More free advertising for the chosen few on the BBC. Someone has written a book. David Nicholls sold five million of his first one. But that was before NetZero.
In Theresa May’s NetZero world, novels and other books, in hard copy, flown and sold all over the world, will be out. OUT. Will the female Arts Correspondent, Rebecca Jones, think to ask about that?
Now done it I will spend all day looking for my old slide rule, and log books…ask the BBC media grads what the are, on second thoughts dont bother, facts and reality never bother them, 52 – 48 = 48, 52 / 48 = 48 in fact BBC logic informs us all that 48 is all that matters, it will always be larger than 52 for some reason
The BBC media grads re invent physics and pure maths for the modern world and will present their findings at Glasto folowed by a presentation on culture by Stormzy who will explain how he is better than Shakespear and can say nigga but no one else can as they will be arrested and go to jail
Welcome to BBC world, only if you have purple hair though
Annu, I could lend you my solar powered calculator if you wish to compare land areas but the batteries are shot, so that only leaves my Abbottacus. Paul & NaLoPKT demand just a leeetle more accuracy than I think that device will (ever) deliver.
I only use an Abbotacus when doing my tax returns as it is invariably 20% out on a good day and beyond reproach as it is has an automatic racism accusation attachment, although it does have a natuaral anti Jewish bias by adding 10% and criticising their religion, apart from that its fine, although a little large and not too attractive
Notice the look on the 2 girls in the audience in the closing seconds the metabolically challenged one on the right tapping on her temple as if to imply that this guy is mentally challenged.
Yet he talks perfect sense, of which they probably have none.
“Jaguar Land Rover announces electric car investment”
“The decision appears to contradict previous warnings by JLR that investment in the UK would be threatened by Brexit, and in particular a no-deal scenario”
I have a feeling I may have asked this question on here before.
I’m getting a lot of ‘static’ on R4 (partly due, IIRC, to the good weather) but when I roll the tuning dial to R1, R2 & R3 the signal is miles better, much less fuzz, crackle and pop.
The question is: are the BBC deliberately weakening their R4 transmission (after all, it is only listened to by old people) but are deliberately prefering their music stations?
BBC field a question time panel with yet again only one Brexiteer on it. The bias is overt and yet the cowardly far left Tories don’t even speak about it.
The answer, sadly, is no. The subject comes up. (Confession: I knew it would – I checked out the Doc’s Wiki in advance.)
Either Lauren is:
– Not quite sharp enough in the intellect department
– Nobody in the production team is bright enough to think to put it in the script
– It doesn’t suit the BBC narrative – CO2 emissions for the few, not the many
– It doesn’t suit the other BBC narrative – don’t ask revealing questions, don’t educate, don’t inform, try to keep the listeners in ignorance
– She is a Glasto plasto, I’m BBCee – fly me, taxi here,taxi there, hypocrite, too.
Wass a “tuning dial” ? only ask because my 18 C grandfather clock has stopped and cannot see where to put the batteries, I have chisseled my way into it with the help of a hammer but still no battery compartment anywhere, so yes where are the techies ? maybe a usb on it somewhere or remote charging ? cant find the F@cking motherboard either, still working my way in too much wood, bloody splinters everywher now, .. will keep you updated
Yes, I also struggle with clockwork passwords, and downloading pedulums, oh, hang on no I dont, and, apart from the odd Dr Who episode have no fear that my clock will take over the world, and do not expect it to remind me that it has stopped working so it can download some worthless sh@t from microsoft clockmakers to improve its bloody tick or whatever for 40 minutes every bleeding week
Although they do try to get it to sign up for mouse running up you protection just need your credit card details
Scandalous and unprecedented for Theresa May and the Cabinet Office to withhold intelligence from a Foreign Secretary, who is the ministerial head of the intelligence services. What were they trying to hide while EU exit negotiations were starting?
Couldn’t agree more Doobs. I like to hope he’s dusting off his top hat and practicing the slow walk, leading the hearse – just the way he used too before some idiot thought he’d make an excellent chancellor.
Oh look, they’ve dug up ‘spreadsheet’ Phil, the project fear doom-monger in-chief.
In that photo he truly looks like a cadaver, grey, pallid and lifeless. More of a ‘grey man’ than Major could have ever been. I sometimes wonder if David Icke has a point when he says the ruling classes are shape-shifting alien lizards. Phil certainly seems to be consumed by something.
Its the cable and how long it is that worries me, biggest one I have in the shed is 10 metres and thats in a tangled mess, couldnt even get to the local shop with that and the bloody things always get tangled up. imagine that on the M25 ? and what happens if the fuse goes or a powercut or the plug falls out ??? in the fast lane ? ?? hmm think about it forget to pay your electric bill and they cut you off while you are overtaking a drunk polish lorry driver watching hardcore bisexual Russian porn and texting local prostitutes whilst cooking bacon on a primus stove ?? what then ? no bloody chance…
“Not Al Beeb, but many of us can agree that Sky is becoming at least as bad.”
On Brexit, I think SKY is far worse and that fat, mumbling fool is responsible for a substantial part of it. Although I’ll never forget Faisal Islam’s sneering expression around the time of the referendum.
I think the BBC’s bias is far broader, or “diverse” if you prefer.
Attention Nike: The flag Colin Kaepernick told you was unacceptable on your shoes was displayed rather prominently at Barack Obama's inauguration.
They were talking about the lack of police officers on Talk Radio this morning.
The police don’t have enough money or officers to tackle crime but the Attorney General can spend an estimated £1m on taking Tommy Robinson to court for causing ‘anxiety’ to child rapists. Something rotten in the state of Britain.
Outside Old Bailey with Tommy Robinson on the first day of his trial on a trumped up contempt of court charge. He is alleged to have caused ‘anxiety’ to paedophile gang rapists by asking them ‘how they felt about the verdict’. If there is any justice he will be acquitted tomorrow
Yesterday I heard a rumour in court that the judge who falsely convicted Tommy for contempt up in Leeds last year has "retired". A project for my avid Twitter followers — can you please find any information to confirm or refute? (Thanks — I'm tied up now!)
An article in the Guardian – recently on-line but now removed – reveals the outrage throughout the EU at the scandalous EC ‘elections’ which, as we now know, have proved to be an entirely predictable stitch-up between Germany and France, with token positions ‘awarded’ to Belgium and Spain.
There’s little doubt the total omission of Eastern European representation will come back to bite them, but meanwhile the accuracy and credibility of Anne Widdicombe’s speech is confirmed – and that, just for you David Lammy, absurd racial ignoramus that you are, is in spades.
she’s literally Eva Braun!
— Mick Brailsford
Maybe this individual could taste some hydrogen cyanide and have his corneas taken out of his eyes to experiment why aryans have blue eyes to understand what Nazism is rather than using that word against anyone he disagrees with I m tempted to sign up to twitter just to invite him to the experiment he truly deserves why is Nazi not synonymous with nigger ? which is worse ?
why is he allowed to abuse pople in this fashion on Twitter ? I do not recall Tommy Robinson abusing anyone in that fashion yet he is banned ?
I suspect there is no answer to these questions in this truly insane world where organised child rape gangs are protected from prosecution for years on end and white actors are weekly vilified for touching people inappropriately
Caption: Joyous residents of Sundsvall gather before heading off to celebrate St Lucia’s Day on 13 December.
It’s really lovely to see Swedes maintaining their traditions.
The only things missing from the picture seem to be candles and, maybe, some blonde locks.
Breaking news: Swedish woman arrested at Heathrow on suspected terrorism charges.
Makes a change from Norwegian, I suppose.
Bet you my pension they have never seen a longboat with a dragonhead in their lives, but happy with the raping and pillaging as long as they do not have to fight for it because that is why they are all here, running away from those that stand up to them, and attacking women and young girls and unarmed civilians when they have a knife or gun in their hand, absolute cowards and bullies, if they were not and had a shred of dignitiy they would stay and fight for their country instead of running away, presenting themselves as victims and then attacking us like rabid dogs when they outnumber or are armed against civilians , women snd young girls
Cant speak english cos we bribed universi hie of bedord they keep it quiet only cost 500 pound BBC dont want to know, iss national scandal but racist so they forget, anyway where the nearest school ?
Just please F off Jon …….. again , any opportunity …. grow up man.
In UK now and just catching up with @realDonaldTrump speech, and him talking about formation of army in 1770s. “it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do,” Err. Which airports would those have been?
Jon retweeted this also ……. petty doesn’t even cover it. Embarrassing.
“For a public gathering that is ostensibly targeting an audience of hundreds of millions of Americans, the display of weaponry, aircraft and pyrotechnics has been scripted primarily to satisfy an audience of one.”
I would perhaps suggest that we shall not hear the same level of criticism/whining/disdain as I heard this morning from the BBC when M. Macron or one of his minions takes the salute at the Bastille Day (Quatorze Juillet) celebrations in Paris in nine days time.
But then, these have been happening year after year under successive French governments, and are usually descrbed in nothing but fawning, awed and respectful tones by ‘respected (i.e. Europhile) BBC reporters’.
How did the y mislead us John ???? Yet another remoaner who conveniently forgets all about George’s emergency / punishment budget, the Remain campaigns lies about house prices, food prices, national security, job losses , instant recession …. and we must remember, not when we leave, they told us this would happen just if we Voted leave. Very selective these lot, very selective indeed on what they like to remember !!!!!
"I cannot vote for someone who was part of the #Brexit campaign that misled the country"
Exactly! Not only were we misled over Maastricht, we were not even involved in its implementation. Major just signed it in secret. He is a nasty, nasty piece of work
Parliament yesterday
Mr Philip Hollobone (Kettering) (Con)
Why not get rid of TV licences altogether for everyone and force the BBC to compete for its revenues like every other broadcaster? The supermarket equivalent would be forcing everyone, under threat of criminal sanction, to spend £150 in Tesco even if they shop at Aldi, Sainsbury’s, Co-op or elsewhere.
Jeremy Wright
I cannot agree with my hon. Friend. In previous years we looked carefully at whether this is the right way to fund the BBC, and the conclusion reached was that it is. The Government have no plans to change that fundamental funding model.
Not BBC but textbook Marxist dribble from the Guardian, who’ve gone through their rolodex of cultural institutions ripe for a takedown.
There’s a problem with classical music now, because a) some tickets to the Proms cost a lot, and b) a couple of burger joints found playing it disperses anti-social groups that gather outside.
Well a minute online shows you can still grab a ticket to the Proms for £3 and the latter just sounds like good crowd control to me. But really the editorial is a setup for an attempt at intellectual heft by quoting critical theory founder Adorno’s comment about art keeping itself alive “through its social force of resistance”. You see classical music is backward looking and “Beethoven, and other dead white men” don’t have the power to shock any more.
Yes we get it, a true musical genius swaps orchestras for radical ideology and concertos for swearing. All hail the revolution. You’ll get stabbed and it’ll sound terrible, but that’s progress for you.
Every time Caldecott thinks he’s said something clever he smiles and lifts his eyebrows towards the press. Sorry, not entertained.
— Jessica Swietoniowski (@JessicaSwiet) July 5, 2019
Nor Andrew
It appears now that Tommy Robinson's grammar is on trial. Government's barrister doesn't appreciate that Robinson switches between second and third person when discussing the media in his live stream.
I’m gutted, been watching utube of crowds outside court today just stopped for a brew and this judgement. Absolute stitch up by the corrupt government and judiciary. I was watching Ezras Twitter feed and was convinced the evidence was going Tommys way. I did notice the verdict was announced after the crowd outside had dispersed and the bus with the platform was stopped. Oh how I hate the government, judiciary, the police and the MSM.y
I’ve followed this over the two days and, based on what commentators were saying from the court, I really didn’t think they had a case against Tommy.
I really believe he did nothing wrong.
The case in Leeds was all but wrapped up and the defendants were there for the verdict.
I can’t see how anything Tommy said or did on that day (and I watched the live stream as it happened) could have compromised the trial.
It’s interesting that Caldecott (the GA’s lawyer) has done previous work for the BBC and The Guardian. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they were funding this in some way.
It’s a disgrace. This country is no better than a tin pot dictatorship like North Korea.
Today I am ashamed to be British.
“”Brexit? HP Inc laughs in the face of Brexit! Hard or soft, PC maker claims it’s ‘no significant risk’ “”
“”The world’s second-largest PC maker – and the largest in Britain – made the bold statement in its latest set of profit and loss accounts for the year ended 31 October, filed with Companies House this week.””
“Following the referendum in 2016, we have been assessing the potential impact of Brexit on HP Inc UK,” the firm said. “While there is still uncertainty as to the timing and nature of the UK’s exit from the EU, we do not believe Brexit will pose a significant risk to our business.”
Good to see Tom Harwood point out, on Remainer Time last night, that he was the only leave voter again with the other 4 on the panel all voting to remain.
Fiona Bruce must be getting sick of trying to defend the 4 to 1 make up of remainers to leaver on Remainer Time every week.
The remainers keep on saying things like “if we had voted for Mays’ deal we’d be out by now” (even though it was an awful deal) or “I respect the referendum but…”. The truth is, they couldn’t find an answer so they asked the people. We told them clearly what we wanted them to do and then they’ve spent the last 3 years finding ways not to do it.
Good on Tom Harwood who got the biggest cheers of the night for telling it as it is. Mind, someone’s in for it at the bbbc, letting leavers into the audience.
Yes, I was really impressed by Tom Harwood – cutting through the Question Time bias and ignorance like a scythe.
And Fiona Bruce always jumps in fast when anyone dares to point out the pro-Remain bias. I wonder if she really sees the BBC as fair. Can she be that deluded?
I agree there was strong Leave approval from the audience.
Tommy Robinson’s defence lawyer shows video in court…..
The video shows a BBC journalist (who is sitting two chairs over from me) haranguing Tommy as he walks into court. By the way, she was also blocking his way; and she was implying that he's guilty of the offence. Obviously that shouldn't be prosecuted. So why is Tommy?
I appreciate that his tweets will not be unbiased. But from what he’s said today, I cannot see how the verdict can be anything but acquittal, unless they are going to arrest the BBC journalist sitting in the court room.
Grim news. I guess Tommy can only hope for a light sentence now.
Seems to me that the UK is well on its way to becoming a police state. The only way to start to reverse it is to get this pathetic Tory government out and a coalition in with The Brexit Party in the majority.
If you had any doubts about the UK being an Anarcho-Tyranny they were vanquished entirely today with this disgraceful decision. I cannot believe what this country has become. I am sat here in Budapest having bought an appartment here a few months back. It was clear to me then where the UK is headed. It is even clearer to me now. This crypto-islamic uniparty will do its upmost to increase the flow of muslim migrants in to this country and completely destroy the white working class.
A lot cheaper than London of course. And Budapest is an incredible city, even now in July there is so much space out on the boulevards. I will be back in the shthole otherwise known as London next week due to my job and I am not looking forward to it…..
I had a bag stolen from me in the Budapest railway station. Two men distracted me by shouting at me while another slipped away with my bag. Fortunately I had my passport in my pocket. The things in the bag were of no value to anyone else but it ruined the rest of my holiday not having my personal things with me. It was expensive but I cut the trip short and came back to England early. A shame because I had been enjoying it prior to that.
The BBC article about the case included an explanation about what Contempt of Court is, the gist of which is that it has the primary objective of preventing juries being influenced by things they see or hear. The article goes on to report that Tommy Robinson was filming outside the Court whilst the jury was in deliberation. The matter of how his filming of the outside of a court at the time of the jury deliberating could influence the jury doesn’t appear to have been addressed by the BBBC or am I missing something?
Yes. You actually trust what the BBC report. The jury’s deliberations had finished. The muslim pedophiles were attending to be sentenced. Some of them appealed their convictions on the basis TR had prejudiced the trial. Their objections were overruled and the Judge said categorically TR’s actions could in no way have altered the outcome of the case. No one in UK legal history has ever been sent to prison for contempt of court, even when their actions have led to cases being dropped because of those actions. You live in an Anarcho-Tyranny. That should be obvious to anyone with eyes.
They had to find him guilty to stop him from being able to sue.
They only need to imprison him long enough for the Muslim prisoners to get hold of him.
It’s a disgrace.
The AG prosecutor going on about the feelings of the rapists.
Nobody gives a hoot about the feelings of the victims.
Did anyone care about Cliff Richard’s (real name Harry Yaxley Webb) feelings when he wasn’t guilty of anything.
Information that was already in the public domain so by their own definition TR’s facebook feed did not breach reporting restrictions. They simply wish to prevent people exposing the muslim rape gangs and the cover up. As well as disposing of TR of course. What a clown land we live in. Time to think about not paying those taxes.
Cox once opened our church fete and made a mess of that. The first time he was asked he turned up too late so he was politely asked the following year. This time he told an unsuitable blue joke at which nobody laughed.
“Bath Labour Party @BathLabourParty · 5h5 hours ago
“What are Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt’s responses to the challenges facing our country at the moment,
talking about fox hunting”
[Would that be the “couldn’t run a bath” Labour Party?
The one who, under Tony the Lavatory cottager, spent 10X as much parliamentary time banning fox hunting than
debating the Iraq War (the sexed up dodgy dossier, 45min WMD fairy stories, etc war)?
Yes it was. One million dead.
The same Labour party who imported 3.6 million Muslims to (postal) vote Labour and gang rape every white child in the UK.
You ***** get to lecture nobody.]
Very Concerned for Tommy, Kangaroo Court, guilty decision made before the Court opened proceedings.
Another anti British, not fit for purpose, conspiracy of traitors.
With every week that goes by, the head count of those who need their necks stretched, under our new laws, increases.
We need a Tommy Robinson Street/Road/Avenue in every town in the UK.
Dump all the Mandela nonsense.
The government is ensuring that there will be a revolution in the UK. Let’s not forget the judge presiding over the trial gave all of the defendants bail and one of them absconded and still hasn’t been tracked down. He faced no consquences whatsover. The prosecutor for the AG disgracefully used the term ‘molestation’ when describing TR’s exchange with the muslim pedophiles. It is absolutely extraordinary that people in this country accept this. Absolutely beyond words.
Did anyone on here watch the proceedings outside by Tommy’s people, first there was a young girl who had been abused by these vermin in Telford, what a brave girl to speak out, she said it’s still happening and the police are not interested. Then after her came a retired woman police office who had won awards I think she had been with the Leicester force, not quite sure, well she said in 2008 there had been a circular to all police forces from Jackie Smith Labour home sec. and Gordon Brown not to investigate these crimes, the girls had given consent and leave it up to the “care” workers, as she said what care workers, they were as bad. I found this shocking to watch, I had to run the video back to hear her again. Perhaps its still on utube it was filmed by ruptly. This lady was absolutely disgusted and shouted shame on you to the police etc. I found both testimonies quite upsetting , how can the politions sleep when they know this is still happening to our children. I could weep for them and for our once great country.
She runs the secret sources channel on youtube. The bit about Brown and Smith instructing the Police and social services to break the law she reported on in one of her videos.
Share it with everyone you know. And as she says….think about it and what your country has become.
tomoFeb 25, 17:34 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Those specs were a poor fashion choice – the porcine closeness of the eyes …. I thought Corbyn a prat…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 17:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 SECURE AT HOME (Cannot stop one boat) STRONG ABROAD
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 17:24 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “OFCOM has been kicked in to MONITOR all BBC output ” HA HA HA HAHAH ! ’10 out of 14…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 17:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A better poster would be … [img][/img]
TOADY Watch #3
More free advertising for the chosen few on the BBC. Someone has written a book. David Nicholls sold five million of his first one. But that was before NetZero.
In Theresa May’s NetZero world, novels and other books, in hard copy, flown and sold all over the world, will be out. OUT. Will the female Arts Correspondent, Rebecca Jones, think to ask about that?
No, I thought not.
Now done it I will spend all day looking for my old slide rule, and log books…ask the BBC media grads what the are, on second thoughts dont bother, facts and reality never bother them, 52 – 48 = 48, 52 / 48 = 48 in fact BBC logic informs us all that 48 is all that matters, it will always be larger than 52 for some reason
The BBC media grads re invent physics and pure maths for the modern world and will present their findings at Glasto folowed by a presentation on culture by Stormzy who will explain how he is better than Shakespear and can say nigga but no one else can as they will be arrested and go to jail
Welcome to BBC world, only if you have purple hair though
Annu, I could lend you my solar powered calculator if you wish to compare land areas but the batteries are shot, so that only leaves my Abbottacus. Paul & NaLoPKT demand just a leeetle more accuracy than I think that device will (ever) deliver.
I only use an Abbotacus when doing my tax returns as it is invariably 20% out on a good day and beyond reproach as it is has an automatic racism accusation attachment, although it does have a natuaral anti Jewish bias by adding 10% and criticising their religion, apart from that its fine, although a little large and not too attractive
Notice the look on the 2 girls in the audience in the closing seconds the metabolically challenged one on the right tapping on her temple as if to imply that this guy is mentally challenged.
Yet he talks perfect sense, of which they probably have none.
“Jaguar Land Rover announces electric car investment”
“The decision appears to contradict previous warnings by JLR that investment in the UK would be threatened by Brexit, and in particular a no-deal scenario”
“Previous warnings” or Project Fear ?
Annu, am not sure that that grid is the right shape …. . .
. . . . … or size.
Is that Lammy in drag?
Funny, I’ve never seen the two of them together.
I have a feeling I may have asked this question on here before.
I’m getting a lot of ‘static’ on R4 (partly due, IIRC, to the good weather) but when I roll the tuning dial to R1, R2 & R3 the signal is miles better, much less fuzz, crackle and pop.
The question is: are the BBC deliberately weakening their R4 transmission (after all, it is only listened to by old people) but are deliberately prefering their music stations?
One for the techies on here.
No, snuff. That is just the sound of political interference.
Or maybe it’s the Russians.
Dyst, LOL 🙂
BBC field a question time panel with yet again only one Brexiteer on it. The bias is overt and yet the cowardly far left Tories don’t even speak about it.
Fascinating Desert Island Discs with a completely brilliant and total polymath, Jared Diamond.
He criss-crosses the globe by plane. Will Lauren Laverne ask about Global Warming at all?
I wonder ….
The answer, sadly, is no. The subject comes up. (Confession: I knew it would – I checked out the Doc’s Wiki in advance.)
Either Lauren is:
– Not quite sharp enough in the intellect department
– Nobody in the production team is bright enough to think to put it in the script
– It doesn’t suit the BBC narrative – CO2 emissions for the few, not the many
– It doesn’t suit the other BBC narrative – don’t ask revealing questions, don’t educate, don’t inform, try to keep the listeners in ignorance
– She is a Glasto plasto, I’m BBCee – fly me, taxi here,taxi there, hypocrite, too.
You decide.
Wass a “tuning dial” ? only ask because my 18 C grandfather clock has stopped and cannot see where to put the batteries, I have chisseled my way into it with the help of a hammer but still no battery compartment anywhere, so yes where are the techies ? maybe a usb on it somewhere or remote charging ? cant find the F@cking motherboard either, still working my way in too much wood, bloody splinters everywher now, .. will keep you updated
Annu, Snuffy has been described by a friend as ‘a clockwork, analogue sort of person forced to live in the electronic, digital age.’.
I know how your clock feels … . .
Yes, I also struggle with clockwork passwords, and downloading pedulums, oh, hang on no I dont, and, apart from the odd Dr Who episode have no fear that my clock will take over the world, and do not expect it to remind me that it has stopped working so it can download some worthless sh@t from microsoft clockmakers to improve its bloody tick or whatever for 40 minutes every bleeding week
Although they do try to get it to sign up for mouse running up you protection just need your credit card details
My clock is my best friend. Every year he wears his Armistice poppy and he votes Brexit.
Scandalous and unprecedented for Theresa May and the Cabinet Office to withhold intelligence from a Foreign Secretary, who is the ministerial head of the intelligence services.
What were they trying to hide while EU exit negotiations were starting?
Cant wait to get shut of this wet wipe !!!
Couldn’t agree more Doobs. I like to hope he’s dusting off his top hat and practicing the slow walk, leading the hearse – just the way he used too before some idiot thought he’d make an excellent chancellor.
Oh look, they’ve dug up ‘spreadsheet’ Phil, the project fear doom-monger in-chief.
In that photo he truly looks like a cadaver, grey, pallid and lifeless. More of a ‘grey man’ than Major could have ever been. I sometimes wonder if David Icke has a point when he says the ruling classes are shape-shifting alien lizards. Phil certainly seems to be consumed by something.
Can’t think why they’re so keen to develop and produce electric vehicles…
Its the cable and how long it is that worries me, biggest one I have in the shed is 10 metres and thats in a tangled mess, couldnt even get to the local shop with that and the bloody things always get tangled up. imagine that on the M25 ? and what happens if the fuse goes or a powercut or the plug falls out ??? in the fast lane ? ?? hmm think about it forget to pay your electric bill and they cut you off while you are overtaking a drunk polish lorry driver watching hardcore bisexual Russian porn and texting local prostitutes whilst cooking bacon on a primus stove ?? what then ? no bloody chance…
they just do not think these things through
Maybe you should get a clockwork car.
Not Al Beeb, but many of us can agree that Sky is becoming at least as bad.
Fatty Boulton just announced, 8.50, that after the break they will be discussing ‘what happens to council funding after we leave the EU(SSR)’.
“Not Al Beeb, but many of us can agree that Sky is becoming at least as bad.”
On Brexit, I think SKY is far worse and that fat, mumbling fool is responsible for a substantial part of it. Although I’ll never forget Faisal Islam’s sneering expression around the time of the referendum.
I think the BBC’s bias is far broader, or “diverse” if you prefer.
Jess Philips, throwing insults instead of debating
Oh dear ……
Saint Obama, no way!
i’ll run along and mention this to the beeb they will (not) do a news report on it
They were talking about the lack of police officers on Talk Radio this morning.
Good luck today Tommy…
No doubt the highly impartial BBC will look at that tweet but still tell the nation that only a “handful” of supporters turned out.
That picture with Corbyn etc on would command a estimate of around 100,000 no doubt and the streets would have been “lined” with people.
Only biased BBC and MSM fake news reporters allowed:
Well, Dom can be relied upon as a safe series of propaganda tweets.
Grab pension and run?
Again it is the process by which this comes to be bbc news that intrigues.
BBC News
“I’ll just stop when my little boy wants to stop.”
Riona O Connor says it’s “no big deal” that she’s feeding her four-year-old and wants to help normalise breastfeeding and natural-term weaning.
(via BBC Family & Education News)
Did she contact the BBC with her fascinating tale and it was just up their street?
Did the BBC decide this was one that never fails and advertised?
Or was a random BBC crew just out and about in their ‘hood and, by golly, there was just what the doctor ordered?
Kate risking treasure slots on Aunty here.
An article in the Guardian – recently on-line but now removed – reveals the outrage throughout the EU at the scandalous EC ‘elections’ which, as we now know, have proved to be an entirely predictable stitch-up between Germany and France, with token positions ‘awarded’ to Belgium and Spain.
There’s little doubt the total omission of Eastern European representation will come back to bite them, but meanwhile the accuracy and credibility of Anne Widdicombe’s speech is confirmed – and that, just for you David Lammy, absurd racial ignoramus that you are, is in spades.
she’s literally Eva Braun!
— Mick Brailsford
Maybe this individual could taste some hydrogen cyanide and have his corneas taken out of his eyes to experiment why aryans have blue eyes to understand what Nazism is rather than using that word against anyone he disagrees with I m tempted to sign up to twitter just to invite him to the experiment he truly deserves why is Nazi not synonymous with nigger ? which is worse ?
why is he allowed to abuse pople in this fashion on Twitter ? I do not recall Tommy Robinson abusing anyone in that fashion yet he is banned ?
I suspect there is no answer to these questions in this truly insane world where organised child rape gangs are protected from prosecution for years on end and white actors are weekly vilified for touching people inappropriately
“why is he allowed to abuse pople in this fashion on Twitter ? I do not recall Tommy Robinson abusing anyone in that fashion yet he is banned ?”
Ah but according to the government lawyer in the Old Bailey today, Tommy was mean to the rapists!
I’m pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
@SupportOurLefty is a well known parody account.
Breaking news: Swedish woman arrested at Heathrow on suspected terrorism charges.
Makes a change from Norwegian, I suppose.
I am a dog. I live in a stable.
Therefore, I am a horse.
I is Swedish Passpor innit that mean i is swedish hate your govt hate your religion hate the lot of you but i have passport innit
reminds me of Luton
Caption: Joyous residents of Sundsvall gather before heading off to celebrate St Lucia’s Day on 13 December.
It’s really lovely to see Swedes maintaining their traditions.
The only things missing from the picture seem to be candles and, maybe, some blonde locks.
Annu, is that an Eruv I see before me?
Oh, look at those faces! Have they come here for the NHS to treat their terrible diseases?
I is Bri ish innit i got passport I hate your country but
I got passprort innit
Breaking news: Swedish woman arrested at Heathrow on suspected terrorism charges.
Makes a change from Norwegian, I suppose.
Bet you my pension they have never seen a longboat with a dragonhead in their lives, but happy with the raping and pillaging as long as they do not have to fight for it because that is why they are all here, running away from those that stand up to them, and attacking women and young girls and unarmed civilians when they have a knife or gun in their hand, absolute cowards and bullies, if they were not and had a shred of dignitiy they would stay and fight for their country instead of running away, presenting themselves as victims and then attacking us like rabid dogs when they outnumber or are armed against civilians , women snd young girls
Cant speak english cos we bribed universi hie of bedord they keep it quiet only cost 500 pound BBC dont want to know, iss national scandal but racist so they forget, anyway where the nearest school ?
Wales: voted predominately ‘Leave’ in 2016 and similarly, for The Brexit Party in the local elections just recently. So why no representative in Wales? Curious.
The nub – voices must be silenced.
Only Big Brother (bBC etc.) can report the (acceptable) news.
Just please F off Jon …….. again , any opportunity …. grow up man.
Jon retweeted this also ……. petty doesn’t even cover it. Embarrassing.
Philip Rucker,
Does this photo suit your narrative also?
The crowd is behind the tank btw.
I would perhaps suggest that we shall not hear the same level of criticism/whining/disdain as I heard this morning from the BBC when M. Macron or one of his minions takes the salute at the Bastille Day (Quatorze Juillet) celebrations in Paris in nine days time.
But then, these have been happening year after year under successive French governments, and are usually descrbed in nothing but fawning, awed and respectful tones by ‘respected (i.e. Europhile) BBC reporters’.
Hypocrisy, anyone ?
TR trial in day 2, so far nothing from the left BBC, Guardian, Independent.
If he goes free I expect nothing as well.
If he goes to prison it will be all over the front pages.
Their journalists are so obviously in cahoots or under threats.
There could not be a more obvious sign of bias and it is simply an odious indictment of the state of the left media and freedom in this Country.
How did the y mislead us John ???? Yet another remoaner who conveniently forgets all about George’s emergency / punishment budget, the Remain campaigns lies about house prices, food prices, national security, job losses , instant recession …. and we must remember, not when we leave, they told us this would happen just if we Voted leave. Very selective these lot, very selective indeed on what they like to remember !!!!!
Parliament yesterday
Mr Philip Hollobone (Kettering) (Con)
Why not get rid of TV licences altogether for everyone and force the BBC to compete for its revenues like every other broadcaster? The supermarket equivalent would be forcing everyone, under threat of criminal sanction, to spend £150 in Tesco even if they shop at Aldi, Sainsbury’s, Co-op or elsewhere.
Jeremy Wright
I cannot agree with my hon. Friend. In previous years we looked carefully at whether this is the right way to fund the BBC, and the conclusion reached was that it is. The Government have no plans to change that fundamental funding model.
So there!
Change the present the Government for The Brexit Party.
Not BBC but textbook Marxist dribble from the Guardian, who’ve gone through their rolodex of cultural institutions ripe for a takedown.
There’s a problem with classical music now, because a) some tickets to the Proms cost a lot, and b) a couple of burger joints found playing it disperses anti-social groups that gather outside.
Well a minute online shows you can still grab a ticket to the Proms for £3 and the latter just sounds like good crowd control to me. But really the editorial is a setup for an attempt at intellectual heft by quoting critical theory founder Adorno’s comment about art keeping itself alive “through its social force of resistance”. You see classical music is backward looking and “Beethoven, and other dead white men” don’t have the power to shock any more.
Yes we get it, a true musical genius swaps orchestras for radical ideology and concertos for swearing. All hail the revolution. You’ll get stabbed and it’ll sound terrible, but that’s progress for you.
I thought Beethoven was good now, or was that only on July 2nd?
Who influences Amazon’s tax rules ?
is it you EU & Juncker ?
Amazing isn’t it … we have gone to war to depose leaders who were lesser dictators than Juncker !!!!
I kid you not, this is the Guardian take …..
“Disappointing German economic data and weak UK productivity are weighing on Europe’s economy”
TR prosecutor profile out there on the web….
Interesting profile and worth a read.
“He also appeared for the BBC in the Hutton Inquiry and the Guardian in the Leveson Inquiry.”
As impartial as said BBC then.
I don’t think Jessica S was very impressed
Nor Andrew
Interesting. Could someone tweet this info to @ezralevant as I’m not on twitter.
I’m gutted, been watching utube of crowds outside court today just stopped for a brew and this judgement. Absolute stitch up by the corrupt government and judiciary. I was watching Ezras Twitter feed and was convinced the evidence was going Tommys way. I did notice the verdict was announced after the crowd outside had dispersed and the bus with the platform was stopped. Oh how I hate the government, judiciary, the police and the MSM.y
I’ve followed this over the two days and, based on what commentators were saying from the court, I really didn’t think they had a case against Tommy.
I really believe he did nothing wrong.
The case in Leeds was all but wrapped up and the defendants were there for the verdict.
I can’t see how anything Tommy said or did on that day (and I watched the live stream as it happened) could have compromised the trial.
It’s interesting that Caldecott (the GA’s lawyer) has done previous work for the BBC and The Guardian. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they were funding this in some way.
It’s a disgrace. This country is no better than a tin pot dictatorship like North Korea.
Today I am ashamed to be British.
Not reported by the BBC:
“”Brexit? HP Inc laughs in the face of Brexit! Hard or soft, PC maker claims it’s ‘no significant risk’ “”
“”The world’s second-largest PC maker – and the largest in Britain – made the bold statement in its latest set of profit and loss accounts for the year ended 31 October, filed with Companies House this week.””
“Following the referendum in 2016, we have been assessing the potential impact of Brexit on HP Inc UK,” the firm said. “While there is still uncertainty as to the timing and nature of the UK’s exit from the EU, we do not believe Brexit will pose a significant risk to our business.”
Good to see Tom Harwood point out, on Remainer Time last night, that he was the only leave voter again with the other 4 on the panel all voting to remain.
Fiona Bruce must be getting sick of trying to defend the 4 to 1 make up of remainers to leaver on Remainer Time every week.
The remainers keep on saying things like “if we had voted for Mays’ deal we’d be out by now” (even though it was an awful deal) or “I respect the referendum but…”. The truth is, they couldn’t find an answer so they asked the people. We told them clearly what we wanted them to do and then they’ve spent the last 3 years finding ways not to do it.
Good on Tom Harwood who got the biggest cheers of the night for telling it as it is. Mind, someone’s in for it at the bbbc, letting leavers into the audience.
Emmanuel Goldstein,
Yes, I was really impressed by Tom Harwood – cutting through the Question Time bias and ignorance like a scythe.
And Fiona Bruce always jumps in fast when anyone dares to point out the pro-Remain bias. I wonder if she really sees the BBC as fair. Can she be that deluded?
I agree there was strong Leave approval from the audience.
That’s the last QT till September. It’s worth a look for those who haven’t seen it.
After some particularly loud applause for the lone Brexiter, Bruce said, “But a lot of people were sitting on their hands”.
Earwig: ‘Say something! Earn that eyewatering salary you daft bat….. SAY SOMETHING!!’
\\UK slavery network ‘had 400 victims’//
The benefits of being in the EU ?
I thought slavery had been abolished in the UK over 200 years ago ?
Tommy Robinson’s defence lawyer shows video in court…..
The whole of the media should be on Tommy’s side in this. It is a direct attack on press freedom.
But they’re not…because it’s Tommy.
From what I’ve read here, it seems that Tommy has a decent defence lawyer. I really hope so.
It clearly wouldn’t have mattered who his defence was. It was already in the bag for the prosecution.
This whole thing is a charade just like Brexit.
We are never getting out of the EU. It’s all a farce.
I appreciate that his tweets will not be unbiased. But from what he’s said today, I cannot see how the verdict can be anything but acquittal, unless they are going to arrest the BBC journalist sitting in the court room.
I’m sure they’ll manage some sort of stitch-up.
They have.
More from Gerard
As TR predicted.
I expect Cox has already written the ‘formal decision’ for them!
Grim news. I guess Tommy can only hope for a light sentence now.
Seems to me that the UK is well on its way to becoming a police state. The only way to start to reverse it is to get this pathetic Tory government out and a coalition in with The Brexit Party in the majority.
If you had any doubts about the UK being an Anarcho-Tyranny they were vanquished entirely today with this disgraceful decision. I cannot believe what this country has become. I am sat here in Budapest having bought an appartment here a few months back. It was clear to me then where the UK is headed. It is even clearer to me now. This crypto-islamic uniparty will do its upmost to increase the flow of muslim migrants in to this country and completely destroy the white working class.
What are the property prices like in Hungary? I think I might just join you.
A lot cheaper than London of course. And Budapest is an incredible city, even now in July there is so much space out on the boulevards. I will be back in the shthole otherwise known as London next week due to my job and I am not looking forward to it…..
I had a bag stolen from me in the Budapest railway station. Two men distracted me by shouting at me while another slipped away with my bag. Fortunately I had my passport in my pocket. The things in the bag were of no value to anyone else but it ruined the rest of my holiday not having my personal things with me. It was expensive but I cut the trip short and came back to England early. A shame because I had been enjoying it prior to that.
Every city has its issues. But I can guarantee you, you won’t get stabbed, shot or acid attacked here…….
The BBC article about the case included an explanation about what Contempt of Court is, the gist of which is that it has the primary objective of preventing juries being influenced by things they see or hear. The article goes on to report that Tommy Robinson was filming outside the Court whilst the jury was in deliberation. The matter of how his filming of the outside of a court at the time of the jury deliberating could influence the jury doesn’t appear to have been addressed by the BBBC or am I missing something?
Yes. You actually trust what the BBC report. The jury’s deliberations had finished. The muslim pedophiles were attending to be sentenced. Some of them appealed their convictions on the basis TR had prejudiced the trial. Their objections were overruled and the Judge said categorically TR’s actions could in no way have altered the outcome of the case. No one in UK legal history has ever been sent to prison for contempt of court, even when their actions have led to cases being dropped because of those actions. You live in an Anarcho-Tyranny. That should be obvious to anyone with eyes.
They had to find him guilty to stop him from being able to sue.
They only need to imprison him long enough for the Muslim prisoners to get hold of him.
It’s a disgrace.
The AG prosecutor going on about the feelings of the rapists.
Nobody gives a hoot about the feelings of the victims.
Did anyone care about Cliff Richard’s (real name Harry Yaxley Webb) feelings when he wasn’t guilty of anything.
And right on cue …
How long will this site last?
Information that was already in the public domain so by their own definition TR’s facebook feed did not breach reporting restrictions. They simply wish to prevent people exposing the muslim rape gangs and the cover up. As well as disposing of TR of course. What a clown land we live in. Time to think about not paying those taxes.
Cox once opened our church fete and made a mess of that. The first time he was asked he turned up too late so he was politely asked the following year. This time he told an unsuitable blue joke at which nobody laughed.
I seem to have been right.
BBC off the blocks like a greyhound now it’s a guilty verdict.
By way of ‘balance’, the comments so far seem to be originating almost exclusively from the BBC’s own.
Guest Who,
No comments on that article now.
No HYS I see.
“Bath Labour Party @BathLabourParty · 5h5 hours ago
“What are Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt’s responses to the challenges facing our country at the moment,
talking about fox hunting”
[Would that be the “couldn’t run a bath” Labour Party?
The one who, under Tony the Lavatory cottager, spent 10X as much parliamentary time banning fox hunting than
debating the Iraq War (the sexed up dodgy dossier, 45min WMD fairy stories, etc war)?
Yes it was. One million dead.
The same Labour party who imported 3.6 million Muslims to (postal) vote Labour and gang rape every white child in the UK.
You ***** get to lecture nobody.]
Very Concerned for Tommy, Kangaroo Court, guilty decision made before the Court opened proceedings.
Another anti British, not fit for purpose, conspiracy of traitors.
With every week that goes by, the head count of those who need their necks stretched, under our new laws, increases.
We need a Tommy Robinson Street/Road/Avenue in every town in the UK.
Dump all the Mandela nonsense.
The government is ensuring that there will be a revolution in the UK. Let’s not forget the judge presiding over the trial gave all of the defendants bail and one of them absconded and still hasn’t been tracked down. He faced no consquences whatsover. The prosecutor for the AG disgracefully used the term ‘molestation’ when describing TR’s exchange with the muslim pedophiles. It is absolutely extraordinary that people in this country accept this. Absolutely beyond words.
Did anyone on here watch the proceedings outside by Tommy’s people, first there was a young girl who had been abused by these vermin in Telford, what a brave girl to speak out, she said it’s still happening and the police are not interested. Then after her came a retired woman police office who had won awards I think she had been with the Leicester force, not quite sure, well she said in 2008 there had been a circular to all police forces from Jackie Smith Labour home sec. and Gordon Brown not to investigate these crimes, the girls had given consent and leave it up to the “care” workers, as she said what care workers, they were as bad. I found this shocking to watch, I had to run the video back to hear her again. Perhaps its still on utube it was filmed by ruptly. This lady was absolutely disgusted and shouted shame on you to the police etc. I found both testimonies quite upsetting , how can the politions sleep when they know this is still happening to our children. I could weep for them and for our once great country.
She runs the secret sources channel on youtube. The bit about Brown and Smith instructing the Police and social services to break the law she reported on in one of her videos.
Share it with everyone you know. And as she says….think about it and what your country has become.
Time to buy a yellow vest yet
The establishment will suffer consequences. I can see it happening.
It could all have been avoided with a sensible judiciary and a real Conservative government.
More votes for The Brexit Party?
“The establishment will suffer consequences. I can see it happening.”
I can’t. Just the usual. Keep calm and carry on getting screwed over.