strange Twitter #censorship
as it labels that video above of @realDonaldTrump helicopter landing
“.. we can’t show you everything !
..might contain sensitive content” screenshot tweet
Another example of how the left think its their view that’s always correct!!!
No Russell – he is the Democratically elected President of the United States . Show some respect.
On behalf of the American majority, I extend our apologies to the UK for this global embarrassment visiting your country. If you would like to confiscate his passport and keep Donald Trump across the pond, please feel free.
“If you would like to confiscate his passport and keep Donald Trump across the pond, please feel free.”
We would welcome that above all else. Get him into No 10 with Nigel next door and we would never look back!
Russell Drew, your loss would be our gain! Problem is the majority of Americans would demand his return ASAP having already glimpsed what the ‘DD’s: Destructive Democrats have to offer…………….
TWATO…the bias is out and running
President Trump ‘apparently’ continued insults on Sadiq he got off plane and making a big point of him mocking him on his height…
Notice the use of word ‘apparently’ not a fact but put in to make it seem true and no mention of the names and mocking Sadick Khan has thrown at POTUS..all a bit one sided
Last week Gordon Brown came out with his brand of intolerant unity and now it’s Owen Jones’ turn in a rally to protest against Trump:
—”It’s important we join the dots here…we’re protesting against what he represents… it’s so important with Farage and the rise of the Brexit party, to take to the streets, united, whatever our backgrounds, whatever our difference on this issue or that, it needs to be a cross section of British society…”
Given that the new diktat says diversity of culture, race and religion only enhances a population — why doesn’t this also apply to diversity of politics or philosophy? We’re often told how terrible things are; Britain is split, it’s too polarised, politics is fractious. Why are we not celebrating these differences of view? I thought diversity was our strength?
Jones wants us to unite, “whatever our difference on this issue or that” but how much heterogeneity can a homogeneous group withstand? Who decides what’s diverse (good) and what’s disunited (bad)?
I wish we had a press that was willing to push on just what kind of grand vision they’re talking about, because it doesn’t take much prodding for the ‘unity’ ideology to collapse like a house of cards.
What the same Brexit Party who won a democratic vote to push through a policy that was voted for in a democratic vote…?
The way he talks one would think it was the rise of the Nazi Party.
It is these idiots who are the opposition to all that is sacred not the other way around.
Hilarious…BBC TWATO Sarah Monatgue (I think) pushing Sir Anthony Duncan on whether NHS should be included in USA trade deals. He was polite and kept trying to explain the complexity but she wouldn’t drop it so he asks ‘perhaps you can explain what you think is involved…’
stutter, err err, silence as brain goes into overload – then ‘well I am asking the questions’ or words to that effect then move on….yet again it shows how limited these BBC people are..
From last year but i love this video. Well worth a watch on how to deal with those who seem intent on “dissing” the President but actually don’t know half the facts.
Like i said last week, ask those there today protesting in London what it is exactly they are protesting about ?? 90% wont have a clue. Not a clue. Day out with the virtue signalling crew.
This dusky lady had no idea about the numbers of illegals dealt with under the Obama regime . I’m not sure who she is or why she keeps turning up on political programmes …but she should have been able to deal with that question if she was of any value .
She’ll probably write a column in the guardian about being bullied by a whitee man and then get a job on wimmin s hour ….
I suspect the white PPE bubble people feel reassured in themselves that they know someone who isn’t white . A better man than me could have felt sorry for her as Piers tore her a new hole – but I just thought – why put such a lightweight on national TV – ? An insult to the viewer .
Also – UK passport holders digging into the immigration policies of a country 5000 miles away … when we can’t even sort out the English Channel – that’s a bit rich too…
Just put in a complaint to the BBC about the coverage of the presidents arrival . I also asked if the BBC paid for that replica blimp of the president on the Victoria Derbyshire show. Why was Simon Schamas attack on the potus left unchallenged, The BBC are now a national embarrassment.
The bbc lunchtime news on one was a trashy assemblage/collage, footage of President Trump’s arrival, interspersed with interviews with ‘protestors’, constant criticisms of the President, mention of past ‘gaffes’, random wimmin interviewed to tell us what they thought, all the usual supects, like Sopel, assuring us about how ‘controversial’ the visit was, etc etc
It is apparently not possible for them to run coherent footage for any length of time, without a constant confetti of irrelevant and irritating interruptions. Was that really put together by professional and impartial editors?
I think not…
I haven’t commented for quite a while, mainly because I just refuse to listen to any of the drivel the BBC puts out as “News” these days. But I’ve recently returned from abroad and I thought I would just see for myself if it was as bad as I remembered. The lunchtime FakeNoos on BBC1 was staggeringly, unbelievably, disastrously worse!!!
Hard to know where to start, though @fakenewswatcher has summed it up perfectly in “trashy assemblage”. Pictures of the President arriving with his wife and being greeted by the Queen, constantly undermined by the BBC’s selective suggestions for the most inflammatory “diplomatic gaffe” – overlooking the fact that running insults from the national broadcaster could also be considered diplomatically unacceptable. Insults from Sadiq Khan apparently fine; ripostes from Trump beyond the pale. Demonstrators allowed to spill their anti-Trump bile with no interruption or challenge to justify their branding of him as “far right” or “rascist”; one woman straight out of central casting was showcased saying it was only sensible to protest when Trump’s government was being mean to migrants on the Mexican border. Hello…any reporter want to put an awkwardly logical question in there? No?
Then a mention of the US Ambassador, and an attempt to paint him as dangerously undiplomatic too after some Twitter archaeology in which he dared to mention Our Sacred NHS. Now, Ambassador Johnson has been tweeting constantly in the run-up the the D Day commemorations about the incredible joint achievements of and bonds between our countries. But naturally the BBC can’t mention that…
It is utterly bonkers. The smug self-righteousness over the half-baked onesidedness. The precedence of feelings over facts. The lack of proper journalism and interviews with major players. Childish and divisive. I had to turn it off. The one thing I hope is that more and more normal viewers are finding this nonsense to be so far removed from reality that it’s almost funny.
The BBC reporters aren’t fit to untie the high heels of most US TV/Radio reporters/correspondents.
I admire the professionalism and honesty of their reporting. Sharp minded, slick and highly informed of whoever they speak about. No insults unlike the many “insults-a-plenty” BBC reporters.
Immature journalists are always recognisable by how often they Insult people.
Quite right, vesna. The BBC is currently a national embarrassment. They seem to have ditched all accepted rules of journalism. Do they realise how much they are trashing their own reputation?
I was once a journalist, and am shocked at the personal insults and pitiful standards of reporting here. We used to say that journalists wrote for other journalists, and it seems clear from the equally dire Channel 4 News and Sky that they are competing among themselves to be the shriekiest, most reactionary, most fashionably right-on activists, no doubt with an eye on the jobs market.
Meanwhile, more informed viewers take a step back and scratch heads as the child-commentators stage their tantrums. All we can do is walk away until they cry themselves out. (And laugh as they wonder why audiences are falling so rapidly. And no, it’s not all to do with alternative media.)
PS. Not sure about “all” US correspondents. CNN have a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, for example. But Fox’s Sean Hannity is a star for his old-fashioned approach to gathering exclusive insights and presenting them as coherent and persuasive reports. He would be far too old-school for the UK.
Who is actually proud of Sadiq Khan as mayor? And if you're proud, why? Was it:
– The rising knife crime that did it? – The time he endorsed the Extinction Protests that cost the London economy millions – The time he banned women in bikinis from the tube?
Paul Mason. Claims he’s a ‘journalist’ and ‘film maker’.
Never heard of him. Sounds not only like an evil loser, but also a foul-mouthed one. Trying to sell a book?
Doesn’t look like someone who can write. Maybe a shave and a tie would help, but doubtful.
Will steer well clear.
@Fake “Never heard of him”
Of course you have, but you have sanitised your brain
Owen Jones wrote a Guardian article pouring scorn on the amazing Andrew Neil, and saying a lefty like Paul Mason would never present er… Newsnight
When in fact Mason had been a regular Newsnight presenter.
Stew, I’ve never heard of the Mason bloke, (didn’t he drum with Pink Floyd)?
I’ve heard the odd squeak from a schoolkid jones, but as he always chucks his toys out of the pram, I tend to wander off and do something interesting, rather than listen to juniors.
Mason was one of those mass produced Marxist beeboids who left their bias at the studio door …. like they all do…
By the way – has anyone heard from the Gavin Esler of the Party formerly known as No Change UK. ? His mouth seems as shut as Heidi , Chuka , and Soubry …..
Thank you Fed! I do get confused these days when ‘politicians’ keep whirling around, joining this and that and not actually doing their jobs.
As mentioned elswhere, Minge UK is going through some sort of hiatus, and when they’ve joined the Lib Dems as a sort of reverse coalition, they’ll all scamper off and join another useless crowd, like the Greens.
God knows where they’ll all end up, possibly with the Conservatives, which will have the same number of MPs after the next General Election, about eight…
Paul Mason – who? Is what most people will say…? POTUS a loser oh yes he is a billionaire President of the USA; now if that is losing can I be a loser too..and to be proud of Mr Khan – for what exactly? Jesus, can these people get any worse?
James, Siddick Khan should really show some balls, but all he ever does is bang on about things he really should try and understand – he’s paid enough ferchrissakes!
I thought he was supposed to be a ‘lawyer’, but maybe I’m wrong, but is that a good thing to admit when they charge £120.00 an hour for bullshit?
Londoners are being let down so badly by this silly little guy, he’s not up to the job of running a capital city, he’s just a little bloke, torn between his inadequacies and ‘duty’ to some sort of leftie cause, and lets the side down at every turn!
Luckily, I don’t have to endure his antics in my once-loved capital city, and he can piddle around with his childish antics and toss himself off on the leftie media response, but one thing for certain is, that American companies will be watching all this wank-fest-by-lefties, and the result will be tears before bedtime!
President Trump is very welcome here. I like his aggression on behalf of his people, whether they agree or not, he bats for them, and we just don’t need twonks like soddick chan being an absolute childish twat in the eyes of the majority of loyal Brits!
I search for information on Lisa Forbes, the Labour candidate in the Peterborough by-election.
Forbes must have been the one who ate all the pies.
Ergo Abbottpotamus and Lady Hugee must be innocent.
OrderOrder is near the top of my search so I investigate.
Forbes has form for Anti-Semitism, reports Guido.
Here are two comments, the second of which I found apposite and funny. So I thought, the BBBC heroes, might also be amused.
“Does she [Forbes] have a local connection with the town, or has she been parachuted in by Momentum?”
Kassandra of Sparta
“That would need a very big parachute.”
“Here is Lisa wearing a marquee by Chipperfield.”
Here is another comment from the thread referred to above.
“Why are so many Labour female Parliamentary candidates so, how can I put this, enormous, immense, gargantuan?”
Have a look round local Gov offices as well, all wobbling about creating dictats for schools about what kids cannot put in their lunchboxes and banning junk food adverts
Lucy, I don’t know where you get all this, but thank goodness you’re on the case!
Being an ageing old Scrobs, I always thought I was good at digging out nuggets to make people sit up, (I won an award for it once) but you take the biscuit here!
Look at this disgraceful piece from BBC Newsround !!! The brainwashing of our young kids by the far left teachers that control the education system is quite frankly ….disgusting and scary !!!
What the hell do these kids know about President Trump and his policies !!! This is a step too far and looking at the comments, most feel the same. Even mocking the President with a daft blow up toy ….absolutely abysmal BBC !! You should be shut down.
Are you serious? Official account? Would you like your kids to be used like this?
We’ve stopped paying for the telly tax now but a few months back Newsround did a piece about Trump going up the plane steps with some tissue/paper stuck to the bottom of his shoes. It was completely ridiculous and designed entirely to make kids think Trump is stupid ????
The Muslim mayor of London got 44% of the turn out in the last election – that’s 1.15 million with Zak Goldsmith second on 900k.
So the claim that the Muslim mayor speaks for the 8 million people of London— a minority of which speak English –
Is pushing it a bit . He ll never be speaking for me .
It’s funny how sometimes majorities count and other times they don’t .
Our favourite gobby minority who refuse to integrate and want to impose their intolerances upon us again, now whingeing about Islamophobia their favourite word
Are they born with a placard in their hand ?
Birmingham LGBT row: Protesters to challenge school ban
Parents in Birmingham say they will challenge an injunction against protesting and claim they are being ignored.
The BBC is, however, world-renowned reporting. Apparently.
A revealing moment from @jonathancmunro. I’ve increasingly felt that gender and ethnic balance matters more to the BBC than any other kind of balance. This BBC chief’s reaction to critics suggests I’m right to worry
They are never pressed to provide examples of what “racism he is putting out across the airwaves” or of how Trump’s actions have affected the law on abortion in the US, etc
I said earlier on that the collective emotional stress on the BBC being caused by the visit of President Trump would benefit our cause .
This balloon image will hopefully appear in America . I just hope that Americans are able to discern between the sane majority British and the insane BBC and it’s intellectually challenged friends -such as the Emir of Londonistan . … busily counting his stab victims …
It’s not just the Mayor of London who has been behaving like a child, but the pathetic, biased BBC.
Victoria Derbyshire presented her coverage of Trump’s visit in front of the BBC’s own baby blimp balloon of the President – utterly disgraceful from our state broadcaster.
And then she summarised the twitter spat between Trump and Khan by stating that the President had “insulted” Khan about his height, but saying that Khan had “criticised” Trump for being a “21st century fascist”.
Interesting choice of words, eh? One throws insults, the other just criticises.
So Khan is talking about what exactly? Fascism.
Does the BBC bother to explain what fascism actually is, to provide context and perhaps even “fact check” for its viewers. No. Can’t be arsed, just runs with it.
And all this in the week when Trump is here to honour our Allied servicemen and women who defeated fascism and enabled idiots like Victoria Derbyshire the freedom to broadcast slanderous claims with impugnity.
Ever the opportunist Khan spots a chance to deflect attention away from his own dismal performance, a well trodden path used by desperate Galtieri type tin potters.
Before we stopped paying for the nonsense that is our state broadcaster, I used to call it the ‘Victim Derbyshire Show’. Most of the people who go on there are whinging and whining about this and that. ????
???? “Always the victim….” ????
Did anyone see VD’s interview with Esther Macvey.? I am surprised VD did not scratch her eyes out. The dislike was obvious and TV is so good at revealing things like this. Nowhere to hide.
Just a poor interview by an agenda driven BBC hack.
Hostile was not in it. Venomous more like. Esther held her own well.
R4 news opens with quotes from earlier interviews with Americans in London (but doesn’t say that)
” he is a disgrace to our country” and ” we look at it (what they don’t say) from an economic point of view.. So basically opening with negatives about POTUS
BBC you are a disgrace to our country!
Is this the same Karl Turner against whom allegation of sexual misconduct were made early last year? Hmmm.. and he is another Barista or sorry Barrister…and a Labour MP to boot. Well done Mr Turner you have sunk to the level of most Labour MPs these days – the toilet
I assume Mr Turner will be charging the designer toilet roll to taxpayers expenses . The mental and emotional calibre of lawmakers has certainly declined since the time of Churchill and Attlee….
I m well aware , thank very much , that the Emir was an Ooman rights £££££ lawyer and bus drivers ‘ son. I got stick for implying that there was something wrong with being the son of a bus driver .
Judging by the quality of bus drivers in my neck of the woods I’m guessing his parents were not formally married … if you get my drift .
Stew- Naughty little children like Turner are an embarrassment for public discourse among adults. I was about to say, ‘for parliament’, but then I thought of Prescott. (Also Hull?) And Bercow. And Abbott. The list goes on…and on….
Infantile humour seems to be coming back into fashion. What with Victoria Derbyshire showing off her blimp, confirming the bbc also to be on the list of institutions over which there hangs a large question mark.
To think that we are forced to pay for them all!
Politics by Viz no less? Can you imagine similar from the real hard left of yesteryear, Benn and Foot for example? Lord knows why but I still expect better from those suckling at the public teat.
Previous high class tweet from Karl Turner
libmob judge Trump/Farage by their own childish standands
So as every their accusations reflect their own characteristics.
Do one now Nige. We are sick to death of your unadulterated untruths. You make me feel like projectile vomiting every time I see or hear your stinking right wing crap. I’d debate you forensically anytime. You just spout hate and intolerance.
Turner would debate ‘forensically’ anytime, he says. He seems to have a very high opinion of himself.
Looking at his language, I doubt it ranges beyond insults and foul language!
Forensically, my foot. But Hate Speech there is, in almost every word.
This man sounds unbalanced. Nige would make mincemeat of him.
It’s kind of weird of how the internet says
News : March 12th 2018
Labour MP Karl Turner ‘made sexual remarks to cancer victim’ in 2015 &, in 2014
and the the story dries up
He just denied it
and there was no further reporting
God help us! A potential future Prime Minister (please, no!) is taking part in the anti Trump demo tomorrow.
Not only Compo, but that rare beauty, Emily Thornberry will be at his side.
There’s never been such an utterly awful opposition as the one we’ve got now.
Compo has sucked up to every terrorist he’s ever had contact with. He was an ardent supporter of the IRA and had Adams and McGuiness round for tea two weeks after they attempted to annihilate the entire government. He wants ISIS killers allowed “back home” and thinks the ISIS bride should be with her family. Stuff that!
And yet, our greatest ally and he behaves like this.
FFS can you imagine if this bunch of turds actually got elected?
As the late Terry Thomas might have said…
What an absolute shower.
Is it a time warp ? Are the Americans at war with the north Vietnamese still ? Is it the USSR ?
The US economy is healthy without inflation and American boys are not returning home in boxes covered in American flags .
Is the greatest issue – whether to use enemy telephone equipment ? Or nonsense about climate change ?
Especially since President Trump could / should be in power for 6 years – and in the final 4 – can really pay back Obama and the other corrupt swamp dwellers .
Jeff – Terry Thomas: great value entertainment. Don’t think he would find much of that around, were he to glimpse the present day.
Always remember him in : ‘It’s a mad, mad, mad world’ – mid sixties, but worth a viewing for some good laughs.
As for the title: now THAT he would see all about him, but not in the benign way it had in mind.
Thank God too. I’m a Spurs fan living in Liverpool and I’m sick of seeing red flags and banners everywhere ???? Please start taking them down before someone starts ripping them down ????
Wiki describes this character as a Hedge Fund Manager worth $1.6 billion .
It’s wonderful that the Far Left BBC enjoys the company of such people so suddenly – no issue about funding that campaign – but funding The Brexit Party ? A different story .
Thanks GW, I’ve been steadily weaning myself off R5 but had to have a listen to the original.
I must say it’s been a long time coming for Emma Barnett… the haughty head girl is always just under the surface but here any pretense at professional journalism was well and truly gone.
Thank you for the link – I am actually surprised that the BBC engaged Mr Gorka because he has a long distinguished track record of taking on snowflakes like her in the USA and Europe .
I knew him in a previous life and was always impressive .
He knows exactly what the faults of the MSM are and would swat almost all beeboids without much effort – hence my surprise at having him on at all .
C4 News approaching presidential security with a kind of lightweight approach – as though the thousands of Muslim terrorist vermin living amongst us don’t exist .
Maybe C4 has forgotten about the mass suicide attacks on ordinary people yet along the president of the country responsible for killing their pinup boy – bin laden .
PS – twitter is reporting that there might be a Press Conference on Tuesday – now that will be worth the popcorn if he gets going on the beauties ….
Riz Lateef may just be reading her auto cue written for
her by her Trotskyist editors on the London Programme.
But Presidents of the USA are still referred to as President
such as President’s Clinton , Bush or Obama, when they are no
longer Presidents.
I find it insulting that Riz Lateef should refer to President Trump ,
just as Trump. But to be honest it is what you would expect
from this biased BBC Programme.
I cant bear it ! The relentless bias, the commentators talking to one another ‘outside’ various London buildings because they’ve used up the quota of talking heads, so I’ve resorted to watching Movies 24 and the shopping channels all day.
‘The Cruel Sea ‘yesterday and ‘in which we serve ‘ today …..
Thursday will probably have ‘it’s a D Day knockout ‘ featuring Declan and the Ant with a woman called Amanda who doesn’t wear dresses ( good old popular culture )…
Avoiding BBC London news is very easy – principally because for a capital city news service it is just poor – in every way and has been for as long as I can remember – it didn’t matter whether the presenters were dusky children of the Empire – it’s just naff- I kind of extension of a media studies course …
Fedup2- The problem is that BIG BROTHER gives the Londonistan
Programme an hour a day to spout it’s Trotskyist, Anarchist,
Socialist Worker or whatever you want to call it vomit every day.
In the past I may of felt that Riz Lateef was just reading her auto cue
and was unaware of what left wing garbage her editors were making
her read. But now , as in the case of yesterday she took pleasure ,you could hear it in her voice tone in just calling President Trump,
The whole of the programme after the 10PM news was used to show how the insulting blimp of the President is blown up.
I will say it until I am blue in the face that the BBC is a disgrace
in allowing such a biased programme on our screens.
You make it sound as though I’m defending the BBC . Anything but . Now that the state broadcaster is showing itself to be so rabidly of one view – at the moment of course – anti President Trump – it fails the test of legitimacy .
At the moment you can play the game if you want . The game is to spot any beeboid saying anything positive about President Trump .
It’s akin to any positive comment about a full brexit – like – er – the one the dumb stupid thick I’ll educated voters keep voting for after having been influenced in their millions by ‘foreign money ‘.
I ll express the view that there will be no positive comment by any beeboid about either .
Not the BBC, but I had to laugh listening to some lefty prat on Talk Radio discussing President Trump with Eamonn Holmes.
Eamonn was talking about the American economy doing well and about high employment in the US under Trumps policies.
The idiot “guest” interjected “Ah but that’s only because they don’t have a welfare system” !!!
Just goes to prove these lefty types think the state should support their lazy useless backsides instead of getting out to work for a living. They’ll all be in London protesting whilst I’m out working and paying taxes to keep these entitled twits.
Dyst, I would have shot back at the ‘ idiot “guest” ‘ a question asking about the obvious brake or limitation by that standard the Welfare System puts on the UK economy.
But then Eamonn Holmes probably hasn’t got ‘the BBC’ out of his system yet . . . .
“Ah but that’s only because they don’t have a welfare system”
Actually they do. I spent a few years living in the U.S. They have unemployment benefit, disability allowance, food stamps, state hospitals and various other benefits in place for those who fall on hard times. It’s just that their system is limited and not as easily gamed as our overblown socialist model. They expect you to work if you are able but it’s wrong to say they have no welfare at all.
Sadiq Khan (Muslim) lecturing President Donald Trump on how women ought to be treated. Now that is laughable. Was this done on April 1st? Maybe he ought to have a word with those closer to home first.
Anyway, why does the BBC spend licence money on billboard advertising to promote the fact that it is has programming about black female athletes ?
I think it’s fair to say Piers Morgan and Alistair Campbell have not been getting on recently, however, this has made for great viewing on Twitter. Piers is cleaning up at the moment and making Campbell look a right mug !!!! Enjoy.
Blair invited President George W. Bush for a full state visit to Britain, just 6 months after illegally invading Iraq – the hypocrisy here is beyond parody!
Actually, it's a great shame nobody hacked your phones at Camp David – we might have discovered the real reason you committed British forces to an illegal war.
The smirking illegal war-mongers… did you think we’d all forgotten, @campbellclaret? Weren’t so averse to sucking up to right-wing US presidents then, were you..
That would be classed a ‘investigative journalism’, Big, and the idea of doing that would be stamped on by the autocue-managers themselves.
You’re spot on about the fear which Bliar shows these days. Not a nice bloke to have around I say.
I often (never) wonder what it’s like to be despised by so many citizens; the effect it must have on family and others must be awful. Perhaps being an ex-politician is the reason.
Seems to me that President Trump’s state visit is going rather well, all things considered.
He’s clearly brushed up on his etiquette, particularly with regards to royalty, and he seems to be having a great time baiting some of the most irritating individuals we have to put up with, and showing them up for the puerile little pricks they really are.
Long live the Queen indeed, and welcome President Trump, please DO come again, soon … and you know what, I have the impression the Beeb aren’t liking any of it very much at all… shame.
Hear, Hear, Big (or is it Here, Here)? I never know, but there again, I did Latin instead of geography at school, and not very well either…
Even R5Dead made Queen Elizabeth’s speech the first item last night. Cold feet clack clacking along the corridors no doubt – a few pensions at stake too methinks…
I must admit to having mixed feelings about the Muslims protesting about the LGBT lessons in Birmingham. I wouldn’t like my kids to be taught this subject if they were still at primary school, so I suppose I did have some sympathy with the parents.
That was until I read these three seperate posts on Brietbart which helped clarify my thoughts on the matter. If you like me had, or have mixed feelings about this issue, then I think these comments ‘hit the nail on the head’. See what you think:
“Muslims carrying signs that say, “Say No to Sexualisation of children”.
Unless it’s little girls being married off to grown men.
Got it.”
“Or white and Sikh girls handed around to rape, by Pakistani scum….”
“Nail on head. This is not about sexualisation of children. It is about sexualisation of children on THEIR terms.”
Sorry to say, Cassandra, but it’s the parents who are the problem here. They’re just brainwashed for their entire livelihoods, and that sort of mindset that is making the UK such a cesspit of unpleasantness – an issue we Brits have never wanted, and cannot accept, mainly because we believe in our country, not some faffing ‘religion’.
Brits go out and ‘do things’, they thrive on it, they mainly want to better themselves and make a stand.
True Brits aren’t victims ( well some are, because they like the bennies), but the majority are up at 5:30am, getting the kids’ breakfasts and lunches, getting in the vans and cars and earning the money for next week.
Some time ago, I saw an article in some rag, where a chap working for himself, started at around 7:00am, and always noticed the skivers next door were safely tucked up in their beds, waiting for their handouts.
Many members of their “community” were, and no doubt today also are, well aware of the gang rapes. No reports to Police or any other authorities as it is one of their s doing it. If anyone has the stomach for it : ISBN 978-1-78606-513-1 “Please let me Go” from one victim, some of the bastards were phoning their wives whilst raping and giving victims to their male kids as birthday presents, and even picking victims up taking them out of school in their taxis during school hours, they and their families are still threatening the victims after prosecution, this shows muslims’ complete hatred of anyone outside of their sick cult and their disdain for the sexualisation rape and exploitation of anyone from the country that has had the grace to accept them, and indeed their hatred of us as a culture that has given many of them asylum
I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for ANY of their complaints and never ever will, for if they ever had the upper hand we would cease to exist as a culture, it would be another genocide, as many of their cult are undertaking around the world TODAY that is the level of tolerance they show to others as any look at the hell holes they come from clearly shows.
The complete and utter hypocrisy of the Birmingham protests along with their silence about the many many racist rape gangs from their own religion and the thousands of childrens lives ruined is nothing less than astonishing to behold and a warning for us all.
Germany also interesting: SPD (Socialist) party leader Andrea Nahles has quit, but – unlike in some countries- nobody wants the job, a poisoned chalice, in a disintegrating party. The temporary solution has been to appoint an administrative troika until further notice.
Elections in 3 Federal states coming up this year in the ‘old East Germany’, where the populace -having experienced the splendours of Socialism at first hand in recent memory- rather seem to like the idea of the ‘far right’ , as the MSM would put it.
SPD are gonna crash and burn. Hence the poisoned chalice effect.
What makes it interesting? The SPD is the ‘Grand Coalition’ partner of the Merkel regime (her own party having managed only 29% in the last election). If it starts crumbling, the whole rotten edifice could come crashing down…
The level of anti-Trump bile oozing out of the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern is actually quite shocking. I dunno, I guess these malignant progressives somehow still haven’t got over the double-whammy of losing both Saint Obama (you know; the same trigger-happy guy who, whilst President, droned countless little brown Arab kids) and Queen Shillary, who was so cruelly denied ‘her turn’.
But the incessantly spiteful sneer lacing the hateful Corporation’s resentful coverage of Trump’s State Visit to the UK is now so blatant and obvious it’s clear the BBC is approaching ‘Peak Progressive’. It’s both hilarious and mildly disturbing. This is our national broadcaster. It’s a total disgrace.
Obi – just switched off ‘Newsnight’, wondering whether Emily Maitlis is just about the most toxic they have…
Working hard to undermine the President and the visit.
Another part of my childhood gone, from when the BBC produced drama worth watching, even if the special effects were hopeless. It took me years to get over the Blake’s7 finale, a finale they couldn’t do now as it would be leaked on social media. I still remember sitting staring open-mouthed at the TV, unable to believe what had just happened.
Servilan passing on was bad enough but I thought Avon would go on for ever . Never had much time for Blake – bit too good and therefore boring – a touch of the Rory ‘ hopeless ‘ Stewart about him …
There was something exceptional about the Blake’s Seven series. I’ve never been able to work out what it is.
My feelings were the same as yours Roland when I saw the final episode and I was long past childhood then.
Very sad news, especially for his legion of doting girls.
I guess Avon may have decided to nip off to the hereafter because with Blake gone two years ago and Servalan more recently he’s decided Blake may need rescuing from her yet again.
It’s a long time ago but I think I gave up on Blake’s Seven as it seemed to lose its way.
There they were with the best spaceship in the galaxy , the best weapons, teleporter and Orac and they just piddled about arguing with each other.
The best serials end on a high and don’t drag on until the writers die of boredom.
The high point of The Archers was the death of Grace Archer in 1955, what more proof is needed?
Sorry to spoil the party chaps, er, I mean, the wake but I really thought Blakes Seven was truly awful and used to laugh at it and through it before turning off before the end.
At least it may have provided some inspiration for Red Dwarf.
The Emma Barnett Show (Yes, who is this bint?) was pontificating about nasty ‘Trump’ on the wireless.
The acerbic diatribe against the leader of the Free World was vomited continuously by this vile creature.
However she met her match with Seb Gorka, it does not last long!
Unbelievable behaviour from a radio ‘cutie’…. who some of us have to pay for.
As I said Monday – really surprised that the BBC had Dr Gorka on at all as he won’t be turned over . I suppose the female beeboid will hide behind the tired ‘mysogeny ‘ badge so frequently used when girls don’t get their way these days ( see also ‘racism ‘).
on the female billionaire “novelist”, who just so happens to be Jeff Bezos ex-wife! Only in paragraph 46, do we learn about her divorce and that 35 billion of her worth of 35.6 billion, came from her divorce. You really have to read this garbage, to realise just how low & dishonest the Beeb are, to further their femi-nazi agenda, it’s pitifully juvenile and nauseating. If I was an actual female writer, I’d be livid.
“By most accounts, Ms Bezos was a key part of the start up – driving Mr Bezos to Seattle while he worked on the business plan, and becoming the company’s first accountant.
In the years that followed Amazon took off and the couple also became parents to four children.”
After five years of trading at a loss Amazon declared a profit of $5M on turnover of $1Billion, i.e. 0.5%. Wow, it really ‘took off’ didn’t it!
So it’s ok for the little Khant to call the leader of our greatest ally and trading partner a fascist, but not for Trump to call Khant a terrible mayor and a loser?
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
Peaceful supporters of the POTUS, some wearing MAGA hats according to Talk Radio.
strange Twitter #censorship
as it labels that video above of @realDonaldTrump helicopter landing
“.. we can’t show you everything !
..might contain sensitive content”
screenshot tweet
Another example of how the left think its their view that’s always correct!!!
No Russell – he is the Democratically elected President of the United States . Show some respect.
“If you would like to confiscate his passport and keep Donald Trump across the pond, please feel free.”
We would welcome that above all else. Get him into No 10 with Nigel next door and we would never look back!
Russell Drew, your loss would be our gain! Problem is the majority of Americans would demand his return ASAP having already glimpsed what the ‘DD’s: Destructive Democrats have to offer…………….
June 2019 is the tenth year since I stopped funding the Ministry Of Truth by no longer paying the licence fee and am also £1476 better off.
well said, i dont pay either – i work within the rules set out and dont need a licence
to start with most people think they need a licence, and the tv licensing website isn’t the easiest to “understand” the red tape
We stopped paying on St. George’s Day by doing our patriotic duty ???? ????????????????????????????
We stopped paying on St. George’s Day by doing our patriotic duty ???? ????????????????????????????
TWATO…the bias is out and running
President Trump ‘apparently’ continued insults on Sadiq he got off plane and making a big point of him mocking him on his height…
Notice the use of word ‘apparently’ not a fact but put in to make it seem true and no mention of the names and mocking Sadick Khan has thrown at POTUS..all a bit one sided
Last week Gordon Brown came out with his brand of intolerant unity and now it’s Owen Jones’ turn in a rally to protest against Trump:
—”It’s important we join the dots here…we’re protesting against what he represents… it’s so important with Farage and the rise of the Brexit party, to take to the streets, united, whatever our backgrounds, whatever our difference on this issue or that, it needs to be a cross section of British society…”
Given that the new diktat says diversity of culture, race and religion only enhances a population — why doesn’t this also apply to diversity of politics or philosophy? We’re often told how terrible things are; Britain is split, it’s too polarised, politics is fractious. Why are we not celebrating these differences of view? I thought diversity was our strength?
Jones wants us to unite, “whatever our difference on this issue or that” but how much heterogeneity can a homogeneous group withstand? Who decides what’s diverse (good) and what’s disunited (bad)?
I wish we had a press that was willing to push on just what kind of grand vision they’re talking about, because it doesn’t take much prodding for the ‘unity’ ideology to collapse like a house of cards.
“it doesn’t take much prodding for the ‘unity’ ideology to collapse like a house of cards.”
Why on earth would anyone or Political party “unify” with friends like this:
“and the rise of the Brexit party,”
What the same Brexit Party who won a democratic vote to push through a policy that was voted for in a democratic vote…?
The way he talks one would think it was the rise of the Nazi Party.
It is these idiots who are the opposition to all that is sacred not the other way around.
Yes, a democratic vote won by a ‘wide cross section of British society’ but you see that’s the wrong type of inclusivity, because… er… well…
Hilarious…BBC TWATO Sarah Monatgue (I think) pushing Sir Anthony Duncan on whether NHS should be included in USA trade deals. He was polite and kept trying to explain the complexity but she wouldn’t drop it so he asks ‘perhaps you can explain what you think is involved…’
stutter, err err, silence as brain goes into overload – then ‘well I am asking the questions’ or words to that effect then move on….yet again it shows how limited these BBC people are..
From last year but i love this video. Well worth a watch on how to deal with those who seem intent on “dissing” the President but actually don’t know half the facts.
Like i said last week, ask those there today protesting in London what it is exactly they are protesting about ?? 90% wont have a clue. Not a clue. Day out with the virtue signalling crew.
This dusky lady had no idea about the numbers of illegals dealt with under the Obama regime . I’m not sure who she is or why she keeps turning up on political programmes …but she should have been able to deal with that question if she was of any value .
She’ll probably write a column in the guardian about being bullied by a whitee man and then get a job on wimmin s hour ….
I suspect the white PPE bubble people feel reassured in themselves that they know someone who isn’t white . A better man than me could have felt sorry for her as Piers tore her a new hole – but I just thought – why put such a lightweight on national TV – ? An insult to the viewer .
Also – UK passport holders digging into the immigration policies of a country 5000 miles away … when we can’t even sort out the English Channel – that’s a bit rich too…
Just put in a complaint to the BBC about the coverage of the presidents arrival . I also asked if the BBC paid for that replica blimp of the president on the Victoria Derbyshire show. Why was Simon Schamas attack on the potus left unchallenged, The BBC are now a national embarrassment.
Simon schama was doing the rounds being hatey.He was also on sky TV spewing bile about Trump.
The bbc lunchtime news on one was a trashy assemblage/collage, footage of President Trump’s arrival, interspersed with interviews with ‘protestors’, constant criticisms of the President, mention of past ‘gaffes’, random wimmin interviewed to tell us what they thought, all the usual supects, like Sopel, assuring us about how ‘controversial’ the visit was, etc etc
It is apparently not possible for them to run coherent footage for any length of time, without a constant confetti of irrelevant and irritating interruptions. Was that really put together by professional and impartial editors?
I think not…
I haven’t commented for quite a while, mainly because I just refuse to listen to any of the drivel the BBC puts out as “News” these days. But I’ve recently returned from abroad and I thought I would just see for myself if it was as bad as I remembered. The lunchtime FakeNoos on BBC1 was staggeringly, unbelievably, disastrously worse!!!
Hard to know where to start, though @fakenewswatcher has summed it up perfectly in “trashy assemblage”. Pictures of the President arriving with his wife and being greeted by the Queen, constantly undermined by the BBC’s selective suggestions for the most inflammatory “diplomatic gaffe” – overlooking the fact that running insults from the national broadcaster could also be considered diplomatically unacceptable. Insults from Sadiq Khan apparently fine; ripostes from Trump beyond the pale. Demonstrators allowed to spill their anti-Trump bile with no interruption or challenge to justify their branding of him as “far right” or “rascist”; one woman straight out of central casting was showcased saying it was only sensible to protest when Trump’s government was being mean to migrants on the Mexican border. Hello…any reporter want to put an awkwardly logical question in there? No?
Then a mention of the US Ambassador, and an attempt to paint him as dangerously undiplomatic too after some Twitter archaeology in which he dared to mention Our Sacred NHS. Now, Ambassador Johnson has been tweeting constantly in the run-up the the D Day commemorations about the incredible joint achievements of and bonds between our countries. But naturally the BBC can’t mention that…
It is utterly bonkers. The smug self-righteousness over the half-baked onesidedness. The precedence of feelings over facts. The lack of proper journalism and interviews with major players. Childish and divisive. I had to turn it off. The one thing I hope is that more and more normal viewers are finding this nonsense to be so far removed from reality that it’s almost funny.
The BBC reporters aren’t fit to untie the high heels of most US TV/Radio reporters/correspondents.
I admire the professionalism and honesty of their reporting. Sharp minded, slick and highly informed of whoever they speak about. No insults unlike the many “insults-a-plenty” BBC reporters.
Immature journalists are always recognisable by how often they Insult people.
Quite right, vesna. The BBC is currently a national embarrassment. They seem to have ditched all accepted rules of journalism. Do they realise how much they are trashing their own reputation?
I was once a journalist, and am shocked at the personal insults and pitiful standards of reporting here. We used to say that journalists wrote for other journalists, and it seems clear from the equally dire Channel 4 News and Sky that they are competing among themselves to be the shriekiest, most reactionary, most fashionably right-on activists, no doubt with an eye on the jobs market.
Meanwhile, more informed viewers take a step back and scratch heads as the child-commentators stage their tantrums. All we can do is walk away until they cry themselves out. (And laugh as they wonder why audiences are falling so rapidly. And no, it’s not all to do with alternative media.)
PS. Not sure about “all” US correspondents. CNN have a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, for example. But Fox’s Sean Hannity is a star for his old-fashioned approach to gathering exclusive insights and presenting them as coherent and persuasive reports. He would be far too old-school for the UK.
“PS. Not sure about “all” US correspondents.”
I’ll agree with you there. CNN I think is becoming USAs version of BBC News.
Well, if you shake hands with the devil don’t be surprised if your hands get tainted.
Sticky BBC bile I call it.
Who is actually proud of Sadiq Khan as mayor?
Paul Mason. Claims he’s a ‘journalist’ and ‘film maker’.
Never heard of him. Sounds not only like an evil loser, but also a foul-mouthed one. Trying to sell a book?
Doesn’t look like someone who can write. Maybe a shave and a tie would help, but doubtful.
Will steer well clear.
@Fake “Never heard of him”
Of course you have, but you have sanitised your brain
Owen Jones wrote a Guardian article pouring scorn on the amazing Andrew Neil, and saying a lefty like Paul Mason would never present er… Newsnight
When in fact Mason had been a regular Newsnight presenter.
Stew, I’ve never heard of the Mason bloke, (didn’t he drum with Pink Floyd)?
I’ve heard the odd squeak from a schoolkid jones, but as he always chucks his toys out of the pram, I tend to wander off and do something interesting, rather than listen to juniors.
Mason was one of those mass produced Marxist beeboids who left their bias at the studio door …. like they all do…
By the way – has anyone heard from the Gavin Esler of the Party formerly known as No Change UK. ? His mouth seems as shut as Heidi , Chuka , and Soubry …..
Thank you Fed! I do get confused these days when ‘politicians’ keep whirling around, joining this and that and not actually doing their jobs.
As mentioned elswhere, Minge UK is going through some sort of hiatus, and when they’ve joined the Lib Dems as a sort of reverse coalition, they’ll all scamper off and join another useless crowd, like the Greens.
God knows where they’ll all end up, possibly with the Conservatives, which will have the same number of MPs after the next General Election, about eight…
Loves to copy n paste others unknown to himself but little does he know that they are known to those in the know.
Paul Mason says Trump is an evil loser.
So if Trump is a loser what do we call the person who lost the Presidential election?
Paul Mason – who? Is what most people will say…? POTUS a loser oh yes he is a billionaire President of the USA; now if that is losing can I be a loser too..and to be proud of Mr Khan – for what exactly? Jesus, can these people get any worse?
James, Siddick Khan should really show some balls, but all he ever does is bang on about things he really should try and understand – he’s paid enough ferchrissakes!
I thought he was supposed to be a ‘lawyer’, but maybe I’m wrong, but is that a good thing to admit when they charge £120.00 an hour for bullshit?
Londoners are being let down so badly by this silly little guy, he’s not up to the job of running a capital city, he’s just a little bloke, torn between his inadequacies and ‘duty’ to some sort of leftie cause, and lets the side down at every turn!
Luckily, I don’t have to endure his antics in my once-loved capital city, and he can piddle around with his childish antics and toss himself off on the leftie media response, but one thing for certain is, that American companies will be watching all this wank-fest-by-lefties, and the result will be tears before bedtime!
President Trump is very welcome here. I like his aggression on behalf of his people, whether they agree or not, he bats for them, and we just don’t need twonks like soddick chan being an absolute childish twat in the eyes of the majority of loyal Brits!
I search for information on Lisa Forbes, the Labour candidate in the Peterborough by-election.
Forbes must have been the one who ate all the pies.
Ergo Abbottpotamus and Lady Hugee must be innocent.
OrderOrder is near the top of my search so I investigate.
Forbes has form for Anti-Semitism, reports Guido.
Here are two comments, the second of which I found apposite and funny. So I thought, the BBBC heroes, might also be amused.
“Does she [Forbes] have a local connection with the town, or has she been parachuted in by Momentum?”
Kassandra of Sparta
“That would need a very big parachute.”
Just had a quick look…dressed by Millets springs to mind
“Here is Lisa wearing a marquee by Chipperfield.”
Here is another comment from the thread referred to above.
“Why are so many Labour female Parliamentary candidates so, how can I put this, enormous, immense, gargantuan?”
Have a look round local Gov offices as well, all wobbling about creating dictats for schools about what kids cannot put in their lunchboxes and banning junk food adverts
Ha ha ha, Annunaki!
One rule for poll-tax payers, another for lumpen employees…
“That would need a very big parachute.”
Could I suggest her best frock?
Ha on the Radio4 quiz prog
none of the 4 panelists can correctly identify
the party that Sandi Toksvig jointly founded
… So despite Radio4 giving the WEP ..Women’s Equality Party masses of free publicity it doesn’t actually register with their listeners
Lucy, I don’t know where you get all this, but thank goodness you’re on the case!
Being an ageing old Scrobs, I always thought I was good at digging out nuggets to make people sit up, (I won an award for it once) but you take the biscuit here!
Bless your little heart!
Look at this disgraceful piece from BBC Newsround !!! The brainwashing of our young kids by the far left teachers that control the education system is quite frankly ….disgusting and scary !!!
What the hell do these kids know about President Trump and his policies !!! This is a step too far and looking at the comments, most feel the same. Even mocking the President with a daft blow up toy ….absolutely abysmal BBC !! You should be shut down.
Randomly chosen schoolchildren.
100% female, 0% British.
Farage will privatise the BBC.
We’ve stopped paying for the telly tax now but a few months back Newsround did a piece about Trump going up the plane steps with some tissue/paper stuck to the bottom of his shoes. It was completely ridiculous and designed entirely to make kids think Trump is stupid ????
Why didn’t they do that child vox-pop in Britain ?
beeb has now replaced the top story on their webpage with Cricket lol,
The President of the US is here! i will never buy a tv licence again, aka tele tax
its because we are being beaten comfortably by the Pakistanis….
Pakistani cricket ? I’d think twice before banging a stump in the ground anywhere round there, just sayin’
‘Seams’ OK Annuaki!
Just a long finger-nail should do the trick…
The Muslim mayor of London got 44% of the turn out in the last election – that’s 1.15 million with Zak Goldsmith second on 900k.
So the claim that the Muslim mayor speaks for the 8 million people of London— a minority of which speak English –
Is pushing it a bit . He ll never be speaking for me .
It’s funny how sometimes majorities count and other times they don’t .
Our favourite gobby minority who refuse to integrate and want to impose their intolerances upon us again, now whingeing about Islamophobia their favourite word
Are they born with a placard in their hand ?
Birmingham LGBT row: Protesters to challenge school ban
Parents in Birmingham say they will challenge an injunction against protesting and claim they are being ignored.
The BBC is, however, world-renowned reporting. Apparently.
And anyone who disagrees just makes them worse. Somehow.
Can’t fault them for doubling down mind.
It’s like they are unaccountable.
They are never pressed to provide examples of what “racism he is putting out across the airwaves” or of how Trump’s actions have affected the law on abortion in the US, etc
They all seem to have that mad eyed possessed look about em.
Looks like Frank Spencer in Drag?
She’s not wearing a bra!
huh huh huh huh…
I said earlier on that the collective emotional stress on the BBC being caused by the visit of President Trump would benefit our cause .
This balloon image will hopefully appear in America . I just hope that Americans are able to discern between the sane majority British and the insane BBC and it’s intellectually challenged friends -such as the Emir of Londonistan . … busily counting his stab victims …
“I just hope that Americans are able to discern between the sane majority British and the insane BBC and it’s intellectually challenged friends”
One can reassure the American public by making their views known in the comments section of Breitbart reports.
It’s not just the Mayor of London who has been behaving like a child, but the pathetic, biased BBC.
Victoria Derbyshire presented her coverage of Trump’s visit in front of the BBC’s own baby blimp balloon of the President – utterly disgraceful from our state broadcaster.
And then she summarised the twitter spat between Trump and Khan by stating that the President had “insulted” Khan about his height, but saying that Khan had “criticised” Trump for being a “21st century fascist”.
Interesting choice of words, eh? One throws insults, the other just criticises.
So Khan is talking about what exactly? Fascism.
Does the BBC bother to explain what fascism actually is, to provide context and perhaps even “fact check” for its viewers. No. Can’t be arsed, just runs with it.
And all this in the week when Trump is here to honour our Allied servicemen and women who defeated fascism and enabled idiots like Victoria Derbyshire the freedom to broadcast slanderous claims with impugnity.
Coot Norm channels his inner Katty. Or Emily. All BBC bottle blondes look alike to me. Eeeks… peroxidism!
Ever the opportunist Khan spots a chance to deflect attention away from his own dismal performance, a well trodden path used by desperate Galtieri type tin potters.
Before we stopped paying for the nonsense that is our state broadcaster, I used to call it the ‘Victim Derbyshire Show’. Most of the people who go on there are whinging and whining about this and that. ????
???? “Always the victim….” ????
Did anyone see VD’s interview with Esther Macvey.? I am surprised VD did not scratch her eyes out. The dislike was obvious and TV is so good at revealing things like this. Nowhere to hide.
Just a poor interview by an agenda driven BBC hack.
Hostile was not in it. Venomous more like. Esther held her own well.
It goes without saying that complaints about the blimp VD et al must now pour into:
a. The bbc
b. Ofcom, about the bbc
in large quantities. They need to be inundated.
Get writing.
They will ignore them
Dave – probably true. But I should imagine Marie Antoinette was doing much the same thing, until one day…
R4 news opens with quotes from earlier interviews with Americans in London (but doesn’t say that)
” he is a disgrace to our country” and ” we look at it (what they don’t say) from an economic point of view.. So basically opening with negatives about POTUS
BBC you are a disgrace to our country!
It’s Trump that is the childish and nasty one ?
No ..look at Hull, Labour MP Karl Turner
Is this the same Karl Turner against whom allegation of sexual misconduct were made early last year? Hmmm.. and he is another Barista or sorry Barrister…and a Labour MP to boot. Well done Mr Turner you have sunk to the level of most Labour MPs these days – the toilet
I assume Mr Turner will be charging the designer toilet roll to taxpayers expenses . The mental and emotional calibre of lawmakers has certainly declined since the time of Churchill and Attlee….
Don’t forget that Chritizen Quann, the Mare of Londinistan is a ‘lawyer’, as well as being the driver of a son-bus, Fed!
It all counts of course!
We don’t mind equality in the UK, its our destiny, but why let little pricks like him spoil it all!
I m well aware , thank very much , that the Emir was an Ooman rights £££££ lawyer and bus drivers ‘ son. I got stick for implying that there was something wrong with being the son of a bus driver .
Judging by the quality of bus drivers in my neck of the woods I’m guessing his parents were not formally married … if you get my drift .
Ha ha ha, Fed!
“if you get my drift .”
Lawyers don’t drive that fast do they? I mean, the clock can only go at a certain speed, and time’s money!
But that equation would be lost on the wasters of London’s poll tax payers.
“Is this the same Karl Turner against whom allegation of sexual misconduct were made early last year?”
In that case I wonder whose picture he has on his tissues!
…And the plastic dick on the cistern.
Late-night foibles, my arrrrse…
Cor Bin is not going to tonight’s banquet dinner. He hasn’t got a clean shirt.
Well his sh1t must really stink, he’s got his can of glade there at the ready.
Yes and when I’ve finished wiping my backside I have something resembling a Labour MP on my toilet roll!
Stew- Naughty little children like Turner are an embarrassment for public discourse among adults. I was about to say, ‘for parliament’, but then I thought of Prescott. (Also Hull?) And Bercow. And Abbott. The list goes on…and on….
Infantile humour seems to be coming back into fashion. What with Victoria Derbyshire showing off her blimp, confirming the bbc also to be on the list of institutions over which there hangs a large question mark.
To think that we are forced to pay for them all!
Politics by Viz no less? Can you imagine similar from the real hard left of yesteryear, Benn and Foot for example? Lord knows why but I still expect better from those suckling at the public teat.
Previous high class tweet from Karl Turner
libmob judge Trump/Farage by their own childish standands
So as every their accusations reflect their own characteristics.
Turner would debate ‘forensically’ anytime, he says. He seems to have a very high opinion of himself.
Looking at his language, I doubt it ranges beyond insults and foul language!
Forensically, my foot. But Hate Speech there is, in almost every word.
This man sounds unbalanced. Nige would make mincemeat of him.
It’s kind of weird of how the internet says
News : March 12th 2018
Labour MP Karl Turner ‘made sexual remarks to cancer victim’ in 2015 &, in 2014
and the the story dries up
He just denied it
and there was no further reporting
Corbyn is guest speaker at Trafalgar Square tomorrow preaching to the converted.
That’s another 100,000 votes for the Brexit Party.
Well done, Jeremy Traitor.
God help us! A potential future Prime Minister (please, no!) is taking part in the anti Trump demo tomorrow.
Not only Compo, but that rare beauty, Emily Thornberry will be at his side.
There’s never been such an utterly awful opposition as the one we’ve got now.
Compo has sucked up to every terrorist he’s ever had contact with. He was an ardent supporter of the IRA and had Adams and McGuiness round for tea two weeks after they attempted to annihilate the entire government. He wants ISIS killers allowed “back home” and thinks the ISIS bride should be with her family. Stuff that!
And yet, our greatest ally and he behaves like this.
FFS can you imagine if this bunch of turds actually got elected?
As the late Terry Thomas might have said…
What an absolute shower.
Is it a time warp ? Are the Americans at war with the north Vietnamese still ? Is it the USSR ?
The US economy is healthy without inflation and American boys are not returning home in boxes covered in American flags .
Is the greatest issue – whether to use enemy telephone equipment ? Or nonsense about climate change ?
Especially since President Trump could / should be in power for 6 years – and in the final 4 – can really pay back Obama and the other corrupt swamp dwellers .
The beeboids will be out in force for that demo …
Jeff – Terry Thomas: great value entertainment. Don’t think he would find much of that around, were he to glimpse the present day.
Always remember him in : ‘It’s a mad, mad, mad world’ – mid sixties, but worth a viewing for some good laughs.
As for the title: now THAT he would see all about him, but not in the benign way it had in mind.
You know when you wander whether to read something into something ? The Queen wearing Brexit Party colours today –
One might think she doesn’t do anything without thinking about the consequences . Her advisors might have mentioned something too …
And sends out a sign – without having to say anything ( traditional ) about what she thinks .
Thank god she wasn’t wearing Liverpool colours .
Thank God too. I’m a Spurs fan living in Liverpool and I’m sick of seeing red flags and banners everywhere ???? Please start taking them down before someone starts ripping them down ????
Just 3 hrs ago, they are still wheeling this out:
The Today Programme
We hear from the founder of the Need to Impeach movement Tom Steyer.
Wiki describes this character as a Hedge Fund Manager worth $1.6 billion .
It’s wonderful that the Far Left BBC enjoys the company of such people so suddenly – no issue about funding that campaign – but funding The Brexit Party ? A different story .
The BBC are losing, inch by inch…
They are toast, and just don’t know it yet.
You Beauties.
Are the sheeple finally waking up?
Thanks GW, I’ve been steadily weaning myself off R5 but had to have a listen to the original.
I must say it’s been a long time coming for Emma Barnett… the haughty head girl is always just under the surface but here any pretense at professional journalism was well and truly gone.
Thank you for the link – I am actually surprised that the BBC engaged Mr Gorka because he has a long distinguished track record of taking on snowflakes like her in the USA and Europe .
I knew him in a previous life and was always impressive .
He knows exactly what the faults of the MSM are and would swat almost all beeboids without much effort – hence my surprise at having him on at all .
C4 News approaching presidential security with a kind of lightweight approach – as though the thousands of Muslim terrorist vermin living amongst us don’t exist .
Maybe C4 has forgotten about the mass suicide attacks on ordinary people yet along the president of the country responsible for killing their pinup boy – bin laden .
PS – twitter is reporting that there might be a Press Conference on Tuesday – now that will be worth the popcorn if he gets going on the beauties ….
Riz Lateef may just be reading her auto cue written for
her by her Trotskyist editors on the London Programme.
But Presidents of the USA are still referred to as President
such as President’s Clinton , Bush or Obama, when they are no
longer Presidents.
I find it insulting that Riz Lateef should refer to President Trump ,
just as Trump. But to be honest it is what you would expect
from this biased BBC Programme.
I cant bear it ! The relentless bias, the commentators talking to one another ‘outside’ various London buildings because they’ve used up the quota of talking heads, so I’ve resorted to watching Movies 24 and the shopping channels all day.
‘The Cruel Sea ‘yesterday and ‘in which we serve ‘ today …..
Thursday will probably have ‘it’s a D Day knockout ‘ featuring Declan and the Ant with a woman called Amanda who doesn’t wear dresses ( good old popular culture )…
Avoiding BBC London news is very easy – principally because for a capital city news service it is just poor – in every way and has been for as long as I can remember – it didn’t matter whether the presenters were dusky children of the Empire – it’s just naff- I kind of extension of a media studies course …
Fedup2- The problem is that BIG BROTHER gives the Londonistan
Programme an hour a day to spout it’s Trotskyist, Anarchist,
Socialist Worker or whatever you want to call it vomit every day.
In the past I may of felt that Riz Lateef was just reading her auto cue
and was unaware of what left wing garbage her editors were making
her read. But now , as in the case of yesterday she took pleasure ,you could hear it in her voice tone in just calling President Trump,
The whole of the programme after the 10PM news was used to show how the insulting blimp of the President is blown up.
I will say it until I am blue in the face that the BBC is a disgrace
in allowing such a biased programme on our screens.
You make it sound as though I’m defending the BBC . Anything but . Now that the state broadcaster is showing itself to be so rabidly of one view – at the moment of course – anti President Trump – it fails the test of legitimacy .
At the moment you can play the game if you want . The game is to spot any beeboid saying anything positive about President Trump .
It’s akin to any positive comment about a full brexit – like – er – the one the dumb stupid thick I’ll educated voters keep voting for after having been influenced in their millions by ‘foreign money ‘.
I ll express the view that there will be no positive comment by any beeboid about either .
No TV licence . Drain the evil swamp .
Not the BBC, but I had to laugh listening to some lefty prat on Talk Radio discussing President Trump with Eamonn Holmes.
Eamonn was talking about the American economy doing well and about high employment in the US under Trumps policies.
The idiot “guest” interjected “Ah but that’s only because they don’t have a welfare system” !!!
Just goes to prove these lefty types think the state should support their lazy useless backsides instead of getting out to work for a living. They’ll all be in London protesting whilst I’m out working and paying taxes to keep these entitled twits.
Dyst, I would have shot back at the ‘ idiot “guest” ‘ a question asking about the obvious brake or limitation by that standard the Welfare System puts on the UK economy.
But then Eamonn Holmes probably hasn’t got ‘the BBC’ out of his system yet . . . .
… how long has he been gone?
“Ah but that’s only because they don’t have a welfare system”
Actually they do. I spent a few years living in the U.S. They have unemployment benefit, disability allowance, food stamps, state hospitals and various other benefits in place for those who fall on hard times. It’s just that their system is limited and not as easily gamed as our overblown socialist model. They expect you to work if you are able but it’s wrong to say they have no welfare at all.
That is how it should be in this country. Also, one should have to build up “credits” by paying into the system before being able to take from it.
Sadiq Khan (Muslim) lecturing President Donald Trump on how women ought to be treated. Now that is laughable. Was this done on April 1st? Maybe he ought to have a word with those closer to home first.
Anyway, why does the BBC spend licence money on billboard advertising to promote the fact that it is has programming about black female athletes ?
I think it’s fair to say Piers Morgan and Alistair Campbell have not been getting on recently, however, this has made for great viewing on Twitter. Piers is cleaning up at the moment and making Campbell look a right mug !!!! Enjoy.
Doobs, some knee-high, studs up, tackles going in on Campbell there.
Campbell, the extreme nutter who keeps giving to The Brexit Party!
Keep going you sad little prick!
I’m glad someone is calling Campbell out on his rank hypocrisy, some of us haven’t forgotten David Kelly either.
Now, why don’t any of the (very well renumerated) ‘journalists’ on the BBC ask Campbell some of these ‘awks’ questions, hey?
Have to say Campbell and Blair are both looking a bit guilt ridden these days, wonder if they have trouble sleeping sometimes?
I doubt if Campbell has any trouble sleeping. He might have a bit of a hangover when he wakes up, though …….
Campbell looks like a mirtazapine type . Blair just looks damned – however many confessions he makes
That would be classed a ‘investigative journalism’, Big, and the idea of doing that would be stamped on by the autocue-managers themselves.
You’re spot on about the fear which Bliar shows these days. Not a nice bloke to have around I say.
I often (never) wonder what it’s like to be despised by so many citizens; the effect it must have on family and others must be awful. Perhaps being an ex-politician is the reason.
Seems to me that President Trump’s state visit is going rather well, all things considered.
He’s clearly brushed up on his etiquette, particularly with regards to royalty, and he seems to be having a great time baiting some of the most irritating individuals we have to put up with, and showing them up for the puerile little pricks they really are.
Long live the Queen indeed, and welcome President Trump, please DO come again, soon … and you know what, I have the impression the Beeb aren’t liking any of it very much at all… shame.
Hear, Hear, Big (or is it Here, Here)? I never know, but there again, I did Latin instead of geography at school, and not very well either…
Even R5Dead made Queen Elizabeth’s speech the first item last night. Cold feet clack clacking along the corridors no doubt – a few pensions at stake too methinks…
I must admit to having mixed feelings about the Muslims protesting about the LGBT lessons in Birmingham. I wouldn’t like my kids to be taught this subject if they were still at primary school, so I suppose I did have some sympathy with the parents.
That was until I read these three seperate posts on Brietbart which helped clarify my thoughts on the matter. If you like me had, or have mixed feelings about this issue, then I think these comments ‘hit the nail on the head’. See what you think:
“Muslims carrying signs that say, “Say No to Sexualisation of children”.
Unless it’s little girls being married off to grown men.
Got it.”
“Or white and Sikh girls handed around to rape, by Pakistani scum….”
“Nail on head. This is not about sexualisation of children. It is about sexualisation of children on THEIR terms.”
Sorry to say, Cassandra, but it’s the parents who are the problem here. They’re just brainwashed for their entire livelihoods, and that sort of mindset that is making the UK such a cesspit of unpleasantness – an issue we Brits have never wanted, and cannot accept, mainly because we believe in our country, not some faffing ‘religion’.
Brits go out and ‘do things’, they thrive on it, they mainly want to better themselves and make a stand.
True Brits aren’t victims ( well some are, because they like the bennies), but the majority are up at 5:30am, getting the kids’ breakfasts and lunches, getting in the vans and cars and earning the money for next week.
Some time ago, I saw an article in some rag, where a chap working for himself, started at around 7:00am, and always noticed the skivers next door were safely tucked up in their beds, waiting for their handouts.
Many members of their “community” were, and no doubt today also are, well aware of the gang rapes. No reports to Police or any other authorities as it is one of their s doing it. If anyone has the stomach for it : ISBN 978-1-78606-513-1 “Please let me Go” from one victim, some of the bastards were phoning their wives whilst raping and giving victims to their male kids as birthday presents, and even picking victims up taking them out of school in their taxis during school hours, they and their families are still threatening the victims after prosecution, this shows muslims’ complete hatred of anyone outside of their sick cult and their disdain for the sexualisation rape and exploitation of anyone from the country that has had the grace to accept them, and indeed their hatred of us as a culture that has given many of them asylum
I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for ANY of their complaints and never ever will, for if they ever had the upper hand we would cease to exist as a culture, it would be another genocide, as many of their cult are undertaking around the world TODAY that is the level of tolerance they show to others as any look at the hell holes they come from clearly shows.
The complete and utter hypocrisy of the Birmingham protests along with their silence about the many many racist rape gangs from their own religion and the thousands of childrens lives ruined is nothing less than astonishing to behold and a warning for us all.
It isn’t a case of ‘either, or’, a plague on both the LGBT and Islam houses.
How shall we ever get rid of them? For if we don’t, we shall be finished.
Pakistan have just beaten England in the cricket.
Should keep the BBC happy for a few days anyway.
Germany also interesting: SPD (Socialist) party leader Andrea Nahles has quit, but – unlike in some countries- nobody wants the job, a poisoned chalice, in a disintegrating party. The temporary solution has been to appoint an administrative troika until further notice.
Elections in 3 Federal states coming up this year in the ‘old East Germany’, where the populace -having experienced the splendours of Socialism at first hand in recent memory- rather seem to like the idea of the ‘far right’ , as the MSM would put it.
SPD are gonna crash and burn. Hence the poisoned chalice effect.
What makes it interesting? The SPD is the ‘Grand Coalition’ partner of the Merkel regime (her own party having managed only 29% in the last election). If it starts crumbling, the whole rotten edifice could come crashing down…
Today Berlin?
Tomorrow Brussels?
Fingers crossed.
BBC Online News:
“”Donald Trump praises ‘common values’ at state banquet””
“”This visit has only just begun and already the Great Disruptor is tweeting angry thoughts and breaching diplomatic niceties.””
“The Great Disruptor”. Is that how our national broadcaster should describe him? It’s the sort of thing you’d read in ‘Socialist Worker’.
The level of anti-Trump bile oozing out of the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern is actually quite shocking. I dunno, I guess these malignant progressives somehow still haven’t got over the double-whammy of losing both Saint Obama (you know; the same trigger-happy guy who, whilst President, droned countless little brown Arab kids) and Queen Shillary, who was so cruelly denied ‘her turn’.
But the incessantly spiteful sneer lacing the hateful Corporation’s resentful coverage of Trump’s State Visit to the UK is now so blatant and obvious it’s clear the BBC is approaching ‘Peak Progressive’. It’s both hilarious and mildly disturbing. This is our national broadcaster. It’s a total disgrace.
Obi – just switched off ‘Newsnight’, wondering whether Emily Maitlis is just about the most toxic they have…
Working hard to undermine the President and the visit.
top post, Obi, love that name “Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern”!
Well, this is sad news.
Another part of my childhood gone, from when the BBC produced drama worth watching, even if the special effects were hopeless. It took me years to get over the Blake’s7 finale, a finale they couldn’t do now as it would be leaked on social media. I still remember sitting staring open-mouthed at the TV, unable to believe what had just happened.
Servilan passing on was bad enough but I thought Avon would go on for ever . Never had much time for Blake – bit too good and therefore boring – a touch of the Rory ‘ hopeless ‘ Stewart about him …
There was something exceptional about the Blake’s Seven series. I’ve never been able to work out what it is.
My feelings were the same as yours Roland when I saw the final episode and I was long past childhood then.
Very sad news, especially for his legion of doting girls.
I guess Avon may have decided to nip off to the hereafter because with Blake gone two years ago and Servalan more recently he’s decided Blake may need rescuing from her yet again.
It’s a long time ago but I think I gave up on Blake’s Seven as it seemed to lose its way.
There they were with the best spaceship in the galaxy , the best weapons, teleporter and Orac and they just piddled about arguing with each other.
The best serials end on a high and don’t drag on until the writers die of boredom.
The high point of The Archers was the death of Grace Archer in 1955, what more proof is needed?
Sorry to spoil the party chaps, er, I mean, the wake but I really thought Blakes Seven was truly awful and used to laugh at it and through it before turning off before the end.
At least it may have provided some inspiration for Red Dwarf.
The Emma Barnett Show (Yes, who is this bint?) was pontificating about nasty ‘Trump’ on the wireless.
The acerbic diatribe against the leader of the Free World was vomited continuously by this vile creature.
However she met her match with Seb Gorka, it does not last long!
Unbelievable behaviour from a radio ‘cutie’…. who some of us have to pay for.
at 2hr.43m.53s
Enjoyed it very much – thanks for posting :0)
Gorka’s Tweet about Emma & the BBc
As I said Monday – really surprised that the BBC had Dr Gorka on at all as he won’t be turned over . I suppose the female beeboid will hide behind the tired ‘mysogeny ‘ badge so frequently used when girls don’t get their way these days ( see also ‘racism ‘).
A bit off topic, and hope this wasn’t posted before (from 1 June), but I was furious reading this utter piece of crap, maquerading as journalism:
on the female billionaire “novelist”, who just so happens to be Jeff Bezos ex-wife! Only in paragraph 46, do we learn about her divorce and that 35 billion of her worth of 35.6 billion, came from her divorce. You really have to read this garbage, to realise just how low & dishonest the Beeb are, to further their femi-nazi agenda, it’s pitifully juvenile and nauseating. If I was an actual female writer, I’d be livid.
“By most accounts, Ms Bezos was a key part of the start up – driving Mr Bezos to Seattle while he worked on the business plan, and becoming the company’s first accountant.
In the years that followed Amazon took off and the couple also became parents to four children.”
After five years of trading at a loss Amazon declared a profit of $5M on turnover of $1Billion, i.e. 0.5%. Wow, it really ‘took off’ didn’t it!
So it’s ok for the little Khant to call the leader of our greatest ally and trading partner a fascist, but not for Trump to call Khant a terrible mayor and a loser?
Khant thinks he is our Prime Minister while our so called ‘government’ lets him get away with it .