Was just looking at this Guest . Check out the Have your Say …top rated …… Some cracking comments , basically just taking the pee out of the BBC and it’s completely overhyping of women’s football.
That encapsulates my whole point Doobster. I have nothing against women’s football, I used to watch bits of it ten years ago or so.
But the relentless overhyping nowadays of women’s football by our state broadcaster is just ridiculous, and to be honest I think millions of people in this country are seeing right through it.
13-0 the other night. Are you kidding me. Quite frankly an embarrassing spectacle from what I can gather.
Growing up al beeb had men’s golf, motor sport and cricket to name a few. They’ve pissed those all up the wall and are left with sh*te like the Women’s World Cup to hang their hat on.
No sympathy whatsoever ✌????
The good news from Germany: the socialist SPD, in the past one of the ‘big two’, the party of Willie Brandt, has an approval rating of only 11% in the latest opinion polls. (Despite that, the German President and e.g. Foreign Minister are SPD. ‘Representative Democracy’?)
The bad news: The Greens have over 20%. Were they concerned only with environmental matters, one could ignore them. A central policy pillar, however, is to encourage immigration for the purpose of diversity. A warning for the UK there, somewhere?
Worst of all: Merkel, who relies on the SPD to stay afloat, and seems to have been in charge forever, is still around for another two years…
Some intensive googling reveals a trail of links backwards from the current Channel 4 attack on farming re ammonia release.
Didn’t take long to find that the story was provided to C4 by a non-gov organisation The Bureau of Investigative Journalism who in turn have links to an outfit called Tactical Tech who in turn are part funded by an outfit called Open Society Foundation who are headed up by Mr Soros and Co. who also fund a large campaign to keep the UK in the EU….
All of this is both scary and nauseating.
It seems possible that a large chunk of our “free” News Media is being influenced and possibly funded on a massive scale by such tactics and probably does a lot to explain the deep-rooted bias they therefore project.
I believe our government should be pressured to investigate these connections in depth in the name of democracy.
Noel Gallagher online in the Daily Express basically telling remainers “if you don’t like the referendum result then fu*k off to North Korea.”
Well said my man and very eloquently put ????
Best songwriter of his generation bar none ????
‘Noel Gallagher has hit out at Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in a colourful interview where he despaired at the state of modern British politics.
The rock star, who previously said he would rather reform Oasis than see “lunatic” Jeremy Corbyn elected, now branded him a “f***ing student debater, f***ing captain fishy craggy old f***ing donkey, f*** off”. He also described shadow home secretary Diane Abbott as “the face of f***ing buffoonery”.
“They talk pipe-smoking communist nonsense, do you know what I mean? I think the role of any politician in the world is to be forward thinking, and modern, and contemporary – looking forward,” he told the Manchester Evening News..,
I agree with a lot of what he says, but the comments really seem to have hit a nerve with the Indy type snowflakes.. hilarious.
@Digg Open Society Foundation as partially connected to Soros ?
Actually Twitter claims the ammonia project is a joint investigation Guardian, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Channel 4
“Evidence obtained by a joint investigation by the Guardian, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Channel 4 News suggests that at least 3,000 deaths each year could be avoided if agricultural ammonia emissions were halved.” https://t.co/h0ZugLlI13
(BTW The Guardian article says “Animals farmed is supported by
Open Philanthropy Project
“Our main funders are Cari Tuna and Dustin Moskovitz, a co-founder of Facebook and Asana.”)
I see what you are doing is trying to dismiss an argument very quickly by saying the source is crap
But real life is not so simple cos that is a logical fallacy
cos any argument stands on its own feet whatever the motivations of the messenger.
The theory that the emperor has no clothes is not valueless just cos the small boy makes it.
Even if the small boy is funded by Soros ..or Big Oil or whoever
(This source fallacy is called the Genetic Fallacy
.. it doesn’t matter if George Soros himself invented a theory, that doesn’t mean it it is BS)
helps me decide how much time
If a messenger had deceived me so much in the past that helps me decide how much time I will invest in checking
eg if the source is the Indy or Guardian then I am not going to invest any time , rather I’ll wait until another source gives a take)
So this Ammonia story I’ll not waste too much time on
There is a logical fallacy in their wording for a start.
“3,000 deaths”
.. death is a BS and unscientific metric… cos we all die
They probably mean someone dies at 86 instead of 87
That is not worth spending billions for that
They should use the metric Quality Adjusted Life Years saved
The report I guess purports to show using MODELLING that so many life years will be saved if we reduce cattle ammonia to zero.
#1 Well actually humanity has experience of times and places where cattle ammonia close to zero
.. like 1,000 years ago in the UK or tropical countries today
In neither of those situations is life expectancy averaging 100 so reducing ammonia is not a #1 lifespan enhancer.
Your ancestors lived in times with less ammonia and guess what they had shorter lifespans.
#2 Always ask if a story is PR not news
Here there so many factors that are suspicious like the hyperbolic unscientific language etc. And there are a lot of drivers towards that hyperbole ..eg the anti-meat people, the #Green hedgefund industry etc. political points scoring.
I have seen past Guardian reports on other topics in the Guardian that have turned out in time to have big errors
.. but the Guardian didn’t rush to correct, cos actually it was all a PR job in the first place
Why the sudden concern about the Conservative Party members?
Most Conservative MPs, most MPs of all parties have just ignored their members.
Because they (the MPs) know best, we did not know what we were voting for, words written on buses. All the lying Remainbollocks which has rained down on us 24/7/365 X 3.
What MPs are concerned about is democracy actually happening. Brexit actually happening.
All their tiny little feet are swollen because when things are not going their way they stamp them like Rumpelstiltskin. Poor dears. Correction, poor us, for having only grade Z candidates to vote for.
Renegotiate ‘top talent ‘ contracts on expiry and replace those not willing to take a pay cut – say 20%. Close bbc 4 into bbc 2, Asian channels , close the ‘extras’ like radio 1 and 4 , sell remaining specials like Wimbledon and live footy to sky/by , reduce the internet spend – recruitment and pay freeze and stick rubbish repeats on during the day – oops sorry – they already do that on the last one .
Change ‘the one show ‘ to ‘the half show’,
Politics daily becomes politics weekly
‘Pointless ‘become’ more pointless ‘…… quite easy really ….
Third killing in Londonistan in 24 hours.
The savages are partying hard, maybe it’s the approaching full moon.
Meanwhile useless Khant’s got more important things to do than tackling the epidemic, like insulting Trump.
“London violence: Five attacks leave three dead in 24 hours”
The new Lidl “Big on Quality” advert
Inverted racism….. white people appear as add-ons to their non white partners.
The UK has TV channels just aimed at the ethnic-Nigerian/African or ethnic-Indian audience so yes the ad reflects that audience.
But as a national advert its deliberate *inverted racism*, and not the #equality of reflecting the TV audience Lidl’s own tweet
they get stick in the replies which Twitter hides behind the “show more replies” button
Not a problem.
Because when Nigel presents the Manifesto, it will contain a commitment to greatly reduce tax avoidance and tax evasion. I am here referring to tax avoidance by Amazon, Apple, Microsoft etc; not Joe the plumber who gets £10 in cash for fixing a dripping tap.
All foreign Companies with more than 100 employees, will require a licence to trade in the UK. The licence application form will require the Company to undertake to pay such taxes as are required of UK based businesses. Any problems with tax collection, the Brexit Government will seize all assets and jail senior staff concerned.
The application form will also refer to anti British activity. When Tesco, Lidl, or whichever large white hating company, is the first to be taken over by the Brexit Government, without compensation to the shareholders. When the CEO is sentenced to 20 years without parole. Pour encourager les autres, effectively. Every time the new Brexit Chancellor shouts jump all the chief accountants will be required to show the bruise on their heads where they collided with the ceiling.
Let us really drain the filthy swamp and permanently emasculate and render the swamp dwellers impotent .
Don’t get me started on this. I’m sick to the back teeth of seeing adverts full of ethnics and mixed race couples with one of each colour kids. It’s a total misrepresentation of society and I find it utterly offensive when coloured, Asian, etc are a tiny minority of this country.
Watched the ITV News earlier this evening and it was pretty much what you’d expect – reports on the Lincolnshire floods, London violence, Hong Kong protests etc. and newsreader Lucrezia Millarini talking to Paul Brand (political correspondent and boy reporter for Le Petit Vingtieme) about the Tory leadership contest.
Switch over to BBC One (Freeview 101 HD) to catch the end of BBC News, and then immediately switch over again (Freeview 1) to see BBC London News with Assad Ahmed (despite its vast budget the Beeb still can’t broadcast the London bulletins in HD).
Now with BBC News you don’t get what you might reasonably expect – I thought they’d start with the three killings in London – nope, the headline is the Grenfell protest march. They even included footage of Jeremy Corbyn and Stormzy on last night’s march to mark the 2nd anniversary.
The killings in London came next in the running order – except they only mentioned the two from yesterday afternoon. Even the next report, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s hunger strike, seemed to get more attention, including a video interview with her husband.
Did I say you don’t get what you’d expect from BBC News? On reflection, you get exactly what you’d expect.
Parts of London are a cesspit. I went down for a Spurs game last season and visited Tottenham pre-game to check out the new stadium.
As we walked from the overground station towards the ground there was a massive chunk of last night’s kebab skewer on the pavement stinking to high heaven.
It was absolutely disgusting and an insight into how the savages live ????
theleftwilleatitself – When the West invites Third World populations into their societies, it gets the crime and urban squalor of Lagos, Mogadishu, Mumbai and Mexico City. It cannot be otherwise. This new population in our capital city is completely different to indigenous Brits in terms of intelligence, character and temperament. They are filthy, feckless, chaotic, low-IQ, criminally-minded barbarians and parasites; they do not have the self-discipline to defer gratification or the civic conscience that engenders a respect for the rule of law; they cannot and do not want to integrate; they reject the terms “English” or “British” but now appear to be happy calling themselves “Londoners”. This is a sad colonisation of a great city, once perhaps the most civilised city ever to have existed on Earth. Utterly ruined by the suicidal policies of our traitorous political class. The only way to prevent the whole country going the same way is by ceasing immigration altogether and implementing a policy of repatriation – which I cannot imagine any political party ever adopting. I am afraid this country is doomed.
“When the West invites Third World populations into their societies, it gets the crime and urban squalor of Lagos, Mogadishu, Mumbai and Mexico City. It cannot be otherwise”
Kinda; New – New Mexico and New – New England.
If you will; a completely New England but mostly old Mogadishu with a bonus of very old India thrown in (this is us by the way)
See the blue words in my post click on that one where I mention Lidl’s tweet.. tweet opens up
Then pull all that way down to the bottom of the list and you see in blue the words
“show more replies”
It is an honour to welcome all delegates to London for the 9th World
Islamic Economic Forum in what is an historic first for a city outside
the Islamic world. I am proud that London is a fantastically diverse
city, boasting not just a great cultural and ethnic mix but also a great
mix of ages too. Londoners from all backgrounds contribute a huge
amount to the capital’s culture and economy.
The presence of WIEF in London recognises the UK’s position as a
major centre of Islamic finance. Islamic finance is already playing
a major role in shaping the economic and physical landscape
of our capital city.
The newly opened Shard, the extraordinary
redevelopment of Battersea Power Station and the Olympic Village
were paid for at least in part by Sharia- compliant finance.,
I also welcome the effort of the British Muslim community in bringing
the World Islamic Economic Forum to London. My team have worked
with the Muslim Council of Britain to bring this Forum to London,
who has been a key delegation at WIEF since its inception.
I want this to continue to work together to continue to strengthen
London’s ties with the Islamic world, and develop a clear legacy
of jobs and growth for Londoners from what promises to be a
successful World Islamic Economic Forum.
Boris is the most likely of the Tories to deliver something worthy of being called Brexit. Democracy will have triumphed after three long years in which it hung by a thread. A full Brexit will be a significant blow to the hegemony of the liberal global elite and will serve as an example to other nations trying to reassert their independence from supranational organisations.
How long we can retain our sovereignty remains to be seen as the Remainer elite will still be doing everything they can to return to some sort of member ship of the EU. Any and all dirty tricks will be indulged in.
If Boris wants to cement Our independence and protect the majority from the Remainer elite he should make abolition of the BBC his second priority after delivery of Brexit. There is no doubt that the BBC will be at the spearhead of the Remainers attempt to reverse Brexit.
Deciding amongst themselves which business owners will be willing to commit their business to destruction and its staff to redundancy in their desperate efforts to stop Brexit from happening. I believe there are multitudes of British business owners who voted remain who would willing to let their companies go out of business – Soros having promised them financial help if and when Brexit is stopped.
I believe these people are so desperate that they will do such things.
You see, these people are so paranoid in winning this war for their EU buddies that they will stop at nothing in order to give the public the impression that “the mountains will fall on us” if we refuse to listen to their ranting lies.
The horrific events in New Zealand are a direct attack on the values of tolerance and freedom of worship that unite us all.
Nobody should ever fear persecution of their faith and it’s vital we stand together to reject those who seek to spread hatred and divide us.
I know many Muslim communities are feeling vulnerable and anxious. But they should seek comfort from knowing we are doing everything to tackle hate and extremism.
That’s why we are doubling next year’s places of worship fund YOUR TAX MONEY– providing physical protection as well as peace of mind.
In addition, the government will open a consultation with faith representatives and organisations including the Anti-Muslim Hatred Working Group,YOUR TAX MONEY Tell MAMA YOUR TAX MONEY, the Independent Advisory Group and other faith representatives and organisations, on improvements to existing policy to protect faith communities.
Places of worship, including mosques, will also benefit from a new £5 million fund over 3 years to provide protective security training to build on some of the positive work already happening in communities. This is in recognition that physical protective security is only part of the solution, and institutions, their staff and volunteers need to have security understanding to ensure the protective measures work effectively. We will engage closely with communities on the scope of this new scheme to ensure it meets the needs of all places of worship covering security. We will then undertake a competitive process to determine providers of the training and plan to start delivering in 2019 to 2020.
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
So the government gives them a defence for having a weapons stash in their mosques – nice touch . I wonder if the person who came up with the policy is called ‘mo’?
I like this comment on HYS about the women’s world cup, I think it summed up BBC sports coverage very accurately:
“Women’s football is a masterclass in BBC hype over ability.
They have created their own world within which they travel the world, have the best of everything laid on & get to compete in the Olympics every 4 years.
10/10 for creating this.
0/10 for the football.
…. & If men comment on the dire standard of football on show, we are misogynists!
The BBC radio news reports that … A ‘consultancy’ called ‘britainthinks’ has done a survey of british people ? Which shows the country is divided and it’s all nasty and miserable …..
These days when ever I hear survey – I also hear -‘Project Fear & Soros “
So I looked up this outfit – which turns out to be a lefty remain operation where the CEO writes for the Guardian and was a personal advisor to one Gordon Brown – can imagine how miserable that must have been ?
Then I thought – it looks like Project Fear is getting more sophisticated in its’ message . Maybe all the shortage stuff will be replaced by talk of riots, insurrection , terrorism and that kind of stuff ?
Obviously the BBC takes the survey without proper reference to the source – nor does it say that if the democratic mandate had been obeyed by the traitors in the two Houses of Parliament we d be out of the ReichEU and dealing with the consequences now . …..
There is a pattern – last week the BBC used an outfit called ‘britainvotes’ for a survey result it liked . That turned out to be another one affiliated to labour remainers … but no mention of that at all.
I did some market research recently and it has totally transformed my view of all these bs ‘surveys.’
We all sat in a circle and anyone who disagreed with what they suggested had to justify their opinion to the group, creating huge social pressure to agree. We were also paid which made you feel you should just go along with what they wanted (nobody pays you to do a survey/research unless they want a certain result.) Also they did the survey at 7pm on a week day when we were all tired from work and wanted to get home! Any negative response required lengthy discussion whereas if you just agreed you got to leave earlier!
They will use the results of this research (it was about a water company) to show the public unanimously supported their plans, when in reality we unanimously just wanted to grab our money and get home as soon as possible.
Fed, it was almost like a curtain going up. For me it happened Easter 2018. The BBC had been stating it, with the help of Adonis (briefly) Blair, Cable, Campbell & Co, ever since the Referendum result was known.
But I was in a private meeting when someone speaking came out with it “the country is divided” and it has become a mantra that is heard everywhere, not just via the Beeb.
I think there is a large element of wishful thinking in it. I even heard someone claim on R4 that ‘the (EU Referendum) vote was close’ on air on BBC R4 last week. I laughed. The speaker obviously knew nothing about the history of EC/EU referendums and the closeness of some of those other votes. These people hope our country is divided so that if it came to another vote, the Leave side would lose.
What is wrong with being divided? Division is there and is real. So much of our society works by expressing opposed opinions and deciding between them. Why is everybody using the word “binary”, assuming that it stands for something bad? I think people who go on about the country being divided are simply refusing to accept life as it is. We choose between different options, using the mechanisms provided and then join in accepting the result – or we used to.
Guest – I wonder if the rate for appearance is about £1000?
And if the lady doesn’t like Blighty any more I’m sure that she still has a passport for the place of her birth – Uganda – and now that idi amin is long gone Kampala can’t be too bad …..
“Guest – I wonder if the rate for appearance is about £1000?”
Pay per view would soon get that to market value, my guess is she’d be paying the viewers. Same old talking heads on the ‘papers’ merry go round, could do with a little investigative journalism that gig.
Vintage BBC race baiting: apparently more minorities are convicted of medical misconduct which is evidence of a vast racist conspiracy. To any sane person this might suggest that certain cultures are more likely to commit misconduct, lying and cheating in particular being a speciality of a certain ultra peaceful creed.
It’s interesting how they only focus on certain unequal outcomes. I have noted with these vile fraud cases, with pensioners robbed of life savings, the perpetrators are so often diverse. I dread to think what the actual statistics are though I can’t imagine any Beeb cultist looking into this dreadful phenomenon.
Another glaring unequal outcome is more women than men qualifying as doctors then at their peak working age they take years off then go part-time. Heaven knows how much it costs their beloved NHS but to even consider the issue – let alone deal with it – is thought crime. Once again political correctness is not merely an irritant but actually dangerous. How many lives could be saved with the extra billions if we just persuaded fewer women to become doctors?
Of course medicine an extremely lucrative field where proportionately minorities hugely outnumber whites. When there is such a disparity in any other field this is the most obscene injustice that must be rectified as soon as possible but here is not only fine but it’s our fault if minorities are convicted of misconduct more often! You just can’t win.
I’m shocked now the bbc news is reporting that black and Asian doctors are worse than white ones – after a survey from the GMC. It doesn’t give a reason – such as being able to buy a medical practice ticket in some third world crap hole.
I’ve met some of these delightful types – I swear to god one of them couldn’t speak English – but he was running and outpatients after doing his private stuff in the morning . No corruption there ….
In a hospital which I can’t name, a certain surgery department swore blind to one of those hated management consultancy companies they could only do 4 operations a day. All manner of excuses were brought out as to why this could not be improved.
But hey presto. On a Saturday that could do 7 !!!!!!!!
The reason was incredibly simple. During the week the doctors were paid a salary. On a Saturday (overtime) they were paid PER OPERATION !!!!!!!!
Nice to see how our world class NHS really operates.
Funny how both the NHS and BBC operate the same Code of Silence about malpractice , corruption and incompetence-as well as avoidable waste of course ….
How could nobody amongst their 20,000 staff point out that higher rates of malpractice convictions might, er, mean they commit more malpractice? The BBC are kind of spreading racial disharmony here.
Political correctness really is akin to a mental illness. As I have said it is like AIDS for the mind, ravaging vital critical faculties just as HIV destroys the immune system. At least there is a certain grandeur and deep intelligence which comes often accompanies mental illness. Political correctness just turns you into a preaching moron who repeats the same few things constantly. What a wretched play Hamlet would be had the prince been politically correct!
“I actually think on balance everyone is lovely, especially those lovely immigrants trying to conquer Denmark. Ophelia I must apologise for mocking your feminist aspirations! I feel so empowered that perhaps I will talk about my struggles on a march about mental health issues!”
Has anyone got that link discussed last week which lists the BBC website have your say stuff – including the deleted comments ….?
Wanna look at views about the girly footy ….but obviously not the girly rubbish itself .
The pakis and the Indians are playing cricket today and the BBC loves it . I wonder if the fun loving view will be the same when they start attacking each other again . Anyone got my popcorn?
The bBBC have this clear strategy to dig out any statistics that support their narratives. It’s desperate stuff.
This morning, we learn (shock, horror) that the General Medical Council put more black and asian doctors through their disciplinary procedure.
If I heard and understood correctly 44% of complaints about black, and 40% about Asian doctors go through to disciplinary measures but the figure for white doctors is ‘only’ 29%.
The fact that a THIRD of all doctors were quoted as being black /asian was completely glossed over.
We are clearly supposed to feel outraged about the disciplinary statistics.
Given that this nation is still predominantly white, and therefore so too presumably are the majority of patients, it clearly did not occur to the Far Left ‘investigative journalists’ in the BBC propaganda department that factors such as poor language and general communication skills, cultural misalignment over things like listening, understanding, empathy, all leading to incorrect diagnosis might just be a root cause of some of the disciplinaries, which British white doctors would of course in the main have the language and cultural skills to avoid.
The BBC. World class in shit-stirring. Again.
PS with apologies to fedup above, who I only now discover beat me to it.
DS http://www.freeintertv.com/view/id-1799
In one of the most recent threads I reported that Vodafone stopped me accessing certain sites.
But the censorship was not intended for me, no no, but “to protect younger customers”.
The sites I knew about were ROP and BNI, sites full of the truths that the BBC want to bury in The Challenger Deep.
Thank you for your link, unfortunately Vodafone are censoring this site as well.
We cannot have anyone logging on to Fox News and discovering that all the stuff the lefty teacher told them was lies.
Vodafone claim that it is easy to avoid this censorship if I supply credit card details or a photograph.
I wonder what they do with this information, probably throw it in a bin marked GCHQ.
Anyway to see Fox News right now I will have to go to the pub, and it’s all your fault.
Edit, the next result your link returned was to CNN, so I thought “I wonder if”, censored again.
Guess what? Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster has, “obtained figures” from the General Medical Council that, to them, show racial discrimination. Seems that many more black and asian doctors receive complaints and are struck off than white doctors.
To the BBC, who for political purposes, do not, ‘do’ balanced / objective in depth reporting, this is a sure sign that the GMC is biased against blacks and asians. ‘Critical Theory’ at work. It’s the typical dishonest style of reporting that has become the hallmark of BBC reporting and which is sickening to an increasing proportion of the public: they simply ‘drop’ a controversial piece of scant information on the public in the expectation that the public will ‘join the BBC’s dots’ and share their views and hence inbuilt bias. What is the BBC’s message then? Well, as normal for the BBC, whitey, bad and biased against good and competent black/asian doctors.
All ‘headline’ stuff. But, if our, “Worlds Most Trusted” broadcaster had bothered to delve just a little deeper, they would, (shock, horror!) have likely discovered that the black/asian doctors imported by HMG are simply not up to the job. I suspect that had the BBC, “obtained figures” in respect of, for example, dentists or Chartered Engineers, they would probably find the same disparity. But no, they have to report this sort of news by ‘Lammifying’ it.
Richard Tice: Why we must quit Brussels now – the sooner we leave this grotesque temple of excess the better
I understand Richard Tice is very, very rich.
He says he was in Brussels for just 24 hours last week and “left feeling sick” at the excesses.
I think I believe him.
It is no secret that the EU is a gravy train, but I assumed whoever runs the place would be smart enough not to make it too obvious.
I was wrong.
I assume the bBC et al. will be interviewing him about this.
Sky: “He’s a national disgrace’: Trump attacks Khan after three killed in London.”
You gotta love the man!
It goes on: “Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn jumped to the defence of the London mayor, tweeting: “Absolutely awful to see @realDonaldTrump using the tragedy of people being murdered to attack the Mayor.”
And absolutely awful to see Corbyn using the tragedy of people being murdered to attack the President!
Spot on vlad !! There’s the blatant hypocrisy of the Left at work again !!!
I seem to remember Corbyn and his far left cronies had no bother using Grenfell for political point scoring also, imploring his followers to get down to the council offices to cause trouble !. They are a nasty, dangerous , hypocritical bunch of snakes, they really are different league. Awful.
Corbyn jumped to the defence of the London mayor, tweeting: “Absolutely awful to see @realDonaldTrump using the tragedy of people being murdered to attack the Mayor.”
Khan acts like he believes his one purpose in life is to complain. Fine though stand aside let someone with a backbone be mayor. As for Corbyn he should remember that he won’t just be judged by whom he chooses to pick a fight with. Those he chooses to promote speak volumes of his vision and character.
President Trump on fire on twitter. Calling Sadiq Khan a National disgrace !!!! And, he is correct ….again !!!
Here’s another beauty from Mr President …
Do you believe that the Failing New York Times just did a story stating that the United States is substantially increasing Cyber Attacks on Russia. This is a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, any story, even if bad for our Country…..
…..ALSO, NOT TRUE! Anything goes with our Corrupt News Media today. They will do, or say, whatever it takes, with not even the slightest thought of consequence! These are true cowards and without doubt, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
The Corrupt News Media is totally out of control – they have given up and don’t even care anymore. Mainstream Media has ZERO CREDIBILITY – TOTAL LOSERS!
The media still don’t get that in signalling their virtue in condemning Trump they amplify his message! They fall into the same trap time and time again.
Incredibly nobody who has screeched about how offensive etc the Tweet is has discussed the minor fact that what he is saying is completely true.
“How can he say two plus two equals four! Hitler thought they equalled four as well! Look, a squirrel!”
BBC on full race baiting mode this morning. Figures obtained by the BBC show BAME doctors are far more likely to be investigated by the British Medical council than their white colleagues.That maybe because they are committing far more mistakes,not that that would occur to the BBC!
The obvious question is why the request for the stats was made in the first place, and why the racial breakdown?
Looking forward to the bbc requesting a similar statistical breakdown regarding stabbings in London.
I’m surprised that any requests for statistical breakdowns based on race can still be legal.
Probably only the ones that show under-representation or ‘oppression’.
I see the activist lesbians on the bus are still very coy about the racial descriptions of their tormentors. Not so coy about calling Boris a rotten old misogynist homophobe though.
We all know these Remainiacs are nothing but far left activists . How the hell could you ever trust the result of a second referendum ???? . We’ve already had reports of Brexit party votes being burned , destroyed etc ….can you imagine the level of corruption these exteme remoaners could cause at polling stations ??
Why do people want a democratic vote to remain in an organisation run by unelected bureaucrats? In fact why do people want to be governed by unelected bureaucrats in the first place? especially if a democratic vote is so important to them. The mind boggles. And they claim to be ‘liberal’, the truly liberal don’t endorse unelected big government, or indeed any form of big government.
Because they want a socialist superstate where there is no national pride or identity and just a lowest common denomination multicultural mess – before it becomes the caliphate of course after the next European civil war .
Ken Clarke is a prominent in the Bilderberg Group that works for rule by by international business & finance. The MSM won’t talk about them or their secretive annual conferences attended by politicians & the ultra rich. Brexit is the last thing they want. https://t.co/VAttdjERqX
Bit like John major and the Carlyle Group . They don’t get much of a mention either …
If Kenneth Clarke does bring down his own government as he threatens – together with his surrogate son – Rory Stewart – the weird opium smoker – Mr Clarke will find it a great shock to his system being out of his home since 1970 . How can any one justify having done that for nearly 50 years ?
Let’s get swamp draining …
On the World Service News last night, reporting the Trump spat, Khan was referred to as “the MUSLIM mayor of London”. Why that description? Was the BBC implying that Trump was confirming his “Islamophobia” or that as a Muslim Khan should be beyond criticism?
Given the BBC’s scrupulous regard for accuracy in that, every time it mentions him, it reminds us that Tommy Robinson’s real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, should it not, for the sake of consistency, advise us, every time it mentions him, that Boris Johnson’s real name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson?
All you have to do is look at who is/was on Andrew Marr this morning. The whole BBC establishment team in full force all of whom are against Boris.
The BBC are so obviously against Boris that you would have to have your head up a dark place not to see it…
I have to say I have now virtually stopped watching BBC – in fact all I watch is Breakfast for a bit before watching Piers Morgan…One has to hope that the license fiasco will finally get them…
It amazes me how many countryside, gardening and animal presenters are Black and Asian on the BBC when you rarely see anyone Black or Asian in the countryside let alone working there. On the other hand if there is a program where you would expect to find Black or Asian culture the presenter is almost always Black or Asian..Funny that.
It is racism at it’s best…
Who’s ever seen a black person at a Garden Centre ?
The BBC have made the one programme I could stomach ‘ Gardeners World’ unwatchable with their Gender/Race Bingo.
Not BBC- but Emirates have a cracking new advert – white woman , couple of black kids with with bouncy trampoline hair , black husband and grandparents … then wait for it they pan to the white woman’s brother and he has a fkking Chinese girlfriend
Just to remind those of us who have been on the other side of the moon since 1984 and who don’t know owt about how all our blonde women are being taken over by our African friends, here’s the opposite:
A toure de force – so I’m going to ramble without involving al beeb a so if you don’t want to know the Fedup Theory of The Near Future look away now ….
…. ok … Alex Boris gets the job . A chat with Brussels . No movement – same sell out and €39 billion . Boris says no . Prep for no deal . ( the Iranians let the bbc spy out for ‘ good will ‘) .
Labour does the numbers and tries for a no confidence vote with the connivance of Bercow and the likes of Grieve ,Clarke , Stewart Minor et al .
Now this is the split – no confidence wins – general election ( no outcome prediction here )
No confidence motion fails – we leave on 31 October – liberation Day . Boris declares 1 November a National Holiday . Brexit Party woo ed into the blue Tory fold …..
For the record I don’t like Boris because of his bullingdon club background , lack of principles and the buffoon act . But if he grew horns and a tail and still got us out of the ReichEU he’d get my vote ( having regard to Nigel Farage )
In summary – worst case – shortest government in history and A50 withdrawn . Corbyn McDonnel Government . We all start wearing the EU uniform and saluting its flag .
Best case Boris gets us out – then we start the long awaited process of rolling back socialist institutions such as the State Broadcaster ..
She let the first interviewee talk uninterrupted during the whole interview so I thought I would be able to hear what they were saying for a change.
First, Hilary Benn, a remainer was given lots of time to talk about his anti Brexit position.
Second, remainer Tobias Elwood (?) given all the uninterrupted time to talk of his support for Uriah Heep (remain supporter) in the upcoming leadership challenge.
Third, jo cox’s sister…this is what the fast forward button is for so I didn’t watch any of it.
Fourth, Amber Rudd, the remainer, given lots of uninterrupted time on various topics including her remainer beliefs on Brexit.
Finally, a leaver, Dominic Raab, interrupted more than all the others put together. On top of that, Ridge kept coming out with untruths which Raab slapped down.
Raab done himself a power of good. On one challenge, Ridge listed 3 things he got wrong and Raab put her back in her box by telling her she was wrong on all 3 accounts and then explaining the truth to her.
So then, this show turned out to be just like all the others, pro remain with soft questions and no interruptions but plenty of interruptions if the person being interviewed happened to be the leaver on the show.
Of course, it was one leaver and the rest were all remainers.
I fear for this guys blood pressure. Every time he is asked a simplyu question he goes into some kind trance as if he’s reliving one of his dads articles.
I don’t recall but I’m sure his dad was Anti-EU MP?
Muslim Women in Society : There some BBC progs where you can tell that people are listening cos there is a lot of discussion on Twitter
but you can see sometimes there is nothing on Twitter cos the presenter is just talking to their own little bubble and people have stopped listening/watching.
This morning I was listening to Radio Sheffield 8:45am and the presenter had brought on her mates to talk about Muslim Women in Society
Her intro
They are stereotyped as terrorist monster, or as oppressed
First Guest (female Muslim barrister)
MW are attacked from all sides
on account of ethnicity/gender/belief
That’s a triple penalty
The media give us 3 prisms which MW are seen through
– gender inequality
– CSE (I guess she means families doing FGM and arranged marriage rather that groomingRaping gangs)
– terrorism
They are not treated as an individual
Next guest female Muslim activist
MW are stereotyped as stupid
– MW are just normal people
Presenter “There is a fear factor that has been escalated”
All agreed
Then the words “Far right” were thrown around
Its “growing”
First guest
mentions the Rotherham case of Muslim Ahmad who was killed by two smackheads who shouted grooming gangs
(.. So she is saying that Far right” tropes killed him )
She said the “far right are hijacking peoples concerns by scapegoating Muslims whereas peoples actual problems are a result of (Tory) austerity
The presenter then talked about “aspiration deficit” that Muslim women don’t see other people “like me” to copy
To her credit the presenter did bring up the issue of people getting jobs just cos of “box ticking”, but her guests didn’t want to give ground on that
So overall their narrative is poor Muslims are stereotyped, but the “far right” are an evil mass.
As ever we should apply the Projection test
: Is the way they see the media and “far right”
.. the same as they the say the media and “far right” see Muslims
The answer is yes they said the media “scapegoats for political point scoring, stereotypes as stupid/violent, uses tropes and portrays ALL Muslims as a growing threat, doesn’t treat as individuals ”
Yet that was the same way this Radio Sheffield panel treated people they choose to label “far right”
BTW The two guests names appear on a Social Workers Party promo about an event against Sarah Champion’s Sun article
The tweet misquotes the Sun article to make it seem worse than it was.
I really am so fed up with the BBC’s miserable sycophantic reports on migrants being rescued in the English Channel, climate change, Remainers, Asian Ramblers, sad looking Syrian children who are really 30 year old violent jihadist rapists, all the CBBC mixed race children, storytelling drag queens and Nadiya Hussain. Now the BBC is droning on about pop festivals being washed out because of the bad weather.
So I thought of that depressing lady, Orla Guerin who reports in that strange montone on all the sad events in Syria and the up and coming hype on the Glastonbury Music Festival, and Viola!
After the 1976 drought ‘experts’ on the BBC were prophesying major changes in Northern European agriculture with rice, millet and alfalfa becoming staple crops. 1977 proved to be one of the coldest and wettest on record – and the experts stayed silent.
Just as 2018 echoed 1976, so 2019 is proving to be repeating history but, other than Harrabin – who knows where his financial security lies, at least for the present – where have all the other experts gone?
I’m out of UK – and the link works ! Cheers !
And the first thing I heard was that President Trump is demanding ant one coming to the USA is self funding ( the commentator said ‘makes sense to me “) ….
Rory Stewart, bbc1 TV news tells us, is the ‘unlikely celebrity’ of the race for PM. Couldn’t quite catch the name of the heavily-accented presenter (Nick Eardley?)
Anyway, the beeb and other MSM have tried hard all week TO MAKE him into a celebrity. A wee bit of hypocrisy there somewhere?
No prizes for guessing why…
Anyway, looking at comments on this site, it becomes clear that the bbc is -far from being impartial- an undisguised propaganda channel. Top project for the coming week will obviously be ‘get Boris’. Lotsa little snowflakes yelling: “when did you last use ….., Mr Johnson?” at every conceivable occasion.
Another of those little BBC ironies. More than happy to inflict Nick Eardley’s version of English upon us but the alternative is unlikely to apply, I feel confident, to those presenting on BBC Scotland.
On the other hand, at least his voice is rather more uplifting than Orla and Fergal. Were they both at Billy’s funeral I wonder?
I notice the lead article headline on Telegraph online is a breathless exclamation that Rory is PERSONALLY going to ask Nigel for a deal with the Brexit party.
THAT photograph of Rory, looking like a cadaverous version of Clint Eastwood, all ruffled ‘hang tough’ hair, possibly to bring to mind T.E.Lawrenece (probably something Rory has been working hard to do), shows that Nigel will indeed be privileged to receive such a wonderful offer from such a top Tory…
You do have to wonder about the DT these days, every bit as much as about the beeb.
Looks like Rory is taking a leaf out of Bojo’s book who took a leaf out of Donald Trump’s book and is rolling it around something …. can’t quite see what.
“Two teenagers have been charged with the murder of an 18-year-old man who was stabbed to death in south London.
“A 17-year-old boy from Merton and an 18-year-old man from Wandsworth have been charged with his murder and are due to appear at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Monday.”
The BBC and MSM are hiding behind the age of the perps charged with these sorts of crimes but now I notice there is a tendency not to report the names of people charged, even if they are 18 or over.
I wonder how our beloved state broadcaster is treating Father’s Day? Like it probably no longer exists is my guess!
But World Hijab Day and the Grenfell griev-a-thon, front and centre I’ve no doubt ????
Thanks for the headsup… fired up the live player
Ah it’s a REPEAT, I’ve heard it before
..The host is not impartial. Note how he frames Rod Liddle ..oh we are meeting in a bar.
In April I discussed the prog April 26, 2019 at 11:03 am
As ever I think other people brought it up a few hours later in the same or next thread.
I don’t know if anyone can help but on twitter Saturday was news that the EU is to directly partly find bits of Channel 4. At first I thought this true then wondered if it’s a spoof. Couldn’t find an answer as I got distracted watching the excellent HBO Rome ….
Hmm Channel4 is directly funded by advertising
#1 Theres is a special EU rule that allows ad revenue to be topped up in future, say if ITV started doing discount advertising.
(this is from 1991 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-91-632_en.htm
Kate Hoey posted something similar last night, and then deleted it , probably cos the date is old”)
#2 The EU’s media programme, part of its Creative Europe scheme, has a more direct impact and invested €100m (£78m) into the UK’s audiovisual sector between 2007 and 2013. It provided funding for shows including BBC1’s Daphne du Maurier adaptation Jamaica Inn, the detective drama Hinterland, which aired on the BBC and the Welsh language channel S4C, and Sky Atlantic’s John Hurt thriller The Last Panthers.
The media programme also part-funded children’s series such as Shaun the Sheep and Julia Donaldson’s Room on the Broom, and films including Todd Haynes’ Carol, Mike Leigh’s Mr Turner, and the acclaimed Amy Winehouse documentary Amy. // https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/jun/01/what-has-the-eu-ever-done-for-my-tv-viewing
James Cleverly tweeted a TV guide screenshow
showing how C4 frames Brexit super negatively
BTW.. the deleted Kate Hoey tweet
And people are wondering why @BorisJohnson is unconvinced that the Channel 4 debate is a good use of time. I’m just amazed the other candidates can’t see this for what it is. pic.twitter.com/31SVMOP7eC
The screenshot is from the Guardian TV guide
Ali Catterall says
‘Ha. Wrote this Guardian preview in a kind of blind fury before emailing it off;
thoroughly expecting them to ask me to tone it down.
They didn’t change a word. Good on ’em’
Stew thanks – I remember it was Kate Hoey posting about EU financing of C4 – a hard core brexiter would use that in the husting thing Sunday night but hard core brexiters and the Tory party do not match …
Stew, re #3 “Channel 4 receives no public funding.” I seem to recall that the there is an arrangement that the BBC pass on some of their Licence Fee money to C4 to finance what is considered to be C4’s public service broadcasting. Is that not right?
If so, then Channel 4 are being as devious as the BBC.
I actually can’t stop laughing at this utter clown !!!! No wonder Lineker loves him ……. What planet does this fella live on ???
Another one who doesn’t seem to understand, we have already had the vote and LEAVE won !!!!!! Blimey riley, my blood pressure shoots up at one look at the BBC !!!
17.4 million decided. A second decision is not required. The problem is the referendum result not being accepted. If Stewart doesn’t understand that, he is not fit to run a fairground ride, let alone a Country
— OutsideTheVillage #TheFutureIsBright (@OTVDesk) June 16, 2019
A naive police research guy thinks he can trust the BBC to do an honest edit when he is talking about a police project to give them mobile identity databases one of which is the immigration database.
.. You should always do interviews live , otherwise the BBC will come with their preconceived narrative and edit what you say so it confirms their narrative.
1. I have just seen it for the first time and I am disappointed by the @BBC'S tone and misrepresentation of the facts
I was interviewed for 30 minutes as I am sure was @WestYorksOPCC where I explained the law, its use and the safeguards & engagement
Whilst on the subject of Rory Stewart, I’m surprised that no one here has noted that lame duck PM Theresa May has been backing Rory Stewart’s bid for the leadership.
Stewart is what the Mail describes as an ‘Ultra Remainer’, and this now raises the question as to whether May neogitated Brexit in good faith whilst PM.
We now see her joining forces with other remainers to attempt to prevent the UK leaving the EU at all, re-inforcing the view that she never was going to allow the UK to leave the EU from day 1.
Once a remainer, always a remainer. Showing her true colours now she doesn’t have to pretend. What a deceitful woman, full of spite. Just like someone said on here that before she goes she can do so much damage. Looks like she’s got plenty of that up her sleeve. I cannot Express just how much I detest the woman, wasting so much time on her useless plan. The best thing she could do now for everyone is to take a job with the EU and disappear into the pile of s**t.
Thoughtful -“…the question as to whether May negotiated Brexit in good faith…”
I don’t believe there was ever any question about it.
I posted on this site, from the start of her being PM, that she was an avid student of Merkel.
And Merkel is a master (mistress) of deceit. I’ve been watching her closely ever since she took office. I was living in Germany when the wall came down, and observed the entire transformation of GDR politicians into ‘Westerners’ with great interest. She was the most interesting of the lot, even though she was initially hardly known at all.
Once ensconced, she showed what ruthless ambition in politics was all about. She’s worth a study if that topic is of interest.
Ms May is cut from a similar cloth, but alas for her -hadn’t quite acquired all the manipulative skills required for really good deceit.
Also, Merkel had one other key skill: lying low for most of the time. Brexit flushed May out.
Finally, May simply hasn’t had the German cheque book at her disposal, although she’s trying hard to make up for that at present.
I think Rory Stewart is a twerp. But as with a lot of upper class twits, Eton gave him a confident veneer that actually conceals his incompetence, fearful cautiousness and lack of good ideas. His only talent is for saying that something is too difficult or impossible to achieve and making this negative proposition sound wise and statesmanlike – which then provides him with a reason to congratulate himself when it transpires that nothing is actually achieved. Yet he is ambitious and has grandiose ideas about himself. He believes he did a great job in Iraq and Afghanistan and he fancies himself as a second Lawrence of Arabia. But his nickname is Florence of Belgravia.
vladFeb 24, 15:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 [img]https://scontent.fltn3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/480562659_10237515416850587_4134408956090318020_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p180x540_tt6&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=XEL2oKX0Hj8Q7kNvgFZfPbq&_nc_oc=Adj_7rQaCI2w45qjWf7VVO6MVj5OpSrGB4w_I1qi9TGQcrLOUQVDJNZnxSoJ7WSz5YD4OHt3VUsPELwnTLi5Lo2S&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fltn3-1.fna&_nc_gid=AhVmtbj_SIzfPAxCP7-nqo-&oh=00_AYDxmn7iFPW8Htuh4SuSK3V7JB7I26zvpaIMBJSkV-TvjQ&oe=67C256F9[/img] Joking aside, there’s a serious point here: when it comes to stupid Micky Mouse jobs like BBC ‘reporter’, DEI…
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Richard PinderFeb 24, 14:36 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hurtful Words Act 2025: An Act for the more effectual punishing of His Majesty’s Subjects, and bringing the Offenders to…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 14:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Keir Starmer contacted by police after collision with cyclist in London This article is more than 4 years old Rider…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A looter jailed for 16 months after taking a single lick of an unwanted ice-cream cone stolen from a ransacked…
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hello Non Snowflake to serve only 40% of the time, maybe released even earlier for his own safety or good…
Richard PinderFeb 24, 13:55 Start the Week 24th February 2025 BBC says “It was the knife what did it. Blame the knife or the ricin, not the Black man who…
It’s amazing the interest clearly stirred by this, which at first I had not appreciated was something to do with football.
BBC News
Canada captain Christine Sinclair is four goals away from being the top international football scorer – of any gender – in the world.
Full marks for optimism, BBC but… #CCBGB
Was just looking at this Guest . Check out the Have your Say …top rated …… Some cracking comments , basically just taking the pee out of the BBC and it’s completely overhyping of women’s football.
That encapsulates my whole point Doobster. I have nothing against women’s football, I used to watch bits of it ten years ago or so.
But the relentless overhyping nowadays of women’s football by our state broadcaster is just ridiculous, and to be honest I think millions of people in this country are seeing right through it.
13-0 the other night. Are you kidding me. Quite frankly an embarrassing spectacle from what I can gather.
Growing up al beeb had men’s golf, motor sport and cricket to name a few. They’ve pissed those all up the wall and are left with sh*te like the Women’s World Cup to hang their hat on.
No sympathy whatsoever ✌????
Let’s not be too harsh !!! They did have Slalom Canoeing on the red button earlier !!!! LOL
The good news from Germany: the socialist SPD, in the past one of the ‘big two’, the party of Willie Brandt, has an approval rating of only 11% in the latest opinion polls. (Despite that, the German President and e.g. Foreign Minister are SPD. ‘Representative Democracy’?)
The bad news: The Greens have over 20%. Were they concerned only with environmental matters, one could ignore them. A central policy pillar, however, is to encourage immigration for the purpose of diversity. A warning for the UK there, somewhere?
Worst of all: Merkel, who relies on the SPD to stay afloat, and seems to have been in charge forever, is still around for another two years…
Some intensive googling reveals a trail of links backwards from the current Channel 4 attack on farming re ammonia release.
Didn’t take long to find that the story was provided to C4 by a non-gov organisation The Bureau of Investigative Journalism who in turn have links to an outfit called Tactical Tech who in turn are part funded by an outfit called Open Society Foundation who are headed up by Mr Soros and Co. who also fund a large campaign to keep the UK in the EU….
All of this is both scary and nauseating.
It seems possible that a large chunk of our “free” News Media is being influenced and possibly funded on a massive scale by such tactics and probably does a lot to explain the deep-rooted bias they therefore project.
I believe our government should be pressured to investigate these connections in depth in the name of democracy.
Noel Gallagher online in the Daily Express basically telling remainers “if you don’t like the referendum result then fu*k off to North Korea.”
Well said my man and very eloquently put ????
Best songwriter of his generation bar none ????
Referendum > Result > Action
Sometimes this has to be spelt out again (especially after a long time has passed without Action).
No one forced parliament to ask.
It’s in the Indy also
‘Noel Gallagher has hit out at Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in a colourful interview where he despaired at the state of modern British politics.
The rock star, who previously said he would rather reform Oasis than see “lunatic” Jeremy Corbyn elected, now branded him a “f***ing student debater, f***ing captain fishy craggy old f***ing donkey, f*** off”. He also described shadow home secretary Diane Abbott as “the face of f***ing buffoonery”.
“They talk pipe-smoking communist nonsense, do you know what I mean? I think the role of any politician in the world is to be forward thinking, and modern, and contemporary – looking forward,” he told the Manchester Evening News..,
I agree with a lot of what he says, but the comments really seem to have hit a nerve with the Indy type snowflakes.. hilarious.
@Digg Open Society Foundation as partially connected to Soros ?
Actually Twitter claims the ammonia project is a joint investigation Guardian, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Channel 4
(BTW The Guardian article says “Animals farmed is supported by
Open Philanthropy Project
“Our main funders are Cari Tuna and Dustin Moskovitz, a co-founder of Facebook and Asana.”)
I see what you are doing is trying to dismiss an argument very quickly by saying the source is crap
But real life is not so simple cos that is a logical fallacy
cos any argument stands on its own feet whatever the motivations of the messenger.
The theory that the emperor has no clothes is not valueless just cos the small boy makes it.
Even if the small boy is funded by Soros ..or Big Oil or whoever
(This source fallacy is called the Genetic Fallacy
.. it doesn’t matter if George Soros himself invented a theory, that doesn’t mean it it is BS)
helps me decide how much time
If a messenger had deceived me so much in the past that helps me decide how much time I will invest in checking
eg if the source is the Indy or Guardian then I am not going to invest any time , rather I’ll wait until another source gives a take)
So this Ammonia story I’ll not waste too much time on
There is a logical fallacy in their wording for a start.
“3,000 deaths”
.. death is a BS and unscientific metric… cos we all die
They probably mean someone dies at 86 instead of 87
That is not worth spending billions for that
They should use the metric Quality Adjusted Life Years saved
The report I guess purports to show using MODELLING that so many life years will be saved if we reduce cattle ammonia to zero.
#1 Well actually humanity has experience of times and places where cattle ammonia close to zero
.. like 1,000 years ago in the UK or tropical countries today
In neither of those situations is life expectancy averaging 100 so reducing ammonia is not a #1 lifespan enhancer.
Your ancestors lived in times with less ammonia and guess what they had shorter lifespans.
#2 Always ask if a story is PR not news
Here there so many factors that are suspicious like the hyperbolic unscientific language etc. And there are a lot of drivers towards that hyperbole ..eg the anti-meat people, the #Green hedgefund industry etc. political points scoring.
I have seen past Guardian reports on other topics in the Guardian that have turned out in time to have big errors
.. but the Guardian didn’t rush to correct, cos actually it was all a PR job in the first place
The BBC just have no credibility anymore !!! It really is great to see them getting a hard time. They fully deserve it !!!
“Tory leadership: Rival candidates say there must be ‘no coronation'”
Why the sudden concern about the Conservative Party members?
Most Conservative MPs, most MPs of all parties have just ignored their members.
Because they (the MPs) know best, we did not know what we were voting for, words written on buses. All the lying Remainbollocks which has rained down on us 24/7/365 X 3.
What MPs are concerned about is democracy actually happening. Brexit actually happening.
All their tiny little feet are swollen because when things are not going their way they stamp them like Rumpelstiltskin. Poor dears. Correction, poor us, for having only grade Z candidates to vote for.
The BBC would have to cut 20% of their expenditure to pay for the over 75s TV Licence.
Do it! You bloated sods.
Renegotiate ‘top talent ‘ contracts on expiry and replace those not willing to take a pay cut – say 20%. Close bbc 4 into bbc 2, Asian channels , close the ‘extras’ like radio 1 and 4 , sell remaining specials like Wimbledon and live footy to sky/by , reduce the internet spend – recruitment and pay freeze and stick rubbish repeats on during the day – oops sorry – they already do that on the last one .
Change ‘the one show ‘ to ‘the half show’,
Politics daily becomes politics weekly
‘Pointless ‘become’ more pointless ‘…… quite easy really ….
…and put me in charge . …
Here they come again
Yes, France is full of dangerous people armed with lethal baguettes.
Well I know there’s myself, Mr Kitty and Old Goat I’m sure if we put our minds to it we could be very dangerous with a round of Camembert.
Who needs Camembert? Sharpened hooves and a pile of used straw is quite a deterrent.
Then there’s BBC Radio 4:
Who knew one of the cuddliest figures on morning television could have such influence in politics?
Now, Esther McVey is a pol, so she deserves all that comes her way, albeit with Tory/MSM handicap.
However, are ‘cuddly figures’ in media meant to ‘influence politics’ in the manner Ms. Kelly adopted?
Third killing in Londonistan in 24 hours.
The savages are partying hard, maybe it’s the approaching full moon.
Meanwhile useless Khant’s got more important things to do than tackling the epidemic, like insulting Trump.
“London violence: Five attacks leave three dead in 24 hours”
The new Lidl “Big on Quality” advert
Inverted racism….. white people appear as add-ons to their non white partners.
The UK has TV channels just aimed at the ethnic-Nigerian/African or ethnic-Indian audience so yes the ad reflects that audience.
But as a national advert its deliberate *inverted racism*, and not the #equality of reflecting the TV audience
Lidl’s own tweet
they get stick in the replies which Twitter hides behind the “show more replies” button
Thanks for posting, Stew.
The fisherman and the nurse are white. What do the rest do for a living?
I’m shocked by the gender stereo types. The nurse is female and the fisherperson is a man.
Not a problem.
Because when Nigel presents the Manifesto, it will contain a commitment to greatly reduce tax avoidance and tax evasion. I am here referring to tax avoidance by Amazon, Apple, Microsoft etc; not Joe the plumber who gets £10 in cash for fixing a dripping tap.
All foreign Companies with more than 100 employees, will require a licence to trade in the UK. The licence application form will require the Company to undertake to pay such taxes as are required of UK based businesses. Any problems with tax collection, the Brexit Government will seize all assets and jail senior staff concerned.
The application form will also refer to anti British activity. When Tesco, Lidl, or whichever large white hating company, is the first to be taken over by the Brexit Government, without compensation to the shareholders. When the CEO is sentenced to 20 years without parole. Pour encourager les autres, effectively. Every time the new Brexit Chancellor shouts jump all the chief accountants will be required to show the bruise on their heads where they collided with the ceiling.
Let us really drain the filthy swamp and permanently emasculate and render the swamp dwellers impotent .
And the couple in the still shot are lesbians. The one on the right is butch with breasts.
Don’t get me started on this. I’m sick to the back teeth of seeing adverts full of ethnics and mixed race couples with one of each colour kids. It’s a total misrepresentation of society and I find it utterly offensive when coloured, Asian, etc are a tiny minority of this country.
Watched the ITV News earlier this evening and it was pretty much what you’d expect – reports on the Lincolnshire floods, London violence, Hong Kong protests etc. and newsreader Lucrezia Millarini talking to Paul Brand (political correspondent and boy reporter for Le Petit Vingtieme) about the Tory leadership contest.
Switch over to BBC One (Freeview 101 HD) to catch the end of BBC News, and then immediately switch over again (Freeview 1) to see BBC London News with Assad Ahmed (despite its vast budget the Beeb still can’t broadcast the London bulletins in HD).
Now with BBC News you don’t get what you might reasonably expect – I thought they’d start with the three killings in London – nope, the headline is the Grenfell protest march. They even included footage of Jeremy Corbyn and Stormzy on last night’s march to mark the 2nd anniversary.
The killings in London came next in the running order – except they only mentioned the two from yesterday afternoon. Even the next report, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s hunger strike, seemed to get more attention, including a video interview with her husband.
Did I say you don’t get what you’d expect from BBC News? On reflection, you get exactly what you’d expect.
Parts of London are a cesspit. I went down for a Spurs game last season and visited Tottenham pre-game to check out the new stadium.
As we walked from the overground station towards the ground there was a massive chunk of last night’s kebab skewer on the pavement stinking to high heaven.
It was absolutely disgusting and an insight into how the savages live ????
theleftwilleatitself – When the West invites Third World populations into their societies, it gets the crime and urban squalor of Lagos, Mogadishu, Mumbai and Mexico City. It cannot be otherwise. This new population in our capital city is completely different to indigenous Brits in terms of intelligence, character and temperament. They are filthy, feckless, chaotic, low-IQ, criminally-minded barbarians and parasites; they do not have the self-discipline to defer gratification or the civic conscience that engenders a respect for the rule of law; they cannot and do not want to integrate; they reject the terms “English” or “British” but now appear to be happy calling themselves “Londoners”. This is a sad colonisation of a great city, once perhaps the most civilised city ever to have existed on Earth. Utterly ruined by the suicidal policies of our traitorous political class. The only way to prevent the whole country going the same way is by ceasing immigration altogether and implementing a policy of repatriation – which I cannot imagine any political party ever adopting. I am afraid this country is doomed.
“When the West invites Third World populations into their societies, it gets the crime and urban squalor of Lagos, Mogadishu, Mumbai and Mexico City. It cannot be otherwise”
Kinda; New – New Mexico and New – New England.
If you will; a completely New England but mostly old Mogadishu with a bonus of very old India thrown in (this is us by the way)
>StewGreen..@20.23 you said re the Lidl advert – “they get stick in the replies which Twitter hides behind the “show more replies” button”
..where is that bloody button!??..I admit to being very old.. but I cannot see it?..doh! do they say that these days?
See the blue words in my post click on that one where I mention Lidl’s tweet.. tweet opens up

Then pull all that way down to the bottom of the list and you see in blue the words
“show more replies”
News? Or something.
Your photo looks suspiciously like a Jim’ll Fix it request in the process of being answered by the BBC.
6th June 2019 … 75th Anniversary of D-Day for those who stood their ground against Nazis.
10th June 2019 … Those who helped in D-Day are forced to pay a BBC TV License or get prosecuted.
Boris Johnson
Mayor of London
It is an honour to welcome all delegates to London for the 9th World
Islamic Economic Forum in what is an historic first for a city outside
the Islamic world. I am proud that London is a fantastically diverse
city, boasting not just a great cultural and ethnic mix but also a great
mix of ages too. Londoners from all backgrounds contribute a huge
amount to the capital’s culture and economy.
The presence of WIEF in London recognises the UK’s position as a
major centre of Islamic finance. Islamic finance is already playing
a major role in shaping the economic and physical landscape
of our capital city.
The newly opened Shard, the extraordinary
redevelopment of Battersea Power Station and the Olympic Village
were paid for at least in part by Sharia- compliant finance.,
I also welcome the effort of the British Muslim community in bringing
the World Islamic Economic Forum to London. My team have worked
with the Muslim Council of Britain to bring this Forum to London,
who has been a key delegation at WIEF since its inception.
I want this to continue to work together to continue to strengthen
London’s ties with the Islamic world, and develop a clear legacy
of jobs and growth for Londoners from what promises to be a
successful World Islamic Economic Forum.
Click to access The-Muslim-Pound-FINAL.pdf
Boris is the most likely of the Tories to deliver something worthy of being called Brexit. Democracy will have triumphed after three long years in which it hung by a thread. A full Brexit will be a significant blow to the hegemony of the liberal global elite and will serve as an example to other nations trying to reassert their independence from supranational organisations.
How long we can retain our sovereignty remains to be seen as the Remainer elite will still be doing everything they can to return to some sort of member ship of the EU. Any and all dirty tricks will be indulged in.
If Boris wants to cement Our independence and protect the majority from the Remainer elite he should make abolition of the BBC his second priority after delivery of Brexit. There is no doubt that the BBC will be at the spearhead of the Remainers attempt to reverse Brexit.
” Any and all dirty tricks will be indulged in.”
Deciding amongst themselves which business owners will be willing to commit their business to destruction and its staff to redundancy in their desperate efforts to stop Brexit from happening. I believe there are multitudes of British business owners who voted remain who would willing to let their companies go out of business – Soros having promised them financial help if and when Brexit is stopped.
I believe these people are so desperate that they will do such things.
You see, these people are so paranoid in winning this war for their EU buddies that they will stop at nothing in order to give the public the impression that “the mountains will fall on us” if we refuse to listen to their ranting lies.
The Home Secretary Sajid Javid said:
The horrific events in New Zealand are a direct attack on the values of tolerance and freedom of worship that unite us all.
Nobody should ever fear persecution of their faith and it’s vital we stand together to reject those who seek to spread hatred and divide us.
I know many Muslim communities are feeling vulnerable and anxious. But they should seek comfort from knowing we are doing everything to tackle hate and extremism.
That’s why we are doubling next year’s places of worship fund YOUR TAX MONEY– providing physical protection as well as peace of mind.
In addition, the government will open a consultation with faith representatives and organisations including the Anti-Muslim Hatred Working Group,YOUR TAX MONEY Tell MAMA YOUR TAX MONEY, the Independent Advisory Group and other faith representatives and organisations, on improvements to existing policy to protect faith communities.
Paying for the ROPE(r) that will HANG you.
Places of worship, including mosques, will also benefit from a new £5 million fund over 3 years to provide protective security training to build on some of the positive work already happening in communities. This is in recognition that physical protective security is only part of the solution, and institutions, their staff and volunteers need to have security understanding to ensure the protective measures work effectively. We will engage closely with communities on the scope of this new scheme to ensure it meets the needs of all places of worship covering security. We will then undertake a competitive process to determine providers of the training and plan to start delivering in 2019 to 2020.
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
“Resist it while you can.”
Sadly we’re past that point.
So the government gives them a defence for having a weapons stash in their mosques – nice touch . I wonder if the person who came up with the policy is called ‘mo’?
Spot the difference: “Forty migrants intercepted in English Channel.” – Sky
“Channel migrants: Two boats intercepted off Kent coast.” – Al beeb.
Actually, not so much ‘intercepted’ as ferried over.
For what they are worth if these haven’t been seen –
I like this comment on HYS about the women’s world cup, I think it summed up BBC sports coverage very accurately:
“Women’s football is a masterclass in BBC hype over ability.
They have created their own world within which they travel the world, have the best of everything laid on & get to compete in the Olympics every 4 years.
10/10 for creating this.
0/10 for the football.
…. & If men comment on the dire standard of football on show, we are misogynists!
A well sewn up business model.”
Greta will be so proud.
BBC news – bias by omission
The BBC radio news reports that … A ‘consultancy’ called ‘britainthinks’ has done a survey of british people ? Which shows the country is divided and it’s all nasty and miserable …..
These days when ever I hear survey – I also hear -‘Project Fear & Soros “
So I looked up this outfit – which turns out to be a lefty remain operation where the CEO writes for the Guardian and was a personal advisor to one Gordon Brown – can imagine how miserable that must have been ?
Then I thought – it looks like Project Fear is getting more sophisticated in its’ message . Maybe all the shortage stuff will be replaced by talk of riots, insurrection , terrorism and that kind of stuff ?
Obviously the BBC takes the survey without proper reference to the source – nor does it say that if the democratic mandate had been obeyed by the traitors in the two Houses of Parliament we d be out of the ReichEU and dealing with the consequences now . …..
There is a pattern – last week the BBC used an outfit called ‘britainvotes’ for a survey result it liked . That turned out to be another one affiliated to labour remainers … but no mention of that at all.
I did some market research recently and it has totally transformed my view of all these bs ‘surveys.’
We all sat in a circle and anyone who disagreed with what they suggested had to justify their opinion to the group, creating huge social pressure to agree. We were also paid which made you feel you should just go along with what they wanted (nobody pays you to do a survey/research unless they want a certain result.) Also they did the survey at 7pm on a week day when we were all tired from work and wanted to get home! Any negative response required lengthy discussion whereas if you just agreed you got to leave earlier!
They will use the results of this research (it was about a water company) to show the public unanimously supported their plans, when in reality we unanimously just wanted to grab our money and get home as soon as possible.
Fed, it was almost like a curtain going up. For me it happened Easter 2018. The BBC had been stating it, with the help of Adonis (briefly) Blair, Cable, Campbell & Co, ever since the Referendum result was known.
But I was in a private meeting when someone speaking came out with it “the country is divided” and it has become a mantra that is heard everywhere, not just via the Beeb.
I think there is a large element of wishful thinking in it. I even heard someone claim on R4 that ‘the (EU Referendum) vote was close’ on air on BBC R4 last week. I laughed. The speaker obviously knew nothing about the history of EC/EU referendums and the closeness of some of those other votes. These people hope our country is divided so that if it came to another vote, the Leave side would lose.
I am not so sure about that.
What is wrong with being divided? Division is there and is real. So much of our society works by expressing opposed opinions and deciding between them. Why is everybody using the word “binary”, assuming that it stands for something bad? I think people who go on about the country being divided are simply refusing to accept life as it is. We choose between different options, using the mechanisms provided and then join in accepting the result – or we used to.
Found each other again, then?
Guest – I wonder if the rate for appearance is about £1000?
And if the lady doesn’t like Blighty any more I’m sure that she still has a passport for the place of her birth – Uganda – and now that idi amin is long gone Kampala can’t be too bad …..
“Guest – I wonder if the rate for appearance is about £1000?”
Pay per view would soon get that to market value, my guess is she’d be paying the viewers. Same old talking heads on the ‘papers’ merry go round, could do with a little investigative journalism that gig.
Another in the mould of Khan – professional complainer.
Vintage BBC race baiting: apparently more minorities are convicted of medical misconduct which is evidence of a vast racist conspiracy. To any sane person this might suggest that certain cultures are more likely to commit misconduct, lying and cheating in particular being a speciality of a certain ultra peaceful creed.
It’s interesting how they only focus on certain unequal outcomes. I have noted with these vile fraud cases, with pensioners robbed of life savings, the perpetrators are so often diverse. I dread to think what the actual statistics are though I can’t imagine any Beeb cultist looking into this dreadful phenomenon.
Another glaring unequal outcome is more women than men qualifying as doctors then at their peak working age they take years off then go part-time. Heaven knows how much it costs their beloved NHS but to even consider the issue – let alone deal with it – is thought crime. Once again political correctness is not merely an irritant but actually dangerous. How many lives could be saved with the extra billions if we just persuaded fewer women to become doctors?
Of course medicine an extremely lucrative field where proportionately minorities hugely outnumber whites. When there is such a disparity in any other field this is the most obscene injustice that must be rectified as soon as possible but here is not only fine but it’s our fault if minorities are convicted of misconduct more often! You just can’t win.
I’m shocked now the bbc news is reporting that black and Asian doctors are worse than white ones – after a survey from the GMC. It doesn’t give a reason – such as being able to buy a medical practice ticket in some third world crap hole.
I’ve met some of these delightful types – I swear to god one of them couldn’t speak English – but he was running and outpatients after doing his private stuff in the morning . No corruption there ….
In a hospital which I can’t name, a certain surgery department swore blind to one of those hated management consultancy companies they could only do 4 operations a day. All manner of excuses were brought out as to why this could not be improved.
But hey presto. On a Saturday that could do 7 !!!!!!!!
The reason was incredibly simple. During the week the doctors were paid a salary. On a Saturday (overtime) they were paid PER OPERATION !!!!!!!!
Nice to see how our world class NHS really operates.
Funny how both the NHS and BBC operate the same Code of Silence about malpractice , corruption and incompetence-as well as avoidable waste of course ….
How could nobody amongst their 20,000 staff point out that higher rates of malpractice convictions might, er, mean they commit more malpractice? The BBC are kind of spreading racial disharmony here.
Political correctness really is akin to a mental illness. As I have said it is like AIDS for the mind, ravaging vital critical faculties just as HIV destroys the immune system. At least there is a certain grandeur and deep intelligence which comes often accompanies mental illness. Political correctness just turns you into a preaching moron who repeats the same few things constantly. What a wretched play Hamlet would be had the prince been politically correct!
“I actually think on balance everyone is lovely, especially those lovely immigrants trying to conquer Denmark. Ophelia I must apologise for mocking your feminist aspirations! I feel so empowered that perhaps I will talk about my struggles on a march about mental health issues!”
Has anyone got that link discussed last week which lists the BBC website have your say stuff – including the deleted comments ….?
Wanna look at views about the girly footy ….but obviously not the girly rubbish itself .
The pakis and the Indians are playing cricket today and the BBC loves it . I wonder if the fun loving view will be the same when they start attacking each other again . Anyone got my popcorn?
Thank you island
The bBBC have this clear strategy to dig out any statistics that support their narratives. It’s desperate stuff.
This morning, we learn (shock, horror) that the General Medical Council put more black and asian doctors through their disciplinary procedure.
If I heard and understood correctly 44% of complaints about black, and 40% about Asian doctors go through to disciplinary measures but the figure for white doctors is ‘only’ 29%.
The fact that a THIRD of all doctors were quoted as being black /asian was completely glossed over.
We are clearly supposed to feel outraged about the disciplinary statistics.
Given that this nation is still predominantly white, and therefore so too presumably are the majority of patients, it clearly did not occur to the Far Left ‘investigative journalists’ in the BBC propaganda department that factors such as poor language and general communication skills, cultural misalignment over things like listening, understanding, empathy, all leading to incorrect diagnosis might just be a root cause of some of the disciplinaries, which British white doctors would of course in the main have the language and cultural skills to avoid.
The BBC. World class in shit-stirring. Again.
PS with apologies to fedup above, who I only now discover beat me to it.
PPS and even more so Beeb brother above
As an antidote to BBC bias, why can’t we view Fox News?
It used to be available as a Sky channel, but Sky terminated it.
I would be happy to subscribe.
With you 100% about Fox News.
I’m now watching Fox News on my PC live for free at:
In one of the most recent threads I reported that Vodafone stopped me accessing certain sites.
But the censorship was not intended for me, no no, but “to protect younger customers”.
The sites I knew about were ROP and BNI, sites full of the truths that the BBC want to bury in The Challenger Deep.
Thank you for your link, unfortunately Vodafone are censoring this site as well.
We cannot have anyone logging on to Fox News and discovering that all the stuff the lefty teacher told them was lies.
Vodafone claim that it is easy to avoid this censorship if I supply credit card details or a photograph.
I wonder what they do with this information, probably throw it in a bin marked GCHQ.
Anyway to see Fox News right now I will have to go to the pub, and it’s all your fault.
Edit, the next result your link returned was to CNN, so I thought “I wonder if”, censored again.
Guess what? Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster has, “obtained figures” from the General Medical Council that, to them, show racial discrimination. Seems that many more black and asian doctors receive complaints and are struck off than white doctors.
To the BBC, who for political purposes, do not, ‘do’ balanced / objective in depth reporting, this is a sure sign that the GMC is biased against blacks and asians. ‘Critical Theory’ at work. It’s the typical dishonest style of reporting that has become the hallmark of BBC reporting and which is sickening to an increasing proportion of the public: they simply ‘drop’ a controversial piece of scant information on the public in the expectation that the public will ‘join the BBC’s dots’ and share their views and hence inbuilt bias. What is the BBC’s message then? Well, as normal for the BBC, whitey, bad and biased against good and competent black/asian doctors.
All ‘headline’ stuff. But, if our, “Worlds Most Trusted” broadcaster had bothered to delve just a little deeper, they would, (shock, horror!) have likely discovered that the black/asian doctors imported by HMG are simply not up to the job. I suspect that had the BBC, “obtained figures” in respect of, for example, dentists or Chartered Engineers, they would probably find the same disparity. But no, they have to report this sort of news by ‘Lammifying’ it.
There’s nothing the race-baiting al beeb like better than wasting your money sniffing out imaginary racism.
In this case it backfires as they inadvertently show that BME doctors are dodgy.
“…show…”? ‘Confirm’ more like
Richard Tice: Why we must quit Brussels now – the sooner we leave this grotesque temple of excess the better
I understand Richard Tice is very, very rich.
He says he was in Brussels for just 24 hours last week and “left feeling sick” at the excesses.
I think I believe him.
It is no secret that the EU is a gravy train, but I assumed whoever runs the place would be smart enough not to make it too obvious.
I was wrong.
I assume the bBC et al. will be interviewing him about this.
Thanks for posting, theisland.
This is a great quote:
“”Richard Tice: Why we must quit Brussels now – the sooner we leave this grotesque temple of excess the better””
Perhaps the same could be said of the BBC?
Sky: “He’s a national disgrace’: Trump attacks Khan after three killed in London.”
You gotta love the man!
It goes on: “Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn jumped to the defence of the London mayor, tweeting: “Absolutely awful to see @realDonaldTrump using the tragedy of people being murdered to attack the Mayor.”
And absolutely awful to see Corbyn using the tragedy of people being murdered to attack the President!
Spot on vlad !! There’s the blatant hypocrisy of the Left at work again !!!
I seem to remember Corbyn and his far left cronies had no bother using Grenfell for political point scoring also, imploring his followers to get down to the council offices to cause trouble !. They are a nasty, dangerous , hypocritical bunch of snakes, they really are different league. Awful.
Corbyn jumped to the defence of the London mayor, tweeting: “Absolutely awful to see @realDonaldTrump using the tragedy of people being murdered to attack the Mayor.”
Khan acts like he believes his one purpose in life is to complain. Fine though stand aside let someone with a backbone be mayor. As for Corbyn he should remember that he won’t just be judged by whom he chooses to pick a fight with. Those he chooses to promote speak volumes of his vision and character.
President Trump on fire on twitter. Calling Sadiq Khan a National disgrace !!!! And, he is correct ….again !!!
Here’s another beauty from Mr President …
The media still don’t get that in signalling their virtue in condemning Trump they amplify his message! They fall into the same trap time and time again.
Incredibly nobody who has screeched about how offensive etc the Tweet is has discussed the minor fact that what he is saying is completely true.
“How can he say two plus two equals four! Hitler thought they equalled four as well! Look, a squirrel!”
BBC on full race baiting mode this morning. Figures obtained by the BBC show BAME doctors are far more likely to be investigated by the British Medical council than their white colleagues.That maybe because they are committing far more mistakes,not that that would occur to the BBC!
The obvious question is why the request for the stats was made in the first place, and why the racial breakdown?
Looking forward to the bbc requesting a similar statistical breakdown regarding stabbings in London.
I’m surprised that any requests for statistical breakdowns based on race can still be legal.
Probably only the ones that show under-representation or ‘oppression’.
I see the activist lesbians on the bus are still very coy about the racial descriptions of their tormentors. Not so coy about calling Boris a rotten old misogynist homophobe though.
Have The Brexit Party ceased to exist? Nothing on the BBC.
The Brexit Party sill lead by far in the polls.
They have the most MEPs with an over 90% regional success in the EU elections.
Their leader had a lengthy meeting with Trump recently.
Undeniably, their existence has influenced Conservative policy towards a ‘No Deal’ in October.
“Conservative policy”
These days for success this relies on the support of ten or so Labour MPs.
I wonder if any of those pictured were also in attendance at Kevin Brady’s procession.
Typical Remoaner reply here, wanting to make sure any second referendum is fixed in favour of Remain.
We all know these Remainiacs are nothing but far left activists . How the hell could you ever trust the result of a second referendum ???? . We’ve already had reports of Brexit party votes being burned , destroyed etc ….can you imagine the level of corruption these exteme remoaners could cause at polling stations ??
Why do people want a democratic vote to remain in an organisation run by unelected bureaucrats? In fact why do people want to be governed by unelected bureaucrats in the first place? especially if a democratic vote is so important to them. The mind boggles. And they claim to be ‘liberal’, the truly liberal don’t endorse unelected big government, or indeed any form of big government.
What I don’t get is independence parties falling over themselves to have their respective countries prostrate themselves the minute they are free.
SNP? Scottish Regional Party of the European Union more like.
Because they want a socialist superstate where there is no national pride or identity and just a lowest common denomination multicultural mess – before it becomes the caliphate of course after the next European civil war .
Bit like John major and the Carlyle Group . They don’t get much of a mention either …
If Kenneth Clarke does bring down his own government as he threatens – together with his surrogate son – Rory Stewart – the weird opium smoker – Mr Clarke will find it a great shock to his system being out of his home since 1970 . How can any one justify having done that for nearly 50 years ?
Let’s get swamp draining …
On the World Service News last night, reporting the Trump spat, Khan was referred to as “the MUSLIM mayor of London”. Why that description? Was the BBC implying that Trump was confirming his “Islamophobia” or that as a Muslim Khan should be beyond criticism?
“the MUSLIM mayor of London”
Really? They said this of Khan – the man who redefined the role to mean complainer?
Why tar honest hardworking Muslims with the Khan brush?
Given the BBC’s scrupulous regard for accuracy in that, every time it mentions him, it reminds us that Tommy Robinson’s real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, should it not, for the sake of consistency, advise us, every time it mentions him, that Boris Johnson’s real name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson?
Just started to watch Sunday Morning Live on BBC1.
Both presenters are black. Why?
First topic. A cafe where you can lock your phone or something like that. Who’s interested?
Second Topic. Sikh dancing outside BBC house.
Third Topic. Carer of the year award. No doubt a chance to attack Tory-Cutz.
Fourth Topic. Grief after death. No doubt an opportunity to bash Tory-Cutz.
Nothing about The Brexit Party. As if….
I refrain from watching or listening to virtually ALL programmes broadcast by the BBC, and most of those from elsewhere, too.
I find I am far better informed, less enraged, and a much more companionable goat, as a direct result.
All you have to do is look at who is/was on Andrew Marr this morning. The whole BBC establishment team in full force all of whom are against Boris.
The BBC are so obviously against Boris that you would have to have your head up a dark place not to see it…
I have to say I have now virtually stopped watching BBC – in fact all I watch is Breakfast for a bit before watching Piers Morgan…One has to hope that the license fiasco will finally get them…
It amazes me how many countryside, gardening and animal presenters are Black and Asian on the BBC when you rarely see anyone Black or Asian in the countryside let alone working there. On the other hand if there is a program where you would expect to find Black or Asian culture the presenter is almost always Black or Asian..Funny that.
It is racism at it’s best…
Who’s ever seen a black person at a Garden Centre ?
The BBC have made the one programme I could stomach ‘ Gardeners World’ unwatchable with their Gender/Race Bingo.
Not BBC- but Emirates have a cracking new advert – white woman , couple of black kids with with bouncy trampoline hair , black husband and grandparents … then wait for it they pan to the white woman’s brother and he has a fkking Chinese girlfriend
Just to remind those of us who have been on the other side of the moon since 1984 and who don’t know owt about how all our blonde women are being taken over by our African friends, here’s the opposite:
If anyone has low blood pressure today and wants it raised .. The Observer has an opinion of the BBC being a Tory Vehicle .
In fairness – they allowed comments and a fair view reflect the views often expressed here
– like kill and bury it …
A toure de force – so I’m going to ramble without involving al beeb a so if you don’t want to know the Fedup Theory of The Near Future look away now ….
…. ok … Alex Boris gets the job . A chat with Brussels . No movement – same sell out and €39 billion . Boris says no . Prep for no deal . ( the Iranians let the bbc spy out for ‘ good will ‘) .
Labour does the numbers and tries for a no confidence vote with the connivance of Bercow and the likes of Grieve ,Clarke , Stewart Minor et al .
Now this is the split – no confidence wins – general election ( no outcome prediction here )
No confidence motion fails – we leave on 31 October – liberation Day . Boris declares 1 November a National Holiday . Brexit Party woo ed into the blue Tory fold …..
For the record I don’t like Boris because of his bullingdon club background , lack of principles and the buffoon act . But if he grew horns and a tail and still got us out of the ReichEU he’d get my vote ( having regard to Nigel Farage )
In summary – worst case – shortest government in history and A50 withdrawn . Corbyn McDonnel Government . We all start wearing the EU uniform and saluting its flag .
Best case Boris gets us out – then we start the long awaited process of rolling back socialist institutions such as the State Broadcaster ..
Rob is on form at the moment, if still picking his battles… and it all going badly anyway.
Just watched Sophie Ridge for the first time.
She let the first interviewee talk uninterrupted during the whole interview so I thought I would be able to hear what they were saying for a change.
First, Hilary Benn, a remainer was given lots of time to talk about his anti Brexit position.
Second, remainer Tobias Elwood (?) given all the uninterrupted time to talk of his support for Uriah Heep (remain supporter) in the upcoming leadership challenge.
Third, jo cox’s sister…this is what the fast forward button is for so I didn’t watch any of it.
Fourth, Amber Rudd, the remainer, given lots of uninterrupted time on various topics including her remainer beliefs on Brexit.
Finally, a leaver, Dominic Raab, interrupted more than all the others put together. On top of that, Ridge kept coming out with untruths which Raab slapped down.
Raab done himself a power of good. On one challenge, Ridge listed 3 things he got wrong and Raab put her back in her box by telling her she was wrong on all 3 accounts and then explaining the truth to her.
So then, this show turned out to be just like all the others, pro remain with soft questions and no interruptions but plenty of interruptions if the person being interviewed happened to be the leaver on the show.
Of course, it was one leaver and the rest were all remainers.
“Hilary Benn”
I fear for this guys blood pressure. Every time he is asked a simplyu question he goes into some kind trance as if he’s reliving one of his dads articles.
I don’t recall but I’m sure his dad was Anti-EU MP?
V, you’re correct. Tony (Anthony Wedgwood) Benn was against the eu.
A good man by all accounts.
By that account, anyway.
Muslim Women in Society : There some BBC progs where you can tell that people are listening cos there is a lot of discussion on Twitter
but you can see sometimes there is nothing on Twitter cos the presenter is just talking to their own little bubble and people have stopped listening/watching.
This morning I was listening to Radio Sheffield 8:45am and the presenter had brought on her mates to talk about Muslim Women in Society
Her intro
They are stereotyped as terrorist monster, or as oppressed
Presenter “There is a fear factor that has been escalated”
All agreed
Then the words “Far right” were thrown around
Its “growing”
The presenter then talked about “aspiration deficit” that Muslim women don’t see other people “like me” to copy
To her credit the presenter did bring up the issue of people getting jobs just cos of “box ticking”, but her guests didn’t want to give ground on that
So overall their narrative is poor Muslims are stereotyped, but the “far right” are an evil mass.
As ever we should apply the Projection test
: Is the way they see the media and “far right”
.. the same as they the say the media and “far right” see Muslims
The answer is yes they said the media “scapegoats for political point scoring, stereotypes as stupid/violent, uses tropes and portrays ALL Muslims as a growing threat, doesn’t treat as individuals ”
Yet that was the same way this Radio Sheffield panel treated people they choose to label “far right”
BTW The two guests names appear on a Social Workers Party promo about an event against Sarah Champion’s Sun article
The tweet misquotes the Sun article to make it seem worse than it was.
Is BBC Radio Sheffield an activist radio station ?
..well this is tonight’s prog
Seems so?
Blatant propaganda or what.
well if you had an ex-soldier festival I guess they would also help promote it as well
I really am so fed up with the BBC’s miserable sycophantic reports on migrants being rescued in the English Channel, climate change, Remainers, Asian Ramblers, sad looking Syrian children who are really 30 year old violent jihadist rapists, all the CBBC mixed race children, storytelling drag queens and Nadiya Hussain. Now the BBC is droning on about pop festivals being washed out because of the bad weather.
So I thought of that depressing lady, Orla Guerin who reports in that strange montone on all the sad events in Syria and the up and coming hype on the Glastonbury Music Festival, and Viola!
After the 1976 drought ‘experts’ on the BBC were prophesying major changes in Northern European agriculture with rice, millet and alfalfa becoming staple crops. 1977 proved to be one of the coldest and wettest on record – and the experts stayed silent.
Just as 2018 echoed 1976, so 2019 is proving to be repeating history but, other than Harrabin – who knows where his financial security lies, at least for the present – where have all the other experts gone?
Looks a bit like NZ PM there, Cassandra. 😉
Fox News available here for FREE.
Streamed to my PC.
I’m out of UK – and the link works ! Cheers !
And the first thing I heard was that President Trump is demanding ant one coming to the USA is self funding ( the commentator said ‘makes sense to me “) ….
Works for me!
Rory Stewart, bbc1 TV news tells us, is the ‘unlikely celebrity’ of the race for PM. Couldn’t quite catch the name of the heavily-accented presenter (Nick Eardley?)
Anyway, the beeb and other MSM have tried hard all week TO MAKE him into a celebrity. A wee bit of hypocrisy there somewhere?
No prizes for guessing why…
Anyway, looking at comments on this site, it becomes clear that the bbc is -far from being impartial- an undisguised propaganda channel. Top project for the coming week will obviously be ‘get Boris’. Lotsa little snowflakes yelling: “when did you last use ….., Mr Johnson?” at every conceivable occasion.
Another of those little BBC ironies. More than happy to inflict Nick Eardley’s version of English upon us but the alternative is unlikely to apply, I feel confident, to those presenting on BBC Scotland.
On the other hand, at least his voice is rather more uplifting than Orla and Fergal. Were they both at Billy’s funeral I wonder?
Just wait til Rory starts playing women’s football, then we’ll see the BBC at full arousal
I notice the lead article headline on Telegraph online is a breathless exclamation that Rory is PERSONALLY going to ask Nigel for a deal with the Brexit party.
THAT photograph of Rory, looking like a cadaverous version of Clint Eastwood, all ruffled ‘hang tough’ hair, possibly to bring to mind T.E.Lawrenece (probably something Rory has been working hard to do), shows that Nigel will indeed be privileged to receive such a wonderful offer from such a top Tory…
You do have to wonder about the DT these days, every bit as much as about the beeb.
You’re a wag Fake????but Rory does do a pretty good hollowed out cheeked smack addicts who reside in my neck of the woods .
fnw, coo wheee! This is gettin’ crazeee!!
Looks like Rory is taking a leaf out of Bojo’s book who took a leaf out of Donald Trump’s book and is rolling it around something …. can’t quite see what.
Hmmmmmnnnn …..
“Two teenagers have been charged with the murder of an 18-year-old man who was stabbed to death in south London.
“A 17-year-old boy from Merton and an 18-year-old man from Wandsworth have been charged with his murder and are due to appear at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Monday.”
The BBC and MSM are hiding behind the age of the perps charged with these sorts of crimes but now I notice there is a tendency not to report the names of people charged, even if they are 18 or over.
What are they afraid of, I wonder?
Just listening to BBC r4 1.30pm it’s about BBC bias just heard rod liddle
I wonder how our beloved state broadcaster is treating Father’s Day? Like it probably no longer exists is my guess!
But World Hijab Day and the Grenfell griev-a-thon, front and centre I’ve no doubt ????
Thanks for the headsup… fired up the live player
Ah it’s a REPEAT, I’ve heard it before
..The host is not impartial. Note how he frames Rod Liddle ..oh we are meeting in a bar.
In April I discussed the prog April 26, 2019 at 11:03 am
As ever I think other people brought it up a few hours later in the same or next thread.
According to the London Standard the eldest one charged with murder is called Mohammed .
I don’t know if anyone can help but on twitter Saturday was news that the EU is to directly partly find bits of Channel 4. At first I thought this true then wondered if it’s a spoof. Couldn’t find an answer as I got distracted watching the excellent HBO Rome ….
Hmm Channel4 is directly funded by advertising
#1 Theres is a special EU rule that allows ad revenue to be topped up in future, say if ITV started doing discount advertising.
(this is from 1991 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-91-632_en.htm
Kate Hoey posted something similar last night, and then deleted it , probably cos the date is old”)
#2 The EU’s media programme, part of its Creative Europe scheme, has a more direct impact and invested €100m (£78m) into the UK’s audiovisual sector between 2007 and 2013. It provided funding for shows including BBC1’s Daphne du Maurier adaptation Jamaica Inn, the detective drama Hinterland, which aired on the BBC and the Welsh language channel S4C, and Sky Atlantic’s John Hurt thriller The Last Panthers.
The media programme also part-funded children’s series such as Shaun the Sheep and Julia Donaldson’s Room on the Broom, and films including Todd Haynes’ Carol, Mike Leigh’s Mr Turner, and the acclaimed Amy Winehouse documentary Amy. //
#3 The contradiction is C4’s own website claim
“Channel 4 receives no public funding. It is funded entirely by its own commercial activities.”
James Cleverly tweeted a TV guide screenshow
showing how C4 frames Brexit super negatively
BTW.. the deleted Kate Hoey tweet
The screenshot is from the Guardian TV guide
Ali Catterall says
‘Ha. Wrote this Guardian preview in a kind of blind fury before emailing it off;
thoroughly expecting them to ask me to tone it down.
They didn’t change a word. Good on ’em’
If I was them I would cancel their appearance stating biased from c4 for all the participants
Stew thanks – I remember it was Kate Hoey posting about EU financing of C4 – a hard core brexiter would use that in the husting thing Sunday night but hard core brexiters and the Tory party do not match …
Stew, re #3 “Channel 4 receives no public funding.” I seem to recall that the there is an arrangement that the BBC pass on some of their Licence Fee money to C4 to finance what is considered to be C4’s public service broadcasting. Is that not right?
If so, then Channel 4 are being as devious as the BBC.
“Mohammed Nadir Dafallah, 18”
Just checked on the BBC London News page, still no names mentioned.
I actually can’t stop laughing at this utter clown !!!! No wonder Lineker loves him ……. What planet does this fella live on ???
Another one who doesn’t seem to understand, we have already had the vote and LEAVE won !!!!!! Blimey riley, my blood pressure shoots up at one look at the BBC !!!
That bloke is crazed drug riddled loon . I hope he repeats that doo doo on the C4 show tonight .
( I’m guessing from the reaction of Marr and the gallery that they realised Rory is a headcase too )
I’m getting fed up with pop corn now …
A naive police research guy thinks he can trust the BBC to do an honest edit when he is talking about a police project to give them mobile identity databases one of which is the immigration database.
.. You should always do interviews live , otherwise the BBC will come with their preconceived narrative and edit what you say so it confirms their narrative.
Whilst on the subject of Rory Stewart, I’m surprised that no one here has noted that lame duck PM Theresa May has been backing Rory Stewart’s bid for the leadership.
Stewart is what the Mail describes as an ‘Ultra Remainer’, and this now raises the question as to whether May neogitated Brexit in good faith whilst PM.
We now see her joining forces with other remainers to attempt to prevent the UK leaving the EU at all, re-inforcing the view that she never was going to allow the UK to leave the EU from day 1.
Good point. The country wasted three years of prosperity thanks to this deceitful May creature.
And she’s still at it!
She’ll be a thorn in the side of Boris.
Trouble is that her constituency of Maidenhead voted to Remain and deselection is unlikely.
Once a remainer, always a remainer. Showing her true colours now she doesn’t have to pretend. What a deceitful woman, full of spite. Just like someone said on here that before she goes she can do so much damage. Looks like she’s got plenty of that up her sleeve. I cannot Express just how much I detest the woman, wasting so much time on her useless plan. The best thing she could do now for everyone is to take a job with the EU and disappear into the pile of s**t.
I wonder if mr Stewart , who I believe was born in Hong Kong ( son of the Empire ) will upset the PRC by some dumb line about current events there . ?
Maybe he’ll suggest a people’s Congress in teenamen ( spelling ) square like last time .. seems totally unpredictable.
And watch out for Gove snuffing / sniffing or wiping his nose …
Thoughtful -“…the question as to whether May negotiated Brexit in good faith…”
I don’t believe there was ever any question about it.
I posted on this site, from the start of her being PM, that she was an avid student of Merkel.
And Merkel is a master (mistress) of deceit. I’ve been watching her closely ever since she took office. I was living in Germany when the wall came down, and observed the entire transformation of GDR politicians into ‘Westerners’ with great interest. She was the most interesting of the lot, even though she was initially hardly known at all.
Once ensconced, she showed what ruthless ambition in politics was all about. She’s worth a study if that topic is of interest.
Ms May is cut from a similar cloth, but alas for her -hadn’t quite acquired all the manipulative skills required for really good deceit.
Also, Merkel had one other key skill: lying low for most of the time. Brexit flushed May out.
Finally, May simply hasn’t had the German cheque book at her disposal, although she’s trying hard to make up for that at present.
I’ll say it again: If it looks like an idiot, it is an idiot.
I think Rory Stewart is a twerp. But as with a lot of upper class twits, Eton gave him a confident veneer that actually conceals his incompetence, fearful cautiousness and lack of good ideas. His only talent is for saying that something is too difficult or impossible to achieve and making this negative proposition sound wise and statesmanlike – which then provides him with a reason to congratulate himself when it transpires that nothing is actually achieved. Yet he is ambitious and has grandiose ideas about himself. He believes he did a great job in Iraq and Afghanistan and he fancies himself as a second Lawrence of Arabia. But his nickname is Florence of Belgravia.