The only thing I miss being licence-free are BBC4 documentaries which always seemed a cut above the rest of their programming. Friday night I happened to catch five minutes of “People’s History of Pop”. Ardent fans of The Smiths were on… first up was a black woman talking about how she’d gained in self-confidence through discovering their music. Then two more fans who got to meet their idols backstage, both Asian. Now the presenter (a BAME woman).
If you remember The Smiths c.1985 an ethnic minority fanbase does not exactly spring to mind (as evidenced by the audience shots they showed from the era).
So the latest lame duck MP Sam Gyimah has entered the Tory leadership race . Why do folk like him even bother ???
He tho, wants to remain and backs a second referendum !!! And guess how he wants to fix the vote for Remain !! You guessed it , here’s his plan
A – Remain
B – May ‘s deal
C – leave no deal.
Dilute the leavers vote and offer the Remainiacs one option. Will these people ever fu##ing learn !!!!!!!!!!! Scum. The lot of em. Who the hell do they think they are !!!
I’m not overly worried about a Second Referendum…by the time they’ve ‘debated’ just exactly what the question should be, I’ll be long gone.
I believe we need a GE as soon as possible…if enough people really care about what’s going on, they’ll vote for TBP in their droves. If not, we’ll have total Labour chaos for many decades and Brexit won’t seem so important… 🙁
Imagine the outrage and protests from the far liberal left if this was aimed at the Labour party . Abbott, lammy, jones, soubry, Jess Phillips etc, would not be off our screens preaching for days until the decision was reversed. But as it’s a lefty thing, they will be fine with the death threats !!!!Double standards of the far left are staggering !!
Suspecting a publicity stunt or a collection of middle class arty types with their heads up their behinds, I followed your link, unsurprisingly never heard of said bands. More surprisingly though was an interview with one of said bands, excerpt below.
“Some people have said the People’s Vote march was a bit too muesli.
Lias Saoudi: I’ve never seen a more middle-class campaign. I mean, maybe they should have staged a million-strong march against austerity when it happened. Your house price is going to go down slightly and your business trips to the continent are going to be slightly more complicated – it’s irrelevant to people who live in Rotherham. There’s two different worlds in this country. Even the music kids in Sheffield were voting Leave – you’d think people involved in alternative music would be the other way inclined. And we’d have people coming up from London to work on the Fat Whites record and they’d mingle with the Sheffield crew, and they’d be like, “They’re alright, but they all voted Leave,” as if it was this abhorrent thing. They couldn’t bend their heads around it.
Nathan Saoudi: That pissed me off. There are people in Sheffield who are more socialist in nature than anyone I’ve ever experienced in the music game – helping, a community – and people up from London were like, “You can’t hang out with them, they voted Leave.” I just told them, “You never gave me a f chance to express myself and these guys are buzzing for the opportunity.” They voted Leave and they’re socialists, while the people down here (in London) voted Remain and they are absolute capitalists. After that, I don’t know – but that’s what I’ve seen and experienced.”
The panel comprised Richard Tice, Chairman of The Brexit Party, a woman journalist/editor from anti-Trump CNN and a female member of Momentum.
Tice was very calm and measured. The other two were shouty. The momentum bint said that every economist in the world realised that a Hard Brexit would be a disaster. Marr didn’t comment.
As an aside, the CNN bint seemed to fancy Tice.
Tice may be a better front man for the party than Farage. Farage should perhaps get a Victoria Cross for his achievements and step aside?
LBC now : Maajid will bang on about Trump
but then
2) Glastonbury hosts punk bands to sing “Kill a Tory”. Meanwhile,police prosecute Drill rappers for less. Hypocrisy much?
3) What do you think of Tebbit’s Cricket test?
\\The festival renowned for promoting peace will host two groups, Fat White Family and Kildren, who have called for violence against Conservatives //
\\ Killdren, a punk rock band whose signature tune is Kill Tory Scum
and whose Facebook page has called for the deaths of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s children.
The band has enacted “live killings” of Tories on stage. Its signature song is Kill Tory Scum, the video of which depicts May being assassinated and Tory voters being killed with bombs and chainsaws.//
FFS that is such a difference from a clumsy tweet about gays or Islam, that get the police interested
\\ The band said yesterday that the comments about Rees-Mogg’s children had been posted to Facebook by someone else and had been deleted. It said that its work was “cartoonish and over the top”, “consciously crude” and “a counterpoint to the circus of UK politics”.
Of Kill Tory Scum, it said:
“The piece would not exist if the destructive and violent policies of the Tory party hadn’t taken such a devastating toll on the UK.”//
\\ Fat White Family In a magazine interview said of Boris Johnson: “I would string him up and his cronies, these people need to be removed from existence. Especially IDS [Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory party leader] dying is too good for that c*** . . . can you print that?”//
\\ Glastonbury website lists Fat White Family,
praises their “admirable modern disregard for everything. Don’t miss!” //
The charming left strikes again: Glastonbury bands’ message of love this summer: Kill a Tory | News | The Sunday Times
Killdren's lyrics include: "Even if it's your dad or your mum, kill Tory scum, kill Tory scum…murder them all to the beat of a drum, kill Tory scum, kill Tory scum."
There’s not a lot of point in these rockapes trying to do something; the British Nation has already voted, which is something their little fan club members aren’t actually old enough to do yet..
Just noticed one of the pillocks has a guitar which must have been his dad’s! They were the silly ‘new’ shapes from the ‘sixties, and we all thought they were crap then!
The times can write all the clickbait articles they want based on our antiquated Facebook posts
and utterly decontextualised comments,
it doesn’t change the fact that the political party their Murdoch sponsored rag
has consistently backed for God knows how long
are actually a bunch of murdering bastards.
(They added a link to the Guardian article ‘136K austerity deaths’)
.. pure #WhatAboutery
‘look over there, the Guardian says 136K deaths’
.. #MakeUpANumber
oh an writing PEACE and LOVE at the end of a post like a Get Out Of Jail Free card
£20K reached, 3:02 PM – 1 Jun 2019
£25K reached, 8:58 AM – 2 Jun 2019
£30K reached, 12:03 PM – 2 Jun 2019
currently £30,572 from just 1,214 people
So no huge conspiracy
” £30k for groups working on Islamophobia, climate change, migrants rights, misogyny and reproductive rights…”
On the local news yesterday the Labour road show were in Leeds. Corbyn, Abbott and various hangers on. We were shown Abbott in the inner city talking to the locals about the usual “racism”, telling them how abused they all are and how Labour will look after them.
What she didn’t do was visit the local Jewish community and do the same. So there we have it evidence Labour is anti-semitic. Bring on the yellow stars when they sieze power.
BBC Radio 4 – The Food Programme ‘celebrates’ Ramadan and food.
Muslims love Ramadan and eid but don’t really want Christians to celebrate their holy days, like Christmas for example (someone like Maxi might say “Not all Muslims”).
Well the day I hear strong Muslim protests against the killing of Christians and the desecration of churches, just like the Muslim protesters are doing outside the school in Birmingham protesting against the teaching of gay relationships, then I’ll agree:
Lots of white shills are being interviewed by the muslim food writer, claiming to want to know more about Ramadan and Islam, while loud chirpy vibrant music is being loudly played in the background.
Accepting it was the BBC’s favourite religion, the Food Programme could have been quite interesting but quite honestly, forget bias, it was dreadful. The first five minutes involved Miss Kahn saying the word ‘Muslim’ as loud as she could as every other word she was speaking.
Miss Kahn spent the rest of the programme bounding up to people and asking them, ‘are you excited?’. One gentleman appeared to have come from the Caribbean but also politely replied he was interested and that was why he was there.
I did hear there was a curry and they were feeding 6000 people and that the different communities had come together to prepare the food.
But it was a food programme. We could have been told what dishes were being prepared, the logistics of preparing food for 6000, who does the washing up. As it was the BBC paid Miss Kahn to be excited and really do no research or preparation for her jolly day out.
One of the reasons the A40 was blocked yesterday, was that Winalot lorries were destined for quite a few curry houses, and that the sell-by hour was drawing near!
A spokesman for the Offal Community said that they would be delighted to send in the supplies by drone if necessary, and a councillor in Islington went online to offer a landing pad on her garage roof!
“”No Deal? No fear! Public opinion swings behind hard Brexit as voters flock to back Tory frontrunner Boris Johnson because of his uncompromising stance on leaving EU””
I switched over to sky news for a change from the far left bbc bias.
They were criticising Trump for answering questions put to him about Brexit and then they were bigging up sad khan for being against Trump.
Next, Sam Gyimah, the Remain Tory was speaking about his Remain plans if elected pm.
Then, Nicky Morgan, the remainer, was talking about her support for Gove who wants to put Brexit back to 2020.
This, followed by remainer, daft kenny Clarke, who is supporting Uriah Heep, sorry, remainer Rory Stewart, who would not serve in a cabinet if Boris was pm.
After all these remainers we then went to see the arrival of the Liverpool players (no scousers in the team)
I then switched off.
Any recommendations of any news tv channel I can watch that isn’t far left. There must be a huge market awaiting for a tv channel that is impartial as opposed to every channel being far left.
I think the problem is that to broadcast in this country you need a license from the government. Unless you toe the liberal left Globalist line on just about every issue they will take your license away. The Globalists know that control of what people see and hear is key to their project and so they ruthlessly eliminate any form of news that provides people with an alternative point of view. This is why they are so keen to censor the internet and to clamp down on free speech.
The figures have increased since 40k a year a year in 2016 to 80k in 2018. This could be for various reasons not connected to Brexit. Statistically, it’s a non-event. We have a population of almost 70 million.
But, for the BBC it is an event. Anything to bash Brexit.
Now, if we could be rid of Graham Norton 😉 He did promise to leave the county if Leave won the Referendum.
I am of the belief that citizens of the Irish Republic should not be allowed to vote in our elections just like citizens of any other non-Commonwealth country.
This is perhaps a window into BBC ideology and its pretty grim
“Jonathan Sumption argues that the law is taking over the space once occupied by politics. Lord Sumption is a former justice of the UK’s Supreme Court.”
Episode 2 talks about the Brexit referendum specifically and that it was only a snapshot of public opinion at that time. Climate change gets a mention too!
Generally, Sumption argues that the proper moral hierarchy is in the order-
1. Courts
2. Parliament
3. Party in Power
4. Referendums
” Regardless of the facts of this particular case, the idea that a judge should determine what a politician can or cannot say when electioneering is truly frightening, and I am astonished anybody could support such an idea.”
I think the EU has the unelected Globalist EU Commissioners at the top of the pyramid.The judges take their orders from the commissioners and enforce their policies across the member states. The ‘politicians’ have one function only and that is to keep the electorates in their respective states quiet whilst the commission gets on with creating a Federal Europe governed by an undemocratic, unaccountable, unchallengeable technocracy.
The oldest(?) or second or third oldest Parliament in the world here in the UK (if you exclude the Biblical model of Israel en route from Egypt to Canaan) has done it rather differently, in my view, from Jonathan Sumption’s prescription for several hundred years. Over those hundreds of years it has been gradually refined to the point of Universal Suffrage and diminution of hereditary Peers.
1. Monarch → Parliament ← People
2. People → Laws ← Courts
3. People → Police ← Enforcement
Notice where the Monarch meets the People and also that the People play their part (and have done now for well over a hundred years) in all three important stages.
It has taken a long time to reach that refined position. It is not perfect (because people are involved in all areas of it) but it works better than when the corruption of might or money or both was a big influence.
\\Graduate gets £60k payout from university over ‘false advertising’//
This is going to be expensive. How many more “Mickey Mouse degrees” are there in this country ?
Oh dear Mr Bliar, getting every school leaver into ‘Yoony’ was not a good idea.
It became all about ‘bums on seats’ .
Jon Sopel continues to report fake news, this time about Trump calling Meghan nasty.
The direct quote from the interview with @TheSun and their highly respected political editor @tnewtondunn is: “What can I say? I didn’t know that she was nasty.”
The trouble Sopel has, is that every time he opens his little gob, he creates a hundred or so votes for Nigel Farage, and the good people aligned to the Brexit Party!
The poor little chap really is a busted flush, and probably the best sort of anti-autocue-reader we have in The USA, as nobody (except rabid lefties maybe, if they’re sober or off the coke), believes a word he mumbles, with that irritating shake of his, which increases the votes to well over a hundred or so!
Goferit Sopel, you know you can make ‘a difference’!
Wait until Meghan buggers off leaving Harry with the kids, and sells her book about the royals giving away the family secrets. Then they will say she is nasty.
I really cannot understand why such an unimportant individual becomes so interesting, given that all she’s done is get hitched to a minor ‘heir and spare’.
We have enough royal parasites in the UK, and while I am totally in full admiration for Queen Elizabeth, with everything she’s done for Great Britain for so long, the squealing gutter press just piddle about with Harry/Megane, ‘non-stories’, and expect normal citizens to be interested!
I’m just a bit older than Charles, although I’m not sure about Camilla Park-and-Ride, so I hope Queen Elizabeth just keeps on going, and denies the descendants something they’d be bloody useless at doing.
We all know here that MSM and the BeeB love a one sided debate..apparently it is okay to misrepresent what people say unless they are saying what you want…so POTUS responds to questions about Brexit and on Andrew mardy Marr – it is painted as a big breach of protocol..funny they seem to forget about Obama doing the same except he was on Remain side..
And that CNN woman – what an obnoxius person…I think Richard Tice handled it all very well and didn’t drop to the level of her or the clearly demented Momentum representative..who thinks POTUS is a Fascist – do they even now what a Fascist is? She steered clear of the Jewish debate in the Labour party..
JA, quite correct and not just Obama. The BBC have reported other foreign interferences, such as European Judges. Is it not for the politicians in the EU’s negotiating team to opine, not the ECJ?
I have a feeling I have posted on the BBC’s amnesia on this specific point about three or four times and cannot what the other ‘interferences’ were. Think one might have been ‘a Sleb’ from overseas but the BBC tends to treat them with awe & deference these days.
Grete’s eyes were frightening to look at. This girl’s not as bad but she does look as if she’s a little brainwashed.
I often look at the eyes of people, it often gives clues to their thought processes. It can be misleading but not generally. The comment that the eyes are the window to the soul is very apt.
The one from last week, or maybe another one who sometimes gets called daddy, or possibly uncle, depending what region the bbbc is getting this crap from!
I bet Jimmy Savile would have been on the case as soon as you can say ‘BBBC whitewash’!
Such a shame these kids are being driven to believe this drivel. ‘Nature is dying’? Really? She should come to where I live. Driving around rural Bedfordshire this fine June day, I thought it’s never looked so green and healthy. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the branches are straining under the weight of blossom and leaves, and all thanks to the life-giving CO2 we’re putting back into the atmosphere.
I hope the poor love doesn’t lose sleep over all this propaganda. The eco-loonies filling their heads with this sh*t should hang their heads in shame.
RobRoy, I can see the future when the climate activists take over and start meddling with nature and cause various catastrophes to species and such. They will then say, see we told you it was too late and we should have acted sooner and denying that their policies were the cause of the problem, rather than the remedy to non-existant problems.
A bit like Chris Packham who believes that pest and invasive bird species should not be contained, and as a result the numbers of songbirds and other migrant species are rapidly declining. I think magpies are great to look at but their numbers are excessive and one of their favourite foods are small birds’ eggs. And yet all he will blame are house cats whose effect on bird numbers is probably very small. We need to cull magpies and others to manageable levels and hope that other species can once again thrive before they go extinct in this country.
Sadly, I think you’re right there, Demon. My only hope is that when the climate stops playing ball and the world starts to cool (as a number of scientists are now predicting) I hope these kids will see these loons for the exploiting, callous liars they really are. But I won’t hold my breath.
She’ll get hold of mummy’s smartphone, and dial rent-a-gob, with a recorded message by a green party member, who will eventually send a friend round to console her.
They’ll then consume a vegan curry, (Winalot-free), and watch extended versions of Strictly-Islam-Bake-dance-off, and discuss the virtues of nothing at all, which is what the whole shebang is all about…
Meanwhile, most working men and women prepare to get up at 5:30am, to go to work in a proper job, to earn some cash, and pay tax to provide funds for these layabouts.
Because of the level of fuckwittery by a tiny minority on here I have decided to take a break from Twitter. I am genuinely sorry it has come to this. Back in an hour.
I notice the gay bloc is at opposite ends to the religion of homophobia bloc.
Which is a pity, as things might have got ‘interesting’ if they’d been nearby.
However the Jewish bloc is quite close to the religion of antisemitism, so there’s still hope for some action.
A mass brawl would be hilarious, but sadly they’ll probably all be united by their shared hatred of the common enemy Trump
BBC reports on a vewy vewy edgy band who will thrill the crowds at Glastonbury with their advice to kill Tory scum. One has the impression that the BBC actually endorse this very naughty band.
I do hope they perform at Glastonbury – the audience deserve it. ‘Kill Tory scum scum scum, stick it up yer bum bum bum’. Very naughty.
“European Election 2019: UK results in maps and charts”
A recap. The Brexit Party won hands down.
Al Beeb, the MSM, and Remainers are in denial.
Three years of kicking the can down the road they will try to kick it further.
Vote and support The Brexit Party and tell your mates.
Be proud to be British.
The BBC News announcement at 0600hr that “Trump has made another intervention into British Politics” sounded like the first time the BBC reported that Germany invaded Poland.
The utterly useless mayor Khant declares ‘Donald Trump is like a 20th-century fascist.’
Translation: how dare he stand up to the worldwide muslim jihad and migrant invasion of the West, instead of kowtowing to us like every other head of state!
I get thoroughly hacked off listening to Khan and his Islamic mates dictating terms of who is welcome or not to this Christian country of mine. I’m also sick to the back teeth watching and listening to those whingers who claim they get a raw deal from this country, whose parents arrived here with a fiver in their pocket and who have worked hard to make a new life ! How many of these whingers had relatives who fought for this country during the war ? How many of their relatives were bombed out, but instead of pissing off as refugees hoping another country to take them in, had to stay and rebuild their lives from the rubble they stood in.
President Trump wipes the floor, every day, with silly little chaps like the mair of London!
Of course, Mr Trump fully understands that there will be the usual rabble at every corner, and he’s a much better man at doing a real job than that ‘bus of a son-driver’ will ever aspire to!
As I’ll never ever go to London again, and keep my money in my county, which deserves it more than he does, the stupid mair has to realise that he is the epitome of ridicule amongst normal non-lefties, and that he just kills the golden goose which was once a capital city.
“MEP Ann Widdecombe sparks fury with gay science comments”
I wonder if the usual right on lynch mob critical of Ann Widdecombe even heard or read what she said? Several hundred years ago this lot would have been leading the mob shrieking “burn the witch”.
To be fair, whether there is anything in what she says it is irrelevant at this time. The time for discussing this sort of thing is much later. All that matters at the moment is Brexit, so she shouldn’t be saying anything that can be used as a smokescreen by the left-wing press/broadcasters to ignore Brexit.
I believe she was merely responding to a question. A question designed specifically, of course, to elicit an answer that would spark synthetic fury and she’s been around long enough that she should know better. Not that I can see anything that a reasonable person would object to in her answer, but today’s loathsome media cares nothing for that.
Sometimes it seems there’s just so much swamp to clear.
Old speaker, typical bbbc hit job against a politician who most on here probably like. Ann Widdecombe if she had been doing brexit negotiations instead of useless spineless traitorous Theresa may then it would have been done now and brexit been delivered.
But instead of saying anything good about her the BBC promotes a negative story about her and uses its other censorship technique of underreporting the genuine LGBQRSTZ haters at the school’s in Birmingham.
Yeah the religion of peace people can say what they want about the gays and is underreported on bbbc but when it’s patriotic Ann W who actually didn’t say much at all controversial, she gets front page news as a shock sorry. God, the BBC are so biased With their reporting, it should get made subscription instead of us paying for the licence
My term as UKIP Leader ends today. A big thank you to all who have supported my leadership & UKIP over the last 15 months, morally, materially & financially., The NEC will now begin a leadership election process, which will see the next leader elected within the next 90 days.
Piers Morgan bang on the money AGAIN !!!. Mayor Khan so out of touch it’s frightening. He just loves dishing out his far left wishy washy non hurty words, the bloke needs to find a backbone and quick !!!!
Actually, history will teach us that the main danger facing London during your tenure as Mayor wasn’t Donald Trump but your own abject failure to control the city’s horrendous knife crime epidemic.
Read the slog and the silverdoctors blogs and we get an impression that something biblical is about to happen in the USA and Europe.
We are truly living in biblical times. Not because of the above blogs but because those bloggers recognise the signs.
May God have mercy on the souls of those who work for the satanists, whether or not they know what they are doing.
j-i-c, coincidence(?) that you should post that. I’ve just been listening to an interesting former Marxist, former teacher, Tony Pearce who was speaking on 26 May 2019 in the morning at Bridge Lane Chapel.
It’s a bit long but well worth a listen to this monthly series. The end of June one should be especially interesting covering the EU Election results & the visit of President Trump. Food for thought, as they say. Am looking forward to that.
Countryfile, full of tick boxes as usual
“Social enterprise”, “refugees and asylum seekers”
(they are wearing their funded by National Lottery logos)
– Then Alpaca farming
– rich landowners getting subsidies monopolies
“£100m is going to wealth familes”
..He actually means they don’t pay death duties on farm land
(anyways You could put land into a corporation and give shares to your children, then when you die there wouldn’t be any taxes paid either)
– pig farming (free range organic ..cos that fits their city view of the countrside) ..We saw the presenter running the sausage machine .. just like 24 hours earlier BBC2 presenter Paul Rose had been running a sausage machine
– Bit later they do farmer mental health
sloppy Countryfile getting stick on Twitter from dozens of accountants
@BBCCountryfile your man from Tax Justice UK doesn’t understand IHT. There is this thing called residence nil rate band which means on a £500k house as of next tax year an individual can pass their £500k house onto their kids….with no IHT…just plain wrong info given out ????
I think there should be a new programme called ‘Seasidefile’ – then we can have the BBC in full sympathy mode, helping all the dross from the Channel lugging their dinghies up the beach and getting them wrapped up in tinfoil, whilst handing them a copy of How to Claim Benefits with their mint tea.
Don’t encourage them .
They will be running channel ferries to import the lot of them from France, especially with this Tory government.
Vote for The Brexit Party and be proud to be British.
What to make of Jacob Hawley’s ‘Welcome To Britain’ on Radio 4?
Supposedly about Brexit, (go on, guess what side he supported!), he rambled on about the working class, and women’s sanitary products, (cost £18,000 in a lifetime – I’ve done my right-on research!) and the joys of taking ketamine, which apparently all the ‘yoof’ take now, (should it be tax-free?).
Well he kind of lost it on Brexit, obviously the ‘working class’ didn’t know what they were voting for, and if he actualy worked for a living he might realise that the ‘working class’ outside London are starting to figure out that Labour actually hates them.
Best of all though he rants on about tampon tax, otherwise known as VAT, that tax introduced by the EU, that sets the rules that doesn’t let us ‘zero-rate’ that which has been taxed before. His £18,000 per life-time was a crazy figure that not even the BBC believes now, (more like £1,800).
We also had some drivel about ‘collectivism’. He likes Gary Lineker because Gary likes refugees. ‘Collectively’ we must do something as Jacob and Gary can’t do anything as individuals. Gary’s big house away from ‘the diversity’ is clearly not suitable to house a few migrants.
Germany is a great country because a young German woman didn’t bat an eye as German police directed migrants onto trains, (well she wouldn’t as its part of their history isn’t it [ouch!]), also ketamine is cheap.
There are many critical replies from the ‘Right’, and also from the ‘Left’ with their ‘libertarian socialism’ (Rebranded Marxism). I suspect that the latter would sacrifice the BBC anyway simply on the basis of what it used to represent.
The ‘Right’ are more interested in truth whilst the ‘Left’ have an insatiable demand for facts. The two things are not the same because there are always alternative facts. Facts are like statistics and usually employed to tell lies.
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Sunday just got a whole lot funnier.
There are many signs of a culture that has lost its way, and the BBC seems to be at the vanguard of most of them
…and a part with the Spice Girls, Gary Lineker, for me and my mum, in the latest Walkers Crisps advert.
The only thing I miss being licence-free are BBC4 documentaries which always seemed a cut above the rest of their programming. Friday night I happened to catch five minutes of “People’s History of Pop”. Ardent fans of The Smiths were on… first up was a black woman talking about how she’d gained in self-confidence through discovering their music. Then two more fans who got to meet their idols backstage, both Asian. Now the presenter (a BAME woman).
If you remember The Smiths c.1985 an ethnic minority fanbase does not exactly spring to mind (as evidenced by the audience shots they showed from the era).
Revisionism for the win, comrades.
Didn’t most people want to go outside and be sick when a Smiths song was on the box?
So the latest lame duck MP Sam Gyimah has entered the Tory leadership race . Why do folk like him even bother ???
He tho, wants to remain and backs a second referendum !!! And guess how he wants to fix the vote for Remain !! You guessed it , here’s his plan
A – Remain
B – May ‘s deal
C – leave no deal.
Dilute the leavers vote and offer the Remainiacs one option. Will these people ever fu##ing learn !!!!!!!!!!! Scum. The lot of em. Who the hell do they think they are !!!
I’m not overly worried about a Second Referendum…by the time they’ve ‘debated’ just exactly what the question should be, I’ll be long gone.
I believe we need a GE as soon as possible…if enough people really care about what’s going on, they’ll vote for TBP in their droves. If not, we’ll have total Labour chaos for many decades and Brexit won’t seem so important… 🙁
“by the time they’ve ‘debated’ just exactly what the question should be, I’ll be long gone.”
Come back, we have so much to enjoy yet!
Imagine the outrage and protests from the far liberal left if this was aimed at the Labour party . Abbott, lammy, jones, soubry, Jess Phillips etc, would not be off our screens preaching for days until the decision was reversed. But as it’s a lefty thing, they will be fine with the death threats !!!!Double standards of the far left are staggering !!
Suspecting a publicity stunt or a collection of middle class arty types with their heads up their behinds, I followed your link, unsurprisingly never heard of said bands. More surprisingly though was an interview with one of said bands, excerpt below.
“Some people have said the People’s Vote march was a bit too muesli.
Lias Saoudi: I’ve never seen a more middle-class campaign. I mean, maybe they should have staged a million-strong march against austerity when it happened. Your house price is going to go down slightly and your business trips to the continent are going to be slightly more complicated – it’s irrelevant to people who live in Rotherham. There’s two different worlds in this country. Even the music kids in Sheffield were voting Leave – you’d think people involved in alternative music would be the other way inclined. And we’d have people coming up from London to work on the Fat Whites record and they’d mingle with the Sheffield crew, and they’d be like, “They’re alright, but they all voted Leave,” as if it was this abhorrent thing. They couldn’t bend their heads around it.
Nathan Saoudi: That pissed me off. There are people in Sheffield who are more socialist in nature than anyone I’ve ever experienced in the music game – helping, a community – and people up from London were like, “You can’t hang out with them, they voted Leave.” I just told them, “You never gave me a f chance to express myself and these guys are buzzing for the opportunity.” They voted Leave and they’re socialists, while the people down here (in London) voted Remain and they are absolute capitalists. After that, I don’t know – but that’s what I’ve seen and experienced.”
Anyhow, look forward to Jon Snow singing along, who by the way is totally impartial and not a red insurgent. How do I know this? The guardian said so.
Andrew Marr programme this morning on BBC1.
The panel comprised Richard Tice, Chairman of The Brexit Party, a woman journalist/editor from anti-Trump CNN and a female member of Momentum.
Tice was very calm and measured. The other two were shouty. The momentum bint said that every economist in the world realised that a Hard Brexit would be a disaster. Marr didn’t comment.
As an aside, the CNN bint seemed to fancy Tice.
Tice may be a better front man for the party than Farage. Farage should perhaps get a Victoria Cross for his achievements and step aside?
LBC now : Maajid will bang on about Trump
but then
2) Glastonbury hosts punk bands to sing “Kill a Tory”. Meanwhile,police prosecute Drill rappers for less. Hypocrisy much?
3) What do you think of Tebbit’s Cricket test?
\\The festival renowned for promoting peace will host two groups, Fat White Family and Kildren, who have called for violence against Conservatives //
\\ Killdren, a punk rock band whose signature tune is Kill Tory Scum
and whose Facebook page has called for the deaths of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s children.
The band has enacted “live killings” of Tories on stage. Its signature song is Kill Tory Scum, the video of which depicts May being assassinated and Tory voters being killed with bombs and chainsaws.//
FFS that is such a difference from a clumsy tweet about gays or Islam, that get the police interested
\\ The band said yesterday that the comments about Rees-Mogg’s children had been posted to Facebook by someone else and had been deleted. It said that its work was “cartoonish and over the top”, “consciously crude” and “a counterpoint to the circus of UK politics”.
Of Kill Tory Scum, it said:
“The piece would not exist if the destructive and violent policies of the Tory party hadn’t taken such a devastating toll on the UK.”//
\\ Fat White Family In a magazine interview said of Boris Johnson: “I would string him up and his cronies, these people need to be removed from existence. Especially IDS [Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory party leader] dying is too good for that c*** . . . can you print that?”//
\\ Glastonbury website lists Fat White Family,
praises their “admirable modern disregard for everything. Don’t miss!” //
Some might say they would rather ‘kill a punk rock band’.
But not me, as that would be advocating violence.
somone tweets
” irony of this. BBC Radio 6 play Fat White Family all the time. ”
BBC story
There’s not a lot of point in these rockapes trying to do something; the British Nation has already voted, which is something their little fan club members aren’t actually old enough to do yet..
Just noticed one of the pillocks has a guitar which must have been his dad’s! They were the silly ‘new’ shapes from the ‘sixties, and we all thought they were crap then!
Wonder if it still works – probably not.
FatWhiteFamily just posted a Facebook rebuttal
.. pure #WhatAboutery
‘look over there, the Guardian says 136K deaths’
.. #MakeUpANumber
oh an writing PEACE and LOVE at the end of a post like a Get Out Of Jail Free card
I’ve been watching the Trump Baby Crowdfunder which didn’t look as if it would reach its original target of £30,000. That changed at 0700hr this morning when the donations started to go ‘exponential’!
I can only conclude that something in the media must have triggered the sudden interest?
Maybe there is some other explanation I can’t think of?
No doubt some lefty media outlet provided a link and urged its readers or viewers to sign the petition.
Possibly our very own Most Trusted Broadcaster.
£20K reached, 3:02 PM – 1 Jun 2019
£25K reached, 8:58 AM – 2 Jun 2019
£30K reached, 12:03 PM – 2 Jun 2019
currently £30,572 from just 1,214 people
So no huge conspiracy
” £30k for groups working on Islamophobia, climate change, migrants rights, misogyny and reproductive rights…”
The R4 BBC News headline was “Trump has made another intervention into British Politics”
True I suppose but I would have thought people were more interested in the football
On the local news yesterday the Labour road show were in Leeds. Corbyn, Abbott and various hangers on. We were shown Abbott in the inner city talking to the locals about the usual “racism”, telling them how abused they all are and how Labour will look after them.
What she didn’t do was visit the local Jewish community and do the same. So there we have it evidence Labour is anti-semitic. Bring on the yellow stars when they sieze power.
Perhaps Trump would be more welcome if he had four wives, hated Jews, segregated women and launched gays off tall buildings?
BBC Radio 4 – The Food Programme ‘celebrates’ Ramadan and food.
Muslims love Ramadan and eid but don’t really want Christians to celebrate their holy days, like Christmas for example (someone like Maxi might say “Not all Muslims”).
Well the day I hear strong Muslim protests against the killing of Christians and the desecration of churches, just like the Muslim protesters are doing outside the school in Birmingham protesting against the teaching of gay relationships, then I’ll agree:
Speaking of Birmingham, Pakistani Muslims are showing each other extreme Islamic brotherly love:
Lots of white shills are being interviewed by the muslim food writer, claiming to want to know more about Ramadan and Islam, while loud chirpy vibrant music is being loudly played in the background.
I note that yesteday they used a pic of a different woman Sheila Dillon
even tho the text said Yasmin Khan
Accepting it was the BBC’s favourite religion, the Food Programme could have been quite interesting but quite honestly, forget bias, it was dreadful. The first five minutes involved Miss Kahn saying the word ‘Muslim’ as loud as she could as every other word she was speaking.
Miss Kahn spent the rest of the programme bounding up to people and asking them, ‘are you excited?’. One gentleman appeared to have come from the Caribbean but also politely replied he was interested and that was why he was there.
I did hear there was a curry and they were feeding 6000 people and that the different communities had come together to prepare the food.
But it was a food programme. We could have been told what dishes were being prepared, the logistics of preparing food for 6000, who does the washing up. As it was the BBC paid Miss Kahn to be excited and really do no research or preparation for her jolly day out.
The BBC really knows how to burn our money.
One of the reasons the A40 was blocked yesterday, was that Winalot lorries were destined for quite a few curry houses, and that the sell-by hour was drawing near!
A spokesman for the Offal Community said that they would be delighted to send in the supplies by drone if necessary, and a councillor in Islington went online to offer a landing pad on her garage roof!
With a bit of luck they’ll all auto-destruct.
Daily Mail:
“”No Deal? No fear! Public opinion swings behind hard Brexit as voters flock to back Tory frontrunner Boris Johnson because of his uncompromising stance on leaving EU””
The anti-Brexit BBC of course have the opposite view.
I switched over to sky news for a change from the far left bbc bias.
They were criticising Trump for answering questions put to him about Brexit and then they were bigging up sad khan for being against Trump.
Next, Sam Gyimah, the Remain Tory was speaking about his Remain plans if elected pm.
Then, Nicky Morgan, the remainer, was talking about her support for Gove who wants to put Brexit back to 2020.
This, followed by remainer, daft kenny Clarke, who is supporting Uriah Heep, sorry, remainer Rory Stewart, who would not serve in a cabinet if Boris was pm.
After all these remainers we then went to see the arrival of the Liverpool players (no scousers in the team)
I then switched off.
Any recommendations of any news tv channel I can watch that isn’t far left. There must be a huge market awaiting for a tv channel that is impartial as opposed to every channel being far left.
I think the problem is that to broadcast in this country you need a license from the government. Unless you toe the liberal left Globalist line on just about every issue they will take your license away. The Globalists know that control of what people see and hear is key to their project and so they ruthlessly eliminate any form of news that provides people with an alternative point of view. This is why they are so keen to censor the internet and to clamp down on free speech.
There was one (Trent-Alexander) but I think that Klopp got away with it….
Fox News.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit ‘causing’ more British nationals to become Irish””
The figures have increased since 40k a year a year in 2016 to 80k in 2018. This could be for various reasons not connected to Brexit. Statistically, it’s a non-event. We have a population of almost 70 million.
But, for the BBC it is an event. Anything to bash Brexit.
Now, if we could be rid of Graham Norton 😉 He did promise to leave the county if Leave won the Referendum.
So thousands of people are trying to escape an over-crowded, vermin-infested, politically corrupt country?
Hardly surprising really.
I am of the belief that citizens of the Irish Republic should not be allowed to vote in our elections just like citizens of any other non-Commonwealth country.
The R4 BBC News headline was “Trump has made another intervention into British Politics”
True I suppose but I would have thought people were more interested in the football
(Sorry for double posting)
Football ? did I miss something ?
This is perhaps a window into BBC ideology and its pretty grim
“Jonathan Sumption argues that the law is taking over the space once occupied by politics. Lord Sumption is a former justice of the UK’s Supreme Court.”
Episode 2 talks about the Brexit referendum specifically and that it was only a snapshot of public opinion at that time. Climate change gets a mention too!
Generally, Sumption argues that the proper moral hierarchy is in the order-
1. Courts
2. Parliament
3. Party in Power
4. Referendums
Sort of what the EU already does?
The blogger here voices his concerns –
” Regardless of the facts of this particular case, the idea that a judge should determine what a politician can or cannot say when electioneering is truly frightening, and I am astonished anybody could support such an idea.”
How much longer would it be before the media is similarly gagged, not to mention we simple bloggers?
I think the EU has the unelected Globalist EU Commissioners at the top of the pyramid.The judges take their orders from the commissioners and enforce their policies across the member states. The ‘politicians’ have one function only and that is to keep the electorates in their respective states quiet whilst the commission gets on with creating a Federal Europe governed by an undemocratic, unaccountable, unchallengeable technocracy.
“The judges take their orders from the commissioners and enforce their policies across the member states. ”
However, afore they do that their leaders MUST visit the Vatican to get their orders from the Pope. Merkel and her EU friends go there quite often.
The oldest(?) or second or third oldest Parliament in the world here in the UK (if you exclude the Biblical model of Israel en route from Egypt to Canaan) has done it rather differently, in my view, from Jonathan Sumption’s prescription for several hundred years. Over those hundreds of years it has been gradually refined to the point of Universal Suffrage and diminution of hereditary Peers.
1. Monarch → Parliament ← People
2. People → Laws ← Courts
3. People → Police ← Enforcement
Notice where the Monarch meets the People and also that the People play their part (and have done now for well over a hundred years) in all three important stages.
It has taken a long time to reach that refined position. It is not perfect (because people are involved in all areas of it) but it works better than when the corruption of might or money or both was a big influence.
Was Nobby Stiles playing ?
So what’s Twitter pushing at me
“Stephen Fry experienced Iftar for the first time
1.2K people are Tweeting about this”
So Muslims welcome top celebrity gay to join them in breaking the Ramadan fast a night .
“Iftar is being celebrated at the top of this tall building Mr Fry, please follow me. You’ll find it quicker coming down than going up.”
Is there ‘Life on Marrs’…
I think not, just third-form stuff…
\\Graduate gets £60k payout from university over ‘false advertising’//
This is going to be expensive. How many more “Mickey Mouse degrees” are there in this country ?
Oh dear Mr Bliar, getting every school leaver into ‘Yoony’ was not a good idea.
It became all about ‘bums on seats’ .
Jon Sopel continues to report fake news, this time about Trump calling Meghan nasty.
Of course, if you look at the context, you’ll see Trump was responding to a Sun reporter who said she hadn’t been so nice about him.

Jon Sopel is beyond pathetic.
He is like a vulture on a rubbish tip looking for some morsel – anything – that he thinks might harm Trump.
The trouble Sopel has, is that every time he opens his little gob, he creates a hundred or so votes for Nigel Farage, and the good people aligned to the Brexit Party!
The poor little chap really is a busted flush, and probably the best sort of anti-autocue-reader we have in The USA, as nobody (except rabid lefties maybe, if they’re sober or off the coke), believes a word he mumbles, with that irritating shake of his, which increases the votes to well over a hundred or so!
Goferit Sopel, you know you can make ‘a difference’!
Fran really should drop a note… were she not as complicit as the rest of the sack of rats drawing a BBC salary and/or pension.
The there’s Nick..
And the gang.
considering these are journalists they have a very limited knowledge of the nuances of the english language , when they want to
Meanwhile Anthony stays true.
Wait until Meghan buggers off leaving Harry with the kids, and sells her book about the royals giving away the family secrets. Then they will say she is nasty.
Of course he could have meant “I didn’t know she was nasty… ABOUT ME”.
But let’s not let nuances get in the way of another Trump bashing, eh beeb?
PS. I’m going off Meghan quicker than… she homed in on her real live Prince – lucky her.
I really cannot understand why such an unimportant individual becomes so interesting, given that all she’s done is get hitched to a minor ‘heir and spare’.
We have enough royal parasites in the UK, and while I am totally in full admiration for Queen Elizabeth, with everything she’s done for Great Britain for so long, the squealing gutter press just piddle about with Harry/Megane, ‘non-stories’, and expect normal citizens to be interested!
I’m just a bit older than Charles, although I’m not sure about Camilla Park-and-Ride, so I hope Queen Elizabeth just keeps on going, and denies the descendants something they’d be bloody useless at doing.
We all know here that MSM and the BeeB love a one sided debate..apparently it is okay to misrepresent what people say unless they are saying what you want…so POTUS responds to questions about Brexit and on Andrew mardy Marr – it is painted as a big breach of protocol..funny they seem to forget about Obama doing the same except he was on Remain side..
And that CNN woman – what an obnoxius person…I think Richard Tice handled it all very well and didn’t drop to the level of her or the clearly demented Momentum representative..who thinks POTUS is a Fascist – do they even now what a Fascist is? She steered clear of the Jewish debate in the Labour party..
JA, quite correct and not just Obama. The BBC have reported other foreign interferences, such as European Judges. Is it not for the politicians in the EU’s negotiating team to opine, not the ECJ?
I have a feeling I have posted on the BBC’s amnesia on this specific point about three or four times and cannot what the other ‘interferences’ were. Think one might have been ‘a Sleb’ from overseas but the BBC tends to treat them with awe & deference these days.
I thought these guys imploded after, well, you know.
Still, thanks to them it seems the BBC has a back-up Greta in case she buys a Hummer on her US book tour.
Grete’s eyes were frightening to look at. This girl’s not as bad but she does look as if she’s a little brainwashed.
I often look at the eyes of people, it often gives clues to their thought processes. It can be misleading but not generally. The comment that the eyes are the window to the soul is very apt.
They are the eyes of children who are trying to remember what they were told to say. And get it right. Or else mummy will be disappointed.
Which ‘mummy’, Guest?
The one from last week, or maybe another one who sometimes gets called daddy, or possibly uncle, depending what region the bbbc is getting this crap from!
I bet Jimmy Savile would have been on the case as soon as you can say ‘BBBC whitewash’!
Such a shame these kids are being driven to believe this drivel. ‘Nature is dying’? Really? She should come to where I live. Driving around rural Bedfordshire this fine June day, I thought it’s never looked so green and healthy. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the branches are straining under the weight of blossom and leaves, and all thanks to the life-giving CO2 we’re putting back into the atmosphere.
I hope the poor love doesn’t lose sleep over all this propaganda. The eco-loonies filling their heads with this sh*t should hang their heads in shame.
RobRoy, I can see the future when the climate activists take over and start meddling with nature and cause various catastrophes to species and such. They will then say, see we told you it was too late and we should have acted sooner and denying that their policies were the cause of the problem, rather than the remedy to non-existant problems.
A bit like Chris Packham who believes that pest and invasive bird species should not be contained, and as a result the numbers of songbirds and other migrant species are rapidly declining. I think magpies are great to look at but their numbers are excessive and one of their favourite foods are small birds’ eggs. And yet all he will blame are house cats whose effect on bird numbers is probably very small. We need to cull magpies and others to manageable levels and hope that other species can once again thrive before they go extinct in this country.
Sadly, I think you’re right there, Demon. My only hope is that when the climate stops playing ball and the world starts to cool (as a number of scientists are now predicting) I hope these kids will see these loons for the exploiting, callous liars they really are. But I won’t hold my breath.
“We need to cull magpies ”
And Sparrow hawks.
Remember that movie – Village of the damned
How will she cope when she finds out that her mummy was lying?
She’ll get hold of mummy’s smartphone, and dial rent-a-gob, with a recorded message by a green party member, who will eventually send a friend round to console her.
They’ll then consume a vegan curry, (Winalot-free), and watch extended versions of Strictly-Islam-Bake-dance-off, and discuss the virtues of nothing at all, which is what the whole shebang is all about…
Meanwhile, most working men and women prepare to get up at 5:30am, to go to work in a proper job, to earn some cash, and pay tax to provide funds for these layabouts.
Our correspondent writes:
Beginning to suspect I have been suckered. Played, dudes.
I notice the gay bloc is at opposite ends to the religion of homophobia bloc.
Which is a pity, as things might have got ‘interesting’ if they’d been nearby.
However the Jewish bloc is quite close to the religion of antisemitism, so there’s still hope for some action.
A mass brawl would be hilarious, but sadly they’ll probably all be united by their shared hatred of the common enemy Trump
Bet the queue for the baked spud microwave is eased now.
My biggest employer had a vending machine that only offered client products (mostly intended for consumption if not edible).
BBC reports on a vewy vewy edgy band who will thrill the crowds at Glastonbury with their advice to kill Tory scum. One has the impression that the BBC actually endorse this very naughty band.
I do hope they perform at Glastonbury – the audience deserve it. ‘Kill Tory scum scum scum, stick it up yer bum bum bum’. Very naughty.
Violent Anarcho-scum like that make me want to vote Tory.
Despite Brexit, as the beeb might say.
Different when it’s aimed at Labour. There would be mass outrage and references to Saint Jo Cox.
“European Election 2019: UK results in maps and charts”
A recap. The Brexit Party won hands down.
Al Beeb, the MSM, and Remainers are in denial.
Three years of kicking the can down the road they will try to kick it further.
Vote and support The Brexit Party and tell your mates.
Be proud to be British.
The BBC News announcement at 0600hr that “Trump has made another intervention into British Politics” sounded like the first time the BBC reported that Germany invaded Poland.
The utterly useless mayor Khant declares ‘Donald Trump is like a 20th-century fascist.’
Translation: how dare he stand up to the worldwide muslim jihad and migrant invasion of the West, instead of kowtowing to us like every other head of state!
I get thoroughly hacked off listening to Khan and his Islamic mates dictating terms of who is welcome or not to this Christian country of mine. I’m also sick to the back teeth watching and listening to those whingers who claim they get a raw deal from this country, whose parents arrived here with a fiver in their pocket and who have worked hard to make a new life ! How many of these whingers had relatives who fought for this country during the war ? How many of their relatives were bombed out, but instead of pissing off as refugees hoping another country to take them in, had to stay and rebuild their lives from the rubble they stood in.
President Trump wipes the floor, every day, with silly little chaps like the mair of London!
Of course, Mr Trump fully understands that there will be the usual rabble at every corner, and he’s a much better man at doing a real job than that ‘bus of a son-driver’ will ever aspire to!
As I’ll never ever go to London again, and keep my money in my county, which deserves it more than he does, the stupid mair has to realise that he is the epitome of ridicule amongst normal non-lefties, and that he just kills the golden goose which was once a capital city.
“MEP Ann Widdecombe sparks fury with gay science comments”
I wonder if the usual right on lynch mob critical of Ann Widdecombe even heard or read what she said? Several hundred years ago this lot would have been leading the mob shrieking “burn the witch”.
The usual vilification by Al Beeb and MSM.
Its used in an attempt to destroy the opposition.
To be fair, whether there is anything in what she says it is irrelevant at this time. The time for discussing this sort of thing is much later. All that matters at the moment is Brexit, so she shouldn’t be saying anything that can be used as a smokescreen by the left-wing press/broadcasters to ignore Brexit.
Stay on message Anne, please.
I believe she was merely responding to a question. A question designed specifically, of course, to elicit an answer that would spark synthetic fury and she’s been around long enough that she should know better. Not that I can see anything that a reasonable person would object to in her answer, but today’s loathsome media cares nothing for that.
Sometimes it seems there’s just so much swamp to clear.
It’s an option not to speak to the media. They only want a ‘story’.
Trump of course took that option.
Old speaker, typical bbbc hit job against a politician who most on here probably like. Ann Widdecombe if she had been doing brexit negotiations instead of useless spineless traitorous Theresa may then it would have been done now and brexit been delivered.
But instead of saying anything good about her the BBC promotes a negative story about her and uses its other censorship technique of underreporting the genuine LGBQRSTZ haters at the school’s in Birmingham.
Yeah the religion of peace people can say what they want about the gays and is underreported on bbbc but when it’s patriotic Ann W who actually didn’t say much at all controversial, she gets front page news as a shock sorry. God, the BBC are so biased With their reporting, it should get made subscription instead of us paying for the licence
Oh cling on to that you pathetic worm.
Piers Morgan bang on the money AGAIN !!!. Mayor Khan so out of touch it’s frightening. He just loves dishing out his far left wishy washy non hurty words, the bloke needs to find a backbone and quick !!!!
Read the slog and the silverdoctors blogs and we get an impression that something biblical is about to happen in the USA and Europe.
We are truly living in biblical times. Not because of the above blogs but because those bloggers recognise the signs.
May God have mercy on the souls of those who work for the satanists, whether or not they know what they are doing.
j-i-c, coincidence(?) that you should post that. I’ve just been listening to an interesting former Marxist, former teacher, Tony Pearce who was speaking on 26 May 2019 in the morning at Bridge Lane Chapel.
It’s a bit long but well worth a listen to this monthly series. The end of June one should be especially interesting covering the EU Election results & the visit of President Trump. Food for thought, as they say. Am looking forward to that.
Countryfile, full of tick boxes as usual
“Social enterprise”, “refugees and asylum seekers”
(they are wearing their funded by National Lottery logos)
– Then Alpaca farming
– rich landowners getting subsidies monopolies
“£100m is going to wealth familes”
..He actually means they don’t pay death duties on farm land
(anyways You could put land into a corporation and give shares to your children, then when you die there wouldn’t be any taxes paid either)
– pig farming (free range organic ..cos that fits their city view of the countrside) ..We saw the presenter running the sausage machine .. just like 24 hours earlier BBC2 presenter Paul Rose had been running a sausage machine
– Bit later they do farmer mental health
sloppy Countryfile getting stick on Twitter from dozens of accountants
I think there should be a new programme called ‘Seasidefile’ – then we can have the BBC in full sympathy mode, helping all the dross from the Channel lugging their dinghies up the beach and getting them wrapped up in tinfoil, whilst handing them a copy of How to Claim Benefits with their mint tea.
Don’t encourage them .
They will be running channel ferries to import the lot of them from France, especially with this Tory government.
Vote for The Brexit Party and be proud to be British.
I reckon that Stew should be awarded the medal for ‘Extreme Exposure to Rubbish’ if he can endure a minute of Countryfile these days!
We gave up years ago, when badgers became more important than Eric the bull, so here’s to you Sir S. Green!
(Jesus loves you more than you will know; hey hey hey…)!
@Scrob I was doing computer stuff at the same time, and I used the mute button occasionally
I just pressed the wrong button. I did not intend to report Stewgreen. Sorry.
john in cheshire
Then you shall be damned to dwell in the EU for eternity!
john in cheshire
Damned to dwell in the EU for eternity with nothing to keep you company except a picture of Anna Soubry!
What to make of Jacob Hawley’s ‘Welcome To Britain’ on Radio 4?
Supposedly about Brexit, (go on, guess what side he supported!), he rambled on about the working class, and women’s sanitary products, (cost £18,000 in a lifetime – I’ve done my right-on research!) and the joys of taking ketamine, which apparently all the ‘yoof’ take now, (should it be tax-free?).
Well he kind of lost it on Brexit, obviously the ‘working class’ didn’t know what they were voting for, and if he actualy worked for a living he might realise that the ‘working class’ outside London are starting to figure out that Labour actually hates them.
Best of all though he rants on about tampon tax, otherwise known as VAT, that tax introduced by the EU, that sets the rules that doesn’t let us ‘zero-rate’ that which has been taxed before. His £18,000 per life-time was a crazy figure that not even the BBC believes now, (more like £1,800).
We also had some drivel about ‘collectivism’. He likes Gary Lineker because Gary likes refugees. ‘Collectively’ we must do something as Jacob and Gary can’t do anything as individuals. Gary’s big house away from ‘the diversity’ is clearly not suitable to house a few migrants.
Germany is a great country because a young German woman didn’t bat an eye as German police directed migrants onto trains, (well she wouldn’t as its part of their history isn’t it [ouch!]), also ketamine is cheap.
Weird. Who commissions this stuff?
I’m absolutely delighted that an elderly white ex serviceman has just won Britain’s got talent. A victory for pale and stale!
I bet if the show was on the bBBC they would never have allowed that to happen.
Burley opened a can of worms here
There are many critical replies from the ‘Right’, and also from the ‘Left’ with their ‘libertarian socialism’ (Rebranded Marxism). I suspect that the latter would sacrifice the BBC anyway simply on the basis of what it used to represent.
The ‘Right’ are more interested in truth whilst the ‘Left’ have an insatiable demand for facts. The two things are not the same because there are always alternative facts. Facts are like statistics and usually employed to tell lies.