We have a new game to play – spot the BBC coke head .( with thanks to a post by pug on 9 June ) Following admissions by politicians that they regularly took drugs we can extend that to others from ‘the bubble ‘ . It would explain those who interupt , talk over and abuse those with whom they disagree .
There is obviously a need to tread carefully with regard to the laws of defamation but those Beeboids whose performance might seem a bit ‘ heightened ‘ deserve recognition .
We Brits are usually a fair minded lot.
When we hear about having to pay £39 billion to the eu then we should be told what it’s for.
If it’s a fair bill then we should pay it.
I would like to see it itemised so that we know what we are paying for.
If the eu can satisfy us that this is a legitimate cost we must meet then ok.
I think it’s a rip off.
Pension commitments are mentioned.
When we joined, none of our people would be drawing pensions but we would have been paying into whatever pot was paying out the pensions in 1974 or whenever.
If we must pay pensions, give us our complete pot back, plus interest, and we will take over the paying of our own eu pensioners when we leave.
We must have paid far more into various schemes such as Spanish motorways, Brussels buildings and Bulgarian bridges so surely we have either part ownership or are due a refund.
When totting up the monies paid in against our commitments I would think, if anything, the eu would owe us £39 billion.
So then.
Let’s see what they think this £39 billion is paying for and if it’s fair we’ll pay it but if it’s all baloney then they can whistle for it.
If we want to pay to be part of a project they can tell us how much it will cost and we can decide.
Maybe we can charge them for our intelligence agencies information.
Will any of those Tory leadership contenders bring this up.
I don’t mean Boris and his “we will pay it for a better deal” idea, I mean will one of them ask the eu for an itemised bill for this sum.
I doubt it.
If I recall the Audit for the ReuchEU hasn’t been signed off fir many years . If they can’t show what their income ‘ expenditure is I don’t see how UK can show that £39 billion is a correct use of taxpayers ‘ cash which does not belong to the British Government .
The Treaty of Withdrawal states that the Tories agree to pay Reparations of £39 Billion. Up to now, Parliament has not agreed. In fact the only group of people in Britain who have a majority who agree to pay the £39 Billion reparations are Tory MP’s. The EU commission has considered the resources available to Britain, and her capacity to pay, provide the British Government with an opportunity to be heard on the subject, and decide on the final reparation figure that Britain would be required to pay. The money would be used to pay the EU to administer Britain in secret, as well as to prevent Germany from paying more, and also to prevent the EU from becoming bankrupt. The money is also need to pay Neil Kinnocks pension.
Someone (Boris) saying “we will pay it for a better deal” indicates someone who has been Brainwashed. Someone (Nigel) saying “we will NOT pay it. Instead we will get a WTO free trade deal, Canada type free trade deal or a unilateral free trade no deal. Only a moron would pay £39 Billion to preserve Britain’s Customs Union deficit” is not Brainwashed.
Backlinks 3 days late
The Weekend thread began midnight Friday 7th
–page 1 went onto 5pm Saturday
– page 2 5pm Saturday all thru to midnight Sunday
It is apparent to me that nobody has yet reimbursed the British for their sterling efforts in freeing the western part of the European continent from slavery under the previous German-led attempt at European unification. We should send an itemised bill for this work directly to Brussels, and include compound interest calculated annually since 1945 at the prevailing rate as recorded in the UK. This should easily cancel out any claim that the EU has on UK taxpayer’s resources, and leave us with a sizeable surplus to spend on such fripperies as a British manned mission to Mars, a road bridge to the Isle of Man, construction of HS2 entirely underground, and the digging of a mile wide a moat between England and Scotland. Food for thought indeed.
Word is out that it’s Jeremy Hunt
Lucy – if it is Jeremy I’d be up £20 on Paddy bet – so champs all round ( or golden barley beer ?)
RE: BBC to charge pensioners over 75 for TV Licences. I wonder what the optics would be if they tried to take 3 million pensioners to court, imprison some of them, on a few end up keeling over. Would they get the Donald Trump kills babies at the Mexican Border treatment or would there be yet another Jimmy Saville like cover up?
Excellent News
Now the TV Licencing gestapo can get back to its real job of
Intimidating the over 75s by threatening letters and threatening to ‘visit’ as in the old ‘we know where you live “ campaign they used to use .
Personally I would love a visit for a soulless capita drone after their commission for another scalp – but for others the thought of such a thing can be fearsome – all for a lousy tax from an amoral evil organisation .
I’m surprised they didn’t implement it on the D Day anniversary – they could have ambushed the DDay veterans for starters .
I’m guessing it’s one of those nasty / nice announcements that get done in order for some politician to appear ‘nice ‘ when they cancel the fee again …..
“TV Licences: Up to 3.7 million over-75s to pay licence fee”……………….
Every little bit helps.
“All this will do is make the campaign to abolish the licence fee even stronger.”
Exactly. People, well most anyway, demand more of things they have to pay for.
Made by 35 year-olds, only watched by 75 year-olds.
I guess someone has to pay but it would be nice if those who pay the piper call the tune.
I wonder if it will get Sir David Clementi – chairMan of the BBC a long yearned for peerage – he must be on his uppers after being chairman of virgin money piggy bank and the Pru £ ..et al.
“Now the TV Licencing gestapo ”
As most BBC viewers/listeners know the BBC is completely out of control so much so that she is completely awash with gays/lesbians/trans employees – so I prefer to call the BBC the;
Orwellian #Thoughtcrime : What HYS are being removed ?
Football section (the Removed comments are tracked here : http://www.ihysdb.com)
Men’s net ball …. mon dieu.
“net ball”
We all know that the male American net ball players are livid whenever they read/hear this description of their (ours really) game.
Hee, hee
Netball, not for me, but at least it’s British.
US Football, tedious, adverts, player changes every minute, time outs, lasts forever, what else is on? Channel 105 18:00 – 21:00 Magnolia Gloss Paint drying, click.
Basketball, tedious, adverts, player changes every minute, time outs every nano-second, what else is on? Channel 92 19:30 – 22:00 Burgundy Emulsion Paint drying, click.
Rounders, tedious, adverts, player changes every minute, time outs, lasts forever, what else is on? Channel 64 18:00 – 20:30 Painting a fence with creosote, click.
Ice Hockey, tedious, adverts, player changes every minute, time outs, lasts forever, what else is on? Channel 204 22:00 – 24:00 Removing paint from a fence with a blowlamp, click.
Most of the major sports are British born and bred.
As are most major inventions.
There are dozens more comments that were removed
Basically it looks like Sports HYS moderators do work Sundays
but they didn’t open a special HYS on the Women’s World Cup, so people commented via the Rooney thread etc.
and some poor subcontracted person in India probably was busy deleting everything
Then the News moderators turn up at 9:30am and open a HYS on Brexit and then delete every comment like this
FFS there is nothing wrong with it
FFS why does media not mention that event that killed 28 Germans in May 2011 ?
2011 “The EU has offered 210m euros ($307m, £187m) in compensation …”
They do delete some libmob comments if they use insults
eg “Free licences for the over 75s gone.
Gonna hit a lot of *gammons*.”
but leave some up “A lot of Daily Mail and Sun believers commenting in these posts today.”
I expect they are autofiltering on words live “scum”, “gammon”
Stew, and even an ‘FFS’ will get a comment deleted. I mean! FFS? Reminds me of the story some ‘dialogue’ of the Clangers had to be changed because it could possibly have sounded like ‘f*****g hell.’
Actually I don’t think they do ban “FFS”
Stew, more recently that thing with Dutch chickens … then there was the Romanian Horsemeat Scandal, also around 2010/2011 with David Cameron promising that people would be prosecuted and go to prison.
All while we were in the EU.
Funny that.
The ICUC Social moderation services operation for the BBC is the largest online comment censorship setup in the UK. The Canadian company was set up in 2002. Googling “ICUC” and the BBC’s moderation services team leader “Paul Wakely” indicates that the moderators are probably working from Russia.
Blimey, I remember reading many of those comments and thinking ‘spot on’. Have your say but don’t dare criticise our output. It’s like something out of Stalin days.
OT, but I wonder if the BBC will get in Ulrika SvenBoffa to chat with Greta and Emma Thompson the next time they come over to share their wisdom on peon travel plans?
So 52% want to end the licence fee concession to pensioners.
It must have taken hours of anguished discussion in a BBC committee to decide on that figure.
Interesting that all the financing arrangements that the BBC accepted reluctantly in the last licence fee round have been overturned. The first to go was paying for the World Service from the fee. The Foreign Office succeeded in getting enough Treasury finance to throw £150 million back at the Beeb to look after extra obscure language broadcasting.
How do you say wicked Tories in Croat?
(The World Service was the seedbed for R4’s new policy of broadcasting from the world – as seen by Beeb journalists abroad – to benighted English pensioners about their ancestral crimes and horrendous prejudices).
Next up will be further demands to save the BBC Pension scheme from going into the red (again).
Meanwhile the closely guarded audience rating figures continue to plummet as diversity becomes compulsory for every programme.
48% yes but not a clear 52%
\\ Nearly half of respondents (48%) said they were in favour of continuing concessions to over-75s.
Thirty-seven percent were in favour of reforming the current rules with 15% in favour of scrapping concessions of over-75s. //
52/48%? They should have a referendum.
beat me to it Beltane..I demand a People’s vote!..confirmatory like!! spooky numbers eh!?..but as Stew said in this case it wasn’t “a clear 52%”!!
The full statement should have read: 52% want to end the licence fee, (but as a) concession to pensioners the committee decided to re-run the complete series of Dad’s Army and introduce a new ‘100 Ways to Cook Baked Beans on Pension Credit’ prime-time fun prog.’
Beltane, with Ainsley Harriott, of course, on a vast salary.
Ainsley would have absolutely loved to have fronted the new prog but apparently he’s a martyr to wind.
LOL! 🙂
That mock cockney chap who hasn’t got a ‘restaurant chain’ any more might need a few bob – so he could do ‘The Pensioner Credit Show ‘ or the “eat , heat or get a TV licence show ‘for those above the benefits threshold by £10 ….
Or “ How to use your Winter heating allowance to pay the TV licence “
My TV licence runs out end of October and I will not be buying another one. I never watch BBC anyway, I’m on blood pressure pills and i don’t want to take a higher dose, nearer the time i would like like minded colleagues on here to advise me and i did wonder if you buy prime, do you need a licence?
cromwell, you may find this site helpful:
I reached it via this site:
where there is a clicky on the r/h side.
AFAIK, using Prime (or Netflix) doesn’t require a Licence but as I don’t use either (and gave up TV 14 years ago now) perhaps another B-BBCer will be kind enough to advise.
Cromwell, I believe you can cancel the telly tax anytime you want. We did in April. Go online and tell them you no longer need one because you’re not watching live tv. Don’t just jump ship and not inform them because I think you will get hassled.
All the best
Cromwell, UP2 is correct – if you want to be legit then you only need a TV licence for :
1. any live broadcast from anywhere, even if you watch it on your phone, tablet or PC.
2. watching anything on BBC iPlayer, even though they are not live broadcasts.
So yes you can watch Amazon Prime and Netflix as they are only streaming non-live content. Depending on the kind of programs you like they are both good choices..for a few months at least. .
I’ve switched between them both ( I won’t pay for 2 at a time), and I have to say I’ve probably seen all the good stuff. A lot of the modern TV dramas (even non BBC) are increasingly full of PC crap so I lose interest after a couple of episodes. The choice of films available can be pretty mediocre, or are over heavy with blockbuster action/ superhero nonsense. I’d say both Netflix & Amazon could do with a better back catalog of older (better?) shows, and especially documentary series.
Re theleftwilleatitself’s comment – I’ve informed TV Licencing on two occasions that I do not need a licence, but it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference..the threatening letters still come like clockwork 🙁
imay, “Re theleftwilleatitself’s comment – I’ve informed TV Licencing on two occasions that I do not need a licence, but it hasn’t made a blind bit of difference..the threatening letters still come like clockwork ????”
Same here, until I went all a bit legal on them.
This is more useful information:
You, or a solicitor on your behalf, need to serve two notices on TV Licensing for two separate offences under the act. (Keep those envelopes!) Then, after a further breach, you can make a complaint to the Police, seek a Restraining Order and/or damages.
Damn that 52%, they didn’t know what they were voting for!
They have destroyed the future of the younger generation! Having benefited from the ‘free’ licence themselves they now deny the youth the same concession as they age.
Perhaps if the youth manage to stop Brexit things will be better?
The licence fee in Germany is now a blanket contribution of €17.50 per month (€210 per annum) for all households, secondary residences, holiday homes as well as summer houses and is payable regardless of equipment or television/radio usage.
Jim, the EU is planning to ‘harmonise’ our lives and teach us all to sing ‘Ode to joy.’ but maybe not drink CocaCola. Der sugar ist verboten und vill be taxed!
They also wish to start harmonising taxation more thoroughly across the EU. Much denied by the Remain Campaign during the pre-Referendum period but just look at the EU’s own web-site!
If we are forced to remain in the EU, I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if that German model for TV Taxation is rolled out EU-wide.
Oh joy!
fellow Posters Hello! been on my holibobs house hunting, Found & accepted im eventually to be in debt for the rest of my life. oh the joy.
anyway see how the BBC are increasing the size of pot because maybe the less people are paying for the scam that is the BBC
Hello welcome back glad you have found a house to buy, I hope you will be very happy in it. Yes I heard this afternoon the Bas***d BBC are only giving free licences to over 75 on pension credit. I didn’t think they would pay for them, too many celebs and 3rd rate journalists to pay extorbinate salaries too. Ive got radio 4 5oclock news on, its took till 5.25 PM to discuss it. What with the conservative votes its probably a good day to give bad news.
Anybody worked out how many pensioners it takes to pay Lineker each year.
Thanks Cromwell, it’s only a small little thing but it will do for someone on there tod. Woohoo 🙂
Hard going doing it on your own these days
I reckon the awful bbc are just getting their retaliation in first, on extending the tv tax to the nearly-dead, because Mr Farage will savage them beyond belief when he gets to the House of expenses!
I’m afraid that it’ll take the death of our two most treasured Royals to make people watch the events unfold on the tv, and from thereon, refuse to cough up for the disgraceful service shoved around by the glue-sniffers in W1A. We definitely won’t be bothered with Charlie boy and Camilla Park-and-ride, or the rest of them for that matter!
By the way, has any other crossword addict noticed that the word ‘bias’ is a combination of ‘bullshit’ and ‘1A’?
I just thought I’d add that little gem before I head for the drinkypoo cabinet for a refreshing tincture with Senora O’Blene, who, like me totally despises things bbc, bliar, campbell, brown, etc. We spend at least a few minutes hating them, then get on with a decent slurp of a Chateau De Turrets, and discuss real matters!
great post Scrobie – cheers! (Mine’s a Typhoo.)
Re TV licence to be free only for pensioners in receipt of pension credit, is there any word on who will pay the cost of the necessary means testing, the BBC or the Government?
Stop paying it now – drain the swamp.
I decided to live free of TV 24 years ago. So it doesn’t bother me however old I get.
I was just wondering about the administrative costs.
Al Beeb robs from the poor to give to the rich.
They don’t have enough Telly Goons to go round checking (enforcing) everyone . Join us at ………………………..
BBC and their twisted agenda
‘Umm what happened to equality?’: Becky Vardy stuns Twitter by criticising the BBC’s all-female pundit line-up for the Women’s World Cup
Footballer’s wife and reality TV star, 37, tweeted during England V Scotland
She argued having an all-female commentary panel is not the way to equality
Twitter flabbergasted saying there are few female pundits in the men’s game
Becky is the wife of Leicester star Jamie, 32, with whom she has two children
….and the crowd.
This was a subject on Breakfast ITV with Piers Morgan going hard at it that this was exactly what women were complaining of in men’s football- and it was not equality…the women on his show did not get it and their basic argument was – this is retribution for what has been the case in mens football for ever – completely missing the point and somehow not seeing that by doing what they complain about is not equality -…why do they get paid so much?
I don’t think it was mentioned on BBC Breakfast this morning? Too busy saying what a success it was (despite the low audience which they had said 2 days earlier was sold out)
Look at all the empty seats. It’s pathetic, very few people are arsed bbc….apart from 7 people in Islington ????
Surely, the four very well dressed females are at a MISS WORLD CONTEST – no?
Viewers hit out at BBC bosses for hiring US football star Hope Solo for World Cup coverage despite arrest for alleged violence
US goalkeeper has twice been suspended by the US team for angry outbursts
She was also arrested for allegedly attacking her half-sister and a nephew, but the charges were later dropped
BBC have hired her as a pundit for the women’s World Cup which kicked off on Friday
Aggression is not a permissible emotion in the new world order, except if you’ve been to the Serena Williams School of Petulance.
Women’s anger is always righteous, so it’s the right kind of anger
Who is bothered or watching ???? I get your point though about usual lefty double standards
What an excellent tweet – for a political party to get to that and the other red one having a competition to see who can be most anti Semitic .
Which red Tory gets the prize for promising to restore free TV licences for the over 75s or even the over 5s …?
One of the BBC talking heads today spoke of the Licence increase.
He justified it by saying that the vast majority of viewers are aged over 61 and should therefore be paying.
He also said that the younger end don’t watch anymore because they don’t have the money to pay the License as they are building their lives under great financial constraint.
See the Left wing political agenda there?
You just can’t beat a big dollup of generalised and somewhat casual ageism .
and sadly many of ’em still live with Mum&Dad..who pay for the whole household!
“He justified it by saying that the vast majority of viewers are aged over 61 and should therefore be paying”
Then make it a ‘subscribe to view channel’. How many will watch it then ?
Can’t see why the younger lot can’t pay, it’s for their future, not the oldies’.
Dan is still beloved in high places with low standards.
Awaiting a hagiography of Joseph Goebells being commissioned soon.
MBE for services for imagining women WW2 fighter pilot aces?
Dan does a lot of imagining.
The new series of BBC Top Gear starts soon all the cars will be left hand drive….mark my words.
and electric..bit like Scalextric!
I’ve seen a few clips and it’s sadly desperate.
It tries so hard to be blokey, edgy and funny. It fails.
Whatever happened to the original three who were so very successful for a very long series? 😉 😉
…lost up some big river in Brazil I fear!..possibly head-hunted by the indigenous folk. I pray for their souls daily.
The slope on that bridge was their undoing.
Around here, in one week I’ve seen an old VW wrapped around a tree, and destined for scrap, and also a little Ford, in similar circumstances.
Naturally, I hope the drivers and their passengers were relatively unhurt, maybe the tatoos got a bit singed, but so what!
‘Top Gear’ really is just for phone apps, for kids to play their games, not bugger up the hedgerows, but I suppose it’s all moved on from the time I hit some black ice near Guestling, and popped into the hedge of a very pleasant gentleman and his wife…
Why the bbbc glorify idiots behind wheels they don’t understand is beyond me, but I suppose they need to justify the huge tax income they get for virtually no work whatsoever.
\\ In 2011, In Bali, Indonesia, Obama Announced A Multibillion Deal Between Boeing & Lion Air.
When he left the WH, Boeing Donated $10,000,000 To His Library.//
Stew I’m sure Obama donated his pay to charity – just as the current POTUS does . What I mean is that Obama put his pay into the Obama fund whereas mr. Trump takes the one dollar . The Obama library will have an extensive collection of covertly filmed tapes of St Martin Luther King having orgies …
President Trump has been on form today reminding the Mexican Parliament that if they ‘ play up ‘ on the border deal then the tariffs come in… that’s how to deal – not offer up £39 billion to an enemy organisation for nothing .
indeed Fedup..they don’t like it up ’em sir.
Musing about the age related licence fee . I wonder what the breakdown of prosecution by age is ?
I know more women get prosecuted because they make the mistake of speaking to the capita tv drones and making the mistake of thinking they are human beings – bit like the mistake people make when speaking to the New Political Police .( there is no legal requirement )
I was wondering when the first 75 year old comes forward to admit not having a licence and is prosecuted by the BBCs agents . Then moneybox or one of those dreadful daytime things can run a campaign ….
How much more can I hate that organisation ?
One move nearer scrapping the Licence Fee altogether, perhaps? (I think it was Hoey who said something like that recently).
Don’t forget those poor households with seven bedrooms and five BMWs on the block paved front garden that might have to start paying. They are going to be pretty cross, particulary as they don’t watch UK TV.
Perhaps the BBC will come up with a religious exemption?
Lineker is quite simply an uneducated idiot ..one who has manged to lose whatever goodwill he built up as a footballer for Ingerland.
just look at him..the smug elephant-eared merchant banker! You’d think with all his money he’d have had them reduced by now..no? Like..coz of bein’ a celeb a’nall..innit’?
Twitter reports that a lot of C4 employees are resisting being moved out of the capital of british civilisation to Leeds ? Or Manchester ? Which they will consider to be as primitive as anywhere outside the M25 .
I have an idea. Close C4 . I mean – where is there value in it ? Put anything of value into BBC1 – which seems aimed at kidults anyway . Plus we get a popcorn moment of Jon snow blubbing at the end of the final C4 anti british news ….
If there is a ‘business case ‘ showing that it makes profit then perhaps it could be sold to ITV or sky . Who would notice ?
Interesting patterns in HYS voting
I can see from the tool that overall I have had large downvotes
That seems to be an effect of couple of times when I made an enviro post and there has been a pile on against me
eg BBC story 01/02/2019
\\ Blue planet to get even bluer
The oceans will become more blue thanks to rising temperatures in coming decades, say scientists.//
12 upvotes … but 40 downvotes
“Iran police arrest 30 at private yoga class”
Once again the Religion of Hate demonstrates its hatred of, well, practically everything.
Fake picture, (as per usual with the BBC).
Real Iranian yoga class:

(Well more realistic than the BBC’s).
Don’t they have a problem with flatulence?
If I was paid £154 per year to watch the BBC, I wouldn’t.
C4 now : Comedy about Victorian Policemean
.. in the same vein as Blackadder
.. A fat black woman is introduced as the police chief’s wife who isn’t allowed to work in the police,
so she stalks the detectives so she can participate.
…Nope my heart hasn’t stopped.
If the Guardian thinks it’s funny, then it must be REALLY crap.
‘Funny’ for Guardian readers has to be a bit like Turner Prize appreciation – you know, if you don’t understand it, you’re simply not intelligent enough……
Now, any guesses as to who the bbc selects, or does not?
Since only a certain type of American will see this then we know it will automatically biased toward the anti President Trump view – bit like those false opinion polls based on ‘ internet surveys ‘ which only hit …. people who use the web . There is always the real non digital world where people live their lives and don’t have concerns about ‘ approval ‘ upticks …( oh can l have a lot of ‘likes’ please ?)
On twitter there is a list of BBC people ( private company types ) who are taking large amounts of cash from the BBC . Could someone post it on this site please … ? Then a long division job on the number of over 75s of any income level who are needed to pay for this ‘ talent ‘ ….. what an inert term for TelePrompTer readers ….
If/when the licence fee is abolished and the cost of the BBC is put on to taxation, will that be an improvement? Then we shall all be paying for it whether we like it or not.
This has been a lurking threat all along.
But a political timebomb. Which taxation? Council? Internet?
Interestingly our town council recently went all Limp as a reaction against the Tories. First council meeting they invited in a half dozen XR crinklies and declared a climate emergency. Impressive as it is flaming June and my wife wants the central heating on.
Tucked away in the local rag report is that to pursue certain new policies, scarce funds will need diverting from actual local stuff to rather vague things the Chinese will ignore.
Next by-election might be interesting.
As to the BBC, if anyone forces ‘Enders, Strictly and Byford’s and Botney’s and Esler’s multi-million pension on me to email my kids, it will not end well.
There was a spat on FOI that I have been following over a number of weeks where one disgruntled viewer politely asked for viewing figures cancellations over the past few months. The BBC gave all sort of impositions and fob offs until it went to OFCOM where it was revealed that the BBC has extra protection from such FOI enquirers due to its many ‘private’ contracts with BBC contractors and TV ‘celebs’ front presenters.. However independently it is public knowledge that 75% off all TV and Radio produced by the BBC is only heard and watched by those over 75! If I was James Purnell, I too would be worried. Hence all the ‘yoof’ dynamics the BBC tries to create to lower this age group.
This is same demographic that may literally be part DEAF (radio) or partially BLIND (TV). The BBC seem quite literally happy with that trade off to whammy OAP’s with a yearly tax bill for something they don’t understand or see clearly enough to judge. Was there any doubt that the BBC ‘consultation’ on elderly subsidy would be abolished as soon as the BBC started claiming they are suddenly short of funds?
Incidentally, its no secret that the TV license fee contributes no less than 15% of BBC pensions – a BIG hole – a bigger financial black hole that BT’s huge pension deficit. Funny they never talk about that. But it is an issue for BBC execs as to how BIG your BBC pension is. Yentob is on a million (or was it two) and many are not far behind in BBC management. I heard today that BBC salaries are now capped at £150,000. Well that is not quite true as they do not reveal BBC Worldwide salaries unless leaked by the Press. Many BBC staffers find work both in-house BBC plus freelance sub contract for BBC Worldwide where the real money is made. All the big names are processed through a private BBC company. There are hundreds of them, mainly to avoid tax but also to avoid any questions via FOI. Which means we will never get a straight answer as they don’t have to any more.
Quite revealing was another BBC exec (in the TLS) stating quite unconcerned about the BBC deficit because they could simply copy the format and fortunes of another broadcaster (copying sprang to mind) and that they had huge ‘assets’ by which he meant the TV license fee can be asset managed into property (White City HQ) and private joint ventures to sell back catalog (to FreeView companies). And he said in his letter that the BBC can rely on DOUBLE that of the BBC TV license fee income. So double that £3.8 Billion income.
That is a mind boggling 7.6 Billion – if that is true and it could be more, as its not accounted as UK funds. With offshore sales not taxed on worldwide income (outside the UK). The BBC also pays no UK corporation tax in the on its income which is bizarre. Not sure if BBC Worldwide does either, but I stand to be corrected.
You do wonder where all the money goes as it claims to be broke to anybody that will listen. Usually thick Labour MP’s who imagine themselves on ‘Strictly’ or still think ‘Question Time’ is ‘balanced’ because of the TV license fee. It isn’t as we all know.
The BBC has privatized all its core activities, so in theory it should not need a public TV license which is anyhow well passed its sell-by-date. Nobody thinks it’s a good idea (nobody in the free world), bar The Guardian and closet Blair fundamentalists.
So the over 75’s get hit. Its an easy money grab but also a political ploy to claim that they are (somehow) short of money. They are just badly run But you can see how the attraction of all that money and high salaries means they need more and forever more to keep up the lifestyle to which they are accustomed. private Villas, private aircraft, offshore slush funds for obscure holdings we shall never know of or care much about.
If you don’t watch Al Beeb why should you have to pay for it ?
Its Biased, full of propaganda and rubbish.
Get rid of the Telly Tax.
From the Guardian –
/Victoria Derbyshire has become the latest TV presenter to be struck by the Jeremy Hunt name curse, unintentionally giving the Conservative leadership candidate a sweary surname during her show on Monday. Derbyshire apologised for the profanity, saying: ‘I’ve never said that before in my life, it’s usually men who say that’/
Will the Guardian readers buy into that explanation?
Beeboid Break associates Jeremy
with Jeremy Corbyn
.. So when it tries to say Jeremy Hunt its brain is already primed to say Jeremy Corbyn
Hence the output is ” Jeremy Co..Hunt”
I think she’s a bit of a C-Hunt myself.
On Twitter Victoria Derbyshire describes herself as –
“Journo. 10am BBC2 & BBC News Mon-Fri. RTS Presenter of Year, RTS Interview of Year, BAFTA winner.”
The Guardian is God to know this? Does it think its readers are stupid?
The end of last week both The Sun and the Mail had long anti-plastic articles purportedly written by Anita Rani
Talked about the plastic we injest etc.
Really the pieces was a PR piece for Monday’s shows with her and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
all the graphics were marked BBC
@Guest Who June 9, 2019 at 6:07 pm
mentioned https://www.newsroomtransparencytracker.com/
I note it doesn’t choose to list BBC
It lists mainly American media
The only UK listed is The Guardian, The Economist
and we know the Guardian is not an honest outfit.
Peterborough responds to concerns over postal voting here.
A quick glance and The Beeches Primary School stands out with 540 postal votes, 1 by proxy and 1,368 in person. Postal votes represent 28% of the total. For the whole constituency the proportion was 19.5% and proxy voting is trivial at 0.1%.
The procedure for validating postal votes is explained. (Perhaps the 13,682 postal votes arrived at the counting centre in bin bags, leading to rumours of foul play?).
I make no comment either way.
Did I read one of the responses on the official document as ‘It is unlawful to publish the number of postal votes per candidate’. That’s madness! Surely that would be a sure -fire indicator of foul play. Why would a candidate receive a far greater percentage of the postal vote compared to another?
I looked through the local authority’s response to concerns for the Peterborough By-Election. In the Q&A part at the end many of the questions are answered by indicating that the council staff present at the time of ballot, either did not see a suspect event or they did not observe anything untoward. The matter of the islalmic community is brought up. But, question: were there any dishonest islamic local authority “staff” present and covering for their co-cultists……………
Some of the replies 🙂
BBC (real name British Broadcasting National Disgrace)
Obsessed with muslims until it comes to organised, racially aggravated gang rape across the country when they suddenly transform into “asians”,
Activley ignoring the biggest paeodophile rape scandal this country has ever seen whilst still obsessed with white Jewish Harvey Weinstein who may or may not have letched as some actresses
Actively ignoring the 85% white British indigenous population of this country at the expense of every black face they can plaster across its webisite..or feature on TV..until it comes to knofe crime when they suddenly transform into photos of white hands holding knifes
Obsessed with equality of the sexes until the whole workforce at the BBC suddenly tansforms into one sex and thats OK apparently
Happy to completely ignore fat racist anti Trump protestor Siobhan Prigent and her mob shown ACROSS the WORLD on film in London abusing an elderly Trump supporter and laughing as he is assaulted, even after she is revealed as working for the NHS
The rest of the world and every newspaper in Britain consdered that newsworthy the BBC alone did not ..why?
Again, a National Disgrace
I think Rotherham was a real turning point. Political correctness went from being an irritant to such wicked witchcraft that it could allow little girls to be raped and tortured en masse whilst authorities did nothing. I don’t know what hell is like but surely it can’t be much worse than that?
Then the BBC feigns shock that nobody did anything when previously they had run a Panorama about those raising the alarm over these rape gangs, subsequently prosecuting them for inciting racial hatred! So the horror continued for another decade and the BBC had used the full might of the state to prevent it being exposed.
Rotherham changed everything. To side with the PC brigade in the wake of such evil is unconscionable. They plough on now as if nothing ever happened but everything has changed. They betrayed us so absolutely and nothing is worse than betrayal.
But the moosslims are anxious to protect children from sexualization; look at the protests outside schools. They can’t possibly be connected with the mass rapes and brutalization of little girls in so many moosslim areas.
You’ll not see this on the BBC. A third daily Eurostar has been launched from London to Amsterdam.
The pensioner pummelling by the BBC is delicious.
With the ‘bedroom tax’ they virtue signalled till they were blue in the face about the indignity which affected a tiny number of people. No mention of the tv tax, of course, which affects everyone.
They have to shoehorn in similar messages across their platforms. I remember a documentary about depressed elderly women; apparently the Tories cutting everything had affected her as there was no money for social clubs. Do people really need the state to provide ‘social clubs’? I do not know anyone who frequents such things.
So now they have a direct way to show their deep concern for the elderly and vulnerable: no signalling virtue but actually DOING something virtuous, namely getting their snouts slightly less deep into the trough so those less fortunate have extra pennies. And can they do it? Of course not.
What a hypocritical, self-serving shower they are.
TOADY Watch #1
Lord O’Donnell is brought on to make glottal-stop excuses on behalf of the BBC about their profligacy and cruelness to OAPs in cancelling the free TV Licence for over 75s. Lord O’Donnell’s maths is a bit dodgy or his propaganda is up to Goebbels’s standard.
Lord O’Donnell suggested that the previous £750m estimated cost of the free Licence was 20% of the BBC’s income. Implication: the BBC would have axe BBC2 & BBC4. Note: not axe the propaganda vehicles CBeebies and BBC iII, formerly known as BBC sick and prior to that, BBC3. Interviewer The Humph was not sharp enough to pick him up on his maths or any of that.
I suspect that the BBC’s Licence Fee income is tumbling as more and more people are upset by the BBC and turn to alternatives that can be accessed legally Licence free. May not be that long until £750m is one-fifth of the BBC’s Licence Fee income.
You play a very dangerous game in constantly insulting your customers.
Customers are people who can choose whether or not to do business with you, not people who must pay you by force of law, and whom you can prosecute even if they do not do business with you.
The BBC’s business model would make the mafia gasp in admiration.
What about axing their website? That must cost a fortune. The license fee was not provided for that, and it gives them an unfair advantage over regularly funded news providers.
Is this true?
BBC News
The British economy shrank in April, after car factory shutdowns designed to cope with Brexit disruption.
I have my doubts, given the BBC commitment to editorial integrity these days.
As a contributor mentioned yesterday, (or perhaps before), the effect of two Bank Holidays falling in April completely ‘washed’ out of the BBC report. “The Worlds (most trusted) Broadcaster” donchaknow.
BBC News
For 40 years, The Bookshop in Sydney has been a vital resource for people who wanted guidance and help about coming out.
Top news. Bet all the 75+ persons of alt-gender will see this as well worth the enforced £150.
JHB on Talk Radio now discussing the BBC and how they could save money in lots of ways. Like not having 20 producers for the Today programme or 5 correspondents doing the work of one.
TOADY Watch #2
Wasn’t listening too carefully but did I just hear BBC reporter Adam Porter (did I get that right?) actually rubbish Brexit on air.
BBC Bias?
You know you can trust the BBC.
(Norfolk accent) “Yeah, roight!”
Guest, you know you can trust the BBC. (extremely sceptical Norfolk accent again) “Yeah, roight!”
Thanks for the chuckle, Guest Who. This Mitchell shmuck really believes the BBC “can serve so many diverse audiences and investigate without fear or favour?”
He sounds like that Robinson shmuck imagining that the BBC is following fearlessly in the footsteps of George Orwell.
If only.
A subcription would mean being answerable to its consumers. Better that then being answerable to itself.
Watching Piers Morgan earlier on GMB. Was rightly laying into the BBC and the removal of the free TV license for over 75’s. He was furious , stating the BBC is awash with money etc etc. No matter what you think of him, he says it how it is and doesn’t pander to the faux outrage brigade. He was visibly livid.
He wondered if the BBC Breakfast Team would be covering it ??? I flicked over to see Dan + Louise gleefully telling us about a clip that had gone viral and it was getting lots of attention on the BBC website. I watched the clip. Here it is. Can you tell why the BBC might have been so so keen for us all to know about this ?????
BBC are literally just a on screen , virtue signalling channel. Nothing more.
I don’t watch day time TV – now that Jeremy Kyle and the trailor trash have gone – but Piers is changing into President Trump …
Bigly . A good thing. Positive . Not negative . Like that Corbyn Guy .
May be we could crowd fund the TV licences – which is probably the game the BBC is playing . But pretty heartless even for al beeb – to use the over 75s as weapons in a funding game .
Just heard the 8am BBC SE “News” on Breakfast.
Sad Ahmed told us about another stabbing in Islington of a young woman and the attacker was a teenager……….
My suspicions were raised as he did not say “white” attacker which would have been relayed with relish had this been the case.
So I double checked the story:-
“Scotland Yard confirmed that it was looking for a suspect aged 14-16, described as a black male, about 5ft 3in, of large build and wearing dark clothing, including a jacket and a trucker-style cap” – Times.
BBC News presented “filtered” for your consumption – pathetic.
Outside of a Kris Krisstoferson movie, I’d be hard pressed to recall any Eddie Stobart lorry road warrior sporting such millinery.
State Broadcaster doesn’t just routinely insult politicians it doesn’t like. State Broadcaster insults our intelligence.
The story was covered in the Londonistan Evening News . The lady nearly died by being stabbed in the leg -which a black gang technique .
Apart from the ‘ young decent mum with child and broad daylight ‘ the thing which strikes was the casualness of the violence . Plenty of Feral black monsters around killing each other but bad news if they are becoming less discerning in the choice of victim ….
A description of an attacker is released by the police for the purpose of assisting in his arrest and thereby reducing the ongoing threat to the public. Skin colour is an essential part of his description.
The BBC don’t support public safety when the attacker is non-white.
In such cases if the beeb don’t mention colour, you can assume black.
The unfortunate name calling of Jeremy Hunt by Victoria Derbyshire reminded me of Robin Aitken’s revelation that there was (or still is) a poster of George W Bush as Hitler in the BBC newsroom.
Perhaps there is a disparaging poster up of Hunt, captioned to put juvenile BBC hacks in a giggly mood at work.
Her quick apology seemed genuine:
…I’ve never said that before in my life – it’s usually men who say that…
I would have said it’s usually BBC men who say that, because there can be little doubt that it’s become obligatory for male hacks to refer to Hunt using the dreaded C word. Why else would a woman who doesn’t have it in her vocabulary use it in such an automatic, unthinking way?
Also, Derbyshire is not the first woman at the BBC to make the mistake live. They must be hearing it from the male hacks (I won’t call them ‘men’) every time Jeremy Hunt is the subject of conversation.
If the BBC had any real managers they would be disciplining staff and imposing at least some minimum standards of behaviour on them. But of course the whole rotten crew follows the same intolerant, narrow-minded, far-left ideology.
The episode was certainly revealing. Another slip of the mask.
VD should imo have been fired after the Trump blimp insult. Any ‘blushes’ (excuses more like) over the C word would have been spared for another day.
Not Gwent,
True, but they’d have to fire 90% of them and bring in a whole bunch of genuine journalists to make any difference to the pathetic output of the BBC.
We need a mole in the beeb ministry of truth, to tell us what really goes on there. If any such is reading this, go on, tell us, you’ll feel so much better for it. Deep down you know they’re evil – unburden yourself here.
“We need a mole in the beeb ministry of truth”
The mole is usually killed if its put amongst a bunch of rats.
The first time Jeremy Hunt was “cunted” it was by Jim Naughtie on the Today programme. The excuse was that he was introducing “Jeremy Hunt, the Culture Secretary”, and by a slip of the tongue transposed the “H” and the “C”.
Well if you believe that….
Anyway, Mr Hunt has been the Foreign Secretary for some time now, but I have yet to hear him called “Jeremy Funt”.
I may be a nasty old cynic, but I cannot help thinking that the name the Beeboids all call Mr Hunt in private just keeps on slipping out when they are talking live on air.
TOADY Watch #3
ha h hopeless h h H Hancock’s h Half Hour for 15 minutes of fame at 8.10am.
He does achieve a minor success, picking The Humph up for interrupting him. The Humph is a bit of a major failure in that he doesn’t interrupt or pick up on the claim by Hancock that all the alternatives to an amended Theresa May Withdrawal Agreement (TMWA) are much, much worse. I wish the BBC would pin some of these politicos to the wall with the two questions: what is so bad about a No Deal Brexit and what actual evidence do you have for those claims?
Now we are off to the ballet with Martha for some virtue-signalling and ‘improvement’.
Toady watch
The BBC – Humphreys – has decided to back anyone as the next PM apart from Alex Borisovich Johnson .
I say this after listening to some wet red Tory candidate called mat ‘tony’ Hancock being as inspiring as a wet tissue .
Don’t get me wrong – I could care less which Tory shyster gets the job . All I care about is getting away from the ReichEU as the first step in turning the country back into Blighty again . – including of course – putting the State Broadcaster on the target list .
Boris has declined to talk to the BBC . This signposts a degree of good judgement . Would you?
Why go onto that platform to be bad mouthed by the Far Left Pro EU snowflake brigade .
Do a Trump – get Piers Morgan to do a non BBC interview – or if really up for a fight – brillo.
Brussels will be desperate to influence the choice of next PM . They’ll want “ one of their own”which means they have so many to choose from ….
Snap ! But why do we still listen to it ? Some sort of sadomasochistic tendency ? Or just no alternative .
I sometimes justify it to “ know what the enemy is doing “ but I’m not sure that dog hunts as it were …
Fed, yeah – good question. Why do I still listen? Actually, I switched off during Martha’s ballet bit and have forgotten to switch back on. Age related memory loss kicking in!*
In truth, I woke just after 5.30am and started to listen just before 6am for Tweet of the Day, news, weather and newspaper review (most essential bits?) and in between some compulsory vacuuming of the PC screen – wet wiping to be done later, have listened up until politically correct dance ‘was forceage into my eardrobes @8.25am approximold.’. {Prof. Stanley Unwin-speak)
Why didn’t I switch back on? Too absorbed here, having a good cheering chuckle at the humour in some of the posts above. Thanks, guys. 🙂
*Incidentally, I wonder if that ‘Age related memory loss’ will be a sound defence when TV Licensing drag some well-to-do OAPs over 75 into Court for non-payment of the TellyTax?
So I wasn’t the only one who switched off when Martha did her sex bit ….
The off switch is becoming more discerning… as soon as words like ‘ vibrant ‘ ‘heritage ‘ ‘vulnerable ‘ ‘diverse ‘ ‘rights’ ‘black ‘ ‘Muslim ‘ ‘wimmin s something or other ‘ the ‘off switch’ gets fired up …. its getting worn out ….
The BBC seems really interested in who the next PM will be . Why ? The outgoing one showed it was possible to screw up elections , lie to the people again and again , lie to a parliament of liars and still remain in office .
It’s becoming a really insular occupation of the bubble mix of self serving politicians and journos – with the people having to pay if they want to watch it . Not me . No pay . No views.