According to the article the esteemed Director of stealing money by force of law, with the threat of prison if you refuse to pay, said:
“We need to reassert the core principles of good journalism like never before. In a sea of disinformation and partisan reporting, we need to stand up for independence, impartiality, and reporting without fear or favour.”
Its funny that they talk of “disinformation” because i just finished reading this article:
‘Tommy Robinson encouraged ‘vigilante action’ in Facebook Live’
One way the BBC could restore my confidence in them would be for them to show us the video evidence of Robinson calling for this ‘vigilante action’.. But for some strange reason the BBC did not include the video…
So why don’t the BBC show us the evidence to prove the integrity of their story?
Because of course no such video evidence exists, they have twisted the words of Robinson to such an extent that they dare not show the video because everybody would see what a bunch of lairs they are, the BBC are the antipathy of independence, integrity and impartiality.
The BBC has gone out of it’s way to ensure Robinson can never have a fair trial, with hit piece after hit piece such as the one above full of half truths, hearsay and lies. They also always come out with the disgusting “some people say… your a racist…” trope but they never tell us who said that, or what evidence is behind the claim.
Of course they never show video evidence when they slander Robinson as a racist either… because no such video exists. There are videos of him criticizing Islam, objecting to Islamic child rape and the killing of infidels, and on a couple of rare occasions in the past 10 years he has made a couple of off-the-cuff remarks that do generalize Muslims to a limited extent. But nothing to do with race, only religion.
And lets be clear, In Islam, Muhammad is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt. He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe,. he murdered 700 “infidel” prisoners at Khybar a town that he attacked.
He also had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for writing insulting poems, apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine, and forced non Muslims he didn’t kill to pay the “Jizya” which was a protection racket. Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates, and extortion and servitude for any one who they don’t kill.
So why in the hell should Tommy Robinson like that religion?
The BBC of course never tells teh truth about the contents of Islam, because that organizatuon reports with fear of Islam and favour for Islam, contrery to what the directors claims. The BBC has more filthy maggots than a rotten corpse, and has been infiltrated by an astonishing cowardace. This organization needs to be razed to the ground and disinfected with naplam to remove its stench of lies and propaganda… The worlds would be a much better place for its eradication.
@Jip The Small-Boy Tommy had had problems with the Emperor’s New Suit makersmking fake suits before before.
So this time he took his Iphone down to Leeds & live-streamed as his spoke.
The chief courtesan let this happen for 90 minutes
.. and then pronounced that since this part of the New Suit was a holy secret ..then Small-Boy Tommy had committed a great sin
All the London Courtesans agreed and spat at Tommy as he was led to the Tower.
When the third part of the suit was started the courtesans decided it was not such a holy secret after all ..but when the 3 parts were finished the courtesans devoted all of 5 minutes to talking about it.
However they wrote articles and articles into how evil Small-Boy Tommy is
Even when the Top top courtesan said the initial towering of Tommy had been wrong they continued.
The Top top courtesan kept Small-Boy Tommy in the lurch for 6 months as a kind of punishment
And then threw him in the Tower again as example to others so they knew never to call the suits fake.
..And again all the London courtesans clapped and shouted how evil Tommy was ..still continuing to never talk much about the actual suits, nor how part of it had fallen off and ended up in Pakistan.
Capice ?
The Unholy alliance of the progressive left and the Global capitalists is the root of most of the problems that we face. The so called ‘third way’ championed by Blair and Clinton was the start of this. They allowed companies to have global markets and cheap labour in the third world and state protection and in return got multinationals to support their strategy to replace the nation state with supra national institutions run by technocrats funded by the tax payers , often unwittingly.
It was a couple of decades or more before ordinary folks began to realise what was happening. By then the deep state, or swamp, composed of the technocrats had in effect seized power from democratically elected politicians and their parties and was able to field its own candidates such a Hillary Clinton or May. Even if these favoured candidates didn’t win elections the swamp was able to resist the democratic wishes of the people as we see with Brexit and the Trump Presidency .
There are key issues which can still potentially rouse the people to revolt against the technocrats such as mass migration and so individuals who may lead such awakenings and inconvenient election outcomes eg Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage are targeted by the swamp to prevent them succeeding in mobilising the people. Increasingly the technocrats are so confident that they indulge in illegal activity, eg the coup to depose Trump, or to illegally imprison TR, or stand the British constitution on it head to stop Brexit. With the MSM and Big tech being key parts of the technocratic elite , there is increasingly less likelihood of the people knowing the truth and rising up, after all you don’t know what you don’t know. Democracy is almost dead , nation states are under attack, we live in post democratic time ruled by a unelected , unaccountable technocratic elite who dispense key jobs to their followers , eg civil servants, council chief execs, etc to widen their power base.
Here the BBC go again in their sick agenda to confuse and brainwash your kids with more contradictory demands of identity politics with this “newsbeat” article:
‘TRNSMT: All-female stage isn’t about ‘segregating women’’
So some company announce their festival line-up, with a venue and artists that was in line with their demographic and budget… but were: “criticized for having male-heavy… headliners.”.
The BBC then go on to tell us that in response the company added a new stage just for women artists… the company was then criticized for treating it as a “a box ticking exercise” in gender equality on line-ups.”.
The BBC then go on to lament that “unlike a number of other festivals, TRNSMT’s organizers haven’t signed up to a pledge to achieve a 50/50 gender balance by 2022.”.
So in summary the BBC claim that:
1) “They” demand that more women are added to the concert as a gender-quota box-ticking exercise
2) “They” complain that the company treat adding women as a box-ticking exercise (which is what was insisted on).
3) “They” complain that the company has not signed up to a box-ticking 50/50 gender balance by 2022.
Of course the BBC never say who “They” are, so we don’t know who is making these contradictory criticisms and complaints, by insisting on box-ticking gender quotes then complaining that the company ticks the boxes incorrectly… of course in reality “They” is the BBC imposing it’s ideology of confusion and contradiction on our children so they can’t function, and they need to be told what to do by the Orwellian BBC.
As always the BBC do this by demonizing a company that is simply hiring artists for the lowest possible price and charging the highest possible price for their tickets… so producing the profit needed to keep their company afloat… SOMETHING THE BBC KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!!!!
Also of course, women singing artists do very well, as some of the richest and most famous artists are women. What will the dystopian BBC be complaining about next?, lack of gender equality in boy bands? The transphobia of male singers not dating trans women?, Morrisey objecting to Sharia law?
The contradiction in this article, coupled with Orwellian demands that concert goers must like male and female singers in equal measure, and so be represented on stage just shows that the BBC could never survive if they didn’t use the force of law to steal money from the public.
After watching Djokovic and Federer slog away for five hours to win the same money as the women won in under one hour I just can’t wait for the right-on bBBC’s next pro-feminist equality rant so I can stick it right back down their hypocritical throat.
Backlinks back to weekend thread
It ended on page 3 where 10:15pm Sunday I had just summarised part of Maggie Oliver’s serialisation story the Mail. page 2 had run all day Sunday until 8pm
I have to raise a point of order. Federer won more games than Djokovic. Therefore, in line with the new rules on calculating winners, as espoused by all sufferers of TDS, Federer must now be declared People’s Champion.
I’m sure the men and women actually spend most of their lives practicising so there is some equivalence
but I’m guessing cos the men play longer harder matches they are more likely to be are less fit for the next competition.
And over a lifetime spend more time off injured
I wonder if there are stats ??
Or are women weaker and more prone to injury ??
What’s the way to look at this – as sport or entertainment?
So should the measure be (paying) bums on seats? It could be that some would rather watch an hour and a half of Formula 1 than ‘Mens Cricket’ or any sort of tennis.
The Absolutely Radio Show manages to find humour without Thatcher, Trump or Brexit. Hard luck Rhyl though.
The dire Annika Stranded is even too much for the fictional Norwegians as one puts a bullet in her. Strangely the national hero wasn’t described as ‘right-wing’. What is this programme about?
Feedback continues to be a PR programme for the BBC with no feedback at all! Concerns are raised that cricket is losing its popularity, (so what?) and youngsters aren’t listening to Test Match Special (ditto). But thankfully hardly any women listen/watch cricket but they will in droves when Fembat ‘takes off’! But what has that got to do with the BBC?
Asians with their own BBC channel can’t understand why they can’t stay Asian for ever. Did the British expect the Romans and the Normans to give up their heritage? Suck it up!
Two women listeners do get to complain about the BBC, but only because they were forced to listen to something they wouldn’t normally listen to. Don’t they know that the BBC knows best?
Well, i’m a immigrant to the US from the UK, and this isn’t my story. To come to the US I to have had to get a PhD. Then I produced 10 scientific papers, 12 patents, and got 10 personal recommendation letters from 10 directors (including two multinationals), VP,’s, company founders, and professors held in high esteem. Then I had my expertise recognized as of national importance by the US government… and only then did i get permanent residency.
I Know German girl who works in my company in Europe, and this isn’t her story. She came to the US at the age of 6, with her father who was doing a PhD at a US university (5 years), then he did an “OPT” 2 years, than he worked on a H1B VISA (6 years). By that time the girl was 18 and she spent 6 years in a US university on a student VISA. Then at the age of 24 she could not find a job, her VISA options ran out, and so she had to return to Germany.
I also know at least half a dozen immigrants from South America. They all came legally one way or another, so the picture the BBC paint of south Americans is not even accurate. But what the BBC is of course advocating, is for people to simply be able to simply walk in the US illegally and the US government should do nothing. This is because the RACIST BBC thinks that brown people are unable to follow the rules and laws the same as everyone else.
Of course the same BBC does not give a toss about the people like the German girl (and that VISA situation happens to many people), for the same reason the don’t give a toss about Islamic child rape victims in the UK, and they don’t give a toss about the perversion of the course of justice when Tommy Robinson was thrown in jail… and thats because to the RACIST SNOBS at the BBC see them as low class white people who’s lives are worthless.
In summary The BBC are full of racist snobs, who look down on just about everyone. Yet they can’t get a proper job, so they work for an organization that has to get it’s money through money confiscation by force of law. We should have nothing but contempt for the sniveling racist snobs at the BBC who self righteously steal money from the public using threats, while despising the people who pay, and condescending to brown people as unable to comprehend the law.
jip, while the Sainted Clinton and the Sainted Obama were US presidents, they both maintained the Green Card rules for the UK for work permits in the US.
Am posting from memory here, but IIRC annually 5,000 were reserved for England and Wales, 6,000 were reserved for Scotland and 7,000 were reserved for Ireland.
There s no preference given to green-cards or work permits for UK citizens (and they are completely different categories).
For green cards there is a fixed number for each category, for example “exceptional ability in science and engineering”. If you apply, and qualify, you go in to a queue.
The queue may have 10,000 people in it, but only 2000 green-card are awarded per year in that category… so you’d have to wait five years. More “important” categories are given more green-card allocations, i only had to wait 18 months.
Numbers for China and India are are limited to a maximum percentage of the total (because so many apply from these countries).
Green-cards for marriage is not limited, I can think of four people who got the green-card by marriage, two of those came originally as PhD researchers though, and met people here, one married a US soldier who was based in the UK, one was a girl in her 20’s who married a 40 year old… met over the internet.
H1B work permits are given on limited basis, it used to be 58000 per year, L1 inter-company transfer VISAS are not limited, and are the easiest way to com to the US… but it is still tricky to get a green-card.
J1 Visas are easiest to get, if you have a PhD and can find something in a university, but these are prohibited from getting a green card, without a lot of messing about.
Th above ones are the ones i know most about…
There are also investment green-cards, if you are already a multimillionaire you an get an investment VISA… you’d have to invest maybe a couple of million and create a certain number of jobs…. There is the “lottery” thing, i think these might be limited per country in some cases, i used to know an Irish girl who’d won the lottery thing.
Lobster – thank you – do you notice how free this chap sounds as compared to anyone in the UK who comments on line about this british political prisoner ? He d obviously never get into the UK now – should he be stupid enough to want to come here – unless he wants to visit TR and witness the set up at Belmarshistan …
By the way lobster – I hope the tides are treating you well….
Has TR criticised the holy dogma of Big Brother of Guardianlalaland ?
Therefore he is guilty of WRONGTHINK… a crime which is much worse than multiple child sexual slavery ..cos wrongthink threatens the whole stability of Guardianlalaland.
Hence he unpersoned just like in 1984
With respect, this isn’t the US and we aren’t bound by US laws. We could debate the merits of free speech v fair trials till the cows come home but that’s not the point.
Drug shortages in Europe are hitting all-time highs — and countries are looking to Brussels for an answer.
In July alone, cancer patients were unable to access treatment in Italy, shortages of neurological drugs reached an “unprecedented scale” in Poland and the total number of unavailable drugs in Belgium reached a new record.
Pharmacists and health campaign groups have been warning for years of worsening shortages, partly linked to increased dependency on a limited number of suppliers located overseas.
“What’s new is that it used to be smaller countries with less attractive markets like Romania, Bulgaria, Eastern European countries,” said Charlotte Roffiaen, the councillor for European affairs at patient organization France Assos Santé. “Now it’s all countries — even the wealthiest ones.”
France this week became the latest country to call for an EU-wide solution. The number of drugs reported as scarce in the country increased 20-fold between 2008 and 2018, according to the country’s drugs regulator — and is predicted to rise by a further 60 percent this year.”
Excitable outside news journalists interviewing equally ecstatic members of the public after the cricket and tennis matches, but clearly struggled to find anyone who wasn’t of a darker hue to get their comments.
They the BBC certainly were not struggling to find people of a brown colour after Endland won the Cricket when, they turned the cameras onto a crowd of many different brown coloured people, Indians, Pakistani, a Muslim woman, and many more of the same, BUT not one white face-yet it we the Brits that invented the game! How much more bias can it get?
Marr on Sunday on the ever impartial cuddly beeb.
Amber Rudd ( remain) Ed Davey ( remain) Emily Thornberry (remain and prat).
Paper reviewers. Two out of three remain.
Andrew Marr (remain and overpaid twot).
Yep. You ‘got it about right’ again beeb.
Yes I noticed that last week.
Interestingly for “BBC bias” which has had this site on page 1 for a long time, this site has all but vanished. However for “Biased BBC” it comes on page 1.
“BBC Bias” is by far going to be the most searched phrase so it seems that have populated the top spots with sites either denying this or for sites where the BBC is claimed to be biased against the left wing.
I am in the business and spend a lot of time optimising client sites for search phrases and due to the sudden onset of this odd behaviour my opinion is that google have had a chat with the BBC and begun a systematic takedown of anti-BBC sites.
Toady watch
POTUS attackathon- today the late Labour Leaders’ daughter ‘interviewed’ Jesse Jackson about POTUS comments on a number of non white female democrat politicians .
Normal tick box stuff – but I looked up Mr Jackson on wiki because he sounded either drunk or close to death . On wiki there is extensive reporting on Mr Jackson’s anti Semitic comments and abuse . Strangely – in light of the Labour Party’s involvement in anti semitism this issue wasn’t raised. Funny that .
Meanwhile – the BBC is being racist by targeting girls of Pakistani Bangladeshi and Indian background at British airports being taken ‘home’ for forced marriages . How outrageous . Surely girls of all backgrounds and colours should be ‘supported’ ( favourite BBC word ) .
The BBC is allowed to report in Iran – there is mention that their reported is ‘accompanied ‘ by government ‘minders ‘ but this is okay isn’t it . ? Bound to get a free and honest report aren’t we ?
Iranian State Propaganda delivered by the UK State Broadcaster . Maybe it’s an attempt to get that spy out .
What on earth was that journalistic piece of crap being spewed out by that BBC journalist in Teheran. Oh yes a good piece of propaganda for Iran and one would imagine that was the object of the review-we don’t really care as to what the consensus of the Iranians opinions is or are, just don’t want anymore of them over here. We the indig peoples of Europe/UK have been treated abominably by the so called politicans of the EU, who have allowed millions of those that follow the teachings of Islam to enter the nations within the European Union. Their influx will and is destroying us, their ideology is mainly politically orientated, the terms of that ideology unnegotiable-we bend not them. Our Media has been invaded by those people, and their attempts to distablise this nation is well under way. I am sad to say this but ever hopeful that matters can be turned around with strong leadership.
I listened to that and thought exactly the same. Funny how they didn’t mention Zaghari-Ratcliffe – might have been nice to ask while they were there since she used to work for BBC. It was just an excuse to have a go at POTUS and USA…added nothing to the discussion. BBC at its best
Guardian does a mangled piece – even for it – about freedom of the press which manages to link the undemocratic remainer british ambo , TR and the Arab bloke who was slaughtered a Saudi embassy .
They surprisingly allowed comments which are not as supportive as might be expected for such a poisonous rag ..
…and as for ‘journalism ‘ – as I write a whole host of BBC snowflakes are sitting around working out further revenge on TR …
The Radio5 dead earlier this AM. A female asking another female about the impact of the cricket World Cup win…..
Well says the 2nd female, it’s certainly raised the profile and amongst the ladies…. Yes of course gushes the beeboid, let’s not forget the women won their World Cup a while back, and the Men are, well playing catch-up… Off button smashed.
Radio 3 headlines just now, England is celebrating the MENs World Cup win, by the NARROWEST of margins…..
Can’t these absolute cretins just enjoy the fact that it was a great game of limited overs cricket, the closest of finishes and played in great spirit by both sides, within the rules of the game and competition?
Of course not they have to put the negativity and bile they can get away with, because the scenario didn’t suit their agenda.
Great Fun . Interview with Emir or Londonistan . ‘Deprived’ areas of Londonistan more likely to have stabbing killings than other places . He’s done the research you know .
Also when a black kid gets stabbed have someone at the hospital – yoot worker – to tell him it’s not good .
And that’s it . Nothing on stop and search or knive amnesties . But he is asking Scottish people to help out . I’m sure that s gonna help a lot …. meanwhile – only three dead over the weekend – but two of them were domestic so they don’t count .yeah right .
Off to French France for a few days (not the Parisiasistan part thankfully) so will provide a little update on my return, a little report on all the things the Beeb won’t report on!
Well, Fed, there was just a leeeeetle tennis game between a couple of men to watch and a leeetle game of cricket between twenty-two men and just a small matter of a leeeetle motor race over two hundred miles (nearly) between twenty-six men in Northamptonshire to view as well.
Maybe, many of the rioters in Paris were also male and the BBC felt that it would be just tooooooo much coverage of men (or they who should not be named) to include it on the news pages.
Cheers Fed, will do.
I’m wondering what my airport experience will be like. Can’t help thinking about the crisp salesman’s tweet about the queuing… ????
Extinction Rebellion dump another boat in London. Police do nothing.
Nowt on Al Beeb website yet but perhaps someone will wake them up when they read this ?
Never has the statement “Lions lead by donkeys ” been so relevant.
On LBC, Nick Ferrari played back a clip of him speaking earlier to Cressida Dick about the pink boat. Apparently, police had no powers to remove it as it was part of a protest. I find this hard to believe. Does this mean that if I stick a few posters on my car protesting about something, I can park it where the hang I like and claim it’s part of a protest? I think not.
I wonder if those campaigning to free Tommy Robinson will put these rules to the test? I bet they’d find these are more of the kind of rules the State makes up as it goes along and enforces on a whim.
As OG said . Short. So she could stand next to Saddy and make him look tall.
BTW why aren’t the rest of the force getting designer suits at £5000 a pop.
Apparently they have dumped a boat in Leeds too. They towed it there with a 4X4, which I assume runs on diesel. They are all wearing yellow t shirts, probably bought cheap from Primark (throwaway fashion). To keep cool in the heat, they are drinking bottled water from plastic bottles. If they only had brains.
\\’Poverty link’ to youth violence – London mayor//
Following the demise of the coal and steel industries in Wales there was, and still is, poverty in the valleys, but they do not have the crime rate comparable with that of London.
As part of a tour of Asia (the actual one, not the one concocted by 30% of bbc staff as a relative measure) had a wonderful week in N. Vietnam.
Only a few decades ago it was almost ‘bombed back to the Stone Age’.
Awesome place. And the people lovely.
For a notional commie paradise more than a few surprising Astons, Mercs, Rollers and Lambos (who must be in the respray shop weekly) to highlight the inevitable societal haves, but mostly very poor.
But happy. And friendly. And, best I could judge, not very Stabby.
Maybe there could be other explanations than lack of money?
Every black kid involved in stabbings will be dressed in the latest expensive trainers and clothes, have the latest top of the range mobile which he continually uses and be well fed. He will have a home and all the vital digital devices.
Surely one for the next OED appendix:
Lammy (laMmee) a contradiction in terms; a black mark; pseudo-racial ill-informed and prejudicial behaviour; (coloq: ignorant) Application: Mastermind (derisory)
There is a boat blocking the Strand part of the joint XR / Metropolitan Police protest
In the video the police van is in front of the boat as if helping
..The police can’t stop today’s knife crime,
cos they are too busy campaigning to save the planet.
Extinction Rebellion have told LBC they are using boats to block key roads in major cities around the UK – and they will be there all week.
It seems just about right. Why would anyone want to be all hot and sweaty? They reckon high 70’s next week where I am. That’s too warm for me. I hate stinking hot summers.
Just to bring viewers of the new Poldark series up to speed, we now have:
Heroic Irish dissident, thoughtfully supplied with shaving materials while imprisoned, married to an ex-slave of colour who is magically accepted by London’s high society.
Young female industrial agitator.
Evil entrepreneur, workforce exploiter and tropical rain-forest denuder.
Even more evil Poldark enemy Warleggan now with mental issues.
And on a technical note: a coach from London, on another of those day trips to the capital the locals seem to enjoy, arrives back in Cornwall from the west.
Longer term: The major local source of employment, tin mining, to be replaced by degree-level box ticking.
NG – Isn’t it heresy to question XR protests? Beware, not long now and any of us could be burned at the stake for such questioning…
And really, don’t expect the police to enforce any laws.
Big Brother is watching.
Channel4 set up a question to get the dog-whistle to diversity that they wanted
“We had Allah with us as well.”
Captain Eoin Morgan talks about the “diverse backgrounds and cultures” that made up England and Wales' World Cup winning cricket team.
Stew – seems he knows when he’s required to go off on a tangent to do obeisance to the religion/ideology of PC . Knows that , after that, he is free to discuss the cricket?
You can suddenly imagine the Germany of the 1930s or the Soviet Union of the 1950s. All wise sportsman knew that, before freely talking sport, they would have to make a positive comment about the Fuehrer or the guiding light of Marxism-Leninism…
Wimmins hour – focus on the higher risk of deaths amongst black women in UK during pregnancy …amongst all of the normal racist arguments without substance and the statements that we have to understand black women better they skim over the statistics –
They fail to mention the high percentage (25%) of those who died were born outside UK 11% were not UK citizens and most were from Africa they also fail to mention more than two-thirds (68%) of the women who died in 2014-16 were known to have pre-existing medical problems ( related to not being born here maybe?)
Total number of deaths in Black women(African) increased for a reason not discussed between 2014 to 15 (arrivals from Africa when pregnant?) but halved 2015 to 16.
The total number recorded is 21 versus 142 in white UK citizens
So yet again the BBC raise an issue and focus on race without really asking probing questions but prefer to make it a race item…
off switched pressed again…
Q: What’s the main picture on the BBC web-site Home Page (multiple choice)
a) Lewis Hamilton
b) Novak Djokovic
c) Womens Netball
d) Serena Williams
e) England Cricket team
f) Simona Halep
g) Joffra Archer
i) Geraint Evans
h) Jacinda Ardern
j) Boris Johnson
Looked like the England cricket team when I just looked.
Geraint Evans, the distinguished British bass-baritone, hasn’t been in the news since 1992 when his obituaries were published. I assume you mean Geraint Thomas, currently defending his Tour de France title. As of today he’s a little over a minute adrift of the leader but he’s still in there with a shout. British riders have won the Classement Génerale in six of the last seven years, isn’t that great?
Anyone notice the R4 female voice on the Moon programme. I don’t mind (even though we all know it is the desire to force the narrative ) but why does she have to speak like she s reading a children’s book?
Is… that… the… one… who… … … speaks… like… ….this?
I watched the Sky at Night for decades, until Patrick Moore ascended to the starry heavens himself and was replaced by this woman. A highly-qualified scientist with some all important tick-the-box factors for the BBC, but possibly the most soporific voice in (or out of) the world. Zzzz…
JA, do you mean like the patronising way the narrator talks on Gogglebox and the Heathrow documentary. Very irritating.
They think we are all thick, probably.
Pug ……….Apparently the NHS is racist…it treats black mothers-to-be differently from white’s….they’ve seen it with their own eyes ….
Recent article in the press said that most of the complaints to the GMC and ‘struck-offs’ of doctors, applied to those who were non-white. The greatest complaint were of sexual assaults during patient examinations.
Insanely the GMC have brought in an edict that less ‘struck-offs’ are to be implemented because there were too many BAME’s being accused !!!!!! FFS !
Its a very worrying scenario giving a Get Out of Jail card to any non-white medic, who now feel they can literally get away with a quick knee trembler. Having worked in the NHS it was well known that doctors who qualified overseas had only the very minimal medical exam in order to practice in the UK – so hardly surprising there are a catalogue of complaints.
People smuggler and heroine of the EU MSM, Carola Rackete, has told the German paper ‘Bild’ that Europe would naturally have to take on board all ‘climate change refugees’.
It had caused food security in Africa to be a problem, so it was ‘to blame’.
I think it was the BBC who estimated an initial figure of 2 million people, rising to 200 million.
Salvini has had a run-in with this woman. The law on his side.
And lost…
Anybody heard anything from the eloquent Dandy, Rees-Mogg lately? He disappears, then reappears with his usual flourish accompanied by a plethora of emails from his support club. I would have thought that he’d be all over the air-waves in support of Boris. But no.
Well we couldn’t have anyone supporting Boris on the BBC or MSM now could we! I’m sure he did a brief interview on Talk Radio not so long ago, but that is because Julia Hartley Brewer supports a proper Brexit.
Not bBC but ‘reporting’ and ‘commentary’ generally.
Joshua Rosenberg @JoshuaRozenberg tweeted impartially during TR’s trial.
On Jul 5 he said “The attorney general is of course right to say that social media posts may amount to contempt of court. Beyond that, I’m not planning to comment on today’s findings until we see the court’s reasons next week. Thanks to those readers who have liked my coverage yesterday and today.”
On Jul 11 he posted the link to the full text of the sentencing remarks, but so far I have been unable to find any comment by him on the findings.
Rosenberg made a snowflake point of not referring to TR as decent people do – but as SYL- just to remind people of the identity slur they always add to reports –
Funny that they never said Mohammed Ali – real name Cassius Clay …. or god knows how many people who use alternative names ….
Can’t remember Rosenberg doing much investigative journalism in Rotherham and many more places where Paki Paedophile Muslim Racist Rape gangs operate without challenge by the State.
BBC Home page Fit & Fearless: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Planet
Is that news or PR ?
..clearly PR I will eat some extra meat and recycle a bit less cos I know that will annoy them
.. and I will still be 10 times greener than they are.
“If you look at the by-product impact… almond milk has half of the water footprint that conventional milk has.
..Milk come from the rainy UK
Almonds come from drier climates
So you are not comparing like for like.
I make a point of reading labels and buying real dairy ice cream.
Many ice creams are today made with tropical palm oil. About the worst fat there is for human arteries. It’s worse than pork fat but they’ve sneakily replaced rapeseed oil & dairy in 1000’s of supermarket products over the last decade with it. Bread without palm oil is particularly hard to find. It’s dirt cheap but they have to import it and it’s unhealthy so I make a point of avoiding it.
I’d like to do a study on this as I suspect It’s probably great for African & Asian economies but not so good for our domestic producers of dairy and rapeseed oil.
I think it’s probably great for Unilever. There may be some collateral benefit for some African and Asian economies but I don’t think that comes into the reckoning of Unilever’s beancounters.
I cheerfully admit that I don’t agree with much that I read on this site (I come here, as I have been quietly for many years now, not to stir up strife but to listen to the views that I don’t otherwise hear from the people around me, for my own edification). But I do believe, Miss Pevensey, that on this occasion and apart from the quibble above, I entirely agree with you.
Not BBC but it bugs me .
Alan Turing – rightly is to go on the £50 note ( or the €50 note if Brexit goes bandy) . All very good .
But in my opinion Tommy Flowers should go on the £20 .
Not of the same fame as Turing – but Tommy Flowers built colossus without a lot of help and also with his own resources at times . Another ‘ unknown ‘ British geniuses from a ‘ better’ time .
A recipient of the Military Cross for his actions during the fall of Singapore, a former POW who battled life-long ill health to became a world-renowned cardiac consultant before inventing the portable defibrillator, transforming emergency medicine and saving countless lives.
Yes Rich – sounds like another candidate – and if he is responsible for the defib here’s to him .
Even an idiot like me can operate one of those- I’m a bit iffy on the cardiac surgery though …
Indeed. The financial reward for Tommy Flowers (Real name Thomas Flowers) from a grateful British government was to repay him the money he spent from his own savings on the computer project.
Neither Turing nor Flowers would be anywhere without James Clerk Maxwell. The real greatest scientist Britain (or anywhere else for that matter) ever produced.
The problem with popular polls is that Maxwell’s Equations go way over the heads of “ordinary people” so he doesn’t get the popular recognition he deserves. Although he’s probably better known than Paul Dirac.
I remember when it was “free Nelson Mandela”.
Tommy will be the Nelson Mandela of the future.
He is a freedom fighter. Fighting for the future freedom of all our daughters and sons. God bless him and keep him safe.
Apparently extinction rebellion (XR) are, today, blocking Neville Street in Leeds. They are blocking the road with a boat, which was towed there by a 4×4! They are also bellowing our loud music. How is this powered? A diesel generator? Idiots.
BBC Trending & Newsnight continue to be afflicted by their “far right” tourets
Newsnight tweeted “Established far-right groups and figures disproportionately target female politicians with online abuse, a Newsnight investigation finds
Posts range from disparaging remarks about looks to threats of violence “
..Which British politicians are they talking about ?
the story is 95% about Germany France
“Katharina Schulze, the leader of the Greens in Bavaria” 6 screen lengths
… then a bit about how her right wing male counterpart doesn’t get critic of his appearance.
– France : “Sibeth Ndiaye’s a nomination France’s first black government spokesperson” 2 screen lengths
… then a bit about how her right wing male counterpart doesn’t get critic of his appearance. Meanwhile, male politicians in France like Jordan Bardella – who as head of Rassemblement National’s list in the European elections was thrust into the political limelight at a similar time to Ms Ndiaye – received abuse of a different kind.
After sharing a story of a young man allegedly killed by Algerian nationals, he received tweets such as “what shameful recuperation, Shame on you,” along with a curse word, as well as other expletives under photo of him with far-right leader Marine Le Pen.
The writer appears to think Jordan Bardella is different from Le Pen
Rassemblement National is simply the new name for the National Front
She is its head, and he is the top candidate.
They then tack a bit on the end about the UK “… in the UK. Female MPs including Anna Soubry and Diane Abbott have been targeted with abusive content on fringe platforms such as 4chan, as well as abuse on Twitter.
While over 75% of the abusive posts MP Dominic Grieve received on Twitter accused him of “treason”, none of the Tweets reference his gender.
Anna Soubry – another Remain supporting MP – received almost double the number of abusive tweets, and half of these focused on her gender, “
The deranged outgoing PM is now interfering in American politics and sticking up for Democrats . Thank god she s gone very soon . Consigned to the Political rubbish bin like Gordon Brown and John Major .
I hope I am deluded but I have this thought that Treezer could be the Minister in charge of Social Injustice or whatever they call this new outfit she has created.
“”Anglo-Saxons deserve reparations for the Norman Conquest””
“”The effect on indigenous English society was enduring devastation””
“”Through war, invasion and genocide, the Anglo-Saxon ruling class was almost entirely replaced, control of the church and state surrendered to foreign adversaries, English replaced by Norman French as the language of government, and England’s entire political, social and cultural orientation shifted from Northern Europe to the continent for the next thousand years.””
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
I nearly choked on my cup of tea when i read this festering garbage from the BBC:
‘BBC director general warns against ‘assault on truth’
According to the article the esteemed Director of stealing money by force of law, with the threat of prison if you refuse to pay, said:
“We need to reassert the core principles of good journalism like never before. In a sea of disinformation and partisan reporting, we need to stand up for independence, impartiality, and reporting without fear or favour.”
Its funny that they talk of “disinformation” because i just finished reading this article:
‘Tommy Robinson encouraged ‘vigilante action’ in Facebook Live’
One way the BBC could restore my confidence in them would be for them to show us the video evidence of Robinson calling for this ‘vigilante action’.. But for some strange reason the BBC did not include the video…
So why don’t the BBC show us the evidence to prove the integrity of their story?
Because of course no such video evidence exists, they have twisted the words of Robinson to such an extent that they dare not show the video because everybody would see what a bunch of lairs they are, the BBC are the antipathy of independence, integrity and impartiality.
The BBC has gone out of it’s way to ensure Robinson can never have a fair trial, with hit piece after hit piece such as the one above full of half truths, hearsay and lies. They also always come out with the disgusting “some people say… your a racist…” trope but they never tell us who said that, or what evidence is behind the claim.
Of course they never show video evidence when they slander Robinson as a racist either… because no such video exists. There are videos of him criticizing Islam, objecting to Islamic child rape and the killing of infidels, and on a couple of rare occasions in the past 10 years he has made a couple of off-the-cuff remarks that do generalize Muslims to a limited extent. But nothing to do with race, only religion.
And lets be clear, In Islam, Muhammad is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt. He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe,. he murdered 700 “infidel” prisoners at Khybar a town that he attacked.
He also had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for writing insulting poems, apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine, and forced non Muslims he didn’t kill to pay the “Jizya” which was a protection racket. Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates, and extortion and servitude for any one who they don’t kill.
So why in the hell should Tommy Robinson like that religion?
The BBC of course never tells teh truth about the contents of Islam, because that organizatuon reports with fear of Islam and favour for Islam, contrery to what the directors claims. The BBC has more filthy maggots than a rotten corpse, and has been infiltrated by an astonishing cowardace. This organization needs to be razed to the ground and disinfected with naplam to remove its stench of lies and propaganda… The worlds would be a much better place for its eradication.
@Jip The Small-Boy Tommy had had problems with the Emperor’s New Suit makersmking fake suits before before.
So this time he took his Iphone down to Leeds & live-streamed as his spoke.
The chief courtesan let this happen for 90 minutes
.. and then pronounced that since this part of the New Suit was a holy secret ..then Small-Boy Tommy had committed a great sin
All the London Courtesans agreed and spat at Tommy as he was led to the Tower.
When the third part of the suit was started the courtesans decided it was not such a holy secret after all ..but when the 3 parts were finished the courtesans devoted all of 5 minutes to talking about it.
However they wrote articles and articles into how evil Small-Boy Tommy is
Even when the Top top courtesan said the initial towering of Tommy had been wrong they continued.
The Top top courtesan kept Small-Boy Tommy in the lurch for 6 months as a kind of punishment
And then threw him in the Tower again as example to others so they knew never to call the suits fake.
..And again all the London courtesans clapped and shouted how evil Tommy was ..still continuing to never talk much about the actual suits, nor how part of it had fallen off and ended up in Pakistan.
Capice ?
typo : Emperor’s New Suit makers making fake suits before
Excellent analysis:
And the guy also dismantles Islam fantastically.
Excellent summing up of British justice (oxymoron there)
“So why don’t the BBC show us the evidence to prove the integrity of their story?”
I can see that State Broadcaster may not wish to publicise a rival broadcaster – so shut up.
The Unholy alliance of the progressive left and the Global capitalists is the root of most of the problems that we face. The so called ‘third way’ championed by Blair and Clinton was the start of this. They allowed companies to have global markets and cheap labour in the third world and state protection and in return got multinationals to support their strategy to replace the nation state with supra national institutions run by technocrats funded by the tax payers , often unwittingly.
It was a couple of decades or more before ordinary folks began to realise what was happening. By then the deep state, or swamp, composed of the technocrats had in effect seized power from democratically elected politicians and their parties and was able to field its own candidates such a Hillary Clinton or May. Even if these favoured candidates didn’t win elections the swamp was able to resist the democratic wishes of the people as we see with Brexit and the Trump Presidency .
There are key issues which can still potentially rouse the people to revolt against the technocrats such as mass migration and so individuals who may lead such awakenings and inconvenient election outcomes eg Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage are targeted by the swamp to prevent them succeeding in mobilising the people. Increasingly the technocrats are so confident that they indulge in illegal activity, eg the coup to depose Trump, or to illegally imprison TR, or stand the British constitution on it head to stop Brexit. With the MSM and Big tech being key parts of the technocratic elite , there is increasingly less likelihood of the people knowing the truth and rising up, after all you don’t know what you don’t know. Democracy is almost dead , nation states are under attack, we live in post democratic time ruled by a unelected , unaccountable technocratic elite who dispense key jobs to their followers , eg civil servants, council chief execs, etc to widen their power base.
Here the BBC go again in their sick agenda to confuse and brainwash your kids with more contradictory demands of identity politics with this “newsbeat” article:
‘TRNSMT: All-female stage isn’t about ‘segregating women’’
So some company announce their festival line-up, with a venue and artists that was in line with their demographic and budget… but were: “criticized for having male-heavy… headliners.”.
The BBC then go on to tell us that in response the company added a new stage just for women artists… the company was then criticized for treating it as a “a box ticking exercise” in gender equality on line-ups.”.
The BBC then go on to lament that “unlike a number of other festivals, TRNSMT’s organizers haven’t signed up to a pledge to achieve a 50/50 gender balance by 2022.”.
So in summary the BBC claim that:
1) “They” demand that more women are added to the concert as a gender-quota box-ticking exercise
2) “They” complain that the company treat adding women as a box-ticking exercise (which is what was insisted on).
3) “They” complain that the company has not signed up to a box-ticking 50/50 gender balance by 2022.
Of course the BBC never say who “They” are, so we don’t know who is making these contradictory criticisms and complaints, by insisting on box-ticking gender quotes then complaining that the company ticks the boxes incorrectly… of course in reality “They” is the BBC imposing it’s ideology of confusion and contradiction on our children so they can’t function, and they need to be told what to do by the Orwellian BBC.
As always the BBC do this by demonizing a company that is simply hiring artists for the lowest possible price and charging the highest possible price for their tickets… so producing the profit needed to keep their company afloat… SOMETHING THE BBC KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!!!!
Also of course, women singing artists do very well, as some of the richest and most famous artists are women. What will the dystopian BBC be complaining about next?, lack of gender equality in boy bands? The transphobia of male singers not dating trans women?, Morrisey objecting to Sharia law?
The contradiction in this article, coupled with Orwellian demands that concert goers must like male and female singers in equal measure, and so be represented on stage just shows that the BBC could never survive if they didn’t use the force of law to steal money from the public.
After watching Djokovic and Federer slog away for five hours to win the same money as the women won in under one hour I just can’t wait for the right-on bBBC’s next pro-feminist equality rant so I can stick it right back down their hypocritical throat.
Backlinks back to weekend thread
It ended on page 3 where 10:15pm Sunday I had just summarised part of Maggie Oliver’s serialisation story the Mail.
page 2 had run all day Sunday until 8pm
I have to raise a point of order. Federer won more games than Djokovic. Therefore, in line with the new rules on calculating winners, as espoused by all sufferers of TDS, Federer must now be declared People’s Champion.
I’m sure the men and women actually spend most of their lives practicising so there is some equivalence
but I’m guessing cos the men play longer harder matches they are more likely to be are less fit for the next competition.
And over a lifetime spend more time off injured
I wonder if there are stats ??
Or are women weaker and more prone to injury ??
What’s the way to look at this – as sport or entertainment?
So should the measure be (paying) bums on seats? It could be that some would rather watch an hour and a half of Formula 1 than ‘Mens Cricket’ or any sort of tennis.
TV distorts this picture unless it’s ppv.
The Joys of Sunday Radio 4 [continued]
The Absolutely Radio Show manages to find humour without Thatcher, Trump or Brexit. Hard luck Rhyl though.
The dire Annika Stranded is even too much for the fictional Norwegians as one puts a bullet in her. Strangely the national hero wasn’t described as ‘right-wing’. What is this programme about?
Feedback continues to be a PR programme for the BBC with no feedback at all! Concerns are raised that cricket is losing its popularity, (so what?) and youngsters aren’t listening to Test Match Special (ditto). But thankfully hardly any women listen/watch cricket but they will in droves when Fembat ‘takes off’! But what has that got to do with the BBC?
Asians with their own BBC channel can’t understand why they can’t stay Asian for ever. Did the British expect the Romans and the Normans to give up their heritage? Suck it up!
Two women listeners do get to complain about the BBC, but only because they were forced to listen to something they wouldn’t normally listen to. Don’t they know that the BBC knows best?
“US-Mexico border: Step into the shoes of a migrant”
Well, i’m a immigrant to the US from the UK, and this isn’t my story. To come to the US I to have had to get a PhD. Then I produced 10 scientific papers, 12 patents, and got 10 personal recommendation letters from 10 directors (including two multinationals), VP,’s, company founders, and professors held in high esteem. Then I had my expertise recognized as of national importance by the US government… and only then did i get permanent residency.
I Know German girl who works in my company in Europe, and this isn’t her story. She came to the US at the age of 6, with her father who was doing a PhD at a US university (5 years), then he did an “OPT” 2 years, than he worked on a H1B VISA (6 years). By that time the girl was 18 and she spent 6 years in a US university on a student VISA. Then at the age of 24 she could not find a job, her VISA options ran out, and so she had to return to Germany.
I also know at least half a dozen immigrants from South America. They all came legally one way or another, so the picture the BBC paint of south Americans is not even accurate. But what the BBC is of course advocating, is for people to simply be able to simply walk in the US illegally and the US government should do nothing. This is because the RACIST BBC thinks that brown people are unable to follow the rules and laws the same as everyone else.
Of course the same BBC does not give a toss about the people like the German girl (and that VISA situation happens to many people), for the same reason the don’t give a toss about Islamic child rape victims in the UK, and they don’t give a toss about the perversion of the course of justice when Tommy Robinson was thrown in jail… and thats because to the RACIST SNOBS at the BBC see them as low class white people who’s lives are worthless.
In summary The BBC are full of racist snobs, who look down on just about everyone. Yet they can’t get a proper job, so they work for an organization that has to get it’s money through money confiscation by force of law. We should have nothing but contempt for the sniveling racist snobs at the BBC who self righteously steal money from the public using threats, while despising the people who pay, and condescending to brown people as unable to comprehend the law.
jip, while the Sainted Clinton and the Sainted Obama were US presidents, they both maintained the Green Card rules for the UK for work permits in the US.
Am posting from memory here, but IIRC annually 5,000 were reserved for England and Wales, 6,000 were reserved for Scotland and 7,000 were reserved for Ireland.
Unfair discrimination or what?
There s no preference given to green-cards or work permits for UK citizens (and they are completely different categories).
For green cards there is a fixed number for each category, for example “exceptional ability in science and engineering”. If you apply, and qualify, you go in to a queue.
The queue may have 10,000 people in it, but only 2000 green-card are awarded per year in that category… so you’d have to wait five years. More “important” categories are given more green-card allocations, i only had to wait 18 months.
Numbers for China and India are are limited to a maximum percentage of the total (because so many apply from these countries).
Green-cards for marriage is not limited, I can think of four people who got the green-card by marriage, two of those came originally as PhD researchers though, and met people here, one married a US soldier who was based in the UK, one was a girl in her 20’s who married a 40 year old… met over the internet.
H1B work permits are given on limited basis, it used to be 58000 per year, L1 inter-company transfer VISAS are not limited, and are the easiest way to com to the US… but it is still tricky to get a green-card.
J1 Visas are easiest to get, if you have a PhD and can find something in a university, but these are prohibited from getting a green card, without a lot of messing about.
Th above ones are the ones i know most about…
There are also investment green-cards, if you are already a multimillionaire you an get an investment VISA… you’d have to invest maybe a couple of million and create a certain number of jobs…. There is the “lottery” thing, i think these might be limited per country in some cases, i used to know an Irish girl who’d won the lottery thing.
… or you can just sneak across the US border and not bother with any of that…
I don’t think this chap will be on the BBC anytime soon …..
Lobster – thank you – do you notice how free this chap sounds as compared to anyone in the UK who comments on line about this british political prisoner ? He d obviously never get into the UK now – should he be stupid enough to want to come here – unless he wants to visit TR and witness the set up at Belmarshistan …
By the way lobster – I hope the tides are treating you well….
What brilliant clarity and common sense this guy has.
dont let the beeb know about this guy, or they will do a “report” on him
Did TR steal anything? No.
Did TR assault anyone? No.
Did TR defraud anyone? No.
What he was accused of is not an offence in the USA. It is part of free speech there to discuss trials openly.
Has TR criticised the holy dogma of Big Brother of Guardianlalaland ?
Therefore he is guilty of WRONGTHINK… a crime which is much worse than multiple child sexual slavery ..cos wrongthink threatens the whole stability of Guardianlalaland.
Hence he unpersoned just like in 1984
With respect, this isn’t the US and we aren’t bound by US laws. We could debate the merits of free speech v fair trials till the cows come home but that’s not the point.
From MH
News you’re not likely to hear from the BBC:
“Europe comes up short on drug supplies
France has joined the Netherlands in pushing for an EU-wide approach to stopping drug shortages.”
Drug shortages in Europe are hitting all-time highs — and countries are looking to Brussels for an answer.
In July alone, cancer patients were unable to access treatment in Italy, shortages of neurological drugs reached an “unprecedented scale” in Poland and the total number of unavailable drugs in Belgium reached a new record.
Pharmacists and health campaign groups have been warning for years of worsening shortages, partly linked to increased dependency on a limited number of suppliers located overseas.
“What’s new is that it used to be smaller countries with less attractive markets like Romania, Bulgaria, Eastern European countries,” said Charlotte Roffiaen, the councillor for European affairs at patient organization France Assos Santé. “Now it’s all countries — even the wealthiest ones.”
France this week became the latest country to call for an EU-wide solution. The number of drugs reported as scarce in the country increased 20-fold between 2008 and 2018, according to the country’s drugs regulator — and is predicted to rise by a further 60 percent this year.”
It is all due to Brexit…..don’t you know?
What the BBC does report on EU medicines
“Brexit: ‘No guarantee’ of medicines if no EU deal agreed”
Not a single mention of the shortages in the EU.
Something the BBC should watch, as the snigger over hate speech laws:
Excitable outside news journalists interviewing equally ecstatic members of the public after the cricket and tennis matches, but clearly struggled to find anyone who wasn’t of a darker hue to get their comments.
They the BBC certainly were not struggling to find people of a brown colour after Endland won the Cricket when, they turned the cameras onto a crowd of many different brown coloured people, Indians, Pakistani, a Muslim woman, and many more of the same, BUT not one white face-yet it we the Brits that invented the game! How much more bias can it get?
Marr on Sunday on the ever impartial cuddly beeb.
Amber Rudd ( remain) Ed Davey ( remain) Emily Thornberry (remain and prat).
Paper reviewers. Two out of three remain.
Andrew Marr (remain and overpaid twot).
Yep. You ‘got it about right’ again beeb.
anyone noticed when you search for this website ( from google, its often been missing from the search engine over the weekend?
also the morning, sensorship?
Yes I noticed that last week.
Interestingly for “BBC bias” which has had this site on page 1 for a long time, this site has all but vanished. However for “Biased BBC” it comes on page 1.
“BBC Bias” is by far going to be the most searched phrase so it seems that have populated the top spots with sites either denying this or for sites where the BBC is claimed to be biased against the left wing.
I am in the business and spend a lot of time optimising client sites for search phrases and due to the sudden onset of this odd behaviour my opinion is that google have had a chat with the BBC and begun a systematic takedown of anti-BBC sites.
Welcome to the new Stalinists!
We have been unpersoned….
Toady watch
POTUS attackathon- today the late Labour Leaders’ daughter ‘interviewed’ Jesse Jackson about POTUS comments on a number of non white female democrat politicians .
Normal tick box stuff – but I looked up Mr Jackson on wiki because he sounded either drunk or close to death . On wiki there is extensive reporting on Mr Jackson’s anti Semitic comments and abuse . Strangely – in light of the Labour Party’s involvement in anti semitism this issue wasn’t raised. Funny that .
Meanwhile – the BBC is being racist by targeting girls of Pakistani Bangladeshi and Indian background at British airports being taken ‘home’ for forced marriages . How outrageous . Surely girls of all backgrounds and colours should be ‘supported’ ( favourite BBC word ) .
Or I’m I missing something …?
Toady Two
The BBC is allowed to report in Iran – there is mention that their reported is ‘accompanied ‘ by government ‘minders ‘ but this is okay isn’t it . ? Bound to get a free and honest report aren’t we ?
Iranian State Propaganda delivered by the UK State Broadcaster . Maybe it’s an attempt to get that spy out .
What on earth was that journalistic piece of crap being spewed out by that BBC journalist in Teheran. Oh yes a good piece of propaganda for Iran and one would imagine that was the object of the review-we don’t really care as to what the consensus of the Iranians opinions is or are, just don’t want anymore of them over here. We the indig peoples of Europe/UK have been treated abominably by the so called politicans of the EU, who have allowed millions of those that follow the teachings of Islam to enter the nations within the European Union. Their influx will and is destroying us, their ideology is mainly politically orientated, the terms of that ideology unnegotiable-we bend not them. Our Media has been invaded by those people, and their attempts to distablise this nation is well under way. I am sad to say this but ever hopeful that matters can be turned around with strong leadership.
I listened to that and thought exactly the same. Funny how they didn’t mention Zaghari-Ratcliffe – might have been nice to ask while they were there since she used to work for BBC. It was just an excuse to have a go at POTUS and USA…added nothing to the discussion. BBC at its best
“Life after prison for Muslim women
This is the picture used.

And this is what the article says underneath.
“She says she would make up an excuse not to go to the shops, afraid someone would recognise her.“
This is a good piece.
I have shared it with my TDS foes on FB just to see them navigate the problem the author represents.
Unfortunately it requires a subscription to read, so I’ll take your word for it.
Really? I am not but accessed it no probs.
I was overseas mind.
Transcribed here
Strangely, when I accessed it via a Twitter link, I got the whole article.
Twitter complement.
Guardian does a mangled piece – even for it – about freedom of the press which manages to link the undemocratic remainer british ambo , TR and the Arab bloke who was slaughtered a Saudi embassy .
They surprisingly allowed comments which are not as supportive as might be expected for such a poisonous rag ..
…and as for ‘journalism ‘ – as I write a whole host of BBC snowflakes are sitting around working out further revenge on TR …
Wait until they decide on the line to take on the new Bond.
Who appears to be Ian McShane reprising Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder.
It’s in their nature.
The Radio5 dead earlier this AM. A female asking another female about the impact of the cricket World Cup win…..
Well says the 2nd female, it’s certainly raised the profile and amongst the ladies…. Yes of course gushes the beeboid, let’s not forget the women won their World Cup a while back, and the Men are, well playing catch-up… Off button smashed.
Radio 3 headlines just now, England is celebrating the MENs World Cup win, by the NARROWEST of margins…..
Can’t these absolute cretins just enjoy the fact that it was a great game of limited overs cricket, the closest of finishes and played in great spirit by both sides, within the rules of the game and competition?
Of course not they have to put the negativity and bile they can get away with, because the scenario didn’t suit their agenda.
They are truly scum.
The bbc also has a few contenders I believe.
web version of the story
Avi mentioned Sky core values

and IanWoods baiting TR by saying “that’s a bit of a SNOWFLAKE attitude”
..that doesn’t look like integrity
Toady 2
Great Fun . Interview with Emir or Londonistan . ‘Deprived’ areas of Londonistan more likely to have stabbing killings than other places . He’s done the research you know .
Also when a black kid gets stabbed have someone at the hospital – yoot worker – to tell him it’s not good .
And that’s it . Nothing on stop and search or knive amnesties . But he is asking Scottish people to help out . I’m sure that s gonna help a lot …. meanwhile – only three dead over the weekend – but two of them were domestic so they don’t count .yeah right .
Aye, right, Fed.
Get a few riled up Scots with Sgian Dubhs in there.
Soon sort it out.
I caught part of this; the man never stops complaining.
Off to French France for a few days (not the Parisiasistan part thankfully) so will provide a little update on my return, a little report on all the things the Beeb won’t report on!
Thanks Safe trip . I’m guessing macron might now be a swear word …the BBC missed the riot in Paris yesterday …
Well, Fed, there was just a leeeeetle tennis game between a couple of men to watch and a leeetle game of cricket between twenty-two men and just a small matter of a leeeetle motor race over two hundred miles (nearly) between twenty-six men in Northamptonshire to view as well.
Maybe, many of the rioters in Paris were also male and the BBC felt that it would be just tooooooo much coverage of men (or they who should not be named) to include it on the news pages.
“Anyone watching the Netball?”
No. I thought not.
Cheers Fed, will do.
I’m wondering what my airport experience will be like. Can’t help thinking about the crisp salesman’s tweet about the queuing… ????
Go rural, is my advice.
Extinction Rebellion dump another boat in London. Police do nothing.
Nowt on Al Beeb website yet but perhaps someone will wake them up when they read this ?
Never has the statement “Lions lead by donkeys ” been so relevant.
On LBC, Nick Ferrari played back a clip of him speaking earlier to Cressida Dick about the pink boat. Apparently, police had no powers to remove it as it was part of a protest. I find this hard to believe. Does this mean that if I stick a few posters on my car protesting about something, I can park it where the hang I like and claim it’s part of a protest? I think not.
I wonder if those campaigning to free Tommy Robinson will put these rules to the test? I bet they’d find these are more of the kind of rules the State makes up as it goes along and enforces on a whim.
What qualifications did Cressida Dick have to get her the job of Police Commissioner ?
Erm, short, female, gay, diverse, and left-wing, with a hat several sizes too big. That was all that was required.
As OG said . Short. So she could stand next to Saddy and make him look tall.
BTW why aren’t the rest of the force getting designer suits at £5000 a pop.
Not possessing her surname.
Cressida Dick female – tick, lesbian – tick, Common Purpose graduate -tick, lefty -tick, obsessively PC – tick.
Apparently they have dumped a boat in Leeds too. They towed it there with a 4X4, which I assume runs on diesel. They are all wearing yellow t shirts, probably bought cheap from Primark (throwaway fashion). To keep cool in the heat, they are drinking bottled water from plastic bottles. If they only had brains.
Bunch of scientifically ignorant, deluded, virtue signalers bring Cardiff to a halt. Count them, 20 people. Cardiff’s population is over 300K.
" rel="nofollow ugc">
PR showing their support for the demo
by tweeting a PR story 47 mins ago
BBCWales showing their support for the demo
by tweeting a PR story before 8am
Six…. protestor(s).
Though the one in the wheelchair pushed by the ponytail and combats (natch) is probably a bbc bazillion person score in Abbomaths.
“showing their support for the demo”
Boy, if the police can’t get-rid of these shirkers how on earth do we expect the police to prevent the hoards-in-boats arriving in blighty?
Boy, some French Muslim guy must be well in with the powers that be in Paris as the daily excursions seems to be increasing.
Good grief – what to do?
good old beeb done a report on Whistleblowing at work
Imagine if this happened at the bbc lol
\\’Poverty link’ to youth violence – London mayor//
Following the demise of the coal and steel industries in Wales there was, and still is, poverty in the valleys, but they do not have the crime rate comparable with that of London.
As part of a tour of Asia (the actual one, not the one concocted by 30% of bbc staff as a relative measure) had a wonderful week in N. Vietnam.
Only a few decades ago it was almost ‘bombed back to the Stone Age’.
Awesome place. And the people lovely.
For a notional commie paradise more than a few surprising Astons, Mercs, Rollers and Lambos (who must be in the respray shop weekly) to highlight the inevitable societal haves, but mostly very poor.
But happy. And friendly. And, best I could judge, not very Stabby.
Maybe there could be other explanations than lack of money?
Did the BBC find any Jews to interview? No? Strange, because 22% of the population of Israel is Arab.
Every black kid involved in stabbings will be dressed in the latest expensive trainers and clothes, have the latest top of the range mobile which he continually uses and be well fed. He will have a home and all the vital digital devices.
Where is the poverty?
It’s a lame excuse.
“It’s a lame excuse”
Surely you mean a Lammy excuse?
Surely one for the next OED appendix:
Lammy (laMmee) a contradiction in terms; a black mark; pseudo-racial ill-informed and prejudicial behaviour; (coloq: ignorant) Application: Mastermind (derisory)
There is a boat blocking the Strand part of the joint XR / Metropolitan Police protest
In the video the police van is in front of the boat as if helping
..The police can’t stop today’s knife crime,
cos they are too busy campaigning to save the planet.
…and the boat is towed by a 2.5 or 3ltr diesel pick-up truck. No horses available?
If TR parked an old caravan outside a Mosque to restrict access in order to protest, what would the reaction of the police/authorities be?
XR has been provided a free run in our local rag to promote its next ‘evening of rage’ soon in the local church hall.
Debating whether best to let down the tyres of all the Q7s, Touregs and Range Rovers in the car park, or barricade them out… or in. For the lolz.
Very glad we got back from hols already.
so if I park my car on a zebra in a city centre
how long before I get a parking ticket
and how long before the plod tow it away ???
Oi! Horror-been!
Where is it?
You promised me a boiling hot summer! I’m cold … . . . . . .
It seems just about right. Why would anyone want to be all hot and sweaty? They reckon high 70’s next week where I am. That’s too warm for me. I hate stinking hot summers.
Lucy, you have my sympathy from when I was eight years old.
Now, dry and high 70’s eases the damp out of the old joints and wipes 15 to 20 years off the calendar.
Just to bring viewers of the new Poldark series up to speed, we now have:
Heroic Irish dissident, thoughtfully supplied with shaving materials while imprisoned, married to an ex-slave of colour who is magically accepted by London’s high society.
Young female industrial agitator.
Evil entrepreneur, workforce exploiter and tropical rain-forest denuder.
Even more evil Poldark enemy Warleggan now with mental issues.
And on a technical note: a coach from London, on another of those day trips to the capital the locals seem to enjoy, arrives back in Cornwall from the west.
Longer term: The major local source of employment, tin mining, to be replaced by degree-level box ticking.
Beltane, “Longer term: The major local source of employment, tin mining, to be replaced by degree-level box ticking.”
LOL x 5. Love it!
State Broadcaster has somehow forgotten to include the views of anyone affected by the protest.
NG – Isn’t it heresy to question XR protests? Beware, not long now and any of us could be burned at the stake for such questioning…
And really, don’t expect the police to enforce any laws.
Big Brother is watching.
Mike Graham on Talk Radio is doing the cricket first then into XR
“Oh the XR kids are out, you can tell the PRIVATE schools have broken up”
Channel4 set up a question to get the dog-whistle to diversity that they wanted
Stew – seems he knows when he’s required to go off on a tangent to do obeisance to the religion/ideology of PC . Knows that , after that, he is free to discuss the cricket?
You can suddenly imagine the Germany of the 1930s or the Soviet Union of the 1950s. All wise sportsman knew that, before freely talking sport, they would have to make a positive comment about the Fuehrer or the guiding light of Marxism-Leninism…
Wimmins hour – focus on the higher risk of deaths amongst black women in UK during pregnancy …amongst all of the normal racist arguments without substance and the statements that we have to understand black women better they skim over the statistics –
They fail to mention the high percentage (25%) of those who died were born outside UK 11% were not UK citizens and most were from Africa they also fail to mention more than two-thirds (68%) of the women who died in 2014-16 were known to have pre-existing medical problems ( related to not being born here maybe?)
Total number of deaths in Black women(African) increased for a reason not discussed between 2014 to 15 (arrivals from Africa when pregnant?) but halved 2015 to 16.
The total number recorded is 21 versus 142 in white UK citizens
So yet again the BBC raise an issue and focus on race without really asking probing questions but prefer to make it a race item…
off switched pressed again…
“off switched pressed again….”.
Simples: don’t hit the ‘on’ switch to start with……
Q: What’s the main picture on the BBC web-site Home Page (multiple choice)
a) Lewis Hamilton
b) Novak Djokovic
c) Womens Netball
d) Serena Williams
e) England Cricket team
f) Simona Halep
g) Joffra Archer
i) Geraint Evans
h) Jacinda Ardern
j) Boris Johnson
Northern Ireland vs Malawi netball march was live and therefore given top spot
Looked like the England cricket team when I just looked.
Geraint Evans, the distinguished British bass-baritone, hasn’t been in the news since 1992 when his obituaries were published. I assume you mean Geraint Thomas, currently defending his Tour de France title. As of today he’s a little over a minute adrift of the leader but he’s still in there with a shout. British riders have won the Classement Génerale in six of the last seven years, isn’t that great?
Yes it appears that main box ..covers the topic that they are live reporting on
Now its : Reaction to England’s spectacular World Cup win. Live now.
Current page
“Hamilton makes history but the future talent deliver the racing”
do they mean delivers ?
Anyone notice the R4 female voice on the Moon programme. I don’t mind (even though we all know it is the desire to force the narrative ) but why does she have to speak like she s reading a children’s book?
James – I haven’t been listening, but sounds like M AP of ‘Sky at Night’
Is… that… the… one… who… … … speaks… like… ….this?
I watched the Sky at Night for decades, until Patrick Moore ascended to the starry heavens himself and was replaced by this woman. A highly-qualified scientist with some all important tick-the-box factors for the BBC, but possibly the most soporific voice in (or out of) the world. Zzzz…
Fake – it appears you are right Maggie Aderin-Pocock..never heard of her but what a poor choice of narrator
JA, do you mean like the patronising way the narrator talks on Gogglebox and the Heathrow documentary. Very irritating.
They think we are all thick, probably.
Pug ……….Apparently the NHS is racist…it treats black mothers-to-be differently from white’s….they’ve seen it with their own eyes ….
Recent article in the press said that most of the complaints to the GMC and ‘struck-offs’ of doctors, applied to those who were non-white. The greatest complaint were of sexual assaults during patient examinations.
Insanely the GMC have brought in an edict that less ‘struck-offs’ are to be implemented because there were too many BAME’s being accused !!!!!! FFS !
Its a very worrying scenario giving a Get Out of Jail card to any non-white medic, who now feel they can literally get away with a quick knee trembler. Having worked in the NHS it was well known that doctors who qualified overseas had only the very minimal medical exam in order to practice in the UK – so hardly surprising there are a catalogue of complaints.
People smuggler and heroine of the EU MSM, Carola Rackete, has told the German paper ‘Bild’ that Europe would naturally have to take on board all ‘climate change refugees’.
It had caused food security in Africa to be a problem, so it was ‘to blame’.
I think it was the BBC who estimated an initial figure of 2 million people, rising to 200 million.
Salvini has had a run-in with this woman. The law on his side.
And lost…
Anybody heard anything from the eloquent Dandy, Rees-Mogg lately? He disappears, then reappears with his usual flourish accompanied by a plethora of emails from his support club. I would have thought that he’d be all over the air-waves in support of Boris. But no.
Well we couldn’t have anyone supporting Boris on the BBC or MSM now could we! I’m sure he did a brief interview on Talk Radio not so long ago, but that is because Julia Hartley Brewer supports a proper Brexit.
Not bBC but ‘reporting’ and ‘commentary’ generally.
Joshua Rosenberg @JoshuaRozenberg tweeted impartially during TR’s trial.
On Jul 5 he said “The attorney general is of course right to say that social media posts may amount to contempt of court. Beyond that, I’m not planning to comment on today’s findings until we see the court’s reasons next week. Thanks to those readers who have liked my coverage yesterday and today.”
On Jul 11 he posted the link to the full text of the sentencing remarks, but so far I have been unable to find any comment by him on the findings.
I’m wondering why not.
Rosenberg made a snowflake point of not referring to TR as decent people do – but as SYL- just to remind people of the identity slur they always add to reports –
Funny that they never said Mohammed Ali – real name Cassius Clay …. or god knows how many people who use alternative names ….
Can’t remember Rosenberg doing much investigative journalism in Rotherham and many more places where Paki Paedophile Muslim Racist Rape gangs operate without challenge by the State.
The week after the illegal 20 min trial of TR in Leeds
Rozenberg brought a judge onto his prog to say that that Leeds trial was all good and legal.
BBC Home page
Fit & Fearless: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Planet
Is that news or PR ?
..clearly PR I will eat some extra meat and recycle a bit less cos I know that will annoy them
.. and I will still be 10 times greener than they are.
“If you look at the by-product impact… almond milk has half of the water footprint that conventional milk has.
..Milk come from the rainy UK
Almonds come from drier climates
So you are not comparing like for like.
I make a point of reading labels and buying real dairy ice cream.
Many ice creams are today made with tropical palm oil. About the worst fat there is for human arteries. It’s worse than pork fat but they’ve sneakily replaced rapeseed oil & dairy in 1000’s of supermarket products over the last decade with it. Bread without palm oil is particularly hard to find. It’s dirt cheap but they have to import it and it’s unhealthy so I make a point of avoiding it.
I’d like to do a study on this as I suspect It’s probably great for African & Asian economies but not so good for our domestic producers of dairy and rapeseed oil.
I think it’s probably great for Unilever. There may be some collateral benefit for some African and Asian economies but I don’t think that comes into the reckoning of Unilever’s beancounters.
I cheerfully admit that I don’t agree with much that I read on this site (I come here, as I have been quietly for many years now, not to stir up strife but to listen to the views that I don’t otherwise hear from the people around me, for my own edification). But I do believe, Miss Pevensey, that on this occasion and apart from the quibble above, I entirely agree with you.
Praise indeed!
I suspect this will be another beauty.
Trades Descriptions Act may apply to production run. Projected new title:
A Year at the Circus
Outside Trump’s White House
A Year at the MEDIA Circus
Outside Trump’s White House
Has Sopel actually been let into the White House or is it just his opinion based on his sources?
Probably his source is the ex Ambassador.
Not BBC but it bugs me .
Alan Turing – rightly is to go on the £50 note ( or the €50 note if Brexit goes bandy) . All very good .
But in my opinion Tommy Flowers should go on the £20 .
Not of the same fame as Turing – but Tommy Flowers built colossus without a lot of help and also with his own resources at times . Another ‘ unknown ‘ British geniuses from a ‘ better’ time .
Fed, what about Frank Pantridge?
A recipient of the Military Cross for his actions during the fall of Singapore, a former POW who battled life-long ill health to became a world-renowned cardiac consultant before inventing the portable defibrillator, transforming emergency medicine and saving countless lives.
Northern Irish born and bred and British.
Yes Rich – sounds like another candidate – and if he is responsible for the defib here’s to him .
Even an idiot like me can operate one of those- I’m a bit iffy on the cardiac surgery though …
Indeed. The financial reward for Tommy Flowers (Real name Thomas Flowers) from a grateful British government was to repay him the money he spent from his own savings on the computer project.
Neither Turing nor Flowers would be anywhere without James Clerk Maxwell. The real greatest scientist Britain (or anywhere else for that matter) ever produced.
The problem with popular polls is that Maxwell’s Equations go way over the heads of “ordinary people” so he doesn’t get the popular recognition he deserves. Although he’s probably better known than Paul Dirac.
Thanks / the island / Mr Vance . It’s 16 minutes . It’s worth the watch .
I hope it doesn’t become an epitaph to a rarity – someone literally willing to put their neck on the line for what they believe in an the truth .
I wish I could be that brave – instead of just an anonymous ‘keyboard warrior ‘ as hostiles might say .
I remember when it was “free Nelson Mandela”.
Tommy will be the Nelson Mandela of the future.
He is a freedom fighter. Fighting for the future freedom of all our daughters and sons. God bless him and keep him safe.
Apparently extinction rebellion (XR) are, today, blocking Neville Street in Leeds. They are blocking the road with a boat, which was towed there by a 4×4! They are also bellowing our loud music. How is this powered? A diesel generator? Idiots.
BBC Trending & Newsnight continue to be afflicted by their “far right” tourets
Newsnight tweeted “Established far-right groups and figures disproportionately target female politicians with online abuse, a Newsnight investigation finds
Posts range from disparaging remarks about looks to threats of violence “
..Which British politicians are they talking about ?
the story is 95% about Germany France
“Katharina Schulze, the leader of the Greens in Bavaria” 6 screen lengths
… then a bit about how her right wing male counterpart doesn’t get critic of his appearance.
– France : “Sibeth Ndiaye’s a nomination France’s first black government spokesperson” 2 screen lengths
… then a bit about how her right wing male counterpart doesn’t get critic of his appearance.
Meanwhile, male politicians in France like Jordan Bardella – who as head of Rassemblement National’s list in the European elections was thrust into the political limelight at a similar time to Ms Ndiaye – received abuse of a different kind.
After sharing a story of a young man allegedly killed by Algerian nationals, he received tweets such as “what shameful recuperation, Shame on you,” along with a curse word, as well as other expletives under photo of him with far-right leader Marine Le Pen.
The writer appears to think Jordan Bardella is different from Le Pen
Rassemblement National is simply the new name for the National Front
She is its head, and he is the top candidate.
They then tack a bit on the end about the UK
“… in the UK. Female MPs including Anna Soubry and Diane Abbott have been targeted with abusive content on fringe platforms such as 4chan, as well as abuse on Twitter.
While over 75% of the abusive posts MP Dominic Grieve received on Twitter accused him of “treason”, none of the Tweets reference his gender.
Anna Soubry – another Remain supporting MP – received almost double the number of abusive tweets, and half of these focused on her gender, “
PR or news ?
Can anyone think of any targetting of a MALE politician for his appearance
BTW KTHopkins appears to be the biggest target of Twitter hate
..and also Theresa May
..neither are leftwing
Abbott tells us that 97% of the replies her retweet support her victimhood
The deranged outgoing PM is now interfering in American politics and sticking up for Democrats . Thank god she s gone very soon . Consigned to the Political rubbish bin like Gordon Brown and John Major .
I hope I am deluded but I have this thought that Treezer could be the Minister in charge of Social Injustice or whatever they call this new outfit she has created.
I wouldn’t put her in charge of a Tea Trolley . And before being shouted down by the Tea Trolley lobby – I have been in charge of many a tea trolley …
“”Anglo-Saxons deserve reparations for the Norman Conquest””
“”The effect on indigenous English society was enduring devastation””
“”Through war, invasion and genocide, the Anglo-Saxon ruling class was almost entirely replaced, control of the church and state surrendered to foreign adversaries, English replaced by Norman French as the language of government, and England’s entire political, social and cultural orientation shifted from Northern Europe to the continent for the next thousand years.””
1066-onward: The UK ended up with Essex.
2016: Essex got its revenge.
Fair point!
“Extinction Rebellion are using five COLOURFUL boats to stop traffic in Cardiff, Glasgow, Bristol, Leeds, and London.”
They are just luvly using Colourful boats, Beeb get a grip!