My May supporting, now Hunt supporting MP, from a constituency which has voted Tory since 1066, has a weekly column in the local press entitled “Working for you”.
I have suggested many times, in scathing emails since the referendum, that this should be changed to “Working for EU”.
My emails are now treated as spam.
I just read this article.Tory leadership: The constitutional crisis facing the next PM
By Ben Wright
Political correspondent, BBC News
What a blatant propaganda piece! I truly can sent how the BEEB can defend this as be neutral
A female has got a job in then EU. How absolutely fascinating. It is of course the lead story for the BBC.
Can we hear about her ideas? Perhaps some analysis of her previous decisions?
Of course not. How often is this a BBC ‘news’ story? How my heart sinks when I hear another Groundhog story about race, gender or homosexuality. As well as destroying critical faculties the virus of political correctness has such a desiccating effect: when was the last time the BBC broke a genuinely thrilling or brave story? Despite their vast resources they are reduced to breathlessly informing us that a woman has found employment.
What if there were better candidates but she was chosen for PR reasons? The BBC seems to choose all its ‘comedians’ based on skin colour to detriment of quality. The female Doctor Who made even the most loyal fans abandon the show. Call me a ‘little Englander’ but I think your character matters more than your gender, skin colour or sexuality.
Part of the SJW illness is losing your sense of humour.
That Was The Week That Was, a groundbreaking show, brilliantly lampooned the powerful. There is such comedy gold they ignore: Khan’s preposterous ‘youth clubs’ to solve knife crime; his short videos explaining you should not stab anyone; the ludicrous idea that hitting ‘diversity targets’ will solve everything; that Diane Abbot is shadow Home Secretary even though she cannot even count; the ludicrous ideas of feminists . . . Plus the women’s World Cup! Have had a great laugh with my mates about it but hell will freeze over before the BBC jokes about it.
Not only will the BBC not touch these subjects but to do so is probably illegal now. They have become the all-powerful now and any mockery cedes power.
I am struck by the extreme Marxist madness exhibited by the Democrats in the US. We think we glimpse into their false World in the UK but, ‘you aint’ seen nuttin yet’.
“The Clown Car is Broken” –
BB – I’m going to go off at a tangent here but this idea that hitting diversity targets will solve everything is so prevalent these days – and so stupid. I was watching a white NASA scientist recently on YouTube bemoaning the fact that most of the people he worked with looked like himself and he was questioning our ability to explore the universe without more diverse people in his workplace. It’s as if his thinking goes like this: Progress depends on ideas, sometimes left-field ideas or ideas that at first glance appear wacky. Each racial and ethnic group has its own unique imagination and produces its own peculiar set of ideas. Therefore, useful ideas that lead to the human conquest of the universe are more likely to emerge when there is a hugely diverse workforce.
There may be an element of truth in this when it comes to Art or Religion but the trouble with this is that in Maths and Science and problem-solving in general, one’s background is irrelevant. There is usually only one answer to most technical problems and the mental steps you have to take to get there will be the same, no matter what your racial or ethnic background. All you should be looking for therefore in NASA and in every other workplace are smart people who can do the job.
I hate how this thinking has even infected education. The glory of knowledge is that it transcends all races, genders etc and is the same for everyone. Why can I not marvel at Hamlet’s thoughts on the human condition because I have never been to Scandinavia or been a prince?
Has anyone ever presented a single piece of evidence that ‘diversity’ actually improves results? It sounds good but so did communism.
It is a meaningless creed because it is not even falsifiable. What does ‘diversity’ even mean?
Why is London not utopia when both leaders of the Met (Dick and Khan) have double diversity points? They do not reconsider having been proven wrong; they double and treble down, paving the way to hell with Ill-considered ideas.
The new BBC wimmin s football channel took a bit of a knock last night when the plucky tiger ess s got beat by an under 15 boys team .
The number which describes the volume of beeboids who went to the jolly / match hasn’t been invented yet .
Meanwhile today the Mail online helpfully produced a chart of BBC talent and the number of BBC TV licence taxes paid by over 75s to fund these wealthy people .
Real pay is obviously obscured for ‘commercial ££££££££ reasons
How much have they hidden through private companies, both for financial and PR reasons? We need a forensic accountant to show what they are really paying themselves. I bet the true numbers are mind-boggling.
Maybe the BBC Media Action charity set up by the BBC to be ‘independent’ of them (yeah right!) and funded partly (9%) by the EU, could be a suitable hidey-hole for their loose change from the back of Auntie’s sofa?
Ha ha – I just got fed up with hearing that damn BBC editorial line desperately trying to get girl kick about accepted as ‘ Normal’ … I’m still glowing in the 7/1 sending off – a bet on which I forked out 50pence .
I am also proud to have received a donation from a bookie because President trump set foot in North Korea . Wish I’d bet your house on it ….
Insufferable is right Stevie-this whole women’s soccer mania is mainly about gender diversity as if there isn’t anough of that everywhere. My granddaughter’s into acting and definitely calls herself an Actress, not an Actor, she is I am glad to say very female in all ways and tells me she has no interest in not being treated as a girl. Ok I’m of an older generation that opened a door for a woman, gave up a seat on a bus for a woman old or young, had immense resepct for the fact that a woman could produce children and still do have. Why I ask myself is there this insatiable attitude that requires we all should treat a female as equal to a man. Vivre la differance I say.
They can’t just play the sport: it has to be ‘transformative’ and leave a ‘legacy.’
Well billions of years of evolution have left a legacy of men and women being biologically programmed to enjoy different things. A few whining SJWs won’t change the fact that for so long men were hunter gatherers so will instinctively enjoy and excel at football in a way women never will. So what? I can’t imagine many girls losing sleep over knowing they will never get to appreciate zonal marking in the way I do.
The leftie beboids don’t really care about football, or for that matter any of the minorities, because it’s all about division and securing votes for a Marxist utopian delusion. The truth is that if they ever did get real power they would crush diversity.
But strange that Pakistan and India have no need or wish for quotas. How do they cope? It seems so wrong that they have no quotas. Perhaps the BBC could investigate? Panorama, perhaps?
As least the brexit party had to be noticed by the BBC yesterday by turning up en mass at Brussels . Naturally the biased bbc countered with a bunch of witches from the liberals wearing dirty tee shirts , their leader looked like Teresa mays sista – or siesta – as the word al gore rhythm claims ….
BBC don’t waste any opportunity to knock Brexit
R4 discussion piece on languages in schools
‘some people have told children that they won’t need to speak a foreign language after Brexit’ who are these people
Then gets a kid to say in you think it is important to learn a language after Brexit?
Only talking about German no other language..but why the need to get negative associated with Brexit….the decline set in years before Brexit..
I would have thought there is a lot of foreign language learning going on . Just not European languages – Urdu Farsi gudgerati just to misname a few …
Not Gwent,
“the decline [in foreign language learning] set in years before Brexit”
Would that be English for the muslims temporarily resident in the UK?
That probably explains why the adverts have ‘gone black’ – the brown people speak South Asian, the white people speak East European and the myth is that the black people are all ‘Windrushers’ speaking English. Sadly most black people are now African speakers.
Fed, in terms of numbers and possibilities and needs, Mandarin and Hindi should now be learned in school for the workers and entrepreneurs of the future. I understand that Spanish is holding up quite well in terms of numbers doing it at school. That is now the world majority language, outdoing English.
James, German is quite a difficult language to learn which may explain its decline in English schools. Some of the vocabulary is especially daunting. In the 1960s it was always running third to French and Spanish.
Up2 – I learnt kraut at school by watching Hitlers and goebells speeches . I still cant see why I got sent to the prevent brainwashing people …. gott himmell … achtung spitfeure
Fed, I struggled with German for two years but I avoided your training route. I just couldn’t stand that. It was bad enough watching the World at War series on telly with the grown-ups when they showed clips of the speeches. (I heard courtesy BBC R4, two parts of speeches by UK female politicians, one ex-Labour & a Peer, the other in Lab Cabinet, both around 2009 and each time a cold chill ran through me. I felt like I was in Nuremberg in a stadium in the 1930s ….)
Do you remember the BBC Language courses? Do they still do those? I remember the one for German, called ‘Komm mitt’. It was quite charming. Schoen! My parents bought the LPs and booklets. Think I still have them somewhere.
Only about 10% of muslims actually speak Arabic as a native. The koran was written (allegedly) in Arabic, which explains why so few muslims actually understand islam, (the Religion of Peace!) and go around killing people who refuse to acknowledge the peaceful nature of muslims.
The battle for Brexit is far from over but Remainers are getting very worried, which is a good indicator that things are moving in favour of leaving. My evidence for this is the increasing hysteria in articles in the Times and the comments by readers of the arch Remainer newspaper. They are exhibiting the acute symptoms of BDS. If we do leave some of them may self immolate like Buddhist monks used to, certainly there will mass chaining to railings etc. They are really going nuts. What they are allowed to say about us Leavers in the newspaper is astonishing. One reader commented yesterday that we were all small minded misfits who couldn’t make a go of life in the 21st century. A country with 17.4 million misfits, and he got well over 100 likes for his abusive and ludicrous comment.
It’s absolutely great to watch the Remainer elite and their millions of idiotic dupes in such a state. However, if we do leave on terms worthy of Brexit, then I am genuinely concerned what some of the irreconcilable Remainers may do. I fully expect an endless stream of dirty tricks and sabotage by the civil service, BBC and the rest of the elite to continue for months if not years. The surest way to get us back into the EU will be to make Brexit the disaster they have always predicted it would be. But their idiotic moronic dupes, what may they do? Violence is likely , physical attacks on leading Leavers a real possibility. These folks have been indoctrinated in Remain being the good side , they see their leaders heaping opprobrium on a Leavers, milk shakes are treated as a joke, battery acid jokes are not severely punished, it won’t be a surprise if some of them committ acts of violence.
You are absolutely right. All the people that ought be annoyed are annoyed, which is a pleasure to watch; and their increasing desperation is probably a cause for comfort.
They fear the punishment of failure. Some big hitters want a return on their substantial anti-Brexit investment. There may be a few ‘retirements’ when the inevitable happens.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
1) You showed the Liberal Democrats t-shirts but did not display what was on the back .. B*LL*CKS TO BREXIT. I added stars incase your system blocks swear words. This is missing the point that grown ups are swearing in Parliament.
3) I see MEP Magid Magid got refused entry to the EU Parliament, but the article shows a nice t-shirt (IMMIGRANTS MAKE BRITAIN GREAT) and not the one he wore which was “F**K FASCISM” when trying to enter Parliament.
From these 3 cases I hope you can see that omission lets the BBC tell a different story and can elevate those in favour and bring scorn to those out of favour.
I know this email is on its way to the BBC Memory Hole but hope that at least one person in the BBC, you Winston, get a chance to raise an eyebrow.
Many Thanks,
A BBC TV License Tax payer helping the Few like Gary Lineker, Not the Many like the over 75s.
Obesity is increasing as is the number of food banks . What’s the connection ? Close foodbanks and people get thinner ? No chance of a BBC expose on that one methinks …
Poor people suffering from obesity – it is the paradox of our times. I would watch a BBC documentary on that. Of course it would involve real journalists doing real investigation and analysis, so I agree with you, Fedup2 – it won’t happen.
The Off-switch has been utilised a lot this morning. The wall-to-wall Wimmins is just too much.
I am disappointed for the England Womens Soccer team. I would have loved for to them to have won. Feel sorry for Steph Houghton who had a bit, but not the whole nine-yards, of ‘a Southgate Moment’. I did warn the BBC that too much Bronze talk would jinx the team but obviously I posted that on here far too late.
Plenty of time, then, for the BBC to read and act on the following.
Give up on the agenda, BBC. Womens footie will never be the same as the mens’ game. Accept the fact that women and men are different. Live with the fact that men and women are different. They can never be equal. They are different. It is impossible to change that. Instead, go for respect for all, irrespective of gender.
Abortion is now the equality question for Penny Mordaunt in the prime TOADY interview slot. The BBC want Northern Irish women to kill more babies more easily. A devolved democratic decision was taken in Northern Ireland. Accept it.
I declare here that I am an anti-abortionist, pro-baby rights person but a passive campaigner on such. I agree that abortion should be permitted at request of mother in the event of rape and incest and should also be permitted at the request of the couple with appropriate counselling, if the mother’s life is at risk or the baby is severely handicapped although in the latter case, the parents wishes should always hold sway.
We are having something of a Days of Death Week special promotion on BBC Radio4. Two days pro-euthanasia for oldies. Now pushing the abortion thing as well. Beware BBC, death can come to Corporations too. Think British Steel. Think Carillion. Think Kids Company. Think Northern Rock.
G, dunno. Can’t remember right now what the Muslim view of abortion is. I would think there may not be that many Muslims in NI. Think much of the African migration has gone to the Republic. At one point there was a bit of a boom in Language Schools in Eire teaching Gaelic.
The left liberal attempted power grab is failing all over the world lead by a few people like Trump who are prepared to take a stand. Across the U.S. the pro life movement is winning and it will come here as well to redress the balance. That imho explains the behaviour of the BBC who see themselves at the forefront of the battle. Hopefully they will be privatised soon (I believe they want that too) because then they will be free to honestly express their opinions to a dwindling audience.
Celtic, think you are right on that. Varadkhar is at odds with a large chunk of the population in Eire because that ol’ Roman Catholic thing goes deep but I’m sure that with a toe in the door, he will try and force through more and more LibbyLefty legislation. The battle is joined. The population may derive encouragement from the Trumpquake.
The Trumpquake has all sorts of benefits, not just for ending the wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb as a means of contraception, but also in the creation of jobs and tackling crime. (Have just watched the Ted Cruz interview that someone here linked to.)
I’ve posted this before but I think the DUP have a great opportunity south of the border and should think in terms of expansion.
Massive pro EU anti Brexit bias on the Today program at 08:20 when the woman interviewer attempted to get a young musician to condemn the actions of Brexit party MEPs in turning their backs the the EU anthemn.
She tried every which way to find reason to condemn including the child ‘abuse’ angle of ‘look these were poor kids playing their hearts out on their big day and look what the monster Farage did’.
It was an appalling example of the BBCs bias, it was overt and no attempt was made to conceal it. But then why should they bother when there is no one to answer to ?
The BBC increasingly emulating CNN model of news generation? Let’s have more and more and more. Self-destruct. Only have to look at CNN in the US to see where their constant propaganda has got them.
You beat me to it.
Absolutely nauseating relentless Toady Feminist Broadcasting Corporation this morning.
Between 0745 and 0815 for those that could stomach it we had
1. The wimmins football. Yes, sorry they lost and glad they did well but the BBC ‘equality agenda’ doesn’t do it for me
2. Thought for the day. A barely comprehensible Hindu rant about gender equality
3. The (chosen behind closed doors of course) potential appointment of the first female EU president.
4. A strident-toned piece about women getting lower income than men through their stages of life.
5. The pay equality at the BBC i.e ludicrous massive pay rises for women who can read an autocue.
6. Mischal ‘useless and overpaid) Hussain presenting most of the above
Sick-bad inducing wall-to-wall agenda
Luckily the off switch has complete gender equality. Mrs. S was happy to oblige – unprompted.
You both beat me to it – but excellent summary Sluff..
but now R4 some American who hates Trump being allowed to say anything he likes – including Trump hasn’t delivered anything – just ignoring the current USA economy high and lowest Black unemployment – not a challenge from our balanced BBC
The BBC is in mourning today over the wimmin losing to the US in the Woman’s World Cup.
Perhaps they can cheer their-selves up by showing the US ladies losing 5 -2 to the Dallas FC Boys under 15 team.
No, That goes against the PC grain. I also expect the video has been ‘lost’
The probable final between the US and Holland should be interesting. Both teams have taken aspects of the modern men’s game – diving, feigning injury, time-wasting and cynical fouls – and brought them well up to expected standards.
And will Gaby step aside for Gary? He needs a bit more airtime to help justify that obscene pay-packet.
The information still missing is how much the ‘stars’ like Matt Baker and Alex Jones from The One Show and Merton and Hislop from HIGNFY get paid. We don’t know as they get paid through production companies or ‘BBC companies’.
I really would like to ‘Follow the Money’ as Deep Throat would put it but the BBC have successfully concealed this information successfully from interested parties i.e. The TV Licence Payers, for many years.
I wonder if Is there any way to extract this information?
Cassie, think now might be a good time to put views to Lord Hall, such as – if you agree – moving all staff, whatever job & status, to PAYE. If people don’t like it and leave, tough, let ’em go, there’s probably a long queue for jobs at the Beeb anyway.
Do you watch Al Beeb ? – No.
Then why should you pay for it via a compulsory Tax if you watch other broadcasting television channels ?
Al Beeb should be a ‘pay to view’ company . If you watch it pay for it.
Al Beeb can be as PC and as biased as much as they wish then.
Get rid of a Tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Totally agree. The BBC claims that the ‘universal ‘ LF allows it to cater for all tastes, ie everyone gets something they value. An untrue claim of course. There is virtually nothing that I want on the BBC. However, it is much worse than that, the vast majority of their output is stuff that I positively Do Not Want , that I despise , that I loath. There is no justification in the universal LF in the 21st century, it ought to be a subscription service but of course the BBC knows that if it were to become one it would overnight lose a significant% of its income. I suspect that the vulnerability of a LF will motivate the BBC to edge towards wanting a direct grant from the government, which would obscure their costs and be even worse for those opposed to the BBC than the LF is.
If we ever do get a decent Brexit majority in Westminster then surely after seeing the extreme bias of the BBC over the past three years they must decide to at the very leadt move to a subscription model. Personally I would like to see it broken up into five or six parts and sold off. This way it could never be reconstituted. If that ever happened it would be a celebration on a par with Brexit day. Seriously destruction of the BBC is the first critical step to getting our country back.
What you will not hear on the BBC is balance. Nor will you hear the views and opinions of pro EU commentators challenged.
That is why it was so refreshing to hear Julia Hartley Brewer challenging Caroline Voaden, Limp Dumocrat MEP this morning. Caroline thought that the Brexit Party MEP’s protest (turning their backs at the “EU national anthem”) was “disgusting”, but maintained that the Lib Dem’s protest (wearing offensive t shirts with disgusting swear words on them) was not.
Julia correctly called her out in this and even had to educate Caroline on how the EU actually works! Julia asked her to give one example over the last ten years, of how the EU has demonstrated democratic reform. Caroline was unable to name one example. She even tried to say that civil servants were responsible for laws in this country. Julia asserted that this was not the case and that Parliament were responsible for passing laws not the civil service. The limp dum’s lack of knowledge was astounding despite the fact that she is riding the EU gravy train.
Please can someone find and post the interview from around 8:15ish this morning as I’m not sure how to do so. It’s definitely worth a listen.
I see the BBC is ridiculing Theresa the Marxists attempt at leaving a ‘legacy’.
She’s left a legacy and it is one of destroying a once proud party.
listening to the Tory party female drone this morning, I assumed it was someone from the socialist workers party with constant leftist buzz words such as social justice, wimmins rights etc etc.
It was an appalling leftist piece that if wimmin in the workplace are harassed (someone says Oh your hair looks nice today or some such) then the employer will be fined.
Imagine you are the owner of a company probably stuggling under the yoke of Commieserveyourselves regulation, and you aren’t making much money. Some bloke in the warehouse says something to a woman she takes offence at and you are the one who gets fined! It doesn’t even have to be an employee of yours, it can be a delivery driver and you can be fined !
Well done Theresa, only a comitted Marxist could dream up such an unfair private enterprise destroying law and you certainly are a comitted Marxist !
Sorry Thoughtful, but your observation that Theresa May is a “committed Marxist” is just silly…or is it supposed to be ironic?
From my perspective (almost) the entire Conservative Party establishment have lost any courage they once had. They immediately capitulate in the face of the ultra left bully boys.
They’ve adopted every woke PC claptrap that the liberal left have foist upon us. They apologise endlessly for Boris’s “letter box” joke. FFS why? Grow a pair for Christ’s sake.
The prime example recently was the utterly gutless sacking of Sir Roger Scruton after a hatchet job, since exposed by Douglas Murray as being fraudulent, in the New Statesman.
Sir Roger is so articulate, calm and erudite he makes Jacob Rees Mogg sound like Alf Garnett.
It was a feather in the cap of the creepy little turd that cobbled the article together, but shameful that the Tories should immediately decide to sack Scruton without any investigation.
They’re not Marxist…
They’re gutless.
Just as the so called anti Fascists know nothing of Fascism, many Tories appear to either have little grasp of what Marxism actually is, or what Toxic has has been getting up to.
How about her praising Communist / Marxist dictators in Africa ?
How about her saying she is ‘quite comfortable’ with the seizure of private property by the state without compensation?
Or her comittment to the Marxist goal of Equality ?
Her easy reach for oppressive laws on freedom of speech, her refusal to ban known left wing terrorist groups like ‘antifa’ whilst proscribing little known right wing groups who posed more of a threat to themselves than anyone else.
Her support for what amount to re-education camps for ‘diversity; and continued support for identity politics which is a Marxist construct.
She has supported and enthusiastically enacted the 11 point plan of the Frankfurt School of Marxism.
She has appointed a comitted Marxist and Stalin apologist as her closest advisor.
Would you like me to write more of this? There’s a whole book of examples of May’s Marxist beliefs and I’m not alone in noting her political leanings.
As I said at the start, you might not be aware of what Marxism is, nor what May has been up to, but please believe she is what she has been described as, and just because she isn’t a screaming revolutionary doesn’t detract from the truth.
Thoughtful and Jeff, in my view Theresa May is not a big ‘C’ Conservative nor a little ‘C’ conservative. She is very much out of the Liberal Socialist mould and I think has been at odds with the Party mainstream outside of Parliament for a very long time, probably long before her famous ‘Nasty Party’ speech.
She had a chance to redeem herself as an avowed Remainer by delivering a Brexit on 29 March 2019 in accordance with democracy. She failed to do this, I suspect now deliberately, although she will shift the blame and has shifted the blame to Parliament despite the glaring faults in her Withdrawal Agreement which were obvious in summer 2018. I suspect she is now engaged in acts of revenge on all ‘C’onservatives and ‘c’onservatives, both within Parliament, outside in the Party and also among the wider electorate.
‘Marxist May’ has an alliterative soundbite quality to it and that might tend to encourage its use.
However, the conclusion must be that the ‘Marxist’ cap fits Theresa May very well. She is doing what it says on the designer label and following in the footsteps of, dare I say it, men – notorious men – of the twentieth century. Saying one thing, delivering another – or nothing. Then going on a rampage when people object. Damaging or overruling democracy. Theresa May has, sadly, become a one-person Nasty Party, that much has become obvious in 2018 and 2019. I’m sorry to say in Theresa May’s case that ‘if the cap fits … ‘.
Quite a contrast with the quiet dignity of Margaret Thatcher in her last weeks and when she left office.
oh for god sake…some Liberal leader challenger on R4 with Nick Robinson
He calls Nigel and Donald extremists and says it is okay for the Liberal party to use the word Bollocks on their manifesto – because they should let the ‘extremist’ have all the edge…
I don’t remember NF and POTUS swearing or throwing drinks at people
What I hate is the sheer hypocrisy of the Liberals who hate Brexit..not a challenge by Nick – no big surprise
The first step towards successful LibDemism is to ignore hypocricy as an outmoded concept while at the same time believing it only applies to the philosophies of those you disagree with.
I was playing some mental gymnastics today regarding the conflicts in BBC over wimins sport. Sharon Davies recently commented on the unfairness of transgender male biological strength vs females in sports. She got pilloried on social media. What if the UK football team had been made up of converted Vinnie Joneses and Joey Bartons? If they remained on the pitch the score would be interesting.
The BBC must have the equivalent of Isaac Asimov’s laws of robotics. To help them I have rewritten the laws with a BBC mindset.
First Law
A beeboid may not injure a favoured group or, through inaction, allow a favoured group to come to harm.
Second Law
A beeboid must obey the orders given it by the hive except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law
A beeboid must protect its own existence regardless of conflict with the First or Second Laws and ensure fat salaries for it and favoured groups.
There was a case in point when the Aussie or NZ womens team played a match against an under 15s boys team ( this was the national womens team against some schoolboys) the boys beat them 7 – 0 !
I have to laugh about all this, especially when women like Navratillova have done so much moaning about LGBTQWERTY rights that when those right begin to affect her she doesn’t like it.
Well what about the rest of us? When we don’t like it we get called names ending in ‘ism’ or fauxbia.
So I say bring it on, let the PC moaners have a taste of their medicine, although the chances of it actually happening are so slim it’s non existant, it’s just another crazy issue for these people to moan about, I suggest we don’t assist them by justifying their complaints.
This is the CEO of disgraced company Serco which has escaped criminal prosecution by admitting it had fraudulently and criminally inflated costs to government agencies which it contracted services to.
It’s not the first shame this scummy company has been involved in though. In the case of Serco Vs Redfern where they fired an employee simply because he stood for election as a BNP candidate, Serco was found to have falsified his spotless blameless employment record to make it appear he caused all kinds of problems.
Serco lost the case, but was never prosecuted for its blatant perjury.
No surprise then to find Soames is a product of the rotten school, given his job simply because of the old school tie.
I am hugely supportive of private education having benefitted myself, but in this one school there is something so rotten at the core of it that we all need to speak out.
Privilidge is one thing, and we can expect those whose parents own business to employ their own family to carry forward the enterprise. To find though that many of the top jobs are unavailable to those who did not attend this school is a scandal, particularly when they behave in a manner such as this.
Radio Sheffield …. thorough Labour Labour anti-Brexit presenter Toby Young let his mask slip and just yelled at caller Lee that if course turning your back is worse than a sweary T-Shirt.
… a few minutes later he remembered he had to pretend not to support the LibDem stunt.
Badly informed …he said “they take a salary”
em Richard Tice doesn’t take one.
The call was at 8:35am
Lee pointed out that libmob support the American Footballers refusing to kneel for their anthem
So Brexit Party were just doing the same
..whereas LibDems swear words reflect that the disrespect the views of the voters.
Magid Magid wore a sweary T-Shirt to the EU
Then the BBC in the photo story seem to use a Sheffield DIFFERENT photo that says “immigrants make Britain great”
The BBC Live page says Magid Magid, 30, was wearing a baseball cap and a T-shirt with swearing and an anti-fascist slogan on it when he was asked to leave.
The former Lord Mayor of Sheffield was elected as one of six MEPs for the Yorkshire and Humber region in May.
The European Parliament said no member of staff was involved in the incident.
Mr Magid said he did not know who the person was who asked him to leave, although he believed that individual to be an official.
He said the person asked if he was lost and then suggested he leave.
He added: “I make people feel uncomfortable, people don’t know how to react.”
BTW That makes it sound like that is beloved EU is racist and assumes a black guy in the building is a lost tourist.
Interesting timings
May 2018 MagidMagid doing lots of photo ops saying he would be doing a 400 mile bike trip to support the veterans
June 20th 2018 ‘OMG I have severely damaged ligaments ..gutted I can’t ride’
Just left A+E after 3.5 hours to find out I've torn some joint ligaments in my shoulder. Words can't describe how absolutely GUTTED I am. Especially as I was really looking forward to taking part in a bike ride to France tomorrow.
Yes. only a pathetic, foul mouthed pillock would wear a shirt with a such a crude message on it.
Anyone surprised? This is the calibre of politicians we’re producing these days. I’m embarrassed. I wouldn’t want him serving me a burger, let alone representing me in Europe.
And what sort of creature wears a baseball cap back to front?
Being a Cockney I think I know the answer to that.
A complete back to front…
Now on Talk Radio : More on his poll that said abolish the licence
Listen live to Mike Graham ►
► Tory leadership latest: Boris Johnson promises review of ‘sin taxes’
► TV License sales fall for first time in a decade
► Chess piece auctioned for £735,000
► Are beekeepers to blame for the insect’s decline?
Interesting article by Martin Bell in The Daily Mail:
“Why should we foot BBC wages? In 1981 Kenneth Kendall got £16,000 a year to read the news to 8million. Huw Edwards is paid £490,000 for 5 million viewers”
I would listen to Mike Graham a lot more but I’ve got to the stage where I just cannot stand listening to the adverts or ‘Global News’.
Same goes for Nigel Farage on LBC. It’s a shame because there are so few decent radio presenters who don’t have the Trump/Brexit derangement neurosis. We really do need some kind of Fox Radio/TV equivalent in the UK. At least with the TV you can instantly mute the adverts.
At first I was a bit surprised today to see that the Brexit MEP’s turning their back to the “EU National Anthem” story has vanished from the BBC, Guardian and Independent Left-Wing “news” sites after initial bellowing rage.
My thoughts turn to how could this be? after all it was all about a bunch of “Right-Wing” activists behaving badly, in theory a really good story to repeat as much as possible
In my opinion there are 3 reasons why it has vanished.
1. The audible cheering of the 52%.
2. The need therefore to “No Platform” these despicables as quickly as possible.
3. The realisation that some intelligent people might actually ask exactly what Nation does this “National Anthem” refer to? A National Anthem needs a Nation attached to make sense so what could this possibly allude to? Quick bury it before people start to ask!
I see a little silhouetto of a man called Davey
Scaramouch, Scaramouch will you do the Fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me not!
Just watched as an attempted hatchet job was done on Trump, by a female journalist interviewing the President of El Salvador. Every question was Trump related… ie “do you blame Trump (not President Trump !) for the deaths of (the young chap ) and his baby in the river ?” She clearly didn’t expect the answer of ‘no’, as the President blamed his own country for his population wanting to leave.
The following half a dozen questions were pushing for an anti-American anti- Trump reply, but she didn’t get any. El Salvador rely on trade with the U.S and the President was wily enough not to get into a slanging contest, and agreed that his country was in meltdown in all areas, which needed to be addressed.
Women’s football got a PEAK audience of 11.7m viewers yesterday
It was also the most-watched TV programme of the year.
Probably not
cos PEAK is not the same as viewing the whole prog.
Peak includes people wandering into the room seeing a dramatic moment and watching for a few seconds/minutes
UK popn is close on 60million 80% of them were NOT watching
Stew, do I recall correctly that a standard audience for Coronation Street used to be 18 million, week in and week out? Must go look it up.
The Montacutie issued a correction during TWatO today without issuing a correction or an apology (esp. for misleading Snuffy!) yesterday. She merely stated “It was also the most-watched TV programme of the year.”
Telly, in its accepted form, I think is in decline.
We should take a moment to recognize the contribution to those major contributors and the rest of us to this site. The total vindication of our views, expressed in civilized fashion, though nonetheless ,relentlessly exposing the bBC,s totally biased and anti-British agenda is underscored by the tumult around their ears.
At this moment (and all of it self-inflicted)it only goes to uphold our opinion that the Licence Tax model must cease immediately and be -remodelled to a subscription service.
The bBC and the liblabdem mob seem to be using the term ‘crisis’ a lot, without having any idea of its meaning.
One of their many ‘crises’ is that Pres. Trump is a WINNER. Another is that it sometimes gets hot in the Summer.
In relation to a true crisis – here’s one that MPs or the bBC might care to examine:
The next EU president knows the EU Defence Union is technically complete because she helped create it. Pity all those MPs and defence correspondents who didn’t notice. Maybe they’ll catch up before May and Hunt keep us in
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) July 3, 2019
Some background on her from a Politico article earlier this year.
This woman Van der Leyen carries a lot of trouble around her neck that will need sorting before she will be accepted by 26 nations-she is a Merkel supporter which accounts for the job-Anyway why should we worry ourselves when the UK is no longer part of the EU-let them wallow in their woes of which there are many. People will still come here from the Continent as we will visit there-they have in any event some of the most beautiful countryside in the world.
[Wallace has a Wikipedia article, according to which “he is a quiz buff”.
Well he has not got a clue.
In this article Wallace worries about recent new members who may be EDL or UKIP supporters!
He has no concerns about the long term Common Purpose lefty entryism which has alreay taken place.
Creating a CINO party leadership which has spent three years avoiding Brexit and selling the UK out to the EU.
Alternative to not having a clue being a lying Remainiac.]
“The Dalai Lama has apologised for controversial comments about the possibility of a woman succeeding him.
Speaking to the BBC last month, the Tibetan spiritual leader said that any future female Dalai Lama should be “attractive”. ”
Dalia Lamas office said this was only a Joke. Beeb get over it. He didn’t say throw Acid over someone – or we would of known that was a joke, apparently!
Here’s an EU referendum tweet which pro-EU Jeremy Hunt forgot to delete. He says ‘think of effects on young people of a vote to leave’. Does he mean effects like higher wages, lower house prices, better chances of a uni place, lower youth unemployment and a stronger democracy?
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) July 3, 2019
I’n just surprised that the Brexit party so shamelessly copied the Nazi party in turning its back in an elected assembly. At least we now know what we are up against.
But i am sure Gavin would have loved this …. its those lefty double standards again
I suppose these women turning their backs on Trudeau at the Ottawa Parliament in April, are a nest of Nazis? It is a legitimate form of protest, but don't let facts get in the way of your narrative.
They probably share my view that the BBC is currently destroying itself quite happily without any help from me. Now stop whining about me & stand up for the pensioners YOUR bosses are fleecing.
1pm BBC Lincolnshire News news
thought it was doing balance just now
– They mentioned the Brexit Party turn back protest
.. Annuncia Mogg clip was played
The balance came by saying
“The Liberals wore bright yellow Stop Brexit t-shirts”
..and playing a clip of Liberal MEP
.. no mention was made of *the swear word*
We are very sad to announce the death today of Christopher Booker. author, journalist, satirist and the first editor of Private Eye, after a short illness. He was 81.
A full appreciation of his life and contributions to the magazine will be published in a future edition.
— Private Eye Magazine (@PrivateEyeNews) July 3, 2019
It was Mr Booker that was instrumental to opening my eyes to the EU many years ago.
I wonder what Booker thought of Hislop’s stewardship of Private Eye?
Hat Trick Productions make HIGNFY (who get the money to make it from the BBC) but no one knows how much Hislop’s appearance money is (or for that matter, Merton’s) as Hat Trick won’t reveal that information.
Hislop is a bit of a hypocrite really as he laid into the MP Johnny Mercer in April, accusing him of having two jobs and making heaps of money and in the current debate on BBC salaries, Hislop doesn’t doesn’t really come out of this as the chivilous champion of the public as he’d like us to think he is.
“Rami Malek has revealed he only agreed to play a James Bond villain after he was assured the character would have no religious or ideological affiliations.”
The ‘baddies’ in Bond movies used to be old fashioned communist SMERSH types, megalomaniac nutters living in volcanoes, drug dealers, nuclear weapon thieves, ex-agents gone rogue and evil heads of multinational businesses.
The one thing young Rami could have played convincingly was an ideologically inspired terrorist.
The Bond film franchise need re-booting. Back to its roots, set in the 1950’s, with lots of cigarettes and vodka. Bond needs to be a properly mean but charming psychopath, and the plots need to be thoughtful but violent thrillers rather than these wishy-washy pc 12 certificate efforts, full of awful CGI effects. That’s my tuppence worth!
2:15pm R4 drama ..a repeat of the play stirring up fear of rightwing
\\ Charismatic National Front candidate Vincent Ferre stirs up dangerous social unrest as he campaigns to become the next mayor of Grenoble.
Can the city survive if he is elected? //
My last view of the outgoing PM doing her questions . Empty seats and subjects which sound like a bunch of social workers at a conference – including the need for coppers to be provided with taxpayers funded Sun screen .
There is a need for regime change . It would be a benefit to their ‘ democracy ‘ that another party got to speak namely the Brexit Party which appears to represent more people that the communists or red Tories .
It is so out of touch it is an embarrassment
Mays removal van is due to the 23 rd July – roll on the day
Another murder in Londonistan – this time it is the baby of the lady stabbed to death at the weekend . I assume the mayor will be trying to stop this death being included in the stats .
In my view the best way to cut stabbings is stop and search . But you need the right number of properly motivated coppers rather than the snowflake flavour produced in recent years .
The mayor built his career fighting both the police and ‘ stop and search ‘ so there is no prospect of reduction – only year on year increases amongst the feral tribes .
I wonder how many people would pay for sky news if it wasn’t included in the footy package . Sky Atlantic used to be worth it but stopped paying a long time ago ..
SkyNews MetroliberalViews
is a free to air channel on Freeview
..see my notes on previous thread about FoxNews was not really promoted by Sky and was switched off cos of the 2017 election and the switched off permanently August 2017
Stew – I wonder how many people would pay for it( if it wasn’t free to air ?). The stat that it loses a lot of money each year sticks in my head . I’m not a direct consumer because it strikes me as biased as the BBC and equally dumbed down …
The BBC and the rest of the idiot media has gone nuts over the women’s football. What I find bizarre and it applies to the men a well is that when we lose we actually somehow win. No we lose. I prefer to watch a horse race. One horse wins or very rarely it is a dead heat. No matter what the margin the second placed horse is just that -a loser.
Taffman – I think that creature is too busy trying to balance his support for homosexuality and his support for Islam . I don’t know if mohammed was queer but you never know …
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 12:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 2022 … HA HA HA HA!NOW WE ARE IN POWER…. [img][/img]
GFeb 25, 12:25 Start the Week 24th February 2025 My new hypothesis. Its been growing on me for the past two/three weeks. All subsequent actions, so far, seem to…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 12:21 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Nick Clegg @nickclegg President, Global Affairs, @Meta . Former UK Deputy PM; leader of the Liberal Democrats; member of Parliament.…
ScrobleneFeb 25, 12:16 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The Lib Dems had loads more years to ‘Return to their constituencies, and prepare for oblivion’… (D.Steele – er- years…
GFeb 25, 12:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 MM, It is very convenient (too convenient) that all this increasingly restrictive style of legislation is only really necessary since…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 12:08 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “The Social Security Admin. completed the same software audit. Initial findings: -4 redundant survey tools, ranging from $118K-$1.8M/year -Paying for…
Fedup2Feb 25, 12:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I was watching this stuff on fox and the comments section was 100% supportive – a mix of taxpayers wanting…
tomoFeb 25, 11:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Radio 4 just now (11:42) “does the program’s text message comment system change words it doesn’t like the look of?”…
My May supporting, now Hunt supporting MP, from a constituency which has voted Tory since 1066, has a weekly column in the local press entitled “Working for you”.
I have suggested many times, in scathing emails since the referendum, that this should be changed to “Working for EU”.
My emails are now treated as spam.
I just read this article.Tory leadership: The constitutional crisis facing the next PM
By Ben Wright
Political correspondent, BBC News
What a blatant propaganda piece! I truly can sent how the BEEB can defend this as be neutral
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 started 1pm Tuesday ..and ended Wednesday 7am
..but I was slow to notice
as ever use the “←Older Comments” link at the top of each threads page to go back to previous page of posts
A female has got a job in then EU. How absolutely fascinating. It is of course the lead story for the BBC.
Can we hear about her ideas? Perhaps some analysis of her previous decisions?
Of course not. How often is this a BBC ‘news’ story? How my heart sinks when I hear another Groundhog story about race, gender or homosexuality. As well as destroying critical faculties the virus of political correctness has such a desiccating effect: when was the last time the BBC broke a genuinely thrilling or brave story? Despite their vast resources they are reduced to breathlessly informing us that a woman has found employment.
What if there were better candidates but she was chosen for PR reasons? The BBC seems to choose all its ‘comedians’ based on skin colour to detriment of quality. The female Doctor Who made even the most loyal fans abandon the show. Call me a ‘little Englander’ but I think your character matters more than your gender, skin colour or sexuality.
‘Comedians’ ?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Part of the SJW illness is losing your sense of humour.
That Was The Week That Was, a groundbreaking show, brilliantly lampooned the powerful. There is such comedy gold they ignore: Khan’s preposterous ‘youth clubs’ to solve knife crime; his short videos explaining you should not stab anyone; the ludicrous idea that hitting ‘diversity targets’ will solve everything; that Diane Abbot is shadow Home Secretary even though she cannot even count; the ludicrous ideas of feminists . . . Plus the women’s World Cup! Have had a great laugh with my mates about it but hell will freeze over before the BBC jokes about it.
Not only will the BBC not touch these subjects but to do so is probably illegal now. They have become the all-powerful now and any mockery cedes power.
I am struck by the extreme Marxist madness exhibited by the Democrats in the US. We think we glimpse into their false World in the UK but, ‘you aint’ seen nuttin yet’.
“The Clown Car is Broken” –
BB – I’m going to go off at a tangent here but this idea that hitting diversity targets will solve everything is so prevalent these days – and so stupid. I was watching a white NASA scientist recently on YouTube bemoaning the fact that most of the people he worked with looked like himself and he was questioning our ability to explore the universe without more diverse people in his workplace. It’s as if his thinking goes like this: Progress depends on ideas, sometimes left-field ideas or ideas that at first glance appear wacky. Each racial and ethnic group has its own unique imagination and produces its own peculiar set of ideas. Therefore, useful ideas that lead to the human conquest of the universe are more likely to emerge when there is a hugely diverse workforce.
There may be an element of truth in this when it comes to Art or Religion but the trouble with this is that in Maths and Science and problem-solving in general, one’s background is irrelevant. There is usually only one answer to most technical problems and the mental steps you have to take to get there will be the same, no matter what your racial or ethnic background. All you should be looking for therefore in NASA and in every other workplace are smart people who can do the job.
I hate how this thinking has even infected education. The glory of knowledge is that it transcends all races, genders etc and is the same for everyone. Why can I not marvel at Hamlet’s thoughts on the human condition because I have never been to Scandinavia or been a prince?
Not all races are equally intelligent, of course, but I suppose that is irrelevant.
Has anyone ever presented a single piece of evidence that ‘diversity’ actually improves results? It sounds good but so did communism.
It is a meaningless creed because it is not even falsifiable. What does ‘diversity’ even mean?
Why is London not utopia when both leaders of the Met (Dick and Khan) have double diversity points? They do not reconsider having been proven wrong; they double and treble down, paving the way to hell with Ill-considered ideas.
Funny how black racists seem to have forgotten the words of MLK.
“North Korea CRISIS in 300 words” according to the beeb
CRISIS? looked promising the other day with pictures of Pres. Trump and Mr Kim … guess CRISIS fits the beebs agenda
The new BBC wimmin s football channel took a bit of a knock last night when the plucky tiger ess s got beat by an under 15 boys team .
The number which describes the volume of beeboids who went to the jolly / match hasn’t been invented yet .
Meanwhile today the Mail online helpfully produced a chart of BBC talent and the number of BBC TV licence taxes paid by over 75s to fund these wealthy people .
Real pay is obviously obscured for ‘commercial ££££££££ reasons
How much have they hidden through private companies, both for financial and PR reasons? We need a forensic accountant to show what they are really paying themselves. I bet the true numbers are mind-boggling.
Maybe the BBC Media Action charity set up by the BBC to be ‘independent’ of them (yeah right!) and funded partly (9%) by the EU, could be a suitable hidey-hole for their loose change from the back of Auntie’s sofa?
Fedup2 Please allow me to make a small correction, it is not ‘tiger ess s’ it is ‘lion asses’ – the Beeb subtitles told us so.
Ha ha – I just got fed up with hearing that damn BBC editorial line desperately trying to get girl kick about accepted as ‘ Normal’ … I’m still glowing in the 7/1 sending off – a bet on which I forked out 50pence .
I am also proud to have received a donation from a bookie because President trump set foot in North Korea . Wish I’d bet your house on it ….
I am surprised that a gendered word like “lioness” is acceptable. Actress. waitress and Mrs are all avoided.
Discriminatory towards lions?
The BBC would have been insufferable if the girls would have won the “world cup” and for that reason I am glad they lost.
Wimmins’ footy!
I watched the USA against us last night.
It was men against boys.
Insufferable is right Stevie-this whole women’s soccer mania is mainly about gender diversity as if there isn’t anough of that everywhere. My granddaughter’s into acting and definitely calls herself an Actress, not an Actor, she is I am glad to say very female in all ways and tells me she has no interest in not being treated as a girl. Ok I’m of an older generation that opened a door for a woman, gave up a seat on a bus for a woman old or young, had immense resepct for the fact that a woman could produce children and still do have. Why I ask myself is there this insatiable attitude that requires we all should treat a female as equal to a man. Vivre la differance I say.
Do you mean “Vive la différence”?
I had the exact same thought!
They can’t just play the sport: it has to be ‘transformative’ and leave a ‘legacy.’
Well billions of years of evolution have left a legacy of men and women being biologically programmed to enjoy different things. A few whining SJWs won’t change the fact that for so long men were hunter gatherers so will instinctively enjoy and excel at football in a way women never will. So what? I can’t imagine many girls losing sleep over knowing they will never get to appreciate zonal marking in the way I do.
The leftie beboids don’t really care about football, or for that matter any of the minorities, because it’s all about division and securing votes for a Marxist utopian delusion. The truth is that if they ever did get real power they would crush diversity.
Naga Munchetty £200,000 per year. Is that due to her sparkling ‘personality’ and ‘humour’?
Or, heaven forbid, yet another PC tickbox payment?
Munchetty is P45-Proof and she knows it. (I decline to use the phrase ‘bullet-proof’ as it could be seen as a thought-crime).
It should be noted that Pakistan National TV has a white female Christian as the main news reader and she earns a similar fortune.
No…not really.
£200k? Can’t she afford a few quid for a can of WD-40? Oooh that voice! Like a reluctant cat being dragged across a ‘chalk board’.
Perhaps she spends a lot of it at the hairdresser.
You have to realise that al beeb has to fill its quotas of ‘nagas’and she ticks that box . She’s worth over a 1000 TV licences … ?
But strange that Pakistan and India have no need or wish for quotas. How do they cope? It seems so wrong that they have no quotas. Perhaps the BBC could investigate? Panorama, perhaps?
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit ‘hitting foreign languages in schools’ “”
Give it a rest for once, BBC!!
Can we have your FIRST positive feature EVER about Brexit??
As least the brexit party had to be noticed by the BBC yesterday by turning up en mass at Brussels . Naturally the biased bbc countered with a bunch of witches from the liberals wearing dirty tee shirts , their leader looked like Teresa mays sista – or siesta – as the word al gore rhythm claims ….
BBC don’t waste any opportunity to knock Brexit
R4 discussion piece on languages in schools
‘some people have told children that they won’t need to speak a foreign language after Brexit’ who are these people
Then gets a kid to say in you think it is important to learn a language after Brexit?
Only talking about German no other language..but why the need to get negative associated with Brexit….the decline set in years before Brexit..
“the decline [in foreign language learning] set in years before Brexit”
This is very true. Of course State Broadcaster conveniently forgets this.
I would have thought there is a lot of foreign language learning going on . Just not European languages – Urdu Farsi gudgerati just to misname a few …
Not Gwent,
“the decline [in foreign language learning] set in years before Brexit”
Would that be English for the muslims temporarily resident in the UK?
I speak a foreign language, English!
That probably explains why the adverts have ‘gone black’ – the brown people speak South Asian, the white people speak East European and the myth is that the black people are all ‘Windrushers’ speaking English. Sadly most black people are now African speakers.
Fed, in terms of numbers and possibilities and needs, Mandarin and Hindi should now be learned in school for the workers and entrepreneurs of the future. I understand that Spanish is holding up quite well in terms of numbers doing it at school. That is now the world majority language, outdoing English.
James, German is quite a difficult language to learn which may explain its decline in English schools. Some of the vocabulary is especially daunting. In the 1960s it was always running third to French and Spanish.
Up2 – I learnt kraut at school by watching Hitlers and goebells speeches . I still cant see why I got sent to the prevent brainwashing people …. gott himmell … achtung spitfeure
Fed, I struggled with German for two years but I avoided your training route. I just couldn’t stand that. It was bad enough watching the World at War series on telly with the grown-ups when they showed clips of the speeches. (I heard courtesy BBC R4, two parts of speeches by UK female politicians, one ex-Labour & a Peer, the other in Lab Cabinet, both around 2009 and each time a cold chill ran through me. I felt like I was in Nuremberg in a stadium in the 1930s ….)
Do you remember the BBC Language courses? Do they still do those? I remember the one for German, called ‘Komm mitt’. It was quite charming. Schoen! My parents bought the LPs and booklets. Think I still have them somewhere.
Aren’t we all going to have to learn Arabic?
Only about 10% of muslims actually speak Arabic as a native. The koran was written (allegedly) in Arabic, which explains why so few muslims actually understand islam, (the Religion of Peace!) and go around killing people who refuse to acknowledge the peaceful nature of muslims.
The battle for Brexit is far from over but Remainers are getting very worried, which is a good indicator that things are moving in favour of leaving. My evidence for this is the increasing hysteria in articles in the Times and the comments by readers of the arch Remainer newspaper. They are exhibiting the acute symptoms of BDS. If we do leave some of them may self immolate like Buddhist monks used to, certainly there will mass chaining to railings etc. They are really going nuts. What they are allowed to say about us Leavers in the newspaper is astonishing. One reader commented yesterday that we were all small minded misfits who couldn’t make a go of life in the 21st century. A country with 17.4 million misfits, and he got well over 100 likes for his abusive and ludicrous comment.
It’s absolutely great to watch the Remainer elite and their millions of idiotic dupes in such a state. However, if we do leave on terms worthy of Brexit, then I am genuinely concerned what some of the irreconcilable Remainers may do. I fully expect an endless stream of dirty tricks and sabotage by the civil service, BBC and the rest of the elite to continue for months if not years. The surest way to get us back into the EU will be to make Brexit the disaster they have always predicted it would be. But their idiotic moronic dupes, what may they do? Violence is likely , physical attacks on leading Leavers a real possibility. These folks have been indoctrinated in Remain being the good side , they see their leaders heaping opprobrium on a Leavers, milk shakes are treated as a joke, battery acid jokes are not severely punished, it won’t be a surprise if some of them committ acts of violence.
You are absolutely right. All the people that ought be annoyed are annoyed, which is a pleasure to watch; and their increasing desperation is probably a cause for comfort.
They fear the punishment of failure. Some big hitters want a return on their substantial anti-Brexit investment. There may be a few ‘retirements’ when the inevitable happens.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
1) You showed the Liberal Democrats t-shirts but did not display what was on the back .. B*LL*CKS TO BREXIT. I added stars incase your system blocks swear words. This is missing the point that grown ups are swearing in Parliament.
2) Your complaints page has been missing for at least two weeks that shows your omissions and corrections in 2018 like the one where you said NHS nurse but in fact she was a Labour Activist.
3) I see MEP Magid Magid got refused entry to the EU Parliament, but the article shows a nice t-shirt (IMMIGRANTS MAKE BRITAIN GREAT) and not the one he wore which was “F**K FASCISM” when trying to enter Parliament.
From these 3 cases I hope you can see that omission lets the BBC tell a different story and can elevate those in favour and bring scorn to those out of favour.
I know this email is on its way to the BBC Memory Hole but hope that at least one person in the BBC, you Winston, get a chance to raise an eyebrow.
Many Thanks,
A BBC TV License Tax payer helping the Few like Gary Lineker, Not the Many like the over 75s.
Yet again, it was too much effort to print the truth, so a lie had to suffice.
Obesity is increasing as is the number of food banks . What’s the connection ? Close foodbanks and people get thinner ? No chance of a BBC expose on that one methinks …
Poor people suffering from obesity – it is the paradox of our times. I would watch a BBC documentary on that. Of course it would involve real journalists doing real investigation and analysis, so I agree with you, Fedup2 – it won’t happen.
Aren’t you missing the correlation between the growth in the numbers of immigrants (all that lovely diverse food) and the growth in obesity?
TOADY non-Watch #1
The Off-switch has been utilised a lot this morning. The wall-to-wall Wimmins is just too much.
I am disappointed for the England Womens Soccer team. I would have loved for to them to have won. Feel sorry for Steph Houghton who had a bit, but not the whole nine-yards, of ‘a Southgate Moment’. I did warn the BBC that too much Bronze talk would jinx the team but obviously I posted that on here far too late.
Plenty of time, then, for the BBC to read and act on the following.
Give up on the agenda, BBC. Womens footie will never be the same as the mens’ game. Accept the fact that women and men are different. Live with the fact that men and women are different. They can never be equal. They are different. It is impossible to change that. Instead, go for respect for all, irrespective of gender.
TOADY non-Watch #2
Abortion is now the equality question for Penny Mordaunt in the prime TOADY interview slot. The BBC want Northern Irish women to kill more babies more easily. A devolved democratic decision was taken in Northern Ireland. Accept it.
I declare here that I am an anti-abortionist, pro-baby rights person but a passive campaigner on such. I agree that abortion should be permitted at request of mother in the event of rape and incest and should also be permitted at the request of the couple with appropriate counselling, if the mother’s life is at risk or the baby is severely handicapped although in the latter case, the parents wishes should always hold sway.
We are having something of a Days of Death Week special promotion on BBC Radio4. Two days pro-euthanasia for oldies. Now pushing the abortion thing as well. Beware BBC, death can come to Corporations too. Think British Steel. Think Carillion. Think Kids Company. Think Northern Rock.
“Northern Irish women to kill more babies more easily.” Does that include muslim women in N Ireland?
G, dunno. Can’t remember right now what the Muslim view of abortion is. I would think there may not be that many Muslims in NI. Think much of the African migration has gone to the Republic. At one point there was a bit of a boom in Language Schools in Eire teaching Gaelic.
The left liberal attempted power grab is failing all over the world lead by a few people like Trump who are prepared to take a stand. Across the U.S. the pro life movement is winning and it will come here as well to redress the balance. That imho explains the behaviour of the BBC who see themselves at the forefront of the battle. Hopefully they will be privatised soon (I believe they want that too) because then they will be free to honestly express their opinions to a dwindling audience.
Celtic, think you are right on that. Varadkhar is at odds with a large chunk of the population in Eire because that ol’ Roman Catholic thing goes deep but I’m sure that with a toe in the door, he will try and force through more and more LibbyLefty legislation. The battle is joined. The population may derive encouragement from the Trumpquake.
The Trumpquake has all sorts of benefits, not just for ending the wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb as a means of contraception, but also in the creation of jobs and tackling crime. (Have just watched the Ted Cruz interview that someone here linked to.)
I’ve posted this before but I think the DUP have a great opportunity south of the border and should think in terms of expansion.
I think you might be correct about south of the border –
Massive pro EU anti Brexit bias on the Today program at 08:20 when the woman interviewer attempted to get a young musician to condemn the actions of Brexit party MEPs in turning their backs the the EU anthemn.
She tried every which way to find reason to condemn including the child ‘abuse’ angle of ‘look these were poor kids playing their hearts out on their big day and look what the monster Farage did’.
It was an appalling example of the BBCs bias, it was overt and no attempt was made to conceal it. But then why should they bother when there is no one to answer to ?
The BBC increasingly emulating CNN model of news generation? Let’s have more and more and more. Self-destruct. Only have to look at CNN in the US to see where their constant propaganda has got them.
You beat me to it.
Absolutely nauseating relentless Toady Feminist Broadcasting Corporation this morning.
Between 0745 and 0815 for those that could stomach it we had
1. The wimmins football. Yes, sorry they lost and glad they did well but the BBC ‘equality agenda’ doesn’t do it for me
2. Thought for the day. A barely comprehensible Hindu rant about gender equality
3. The (chosen behind closed doors of course) potential appointment of the first female EU president.
4. A strident-toned piece about women getting lower income than men through their stages of life.
5. The pay equality at the BBC i.e ludicrous massive pay rises for women who can read an autocue.
6. Mischal ‘useless and overpaid) Hussain presenting most of the above
Sick-bad inducing wall-to-wall agenda
Luckily the off switch has complete gender equality. Mrs. S was happy to oblige – unprompted.
You both beat me to it – but excellent summary Sluff..
but now R4 some American who hates Trump being allowed to say anything he likes – including Trump hasn’t delivered anything – just ignoring the current USA economy high and lowest Black unemployment – not a challenge from our balanced BBC
Sluff, all I can say is well done Mrs Sluff! Let’s hear it for the ladies. Yayyyyy!
The BBC is in mourning today over the wimmin losing to the US in the Woman’s World Cup.
Perhaps they can cheer their-selves up by showing the US ladies losing 5 -2 to the Dallas FC Boys under 15 team.
No, That goes against the PC grain. I also expect the video has been ‘lost’
The probable final between the US and Holland should be interesting. Both teams have taken aspects of the modern men’s game – diving, feigning injury, time-wasting and cynical fouls – and brought them well up to expected standards.
And will Gaby step aside for Gary? He needs a bit more airtime to help justify that obscene pay-packet.
The Daily Mail has done a very thorough investigation and breakdown of the salaries paid to it’s top earners, including the behind the scenes staff.
I won’t list the information because it is so comprehensive but here is the link for you to peruse at your own leisure.
The information still missing is how much the ‘stars’ like Matt Baker and Alex Jones from The One Show and Merton and Hislop from HIGNFY get paid. We don’t know as they get paid through production companies or ‘BBC companies’.
I really would like to ‘Follow the Money’ as Deep Throat would put it but the BBC have successfully concealed this information successfully from interested parties i.e. The TV Licence Payers, for many years.
I wonder if Is there any way to extract this information?
Cassie, think now might be a good time to put views to Lord Hall, such as – if you agree – moving all staff, whatever job & status, to PAYE. If people don’t like it and leave, tough, let ’em go, there’s probably a long queue for jobs at the Beeb anyway.
Do you watch Al Beeb ? – No.
Then why should you pay for it via a compulsory Tax if you watch other broadcasting television channels ?
Al Beeb should be a ‘pay to view’ company . If you watch it pay for it.
Al Beeb can be as PC and as biased as much as they wish then.
Get rid of a Tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Totally agree. The BBC claims that the ‘universal ‘ LF allows it to cater for all tastes, ie everyone gets something they value. An untrue claim of course. There is virtually nothing that I want on the BBC. However, it is much worse than that, the vast majority of their output is stuff that I positively Do Not Want , that I despise , that I loath. There is no justification in the universal LF in the 21st century, it ought to be a subscription service but of course the BBC knows that if it were to become one it would overnight lose a significant% of its income. I suspect that the vulnerability of a LF will motivate the BBC to edge towards wanting a direct grant from the government, which would obscure their costs and be even worse for those opposed to the BBC than the LF is.
If we ever do get a decent Brexit majority in Westminster then surely after seeing the extreme bias of the BBC over the past three years they must decide to at the very leadt move to a subscription model. Personally I would like to see it broken up into five or six parts and sold off. This way it could never be reconstituted. If that ever happened it would be a celebration on a par with Brexit day. Seriously destruction of the BBC is the first critical step to getting our country back.
What you will not hear on the BBC is balance. Nor will you hear the views and opinions of pro EU commentators challenged.
That is why it was so refreshing to hear Julia Hartley Brewer challenging Caroline Voaden, Limp Dumocrat MEP this morning. Caroline thought that the Brexit Party MEP’s protest (turning their backs at the “EU national anthem”) was “disgusting”, but maintained that the Lib Dem’s protest (wearing offensive t shirts with disgusting swear words on them) was not.
Julia correctly called her out in this and even had to educate Caroline on how the EU actually works! Julia asked her to give one example over the last ten years, of how the EU has demonstrated democratic reform. Caroline was unable to name one example. She even tried to say that civil servants were responsible for laws in this country. Julia asserted that this was not the case and that Parliament were responsible for passing laws not the civil service. The limp dum’s lack of knowledge was astounding despite the fact that she is riding the EU gravy train.
Please can someone find and post the interview from around 8:15ish this morning as I’m not sure how to do so. It’s definitely worth a listen.
I see the BBC is ridiculing Theresa the Marxists attempt at leaving a ‘legacy’.
She’s left a legacy and it is one of destroying a once proud party.
listening to the Tory party female drone this morning, I assumed it was someone from the socialist workers party with constant leftist buzz words such as social justice, wimmins rights etc etc.
It was an appalling leftist piece that if wimmin in the workplace are harassed (someone says Oh your hair looks nice today or some such) then the employer will be fined.
Imagine you are the owner of a company probably stuggling under the yoke of Commieserveyourselves regulation, and you aren’t making much money. Some bloke in the warehouse says something to a woman she takes offence at and you are the one who gets fined! It doesn’t even have to be an employee of yours, it can be a delivery driver and you can be fined !
Well done Theresa, only a comitted Marxist could dream up such an unfair private enterprise destroying law and you certainly are a comitted Marxist !
Sorry Thoughtful, but your observation that Theresa May is a “committed Marxist” is just silly…or is it supposed to be ironic?
From my perspective (almost) the entire Conservative Party establishment have lost any courage they once had. They immediately capitulate in the face of the ultra left bully boys.
They’ve adopted every woke PC claptrap that the liberal left have foist upon us. They apologise endlessly for Boris’s “letter box” joke. FFS why? Grow a pair for Christ’s sake.
The prime example recently was the utterly gutless sacking of Sir Roger Scruton after a hatchet job, since exposed by Douglas Murray as being fraudulent, in the New Statesman.
Sir Roger is so articulate, calm and erudite he makes Jacob Rees Mogg sound like Alf Garnett.
It was a feather in the cap of the creepy little turd that cobbled the article together, but shameful that the Tories should immediately decide to sack Scruton without any investigation.
They’re not Marxist…
They’re gutless.
Just as the so called anti Fascists know nothing of Fascism, many Tories appear to either have little grasp of what Marxism actually is, or what Toxic has has been getting up to.
How about her praising Communist / Marxist dictators in Africa ?
How about her saying she is ‘quite comfortable’ with the seizure of private property by the state without compensation?
Or her comittment to the Marxist goal of Equality ?
Her easy reach for oppressive laws on freedom of speech, her refusal to ban known left wing terrorist groups like ‘antifa’ whilst proscribing little known right wing groups who posed more of a threat to themselves than anyone else.
Her support for what amount to re-education camps for ‘diversity; and continued support for identity politics which is a Marxist construct.
She has supported and enthusiastically enacted the 11 point plan of the Frankfurt School of Marxism.
She has appointed a comitted Marxist and Stalin apologist as her closest advisor.
Would you like me to write more of this? There’s a whole book of examples of May’s Marxist beliefs and I’m not alone in noting her political leanings.
As I said at the start, you might not be aware of what Marxism is, nor what May has been up to, but please believe she is what she has been described as, and just because she isn’t a screaming revolutionary doesn’t detract from the truth.
Thoughtful and Jeff, in my view Theresa May is not a big ‘C’ Conservative nor a little ‘C’ conservative. She is very much out of the Liberal Socialist mould and I think has been at odds with the Party mainstream outside of Parliament for a very long time, probably long before her famous ‘Nasty Party’ speech.
She had a chance to redeem herself as an avowed Remainer by delivering a Brexit on 29 March 2019 in accordance with democracy. She failed to do this, I suspect now deliberately, although she will shift the blame and has shifted the blame to Parliament despite the glaring faults in her Withdrawal Agreement which were obvious in summer 2018. I suspect she is now engaged in acts of revenge on all ‘C’onservatives and ‘c’onservatives, both within Parliament, outside in the Party and also among the wider electorate.
‘Marxist May’ has an alliterative soundbite quality to it and that might tend to encourage its use.
However, the conclusion must be that the ‘Marxist’ cap fits Theresa May very well. She is doing what it says on the designer label and following in the footsteps of, dare I say it, men – notorious men – of the twentieth century. Saying one thing, delivering another – or nothing. Then going on a rampage when people object. Damaging or overruling democracy. Theresa May has, sadly, become a one-person Nasty Party, that much has become obvious in 2018 and 2019. I’m sorry to say in Theresa May’s case that ‘if the cap fits … ‘.
Quite a contrast with the quiet dignity of Margaret Thatcher in her last weeks and when she left office.
oh for god sake…some Liberal leader challenger on R4 with Nick Robinson
He calls Nigel and Donald extremists and says it is okay for the Liberal party to use the word Bollocks on their manifesto – because they should let the ‘extremist’ have all the edge…
I don’t remember NF and POTUS swearing or throwing drinks at people
What I hate is the sheer hypocrisy of the Liberals who hate Brexit..not a challenge by Nick – no big surprise
The first step towards successful LibDemism is to ignore hypocricy as an outmoded concept while at the same time believing it only applies to the philosophies of those you disagree with.
I was playing some mental gymnastics today regarding the conflicts in BBC over wimins sport. Sharon Davies recently commented on the unfairness of transgender male biological strength vs females in sports. She got pilloried on social media. What if the UK football team had been made up of converted Vinnie Joneses and Joey Bartons? If they remained on the pitch the score would be interesting.
The BBC must have the equivalent of Isaac Asimov’s laws of robotics. To help them I have rewritten the laws with a BBC mindset.
First Law
A beeboid may not injure a favoured group or, through inaction, allow a favoured group to come to harm.
Second Law
A beeboid must obey the orders given it by the hive except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law
A beeboid must protect its own existence regardless of conflict with the First or Second Laws and ensure fat salaries for it and favoured groups.
“What if the UK football team had been made up of converted Vinnie Joneses and Joey Bartons? ”
It’s only a matter of time ! now there is all this publicity and possible fame, the ‘conversion’ rate will go into overdrive.
There was a case in point when the Aussie or NZ womens team played a match against an under 15s boys team ( this was the national womens team against some schoolboys) the boys beat them 7 – 0 !
I have to laugh about all this, especially when women like Navratillova have done so much moaning about LGBTQWERTY rights that when those right begin to affect her she doesn’t like it.
Well what about the rest of us? When we don’t like it we get called names ending in ‘ism’ or fauxbia.
So I say bring it on, let the PC moaners have a taste of their medicine, although the chances of it actually happening are so slim it’s non existant, it’s just another crazy issue for these people to moan about, I suggest we don’t assist them by justifying their complaints.
Interesting report on the discovery of a Roman mine and road in Cornwall…
Well it was until I read this sentence…
“Dr Smart led a team of students and local volunteers including refugees and asylum-seekers based in Plymouth.”
As Vic Reeves might have said a while ago, “You wouldn’t let it lie, you just wouldn’t let it lie, would you!”
This is the CEO of disgraced company Serco which has escaped criminal prosecution by admitting it had fraudulently and criminally inflated costs to government agencies which it contracted services to.
It’s not the first shame this scummy company has been involved in though. In the case of Serco Vs Redfern where they fired an employee simply because he stood for election as a BNP candidate, Serco was found to have falsified his spotless blameless employment record to make it appear he caused all kinds of problems.
Serco lost the case, but was never prosecuted for its blatant perjury.
No surprise then to find Soames is a product of the rotten school, given his job simply because of the old school tie.
I am hugely supportive of private education having benefitted myself, but in this one school there is something so rotten at the core of it that we all need to speak out.
Privilidge is one thing, and we can expect those whose parents own business to employ their own family to carry forward the enterprise. To find though that many of the top jobs are unavailable to those who did not attend this school is a scandal, particularly when they behave in a manner such as this.
Radio Sheffield …. thorough Labour Labour anti-Brexit presenter Toby Young let his mask slip and just yelled at caller Lee that if course turning your back is worse than a sweary T-Shirt.
… a few minutes later he remembered he had to pretend not to support the LibDem stunt.
Badly informed …he said “they take a salary”
em Richard Tice doesn’t take one.
The call was at 8:35am
Lee pointed out that libmob support the American Footballers refusing to kneel for their anthem
So Brexit Party were just doing the same
..whereas LibDems swear words reflect that the disrespect the views of the voters.
Magid Magid wore a sweary T-Shirt to the EU
Then the BBC in the photo story seem to use a Sheffield DIFFERENT photo that says “immigrants make Britain great”
The BBC Live page says
Magid Magid, 30, was wearing a baseball cap and a T-shirt with swearing and an anti-fascist slogan on it when he was asked to leave.
The former Lord Mayor of Sheffield was elected as one of six MEPs for the Yorkshire and Humber region in May.
The European Parliament said no member of staff was involved in the incident.
Mr Magid said he did not know who the person was who asked him to leave, although he believed that individual to be an official.
He said the person asked if he was lost and then suggested he leave.
He added: “I make people feel uncomfortable, people don’t know how to react.”
BTW That makes it sound like that is beloved EU is racist and assumes a black guy in the building is a lost tourist.
There is FULL BBC page which is similarly misleading
Interesting timings
May 2018 MagidMagid doing lots of photo ops saying he would be doing a 400 mile bike trip to support the veterans
June 20th 2018 ‘OMG I have severely damaged ligaments ..gutted I can’t ride’
June 24th2018 led carnival parade with heavy costume around his shoulders
Wow what interesting heritage Norfolk has!
BBC = Fake news = Donald Trump tells the truth.
Apparently Magid changed his T-shirt and appeared like this in the parliament

Yes. only a pathetic, foul mouthed pillock would wear a shirt with a such a crude message on it.
Anyone surprised? This is the calibre of politicians we’re producing these days. I’m embarrassed. I wouldn’t want him serving me a burger, let alone representing me in Europe.
And what sort of creature wears a baseball cap back to front?
Being a Cockney I think I know the answer to that.
A complete back to front…
Now on Talk Radio : More on his poll that said abolish the licence
Listen live to Mike Graham ►
► Tory leadership latest: Boris Johnson promises review of ‘sin taxes’
► TV License sales fall for first time in a decade
► Chess piece auctioned for £735,000
► Are beekeepers to blame for the insect’s decline?
Interesting article by Martin Bell in The Daily Mail:
“Why should we foot BBC wages? In 1981 Kenneth Kendall got £16,000 a year to read the news to 8million. Huw Edwards is paid £490,000 for 5 million viewers”
I would listen to Mike Graham a lot more but I’ve got to the stage where I just cannot stand listening to the adverts or ‘Global News’.
Same goes for Nigel Farage on LBC. It’s a shame because there are so few decent radio presenters who don’t have the Trump/Brexit derangement neurosis. We really do need some kind of Fox Radio/TV equivalent in the UK. At least with the TV you can instantly mute the adverts.
At first I was a bit surprised today to see that the Brexit MEP’s turning their back to the “EU National Anthem” story has vanished from the BBC, Guardian and Independent Left-Wing “news” sites after initial bellowing rage.
My thoughts turn to how could this be? after all it was all about a bunch of “Right-Wing” activists behaving badly, in theory a really good story to repeat as much as possible
In my opinion there are 3 reasons why it has vanished.
1. The audible cheering of the 52%.
2. The need therefore to “No Platform” these despicables as quickly as possible.
3. The realisation that some intelligent people might actually ask exactly what Nation does this “National Anthem” refer to? A National Anthem needs a Nation attached to make sense so what could this possibly allude to? Quick bury it before people start to ask!
Perhaps because it stole the LibDems’ thunder?
RD, the LibDems have thunder? Really?
I see a little silhouetto of a man called Davey
Scaramouch, Scaramouch will you do the Fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me not!
Sky political journalists are as bad as the Beeb.
Just watched as an attempted hatchet job was done on Trump, by a female journalist interviewing the President of El Salvador. Every question was Trump related… ie “do you blame Trump (not President Trump !) for the deaths of (the young chap ) and his baby in the river ?” She clearly didn’t expect the answer of ‘no’, as the President blamed his own country for his population wanting to leave.
The following half a dozen questions were pushing for an anti-American anti- Trump reply, but she didn’t get any. El Salvador rely on trade with the U.S and the President was wily enough not to get into a slanging contest, and agreed that his country was in meltdown in all areas, which needed to be addressed.
Women’s football got a PEAK audience of 11.7m viewers yesterday
It was also the most-watched TV programme of the year.
Probably not
cos PEAK is not the same as viewing the whole prog.
Peak includes people wandering into the room seeing a dramatic moment and watching for a few seconds/minutes
UK popn is close on 60million 80% of them were NOT watching
Stew, do I recall correctly that a standard audience for Coronation Street used to be 18 million, week in and week out? Must go look it up.
The Montacutie issued a correction during TWatO today without issuing a correction or an apology (esp. for misleading Snuffy!) yesterday. She merely stated “It was also the most-watched TV programme of the year.”
Telly, in its accepted form, I think is in decline.
Apologies if this has already been spotted:
Who is Jason Mohammad, and why on earth does the BBC think he’s worth £355k a year?
Further comment unnecessary.
the scary thing is the list does not include BBC Studio employees 🙁
Jason Mohammad is a perfect example of an al beeb employee who got a job based on his surname alone ????
We should take a moment to recognize the contribution to those major contributors and the rest of us to this site. The total vindication of our views, expressed in civilized fashion, though nonetheless ,relentlessly exposing the bBC,s totally biased and anti-British agenda is underscored by the tumult around their ears.
At this moment (and all of it self-inflicted)it only goes to uphold our opinion that the Licence Tax model must cease immediately and be -remodelled to a subscription service.
The bBC and the liblabdem mob seem to be using the term ‘crisis’ a lot, without having any idea of its meaning.
One of their many ‘crises’ is that Pres. Trump is a WINNER. Another is that it sometimes gets hot in the Summer.
In relation to a true crisis – here’s one that MPs or the bBC might care to examine:
Some background on her from a Politico article earlier this year.
Of course when it comes to all things military – this is more to the bBC’s taste.
Colchester barracks: Paratrooper ‘shocked’ by ‘racist abuse’
This woman Van der Leyen carries a lot of trouble around her neck that will need sorting before she will be accepted by 26 nations-she is a Merkel supporter which accounts for the job-Anyway why should we worry ourselves when the UK is no longer part of the EU-let them wallow in their woes of which there are many. People will still come here from the Continent as we will visit there-they have in any event some of the most beautiful countryside in the world.
Not BBC bias.
July 3 2019
Ten questions about entryism in the Conservative Party
By Mark Wallace
Membership has risen, hasn’t it?
Yes, it’s up from 124,000 in March 2018 to 160,000 as of late May 2019
[Wallace has a Wikipedia article, according to which “he is a quiz buff”.
Well he has not got a clue.
In this article Wallace worries about recent new members who may be EDL or UKIP supporters!
He has no concerns about the long term Common Purpose lefty entryism which has alreay taken place.
Creating a CINO party leadership which has spent three years avoiding Brexit and selling the UK out to the EU.
Alternative to not having a clue being a lying Remainiac.]
The LibDebs might be *bananas* with their yellow T-shirts
..but no one can show there is an EU dress-code-rule.
BTW about 50 other MEPs didn’t stand for the anthem
but media chose not to mention this
“The Dalai Lama has apologised for controversial comments about the possibility of a woman succeeding him.
Speaking to the BBC last month, the Tibetan spiritual leader said that any future female Dalai Lama should be “attractive”. ”
Dalia Lamas office said this was only a Joke. Beeb get over it. He didn’t say throw Acid over someone – or we would of known that was a joke, apparently!
Because they showed him campaigning heavily for Remain!
May I suggest that these images be stuck on a big red bus with Boris driving?
The eternally wrong Gavin chipped in as expected
But i am sure Gavin would have loved this …. its those lefty double standards again
Yes, it’s a farcical equivalence. One could just as well say the same of the Lib Dem MEPs all wearing the same ‘uniform’.
Nice one Piers
I wonder what Hugh is on?
Worth every penny, no doubt.
1pm BBC Lincolnshire News news
thought it was doing balance just now
– They mentioned the Brexit Party turn back protest
.. Annuncia Mogg clip was played
The balance came by saying
“The Liberals wore bright yellow Stop Brexit t-shirts”
..and playing a clip of Liberal MEP
.. no mention was made of *the swear word*
Judging by the folds on this fella I think he ought to be saying B******* to breakfast!
The framing was “Annuziata Rees Mogg DEFENDED”
…saint Obama was never reported as “defending” anything.
… it’s a PR word to make the person look weak
This is sad news, though not unexpected.
It was Mr Booker that was instrumental to opening my eyes to the EU many years ago.
Sad news.
I wonder what Booker thought of Hislop’s stewardship of Private Eye?
Hat Trick Productions make HIGNFY (who get the money to make it from the BBC) but no one knows how much Hislop’s appearance money is (or for that matter, Merton’s) as Hat Trick won’t reveal that information.
Hislop is a bit of a hypocrite really as he laid into the MP Johnny Mercer in April, accusing him of having two jobs and making heaps of money and in the current debate on BBC salaries, Hislop doesn’t doesn’t really come out of this as the chivilous champion of the public as he’d like us to think he is.
Hislop’s not a “bit” of a hypocrite, he’s the real deal.
Christopher Booker, on the other hand, was a truly great writer and journalist. He will be very sadly missed.
Hislop took umbrage to Bookers (correct ) stance on Global Warming being a scam.
Hislop took umbrage at birth. His face reflects the fact – probably expecting a fine claret and all he got was milk.
“Rami Malek has revealed he only agreed to play a James Bond villain after he was assured the character would have no religious or ideological affiliations.”
anyone bothered?
This how scripts and casting work now?
Hope he doesn’t have a bald/cat rider in there too.
“Take Mr. Bond to a nice tea shop and see he comes to some scones”
Well we couldn’t portray a brown villain as having certain “religious” or ideological views now could we, Rami!
Is he gonna wear one of those burkas so that no one notices …?
The ‘baddies’ in Bond movies used to be old fashioned communist SMERSH types, megalomaniac nutters living in volcanoes, drug dealers, nuclear weapon thieves, ex-agents gone rogue and evil heads of multinational businesses.
The one thing young Rami could have played convincingly was an ideologically inspired terrorist.
The Bond film franchise need re-booting. Back to its roots, set in the 1950’s, with lots of cigarettes and vodka. Bond needs to be a properly mean but charming psychopath, and the plots need to be thoughtful but violent thrillers rather than these wishy-washy pc 12 certificate efforts, full of awful CGI effects. That’s my tuppence worth!
2:15pm R4 drama ..a repeat of the play stirring up fear of rightwing
\\ Charismatic National Front candidate Vincent Ferre stirs up dangerous social unrest as he campaigns to become the next mayor of Grenoble.
Can the city survive if he is elected? //
Might survive better than a city with a left wing Muslim mayor.
PMQs Watch
My last view of the outgoing PM doing her questions . Empty seats and subjects which sound like a bunch of social workers at a conference – including the need for coppers to be provided with taxpayers funded Sun screen .
There is a need for regime change . It would be a benefit to their ‘ democracy ‘ that another party got to speak namely the Brexit Party which appears to represent more people that the communists or red Tories .
It is so out of touch it is an embarrassment
Mays removal van is due to the 23 rd July – roll on the day
Another murder in Londonistan – this time it is the baby of the lady stabbed to death at the weekend . I assume the mayor will be trying to stop this death being included in the stats .
In my view the best way to cut stabbings is stop and search . But you need the right number of properly motivated coppers rather than the snowflake flavour produced in recent years .
The mayor built his career fighting both the police and ‘ stop and search ‘ so there is no prospect of reduction – only year on year increases amongst the feral tribes .
OT, but Kay playing a blinder here.
Now awaiting Adam to roll in to her defence.
I wonder how many people would pay for sky news if it wasn’t included in the footy package . Sky Atlantic used to be worth it but stopped paying a long time ago ..
SkyNews MetroliberalViews
is a free to air channel on Freeview
..see my notes on previous thread about FoxNews was not really promoted by Sky and was switched off cos of the 2017 election and the switched off permanently August 2017
Stew – I wonder how many people would pay for it( if it wasn’t free to air ?). The stat that it loses a lot of money each year sticks in my head . I’m not a direct consumer because it strikes me as biased as the BBC and equally dumbed down …
The BBC and the rest of the idiot media has gone nuts over the women’s football. What I find bizarre and it applies to the men a well is that when we lose we actually somehow win. No we lose. I prefer to watch a horse race. One horse wins or very rarely it is a dead heat. No matter what the margin the second placed horse is just that -a loser.
4:30pm R4 the Amol Amol show
\\ Who’s watching the BBC?
The BBC’s Annual Report reveals that fewer young people are tuning in.//
“The BBC’s Annual Report reveals that fewer young people are tuning in”
That’s one for maxincony.
Taffman – I think that creature is too busy trying to balance his support for homosexuality and his support for Islam . I don’t know if mohammed was queer but you never know …
The Christchurch trial will get big coverage
The Utecht trial of Gokmen Tanis who killed 4 in an Islamic attack isn’t.
Plus do you know about all the European attacks in 2019
on this non comprehensive list ?