Apparently the Far Left Failing BBC is to ‘improve vetting ‘ of those that choose to put on their biased programmes . So we can expect even less white men. There will be even more vibrancy featuring preferred religions , sexual preference and approved political views .
Weekend Open Thread 22 June 2019
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Looks like the imports from the islands increasing our vibrancy didn’t like having some memorial thing at Waterloo. Wonder what they’d have said if it was at Blackfriars or White City . Would probably have been best placed at Brixton .
Just going out but saw this:
True? Or BBC ‘news’?
Does zero carbon include nuclear? Even if it does and it was a suitably windy and sunny day in which demand for electricity to heat homes was low, I’m very surprised.
The report says 18% on the ‘carbon-free’ side is nuclear.
I would dispute the term ‘tipping point’, that suggests that all of a sudden the ‘carbon-free’ will now start to increase whereas we have probably just picked the ‘low-hanging fruit’.
Rather worrying to hear them admit that electric cars ‘on charge’ will help with energy storage. If they did that your expensive car battery will have some of its limited charge/discharge cycles ‘stolen’ by the grid and in any case the chances are that most cars will charge overnight when the demand will mostly be cars being charged! Robbing Peter to pay Pauline?
I guess that means that when we all have smart meters those of you who have signed up with BBC Sounds and have shown true globalist, pro-EU, pro-‘equality’, pro-immigration programme choices will keep your lights on and the rest of us deplorables will have our car batteries sucked dry when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.
Now you know why the BBC wants you to register!
Probably one day in the year when there was enough wind!
Th outstanding final speech in the Chernobyl series by the brave scientist Lugakov.
“When the truth offends we lie & lie until we can no longer remember it’s even there, but it is still there.”
“Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth, sooner or later that debt is paid.”
“That is how an RBMK reactor core explodes, Lies.”
Someone needs to tell our political elites this because the amount of lies they think they can get away with is astonishing
Breitbart news from Europe.
Macron wants the new UK PM to be as loyal and respectful to the EU as May has been. So what we all knew is confirmed , she was always a Remainer who did everything she could to keep us in or as close to in as makes no difference.
Some German law makers want up to three years imprisonments for burning the EU flag and to ban assembly of ‘extreme ‘ right groups. They decide who is extreme of course.
Can democracy beat the liberal left Globalist establishment?
German lawmakers?
Could they be the same as those lawmakers who would like to make burning the koran an offence punishable by crucifixion?
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Public inquiry into the bias in the BBC”.
The debate is scheduled for 15 July 2019.
Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
The media are rubbing their hands with glee: they’ll be able to fill their pages and websites with ‘get Boris’ stuff for weeks to come. How many journos and ‘neighbours’, ready to record, are going to be at it?
Presumably the instruction will be to try and blacken Boris in the same way they’ve tried to blacken The Donald. In this, they will be led by the beeb, and the Gruniad one presumes.
Nigel may well vanish, if he can’t think of a way to put his party back in the news. We are about to find out what he’s made of. We know he is a man of courage and conviction, but I sense this ‘hustings’ stuff and project ‘nail Boris’
are going to be a challenge.
Unless boredom sets in?
It seems to me that our Nigel wants to join in with the Boris bashing.
The other day on LBC he was complicit in allowing a 16 year old to validate Nigel’s views on Boris.
I wonder why!
[that’s rhetorical statement, BTW]
I’m never up early enough to listen to Toady on 4 (the joys of retirement !), but due to circumstances beyond my control, I was on the road at 8.30 this morning and tuned in, to hear three young things being asked whether it was Boris or Jezza for them. Instantly the interviewer weighed in with the Boris domestic, and relentlessly asked the three whether they thought it would hurt his chances.
Due credit to the three, they all said it was just a row that everyone has, and personal matters stay behind closed doors. Clearly the interviewer wanted a more negative reaction as he clung on with that line of questioning, but they were having none of it, so the subject matter was moved on.
I don’t think I could survive listening to that clear prejudice every day of the week. My lie-ins will continue.
…has anyone heard the “recording” made by the neighbour, or is The Guardian holding it back. I could imagine the cast of Dead Ringers from the BBC working closely with the paper to record a suitable autocation that could then be broadcast, if you know what I mean!!
He’s out there, but staying with footy. To be safe.
It may be a good view – others think otherwise – but what an ugly stadium the Manchester United Stadium is these days. What an hotch-potch of pipework it is. If they add any more to the stadium then I fear some kind of collapse of pipes/guttering/plastic sheeting.
You should google an ariel view of your neighbours stadium – Bolton Wanderers – paid for by the club and no outside help. What was it that mr Keys of sky sports top man said about his first visit there: This is what all other stadiums will have to beat and try to fashion theirs by. City tried but – didn’t really, as they still don’t own their stadium as the tax payers of the greater manchester boroughs paid for its construction upkeep. Even today the Saudi billionares get away with it.
I have just been to Wembley. I didn’t recognise the place I last went to years ago. It is now full of high rise blocks, some are hotels but I assume the others are flats. They are so close together it looks more like Hong Kong. Presumably it is to house the increasing population of London.
If our hosts don’t mind.
The following images are of the Bolton Stadium which I refered our friend Rob too:
Maybe they were just watching Eastenders on ‘catch up’ with the volume turned up so as to avoid hearing the sirens rushing to the latest street ‘enrichment’ event?
Do you mean it wasn’t “Dead Ringers”?
How did you find out?
Having tried to not see every thing at face value – I wondered what would be gained from bojo engineering this incident …. I haven’t worked it out yet . And it’s only an ‘armchair ‘ thought thing ….
Long shot …
You know the same thing has flitted through my mind.
I can’t, in all honesty believe it, but it did occur to me. Absolutely no one is talking about…the other bloke in this contest. Boris is the only show in town.
Of course, when you really think about it, he’s not to know his neighbours (and how creepy are they?!) would tape his row with his girlfriend and then go running to The Guardian.
Christ, I’d love turds like that living next door to me…
It also begs the question, as to what else were they recording and how long had these recordings been going on. I think it highly questionable that they managed to get clear recordings on everyday equipment out of the blue. Try recoding someone’s voice on your phone nearby but not adjacent, let alone through walls. What recording equipment were they using. It stinks of set up.
My thoughts entirely EL ! equally, imagine the protesting outcries if our secret services were to be found listening in ad hoc to family disputes, arguments, sexual activities, of joe public through property walls.
Surely Boris could bring a private prosecution against this person for invasion of privacy. If warring neighbours can throw their toys out of the pram over a boundary dispute, then listening in on private conversations next door is justifiable for bringing some sort of legal action.
It’s much easier to believe that Guardian journalists, on a general fishing trip against Boris, made promises to any Guardian readers in the neighbourhood, in return for any “dirt”, however flimsy, they could dig up against him.
[Where is the ace Guardian reporter to put these events under the magnifying glass when you really need her?]
We could start with the question on what relationship if any the neighbours had with the Guardian before the events. Then find out who reported to the police this event, given a clean bill of health by the police.
NOTE: I even heard on LBC (second only to BBC in misinformation), a claim seemingly given credence by the presenter Nick Abbot, that a coverup by the police was involved.
It seems good for ones health RE blood pressure and stress, to avoid the BBC and their twsted muzzie agenda i.e if a muzzie becomes a mayor he or she is a muzzie and instantly promoted to the front page of the British national news website for some perverse reason as a minority in this country who gives a damn, , if muzzies gang rape and racially abuse a schoolgirl they are no longer referred to as muzzies and suddenly become asians and are disappeared into regional news,
My ASIAN wife objects extremely that the only time her Continent is represented by the BBC is when muzzie rapists are reported and they forget that they are all Pakis and refer to them as asian, millions of Chinese, Japanese etc in this country but a muzzie obsession with the BBC untl it comes to crime, rape sexual assaults and drug dealing primarily and then the muzazie label disappears and they are asian, and as for the other millions of law abiding asians over here ? forget it the BBC do not want to know
The BIGGEST bar none peaodophile rape sexual scandal this country has ever sen every month another muzzie gang arrested and the BBC ? NOTHING unless they can find another actress who had her bum pinched by a white jewish film producer then another headline
“by a white Jewish film producer…” …. or vile white capitalist.
Has anyone noticed the sly way the bbbc are spinning how they are stopping free tv for the over 75’s.
They say that for a pensioner who is on pension credits or extra benefits, the bbc will pay for their tv licence.
While this isn’t exactly a lie it seems to me to be misleading.
It’s as if they are doing some pensioners a favour.
Will they pay themselves the licence fee.
If I have £10 and I give it to myself I am not losing or gaining £10
Yes, noted and reported this week.
Also it says the government is taking away the subsidy, which isn’t true, it was part of the last licence ‘settlement’ that the BBC would pay.
I have no problem with means testing, its a scandal that we all pay for child benefit for all in this country regardless of their income. if you choose to breed then pay for it, I have enough single mother breeders sitting at home all day at least three in this street get their child taken to school by taxi with a government paid escort, thats bad enough but ALL are allowed to get taxpayers money for breeding
“Incomes over £50,000
You may have to pay a tax charge if you (or your partner’s) individual income is over £50,000. This is known as the ‘High Income Child Benefit Charge’.
Use the Child Benefit tax calculator to estimate how much tax you may have to pay.”
50 grand and still get money for breeding ? hmmm
I do have a problem with means testing.
Two people earn an identical amount, one is thrifty and saves their money, the other is a drunkard and a gambler.
On the same day the company they both work for goes bust and they are both made redundant.
Now tell me why a taxpayer should fund the drunken spendthrift, and why the responsible citizen should be penalised for his saving ?
So you are happy to fund those on a 50 K wage and pay for their kids, how altruistic of you
Annu, lets not forget the scandal of us paying child benefit to kids who were born and still live across the Channel ! simply because their Dads did a couple of weeks work in the Uk, and have since buggered off back home, but we are still coughing up a weekly amount to be collected from some little village bank in Romania!
Funny how admin staff are employed to make sure this happens, but the NHS cant organise a handful of staff in each hospital to ensure that migrant tourists hand over their credit card to pay for their treatment.
We never stop paying out, and we never ever rake it in.
RAF Typhoons intercept Ryanair jet from Luton with reports of a suspicious package on board.
RAF scrambles two Typhoons to intercept Jet 2 aircraft minutes after leaving Stansted amid reports there was a ‘disruptive passenger’ on board
Call me suspicious, but there have been plenty of ‘disruptive’ passengers on aircraft, and the only thing a fighter jet can do is to shoot down another aircraft. Stanstead is the UKs ‘crisis’ airport which takes all hijackings and serious issues.
No way this is an issue which is being reported as “A 25-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of two assaults and endangering an aircraft.”
The Quick Reaction Alert caused sonic booms across the east coast as the pair of supersonic fighter raced south from RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire.
People as far as 20 miles from Stansted Airport heard the sonic boom caused by the RAF Typhoons.
So the jets went supersonic over land??? If you don’t know what that means then it’s potential structural damage from the shock wave, and windows blown out! They used so much fuel reacting to this they needed to refuel mid air to get back from Stanstead to Lincoln, and I’m not convinced the Typhoon aircraft has such as short range either.
This story simply doesn’t add up.
If it was Ryanair then a good chance the suspicious package was a suitcase smuggled aboard, or a handbag
I often wonder what the point of intercepting these civil aircraft is. If they were hijacked and the intent was to fly them into the houses of parliament, Downing Street etc would they shoot it down? So if they shot it down it would / might fall on a school or a hospital which wouldn’t go down well as the hijacker had a history of mental illness etc etc so it’s highly unlikely that they would shoot down an airliner full of women and kids just to protect Downing street….who would give the order ????
I guess the pilots would be under orders to shoot it down over the sea, or sparsely populated areas before it ever got to a city.
It’s better that an airliner with 200 passengers crashes in farmland rather than it being deliberately crashed into the Houses of Parliament. Only because of lots of other civilian collateral deaths near the impact. Not sure I could give a toss about the MPs though.
It has been reported that Boris’s neighbour who did the recording is a man named Tom Penn. The Guardian also have a journalist named Tom Penn.
I wonder ………?
Yes, I saw that, Pertelote.
Skimming through all the waffle, it seems his sort of ‘plays’ seem to be ‘acted’ in a motorcycle side-car.
I reckon I’m intelligent enough to understand where proper plays come from, but don’t recognise anything this bloke has done. I presume he has another out very soon, and The Grungian will drip bodily substances all over it to make it happen for their informant!
Boris – 1, poet or something – 0
FFS Roger Waters has donated the proceeds from his guitar sale
to who ?
to the already well funded US based lawyer org : Client Earth who wage law-fare on UK government, to force it to make UK green laws even crazier.
Waters believes they are free-ing the world of coal
that’s deluded cos the Russian & Chinese governments will take no notice.
Whoever runs Water’s Twitter account lives on the Dark side of the Loon
..continuous mad socialism and eco-lunacy etc
His last two tweets are the same
(I commented on the earlier one)
His tweet before that is a massive rant against the German Government
for restricting the free speech of a pro-Palestinian group BDS
full rant on Facebook
Beep beep beep this is me backtracking
my source got the names mixed up
– It’s Dave Gilmour who’s in with the eco-loons and sold his guitars for Client Earth
..and Roger Waters who’s in with dodgy socialist and extreme Palestinian politics.
..actually both are with the eco-loons
People took a lot of drugs in the 60s and 70s
SG you are still improving. I checked with Jeremy and Tariq, they said I could give you 123/10.
Hope he sold his microphone
Still waiting for the BBC to mention The Brexit Party.
Some say that it can be found under the BBC office carpets, having been swept there some time ago.
Is that the Brexit Party who may or may not go into an election pact with the Tories which could really damage the Labour Party and the BBC’s morale?
IMHO most of the Tory MPs are Remainers with exception of those sitting on the European Research Group, otherwise we would have been an independent nation three years ago.
Vote UKIP or The Brexit Party to get rid of the Telly Tax.
Dover Sentry
Al Beeb do not want to mention The Brexit Party.
If The Brexit Party get in, they know that their bubble will be burst.
Vote and support UKIP and The Brexit Party.
You really are missing the point with the Niqab.
The ideology which drives it is the problem and NOT the garment itself. It is the evil cult of Salafism which drives this and it has been responsible for every jihadist attack in the West.
20 Islamic countries have banned this ideology wear the niqab in Turkey and you’re looking at a prison sentence of up to 25 years. now try turning that into ‘islamofauxbia’.
Even Saudi has banned parts of it, they regard it as so dangerous, but yet in stupid brain dead liberal Britain it’s not only legal, it’s protected and ‘celebrated’.
So all those cultists who find their cult proscribed, cannot move to countries like Qatar where Salafism is practised, can come to the UK and anyone who objects is simply sent to a re-education camp
“I listen to my neighbours every night because I do not trust Amazon Alexa to catch the best bits of hate against the socialist dream of freedom.”
How perverse, its people who live under a Socialist regime who dream of freedom.
Someone mention “hate”
“EU leaders fail to agree top job candidates in Brussels talks”
‘Trouble at mill’.
Marxists listening in to the neighbours and then dobbing them into the authorities . Something’s never change.
It all sounds pretty seedy doesn’t it, Swelter!
Spending all that time up next to the master en-suite, fiddling about with an Ipad trying to make out all sorts if imaginary actions going on in someone else’s bedroom! “Did you hear that Mavis! She told ‘im to get aaart’, ‘and ‘e did’! Well I never, that’s the third time this week’!
Sad bunch lefties, aren’t they.
Even sadder when the impotent old Groaniad slavers and dribbles all over the non-story!
\\Trump dismisses E. Jean Carroll rape allegation as ‘fiction’//
Note: “In the article, she describes meeting Mr Trump in late 1995 or early 1996”
Uncertainty ? or just a made up story ?
Trumpophilia more likely, wets her panties at the thought of getting near a powerful or wealthy man, thousands of them in the music business
BTW a cut and paste job from a forum:
Who was the meanest celebrity you have ever met?
You cannot write an answer
You aren’t allowed to write answers to questions.
34 Answers
Andrew Neal
Andrew Neal, Lead Systems Administrator at U.S. Air Force (1989-present)
Answered Jun 17
Hands down, no question about it…HILLARY CLINTON!! I was assigned on the presidential support detail working with the Air Force One personnel and secret service when I was stationed at Little Rock Air Force Base while President Clinton was in office, so it wasn’t abnormal for Air Force One to land there when he/they were in town. There were a handful of times when I was able to say good morning/afternoon to them (as well as saluting the President). Without a doubt…Bill is a COMPLETELY different person when she is with him. He is quiet and reserved and rarely smiles (behind closed doors). When she is not with him he is outgoing and talkative.
But, back to my experience; and before anyone says it is political…I assure you it is not. This is completely a one-on-one experience on two occasions. On top of this, for the 9 years I was stationed at Little Rock I worked as part of the local sound crew helping run sound for all the concerts that came through the area. An average of probably 30-50 concerts in the summers I’ve met my fair share of celebrities. Even with all the quirky things some of them did or acted like… NONE were like Hillary!!
So, the first time she was travelling alone without Bill. As she passed by me I greeted her with a smile and a “Good morning Mrs. Clinton” and I got the reaming of my life up to that point in my life. The secret service guys looked at me with a smirk like “been there, done that.” I just chalked it up to her having a bad day. But then another time a few months later I overheard her screaming like a banshee at Bill for associating with and having the nerve to speak to the military personnel.
I was talking to a secret service agent one time a few years ago and asked him what the best job in the service is and he told me working with President Bush 43 (after he retired). He is laid back and takes great care of the agents. I also asked him what the worst is and he said Hillary!! He said that every agent that gets that assignment looks at it like a demotion or punishment. Many have even resigned!!
She is the definition of evil, ESPECIALLY if you are military or a veteran (or a secret service agent apparently).
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I always knew Hillary Clinton was a vile person, but here is proof she Is also stupid.
The Secret Service are meant to protect the President and First Lady at all costs, even if it costs them their lives. I cannot imagine too many of them would be queuing up to take a bullet for Hillary Clinton.
I was reading about Scottish independence and was struck by the parallels between then (below) and now –
What could be even more important than Brexit?
The answer perhaps is to keep Corbyn out of power at all costs because that would open the door to the establishment a Marxist state.
The resignation of Harold Wilson in 1976 brought James Callaghan to power, but his small majority was eroded by several by-election losses, and the government became increasingly unpopular. Deals were made with the SNP and Plaid Cymru to hold referenda on devolution in exchange for their support, helping to prolong the government’s life.
The result of the referendum in Scotland was a narrow majority in favour of devolution (52% to 48%),[17] but a condition of the referendum was that 40% of the total electorate should vote in favour in order to make it valid. But the turnout was only of 63.6%, so only 32.9% of the electorate voted “Yes”. The Scotland Act 1978 [intention to establish a Scottish Assembly] was consequently repealed in March 1979 by a vote of 301–206 in Parliament. In the wake of the referendum the supporters of the bill conducted a protest campaign under the slogan “Scotland said yes”. They argued that the 40% rule was undemocratic and that the referendum results justified the establishment of the assembly. Campaigners for a “No” vote countered that voters had been told before the referendum that failing to vote was as good as a “No”.[22] It was therefore incorrect to conclude that the relatively low turnout was entirely due to voter apathy.
In protest, the SNP withdrew their support from the government. A motion of no confidence was then tabled by the Conservatives and supported by the SNP, the Liberals and Ulster Unionists. It passed by one vote on 28 March 1979, forcing the May 1979 general election, which was won by the Conservatives led by Margaret Thatcher. Prime Minister Callaghan described the decision of the SNP to bring down the Labour government as “turkeys voting for Christmas”.[23][24] The SNP group was reduced from 11 MPs to 2 in the 1979 general election, while devolution was opposed by the Conservative governments led by Thatcher and John Major.
NB – I was never interested in politics until I discovered the intolerant (and abusive) nature of many left (so-called) ‘liberals’, around 2014, that made me realise that my conservative liberal values were very different to theirs.
The couple who called the Guardian then the Police about Boris’ domestic are arch remainers and raging leftists. What a surprise! Carrie Symonds is very angry the Police were called and the other couple had been eavesdropping on them. Sounds like the only ones oppressing women in this case are the Remainer couple humiliating Boris’ girl by calling the Police; she will probably have to move now and will have to endure all sorts of unwanted public scrutiny with her dirty linen washed in public. Of course it was just a standard argument couples often have at the end of a tough week after a drink.
Another steaming pile of fake news from the BBC. It’s a huge own goal as people are sick of nonsense like this. Who calls the Guardian before calling the Police? The liberal elite with feign concern and wag their wingers but the amongst ordinary decent folk Boris has just won himself more supporters. Nobody with a vocabulary as large as Johnson’s would ever be a wife beater.
They keep saying ‘Police were called’ as if this confers gravity on the events. Absolutely crucial is who called the Police and now we know they were called out of political motivation. It is like saying a Man United supporter said Liverpool are rubbish. And did the Police press any charges? No – which, again, is crucial but the Beeb are still running with the ‘Police were called’ salaciousness.
I think the alt-left couple should be fined for wasting police time. And then they should be further prosecuted for invasion of privacy. The Guardian should then be fined for going ahead with a non-story that was not in the public interest but endorsed the dodgy behaviour of the afore-mentioned couple.
If Ms Symonds felt she were in danger she would have called the Police herself. Who wants neighbours eavesdropping on private conversations then calling the Police with all the hassle and embarrassment that entails?
Typical cry bullies, the scourge of our age: aggressively wreak havoc whilst claiming lofty victim status. As if they were trying to protect women through their antics! They have humiliated poor Ms Symonds. Their sole motivation was to bash Boris.
“aggressively wreak havoc whilst claiming lofty victim status”
Well observed.
Boris Johnson’s character should be an issue for the whole nation Polly Toynbee
Corbyn praises Marx.
Corbyn has a statuette of Lenin in his office.
Corbyn refuses to condemn Stalin.
[Sorry lost the link.]
Corbyn praises Trotsky.
Corbyn praises Castro.
Corbyn praises Guevara.
[That Rochdale one of the Mass Muslim Gang rape capitals of the Labour Party world.]
Corbyn praises Chavez.
Corbyn praises Maduro.
Corbyn worships Hoxha.
Corbyn praises Iran (Corbyn takes bribe from Iran).
Corbyn praises IRA.
Corbyn praises Hamas.
Corbyn praises Fatah suicide bomber.
Corbyn praises Venezuela, see above.
Corbyn praises Milne, the Milne who described the Falklands Islands 99.8% vote as a dodgy result.
Here is the Peterborough result explained.
Joseph Stalin, the Democrat.
[Meanwhile in the USA, 11 million illegals get health care and, no doubt, multiple votes.]
[Be careful about your sources, here is the real Wikipedia.]
Ukrainian collaboration with Nazi Germany
Honoring 100 Million Victims of Communism
[Remind us again Polly, how many people has Boris killed?]
“Your comment is awaiting moderation. ”
I have not seen this before on BBBC!
So I have a screenshot.
There is probably a limit on the number of links in a post
that triggered moderation
Now 8:06, another screenshot. Still awaiting moderation!
Good question David!
OK we can write Boris/Conservative Party off immediately and permanently.
My trust was misplaced.
Is that Nigel? It is, sorry to bother you early on a Sunday but I wish to make a donation.
Although I have no vote in the matter, I do have an interest inasmuch as I regard Brexit as THE single most vital issue we have to resolve.
We now have a choice between one candidate who promises his whole reputation on leaving on 31 October with or without a deal, but now wants to have animplementation period which would mean we haven’t really left for some time after that date.
The other candidate, although a remainer at heart and seen as a successor to Mrs May, now says he will take us out on 31 October even if the EU refuse to negotiate. Unless they are negotiating and (as Gove threatened likewise) there is an imminent prospect of a proper deal that meets our concerns – we may extend for another period.
Why can’t we just have someone who says, “No ifs or buts, we go fully out on 31 October with or without a deal” and actually means it?
Steady Demon,
” I regard Brexit as THE single most vital issue we have to resolve. ”
BBC could easily convert that statement into, …….the implication that there is not enough wimmin on the scene. After all they can multi-task whereas men cannot. Can’t they?
Having watched Boris on TV yesterday I’m even more depressed than ever.
I do believe Boris is treating his attempt of being PM more serious than he seems to be treating his explanations re what he will do and how if he attempts the leave without a deal.
He’s getting rather too light hearted about it all.
Boris says that we’ll Leave on the 31st but continue renegotiation??
He’s given The Brexit Party another hundred MPs with that revelation.
Conservative MPs just don’t get it do they??
Bill Cash’s idea was that we leave on the right date, but continue trading with the EU as before as we are closely aligned due to current membership. Then negotiate a deal with the EU whilst changing our laws gradually as and when we need to change them.
This would cover our bases by allowing us to have new trade treaties with the whole world, not just “Little EU”, while keeping trade frictionless with the EU, but changing our laws when we need or want to. This would allow our businesses to change gradually but also avoids any bump we would have by leaving. Win win.
Win, win?
Maybe, if the decision had been taken 2016-06-24.
A leftie secretly recording his neighbours and reporting them to the police? Reminds me of a movie about the Stasi.
Oops, bigger pic than I intended.
This reminds me of Rabbie Burns in Tam O’ Shanter
“This lie between us and our hame,
Where sits our sulky sullen dame.
Gathering her brows like gathering storm,
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.“
BBC ‘Neighbour defends Johnson row recording’
Brilliant prose.
There is a special ward in most hospitals for victims of overexposure to that kind of prose
Annu, And the other wards are full of those who have not learned the beauty of prose and who take to other forms of comfort!
“While Europe’s eye is fix’d on mighty things,
The fate of empires and the fall of kings;
While quacks of State must each produce his plan,
And even children lisp the Rights of Man;
Amid this mighty fuss just let me mention,
The Rights of Woman merit some attention.”
Hang on a minute how do 2 (unknown ) playwrights afford to live in a expensive flat in London?? Obviously not a plant…..
That question went through my mind as well. Both are described as ‘experimental playwrights’ which probably means ‘unemployable’. I wonder what the source of income is for these two lefty would-be stasi agents?
Same here, BBC news just 1 minute ago: Boris under “increasing pressure” from whom I wonder ? where did that come from ? not mentioned, the BBC itself I would not wonder, as for his neighbours hope Boris is playing Ride of the Valkeries full blast first thing in the morning to put them off their dolphin friendly garlic muesli and last thing at night while they are knitting their nuclear free vegetarian yoghurt
A good question. They are probably trustafarians. Nonetheless I think we should bug their flat and listen to their private conversations to find out. They could not complain about that, could they?
“Ms Leigh was raised in a £15 million New York home and her father was American composer Mitch Leigh who wrote the 1965 Broadway musical Man Of La Mancha, which included the huge hit The Impossible Dream. ”
Daddy’s money
..he died about 5 years ago
Daniel Hannan in the Telegraph
Look what Brexit is doing to you,” a German MEP told me this week. “You’re in crisis, your system is breaking down, everyone is looking for a way out”. I get this a lot in Brussels. “Brexit is making you poorer.” “Brexit is making you angrier.” “Brexit is making you more xenophobic”. Sheesh, guys, do I really need to spell this out? Brexit hasn’t happened. The thing that is causing a crisis, making us angrier etc is not Brexit, but its precise opposite – the refusal of our leaders, despite their promises, to deliver Brexit.
Let me put this as simply as I can. Australia has offered us a trade deal. America has offered us a trade deal. China has offered us a trade deal. Brazil has offered us a trade deal. Indeed every major economy in the world is offering us a trade deal except the EU. Isn’t it time to switch partners?
Just like switching energy providers for a better deal. Same idea. Economic prudence.
Yeh but watch out when Merkel comes round with a clipboard to read the meter
with her hairy bum crack showing and demanding a cup of tea Jeeeez, things we have to do to get out of Europe, maybe better to ask for an estimated reading
Fatima…hmmm… maybe it was one of your friends shouting and screaming with a placard in her hand about gays or Jews etc etc
Or British soldiers
Or mixed schools
Or Americans
Or women wearing skirts
Or Christians
Or Christmas / Easter
The Marr show’s newspaper review was interesting because, unusually, one it’s panellists was from a provincial newspaper. – Liz Bates, political writer from the Yorkshire Post.
Of course, we got ten minutes of Boris bashing via the prism of the MSM.
But what an opportunity to shine a light on the most important issue in the Yorkshire area this week – the arrest of another 44 people for child sex grooming. What a chance to get a local perspective on a cancer affecting the communities served by the Yorkshire Post.
So, did Marr go there? Well, this is the biased BBC. Of course he didn’t.
@EdHitter The 44 was a story the Yorkshire Post relegated to a small column on page 3
#partNparcel ?
It beggars belief, is completely and utterly perverse and bordering upon insanity that this merits no attention whatsoever
Sooner rather than later, I hope, it will be vigilante time, with some real justice against these scum, it certainy would be if any muzzie kids were the victims, the burkha gobshites would be out on the streets with their poxy placards and megaphones in an instant
BBC and SKY no longer allow public comments on their news stories. Obviously they did not like the fact that the majority of comments were contrary to the left wing view expressed in their articles.
Shows their contempt for public opinion and their claims to represent what ‘most people think’.
The General
“no longer allow public comments””
I can understand this as the comments sections would fall foul of group (and/or bot?) attack. The noise could be deafening.
They allowed comments for years until now. Maybe they should only allow left wing comments .?
‘They’ also hosted message boards.
The way of the world I’m afraid TG. Although we fund them they don’t have to represent our views nor give us voice thanks to a unique funding model.
Yes, if you’re husbands could let our kids be kids, that’d be nice ????
Honest to God, al beeb must be losing thousands upon thousands of viewers a week ????
And our country our rules.
My child, my choice: I choose that one, and that one, and that one…
I’ve said it before but have no hesitation saying again, it would serve this country well, when we see these little Syrian kids paraded on TV, whom we are meant to feel sympathy for, (despite being victims of their own religion’s genocide, those who have no sympathy whatsoever) to consider what they will turn into when they get a passport, council house and benefits, see above, how they conduct themselves in the country that gives them safe haven from their own murdering torturing warmongering compatriots
Not a murmur, one single iota of a reference, to the hundreds and hundreds of white English kids raped and abused by their husbands, just endless complaints about the free education provided for their brood
Let kids be kids and by the way mine needs a day off school next week she’s getting married
Very good at demanding their rights in civilised western countries.
Not so good at granting rights to minorities back home.
There maybe a reason why most of their leaders are despots, give them an inch…….
Coming to a previously civilised country near you very very soon, God help us
Climate protesters storm a coal mine in Germany.
What makes me squirm is the use of language describing the photos of the demonstration, which are very ‘arthouse’ incidentally, such as ‘protestors wearing white protective clothing’. What? This isn’t the inside of Chernobyl here. They are wearing white boiler suits unless coal has now become a health hazard in it’s inert state. Then this is put into question when another photo bears the legend ‘Police tried to hold back protesters from entering the mine, which they said was dangerous’. So, if the implication is that the police were only claiming the safe-to-demonstrate-in mine was dangerous, why would the protesters be wearing ‘protective clothing’. My blood finally boiled over when one photo showing a group of officers surrounding a protester on the ground was described as ‘ Police said some officers were harmed trying to prevent protesters from entering the mine’. As if this couldn’t be verified by the otherwise vigilant photographer.
Biased, biased, biased, biased BBC. What a bunch of almighty scrote bags.
“Police said some officers were harmed trying to prevent protesters from entering the mine’. As if this couldn’t be verified by the otherwise vigilant photographer.”
Yes though this would have detracted from the thrust of the article. State Broadcaster, by taking sides, acts like The Guardian or The Mirror whilst in receipt of ‘unique funding’.
The arty coal piece reminded me of the claim that extinction rebellion were not violent. This is true provided we turn a blind eye to broken windows and other vandalism.
Police should have allowed them in, all the way down, now where’s me spade…
@GrenvillePenn and @EevLee no longer extant it seems!?
“….A disconnected elite….”. Now, where have I heard that expression before.
The terminal woes of France:
The UK is well on its way to joining the French club.
Particularly if Savid Javid has anything to do with it:
Now, it’s just no longer arrogance. They now know they can get away with anything as the ‘Sheeple’ (as someone here refers to) take it all on the chin. So conditioned to the ballot box alone. Problem is, the ballot box has ceased to work and, in reality, the public has no other way. Or do they?
It is likely that we are living through the last days of England and also of much of Western Europe. We have seen with Brexit how easily the democratic will of the people can be ignored by the powerful liberal Globalist establishment. The same power will be used to prevent ordinary Europeans from democratically stopping, let alone reversing, the current invasion of Muslims.
The demographic projections show that later this century white Western European’s will be in a minority in the countries which they used to , and still do, call their home. What will happen to the white population then is unlikely to be very pleasant. After all their current leaders have been busy telling the various ethnic minorities that white people have been guilty of many evil things , so I think that it wont be all peace and harmony.
There are already so many non Europeans living in the west that reducing them to a manageable proportion is unlikely to be feasible. In a few more years it will be impossible they will simply be too powerfu a group. In short I can see no way that European culture and values can outlive this century.
could be real
could be photoshop
Either way the point remains
Sadiq tries to take a selfie but is photo bombed by Diane Abbott!!!!
On ther way to pick up their placards
“the ballot box has ceased to work”
The ballot box has given less reassurance of fair play of late with echoes of the ‘banana republic’ trial, and more recently, unusual numbers of postal ballots both spring to mind.
‘First past the post’ is unique sfaik in chosing MP, government and PM with one cross. Yet for many in ‘donkey’ constituencies it is is only effective as a negative used in hope to ‘keep the bu**ers out’.
Don’t get me started on the HoL.
On their way to find the local school playground
And starting up a Luton car lot business selling cars with shot brakes and false MOTs to non muzzies
Is Europe going right or left ?
.. both of course
Spain Federal has a new minority government involving far-left
Madrid regional govt of 7 million has now ruled right in coalition with Vox Nationalists
News site
“International Trade Secretary Liam Fox said it would be “easier” for Boris Johnson to “just give an explanation” about the row recorded at his home…The MP said reports of the row between Mr Johnson and his partner should not be a “distraction” from policy discussion in the leadership race.”
Just say ‘mind your own business’.
I hope he has a backbone unlike all others who seem desperate to apologise and it seems it is the BBC leading this witch hunt who missed the Siobhan Prigent fat bitch abusing an elderly person that the rest of the world noticed, in the Middle of London
The Bashing of Bojo was the order of the day on The World this Weekend. Mark Mardell took to the task with relish.
In case you missed it BBC here is some Corbyn supporters 10 minutes after being encouraged by a Corbyn speech: