I’m playing 60s singles and living in the past. What’s more I’m enjoying spam on toast and I’ve got the lights on. I’ve even got all the outdoor security lights on, because I think my safety is more important than some silly nonsense about global warming. If it wasn’t so warm my heating would come on because it’s set to 22C. And if I want to I’ll put a wetwipe down the lavatory. My tractor kicks out black smoke and I like the smell. Mt granddaughter told me last night that it’s racist to mention that Muslins throw gays off tall buildings. I said that until she demonstrates independent thought and throws off the propaganda of school I won’t buy her a car.
The 60s were great. Relive them if you can. The past is a good place to live in…
The ‘Summer of rockets’ I remember as about 63? Cuban crisis.
Even in this programme on 57/8, the bbc had to shove diversity down our throats….
Fred – Wouldnt she be happier using public transport.?
You could buy her an Oyster card (if they still sell em) – one only to cut down on CO2 emissions.
Fred I would demand to know what rubbish the school are teaching that says it is racist to tell the truth about intolerance, any Nancy Sinatra These Boots are made for Walking ?
Oh, they’re all totally brainwashed. The teachers are nearly all commie greenys. I try not to make specific corrections; I simply advise the kids to try to think critically and to take everything they’re told with a pinch of salt.
Most experienced teachers are leaving the profession in droves Fred, they’ve had enough. That’s why the government is spending millions on radio and television commercials to try and attract people.
The teachers I know have had to bite their tongues at the propaganda they’ve had to teach.
Children used to be taught to think critically and question the status quo but now they’re taught to follow the ‘party line’ without question. The only schools that continue this form of education are the grammar schools and you can see how popular they are with labour politicians, despite most of them sending their children to them.
Never mind in school, nephew double first from Cambridge hasn’t an original thought in his head and no ability to analyse the propaganda churned out either at university or by the BBC.
One of the reasons that teachers are so committed to the fraud of Climate Change is that real subjects like Maths and Physics, on the level of the 60’s, is way too hard for them. And its not a matter of inclination. The vast majority dont have the brains for it.
Cheers Anu – A smile on my face before work – I remember hearing it when I was a kiddy – and now that song will be in my head all day. Of course I was disgusted at the wanton exploitation of all those attractive women, wouldnt it have been better if the had sung a song about the oppression of effnic, lesbian, panel beaters and their righteous protests. I just had to watch it again to make sure it was as bad as I thought, before I make my complaint to the Hate police.
By the way do you think Lady Nugee or Diane Abbot could pull off their own version. Maybe entitled “These jackboots were made for Kicking” The thought of either of those two beauties in a long tight jumper and tights has made me all hot under the collar. Now that would be a real bevvy of beauties worth listening to. ————————-Barf !
Isn’t there something a teensy weensy bit ‘precise’ about Al Beebs latest report on President Trump’s visit? E.g where he is staying, what time the demos will be starting and where. Gosh, anyone would think they were aiding and abetting the demonstrators.
Maybe, if we’re lucky lefty, letting a terrorist or two know where to take a potshot can’t be a bad fing can it?
All in the interest of unbiased and informative reporting of course.
We can guess at what beeb’s hope and coverage for the President is going to be.
Will Sopel be there, with his non-stop attacks on Trump?
Or will Michal do it all, aided by Webb and Humphrys? On Toady.
Impartial coverage? Don’t make me laugh.
The sneering and faux outrage about Trump at Al Beeb was so unbearable I had to switch off.
“His diplomat had to mop up for him on the Andrew Marr show.”
I did not see the Marr interview but can imagine it was their typical character assassination focussing on a few negatives and turning them up to eleven. When a billionaire businessman gives advice when we’re in such a mess it is welcome. He is only saying his opinion. It’s not like when Obama openly threatened to punish us (back of the line) unless we voted to remain. Of course such outrageous election meddling and outright bullying not only received zero outrage from the Beeb but was repeated across news bulletins with typically impartial drooling over Saint Obama.
They always line up favoured voices to have a go at Trump. When the abysmal Sadiq Khan came on the news with some tortured analogy about ‘standing up to a friend’ I turned off the radio in disgust. Why is there no ‘outrage’ over Khan’s incompetence costing the lives of hundreds of young black men – you know, the ones the BBC cares so deeply about?
Could our national broadcasters not express equal outrage over Khan’s blimp? As for all their faux offence over Trump this is genuinely offensive, moronic and no way to treat our great ally – the most powerful man in the world who bears a grudge. Why not line up talking heads to say how awful Khan is?
As for all the ‘protests’ how irresponsible of the BBC to encourage them when law enforcement have so much murder etc to deal with. They say Trump’s visit will cost £25million to Police but of course all that money goes on dealing with tantrums – sorry, ‘protests’ – which are stirred up by our perpetually adolescent national broadcaster.
I would have no hesitation in getting down to the parents evening and teaching the teachers, I have rarely met such a bunch of bossy superior beings, especially primary school teachers, and had some interesting encounters when correcting them in the past for their limited academic knowledge.
I have observed the behaviour of some in public, especially women, and thought ” I bet that is a primary school teacher who spends all day (when not off half the year) shouting and ordering kids about”
One reason maybe for the complete and utter intolenace of the left and its feeling of innate superiority over its “opinons”.
Careful with the generalisation of teachers Anu and tarring them all with the same brush.
It’s like saying most Asian men are paedophile groomers, instead of saying Pakistani Muslims. This generalisation is the tactic the BBC and MSM uses when reporting on grooming gangs.
I hear that the government has fixed employment quota for minorities and sexual perversion persons.
For Homosexuality and Sodomy, quota is set to 16%. This is causing immense pain at the BBC, for they will have to select who really meet the criteria, and who will have to go.
Unless they employ the Gender criteria – feelings.
The hostility among so many of us, to a president who genuinely likes Britain, is a direct consequence of the BBC’s unremitting hostility to Pres Trump. This hostility has continued since Pres Trump’s election, in BBC programs such as “100 days”, and then beyond 100 days. A daily diet of bile and lies against a president who has been the subject of a Black Ops operation by Obama leftovers, to unseat him. Even now they continue with lies about Pres Trump saying Meghan Markle as “nasty”.
The BBC’s adulation of Pres Obama, despite Obama’s open dislike of Britain, is something that is difficult to countenance from a state funded broadcaster.
What are BBC 4 continuity announcers ‘on’? My rare bit of TV watching is the ‘foreign stuff’ on Saturday evening. For weeks now we have been promised the ‘hot blooded’ Inspector Montalbano – in your dreams ladies!
Anyone that has ever watched the programme will know that the inspector’s passion is restricted to sea food and his relationship with long-time girlfriend, Livia, is like a clapped-out 1960’s Fiat 500.
First of the new series and there are all the regulars, all looking ten years older, even ‘youngster’ Fazio is now looking older than his dad did and as for the real ‘hot-blooded’ one, Mimi, well he has been under the thumb of his wife for at least two series now.
Never mind we got some exciting new stuff, the Italian coastguard cutter and helicopter in action rescuing ‘migrants’! But what had it got to do with the story? Agenda? (Or should that be ordine del giorno ?).
Catarella’s incompetence has evolved to full-blown slapstick clowning as he trips over a cat litter tray and tries to get through a door whist holding a broom across his middle.
Finally the muderer is revealed, but only after Montalbano has given them twenty-four hour’s notice with which to escape!
Will next week’s episode be ‘hot-blooded’ too dear continuity lady, the same way as we were told before each episode of Cardinal that ‘the journey continues’? If it wasn’t for the continuity girls and the sub-title writers there wouldn’t be any comedy on the BBC so I shouldn’t really complain!
beeb reporting sooo negative already on President Trump – they ONLY mention about protests – no mention of the supporters also out there
Also the “news” article the other day focusing on the costs of Pres Trumps visit. I’m sure the same was done when other presidents visited, but this wouldn’t fit their agenda
I heard the BBC once again state this morning that Trump had called Meghan nasty. It was on Good Morning Scotland.
Every time you hear that, remember it was her comments about him he was referring to, after the questioner had labelled the comments “not so nice”. I make no apologies for posting the transcript again.
Indeed. Any when you actually hear the conversation, it shows even more clearly what he meant !! Staggering distortion and fake news. Jon Sopel has taken the bait not surprisingly.
If anyone has not yet listened to the interview, its a must to see just how wrongly the media have reported it.
What Pres Trump said was that he didn’t know that Markle was nasty (about him). And that was in reference to Meghan being nasty about him. Its abundantly clear from the recording itself.
The BBC know that most people will take for fact the BBC report, and would not check the recording for themselves.
This is blatant BBC lying, taking advantage of a once reputable BBC that previous generations built.
Despite the childish tantrums of Markle, Pres Trump has been generous to Markle.
The BBC is vile. They behave like spoilt children instead of adults they should be. PM Nigel Farage (hopefully) should renovate the BBC to become an unbiassed professional organisation.
Markle is playing the long game, and maternity leave played into her hands nicely. Sod the British and the family she’s married into, no she daren’t offend her new bunch of wealthy pals by having to share the same air space as the President.
Its also a bit rich that all her cronies have benefitted from their girl marrying ‘royal’, and plug the fact when promoting their businesses. Yet Daddy is immediately castigated when he foolishly stepped out of line, never to be spoken to or of again. Harry does himself no credit in not sorting the problem out.
The BBC’s and the rest of the media’s Trump bashing is obscene. Because of it the whole reason for the visit, to honour the allies who fought and died during the D Day campaign, is being obscured. It is an insult to men and women who deserve far better. I was watching Guy Martin and his documentary on building a Dakota and then jumping onto the landing beaches in France. During the programme veterans showed what they were like and what we should aspire to. Nurses flying backwards and forwards helping over 100000 wounded before the NHS existed. I don’t think we could handle a tenth of the issues the men and women of the allies went through today. For goodness sake BBC get off your social justice high horse and show them some respect. They don’t have long on this earth, let them feel it was worth it for at least one day.
A discussion of the itinerary of President Trump . 2 big changes discussed – the first – no joint address to Parliament , the other – no discussion with `Mrs May – and as an aside no opentop carriage . Sopel was in his element
Followed up by a rich American who runs a campaign to impeach President Trump . And some bubble American journo and some british journo who interviewed Mr Trump last week and said nice things about him . There were ‘problems on the line ‘ to the journo – as usual . In this context ‘bubble ‘ does not mean a person of Greek heritage .
Then – no irony – the anniversary of the tinamen square ‘disturbances ‘
Followed by a thought for the day in which someone described President Trump as ‘Evil ‘.
Then Kenneth Clarke MP since 1970 – yes 1970 – on supporting the 9 stone Rory chap and how Parliament is far more important that the voters – no challenge of course .
So in that hour what could we learn ?
That the BBC is looking for any incident to make fun of an American President
That Dday really doesn’t matter
That the BBC considers supporting brexit as ‘controversial
Nothing new really – but – the decision of the speaker of the House of Commons not to invite mr Trump to address the houses of commons must come as a great relief to mr Trump .
Why come all that way just to talk at – what 1500 ? MPs and bench sitters …. they wouldn’t listen and too many would use it for their own purposes .
As you may have noticed I am not putting a pre amble to threads at the moment . This is because a few people using this site comment on the preamble – which may not be directly about BBC bias – which is a waste of effort when focus should be on the evil BBC and no the rights and wrongs of comments I make in the preamble .
And from my personal point of view – Welcome President Trump – I’m a great supporter – can England become a part of `the United States please ? Because that seems to be the only way to have any sort of Freedom .we can dump the royals and Parliament and then privatise the Health ‘service ‘ for starters …
One other point – about the site – I’m taking down troll stuff – like the maxincony character without directly telling them if the comment is abusive or irrelevant – and yes – I decide .
Also – if you choose to use very bad language – even in a pasted tweet – I’m going to take the whole post down because I’m not wasting my time removing single words from comments as I have done in the past . The whole comment will disappear . If there is a general view that this is too draconian then get another volunteer administrator .This also applies if one of my own posts is removed – as happened on the previous point – without me being told it was being done . I had to re instate it myself .
Fedup2: Why come all that way just to talk at – what 1500 ? MPs and bench sitters …. they wouldn’t listen and too many would use it for their own purposes .
Indeed. And why should he bother addressing a bunch of troughers who are quite likely to be out looking for a job unless they shape up pronto.
Our MPs still don’t get it. They seem to be under the delusion that the public is still in a hissy fit, and will soon forget, and all will be back to normal. Its the same tactic that May used for Brexit – keep the ball under play and the public will forget.
I am very happy with what you do Fedup2 – and I always limit criticism by asking myself not only ‘could I do better?’ but am I prepared to do better. So if anyone here isn’t happy with you deleting bad language or taking down trolls – then they should ask themselves would they be prepared to take the time and trouble you obviously do to keep this site going.
May I just add that if there has been bad language on this site then the post never gets a ‘like’ from me (except Pounce but I usually forgave him most things because of his huge knowledge).
Fed, as someone who argued for retaining maxincony, as I considered him useful in a dung beetle sort of way, I can understand why you have got rid of his posts after his last few efforts.
I have changed my mind. My suggestion is = Terminate with extreme prejudice!
Whilst I would consider “deplatforming” a tactic of the left. I fully support the removal of comments by trolls such as maxi which are designed to deliberately offend and bring nothing to the debate.
Yasser / Dyst
Thank you for your views . I think , judging Maxi and his love affair with his perfect self and judgement of all others , I’ll keep on eye for the early morning visits , bile and exit as he plays troll tourist – and go from their . His ego will enjoy being discussed – which is a bit sad ….
Re your comments on bad language, Fed, I am discovering the power of moderate language. I find terms like “clear off” have a force that the more demotic expressions have lost. Litotes too is a figure of speech I am coming to love. Thought I would pass these thoughts on to everyone.
One is sure she has a simply super explanation for the BBC Today Programme to invite on and get Nick ‘I scuttle past Orwell daily’ Robinson to ‘interview’ a chap based on…
“Every single person in Congress knows Trump has met the criteria to be impeached.”
The founder of Need To Impeach, Tom Steyer says the time has come for the president to be impeached.
Every single person in the BBC knows what the BBC ‘knows’.
“Every single person in Congress knows Trump has met the criteria to be impeached.”
Wrong. Only the deluded Democrats in Congress, who still cant get over that Hillary lost the election, despite the entire media, CIA, FBI, and Wall Street lying for her.
When the authorities have to state something that involves the RoP, they go into an Orwellian mode. It becomes almost impossible to garner any information at all beyond the very obvious.
I wonder if all police have a specific department that deals with RoP news. Is it a top secret department that has no name?
The President of the USA arrives here to commemorate the liberation of Europe and our ‘so called’ mayor is playing with balloons.
How will Al Beeb spin this?
The BBC are doing their level best to act as cheer leaders for the anti Trump mob.
These people are a bloody embarrassment.
They consist of the intolerant left that squeal and squawk at anyone who dares contradict their world view.
Recently they’ve had Sir Roger Scruton sacked and they’ve pilloried John Cleese.
What’s so special about these people? Why is it always their voices that are heard above all others? They’re pathetic.
I’ve just been listening to Vince Cable lecturing us about why the Donald shouldn’t be honoured with a state visit. This old fool is the leader of a party that has hidden attempted murderers and paedophiles amongst its high ranking members.
Donald Trump has put the protection of his own people at the top of his agenda. He’s worried about importing terrorists. I’d have thought that was a good thing to be doing.
Is that now considered to be “Islamophobic”?
I watched ITV and Piers Morgan is the opposite…he uses facts to rip these BBC types apart..he is also capable of seeing two sides to a argument – unlike the BBC. I switched to the BBC and all I saw was negative POTUS….it is amazing how much they live in a bowl.
Piers Morgan reminded one of the guys behind the Blimp that Obama deported more immigrants than DT (in response to a falsehood made my the bloke) and also split parents from children – he also didn’t let him get away with making incorrect statements about POTUS on abortion ….the BBC on the overhand just let it all slide…
He also made the point that Obama made comments about Brexit and pulled the POTUS protesters up for having double standards
The BBC is a disgrace as a news organisation…balanced arguments do not exist
If there is ANY violence I hope the BBC are investigated for incitement to violence and someone crowdfunds a private prosection on behalf of any businesses damaged or loss of business due to protestors
“Trump: Prepare for no deal and send in Farage”
Exactly. Pres Trump has made his position very clear. He is with us.
The BBC make out that the EU will make our life intolerable if we leave without a deal- that is a deal that will make Britain a colony of the EU.
What the BBC and EU forget is that if the EU try any funny stuff against us, they will have to face a very angry president of the USA. I dont think even Merkel has the guts to face Trump directly.
What is our government doing about this bile and bias?
Perhaps Boris will do something if he gets in. Farage will.
He could start by getting rid of the Telly Tax.
Good to see people calling the ever impartial Jon out ….Jon knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he tweeted …..
I heard the tape. In context, he meant he didn’t know that she’d been nasty about him. ???? And I actually don’t care. But I must, because I’m tweeting this. ????????
Yet again a BBC reporter taking things out of context. Really amateurish and dishonest @BBCNews No wonder people are cancelling their TV licence fee. You really are becoming just another rag news outlet.
— Clayton Sandry ✝️???????????????????????????????????? (@ClaytonS68) June 2, 2019
Even the limited ‘direct quote’ by Jon Sopel can easily be read as the opposite of what he wants it to mean.
For example:
Speaker one: “Everyone says Sheila is quite nasty”.
Speaker two: “I didn’t know she was nasty, I’ve always found her very friendly”.
It is no wonder that our ‘PPE’ politicians ‘keep to the script’ during interviews. The result is that rather than being held to account we never actually get to hear what they think and worse they never get to speak ‘outside the box’ and start the debate around new ideas. Of course this suits the media because they get to decide what is ‘acceptable’.
Piers Morgan took a hammer to the argument and showed the statement as fake news – he simply had the interview replayed and the Sun reporter who did the interview agreed that POTUS meant he didn’t know she had been nasty about him…where is the BBC is reporting the truth?
I thought I heard the weasel Sopel try to squirm his way out of the tweet about Meghan being nasty on the Today programme – but having the volume turned very low to keep my bp somewhere around normal – I may be mistaken. But within a few minutes Justin Webb was giving a round up of the papers and repeated again that the President had said that Meghan was ‘nasty’. Repeat a lie often enough seems to be the BBC’s mantra.
JA –
We will wait forever for a BBC correction and pseudo apology, and longer still for an apology from the thick black cow.
“Why you can trust BBC news”
The negativity against this Potus is is stark contrast to the adoration heaped upon his predecessor. It’s for Americans to choose who represents them. We insult the president we insult the country.
State Broadcaster behaves like a political party excused the chore of having to be tested at the polls.
On BBC TV Breakfast this morning, it was mentioned that Trump was interfering with British politics with his comments about Brexit. This was during their interview with Howard and Cable.
The BBC never mention that Obama did his best to interfere just before the Referendum back in 2016 by saying that we’d go to the back of the queue for trade if Leave won. The BBC are aware of this but demonstrate bias by omission.
Listening to the sneering going on this morning from the BBC about the state visit, if some loony does manage to do some damage the stain will be on their hands in my opinion.
….Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job – only half his height. In any event, I look forward to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit. Landing now!
If those tweets are genuine, well done Mr President for telling it like it is, in thoroughly undiplomatic language 🙂
Welcome to Britain, and may you upset Berc-cow, Kahnt, Corblimey, the islamists, the lefties, the politically correct, and all the anarcho-loony demonstrators and assorted riff-raff.
And most of all, al-beeb.
Losers all.
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming…
Europe is grateful what your boys did for Europe, twice in the last century. And unlike victors everywhere, America did not ransack the defeated but instead gave us food and money to rebuild.
May God Bless the UK, USA, and you and your family.
It is Camoron who in part has caused this problem by appointing Mayors and Police Comissioners, and giving a single person complete control over the Police.
Before they were run by committee and if there was a nutter on the panel, his insanity could be moderated by the others, not so now.
“Only a national government can deliver Britain from its Brexit nightmare Ed Davey”
[Translation, we must do whatever it takes (pace Draghi), to stop the implementation of the referendum, because I do not like the result.]
“A short-term alliance of MPs from all parties much be formed to achieve a referendum”
[I assume must is intended.]
“First, this backbench coalition must come together to prevent an incoming Tory leader proroguing parliament and forcing a no-deal Brexit on an increasingly doubtful public. If Boris Johnson tried that, it would be an effective putsch or coup d’etat against parliament.”
[Ed, who has a first in PPE, could not argue his way out of a wet paper bag. “increasingly doubtful public”, Ed this doubtful public, is just another pathetic lie, invented because you are desperate. The very recent, so recent even a low IQ LD MP should remember it, EU elections showed Brexit is more desired than in 2016. Elections which were only required because most MPs are traitors. “putsch” this has already happened, against the people, by parliament.]
“This is no attempt to gain power through coalition. ”
[O yes it is.]
“But in parliament today we should recognise that Brexit has broken the party system”
[More LD nonsense (practice makes perfect). What the voters recognise, if belatedly in many cases, is that most MPS are snouts in the trough traitors, who having been lying (are still lying) to them, for decades. “Liberal Democrat”, you must be kidding.]
“Ed Davey is the MP for Kingston and Surbiton”
[And a Remainiac member of the Cable gang.]
The beeboids desperate for something to go wrong with the visit of the President of America and no doubt ideally they’d be happy if he went home in a box .
I can imagine that the visit was planned as though he is going to a hostile third world country like Pakistan rather than a civilised best friend .
For us it will provide a valuable source of evidence of bias – as if we need it
I was wondering what the family of the mayor of London were doing on D Day … does any one know ?
“I was wondering what the family of the mayor of London were doing on D Day … does any one know ?”
Still pi**ing in a ditch on the side of the road?
You just have to hope that POTUS recognises that not everyone is against him and keeps laughing at the idiots with blimps and in particular Khan – who has done absolutely nothing positive for London (please correct me if I am wrong). We already know POTUS isn’t a fan of the BBC and probably doesn’t care what they say.
I will be sending my email to the Presidential office – every little helps
The BBC promises to deliver some pure comedy gold as they struggle through gritted-teeth to provide coverage of President Trump’s State Visit. Already, it’s looking like some of the best comedy output the BBC have produced since…well, since forever.
Trump’s early salvo aimed at Sadiq Khan has immediately sent the BBC cadres into a predictable, panic-stricken tailspin: Class-A trolling from Trump (so glad he’s in a sparring mood). This is fantastic.
I can barely stand to watch much of the BBC’s cringe-worthy, bile-filled, malicious coverage, but I’m hoping for a ‘best-of’ highlights reel on YT once this visit is over!
Trump Derangement Syndrome: the gift that just keeps giving!
Breakfast TV on the BBC sent a young lady to Stansted Airport to
“greet” President Trump. SHE ticked nearly all the right boxes other
than being the least loquacious reporter I have ever heard on National TV. She was obviously nervous, but we will forgive her for that.
BIG BROTHER must of told her to have a dig at Trump which she
did dutifully. All I can think is that she was used because so many
at the BBC have taken their holiday’s so that they can demonstrate against Trump.
LBC now @MaajidNawaz pandering to the hatey audience JamesOB cultivated
‘Disgusting Trump, instead of criticising Sadiqs politics he mocks his height/appearance’
MN 3 mins later
‘ We too could have a *BLOND BUFFOON* as a PM, as well as a Blond Buffoon as a president’
MN just excused himself
‘Yeh but yeh, I was just channelling an anti-Trump protester* ‘
* Earlier on the show MN had said he himself had been on previous Anti-Trump protests
Nicky Campbell talking friendly with a female anarchy anti-Trump protestor in RADIO5 Live this morning:
“I bet you’ll be showing the middle finger to Mr Trump?”
But this over-paid BBC employee creature said it in a voice of utter contempt – the young female Nicky-lover – used those words quite often in her chat with Campbell. He loved it! You could literally feel the hatred he and this young drop-out girlfriend of his had towards America and the England. (Campbell being a republican and a scot.)
Oh, and the other guest was supposedly a Trump supporter who wanted a UK Republic. So he was anti-monarchy which most liblabgreenother are.
???????????? This is what @BBC@vicderbyshire do with your BBC TAX. What an utter waste of money on this anti-American propaganda just because Trump is pro-Israel. He fights antisemitism!
With a little determination It isn’t hard to find and can be laborious to complete especially if it times out and one has start all over. The first reply is an automatic acknowledgement followed by a ‘go away’ response a week or so later. Then you have to virtually start the whole process again and are given a new reference number the purpose of which is to confuse the user into giving up. However, it’s only at the second stage that they start to take the complaint seriously.
Thanks for that I have just made a complaint about the terrible reporting of President Trumps visit today. Plus the bump thing on that horrible Vivtoria Derbyshire’s show today. I’ll remember your advice on their replies.
Just dropped Al Beeb a line or ten about their disgraceful, agenda of fake news and distraction against not just POTUS but also the memory of all those brave souls who risked all so that we might defeat those who would now, 75 years on, enslave us.
The warmest of welcomes to you Mr Pesident and all who support your efforts.
“My constituency voted to leave. But I still want Labour to oppose Brexit Bridget Phillipson”
“Sunderland’s economy is heavily dependent on car manufacturing. Already we’re seeing it start to move away from Britain.”
Where have you been Bridget?
6 days before the referendum, Ford, assisted by a loan from the EU (ie our money), announced plans to close a plant in the UK and move to Turkey.
Mr Google must be on holiday, he could not find one word about Bridget being outraged about this.]
“And the reason I believe the voters must have the final say on Brexit isn’t because I reject their concerns.”
[Another Remainiac lie, Bridget, it is because you reject their opinion. As expressed in the referendum. Because you do not share their opinion. You also do not share their opinion that their decision must be implemented, as promised, on many occasions, by the Labour Party.
“the final say” Another lie, if the “advisory” referendum is followed by the “confirmatory” referendum you are advocating and Brexit is voted for, you will not accept the result. Because this is the EUmaniac policy. 100% of referendum results which the dictators of the EUSSR did not like were either repeated (after massive EU lying propaganda efforts with our money) until the “correct” result was obtained, or evaded. Not one has been implemented.]
“Ultimately, I support a referendum because I think leaving would cause far more serious and far more lasting damage.
The anger that would then be unleashed by the mismatch between the promises of 2016 and the reality of Brexit will make present discontents seem a walk in the park.”
[“the reality of Brexit” A reality which is assumed to be doom and gloom. An assumption for which zero evidence is adduced, because there is none. Just hand wringing in the face of all the available evidence.
We have had the Osborne punishment budget threat, the Obama back of the queue threat, the Carney predictions of doom, all nonsense. Bridget please publish another article in the Guardian tomorrow, comparing the UK economy to that of EU “regions”.]
[Bridget has never had a proper job, typical bubble dweller.
Wikipedia “Between 2007 and 2010,[6] she was a manager for Wearside Women in Need, a charity refuge for women affected by domestic violence.[7]
Bridget your concerns seem limited to women. Mr Google was also unable to discover your condemnation of Muslim gang rape of white children in your constituency. Muslims imported by your party, to vote for you.]
“Bridget Phillipson is the Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South”
[Comments allowed. I did not read any. Probably only from low IQ, poorly (ie University) educated, Remainiacs.]
LCS, Bridget Phillipson is the Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South and it appears she has not been paying attention in the House of Commons or to ‘the BBC House Journal’, The Guardian newspaper.
June 3/4/5 Hatefest London 2019
…. sponsored by BBC/MSM/libmob
A capital infested with black on black knife crime
..Islamic terrorist attacks
and in a county where there were 5,000 10,000 whatever victims of grooming/raping gangs None of which the libmob have taken to the streets to demonstrate about.
…. yet they will demonstrate about an off the cuff sexual remark Trump made FOURTEEN years ago
And about him allowing states to decide on abortion as he promised in his election manifesto
.. Seeming to show they are more about Virtue Signalling than real victims.
The truth is the visit should not be about Trump
but about the United Stated people
..and that we in the UK have so much respect for them for sending ONE MILLION troops to help us do D-Day 75 years ago
a thing that helped us save Europe from a true fascist government system
I welcome these protests, on live TV all over the planet.
Showing why we voted for Brexit.
The protestors will be c99% in favour of the totalitarian EU.
” yet they will demonstrate about an off the cuff sexual remark Trump made FOURTEEN years ago”
Recently I noted, on this site, the deplorable Nick Cohen devoted a whole article in The Guardian to smearing UKIP. Smears focussing on Carl Benjamin’s refusal to apologise for his, unwise in my opinion, rape joke.
The same Guardian, the same Nick Cohen (plus all other Guardian “journalists”) who tried to ignore hundreds of thousands of real rapes. Racist rapes. Paedophile rapes. Gang rapes. Rapes mostly carried out by people imported by Blair and his gang, to “rub our noses in diversity”. Imports who were allowed in to vote Labour.
Imports who are also keen on driving lorries over people, stabbing people, causing explosions, starting fires.
The extreme left, as typified by Cohen and Corbyn, do not get to lecture anyone, from a position of moral superiority.
Corbyn has spent the last thirty years courting terrorists. Corbyn has spent all of his adult life (insofar as he is only
an adult biologically), promoting a political philosophy which killed 100 million people.
I was utterly disgusted at the BBC news at 10 last night. Totally biased report regarding Trumps visit with interviews with John Sopel and Sadiq Khan showing their open dislike for Trump with no balance. This is the President of the USA and the representative television company for my country to which we are almost forced to pay sends out this trash across the nation inciting hatred.
I deal with a lot of Americans admittedly some who do not support him but most who do and are delighted at the state of the economy under his administration. Whatever you think of him personally, as a politician he has surpassed in spadefuls what we have ended up with here in the UK.
Radio 4 9.30is Monday morning had Andrew Marr with a panel of people discussing the Conservative election. Who they were, I neither know nor care. However they had an American woman on saying how marvellous it was that Gove had agreed the compromise that if he becomes PM he will give citizenship to 3 million EU people living in this country.
Well I actually have a vote in the appointment of the next leader of the Conservative Party and I don’t care how much the BBC tries to skew the result. Mr Gove has been hopeless at Environment. He has allowed himself to be swayed totally by his civil servants and bow to their will on climate change. He will not get my vote to sway to the civil servants responsible for Brexit and bow to their will and keep us under the control of the EU however much he dresses it up as out.
Celtic_Mist June 3, 2019 at 1:02 am
“The ‘Right’ are more interested in truth whilst the ‘Left’ have an insatiable demand for facts. The two things are not the same because there are always alternative facts. Facts are like statistics and usually employed to tell lies.”
Excellent post, CM. Think it depends whether ‘the facts’ come from a genuine seeker after truth who seeks out reliable sources (old school teahers?) or are a lazy “Your facts do not correspond with my facts (the ones I choose to believe despite any education) so I don’t believe them.”
Cassandra June 3, 2019 at 7:43 am
“Most experienced teachers are leaving the profession in droves Fred, they’ve had enough. That’s why the government is spending millions on radio and television commercials to try and attract people.
The teachers I know have had to bite their tongues at the propaganda they’ve had to teach.
Children used to be taught to think critically and question the status quo but now they’re taught to follow the ‘party line’ without question. The only schools that continue this form of education are the grammar schools and you can see how popular they are with labour politicians, despite most of them sending their children to them.”
Cassandra, also an excellent post.
CM & Cassie,
Am taking the liberty of posting this link again from my post in response to j-i-c near the end of the previous Weekend Thread.
The talk, by former Marxist, former teacher, Tony Pearce is long (circa 60m) & a little difficult in that he keeps referring to visual aids that are on-screen for his real-time audience and there is also quite a bit of sibilance in the audio. (Really needs a little attention on the mixing desk.) Never mind: persevere. It is, imv, highly relevant to matters discussed here.
Entitled ‘This Month in Prophecy’, Tony looks back at major news of a month & relates it to Biblical prophecy.
26 May 2019 (Frustratingly, the morning of the day when in the evening we started to get news of the EU Election results.) The edition for June could be very interesting ….
Re Sadiq’s PR team retaliating with the “far-right threat” ..false label
Martin Hewitt, chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), says politicians and campaigners should refrain from language which could incite disorder over Brexit, saying: “There’s a responsibility on those individuals that have a platform or voice to communicate in a way
Sadiq ‘Trump is a fascist’
Trump ‘Sadiq is sone cold lose and short’ full comment in 2 tweets
Sadiq spokesman “childish insults should be beneath the US president”
Sadiq spokesman “Donald Trump is the most egregious example of a growing far-right threat around the globe, which is putting at risk the basic values that have defined our liberal democracies for more than 70 years.”
Bottomline : the biggest TROPE is equating someone to a fascist
Tossing around the poison-words “fascist” and “far right” is weaponised debate.
It is worse than saying someone is short.
… Let me check if Sadiq started it by calling Trump a fascist
… cos with extraordinary claims, I hate this game of Chinese whisphers where the media amplify something, and don’t state context.
It’s always best to o back to the source for an original quote.
and indeed
The Observer front page screams \\ Sadiq ‘Trump is a fascist’ // pic
whereas the internal page written by Sadiq that that no one mentions pic
Donald Trump is just one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat. Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Matteo Salvini in Italy, Marine Le Pen in France and Nigel Farage here in the UK are using the divisive tropes of fascists of the 20th century to garner support, but are using new sinister methods to deliver their message. And they are gaining ground and winning power in …
So Sadiq actually said “using the divisive tropes of fascists”
There is no direct quote against Trump, rather Sadiq is tossing around the poison-words “fascist” and “far right” to try to poison the well of Trump.
The biggest TROPE ever is equating someone to a fascist.
Now that Observer headline ‘Trump is a fascist’
Sadiq is complicit in that cos his people no doubt approved that headline.
Sadiq has LOST cos he broke Godwin’s law
You can either debate people properly
.. Or you can shout ‘he’s like Hitler’
Furthermore we can apply the rule ..check if Sadiq is projecting
and it does seem that he and Labour are the ones who use unfair tactics of poison labels etc.
Have you ever seen a black male nurse? I haven’t and I have worked in and around the NHS for quite a while? You don’t see that many male nurses one report says 11% of nurses are male and 0.3% of midwives….why no positive discrimination? Why no comments on BBC R4 wimmins hour at the Misandry in the nursing profession?
More than racist. Ethnic cleansing isn’t just about groups of men armed with guns – propaganda is a major technique as well.
It would be interesting to know more about the relationship between the BBC and Getty Images, particularly any financial aspects. Here’s their Twitter feed: notice the identical obsessions with bogus feminism, immigration and homosexuality (don’t look if you are of a nervous disposition). They are still including the widely discredited picture of the little Honduran girl – shameless. Tweets by GettyImages
@IanRushlow what you did there has really slowed the page down
If you post someone twitter home link, it doesn’t just embed one tweet, it embeds all of their recent tweets.
That Nurse photo is actually a photo of “migrant workers”
Who says so ?
The BBC they used it before, labelled
“high-skilled workers” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45556246
BBC News North America Correspondent. Previous postings in Pakistan, Gaza/West Bank and in Egypt #NFFC #NottsCCC
Washington DC
BBC News screened one of his Tweets – Just saying..
POTUS coming in to land at Winfield House, his base for the next couple of days. The minaret of London’s Central Mosque to the left…. pic.twitter.com/uUEUPzdyhF
Yet again , another prime example of a Liberal lefty happy to give it out, but as soon as someone fights back, they play the victim card. Happens all the time. They are a strange bunch.
Sadiq Khan should concentrate on his performance as London Mayor which up until now has been incredibly poor. Don’t throw stones at glass houses springs to mind.
Truth is; the majority of the 65-70 million UK citizens admire Mr President and the First lady greatly; while perhaps only a few thousand within the Chelsea/Islington boroughs accepts the London major with a pinch of salt.
The BBC is going the whole way on coverage of the State visit of President Trump – presumably because they are waiting for something ‘bad ‘ to happen
I’m half watching it with a half closed eye but not listening to the queue of anti President Trump rubbish they hire on these occasions – as I speak they’ve got TVs own Simon Sharma – a limp wristed democrat if either I’ve seen one .
I’m guessing there won’t be a picture of The President with Nigel Farage until after the Peterborough Bi Election – or maybe – what the hell..
Regarding the amateurish commentary on the President Trump arrival, of course being the BBC it had to be two wimmin commentating, but the one on location had the most irritating alternately squeaking and croaking voice I have heard in a long time, I had to turn the TV down eventually it was such an irritant, shameful that someone without an ounce of gravitas or speaking ability is given the post because she has a vagina.
Also noted, as I first noticed during Gulf Wars, the total complete and utter inability of the BBC commentators to put a sentence together without at least three or four umms and errs every single sentence without their autocue, see the vagina comment above…..
I can’t watch the repeat on iplayer isince I cancelled my BBC licence recently. Was it a mixture of the Pamela Stephenson take on Janet Street Porter interviewing Billy Connolly in Not The Nine O’Clock News with a bit of extra vocal fry thrown in?
chancy, one of them sounded like she was trying to keep her head above water as she fought from going under – literally! It was so annoying listening to her breathless gasping and high voice.
The best comparison would be with a BBC reporter from some years back, Christine McGurty, whose delivery could be best described as a continuous monotone wail.
I did enjoy sopel talking over the national anthem of his country – if – indeed he has loyalty to any nation state any more – like the rest of the BBC .
I recorded the whole tirade and will add that into the (limited space) for the complaint. The BBC are hypocrites when they accuse Trump of being divisive and then fill their airtime with pure hatred.
> Sadiq Khan > Jeremy Corbyn > Owen Jones > Vince Cable > David Lammy > Emily Thornberry > Yvette Cooper > Simon Schama > The BBC > SkY News > Channel 4 > Jo Swinson > Richard Burgon
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqd1He6cu-w
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
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MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Alleged attacker Alexander S. (pictured) smashed a Ford Fiesta car smashed through a group of people on Monday at about…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “LOL – Chrystia Freeland: mad as a box of frogs. She says Britain’s nukes could protect Canada from the US?…
Fedup2Mar 4, 13:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 World at One Poor Sarah – exhibiting the bewilderment occupying the swamp as President Trump pulls funding for Ukraine .…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
Back of the net ……I’m first….have a great week everyone and welcome to the UK President Trump.
I’m playing 60s singles and living in the past. What’s more I’m enjoying spam on toast and I’ve got the lights on. I’ve even got all the outdoor security lights on, because I think my safety is more important than some silly nonsense about global warming. If it wasn’t so warm my heating would come on because it’s set to 22C. And if I want to I’ll put a wetwipe down the lavatory. My tractor kicks out black smoke and I like the smell. Mt granddaughter told me last night that it’s racist to mention that Muslins throw gays off tall buildings. I said that until she demonstrates independent thought and throws off the propaganda of school I won’t buy her a car.
The 60s were great. Relive them if you can. The past is a good place to live in…
The ‘Summer of rockets’ I remember as about 63? Cuban crisis.
Even in this programme on 57/8, the bbc had to shove diversity down our throats….
Fred – Wouldnt she be happier using public transport.?
You could buy her an Oyster card (if they still sell em) – one only to cut down on CO2 emissions.
At this moment she will probably reject the car.
Its takes time to become civilised and educated. One is not born to it.
Fred I would demand to know what rubbish the school are teaching that says it is racist to tell the truth about intolerance, any Nancy Sinatra These Boots are made for Walking ?
Oh, they’re all totally brainwashed. The teachers are nearly all commie greenys. I try not to make specific corrections; I simply advise the kids to try to think critically and to take everything they’re told with a pinch of salt.
Most experienced teachers are leaving the profession in droves Fred, they’ve had enough. That’s why the government is spending millions on radio and television commercials to try and attract people.
The teachers I know have had to bite their tongues at the propaganda they’ve had to teach.
Children used to be taught to think critically and question the status quo but now they’re taught to follow the ‘party line’ without question. The only schools that continue this form of education are the grammar schools and you can see how popular they are with labour politicians, despite most of them sending their children to them.
Never mind in school, nephew double first from Cambridge hasn’t an original thought in his head and no ability to analyse the propaganda churned out either at university or by the BBC.
One of the reasons that teachers are so committed to the fraud of Climate Change is that real subjects like Maths and Physics, on the level of the 60’s, is way too hard for them. And its not a matter of inclination. The vast majority dont have the brains for it.
Cheers Anu – A smile on my face before work – I remember hearing it when I was a kiddy – and now that song will be in my head all day. Of course I was disgusted at the wanton exploitation of all those attractive women, wouldnt it have been better if the had sung a song about the oppression of effnic, lesbian, panel beaters and their righteous protests. I just had to watch it again to make sure it was as bad as I thought, before I make my complaint to the Hate police.
By the way do you think Lady Nugee or Diane Abbot could pull off their own version. Maybe entitled “These jackboots were made for Kicking” The thought of either of those two beauties in a long tight jumper and tights has made me all hot under the collar. Now that would be a real bevvy of beauties worth listening to. ————————-Barf !
‘Full Metal Jacket’ everytime!
Yes. Best visualisation of the song.
To paraphrase ‘1001…’ the end credits, only Kubrick could tweak Disney like that ????
Isn’t there something a teensy weensy bit ‘precise’ about Al Beebs latest report on President Trump’s visit? E.g where he is staying, what time the demos will be starting and where. Gosh, anyone would think they were aiding and abetting the demonstrators.
Maybe, if we’re lucky lefty, letting a terrorist or two know where to take a potshot can’t be a bad fing can it?
All in the interest of unbiased and informative reporting of course.
We can guess at what beeb’s hope and coverage for the President is going to be.
Will Sopel be there, with his non-stop attacks on Trump?
Or will Michal do it all, aided by Webb and Humphrys? On Toady.
Impartial coverage? Don’t make me laugh.
Bet President Trump’s Mic goes haywire as soon as he rises.
Nigel Farage should make an offer to the miserable unelectable Tories, which they cant refuse, if they still want to be in parliament.
Nigel Farage for PM.
He is the one person who can reform the lying BBC.
The sneering and faux outrage about Trump at Al Beeb was so unbearable I had to switch off.
“His diplomat had to mop up for him on the Andrew Marr show.”
I did not see the Marr interview but can imagine it was their typical character assassination focussing on a few negatives and turning them up to eleven. When a billionaire businessman gives advice when we’re in such a mess it is welcome. He is only saying his opinion. It’s not like when Obama openly threatened to punish us (back of the line) unless we voted to remain. Of course such outrageous election meddling and outright bullying not only received zero outrage from the Beeb but was repeated across news bulletins with typically impartial drooling over Saint Obama.
They always line up favoured voices to have a go at Trump. When the abysmal Sadiq Khan came on the news with some tortured analogy about ‘standing up to a friend’ I turned off the radio in disgust. Why is there no ‘outrage’ over Khan’s incompetence costing the lives of hundreds of young black men – you know, the ones the BBC cares so deeply about?
Could our national broadcasters not express equal outrage over Khan’s blimp? As for all their faux offence over Trump this is genuinely offensive, moronic and no way to treat our great ally – the most powerful man in the world who bears a grudge. Why not line up talking heads to say how awful Khan is?
As for all the ‘protests’ how irresponsible of the BBC to encourage them when law enforcement have so much murder etc to deal with. They say Trump’s visit will cost £25million to Police but of course all that money goes on dealing with tantrums – sorry, ‘protests’ – which are stirred up by our perpetually adolescent national broadcaster.
@Fred Stubber
I would have no hesitation in getting down to the parents evening and teaching the teachers, I have rarely met such a bunch of bossy superior beings, especially primary school teachers, and had some interesting encounters when correcting them in the past for their limited academic knowledge.
I have observed the behaviour of some in public, especially women, and thought ” I bet that is a primary school teacher who spends all day (when not off half the year) shouting and ordering kids about”
One reason maybe for the complete and utter intolenace of the left and its feeling of innate superiority over its “opinons”.
Careful with the generalisation of teachers Anu and tarring them all with the same brush.
It’s like saying most Asian men are paedophile groomers, instead of saying Pakistani Muslims. This generalisation is the tactic the BBC and MSM uses when reporting on grooming gangs.
Excellent comment. Triple edged sword.
I hear that the government has fixed employment quota for minorities and sexual perversion persons.
For Homosexuality and Sodomy, quota is set to 16%. This is causing immense pain at the BBC, for they will have to select who really meet the criteria, and who will have to go.
Unless they employ the Gender criteria – feelings.
Her Majesty seems to be genuinely pleased to see Pres Trump
And this when Obama was here
The hostility among so many of us, to a president who genuinely likes Britain, is a direct consequence of the BBC’s unremitting hostility to Pres Trump. This hostility has continued since Pres Trump’s election, in BBC programs such as “100 days”, and then beyond 100 days. A daily diet of bile and lies against a president who has been the subject of a Black Ops operation by Obama leftovers, to unseat him. Even now they continue with lies about Pres Trump saying Meghan Markle as “nasty”.
The BBC’s adulation of Pres Obama, despite Obama’s open dislike of Britain, is something that is difficult to countenance from a state funded broadcaster.
Nigel Farage for PM.
What are BBC 4 continuity announcers ‘on’? My rare bit of TV watching is the ‘foreign stuff’ on Saturday evening. For weeks now we have been promised the ‘hot blooded’ Inspector Montalbano – in your dreams ladies!
Anyone that has ever watched the programme will know that the inspector’s passion is restricted to sea food and his relationship with long-time girlfriend, Livia, is like a clapped-out 1960’s Fiat 500.
First of the new series and there are all the regulars, all looking ten years older, even ‘youngster’ Fazio is now looking older than his dad did and as for the real ‘hot-blooded’ one, Mimi, well he has been under the thumb of his wife for at least two series now.
Never mind we got some exciting new stuff, the Italian coastguard cutter and helicopter in action rescuing ‘migrants’! But what had it got to do with the story? Agenda? (Or should that be ordine del giorno ?).
Catarella’s incompetence has evolved to full-blown slapstick clowning as he trips over a cat litter tray and tries to get through a door whist holding a broom across his middle.
Finally the muderer is revealed, but only after Montalbano has given them twenty-four hour’s notice with which to escape!
Will next week’s episode be ‘hot-blooded’ too dear continuity lady, the same way as we were told before each episode of Cardinal that ‘the journey continues’? If it wasn’t for the continuity girls and the sub-title writers there wouldn’t be any comedy on the BBC so I shouldn’t really complain!
Are you sure you were not watching Pink Panther and Inspector Clouseau ?
I generally like the offerings on BBC4 on a Saturday night, but Montalbano is like watching a kids programme compared to the Scandi noirs.
See what the BBC did there …
Story#1 … “Trump”
Story #2 … “Man pays low tax”
The BBC never remind us that Trump is only paid $1 per year. He donates the rest to military veteran charities.
The Left/BBC won’t let go of him. Same with Brexit.
Sore losers.
Knowing the BBC, if they went with that story the headline would be ‘Trump pays no tax on his President’s Salary’
I forgot to add. If anyone dared to complain, the BBC complaints department would say It the story was true and they got it ‘just about right’.
beeb reporting sooo negative already on President Trump – they ONLY mention about protests – no mention of the supporters also out there
Also the “news” article the other day focusing on the costs of Pres Trumps visit. I’m sure the same was done when other presidents visited, but this wouldn’t fit their agenda
I heard the BBC once again state this morning that Trump had called Meghan nasty. It was on Good Morning Scotland.
Every time you hear that, remember it was her comments about him he was referring to, after the questioner had labelled the comments “not so nice”. I make no apologies for posting the transcript again.

Is this a case of ‘Trumpaphobia’?
Someone should be called out for that .
Indeed. Any when you actually hear the conversation, it shows even more clearly what he meant !! Staggering distortion and fake news. Jon Sopel has taken the bait not surprisingly.
If anyone has not yet listened to the interview, its a must to see just how wrongly the media have reported it.
Trump is Kryptonyte to Clintonytes.
Below is the report of the BBC claims that Pres Trump is lying
US President Donald Trump has denied calling the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, “nasty” despite the comments being recorded.
“I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’,” he tweeted on Sunday, adding: “Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold!”
Mr Trump made his remarks about the duchess in a Sun newspaper interview ahead of his state visit to the UK.
and this from The SUN recording itself
What Pres Trump said was that he didn’t know that Markle was nasty (about him). And that was in reference to Meghan being nasty about him. Its abundantly clear from the recording itself.
The BBC know that most people will take for fact the BBC report, and would not check the recording for themselves.
This is blatant BBC lying, taking advantage of a once reputable BBC that previous generations built.
Despite the childish tantrums of Markle, Pres Trump has been generous to Markle.
Welcome President Donald Trump.
Look at the BBC’s choice of pictures of Pres Trump and Markle
The BBC is vile. They behave like spoilt children instead of adults they should be. PM Nigel Farage (hopefully) should renovate the BBC to become an unbiassed professional organisation.
The BBC are still maintaining that Pres Trump lied when he denied calling M Markle “nasty”. Sky is also going along with the fiction.
The BBC and Sky are operating the Big Lie policy of Adolf.
Markle is playing the long game, and maternity leave played into her hands nicely. Sod the British and the family she’s married into, no she daren’t offend her new bunch of wealthy pals by having to share the same air space as the President.
Its also a bit rich that all her cronies have benefitted from their girl marrying ‘royal’, and plug the fact when promoting their businesses. Yet Daddy is immediately castigated when he foolishly stepped out of line, never to be spoken to or of again. Harry does himself no credit in not sorting the problem out.
He is under her thumb. This Markle woman has come onto the scene just as Her Majesty is beginning to think of retiring.
Please don’t maam.
“ .. I didn’t know she was nasty “ … re interpreted by the BBC propaganda department ….
… but she was good in ‘suits’ though …
The BBC “Propaganda and new Truths” department is expert in managing news from the RoP front.
They should be, as the BBC is chock full of Muslims. All on huge salaries they are unlikely, if ever, to get anywhere else. Paid for by us.
The BBC’s and the rest of the media’s Trump bashing is obscene. Because of it the whole reason for the visit, to honour the allies who fought and died during the D Day campaign, is being obscured. It is an insult to men and women who deserve far better. I was watching Guy Martin and his documentary on building a Dakota and then jumping onto the landing beaches in France. During the programme veterans showed what they were like and what we should aspire to. Nurses flying backwards and forwards helping over 100000 wounded before the NHS existed. I don’t think we could handle a tenth of the issues the men and women of the allies went through today. For goodness sake BBC get off your social justice high horse and show them some respect. They don’t have long on this earth, let them feel it was worth it for at least one day.
Today Programme 0700 0800 3 June 2019
A discussion of the itinerary of President Trump . 2 big changes discussed – the first – no joint address to Parliament , the other – no discussion with `Mrs May – and as an aside no opentop carriage . Sopel was in his element
Followed up by a rich American who runs a campaign to impeach President Trump . And some bubble American journo and some british journo who interviewed Mr Trump last week and said nice things about him . There were ‘problems on the line ‘ to the journo – as usual . In this context ‘bubble ‘ does not mean a person of Greek heritage .
Then – no irony – the anniversary of the tinamen square ‘disturbances ‘
Followed by a thought for the day in which someone described President Trump as ‘Evil ‘.
Then Kenneth Clarke MP since 1970 – yes 1970 – on supporting the 9 stone Rory chap and how Parliament is far more important that the voters – no challenge of course .
So in that hour what could we learn ?
That the BBC is looking for any incident to make fun of an American President
That Dday really doesn’t matter
That the BBC considers supporting brexit as ‘controversial
Nothing new really – but – the decision of the speaker of the House of Commons not to invite mr Trump to address the houses of commons must come as a great relief to mr Trump .
Why come all that way just to talk at – what 1500 ? MPs and bench sitters …. they wouldn’t listen and too many would use it for their own purposes .
As you may have noticed I am not putting a pre amble to threads at the moment . This is because a few people using this site comment on the preamble – which may not be directly about BBC bias – which is a waste of effort when focus should be on the evil BBC and no the rights and wrongs of comments I make in the preamble .
And from my personal point of view – Welcome President Trump – I’m a great supporter – can England become a part of `the United States please ? Because that seems to be the only way to have any sort of Freedom .we can dump the royals and Parliament and then privatise the Health ‘service ‘ for starters …
One other point – about the site – I’m taking down troll stuff – like the maxincony character without directly telling them if the comment is abusive or irrelevant – and yes – I decide .
Also – if you choose to use very bad language – even in a pasted tweet – I’m going to take the whole post down because I’m not wasting my time removing single words from comments as I have done in the past . The whole comment will disappear . If there is a general view that this is too draconian then get another volunteer administrator .This also applies if one of my own posts is removed – as happened on the previous point – without me being told it was being done . I had to re instate it myself .
Agreed and supported. Thanks for your work here.
Fedup2: Why come all that way just to talk at – what 1500 ? MPs and bench sitters …. they wouldn’t listen and too many would use it for their own purposes .
Indeed. And why should he bother addressing a bunch of troughers who are quite likely to be out looking for a job unless they shape up pronto.
Our MPs still don’t get it. They seem to be under the delusion that the public is still in a hissy fit, and will soon forget, and all will be back to normal. Its the same tactic that May used for Brexit – keep the ball under play and the public will forget.
I am very happy with what you do Fedup2 – and I always limit criticism by asking myself not only ‘could I do better?’ but am I prepared to do better. So if anyone here isn’t happy with you deleting bad language or taking down trolls – then they should ask themselves would they be prepared to take the time and trouble you obviously do to keep this site going.
May I just add that if there has been bad language on this site then the post never gets a ‘like’ from me (except Pounce but I usually forgave him most things because of his huge knowledge).
Fed, as someone who argued for retaining maxincony, as I considered him useful in a dung beetle sort of way, I can understand why you have got rid of his posts after his last few efforts.
I have changed my mind. My suggestion is = Terminate with extreme prejudice!
Whilst I would consider “deplatforming” a tactic of the left. I fully support the removal of comments by trolls such as maxi which are designed to deliberately offend and bring nothing to the debate.
Yasser / Dyst
Thank you for your views . I think , judging Maxi and his love affair with his perfect self and judgement of all others , I’ll keep on eye for the early morning visits , bile and exit as he plays troll tourist – and go from their . His ego will enjoy being discussed – which is a bit sad ….
Re your comments on bad language, Fed, I am discovering the power of moderate language. I find terms like “clear off” have a force that the more demotic expressions have lost. Litotes too is a figure of speech I am coming to love. Thought I would pass these thoughts on to everyone.
Thank you – and especially for a new word to me ‘litotes’ who I thought was a chap who fought in the Trojan wars …????
I fully support what you are doing. This is a civilized site and you are making sure it continues to be so.
Fran has a fan.
Saying things does not make the bbc immune, Rob.
Especially when it is said in a medium only read by the bbc.
Fran Unsworth, the director of news and current affairs at the BBC.
One is sure she has a simply super explanation for the BBC Today Programme to invite on and get Nick ‘I scuttle past Orwell daily’ Robinson to ‘interview’ a chap based on…
“Every single person in Congress knows Trump has met the criteria to be impeached.”
The founder of Need To Impeach, Tom Steyer says the time has come for the president to be impeached.
Every single person in the BBC knows what the BBC ‘knows’.
“Every single person in Congress knows Trump has met the criteria to be impeached.”
Wrong. Only the deluded Democrats in Congress, who still cant get over that Hillary lost the election, despite the entire media, CIA, FBI, and Wall Street lying for her.
Something odd going on in South Wales? ………….
And here
It seems the knives are out down there now ?
I’d ask Rob about their use of ‘quotes’ for facts, but he’d likely block me.
When the authorities have to state something that involves the RoP, they go into an Orwellian mode. It becomes almost impossible to garner any information at all beyond the very obvious.
I wonder if all police have a specific department that deals with RoP news. Is it a top secret department that has no name?
The President of the USA arrives here to commemorate the liberation of Europe and our ‘so called’ mayor is playing with balloons.
How will Al Beeb spin this?
The BBC are doing their level best to act as cheer leaders for the anti Trump mob.
These people are a bloody embarrassment.
They consist of the intolerant left that squeal and squawk at anyone who dares contradict their world view.
Recently they’ve had Sir Roger Scruton sacked and they’ve pilloried John Cleese.
What’s so special about these people? Why is it always their voices that are heard above all others? They’re pathetic.
I’ve just been listening to Vince Cable lecturing us about why the Donald shouldn’t be honoured with a state visit. This old fool is the leader of a party that has hidden attempted murderers and paedophiles amongst its high ranking members.
Donald Trump has put the protection of his own people at the top of his agenda. He’s worried about importing terrorists. I’d have thought that was a good thing to be doing.
Is that now considered to be “Islamophobic”?
I watched ITV and Piers Morgan is the opposite…he uses facts to rip these BBC types apart..he is also capable of seeing two sides to a argument – unlike the BBC. I switched to the BBC and all I saw was negative POTUS….it is amazing how much they live in a bowl.
Piers Morgan reminded one of the guys behind the Blimp that Obama deported more immigrants than DT (in response to a falsehood made my the bloke) and also split parents from children – he also didn’t let him get away with making incorrect statements about POTUS on abortion ….the BBC on the overhand just let it all slide…
He also made the point that Obama made comments about Brexit and pulled the POTUS protesters up for having double standards
The BBC is a disgrace as a news organisation…balanced arguments do not exist
The BBC is Marxist by inclination, and state funded. One cant expect them to be truthful to the public.
Their business as they see it, is to usher in a new 21st century soviet in Europe.
If there is ANY violence I hope the BBC are investigated for incitement to violence and someone crowdfunds a private prosection on behalf of any businesses damaged or loss of business due to protestors
“Trump: Prepare for no deal and send in Farage”
Way to Go!
“Trump: Prepare for no deal and send in Farage”
Exactly. Pres Trump has made his position very clear. He is with us.
The BBC make out that the EU will make our life intolerable if we leave without a deal- that is a deal that will make Britain a colony of the EU.
What the BBC and EU forget is that if the EU try any funny stuff against us, they will have to face a very angry president of the USA. I dont think even Merkel has the guts to face Trump directly.
BBC website headline 23rd June 2016…
“US President Barack Obama in the UK”
BBC website headline 3rd June 2019…
“Trump to arrive in UK for state visit”
Spot the difference? The bile and bias is crystal clear from our respected state broadcaster.
What is our government doing about this bile and bias?
Perhaps Boris will do something if he gets in. Farage will.
He could start by getting rid of the Telly Tax.
Yes taffman, wouldn’t it be great if President Trump deported every single BBC employee from the US with immediate effect.
Good to see people calling the ever impartial Jon out ….Jon knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he tweeted …..
Even the limited ‘direct quote’ by Jon Sopel can easily be read as the opposite of what he wants it to mean.
For example:
Speaker one: “Everyone says Sheila is quite nasty”.
Speaker two: “I didn’t know she was nasty, I’ve always found her very friendly”.
It is no wonder that our ‘PPE’ politicians ‘keep to the script’ during interviews. The result is that rather than being held to account we never actually get to hear what they think and worse they never get to speak ‘outside the box’ and start the debate around new ideas. Of course this suits the media because they get to decide what is ‘acceptable’.
Piers Morgan took a hammer to the argument and showed the statement as fake news – he simply had the interview replayed and the Sun reporter who did the interview agreed that POTUS meant he didn’t know she had been nasty about him…where is the BBC is reporting the truth?
I thought I heard the weasel Sopel try to squirm his way out of the tweet about Meghan being nasty on the Today programme – but having the volume turned very low to keep my bp somewhere around normal – I may be mistaken. But within a few minutes Justin Webb was giving a round up of the papers and repeated again that the President had said that Meghan was ‘nasty’. Repeat a lie often enough seems to be the BBC’s mantra.
JA –
We will wait forever for a BBC correction and pseudo apology, and longer still for an apology from the thick black cow.
“Why you can trust BBC news”
But she is quite nasty – why is truth ‘hate speech’?
The negativity against this Potus is is stark contrast to the adoration heaped upon his predecessor. It’s for Americans to choose who represents them. We insult the president we insult the country.
State Broadcaster behaves like a political party excused the chore of having to be tested at the polls.
On BBC TV Breakfast this morning, it was mentioned that Trump was interfering with British politics with his comments about Brexit. This was during their interview with Howard and Cable.
The BBC never mention that Obama did his best to interfere just before the Referendum back in 2016 by saying that we’d go to the back of the queue for trade if Leave won. The BBC are aware of this but demonstrate bias by omission.
As always.
DS – Obama interfered because Cameron implored him to.
The BBC are like first year college students reveling in Marxist agit-prop.
The only way to deal with the BBC is to change its entire news and comments section. PM Nigel Farage is the one.
Listening to the sneering going on this morning from the BBC about the state visit, if some loony does manage to do some damage the stain will be on their hands in my opinion.
If those tweets are genuine, well done Mr President for telling it like it is, in thoroughly undiplomatic language 🙂
Welcome to Britain, and may you upset Berc-cow, Kahnt, Corblimey, the islamists, the lefties, the politically correct, and all the anarcho-loony demonstrators and assorted riff-raff.
And most of all, al-beeb.
Losers all.
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming…
Bet most protestors with children will position them on the front line. So that the cameras will see their tears and foul signs made by their parents.
SUPERB !!! Well said Mr President !! Beautifully put Sir .
Welcome President Donald Trump of the USA
Europe is grateful what your boys did for Europe, twice in the last century. And unlike victors everywhere, America did not ransack the defeated but instead gave us food and money to rebuild.
May God Bless the UK, USA, and you and your family.
It is Camoron who in part has caused this problem by appointing Mayors and Police Comissioners, and giving a single person complete control over the Police.
Before they were run by committee and if there was a nutter on the panel, his insanity could be moderated by the others, not so now.
Why does the Left engage in mass shouty demonstrations but the Right don’t bother?
DS – Because they do not have an argument.
Children always mistake loudness and bad manners for intelligent argument.
The Climate Change fraud is an example. Now they even use mentally challenged children to sway emotions their way.
“Sun 2 Jun 2019 06.00 BST”
“Only a national government can deliver Britain from its Brexit nightmare Ed Davey”
[Translation, we must do whatever it takes (pace Draghi), to stop the implementation of the referendum, because I do not like the result.]
“A short-term alliance of MPs from all parties much be formed to achieve a referendum”
[I assume must is intended.]
“First, this backbench coalition must come together to prevent an incoming Tory leader proroguing parliament and forcing a no-deal Brexit on an increasingly doubtful public. If Boris Johnson tried that, it would be an effective putsch or coup d’etat against parliament.”
[Ed, who has a first in PPE, could not argue his way out of a wet paper bag. “increasingly doubtful public”, Ed this doubtful public, is just another pathetic lie, invented because you are desperate. The very recent, so recent even a low IQ LD MP should remember it, EU elections showed Brexit is more desired than in 2016. Elections which were only required because most MPs are traitors. “putsch” this has already happened, against the people, by parliament.]
“This is no attempt to gain power through coalition. ”
[O yes it is.]
“But in parliament today we should recognise that Brexit has broken the party system”
[More LD nonsense (practice makes perfect). What the voters recognise, if belatedly in many cases, is that most MPS are snouts in the trough traitors, who having been lying (are still lying) to them, for decades. “Liberal Democrat”, you must be kidding.]
“Ed Davey is the MP for Kingston and Surbiton”
[And a Remainiac member of the Cable gang.]
[No comments allowed. Hang him.]
The beeboids desperate for something to go wrong with the visit of the President of America and no doubt ideally they’d be happy if he went home in a box .
I can imagine that the visit was planned as though he is going to a hostile third world country like Pakistan rather than a civilised best friend .
For us it will provide a valuable source of evidence of bias – as if we need it
I was wondering what the family of the mayor of London were doing on D Day … does any one know ?
“I was wondering what the family of the mayor of London were doing on D Day … does any one know ?”
Still pi**ing in a ditch on the side of the road?
You just have to hope that POTUS recognises that not everyone is against him and keeps laughing at the idiots with blimps and in particular Khan – who has done absolutely nothing positive for London (please correct me if I am wrong). We already know POTUS isn’t a fan of the BBC and probably doesn’t care what they say.
I will be sending my email to the Presidential office – every little helps
I think that’s a good thing to do . I hope there aren’t any press conferences . Ignoring the bubble seems to hurt them more than anything .
I think Mr Trumps farewell present for Mrs May will be a book on ‘ negotiating ‘ .
We must remember, too , that the 6th is not just the anniversary of D Day – but also the Peterborough bi election ..
BBC Online News:
“”D-Day landmarks listed for 75th anniversary””
“”More than 150,000 soldiers from the UK, US, Canada and France landed on the beaches of Normandy.””
France? There was a total of only 250 French soldiers at D-Day.
Poland is not mentioned in the BBC list. Poland contributed 16,000 soldiers for D-Day.
For the BBC, France equals Macron and a Left wing EU buddy.
For the BBC, the Poles don’t count.
I think some people would be surprised to hear that any non-US military took part at all.
I don’t blame the US for that (well perhaps a little), I blame the UK education system, the MSM and the British film industry.
“For the BBC, the Poles don’t count.”
For the BBC, the Polls don’t count.
And for the May Government (and likely successor):
“The Proles don’t count.”
The BBC promises to deliver some pure comedy gold as they struggle through gritted-teeth to provide coverage of President Trump’s State Visit. Already, it’s looking like some of the best comedy output the BBC have produced since…well, since forever.
Trump’s early salvo aimed at Sadiq Khan has immediately sent the BBC cadres into a predictable, panic-stricken tailspin: Class-A trolling from Trump (so glad he’s in a sparring mood). This is fantastic.
I can barely stand to watch much of the BBC’s cringe-worthy, bile-filled, malicious coverage, but I’m hoping for a ‘best-of’ highlights reel on YT once this visit is over!
Trump Derangement Syndrome: the gift that just keeps giving!
Says it all, BBC launching their protest
Breakfast TV on the BBC sent a young lady to Stansted Airport to
“greet” President Trump. SHE ticked nearly all the right boxes other
than being the least loquacious reporter I have ever heard on National TV. She was obviously nervous, but we will forgive her for that.
BIG BROTHER must of told her to have a dig at Trump which she
did dutifully. All I can think is that she was used because so many
at the BBC have taken their holiday’s so that they can demonstrate against Trump.
LBC now @MaajidNawaz pandering to the hatey audience JamesOB cultivated
‘Disgusting Trump, instead of criticising Sadiqs politics he mocks his height/appearance’
MN 3 mins later
‘ We too could have a *BLOND BUFFOON* as a PM, as well as a Blond Buffoon as a president’
MN just excused himself
‘Yeh but yeh, I was just channelling an anti-Trump protester* ‘
* Earlier on the show MN had said he himself had been on previous Anti-Trump protests
Nicky Campbell talking friendly with a female anarchy anti-Trump protestor in RADIO5 Live this morning:
“I bet you’ll be showing the middle finger to Mr Trump?”
But this over-paid BBC employee creature said it in a voice of utter contempt – the young female Nicky-lover – used those words quite often in her chat with Campbell. He loved it! You could literally feel the hatred he and this young drop-out girlfriend of his had towards America and the England. (Campbell being a republican and a scot.)
Oh, and the other guest was supposedly a Trump supporter who wanted a UK Republic. So he was anti-monarchy which most liblabgreenother are.
Lucy, many will be complaining about that one
Link to BBC Complaints
With a little determination It isn’t hard to find and can be laborious to complete especially if it times out and one has start all over. The first reply is an automatic acknowledgement followed by a ‘go away’ response a week or so later. Then you have to virtually start the whole process again and are given a new reference number the purpose of which is to confuse the user into giving up. However, it’s only at the second stage that they start to take the complaint seriously.
Thanks for that I have just made a complaint about the terrible reporting of President Trumps visit today. Plus the bump thing on that horrible Vivtoria Derbyshire’s show today. I’ll remember your advice on their replies.
Just dropped Al Beeb a line or ten about their disgraceful, agenda of fake news and distraction against not just POTUS but also the memory of all those brave souls who risked all so that we might defeat those who would now, 75 years on, enslave us.
The warmest of welcomes to you Mr Pesident and all who support your efforts.
Guardian Opinion Brexit
Sun 2 Jun 2019 12.18 BST
“My constituency voted to leave. But I still want Labour to oppose Brexit Bridget Phillipson”
“Sunderland’s economy is heavily dependent on car manufacturing. Already we’re seeing it start to move away from Britain.”
Where have you been Bridget?
6 days before the referendum, Ford, assisted by a loan from the EU (ie our money), announced plans to close a plant in the UK and move to Turkey.
Mr Google must be on holiday, he could not find one word about Bridget being outraged about this.]
“And the reason I believe the voters must have the final say on Brexit isn’t because I reject their concerns.”
[Another Remainiac lie, Bridget, it is because you reject their opinion. As expressed in the referendum. Because you do not share their opinion. You also do not share their opinion that their decision must be implemented, as promised, on many occasions, by the Labour Party.
“the final say” Another lie, if the “advisory” referendum is followed by the “confirmatory” referendum you are advocating and Brexit is voted for, you will not accept the result. Because this is the EUmaniac policy. 100% of referendum results which the dictators of the EUSSR did not like were either repeated (after massive EU lying propaganda efforts with our money) until the “correct” result was obtained, or evaded. Not one has been implemented.]
“Ultimately, I support a referendum because I think leaving would cause far more serious and far more lasting damage.
The anger that would then be unleashed by the mismatch between the promises of 2016 and the reality of Brexit will make present discontents seem a walk in the park.”
[“the reality of Brexit” A reality which is assumed to be doom and gloom. An assumption for which zero evidence is adduced, because there is none. Just hand wringing in the face of all the available evidence.
We have had the Osborne punishment budget threat, the Obama back of the queue threat, the Carney predictions of doom, all nonsense. Bridget please publish another article in the Guardian tomorrow, comparing the UK economy to that of EU “regions”.]
[Bridget has never had a proper job, typical bubble dweller.
Wikipedia “Between 2007 and 2010,[6] she was a manager for Wearside Women in Need, a charity refuge for women affected by domestic violence.[7]
Bridget your concerns seem limited to women. Mr Google was also unable to discover your condemnation of Muslim gang rape of white children in your constituency. Muslims imported by your party, to vote for you.]
“Bridget Phillipson is the Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South”
[Comments allowed. I did not read any. Probably only from low IQ, poorly (ie University) educated, Remainiacs.]
LCS, Bridget Phillipson is the Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South and it appears she has not been paying attention in the House of Commons or to ‘the BBC House Journal’, The Guardian newspaper.
June 3/4/5 Hatefest London 2019
…. sponsored by BBC/MSM/libmob
A capital infested with black on black knife crime
..Islamic terrorist attacks
and in a county where there were 5,000 10,000 whatever victims of grooming/raping gangs None of which the libmob have taken to the streets to demonstrate about.
…. yet they will demonstrate about an off the cuff sexual remark Trump made FOURTEEN years ago
And about him allowing states to decide on abortion as he promised in his election manifesto
.. Seeming to show they are more about Virtue Signalling than real victims.
The truth is the visit should not be about Trump
but about the United Stated people
..and that we in the UK have so much respect for them for sending ONE MILLION troops to help us do D-Day 75 years ago
a thing that helped us save Europe from a true fascist government system
I welcome these protests, on live TV all over the planet.
Showing why we voted for Brexit.
The protestors will be c99% in favour of the totalitarian EU.
” yet they will demonstrate about an off the cuff sexual remark Trump made FOURTEEN years ago”
Recently I noted, on this site, the deplorable Nick Cohen devoted a whole article in The Guardian to smearing UKIP. Smears focussing on Carl Benjamin’s refusal to apologise for his, unwise in my opinion, rape joke.
The same Guardian, the same Nick Cohen (plus all other Guardian “journalists”) who tried to ignore hundreds of thousands of real rapes. Racist rapes. Paedophile rapes. Gang rapes. Rapes mostly carried out by people imported by Blair and his gang, to “rub our noses in diversity”. Imports who were allowed in to vote Labour.
Imports who are also keen on driving lorries over people, stabbing people, causing explosions, starting fires.
The extreme left, as typified by Cohen and Corbyn, do not get to lecture anyone, from a position of moral superiority.
Corbyn has spent the last thirty years courting terrorists. Corbyn has spent all of his adult life (insofar as he is only
an adult biologically), promoting a political philosophy which killed 100 million people.
I was utterly disgusted at the BBC news at 10 last night. Totally biased report regarding Trumps visit with interviews with John Sopel and Sadiq Khan showing their open dislike for Trump with no balance. This is the President of the USA and the representative television company for my country to which we are almost forced to pay sends out this trash across the nation inciting hatred.
I deal with a lot of Americans admittedly some who do not support him but most who do and are delighted at the state of the economy under his administration. Whatever you think of him personally, as a politician he has surpassed in spadefuls what we have ended up with here in the UK.
Radio 4 9.30is Monday morning had Andrew Marr with a panel of people discussing the Conservative election. Who they were, I neither know nor care. However they had an American woman on saying how marvellous it was that Gove had agreed the compromise that if he becomes PM he will give citizenship to 3 million EU people living in this country.
Well I actually have a vote in the appointment of the next leader of the Conservative Party and I don’t care how much the BBC tries to skew the result. Mr Gove has been hopeless at Environment. He has allowed himself to be swayed totally by his civil servants and bow to their will on climate change. He will not get my vote to sway to the civil servants responsible for Brexit and bow to their will and keep us under the control of the EU however much he dresses it up as out.
Gove ought to have stayed in Education; he was doing some good there. Unfortunately, precisely because he was effective, he had to be removed.
Celtic_Mist June 3, 2019 at 1:02 am
“The ‘Right’ are more interested in truth whilst the ‘Left’ have an insatiable demand for facts. The two things are not the same because there are always alternative facts. Facts are like statistics and usually employed to tell lies.”
Excellent post, CM. Think it depends whether ‘the facts’ come from a genuine seeker after truth who seeks out reliable sources (old school teahers?) or are a lazy “Your facts do not correspond with my facts (the ones I choose to believe despite any education) so I don’t believe them.”
Cassandra June 3, 2019 at 7:43 am
“Most experienced teachers are leaving the profession in droves Fred, they’ve had enough. That’s why the government is spending millions on radio and television commercials to try and attract people.
The teachers I know have had to bite their tongues at the propaganda they’ve had to teach.
Children used to be taught to think critically and question the status quo but now they’re taught to follow the ‘party line’ without question. The only schools that continue this form of education are the grammar schools and you can see how popular they are with labour politicians, despite most of them sending their children to them.”
Cassandra, also an excellent post.
CM & Cassie,
Am taking the liberty of posting this link again from my post in response to j-i-c near the end of the previous Weekend Thread.
The talk, by former Marxist, former teacher, Tony Pearce is long (circa 60m) & a little difficult in that he keeps referring to visual aids that are on-screen for his real-time audience and there is also quite a bit of sibilance in the audio. (Really needs a little attention on the mixing desk.) Never mind: persevere. It is, imv, highly relevant to matters discussed here.
Entitled ‘This Month in Prophecy’, Tony looks back at major news of a month & relates it to Biblical prophecy.
26 May 2019 (Frustratingly, the morning of the day when in the evening we started to get news of the EU Election results.) The edition for June could be very interesting ….
UP2, Thanks! I’ve made a note of the link
The Marxist strategy starts with destruction of the family..
The BBC seems to believe in ‘the long road’ where the current trajectory that western civilisation is on is unstoppable.
In the meantime many folks are waking up to the truth
Re Sadiq’s PR team retaliating with the “far-right threat” ..false label
Sadiq ‘Trump is a fascist’
Trump ‘Sadiq is sone cold lose and short’ full comment in 2 tweets
Sadiq spokesman “childish insults should be beneath the US president”
Sadiq spokesman “Donald Trump is the most egregious example of a growing far-right threat around the globe, which is putting at risk the basic values that have defined our liberal democracies for more than 70 years.”
(“childish insults”

yet allows a baby Trump blimp during D-Day commemorations )
Contexts here
When is the little ‘Asian’ shit voted out of the London Mayor position?
That’s highly offensive, Thatcherrevolutionary. To farmers and gardeners, shit serves a useful purpose.
And Emily Thornberry of Labour stated during the BBC EU Election night transmission that she agreed with everything Khan said.
“Thornberry and Khan”
One of the two will never sit on the leather green benches again other will never sit on Khan’s vacated throne.
The voters will see to that.
Traitors both.
Bottomline : the biggest TROPE is equating someone to a fascist
Tossing around the poison-words “fascist” and “far right” is weaponised debate.
It is worse than saying someone is short.
… Let me check if Sadiq started it by calling Trump a fascist
… cos with extraordinary claims, I hate this game of Chinese whisphers where the media amplify something, and don’t state context.
It’s always best to o back to the source for an original quote.
and indeed
The Observer front page screams \\ Sadiq ‘Trump is a fascist’ // pic
whereas the internal page written by Sadiq that that no one mentions pic
So Sadiq actually said “using the divisive tropes of fascists”
There is no direct quote against Trump, rather Sadiq is tossing around the poison-words “fascist” and “far right” to try to poison the well of Trump.
The biggest TROPE ever is equating someone to a fascist.
Now that Observer headline ‘Trump is a fascist’
Sadiq is complicit in that cos his people no doubt approved that headline.
Sadiq has LOST cos he broke Godwin’s law
You can either debate people properly
.. Or you can shout ‘he’s like Hitler’
Furthermore we can apply the rule ..check if Sadiq is projecting
and it does seem that he and Labour are the ones who use unfair tactics of poison labels etc.
BBC Online News:
“”NHS turns to Mumsnet to fill nurse vacancies””
Note the image to illustrate the NHS. One black male and two females. ‘Never a white male’ is the BBC motto. Same with features about universities.
Racist? I think so.
Have you ever seen a black male nurse? I haven’t and I have worked in and around the NHS for quite a while? You don’t see that many male nurses one report says 11% of nurses are male and 0.3% of midwives….why no positive discrimination? Why no comments on BBC R4 wimmins hour at the Misandry in the nursing profession?
More than racist. Ethnic cleansing isn’t just about groups of men armed with guns – propaganda is a major technique as well.
It would be interesting to know more about the relationship between the BBC and Getty Images, particularly any financial aspects. Here’s their Twitter feed: notice the identical obsessions with bogus feminism, immigration and homosexuality (don’t look if you are of a nervous disposition). They are still including the widely discredited picture of the little Honduran girl – shameless.
Tweets by GettyImages
@IanRushlow what you did there has really slowed the page down
If you post someone twitter home link, it doesn’t just embed one tweet, it embeds all of their recent tweets.
That Nurse photo is actually a photo of “migrant workers”
Who says so ?
The BBC they used it before, labelled
“high-skilled workers”
The Getty page out of 100 pics in 3 pages of nurse teams I looked thru
white male nurses do not appear unless there is a BME in the pic
except for the one pic which has a single white male nurse alone
“NHS nurses”=“migrant workers”

… In BbcLand
Tweet with full size image
On Talk Radio Mike Graham rebels against the Trump hating
..Result in his poll 86% support Trump’s visit
They ought to run it alongside a poll of support for Sad Dick Khan. Can’t imagine he has much.
Travelling with POTUS
BBC News North America Correspondent. Previous postings in Pakistan, Gaza/West Bank and in Egypt #NFFC #NottsCCC
Washington DC
BBC News screened one of his Tweets – Just saying..
He’ll welcome the call to prayer early tomorrow morning.
Yet again , another prime example of a Liberal lefty happy to give it out, but as soon as someone fights back, they play the victim card. Happens all the time. They are a strange bunch.
I think the correct saying is “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”
There’s no comparison between the one on the left and the Jer*-Of* to the right.
Truth is; the majority of the 65-70 million UK citizens admire Mr President and the First lady greatly; while perhaps only a few thousand within the Chelsea/Islington boroughs accepts the London major with a pinch of salt.
Quite right. Just seen/heard this amazed it has not been banned and those involved jailed ….for accurately representing England today !!!!
Where does that come from?
Oh, I have just found out: the tv series Manhunt, available on YouTube.
The BBC is going the whole way on coverage of the State visit of President Trump – presumably because they are waiting for something ‘bad ‘ to happen
I’m half watching it with a half closed eye but not listening to the queue of anti President Trump rubbish they hire on these occasions – as I speak they’ve got TVs own Simon Sharma – a limp wristed democrat if either I’ve seen one .
I’m guessing there won’t be a picture of The President with Nigel Farage until after the Peterborough Bi Election – or maybe – what the hell..
If the BBC and their ilk had their way it probably would be a bi election with no straight candidates allowed 🙂
Regarding the amateurish commentary on the President Trump arrival, of course being the BBC it had to be two wimmin commentating, but the one on location had the most irritating alternately squeaking and croaking voice I have heard in a long time, I had to turn the TV down eventually it was such an irritant, shameful that someone without an ounce of gravitas or speaking ability is given the post because she has a vagina.
Also noted, as I first noticed during Gulf Wars, the total complete and utter inability of the BBC commentators to put a sentence together without at least three or four umms and errs every single sentence without their autocue, see the vagina comment above…..
I can’t watch the repeat on iplayer isince I cancelled my BBC licence recently. Was it a mixture of the Pamela Stephenson take on Janet Street Porter interviewing Billy Connolly in Not The Nine O’Clock News with a bit of extra vocal fry thrown in?
chancy, one of them sounded like she was trying to keep her head above water as she fought from going under – literally! It was so annoying listening to her breathless gasping and high voice.
The best comparison would be with a BBC reporter from some years back, Christine McGurty, whose delivery could be best described as a continuous monotone wail.
The BBC has lost the plot having a this clown and others (Sopel included) making disparaging remarks during the Royal reception ceremony
I did enjoy sopel talking over the national anthem of his country – if – indeed he has loyalty to any nation state any more – like the rest of the BBC .
I recorded the whole tirade and will add that into the (limited space) for the complaint. The BBC are hypocrites when they accuse Trump of being divisive and then fill their airtime with pure hatred.