either outnumber or have weapons against unarmed opponents or 13 year old girls, plenty of evidence on youtube showing these principles, I suppose running away from fighting for your own country and getting a council house in England tends to do that, and of course hiding your face while attacking.
Liberators should only attack when the balaclava shops are closed and all the taxis are lurking around the playgrounds and schools, it will be a walkover
and I am sure you can develop a smart missile to home in on piercings and purple hair
I nurse a private and perhaps unrealistic hope that Donald Trump will take an opportunity next week. Were he to stand on Omaha beach, what a delight if he took our continental ‘brothers in arms’ to task for the way in which they have belittled, defamed and derided the UK for the past three years and more? And cynically used the Irish – who opened their ports to German U-Boats – as a stick to shamefully beat us.
Bearing in mind the sand he could stand on was once soaked in American blood, and that British and Canadian blood soaked Gold, Juno and Sword beaches just along the coast, he might prick a conscience or several.
Top comment Beltane.
Thoughts of D-Day always remind me of the LBJ, Dean Rusk, de Gaulle contretemps.
“Ask him about the cemeteries, Dean!”
In 1966 upon being told that President Charles DeGaulle had taken France out of NATO and that all U.S. troops must be evacuated off of French soil President Lyndon Johnson mentioned to Secretary of State Dean Rusk that he should ask DeGaulle about the Americans buried in France. Dean implied in his answer that that DeGaulle should not really be asked that in the meeting at which point President Johnson then told Secretary of State Dean Rusk:
“Ask him about the cemeteries Dean!”
That made it into a Presidential Order so he had to ask President DeGaulle.
So at end of the meeting Dean did ask DeGaulle if his order to remove all U.S. troops from French soil also included the 60,000+ soldiers buried in France from World War I and World War II.
DeGaulle, embarrassed, got up and left and never answered.”
“A former government minister has lost a vote of no confidence in him by his local Conservative association.
Phillip Lee, MP for Bracknell, said the move had been “inspired” by the single issue of Brexit.
Bracknell Conservative Association called the vote after 53 members signed a petition.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-48484531
Oddly enough, I earlier referred to the Aaron Banks suggestion during 2018 that Brexiteers join the Conservative Association and work tactically to de-select their Conservative MP if that MP supports Remain/further referenda.
Seems another one is on the way to biting the dust alongside Dominic Grieve QC as a result of the ‘active’ members of the Conservative Association. Justice in some small measure. I’m patiently waiting my chance on the vote for the new leader……..I’m glad to play my modest part after all, ‘Rules are Rules’ aren’t they?
It must be so dangerous in France that they sail the channel to get away: (or is it the council house and benefits ?)
Hottest day of the year triggers ‘record number’ of migrant boats trying to cross English Channel as THIRTEEN vessels are intercepted this morning and blankets and bottles handed to those rescued
More than 30 migrants picked up near Winchelsea beach by Border Force
UK Coastguard confirmed it responded to 13 migrant boats earlier today
Charlie Elphicke MP said latest arrival was a ‘record’ for boats in a single day
How f@@@ing stupid are we to welcome these to our shores after the rest of Europe has rejected them ? penniless migrants who all happened to buy a boat and no doubt all have iphones for their selfies whenthey get here
Absolutely disgusting that our national broadcaster is goading children in this way I feel another complaint coming on for criticising an elected official taking steps to protect their border, the primary responsibility of government
Coming to a town near you
Ready to reap the harvest of unaccompanied non muslim females, and / or schoolgirls intimidate Jewish shop owners, and attack homosexuals and protest outside schools who teach the English curriculum etc etc
BTW where does one purchase a selfie stick thing and an iphone in the middle of the English Channel, is there a paki shop on an oil rig or something ?
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to say if his friend will be kicked out of the party after he was suspended for saying Israel is behind Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis: there is no crisis they are sympathists for those who are racist Nazis who hate Jews, simple
City has historically been close-run battle between Labour and Conservatives
Mr Corbyn said the election campaign is about asserting core Labour values
As he left the rally, Mr Corbyn refused to answer questions about latest scandal
Call me cynical but, pandering and excusing muzzie racism for votes ? whilst exercising the same values as the real Nazis
He is a bit black so whatever he says is sacrosanct
JFK File: FBI Monitored Martin Luther King’s ‘Abnormal’ Sex Life of Orgies, Hookers and Joan Baez
Will Time Ever Be Up For Abusive Men In Hip-Hop?
Throughout this past year of holding men in entertainment to task, the music industry has largely continued to overlook abuse allegations within its most popular genre, exhibiting a troubling lack of accountability.
Misogyny in rap music refers to lyrics, videos or other aspects of rap music that support, glorify, justify, or normalize the objectification, exploitation, or victimization of women.[1][2] It can range from innuendoes to stereotypical characterizations and defamations.[2]
Scholars have proposed various explanations for the presence of misogyny in rap music. Some have argued that rap artists use misogynistic lyrics and portrayals of women as a way to assert their masculinity[2] or to demonstrate their authenticity as rappers.[3][4] Others have suggested that rap music is a product of its environment, reflecting mainstream attitudes toward women,[5][6][7] and that rap artists have internalized negative stereotypes about women.[2] Still other academics have stressed economic considerations, arguing that rappers use misogyny to achieve commercial success.[2]
In a study of the images of African American women in rap music videos, three stereotypes were revealed: Jezebel, Sapphire, and Mammy/”Baby Mama”. “Based on these three stereotypes, the videos present African American women as greedy, dishonest, sex objects, with no respect for themselves or others, including the children under their care. The women in the videos are scorned by men and exist to bring pleasure to them.”[12]
Common misogynistic themes include the use of derogatory names such as “bitch” and “ho”, sexual objectification of women, legitimization of violence against women, distrust of women, the belittling of sex workers and glorification of pimping.[11]
A new study has shown that changing how music is taught in schools could boost attendance for struggling students. … They studied artists like Stormzy instead of Mozart, got involved with the music industry and other local music-making projects, in partnership with their secondary schools.
Thus, a clear example of the degradation of our civilisation at the hands of barbarians with the full co operation of the BBC with a complete and utter twisted mentality that promotes the rights of women whilst allowing full reign for them to be raped and abused verbally and physically by black people, for their sick rantings to be given airtime, and for this to be educated to young black thugs
And instead of teaching Maths and English, let them play with Lego. That should boost attendance as well. The fact that it would be totally pointless doesn’t seem to matter.
“we’ve consistently heard how it doesn’t reflect their existing musical lives and passions”
I thought education was supposed to expand minds, not pander to narrow, existing tastes in music genres which require no additional promotion whatsoever. Trying selling this BS to SE Asian parents and see how far you get.
And Myleene Klass! Education: Royal Academy of Music and Guildhall School of Music and Drama (in fact she spent her Saturdays studying singing at the Junior Department of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and later took a musical theatre course at the Royal Academy of Music. Yehudi Menuhin she isn’t.
If I said what I really thought about this, and the people we are trying to appease, I would probably risk being arrested.
I’m a bit with Marie Antoinette on this, let them have lego as long as it is not sharp, their minds refuse to be expanded, a simple look at the hell holes they have come from shows this, a complete and utter disinterest in art or muic and a fascination with violence, guns and civil war
BBC journalist says anti-Brexit billboard campaign by Greenpeace activists is "Genius!" I wouldn't trust @BBCJustinR to report with impartiality about putting on his own socks. The BBC is a festering shithole of left-wing activism. https://t.co/KF0L1N1MK3
Einstein was a genius, so was Mozart, and now some purple haired lazy, opinionated, unemployed, unqualified, unachieving and generally ignorant twat is a genius, welcome to the new world and how the BBC can spread fake news through mis using words like genius
Yes, Kaiser I read this also and about the pathetic police so called intolerance to antisocial behaviour, when it suits them……unless it is a paki throwing milkshakes and later bricks and stones at an electoral candidtate or eggs outside a Birmingham school no arrests so far but immediate arrests and sentencing also for Hells Angels who threatened no one, funny that
Angels have their own code of conduct outside of the law due to war veterans being discarded, food for thought with out present attackers who are cowards who run rather than fight for their country and turn like rabid dogs upon our people and culture once they have their rights and their council house
I see Julia Hartley Brewer is in bother with some right thinkers because of a 3 year old tweet about Enoch. I suggest if anyone has copies of any literature connected with Enoch Powell they hide them away before the book burners come knocking. How the hell has this country degenerated so fast. Anyone who has listened to his infamous speech or any others of his cannot deny the truth in the content. Its unpalatable to the left chattering classes so they wish to wipe his words from history. The disappointment for me is JHB seems to be apologising. I thought she had a bit more backbone than to be bullied by people who would crumble in debate with s character like Enoch.
Rivers of blood, London stabbings every week and see below our wonderful immigrants in action
This is proabably the only forum available where the truth can be told and openly displayed unless the BBC says it is a completely false video below ? if not, them what Enoch Powell said has come to pass , which can be clearly and unequivacolly seen with no disagreement, andhas happened every year in Luton for the last 20 years, RIP Enoch you were right and they were wrong
This should be required viewing for any purple haired peirced anti racist twat
7pm BBC 2 Paul Rose in the Dales
He’s in a Dales village, suddenly there are shots of Asians, mostly Muslim, but a few Sikhs
Ah it was basically an advert for a National Park Authority initiative
From the 2012 Press release \\ A three-year partnership aimed at older people from Black and Asian Minority Ethnic communities in Keighley and Bradford
14 of them being trained as Community Champions to promote the Yorkshire Dales to others. //
The release names a man and woman; both have Muslim names.
The one on the prog was Shakila Hanif
One of the voices talking about the Asians,
said “it’s possible to live in Bradford and not know the Dales exist.”
Que ! It’s only 10 miles to Wharfedale
a dale which is on the edge of the national park.
Yeh right go walking in the countryside and see how many of them are there, too many have taxis lurking outside playgrounds or sending their wives off to intimidate Birmingham schools with their faces hidden to take the time to appreciate this country
Or though there is always the opportunity to find some cliffs to throw some homosexuals off
They’ve been banging on about getting “folk of colour” to visit the National parks for years. They won’t go, it’s not their “thing”, they don’t want to leave their urban ghettos, not even for a day – it’s alien to them.
I think that’s a good thing, because it leaves the ethnic inhabitants of the country to enjoy their leisure pursuits amongst their own.
When do you ever see groups of coloured people in the hideously white Antiques Road Show, which invariably sets up shop in country homes, and magnificent cathedrals – places where certain people wouldn’t be seen dead?
And how many “persons of colour” can one spot in an average production of “The Yorkshire Vet”?
They don’t like the countryside. Encourage them to stay away.
Channel4 trailer about Chlorinated chicken
which is of course more of anti-Tump advert
They just used the phrase “chemically treated chicken”
OMG Someone gave me “chemically treated” fish and chips
They impregnated them with NaCl and CH3COOH
… I lived
i guess I was lucky
..#Scaremongering using the #NatureFallacy
If it’s okay with you, I’d rather eat chicken that wasn’t so filthy it needed washing with Domestos to make it safe for human consumption. Comparing that to having salt and vinegar on your fish and chips just makes you sound like a bit of a twit.
Chlorine is widely used for sterilising purposes, and not just in the US and not just on chicken, but all over the world, on food, and on eating utensils, tools for preparing and serving food, and surfaces that come in contact with food, such as chopping boards – it’s ideal for the job actually, because it’s a highly effective bacteriacide which breaks down really fast.
If you eat food (and I’m pretty sure you do), then a lot of it will have had some contact with chlorine, if you eat food from a take away, or a restaurant then there will have been a lot of chlorine products used.
There are questions as to whether it’s necessary when it comes to raw chicken, which is what brought up the point that it was compulsory in the US in the first place. Some question whether it might affect flavour, although by the time you eat the chicken the chlorine is long gone, so the answer to that is no.
Arguably, if you wash your raw chicken under the tap (in chlorinated tapwater), which apparently a lot of people do, it may have more chlorine on it, but it’s still going to be gone by the time you’ve cooked it anyway.
To be honest the whole ‘chlorinated chicken’ is a storm in a teacup peddled by the ignorant and gobbled by the gullible.
Maxi eats chips soaked in acetic acid ? oh sounds dangerous if you are an ignorant uneducated moronand of course sends his kids to swim in chlorinated water at the local pool
RE “If it’s okay with you, I’d rather eat chicken that wasn’t so filthy it needed washing with Domestos to make it safe for human consumption”
whilst your proposal to only slaughter chickens that can prove they shower every morning and spray a bit of Lynx under their wings is admirable, I cannot help but think there may be a possible difficulty in implementation somewhere along the way ?
Maybe you could further scope this out and send your idea off to farmers who I am sure will be happy help you all they can with telling you which ones dont wash their wings after pissing etc
If you could please add a full appendix to your scoping oulining how you will ensure no dolphins are harmed in the implementation of your strategy and only big issue selling refugees and trannies with fishnet stockings, size ten feet and five o clock shadows will be employed in overseeing the proposal I can almost guarantee you will get some bollox EU grant that pisses the taxpayers money up the wall and keeps you in dolphin friendly nuclear free garlic muesli for the rest of your life
Firstly, you have a choice – don’t eat chicken or read the label and buy it from somewhere else. However salmonella could be quite good for you…then again have you ever considered that many foods use these and other substances in preparation – tinned grapefruit is subject to HCl (hydrochloric acid) and then NaOH (sodium hydroxide or caustic soda) – and as Pug says above you also swim in water that is full of chlorine which some people pee in….so if you want to present an argument at least have a balanced one instead of the normal crowd funded think…
Its the weekend and I’m in whinge mode again. This time my target is Sky news, they really pissed me off, so here’s wot I wrote…..
I don’t know who is responsible for the Sky News promo, but the one aired this evening is beyond the pale.
Advertising the forthcoming news coverage of the visit by the President of the United States, the graphic showed the balloon effigy of him from his visit last year.
Regardless of whether the man is liked or not, the fact is, he is still the President, and for Sky News to relegate itself to the level of the gutter press, one wonders as to the age group of those in authority at Sky – because its about time our news media channels acted like grown ups and not kids on work experience ! Its bad enough that we have long passed the age where journalists showed any respect for their ‘targets’, and now resort to shouting like fish wives their questions across the street at their prey, without having to put up with puerile and biased images more suited to CBBC.
For nearly a century, chlorine has been used to disinfect drinking water. The use of chlorine in water started when John Snow used it to purify the cholera-causing water of the Broad Street Pump, in London. After seeing that chlorine curbed deaths from cholera, Great Britain started chlorinating its public drinking water. Then chlorination began in New Jersey, and after that it was soon used throughout the United States. Measuring the benefits and risks, it’s clear that the advantages of adding chlorine to drinking water outweigh the potential dangers. Remain supporters in London opposed to the import of chicken from America washed in chlorine could reverse the trend. Hopefully the London Assembly could murder most Remain voters in London by banning the use of chlorine by Thames Water. Hopefully, a mass Cholera epidemic could reduce the Remain vote for any future referendum. London already benefits politically from hormones in the water supply, which also reduces the remain vote by motivating the sexuality of Remain voters in the London area towards sex that cannot produce children. Ideas for encouraging other self destructive policies for Remainers include encouraging Remainers to commit mass suicide by throwing themselves off a cliff at Beach Head on the 31st October.
Not Al Beeb yet , but typical Snowflake comments …….
“Racist , Divisive , Populist, I will scream and scream until I am sick.”
Well I am off to my safe space.
Record number of illegals cross channel and What Mr Javid said was “critical” has now become …………..\\deeply concerning and I’m receiving regular updates,”//
Does he get his updates from, Al Beeb ?
These Illegals are coming from a Safe Europe and are jumping the queue in front of genuine asylum seekers.
Where is the Royal Navy , where are the Royal Marines?
The government are not listening , they never have .
Vote for The Brexit Party.
R4 On ‘Sunday’ a ‘religious’ programme hammers President Trump. Bishop of Liverpool, Paul Bayes, complained about Trump ‘building walls’ and ‘generating hate’.
Let’s not mention the part that came before, on abuse of children, by ‘the church’.
Trump has a duty to protect his country against illegal inflows of people. IF THIS REQUIRES A WALL, THAT IS A POLITICAL MEASURE. Bayes was being dishonest, using this as a spiritual analogy.
As for ‘generating hate’? Maybe he’s generated the bbc to hatred of him.
‘Populism’ was also mentioned. I think that tells us how to evaluate the bishop.
What about this WALL ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37294187
The Church needs to see to its falling congregation and ask why?
Like our present government, they are losing the plot.
The Left’s favourite hate figure is about to visit, so we’re in for a merry time.
The bbc has been trying hard to whip up anti-Trump feeling for the past three years. It will have to bear/share the blame for its partisanship if anything goes wrong. In fact, some might say it’s been whipping up hatred?
The virtue-signalling MSM, as a whole, have a lot to answer for, as do the fake Tories, who are in government, if the visit is not a success.
Above, I mentioned Bishop Bayes. Add this political priest to the list. God will judge Donald Trump. The good bishop does not need to; he – I feel- needs urgently to look at his own salvation. On the issue of the visit, the so-called ‘church’ should keep a very low profile, spend their time in humility, examining themselves; STAY OUT OF POLITICS, is my advice.
Who do you think you are kidding Mr Javid
If you think we’ll believe your lies
France lets them in and allows them over here
They’ll keep on coming, cos of us they have no fear
Cause who do you think you are kidding Mr Javid
You don’t want to halt the swarm.
Mr Ali will get health care free and claim his benefits
He’ll live in his free housing and pray down at his mosque
Cause who do you think you are kidding Mr Javid
You don’t want to halt the swarm.
Cassandra- I’ll start believing him if and when we receive CONCRETE EVIDENCE that all the invaders are being sent back to (safe country) France.
Pity Lance Corporal Jones is no longer about. I believe they ‘don’t like it up them’.
BUT THEN CHURCHILL RAN THE SHOW. We have May. Need one say more?
Excellent but the Muslim fifth column ought to be in the picture just behind the Union flag with a knife ready to stab us in the back. That would reflect the true situation of our country today.
The Tory mps are trying yet another anti Brexit manoeuvre. This time they are going to put forward a Remainer and Gove as a Leaver for the Tory members to vote on. Gove is an establishment plant who stopped Boris last time round to prevent Brexit and this time will also stop Brexit if elected as PM. The calculation is that the Tory members can be fooled into choosing Gove , who is a Remainer in a Leavers clothes , who then negotiate a May deal with a few sweeteners. They still hasn’t learnt their lesson , we want out and Brexit means Brexit. All votes to TBP.
Blimey, I didn’t think poor old Rory had much of a chance before this.
Having the arch Remainer supporting you has to be the kiss of death.
Adios Rory…
Demographic breakdown of Trump protesters tomorrow.
(If you are wondering what acronym “FBPE” stands for, there is a network on Twitter with the hashtag “# Follow Back Pro EU”.)
Decisions, decisions. There are so many zone options looking at those offered in the original. Nothing for men, as is right, but also the usually reliable alt-option pink is confusingly for migrants which, as a Huguenot, I guess I still qualify. The climate one is of course appropriate as it is atop Nelson’s Column, but I am not good with heights. The women and family are out not for obvious reasons as here they are still working and revising rather than striking. Unlike the students, apparently. Europe seems a bit small. Corp Greed has not clarified if pro or con so best avoided. Labour is out until Shami gives them the next all clear. Racism is a possible but Jon Snow might be there and two white guys together would push irony too far. Nothing for musicians, though Sir Elton is surely flying in with Emma to add luvvie heft. That leaves Anti-war and Peace, so I think I will share with all simply taking a quiet moment elsewhere to share with those acknowledging the sacrifice of those who made our current lives possible, rather than indulging in juvenile SJW hissy fits.
Funny how the media and his wife took great offense at the comments of John Cleese last week, yet said bugger all about the ‘white flight’ that’s been going on for decades out of the capital.
This is huge. Jacinda Ardern's New Zealand is about to become the first major country to abandon growth as political priority in favour of well-being. #postgrowthhttps://t.co/J5mAuACLFN
She looks as though she could do with a large cheese burger and fries from McDonalds. That’ll never be considered of course for our celebrity political vegan.
“Channel migrants: ‘Record number’ of boats and 74 people intercepted” Just. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-48484017
“Last month, 140 migrants were picked up – the highest number since December, when a “major incident” was declared by Mr Javid.” I have to assume that the “major incident” in question was the shortage of council houses.
“It is an established principle that those in need of protection should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach and since January more than 30 people who arrived illegally in the UK in small boats have been returned to Europe.”
The, “established principle”? Surely that’s the UN Migration Compact which our own Treason May signed up to?
Withdraw from the UN Migration Compact and certainly withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights which has been the handmaiden to the Globalists World Dominatin Plan for decades.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
PC bosses, ruled over-PC
\\ UK-wide bottle deposit scheme could raise over £1bn for charities say @CPRE //
#1 cos that £1bn will be paid by magic unicorns
… oh hang on YOU will pay it even tho you already bin your bottles properly
#2 CPRE have a financial relationship with the reverse-vending machine makers
#FakeGreens #corruption
Islington people’s fraud
done by doctoring invoices.
Led the high life, but also used money to pay her previous fraud.
Libmob bubbleworld are not good at policing themselves.
Whether it’s a lorry driver watching TV, on the phone, or well over the limit, who drives over a car and kills six.
Or a GP raping a patient.
Or a GP dealing in drugs.
Or a GP mis-diagnosing a condition, when all the evidence was there, and the patient dies.
Or a surgeon who incompetently cuts through some tissue, does not notice, and the patient dies from septicemia.
Or a Government solicitor who was paid by organised criminals, for hiding evidence against them, so it could not be used in court.
Or a another Government solicitor who told organised criminals where evidence against them was stored, so they could burn down the building.
Or a so-called charity worker who has her hand in the till, as in this report.
Or any of the many other examples of criminality or incompetence, I am too angry to list.
The common characteristic is that they are, nearly always, not British.
Time for a referendum to decide if we want all the enrichers to be deported to the lands of their ancestors. My vote will be yes.
” nearly always, not British”
Yeh well I’m not falling for that trolling
The vast vast majority of criminal nutters in the UK have British citizenship
.. a few of them don’t have British ancestry
The jails are disproportionately inhabited by them
but we ‘ve got enough full British nutters for a start
Didn’t Dr Shipman kill 200 ?
and as for multiple charity fraud
AFAIK it was a British woman that first got fired from being in charge of Grenfell funds , then it turned out she’d already been fired from the NHS for embezzling their funds.
At the end of Women’s International Football, England vs. New Zealand on BBC One this afternoon, they screened a promotion for #changethegame. One of the things a search for it on the BBC website brought up was this semi-literate mangling, sorry “re-imagining” of Kipling’s “If-” (apologies if anyone has posted this before, it’s from a month ago).
Note that “impostors” is replaced by “feelings.”
You sat through it ? no paint drying available as a viable alternative ?
The football? I saw maybe the last 20-30 minutes.
I can listen to music by Ligeti. I can watch films by Tarkovsky.
I can’t watch 90 mins of England’s “Lionesses.”
“word artist?”
You know what’s coming.
You couldn’t make this up.
Typical BBC producers full of the joy’s of spring thinking that they have created a new way of saying things.
“I don’t really think overall, taking the coverage as the whole, allowing for our utter inherent partiality, anybody could be any doubt that we reported absolutely fairly, completely straightly…”
With icing, sprinkles and a cherry on top.
Fingers crossed.
Clearly avoiding skin tone was an effort to avoid hideousing Greg Dyke or Jon Snow.
I don’t listen very often to Woman’s Hour – but occasionally I prefer speaking to music. A couple of days ago I was in the car and switched on – firstly was an item about ‘Mum’ which is apparently a brilliant sit-com on BBC2 which sends up posh women (no I hadn’t heard of it before) but as last time I switched on there was an item about ‘Fleabag’, ‘Teabag’ or whatever I have now realised that viewing figures must be so low on the TV that the BBC has to use Woman’s Hour for its adverts. I expect their excuse is it is drama specially written for women (that was the excuse over Teabag), maybe they haven’t realised that women don’t want drama specially written for them but the sort that everybody can enjoy.
But then came the item on ‘sexual desire’. This was half term week, mid morning. I did think, ‘thank goodness this wasn’t on when my son was little and I was driving him to some activity’ and felt sorry for all the Mums and Grandmums who may be taking their child somewhere. Can’t tell you how explicit – because I switched off. I could have listened again just now on Saturday afternoon – but I have chose to again switch off the radio (and the iron) and come to the computer to type this comment. At the very least the BBC doesn’t think, care, when it puts what on.
So, like the bbc, only slower (if that is possible).
Wait til Jimbo gets £5,000,000,000pa to play with.
I was going to keep this until the start of a new thread. Regular posters know how much I love Countryfile. Last week we were all too full of the EU elections to make posting anything else worthwhile. But Countryfile had Tom Heap doing one of his regular unrealistic hard hitting (well he always thinks they are – and they are usually just plain wrong) items. A week later I cannot remember what it was about (I could go to iplayer but watching twice would make me lose the will to live) but there he was in an extremely large 4 x 4. Doesn’t he know about Climate Crisis and how we all have to give up driving these large vehicles. Or is he like Al Gore and Emma Thompson – where it only matters what they say and not what they do. Actually as someone who thinks that climate change is what climate does, I can relax in the car I drive, apart from the interference of the EU and UK government.
Young Greta is off to the USA, apparently.
But fear not, she is going by pedalo, and taking a year off on account of the time thing. Like all teens can and do in their pre-gap years.
At least she can wave to Emma, Ed Miliband, Katty and Jon as they cross cross above.
Come to think of it, its telling that the only environmentalists I know who are sceptics are scientists David Bellamy and Patrick Moore, the Canadian Patrick Moore who founded Greenpeace. Also, the only left-wing sceptics known to me are also scientists Piers Corbyn, brother of the Labour leader and Graham Stringer, Labour MP. Brexit MEP’s and Scientists are effectively barred from appearing on and advising the BBC and speaking on university property in Britain. Editors of science magazines have also been sacked for publishing letters from scientists in science magazines in Britain. In Britain the Tories are as loony as Al Gore and the Democrats, so scientists have only got internet publishing, the GWPF or going abroad.
Its known that like most scientifically ignorant scientific advisors employed by the BBC. Tom Heap is a jumped up sound mixer without any scientific qualifications, appointed as a BBC Science Correspondent because of his right on views about the environment.
Its why everyone who appears on the BBC talks like a moron. Mensa members then complain, but are then fobbed off by scientifically unqualified environmental activists professing to be the best scientific experts.
Richard – How right you are. How does Tom Heap become Science and Environment advisor given he has absolutely no qualifications as far as I can see – in science or anything else. Now I am not saying you need specific ones – but one would be nice..
I’m sure the BBC could lay claim to far more than simple Mr Heap when it comes to the unqualified becoming presenters – which can so rapidly evolve to advisor and thence to expert. Harrabin, Monbiot, Packham and Oddie come all too easily to mind, without even a tentative step towards female football punditry.
Another celeb who simply could not keep his depression a personal/family secret – so he came out live on BBC Spring watch a few years ago.
In Bill Oddie’s case for ‘depression’ read rude, self-centered, petty and irascible. Ask Kate Humble.
Kate Humble? You mean the one who fronted a blatant anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian propaganda piece.
Absolutely a thumbs up to that!
James Lovelock, Richard, is a bit of a sceptic but only about certain things, such as wind turbines. 🙂 Go James, go, I’m with you on that one.
On Thursday, I think that Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Marine Le Pen should invade and Free France from Merkel, Juncker, Tusk and that French puppet, Macron.
75 years ago, Eisenhower, Montgomery, Churchill and De Gaulle did invade and free France from Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and that French puppet, Petain.
The Russians could help again, please. And then put all the Remainers on trial in Nuremburg, including Blair, Heseltine and May.
As the BBC has been under the direct control of European Union Propaganda during the EU occupation of Britain. I recommend the appointment of Andrew Pierce from LBC to implement the desupranationalisation of the BBC. Pierce should set out to establish a broadcaster along the lines of the LBC, just like Hugh Carleton Greene did in Germany after the last time that the Germans tried to unite Europe.
Can I fly a Lancaster to help out?
just pondering what to put in the bomb bays, torn between pork scratchings, Mc Donald Happy meals and some job application forms with guaranteed interviews, should do for most of them…Oh and maybe some invitations to a Bar Mitzfa
Thank you for your scientific contributions to this website, which have increased my knowledge.
However, “and that French puppet, Petain.”
Sorry, no, Petain was a hero in WW1.
Battle of Verdun, you may have heard of it.
Along with the cheese eating surrender monkey nonsense.
Petain chose to oppose the USSR loving, French Communist Party.
He had a difficult choice, which he made.
A choice which I will compare with the unenviable decision made by Mogg to vote for May “WA3”.
Mogg is a patriot, Petain was a patriot.
There are many excellent contributors to BBBC, who can detect current BBC/Guardian propaganda at 2km.
Who all seem to still swallow the BBC WW2 propaganda, they learned in kindergarten.
Still offering this as evidence.
Shouldn’t be a problem, anti fa lefties and their muzzie mates only attack when they either outnumber or have weapons against unarmed opponents or 13 year old girls, plenty of evidence on youtube showing these principles, I suppose running away from fighting for your own country and getting a council house in England tends to do that, and of course hiding your face while attacking.
Liberators should only attack when the balaclava shops are closed and all the taxis are lurking around the playgrounds and schools, it will be a walkover
and I am sure you can develop a smart missile to home in on piercings and purple hair
Will BIG BROTHER allow the BBC to report on the fact that 10
Downing Street has refused Donald Trump to meet Nigel Farage ?
What is the legal authority for that? Any idea?
I nurse a private and perhaps unrealistic hope that Donald Trump will take an opportunity next week. Were he to stand on Omaha beach, what a delight if he took our continental ‘brothers in arms’ to task for the way in which they have belittled, defamed and derided the UK for the past three years and more? And cynically used the Irish – who opened their ports to German U-Boats – as a stick to shamefully beat us.
Bearing in mind the sand he could stand on was once soaked in American blood, and that British and Canadian blood soaked Gold, Juno and Sword beaches just along the coast, he might prick a conscience or several.
Top comment Beltane.
Thoughts of D-Day always remind me of the LBJ, Dean Rusk, de Gaulle contretemps.
“Ask him about the cemeteries, Dean!”
In 1966 upon being told that President Charles DeGaulle had taken France out of NATO and that all U.S. troops must be evacuated off of French soil President Lyndon Johnson mentioned to Secretary of State Dean Rusk that he should ask DeGaulle about the Americans buried in France. Dean implied in his answer that that DeGaulle should not really be asked that in the meeting at which point President Johnson then told Secretary of State Dean Rusk:
“Ask him about the cemeteries Dean!”
That made it into a Presidential Order so he had to ask President DeGaulle.
So at end of the meeting Dean did ask DeGaulle if his order to remove all U.S. troops from French soil also included the 60,000+ soldiers buried in France from World War I and World War II.
DeGaulle, embarrassed, got up and left and never answered.”
“A former government minister has lost a vote of no confidence in him by his local Conservative association.
Phillip Lee, MP for Bracknell, said the move had been “inspired” by the single issue of Brexit.
Bracknell Conservative Association called the vote after 53 members signed a petition.”
Oddly enough, I earlier referred to the Aaron Banks suggestion during 2018 that Brexiteers join the Conservative Association and work tactically to de-select their Conservative MP if that MP supports Remain/further referenda.
Seems another one is on the way to biting the dust alongside Dominic Grieve QC as a result of the ‘active’ members of the Conservative Association. Justice in some small measure. I’m patiently waiting my chance on the vote for the new leader……..I’m glad to play my modest part after all, ‘Rules are Rules’ aren’t they?
It must be so dangerous in France that they sail the channel to get away: (or is it the council house and benefits ?)
Hottest day of the year triggers ‘record number’ of migrant boats trying to cross English Channel as THIRTEEN vessels are intercepted this morning and blankets and bottles handed to those rescued
More than 30 migrants picked up near Winchelsea beach by Border Force
UK Coastguard confirmed it responded to 13 migrant boats earlier today
Charlie Elphicke MP said latest arrival was a ‘record’ for boats in a single day
How f@@@ing stupid are we to welcome these to our shores after the rest of Europe has rejected them ? penniless migrants who all happened to buy a boat and no doubt all have iphones for their selfies whenthey get here
and no doubt all under the age of 13
It doesn’t look like the Trump Baby crowdfunder is going to reach its target by June 3
On the other hand it wouldn’t surprise me if it did especially if the BBC can persuade kids to think about protesting
Absolutely disgusting that our national broadcaster is goading children in this way I feel another complaint coming on for criticising an elected official taking steps to protect their border, the primary responsibility of government
See below how the BBC would prefer
Coming to a town near you
Ready to reap the harvest of unaccompanied non muslim females, and / or schoolgirls intimidate Jewish shop owners, and attack homosexuals and protest outside schools who teach the English curriculum etc etc
BTW where does one purchase a selfie stick thing and an iphone in the middle of the English Channel, is there a paki shop on an oil rig or something ?
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to say if his friend will be kicked out of the party after he was suspended for saying Israel is behind Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis: there is no crisis they are sympathists for those who are racist Nazis who hate Jews, simple
City has historically been close-run battle between Labour and Conservatives
Mr Corbyn said the election campaign is about asserting core Labour values
As he left the rally, Mr Corbyn refused to answer questions about latest scandal
Call me cynical but, pandering and excusing muzzie racism for votes ? whilst exercising the same values as the real Nazis
He is a bit black so whatever he says is sacrosanct
JFK File: FBI Monitored Martin Luther King’s ‘Abnormal’ Sex Life of Orgies, Hookers and Joan Baez
Will Time Ever Be Up For Abusive Men In Hip-Hop?
Throughout this past year of holding men in entertainment to task, the music industry has largely continued to overlook abuse allegations within its most popular genre, exhibiting a troubling lack of accountability.
Misogyny in rap music refers to lyrics, videos or other aspects of rap music that support, glorify, justify, or normalize the objectification, exploitation, or victimization of women.[1][2] It can range from innuendoes to stereotypical characterizations and defamations.[2]
Scholars have proposed various explanations for the presence of misogyny in rap music. Some have argued that rap artists use misogynistic lyrics and portrayals of women as a way to assert their masculinity[2] or to demonstrate their authenticity as rappers.[3][4] Others have suggested that rap music is a product of its environment, reflecting mainstream attitudes toward women,[5][6][7] and that rap artists have internalized negative stereotypes about women.[2] Still other academics have stressed economic considerations, arguing that rappers use misogyny to achieve commercial success.[2]
In a study of the images of African American women in rap music videos, three stereotypes were revealed: Jezebel, Sapphire, and Mammy/”Baby Mama”. “Based on these three stereotypes, the videos present African American women as greedy, dishonest, sex objects, with no respect for themselves or others, including the children under their care. The women in the videos are scorned by men and exist to bring pleasure to them.”[12]
Common misogynistic themes include the use of derogatory names such as “bitch” and “ho”, sexual objectification of women, legitimization of violence against women, distrust of women, the belittling of sex workers and glorification of pimping.[11]
A new study has shown that changing how music is taught in schools could boost attendance for struggling students. … They studied artists like Stormzy instead of Mozart, got involved with the music industry and other local music-making projects, in partnership with their secondary schools.
Thus, a clear example of the degradation of our civilisation at the hands of barbarians with the full co operation of the BBC with a complete and utter twisted mentality that promotes the rights of women whilst allowing full reign for them to be raped and abused verbally and physically by black people, for their sick rantings to be given airtime, and for this to be educated to young black thugs
And instead of teaching Maths and English, let them play with Lego. That should boost attendance as well. The fact that it would be totally pointless doesn’t seem to matter.
“we’ve consistently heard how it doesn’t reflect their existing musical lives and passions”
I thought education was supposed to expand minds, not pander to narrow, existing tastes in music genres which require no additional promotion whatsoever. Trying selling this BS to SE Asian parents and see how far you get.
And Myleene Klass! Education: Royal Academy of Music and Guildhall School of Music and Drama (in fact she spent her Saturdays studying singing at the Junior Department of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and later took a musical theatre course at the Royal Academy of Music. Yehudi Menuhin she isn’t.
If I said what I really thought about this, and the people we are trying to appease, I would probably risk being arrested.
I’m a bit with Marie Antoinette on this, let them have lego as long as it is not sharp, their minds refuse to be expanded, a simple look at the hell holes they have come from shows this, a complete and utter disinterest in art or muic and a fascination with violence, guns and civil war
‘Robust language alert’.
Warranted. The tool is the new impartial ‘green’ editor.
Einstein was a genius, so was Mozart, and now some purple haired lazy, opinionated, unemployed, unqualified, unachieving and generally ignorant twat is a genius, welcome to the new world and how the BBC can spread fake news through mis using words like genius
I think it was Einstein who said of Mozart that he was music . I assume by that he meant that Mozart was a force of nature and beyond comprehension.
“Channel migrants: ‘Record number’ of boats cross Channel”
Another ‘major incident’ Mr Javid ?
Where is the Royal Navy ?- this is taking the P..S .
I see the police have zero problem with profiling stopping and searching
When it suits them
Yes, Kaiser I read this also and about the pathetic police so called intolerance to antisocial behaviour, when it suits them……unless it is a paki throwing milkshakes and later bricks and stones at an electoral candidtate or eggs outside a Birmingham school no arrests so far but immediate arrests and sentencing also for Hells Angels who threatened no one, funny that
Angels have their own code of conduct outside of the law due to war veterans being discarded, food for thought with out present attackers who are cowards who run rather than fight for their country and turn like rabid dogs upon our people and culture once they have their rights and their council house
I see Julia Hartley Brewer is in bother with some right thinkers because of a 3 year old tweet about Enoch. I suggest if anyone has copies of any literature connected with Enoch Powell they hide them away before the book burners come knocking. How the hell has this country degenerated so fast. Anyone who has listened to his infamous speech or any others of his cannot deny the truth in the content. Its unpalatable to the left chattering classes so they wish to wipe his words from history. The disappointment for me is JHB seems to be apologising. I thought she had a bit more backbone than to be bullied by people who would crumble in debate with s character like Enoch.
Rivers of blood, London stabbings every week and see below our wonderful immigrants in action
This is proabably the only forum available where the truth can be told and openly displayed unless the BBC says it is a completely false video below ? if not, them what Enoch Powell said has come to pass , which can be clearly and unequivacolly seen with no disagreement, andhas happened every year in Luton for the last 20 years, RIP Enoch you were right and they were wrong
This should be required viewing for any purple haired peirced anti racist twat
Phew, that looks rough. Good job our police are trained to combat the far right.
7pm BBC 2 Paul Rose in the Dales
He’s in a Dales village, suddenly there are shots of Asians, mostly Muslim, but a few Sikhs
Ah it was basically an advert for a National Park Authority initiative
From the 2012 Press release \\ A three-year partnership aimed at older people from Black and Asian Minority Ethnic communities in Keighley and Bradford
14 of them being trained as Community Champions to promote the Yorkshire Dales to others. //
The release names a man and woman; both have Muslim names.
The one on the prog was Shakila Hanif
One of the voices talking about the Asians,
said “it’s possible to live in Bradford and not know the Dales exist.”
Que ! It’s only 10 miles to Wharfedale
a dale which is on the edge of the national park.
I’m sure that people who live in the Dales will be extremely grateful for this free promotion.
Yeh right go walking in the countryside and see how many of them are there, too many have taxis lurking outside playgrounds or sending their wives off to intimidate Birmingham schools with their faces hidden to take the time to appreciate this country
Or though there is always the opportunity to find some cliffs to throw some homosexuals off
“…suddenly there are shots of Asians…”
And the whole segment lasted an incredible TWO MINUTES.
I nearly fainted.
Snowflake soyboy?
They’ve been banging on about getting “folk of colour” to visit the National parks for years. They won’t go, it’s not their “thing”, they don’t want to leave their urban ghettos, not even for a day – it’s alien to them.
I think that’s a good thing, because it leaves the ethnic inhabitants of the country to enjoy their leisure pursuits amongst their own.
When do you ever see groups of coloured people in the hideously white Antiques Road Show, which invariably sets up shop in country homes, and magnificent cathedrals – places where certain people wouldn’t be seen dead?
And how many “persons of colour” can one spot in an average production of “The Yorkshire Vet”?
They don’t like the countryside. Encourage them to stay away.
I’m both saddened and angered at the behaviour of Parliament with regards to Brexit.
I expected the BBC to fight against Brexit just as they have done since the Referendum.
I used to be a Conservative voter (apart from a daft spell in my teens and early twenties when I voted Labour).
Labour don’t represent their voters. The same applies to the Conservatives.
The Brexit Party is my hope.
The politics of the IRA is hard-Left. They are banned in Southern Ireland.
The politics of the BBC is… you’ve guessed it.
Channel4 trailer about Chlorinated chicken
which is of course more of anti-Tump advert
They just used the phrase “chemically treated chicken”
OMG Someone gave me “chemically treated” fish and chips
They impregnated them with NaCl and CH3COOH
… I lived
i guess I was lucky
..#Scaremongering using the #NatureFallacy
“#Scaremongering using the #NatureFallacy”
If it’s okay with you, I’d rather eat chicken that wasn’t so filthy it needed washing with Domestos to make it safe for human consumption. Comparing that to having salt and vinegar on your fish and chips just makes you sound like a bit of a twit.
Chlorine is widely used for sterilising purposes, and not just in the US and not just on chicken, but all over the world, on food, and on eating utensils, tools for preparing and serving food, and surfaces that come in contact with food, such as chopping boards – it’s ideal for the job actually, because it’s a highly effective bacteriacide which breaks down really fast.
If you eat food (and I’m pretty sure you do), then a lot of it will have had some contact with chlorine, if you eat food from a take away, or a restaurant then there will have been a lot of chlorine products used.
There are questions as to whether it’s necessary when it comes to raw chicken, which is what brought up the point that it was compulsory in the US in the first place. Some question whether it might affect flavour, although by the time you eat the chicken the chlorine is long gone, so the answer to that is no.
Arguably, if you wash your raw chicken under the tap (in chlorinated tapwater), which apparently a lot of people do, it may have more chlorine on it, but it’s still going to be gone by the time you’ve cooked it anyway.
To be honest the whole ‘chlorinated chicken’ is a storm in a teacup peddled by the ignorant and gobbled by the gullible.
Maxi eats chips soaked in acetic acid ? oh sounds dangerous if you are an ignorant uneducated moronand of course sends his kids to swim in chlorinated water at the local pool
@ Maxi:
RE “If it’s okay with you, I’d rather eat chicken that wasn’t so filthy it needed washing with Domestos to make it safe for human consumption”
whilst your proposal to only slaughter chickens that can prove they shower every morning and spray a bit of Lynx under their wings is admirable, I cannot help but think there may be a possible difficulty in implementation somewhere along the way ?
Maybe you could further scope this out and send your idea off to farmers who I am sure will be happy help you all they can with telling you which ones dont wash their wings after pissing etc
If you could please add a full appendix to your scoping oulining how you will ensure no dolphins are harmed in the implementation of your strategy and only big issue selling refugees and trannies with fishnet stockings, size ten feet and five o clock shadows will be employed in overseeing the proposal I can almost guarantee you will get some bollox EU grant that pisses the taxpayers money up the wall and keeps you in dolphin friendly nuclear free garlic muesli for the rest of your life
Annunaki you really should consider a move into politics. I can do some leafleting for you Thursday evenings or Sunday mornings
Thanks for the offer, but most of what I want to say would likely be considered unprintable…
Firstly, you have a choice – don’t eat chicken or read the label and buy it from somewhere else. However salmonella could be quite good for you…then again have you ever considered that many foods use these and other substances in preparation – tinned grapefruit is subject to HCl (hydrochloric acid) and then NaOH (sodium hydroxide or caustic soda) – and as Pug says above you also swim in water that is full of chlorine which some people pee in….so if you want to present an argument at least have a balanced one instead of the normal crowd funded think…
Surely a typo there: : clown funded methinks ?
Its the weekend and I’m in whinge mode again. This time my target is Sky news, they really pissed me off, so here’s wot I wrote…..
I don’t know who is responsible for the Sky News promo, but the one aired this evening is beyond the pale.
Advertising the forthcoming news coverage of the visit by the President of the United States, the graphic showed the balloon effigy of him from his visit last year.
Regardless of whether the man is liked or not, the fact is, he is still the President, and for Sky News to relegate itself to the level of the gutter press, one wonders as to the age group of those in authority at Sky – because its about time our news media channels acted like grown ups and not kids on work experience ! Its bad enough that we have long passed the age where journalists showed any respect for their ‘targets’, and now resort to shouting like fish wives their questions across the street at their prey, without having to put up with puerile and biased images more suited to CBBC.
Quite right Brissles.
Tony making the best of things. No wonder the MSM here are feeling it safer on home turf.
For nearly a century, chlorine has been used to disinfect drinking water. The use of chlorine in water started when John Snow used it to purify the cholera-causing water of the Broad Street Pump, in London. After seeing that chlorine curbed deaths from cholera, Great Britain started chlorinating its public drinking water. Then chlorination began in New Jersey, and after that it was soon used throughout the United States. Measuring the benefits and risks, it’s clear that the advantages of adding chlorine to drinking water outweigh the potential dangers. Remain supporters in London opposed to the import of chicken from America washed in chlorine could reverse the trend. Hopefully the London Assembly could murder most Remain voters in London by banning the use of chlorine by Thames Water. Hopefully, a mass Cholera epidemic could reduce the Remain vote for any future referendum. London already benefits politically from hormones in the water supply, which also reduces the remain vote by motivating the sexuality of Remain voters in the London area towards sex that cannot produce children. Ideas for encouraging other self destructive policies for Remainers include encouraging Remainers to commit mass suicide by throwing themselves off a cliff at Beach Head on the 31st October.
How many snowflake ‘Remainers’ have left this country for Europe after having that said they would ?
Answer? The number resembles a circle.
Dover Sentry:
Answer? The number resembles a circle.
And it also resembles the credibility of the BBC.
Richard Pinder,
Your comment would be somewhat funny if it were said in jest. What worries me about it is that it seems you are serious.
Nigel Farage is on LBC at 10am. So I will have to go to bed now.
JC i agree, if a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, a certain troll is DEFCON 1
BBC Online News:
“”Trump: Prepare for no deal and send in Farage””
Where did I put my jumbo-family-size boxes of pop-corn?? 😉 😉
The BBC might just cover this topic some more over the week. In a partisan way, of course.
Dover Sentry
That statement by President Trump will make the snowflakes boil .
Separated at birth…
Not Al Beeb yet , but typical Snowflake comments …….
“Racist , Divisive , Populist, I will scream and scream until I am sick.”
Well I am off to my safe space.
Record number of illegals cross channel and What Mr Javid said was “critical” has now become …………..\\deeply concerning and I’m receiving regular updates,”//
Does he get his updates from, Al Beeb ?
These Illegals are coming from a Safe Europe and are jumping the queue in front of genuine asylum seekers.
Where is the Royal Navy , where are the Royal Marines?
The government are not listening , they never have .
Vote for The Brexit Party.
As a (free) nation we need to start building ships again, then build more ships, and then build some more! And then use them to protect our borders.
Turn the illegals around and send them back from whence they came.
If only someone had the guts and the will. It remains to be seen whether TBP would do this. I doubt it.
R4 On ‘Sunday’ a ‘religious’ programme hammers President Trump. Bishop of Liverpool, Paul Bayes, complained about Trump ‘building walls’ and ‘generating hate’.
Let’s not mention the part that came before, on abuse of children, by ‘the church’.
Trump has a duty to protect his country against illegal inflows of people. IF THIS REQUIRES A WALL, THAT IS A POLITICAL MEASURE. Bayes was being dishonest, using this as a spiritual analogy.
As for ‘generating hate’? Maybe he’s generated the bbc to hatred of him.
‘Populism’ was also mentioned. I think that tells us how to evaluate the bishop.
What about this WALL ?
The Church needs to see to its falling congregation and ask why?
Like our present government, they are losing the plot.
The Left’s favourite hate figure is about to visit, so we’re in for a merry time.
The bbc has been trying hard to whip up anti-Trump feeling for the past three years. It will have to bear/share the blame for its partisanship if anything goes wrong. In fact, some might say it’s been whipping up hatred?
The virtue-signalling MSM, as a whole, have a lot to answer for, as do the fake Tories, who are in government, if the visit is not a success.
Above, I mentioned Bishop Bayes. Add this political priest to the list. God will judge Donald Trump. The good bishop does not need to; he – I feel- needs urgently to look at his own salvation. On the issue of the visit, the so-called ‘church’ should keep a very low profile, spend their time in humility, examining themselves; STAY OUT OF POLITICS, is my advice.
(To the tune of ‘Dads Army’)
Who do you think you are kidding Mr Javid
If you think we’ll believe your lies
France lets them in and allows them over here
They’ll keep on coming, cos of us they have no fear
Cause who do you think you are kidding Mr Javid
You don’t want to halt the swarm.
Mr Ali will get health care free and claim his benefits
He’ll live in his free housing and pray down at his mosque
Cause who do you think you are kidding Mr Javid
You don’t want to halt the swarm.
Cassandra- I’ll start believing him if and when we receive CONCRETE EVIDENCE that all the invaders are being sent back to (safe country) France.
Pity Lance Corporal Jones is no longer about. I believe they ‘don’t like it up them’.
BUT THEN CHURCHILL RAN THE SHOW. We have May. Need one say more?
Excellent but the Muslim fifth column ought to be in the picture just behind the Union flag with a knife ready to stab us in the back. That would reflect the true situation of our country today.
“Trump: Prepare for no deal and send in Farage.”
Yep, I would go with that , but Heseltine wouldn’t
Farage knows the EU inside and out.
“Phillip Lee, Bracknell Tory MP, loses no confidence vote”
Has the Tory Party got the message yet ?
I think their membership has.
The Tory mps are trying yet another anti Brexit manoeuvre. This time they are going to put forward a Remainer and Gove as a Leaver for the Tory members to vote on. Gove is an establishment plant who stopped Boris last time round to prevent Brexit and this time will also stop Brexit if elected as PM. The calculation is that the Tory members can be fooled into choosing Gove , who is a Remainer in a Leavers clothes , who then negotiate a May deal with a few sweeteners. They still hasn’t learnt their lesson , we want out and Brexit means Brexit. All votes to TBP.
The BBC just achieved panellist nirvana.
And, it has gotten even better.
Poor Greta looks like she’s drowning in her own nonsense.
Of dear, how sad, never mind.
I confess that vandalism is something of which I have always disapproved. I’m prepared to make some exceptions, however.
Blimey, I didn’t think poor old Rory had much of a chance before this.
Having the arch Remainer supporting you has to be the kiss of death.
Adios Rory…
So someone at the BBC admires me:
I already knew that.
Demographic breakdown of Trump protesters tomorrow.
(If you are wondering what acronym “FBPE” stands for, there is a network on Twitter with the hashtag “# Follow Back Pro EU”.)
Decisions, decisions. There are so many zone options looking at those offered in the original. Nothing for men, as is right, but also the usually reliable alt-option pink is confusingly for migrants which, as a Huguenot, I guess I still qualify. The climate one is of course appropriate as it is atop Nelson’s Column, but I am not good with heights. The women and family are out not for obvious reasons as here they are still working and revising rather than striking. Unlike the students, apparently. Europe seems a bit small. Corp Greed has not clarified if pro or con so best avoided. Labour is out until Shami gives them the next all clear. Racism is a possible but Jon Snow might be there and two white guys together would push irony too far. Nothing for musicians, though Sir Elton is surely flying in with Emma to add luvvie heft. That leaves Anti-war and Peace, so I think I will share with all simply taking a quiet moment elsewhere to share with those acknowledging the sacrifice of those who made our current lives possible, rather than indulging in juvenile SJW hissy fits.
That graphic has made everyone’s Sunday.
They missed a trick here. There must be a pub nearby.
Trump demo: They forgot Berk-ow, who’s in a class of his own.
BBC Online News:
“”London teens sent to Africa to escape knife crime””
Windrush in reverse perhaps ?
Funny how the media and his wife took great offense at the comments of John Cleese last week, yet said bugger all about the ‘white flight’ that’s been going on for decades out of the capital.
”London teens sent to Africa to escape knife crime”
I thought it was for a refresher course.
I thought ‘swarm’ was now a no-no? Beyond being descriptively different. Has Justin Rowlatt flown in yet?
Huge indeed. She looks thrilled.
How on Earth is Greta going to get there? Maybe Roger can offer a lift as he is going there anyway?
Or there is always JonDon’s canoe.
She looks as though she could do with a large cheese burger and fries from McDonalds. That’ll never be considered of course for our celebrity political vegan.
Time to abandon New Zealand, I think.
Perhaps we should consider NZ as an EU member in our place?
“Channel migrants: ‘Record number’ of boats and 74 people intercepted” Just.
“Last month, 140 migrants were picked up – the highest number since December, when a “major incident” was declared by Mr Javid.” I have to assume that the “major incident” in question was the shortage of council houses.
“It is an established principle that those in need of protection should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach and since January more than 30 people who arrived illegally in the UK in small boats have been returned to Europe.”
The, “established principle”? Surely that’s the UN Migration Compact which our own Treason May signed up to?
Withdraw from the UN Migration Compact and certainly withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights which has been the handmaiden to the Globalists World Dominatin Plan for decades.