We have a new game to play – spot the BBC coke head .( with thanks to a post by pug on 9 June ) Following admissions by politicians that they regularly took drugs we can extend that to others from ‘the bubble ‘ . It would explain those who interupt , talk over and abuse those with whom they disagree .
There is obviously a need to tread carefully with regard to the laws of defamation but those Beeboids whose performance might seem a bit ‘ heightened ‘ deserve recognition .
I think I might be first , I’m a lurker , but I absolutely love this site and I hate the BBC with a passion . I want it dead !
Re. Your hate and passion. How much telly tax do you pay and why do you pay it ?
Why is it 10 May?
Can we re-run Peterborough?
Thank you for spotting that – long day travelling overseas … have rectified – we are in 1819 Aren’t we – votes meant nothing then just as now….
Will Al Beeb update us on the activities of the Yellow Vests in France ?
I understand that they have been ‘at it again’.
They have, but in smaller numbers (Acte Trente), but still enough to provoke the usual tear gas grenades from the police…
No, but on the 0800 R4 news they took time out to report a number of Hindu’s in India being found guilty of raping a young muslim girl and they have been found guilty and incarcerated for same. Indian national news? Why? I wonder. It couldn’t have had anything to do with the victim being muslim and the perps. Hindu could it? Sorry state of affairs and all that but, it’s lovely that the BBC needed to troll half way around the World to pick up any snippet of news that helps to redress the balance of actual muslim victimhood.
Meanwhile, of course, the BBC couldn’t be bothered to report on the muslim killings, maiming’s and injuries sustained by, ‘the rest of us’ at the hands of muslims. Within the last 30 days:
2019.06.08 Afghanistan Dawlatyar 15 3 A horrific attack by the Taliban leaves fifteen dead.
2019.06.08 Syria Shezar 1 3 Sunni extremists send mortars into a residential area, claiming a civilian.
2019.06.08 Afghanistan Pato 2 6 An early morning attack on a group of police by fundamentalists, leaves two dead.
2019.06.08 Iraq Anbar 5 4 Five Iraqis are killed in a series of terror attacks.
2019.06.07 Pakistan Kharqamar 4 4 Four members of a local security patrol are obliterated by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.06.07 Pakistan Kawas 2 7 A targeted attack by suspected Sunnis kills two Hazera minorities.
2019.06.06 Yemen Aden 1 7 Terrorists throw a grenade into a concert, killing a child.
2019.06.06 India Sadoora 1 0 An unarmed soldier on leave is assassinated by Muslim extremists.
2019.06.05 Afghanistan Achin 1 4 The Islamic State fire a mortar round into a house, injuring four children and killing their mother.
2019.06.05 Egypt el-Arish 8 0 Eight local security personnel are cut down point-blank by Islamic hardliner gunmen.
2019.06.05 India Singoo Narbal 1 1 A woman bleeds to death after being shot by Islamic radicals.
2019.06.05 Iraq Hawijah 3 9 Various ISIS attacks on farmers and security personnel leaves three dead.
2019.06.04 Norway Oslo 0 1 A man stabs a Good Samaritan, while screaming praises to Allah.
2019.06.04 Yemen Qiva 10 0 An imam and nine worshippers are shot dead by Shiite extremists to settle a dispute over Ramadan prayers.
2019.06.04 Syria Buser al-Harir 1 2 A suicide bomber kills a bystander.
2019.06.04 Afghanistan Nahrin 2 14 Two civilians are aerated by a Taliban IED.
2019.06.04 Iraq Tarmiya 6 2 ISIS gunmen ambush and murder six local police.
2019.06.04 DRC Beni 13 12 ADF Islamists hack thirteen villagers to death.
2019.06.03 Kenya Dawaduba 1 0 al-Shabaab gunmen fire on border guards, killing one.
2019.06.03 Iraq Malashah 9 0 Nine people are kidnapped and murdered while hunting mushrooms.
2019.06.03 Syria Azaz 21 45 Four children are among twenty-one killed by a suicide bomber outside a mosque.
2019.06.03 Afghanistan Kabul 5 10 Terrorists bomb a bus, killing five passengers.
2019.06.03 Lebanon Tripoli 4 0 A committed Muslim opens fire on police, killing four, then blows himself up.
2019.06.03 India Panthachowk 1 0 Islamic gunmen take down a 32-year-old civilian.
2019.06.02 Libya Derna 0 18 An ISIS car bomb claims eighteen casualties.
2019.06.02 Iraq Abu Khanzier 3 0 Terrorists open fire on a family of three, bringing them all down.
2019.06.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A village head is shot to death in a mosque by suspected ‘insurgents.’
2019.06.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 24 Islamists hit a bus carrying university students with a bomb, killing one.
2019.06.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A blast targeting first responders to an early bombing leaves one dead.
2019.06.02 Afghanistan Ghazni 8 7 A Shahid suicide car bomber lays out eight Afghans.
2019.06.01 Yemen Hadramout 2 2 An al-Qaeda attack leaves two dead.
2019.06.01 Iraq Shura 27 0 Twenty-seven victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2019.06.01 Nigeria Sajeri 1 3 Boko Haram enter a rival mosque to pull out and slaughter one person.
2019.06.01 Iraq Anbar 5 0 A mass grave is discovered containing five victims of ISIS execution.
2019.06.01 Pakistan Boya 1 0 A lone border guard is ambushed and killed by Islamic militants.
2019.06.01 Syria Raqqa 10 20 A suicide bomber claims ten lives in the former caliphate stronghold.
Is the BBC biased? A foregone conclusion I think.
The 10pm news BBC1 had to have a long report about the England Scotland match (ladies division). They tried hard to avoid showing us how empty the stadium was but even the BBC couldn’t keep up the charade. In the middle of the report they admitted 13,000 at the match. I wonder how many the stand holds because it looked very very empty. And if there were 13,000 there, how many were free tickets. (I know when it was ladies cricket at Lords there were a lot of free tickets given to school children and other tickets were subsided.)
Deb, Womens football is entertaining because they have some very good players. Same with rugby where they play the game properly (tries etc) compared to some of the boring mens rugby won or lost on penalties.
My objection, as with all related to the BBC, is their incessant pandering to minorities. I believe it does more harm than good for minorities because it annoys the heck out a lot of other people. Its a sort of ‘identity politics’ which is quite divisive in nature.
The BBC seems to think that it has a responsibility to promote almost any kind of activism except that related to conservative values. The latter soon get demonised as far right ‘nazis’.
Celtic, you made me think about what my objection is to women’s football. Although I haven’t watched any match for years, in my youth I regularly used to go to the local Division 1 (when Division 1 was the top teams) local men’s matches.
But several years ago the BBC Trust charged the BBC with promoting women’s football. It puzzled me at the time because I thought women had hockey and netball (we still do) and this instruction from the Trust appeared from nowhere.
As I said it was several years ago, and the empty stadium , gave me pleasure (hope?) that these invisible powers cannot manipulate all of the people all of the time.
Agree with you on Football/Soccer Deborah, I’m a Rugby fan but not of women’s Rugby, crazy can’t believe a woman would want to play such a tough game physical game if you understand me. As for women’s Cricket, although only having watched a little, I thought they played very well-they played the game as it should be played. The women’s football could be ruined because of money entering the game, like it has done the men’s game.
Give it time. With a few transgender strikers and a 6′.6 goalie, who knows how far the game can progress.
Women’s football has been a bit of a Lesbian stronghold for a considerable time, so ticks a few of the BBC’s boxes. Please do not take this as a criticism as many of these girls, whom I have had the acquaintance of over the years, are great, fun individuals. Indeed, a couple of my female relatives have played to a high level, hence my interaction.
Your open line
“Women’s football is entertaining because ….”
Sounds like one of those quiz jobs when one has to come up with a winning phrase – in not more that 12 words …
I prefer real footy but each to their own … except that I object to the BBC using it as a weapon in its diversity propaganda strategy / conspiracy .
The Aussie national womens team lost 7-0 to a team of under 15 schoolboys. And they are one of the best in the womens world. Sorry but they do not have any good players, the level of football is less than what even children can produce. Most people would not pay to watch schoolchildren play football, nor would they care to see the media plastered with coverage of schoolboy results. The same can be said of the women.
Most of the tickets are free for these matches. Lots of friends and family too. Womens football is essentially subsidised by mens football at this point and receives vastly more media representation than it deserves.
“Lots of friends and family too”
There’s the suggestion that most of the male watchers of female football are the same type who at other times would be sat in front of their TVs looking into the eyes of Greta with puppy dog eyes of love and adoration.
Only a suggestion mind.
“And if there were 13,000 there…”……………………
Part and exploding parcel of living in Londonistan
When oh when, Lucy are the authorities going to realise what we all have realised , that those that follow the teachings of Islam will do all they can to disrupt our Christian society-like you maybe I have made a study of the Islamic ideology and there is really nothing whithin its Koran that would fcailitate an understanding between our two cultures-we are light years ahead, Islam is light years behind, and will remain so. There are approximately 75 million Muslims residing in Europe, daily reports come through of assaults, rape, killings, and all manner of dissruptive activities by Islamic followers to the indigenous peoples of those countries they invade. Europe inc UK has been more than unwise in its naiev policies concerning immigration from Africa, Middel East, Pakistan, Bangladesh et al. Immigration to the UK for example for those from European countries such a Poland has never been a problem to the UK mainly because they follow a Christian way of life, doesn’t mean necessarily that they attend Church, but as I do, they try and follow the Christian values. Islam will never do so.
Yesterday we had the last of the five Strictly stories by Bethan Roberts, all with a dance theme, a bit of man-hating and a lot of homosexuality.
How very BBC.
Despite the best endevours of the BBC none BME music artists continue to top the music playlists, these being Ed Sheeran Calvin Harris and Little Mix. Obviously this story doesn’t fit the BBC narrative that “white is not what we want” so they have one of there spoiler in BOLD sub headlines such as .. Drake, BTS and Ariana Grande boost global music sales to $19bn
Drip drip drip…..and we are paying for this….
The drugs at the BBC story might explain why there are so many empty desks and monitors switched on with nobody at the work station….they have probably just “nipped to the loo” …I’m sure they will be back soon as a company that uses public money to pay for thier electric couldn’t possibly waste it on showboating …..think of all the Co2 pumping out just to power those unused monitors. I suppose it’s like that old adage “No calories in free food” so ‘No Co2 in free electric”….
If Michael Gove has snorted cocaine and Uriah Heep has taken heroine, that’s a serious question mark against their capacity to lead their respective ways out of paper bags, leave alone lead a country. These people are conservatives??!
What does the BBC say about this? Or was the BBC perhaps dealing the drugs?
Can’t recall the name of that BBC guy a few years back who died – was it from drugs?
(Sorry about the vagueness, but it’s bloody early on a Monday.)
Toady Watch
Great Fun – the awful Nicky Morgan ( Red Tory anti democratic remainer supports snorter Gove ) – interviewed by our Justin about Goves ‘ use of illegal substance in the revelation that when he was education minister he said teachers found snorting should be fired ….
I love hearing politicians trying to defend the indefensible . Ms Morgan must have been promised a big job by Snorter Gove such as taking through the Remain Bill to stay in the ReichEU when she is the new foreign sec
If you notice I’m critical of Toady here . This is because they need to nothing but put red Tory ministers into the chair so that we can listen to how unworthy they are .
Drain it .
As an aside – does any one remember snorter Gove on “what the papers say “ when he was a journo ?i do – now his performance of being a hyped up dick can be explained …
Toady 2
The awful Amber Rudd has got into bed with Jeremy Hunt – two remainers . Justin didn’t as ms Rudd which illegal drug she has taken which is a bit of an oversight these days . With amber in mind I’m sure any drugs she might take were fair trade and organic .
Meanwhile to clock ticks down until the application for the next extension of A50 …. we ll never leave …
If a national revolt is to be avoided then there has to be a LEAVE Prime Minister-there is no way 17 million plus people would accept anyhting less.
Fine concept in theory – the problems arise when finding a genuine Leave-believer within the Conservative party, one with sufficient charisma and force of personality to see Brexit through.
Like all politicians they do tell lies, you know, even if they prefer to call it expediency.
Boris and Gove have already demonstrated that they are totally untrustworthy, Esther is too much totty, Hunt personifies his alternative name, Javid – well, does that need defining? Stewart might not live long enough, and so on. Mind you, a late runner, but maybe Soubry might have a go?
Apologies for my worse than normal spelling / typing – I’m going to blame it on yet another new screen on the iPhone playing up a beeeet
“Jeremy Hunt ”
If he becomes PM don’t be too surprised to see the EU malingerers throwing us out even afore we go on our own terms.
Mr Charismatic – I don’t think so.
Caught in the headlights – absolutely.
That’s why I’m not surprised Rudd backs him.
He did a publicity video last week and at first I thought it was one of those adverts where a ‘dentist’ recommends a new brighter toothpaste with enamel protection … or was it an electric toothbrush for snowflakes too lazy to use a brush ….
Good one.
Hee hee
Surely not the same person as the ‘defender’ of the Hastings and Rye fishing fleets?
You know, the MP who lets all the fish go to the Spanish and the Frogs, and leaves our own fishing fleets to rot in the water?
Can’t be the same woman…
Gove might have ruined his chances of winning the leadership challenge. Serves him right I say. He was the one who stabbed Bojo in the back before and would have done it again
Have Sky merged with the BBC or something? Someone shared me a video of Owen Jones ranting and raving uninterrupted on Sky news about how terrible Boris Johnson is whilst shaking with fear. I thought that it was BBC news at first. Left wingers free to tell us scare stories without any challenge or balance. Perhaps Jones was on the powder as well?
Anyway it is Monday today so perhaps we can finally see that BBC news website get edited. I see that they were all so busy at the weekend they forgot to remove last week’s news about Labour’s grand victory in Peterborough, still above less news worthy stories of course.
Meanwhile onto opinion polls, it seems that Britain Elects on Twitter completely ignored the two polls which showed the Brexit Party in the lead (3 points and six points) and instead have shown a new poll that shows Labour ahead by one point. I sense that Britain Elects not only has a pro Labour bias (worked that out ages ago) but possibly a remain bias.
Sky and the BBC is the same brand – you can see the evidence because the journos and editors are interchangeable .
As for ‘Britain Elects ‘ – this appears to be a website run from a bedroom by a politics student at chest university ? As well as founded by a girl who was a labour councillor in Swansea who is now dead .
So the bias and validity of this jumped up extension of the Labour Party is there to see …
I actually feel that Sky are even worse than the BBC with their bias but they just get away with it more.
As for bias on polling reporting I have been seeing it for a long while now. You could have three polls released in a day, only one would show a Labour leader. The reporting of the polls goes, Labour lose, Labour lose, Labour are ahead and thus the most recent poll will always show that Labour are in the lead.
I have seen the same on Wikipedia entries. Polls will not be updated until there is a Labour lead on there so no matter how many times Labour lose the most recent poll will always show them ahead.
That nose dive does still not look good for them while of course there is now a new Turquoise line riding it’s way to the top but you won’t hear anything about that from our leftwing/ remain journalists:
“Sky and the BBC is the same brand – you can see the evidence because the journos and editors are interchangeable ”
I believe the Russians noticed this also when chatting to every BBC Russia reporter before they first set-up the production of their now famous dolls:
BBC first, SKY second BBC third SKY fourth……..
Can i have a 2nd vote as the Peterbrough bi-election didn’t go my way
i’m sure the beeb will do a front page news report on it
An investigation does need to take place. There was something not right about that whatsoever but expect no help from the BBC. They now have the chance to keep Labour looking clean and ‘politics of division cannot win’ or something.
Had the vote lead to the Brexit Party taking the seat, even by a small margin expect the BBC to have an investigation of their own with their own ‘investigators’ finding some underhand practices from their ‘research’
” ‘politics of division cannot win’ or something ”
This was the Labour line in the European election in which they did so well.
I didn’t even know that they even bothered to stand in the Euros. What was Corbyn’s glum reaction to it the following day? Or am I thinking of his reaction to the local elections where Labour did poorly
Where is Michael Crick making a nuisance of himself, chasing people down the street waving his microphone?
Strange, isn’t it, that Crick and the far left Channel 4 News never seem so keen to investigate dodgy Labour election wins?
Still, I expect he’ll have a major new investigation into Arron Banks dropping a piece of litter in 1976 coming our way soon.
Biased little left wing prick.
I think c4 sacked him …..
I hope you are right. Now they just need to get rid of Comrade Commissars Jon Snow, Matt Frei, Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Kathy Newman.
And everyone else who works there. That should do it.
LOL !!
Just waiting for the 35,000 BBC employees to join them?
35,000 can never have enough staff 🙂
andy, think you have a typo there: 35,000 can never have enough ‘stuff’.
With the new Labour party strapline that “Politics of Division cannot win” ….. maybe someone could tell Mr Lammy ???
What’s needed here is State Broadcaster to ‘fact check’ the legal obligations of a Article 50 departing UK to the EU and Mr Lammy could write a tweet to go with his tweet.
The House of Lords doesn’t agree with David ‘Mastermind’ Lammy.
Brexit and the EU Budget
Presumably the nation’s most trusted broadcaster is all over such a story?
With a country full of them it’s a miracle that there haven’t been more gas explosions with the community coming together and giving out bottles of halal water afterward …only a matter of time ..
R4 now the online world of British Muslims
\\ Hussein Kesvani also aims to tell a story that goes beyond the usual headlines,
exploring the unexpected online worlds of British Muslims.
He reveals a new generation of young media-savvy Muslims
creating their own diverse cultural identities online. //
KirstyWark has just thanked me
… cos with £4bn worth of resources they couldn’t put a Twitter image the right way up.
Same old same old – l looked at R4 schedule just in case there was anything for a whitee non drug taking hetero Brexiter like me – sadly it’s wimmin Muslim day again …
A plea
I’ve had a letter ( not from a Mrs trellis ) saying that a tv licence inspector will be in my area on the 21st . I’m not About so could someone pop round to mine and wait in all day for a ‘no show’ .
. I’ll be busy around at the local red conservative association synthesising crystal meth for the chaps again ….they sell it at the boot sale and Waitrose …
I’m watching “breaking bad “ again – great non British or BBC teli…
Yes it is funny on R4 it is always Wimmin and Muslims – normally how great thou art..
And you will notice that the three people the BBC had on this morning criticising Gove were all Muslims…as for Baroness Warsi using the word hypocrite..what is the word for a hypocritcal hypocrite?
What is all this fuss about cannabis and cocaine – if they were not in office and no longer do it then who gives a flying fig…I am guessing most of the Journos all being so sanctimonious are not clean..so are they now banned from all future jobs? And I am somebody that has never taken drugs – except for alcohol in moderation..Gove isn’t fit to be PM but it is nothing to do with past cocaine use..more that he is an intelligent idiot
Late TOADY Watch #1
Having spent last week badding themselves up to win the Conservative Party Yoof vote, the Leadership contenders are now throwing fistfuls of Fairy Dust in the air hoping that it will settle on them and win them the votes of older Party members.
Meanwhile on TOADY.
The programme marches on, determined to stop Bojo and now to stop Govey also, determined to prevent a No-Deal Brexit and, ideally, to prevent Brexit altogether.
JustRemainIn Webb talks all over another Tory MP who may be something to do with Bojo’s campaign. Didn’t catch a name or really hear anything he said because JustRemainIn Webb constantly interrupted and talked over the interviewee. Funny, he never does that with Laura Kuenssberg.
I wonder why?
Agenda, what agenda?
Guardian Opinion Rape and sexual assault
Mon 10 Jun 2019 08.00 BST
“Reported rapes have soared, but cases reaching court have plummeted. Our coalition of women’s groups won’t stand for it Rachel Krys
Rachel Krys is co-director of End Violence Against Women Coalition”
“In practice, this meant cases like those against the “grooming” gang in Rotherham made it to trial because prosecutors worried less about how they thought the jury might react to the young victims, who could be induced to “admit” a defendant was their “boyfriend”, and instead focused hard on building a case against their abusers. Perpetrators who would never have been charged – because they were expert at targeting vulnerable victims who they knew wouldn’t be believed – were now being charged and convicted.”
[This is a lie. The reason the perpetrators were not charged is because they were Muslims. A whole industry including the Police, Local Government and the press, sprang into existence and action to prevent the mass rapes becoming known to the public.]
[I noted in a recent BBBC comment on an EVAW article criticising Tommy Robinson, reproduced in the Guardian, that :-
The article did not use the word Muslim, nor does this Krys article.
That a search then of the EVAW website for “Muslim” produced exactly one result.
“Home Secretary should reverse decision on Shamima Begum’s citizenship” – A defence of the ISIS Jihadi!
Today there are three “Muslim” results.
#1 Begum.
#2 Tommy Robinson.
#3 “New trustees and co-chairs of the EVAW coalition”
This is actually dated earlier.
“Two more inspiring women have joined the EVAW Board of Trustees and we have two formidable newly elected Co-Chairs.”
“The AGM was chaired by EVAW’s new Co-Chairs Huda Jawad and Professor Aisha K. Gill”
No comments allowed.]
Guess what! The Today Programme has brought in a ‘consultant’, who says stuff.
EU legal consultant Jean-Claude Piris says the UK will be more damaged than Europe in the event of a ‘no deal’ Brexit. “The EU 27 only does 8% of trade with the UK, the UK does 50% with the EU… there is no comparison.”
Today “The EU 27 only does 8% of trade with the UK, the UK does 50% with the EU”.
That’s the thing; the world moves on.
but which of those figures is much larger in actual pound notes?
late TOADY Watch #2
The weather forecast. Anthropogenic/CO2 Global Warming. Climate Change. Climate Emergency.
Toady Nick talked to some bimbo from the National Portrait Gallery about the termination of BP sponsorship of the Annual Portrait Award. I say bimbo, because the man was a total airhead. Nick actually gave him quite a hard time in a fairly polite sort of way, unlike JustRemainIn Webb in my previous post.
TOADY, along with other BBC N&CA programmes together with other so-called ‘science stuff’ on the BBC & its web-sites also, keep pushing along the AGW/CC/CE bandwagon. Last year, they promised us we would all be frying again this year in another summer of record temperatures and things would only get hotter and hotter until the sea level reached past our ears and we were all washed away.
Roger, Matt, and all the others – you promised!
You said we would bake and now we are shivering under our umbrellas and it is mid-June. Where is our summer that you promised us? Maybe you guys and the BBC itself should be in the dock at the High Court now that Bojo has removed his bulk and made some room for you all?
“Where is our summer that you promised us?”
Even the most hard line , far left Remainer Kevin Maguire had to admit on GMB last week (you could see the pain in his face) that no matter what stunt that little toad Bercow and his pals may try and pull, the fact of the matter is …. on the 31st October 2019 …LEGALLY …..we leave the EU. Its their in black and white.
About time these Remainiacs got this into their thick, un-democratic, vegetarian, liberal empty heads !!!!!
“About time these Remainiacs got this into their thick, un-democratic, vegetarian, liberal empty heads !!!!!”
Insert somewhere, …..’drug fuelled’…. and I’ll go along with that assertion…….
Which reminds me, does Ken Clarke still pop those disgusting, smelly, small cigars?
He must be pretty well clogged up in the artery department by now, so there’s another bad habit to taint the Unpersuavative Party!
The bBC avoids words with perfectly good definitions and substitutes them with euphemisms when it suits their political opinions and agenda.
The term euphemism itself was used as a euphemism by the ancient Greeks; with the meaning “to keep a holy silence” (speaking well by not speaking at all).
The bBC etc. keep their own “holy silence.” But not holy as we know it.
100 British people murdered by armed ISIS Muslim terrorists.
100 British people murdered by armed ISIS terrorists.
100 British people murdered by armed insurgents.
100 British people murdered by insurgents.
100 British people die during insurgent attack.
100 British people die during attack.
100 die during attack.
100 die during alleged attack.
100 reported dead during alleged attack.
Deaths reported during alleged attack.
Muslim deaths reported during attack.
Innocent Muslims dead during attack.
100 Innocent Muslims dead during attack.
100 Innocent Muslims dead during terrorist attack.
100 Innocent Muslims dead during far right terrorist attack.
100 Innocent Muslims murdered by armed far right terrorists, in atrocity.
100 Innocent Muslims murdered by armed, far right terrorists, in unparalleled atrocity.
Last chance
I like that game
It’s like “Muslim mass murder of Christians “ turned into “ an incident”
It’s a pretty sick game because the winner is Evil Islam being consolidated into decent society by the State Broadcaster – long ago infiltrated and exploited .
Reminds me a bit of that cuckoo video with the monster throwing all the decent eggs out of the nest .
Says it all, really.
I wonder what the Peterborough by election result would have been if they discounted all the postal votes. Perhaps Lorry Koonsberg, (the far left bbbc political wing) can do a full investigation for everyone.
Oh, by the way I didn’t agree with the result from Peterborough so can we have a re run….Isn’t that how things are these days?
Why do the bbbc hate Boris Johnson so much after all he is heterosexual?
I wonder what would have been all over every news program 24 hours a day in the run up to the election if the BP candidate had shown anti-semitic tendencies, as far as i could see everyone pretty much buried reports until after she was elected
Given the ethnicity of the Labour voters in Peterborough, the candidate’s anti-Semitism was a feature, not a bug.
Rob in Cheshire,
Serious subject, Labour’s rife anti-Semitism, but thanks for the chuckle.
Many a true word is said in jest.
The Brexit Party has put former British Chambers of Commerce boss John Longworth in charge of drawing up a manifesto.
My suggestions to Mr Longworth:
You missed out BBC reform ( I know it can’t be touched – bit like the self serving state health outfit)
Postal voting.
Children are not very good at covering up their true thoughts
.. impartial BBC children
“Steve Ryan you say that the man that you’re backing Jeremy C#nt
… I’m so sorry Jeremy Hunt
I’ve never said that before in my life
It’s usually men who say that (Not true. #EverydaySexism )
.. so I really really want to apologize I’m sorry
You say he ..”
Seems the soon to be crowned PM Alex Boris Johnsonovich is avoiding the BBC – according to Toady .
He goes up just a bit for doing this
Being as I am a ‘ bring the house ( of Commons ) down I’m sure he will hasten the demise of the Red Tories –
Some bright young thing must have told him it’s a good idea to move tax thresholds up for the 40% ers- it might get him membership votes but won’t do much else . If a tax system was ‘ fair’ cutting VAT on fuel and other essentials would far wiser – but few headlines …
” I’ve never said that before in my life
It’s usually men who say that (Not true. #EverydaySexism ) ”
Can VD manage more than two sentences without lying?
I’ve not noticed anyone else called “Hunt” for whom this happens. Yet this must be at least the third time this has happened on the BBC. It’s a slip only made this regularly, in my opinion, if that’s what you routinely call him when discussing amongst yourselves.
Incidentally, which men has she heard saying this? I think we should be told.
What a silly bunt, as Monty Python once said.
Makes me hope that Jeremy Hunt becomes PM. For as RD has pointed out, this must be what journos like Derbyshire routinely call him, and they will be unable to help themselves misspeak every time they interview the PM or mention his name. We could be in for many enjoyable years of Beeboid embarrassment and mortification, phoney coughing fits, burning pants (thanks, Demon), squirming apologies and plummeting public esteem. Jeremy Hunt could be our saviour, indirectly being responsible for the BBC self-destructing in an explosion of profanity.
Remind me; how forgiving are the BBC when politicians apologise?
Especially when rerunning their triple word score to compete with NaughtieMarr.
That’s at least the third Beeboid that has called Mr Hunt that name, on air, but incredibly none has applied the same to Labour’s public schoolboy Tristram Hunt. What a co-incidence.
Her pants were burning when she said that she has never called him that before, as clearly that is the pea-brained joke that all alt-left Beeboids use. And she is one of the BBC swamp.
And a face only a mother could love.
Regarding your complaint to the BBC, not being British I wouldn’t know much about how to pursue it through the oxen cons, or whatever they are called.
But I think it’s a good idea to continue along the complaints route, as long as there is one available, sort of.
I haven’t complained in quite a while, but I used to mostly write directly to the guilty party, using:
I actually got a number of responses with the individual approach, mostly denials, of course, but also rare partial admissions of guilt.
The BBC email hyperlinked me to an OFCOM website . I bet this is used for’ BBC Comedy ideas ‘ to take the mickey out of earnest complainers who are fedup with where the BBC has gone .
I will persist – I know it makes no difference but I want to see if
1 they admit their code of practice was breached
2 what they are going to do about it
I guess they’ll go down the “ heat of the moment “ nonsense which makes everything okay . I’ll uodate as and when .
As an aside twitter is carrying the bit of the Vichy Derbyshire love fest where she called Jeremy Hunt by the see word – never done this for Jeremy Corbyn – clear bias ????( troll fodder )
Yes, would be good to get updates on your progress here.
I’m usually wary of crowdfunding but this might be more useful than a petition
done..thanks for the heads up
Well fancy that
Having been ‘terminated’ by justgiving.com, the page to contribute is now here:
April production levels were lower in 2019
..yeh Easter Friday bank holiday was in March last year
This year their were 2 bank holidays in April
..Any media mentioned that ?
600 HYS comments in 2 hours almost all anti-Brexit
“Must be the zombie army are here direct from Greenpeace/Momentum HQ probably”
I posted that
In 5 mins my comments was marked
screenshot ..Do you think my comment is evil ?

What is Easter Friday?
@Banania “What is Easter Friday?”
is a question asked by a mean spirited twit wasting my time
You know I mean Good Friday
Is that tank or tractor production for the 5 year plan ?
Couldn’t find 1 “Have your say” on the beeb website – guess no divide and conquer tactics as very little reporting on brexit – i’m sure the eu.bc will cause divide when they want to!
No @andyjsnape there are a few open
eg https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-48579630
Since mods don’t usually work on Sundays most new ones will open today
Look on the right page
(Hang on this page is no longer listing all the current HYS)
I think the regions like Scotland Wales have their own HYS
ah active HYS are listed here
PS if you add the browser extension “Dissenter from Gab” You can comment on any webpage” whether they like it or not
I expect they announce new HYS via their Twitter account
Hey that http://www.ihysdb.com
is a find
Look at the bottom of the page where it tracks “REMOVED comments”
Brilliant … screen shots all round …
It seems to be where trolls go to in order to meet and ‘breed’ and make more little trolls .
Wimmin s ‘footy ‘ taking a right sticking – BBC not impressed …
There are plenty of deleted entries by people who appear to be snorting substances in one hand and typing wid da udder innit bruv
The removed comments can take you directly into the mindset group think sheer dumbness of the Goebbels department of the State Broadcaster … I fear it may disappear as they’ll know we know ….
PC cant move quick enough
Canterbury Chickens would be my suggestion
“…the team’s chief executive Colin Mansbridge said they were open to talking about changing it.”
Sports Minister Grant Robertson added: “I’m aware of the conversations that they’re now having with – in particular, the Muslim community in Christchurch.”
I bet I know who picked up the phone first
Oh! for someone to tell these people: “If you don’t like it , *uck off back to where you came from”.
Not in the current rank of Conservative leadership hopefulls…………
R2 Vine show , coming up “Ripped off by Green Energy”
Not been on yet and the doctor is on at 1 about allergic reactions
So item is pushed back to 1:30pm
they had to fit in attacks on lesbians first
I’ve posted this before but it came up again today and really shows the New World Order being pushed by the BBC:
[Data from original stock image: “PALESTINIAN-GAZA-SPORT-SOFTBALL-WOMEN: Young Palestinian women take part in a weekly training session of softball on March 2, 2017, in Gaza City. / AFP PHOTO / MOHAMMED ABED”.]
And this has been chosen to illustrate a piece on Baseball Softball UK.
its ashame for the beeb…
I’ll tell you what …. he ain’t bloody wrong !!!!
Another one who seems unaware of the LEGAL default position.
Not BBC – But ….. Piers Morgan tweets this after interviewing this War Veteran. By all accounts a lovely interview, full of pride and respect.
Not often you see one of Piers tweets getting so much positive feedback but there is always one that spoils the party. And yep, you guessed it …. its the peace and tolerance loving lefty with the FBPE tag …….
Don’t you just love em !!! (NOT).
Don’t forget old man, you are to have your free TV Licence axed.
Fedup- With reference to who is a cokehead. May I recommend
Ben Elton’s ” High Society.” I am not sure if Elton knew what
was going on when he wrote his political drug fest. But it looks
like to me that he did. It would be” interesting” to know how many
of the hierarchy at the BBC are addicts. It might explain some
of their insanity, which is galloping on faster every day.
Perhaps a more worrying aspect is that I thought it might take
four or five generations through demographics for us to be
part of the Greater European Caliphate. Maybe a couple of generations after Holland, Sweden and France , but I am
not so sure after the Peterborough By-election. Around 10%
of the eligible voters through fair means or foul were able to
determine the outcome. The Labour Party may of become very
Machiavellian in their approach in picking candidates where there are reasonably sized “ethnic” communities.” I have not got
an antisemitic bone in my body ,” can always be used as a get out
of gaol option. And then there is the BBC.
Interesting that Mr Elton comes into the mix . I remember his stand ups on ‘Saturday night live ‘ back then when he used to do his tiresome “thatch” routine and thinking “ what the hell is he on…. “
I don’t know anything about illegal drugs but I presume they are smuggled into the country using methods such as putting them in ‘the bottom’ . If this is so does seems strange that these bubble dwellers end up sniffing such a product .
I’m so old fashioned I see it as a character defect .and is anyone uses such stuff reading this comment is offended – tough .
Askaway has got the BBC breakfast team sussed !!!
I find myself currently with a mere academic interest in the Conservative Party leadership as I will not be voting for that party again. So, what any of them have to say does not interest me. The leadership hopefuls? If you want more of the same UK deterioration and lies we’ve seen over the past decades with the attendant gross mismanagement of the country, you vote for one of the ‘hopefuls’. Me? I will only pay short attention when the Party membership vote on the next leader. I will do that on the assumption that it will not happen again (!?) within now and when my first and last membership expires.
My future efforts will only support the one party that stands for changing UK Politics for good and draining the swamp……….
Let’s face the reality: but no one, even one dragged of the street (kicking and screaming) with no experience, could make such a messup of the UK than the present bunch of careerists no matter which side of the aisle they sit.
Olly Robbins, Gavin Barwell and Sedwill , secretly promised the EU to buy off Brexit supporters in Parliament
News : BBC to start charging pensioners unless they receive pension credits
..starts next year
even later TOADY Watch #3
Business news. In the first half hour of the prog they covered the latest news about ‘Unicorns’ no, not Jeremy Corbyn’s funding for public spending, but new technology companies deemed to be worth more that £1billion.
Dom O’Connell did not address the elephant facing the unicorn: ‘How many of these Unicorns are profitable?’ He did interview one woman from such a company and it had £60m in revenues but was not profitable. £60million and unprofitable! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Er, guys! BBC! Please pay attention. Did this not get us into trouble once before?
Free licence for over 75 year olds to be cut.
“We know we have a loyal audience over the age of 75 and we think many of them will understand the difficult position we are in.”
In other words, over 75 year old Brexit voting bigots with no brains or education can pay for our inated salaries, PC and fake news.
From that link above re: Free licenses for Over 75 yo being cut, there is this little snippet:
“It follows a consultation with 190,000 people, of which 52% were in favour of reforming or abolishing free licences.”
So it’s fine to use the 52% in favour of abolishing the free licenses (on a very small sample as well), but as far as the huge 17 million people who voted in excess of 52% to exit the EU state then this is deemed as undemocratic and to be blocked using as much biased BBC coverage as possible and that they can get away with.
Says it all about where the far left Marxist broadcaster is these days.
Rank and blatant hypocrisy of the highest order.
Was it really 52% or are BBC PR being ironic ?
It has a HYS
as ever check the Lowest rated comments
138 people upvoted this comment
TWatO Watch #1
Phone the PM to be. The Montacutie introduces the first Conservative leadership candidate, Rory Stewart, and says they have been inundated with calls. She then gives out the telephone number and encourages people to call in to get on the programme. Sarah, word to the wise – don’t do that if you really are inundated or not, there will not be enough time to get callers on the show.
Inundated? (Norfolk accent) “Yeah, right!”
Rory pads around a bit and answers, I think, questions from four ladies and three men, getting into a bit of a barney with two (kills more time that could have been filled with all those waiting calls) and Sarah gets to ask as many questions (I think) as the number of callers. This all takes twenty-five+ minutes.
Inundated? (Norfolk accent) “Yeah, right!”
You know you can trust the BBC.
(even more Norfolk accent) “Yeah, roight!”
How many BBC employees are paid more than the PM? 200?
Plus, outlandish salaries to their stars who by coincidence are anti-Brexit. Lineker and Norton spring to mind.
DS, the Beeb have just announced they are cancelling the free TV Licences for over 75s except for those pensioners receiving Pension Credit.
I assume they will not be cancelling Lineker’s & Norton’s obscene salaries for more reasonable ones, such as £150k p.a..
Apols to GWF who got there first. The decision must already have been known at 1pm. Interesting that I did not hear this included prominently in the 1pm main News but buried away in the 2pm News bulletin.
I wonder why?
You know you can trust the BBC.
(even more sceptical Norfolk accent – again) “Yeah, roight!”
Top stars salaries are not TAKEN from the licence fee.
rather they are paid from sponsors & international syndication rights.
Lineker basically works in advertising ; his job is to sell the Premier League and all those who sponsor it.
Clarkson was and is worth millions .
Emily Maitlis isn’t
Stew, if that is the case, are we told who these ‘sponsors’ are? I think we should be told. After all, it affects BBC impartiality, does it not?
The football shots have the sponsors names all around them don’t they ?
pitch hoardings and players shirts
Stew, that money goes to the club. Who sponsors the BBC for Lineker’s salary?
@Up2stuff it’s the package
The BBC get the football rights on the condition that they present the show in a certain way, so the advertising gets to be seen and the presenter is charamatic
You think that the BBC can simply get you to present the prog and save £4m a year or something
but that has all kind of secondary effects like lower spin off revenue and FA canceling the contract etc.
Without the sponsors being pleased
the FA would increase the price for the deal
… ultimately they’d move to ITV who would give the package.
It’s all about the big picture
not the politics of envy.
… “ultimately they’d move to ITV who would give the package”.
The BBC pays to cover an event from the licence fee and pays the presenters from that self same income source.
So, effectively the BBC is dispensable, as other channels could do an equal or better job, using the funding model that you describe. As when Lineker does his usual one-dimensional act on BT Sport.
… “ultimately they’d move to ITV who would give the package”.
The BBC pays to cover an event from the licence fee and pays the presenters from that self same income source.
So, effectively the BBC is dispensable, as other channels could do an equal or better job, using the funding model that you describe. As when Lineker does his usual one-dimensional act on BT Sport.