BBC editors/camera men continually struggling and arguing amongst themselves over trying to position their cameras in order to give the TV viewer the impression that there were more than a couple of hundred protesters in London.
Fists are now flying!
They’ve been at it all day – but, come on guys your CEO will be very dismayed at the angle you position your cameras.
Boy, your the highest paid cameramen around and you can’t deceive the viewers – you’ve done it in the past?
Twitter posts today reveal extreme yob behaviour involving those pathetic, hate filled anti Trump protesters.
In one photo, someone carrying an Israeli flag has to be surrounded by a huge cordon of police for his protection.
In a video, a mob of red faced protesters scream “nazi scum” into the face of a middle aged Trump supporter, before he gets something thrown over him and is pushed and shoved. Basically an assault, watched by a WPC who does nothing.
These people are a disgrace to the memory of the D Day servicemen, including my own dad, who fought to liberate the world from fascism.
Meanwhile, true to its rotten core, the BBC tries to paint it as some sort of carnival with this report from Marie Jackson on its website: “There are mums with small children in buggies who have given up a day in the park to make their young voices heard, alongside seasoned protesters and US expats. A little further up the street, police officers are dealing with a disturbance by the English Defence League.
I was more than a little disappointed with JHB this morning, listening to Talk Radio, to hear her jumping on the Trump bashing band wagon with her request for suggestions as to what book would you buy as a gift for Trump.
She seemed to take great pleasure in reading out the most pathetic suggestions such as “a colouring book and some crayons” and “a book on etiquette” etc etc.
Sly and sleekit are 2 other attributes of the leftist bBc….example
DJ Webb at York Uni.this am………listening to a report from some beeboid about the Trump visit…..reporter goes on to mention Ivanka and speculation that she very diplomatic and could develop serious future potential… mentions that her Dad should learn from her diplomatic skills..
DJ Webb intervenes with ” a ripple of laughter just went round the audience there here at York”
This clown and empty suit Sopel are the real pair of deuces, albeit rich and laden with an unfair tax levied on the people of Britain.
Are you sure you heard right
‘Barnett actually asked Thornberry if she would feel safe in a room alone with Barnett’s own brothel-keeping crimbo father’
‘Orange-man bad’ … he said some raw off mike sexual comments in 2005
So obviously he should be dehumanised as “sexist” “racist”
FFS that is not right, you don’t judge people on minor old sins
and Trump does care about blacks
and has African American supporters who celebrate him increasing black employment.
‘BBC-presenter Emma good woman’
Really ??
‘Police found emails between Mr Barnett and his daughter Emma, talking about his `whores’. Manchester Evening News in 2010 talking about the jailing of her mother and accountant father about their jailing
and making £5m out of prostitution money laundering
Something to print out and shove down Thornberrys ever open gob:
Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993–2001), has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct by four women: Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Leslie Millwee[1] accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her; and Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without her consent in 1993. The Jones allegations became public in 1994, during Clinton’s first term as president, while Willey’s and Broaddrick’s accusations became public in 1999, toward the end of Clinton’s second term. Millwee did not make her accusations until 2016.
Clinton has adamantly denied all four accusations. Through his representatives, Clinton has responded to the allegations by casting doubt on the credibility of the accusers, noting that (in the case of Broaddrick and Willey) they previously testified under oath that Clinton never made unwanted advances. Several witnesses close to Willey and Jones have stated that the two women described their encounter with Clinton as consensual.[2][3][4]
Of all the allegations made against him, Clinton has only admitted extramarital relationships with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers, both of which have generally been accepted as consensual. However, some commentators have nonetheless characterized Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky, who was at the time a White House intern, as sexual misconduct because of the vast power imbalance between a president and an intern; Lewinsky was 22 at the time and described the relationship as completely consensual.[5] In 2018, Lewinsky herself began to question her long-standing view that her relationship with Clinton had been consensual, characterizing the relationship as a “gross abuse of power” wherein the power differential between the two was so great that “consent might well be rendered moot.”[6]
Charges of sexual misconduct on Bill Clinton’s part resurfaced during the 2016 presidential campaign of his wife, Hillary Clinton. When a lewd recording of Hillary’s opponent Donald Trump discussing the ability to grope women when in power was released during the campaign, Bill Clinton’s accusers, Broaddrick, Willey, and Jones, reemerged as critics of Hillary Clinton, accusing her of enabling her husband’s alleged sexual assaults on them. They appeared as guests at the second 2016 presidential debate and referenced Bill Clinton in pre-debate statements
Broaddrick’s allegations resurfaced early in the campaign. In various media interviews, Broaddrick stated that Bill Clinton raped her and that Hillary Clinton knew about it and tried to threaten Broaddrick into remaining silent. She said that she started giving some interviews in 2015 because Hillary Clinton’s statement that victims of sexual assault should be believed angered her.
So, as expected, Change UK has imploded.
Chuckles has gone home and Heidi has pissed off to the pub. And the indecisive lady doctor who at first backed Brexit and then backed Remain, then backed the Prime Minister and then didn’t, then joined Change UK and then didn’t. She’s gone…
From now on Change UK is to be known as the Soubry Party.
That’s a winner…
” And the indecisive lady doctor who at first backed Brexit and then backed Remain, then backed the Prime Minister and then didn’t, then joined Change UK and then didn’t. She’s gone…”
The notorious 1998 New York Times op-ed by Gloria Steinem must surely stand as one of the most regretted public actions of her life. It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused. Moreover (never write an op-ed in a hurry; you’ll accidentally say what you really believe), it characterized contemporary feminism as a weaponized auxiliary of the Democratic Party.
Called “Feminists and the Clinton Question,” it was written in March of 1998, when Paula Jones’s harassment claim was working its way through court. It was printed seven days after Kathleen Willey’s blockbuster 60 Minutes interview with Ed Bradley. If all the various allegations were true, wrote Steinem, Bill Clinton was “a candidate for sex addiction therapy.” To her mind, the most “credible” accusations were those of Willey, who she noted was “old enough to be Monica Lewinsky’s mother.” And then she wrote the fatal sentences that invalidated the new understanding of workplace sexual harassment as a moral and legal wrong: “Even if the allegations are true, the President is not guilty of sexual harassment. He is accused of having made a gross, dumb, and reckless pass at a supporter during a low point in her life. She pushed him away, she said, and it never happened again. In other words, President Clinton took ‘no’ for an answer.”
General – certain people know the word ‘fascist’, but little else.
I suspect they would be hard-pressed to explain what the term means.
Using it probably gives them a feeling of being in control, or something…
Now they’ve come up with ‘tyrant’ as well. Shows how sophisticated and extensive their vocab is!
Agree fakenews, they pick up soundbites and think they are showing how clever they are.
When people used to come out with ” Thatcher after what she did to the country !” I would always confront them with ” well what was it she did?” and I never ever got a reply.
Corbyn’s bully boys: Trump supporter is viciously attacked doused in milkshake by America-hating activists yelling ‘Nazi scum’ outside Parliament minutes after Corbyn’s speech – but police watch and do NOTHING
I’d wondered how long it would take before ‘being milkshaked’ stopped being exclusively for “certain kind of” policians and became fair game for anyone disagreed with?
What was the Mayor of London saying about twelve year olds this morning?
please watch the video and lets find out who the fat blonde c@@t is who repeatedly screams Nazi scum at a Trump supporter and when challenged shouted she did not want to hear from white men, I would like a debate with her with a baseball bat about my relatives who died fighting real Nazis so fat bitches like her can gob off in public and threaten people
I have decided to withdraw from the Fedup Party leadership contest . It’s been a hard decision but I’ve been offered a cabinet job on one of the leading candidates’ campaign so I’m off .
As I write this I am watching a beeboid interviewing a white 8 year old called Spencer being interviewed by a beeboid in parliament square . I’ve got flu but I also think I’m hallucinating now –
The bbc would really interview an 8 year old anti trump campaigner ? No ( private ) school today ?
“Nigel Farage refuses to attend EU hearing into Arron Banks cash”
Looks like the knives are out for Nigel in the EU?
As we leave its going to get nastier.
BBC Dr Who merchandise writer forced out
due to mere perception he was not on message re LGBT
…. despite him describing himself as part of ” queers, trannies and dykes. ” View at
1. Trump delivers pretty smart press conference complete with a humour unknown and probably unrecognised by most of his attackers….
2. Trump totally understands, recognises and praises the USA/UK alliance and history and promises really good partnerships in the pipeline…
3. Corbyn turns into Lenin and shouts frantically to a small rabble… Like a small boy who stamps his feet and then doesn’t get invited to the party
Result…. BBC website doesn’t know how to report this scary stuff so the pages are pretty bland considering the weight of all this.
So probably we can look forward to Greta making a comeback on the home page tomorrow and all Trump stories washed away.
Looks like none of their news team want to stick their heads above the parapet at the moment
Spot on Digg
Watched the bBBC1 6 pm news and the BBC were dumbfounded. They had nothing bad to report about Trump, although Kuntsberg tried to invent some doom and gloom and sounded pretty bitter, twisted, and pathetic.
Then, amazingly they showed a portion of Corbyn’s shouting rant at some demo or other, attended by the usual Socialist Workers Party rabble. The juxtaposition was rather clear; i think the editorial team must have missed this.
It was a rather sweet moment.
I feel like ending this day with something uplifting-the following from Shakespeare fits the mood.
A favourite quote from Richard 11.
This royal throne of kings, this sceptre-ed isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands,–This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
Excellent stuff! We had that quote in a frame in our downstairs toilet of my childhood home for years. As a boy I must have spent days in total standing there reading it ????
The magnitude of the apparently’ literal ‘crime’ of bursting a bubble, in the heart of London, has metaphorical resonance to disturb the Farce from W1A to Islington. End of days stuff.
Original RealBasedAmy livestream where she infiltrates the anti-Trump crowd, notices the Trump balloon is sitting on the ground
..asks her supporters if she should puncture it
.. does it
..walks away
.. gets grabbed by police in a firm manner 2 mins later tweet video
Ha Lucy I just happened to be checking on Amy at the same time
by 4:46 she is absolutely surrounded by officers , one has a firm hold , even though she tells him she is disabled and won’t flee
..then something happens to make her scream
That’s London
.. get stabbed by a knife youth, police say they are a bit busy with paperwork
.. stab a libmob Propaganda blimp and suddenly a police army is available to arrest you
Those people out there who mock my inability to stand, AFTER I have been pushed…THIS is what my right hip looks like – 2 full replacements & detached trochanter…(PLUS – 4 major BACK ops & the other hip replaced)….etc…WELL?
— Based Amy – #29J- 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' ADVOCATE (@realbasedamy) June 2, 2019
Normal biased BBC service at 1815.
Jon Piennar reporting about Change UK’s disintegration from Westminster. He is photobombed by some nutter with Remoaner placards immediately behind him for the whole interview.
But the editor does not insist on a different camera angle or close up of his face. So we got the full free Remoaner messages in the background throughout.
Can’t help feeling that if a Brexiteer had been in the background a bunch of heavies would have turned up, ripped away the placards, and jostled them away faster than you could say ‘no deal’.
I saw it too, and it is absolutely deliberate on the part of the BBC.
There is no need at all for a correspondent like Pienaar to be on the scene in Westminster doing his piece to camera. It could just as well be done in a studio. The producers know full well that any outside broadcast anywhere near parliament will be interrupted by anti-Brexit protesters, with flags, and placards, or just shouting. Sometimes I can barely hear the reporter for the sound of the twat in the hat and his “Stooooop Breeeexit” rap.
So yes, it is deliberate. The protesters are there because the BBC wants them to be there. They make sure that every news report from parliament is framed with anti-Brexit protest, because that is what the BBC wants you to see.
The police called it a sharp implement, I think. I suppose carrying anything sharp is an offence in itself, irrespective of what you have been doing with it.
BBC Look North : Man-boy refugee Hussein is on with his “foster parents”
.. yes of course he has a beard
He claims his mother send him to Syria
Then once at Calais the rough people smugglers kept putting on trucks
One day he succeeded in a refrigerated truck to Leeds
slow loading INdy page has item about pro-Trumpers hounded into a pub by the libmob
ah i’ve just found a direct video
Police forced a group of Trump supporters off the streets and inside a pub after protestors chanted at them “Nazi scum off our streets” & a brief physical altercation broke out (as you can see, quite literally in front of me. I had to stop recording as the situation devolved
— Brittany Bernstein (@brittybernstein) June 4, 2019
I’ve also previously been trapped in this pub. In my case the lock handle snapped off and I had to climb over the top of a cubicle. Cheap pints though. #trump#pub
Tucked away in a corner of today’s Mail is this little gem……..
“Sajid Javid’s little brother Bas wins job to manage frontline policing as Commander at Scotland Yard”
and its the Home Secretary who has the final say in the promotion of Officers in the Met.
“Javid was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, one of five sons of Pakistani Muslim immigrant parents.[4][5] His father worked as a bus driver.[6] His family moved from Lancashire to Stapleton Road, Bristol, as his parents took over a shop there, and the family lived in a two-bedroom flat above ”
“Khan’s father Amanullah and mother Sehrun arrived in London from Pakistan in 1968.[5][6] Khan was the fifth of eight children, seven of whom were boys.[6] In London, Amanullah worked as a bus driver and Sehrun as a seamstress.[7][2] ”
It appears that if you want a position of power in the UK you have to have migrant parents – one preferably being a bus driver, and have an abundance of siblings. Oh and arriving with either £1 or £5 in your pocket.
The wagons are circling for a complete Islamic take over. Steady as she goes.
Has Al Beeb covered the balloon popping crime yet ?
Has Scotland Yard been called in?
Those Anti-Trump protesters are not in work, but then they don’t want work.
The BBC Question time panel this week will be made up of four remainers from separate political parties – Annie Soubry – Chooka the chuka- hide it’s allen – that nice Doctor one who might now be a liberal.
A Brexit MEP who will be ganged up on by everyone as usual and talked over by the beeboid remainer ….
\\US President Donald Trump has said the US and UK have the “greatest alliance the world has ever known”.//
The EU Commissioners are worried, very worried.
D-Day is coming …_ …_ …_
Did anyone else pick up on the subtle but seemingly Brexit related comments in the Presidents speech last night regarding the war and the fight for sovereignty and self determination etc?
Yes. And the Sky “reporters” kept saying there was nothing controversial in what he said. To me it was clear, but obviously too subtle for the brains of Sky to handle.
The bBBC are not alone in portraying Philip Green, chief of Arcadia, as the personification of capitalist evil.
Currently he is ostensibly trying to negotiate to keep the arcadia group going.
So in that context, here is a BBC item
Green is putting in millions of his own money to keep the pension scheme afloat.
What is missing is the acceptance this example shows of the ruinous cost of keeping final salary related pension schemes afloat.
And therefore by inference, but never highlighted, the ruinous cost to taxpayers of funding all the gold plated public sector pension schemes, whose value is never, repeat never, mentioned when the usual suspects drone on about poor public sector pay.
I think its about a fifth of all poll tax payments go to providing pensions for retired LA people.
That’s quite a lot of money, earned by the private sector! I suppose the councils get some back, from the retired men and women, because they have to live somewhere, but it is really disgraceful that the more ‘senior’ ‘officers’ just shift around LA jobs every couple of years and get enormous ‘severance’ payments into the bargain.
Today on TOADY … let’s be more American out of respect for a visitor … or A Visitor ….(ahem, best American TV accent) …. Previously on TOADY, the news of trouble for super-investor Neil Woodford and one of his funds. Problem for TOADY: one of their favourite contributors to Market News in their Business segments is a broker, Hargreaves Lansdown, who were recommending Woodford’s troublesome fund.
On TWatO, a spokeswoman comes on to be interviewed about it all by The Montacutie, who having asked a question and allowed a reply from Emma, I think, (sorry cannot remember her surname) then jumps in quickly with “Is it because of Brexit?”
This causes much hilarity in the Snuffy household.
The HL spokeswoman denies that but does get a chance to reel out a load of excuses, sorry, reasons why HL cannot really be faulted. They may still not be invited back on to the TOADY Prog for quite a while. Some of the Beeboids may have lost thousands ……
Anybody think that Trump saying nice things about Hunt as a possible pm could be because if the Tories actually got a proper brexiteer as the next pm it would take votes away from the Brexit party.
Did I mis-hear it when May said something like “I keep my word”
I’m sure Thornberry would be quite safe in a room with most blokes but I’m not sure about the blokes being safe.
Would anybody actually go there, really???
The Liberals are going into complete MELTDOWN !!! What a great couple of days for the President !!!! Long may it continue .
What a pathetic shambles these protests have been . A real damp squib !!. Sadiq Khan, Corbyn , Thornberry etc etc just made themselves look even more irrational and unstable than usual, and that’s saying something.
The lefties are losing the plot , they know the pendulum is swinging and boy, do they not like it up em (apart from Owen Jones of course ) !!!
Even change uk have disintegrated already !!!! They were the future according to the BBC last week !!!!!
Just had a big victory in Federal Court over the Democrats in the House on the desperately needed Border Wall. A big step in the right direction. Wall is under construction!
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Alleged attacker Alexander S. (pictured) smashed a Ford Fiesta car smashed through a group of people on Monday at about…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “LOL – Chrystia Freeland: mad as a box of frogs. She says Britain’s nukes could protect Canada from the US?…
Fedup2Mar 4, 13:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 World at One Poor Sarah – exhibiting the bewilderment occupying the swamp as President Trump pulls funding for Ukraine .…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
Breaking news – ChangeUK has split!
How will BBC spin it..?
….and now over to our man Gavin Esler for an on the spot report!
Gavin? Gavin?? Are you there?
Out of a UK population of about 65 million, only a few hundred (BBC estimate), turned up to protest in London.
Yet the BBC spent much of yesterday sympathetically talking about and interviewing protesters.
I don’t protest, I vote. I contributed to the success of The Brexit Party which surpasses all those noisy fools.
It’s called Democracy. Interfere with Democracy at your peril.
Goodbye Conservative Party. Goodbye Labour Party.
@ Dover
I just hope people turn up and vote on Thursday…
Me too, Lucky.
Democracy is exercising one’s right to vote, something I would doubt that those protesters ever do.
The spectre of Corbyn almost screaming like a deranged Stalin to a tiny crowd should register with the failing BBC.
Whilst it might be lost on the BBC I hope that the Labour party will see Corbyn for the loser he is and replace him.
Thing is that the Tories and Labour are so far down now that it will take years for them to recover if ever.
As for Cable, the hate he exudes is unbelievable, and he is being replaced too.
I can’t wait to vote in the next election and the sooner the better?
BBC editors/camera men continually struggling and arguing amongst themselves over trying to position their cameras in order to give the TV viewer the impression that there were more than a couple of hundred protesters in London.
Fists are now flying!
They’ve been at it all day – but, come on guys your CEO will be very dismayed at the angle you position your cameras.
Boy, your the highest paid cameramen around and you can’t deceive the viewers – you’ve done it in the past?
Poor BBC editors.
Twitter posts today reveal extreme yob behaviour involving those pathetic, hate filled anti Trump protesters.
In one photo, someone carrying an Israeli flag has to be surrounded by a huge cordon of police for his protection.
In a video, a mob of red faced protesters scream “nazi scum” into the face of a middle aged Trump supporter, before he gets something thrown over him and is pushed and shoved. Basically an assault, watched by a WPC who does nothing.
These people are a disgrace to the memory of the D Day servicemen, including my own dad, who fought to liberate the world from fascism.
Meanwhile, true to its rotten core, the BBC tries to paint it as some sort of carnival with this report from Marie Jackson on its website: “There are mums with small children in buggies who have given up a day in the park to make their young voices heard, alongside seasoned protesters and US expats. A little further up the street, police officers are dealing with a disturbance by the English Defence League.
video of the “witch” shouting mob
..then cheering as they ceremonially duck the “witch” with milkshake
I was more than a little disappointed with JHB this morning, listening to Talk Radio, to hear her jumping on the Trump bashing band wagon with her request for suggestions as to what book would you buy as a gift for Trump.
She seemed to take great pleasure in reading out the most pathetic suggestions such as “a colouring book and some crayons” and “a book on etiquette” etc etc.
yep I switched her off
“Change UK loses six of its 11 MPs”
They are changing !
Sour berry is in charge, already.
It’s OK they have Souper Soubry as a leader now
It’s comforting to know that a great political party with such a long and illustrious past now has a female leader we can trust .
I’m sure the other member of her party will be pleased too …
Now when are all those bi election s?
Sly and sleekit are 2 other attributes of the leftist bBc….example
DJ Webb at York Uni.this am………listening to a report from some beeboid about the Trump visit…..reporter goes on to mention Ivanka and speculation that she very diplomatic and could develop serious future potential… mentions that her Dad should learn from her diplomatic skills..
DJ Webb intervenes with ” a ripple of laughter just went round the audience there here at York”
This clown and empty suit Sopel are the real pair of deuces, albeit rich and laden with an unfair tax levied on the people of Britain.
Are you sure you heard right
‘Barnett actually asked Thornberry if she would feel safe in a room alone with Barnett’s own brothel-keeping crimbo father’
Trump’s laddish comment tape was from 2005
‘Orange-man bad’ … he said some raw off mike sexual comments in 2005
So obviously he should be dehumanised as “sexist” “racist”
FFS that is not right, you don’t judge people on minor old sins
and Trump does care about blacks
and has African American supporters who celebrate him increasing black employment.
‘BBC-presenter Emma good woman’
Really ??
‘Police found emails between Mr Barnett and his daughter Emma, talking about his `whores’.
Manchester Evening News in 2010 talking about the jailing of her mother and accountant father about their jailing
and making £5m out of prostitution money laundering
It seem a PR person has been busy sanitising Emma’s Wiki page says former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan
Cos of her privileged background and tough interview she gave Corbyn, Labour supporters call her a BBC-righty.
Something to print out and shove down Thornberrys ever open gob:
Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993–2001), has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct by four women: Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Leslie Millwee[1] accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her; and Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without her consent in 1993. The Jones allegations became public in 1994, during Clinton’s first term as president, while Willey’s and Broaddrick’s accusations became public in 1999, toward the end of Clinton’s second term. Millwee did not make her accusations until 2016.
Clinton has adamantly denied all four accusations. Through his representatives, Clinton has responded to the allegations by casting doubt on the credibility of the accusers, noting that (in the case of Broaddrick and Willey) they previously testified under oath that Clinton never made unwanted advances. Several witnesses close to Willey and Jones have stated that the two women described their encounter with Clinton as consensual.[2][3][4]
Of all the allegations made against him, Clinton has only admitted extramarital relationships with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers, both of which have generally been accepted as consensual. However, some commentators have nonetheless characterized Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky, who was at the time a White House intern, as sexual misconduct because of the vast power imbalance between a president and an intern; Lewinsky was 22 at the time and described the relationship as completely consensual.[5] In 2018, Lewinsky herself began to question her long-standing view that her relationship with Clinton had been consensual, characterizing the relationship as a “gross abuse of power” wherein the power differential between the two was so great that “consent might well be rendered moot.”[6]
Charges of sexual misconduct on Bill Clinton’s part resurfaced during the 2016 presidential campaign of his wife, Hillary Clinton. When a lewd recording of Hillary’s opponent Donald Trump discussing the ability to grope women when in power was released during the campaign, Bill Clinton’s accusers, Broaddrick, Willey, and Jones, reemerged as critics of Hillary Clinton, accusing her of enabling her husband’s alleged sexual assaults on them. They appeared as guests at the second 2016 presidential debate and referenced Bill Clinton in pre-debate statements
Broaddrick’s allegations resurfaced early in the campaign. In various media interviews, Broaddrick stated that Bill Clinton raped her and that Hillary Clinton knew about it and tried to threaten Broaddrick into remaining silent. She said that she started giving some interviews in 2015 because Hillary Clinton’s statement that victims of sexual assault should be believed angered her.
So, as expected, Change UK has imploded.
Chuckles has gone home and Heidi has pissed off to the pub. And the indecisive lady doctor who at first backed Brexit and then backed Remain, then backed the Prime Minister and then didn’t, then joined Change UK and then didn’t. She’s gone…
From now on Change UK is to be known as the Soubry Party.
That’s a winner…
Well it is All change UK now –
” And the indecisive lady doctor who at first backed Brexit and then backed Remain, then backed the Prime Minister and then didn’t, then joined Change UK and then didn’t. She’s gone…”
Lets hope she joins the lib dems.
The notorious 1998 New York Times op-ed by Gloria Steinem must surely stand as one of the most regretted public actions of her life. It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused. Moreover (never write an op-ed in a hurry; you’ll accidentally say what you really believe), it characterized contemporary feminism as a weaponized auxiliary of the Democratic Party.
Called “Feminists and the Clinton Question,” it was written in March of 1998, when Paula Jones’s harassment claim was working its way through court. It was printed seven days after Kathleen Willey’s blockbuster 60 Minutes interview with Ed Bradley. If all the various allegations were true, wrote Steinem, Bill Clinton was “a candidate for sex addiction therapy.” To her mind, the most “credible” accusations were those of Willey, who she noted was “old enough to be Monica Lewinsky’s mother.” And then she wrote the fatal sentences that invalidated the new understanding of workplace sexual harassment as a moral and legal wrong: “Even if the allegations are true, the President is not guilty of sexual harassment. He is accused of having made a gross, dumb, and reckless pass at a supporter during a low point in her life. She pushed him away, she said, and it never happened again. In other words, President Clinton took ‘no’ for an answer.”
Let’s wait for the picture of POTUS with Nigel Farage … which I think / hope is on its way ….
Al beeb will have a full hissy fit .
Margaret Thatcher closes coal mines :-
Donald Trump opens coal mines :-
General – certain people know the word ‘fascist’, but little else.
I suspect they would be hard-pressed to explain what the term means.
Using it probably gives them a feeling of being in control, or something…
Now they’ve come up with ‘tyrant’ as well. Shows how sophisticated and extensive their vocab is!
Agree fakenews, they pick up soundbites and think they are showing how clever they are.
When people used to come out with ” Thatcher after what she did to the country !” I would always confront them with ” well what was it she did?” and I never ever got a reply.
Wilson and Callaghan close coal mines. Crickets.
Corbyn’s bully boys: Trump supporter is viciously attacked doused in milkshake by America-hating activists yelling ‘Nazi scum’ outside Parliament minutes after Corbyn’s speech – but police watch and do NOTHING
I’d wondered how long it would take before ‘being milkshaked’ stopped being exclusively for “certain kind of” policians and became fair game for anyone disagreed with?
What was the Mayor of London saying about twelve year olds this morning?
please watch the video and lets find out who the fat blonde c@@t is who repeatedly screams Nazi scum at a Trump supporter and when challenged shouted she did not want to hear from white men, I would like a debate with her with a baseball bat about my relatives who died fighting real Nazis so fat bitches like her can gob off in public and threaten people
Germany 1930’s.
Why are most wearing black? They should be wearing brown shirts.
Is that Bunny La Roche with a new hair colour ?
Your photo.
We know she’s saying it.
We know that the other bunch of louts are thinking it.
Is that a red haired zombie at the back?
Nice to see the protection of a ‘police liaison officer’, in action, and Lady Nugee’s love-child having an interesting discussion.
And the difference between a Met Police WPC and a chocolate teapot is…?
She’s gonna need counselling after that . She’ll claim she was never trained to disarm a man with a banana milk shake ….
A blonde, groupie, rainbow warrior.
Why am I not surprised?
Tolerance, don’t they just love it.
They’re just annoyed because so few bothered to come out.
The irony being these charming people were marching under ‘stop fascist’ placards.
I doubt you will see this behaviour on BBC. I am always astounded at how ugly many of these people are in all ways.
Anyone else notice how many very well made and must have cost a pretty penny “Free Palastine” placards?
BBC cameraman tried his best to avoid them coming into shot but if one looks very closely you could see them hidden away and stacked UPSIDE DOWN.
And even in stacking placards these organisors are very devious.
My last comment was about another BBC report elsewhere not the above image.
Sorry for the confusion guys n gals.
I hope they disposed of the cup and the paper straw properly afterwards.
There is your hate monger right there
The new orange blimp spotted today
God I really would hve not been able to resist filling her fat face in…….
“filling her fat face”…I suspect one way or another we already are.
Bunny La Roche.
Latest Jon Gaunt podcast
I had to turn off JHB & Ferrari this morning
The problem is they think they must obey some weird Ofcom balance rule.
They don’t only air lefty voices
rather they give us a wall of li/Labour-front-group PR people
and then give us some normal Trump supporters
No just get rid of these anti-Trump PR-zombies, they add nothing
I have decided to withdraw from the Fedup Party leadership contest . It’s been a hard decision but I’ve been offered a cabinet job on one of the leading candidates’ campaign so I’m off .
As I write this I am watching a beeboid interviewing a white 8 year old called Spencer being interviewed by a beeboid in parliament square . I’ve got flu but I also think I’m hallucinating now –
The bbc would really interview an 8 year old anti trump campaigner ? No ( private ) school today ?
“Nigel Farage refuses to attend EU hearing into Arron Banks cash”
Looks like the knives are out for Nigel in the EU?
As we leave its going to get nastier.
Latest from Al Beeb……………
Nigel had a good meeting with Trump . Lets see the photographs Nigel.
BBC Dr Who merchandise writer forced out
due to mere perception he was not on message re LGBT
…. despite him describing himself as part of ” queers, trannies and dykes. ”
View at
Bad day for the BBC.
1. Trump delivers pretty smart press conference complete with a humour unknown and probably unrecognised by most of his attackers….
2. Trump totally understands, recognises and praises the USA/UK alliance and history and promises really good partnerships in the pipeline…
3. Corbyn turns into Lenin and shouts frantically to a small rabble… Like a small boy who stamps his feet and then doesn’t get invited to the party
Result…. BBC website doesn’t know how to report this scary stuff so the pages are pretty bland considering the weight of all this.
So probably we can look forward to Greta making a comeback on the home page tomorrow and all Trump stories washed away.
Looks like none of their news team want to stick their heads above the parapet at the moment
I’m really, really loving this!
Spot on Digg
Watched the bBBC1 6 pm news and the BBC were dumbfounded. They had nothing bad to report about Trump, although Kuntsberg tried to invent some doom and gloom and sounded pretty bitter, twisted, and pathetic.
Then, amazingly they showed a portion of Corbyn’s shouting rant at some demo or other, attended by the usual Socialist Workers Party rabble. The juxtaposition was rather clear; i think the editorial team must have missed this.
It was a rather sweet moment.
But the Beeb cant help being the Beeb, check out the first picture they use for
Second day of Trump’s UK state visit in pictures
As the POTUS might say the BBC promote negative forces
The importance of being Emma.
I feel like ending this day with something uplifting-the following from Shakespeare fits the mood.
A favourite quote from Richard 11.
This royal throne of kings, this sceptre-ed isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands,–This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
Excellent stuff! We had that quote in a frame in our downstairs toilet of my childhood home for years. As a boy I must have spent days in total standing there reading it ????
Tonight she will really have to pull out all the stops if she expects to match VD’s award haul from the squad.
A woman burst their hate balloon. Police seem to have arrested her.
Isn’t it about time that the police attended to the rampant knifing of people in Londonistan not the popping of balloons.
The magnitude of the apparently’ literal ‘crime’ of bursting a bubble, in the heart of London, has metaphorical resonance to disturb the Farce from W1A to Islington. End of days stuff.
She is a hero. Someone tell the POTUS to get that woman a lawyer.
Will she be charged with hate against hate?
Do two negatives make a positive therefore negating any perceived offence?
Original RealBasedAmy livestream where she infiltrates the anti-Trump crowd, notices the Trump balloon is sitting on the ground
..asks her supporters if she should puncture it
.. does it
..walks away
.. gets grabbed by police in a firm manner 2 mins later
tweet video
Ha Lucy I just happened to be checking on Amy at the same time
by 4:46 she is absolutely surrounded by officers , one has a firm hold , even though she tells him she is disabled and won’t flee
..then something happens to make her scream
That’s London
.. get stabbed by a knife youth, police say they are a bit busy with paperwork
.. stab a libmob Propaganda blimp and suddenly a police army is available to arrest you
Normal biased BBC service at 1815.
Jon Piennar reporting about Change UK’s disintegration from Westminster. He is photobombed by some nutter with Remoaner placards immediately behind him for the whole interview.
But the editor does not insist on a different camera angle or close up of his face. So we got the full free Remoaner messages in the background throughout.
Can’t help feeling that if a Brexiteer had been in the background a bunch of heavies would have turned up, ripped away the placards, and jostled them away faster than you could say ‘no deal’.
I saw it too, and it is absolutely deliberate on the part of the BBC.
There is no need at all for a correspondent like Pienaar to be on the scene in Westminster doing his piece to camera. It could just as well be done in a studio. The producers know full well that any outside broadcast anywhere near parliament will be interrupted by anti-Brexit protesters, with flags, and placards, or just shouting. Sometimes I can barely hear the reporter for the sound of the twat in the hat and his “Stooooop Breeeexit” rap.
So yes, it is deliberate. The protesters are there because the BBC wants them to be there. They make sure that every news report from parliament is framed with anti-Brexit protest, because that is what the BBC wants you to see.
Defund them now.
Why was she put in hand cuffs for bursting a balloon? She was no danger. The place was full of police officers.
Over the top if you ask me.
I think she had a knife!
I dunno, it could of been a pin
PJW said it was a pen
The pen is mightier than the balloon.
“I think she had a knife!”
I don’t blame her she is in London.
The police called it a sharp implement, I think. I suppose carrying anything sharp is an offence in itself, irrespective of what you have been doing with it.
Meanwhile police stood by as Israeli flags were burned by (now illegal in Britain) Hezbollah terrorist supporters.
“Meanwhile police stood by as Israeli flags were burned by (now illegal in Britain) Hezbollah terrorist supporters.”
Matches supplied by “Braynt (Labour MP) and May (UK Prime minister)”
Figuratively speaking of course.
Surely Sadiq will support this woman’s right to abort the baby ?
Well it appears it’s not just Sadiq Khan’s ego that is a little deflated.
BBC Look North : Man-boy refugee Hussein is on with his “foster parents”
.. yes of course he has a beard
He claims his mother send him to Syria
Then once at Calais the rough people smugglers kept putting on trucks
One day he succeeded in a refrigerated truck to Leeds
Doesn’t look like Trafalgar Square to me:
I think it’s Whitehall. Conveniently SW1A.
Only one clear winner today and that is President Trump !!! What a top bloke.
The peaceful, tolerant, loving liberal left have been shown up for what they really are ……… Thugs !!! Utter cretinous low life thugs !!!!
Love this tho !!!
Jesus H, look at the haircut on that bint! She looks like she’s from some hillbilly backwater! Duelling banjoes anyone? ????
Dunno. Di might get her for lack of cultural appropriation.
slow loading INdy page has item about pro-Trumpers hounded into a pub by the libmob
ah i’ve just found a direct video
I think the bBBC should get a ‘Hope not Hate’ spokesperson on to talk about this…..
Oh, the irony. Oh, the hypocrisy.
Another pub
Tucked away in a corner of today’s Mail is this little gem……..
“Sajid Javid’s little brother Bas wins job to manage frontline policing as Commander at Scotland Yard”
and its the Home Secretary who has the final say in the promotion of Officers in the Met.
“Javid was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, one of five sons of Pakistani Muslim immigrant parents.[4][5] His father worked as a bus driver.[6] His family moved from Lancashire to Stapleton Road, Bristol, as his parents took over a shop there, and the family lived in a two-bedroom flat above ”
“Khan’s father Amanullah and mother Sehrun arrived in London from Pakistan in 1968.[5][6] Khan was the fifth of eight children, seven of whom were boys.[6] In London, Amanullah worked as a bus driver and Sehrun as a seamstress.[7][2] ”
It appears that if you want a position of power in the UK you have to have migrant parents – one preferably being a bus driver, and have an abundance of siblings. Oh and arriving with either £1 or £5 in your pocket.
The wagons are circling for a complete Islamic take over. Steady as she goes.
‘The wagons are circling for a complete Islamic take over.’
This is why I am not following the Tory leadership competition. The result has been decided.
Rochdale, eh?
Wow 8 kids and parents in a 2 bed flat. Bet it needed fumigating when they finally moved out.
Has Al Beeb covered the balloon popping crime yet ?
Has Scotland Yard been called in?
Those Anti-Trump protesters are not in work, but then they don’t want work.
The BBC Question time panel this week will be made up of four remainers from separate political parties – Annie Soubry – Chooka the chuka- hide it’s allen – that nice Doctor one who might now be a liberal.
A Brexit MEP who will be ganged up on by everyone as usual and talked over by the beeboid remainer ….
\\US President Donald Trump has said the US and UK have the “greatest alliance the world has ever known”.//
The EU Commissioners are worried, very worried.
D-Day is coming …_ …_ …_
taffman, should that not be instead … – – – … in No.10, the House of Commons and the EU buildings in Brussels and Strasbourg?
Full marks to you sir !
They are ‘in distress’ because they know that D – Day is coming .
…_ for Victory.
Did anyone else pick up on the subtle but seemingly Brexit related comments in the Presidents speech last night regarding the war and the fight for sovereignty and self determination etc?
Yes. And the Sky “reporters” kept saying there was nothing controversial in what he said. To me it was clear, but obviously too subtle for the brains of Sky to handle.
The bBBC are not alone in portraying Philip Green, chief of Arcadia, as the personification of capitalist evil.
Currently he is ostensibly trying to negotiate to keep the arcadia group going.
So in that context, here is a BBC item
Green is putting in millions of his own money to keep the pension scheme afloat.
What is missing is the acceptance this example shows of the ruinous cost of keeping final salary related pension schemes afloat.
And therefore by inference, but never highlighted, the ruinous cost to taxpayers of funding all the gold plated public sector pension schemes, whose value is never, repeat never, mentioned when the usual suspects drone on about poor public sector pay.
and no mention of why all the final salary schemes suddenly went down the pan
I think its about a fifth of all poll tax payments go to providing pensions for retired LA people.
That’s quite a lot of money, earned by the private sector! I suppose the councils get some back, from the retired men and women, because they have to live somewhere, but it is really disgraceful that the more ‘senior’ ‘officers’ just shift around LA jobs every couple of years and get enormous ‘severance’ payments into the bargain.
Now, how much of the TV tax goes on paying for retired autocue readers and the multitude of ‘staff’?
Yes and after they “retire” some get taken on again to do the same job, while getting their big pension nice little earner
BBC 24 hour News at 19.30
Their summary of the events today in Westminster.
1. No mention of Farage having an hour with Trump and Farage’s positive comments.
2. No mention of the Trump balloon being stabbed. But then again, it’s just another stabbing in the Mayor’s London.
Sort of TOADY Watch and TWatO Watch #1 combined.
Today on TOADY … let’s be more American out of respect for a visitor … or A Visitor ….(ahem, best American TV accent) …. Previously on TOADY, the news of trouble for super-investor Neil Woodford and one of his funds. Problem for TOADY: one of their favourite contributors to Market News in their Business segments is a broker, Hargreaves Lansdown, who were recommending Woodford’s troublesome fund.
On TWatO, a spokeswoman comes on to be interviewed about it all by The Montacutie, who having asked a question and allowed a reply from Emma, I think, (sorry cannot remember her surname) then jumps in quickly with “Is it because of Brexit?”
This causes much hilarity in the Snuffy household.
The HL spokeswoman denies that but does get a chance to reel out a load of excuses, sorry, reasons why HL cannot really be faulted. They may still not be invited back on to the TOADY Prog for quite a while. Some of the Beeboids may have lost thousands ……
Anybody think that Trump saying nice things about Hunt as a possible pm could be because if the Tories actually got a proper brexiteer as the next pm it would take votes away from the Brexit party.
Did I mis-hear it when May said something like “I keep my word”
I’m sure Thornberry would be quite safe in a room with most blokes but I’m not sure about the blokes being safe.
Would anybody actually go there, really???
The Liberals are going into complete MELTDOWN !!! What a great couple of days for the President !!!! Long may it continue .
What a pathetic shambles these protests have been . A real damp squib !!. Sadiq Khan, Corbyn , Thornberry etc etc just made themselves look even more irrational and unstable than usual, and that’s saying something.
The lefties are losing the plot , they know the pendulum is swinging and boy, do they not like it up em (apart from Owen Jones of course ) !!!
Even change uk have disintegrated already !!!! They were the future according to the BBC last week !!!!!
Sheffield : tiff between BBC local radio an ITV local news
‘ oi you stole my story’
‘No i didn’t, never heard of you’
Twitter thread