423 Responses to Start The Week Open Thread 15 July 2019

  1. vesnadog says:

    I see that the famous British “rap musician [laugh]” was holding the chequered flag at the end of the British F1 race yesterday.



  2. upandatem says:

    BBC website telling me that life can be difficult for Muslim women when they are released from prison. Easy solution. Don’t release them. But, if you do, deport them to their ethnic place of origin and let those countries sort out their mental issues.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Guido reports that the ReichEU Galileo GPS Satellite system has broken down – you know the one – we put billions into it and have been told we can’t use it cos of Brexit

    When I read this I thought – I hope a brexit IT type has sent a nice bit of code to screw the thing .

    But no doubt it’s just routine incompetence.

    Won’t hear about it on al beeb !?


  4. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • andyjsnape says:

      thats it, enough is enough. CHAMPAGNE is now banned! 🙂


      • G.W.F. says:

        Pepper sprays for women;s defence could be replaced with champagne bottles.


        • Lucy Pevensey says:




          • Up2snuff says:

            Back in the old days, when I could be labelled a Gammon after a week on holiday, that would have suited me just fine.

            Now I am older and wiser.

            Ooops! Sorry.

            Correction: Now I am older and wizened.


    • Dystopian says:

      “This video has been removed in response to a report from the copyright holder”


  5. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY sort of non-Watch #1

    Listened from just before the 7.40am Newspaper Review this morn until Fi Glover made me switch off her trail. I missed all but fifty minutes of this mornings TOADY programme so I do not know if they were still Bashing Boris over Kim Gone-Well. I have to say – unlike years ago – I do not feel desperately deprived by a minimal exposure to the TOADY Prog.

    Anything about the Sunday Mail’s latest revelations? Sorry, Mail on Sunday.

    I did note in the main News at 8am obfuscation is still in play. When is an e-mail not an e-mail?


  6. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY almost missed-Watch #2

    Switch on was during some BBC boy scout-type jolly, Licence Fee funded, into the Iranian countryside. Will have cleared the old lungs of the Teheran smog. If Sadiq Khan, Roger Horror-been and Matt McGrath wish to see some real pollution, then they should try living in Teheran for a bit. Am told that you see the air coming your way before you breathe it, you pick it up from in front of your feet, then you slice & dice it with a knife, before it can enter your lungs.

    If the EU really wanted to help and win some friends among the Iranians, they could go out a build them a couple of nuclear power stations. Then as the idea came from me, they can come back here and build the UK a few, too, for free. I will not make a charge for this idea.

    Anyway, I did hear the bit of the interview where the subject mentioned how Obama had dropped the Iranian people in it during the Moussavi ‘Green’* Revolution.

    I waited for the Beeboid to explode at that point.

    Must have been edited out.

    (* Not what you think, nowt to do with AGW & CC)


  7. Deborah says:

    I expect everyone who experiences the NHS has a story to tell about the things that go wrong and the longer the hospital stay the longer the list of what the NHS could have done better. But miracle of miracles – usually much turns out OK. What I heard this morning was the normal list of people’s experiences – except they were all blamed on being black – presumably hoping for greater compensation.


  8. StewGreen says:

    23:00 R4, Another tickbox repeat


  9. StewGreen says:

    New Politico video
    The AG changing the plan of attack against TR


      • StewGreen says:

        Dunno expect TR official stuff is done via TR.news or Danny Tommo
        not random crowdfunders

        \\ For this reason, Tommy and his family have asked that people please refrain from asking for visitation.
        Tommy needs to see his immediate family and legal counsel as a priority.
        Please do not send requests in for visitation, he will have to reject them anyway if they do come through.//


        • theisland says:

          Not random.
          Richard Inman and Danny Tommo are working together to organise demonstrations while TR is in prison.


          • Spiderman says:

            Why is there no news as to whether Tommy is getting enough safe food to eat?


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        Re: TR’s Bodyguard.

        ” Video Unavailable. Video has been removed by the user”

        Possibly after a warning from Youtube


  10. Guest Who says:

    Usually the BBC likes papers with ‘Washington’ in it.. This time…



    • StewGreen says:

      “People are realising that homophobia is a waste of talent and achievement.”
      is the takeaway line at the end of a BBC article about the US women’s football star initially titled
      : Megan Rapinoe: Can a pink-haired lesbian be an American hero?

      It quotes
      \\ One conservative commentator insists she is actually a bad role model for girls.
      .. “She’s actually kind of an awful person,” wrote Brad Polumbo in the Washington Examiner.
      “Rapinoe has soccer skills for sure, but her entitled, flippant, and unpatriotic attitude is the epitome of first-world privilege.”

      ..now since Brad Polumbo is GAY he’s written an article about being smeared as homophobic by the BBC


  11. StewGreen says:

    On the day of the sentencing my BBC local radio news claimed there were only 200 supporters at the court
    I didn’t believe that.


  12. StewGreen says:

    YP reports : : Students from Bradford College have been working with Sky on a major project designed to increase the diversity of its workforce

    I hope Sky went to wide variety of colleges
    and didn’t just select Bradford
    Sky’s diversity seems over quota
    only 78% declare as white
    9% BAME plus another 13% who decline to mention


    • Dystopian says:

      There is about as much “diversity” at Bradford College as there is in Pakistan. In fact, driving past Bradford College is like being in Pakistan.


  13. The Sage says:

    More joys of diversity:
    I believe that Matovu is a Ugandan surname.


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Tonight the London Evening Standard has three murder trials which are separate but have one thing in common . Each alleged killer is a black man .

    The first is the trial of a black man accused of killing a pregnant black woman

    The second is a creature who killed a gay man by injection

    The third is a black man who murdered 2 white women in separate attacks last year .

    Some will say I’m being ‘ racist ‘ – such an easy label . But will any mainstream media talk about this ?
    You notice they don’t shout so much about over representation of non whites in prisons any more ….


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, I’m sure the BBC part of the MSM will oblige, at some future point, by observing and giving air-time to campaigners who are concerned about the disproportionate number – compared to percentage of population – of BAME who are in prison.


    • G says:

      That’s probably something we should all fear when the police/prosecution redress the imbalance all for the sake of equality. TR?


      • Fedup2 says:

        They’ll probably be instructed to go in hard on Brexit protesters when we get sold out again with more shabby delaying nonsense .


  15. Up2snuff says:

    Am glad Fed mention London Evening Standard (Editor: George Osborne) because it reminds me they have given us a little clue about the leaker of Kim Gone-Well’s e-mails.

    No-one in the Embassy (although someone there apparently took an interest in the leak and used it last week to smear Bojo) but, instead, probably someone in the F&CO who had access to the London archives. Or that could, of course, be a spot of disinformation to take the heat off those on the circulation list.

    Meanwhile, a senior investigating officer of the Metropolitan Police (William Cobblers type-voice) said in a significant-type cardboard statement:
    “Yusss mate, we’re in receipt of significant hinformation what we have received, mate, an’ we’re lookin’ into it. When we dun that, we’ll look underneef it. Then we’ll look round the outside.

    If it’s safe, mate, we might even read it, if I can find me specs . . . … now where’v’ I left ’em, mate? Oherr, on me ‘ead, mate. An’ I ‘ave this to say ter the leaker, give yerself up. We know yer dunnit. Saffe us a lot of trouble, mate an’ gift yerself hup – we’ll go easy on yer.”


  16. Not Gwent says:


    State Broadcaster finally finds it in its heart to include the voice of one person being affected by South Wales Police facilitating a road closure for XR.

    Our favourite News organisation dedicates the bulk of the article to platforming XR.

    What gets my goat is the politically motivated policing. Imagine if EDL had organised a protest. Would the city centre have been closed for them?


    • Dave S says:

      A politicised police will not survive . This is true in every country that has turned against the power structure of whatever stripe.


  17. taffman says:

    \\Theresa May condemns Trump’s ‘go back’ remark to congresswomen//
    A ‘parthian’ shot from our present leader to sabotage any prospect of a UK/US trade deal to try to keep us stuck in the EU ?
    Boris has much work to do with the President if he wants to keep The Brexit Party out of Parliament.


    • Dave S says:

      May seems to want to leave a scorched earth behind her. Hell hath no fury?
      Deeply pathetic and unpatriotic.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Dave – I was thinking the same – I think she might have seen that film ‘ down fall ‘ with the rant scene .

        Like the Nazi high command I think any one involved with her now will just smile and nod . I would not be surprised if POTUS just ignored the useless old crone

        What a testament for a PM

        Political prisoner
        Upset America
        Not sorted out elderly social care
        Gives £14 billion to foreigners
        Prosecuted NI security forces
        Lies about Brexit

        For starters -and that’s a Tory PM


  18. taffman says:

    More good Brexit news…………. “Checks at border avoidable even if no-deal Brexit, claims Ireland’s man in Brussels”


  19. taffman says:

    In the interest of our great nation, Mrs Chamberlain should have left office long, long, long ago .
    What a disaster!


  20. StewGreen says:

    I don’t know how much of this is down to wishful thinking
    AFAIK The Brexit Party petition is still going thru the Hight Court


  21. Guest Who says:

    In market rate terms, these revolving door stories can be interesting, downward spiral-wise.

    “BBC Breakfast has appointed Richard Frediani as editor. Richard will join the BBC in September from his role as head of programmes at ITV News. He will replace Adam Bullimore who is taking on the role of head of BBC weather in London.”


    • Up2snuff says:

      GW: “He will replace Adam Bullimore who is taking on the role of head of BBC weather in London.”

      I can imagine the instructions from the DG: “We need lots of Global Warming in London and some Climate Change, too. Then Mayor Khan will be able to double the charge to enter the ULEZ. The inflation caused will help to increase the Licence Fee in the following year.”


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think that false cheerful breakfast tv Scottish weather lady will run their BBC one day . She might have to convert to the Shia and do a Mecca for the full points though -and head the headless of course …


  22. Guest Who says:

    Pondering a suitable collective tem.


    I offer ‘an entitlement of…’


  23. Up2snuff says:

    Yer gotta laugh ….


    It wasn’t long ago that the BBC were telling everyone, every other week, that that sort of breakfast, especially with a pork sausage and some bacon, would kill you before you had a chance to leave your thirties or at least give you cancer while on the way to work.


  24. Up2snuff says:

    Is there a good reason why the Netball Teams in the World Cup seem to all wear the same colour green?

    Is it something to do with Theresa’s NetZero?


  25. Dave S says:

    The Guardian is calling Boris islamophobic for describing Turkey under the Ottomans as backward . That he was correct is impossible to dispute. The printing press was not in use until the 19th century. Tried out in the 18th it was banned .This was 400 years after Western Europe. Many of the Ottoman caliphs tried reform but the Islamic Ulema constantly thwarted them . It was only endless military defeats that overcame them . I bet the BBC runs with this fake story and together with it’s chums on it’s house paper distorts history for yet another attack on Boris.
    Even money anyone?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Don’t want to upset Jonney Turk – he’s got Peski Russian missiles now – but seems to be member of NATO . No bright and shiny new tech from the West for a while …. except cheeky cheese eaters selling anything to any one as usual …


    • StewGreen says:

      Boris is one eighth Turkish or something
      \\ Boris’ paternal grandfather was of one half Turkish (possibly one quarter Turkish and one quarter Circassian), one quarter Swiss-German, and one quarter English, ancestry. His Turkish family were Muslim. Boris’ paternal grandmother was of one half English, three sixteenths German, three sixteenths French, one sixteenth European Royal, and one sixteenth Irish, ancestry. Boris’ mother is of three quarters English (with one quarter being English-American, with deep roots in New England) and one quarter Ashkenazi Jewish, from Lithuania and Russia, descent. //


      • theisland says:

        Does that mean anyone who criticises Boris is both Islamophobic AND Antisemitic?


  26. Thoughtful says:

    Please allow me to introduce you to Amina Lone who is a moderate Muslim ( I think she still is but she might not be) and campaigner against Islam in the Labour party, she was once a Labour party councillor but as soon as she criticised their favourite brown eyed boys Labour sacked her as a councillor, and as a party member, of course they had their ridiculous excuses, but I think we all know the reasons.


  27. Dystopian says:

    Panorama talking about “certain communities” not wanting their kids taught LGBTQWERTYUIOP.

    The Muslim protesters claim they are not homophobic but they don’t agree with what is being taught in schools.

    What if a load of non Muslim protesters gathered outside a mosque and said they are not Islamophobic, but they don’t agree with what is being taught in mosques?


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:


      I think we should have a new way to write down all of these ever increasing genders and whatever.

      Instead of all this BLTLGBTQ and so on, why not just write A-Z and tell them that includes all the main ones and the miscellaneous ones that we’re not sure of.

      Something like “the police are painting their cars and fingernails in support of the A-Z community”
      Much easier, fully inclusive (they’re all in there), saves ink paper or electricity, takes up less space, saves time writing and reading it.

      Anybody from the A-Z community have any comment on this?

      See, it works.

      Once it catches on it can be further shortened to AZ. (Maybe Alkmaar football club wouldn’t be too chuffed though)


  28. Fedup2 says:

    Someone on the BBC was just talking about the new Alan Turing £50 note and asked “ how much does it cost ? “ no one knew the answer ( ok I made it up – but it’s only a matter of time ).


  29. Lucy Pevensey says:


  30. theisland says:


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      I’ve been restricted on Twitter as well.

      “We’ve temporarily limited some of your account features”
      “We have determined that you have violated the Twitter Rules, so we’ve temporarily limited some of your account features. While in this state, you can still browse Twitter, but you’re limited to only sending Direct Messages to your followers — no Tweets, Retweets, or likes.”

      You see, in a discussion about Christian persecution someone chimed in (off topic) complaining that massive numbers of Muslims have been killed. I told him/her that it was usually Muslims killing Muslims.
      This person complained about my comment & Twitter removed it then temporarily suspended my account.


      • TrueToo says:

        Lucy Pevensey,

        The arrogance of these Twitterati is truly astonishing – shackling you for telling the truth about Islam. It really is unbelievable.

        I have an account but hardly touch it and don’t really even know how to use it effectively. Perhaps I should learn while there is a window or two of free expression left there.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Lucy – when you get summonsed to the Twitter court tonsee the twitter judge ( beak?) don’t forget to take your ‘prison bag’ as advised by TR. if you saw the video – he wasnt allowed to take tins of tuna into belmarsh …


      • G says:

        It’ll be ‘hung drawn and quartered’ on a whim soon. Protect yourself. The Police and/or the State no longer can.


    • StewGreen says:

      Reading the twitter thread, it seems that the TR vids are NOT being deleted
      but rather the search algorithm changed so that the TR self made vids don’t show up near the top in searches.
      Instead vids made by MSM do , and they are all hit pieces.

      I guess the crackdown started with them removing a piece that he did for TGP
      The Mail and the Sun ran the sory
      (The Sun doesn’t allow comments and the Mail only allowed 4)



      • StewGreen says:

        Oh here is the banned video
        I don’t interpret “be that spark” as “be violent ”
        he specifically says “Shout out, expose this sickness”


  31. StewGreen says:


    • andyjsnape says:

      i wonder if the beeb will do a “report” on more MEN enter into nursing for example


  32. NISA says:

    Just because nobody is watching it doesn’t mean you can say what you like. The presenter of “Open Source” on the BBC News Channel tells us that Trump’s tweets are “racist” (not “some say…”) and that Turing was “castrated” ( I see that is also claimed in CNN’s headline, so!!)


  33. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    As tensions rise between Iran, the United States and its allies – the BBC has been given rare access to Iran.

    While in the country, recording access was controlled but we weren’t restricted on what we could say – as with all foreign media, the team was accompanied by a government representative at all times.



    Lucky they didn’t try and give any locals some media tips.


  34. JimS says:

    Listening to BBC News is like playing a game of ‘Chinese Whispers’ as they report the faux outrage of others over what they think President Trump might have said, rather than reporting what he did say.

    Truly fake news, that they deliberately set out to create.

    So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly………..and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how……..it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

    What happened to the ‘come back’ bit BBC? Didn’t it fit your narrative?


    • RobRoy says:

      JimS, I’ve been in the car most of the day and heard the BBC’s report on ‘racist Trump tweets’ on several news bulletins including 5Live and PM. A bit odd then, that not once did they actually read the ‘racists’ tweets!!! Context is everything, eh, and obviously when you read the full tweets it only proves Trump seems unaware of the birthplace of a few of the Democrat women in question. So all this faux outrage is whipped up over a story and they can’t be bothered to read us the actual tweets – but of course we know the reason.


  35. Dystopian says:

    Re: BBC “Dark Money”

    (Tommy Robinson is in prison for trying to expose “Asian” paedophiles who systematically prey on white girls.)

    Meanwhile the biased BBC have cast an Asian reporter on a mission to expose an evil white paedophile who sexually abused a young black boy.


  36. TrickCyclist says:

    Not BBC, apart from the involvement of BBC “star” Phoebe Waller-Bridge as screenwriter, but it seems that Bond 25 has “gone woke” – black woman is new 007.
    Maybe it’s just a red-herring element of the movie’s plot, but I thought it might be of interest on this site.
    I was made aware of it by this reaction video. The bloke who made it is a huge Bond fan and is neither white nor British.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Wasn’t there a coloured American girl with a big chest in a Bond film – or er was it a bondage film . ? ( I’ll get me dirty coat )


      • TrickCyclist says:

        Halle Berry as Jinx in Die Another Day? Or Bambi (or was it Thumper?) in Diamonds Are Forever?
        If I say I’ll always prefer Ursula Andress does that make me racist?


        • Sluff says:

          How about Grace Jones in A View to a Kill.


          • Dover Sentry says:

            It will bomb in the cinema as they say.

            Look what happened to Doctor Who, being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

            It bombed on the TV as they say.


    • G says:

      It is said, “all good things come to an end”. If true, expect the 007 brand to follow the Dr Who stats. If true………..


  37. lordelpus says:

    The idiot Mayor of London now blaming poverty as one of the reasons for knife crime.Not sure if this man invents a new reason every week,so now poverty joins police cuts,school exclusions,lack of youth clubs,and growing up in deprived areas.The simple fact is a lot of these stabbings are down to gang wars.If this stupid mayor would allow the police to use stop and search tactics,with a custodial sentence for carrying knives,many deaths could be avoided.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Someone should tell him that since God was a boy (or Mohammed) there has always been a lack of youth clubs, there’s always been poverty, there’s always been a lack of ‘funding’, but there was never knife or gun crime – not unless you were a Teddy boy or belong to the Kray gang, and that wasn’t on the scale of today. There’s an overwhelming common denominator and they generally grunt in rap or grime .

      More youth clubs wont solve the problem it would just create more outlets for drug deals. As for poverty, then perhaps their mothers should shut their legs and get a job instead of having kids, which would eliminate school expulsions. Sadly all babies are cute, but look what they turn into – thugs.


    • Sluff says:

      In typical head in the sand fashion, the BBC here managed last March to discuss knife crime and spends ….errrr….half of one sentence mentioning anything to do with ethnicity



  38. Sluff says:

    The BBC are telling us loviingly that University exams are over and now its holiday time.
    Yes, Extinction Rebellion are causing the Trots and Marxists in the newsroom to cream their pants again.


  39. BRISSLES says:

    Steph McGovern is pleased to announce she is pregnant, and she and her girlfriend are delighted.


    • taffman says:

      Who’s the father?


      • BRISSLES says:

        I dunno, probably a pick’n’mix from a canister I suppose.


        • TrickCyclist says:

          You just reminded me of the old B.A. Robertson song Knocked It Off:
          “Well, not everybody’s got talent, you know,
          We’d all be Roger Bannister if you could buy it in a canister.”


    • Sluff says:

      Come on Brissles, don’t be silly.
      What do you expect on the BBC?
      Straight, white, male presenters?

      I wonder if our Stef paid for the required artificial insemination out of her own pocket, or do highly paid gay BBC presenters rely on the taxpayer funded NHS to fulfil their lifestyle choices?


    • Cassandra says:

      Steph’s father Lurch must be so proud.



    • Old Goat says:

      How did that happen?


  40. taffman says:

    Something for Extinction Rebellion to think about working on ?……………
    “For four days a month, the entire European Parliament moves from Brussels to Strasbourg. … On 12 Mondays every year, 751 MEPs – flanked by their parliamentary assistants, political group advisors, hordes of ushers, drivers and civil servants, together with hundreds of files – move to Strasbourg .”


    • taffman says:

      Extinction Rebellion are bullies. They only attack the UK because we are soft. They should work on Germany, India, China , Russia and the USA, the countries that push out carbon on an industrial scale .


  41. taffman says:

    “PM candidates condemn Trump’s ‘go back’ remark to congresswomen”
    Boris has just shot himself in the foot .


    • Dystopian says:

      Re JamesG post above;

      How about a caption competition?

      President Trump: “When I said go back from where you came, I didn’t mean literally you idiot!”


  42. taffman says:

    President Trump has upset the PC world !
    The liberal media is outraged, outraged I can hear .
    What can they do about it? Just scream racist, racist, racist and stamp their feet and be sick sick sick!
    He is really winding them up. What a laugh .
    The acid test will be if Trump serves a second term?


    • Roland Deschain says:

      The media haven’t got a bloody clue what Trump is up to. They are too busy navel-gazing. He has achieved precisely what he set out to do, and they still haven’t cottoned on.


      • Guest Who says:

        The BBC moaning emole in complement, and they really are going very bbc on this one.


        Donald Trump’s suggestion that four Democratic congresswomen who criticised his administration’s handling of immigration “can leave” has led to accusations of racism and xenophobia against the US president. Now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib have responded, urging Americans “not to take the bait”.

        The politicians known as The Squad – three of whom were born in the US – dismissed Mr Trump’s Twitter remarks as a “distraction” from the “callous chaos and corrupt culture of this administration”. Here is a profile of the congresswomen.

        Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has called the president’s words “destructive, demeaning, and disunifying”. But Mr Trump has defended what he wrote, denying accusations of racism.

        In the UK, Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson, the two candidates to become Conservative Party leader and prime minister, have called the remarks “totally offensive” and “unacceptable”.

        Meanwhile, some Americans have been sharing with the BBC their own experiences of being told to “go home” or “go back”.


        Meanwhile, the bbc uses every bbc trick in the book: accusations, some saying, defending, selective quotes, Vox pops.

        And beyond their little bubble, scoring not a hit.


        • Cassandra says:

          Seems we don’t have the monopoly on broadcasting bias…



          • Guest Who says:

            The Graun

            Surprisingly, gushing like teens over a bunch of thick, entitled brats with an idiotic collective name is not working out well.



        • Not Gwent says:

          “scoring not a hit”

          except for the other side? There are sides?

          What happened to the impartial reporting of the news? I’d thought State Broadcaster weren’t a private outfit like The Guardian or The Mirror?


        • G says:

          “In the UK, Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson, the two candidates to become Conservative Party leader and prime minister, have called the remarks “totally offensive” and “unacceptable”.”.
          That’s a flavour of what to expect from Johnson as PM. Expect more. They’re all wedded to the left no matter their denials.
          Brexit? Not with this Johnson show of brazen support of communism. He’s just had his chance and blew it for me.


      • G says:

        He’s slowly (with compassion) weaning the US public off their headlong slide into Communism.


    • andyjsnape says:

      i so hope President Trump serves a 2nd term. the beeb will has wasted all that negative “news” reporting over the last few years


  43. Ed Hitter says:

    Oh dear, Rod Liddle just got totally skewered on Newsnight in one of the most blatant BBC stitch ups l’ve ever seen. I really don’t know why the poor guy puts himself through it.
    He certainly did his best in the face of a shocking onslaught from the dreadful Maitlis woman who offers no pretence at being an impartial “interviewer”.
    She is nothing less than a left wing agitprop artist whose role is to smear anyone from the conservative middle ground, and particularly Leave voters.
    There to discuss Liddle’s new book about the betrayal of Brexit, it became quickly apparent that this was a BBC set-up in which the writer was to be openly slandered as a “racist”.
    Here are bits from some of the heated exchanges, as Liddle tried to withstand Maitlis’s mocking, sneering, gurning display of aggression.
    EM: “Would you describe yourself as a racist, because many see you that way?”
    RL: “no, obviously not, but I am used to going on BBC programmes and being accused of such things……do you have to, at every possible juncture, show the BBC’s grotesque bias?”
    EM: “its persistent casual racism, week after week from you…..
    RL: “Get a grip Emily…”
    EM: “when it’s week after week, the bile that you spew up…
    RL: “This is a real problem, you cannot but help it, there are 17.4 million people out there who are distressed at the betrayal, and one of the things they are most distressed about is the way the BBC has behaved in the last two and half years.”
    Liddle surely knows that this was the BBC deliberately getting its own back on him because he has so consistently called out it’s propagandist, left wing, anti Brexit, woke and totally biased agenda.
    But having dived once again into the BBC swamp, I would certainly expect Liddle to hit back hard in his next column. Go get ‘em, Rod.


    • Guest Who says:

      EM: “Would you describe yourself as a racist, because many see you that way?”

      RL: “Who, Emily, precisely? Beyond you and your ‘squad’ and the feeble minds who still believe the concoctions of a BBC production meeting constitute actual reality”.


      • Not Gwent says:

        “When did you stop beating your wife” school of journalism. No wonder Trump calls them beauties.


      • Guest Who says:

        Another take.

        Really needs to be a ‘blue on blue’ version for media spats.


        • G says:

          What is it about that woman’s pallor? She always looks ill. I don’t know anything about her but suggest if she’s married to a man (need to add that caveat) he needs to give her a poke every morning on waking just to make sure she’s still alive.
          “Pallor is a pale color of the skin that can be caused by illness, emotional shock or stress, stimulant use, or anemia, and is the result of a reduced amount of oxyhaemoglobin and may also be visible as pallor of the conjunctivae of the eyes on physical examination.”
          Suggestion? – leave our Marxist State Broadcaster to overcome your problems.


        • Dystopian says:

          “BREXIT supporter Rod Liddle has attacked the BBC over its “betrayal” of the portion of the public who voted Leave in the 2016 referendum.”

          What is this “portion of the public” nonsense?

          How about the 17.4 million majority who voted Leave….”


  44. LastChanceSaloon says:

    Guardian Opinion Sexual harassment
    Mon 15 Jul 2019 16.15 BST Last modified on Mon 15 Jul 2019 19.00 BST

    My own list of hideous men: from a dodgy driving instructor to Boris Johnson Suzanne Moore

    [Followed by a list of men who have upset the saintly Suzanne.
    That Suzanne, who spent most of the current decade in the Guardian denouncing Nick Griffin, Tommy Robinson and any other white males who publicised the mass, paedophile, racist, gang rapes of female white children by Muslims in the UK.]

    Guardian Opinion Donald Trump
    Mon 15 Jul 2019 19.02 BST
    Trump’s race fantasy is clear: the US as home for whites fleeing Europe Zoe Williams
    Go home’ he says to Democrat congresswomen. Meanwhile, on this side of the Atlantic, he tries to stoke fears about Muslims

    [Zoe is, of course, lying, totally misrepresenting the statement of the POTUS.
    This is the same Zoe who spent most of the current decade denouncing Nick Griffin ..

    I fervently hope that when some female Guardian “journalists” are raped to death by members of the Religion of Peace I am present and can make the Samaritan decision to walk by on the other side of the road.]


    • Fedup2 says:

      Toady Anniversary Porn

      Yep another anniversary – this one is the first non woman to land on the moon . They are going bigly on it . They found the only woman in the control room – the lady who made the tea – who will without doubt talk about historic sexual abuse in NASA .
      Whilst all this was going on America was going through its war in Vietnam,I’m reading max hastings book on it . It shows that is you only half take on an enemy and they go ‘full out ‘against you then you’ll lose . I thought of the EU v UK in Brexit where upto now we’ve been losing because of traitors facilitated by the state broadcaster .


      • Fedup2 says:

        Following up on this – if you google James Burke Saturn 5 launch you’ll see a great moment in TV which the BBC wouldn’t think about doing now because they’d be so busy doing wimmin gay or mussie issues – the poor saps …..

        I haven’t got the ability to hyperlink the short section …

        I’ve had to turn off toady – it was just too much today ..


        • G says:

          “I’ve had to turn off toady – it was just too much today .”. Snap!
          The weather then headlines – then off. I just don’t seem to be able to stomach the Marxist principle of Critical Theory for very long these days. It’s now, ‘wall to wall’.
          Did hear the continuing condemnation of President Trump again. That’s set to run and run. Funny thing is, apart from a human deprived of speech, the expression: ‘if you don’t like it you can leave’ is universal. I’ll bet no one here can deny having used that or similar at some time in their lives. In fact, the ability to simply up sticks and move if you don’t like a particular location/situation is a fully liberal concept is it not? Why would these four Marxists not relish the ease of moving. Not only that, the Marxist’s UN Migration Compact ‘ensures’ that the host nation provides everything the migrant would wish for – free. So, Somalia, as a signatory to the UN Compact, welcome these four with open arms…………….. Please, please, please, please……………I beg of you………..


          • Terminal Moraine says:

            G — “the ability to simply up sticks and move if you don’t like a particular location/situation is a fully liberal concept is it not?”

            It should be, but — as always — it’s not about finding a situation you like and feel comfortable in. It’s about criticising the oppressive forces that created the situation.

            Trump’s thrown a much-needed spanner in the wheel of everyone who mistakenly thought open borders meant seeking a happier life. ‘The Squad’ know it’s about the endless conveyor belt of grim social resistance wrapped up in righteousness and fake smiles


  45. andyjsnape says:

    “Extinction Rebellion: Who are they and what are their aims?” – as defined by the beeb


    Everything we need to know. Thats if anyone give a ..


    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC’s record on investigation makes this hardly worth bothering with, but for the fact that gurning fools like Gove and Miliband base their photo op decisions solely on such information.


    • Not Gwent says:

      State Broadcaster fawning coverage continues https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-48997952 I read the first screen full or so and gave up. The police have facilitated road closures for ER and the council have backed them.

      As inferred last night; imagine the EDL being offered such assistance with publicising their cause?


    • Guest Who says:

      “It has also received support from public figures, such as the actress Emma Thompson and politicians Diane Abbott and Caroline Lucas.”

      Beyond trotting out a poll that only the bbc could claim proves anything, that little trio makes AOC’s squad look like a credibility dream team in comparison.

      This… is the best they have?

      And the government, police, etc… are allowing it to screw up the country just to keep the bbc happy?



  46. digg says:

    Mainstream lefty media running with “White middle aged men a problem at the top in the armed forces”

    The inference being presumably that there are not enough BAME, LGBT and Women at the top.

    Getting to the top in the armed forces usually includes a long service career climbing through the ranks and proving leadership and through sheer numbers in the services men are more likely to follow through with this.

    So I think the idea they would prefer is to use the school classroom approach giving everyone a prize and a go at the top regardless of their record or achievements.

    The Russians, Iranians, et al. must be in stitches!


  47. Guest Who says:

    Not BBC, but an MSM trend needing calling out at every attempt.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Saw her yesterday on Politics Live and she couldn’t wait to be offended by everything that anybody said.
      She even found JRM’s cricket joke extremely offensive.

      What a bundle of joy she is.


  48. Jeff says:

    It seems to be almost impossible to escape PC ism these days.
    Last Sunday I tried to spend an afternoon enjoying something traditionally English. Believe me that’s not easy in London.
    I found myself in Regents Park sitting in a deckchair listening to the gentle drones of a brass band. Lovely!
    Unfortunately the conductor, a rather sprightly, bearded young chap, decided to start preaching to us about gay rights. “As a proud member of the LGBT community” he started (why the fxxxx is everybody part of a bloody “community” these days?) and continued to tell us how we had to celebrate inclusion and diversity. Groan…
    It was an incongruous, unnecessary and irritating interlude.
    I didn’t want to hear about his personal preferences. I’m not remotely interested in his sex life. “Just blow your bleedin’ trumpet” I hissed.
    And before you ask…
    That’s not a euphemism.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The ‘community ‘ thing is one of those techniques the socialists use to deny the existence of the individual . Bit like those listless group hug pictures the BBC put on just before their largely dismal tick box programmes start .

      I’m overseas . My TV hasn’t been on for two days – nor any paid TV . Life goes on without it . Same with the stuff they put on the radio now – I don’t even bother with the schedules as I know it will be just spade loads of anti white Christian straight non criminal male – who isn’t particularly disadvantaged nor advantaged – nor disabled much – apart from me tennis elbow –

      So in short or long – the state broadcaster ain’t for me any more – it was good a long time ago – before the poison set in.


  49. herrclick says:

    Is Dominic Grieve, Nick Robinson’s new co-presenter on the Today programme?