9pm ITV Boston Lincolnshire Police Drama tickbox #GayLove
The main protaganist is a man whose lost his memory
..we find he a married man had just suddenly fallen in gay love with a man , but someone had crashed into the car, hence his loss of memory
… The writing in this drama is the most contrived ever
Tonight’s episode episode with stereotypical UKIP voter voices overlayed
..then some rough white kids roughed up lost-memory-man
I’m staggered that any adult with kids portrayed on the tele, just accepts being sworn at by their offspring. The child in this series continually swears at her father, which I find uncomfortable to watch, so what ARE the scriptwriters thinking ? The threat of a good hiding from my parents was enough to make me behave, and wouldn’t have dared sworn at them – even as an adult it didn’t occur to me to do so. Manners are everything in this world, but not so in tele land.
This is probably natural behaviour in London were BBC scriptwriters are in a daze due to drugs and therefore the children haven’t been given their Prozac.
Up north in Brexit land the children are naturally jolly but make a mess. The rudest thing children do in the north is to phone you up and say “I’m bored” and then hang up.
Local news is covering Wainfleet
dozens of homes maybe 40 loading there flood damaged stuff into skips
Saying the Environment Agency text flood alerts were never sent out
Bet they don’t get anywhere near the same special treatment as Grenfelll
Excellent. The same bbc who mocked the POTUS for using the Whales spelling of Wales. At least that was a real word an easy mistake to make. The Americans spell lots of words differently, such as neighbor, color etc. I’m sure they will know how to spell Lincoln though.
Palestine in the UK is near Porton Down and half way between Andover and Salisbury. Russians and Muslims visiting Palestine have to get a train to Grateley station, but are warned about seeing letter boxes. Jews are welcome but not evil Socialists or BBC licensing officers.
Just look at that long list of producers working on the BBC Tory leadership debate. They handpicked the “ordinary people” – including the imam Abdullah – who asked questions and not one of them thought it might be a good idea to carry out basic background checks on them first… pic.twitter.com/FDv66k8BO6
That’s a BS reply by Kay Burley
Public “The BBC debate was crap and Maitliss comparing was rubbish”
Kay “Anyone who thinks they could have done a better job than @maitlis tonight has never ringmastered live TV. ”
…that reply is a strawman the average man was saying Maitliss did a bad job, not that he himself is a great presenter
However A F Neil would be saying he could have done a better job.
Clearly, the best thing was to get back amongst friends. Pronto.
"It's Jeremy Corbyn's ability to mobilise the membership which has made all the difference in key swing constituencies. The longer this compromise, which no one wants, goes on the more demobilised the membership is going to become"@AyoCaesar | #newsnightpic.twitter.com/9eYfhzC0f2
well that spoilt my breakfast! Mantis looks as comfortable with them as Treezer does when she goes to meet her mates in Brussels.
“It’s Jeremy Corbyn’s ability to mobilise the membership which has made all the difference in key swing constituencies”
..oh..right…now I understand.
I see on guest girlie’s tw*tter page that she retweets something from someone called Aman –
“Context on my tweets regarding Hitler, my full and sincere apologies for any offence caused”
hang on I’ve heard that name somewhere else recently…mmmm
How much is a far-left bbc producer paid? Is it a low grade staff position, are they on zero hours contracts?
Do I care? Not really, these people are nothing to me.
V.I.P. R.I.P. : BBC Radio 4 : 11pm : Jo Brand looks back on the lives of four dead people including an electronics engineer who knew all about battery acid and its uses.
Al beeb report on the meeting of the leaders of N Korea and China (or Kim and Ping as their friends call them – shortly before being fed to the dogs).
Both countries are a serious threat to the world, and both have appalling human rights records, yet the beeb report shows none of the personal animosity, sarcasm and condescension they reserve for the leader of our closest ally. They hate Trump so much they prefer monstrous regimes like those or that of Iran, on the basis of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’.
I’m sure that the bbbclbgt lot are aware of the amoral stance of these two disgusting countries, and their intent of bombing everywhere else into submission.
Just imagine someone as loopy as Billary looking to the defence of the US, and its mates, against such awful races with the political will of a snake.
President Trump is the best man to deal with this, not some thick ‘elite’ politician, especially when the MSM like the bbbclbgt knobs try and say the opposite.
From what I’ve read, Hitlery Clinton sold lots of very dangerous weapons to North Korea in exchange for lots of money paid into the Clinton Foundation. And sold 20% of the US Uranium reserves to Russia, again for lots of money paid into the Clinton Foundation. It seems Robert Mueller was her bag carrier; he actually took Uranium samples to Russia for them to analyse before sealing the deal.
No doubt, before President Trump is finished this will all come out in court and the bad guys will be incarcerated for life, possibly in Guantanamo Bay.
Now if I was running the far-left bbc collective this would be my main subject for an in-depth investigation. But then I’m not a Trump hating, know nothing swamp rat.
I am wondering who will be the BBCs new Darling in the Tory leadershit election now Rory has gone on to a new career as “body double” for Tutankhamen – -boom! boom!
Ladies Day on Toady. A very wooden, different sounding, hesitant Katya Adler joins Mishal Husain.
Have all the boys gone off to Ascot to ogle the ladies there? Shock! Horror! Correction: Have all the boys gone off to Ascot to gamble away their BBC earnings from Licence Fees? More shock! More horror!
Impartiality hey BBC … check out Emily Matlis Twitter account …. all about Rory Stewart, every man and his dog could see her Bias towards him !! Here are some of her re-tweets … remember, this is the IMPARTIAL HOST of the BBC debate … shocking stuff.
Rory Stewart team likely to argue he should be lead in Stewart / Gove ticket because he is best placed to challenge Boris Johnson. Michael Gove likely to say: I am four votes ahead of you. Rory Stewart: I have momentum@RoryStewartUK@michaelgove@BorisJohnson
Very interesting. One campaign whip tells me everyone expected Boris's total to be higher, 130s-140s. So what happened? He thinks One Nationers who publicly declared for Boris secretly backed Stewart and Javid to keep them in. This is the Tory party, folks… gotta love 'em.
Look how WRONG all the Liberal media were AGAIN !!! Wot a bubble they live in. How can a BBC host get away with such clear, unadulterated bias ???????/
Up2 – I just couldn’t bare it any more . Off to me deezer .
Miliband senior really has got the Blair disease of bestriding the planet . I don’t think it’s big enough for him .
There is a big EU meeting starting today.
As I understand it there are no major serious or unexpected issues. It is fairly routine, although there is the unedifying task of divvying up jobs for the unelected apparatchiks.
So why therefore has the biased BBC chosen to present Toady live from Brussels with Katya Adler?
Was she short of work?
Are they ‘sending a message’ by having yet another all-female line-up?
Or are they deliberately trying to normalise the EU and thus seek to influence listeners by portraying the whole thing as a modern, reasonable institution which they think we should all support?
They even featured an interview with the gender-equality commissioner (a female, of course).
After being banged to rights over their deliberate bias in the Tory leadership debate, you’d think they might take a step back for a while, but no.
Obsessed with their own self-important narratives, the BBC is rotten to the core.
Sluff, saves on some CO2 emissions, I guess. In the usual run of things, Mishal or Martha (esp. the latter) might have been despatched to do a spot of duty-free shopping, check out some trendy wine bars and, oh, perhaps interview someone from Europe about Brexit.
I see our lovely Carole Kirkwood has been despatched to Royal Ascot to rub shoulders with the set that the BBC hate.
Now call me paranoid but she keeps popping up wearing different hats and each one is more ridiculous than the last, could this be an attempt at a sublime dig at the fatuousness of Ascot and its devotees by the BBC production team or hierarchy, something for all the believers back at base to snigger about in the BBC canteen?
Old BBC news recycled from yesterday: Keith Raniere is found guilty. Correction: Keith Raniere was found guilty yesterday.
Why are the BBC interested in keeping day old news going? Is there an agenda? Tabloid journalism? ‘Juicy news’: sex cult and all that. Women and girls held as ‘sex slaves’ ?
Oh well, back to bashing Boris and bashing a No-Deal Brexit.
Miliband major is mealy-mouthed. Mishal is meek in response.
David Davies ducks and weaves and bobs on Bojo’s ‘honesty’. Mishal goes in hard and is hectoring, interrupting and talking over David Davies’ deliberations and dodgings. [ I did wonder afterward if DD was deliberately winding Mishal up. 😉 ]
Rule #67 in the Radio Broadcasters Handbook, Interviewers Section. Treat all interviewees even-handedly. If you do not, the listening audience will notice and start to think and believe that you and your radio station is biased.
Rumpole is up and down like a toilet seat in a monastery. He is objecting here, objecting there, objecting everywhere about Katya Adler’s leading questions to Mark Rutter, Prime Minister of the Netherlands. The Judge, listening at home, becomes very irritated and rebukes Adler repeatedly in response to Rumpole’s objections. He switches off R4 and goes to listen to the Goon Show on R4 Extra.
Adler, on her TOADY debut, is in danger of being held in contempt and spending a night in a cell before apologising to the Judge and his Court.
fnw, quite right, as did the German-Brit/Brit-German who is in Mutti’s Cabinet of Collapsing Coalitions. He was interviewd earlier on TOADY but I cannot remember who by. Think it was Katya on that one.
Apologies: Am at the alliterations a bit heavy today. What have I been eating? Drinking? Reading? Listening to? I should have worked in advertising!
Apologies, too, for misspelling Mark Rutte’s surname.
Ramping up the doubts. Pushing Project Fear. I love it. Keep it up, BBC, don’t stop. Think I have learned a few lessons about advertising in life. I hope the Beeb can dig up Cable a few more times, before Jo Swinson gets enthroned, for old Vince to insult a few more old Brits via BBC R4 and upset their grandchildren into voting for TBP. Luvvin’ it! Then roll out Blair a bit more to rubbish Brexit. More Hezza, yet more hate not hope for Brexit.
I think I can hear the counters ticking over ….. . . .
David Davies on LBC ” anti-Brexit bias bias runs through the BBC like a stick of rock
… with exceptions like Andrew Marr who isn’t pro Brexit, but is impartial .”
weird thinking
Stew-A few years back Andrew Marr was as much a LEFT
wing columnist on the Daily Express as you are likely to read.
Me thinks that in know way has he seen the “road to Damascus”
as far has politics are concerned. I also suspect that David Davies
meant to say Andrew Neil.
That Hussain women’s interview with David Davis was so biased terrible really but well handled by DD-Is it just me but don’t we appear to have women overtaking the number of men in the BBC-One hardly see a man’s face other than old Hump and that Robinson bloke and an occasional weather chappy. All the men have been emasulated-women’s soccer now taking over our screens, if men’s soccer wasn’t enough to make one choke.
“….Is it just me but don’t we appear to have women overtaking the number of men in the BBC-One hardly see a man’s face….”.
I can only respond: ‘Really?’.
That’s the major benefit of no tv licence……….
If those who occupy the far-left bbc hive were Christians and/or read the Bible they’d know that God made Adam. And then he made Eve as his companion. Not vice versa. But then the world is currently ruled by satan, until Jesus returns, so those of this world say, do and believe everything that is diametrically opposite of what God and His Bible tell us.
Another day starts …and the psychological warfare continues
#1 “Today is world Refugee Day”
#2 Scientists say pregnant women are more susceptible to road pollution
… cos they walk less so spend more time in the car”
…. Em sounds BS to me, I monitor this debate and the big thing is that if road pollution is such a great harm, it would show up in way reduced lifespan in professional all day drivers like taxi drivers
.. yet no such research has been done.
..Indeed this pregnant woman claim is most likely not to be from proper real world studies, but from meta- Analysis of sitting in your office and cherry picking some old studies and then constructing computer modelling and then making grand claims.
Bob Geldof, Yvette Cooper and Stan Collymore vowed to take at least one Syrian refugee into their homes. Lily Allen pledged to rent out her home to refugees after doing a tearful apology to some in Calais on behalf of the people of the UK for their dreadful treatment by the British government.
On Sept 4 2015, Bob Geldof was quoted by the Guardian as saying: “I’m prepared – I’m lucky, I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and Jeanne [his partner] would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immediately, and put them up until such time as they can get going and get a purchase on their future.”
Yvette Cooper made a similar pledge, and reportedly said: “If that’s what it took and that’s what was needed, then of course, I think lots of people would be.”
Former Liverpool footballer Stan Collymore wrote in a tweet “If my government allows, I’ll take a Syrian family in my home for a year, tomorrow.”
They are not the only celebrities who offered their support – JK Rowling took part in the Refugees Welcome campaign at the time, but stopped short of opening her home to those fleeing Syria.
In this list of political and celebrity hypocrites, let us not forget Lily Allen, who after pledging to rent out her expensive London flat to refugees but then instead rented it out to some rich Italians
She complained on Twitter when they refused to move out when she wanted it back.
I wonder if they followed through and kept their promises…
Stew, you are right to be highly sceptical. There was research done on this but it dates back to the days of bus conductors on double deckers with stairs. Remember them? An uncle of mine was a London ‘clippie’.
The drivers were more prone to obesity and heart attacks. In contrast, the conductors, who led a very active working life, had a better life expectancy. I think this was common knowledge at the time so people who had those sedentary driving jobs responded by taking more exercise. Seem to recall that it was common to find taxi-drivers on golf courses early in the morning or late afternoon after or before going to work on a night shift, for example.
Indeed Up2snuff, from the 1940’s to the early 1960’s when I lived and worked in London all buses had a bus conductor on board and the stopping time was much shorter because the conductor took the money not the driver, further rarely would there ever be any trouble from roudy passengers and if so the conductor would throw those idiots off the bus and would always help an elderly passenger on or off the bus- I cannot understand why we ever got rid of the bus conductors- all bus traffic ran more smoothly then. God the authorities do make some daft descions.
tarien, “I cannot understand why we ever got rid of the bus conductors- all bus traffic ran more smoothly then.”
Inflation, mate, inflation. Nothing to do with God. 😉 It is when man thinks he is god that it all goes ‘Pete Tong’ as ‘they’ say.
The bus companies were under financial pressure, especially when Ted Heath coped with the latest oil crisis and shortage by putting up taxes on fuel.
Little did I know then – when I occasionally rode a bus to school in the 1960s instead of walking the mile or so – that 1. that the UK was about to enter a period of drastic inflation, made worse by Ted Heath & his useless CoE, Tony Barber, 2. that I would have to study Economics in adult life, and 3. Blair & Brown & the BBC [ thanks, Steffie 🙂 ] would turn me into even more of an economist.
In a “Few Good Men” Tom Cruise the defence attorney for the
soldiers accused of manslaughter, bases his defence on the premise
that the colonel played by Jack Nicholson has ordered the soldiers to
perform a “code red.” Tom Cruise believes that the colonel is
really proud of this ,and in the end will tell the court.And he does.
BBC, let the world know that you are a left wing news media
outlet. Just as Fox News is a right wing in the USA.
Trotskyist, Socialist Worker producers, editors, sub editors,
researchers don’t hide in the closet. Follow the line of the
Londonistan Programme . Follow what you did on Tuesday night
with the prospective Conservative leaders debate. Let the world
know that you are the most loyal Jeremy Corbyn supporters.
You know you want to, DO IT!!!
TOADY Watch #5 could be a record at this rate, if exhaustion does not set in, only another three to go after ….
.. Raising the Bogey-man. It was Russia wot dun it! Russia wot wun it! {Sun-speak, Snuffy can spell, honist.)
The TOADY Prog was desperate to explain away the success of the Party That Shall Not Be Named In The UK On Radio4 (TBP) along with the Other One Also Having a Leadership Election (no, not the LimpNon-Dems, that’s UKIP) so they had an item which appeared to be a wild attempt to convince someone, somewhere in the UK who is gullible enough that Russia meddled in and influenced the result of the recent EU Elections.
Resident Norfolk Sceptic: “Yeaher roight.”
BBC, sit down have a little think. You are trying to claim, with the help of the EU Information Commissar, that Russian ‘bots’ invaded Farcebook, Twelter and all the other on-line platforms, across twenty-eight countries and however many languages, and not just tried to influence people into voting for anti-EU or so-called ‘populist’ or so-called ‘Far Right’ political Parties, including one single-issue Party set up just six weeks beforehand but did influence them? Really?
Three years after the spectre of overseas influence in elections was first raised?
And no-one has done anything in the interim to deal with that ‘interference’ or ‘influence’?
Now Completely Incredulous Resident Norfolk Sceptic: “Yeaher roight.”
I mentioned here yesterday that R4 had spent the entire day hating bojo- who had a Muslim grandfather –
I wonder today how often The Brexit Party gets any mention at all – even to give it a BBC desultory kicking .
Perhaps the Far Left Failing BBC has internaliser the fear that what ever they do or say – we – the majority – will get the UK its’ freedom from the Reich .
LBC opens a discussion about cyber-bullying
A posh mum phones in saying that her daughter suffers terrible bullying, cos it’s such a liberal parent school and they are a Brexit family.
Her daughter now refuses to talk about politics.
She said something about seeing the social media of the other parents and it being full of hatey comments against Boris etc.
ajs, think you have spotted one of the BBC’s ’causes célèbres’.
Apparently it is only in the UK where old people go to churches and other places of worship and when they stop the building becomes redundant. In China, also full of an ageing population (remember that One Child Policy, BBC?), is it not possible that a Mosque becomes redundant in time?
To be fair, the BBC have briefly mentioned in my hearing, very briefly, on R4 & the web-site, the crackdown on Roman Catholics and the destruction of some RC churches. Also on R4’s ‘Sunday’, they have briefly mentioned in my hearing that persecution of the Christians in House Churches in China has been ramped up once again by the authorities.
But this Mosque destruction and ‘persecution of Muslims’-thing is the fourth or fifth outing on R4 and the w-s, I think, that I have seen. There may have been more.
Shock horror: the muslim who called in to the Leadership bear baiting contest turns out to be antisemitic, sexist and homopphobic.
I can’t believe it. Who’d have thought it?
Next they’ll be telling us it’s not the religion of peace!
Really? It was not long ago that the BBC were telling me that newbie Macron and Mutti were bosom-buddies. That the President had been anointed by Mutti to ‘save the EU’ and was the man for the job.
Another BBC puzzle. The strange episode of Mutti shaking like a leaf, during an official reception and playing of national anthems for the visit of the new Ukrainian President, was mentioned in passing on R4 in my hearing and then more. No ongoing concern from the BBC. Mutti is, after all, a ‘wimmin’. Should you not be concerned, BBC, about the health of a ‘wimmin’ in a major European leadership role in this age of equality?
A Skripal-like lack of curiosity on show from BBC R4 & the BBC’s N&CA department.
Especially when the TOADY Prog is fronted from Brussels by the BBC’s Europe Correspondent today.
Deep recession, soaring unemployment, emergency budget, fleeing investment, grounded planes, World War III etc. etc. etc. Really, Mr. Rutte, Project Fear is SO 2016…
Best part is, most people are no longer listening. These bleatings by the deranged Marxists fall on deaf ears. It’s now become like the wallpaper in the lounge: too familiar to notice anymore.
Indeed G . They are getting louder and louder as like you say, no-one is listening anymore. The Left are in meltdown, we can all see it in their tweets, their visible anger on TV etc etc .
They are so used to having it all their own way, they cant comprehend people now questioning them, and really cant comprehend folk dis-agreeing with them. Just look at the BBC for example, especially Maitliss, Sopel, Coburn etc.
Brexit really awoke middle England and boy, do the left not like it up em. Look at how many protests / rallies are taking place. Its all the Lefties. They are losing grip !! Loving it.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the bbc, in the past have managed to censor the “news” in a way that shaped our view of the world around us. Now that we have alternative news sources we can see how skewed their “reality” is. People are now looking at the way the bbc have behaved re Brexit and are now wondering what else they have been lying to us about.
Hence their claims that the internet is full of “fake news”. Fake because it doesn’t fit the narrative that they are feeding us.
I truly believe the bbc’s days are numbered.
Took some courage (or maybe some insider spite?) to put up on the BBC w-s, the Daily Mail, Daily Express and Daily Telegraph as the first three front pages today. Get the bad news out of the way straight away. At least their pals at the Grauniad let them off lightly.
What’s the deal with MaajidNawaz snarly LBC peomo where he goes on hysterically that TRump has a “Muslim ban” presumably cos he once used the term ?
There has never been a Muslim ban , only restrictions on terrorist countries
(that Obama had already listed)
and Saudi then Israel were the first countries that Trump visited.
Ah Maajid says it’s from a BBC video
and makes a quotation from the BBC title
..that is wrong cos in the video Trump doesn’t say “Muslim ban”
He does say “complete and total shutdown of muslims entering the united states”
that was the temporary thing , and despite the phrase did not apply to all Muslims from all countries of course.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, has done his sums. He has decided to be blunt with the great and the good of the financial world at a Mansion House dinner tonight. If we Brexit without a deal, we will have put £26.6billion at risk. (Note that specific .6, btw.)
However, if we Brexit with a deal we are held liable to pay £39billion (estimated) plus possible annual extras to the EU.
Now, Phil, you may have to take off your socks and shoes and borrow a few fingers & toes from fellow guests tonight, but I think you should really re-do those spreadsheet calculations.
No questions asked, about this curious Treasury mismatch, on TOADY this morning.
Think of the current situation in military terms . The elction of President Trump was the equivalent of Stalingrad to the swamp liberals. Ever since they have been in retreat. Brexit was another defeat and there will be many more. They counter attack but the cause is lost for a century or more .
The BBC chose the wrong side and will go down along with all those who tried to force identity politics and the destruction of western values down our throats. Their day is done
Thanks for the reminder about Stalingrad – must re read that excellent book . I still blame Goering …
Shock – the Londonistan evening standard has come out in favour of Boris .. yesterday it was Mad Rory – who one twitter wag described as a cross between a wanna bee mick jagger and Lawrence of Arabia . ….
It is surprising since the rag is full on remainer – and also has George Osborne as editor ….. maybe they were ‘chums’ in a past life …. or bojo will sell us out again ….
Decided to have a day off from the giddy Beth Rigby. Switched over to politics live and lasted 30 seconds after spotting the cretin Ummuna. Back to sky it is then
For those with an interest – the Question Time programme has the normal one Brexiter on it and comes from a remain stronghold as usual – this time The Islamic republic of Tottenham …..
I’ll be noo noo by then and would rather watch a tap dripping ….
BBC radio Newcastle in full social reform mode
‘. Report about…. ‘Period Poverty’
With one young impressionable woman saying…….
“Why should we have to pay for something that a woman’s body does naturally”
who cares!
Manifesto’s worth less than the paper they’re printed on.
Deselected MP’s still troughing it,………because.
Words that are used only to secure support then,….but….but.
Slimey dishonest careerists the lot.
Get rid.
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas https://www.spiked-online.com/2025/02/23/the-bbc-is-turning-into-a-megaphone-for-hamas/
9pm ITV Boston Lincolnshire Police Drama tickbox #GayLove
The main protaganist is a man whose lost his memory
..we find he a married man had just suddenly fallen in gay love with a man , but someone had crashed into the car, hence his loss of memory
… The writing in this drama is the most contrived ever
Tonight’s episode episode with stereotypical UKIP voter voices overlayed
..then some rough white kids roughed up lost-memory-man
I’m staggered that any adult with kids portrayed on the tele, just accepts being sworn at by their offspring. The child in this series continually swears at her father, which I find uncomfortable to watch, so what ARE the scriptwriters thinking ? The threat of a good hiding from my parents was enough to make me behave, and wouldn’t have dared sworn at them – even as an adult it didn’t occur to me to do so. Manners are everything in this world, but not so in tele land.
This is probably natural behaviour in London were BBC scriptwriters are in a daze due to drugs and therefore the children haven’t been given their Prozac.
Up north in Brexit land the children are naturally jolly but make a mess. The rudest thing children do in the north is to phone you up and say “I’m bored” and then hang up.
This series Wild Bill is full of the most contrived writing ever.
Local news is covering Wainfleet
dozens of homes maybe 40 loading there flood damaged stuff into skips
Saying the Environment Agency text flood alerts were never sent out
Bet they don’t get anywhere near the same special treatment as Grenfelll
So BBC Lincolnshire how is your spelling ?
Excellent. The same bbc who mocked the POTUS for using the Whales spelling of Wales. At least that was a real word an easy mistake to make. The Americans spell lots of words differently, such as neighbor, color etc. I’m sure they will know how to spell Lincoln though.
Palestine in the UK is near Porton Down and half way between Andover and Salisbury. Russians and Muslims visiting Palestine have to get a train to Grateley station, but are warned about seeing letter boxes. Jews are welcome but not evil Socialists or BBC licensing officers.
How many producers?
Meanwhile, a sista chips in.
Not sure Emmy will be grateful.
Did Kay Burley watch her colleague Anna Botting on sky’s paper review last night, as she has quoted verbatim exactly what Anna said to Kev & Andy !!
That’s a BS reply by Kay Burley
Public “The BBC debate was crap and Maitliss comparing was rubbish”
Kay “Anyone who thinks they could have done a better job than @maitlis tonight has never ringmastered live TV. ”
…that reply is a strawman the average man was saying Maitliss did a bad job, not that he himself is a great presenter
However A F Neil would be saying he could have done a better job.
Newswatch will be a hoot.
Or, maybe, they will just ignore it. Has been known.
Maybe this member of the electorate was told to pause his social media account?
Maybe it would have been deemed an intrusion to ask about a suspended account so trust was applied?
Has the far-left bbc sacked John Sweeney yet?
Clearly, the best thing was to get back amongst friends. Pronto.
well that spoilt my breakfast! Mantis looks as comfortable with them as Treezer does when she goes to meet her mates in Brussels.
“It’s Jeremy Corbyn’s ability to mobilise the membership which has made all the difference in key swing constituencies”
..oh..right…now I understand.
I see on guest girlie’s tw*tter page that she retweets something from someone called Aman –
“Context on my tweets regarding Hitler, my full and sincere apologies for any offence caused”
hang on I’ve heard that name somewhere else recently…mmmm
Useless. Over-staffed, over-funded, over-biased and under-researched.
Scrap the tax, now!
Seems a sure route to success these days is find the bbc set against you.
How much is a far-left bbc producer paid? Is it a low grade staff position, are they on zero hours contracts?
Do I care? Not really, these people are nothing to me.
More wimmin than men also.
V.I.P. R.I.P. : BBC Radio 4 : 11pm : Jo Brand looks back on the lives of four dead people including an electronics engineer who knew all about battery acid and its uses.
Al beeb report on the meeting of the leaders of N Korea and China (or Kim and Ping as their friends call them – shortly before being fed to the dogs).
Both countries are a serious threat to the world, and both have appalling human rights records, yet the beeb report shows none of the personal animosity, sarcasm and condescension they reserve for the leader of our closest ally. They hate Trump so much they prefer monstrous regimes like those or that of Iran, on the basis of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’.
Funny old world.
I’m sure that the bbbclbgt lot are aware of the amoral stance of these two disgusting countries, and their intent of bombing everywhere else into submission.
Just imagine someone as loopy as Billary looking to the defence of the US, and its mates, against such awful races with the political will of a snake.
President Trump is the best man to deal with this, not some thick ‘elite’ politician, especially when the MSM like the bbbclbgt knobs try and say the opposite.
From what I’ve read, Hitlery Clinton sold lots of very dangerous weapons to North Korea in exchange for lots of money paid into the Clinton Foundation. And sold 20% of the US Uranium reserves to Russia, again for lots of money paid into the Clinton Foundation. It seems Robert Mueller was her bag carrier; he actually took Uranium samples to Russia for them to analyse before sealing the deal.
No doubt, before President Trump is finished this will all come out in court and the bad guys will be incarcerated for life, possibly in Guantanamo Bay.
Now if I was running the far-left bbc collective this would be my main subject for an in-depth investigation. But then I’m not a Trump hating, know nothing swamp rat.
I am wondering who will be the BBCs new Darling in the Tory leadershit election now Rory has gone on to a new career as “body double” for Tutankhamen – -boom! boom!
Tell me that isnt Rory!
Doesn’t look sartorially dishevelled enough!
Yawn ….. heard it all before Phil ….
One wonders where the £39 Billion would have come from.
TOADY Watch #1
Ladies Day on Toady. A very wooden, different sounding, hesitant Katya Adler joins Mishal Husain.
Have all the boys gone off to Ascot to ogle the ladies there? Shock! Horror! Correction: Have all the boys gone off to Ascot to gamble away their BBC earnings from Licence Fees? More shock! More horror!
Impartiality hey BBC … check out Emily Matlis Twitter account …. all about Rory Stewart, every man and his dog could see her Bias towards him !! Here are some of her re-tweets … remember, this is the IMPARTIAL HOST of the BBC debate … shocking stuff.
Look how WRONG all the Liberal media were AGAIN !!! Wot a bubble they live in. How can a BBC host get away with such clear, unadulterated bias ???????/
Bbc rubbing the majority voters noses in it by presenting from Brussels using a German beeboid to talk for the ReichEU .
Der Kraut Adler had a nice chat with the Dutch PM telling us what to do .
Meanwhile the 29 Brexit Party MEPs have put a video on the twitter showing them signing into the jobs they didn’t want in the ReichEU talking shop
Off switch time
Boris – get us out -now
Am about to do TOADY Watch #3 on that subject, Fed. Or another one.
Aaah, the BBC; the gift that keeps giving.
Up2 – I just couldn’t bare it any more . Off to me deezer .
Miliband senior really has got the Blair disease of bestriding the planet . I don’t think it’s big enough for him .
If proof were ever needed that these Remoaner elite live in a world far far away .. here it is … Rory was a winner apparently !!!
And Labour won the last election by the same thinking 😉
There is a big EU meeting starting today.
As I understand it there are no major serious or unexpected issues. It is fairly routine, although there is the unedifying task of divvying up jobs for the unelected apparatchiks.
So why therefore has the biased BBC chosen to present Toady live from Brussels with Katya Adler?
Was she short of work?
Are they ‘sending a message’ by having yet another all-female line-up?
Or are they deliberately trying to normalise the EU and thus seek to influence listeners by portraying the whole thing as a modern, reasonable institution which they think we should all support?
They even featured an interview with the gender-equality commissioner (a female, of course).
After being banged to rights over their deliberate bias in the Tory leadership debate, you’d think they might take a step back for a while, but no.
Obsessed with their own self-important narratives, the BBC is rotten to the core.
Sluff, saves on some CO2 emissions, I guess. In the usual run of things, Mishal or Martha (esp. the latter) might have been despatched to do a spot of duty-free shopping, check out some trendy wine bars and, oh, perhaps interview someone from Europe about Brexit.
I see our lovely Carole Kirkwood has been despatched to Royal Ascot to rub shoulders with the set that the BBC hate.
Now call me paranoid but she keeps popping up wearing different hats and each one is more ridiculous than the last, could this be an attempt at a sublime dig at the fatuousness of Ascot and its devotees by the BBC production team or hierarchy, something for all the believers back at base to snigger about in the BBC canteen?
TOADY Watch #2
Old BBC news recycled from yesterday: Keith Raniere is found guilty. Correction: Keith Raniere was found guilty yesterday.
Why are the BBC interested in keeping day old news going? Is there an agenda? Tabloid journalism? ‘Juicy news’: sex cult and all that. Women and girls held as ‘sex slaves’ ?
Oh well, back to bashing Boris and bashing a No-Deal Brexit.
TOADY Watch #3
Transparencies on Toady.
Miliband major is mealy-mouthed. Mishal is meek in response.
David Davies ducks and weaves and bobs on Bojo’s ‘honesty’. Mishal goes in hard and is hectoring, interrupting and talking over David Davies’ deliberations and dodgings. [ I did wonder afterward if DD was deliberately winding Mishal up. 😉 ]
Rule #67 in the Radio Broadcasters Handbook, Interviewers Section. Treat all interviewees even-handedly. If you do not, the listening audience will notice and start to think and believe that you and your radio station is biased.
Amazing that milliband senior is still a ‘ go to ‘ type 8 years after holding an elected post .
Similar to President hesseltine still taking his £305 a day in his rest home -he’s a 86 you know …
And hasn’t held elected office since 2001
Al Beeb’s recent performance ‘takes the biscuit’.
“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
I have an informed opinion that a lot of our MPs visit and read this site . But have they got the bottle to do something about it?
Watch this space .
Where does this thing about politicians bring honest come from ? ( see manifestos)
TOADY Watch #4
Rumpole is up and down like a toilet seat in a monastery. He is objecting here, objecting there, objecting everywhere about Katya Adler’s leading questions to Mark Rutter, Prime Minister of the Netherlands. The Judge, listening at home, becomes very irritated and rebukes Adler repeatedly in response to Rumpole’s objections. He switches off R4 and goes to listen to the Goon Show on R4 Extra.
Adler, on her TOADY debut, is in danger of being held in contempt and spending a night in a cell before apologising to the Judge and his Court.
Snuff- Rutte sounded like a one-man Project Fear with 50% extra thrown in for good measure.
fnw, quite right, as did the German-Brit/Brit-German who is in Mutti’s Cabinet of Collapsing Coalitions. He was interviewd earlier on TOADY but I cannot remember who by. Think it was Katya on that one.
Apologies: Am at the alliterations a bit heavy today. What have I been eating? Drinking? Reading? Listening to? I should have worked in advertising!
Apologies, too, for misspelling Mark Rutte’s surname.
Ramping up the doubts. Pushing Project Fear. I love it. Keep it up, BBC, don’t stop. Think I have learned a few lessons about advertising in life. I hope the Beeb can dig up Cable a few more times, before Jo Swinson gets enthroned, for old Vince to insult a few more old Brits via BBC R4 and upset their grandchildren into voting for TBP. Luvvin’ it! Then roll out Blair a bit more to rubbish Brexit. More Hezza, yet more hate not hope for Brexit.
I think I can hear the counters ticking over ….. . . .
David Davies on LBC ” anti-Brexit bias bias runs through the BBC like a stick of rock
… with exceptions like Andrew Marr who isn’t pro Brexit, but is impartial .”
weird thinking
Yes, Stew. Did he intend to say Andrew Neil? DD having a ‘senior moment’?
@Up2snuff Yes that makes sense
He did say “Marr”
but Andrew Neil is the one that is unbiased in his work.
Stew-A few years back Andrew Marr was as much a LEFT
wing columnist on the Daily Express as you are likely to read.
Me thinks that in know way has he seen the “road to Damascus”
as far has politics are concerned. I also suspect that David Davies
meant to say Andrew Neil.
That Hussain women’s interview with David Davis was so biased terrible really but well handled by DD-Is it just me but don’t we appear to have women overtaking the number of men in the BBC-One hardly see a man’s face other than old Hump and that Robinson bloke and an occasional weather chappy. All the men have been emasulated-women’s soccer now taking over our screens, if men’s soccer wasn’t enough to make one choke.
“….Is it just me but don’t we appear to have women overtaking the number of men in the BBC-One hardly see a man’s face….”.
I can only respond: ‘Really?’.
That’s the major benefit of no tv licence……….
If those who occupy the far-left bbc hive were Christians and/or read the Bible they’d know that God made Adam. And then he made Eve as his companion. Not vice versa. But then the world is currently ruled by satan, until Jesus returns, so those of this world say, do and believe everything that is diametrically opposite of what God and His Bible tell us.
Another day starts …and the psychological warfare continues
#1 “Today is world Refugee Day”
#2 Scientists say pregnant women are more susceptible to road pollution
… cos they walk less so spend more time in the car”
…. Em sounds BS to me, I monitor this debate and the big thing is that if road pollution is such a great harm, it would show up in way reduced lifespan in professional all day drivers like taxi drivers
.. yet no such research has been done.
..Indeed this pregnant woman claim is most likely not to be from proper real world studies, but from meta- Analysis of sitting in your office and cherry picking some old studies and then constructing computer modelling and then making grand claims.
Happy World Refugee Day everyone ????
What number do I ring to donate my house?
Bob Geldof, Yvette Cooper and Stan Collymore vowed to take at least one Syrian refugee into their homes. Lily Allen pledged to rent out her home to refugees after doing a tearful apology to some in Calais on behalf of the people of the UK for their dreadful treatment by the British government.
On Sept 4 2015, Bob Geldof was quoted by the Guardian as saying: “I’m prepared – I’m lucky, I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and Jeanne [his partner] would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immediately, and put them up until such time as they can get going and get a purchase on their future.”
Yvette Cooper made a similar pledge, and reportedly said: “If that’s what it took and that’s what was needed, then of course, I think lots of people would be.”
Former Liverpool footballer Stan Collymore wrote in a tweet “If my government allows, I’ll take a Syrian family in my home for a year, tomorrow.”
They are not the only celebrities who offered their support – JK Rowling took part in the Refugees Welcome campaign at the time, but stopped short of opening her home to those fleeing Syria.
In this list of political and celebrity hypocrites, let us not forget Lily Allen, who after pledging to rent out her expensive London flat to refugees but then instead rented it out to some rich Italians
She complained on Twitter when they refused to move out when she wanted it back.
I wonder if they followed through and kept their promises…
Stew, you are right to be highly sceptical. There was research done on this but it dates back to the days of bus conductors on double deckers with stairs. Remember them? An uncle of mine was a London ‘clippie’.
The drivers were more prone to obesity and heart attacks. In contrast, the conductors, who led a very active working life, had a better life expectancy. I think this was common knowledge at the time so people who had those sedentary driving jobs responded by taking more exercise. Seem to recall that it was common to find taxi-drivers on golf courses early in the morning or late afternoon after or before going to work on a night shift, for example.
Indeed Up2snuff, from the 1940’s to the early 1960’s when I lived and worked in London all buses had a bus conductor on board and the stopping time was much shorter because the conductor took the money not the driver, further rarely would there ever be any trouble from roudy passengers and if so the conductor would throw those idiots off the bus and would always help an elderly passenger on or off the bus- I cannot understand why we ever got rid of the bus conductors- all bus traffic ran more smoothly then. God the authorities do make some daft descions.
tarien, “I cannot understand why we ever got rid of the bus conductors- all bus traffic ran more smoothly then.”
Inflation, mate, inflation. Nothing to do with God. 😉 It is when man thinks he is god that it all goes ‘Pete Tong’ as ‘they’ say.
The bus companies were under financial pressure, especially when Ted Heath coped with the latest oil crisis and shortage by putting up taxes on fuel.
Little did I know then – when I occasionally rode a bus to school in the 1960s instead of walking the mile or so – that 1. that the UK was about to enter a period of drastic inflation, made worse by Ted Heath & his useless CoE, Tony Barber, 2. that I would have to study Economics in adult life, and 3. Blair & Brown & the BBC [ thanks, Steffie 🙂 ] would turn me into even more of an economist.
Remember that Monty Python sketch about Spam?
Well, I hate inflation.
unions with unrealistic demands.
In a “Few Good Men” Tom Cruise the defence attorney for the
soldiers accused of manslaughter, bases his defence on the premise
that the colonel played by Jack Nicholson has ordered the soldiers to
perform a “code red.” Tom Cruise believes that the colonel is
really proud of this ,and in the end will tell the court.And he does.
BBC, let the world know that you are a left wing news media
outlet. Just as Fox News is a right wing in the USA.
Trotskyist, Socialist Worker producers, editors, sub editors,
researchers don’t hide in the closet. Follow the line of the
Londonistan Programme . Follow what you did on Tuesday night
with the prospective Conservative leaders debate. Let the world
know that you are the most loyal Jeremy Corbyn supporters.
You know you want to, DO IT!!!
TOADY Watch #5 could be a record at this rate, if exhaustion does not set in, only another three to go after ….
.. Raising the Bogey-man. It was Russia wot dun it! Russia wot wun it! {Sun-speak, Snuffy can spell, honist.)
The TOADY Prog was desperate to explain away the success of the Party That Shall Not Be Named In The UK On Radio4 (TBP) along with the Other One Also Having a Leadership Election (no, not the LimpNon-Dems, that’s UKIP) so they had an item which appeared to be a wild attempt to convince someone, somewhere in the UK who is gullible enough that Russia meddled in and influenced the result of the recent EU Elections.
Resident Norfolk Sceptic: “Yeaher roight.”
BBC, sit down have a little think. You are trying to claim, with the help of the EU Information Commissar, that Russian ‘bots’ invaded Farcebook, Twelter and all the other on-line platforms, across twenty-eight countries and however many languages, and not just tried to influence people into voting for anti-EU or so-called ‘populist’ or so-called ‘Far Right’ political Parties, including one single-issue Party set up just six weeks beforehand but did influence them? Really?
Three years after the spectre of overseas influence in elections was first raised?
And no-one has done anything in the interim to deal with that ‘interference’ or ‘influence’?
Now Completely Incredulous Resident Norfolk Sceptic: “Yeaher roight.”
I mentioned here yesterday that R4 had spent the entire day hating bojo- who had a Muslim grandfather –
I wonder today how often The Brexit Party gets any mention at all – even to give it a BBC desultory kicking .
Perhaps the Far Left Failing BBC has internaliser the fear that what ever they do or say – we – the majority – will get the UK its’ freedom from the Reich .
Fed, seems like you noticed in the last few days that only Farage’s name is used? The Brexit Party is not ‘name checked’?
I wonder how many other Radio4 listeners notice that?
LBC opens a discussion about cyber-bullying
A posh mum phones in saying that her daughter suffers terrible bullying, cos it’s such a liberal parent school and they are a Brexit family.
Her daughter now refuses to talk about politics.
She said something about seeing the social media of the other parents and it being full of hatey comments against Boris etc.
eu.bc reporting on “China’s vanishing mosqueS”
then shows a picture of 1 mosque. sounds really bad, but its ONE mosque
ajs, think you have spotted one of the BBC’s ’causes célèbres’.
Apparently it is only in the UK where old people go to churches and other places of worship and when they stop the building becomes redundant. In China, also full of an ageing population (remember that One Child Policy, BBC?), is it not possible that a Mosque becomes redundant in time?
To be fair, the BBC have briefly mentioned in my hearing, very briefly, on R4 & the web-site, the crackdown on Roman Catholics and the destruction of some RC churches. Also on R4’s ‘Sunday’, they have briefly mentioned in my hearing that persecution of the Christians in House Churches in China has been ramped up once again by the authorities.
But this Mosque destruction and ‘persecution of Muslims’-thing is the fourth or fifth outing on R4 and the w-s, I think, that I have seen. There may have been more.
Bias? What bias?
Shock horror: the muslim who called in to the Leadership bear baiting contest turns out to be antisemitic, sexist and homopphobic.
I can’t believe it. Who’d have thought it?
Next they’ll be telling us it’s not the religion of peace!
TOADY Watch #6
Mutti Merkel and Macron are at odds.
Really? It was not long ago that the BBC were telling me that newbie Macron and Mutti were bosom-buddies. That the President had been anointed by Mutti to ‘save the EU’ and was the man for the job.
Another BBC puzzle. The strange episode of Mutti shaking like a leaf, during an official reception and playing of national anthems for the visit of the new Ukrainian President, was mentioned in passing on R4 in my hearing and then more. No ongoing concern from the BBC. Mutti is, after all, a ‘wimmin’. Should you not be concerned, BBC, about the health of a ‘wimmin’ in a major European leadership role in this age of equality?
A Skripal-like lack of curiosity on show from BBC R4 & the BBC’s N&CA department.
Especially when the TOADY Prog is fronted from Brussels by the BBC’s Europe Correspondent today.
Foreign interference hey !!!!
David Lammy – Over £200K a year in expenses to pump this crap out all day, every day !!!
Your two contributions above.
Best part is, most people are no longer listening. These bleatings by the deranged Marxists fall on deaf ears. It’s now become like the wallpaper in the lounge: too familiar to notice anymore.
Indeed G . They are getting louder and louder as like you say, no-one is listening anymore. The Left are in meltdown, we can all see it in their tweets, their visible anger on TV etc etc .
They are so used to having it all their own way, they cant comprehend people now questioning them, and really cant comprehend folk dis-agreeing with them. Just look at the BBC for example, especially Maitliss, Sopel, Coburn etc.
Brexit really awoke middle England and boy, do the left not like it up em. Look at how many protests / rallies are taking place. Its all the Lefties. They are losing grip !! Loving it.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the bbc, in the past have managed to censor the “news” in a way that shaped our view of the world around us. Now that we have alternative news sources we can see how skewed their “reality” is. People are now looking at the way the bbc have behaved re Brexit and are now wondering what else they have been lying to us about.
Hence their claims that the internet is full of “fake news”. Fake because it doesn’t fit the narrative that they are feeding us.
I truly believe the bbc’s days are numbered.
I do hope you’re right
Brazen Beeb bravely battle on and do not shrink from shrieking front pages. [ Eeeeek! Sorry. That’s probably the one last for today. 🙂 ]
Took some courage (or maybe some insider spite?) to put up on the BBC w-s, the Daily Mail, Daily Express and Daily Telegraph as the first three front pages today. Get the bad news out of the way straight away. At least their pals at the Grauniad let them off lightly.
What’s the deal with MaajidNawaz snarly LBC peomo where he goes on hysterically that TRump has a “Muslim ban” presumably cos he once used the term ?
There has never been a Muslim ban , only restrictions on terrorist countries
(that Obama had already listed)
and Saudi then Israel were the first countries that Trump visited.
Ah Maajid says it’s from a BBC video
and makes a quotation from the BBC title
..that is wrong cos in the video Trump doesn’t say “Muslim ban”
He does say “complete and total shutdown of muslims entering the united states”
that was the temporary thing , and despite the phrase did not apply to all Muslims from all countries of course.
TOADY Watch #7
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, has done his sums. He has decided to be blunt with the great and the good of the financial world at a Mansion House dinner tonight. If we Brexit without a deal, we will have put £26.6billion at risk. (Note that specific .6, btw.)
However, if we Brexit with a deal we are held liable to pay £39billion (estimated) plus possible annual extras to the EU.
Now, Phil, you may have to take off your socks and shoes and borrow a few fingers & toes from fellow guests tonight, but I think you should really re-do those spreadsheet calculations.
No questions asked, about this curious Treasury mismatch, on TOADY this morning.
I wonder why?
Think of the current situation in military terms . The elction of President Trump was the equivalent of Stalingrad to the swamp liberals. Ever since they have been in retreat. Brexit was another defeat and there will be many more. They counter attack but the cause is lost for a century or more .
The BBC chose the wrong side and will go down along with all those who tried to force identity politics and the destruction of western values down our throats. Their day is done
Maybe the BBC will put Diane Abbot on to explain it. She probably needs the £700 they regularly dole out to her to go towards the private school fees.
Thanks for the reminder about Stalingrad – must re read that excellent book . I still blame Goering …
Shock – the Londonistan evening standard has come out in favour of Boris .. yesterday it was Mad Rory – who one twitter wag described as a cross between a wanna bee mick jagger and Lawrence of Arabia . ….
It is surprising since the rag is full on remainer – and also has George Osborne as editor ….. maybe they were ‘chums’ in a past life …. or bojo will sell us out again ….
Decided to have a day off from the giddy Beth Rigby. Switched over to politics live and lasted 30 seconds after spotting the cretin Ummuna. Back to sky it is then
Stevie – on the twitter – someone has set one of her mini pieces to music …. I have no idea who she is …
click on Waugh-Wee’s big mug..put sound on.
Tena anyone?
Yep that’s the one – politics becomes art- thanks pert
Banned from that I am afraid fed, Kept giving lammy a tough time
For those with an interest – the Question Time programme has the normal one Brexiter on it and comes from a remain stronghold as usual – this time The Islamic republic of Tottenham …..
I’ll be noo noo by then and would rather watch a tap dripping ….
“Fiona Bruce presents Question Time from Tottenham, with panellists Kwasi Kwarteng MP, Margot James MP, Laura Pidcock MP, Ed Davey MP and Tim Martin.”
no Lammy?..what a shame.. I like a good laugh before bedtime.
BBC radio Newcastle in full social reform mode
‘. Report about…. ‘Period Poverty’
With one young impressionable woman saying…….
“Why should we have to pay for something that a woman’s body does naturally”
At that point I changed the channel
I guess she doesn’t buy toilet paper then?
Maybe she gets free copies of The Guardian.
Dystopian you beat me to it.
Goodbye Saj
Sajid is toast … but the Gove is second ….
Just checked the BBC website, despite being knocked out yesterday, due to the unique way the Left count votes, Rory Stewart is now leading !!!
2 spoiled ballots . Was one of them Rory’s I wonder.
The other one was from an MP who thought he was putting an each way bet in the 130 at ascot …
Wait for the screeching left to tell us that the mp’s didn’t know what they were voting for….
>Fedup..lol..Ken Clarke?
Speaking of lefties, Mathew Wright on Talk Radio. Next he is going to be talking about when project fear may become a reality. (Yawn yawn!).
who cares!
Manifesto’s worth less than the paper they’re printed on.
Deselected MP’s still troughing it,………because.
Words that are used only to secure support then,….but….but.
Slimey dishonest careerists the lot.
Get rid.
If this, if that, could this could that, maybe this maybe that….
Whatever happened to Britain’s “can do” attitude?
Answer: The BBC.
I hadn’t picked up on this one.
Looking more and more like conspiracy, not cock up.
Biased BBC news channel now wheeling on pro Jeremy Hunt commentators …
Strangely, they now seem able to correctly pronounce his surname.
Ah, now they are showing the Dutch interference again.
Oh and look over there, a guilty white middle aged man rapist…