Missed something ?
Backlinks to previous thread
– Friday afternoon page 5 : Boris bashing, Jo Brand unbashed, Chuka, Question Time , Peterborough and our Orwellian world
– Friday morning and Thursday late page 4 Rainbowing, Trump trolling media by writing “Prince of Whales”, Lammy , Burkas, Question Time, BBC-nepotism, Beeboids saying “Jeremy Cor ..hunt” 10 times, Brands acid-shakes , Tory leader stuff
– Thursday daytime page 3 : Attention-Seeker-Lammy , a lot of Jo Brand, removal of Gordon Brown’s licences fee bribe
BTW if you want to see if anyone has added a new comment to an old page
– Ctrl-F to bring up a search box
– and then type “June 15”
and that’ll highlight posts with today’s date
Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden is leading President Trump by double digits in Michigan, according to an EPIC-MRA poll released Friday.
Six hundred “randomly selected” people, who were considered “likely” voters, were surveyed June 8-12. The poll found Biden enjoying an 11 percent advantage over Trump in the hypothetical race, 52-41 percent. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percent, giving Biden a solid advantage.
Against Sargon they spun the line “Jess Phillips cried cos of his tweet that said he wouldn’t rape her” MP Jess Phillips ‘cried in the street’ over sick rape ‘joke’ by UKIP politician
whereas Farage has been attacked multiple Times
and he’s supposed to ‘man up’
That suggest a double standard and sexual stereotyping by the libmob side.
BTW Victoria Coren appeared alongside Jess Phillips on
that cliquey libmob show #hignfy to trash Carl Benjamin for his joke about her, which they call ‘harassment’ and ‘hate speech’.
This is the same organisation that did not hear the plaintive cries of tens of thousands of young White and Sikh girls being gang raped by Pakistani Muslims over decades.
The BBC goes on to tell us “In 2017 she was sacked from her role as a model for cosmetics company L’Oreal, following claims she wrote that “all white people” are racist in a Facebook post.”
But the BBC seem to be able to verify the “claim” that she was racist… well BBC, she was spouting anti white racism on you own filthy channel:
But this BBC “journalist” is incapable of verifying her racism, that’s because they are not journalists, they are lying propagandists.
Apologies if this was mentioned on the previous thread , I’ve only been able to post now .
Around 7am this morning Radio 4 was interviewing someone who was the head of Conservative Council of Muslims or some such organisation whatever it’s called . Thirty six years in the party and going to leave if Boris Johnson is elected leader of the Conservatives and thus Prime Minister.
He doesn’t like Boris Johnson ( nor do I ) .
He doesn’t like Boris for that article he wrote a couple of years back which alluded to Burqua clad women .
Now I never read any article by BoJo because I think everything he writes is insensensible, but obviously the man man must have some great qualities even if I can’t see them otherwise he wouldn’t be where he is today .
But my main point is that this Muslim fellow was given a free pass by the BBC , in that he also criticised Johnsons other shortcomings not as a general overview of reasons not to elect Johnson , but as a backup for ( his view ) Johnson attacking a particular garb worn in the Middle East and transplanted here .
Nowhere was he asked if this was his individual view ,or representative of his organisation, or the Muslim view overall .
Or if BoJo had never written his piece would he have the same opinion of him .
No , we must have identity politics in 21 c Britain .
Johnson’s burqa comments received more coverage than recent ‘grooming’ gangs and all these terror plots which are buried instantly now; the charming chap who tried to set off a pipe bomb on the tube as children were on their way to school has been memory holed. I can’t even remember his name. Can’t imagine that would be the case if he had been a ‘far right’ terrorist!
Boris was only saying people should wear what they like, and reinforcing it by saying, If they want to look like letterboxes, let them, it’s a free country. Why do people get so cross?
But Bojo didn’t attack the burqua, if I remember correctly he wrote something like, ‘if women want to look like a pillar box, that is their right’, I think I am paraphrasing to a greater degree, but it certainly was defending a woman’s right to wear one. Nibor you have been brainwashed by the BBCand the MSM. They told the lie enough times and it becomes truth.
The York Festival of ideas is On
i have just been thru the list of 100 events
As ever there is a similarity with metroland BBC/Guardian
in that there is a schedule with science/kids/arts but Green/Womens activist events are scattered thru it like adverts
There are a couple of history events I would have gone to if I’d been in York, but nothing justifying the journey.
I love scientific scepticsm and the finale on Sunday is that topic, but the session is with 2 Guardian journos and a global warming activist http://yorkfestivalofideas.com/2019/events/
Oh look who has a charity that goes into schools and educates CHILDREN about #FakeNews
It’s the Guardian’s NewsWise programme
..one of the most devious and dishonest news sources on the planet.
I’m surprised Acid Attack Brand didn’t make it to Newswatch.
Also that programme forgot that a Labour Party leadership debate was shown on State Broadcaster TV mentioning only Major. I’m glad they showed a couple of the ‘questions’ put by lady journalists at Boris’s recent launch.
Dear filth, errr…. i mean BBC (easy mistake since filth and BBC and synonyms… )
If Chelsea Russell could be convicted for posting rap lyrics from Snap Dogg’s ‘I’m Trippin’ on facebook because a police officer was offended…
If Mark Meecham can be convicted for a joke video of his dog doing nazi salute…
If Kevin Creehan, can end up dead in prison because he put a bacon sandwich outside a mosque…
If Tommy Robinson can be dragged on the street for reading from a BBC web site on a live stream about Islamic child rapists and be convicted and jailed within five hours in a kangaroo court…
If James Goddard can be arrested and dragged through court for calling Anna Soubry MP an Nazi…
Then why is it ok for the media to encourage people to engage in criminal assault throwing milkshake at people, which ramped up after encouragement by the media?… and why is it ok for the BBC to the escalate the problem they created by pushing the throwing of acid at people?
Any decent person is for free speech for Jo Brand… but also for free speech for Chelsea Russell, Mark Meecham, Kevin Creehan, Tommy Robinson, James Goddard.
I can’t believe what is going on in the UK, its just shameful… also the BBC has nothing whatsoever to do with “public service”… this disgusting organization should be shut down, and its employees tried and jailed using the same sick and disgusting “hate” laws they promote.
The thing is maxincony, i’m not asking anyone to take my word for it, people can go and search these names, and find out that the statements i made are essentially true. That’s why included the names.
BTW, its nice to see you defend Joe Brand, obviously you think that the 465 acid attacks in London in 2017 alone is funny…. the majority of which were in Muslim areas… because you know women should stay indoors, which is why Muhammad punched his six year old child bride (Aisha) in the chest.
No, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre says the total was 5,860,000 not 6,000,000. So even Simon Wiesenthal denies that those 140,000 Jews that maxincony mentions were gassed. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has also placed Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, fourth on the list of top anti-Semites.
aaah maxi, so glad you dropped by. You owe me a public apology.
I listened again to Allan Little’s ‘A History of Hate’ episode on Wednesday 5 June. I was quite correct in my previous assertions. It was loaded with errors in just the first minute, let alone five minutes, and they were not disagreed with or corrected by the American academic.
Strange thing, too, you tried to pick me up on something that was easy to check and on which I was right and you were wrong. But where were you in the previous week when I had a couple of real howlers in two of my posts that were equally easy to check up on? They were so wrong that I realised later that I should have checked before posting (one was about Bojo’s conversion from Remain to Leave) and I corrected them myself later. Why did you not spot those? Your credibility – if you ever had any – is completely shot.
So come on then – apologise.
Try and restore just a little bit of credibility as far as I am concerned.
Well hay maxincony , nights again ?
And its nice to see you back once more . Perhaps you can offer us some examples of Al Beeb’s propaganda and anti-Brexit Bias? Perhaps you can make some criticism of the ending of free licenses for older people instead of Trolling for your employer ?
If I can make this offer of advice – you are one good reason for ending Al Beeb and for not paying the Telly Tax.
Keep it up !
taffman, LOL and a very good point in that penultimate sentence.
With friends like maxi …..
A minor correction though, IIRC maxi has said he does not work for the Beeb and one of our computer whizzes (Stew?) tracked him down as something to do with the theatre.
I have also been wondering, especially since maxi tried to pick me up on that Allan Little-thing so quickly, whether maxi is Jewish and is a self-hating, anti-Israeli Jew. They do exist. Now. And very much also in the past, up to one hundred years ago (remember that number, maxi?) where Communist atheistic-Jews in positions of power in Russia persecuted or permitted or went along with the persecution, imprisonment and murder of other Jews.
It would be great if maxi was really open and honest on here about himself and also about the BBC. For myself, I welcome critics of posters on here, in the same way that some of our regulars may well have voted Remain, want to be in the EU and don’t go along with the general pro-Brexit tone of many on here, self-included.
So, maxi. It is up to you. Why not play a full part as a registered user on this site and not just snipe from the sidelines once in a while?
Yes taffman. Or a drama Queen for Al Beeb? Wonder whether maxi would own up to having done work for the BBC Drama dept. in a new spirit of openness between him and us? Has he taken their shilling in the past?
Or is he a disgruntled, failed, playwright who having had a few scripts or ideas rejected, thinks he can work his way into the BBC’s eventual favour with his drive-by-snipings on here.
Think I might be inclined to the latter view but am not sure. Over to maxi.
Evidence against is the time of maxi’s posts. They tend to fit with the ‘luvvie’ lifestyle, particular the treading the boards lifestyle. Play finishes at 10pm-ish, post-end chat & wind down, off to pub or bar for a few drinks, maybe food as well, home either side of midnight. Computer on, ‘let’s go for a drive by sniping, now who?’ ‘I know, BiasedBBC, the target for tonight.’.
Plus, could Lord HawHaw actually work a computer? I have my doubts. Seems pretty incompetent ….
Jo Brand got Carol Thatcher sacked after Thatcher said OFF air that a black tennis player looked like a “huggable golliwog“.
Jo Brand not sacked after saying ON air “Why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid”.
Therefore, Jo Brand would not have got Carol Thatcher sacked if Thatcher said OFF air about throwing something at a black tennis player “Why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid”.
I fantasize about a letter from Lord Hall to Fiona Bruce explaining the BBC rules:
Dear Fiona
Saying that someone looks like a Golliwog or a letter box is a more serious crime than keeping someone off Question Time by throwing battery acid at them. Because if two thirds of those invited on to Question Time who support Brexit are in hospital due to acid attacks. This would justify the BBC’s ratio of Brexiteers on Question Time.
Your most Lordly, Lord Hall
-‘pointedly refused to apologise’; good for her, Maxicony.
-what you mean is grovel before self-appointed liberal elites! Obergruppenfuehrer Brand was unhappy, eh?
BtW Robertsons shouldn’t have allowed themselves to be intimidated by the ‘liberal’, actually SOCIALIST elite – Nazis, actually, on the Golliwog issue. Actually : National (adjective) Socialists (noun)… Nazis.
-people know the difference between liberalism (concerned with FREEDOM, and SOCIALISM, obsessed with EQUALITY and therefore Political Correctness.)
Facts, who needs them?
YOU do mate. Try to be less self-righteous….
The only solution now for him is to get back to that quaint bbc defence recently that something didn’t happen because bbc research did not know it did.
Maxi, what on earth are you talking about?
If Brand hadn’t created such a hullabaloo about Thatcher’s innocuous remark, Carol wouldn’t have been sacked.
And can you honestly defend someone fantasizing about throwing acid in a fellow human being’s face?
It’s not just Brand who is sick, it’s the BBC for allowing this vile encouragement to pass through their editorial control and the usual lefty mob who squealed with laughter.
Just what is so rib ticklingly funny about this sickening concept?
Where do they find them?
And more to the point…
Why do you defend them?
J – Cui bono?
“She later apologised for what she called a “crass and ill-judged” joke.”
With a typical lefty smirk, on what may loosely described, as a face.
The BBC scrutinised the programme contents before broadcasting and found nothing crass or ill judged.
Brand is not only not sorry, she will be delighted by the publicity and attention.
Everyone seems to be overlooking the part Adrian Chiles played in the Thatcher/golliwog incident.
Both Chiles and Brand share the same attractive if well-used features, which apparently endears them to certain sections of our enviably liberal society.
The thing is maxincony, i’m not asking anyone to take my word for it (or yours), people can go and search these names, and find out that the statements i made are essentially true. That’s why I included the names.
Nice to have a visit from the site troll although he sounds a bit under the weather . Perhaps even he realises that he and his type are on a sticky wicket with regard to humorous incitement to acid attacks by Far Left , well paid BBC approved comedy types like ms Brand .
As for the numbers mentioned in the discussion – it is hard to imagine what a million people look like yet alone 6 million -or more like double that for the true number the Germans caused to be murdered …
Toady reports that comrade Corbyn has said that there is no evidence that Iran attacked oil tankers. Ok I thought – so be it – but then I remembered there were questions about comrade Corbyn taking money from Iranian State Broadcasting – I checked – apparently it was £20k .
Yet there was no mention of this in the news report – that fact is relevant to the story in my opinion .
As I write this I recall the was TR stories are reported – his alt name is always thrown as well as his involvement with EDL.
Strange how some people get the ‘back story ‘ included and others don’t isn’t it . ?
I suppose the BBC is wary of upsetting comrade Corbyn in case by some accident he should become PM.
So Marcus Meechan is convicted and fined for teaching a puppy to do a Nazi salute. He is poor and could not get a job whilst he was under investigation. He suffered immensely.
Jo Brand, as we all knew, was not convicted for inciting violence. She is rich from a career of troughing (I bet she was paid a good few grand for her appearance on Radio 4.).
Nobody is going to train a racist puppy army to conquer Europe. Many already have been violent against political opponents. And whereas Meechan obviously had no intention of emulating Hitler, Brand (like many BBC cultists) clearly has raw and genuine hatred for political opponents.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
The state is playing a very dangerous game running a kind of ‘ two tier ‘ legal system where certain kinds of ‘ incidents ‘ receive the whole force of the criminal justice system – whereas others – such Brand – get a free pass .
Yesterday barristers were whinging as usual that the system is close to breaking down . On the evidence of the kind of trivial incident you describe versus the Brand crime ‘some might say ‘ let their system fail.
Just another part of the swamp
On the subject of the “law” – I listened to some of the Sumpter talks being put out on the BBC – a biased retired Remainer judge . What a surprise the BBC gave him air time . I couldn’t listen to it all as I was shouting at the radio and this idiot too much
I regularly am so infuriated by BBC output I have to switch the radio off. I really should stop listening but it’s force of habit and I do still like some of it. On Radio 4xtra last night they had Podcast Hour or something at 9. Within a minute they must have mentioned fifteen buzzwords – must be a record.
“LGBT . . . Trans community . . . Celebrate diversity . . . Young BME experience . . . Gender, gender, gender.”
Quit the obsession with race, sexuality and gender!
It was all over for this country when they started policing different communities differently. I never studied jurisprudence but it’s obvious that the law must be the same for everyone otherwise the whole thing falls apart at the seams. Bizarrely it is the groups doing the most wrong who seem to get a free pass.
The BBC, and hence Treezer, are in colourful mood at the moment.
Trouble is, this trend for lighting up or decorating buildings to commemorate sad things, happy things or just things that make them feel gay all over is rather leading to clashes almost hourly.
So we have No.10 busy Grenfelling and US Embassies the BBC approve of going rainbow, clashing big time.
Surprised there is not a Minister for Son et Lumiere and a BBC Virtue Signalling Editor ready to spark outrage lest the former miss out on the latest display within approved timeframes.
Well he would say that, wouldn’t he?
The rest of Raab’s claim is hidden behind a paywall which no longer, if it ever was, seems good value to me.
He is probably one of the candidates the EU would not like to win.
Solely because he is not one of the full on pro EU traitors we have seen at work for three years.
What scares, nay terrifies, the EU (and both former leading UK parties), is not Raab, but Nigel Farage.
Nigel Farage, backed by the British public who have had enough, more than enough, of this lefty, globalist, nonsense.
Nigel Farage, holding a real manifesto for change, change which will destroy the comfortable lifestyle enjoyed by
millions of fellow travellers.
A public who could not give one single **** about the EU and want it to collapse.
A public who care deeply about Europe and want to assist our fellow Europeans in the collapse of the EU.
Hopefully Mr Raab (it is probably the right honourable but I could not care less) will be the final Conservative PM.
Because his party have not been Conservatives for decades, even the bitter enders in the Conservative membership are now acknowledging this.
Whoever succeeds May [edited out call to violence. Please refrain from it – TrueToo -]they will be unable to attract the voters.
The last real rabbit in the Conservative hat left some time ago.
All they have left now is “What’s up Dom” or a version thereof.
I’ve been pondering this and agree that the red Tory party deserves extinction . I was wondering whether some sort of axis between mr Farage and alex Boris
Was doable – I know there is the alpha male issue and bad words exchanged in the past
But the reality is that the Brexit Party has traction whereas the red Tories are a joke now .
In reality – Boris has to have a ‘ leave ‘ cabinet . With Raab as chancellor and who knows – make JRM the brexit minister – Rory Stewart can be minister for making the tea – with a caveat that he might be in danger near a boiling kettle …
TBP needs to attract former Conservative voters.
MPs, forget the idea.
I stated recently on this site that I wanted a Conservative Government. I also stated that, despite reservations, Boris was the best person to lead that Government.
I have changed my opinion.
What has changed my opinion, apart from recent election results, is the behaviour of so-called Conservative MPs in the leadership contest.
They still believe that after three years of lies, duplicity, and treason, a few kind words, and a few promises to do their best to deliver Brexit, at some unspecified time in the future, under some ill defined conditions which may or may not be Brexit, will mollify the UK electorate. They are so wrong.
What we want, if I may presume to speak for millions of people, is a party that does exactly what it says on the tin. Now we have such a party. The normal genuine, Conservative voter can look at the alternatives, there are none, if they want their UK back, it has to be The Brexit Party. This also applies to numerous supporters of what, decades ago, used to be The British Labour Party, now the anti British Globalist Party.
Fed, better to have J R-M as Chancellor. He knows how to save a bob or two. Maybe Raab as Brexit Minister with Francois and Baker in echelon support.
If Bojo wants to ‘unite’ the country, put Corbyn’s nose out of joint, and be thoroughly Leave, he could make Frank Field Work & Pensions Sec and give Kate Hoey a role, too.
If, at some time in the future, a UK court determines that a certain individual is guilty of treason,
and the penalty for that treason, is death by hanging, then the sentence must be carried out.
This, currently figmental, court may wish to consider whether or not the condemned individual showed any contrition.
I believe the court may find that there was no remorse.
I believe that the court may find that the treachery actually intensified.
I believe that the court may find that the, now condemned traitor, continued to act in a treasonous manner for as long as possible. That the condemned traitor deliberately tried to destroy the UK economy in a final act of treacherous defiance.
[Please don’t share dark fantasies here, LastChanceSaloon. I had to delete your last sentence. It was just too foul.]
Last chance
Sadly The death penalty for treason was repealed under Blair when the Human Rights Act was introduced . ( if I’m wrong – advanced apology )
On jo Brand – her agent a Kruger-cowne is offering her as an after dinner speaker at a guide price of £10000 to £20000. I wonder how much she charges to do charity events ?…( obviously one might hope the answer is ‘nothing ‘…)
I’m just fantasising that she’s the one who pays to speak and I still wouldn’t go along to watch her, throw something over her yes. Again just fantasies.
F – “an after dinner speaker at a guide price of £10000 to £20000”
After a dinner during which she will have eaten £10000 to £20000 of food.
Who can afford that?
The after dinner speech industry really is another world . I had to ‘hire’ a celeb once for something I had to organise and their ‘fees’ were eye watering – specially if they were a beeboid or c4 type.
I won’t name who I hired – but I am ashamed to say that the person works for the BBC and appears on the TV regularly –
When you know how much these characters are making for a couple of hours ‘effort it makes you look at them even more closely …
What a particularly wretched day it was on the bBBC yesterday.
The second anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire and boy were we made to know it.
A whole day of sanctimonious coverage with each presenter trying to outdo the others in terms of care, seriousness, earnestness. Full-on brainwashing.
And no querying obviously of the strange rag-bag of genuine survivors, local hangers-on, Far Left hangers-on, trouble-making anarchists, and the naive concerned, all hiding behind the appropriated green branding.
But the class action being prepared for the US courts on the matter exposes a rather different motive.
The almost professional standard carefully orchestrated victim culture determined to keep the matter in the public eye in order to make the gullible feel sorry for them and thus to maximise the future payout.
It really bothers me ……120 flats in Grenfell Tower and only 184 families now in permanent homes with 17 still to be dealt with. The Beeb sees nothing wrong with these figures. Almost but not quite 2 families to a flat and that’s without adding in the victims.
Mrs Kitty
Too many people coming in to this country despite Government promises to cut the number .
Too many people -Too many promises.
Vote and support The Brexit Party or UKIP.
“Papers: Boris “unopposed” and Gay hate crime doubles”
Are they trying to make a connection between the two headlines ? Is some intern at the BBC trying to virtue signal in the hope of getting onto the gravy train ? The BBC loves to play these childish games.
“Are they trying to make a connection between the two headlines ?”
They have been doing this for years. It has become more frequent.
I suspect that have had some software specially written for the purpose.
All the provsional headlines are entered into the software.
Which software then generates numerous alternative headlines and sorts them all into
provisional sets which offer potential opportunities to mislead readers, slander opponents or otherwise
demonstrate “Why you can[not] trust BBC News”.
A BBC employee then selects which are published.
Very late I know but away last week.
I see that our world class NHS was at it again.
It turns out the total number of GP patients in the UK exceed the total population by 3.6 million.
Now if I claimed public money for a service I had not provided I would no doubt be charged for fraud.
But in the NHS…….well we can’t have all that grubby accountability and proper management, can we?
I laughed at your ‘one person’ comment.
But it reminded me of a friend who worked mainly in the pharmaceutical industry who got a job temporarily in the records department at the local NHS hospital. Said friend was no political operator but a kindly well-meaning God-fearing person.
She reported that to her shock it was a total mess, with patient records strewn all over in paper files. At lunch times it was hard to work though, as some hospital doctors used it as a bolt hole to eat their lunch and so took over the work desk space.
Such professionalism!
And people say the beeb have lost their sense of humour. Even the oh so caring Victoria Derbyshire had in the studio, get this, a Trump baby balloon ( tee hee). Then the hilarious Jo Brand said Farage (far far right don’t you know) should have acid thrown in his face instead of a milkshake.
Oh my aching sides!
Always impressive when BBC Press are told to back up BBC senior executives.
Cutting presenter or manager pay wouldn’t mean BBC could afford free licences for all over 75s without closure of major services audiences love. Policy Director Clare Sumner writes in today's @Telegraph after Allison Pearson's column this week pic.twitter.com/RuVFjIC7Ls
Dover – our problem is that there is a risk of the licence tax being subsumed into general taxation and thus the one tangible ability of object to the licence fee – non payment – is lost .
However -,as time passes subscription will be seen as the ‘norm’ by the majority – particularly if stuff is just better on those platforms than the far inferior BBC output – so tied down by the need to tick boxes that what quality there was – goes … along with audience numbers ….
Being a pessimist I fear that the BBC will argue that as it is losing 800 000 licence fees a year its current funding should be replaced by ‘safe ‘ general taxation – so it’s just waiting for the next red government to turn up…
There is a possibility of taxation as a source of BBC funding. But that’s a decision that will have to be accounted for when there are many other demands. I suspect that The Brexit Party will have a say, particularly if they have MPs .
The BBC will not moderate itself either financially or politically.
The BBC and the NHS are similar political and financially bloated beasts. At least the NHS provides some useful service to the public.
The Brexit Party will never have an MP as long as unrestricted postal voting is allowed.
This was brought in by the Blair government, and is doing exactly what he must have wanted.
The number of postal votes can be manipulated easily to get the result which the dominant local party wants. I firmly believe this is why Nigel Farage was cheated out of his seat at Thanet in 2015 and why the Brexit Party were cheated in Peterborough.
Postal votes are a way for the two discredited main parties to maintain their positions vis a vis any challenger party. Votes can be pulled out of thin air as and when required. If they are not needed, then they don’t need to be counted. There is no need to have a North Korean style result, winning by a few hundred votes if just fine.
I suspect an issue in Peterborough was a block vote at play. I also think this could be two edged sword as Labour could be seen more and more as a party for a specific section of the electorate.
I see Jeremy Corbyn (real name Albert Steptoe) has tweeted his suspicion that the US govt may well be wrong in blaming the mining of US tankers in the gulf on Iran. So we have the American govt with access to a whole arena of intelligence including video evidence versus Albert Steptoe sitting in a metal bath tub, cutting his toe nails and surrounded by pickled onions. Hmmm who to believe? Who to believe?
Not G, I have this awful vision of a grizzly, dribbling old bloke, being led to the latrines by two despairing nurses, while his dangly bits just start to ooze…
Blimey, I’m going nuts (sic) here, and I haven’t even had breakfast…
chancy, think I’m with Corby on that one. There is this peculiar rush to judgement that afflicts both our present crop of MPs in Conservative Cabinets (am pretty sure same would apply if Labour were in power) and the BBC. Think Gaza and the ‘innocence’ of Palestinians merely protest marching. Later, we learn the truth about the kites and the attempts to breach or damage the fence. Think Rakine Province in Burma. Destruction by Burmese military. Possible, yes. Probable – in part or whole – yes. But what about a False Flag attack? They happen. Uniforms are easy to put on anyone.
In this age of satellite imaging, I would have thought that the USA would not be giving anything away about their capabilities or putting lives at risk, by revealing a picture sequence of, say, vessels leaving the Iranian coast and approaching/attacking/removing objects from the tankers.
Secondly, why the rush to war? (Yes, obviously the BBC would love that for all sorts of reasons including justifying the LF and charging over-75s for it.) Why not more measured talk from, say Jeremy Hunt, about obtaining clear proof but then stepping up protection for civil shipping, irrespective of who was at fault? Something that could, and should imv, be done by the UN and some suitable ‘peacekeeper’ nations.
The UN is proving itself to be not just pretty much useless in the 21st century but part of the problem, especially, it seems, in the Middle East.
Snuff! Don’t confuse me with any facts on the gulf crisis. My mind is made up!
It’s just that Corbyn takes the supposedly ‘reasonable person’ stance on everything. It makes me cringe every time he writes something, says something or stands by something.
chancy, I don’t want to worry you but when the Skripal Affair happened, IIRC Bojo was the first to shoot off his mouth and if his hand had been anywhere near the nuclear trigger we might have had some real global warming for Extinction Rebellion to experience.
Agree that Corby is a pale, shadowy figure, a wraith when it comes to dealing with much in this world, except ranting about how evil Tories are, how evil Tory austerity is, etc., … . I wish he would take a stand on unemployment. Labour have gone very quiet on that for 22 years now!
I would also not put it past ‘The (Washington) Swamp’ to try and set up President Trump with some new conflict (now Syria has gone/is going, I hope, quiet) perhaps so there can be a conflict between the Pentagon, or some of the Joint Chiefs, and their Commander in Chief. Especially now that the Primaries are close and the 2020 Presidential Campaign only a year away.
“Are too many Army officers privately-educated?”
Oh, how Al Beeb ‘loves’ Britain’s Armed Forces .
The best in the world . So why do they seek to undermine them ?
Isn’t it time Al Beeb was open to “Freedom of Information requests”?
They would be if the MoD and the civil servants were “taken out” of the picture.
As it is the British Armed Services are man-for-man the best in the world but if we are talking about weapons, supplies, financed then they are no were near the best in the world.
ves, there’s another example that could have gone in my post above. Although in that case it was not the politicians but the Beeboids rushing to judgement on the IDF. Oh, they are killing Palestinians!
Later, we learn that most of the injuries are bullet wounds to the legs, the IDF having deliberately shot low despite their own safety and the security of the fence being under threat.
Scrobie, quite correct but I believe the IDF do it to try to minimise fatalities. Seem to recall Mark Regev (before he was Ambassador to UK & just a Media Spokesman for Israel) saying so on BBC R4.
It is also true that a leg-sot is not guarantee of avoiding a death but I always find it hard to believe, where there are questions of doubt in, say, a police shooting how highly trained marksmen cannot aim and fire to disable rather than shoot-to-kill in the micro-second it takes to move aim from a head/heart/chest shot downward. Especially so when working at close-ish range with a hand gun.
Which is not, I assume, what the IDF were doing which was using sighted rifles, etc., from a distance. Which tends to confirm my belief that their primary objective was avoiding fatalities.
Most military minded people know that its only America who is holding the IDF back from attacking Iran. Still, Israel should be applauded for its willingness not to attack Iran.
The US/UK are side by side with our Israeli friends.
Sky News thinks it has identified a ‘plot’ for Boris to become PM unopposed.
Wonder what they said about the ‘natural succession’, when Prince Gordon was ‘given’ the Premiership by King Tony. 2007, was it?
The media asked no questions, saw nothing wrong in it, and most certainly didn’t suggest a General Election.
After all, the two had sat down in the Granita and – over coffee and cognac?- agreed to ‘share’ the Premiership between the two of them, legend has it.
Apparently you can share out a fiefdom by such informal means. Gordon was the unquestioned ‘natural successor’. Internal election in public? Why, not the mighty Labour. After all, things could only get still better for the subjects /peasants couldn’t they?
Gave a whole new meaning to the concept of ‘my country’…
Come Dine With Me International: Ethiopean edition.
Homes Under The Hammer. From Palestine.
Cooking With Jeffery Dahmer.
The Mosque Murders, Oops, sorry, that one has been made.
The Adventures Of Brexit. A very British farce.
The Katie Price On The Game Show.
Blue Peter. Special London edition: How to make your own stab vest out of toilet rolls and sticky black plastic.
Donald And Theresa: A special love story: Viewers may find the content distressing.
Steptoe And Son. Remade with Jeremy Corbyn with Dianne Abbott as Hercules the horse.
Match Of The Gay.
The Genderation Game.
Safeguarding of children isn’t “conservative”, Playboy isn’t “empowering”. My response in @thetimes to the NSPCC/Bergdorf affair, shamefully misreported by @Guardian and @BBCNews. https://t.co/l9UFSYJeOz
#Orwellian : 9am BBC Humberside news
The young Goole councillor Nick Coultish (21) has been sent to a workers re-education camp in Siberia (Swinefleet actually)
The Tory Party has ruled that he should be sent on a “Diversity training & cross-cultural awareness programme”
.. This is after Buzzfeed in May ran with a piece cutNpasted from the Labour Party who’d been through his old tweets from when he was a student, well before he became a councillor
BBC repeat the quote he “repeatedly made anti-Islam comments online”
…. NOPE there were only two ,
a third tweet said Islam is not a race.
Also Buzzfeed said he ” compared Islam to Nazi Germany ”
And that’s what the BBC repeat
Actually that is creepage cos he never said directly Islam is Nazi
but libmob like to throw in the toxic word “Nazi”
He said
“Britain withstood the Blitz and got up,
had a cup of tea and got on with rebuilding the next day.
We will stand against the tide of Islam”
on March 23, 2017.
In the second tweet, he quoted someone
Quote of the day:
‘There are two forces killing our people and our citizens
: Islam and political correctness’
Third tweet
Im SICK TO DEATH of hearing the word ‘racist’.
and were not racist for having a opinion dif from mainstream media.
The timings of the Tweets
March 22, 2017: Khalid Masood drives a car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before jumping out and stabbing a police officer. Five victims died.
May 22, 2017: Salman Abedi blows himself up after a pop concert by Ariana Grande at Manchester Arena. There are 22 fatalities.
I’m listening to the SJW presenters on all BBC News channels asking what are the causes of knife crime and murders in the black community (not much of a community if they are committing such violent crimes against each other)?
Now they’ve let Jo Brand off the hook, I’m feeling quite cocky.
Years ago, the BBC broadcast a documentary called ‘Jamaican Family Courts’. It was broadcast once and never seen again (it’s not even on YouTube). Anyone know where I can view it? it’s harder to find than that film clip from the 1950s featuring David and Jonathan Dimbleby as boys driving around in a dinkey little car and speaking with high pitched RP voices.
Evening Standard: “Plumstead and Wandsworth murders: Fourteen arrests after two killed and three injured in 12 hours of violence in south London”
A big story, but I can’t seem to find it on the World’s Most Trusted and Funded. Perhaps they’re protecting their favourite ethnics, and their favourite mayor.
Useless Khant said he was “sickened” following the deaths of the two teenage boys.
On the up side – the BBC reports that one Ismael musa 26 has been charged with stabbing and robbing the young mum with 3 year old son in a park in Islington last week – mr musa – of course – is a local man ….
30 minutes . Not a single brexiter spoken to – no mention of The Brexit Party or N Farage – I think the MSM is trying to airbrush them
So who got to talk – Hilary Benn -as anti democracy as ever -.his dad must be looking down saying ‘ how the hell did I breed that ?’ Benn junior is continuing to undermine the Brexit vote with the connivance of the speaker and traitors like Letwin – who also got a speaking part .
A couple of Tory bag carriers talking about Rory Stewart as a candidate ? Must be a lot white powder about .
Then a couple libdems trying to explain why anyone should care about who is leader of the Lib Dem’s.
This stuff is so detached from how brexiters are thinking it’s frightening ( see EU election / Peterborough results as evidence) .
Business as usual for al beeb – for the time being .
Conclusion: Any prorogation to secure Brexit would necessarily be longer than has recently been customary. Here, again, the fanatical Remainers in Parliament have provided the justification: using dubious, even doubtfully constitutional, measures in Parliament to “stop Brexit” gives any prime minister a cast-iron case for prorogation to secure the implementation of the public will as expressed at the ballot box. The latest, unsuccessful Commons vote to remove the WTO option from the Government, piled another stone upon the cairn of parliamentary loss of credibility.
The Attorney General Geoffrey Cox confirmed to the Cabinet this week that proroguing Parliament, though controversial, would be legal. With no sign of demented Remainer intransigence diminishing, prorogation emerges as the sole sure-fire method of delivering a clean Brexit. Speaker Bercow’s angry and incoherent attack on the proposal showed his fear of it.
As a new prime minister fails either to win meaningful concessions from Brussels or to break parliamentary obstruction, expect to see prorogation become a more prominent political topic. All that is required is the courage on the part of a prime minister to employ the lawful device our ancient constitution has put at his disposal.
Whether any of the current crop of posturing Tories have the resolution to do so is questionable, but haunting both them and the electorate is their awareness of one incontestable fact: Nigel would not hesitate.
Sounds like Cox wants to keep his AG job under Boris – same with the Cabinet Secretary saying we are good to go on leaving the Reich in 1 – 3 – 8 days ( again)
Years ago, Chris Tarrant on TISWAS used to drench members of the audience in the cage by throwing buckets of water over them shouting manically, “this is what they want!” very much in the same way that the BBC is forcing womens football down our throats.
This video clip might be the tonic that you need…
That video Cassandra is the funniest thing I’ve seen in years! Honest to God, I had tears rolling down my face ???? Every beeboid should have to watch that, take a truth pill and then tell us that women’s football is so good ????
Certain unpleasant characters are being thrown to the fore at the BBC, and they’re very, very easy to hate, and I’m kind of thinking, why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?
That’s just me, sorry, I’m not gonna do it, it’s purely a fantasy, but I think milk shakes are pathetic, I honestly do. Sorry.
“I think it is vital that we as comedians remember that one of the reasons why the public feels alienated now from us all as a breed is because we are muffling and veiling our language.”
Guest, you’d imagine would-be comedian Nish would be a fan of Les Dawson’s unmuffled, unveiled language … but, somehow, I doubt it.
What going on with school bullying.?
The lib establishment pushes Rightophobia
and says its OK to label people as subhuman & milkshake “punch a Nazi” etc
I bet kids are running across the playground saying
“Briggsy’s a Nazi, milkshake him”
… and teachers & the media would cover that up.
I go on Twitter to check
and cos I searched the word “school” Twitter pushes a Scots Gov advert at me
… Why are they using OUR money to advertise on Twitter ? @UKGovScotland
The UK space sector is taking off.
Watch to learn more about how the UK Government is helping Scottish technology businesses to make the most of this exciting new industry: https://www.deliveringforscotland.gov.uk/investment-projects/spaceports
@spacegovuk #DeliveringforScotland #LTW
What is in a handshake- In Switzerland it has been customary for the students to shake the hands of their teachers at the begining and end of the shool day. It is a sign of solidarity and mutual respect between teacher and pupil, one that is thought to encourage the right classroom atmosphere. A Minister of Justoce in Switzerland felt compelled to further explain that shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life much as it has been in France. The reason this Minister felt compelled to speak out about the handshake is that two Muslim pupils aged betweem 14-15 who had lived in Switzerland for several years, refused to shake the hands of their teacher who was a woman, claiming this would violate Muslim teachings that contact with the opposite sex is allowed only with family members. Yet they have no compunction about contact with the opposite sex when indulging in sexual assaults. However what this shows is that even at the smallest and seemingly inconsequential issue Muslims are challenging the laws and customs of the infidels among whom they have been allowed to settle-as we can see the same in the UK that each little victory or defeat will determine wether Muslims will truly integrate into Western Society or instead refashion our societies to suit their requirements. The present Muslim Home Secretary must never be allowed to become Prime Minster-otherwise Islam will have won.
Just listening to Any Questions panellists all agreeing enthusiastically with the proposed ‘legally binding’ legislation to acieve zero carbon emissions by 2050. I’m sure none of them are actually qualified to evaluate the climate science but they are all happy to jump on the bandwagon. No one questioned how the legal binding aspect can be acheived. Will there be a climate compliance gestapo?
In the jokey question about getting people to talk to fellow passengers on trains, I know there won’t be legislation on this, it being just a nudge idea, but no one questioned the nanny state element to this.
They haven’t got a clue, any of them. I don’t think this will come to anything in the long run, parts of it will be quietly shelved, and the whole forgotten in a couple of years.
We need another King Canute. In recent years our legislators have gone mad creating legislation that binds government or local authorities to achieve targets that may not even be possible.
At the end of the day there is nothing that can be done if the targets aren’t met, it just allows the activists their day in court at public expense, but to what purpose?
Politicians have always made promises. The system used to be that if they didn’t keep them and we were bothered by that enough we voted in a new lot.
We the same with Brexit, some politicians trying to legally rule out ‘no deal’ yet any deal requires the agreement of all parties and in the case of Brexit parliament can only bind one side.
Because we have the BBC. Britain leads the World in this left-wing lunacy, with a Tory Party more left-wing than the Labour Party on Climate Change.
We have the international media looking on at Britain with bewilderment. In America the Republicans have politicians with scientific qualifications and Trump has them in his family. Trump is fighting back by insisting that environmentalists in authority are replaced by scientists. In Parliament, scientists have only got Graham Stringer, and he is a Labour MP. The last I heard was that the scientifically ignorant members of the governments science committee where trying to eject him from the committee due to his opinion that its all just a hoax, as does the scientist and brother of the Labour leader, Piers Corbyn. A culturally Marxist Tory party taking sides with left-wing environmental activists fighting against scientists in our universities. University administrators barring scientists but not environmental activists from debates on university property. Most of the BBC’s science correspondents and advisors not having any scientific qualifications. And then we hear that Tory Brexiteers Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom want to declare a “Climate emergency” because of advice from a sixteen year old Swedish schoolgirl. Environmentalist propaganda in primary schools introduced by Michael Gove indoctrinating Primary School children to vote for the Green Party. Also causing Children to commit suicide over a problem that does not exist. A Tory government funding Children to go on strike and lobby politicians on Climate Change. Primary School Children arguing about Atmospheric Physics with scientifically qualified parents who think it’s a hoax.
Meanwhile we have the latest explanation of what is meant by “Hoax”:
Ten years ago Astronomers knew that the key to whether Carbon Dioxide causes Global Warming or not, would be found if a formula worked for the Greenhouse effect on both Venus and Mars. A coincidence was found that lead to the evidence that Carbon Dioxide warming was false or as Donald Trump says “A Hoax”. This is because the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth. This lead to the production of the “Unified Theory of Climate“ by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, which produced the formula that works for both Venus and Mars, proving that the atmospheric mass/gravity/pressure Greenhouse effect of James Clerk Maxwell, found in 1888, is correct. Gravity pulling molecules downward producing the heat gradient. Therefore, two 19th Century scientists James Clerk Maxwell and William Herschel were correct. One 19th Century scientist Svante Arrhenius produced the most damaging and expensive mistake in the history of science.
Excellent as ever , I’m no scientist beyond the triple science A levels which I took just before the apple iPhone hit newton on the head – but – what constantly frightens me is the absolute certainty that these climate types ( nearly used the loose language – fascists ) display and that any dissent is heresy .
I still say there are to many non understood variables to enable fully confident predictions ( see weather forecasts at the minimum ) yet whole economic plans are being shaped to tax fuel, freeze the elderly and stifle economic growth – because – as you say – dumb politicians look at a 16 year old girl in awe – see milliband junior …
For the Psychology you should read: Global Warming, A case study in groupthink, by Christopher Booker (ISBN 9780993119002). I was cured of groupthink by asking for the results of carbon dioxide warming from an atmospheric chamber. Scientists either could not get funding or were already sceptical of getting any results. So even ten years ago, scientists who were intelligent enough, already knew it was a hoax, and those not intelligent enough didn’t even ask for the results of carbon dioxide warming from an atmospheric chamber. Now we live in a country ruled by London based left-wing middle-class morons.
I’m no scientist but I wonder if the warming in the West over the last 50 years or so is not caused by increased CO2 or other greenhouse gases, but rather the lack of it. I once saw a documentary that claimed that a huge volcanic eruption near Jave (possibly even Krakatoa) happened in something like the 7th Century. The result of this, and increased volcanic action around the world, put lots of debris into the atmosphere and as the Sun could not warm up the Earth’s atmosphere a mini Ice-age occurred. Think of the Arthurian legends.
During the 19th Century, the winters in this country tended to be colder and snow was expected every year, and industry was filthy and emissions were unchecked. Annual snow was still happening when I was a child in the 60s. In the Midlands and Yorkshire we would have three or four really good falls of snow most winters, lasting for a few days – and lying for a week or more. We also got really thick fogs (real pea-soupers), the likes of which I have not seen for decades.
Around this time we got the clean air act, and at the same time a lot of industry was closing. The air was much healthier to breathe but the sun had far less obstacle to warm the atmosphere. I’m sure that in the rest of the West the same thing was happening.
During the 19th Century, as I mentioned above, industry was really unconfined and the Midlands and North produced filthy smoke in all industrial towns. And as I said winters were significantly colder than they had been. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, there had been a period of consecutive good summers producing an abundance of crops, which led to an explosion in the population. Then we got the Industrial Revolution and winters got colder I believe.
Prove me wrong by all means, but my hypothesis is that clean air helped cause the small amount of global warming we were encountering. The reason for the current pause in warming could be that the air is no cleaner, or less polluted, than it was 20 years ago or so once the effects of the clean air act and reduced industry had established themselves.
You are talking about changes in the Earths Albedo caused by volcanic eruptions and smog. Volcanic eruptions putting lots of debris into the stratosphere seem not to have happened after 1913, so are irrelevant in changing the Albedo since 1913. Also observations of Industrial smog in China show that its rather localised and comparatively irrelevant compared to the Cloud cover. If you look at a book about Astronomy, it will tell you that the Earths Albedo is 0.36. In the last hundred years they used the Moon to estimate the Albedo. Most results were assumed to be errors because they ranged from 0.26 to 0.4, but satellites proved that these results were probably correct. The biggest observed changes to the Earths Albedo occur over the Pacific Ocean. A geostationary satellite stationed at the crossroads of the Equator and International Date Line, taking a photo at midnight GMT, every 24 hours, will show you the greatest changes in Albedo of any Planet in the Solar System. Other planets have air pressure so high that they have 100% cloud cover all the time, while others with lower pressure than the Earth have hardly any clouds, if any. So there is no evidence that Carbon Dioxide, Smog or Volcanic eruptions have caused Climate Change within the last two hundred years. Observational evidence obtained by Enric Palle indicates that a reduction in the Earths Cloud Albedo between 1913 and 1996 is what has caused Global warming. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. If Solar Cycles are short, they have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. The plasma travels the same distance within the Sun, every Cycle. So the extra average speed of the plasma, per cycle, induces the extra average strength of the Suns magnetic field, per cycle. The explanation of how high energy cosmic rays can change the level of lower cloud formation has been complete and proven since Henrik Svensmarks cloud chamber results in 2006. An hour long DVD about Cosmoclimatology called “The Cloud Mystery” has been produced by an independent production company. The DVD can be purchased on the http://www.thecloudmystery.com website. A book called “The Chilling Stars” was published in 2007 after Henrik Svensmark completed his work. Professor Henrik Svensmark, was invited to speak in the Committee rooms of the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 about this. The REAL cause of Climate Change.
Richard, good I like that. I was aware of the Solar Cycles major influence on climate, as well as the effect of volcanic eruptions. As fa r as smog goes, you say the effect shown in China is localised, but in the Industrial Revolution period, effectively beyond WW2, major parts of the West, including most of England, were creating the smog. As a result the effect would, surely, be more general than localised. Or to put it another way, lots of localised areas of smog adjacent to many other localised areas of smog.
As this is a world-wide phenomenon, I still wonder if the effect of cleaner air in the once-industrialised part of the World, assisted by severely reduced volcanic activity (as you point out) since 1913 is what has allowed the sun’s heat to come through with less to temper its effect.
Question: Adverts containing ‘harmful’ gender stereotypes have been banned because they lead to “real world harm” according to the advertising watchdog. Have you ever been harmed or hurt by a gender stereotypical advert?
Answer: No, because Adverts containing ‘harmful’ gender stereotypes have been banned. However, “real world harm” has been caused by Adverts interrupting a good documentary, causing harm and hurt to all those stereotypical genders watching the TV, with the exception of all those harmless non-stereotypical ladies with the pipes and trousers, and harmless non-stereotypical men with an irons and an aprons on BBC programmes that do not get interrupted by adverts.
Jim – nonsense ????advertising performs a human duty to make us desire stuff because the stuff will make us better , happier , richer , wiser , more successful and … we ll live for ever .
Buy stuff , it’s good
( I always wanted to be in advertising ) …. just one moral step up from the law and politics … and the BBC ….
There can now be a whole world of counter stereo typing
Black wimmin partnered with white men
Wimmin who can reverse a car
Men who can find the TV remote
White hetero englishmen presenting the news…
The topic of advertising is of interest to me not least because it is how State Broadcaster could fund itself should not enough subscribers be found to fund the lifestyle it has become accustomed to.
Advertising is already a feature on SB websites when viewed from overseas.
I know it is a touchy subject as viewers don’t want adverts. They are happy instead for their channel choice to be subsidised through the financial compulsion of other TV users.
Not Gwent
I like playing the ‘product placement ‘ game most . But I am an occasional connoisseur of really bad daytime TV adverts …. like ‘the over 50s something plan ‘ or the ones where just £3 will buy little mo a book on building IEDs ….
Just listened to R3. They are ‘advertising ‘ the end of free TV licences already . I’m thinking some prospective Tory leader is going to fall into the ‘ make it free ‘ again trap. ….
They are also evidently happy to sit through interminable trailers, tasters and plugs – all adverts save for source, though that too could be reasonably challenged by Ofcom, were they to show any small degree of interest.
And the trailers etc cover those few original programmes sprinkled sparsely between the repeats. All for just £154? What a bargain.
Interesting. Basically this is on course to be the coldest June since 1991, and the 17th coldest June in around 360 years. Strangely I can’t see this on bBBC. Maybe I should email Greta and let her know?
The doomsday enthusiasts always have an answer. If the month has been super-hot in come the ‘told you so’ comments. If it is super- cold the comments turn to the affected climate moving the jet streams into unusual places. If it is super-wet or super-dry, well it’s obvious isn’t it: Unusual weather patterns can be expected by a climate on an altered course. If the weather is normal, don’t worry mate….your time will come as sure as eggs is eggs.
Fox News has an item that President Trump wants AF one to be repainted to make it ‘more American ‘ . Obviously some democrats are moaning . I’ve not seen the design but I bet there’ll be a ‘red baseball cap’ with MAGA on it over the cockpit …or maybe they don’t like the wings being covered in gold leaf ..
Where are all those on the right who should be shouting this from the rooftops.
There’s too many of these stories coming out such as Thanet South (boxes missing and huge delay), the Tower Hamlet frauds, I’m hearing boxes of votes going missing in South Shields (where labour ended up winning) and I think most of us on here are highly suspicious of postal voting and corruption.
Every time it’s the left who end up ‘winning’ these seats, there never seems to be any fiddling to give the right a fraudulent win.
Why is nobody making a big deal about these continuing dodgy results.
We know the electoral commission are stuffed full of lefty remainers but surely there must be some honest people out there, they can’t all be corrupt, can they?
I wrote to the electoral commission last Monday complaining about the large number of postal votes for labour. I got a very snotty email back, the sort of fob off you get when you complain to the BBC Their parting shot was if I still had a problem then to complain to Peterborough council.
I fear you have answered your own question EG. The simple fact that so many results have gone mysteriously and, literally, unaccountably ‘the wrong way’ does look very much as though the majority are corrupt. And if not directly so, then happily prepared to allow others to prostitute the electoral system and to watch democracy become a thing of the past – which amounts to the same thing.
“Why is nobody making a big deal about these continuing dodgy results.”
Perhaps because some people are not analysing the results in a calm, reasonable, and intelligent way. They are so desperate to see evidence of fraud that they misread information, jump to conclusions, and are helping to discredit any serious concerns that people might have.
Some comments in the DT in particular have been absurd.
For some strange reason the BBC is leading with the three separate murders in Londonistan in the last 16 hours – getting the ‘average ‘ 1 every 3 days back in place . Lots of arrests and no doubt pleas for the ‘community’ to remain calm …
Meanwhile the Emir of Londonistan busily continues to plot his return to parliament to become the first muzzie PM
diggFeb 24, 11:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 And it seems they don’t appear to have to concern themselves with planning regulations too much, so many instances where…
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MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:19 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” {bbc.co.uk aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-49259942 1765…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Counter-Disinformation Data Platform: privacy notice Published 16 March 2023 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/counter-disinformation-data-platform-privacy-notice/counter-disinformation-data-platform-privacy-notice The CDDP is a prototype being developed to improve counter-disinformation…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Ed Miliband: we only use the smaller of our two kitchens This article is more than 9 years old Labour…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 NOTHING TO SEE HERE Fury as fake windows painted on £48million Port Glasgow ferry Glen Sannox Kevin DUGUID Published: 21:28,…
What a President. Happy birthday sir !!!
Missed something ?
Backlinks to previous thread
– Friday afternoon page 5 : Boris bashing, Jo Brand unbashed, Chuka, Question Time , Peterborough and our Orwellian world
– Friday morning and Thursday late page 4 Rainbowing, Trump trolling media by writing “Prince of Whales”, Lammy , Burkas, Question Time, BBC-nepotism, Beeboids saying “Jeremy Cor ..hunt” 10 times, Brands acid-shakes , Tory leader stuff
– Thursday daytime page 3 : Attention-Seeker-Lammy , a lot of Jo Brand, removal of Gordon Brown’s licences fee bribe
BTW if you want to see if anyone has added a new comment to an old page
– Ctrl-F to bring up a search box
– and then type “June 15”
and that’ll highlight posts with today’s date
Every time he says something crass I feel the noose of political correctness loosen a little.
The fake news media is at it again
Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden is leading President Trump by double digits in Michigan, according to an EPIC-MRA poll released Friday.
Six hundred “randomly selected” people, who were considered “likely” voters, were surveyed June 8-12. The poll found Biden enjoying an 11 percent advantage over Trump in the hypothetical race, 52-41 percent. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percent, giving Biden a solid advantage.
Now the Fake Media is claiming that Pres Trump will accept information on rivals from foreign media
Best listen to the interview
‘I think I’d take it’: In exclusive interview, Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on opponents
Even the title is fake. And this from the Clinton media that actually accepted fake dirt on Pres Trump, then got a FISA warrant on that basis.
And the BBC has still not retracted their lie that Pres Trump called Meghan Markle “nasty”.
2nd, same story at the CL final ????
Well well well …. Never saw this coming (Insert shocked face)
I know – I was totally taken aback (for a nano-second).
They can do no wrong.
From your BBC link above, here’s what Jo Brand said:
I don’t think I have anyone to answer to. Nigel Farage wasn’t even mentioned by me on the night so why he has taken it upon himself I don’t know.
She really doesn’t understand that Farage felt personally attacked by her because he was one of those who were doused with a milkshake?
She’s either being deceitful or she’s thick as a brick.
Like Hitler saying he never targeted specific Jews.
Why did they have such a go at Sargon when he said a lot less?
Why was that young chap arrested just for saying something unpleasant to Soubry?
Why was Count Dankula hauled through the courts for making an off-colour joke?
Ignore the question marks above. All rhetorical.
Against Sargon they spun the line “Jess Phillips cried cos of his tweet that said he wouldn’t rape her”
MP Jess Phillips ‘cried in the street’ over sick rape ‘joke’ by UKIP politician
whereas Farage has been attacked multiple Times
and he’s supposed to ‘man up’
That suggest a double standard and sexual stereotyping by the libmob side.
BTW Victoria Coren appeared alongside Jess Phillips on
that cliquey libmob show #hignfy to trash Carl Benjamin for his joke about her, which they call ‘harassment’ and ‘hate speech’.
Boo-hoo, Carl won’t rape me!
This is the same organisation that did not hear the plaintive cries of tens of thousands of young White and Sikh girls being gang raped by Pakistani Muslims over decades.
The BBC want you to know how transgender are denied opportunities… “Munroe Bergdorf: NSPCC explains transgender activist decision”
The BBC goes on to tell us “In 2017 she was sacked from her role as a model for cosmetics company L’Oreal, following claims she wrote that “all white people” are racist in a Facebook post.”
But the BBC seem to be able to verify the “claim” that she was racist… well BBC, she was spouting anti white racism on you own filthy channel:
But this BBC “journalist” is incapable of verifying her racism, that’s because they are not journalists, they are lying propagandists.
Is that a man or a woman? I forget.
Apologies if this was mentioned on the previous thread , I’ve only been able to post now .
Around 7am this morning Radio 4 was interviewing someone who was the head of Conservative Council of Muslims or some such organisation whatever it’s called . Thirty six years in the party and going to leave if Boris Johnson is elected leader of the Conservatives and thus Prime Minister.
He doesn’t like Boris Johnson ( nor do I ) .
He doesn’t like Boris for that article he wrote a couple of years back which alluded to Burqua clad women .
Now I never read any article by BoJo because I think everything he writes is insensensible, but obviously the man man must have some great qualities even if I can’t see them otherwise he wouldn’t be where he is today .
But my main point is that this Muslim fellow was given a free pass by the BBC , in that he also criticised Johnsons other shortcomings not as a general overview of reasons not to elect Johnson , but as a backup for ( his view ) Johnson attacking a particular garb worn in the Middle East and transplanted here .
Nowhere was he asked if this was his individual view ,or representative of his organisation, or the Muslim view overall .
Or if BoJo had never written his piece would he have the same opinion of him .
No , we must have identity politics in 21 c Britain .
“a free pass”
State Broadcaster acts like a campaigning newspaper. The only difference is it is subsidised by the buyers of every other title.
It’s a strange world.
@Nibor see here
Johnson’s burqa comments received more coverage than recent ‘grooming’ gangs and all these terror plots which are buried instantly now; the charming chap who tried to set off a pipe bomb on the tube as children were on their way to school has been memory holed. I can’t even remember his name. Can’t imagine that would be the case if he had been a ‘far right’ terrorist!
Boris was only saying people should wear what they like, and reinforcing it by saying, If they want to look like letterboxes, let them, it’s a free country. Why do people get so cross?
But Bojo didn’t attack the burqua, if I remember correctly he wrote something like, ‘if women want to look like a pillar box, that is their right’, I think I am paraphrasing to a greater degree, but it certainly was defending a woman’s right to wear one. Nibor you have been brainwashed by the BBCand the MSM. They told the lie enough times and it becomes truth.
Yet when it suits State Broadcaster’s cause the likes of ‘acid attack’ Brand are quoted in full.
Deborah ,
I did say ” in his view ” – the Muslim head honcho of Tory councillors or whatever.
I’m never brainwashed by the BBC or MSM . I don’t pay either of them for a start . Do you ?
Apologies, Nibor
BBC – a leftist marxist British Brainwashing Corp.
So sorry, I hadn’t read your post when I made the same point again.
The York Festival of ideas is On
i have just been thru the list of 100 events
As ever there is a similarity with metroland BBC/Guardian
in that there is a schedule with science/kids/arts but Green/Womens activist events are scattered thru it like adverts
There are a couple of history events I would have gone to if I’d been in York, but nothing justifying the journey.
I love scientific scepticsm and the finale on Sunday is that topic, but the session is with 2 Guardian journos and a global warming activist
Oh look who has a charity that goes into schools and educates CHILDREN about #FakeNews
It’s the Guardian’s NewsWise programme
..one of the most devious and dishonest news sources on the planet.
I am impressed. Critical reading is taught in university. Clearly it’s never too soon to start.
The leftist indoctrination starts young. Pravda.
Surprise Surprise –
I’m surprised Acid Attack Brand didn’t make it to Newswatch.
Also that programme forgot that a Labour Party leadership debate was shown on State Broadcaster TV mentioning only Major. I’m glad they showed a couple of the ‘questions’ put by lady journalists at Boris’s recent launch.
Dear filth, errr…. i mean BBC (easy mistake since filth and BBC and synonyms… )
If Chelsea Russell could be convicted for posting rap lyrics from Snap Dogg’s ‘I’m Trippin’ on facebook because a police officer was offended…
If Mark Meecham can be convicted for a joke video of his dog doing nazi salute…
If Kevin Creehan, can end up dead in prison because he put a bacon sandwich outside a mosque…
If Tommy Robinson can be dragged on the street for reading from a BBC web site on a live stream about Islamic child rapists and be convicted and jailed within five hours in a kangaroo court…
If James Goddard can be arrested and dragged through court for calling Anna Soubry MP an Nazi…
Then why is it ok for the media to encourage people to engage in criminal assault throwing milkshake at people, which ramped up after encouragement by the media?… and why is it ok for the BBC to the escalate the problem they created by pushing the throwing of acid at people?
Any decent person is for free speech for Jo Brand… but also for free speech for Chelsea Russell, Mark Meecham, Kevin Creehan, Tommy Robinson, James Goddard.
I can’t believe what is going on in the UK, its just shameful… also the BBC has nothing whatsoever to do with “public service”… this disgusting organization should be shut down, and its employees tried and jailed using the same sick and disgusting “hate” laws they promote.
Hi jip, nice to see you back again.
1) Chelsea Russell wasn’t convicted; “because a police officer was offended”.
2) Kevin Creehan didn’t; “end up dead in prison because he put a bacon sandwich outside a mosque”.
3) Tommy Robinson wasn’t; “dragged on the street for reading from a BBC web site”.
4) James Goddard wasn’t; “arrested and dragged through court for calling Anna Soubry MP an Nazi”.
But apart from all of that; spot on.
While you’re here, perhaps you can clarify whether or not you think 6 million Jews were gassed to death in WW2? A simple yes/no would suffice…
The thing is maxincony, i’m not asking anyone to take my word for it, people can go and search these names, and find out that the statements i made are essentially true. That’s why included the names.
BTW, its nice to see you defend Joe Brand, obviously you think that the 465 acid attacks in London in 2017 alone is funny…. the majority of which were in Muslim areas… because you know women should stay indoors, which is why Muhammad punched his six year old child bride (Aisha) in the chest.
No, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre says the total was 5,860,000 not 6,000,000. So even Simon Wiesenthal denies that those 140,000 Jews that maxincony mentions were gassed. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has also placed Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, fourth on the list of top anti-Semites.
Ha ha ha! Typical liberal: any criticism and they call you a Nazi! The dialectical skills of a retarded five year old.
aaah maxi, so glad you dropped by. You owe me a public apology.
I listened again to Allan Little’s ‘A History of Hate’ episode on Wednesday 5 June. I was quite correct in my previous assertions. It was loaded with errors in just the first minute, let alone five minutes, and they were not disagreed with or corrected by the American academic.
Strange thing, too, you tried to pick me up on something that was easy to check and on which I was right and you were wrong. But where were you in the previous week when I had a couple of real howlers in two of my posts that were equally easy to check up on? They were so wrong that I realised later that I should have checked before posting (one was about Bojo’s conversion from Remain to Leave) and I corrected them myself later. Why did you not spot those? Your credibility – if you ever had any – is completely shot.
So come on then – apologise.
Try and restore just a little bit of credibility as far as I am concerned.
This has just appeared with 9 minutes on the edit clock – “You can no longer edit this comment.”
Well hay maxincony , nights again ?
And its nice to see you back once more . Perhaps you can offer us some examples of Al Beeb’s propaganda and anti-Brexit Bias? Perhaps you can make some criticism of the ending of free licenses for older people instead of Trolling for your employer ?
If I can make this offer of advice – you are one good reason for ending Al Beeb and for not paying the Telly Tax.
Keep it up !
taffman, LOL and a very good point in that penultimate sentence.
With friends like maxi …..
A minor correction though, IIRC maxi has said he does not work for the Beeb and one of our computer whizzes (Stew?) tracked him down as something to do with the theatre.
I have also been wondering, especially since maxi tried to pick me up on that Allan Little-thing so quickly, whether maxi is Jewish and is a self-hating, anti-Israeli Jew. They do exist. Now. And very much also in the past, up to one hundred years ago (remember that number, maxi?) where Communist atheistic-Jews in positions of power in Russia persecuted or permitted or went along with the persecution, imprisonment and murder of other Jews.
It would be great if maxi was really open and honest on here about himself and also about the BBC. For myself, I welcome critics of posters on here, in the same way that some of our regulars may well have voted Remain, want to be in the EU and don’t go along with the general pro-Brexit tone of many on here, self-included.
So, maxi. It is up to you. Why not play a full part as a registered user on this site and not just snipe from the sidelines once in a while?
“something to do with the theatre.”
A Drama Queen at Al Beeb.
Yes taffman. Or a drama Queen for Al Beeb? Wonder whether maxi would own up to having done work for the BBC Drama dept. in a new spirit of openness between him and us? Has he taken their shilling in the past?
Or is he a disgruntled, failed, playwright who having had a few scripts or ideas rejected, thinks he can work his way into the BBC’s eventual favour with his drive-by-snipings on here.
Think I might be inclined to the latter view but am not sure. Over to maxi.
Up2stuff not me, someone else here indicated that a particular Twitter account was Maxi’s
Sorry, Stew, you were first ‘ace’ I thought of. Thanks for doing the ‘back to’ links, btw.
Up2stuff? Oh no I’m not. I’m sat around here when I should be doing other things!
I’m not brave enough to go near Twitter. Good thing, too.
“instead of Trolling for your employer ?”
He might be the BBC boss. So this will excuse him for not knowing what his employees do or write or indeed support?
Boy, if he is their boss no wonder with the growing numbers of complaints going into his office (penthouse)
ves, what?! Not the DG? Himself, as it were?
Shock! Horror!! Well now, there’s a thing.
Evidence against is the time of maxi’s posts. They tend to fit with the ‘luvvie’ lifestyle, particular the treading the boards lifestyle. Play finishes at 10pm-ish, post-end chat & wind down, off to pub or bar for a few drinks, maybe food as well, home either side of midnight. Computer on, ‘let’s go for a drive by sniping, now who?’ ‘I know, BiasedBBC, the target for tonight.’.
Plus, could Lord HawHaw actually work a computer? I have my doubts. Seems pretty incompetent ….
“Evidence against is the time of maxi’s posts. They tend to fit with the ‘luvvie’ lifestyle, particular the treading the boards lifestyle”
I believe you are probably right.
He’s a tricky character that’s for sure.
But we love him.
Jo Brand got Carol Thatcher sacked after Thatcher said OFF air that a black tennis player looked like a “huggable golliwog“.
Jo Brand not sacked after saying ON air “Why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid”.
Therefore, Jo Brand would not have got Carol Thatcher sacked if Thatcher said OFF air about throwing something at a black tennis player “Why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid”.
I fantasize about a letter from Lord Hall to Fiona Bruce explaining the BBC rules:
Dear Fiona
Saying that someone looks like a Golliwog or a letter box is a more serious crime than keeping someone off Question Time by throwing battery acid at them. Because if two thirds of those invited on to Question Time who support Brexit are in hospital due to acid attacks. This would justify the BBC’s ratio of Brexiteers on Question Time.
Your most Lordly, Lord Hall
Richard Pinder,
“Jo Brand got Carol Thatcher sacked after Thatcher said OFF air that a black tennis player looked like a ‘huggable golliwog’.”
Carol Thatcher wasn’t ‘sacked’ for what she said. She was sacked because she pointedly refused to apologise.
Facts huh… who needs ‘em?
Therefore, it’s a fact that Carol Thatcher was ‘sacked’ for using the word “Golliwog” in the presence of Jo Brand, and OFF Air.
In the 1960’s, Grandma never apologised to the BBC for saving up Golliwogs from Jam jars, to get Golliwog badges for her Grandson.
-‘pointedly refused to apologise’; good for her, Maxicony.
-what you mean is grovel before self-appointed liberal elites! Obergruppenfuehrer Brand was unhappy, eh?
BtW Robertsons shouldn’t have allowed themselves to be intimidated by the ‘liberal’, actually SOCIALIST elite – Nazis, actually, on the Golliwog issue. Actually : National (adjective) Socialists (noun)… Nazis.
-people know the difference between liberalism (concerned with FREEDOM, and SOCIALISM, obsessed with EQUALITY and therefore Political Correctness.)
Facts, who needs them?
YOU do mate. Try to be less self-righteous….
Guardian 3 February 2009, “…..Thatcher wrote an apology……however an apology was not enough”
She was sacked for denying she was racist..
The only solution now for him is to get back to that quaint bbc defence recently that something didn’t happen because bbc research did not know it did.
Or bail.
My money is on bail.
Maxi, what on earth are you talking about?
If Brand hadn’t created such a hullabaloo about Thatcher’s innocuous remark, Carol wouldn’t have been sacked.
And can you honestly defend someone fantasizing about throwing acid in a fellow human being’s face?
It’s not just Brand who is sick, it’s the BBC for allowing this vile encouragement to pass through their editorial control and the usual lefty mob who squealed with laughter.
Just what is so rib ticklingly funny about this sickening concept?
Where do they find them?
And more to the point…
Why do you defend them?
J – Cui bono?
“She later apologised for what she called a “crass and ill-judged” joke.”
With a typical lefty smirk, on what may loosely described, as a face.
The BBC scrutinised the programme contents before broadcasting and found nothing crass or ill judged.
Brand is not only not sorry, she will be delighted by the publicity and attention.
Everyone seems to be overlooking the part Adrian Chiles played in the Thatcher/golliwog incident.
Both Chiles and Brand share the same attractive if well-used features, which apparently endears them to certain sections of our enviably liberal society.
Nothing crass or ill-judged, but they still removed the “offending” joke.
“Lord Hall Hall”
A scribble on the Iran story
The thing is maxincony, i’m not asking anyone to take my word for it (or yours), people can go and search these names, and find out that the statements i made are essentially true. That’s why I included the names.
Nice to have a visit from the site troll although he sounds a bit under the weather . Perhaps even he realises that he and his type are on a sticky wicket with regard to humorous incitement to acid attacks by Far Left , well paid BBC approved comedy types like ms Brand .
As for the numbers mentioned in the discussion – it is hard to imagine what a million people look like yet alone 6 million -or more like double that for the true number the Germans caused to be murdered …
When your funding is so unique, PR is irrelevant.
Interesting editorial term, ‘flay’.
BBC bias by omission –
Toady reports that comrade Corbyn has said that there is no evidence that Iran attacked oil tankers. Ok I thought – so be it – but then I remembered there were questions about comrade Corbyn taking money from Iranian State Broadcasting – I checked – apparently it was £20k .
Yet there was no mention of this in the news report – that fact is relevant to the story in my opinion .
As I write this I recall the was TR stories are reported – his alt name is always thrown as well as his involvement with EDL.
Strange how some people get the ‘back story ‘ included and others don’t isn’t it . ?
I suppose the BBC is wary of upsetting comrade Corbyn in case by some accident he should become PM.
So Marcus Meechan is convicted and fined for teaching a puppy to do a Nazi salute. He is poor and could not get a job whilst he was under investigation. He suffered immensely.
Jo Brand, as we all knew, was not convicted for inciting violence. She is rich from a career of troughing (I bet she was paid a good few grand for her appearance on Radio 4.).
Nobody is going to train a racist puppy army to conquer Europe. Many already have been violent against political opponents. And whereas Meechan obviously had no intention of emulating Hitler, Brand (like many BBC cultists) clearly has raw and genuine hatred for political opponents.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
The state is playing a very dangerous game running a kind of ‘ two tier ‘ legal system where certain kinds of ‘ incidents ‘ receive the whole force of the criminal justice system – whereas others – such Brand – get a free pass .
Yesterday barristers were whinging as usual that the system is close to breaking down . On the evidence of the kind of trivial incident you describe versus the Brand crime ‘some might say ‘ let their system fail.
Just another part of the swamp
On the subject of the “law” – I listened to some of the Sumpter talks being put out on the BBC – a biased retired Remainer judge . What a surprise the BBC gave him air time . I couldn’t listen to it all as I was shouting at the radio and this idiot too much
I regularly am so infuriated by BBC output I have to switch the radio off. I really should stop listening but it’s force of habit and I do still like some of it. On Radio 4xtra last night they had Podcast Hour or something at 9. Within a minute they must have mentioned fifteen buzzwords – must be a record.
“LGBT . . . Trans community . . . Celebrate diversity . . . Young BME experience . . . Gender, gender, gender.”
Quit the obsession with race, sexuality and gender!
It was all over for this country when they started policing different communities differently. I never studied jurisprudence but it’s obvious that the law must be the same for everyone otherwise the whole thing falls apart at the seams. Bizarrely it is the groups doing the most wrong who seem to get a free pass.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
The BBC, and hence Treezer, are in colourful mood at the moment.
Trouble is, this trend for lighting up or decorating buildings to commemorate sad things, happy things or just things that make them feel gay all over is rather leading to clashes almost hourly.
So we have No.10 busy Grenfelling and US Embassies the BBC approve of going rainbow, clashing big time.
Surprised there is not a Minister for Son et Lumiere and a BBC Virtue Signalling Editor ready to spark outrage lest the former miss out on the latest display within approved timeframes.
That idea some had about having a fire works display to commemorate / drone on about a tower block fire was in questionable taste ?
But then I thought – every year in November the eight of a human being gets burnt so it must be ok
To be hoped no one Asian has any relatives minded to mourn in the customary manner.
“Dominic Raab says he is the Tory leadership candidate whom the European Union establishment fears the most”
Well he would say that, wouldn’t he?
The rest of Raab’s claim is hidden behind a paywall which no longer, if it ever was, seems good value to me.
He is probably one of the candidates the EU would not like to win.
Solely because he is not one of the full on pro EU traitors we have seen at work for three years.
What scares, nay terrifies, the EU (and both former leading UK parties), is not Raab, but Nigel Farage.
Nigel Farage, backed by the British public who have had enough, more than enough, of this lefty, globalist, nonsense.
Nigel Farage, holding a real manifesto for change, change which will destroy the comfortable lifestyle enjoyed by
millions of fellow travellers.
A public who could not give one single **** about the EU and want it to collapse.
A public who care deeply about Europe and want to assist our fellow Europeans in the collapse of the EU.
Hopefully Mr Raab (it is probably the right honourable but I could not care less) will be the final Conservative PM.
Because his party have not been Conservatives for decades, even the bitter enders in the Conservative membership are now acknowledging this.
Whoever succeeds May [edited out call to violence. Please refrain from it – TrueToo -]they will be unable to attract the voters.
The last real rabbit in the Conservative hat left some time ago.
All they have left now is “What’s up Dom” or a version thereof.
I’ve been pondering this and agree that the red Tory party deserves extinction . I was wondering whether some sort of axis between mr Farage and alex Boris
Was doable – I know there is the alpha male issue and bad words exchanged in the past
But the reality is that the Brexit Party has traction whereas the red Tories are a joke now .
In reality – Boris has to have a ‘ leave ‘ cabinet . With Raab as chancellor and who knows – make JRM the brexit minister – Rory Stewart can be minister for making the tea – with a caveat that he might be in danger near a boiling kettle …
TBP needs to attract former Conservative voters.
MPs, forget the idea.
I stated recently on this site that I wanted a Conservative Government. I also stated that, despite reservations, Boris was the best person to lead that Government.
I have changed my opinion.
What has changed my opinion, apart from recent election results, is the behaviour of so-called Conservative MPs in the leadership contest.
They still believe that after three years of lies, duplicity, and treason, a few kind words, and a few promises to do their best to deliver Brexit, at some unspecified time in the future, under some ill defined conditions which may or may not be Brexit, will mollify the UK electorate. They are so wrong.
What we want, if I may presume to speak for millions of people, is a party that does exactly what it says on the tin. Now we have such a party. The normal genuine, Conservative voter can look at the alternatives, there are none, if they want their UK back, it has to be The Brexit Party. This also applies to numerous supporters of what, decades ago, used to be The British Labour Party, now the anti British Globalist Party.
Fed, better to have J R-M as Chancellor. He knows how to save a bob or two. Maybe Raab as Brexit Minister with Francois and Baker in echelon support.
If Bojo wants to ‘unite’ the country, put Corbyn’s nose out of joint, and be thoroughly Leave, he could make Frank Field Work & Pensions Sec and give Kate Hoey a role, too.
Last chance…I’m guessing you should add ‘Im just fantasizing’ regarding your rope remark? All will be forgiven then.
It was inappropriate and I edited it out.
True – thanks for that – a metaphorical job might have done it….
No problem. As you said a while back, we don’t want to gift enemies of this site ammunition against us.
If, at some time in the future, a UK court determines that a certain individual is guilty of treason,
and the penalty for that treason, is death by hanging, then the sentence must be carried out.
This, currently figmental, court may wish to consider whether or not the condemned individual showed any contrition.
I believe the court may find that there was no remorse.
I believe that the court may find that the treachery actually intensified.
I believe that the court may find that the, now condemned traitor, continued to act in a treasonous manner for as long as possible. That the condemned traitor deliberately tried to destroy the UK economy in a final act of treacherous defiance.
[Please don’t share dark fantasies here, LastChanceSaloon. I had to delete your last sentence. It was just too foul.]
Is that theoretical enough for you?
Not sure why you feel you have to challenge what is just a common-sense policy introduced by David Vance.
Again, I’m not a big deal here, just a volunteer who agreed to help monitor the site according to his requirements, which I agree with.
If you don’t mind, I have a day off work and I really don’t want to spend it following people around here to edit them.
Last chance
Sadly The death penalty for treason was repealed under Blair when the Human Rights Act was introduced . ( if I’m wrong – advanced apology )
Fed, you are correct. I have to say on odd occasions, I have wondered whether there was some self interest at work ……
On jo Brand – her agent a Kruger-cowne is offering her as an after dinner speaker at a guide price of £10000 to £20000. I wonder how much she charges to do charity events ?…( obviously one might hope the answer is ‘nothing ‘…)
I’m just fantasising that she’s the one who pays to speak and I still wouldn’t go along to watch her, throw something over her yes. Again just fantasies.
Mrs kitty
I think those fees were – pre ‘acid’ – I’m sure her share price has risen since ….
F – “an after dinner speaker at a guide price of £10000 to £20000”
After a dinner during which she will have eaten £10000 to £20000 of food.
Who can afford that?
The after dinner speech industry really is another world . I had to ‘hire’ a celeb once for something I had to organise and their ‘fees’ were eye watering – specially if they were a beeboid or c4 type.
I won’t name who I hired – but I am ashamed to say that the person works for the BBC and appears on the TV regularly –
When you know how much these characters are making for a couple of hours ‘effort it makes you look at them even more closely …
What a particularly wretched day it was on the bBBC yesterday.
The second anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire and boy were we made to know it.
A whole day of sanctimonious coverage with each presenter trying to outdo the others in terms of care, seriousness, earnestness. Full-on brainwashing.
And no querying obviously of the strange rag-bag of genuine survivors, local hangers-on, Far Left hangers-on, trouble-making anarchists, and the naive concerned, all hiding behind the appropriated green branding.
But the class action being prepared for the US courts on the matter exposes a rather different motive.
The almost professional standard carefully orchestrated victim culture determined to keep the matter in the public eye in order to make the gullible feel sorry for them and thus to maximise the future payout.
Grenfell gave them an excuse to ignore this.
It really bothers me ……120 flats in Grenfell Tower and only 184 families now in permanent homes with 17 still to be dealt with. The Beeb sees nothing wrong with these figures. Almost but not quite 2 families to a flat and that’s without adding in the victims.
Mrs Kitty
Too many people coming in to this country despite Government promises to cut the number .
Too many people -Too many promises.
Vote and support The Brexit Party or UKIP.
On the BBC website home page this morning –
“Papers: Boris “unopposed” and Gay hate crime doubles”
Are they trying to make a connection between the two headlines ? Is some intern at the BBC trying to virtue signal in the hope of getting onto the gravy train ? The BBC loves to play these childish games.
“Are they trying to make a connection between the two headlines ?”
They have been doing this for years. It has become more frequent.
I suspect that have had some software specially written for the purpose.
All the provsional headlines are entered into the software.
Which software then generates numerous alternative headlines and sorts them all into
provisional sets which offer potential opportunities to mislead readers, slander opponents or otherwise
demonstrate “Why you can[not] trust BBC News”.
A BBC employee then selects which are published.
Very late I know but away last week.
I see that our world class NHS was at it again.
It turns out the total number of GP patients in the UK exceed the total population by 3.6 million.
Now if I claimed public money for a service I had not provided I would no doubt be charged for fraud.
But in the NHS…….well we can’t have all that grubby accountability and proper management, can we?
I think the NHS/ Dept health set up a ‘fraud department ‘ in recently years . I feel genuinely sorry for the one person working in it .
Let’s hope none those ‘ angel ‘ nurses nicked any of those tasty listeria sandwiches …. I wonder if patients had to buy them ?
I laughed at your ‘one person’ comment.
But it reminded me of a friend who worked mainly in the pharmaceutical industry who got a job temporarily in the records department at the local NHS hospital. Said friend was no political operator but a kindly well-meaning God-fearing person.
She reported that to her shock it was a total mess, with patient records strewn all over in paper files. At lunch times it was hard to work though, as some hospital doctors used it as a bolt hole to eat their lunch and so took over the work desk space.
Such professionalism!
Jeremy Corbyn is calling for nationalisation of the sandwich industry.
What makes you think that the government estimation (I use the word deliberately) of the UK population is accurate?
And people say the beeb have lost their sense of humour. Even the oh so caring Victoria Derbyshire had in the studio, get this, a Trump baby balloon ( tee hee). Then the hilarious Jo Brand said Farage (far far right don’t you know) should have acid thrown in his face instead of a milkshake.
Oh my aching sides!
Always impressive when BBC Press are told to back up BBC senior executives.
That’s just the savings on BBC management cuts in one financial year. These savings would accumulate year after year.
BBC outside broadcasts cost a small fortune compared to Sky.
Better still. Cull the BBC. Terminate the whole lot.
Dover – our problem is that there is a risk of the licence tax being subsumed into general taxation and thus the one tangible ability of object to the licence fee – non payment – is lost .
However -,as time passes subscription will be seen as the ‘norm’ by the majority – particularly if stuff is just better on those platforms than the far inferior BBC output – so tied down by the need to tick boxes that what quality there was – goes … along with audience numbers ….
Being a pessimist I fear that the BBC will argue that as it is losing 800 000 licence fees a year its current funding should be replaced by ‘safe ‘ general taxation – so it’s just waiting for the next red government to turn up…
There is a possibility of taxation as a source of BBC funding. But that’s a decision that will have to be accounted for when there are many other demands. I suspect that The Brexit Party will have a say, particularly if they have MPs .
The BBC will not moderate itself either financially or politically.
The BBC and the NHS are similar political and financially bloated beasts. At least the NHS provides some useful service to the public.
The Brexit Party will never have an MP as long as unrestricted postal voting is allowed.
This was brought in by the Blair government, and is doing exactly what he must have wanted.
The number of postal votes can be manipulated easily to get the result which the dominant local party wants. I firmly believe this is why Nigel Farage was cheated out of his seat at Thanet in 2015 and why the Brexit Party were cheated in Peterborough.
Postal votes are a way for the two discredited main parties to maintain their positions vis a vis any challenger party. Votes can be pulled out of thin air as and when required. If they are not needed, then they don’t need to be counted. There is no need to have a North Korean style result, winning by a few hundred votes if just fine.
I suspect an issue in Peterborough was a block vote at play. I also think this could be two edged sword as Labour could be seen more and more as a party for a specific section of the electorate.
I see Jeremy Corbyn (real name Albert Steptoe) has tweeted his suspicion that the US govt may well be wrong in blaming the mining of US tankers in the gulf on Iran. So we have the American govt with access to a whole arena of intelligence including video evidence versus Albert Steptoe sitting in a metal bath tub, cutting his toe nails and surrounded by pickled onions. Hmmm who to believe? Who to believe?
Corbyn – ‘by their words they shall be known’ springs to mind.
I would have used ‘fruit’ but it was too rotten to eat.
Not G, I have this awful vision of a grizzly, dribbling old bloke, being led to the latrines by two despairing nurses, while his dangly bits just start to ooze…
Blimey, I’m going nuts (sic) here, and I haven’t even had breakfast…
chancy, think I’m with Corby on that one. There is this peculiar rush to judgement that afflicts both our present crop of MPs in Conservative Cabinets (am pretty sure same would apply if Labour were in power) and the BBC. Think Gaza and the ‘innocence’ of Palestinians merely protest marching. Later, we learn the truth about the kites and the attempts to breach or damage the fence. Think Rakine Province in Burma. Destruction by Burmese military. Possible, yes. Probable – in part or whole – yes. But what about a False Flag attack? They happen. Uniforms are easy to put on anyone.
In this age of satellite imaging, I would have thought that the USA would not be giving anything away about their capabilities or putting lives at risk, by revealing a picture sequence of, say, vessels leaving the Iranian coast and approaching/attacking/removing objects from the tankers.
Secondly, why the rush to war? (Yes, obviously the BBC would love that for all sorts of reasons including justifying the LF and charging over-75s for it.) Why not more measured talk from, say Jeremy Hunt, about obtaining clear proof but then stepping up protection for civil shipping, irrespective of who was at fault? Something that could, and should imv, be done by the UN and some suitable ‘peacekeeper’ nations.
The UN is proving itself to be not just pretty much useless in the 21st century but part of the problem, especially, it seems, in the Middle East.
Snuff! Don’t confuse me with any facts on the gulf crisis. My mind is made up!
It’s just that Corbyn takes the supposedly ‘reasonable person’ stance on everything. It makes me cringe every time he writes something, says something or stands by something.
Eeeew…I need a cup of tea.
chancy, I don’t want to worry you but when the Skripal Affair happened, IIRC Bojo was the first to shoot off his mouth and if his hand had been anywhere near the nuclear trigger we might have had some real global warming for Extinction Rebellion to experience.
Agree that Corby is a pale, shadowy figure, a wraith when it comes to dealing with much in this world, except ranting about how evil Tories are, how evil Tory austerity is, etc., … . I wish he would take a stand on unemployment. Labour have gone very quiet on that for 22 years now!
I would also not put it past ‘The (Washington) Swamp’ to try and set up President Trump with some new conflict (now Syria has gone/is going, I hope, quiet) perhaps so there can be a conflict between the Pentagon, or some of the Joint Chiefs, and their Commander in Chief. Especially now that the Primaries are close and the 2020 Presidential Campaign only a year away.
Would the BBC/Left prefer Jo Brand to Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister? I think we know the answer to that.
“Are too many Army officers privately-educated?”
Oh, how Al Beeb ‘loves’ Britain’s Armed Forces .
The best in the world . So why do they seek to undermine them ?
Isn’t it time Al Beeb was open to “Freedom of Information requests”?
“Isn’t it time Al Beeb was open to “Freedom of Information requests”?”
The cold wind of having to look for subcribers might help with focus?
Reminded me to check to see what they are refusing or exempting here, like this…
“The best in the world”
They would be if the MoD and the civil servants were “taken out” of the picture.
As it is the British Armed Services are man-for-man the best in the world but if we are talking about weapons, supplies, financed then they are no were near the best in the world.
My choice – The Israeli Defence Force.
ves, there’s another example that could have gone in my post above. Although in that case it was not the politicians but the Beeboids rushing to judgement on the IDF. Oh, they are killing Palestinians!
Later, we learn that most of the injuries are bullet wounds to the legs, the IDF having deliberately shot low despite their own safety and the security of the fence being under threat.
Up, shooting to wound ties up admin, doctors, nurses etc, while shooting to kill means a couple of blokes/birds with a stretcher – when it’s safe.
Scrobie, quite correct but I believe the IDF do it to try to minimise fatalities. Seem to recall Mark Regev (before he was Ambassador to UK & just a Media Spokesman for Israel) saying so on BBC R4.
It is also true that a leg-sot is not guarantee of avoiding a death but I always find it hard to believe, where there are questions of doubt in, say, a police shooting how highly trained marksmen cannot aim and fire to disable rather than shoot-to-kill in the micro-second it takes to move aim from a head/heart/chest shot downward. Especially so when working at close-ish range with a hand gun.
Which is not, I assume, what the IDF were doing which was using sighted rifles, etc., from a distance. Which tends to confirm my belief that their primary objective was avoiding fatalities.
Most military minded people know that its only America who is holding the IDF back from attacking Iran. Still, Israel should be applauded for its willingness not to attack Iran.
The US/UK are side by side with our Israeli friends.
Sky News thinks it has identified a ‘plot’ for Boris to become PM unopposed.
Wonder what they said about the ‘natural succession’, when Prince Gordon was ‘given’ the Premiership by King Tony. 2007, was it?
The media asked no questions, saw nothing wrong in it, and most certainly didn’t suggest a General Election.
After all, the two had sat down in the Granita and – over coffee and cognac?- agreed to ‘share’ the Premiership between the two of them, legend has it.
Apparently you can share out a fiefdom by such informal means. Gordon was the unquestioned ‘natural successor’. Internal election in public? Why, not the mighty Labour. After all, things could only get still better for the subjects /peasants couldn’t they?
Gave a whole new meaning to the concept of ‘my country’…
Up comming programs from the BBC :
Come Dine With Me International: Ethiopean edition.
Homes Under The Hammer. From Palestine.
Cooking With Jeffery Dahmer.
The Mosque Murders, Oops, sorry, that one has been made.
The Adventures Of Brexit. A very British farce.
The Katie Price On The Game Show.
Blue Peter. Special London edition: How to make your own stab vest out of toilet rolls and sticky black plastic.
Donald And Theresa: A special love story: Viewers may find the content distressing.
Steptoe And Son. Remade with Jeremy Corbyn with Dianne Abbott as Hercules the horse.
Match Of The Gay.
The Genderation Game.
…and… ‘Play Your Cards Right’. Hosted by David Lammy and show girl Diane Abbott.
“Countdown” – Mahmood and Peterborough Labour Club.
“Come Dine With Me International: Ethiopean edition.” Is that the famine series or the ‘Good Governance’ one?
‘Top gear’ – an investigation into why various battery acids are available in easy-to-throw containers.
The BBC, misreporting? Shurely Shome Mishtake?
#Orwellian : 9am BBC Humberside news
The young Goole councillor Nick Coultish (21) has been sent to a workers re-education camp in Siberia (Swinefleet actually)
The Tory Party has ruled that he should be sent on a “Diversity training & cross-cultural awareness programme”
.. This is after Buzzfeed in May ran with a piece cutNpasted from the Labour Party who’d been through his old tweets from when he was a student, well before he became a councillor
BBC repeat the quote he “repeatedly made anti-Islam comments online”
…. NOPE there were only two ,
a third tweet said Islam is not a race.
Also Buzzfeed said he ” compared Islam to Nazi Germany ”
And that’s what the BBC repeat
Actually that is creepage cos he never said directly Islam is Nazi
but libmob like to throw in the toxic word “Nazi”
He said
In the second tweet, he quoted someone
Third tweet
Of course in May when the Buzzfeed story broke he deleted the tweets and made a full apology, but that is not enough to stop the Labour& MSB PR machines.
Previously the BBC has mentioned ‘his tweets were sent just after the Westminister Bridge attack’
The timings of the Tweets
March 22, 2017: Khalid Masood drives a car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before jumping out and stabbing a police officer. Five victims died.
May 22, 2017: Salman Abedi blows himself up after a pop concert by Ariana Grande at Manchester Arena. There are 22 fatalities.
My typo MSB =MCB Muslim Council of Britain
SOCK …
Sadiq’s Stabbathon
Two teenagers killed within minutes in #London yesterday – one victim was stabbed in #Wandsworth
and another shot dead in #Plumstead in broad daylight
Fourteen arrests have been made after a day of violence in London which saw two teenagers killed within minutes of each other and another three men stabbed in Clapham
Breitbart has a short context report
I’m listening to the SJW presenters on all BBC News channels asking what are the causes of knife crime and murders in the black community (not much of a community if they are committing such violent crimes against each other)?
Now they’ve let Jo Brand off the hook, I’m feeling quite cocky.
Years ago, the BBC broadcast a documentary called ‘Jamaican Family Courts’. It was broadcast once and never seen again (it’s not even on YouTube). Anyone know where I can view it? it’s harder to find than that film clip from the 1950s featuring David and Jonathan Dimbleby as boys driving around in a dinkey little car and speaking with high pitched RP voices.
More merry murders in Sarf London.
Evening Standard: “Plumstead and Wandsworth murders: Fourteen arrests after two killed and three injured in 12 hours of violence in south London”
A big story, but I can’t seem to find it on the World’s Most Trusted and Funded. Perhaps they’re protecting their favourite ethnics, and their favourite mayor.
Useless Khant said he was “sickened” following the deaths of the two teenage boys.
Personally, I’m sickened by Khant.
And al beeb, but that goes without saying.
On the up side – the BBC reports that one Ismael musa 26 has been charged with stabbing and robbing the young mum with 3 year old son in a park in Islington last week – mr musa – of course – is a local man ….
How convenient for al beeb that most knife killers in Londonistan are ‘minors’ so they can’t report their names or publish pictures.
Apparently it works the same way when the victims are minors as well ….. at least it did in Rotherham.
But then we all know it is not age that the BBC has an issue with.
Week in Westminster watch
Paul Waugh – huff post remainer in the seat .
30 minutes . Not a single brexiter spoken to – no mention of The Brexit Party or N Farage – I think the MSM is trying to airbrush them
So who got to talk – Hilary Benn -as anti democracy as ever -.his dad must be looking down saying ‘ how the hell did I breed that ?’ Benn junior is continuing to undermine the Brexit vote with the connivance of the speaker and traitors like Letwin – who also got a speaking part .
A couple of Tory bag carriers talking about Rory Stewart as a candidate ? Must be a lot white powder about .
Then a couple libdems trying to explain why anyone should care about who is leader of the Lib Dem’s.
This stuff is so detached from how brexiters are thinking it’s frightening ( see EU election / Peterborough results as evidence) .
Business as usual for al beeb – for the time being .
“… continuing to undermine the Brexit vote with the connivance of the speaker and traitors”
Prorogation – yes please.
There is a paywall for this article
but it has been transcribed here
https://www.reddit.com/user/Sirhamm2 (3rd item down)
Any prorogation to secure Brexit would necessarily be longer than has recently been customary. Here, again, the fanatical Remainers in Parliament have provided the justification: using dubious, even doubtfully constitutional, measures in Parliament to “stop Brexit” gives any prime minister a cast-iron case for prorogation to secure the implementation of the public will as expressed at the ballot box. The latest, unsuccessful Commons vote to remove the WTO option from the Government, piled another stone upon the cairn of parliamentary loss of credibility.
The Attorney General Geoffrey Cox confirmed to the Cabinet this week that proroguing Parliament, though controversial, would be legal. With no sign of demented Remainer intransigence diminishing, prorogation emerges as the sole sure-fire method of delivering a clean Brexit. Speaker Bercow’s angry and incoherent attack on the proposal showed his fear of it.
As a new prime minister fails either to win meaningful concessions from Brussels or to break parliamentary obstruction, expect to see prorogation become a more prominent political topic. All that is required is the courage on the part of a prime minister to employ the lawful device our ancient constitution has put at his disposal.
Whether any of the current crop of posturing Tories have the resolution to do so is questionable, but haunting both them and the electorate is their awareness of one incontestable fact: Nigel would not hesitate.
Sounds like Cox wants to keep his AG job under Boris – same with the Cabinet Secretary saying we are good to go on leaving the Reich in 1 – 3 – 8 days ( again)
My 92-year old Mum’s verdict on the women’s world cup – ‘a bit slow, not as good as the men’.
Sorry, that’s it!
Years ago, Chris Tarrant on TISWAS used to drench members of the audience in the cage by throwing buckets of water over them shouting manically, “this is what they want!” very much in the same way that the BBC is forcing womens football down our throats.
This video clip might be the tonic that you need…
At times like this I always think about the poor goal keepers finger nails.
video Cassandra is the funniest thing I’ve seen in years! Honest to God, I had tears rolling down my face ???? Every beeboid should have to watch that, take a truth pill and then tell us that women’s football is so good ????
Cheered me up no end!
Oh Cassandra!
That has just made my day!
Senora O’Blene is booked to laugh at this as soon as possible – as a games teacher, she will love it!
Thank you so much for making an ageing Scrobs feel good, despite the bbbc!
I like Hope Solo. Trenchant critic. The best part of any game is Hope’s brutally honest analysis of it.
Certain unpleasant characters are being thrown to the fore at the BBC, and they’re very, very easy to hate, and I’m kind of thinking, why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?
That’s just me, sorry, I’m not gonna do it, it’s purely a fantasy, but I think milk shakes are pathetic, I honestly do. Sorry.
Speaking of characters void of pleasantness.
“I think it is vital that we as comedians remember that one of the reasons why the public feels alienated now from us all as a breed is because we are muffling and veiling our language.”
Guest, you’d imagine would-be comedian Nish would be a fan of Les Dawson’s unmuffled, unveiled language … but, somehow, I doubt it.
What going on with school bullying.?
The lib establishment pushes Rightophobia
and says its OK to label people as subhuman & milkshake “punch a Nazi” etc
I bet kids are running across the playground saying
“Briggsy’s a Nazi, milkshake him”
… and teachers & the media would cover that up.
I go on Twitter to check
and cos I searched the word “school” Twitter pushes a Scots Gov advert at me
… Why are they using OUR money to advertise on Twitter ?
The UK space sector is taking off.
Watch to learn more about how the UK Government is helping Scottish technology businesses to make the most of this exciting new industry:
@spacegovuk #DeliveringforScotland #LTW
Not only that – Scotland want’s nothing to do with the rest of the UK but will sneakily use our flipping cash.
As usual, Corblimey siding with Islamists and enemies of the West.
I can’t wait till he’s PM.
“Jeremy Corbyn challenges UK government’s Iran accusations on oil tanker attacks”
Is there any vile dictatorship that Jeremy is not friends with?
What is in a handshake- In Switzerland it has been customary for the students to shake the hands of their teachers at the begining and end of the shool day. It is a sign of solidarity and mutual respect between teacher and pupil, one that is thought to encourage the right classroom atmosphere. A Minister of Justoce in Switzerland felt compelled to further explain that shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life much as it has been in France. The reason this Minister felt compelled to speak out about the handshake is that two Muslim pupils aged betweem 14-15 who had lived in Switzerland for several years, refused to shake the hands of their teacher who was a woman, claiming this would violate Muslim teachings that contact with the opposite sex is allowed only with family members. Yet they have no compunction about contact with the opposite sex when indulging in sexual assaults. However what this shows is that even at the smallest and seemingly inconsequential issue Muslims are challenging the laws and customs of the infidels among whom they have been allowed to settle-as we can see the same in the UK that each little victory or defeat will determine wether Muslims will truly integrate into Western Society or instead refashion our societies to suit their requirements. The present Muslim Home Secretary must never be allowed to become Prime Minster-otherwise Islam will have won.
For which #CCBGB was coined.
Just listening to Any Questions panellists all agreeing enthusiastically with the proposed ‘legally binding’ legislation to acieve zero carbon emissions by 2050. I’m sure none of them are actually qualified to evaluate the climate science but they are all happy to jump on the bandwagon. No one questioned how the legal binding aspect can be acheived. Will there be a climate compliance gestapo?
In the jokey question about getting people to talk to fellow passengers on trains, I know there won’t be legislation on this, it being just a nudge idea, but no one questioned the nanny state element to this.
They haven’t got a clue, any of them. I don’t think this will come to anything in the long run, parts of it will be quietly shelved, and the whole forgotten in a couple of years.
Recessions kill off environmentalism .
We need another King Canute. In recent years our legislators have gone mad creating legislation that binds government or local authorities to achieve targets that may not even be possible.
At the end of the day there is nothing that can be done if the targets aren’t met, it just allows the activists their day in court at public expense, but to what purpose?
Politicians have always made promises. The system used to be that if they didn’t keep them and we were bothered by that enough we voted in a new lot.
We the same with Brexit, some politicians trying to legally rule out ‘no deal’ yet any deal requires the agreement of all parties and in the case of Brexit parliament can only bind one side.
Because we have the BBC. Britain leads the World in this left-wing lunacy, with a Tory Party more left-wing than the Labour Party on Climate Change.
We have the international media looking on at Britain with bewilderment. In America the Republicans have politicians with scientific qualifications and Trump has them in his family. Trump is fighting back by insisting that environmentalists in authority are replaced by scientists. In Parliament, scientists have only got Graham Stringer, and he is a Labour MP. The last I heard was that the scientifically ignorant members of the governments science committee where trying to eject him from the committee due to his opinion that its all just a hoax, as does the scientist and brother of the Labour leader, Piers Corbyn. A culturally Marxist Tory party taking sides with left-wing environmental activists fighting against scientists in our universities. University administrators barring scientists but not environmental activists from debates on university property. Most of the BBC’s science correspondents and advisors not having any scientific qualifications. And then we hear that Tory Brexiteers Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom want to declare a “Climate emergency” because of advice from a sixteen year old Swedish schoolgirl. Environmentalist propaganda in primary schools introduced by Michael Gove indoctrinating Primary School children to vote for the Green Party. Also causing Children to commit suicide over a problem that does not exist. A Tory government funding Children to go on strike and lobby politicians on Climate Change. Primary School Children arguing about Atmospheric Physics with scientifically qualified parents who think it’s a hoax.
Meanwhile we have the latest explanation of what is meant by “Hoax”:
Ten years ago Astronomers knew that the key to whether Carbon Dioxide causes Global Warming or not, would be found if a formula worked for the Greenhouse effect on both Venus and Mars. A coincidence was found that lead to the evidence that Carbon Dioxide warming was false or as Donald Trump says “A Hoax”. This is because the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth. This lead to the production of the “Unified Theory of Climate“ by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, which produced the formula that works for both Venus and Mars, proving that the atmospheric mass/gravity/pressure Greenhouse effect of James Clerk Maxwell, found in 1888, is correct. Gravity pulling molecules downward producing the heat gradient. Therefore, two 19th Century scientists James Clerk Maxwell and William Herschel were correct. One 19th Century scientist Svante Arrhenius produced the most damaging and expensive mistake in the history of science.
Excellent as ever , I’m no scientist beyond the triple science A levels which I took just before the apple iPhone hit newton on the head – but – what constantly frightens me is the absolute certainty that these climate types ( nearly used the loose language – fascists ) display and that any dissent is heresy .
I still say there are to many non understood variables to enable fully confident predictions ( see weather forecasts at the minimum ) yet whole economic plans are being shaped to tax fuel, freeze the elderly and stifle economic growth – because – as you say – dumb politicians look at a 16 year old girl in awe – see milliband junior …
For the Psychology you should read: Global Warming, A case study in groupthink, by Christopher Booker (ISBN 9780993119002). I was cured of groupthink by asking for the results of carbon dioxide warming from an atmospheric chamber. Scientists either could not get funding or were already sceptical of getting any results. So even ten years ago, scientists who were intelligent enough, already knew it was a hoax, and those not intelligent enough didn’t even ask for the results of carbon dioxide warming from an atmospheric chamber. Now we live in a country ruled by London based left-wing middle-class morons.
I’m no scientist but I wonder if the warming in the West over the last 50 years or so is not caused by increased CO2 or other greenhouse gases, but rather the lack of it. I once saw a documentary that claimed that a huge volcanic eruption near Jave (possibly even Krakatoa) happened in something like the 7th Century. The result of this, and increased volcanic action around the world, put lots of debris into the atmosphere and as the Sun could not warm up the Earth’s atmosphere a mini Ice-age occurred. Think of the Arthurian legends.
During the 19th Century, the winters in this country tended to be colder and snow was expected every year, and industry was filthy and emissions were unchecked. Annual snow was still happening when I was a child in the 60s. In the Midlands and Yorkshire we would have three or four really good falls of snow most winters, lasting for a few days – and lying for a week or more. We also got really thick fogs (real pea-soupers), the likes of which I have not seen for decades.
Around this time we got the clean air act, and at the same time a lot of industry was closing. The air was much healthier to breathe but the sun had far less obstacle to warm the atmosphere. I’m sure that in the rest of the West the same thing was happening.
During the 19th Century, as I mentioned above, industry was really unconfined and the Midlands and North produced filthy smoke in all industrial towns. And as I said winters were significantly colder than they had been. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, there had been a period of consecutive good summers producing an abundance of crops, which led to an explosion in the population. Then we got the Industrial Revolution and winters got colder I believe.
Prove me wrong by all means, but my hypothesis is that clean air helped cause the small amount of global warming we were encountering. The reason for the current pause in warming could be that the air is no cleaner, or less polluted, than it was 20 years ago or so once the effects of the clean air act and reduced industry had established themselves.
You are talking about changes in the Earths Albedo caused by volcanic eruptions and smog. Volcanic eruptions putting lots of debris into the stratosphere seem not to have happened after 1913, so are irrelevant in changing the Albedo since 1913. Also observations of Industrial smog in China show that its rather localised and comparatively irrelevant compared to the Cloud cover. If you look at a book about Astronomy, it will tell you that the Earths Albedo is 0.36. In the last hundred years they used the Moon to estimate the Albedo. Most results were assumed to be errors because they ranged from 0.26 to 0.4, but satellites proved that these results were probably correct. The biggest observed changes to the Earths Albedo occur over the Pacific Ocean. A geostationary satellite stationed at the crossroads of the Equator and International Date Line, taking a photo at midnight GMT, every 24 hours, will show you the greatest changes in Albedo of any Planet in the Solar System. Other planets have air pressure so high that they have 100% cloud cover all the time, while others with lower pressure than the Earth have hardly any clouds, if any. So there is no evidence that Carbon Dioxide, Smog or Volcanic eruptions have caused Climate Change within the last two hundred years. Observational evidence obtained by Enric Palle indicates that a reduction in the Earths Cloud Albedo between 1913 and 1996 is what has caused Global warming. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. If Solar Cycles are short, they have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. The plasma travels the same distance within the Sun, every Cycle. So the extra average speed of the plasma, per cycle, induces the extra average strength of the Suns magnetic field, per cycle. The explanation of how high energy cosmic rays can change the level of lower cloud formation has been complete and proven since Henrik Svensmarks cloud chamber results in 2006. An hour long DVD about Cosmoclimatology called “The Cloud Mystery” has been produced by an independent production company. The DVD can be purchased on the http://www.thecloudmystery.com website. A book called “The Chilling Stars” was published in 2007 after Henrik Svensmark completed his work. Professor Henrik Svensmark, was invited to speak in the Committee rooms of the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 about this. The REAL cause of Climate Change.
Richard, good I like that. I was aware of the Solar Cycles major influence on climate, as well as the effect of volcanic eruptions. As fa r as smog goes, you say the effect shown in China is localised, but in the Industrial Revolution period, effectively beyond WW2, major parts of the West, including most of England, were creating the smog. As a result the effect would, surely, be more general than localised. Or to put it another way, lots of localised areas of smog adjacent to many other localised areas of smog.
As this is a world-wide phenomenon, I still wonder if the effect of cleaner air in the once-industrialised part of the World, assisted by severely reduced volcanic activity (as you point out) since 1913 is what has allowed the sun’s heat to come through with less to temper its effect.
Media does seem to attract authoritarian numpties.
Wonder if Shabnam has a cousin in OFCOM or… the W1A cubicle gardens!
Question: Adverts containing ‘harmful’ gender stereotypes have been banned because they lead to “real world harm” according to the advertising watchdog. Have you ever been harmed or hurt by a gender stereotypical advert?
Answer: No, because Adverts containing ‘harmful’ gender stereotypes have been banned. However, “real world harm” has been caused by Adverts interrupting a good documentary, causing harm and hurt to all those stereotypical genders watching the TV, with the exception of all those harmless non-stereotypical ladies with the pipes and trousers, and harmless non-stereotypical men with an irons and an aprons on BBC programmes that do not get interrupted by adverts.
Arguably all advertising causes ‘real-world harm’ by encouraging people to buy what they don’t need or can’t afford.
Jim – nonsense ????advertising performs a human duty to make us desire stuff because the stuff will make us better , happier , richer , wiser , more successful and … we ll live for ever .
Buy stuff , it’s good
( I always wanted to be in advertising ) …. just one moral step up from the law and politics … and the BBC ….
There can now be a whole world of counter stereo typing
Black wimmin partnered with white men
Wimmin who can reverse a car
Men who can find the TV remote
White hetero englishmen presenting the news…
The topic of advertising is of interest to me not least because it is how State Broadcaster could fund itself should not enough subscribers be found to fund the lifestyle it has become accustomed to.
Advertising is already a feature on SB websites when viewed from overseas.
I know it is a touchy subject as viewers don’t want adverts. They are happy instead for their channel choice to be subsidised through the financial compulsion of other TV users.
Not Gwent
I like playing the ‘product placement ‘ game most . But I am an occasional connoisseur of really bad daytime TV adverts …. like ‘the over 50s something plan ‘ or the ones where just £3 will buy little mo a book on building IEDs ….
Just listened to R3. They are ‘advertising ‘ the end of free TV licences already . I’m thinking some prospective Tory leader is going to fall into the ‘ make it free ‘ again trap. ….
They are also evidently happy to sit through interminable trailers, tasters and plugs – all adverts save for source, though that too could be reasonably challenged by Ofcom, were they to show any small degree of interest.
And the trailers etc cover those few original programmes sprinkled sparsely between the repeats. All for just £154? What a bargain.
Advertising : ask Bill Hicks about it
Looks like JHB needs to watch her blood pressure when talking to immature fools in ofcom called …. Shabbat mustapha ? Please .
Interesting. Basically this is on course to be the coldest June since 1991, and the 17th coldest June in around 360 years. Strangely I can’t see this on bBBC. Maybe I should email Greta and let her know?
The doomsday enthusiasts always have an answer. If the month has been super-hot in come the ‘told you so’ comments. If it is super- cold the comments turn to the affected climate moving the jet streams into unusual places. If it is super-wet or super-dry, well it’s obvious isn’t it: Unusual weather patterns can be expected by a climate on an altered course. If the weather is normal, don’t worry mate….your time will come as sure as eggs is eggs.
Fox News has an item that President Trump wants AF one to be repainted to make it ‘more American ‘ . Obviously some democrats are moaning . I’ve not seen the design but I bet there’ll be a ‘red baseball cap’ with MAGA on it over the cockpit …or maybe they don’t like the wings being covered in gold leaf ..
About the voting fraud in Peterborough.
Where are all those on the right who should be shouting this from the rooftops.
There’s too many of these stories coming out such as Thanet South (boxes missing and huge delay), the Tower Hamlet frauds, I’m hearing boxes of votes going missing in South Shields (where labour ended up winning) and I think most of us on here are highly suspicious of postal voting and corruption.
Every time it’s the left who end up ‘winning’ these seats, there never seems to be any fiddling to give the right a fraudulent win.
Why is nobody making a big deal about these continuing dodgy results.
We know the electoral commission are stuffed full of lefty remainers but surely there must be some honest people out there, they can’t all be corrupt, can they?
I wrote to the electoral commission last Monday complaining about the large number of postal votes for labour. I got a very snotty email back, the sort of fob off you get when you complain to the BBC Their parting shot was if I still had a problem then to complain to Peterborough council.
I fear you have answered your own question EG. The simple fact that so many results have gone mysteriously and, literally, unaccountably ‘the wrong way’ does look very much as though the majority are corrupt. And if not directly so, then happily prepared to allow others to prostitute the electoral system and to watch democracy become a thing of the past – which amounts to the same thing.
“Why is nobody making a big deal about these continuing dodgy results.”
Perhaps because some people are not analysing the results in a calm, reasonable, and intelligent way. They are so desperate to see evidence of fraud that they misread information, jump to conclusions, and are helping to discredit any serious concerns that people might have.
Some comments in the DT in particular have been absurd.
For some strange reason the BBC is leading with the three separate murders in Londonistan in the last 16 hours – getting the ‘average ‘ 1 every 3 days back in place . Lots of arrests and no doubt pleas for the ‘community’ to remain calm …
Meanwhile the Emir of Londonistan busily continues to plot his return to parliament to become the first muzzie PM
Khan has always struck me as being a blamer and complainer.
No, not too rough at all.
Some in the dcms and HoP might reflect on why that is, and how well that serves licence fee payers and the country.