Three years on and we are still in the EU. Whatever happened to the most democratic country on earth?
The answer = Al Beeb.
Save yourself £154.50 and don’t pay the Telly Tax. They can’t arrest us all !
I beg your pardon Sir !
Not a Tory, but a true Brexiteer from the ancient part of Great Briton. A supporter of UKIP & The Brexit Party.
Strength and Honor.
Vlad just asked where’s Karen Armstrong, who used to be the BBC go-to ‘expert’ for dissing the west and an apologist for islam?
Is that trolling ?
Cos a quick Twitter search shows she was on Radio4 on nday
and is plugging her new book
‘The Lost Art of Scripture – Rescuing the Sacred Texts’
Just heard Karen spouting utter tosh, interspersed with a few true statements.
As always, the interviewer was completely unable to distinguish the two, unwilling to offer any substantial challenge and unable to expose the vast number of flaws in her personal position.
— Malleus Episcoporum (@MalleusEpiscopo) June 9, 2019
Convicted liar and thief SNP Natalie McGarry given bail after 5 days of 18 month sentence.
Ahead of whether she can appeal or not.
I’m no legal expert, but that’s some leniancy.
Any doubts about Scotland’s Judiciary under the control of the far left SNP are well and truly answered.
Emm no her sentence hasn’t been cut short
She’ll go back and serve a proper sentence if her appeal fails.
I guess her appeal is very soon
and the Crown is insuring against a compensation claim if she did overturn the sentence,
by not implementing the sentence until the appeal is done.
WATCH: “She might still be exonerated completely.”
On my rounds this evening I see that the temperature is 9 Deg C.
Is this a coldest record for June ?
Try searching on ‘the net’ for the coldest UK June.
The summer of 1977 – following the 1976 drought – was so cold and wet crops rotted in the fields after combines had sunk to their axles when trying to harvest them.
But this was before global warming, of course.
The bias against Boris Johnson is now out of control. The left wing media (which includes the BBC of course) are all coming out with absolute fantasy about how terrible Johnson would be while in contrast Johnson’s popularity just soars.
“Are we about to see the BBC self destruct?”
Surely you mean, are the Tories and Al Beeb about to self destruct?
We have been betrayed by parliament .
Back on the weekend thread @Luckyharry69
asked why the female commentator was so fit “the black bird in the orange is well fit?
…and I would definitely give the bird on the right one?
well that is beautyism or #BackEndOfBusism
The way media prey on the human brains liking for beautiful women
that is known for both heterosexual MEN and heterosexual WOMEN
so despite diversity targets BBC are vastly not diverse in beauty
(Mentioned on a BBC webpage)
Faye Weldon who worked in advertising said that society is not divided into 2
ie men vs women
but actually there are 3 sexes men/women and babes
.. “every man in the office fancies those babes”
.. whereas their other female colleagues might as well be men as well.
Your brain has circuits in detect female fertility and those circuits can be conned
.. so that a pretty dress or make-up can turn a woman over the line into babe.
(apparently it works the same with men and suits)
The babes can be divided into 2
: those you actually desire and those you can understand someone else does
ie you don’t really desire babes who are so different in age or size from you.
“the black bird in the orange is well fit”
Well she was advertising fertility by having long hair
– seeming to have smooth skin ,
– A slinky dress enhanced that
– And cos it’s TV she looks the right height for you.
Obviously Maitlis thinks she is a babe, but I find her repulsive.
There are obvious exceptions when the BBC doesn’t choose a babe.
The praying mantis is a beautiful creature I get quite a few in my garden. They are quite cool to handle and have the ability to turn their head unlike most insects. They are one of my favourite garden creatures.
Emily Maitlis is revolting and makes me want to puke.
It has a superb Honda engine, turns over the vegetable Patch in no time at all, and also has a bit of kit like a wire brush for cleaning concrete and brick paths.
interesting to observe Corbyns first time at parliament question time claiming he is for a nicer kind of politics and his speech in Trafalgar square insulting the American President that incited assaults from his fat racist purple haired pierced mob (one of whom it appears has a private company charging the NHS a premium as it transpired) upon anyone supporting a visit from our allies for the D Day commemorations, a nicer kind of politics indeed
Couldn’t resist though. The Sunday League World Cup. My problem isn’t the pace. It’s the skill level. Defenders booting the ball anywhere. Headers going boing. Misplaced passes galore. Goalkeepers at full stretch diving three feet. It’s horrible and wouldn’t be fit for a local cable network, let alone state TV. Apparently, the USA coach was crying with joy after beating a national side 13-0. Great decorum. Bah, the whole thing winds me up.
Nigel Dodds when asked about the TV licence fee for the 75+ on ‘View From Stormont’ UTV replied – The BBC have stabbed pensioners in the back after George Osborne gave them responsibility for free TV licences (not the exact words)
Anyway, I have signed this Petition
Abolish the BBC television license.
The quality of BBC programmes do not reflect the price of the TV license. It is far too expensive for the majority of people and should be abolished.
Subscription is the way forward. Folk who don’t want State Broadcaster could then get their telly without living under the threat of imprisonment for not paying for what they don’t want.
It’s the same idea as for newspapers – no one is forcing us to pay for one title regardless of what and when we choose to read.
“More than 860,000 TV licences were cancelled in 2017/18 compared to 798,000 in 2016/17, according to figures obtained by The Times.
This amounts to 2,300 cancellations a day and marks the first rise in cancellations in five years.
Online streaming services, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime video, do not require a TV licence to watch them and have seen a rise in popularity in recent years
the beeb showing President Trump with details of the Mexican border policy, then Obviously showing pictures of little kids who will be affected by breaking the law
It was not a "deliberate technical fault". I mean, have a think before you tweet such nonsense. We invited @drfrancesryan precisely because we wanted to hear from her. Why would we bother if it was only to sabotage our own guest? Really silly.
Forget pensioners, I propose that only black people, muzzies and women should pay for the BBC as its only ever concerned with them, muslim rape gangs should get a lifetime subsidy as they are never mentioned, and white British teenagers should only pay half as they are only featured when the BBC need a picture about black knife stabbers
Complaint Summary: Disgust with your endless promotion of muslims
Full Complaint: I, and many many others am sick of your endless promotion of this MINORITY. You are a publicly funded national broadcaster quickly becoming a laughing stock with ridiculous and irrelevant “stories” with your endless promotion of this gobby minority obsessed with their medieval views. How do you think the millions of Chinese, Japanese Philipinos, Sikhs, Hindus etc etc who happily integrate in this country feell about your endless decisions to put stories such as the “The mayor who wears a hijab” on the front page of the national news ??? do our other minorities not warrant this kind of attention on a weekly basis like this bunch ? or do they not whinge enough ? or should they have their own council of Britian and run courses in how to influence the media ? or should they just get on and integrate into our culture ? oh wait, they do…. You should be ashamed of yourself, on the same day on the FRONT PAGE you also promote muslims exercising their endemic homophobia by also legitimising their devisive protests with no mention of the death threats to the headteacher. (Did you evr cover the protests about the gay sauna in Luton and the hundreds of disusting homophobic emails sent by muslims to the council ? notice a pattern here ? you are journalists are you not ?) Your coverage of the real contribution of this minority to the biggest sexual scandal of this countries history which is STILL ongoing has been largely demoted to regional news and if it ever features on the front page has been seen to only stay there for around 2 hours as the next gang of many many muslim peadophiles are revealed, thousands of young womens lives ruined yet your obsession with (white Jewish) Harvey Weinstein continues on the front page. Disgusting, your obsession with racism is also noted but a another racist murder in South Africa ignored, wrong kind of victim for your agenda ??
BBC reply:
Thank you for getting in touch about the BBC News website.
I understand you feel our reporting focusses too much on Muslim communities within the UK.
The video you’ve linked to in your complaint is one of many ‘Your World’ films created by BBC News, telling personal stories about extraordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. You can see the full back catalogue here:
While I appreciate you don’t find Cllr Rakhia Ismail’s story interesting, this doesn’t mean that her experiences aren’t of interest or relevance to other members of our audience.
By reporting on protests against the No Outsiders programme we’re not, as you’ve said, ‘promoting Muslims exercising their endemic homophobia’. We’re providing audiences with updates on a story of significant interest. We reported on 20 May that a head teacher at a primary school giving lessons on LGBT equality has received threatening emails and phone calls:
We serve the whole of the diverse UK, and aim to provide accurate and impartial coverage of the issues affecting all communities and groups within our audience. I appreciate you feel this isn’t being achieved, and your feedback is noted.
Please be assured that your comments have been shared with senior editors within BBC News online on our daily feedback report.
Many thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
Sarah Firby is on a roll too . She was the one who fobbed my complaint off too . I wonder if it’s a ‘ management development ‘ job where she does a bit of fobbing for the BBC then gets a job at Marks and Sparks or some other past it ‘ British institution ‘
They should stick her in an office down Bury Park Road Luton and see how she gets on in a real muzzie ghetto, her walk home would be an experience for her, especially if she wears a short dress
I frequented Lutonistan for a while whilst chasing a lady girl . Being from East Londonistan I wasn’t overly shocked by the call to prayer Isis flags and death to Israel flags generously plastered around town .
I suppose most of the isis people work at Luton Airport .,.
It was working there for a while that opened my eyes to the real threat to our country, the older ones can hide their hate the younger ones coming out of their “special schools” at 3 pm could not hide their hate at seeing me (who can trace my family “clan” back to the coronation of King Malcolm of Scotland 1000 years ago) and most of their their contribution to this country started a couple of years ago in the back of a cross channel Argos container followed by a trip under the axle of a Currys lorry.
I also worked at a couple of the primary schools and during team games when they had to choose a team name the 95 % 7 YEAR OLD muzzie kids all wanted Al Quaeda as their name
integration ? forget it they ALL hate us and are teaching their ever expanding brood the same hate
Annunaki I fear as you fear for the future safety of your country-like you I can trace my direct ancestry back nearly 1800 years.
In this race to find a New Prime Minister one hat that has been thrown into the ring and is one that concerns me the most, that of Sajid Javid.
Sajid Javid was a one-time significant player in the 2008 global financial collapse where, as a senior investment banker, he was at the heart of the credit trading business and was responsible for structuring an emerging-market synthetic CDO as well (allegedly) as junk mortgages that incurred millions of dollars’ worth of losses for investors. He is extremely intelligent, well-educated, financially astute, presentable, experienced in public office and a real master of the four pillars of Islamic deception — taqiyya, tamriya, maruna and kitman-thereby dangerous.
The following I took from another subcriber close to my own thoughts ;- It is important to understand and remember that Sajid Javid is the man who, without having any ministerial remit in the area of government finances, organised and introduced the sale of toxic, Sharia-compliant Sukuk Bonds backed up by UK government mortgages on the London Stock Exchange when no other non-Muslim country in the world would touch them with a barge pole.
Sajid Javid defintely has an agenda and an ambition more far-reaching and dangerous than it appears to be on the surface. Having achieved one of the highest offices of State, does he intend to stop there?
No, and there’s a damn sight more to this appointment than just the future of Brexit, and by that I mean the future of the whole of the UK or, as I put it in the partially ( as partially paraphrased by an Edmund Burke quotation immediately below…
…”A stable homogenous culture is a partnership in all science and all art, a partnership in every virtue and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are dead and those who are yet to be born.”
That is logical, and I would suggest that…
…what is happening now is a betrayal of the dead who gave us such a firm foundation to destroy at our affluent leisure and a condemnation of those yet to be born who will spend their short, brutal lives in the chains we are permitting primitive alien cultures to forge for them. We are the damned if we continue in this vein, and history will record us as such.
The fact that there are over 75 million Muslims living in Europe with many millions more Muslims living in the UK, he has great support. Like many no doubt I pray Javid is knocked out of the Prime Ministerial race as soon as.
A bit like Rome, build a civilisation and all the barbarians gravitate to it and suck off its teat until dry, in fact like every civilisation that has ever existed they all fall for the same reason, the best argument for Brexit I can think of
for example :
Romanian arrived in Britain on Friday, was caught stealing from TK Maxx on Saturday and was locked up on Monday
Leonard-Valter Tudor, 20, arrived in Britain on Friday and was arrested Saturday
He placed £508 of goods in a foil-lined bag while in TK Maxx in Nottingham
Tudor claimed a Romanian man offered him a job shoplifting goods from stores
He was jailed for 16 weeks in a young offenders institute after his guilty plea
The Sajid Javid who particularly practices Maruna?
“Muruna is the use of “flexibility”.
To go into the enemy and his environment.
The justification for this kind of deception is a bizarre interpretation of Sura 2: 106, which says: “If we abolish a verse or forget it, we will replace it with a better verse or something.” Thus Muslims can forget some assignments in the Quran, as long as they pursue a better mission.
Muslims who strive to promote Islam can therefore deviate from their Islamic laws to induce non-Muslims to let their vanguard down and to put their trust in their Muslims.
Sometimes Muslims practice muruna in the same way as a chameleon that changes color to prevent detection. Muslims will sometimes shave their beards, wear western clothing or even drink alcohol to go to non-Muslims.
Nothing is more valuable to Islamists today than a blue-eyed Caucasian Muslim who is prepared to engage in terrorism.
Another common way to use muruna is for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim or to behave like a non-Muslim, so that their true agenda is not suspected………”.
Yes, that one!
Malcolm 2 I am familiar with Islay, Jura, Campbeltown, Machrihanish (forgive the spelling always a problem there but a lovely beach to watch the sunset over the Atlantic )
how do these people feel who never ever see a muslim or a black person in their whole life yet turn on the BBC programmes they pay to see who are meant to present news and provide programmes for us or website and what do they see? they pay a sum to access a news service that fails to represent them, front page news last week the mayor who wears a hijab FFS
Starting the day hearing beeboids celebrating some hairbrain idea about cutting emissions by 2050 with beeboids over the moon . Very depressing . But then I thought – “if the BBC likes it so much then it should cut its emissions to zero now – by dissolving itself ‘.
Then I saw that guido had found that the awful C4 news viewing figures had dived another 9% year on year . Now that really cheered me up .
C4 said the reason appeared to be the
“ increased use of the “off button “ “
I’m sure c4 news will do an in depth expose as to why so many people don’t watch it …. close 4 , save tax cash and give it to the pensioners .
Theresa May’s Revenge: the outgoing PM is going to saddle austerity, debt and poverty on everyones’ children, grandchildren, great grandchildren & great-great grandchildren (if God allows the world to go as it is at present) via new legislation for the so-called Climate Emergency. In addition, on the stroke of midnight on 31 December 2049, everyone in the UK will have to stop breathing. And farting. Permanently. “Step away from that mince pie now!”
An effort of massive and brainless virtue signalling that will have no appreciable impact on the planet but will hit every low & middle income household’s bank accounts. The rich will become even richer and keep flying & driving everywhere. Caroline Lucas thinks there will be Green Growth to make us richer. Yeah, Caroline. Mould is almost certainly guaranteed in cold, damp homes and on top of food that cannot be cooked or stored cold.
Speaking of virtue, the BBC are owning up to getting some stick over their lack of virtue.
The BBC are being cruel to over-75s but they play clips of Labour Party toadies saying in Parliament yesterday that “it’s all the Government’s fault”. They might be in government soon, but the Labour Party decline to say how they will pay for it.
“Don’t they know there’s an Austerity on?”
Apparently, the Labour Party do not. That is despite their talking and complaining about it constantly along with grumbles from the Greens, the LibDems, the SNP, the PC & Change UK.
Because ‘No-one voted to make themselves poorer’ the Labour Party are determined – once again – to do so and are bringing a Bill to Parliament for which preparatory steps are being made this week, to ensure that our new PM will be – again – negotiating with Brussels with both hands tied and gagged & blindfolded as well. This will ensure that talking about austerity and complaining about austerity will continue far into the future with a £39 billion+ bill to be paid by UK taxpayers to Brussels.
Don’t you just love Labour?
They make the poor poorer and the rich richer, merely for their own political ends.
It reminds me of the obscene waste of our cash on the ‘ overseas give away Project ‘ which Cameron left us with .
Meanwhile – uk – social care – infrastructure – military -.forget it .
Caroline Lucas MP thinks public transport will be cheaper in Theresa May’s Brave New Green World .. er, I mean Brave New Green UK.
Since the Tory’s first ‘went Green’ (yeah, and mouldy!) in 1992/93, the minimum bus fare quintupled by the year 2000 and by then private bus companies were receiving government ie taxpayer subsidies to stay in business.
It could well be that that Overseas Aid budget will have to be slashed to keep the lights on and all those green businesses in wind power in the UK of the future.
Astonishing, the talent in Labour!
I mean, there was Jenny Chapman MP, Mind Reader, on Toady this am. She was asked if parliament had not actually handed the decision to stay/leave the EU to the people, and they had decided. Now parliament was trying to block the ‘no deal’ option? (WOW: honesty from R4!)
No, the Mind Reader said. She KNEW people had not voted for ‘no deal’, when they voted ‘out’.
She KNEW. Amazing. Even though she failed to read my mind. Cos I wanted ‘no deal’ from the word ‘go’, as the only rational approach.
And, since I’m paying for this fraudulent Mind Reader, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!
And as for the spiteful, selfish, dishonest and vicious ‘Theresa May’s revenge’- as outlined by Snuff, above? Well, seems she is determined to ‘leave a legacy’ of ‘leadership’ on Climate Change, however unrealistic the project of ‘no carbon’ by 2050.
‘Apres moi, le deluge’ or something like that, the French say. Having destroyed the Conservative Party, and wasted three years for everyone, she now also wants to destroy the country. Couldn’t care less what happens, as long as her name is up there in lights.
Prison would be to good for her.
I looked at the annual report – my read says on a turnover of £800 million the public service ( advertised) broadcaster made £5 million profit .
Now numbers gurus amongst will now that that really means ‘ break even ‘ at best . And the thing that saved them was involvement in a film
‘ Three billboards in America ‘ or similar .
In the 2 previous years c4 lost about £20 million each year . That’s a lot of licences …close it down
Apparently there’s more shocking news to come out at the BBC this week. They’ve found that one of their many many excecutives actually doesn’t take cocaine.
As I have written before the BBC should at least experiment
with advertising instead of stopping the free licences for the
over 75’s. I have suggested to the BBC they start with the
Londonistan Programme. I am sure that
many business entrepreneurs from the ethnic community in
London would love to advertise on this programme which
is shown three times a day featuring what is going on in the
“diverse” environs of the capitol. Last night was a perfect
example. Fellow indigenous Londoners , have you ever seen
anything like it?
Being overseas at the moment I get adverts on the BBC website – admittedly they are mainly for funding Islamic terrorist groups and building more mosques in Blighty – but is doesn’t get in the way of the biased content .
All they have to do is substitute commercial advertisements for the ones they already have advertising their own programmes. We can sit through the one, so we can sit through the other, knowing it is bringing in money that will make the licence fee unnecessary.
I heard on R4 news at 10pm last night, that Dominic Grieve will be be voting for little Rory Stewart for PM today. What a surprise.
Ritala Shah allowed Grieve to rant on for some time on the ‘people didn’t know what they were voting for’ line. Dominic was one of a number of people Ritala brought on to undermine the hated Tories and the democratic decision made by the people. Maybe she’s saving Oliver Letwin for tonight. Or even Bercow, if his voice holds out and he is willing to lower himself to speaking to anyone other than parliamentarians…
(Looking at that trio of names, why don’t they just join the Labour party and get it over with?)
Then she went on to give voice to a happy gay in Uganda, managing to squeeze in an attack on Kenya, for their policy.
And on it went, propaganda from first to last. Goebbels would have been impressed.
I try to be factually correct, so have to record an error in my 2nd last sentence: the happy gay was in Botswana, which has apparently changed its policy, not Uganda. Apologies, Uganda.
Putting me right on this was Jane Garvey, of wimmin’s hour fame, who-naturally- had to phone through her support to someone in the LGBTQ etc community in Botswana.
I had been listening to her programme because she started it off with an interview with a Guardian journalist (who else?) -and one from the Times, presumably to represent the ‘conservative’ view, on the chances of the two female candidates for PM.
They didn’t sound optimistic. Good reason? Listening to them, I fear that Theresa may have undone all the good work that Maggie did in demonstrating that a woman can be a good PM for the UK.
Of course, in those days you could generally rely on a Conservative to actually have conservative values; and Brexit might actually have meant Brexit? What a different world it was…
Long awaited: A bit more meat on the bone of Tommy (whose real name is……) Robinsons current legal predicament.
It appears the charges are: Strict Liability Contempt and civil Contempt. From my rusty recollection of Strict Liability it is, just that. You are clobbered whether you have a defence or not. The criminal element comes under, the Contempt of Court Act 1981 –
From what I remember at the time it all started, the defendants’ were entering the court only to have their sentences handed down rather than some point in the trial where ‘real’ contempt in reckless reporting would have been obvious. So, S.2(2) and Schedule 1 will apply.
The Code for Crown Prosecutors sets it all out clearly (dated 11th May 2018(?) –
G get your wig on and get down there but, as you said he will have no chance I was at Peterborough and saw the Police stating under oath they had no idea who he was, hmmmm but they were the same police, the same individual officer who was at the edl march in Luton, funny that
But of course we live in a diverse word so short sighted police should not be excluded
As a person who lives in a village and has always considered himself a bit of an idiot I wonder if it’s time for another complaint to Sarah Firby of BBC( Northern Ireland ) fame . ?
I’d be complaining on behalf of village idiots every where – including those in towns and cities .
Also – where is the BBC coverage of village idiots ? It’s meant to represent all communities but we village idiots are left out . I’m even fools and horses get their show …
I had the wonderful experience of being at a village cricket match on the green in a village in Bedfordshire, and halfway through a muzzie decided to put a mat down and start praying in the middle of the green he could not do this at home or somewhere discreet for some reason but had to do it in the middle of the green
Speaking of kids, top scientists Treez and the Bbc…
Green Activists get their way: UK government to commit to 2050 target.. Mrs May has taken the unusual step of announcing that a group of young people will advise the government on priorities for environmental action. They will start their review in July.
Let us ask as to how this target is to be achieved? How will the electification of the country be altered, becasue without it nothing will move forward. Will they charge the farmer to get rid of all his cattle that is quite a contributor to Gas emissions-will they close the Hospitals? Yes of course it is stupid to think like that, however the Government Ministerial department responsible must let the public know exactly what the process of this massive change entails.
“….let the public know exactly what the process of this massive change entails.” And cost.
The use of, “trillions” crept into the language yesterday.
Apparently, we will all have to rip out our natural gas boilers and replace them with hydrogen gas boilers. A guy on Talk Radio said earlier that our bills will increase by 20 to 30% but went on to say the price of Armageddon is far greater.
One of the presenters then asserted that, according to the climate activists, the world will be ending in 12 years so we won’t see the increased bills!
I think Theresa’s last act proves what a truly spiteful woman she is, at heart – quite prepared to bankrupt the country she professes to love in pursuit of another box-tick goal – while the rest of the world giggles in embarrassment at her naivety and lays the foundations for more coal-fired power stations.
I wouldn’t worry too much. She also promised to reduce net immigration to the tens of thousands.
Since when has she ever actually done anything she said she was going to do!
'How on earth did we get to the situation where hundreds of BBC staff members earn more than the Prime Minister, who should be our most highly paid public servant?' | @allisonpearson
Anyhoo… time for some real comedy, BBC treasure-styly…
Sir Lenny Henry has criticised levels of diversity in the media industry and called for tax breaks to encourage investment in diverse productions
That famous comedian who did Trevor Mc Doughnut, (Trevor McDonald. get it ? such a rapier wit on display there) well done Sir, so funny, and the rest of his repartee ? racist jibes at West Indian accents, again well done Sir, white comedians have been pilloried for the same
A bit like our dwarf mayor overseeing the biggest crime explosion in London since Jack the Ripper was about., doesn’t matter about the talent or ability if they are black or muzzie enough,
anyone with a top hat, surgical briefcase and a breadknife in their hands are a probably OK to wander about in Whitechapel with Khan in charge
They could even have their own tv channel. Oh! sorry, I totally forgot: they are well on their way to taking over our own “Worlds Most Trusted” aka, “another beauty”.
Preston’s College.
I had never heard of it, the College has a Wikipedia article.
With a very long list of the achievements of former students.
By a very long list I mean exactly one student.
“During the 1980s, British Comedian Lenny Henry re-took his O Levels at the college whilst appearing in a summer comedy show in Blackpool.[4]”
Re-took = Failed the first time.
The link was to a 404, so I will assume “Failed the second time”.
9:30am Radio 4 Political Interview
Who has Nick R chosen ?
…Mrs Stephen Kinnock .. EU evangelist and head of Save the Children
… Her husband’s name hasn’t been mentioned in the prog.
Did Nick R ask Stephen Kinnock whether he, in his role as head of Save the Children has paid any attention to the Government’s claim that, as Oxfam, child abuse is rampant? Said Government mouthpiece yesterday said it was, “rife” in the charity sector.
Just wait till al beeb get hold of this story (they’re slow as usual, despite the £5billion):
“Female German boat captain, 35, faces up to 20 years in prison in Italy for RESCUING more than 1,000 migrants in the Mediterranean.”
They’ll be drooling all over it: a hot (don’t think the beeb are above using sexy pix when it suits their agenda) FEMALE captain (tick) saves the beeb’s beloved ‘migrants’ (tick) and the nasty populist (=fascist) Italian government want to jail her (yah boo – tick).
(If only she turns out to be a lesbian, their joy will be complete.)
Of course the said captain will never get anywhere near a jail, there would be a huge outcry, led by al beeb, and she’d be feted instead as a feminist saint.
In fact she’s colluding with the smugglers, so in effect she’s part of the criminal and murderous human trafficking industry.
So more invaders will keep coming, creating more problems for all of Europe, and more will keep drowning, but cap’n Ahab will have a nice tan and a warm glow of satisfaction.
For which the rest of us will pay the price for generations to come.
I couldn’t believe it; so I had dash home to Germany to have all these pirate looking tattoos on. My agent and 2 accountants says it will be money well spent.
Funny how these penniless desperate people all have iphones, must be a paki shop in the channel somewhere, maybe they have set up shop at the bottom of the wind farm selling methanol vodka and sawdust fake fags to schoolkids
Clearly not penniless, but the funding likely took a hit with the cross channel service being run out of said shop, doing a nice line in life vests. And the iPhone gets thrown in so they can order a pick up from the Blonde SJW Uberground Service this side.
Desperation requires desperate measures and one does wonder how much the EU are behind this latest labour movement in Parliament. They need the £39b so desperately, that anything goes. And in the same sort of desperation the BBC have been promoting ‘Diversity’ in the desperate hope to boost BBC viewers and therefore license payers in our diverse communities. It hasn’t paid off, so, they have gone for the weakest members of society who mostly cannot fight back. They have virtually decimated any programs the over 75’s are likely to want to watch, even in their loneliness, replacing them with diversity drawing trash. Yet are shamefully driving forward with this shocking tax and expecting everyone to pay for what has become a mindset propensity of prejudice and propaganda.
Spot the Doctor Who ? spot the 85% white indigenous population of our country being represented who pay the TV license by the BBC, spot which ethnicity is responsible for the knife crime in London (a difficult one if you rely on the BBC for news) but a little clue look at the picture, , national disgrace
Annu – I do wonder whether this is not only ‘hate speech’ (a vague term) but more concretely and worryingly, an incitement to violence and possibly, GBH? (Spread by our ‘public broadcaster!’) There could be a law about this; is it not a criminal offence? Any lawyers on this site?
Perhaps Victoria will post the full Jo Brand “I had a dream” routine which was just a vehicle for her to say of Virginia Bottomley “FO you tory bitch”?
As Polly Toynbee says, those ‘on the left’ are such nice people.
\\ Yes, do listen to the whole programme, where after advocating throwing acid, Victoria says
“honestly genuinely all I care about on this topic or any other is
that people are just kind to each other” //
Paul Matthews
I have always admired your wit, poker skills and indeed the parts Michael Winner waxed about so lyrically, but when it comes to excusing a coarse and prejudiced lout like Ms Brand, you are demeaning yourself.
She was not joking, she simply covered her criminal suggestion with the cloak of humour.
I really would have thought you could have recognised that fact.
This b… was sacked for similar remarks. I wonder if they’ll sack Jo Blubber-Brand?
Rhetorical question, ‘course not. She’s a) a woman (sort of), b) a comedian (sort of), c) fat and ugly (definitely), d) left-wing and e) attacking Conservatives. Untouchable.
BBC customer service if you think a fat ugly left wing man hating b… should be allowed to encourage battery acid to be thrown over anyone who disagrees with her:
TrueToo – I second your view – sometimes a little alarm bell goes off when I see some content . The primary purpose of this site is the BBC and its’ evil works .
Venting is one thing – but some times things are pushed very far .
As for the Jo Brand – no doubt her language will be referred to the CPS.
I understand ms Brand was a psychiatric nurse before she became what she is now . Perhaps , as a result , she has issues …like so many it seems .
Bitch ? you remind me of a particular national broadcaster, what is wrong with calling out a nasty bitch for what she is ? The Bernard Manning of the Corbyn world has repeatedly attacked men in the most disgusting fashion so does indeed earn that monikor, and you object to that precise description of her ? where is this word considered no speak in our Orwellian world ?
Also for myself ? Oh I can look after myself thank you TT as I ddi on the phone to the BBC just now and I bet you did not but just whinged about it
I knew you would t see that your overall attitude to this site is one of venting for yourself .
Others are angry to – but I am now going to waste my time going back a bit on your posts and deleting some . My judgement – if you don’t like it – so be it . But calm yourself down or go away
Already decided to delete my posts before you have read them ? Orwell Animal Farm
And, think yourself before you exercise your similar attitude to the BBC, HYS “venting” does this site offer anything else ? you yourself when I urged you and others to complain said it precisely: we just discuss on here
Another thing to think about before you spend your days winding up people but offer no outlet….
BTW see who gets the most likes, look above and, think, rather than vent which you just have, for using the word “bitch” FFS just saying…
Yes you are, you have spent a while critcising me and brown nosing Too True also when he criticises me , my answerwas provided above to you sensetive souls who have decided the word bitch is anaethema so maybe the word s fuck you are better understood you spend your time here whnigeing with no action and probably will be in 10 years time with the sofa and keyboard worn out
It’s a bit odd for Annunaki to complain bitterly about Jo Brand and others while he himself gets really hostile in his comments, even directing that hostility towards us, when all we are doing is trying to keep the site relatively free of it.
He can flounce off if he has to, but I guess he missed the part about me appreciating his contributions here.
The beeboid called Emma Barnett doesn’t like Alex Boris Johnson . So she put the boot in about his leadership bid . I could care less but one could smell the bias through the radio .
Then we had the tedious parliamentary anniversary game – today 90th anniversary of Anne Frank birthday – Corbyn trying not to be anti Semitic – May bigging up the 2nd anniversary of a fatal fire in a tower block .
On the latter I’m betting channel 4 will be planning the film version.
Back to Boris – perhaps the best thing he can do is not to talk to the media at all – follow the President Trump line . They won’t be doing him any favours and what he says to them wouldn’t have much truth in it anyway ( see Mrs TMay ).
Given the number of BBC staff working ‘freelance’, they might take an interest in what seems a fair degree of double standards, with which they also have considerable experience.
Both R2 and R4 doing 2050 eco-crusading
but I expect Vine is getting the usual kicking on Twitter
R4 12:15pm they opened on 2050 plan
The govt advisor Dr Phil Williamson UEA said the gains would be bigger than the £1trn cost
Then they went onto Drax CCS and played the WS clip which says it takes so much energy.
They capture 365T a year from their 15 millionT
at a claimed cost of 20% extra energy
“China is very advanced at the switch to renwables” ha ha
1️⃣ Greenhouse gas emissions in the UK will be cut to almost zero by 2050, under the terms of a new government plan to tackle climate change.
CO2 based AGW the greatest pseudo scientific scam ever pulled
40mins but quite interesting so set it aside for when you have some time , showing the cherry picking , date shifting , reliance on ice cores which dont match anything else then joining them up to non-ice core readings and previous readings so low they would have killed off plant life.
Doubt it on his personal feed. He has purged almost any who might point out he is an overpaid propagandist, thereby ideal suited to mislead bored housewifes with inaccuracy.
Not BBC but an example of the ‘big government’ that they campaign for:
Today I received a letter from a local charity to tell me that they had made £4.94 by selling a bit of furniture that I must have given them over two years ago. So it has cost them a letter and a stamp to ensure they can claim £1.24 gift aid.
\\ Playing a pre recorded (unchallenged) hatchet job on Boris Johnson,
giving a right of reply to a Tory MP (constantly challenged)
and giving a right of reply to THAT to Owen Jones.
And that’s the BBC’s your idea of balance?
This is activism not journalism. #jeremyvine #BBCRadio2 //
Look how Vine thinks this msg is so important he has tweeted the pic
..and given away that his staff have been passionate and written an instruction on it
audio with the usual Radio4 curated laughter
She tries to cover herself “It’s purely a fantasy”
.. “right wing politicians, they are so easy to hate” Projection is a libmob characteristic
Left-wing comedian Jo Brand 'fantasizes' about acid attacks on right-wing politicians.
"They’re very, very easy to hate, and I’m kind of thinking, why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?"
Unbelievable! I’d describe Jo Brand’s comment as ‘hate speech’ towards an extreme. Throwing acid on people???? Even if she had no intention of throwing acid at a politician herself then thiscertainly appears to be an attempt to incite others to do so . If the comment is hers, and there seems to be little doubt, then she is truly a disgusting person, and those applauding and laughing (assuming canned laughter is not being used) little better. She and others like her are the ones responsible for our fractured, failing society.
Oh Yesterdays Radio4 phone in
.. BiasedBBC “For the Few NOT the many”
What is it like to be LGBTQI+ in Britain today? And has anything changed since this edition of Call You and Yours from July 2018?
BBC says Boris is not for no deal. I am sure he will produce a watered down version of Treezer’s deal once established as PM I have been saying for some time that Boris is remain plan B and the BBC will hold back on criticism of him .
Boris wants us to think that, but I for one don’t trust him. Come to that, I trust none of the contenders, so am unconcerned who wins.
Boris may look good in the polls for the Tories right now, but now is irrelevant. If he hasn’t got us out by 31 October or has done on something like May’s capitulation deal, these polls will count for nothing.
Warning! NOT Biased BBC.
Last week I purchased items from the US (Benton Harbor, Michigan). I’m currently indoors waiting for delivery today. I was interested in the location – Benton Harbor – so did a search.,_Michigan
Seems BH has had a declining population since 1970 (16481) and now estimated in 2017 to be just under 10K. The racial makeup of the city was 7.0% White, 89.2% African American, 0.3% Native American, 0.1% Asian, 0.8% from other races, and 2.6% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.2% of the population.
It has a Mayor named, Marcus Muhammad.
In 2010, “There were 3,548 households of which 44.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 17.0% were married couples living together, 43.2% had a female householder with no husband present, 5.6% had a male householder with no wife present, and 34.2% were non-families.”
Wickipedia points out: “The demographics of Benton Harbor contrast sharply with those across the river in St. Joseph.”
Anything stand out in the figures above?
I won’t waste anymore space here, but the contrast can be seen:,_Missouri
Same story wherever you go – its called, White Flight.
White Flight Is a race hate term used and invented by the Fascist left to attack White people. Please do not use it as you assist the left in their attacks on us.
In addition there is no evidence cited which support such a notion that White people fled from Benton Harbour to St Joseph because of their racist views of black people.
White flight is a nasty term which demonises white people in an unfair and appalling manner, please be aware of the connotations of word like this before using them.
Radio this morning said that GPs have 3.6million more people on their books than the official population.They palmed it off by saying doctors must be double counting and dead people etc.
Why does no media talk about this figure and ask if it actually true ?
\\ So GP’s in UK claiming for 3.6 million patients more than people in the country,
I wonder if these doctors are from Asian heretage at £150 a year its a money maker //
and they want us to trust them with a £1 trillion Global Warming programme
and make the ridiculous claim it’s all OK cos thru being a world leader we will make that £1trn back
R4 at 12:20 claimed their guest Dr Phil Williams of UEA is a government climate advisor ..
strange his name is not about on Twitter.
Oh time expired its Dr Phil Williamson of UEA as I correctly stated earlier
He is mentioned on Twitter but rarely
and nothing about him being a government advisor so my friend is pretty sure the presenter was overstating and should have called him an activist.
White flight has been promoted on the BBC for years – its called Escape to the Country.
Many of those wishing to ‘escape’, invariably refer to the increase in traffic and how their current place of abode has gotten ‘busier’ over the years. I wonder if the truth is nearer the fact that the place is overrun with immigrants and they want to get out !!!!
I’ve been avoiding BBC & Sky so haven’t had much to complain about. Then this morning I made the mistake of opening the libtard Metro rag on the train to read this load of liberal rot. Lenny Henry must be on the same drug as Lammy. How is this fictitious narrative about TV being allowed to waste the time of parliamentarians?
Ethnic workers ‘fear noose’ to speak out, says Sir Lenny Henry
“SIR LENNY HENRY has claimed people from ethnic backgrounds working in TV are left ‘fearing the noose’ due to a lack of safe spaces to speak out.
The comedian, giving evidence to parliament, also called for a change in the law as he accused bosses of failing to help people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) backgrounds.
He said just 2.2 per cent of UK TV is directed by Bame people, adding that many were afraid to express themselves due to a lack of support.
Sir Lenny highlighted a conversation he had with a black BBC staff member, telling the House Of Lords communications committee: ‘The feeling was that there was not a safe space to say stuff that we were unhappy with, without getting oppressed or fired.
‘There needs to be safe spaces for people to vent their feelings without fearing the noose.’
Sir Lenny said increasing the number of minorities on screen was ‘like putting lipstick on a pig’, unless there was also changes in representation behind the scenes. He added: ‘This is an infrastructural change that is needed. Until they are actually brave enough to make a law and mandate something, nothing is going to change.’
The star said more funding and tax breaks for ‘diverse productions’ could also help.”
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that Ash Sarkar refers, in her new book, to the British working class as the ‘lower orders’. In…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
Three years on and we are still in the EU. Whatever happened to the most democratic country on earth?
The answer = Al Beeb.
Save yourself £154.50 and don’t pay the Telly Tax. They can’t arrest us all !
Tuesday 6pm-11pm page 4
– 8:40am to 6pm page 3
.. before that page 2
Bollocks. Twice second.
Don’t fret, don’t forget, the second mouse gets the cheese.
Blimy first ever second! Blast foiled by a conservative – nothing new!
I beg your pardon Sir !
Not a Tory, but a true Brexiteer from the ancient part of Great Briton. A supporter of UKIP & The Brexit Party.
Strength and Honor.
Vlad just asked where’s Karen Armstrong, who used to be the BBC go-to ‘expert’ for dissing the west and an apologist for islam?
Is that trolling ?
Cos a quick Twitter search shows she was on Radio4 on nday
and is plugging her new book
‘The Lost Art of Scripture – Rescuing the Sacred Texts’
Convicted liar and thief SNP Natalie McGarry given bail after 5 days of 18 month sentence.
Ahead of whether she can appeal or not.
I’m no legal expert, but that’s some leniancy.
Any doubts about Scotland’s Judiciary under the control of the far left SNP are well and truly answered.
Emm no her sentence hasn’t been cut short
She’ll go back and serve a proper sentence if her appeal fails.
I guess her appeal is very soon
and the Crown is insuring against a compensation claim if she did overturn the sentence,
by not implementing the sentence until the appeal is done.
Despite the guilty plea?
How can you plead guilty then appeal?
Well you can appeal against a custodial sentence
On my rounds this evening I see that the temperature is 9 Deg C.
Is this a coldest record for June ?
Try searching on ‘the net’ for the coldest UK June.
The summer of 1977 – following the 1976 drought – was so cold and wet crops rotted in the fields after combines had sunk to their axles when trying to harvest them.
But this was before global warming, of course.
The bias against Boris Johnson is now out of control. The left wing media (which includes the BBC of course) are all coming out with absolute fantasy about how terrible Johnson would be while in contrast Johnson’s popularity just soars.
Are we about to see the BBC self destruct?
“Are we about to see the BBC self destruct?”
Surely you mean, are the Tories and Al Beeb about to self destruct?
We have been betrayed by parliament .
We had snow in Derbyshire in June 1976. Stopped a county cricket match in Buxton.
76 ? sure ..that was the drought summer
yes the year of sharing baths, on a sunday of course 🙂
Apologies, it was 1975. See
BBC HYS comment deleting
The bottom of this page
does seem to show them deleting cos of
– namecalling with certain words
– mentioning moderation
– seemingly praising Frage Brexit etc.
Censorship .
And deleting links to this
Abolish the BBC television license
Petition signed!
131,125 people already signed at 9.10am + your truly makes 131,126. Looking forward to many more … hundreds of thousands.
Just signed it. 143,359 now!
154,699 now.
Back on the weekend thread @Luckyharry69
asked why the female commentator was so fit
“the black bird in the orange is well fit?
…and I would definitely give the bird on the right one?
well that is beautyism or #BackEndOfBusism
The way media prey on the human brains liking for beautiful women
that is known for both heterosexual MEN and heterosexual WOMEN
so despite diversity targets BBC are vastly not diverse in beauty
(Mentioned on a BBC webpage)
Faye Weldon who worked in advertising said that society is not divided into 2
ie men vs women
but actually there are 3 sexes men/women and babes
.. “every man in the office fancies those babes”
.. whereas their other female colleagues might as well be men as well.
Your brain has circuits in detect female fertility and those circuits can be conned
.. so that a pretty dress or make-up can turn a woman over the line into babe.
(apparently it works the same with men and suits)
The babes can be divided into 2
: those you actually desire and those you can understand someone else does
ie you don’t really desire babes who are so different in age or size from you.
“the black bird in the orange is well fit”
Well she was advertising fertility by having long hair
– seeming to have smooth skin ,
– A slinky dress enhanced that
– And cos it’s TV she looks the right height for you.
Obviously Maitlis thinks she is a babe, but I find her repulsive.
There are obvious exceptions when the BBC doesn’t choose a babe.
Emily Mantis

The praying mantis is a beautiful creature I get quite a few in my garden. They are quite cool to handle and have the ability to turn their head unlike most insects. They are one of my favourite garden creatures.
Emily Maitlis is revolting and makes me want to puke.
I’ve got a Mantis tiller.
It has a superb Honda engine, turns over the vegetable Patch in no time at all, and also has a bit of kit like a wire brush for cleaning concrete and brick paths.
I use it instead of watching the BBC.
interesting to observe Corbyns first time at parliament question time claiming he is for a nicer kind of politics and his speech in Trafalgar square insulting the American President that incited assaults from his fat racist purple haired pierced mob (one of whom it appears has a private company charging the NHS a premium as it transpired) upon anyone supporting a visit from our allies for the D Day commemorations, a nicer kind of politics indeed
I think it was a gentler type of politics?
Either way Corbyn reveals himself through his actions and inactions.
His spittle-flecked shouty-speech after the Peterborough was quite revealing. The man is an anachronism.
13-0. No comment required.
Couldn’t resist though. The Sunday League World Cup. My problem isn’t the pace. It’s the skill level. Defenders booting the ball anywhere. Headers going boing. Misplaced passes galore. Goalkeepers at full stretch diving three feet. It’s horrible and wouldn’t be fit for a local cable network, let alone state TV. Apparently, the USA coach was crying with joy after beating a national side 13-0. Great decorum. Bah, the whole thing winds me up.
Nigel Dodds when asked about the TV licence fee for the 75+ on ‘View From Stormont’ UTV replied – The BBC have stabbed pensioners in the back after George Osborne gave them responsibility for free TV licences (not the exact words)
Anyway, I have signed this Petition
Abolish the BBC television license.
The quality of BBC programmes do not reflect the price of the TV license. It is far too expensive for the majority of people and should be abolished.
Subscription is the way forward. Folk who don’t want State Broadcaster could then get their telly without living under the threat of imprisonment for not paying for what they don’t want.
It’s the same idea as for newspapers – no one is forcing us to pay for one title regardless of what and when we choose to read.
Moneywise –
“More than 860,000 TV licences were cancelled in 2017/18 compared to 798,000 in 2016/17, according to figures obtained by The Times.
This amounts to 2,300 cancellations a day and marks the first rise in cancellations in five years.
Online streaming services, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime video, do not require a TV licence to watch them and have seen a rise in popularity in recent years
the beeb showing President Trump with details of the Mexican border policy, then Obviously showing pictures of little kids who will be affected by breaking the law
BBC News
The Women’s World Cup explained in numbers. ⚽ ⚽ ⚽
Explained by a very attractive young lady of colour.
It is ‘one of the biggest sporting events in the world’.
And they wonder why they need to shovel the funding burden on those who do not know other options exist.
It’s like a dream.
Going well then.
Rob on defence.
Good try, mate.
Legally binding Green* target of 2050 is the State Broadcaster headline.
Is that like the March 2019 legally binding target?
Also can parliament bind future parliaments?
*tax and prescribed expense – oh joy.
Forget pensioners, I propose that only black people, muzzies and women should pay for the BBC as its only ever concerned with them, muslim rape gangs should get a lifetime subsidy as they are never mentioned, and white British teenagers should only pay half as they are only featured when the BBC need a picture about black knife stabbers
After your posts last night you’re on a roll again ..
And the reason ? see below:
Complaint Summary: Disgust with your endless promotion of muslims
Full Complaint: I, and many many others am sick of your endless promotion of this MINORITY. You are a publicly funded national broadcaster quickly becoming a laughing stock with ridiculous and irrelevant “stories” with your endless promotion of this gobby minority obsessed with their medieval views. How do you think the millions of Chinese, Japanese Philipinos, Sikhs, Hindus etc etc who happily integrate in this country feell about your endless decisions to put stories such as the “The mayor who wears a hijab” on the front page of the national news ??? do our other minorities not warrant this kind of attention on a weekly basis like this bunch ? or do they not whinge enough ? or should they have their own council of Britian and run courses in how to influence the media ? or should they just get on and integrate into our culture ? oh wait, they do…. You should be ashamed of yourself, on the same day on the FRONT PAGE you also promote muslims exercising their endemic homophobia by also legitimising their devisive protests with no mention of the death threats to the headteacher. (Did you evr cover the protests about the gay sauna in Luton and the hundreds of disusting homophobic emails sent by muslims to the council ? notice a pattern here ? you are journalists are you not ?) Your coverage of the real contribution of this minority to the biggest sexual scandal of this countries history which is STILL ongoing has been largely demoted to regional news and if it ever features on the front page has been seen to only stay there for around 2 hours as the next gang of many many muslim peadophiles are revealed, thousands of young womens lives ruined yet your obsession with (white Jewish) Harvey Weinstein continues on the front page. Disgusting, your obsession with racism is also noted but a another racist murder in South Africa ignored, wrong kind of victim for your agenda ??
BBC reply:
Thank you for getting in touch about the BBC News website.
I understand you feel our reporting focusses too much on Muslim communities within the UK.
The video you’ve linked to in your complaint is one of many ‘Your World’ films created by BBC News, telling personal stories about extraordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. You can see the full back catalogue here:
While I appreciate you don’t find Cllr Rakhia Ismail’s story interesting, this doesn’t mean that her experiences aren’t of interest or relevance to other members of our audience.
By reporting on protests against the No Outsiders programme we’re not, as you’ve said, ‘promoting Muslims exercising their endemic homophobia’. We’re providing audiences with updates on a story of significant interest. We reported on 20 May that a head teacher at a primary school giving lessons on LGBT equality has received threatening emails and phone calls:
We serve the whole of the diverse UK, and aim to provide accurate and impartial coverage of the issues affecting all communities and groups within our audience. I appreciate you feel this isn’t being achieved, and your feedback is noted.
Please be assured that your comments have been shared with senior editors within BBC News online on our daily feedback report.
Many thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind regards
Sarah Firby
BBC Complaints Team
Fair point
Sarah Firby is on a roll too . She was the one who fobbed my complaint off too . I wonder if it’s a ‘ management development ‘ job where she does a bit of fobbing for the BBC then gets a job at Marks and Sparks or some other past it ‘ British institution ‘
They should stick her in an office down Bury Park Road Luton and see how she gets on in a real muzzie ghetto, her walk home would be an experience for her, especially if she wears a short dress
I frequented Lutonistan for a while whilst chasing a lady girl . Being from East Londonistan I wasn’t overly shocked by the call to prayer Isis flags and death to Israel flags generously plastered around town .
I suppose most of the isis people work at Luton Airport .,.
It was working there for a while that opened my eyes to the real threat to our country, the older ones can hide their hate the younger ones coming out of their “special schools” at 3 pm could not hide their hate at seeing me (who can trace my family “clan” back to the coronation of King Malcolm of Scotland 1000 years ago) and most of their their contribution to this country started a couple of years ago in the back of a cross channel Argos container followed by a trip under the axle of a Currys lorry.
I also worked at a couple of the primary schools and during team games when they had to choose a team name the 95 % 7 YEAR OLD muzzie kids all wanted Al Quaeda as their name
integration ? forget it they ALL hate us and are teaching their ever expanding brood the same hate
Annunaki I fear as you fear for the future safety of your country-like you I can trace my direct ancestry back nearly 1800 years.
In this race to find a New Prime Minister one hat that has been thrown into the ring and is one that concerns me the most, that of Sajid Javid.
Sajid Javid was a one-time significant player in the 2008 global financial collapse where, as a senior investment banker, he was at the heart of the credit trading business and was responsible for structuring an emerging-market synthetic CDO as well (allegedly) as junk mortgages that incurred millions of dollars’ worth of losses for investors. He is extremely intelligent, well-educated, financially astute, presentable, experienced in public office and a real master of the four pillars of Islamic deception — taqiyya, tamriya, maruna and kitman-thereby dangerous.
The following I took from another subcriber close to my own thoughts ;- It is important to understand and remember that Sajid Javid is the man who, without having any ministerial remit in the area of government finances, organised and introduced the sale of toxic, Sharia-compliant Sukuk Bonds backed up by UK government mortgages on the London Stock Exchange when no other non-Muslim country in the world would touch them with a barge pole.
Sajid Javid defintely has an agenda and an ambition more far-reaching and dangerous than it appears to be on the surface. Having achieved one of the highest offices of State, does he intend to stop there?
No, and there’s a damn sight more to this appointment than just the future of Brexit, and by that I mean the future of the whole of the UK or, as I put it in the partially ( as partially paraphrased by an Edmund Burke quotation immediately below…
…”A stable homogenous culture is a partnership in all science and all art, a partnership in every virtue and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are dead and those who are yet to be born.”
That is logical, and I would suggest that…
…what is happening now is a betrayal of the dead who gave us such a firm foundation to destroy at our affluent leisure and a condemnation of those yet to be born who will spend their short, brutal lives in the chains we are permitting primitive alien cultures to forge for them. We are the damned if we continue in this vein, and history will record us as such.
The fact that there are over 75 million Muslims living in Europe with many millions more Muslims living in the UK, he has great support. Like many no doubt I pray Javid is knocked out of the Prime Ministerial race as soon as.
A bit like Rome, build a civilisation and all the barbarians gravitate to it and suck off its teat until dry, in fact like every civilisation that has ever existed they all fall for the same reason, the best argument for Brexit I can think of
for example :
Romanian arrived in Britain on Friday, was caught stealing from TK Maxx on Saturday and was locked up on Monday
Leonard-Valter Tudor, 20, arrived in Britain on Friday and was arrested Saturday
He placed £508 of goods in a foil-lined bag while in TK Maxx in Nottingham
Tudor claimed a Romanian man offered him a job shoplifting goods from stores
He was jailed for 16 weeks in a young offenders institute after his guilty plea
The Sajid Javid who particularly practices Maruna?
“Muruna is the use of “flexibility”.
To go into the enemy and his environment.
The justification for this kind of deception is a bizarre interpretation of Sura 2: 106, which says: “If we abolish a verse or forget it, we will replace it with a better verse or something.” Thus Muslims can forget some assignments in the Quran, as long as they pursue a better mission.
Muslims who strive to promote Islam can therefore deviate from their Islamic laws to induce non-Muslims to let their vanguard down and to put their trust in their Muslims.
Sometimes Muslims practice muruna in the same way as a chameleon that changes color to prevent detection. Muslims will sometimes shave their beards, wear western clothing or even drink alcohol to go to non-Muslims.
Nothing is more valuable to Islamists today than a blue-eyed Caucasian Muslim who is prepared to engage in terrorism.
Another common way to use muruna is for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim or to behave like a non-Muslim, so that their true agenda is not suspected………”.
Yes, that one!
Burke actually wrote “homogeneous”, as should we all. (I agree with everything you say.)
Coronation of King Malcolm in Forfar, Angus, Annunaki?
Malcolm 2 I am familiar with Islay, Jura, Campbeltown, Machrihanish (forgive the spelling always a problem there but a lovely beach to watch the sunset over the Atlantic )
how do these people feel who never ever see a muslim or a black person in their whole life yet turn on the BBC programmes they pay to see who are meant to present news and provide programmes for us or website and what do they see? they pay a sum to access a news service that fails to represent them, front page news last week the mayor who wears a hijab FFS
London stabbings : only white teenagers pictured
Don’t know if this has all ready been posted.
Came across it in some news feed from somewhere.
Toady and C4 news watch
Starting the day hearing beeboids celebrating some hairbrain idea about cutting emissions by 2050 with beeboids over the moon . Very depressing . But then I thought – “if the BBC likes it so much then it should cut its emissions to zero now – by dissolving itself ‘.
Then I saw that guido had found that the awful C4 news viewing figures had dived another 9% year on year . Now that really cheered me up .
C4 said the reason appeared to be the
“ increased use of the “off button “ “
I’m sure c4 news will do an in depth expose as to why so many people don’t watch it …. close 4 , save tax cash and give it to the pensioners .
Fed, sell C4 off to some rich American or Australian or both oligarch. Help pay for those defective F35s, 😉 as well as free TV Licences.
all-in-one TOADY Watch #1, 2 & 3
Theresa May’s Revenge: the outgoing PM is going to saddle austerity, debt and poverty on everyones’ children, grandchildren, great grandchildren & great-great grandchildren (if God allows the world to go as it is at present) via new legislation for the so-called Climate Emergency. In addition, on the stroke of midnight on 31 December 2049, everyone in the UK will have to stop breathing. And farting. Permanently. “Step away from that mince pie now!”
An effort of massive and brainless virtue signalling that will have no appreciable impact on the planet but will hit every low & middle income household’s bank accounts. The rich will become even richer and keep flying & driving everywhere. Caroline Lucas thinks there will be Green Growth to make us richer. Yeah, Caroline. Mould is almost certainly guaranteed in cold, damp homes and on top of food that cannot be cooked or stored cold.
Speaking of virtue, the BBC are owning up to getting some stick over their lack of virtue.
The BBC are being cruel to over-75s but they play clips of Labour Party toadies saying in Parliament yesterday that “it’s all the Government’s fault”. They might be in government soon, but the Labour Party decline to say how they will pay for it.
“Don’t they know there’s an Austerity on?”
Apparently, the Labour Party do not. That is despite their talking and complaining about it constantly along with grumbles from the Greens, the LibDems, the SNP, the PC & Change UK.
Because ‘No-one voted to make themselves poorer’ the Labour Party are determined – once again – to do so and are bringing a Bill to Parliament for which preparatory steps are being made this week, to ensure that our new PM will be – again – negotiating with Brussels with both hands tied and gagged & blindfolded as well. This will ensure that talking about austerity and complaining about austerity will continue far into the future with a £39 billion+ bill to be paid by UK taxpayers to Brussels.
Don’t you just love Labour?
They make the poor poorer and the rich richer, merely for their own political ends.
It reminds me of the obscene waste of our cash on the ‘ overseas give away Project ‘ which Cameron left us with .
Meanwhile – uk – social care – infrastructure – military -.forget it .
Caroline Lucas MP thinks public transport will be cheaper in Theresa May’s Brave New Green World .. er, I mean Brave New Green UK.
Since the Tory’s first ‘went Green’ (yeah, and mouldy!) in 1992/93, the minimum bus fare quintupled by the year 2000 and by then private bus companies were receiving government ie taxpayer subsidies to stay in business.
It could well be that that Overseas Aid budget will have to be slashed to keep the lights on and all those green businesses in wind power in the UK of the future.
Astonishing, the talent in Labour!
I mean, there was Jenny Chapman MP, Mind Reader, on Toady this am. She was asked if parliament had not actually handed the decision to stay/leave the EU to the people, and they had decided. Now parliament was trying to block the ‘no deal’ option? (WOW: honesty from R4!)
No, the Mind Reader said. She KNEW people had not voted for ‘no deal’, when they voted ‘out’.
She KNEW. Amazing. Even though she failed to read my mind. Cos I wanted ‘no deal’ from the word ‘go’, as the only rational approach.
And, since I’m paying for this fraudulent Mind Reader, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!
And as for the spiteful, selfish, dishonest and vicious ‘Theresa May’s revenge’- as outlined by Snuff, above? Well, seems she is determined to ‘leave a legacy’ of ‘leadership’ on Climate Change, however unrealistic the project of ‘no carbon’ by 2050.
‘Apres moi, le deluge’ or something like that, the French say. Having destroyed the Conservative Party, and wasted three years for everyone, she now also wants to destroy the country. Couldn’t care less what happens, as long as her name is up there in lights.
Prison would be to good for her.
Back to C4
I looked at the annual report – my read says on a turnover of £800 million the public service ( advertised) broadcaster made £5 million profit .
Now numbers gurus amongst will now that that really means ‘ break even ‘ at best . And the thing that saved them was involvement in a film
‘ Three billboards in America ‘ or similar .
In the 2 previous years c4 lost about £20 million each year . That’s a lot of licences …close it down
It will possibly be like trying to get a refund from Currys : Oh we don’t make them you will have to talk to Japan
The moment when Humph said” the British people voted to remain” just about summed the BBC up .
Apparently there’s more shocking news to come out at the BBC this week. They’ve found that one of their many many excecutives actually doesn’t take cocaine.
As I have written before the BBC should at least experiment
with advertising instead of stopping the free licences for the
over 75’s. I have suggested to the BBC they start with the
Londonistan Programme. I am sure that
many business entrepreneurs from the ethnic community in
London would love to advertise on this programme which
is shown three times a day featuring what is going on in the
“diverse” environs of the capitol. Last night was a perfect
example. Fellow indigenous Londoners , have you ever seen
anything like it?
Being overseas at the moment I get adverts on the BBC website – admittedly they are mainly for funding Islamic terrorist groups and building more mosques in Blighty – but is doesn’t get in the way of the biased content .
All they have to do is substitute commercial advertisements for the ones they already have advertising their own programmes. We can sit through the one, so we can sit through the other, knowing it is bringing in money that will make the licence fee unnecessary.
I heard on R4 news at 10pm last night, that Dominic Grieve will be be voting for little Rory Stewart for PM today. What a surprise.
Ritala Shah allowed Grieve to rant on for some time on the ‘people didn’t know what they were voting for’ line. Dominic was one of a number of people Ritala brought on to undermine the hated Tories and the democratic decision made by the people. Maybe she’s saving Oliver Letwin for tonight. Or even Bercow, if his voice holds out and he is willing to lower himself to speaking to anyone other than parliamentarians…
(Looking at that trio of names, why don’t they just join the Labour party and get it over with?)
Then she went on to give voice to a happy gay in Uganda, managing to squeeze in an attack on Kenya, for their policy.
And on it went, propaganda from first to last. Goebbels would have been impressed.
I try to be factually correct, so have to record an error in my 2nd last sentence: the happy gay was in Botswana, which has apparently changed its policy, not Uganda. Apologies, Uganda.
Putting me right on this was Jane Garvey, of wimmin’s hour fame, who-naturally- had to phone through her support to someone in the LGBTQ etc community in Botswana.
I had been listening to her programme because she started it off with an interview with a Guardian journalist (who else?) -and one from the Times, presumably to represent the ‘conservative’ view, on the chances of the two female candidates for PM.
They didn’t sound optimistic. Good reason? Listening to them, I fear that Theresa may have undone all the good work that Maggie did in demonstrating that a woman can be a good PM for the UK.
Of course, in those days you could generally rely on a Conservative to actually have conservative values; and Brexit might actually have meant Brexit? What a different world it was…
Long awaited: A bit more meat on the bone of Tommy (whose real name is……) Robinsons current legal predicament.
It appears the charges are: Strict Liability Contempt and civil Contempt. From my rusty recollection of Strict Liability it is, just that. You are clobbered whether you have a defence or not. The criminal element comes under, the Contempt of Court Act 1981 –
From what I remember at the time it all started, the defendants’ were entering the court only to have their sentences handed down rather than some point in the trial where ‘real’ contempt in reckless reporting would have been obvious. So, S.2(2) and Schedule 1 will apply.
The Code for Crown Prosecutors sets it all out clearly (dated 11th May 2018(?) –
G get your wig on and get down there but, as you said he will have no chance I was at Peterborough and saw the Police stating under oath they had no idea who he was, hmmmm but they were the same police, the same individual officer who was at the edl march in Luton, funny that
But of course we live in a diverse word so short sighted police should not be excluded
The police are not on our side.
Just Norm being Norm.
As a person who lives in a village and has always considered himself a bit of an idiot I wonder if it’s time for another complaint to Sarah Firby of BBC( Northern Ireland ) fame . ?
I’d be complaining on behalf of village idiots every where – including those in towns and cities .
Also – where is the BBC coverage of village idiots ? It’s meant to represent all communities but we village idiots are left out . I’m even fools and horses get their show …
The BBC is hiring Village Idiot Editors for all areas they cover, including Pidgin.
I had the wonderful experience of being at a village cricket match on the green in a village in Bedfordshire, and halfway through a muzzie decided to put a mat down and start praying in the middle of the green he could not do this at home or somewhere discreet for some reason but had to do it in the middle of the green
Surely that was time to trim the grass with the motorised mower…………..
Don’t complain: you had your chance to, ‘come out’ in June 2016.
59th. Yippee.
If you want light entertainment the Guardian has a blog about why the ‘ change UK ‘ party failed .
No mention that the majority want to leave the ReichEU
In passing the commentator said that there could be 12 red Tories who will leave their vile Party if Alex Boris Johnsonivich is next PM …
Ten more and you’d make Ben Bradshaw happy too.
“Ten more”. How does the song go? …….x green bottles hanging on the wall…………
9am R5 phone in
the Reverend Nicky Campbell will be pushing the 2050 Evangelism .
Interesting pic.
Are they dyeing CO2 black so other kids can see what Greta sees?
Speaking of kids, top scientists Treez and the Bbc…
Let us ask as to how this target is to be achieved? How will the electification of the country be altered, becasue without it nothing will move forward. Will they charge the farmer to get rid of all his cattle that is quite a contributor to Gas emissions-will they close the Hospitals? Yes of course it is stupid to think like that, however the Government Ministerial department responsible must let the public know exactly what the process of this massive change entails.
“….let the public know exactly what the process of this massive change entails.” And cost.
The use of, “trillions” crept into the language yesterday.
Apparently, we will all have to rip out our natural gas boilers and replace them with hydrogen gas boilers. A guy on Talk Radio said earlier that our bills will increase by 20 to 30% but went on to say the price of Armageddon is far greater.
One of the presenters then asserted that, according to the climate activists, the world will be ending in 12 years so we won’t see the increased bills!
And think of the space cattle are taking up that ought to be given to photo-something panels.
Bbc has all the good climate champeens rightly identified.
The gormless git hasn’t a clue.
“My message to you voters is: look how gorgeous I am, and sooo politically correct. Vote for me.”
Bbc5Live’s Facebook post has just 2 likes so far
They’ll be creating a whole new channel based in Strasbourg based on that.
May need a bit of funding from nearby, mind.
David Vance
Theresa also committed herself to ‘Brexit Means Brexit’ and that ‘No Deal Is Better Than a Bad Deal’.
Only saying…..
Mrs May is trying to show that she too is on drugs
..hence the mad green policies
Funny how no media ask if these fakegreens are on drugs.
I think Theresa’s last act proves what a truly spiteful woman she is, at heart – quite prepared to bankrupt the country she professes to love in pursuit of another box-tick goal – while the rest of the world giggles in embarrassment at her naivety and lays the foundations for more coal-fired power stations.
“Theresa May commits”
Like the opposite of labours:
there is no more money left.
As I leave office there is plenty of money left but what I’ve just commited the UK taxpayers to is complete bankruptcy.
I wouldn’t worry too much. She also promised to reduce net immigration to the tens of thousands.
Since when has she ever actually done anything she said she was going to do!
Newswatch with Lord Tone this week would be a hoot.
‘We think we got it about…. who cares!££££££!?’
There is a fundamental difference between earning and receiving. The BBC don’t seem able to grasp this fact.
Anyhoo… time for some real comedy, BBC treasure-styly…
That famous comedian who did Trevor Mc Doughnut, (Trevor McDonald. get it ? such a rapier wit on display there) well done Sir, so funny, and the rest of his repartee ? racist jibes at West Indian accents, again well done Sir, white comedians have been pilloried for the same
A bit like our dwarf mayor overseeing the biggest crime explosion in London since Jack the Ripper was about., doesn’t matter about the talent or ability if they are black or muzzie enough,
anyone with a top hat, surgical briefcase and a breadknife in their hands are a probably OK to wander about in Whitechapel with Khan in charge
They could even have their own tv channel. Oh! sorry, I totally forgot: they are well on their way to taking over our own “Worlds Most Trusted” aka, “another beauty”.
Preston’s College.
I had never heard of it, the College has a Wikipedia article.
With a very long list of the achievements of former students.
By a very long list I mean exactly one student.
“During the 1980s, British Comedian Lenny Henry re-took his O Levels at the college whilst appearing in a summer comedy show in Blackpool.[4]”
Re-took = Failed the first time.
The link was to a 404, so I will assume “Failed the second time”.
Does the diversity alarm sound different to the inclusivity klaxon?
Are we going to have one in every neighbourhood like air raid sirens?
9:30am Radio 4 Political Interview
Who has Nick R chosen ?
…Mrs Stephen Kinnock .. EU evangelist and head of Save the Children
… Her husband’s name hasn’t been mentioned in the prog.
Basically an anti-Brexit advert
Did Nick R ask Stephen Kinnock whether he, in his role as head of Save the Children has paid any attention to the Government’s claim that, as Oxfam, child abuse is rampant? Said Government mouthpiece yesterday said it was, “rife” in the charity sector.
@G … Mrs
Just wait till al beeb get hold of this story (they’re slow as usual, despite the £5billion):
“Female German boat captain, 35, faces up to 20 years in prison in Italy for RESCUING more than 1,000 migrants in the Mediterranean.”
They’ll be drooling all over it: a hot (don’t think the beeb are above using sexy pix when it suits their agenda) FEMALE captain (tick) saves the beeb’s beloved ‘migrants’ (tick) and the nasty populist (=fascist) Italian government want to jail her (yah boo – tick).
(If only she turns out to be a lesbian, their joy will be complete.)
Of course the said captain will never get anywhere near a jail, there would be a huge outcry, led by al beeb, and she’d be feted instead as a feminist saint.
In fact she’s colluding with the smugglers, so in effect she’s part of the criminal and murderous human trafficking industry.
So more invaders will keep coming, creating more problems for all of Europe, and more will keep drowning, but cap’n Ahab will have a nice tan and a warm glow of satisfaction.
For which the rest of us will pay the price for generations to come.
BBC #backendofbusism will surely propel her to greater heights.
Solo hiking the mountains of Morocco next?
Here she is collaborating with the traffickers off the coast of Africa.
Door to door service, if you please.
“Female German boat captain, 35,”
I couldn’t believe it; so I had dash home to Germany to have all these pirate looking tattoos on. My agent and 2 accountants says it will be money well spent.
Binoculars? Oh, is that what they are called?
A bit more sexy:
Did the kid make it to the dunes?
Funny how these penniless desperate people all have iphones, must be a paki shop in the channel somewhere, maybe they have set up shop at the bottom of the wind farm selling methanol vodka and sawdust fake fags to schoolkids
Clearly not penniless, but the funding likely took a hit with the cross channel service being run out of said shop, doing a nice line in life vests. And the iPhone gets thrown in so they can order a pick up from the Blonde SJW Uberground Service this side.
And an Oyster card thrown in
Desperation requires desperate measures and one does wonder how much the EU are behind this latest labour movement in Parliament. They need the £39b so desperately, that anything goes. And in the same sort of desperation the BBC have been promoting ‘Diversity’ in the desperate hope to boost BBC viewers and therefore license payers in our diverse communities. It hasn’t paid off, so, they have gone for the weakest members of society who mostly cannot fight back. They have virtually decimated any programs the over 75’s are likely to want to watch, even in their loneliness, replacing them with diversity drawing trash. Yet are shamefully driving forward with this shocking tax and expecting everyone to pay for what has become a mindset propensity of prejudice and propaganda.
Spot the Doctor Who ? spot the 85% white indigenous population of our country being represented who pay the TV license by the BBC, spot which ethnicity is responsible for the knife crime in London (a difficult one if you rely on the BBC for news) but a little clue look at the picture, , national disgrace
ANOTHER “Have your say” on brexit, from the eu.bc
anyone would think they have divide and conquer tactics in mind!
this is hate speech and I will complain also to the police please do so yourselves
Annu – I do wonder whether this is not only ‘hate speech’ (a vague term) but more concretely and worryingly, an incitement to violence and possibly, GBH? (Spread by our ‘public broadcaster!’) There could be a law about this; is it not a criminal offence? Any lawyers on this site?
In which Victoria advocates forgetting all she and the rest of the bbc have done and do to others.
Next she’ll be defending Carole Thatcher (joking).
Perhaps Victoria will post the full Jo Brand “I had a dream” routine which was just a vehicle for her to say of Virginia Bottomley “FO you tory bitch”?
As Polly Toynbee says, those ‘on the left’ are such nice people.
Tell that to Count Dankula.
\\ Yes, do listen to the whole programme, where after advocating throwing acid, Victoria says
“honestly genuinely all I care about on this topic or any other is
that people are just kind to each other” //
Paul Matthews
Dear Victoria,
I have always admired your wit, poker skills and indeed the parts Michael Winner waxed about so lyrically, but when it comes to excusing a coarse and prejudiced lout like Ms Brand, you are demeaning yourself.
She was not joking, she simply covered her criminal suggestion with the cloak of humour.
I really would have thought you could have recognised that fact.
Coren’s tweet looks as if written by BBC PR dept
‘we’ll construct an alternative narrative that people are being taken in by a DOCTORED video’
She’s also deleted at least one tweet
I told you the libmob gang protects its own
This needs to be writ large. Outrageous.
This b… was sacked for similar remarks. I wonder if they’ll sack Jo Blubber-Brand?
Rhetorical question, ‘course not. She’s a) a woman (sort of), b) a comedian (sort of), c) fat and ugly (definitely), d) left-wing and e) attacking Conservatives. Untouchable.
She could be accused of cultural appropriation
She is fat she is ugly and so fine for the left wing as nazi scum lady also demonstrates
BBC customer service if you think a fat ugly left wing man hating b… should be allowed to encourage battery acid to be thrown over anyone who disagrees with her:
0370 010 0222
Annunaki, (and anyone else who pushes the boundaries)
Much as I appreciate your input here, I have to ask you to moderate your language a touch, for the site but also for yourself.
We don’t want to open ourselves to censorship or worse by our enemies and nothing can really be hidden on the Internet.
TrueToo – I second your view – sometimes a little alarm bell goes off when I see some content . The primary purpose of this site is the BBC and its’ evil works .
Venting is one thing – but some times things are pushed very far .
As for the Jo Brand – no doubt her language will be referred to the CPS.
I understand ms Brand was a psychiatric nurse before she became what she is now . Perhaps , as a result , she has issues …like so many it seems .
Bitch ? you remind me of a particular national broadcaster, what is wrong with calling out a nasty bitch for what she is ? The Bernard Manning of the Corbyn world has repeatedly attacked men in the most disgusting fashion so does indeed earn that monikor, and you object to that precise description of her ? where is this word considered no speak in our Orwellian world ?
Also for myself ? Oh I can look after myself thank you TT as I ddi on the phone to the BBC just now and I bet you did not but just whinged about it
I knew you would t see that your overall attitude to this site is one of venting for yourself .
Others are angry to – but I am now going to waste my time going back a bit on your posts and deleting some . My judgement – if you don’t like it – so be it . But calm yourself down or go away
Already decided to delete my posts before you have read them ? Orwell Animal Farm
And, think yourself before you exercise your similar attitude to the BBC, HYS “venting” does this site offer anything else ? you yourself when I urged you and others to complain said it precisely: we just discuss on here
Another thing to think about before you spend your days winding up people but offer no outlet….
BTW see who gets the most likes, look above and, think, rather than vent which you just have, for using the word “bitch” FFS just saying…
In fact just fuck you and your whingers I am off
I’m not arguing with you as you will be unable to see my view.
The image of a former PM has been taken down .
I don’t get paid to keep this site reasonably clean .
If all you want to do is vent there must be more general sites to suit your needs . So calm down or maybe go elsewhere . Signed fedup
Yes you are, you have spent a while critcising me and brown nosing Too True also when he criticises me , my answerwas provided above to you sensetive souls who have decided the word bitch is anaethema so maybe the word s fuck you are better understood you spend your time here whnigeing with no action and probably will be in 10 years time with the sofa and keyboard worn out
Fedup2 can speak for himself but try not to rush to judgement so fast about me with no evidence.
Annunaki, please don’t go.
It’s a bit odd for Annunaki to complain bitterly about Jo Brand and others while he himself gets really hostile in his comments, even directing that hostility towards us, when all we are doing is trying to keep the site relatively free of it.
He can flounce off if he has to, but I guess he missed the part about me appreciating his contributions here.
Relativley free of hostility ??? , LOL as they say pleeeeeese it is the whole absolute point of your existence
“see who gets the most likes”
Don’t give a monkey’s I’m afraid – not keen on the swearing either ta.
Since when was Bitch a swearword ?
Coc oen
I thought you were off. Yet here you still are.
Politics by bandwagon; ‘Brexit’ not working out – announce a Green target and load us all up with tax and restrictions till the year 2050.
PMQs Watch
The beeboid called Emma Barnett doesn’t like Alex Boris Johnson . So she put the boot in about his leadership bid . I could care less but one could smell the bias through the radio .
Then we had the tedious parliamentary anniversary game – today 90th anniversary of Anne Frank birthday – Corbyn trying not to be anti Semitic – May bigging up the 2nd anniversary of a fatal fire in a tower block .
On the latter I’m betting channel 4 will be planning the film version.
Back to Boris – perhaps the best thing he can do is not to talk to the media at all – follow the President Trump line . They won’t be doing him any favours and what he says to them wouldn’t have much truth in it anyway ( see Mrs TMay ).
Can any one explain: we used to say “I couldn’t care less”, but now it seems to be “I could care less”. Is that a recent change?
I’ve been noticing that, too. “I could care less” doesn’t make sense – it means the opposite! I have a feeling it’s an Americanism.
I think it’s an Americanism.
Given the number of BBC staff working ‘freelance’, they might take an interest in what seems a fair degree of double standards, with which they also have considerable experience.
Well, they have just seen a hike in unique funding.
Last comment noteworthy; Jez being the one who has told the bbc they are safe under him when they get him in.
No conflict there.
The current shower in charge are stupid enough to let this happen.
Both R2 and R4 doing 2050 eco-crusading
but I expect Vine is getting the usual kicking on Twitter
R4 12:15pm they opened on 2050 plan
The govt advisor Dr Phil Williamson UEA said the gains would be bigger than the £1trn cost
Then they went onto Drax CCS and played the WS clip which says it takes so much energy.
They capture 365T a year from their 15 millionT
at a claimed cost of 20% extra energy
“China is very advanced at the switch to renwables” ha ha onto social mobility
Jeremy Vine is going full on about how awful old people are
CO2 based AGW the greatest pseudo scientific scam ever pulled
40mins but quite interesting so set it aside for when you have some time , showing the cherry picking , date shifting , reliance on ice cores which dont match anything else then joining them up to non-ice core readings and previous readings so low they would have killed off plant life.
Doubt it on his personal feed. He has purged almost any who might point out he is an overpaid propagandist, thereby ideal suited to mislead bored housewifes with inaccuracy.
Not BBC but an example of the ‘big government’ that they campaign for:
Today I received a letter from a local charity to tell me that they had made £4.94 by selling a bit of furniture that I must have given them over two years ago. So it has cost them a letter and a stamp to ensure they can claim £1.24 gift aid.
What a waste.
Jeremy Vine has got to be one of the best comedians on the BBC.
He has just told us that his parents had a car ‘made of wood’ – a Morris Minor.
Dear Jeremy, the car was made of metal, like all Moggies. The wood was a poseur’s extra.
A Traveller no less.
Apart from the estate.
\\ Playing a pre recorded (unchallenged) hatchet job on Boris Johnson,
giving a right of reply to a Tory MP (constantly challenged)
and giving a right of reply to THAT to Owen Jones.
And that’s the BBC’s your idea of balance?
This is activism not journalism. #jeremyvine #BBCRadio2 //
Look how Vine thinks this msg is so important he has tweeted the pic
..and given away that his staff have been passionate and written an instruction on it
That he has blocked many from pointing this out on a public-funded outlet feed is but another BBC ‘unique’.
I can see a tweet below his
that sats “this tweet has been removed”
is that yours
That means a celeb can not only block you but stop the public seeing what has been said about him.
“This is activism not journalism”
The Mirror does this. We can choose whether to buy it or not.
State Broadcaster can be The Mirror too. I wish it well and hope they can at last become an honest player and find willing subscribers.
The Jo Brand acid thing
There are magnitudes more tweets about it , than about Vine’s show
Hey Danny Baker, what do you reckon ?
audio with the usual Radio4 curated laughter
She tries to cover herself “It’s purely a fantasy”
.. “right wing politicians, they are so easy to hate” Projection is a libmob characteristic
Hope not hate?
Unbelievable! I’d describe Jo Brand’s comment as ‘hate speech’ towards an extreme. Throwing acid on people???? Even if she had no intention of throwing acid at a politician herself then thiscertainly appears to be an attempt to incite others to do so . If the comment is hers, and there seems to be little doubt, then she is truly a disgusting person, and those applauding and laughing (assuming canned laughter is not being used) little better. She and others like her are the ones responsible for our fractured, failing society.
Remind me what happened to Carol Thatcher?
Oh Yesterdays Radio4 phone in
.. BiasedBBC “For the Few NOT the many”
BBC says Boris is not for no deal. I am sure he will produce a watered down version of Treezer’s deal once established as PM I have been saying for some time that Boris is remain plan B and the BBC will hold back on criticism of him .
Boris wants us to think that, but I for one don’t trust him. Come to that, I trust none of the contenders, so am unconcerned who wins.
Boris may look good in the polls for the Tories right now, but now is irrelevant. If he hasn’t got us out by 31 October or has done on something like May’s
capitulationdeal, these polls will count for nothing.Neither do I trust him. In the 2016 referendum he only openly joined the LEAVE side when there was a possibility LEAVE might win. Boris is for Boris.
Warning! NOT Biased BBC.
Last week I purchased items from the US (Benton Harbor, Michigan). I’m currently indoors waiting for delivery today. I was interested in the location – Benton Harbor – so did a search.,_Michigan
Seems BH has had a declining population since 1970 (16481) and now estimated in 2017 to be just under 10K. The racial makeup of the city was 7.0% White, 89.2% African American, 0.3% Native American, 0.1% Asian, 0.8% from other races, and 2.6% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.2% of the population.
It has a Mayor named, Marcus Muhammad.
In 2010, “There were 3,548 households of which 44.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 17.0% were married couples living together, 43.2% had a female householder with no husband present, 5.6% had a male householder with no wife present, and 34.2% were non-families.”
Wickipedia points out: “The demographics of Benton Harbor contrast sharply with those across the river in St. Joseph.”
Anything stand out in the figures above?
I won’t waste anymore space here, but the contrast can be seen:,_Missouri
Same story wherever you go – its called, White Flight.
White Flight Is a race hate term used and invented by the Fascist left to attack White people. Please do not use it as you assist the left in their attacks on us.
In addition there is no evidence cited which support such a notion that White people fled from Benton Harbour to St Joseph because of their racist views of black people.
White flight is a nasty term which demonises white people in an unfair and appalling manner, please be aware of the connotations of word like this before using them.
Radio this morning said that GPs have 3.6million more people on their books than the official population.They palmed it off by saying doctors must be double counting and dead people etc.
Why does no media talk about this figure and ask if it actually true ?
\\ So GP’s in UK claiming for 3.6 million patients more than people in the country,
I wonder if these doctors are from Asian heretage at £150 a year its a money maker //
and they want us to trust them with a £1 trillion Global Warming programme
and make the ridiculous claim it’s all OK cos thru being a world leader we will make that £1trn back
R4 at 12:20 claimed their guest Dr Phil Williams of UEA is a government climate advisor ..
strange his name is not about on Twitter.
Oh time expired its Dr Phil Williamson of UEA as I correctly stated earlier
He is mentioned on Twitter but rarely
and nothing about him being a government advisor so my friend is pretty sure the presenter was overstating and should have called him an activist.
White flight has been promoted on the BBC for years – its called Escape to the Country.
Many of those wishing to ‘escape’, invariably refer to the increase in traffic and how their current place of abode has gotten ‘busier’ over the years. I wonder if the truth is nearer the fact that the place is overrun with immigrants and they want to get out !!!!
If you can’t find the Brexit Party has done anything wrong, smear with coulda or mighta.
Meanwhile, tumbleweed at BBC Towers over investigations into Peterborough vote rigging.
I’ve been avoiding BBC & Sky so haven’t had much to complain about. Then this morning I made the mistake of opening the libtard Metro rag on the train to read this load of liberal rot. Lenny Henry must be on the same drug as Lammy. How is this fictitious narrative about TV being allowed to waste the time of parliamentarians?
Ethnic workers ‘fear noose’ to speak out, says Sir Lenny Henry
“SIR LENNY HENRY has claimed people from ethnic backgrounds working in TV are left ‘fearing the noose’ due to a lack of safe spaces to speak out.
The comedian, giving evidence to parliament, also called for a change in the law as he accused bosses of failing to help people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) backgrounds.
He said just 2.2 per cent of UK TV is directed by Bame people, adding that many were afraid to express themselves due to a lack of support.
Sir Lenny highlighted a conversation he had with a black BBC staff member, telling the House Of Lords communications committee: ‘The feeling was that there was not a safe space to say stuff that we were unhappy with, without getting oppressed or fired.
‘There needs to be safe spaces for people to vent their feelings without fearing the noose.’
Sir Lenny said increasing the number of minorities on screen was ‘like putting lipstick on a pig’, unless there was also changes in representation behind the scenes. He added: ‘This is an infrastructural change that is needed. Until they are actually brave enough to make a law and mandate something, nothing is going to change.’
The star said more funding and tax breaks for ‘diverse productions’ could also help.”