Off switch utilised a couple of times in protest after switching on at 6.40am. Second time came in Prime Interview slot when Mishal just had to interview a wimmin who landed on the moon in 1969.
Or not.
Switched back on during an interview with someone running NASA (a man – not a wimmin – boo, men bad, wimmin good). NASA Man wants to go back to the Moon within five years and then on to Mars.
Mishal didn’t ask about Anthropogenic Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Emergency, Climate Crisis, Climate Disaster and Carbon NetZero.
I wonder why?
(Question too complicated for a man, needed a wimmin in charge at NASA to answer that sort of question? Mishal not bright enough to ask? Mishal told by a wimmin, Sarah Sands, to not ask that inconvenient question because it might reveal an inconvenient truth?)
I’ve heard there’s a lot of junk and rubbish that’s been left on the moon from the earlier visits so it’s a no brainer that we should send up a couple of wimmin next to tidy up a bit.
I’m unable to find this website when searching google, this has been an ongoing problem for a few days. If you search for this website via – the website does show
I don’t see such a problem from here
Google is not hiding BiasedBBC
Of course your own Google results are customised based on what you searched before
So if you ended up on The Canary page many times before
It will push you there again.
I google ‘biased bbc’ to find the site. It used (until a year or two ago) come up when I just typed ‘bia…’ now I have to type in the whole word ‘biased’ and it comes up as about the 4th suggestion.
I would bookmark if I were you Andy, I think this is only going to get worse.
The suggestions I get now on Youtube tend to be my music preferences and many of my political sites that used to be recommended have disappeared. I have now started asking for notifications but the number that appear drive me mad.
Excruciating on Toady this morning.
Between about 0740 and 0750 we had continuous anti Trump pro multicultural pro mass immigration garbage, including an anti Trump polemic even on Thought for the Day.
Needless to say, Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein was her normal impartial self. Not.
President Trump is a thoughtless oaf. That’s not the BBC saying that, it is me writing that. He really should either get off Twitter or think more and for much longer before he Tweets.
He was popular with BAME Americans who helped him win the Presidency in 2016. In return, he helped find them more jobs and better jobs. He has now damaged his standing in some key electoral States, like Florida. There will be plenty who believe what the Democrats say about ‘that Tweet’ and may vote accordingly in 2020.
The BBC are, of course, saying “President Trump is racist” and are busy helping others say “He is a racist.”
Can someone on here put up that first Tweet (all of it) on this web-site. Maybe pin it to the top of a Thread? I suspect that yesterday and today the BBC have been deliberately omitting part of it while running it – sometimes as first item – in News bulletins.
I would like to know if there is a ‘missing’ sentence.
I have heard that it’s down there, at the end of the original Tweet, BBC.
….and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how….
….it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
But I’d have to disagree. He’s far from a thoughtless oaf. He thinks these things through very strategically. The Democrats have been trying to distance themselves from these four, as they are extreme and very off putting to many potential Democrat voters. Remember Nancy Pelosi attacked them recently and, surprise surprise, was called a racist. Now the Democrats have been forced to show these ladies as the face of the party. Trump evidently considers that voters lost by the Democrats will outweigh any he has alienated.
Note he’s never mentioned any names, and also said they should come back. Who he is referring to has simply been assumed.
Good point – it has been assumed who he was talking about…and he did say come back….all of which gets dropped from the BBC..and why Boris and Hunt even commented on it if they didn’t have the real facts is a poor sign..
RD & JA, I think you are both wrong. President Trump could have tweeted in a way that made ‘his point’, didn’t alienate any swing or Republican voters and could not be edited by the hostile MSM.
The president is now running the risk of losing key or swing BAME States (eg. Florida) and putting his core vote at risk in other key or swing States like Ohio.
Bad move. Very bad move. Bad, bad, bad …. greatly bad.
But thanks for putting up the whole two Tweets, RD. Were they made late at night or in the wee small hours?
Apparently, according to BBC R4 6pm News today (18th July), President Trump has gone even more for broke at a campaign event last night and he’s having to apologise for winding up some extreme elements chanting ‘Send her back’ in relation to Ilhan Omar.
This could be the start of President Trump losing to someone who should not be getting the Democratic nomination. Quite crazy to put so much at risk – at this stage – for no real gain. He needs to re-inforce his vote – with the key successes he has had – not weaken it. His campaign team will have their heads in their hands.
We will never be a Socialist or Communist Country. IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY HERE, YOU CAN LEAVE! It is your choice, and your choice alone. This is about love for America. Certain people HATE our Country….
WATCH | @Nigel_Farage : "What you've seen today is an attempt for the EU to take control of every single aspect of our lives. She wants to build a centralised, undemocratic, updated form of communism where nation-states will cease to have any relevance. Thank God we're leaving!"
Peter Hitchens has said that the BBC should be able to have
presenters and reporters with opinions and let the interviewee
answer them really personally . It would make good TV and Radio.
Well it looks like to me that BIG BROTHER at the BBC has sent out
a directive informing his or her or it’s editors that is now the BBC’S
policy to call Donald Trump a RACIST.
So be it. Presenters such as the liberal bigots Jo Coburn and
Emily Maitliss have never been able to hide their bigotry. Let
them and the rest take the full force of those they are interviewing.
We saw a bit of it from Rod Liddle on Newsnight last night. I
reiterate, it makes for riveting television.
If the BBC has decided to come completely out of the closet and
have become the left wing converse of Fox News in the USA ,that’s
fine . But of course they will have to forgo their license fee for this.
Well BIG BROTHER. Be you a he, a she, or an it, is it worth it?
Is that the reason stabbing killings are dropping in Scotland ? The same group is on drugs ?
The left will use it as another reason for legalising drugs …..
I don’t care if people make a ‘lifestyle ‘ choice of taking illegal drugs – that’s personal choice for which the individual is responsible – including the risk -but I don’t like the innocent being harmed or taxpayers having to pick up the tab .
Fed up
yes that was my smile this morning – a few weeks ago the BBC was banging on about the success of Scotland with knife we know why – they are all to doped up to stab each other…so much for the success of making knife crime into a public health emergency – if it causes drug taking to become one..
On the subjects of deaths and statistics, here are a couple which will be decidedly unwelcome to the Libtards in the BBC ‘newsroom’.
1. The islamophobic, anti EU, unequal, racist, UK presided over by the evil Tories has….errr….the fourth lowest suicide rate in the EU. Among other things between a half and a third of that of EU friendly …..Belgium!
2. A deep dive statistical survey from the US showed that suicide rates among transgender people are very high and INCREASE as they go further through gender re-assignment.
I can’t find specific references but I’m pretty sure that we have been told on numerous occasions that we are one of the unhappiest countries in the world. And there we are, down there with that easy-going Mediterranean lot.
The EU doesn’t seem to be spreading much joy, does it?
Suicide rate?
Culprit No. 1. Our Marxist State Broadcaster pumping out its condemnation of practically everything minute by minute. ‘Critical Theory’ maximised.
There’s a whole lot more of this out there as well. Very disturbing and a danger to the young and vulnerable people whose interests are purportedly being looked after by the transactivists. Another case of ideas being perceived as more important than real people.
I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the sooner we get to the bottom of this Marxist/islamist conspiracy in the West to destroy everything proven, sensible and logical, the better. That can only come about by sedition followed by revolution. Serious times need serious action. Things changing so quickly (sorry, ‘deteriorating’) renders the ballot box redundant. In the UK the 2016 Referendum proved that fact so, what’s good for the Government in ignoring the ballot box is good for us all. The quicker we hit rock bottom, the quicker we can recover. I’ll probably not be around to witness the civil unrest that will come after, probably some minor incident triggering it. Unless of course, nothing changes and I’ll be led out of my home in my eighties along with others to a local sports ground to be beheaded by young bearded men shouting, ‘Alluha Akbar’ on each beheading.
There’ll be no “sedition followed by revolution”, in the Former UK – they don’t do that sort of thing, any more. Life is far too comfortable, and the masses are far too blinkered and lost in their ipads, fast food, sport and televisions to indulge in any of that…
If this report showed the same amount people protesting for example against Pres.Trump – the report might read massive turn out 🙂 Many times as the beeb used a different angle to portray an illusion of many in the crowd!
Is there any news about Tommy being moved from Belmarsh? I read somewhere that low risk prisoners are only held there for a short time pending appraisal for which prison and category is most suitable.
If he’s moved –
it will be to a Muslim prison ( ain’t they all ?)
It will be difficult to travel to
Away from the London Bubble
Have a history of ‘accidents ‘
A long nine weeks but not out of sight out of mind ….
The BBC London historian
continues to show that the SocialistJustice Warrior people have compassion and the moral high ground
..NOT ..just the normal nasty sneering and derogatory attacks.
Sad news from Belmarsh: I hear Tommy Robinson is LIVID with former bestie Danny ‘Kidnapped the Wrong Bloke Once’ Tommo.
Seems Robinson asked Danny to smuggle him in a file; but he wasn’t quite specific enough, and- well…
Ha Thanks Lucy – I was worried what this character was going to do but he did hit a 1 to 5 hit rate for getting popcorn was where is was meant to go …. why film someone eating popcorn ? Is there a website – sponsored by butterkist ?
That violent husband beating police cautioned labour MP Sarah Champion now on Politics Today attacking Donald, if fact no body is defending or putting his case. And no one any where on the MSN is exposing the “terrible fours” racist anti-semetic tweets, comments anywhere.
Not to mention the outrageous support for Isis et al. Oh! hang on, sorry, our State Broadaster supports Isis (as a minority group, of course) as well.
I’m beginning to understand what previous invaded felt like. At least this time, there is comparatively little rape and pillage, so far…….We can’t bank of that for the future though.
Admittedly, the rape and pillage are separated somewhat. Rape in Rotherham, and pillage whenever the police ‘dis’ a drug dealer. It’s probably difficult, if not impossible, to rape someone and carry a 60″ flat screen TV at the same time.
Yes, I can read, but I’d say that 1510 (latest figure) rape victims, and even more actual crimes in a place that isn’t even a city, is pretty good going, even in an historical context.
Well it would help if the media would context it
… but theyd rather ignore it.
If it affected each victim for one year then over 20:years the 1,510 would be 75 per year
but Im guessing the ordeal often went on for 3 or 5 years
It’s a shame that the daily express bit of rod Liddle on newsnight is only 39 seconds long . I’d like to see it all. I grew up watching News night ( anorak ) but it lost its way long ago and should be replaced by repeats of the excellent ‘homes under the hammer “ where capitalist pigs exploit the proletariat by making homes for them and then making them pay to occupy them .
When the glorious revolution comes we will grow a forest of money trees from which all will take what they need .
For the many not the few , no ifs no buts , strong and stable , brexit means brexit , british jobs for british workers ,this is not a time for sound bites,
“We’re alright , we’er Alright “
Goat – yes I was wondering whether to include the Kinnock one but I remember watching it live and thinking – don’t do that if you want to win and fortunately he didn’t. ….
But his family has done well out of the ReichEU
There’s going to stacks on the box this week about the astonishing events of fifty years ago, the moon landing. I remember it well and it got me thinking…
I know that people of a certain vintage often adopt the rose tinted spectacles, but…our country seemed much more at ease with itself then.
I don’t recall the the divisions in society we see today. People weren’t perennially offended. If you disagreed with someone you weren’t automatically called a racist, a bigot, or a phobe of some sort.
We didn’t have masked lefties screaming “Nazi” at anyone they disliked…and that’s almost everyone other than Islamist terrorists and Comrade Corbyn.
We didn’t have the stabbings, the shootings or the acid attacks. I don’t think we could even have imagined such atrocities.
Gangs of Muslim child rapists that are protected from prosecution by the media, the police and politicians, would have been beyond our understanding. It’s insane.
I remember that lovely old Roger Miller song that celebrated how peaceful London was, with the line “Bobbies on bicycles, two by two.” What’s happened?
In those days we looked askance at violent crime in America and were horrified at the state control of people in Russia and East Germany. Now we’ve got both.
We now seem to be a nation at war with itself. We’re an angry, unhappy and disconnected people.
Perhaps it’s too easy to point the finger, but I honestly believe that multi-culturalism was deliberately designed to cause the mayhem it has so clearly inflicted.
I took a nostalgic ramble around my old childhood manor the other day. I remembered the sunny Sunday on the day of the moon landing and me and my mates playing cricket on a small patch of green near our flats. The long summer holidays had begun and the world seemed idyllic.
You couldn’t play cricket there now, they’ve just built a massive great mosque on the site. And my dad’s old pub is now a Halal butcher.
I didn’t stay long…
The Krays were career criminals and although violent scum were at least semi organised scum.
The half witted vermin stabbing each other on a daily basis have brought third world tribal warfare to our streets.
We’ve imported poverty, stupidity and a level of brute violence unheard of our once beautiful country.
Fedup2 – we went to Vienna thatyear. I saw the blast off in school in England, the early morning replay of the walking on the moon in Bavaria and the splash down in Austria.
Jeff, I remember things were largely better, especially as a child when the teachers weren’t trying to politically indoctrinate you from 5 years old. Although we did have a local kiddie fiddler, we felt much safer playing football, cricket or just walking miles when we were kids.
However, when Ted Heath won in 1970 a TU official said on television that “we will now do whatever we can to get rid of them”. Seems little now but the unions tried to get Heath out from his election point until they succeeded in 1974. Yes he lied to us, but the unions wereonly objecting to the fact that he was a Conservative. They got so much into the habit that they ultimitaely did the same to their own Callaghan government.
When Thatcher was elected they started name calling from day 1 and were accusing her basically of being a fascist, racist, extreme right-winger etc. It’s got worse ever since, They even called Major and Cameron right-wingers!
They were doing the same in the USA at the same time. After the criminal Nixon, we had the idiot Ford who was hit on the head too often from his football days. Then Reagan was an idiot, and then a right-wing extremist who wanted war with the USSR. The Bushes were idiots too, as is Trump (amongst all his other crimes).
All the hate and lies started from the left and they’ve got worse and have become terroristically violent.
Ah, 1969! The moon landings! the Stones free gig in Hyde Park! The Met get around doing something about gang violence, knife and gun crime in East London (the Krays finally rounded up, convicted and sent down)!
And I bet there wasn’t a single brown face in the crowd throwing rocks, iron bars and spiked sticks at peaceful civil rights marchers at Burntollet Bridge and subsequently in Derry. And every single one of them a self-declared Christian.
Jeff… Yep I was 21 at the time and remember vividly watching the landing in grainy black and white, while Sinatra was played in the background singing Fly Me To The Moon ! The 60’s can be picked over negatively -mainly by those who weren’t even born or too young to remember ! but at least I have memories of remembering the shooting of both the Kennedy’s, the joy of winning the World Cup, my first Mary Quant mini skirt, paying 10 shillings (50p) to see the Beatles at Margate Winter Gardens, and again yep ! WWW no diversity to deal with or even bother about, no mobile phones and no social media to f…k things up.
So, was it a happy time ? you betcha, I had the best of times.
Mary Quant minis…Now you’ve started something!
I look back on those days as being cheerful and optimistic. No period is ever perfect, but I reckon it was better than most.
Wasn’t there ‘only’ about 100,000 members of that peaceful cult in the 60s, compared with about 4 million now? Imagine if the number had stabilised at the 60s level.
anyone see Jonny Ball on Piers Morgan this morning – apparently he was called a racist for saying the truth about maths and Islam at a recent presentation..but he at least is fighting back and not apologising
I wouldn’t sign it
He quotes the First Amendment as
“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech”
The Actual quote is
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
In reality freedom of expression is limited
– Illegal to incite violence
– Illegal to deal with child porn
Vine has on Felix the ethnic-African social worker Sheffield University threw out for quoting anti-gay parts of the bible on his Facebook page
.. who has just won the case in high court against the university.
Vine is not sure what to say
Peter Tatchell is now on saying it’s a free speech thing.
I turned off Vine right at the start when he asked us “are you from an ethnic minority in Britain and have been told ‘to go home’?”
For a start President Trump didn’t tell anyone ‘to go home’, rather he said they should return to fix the problems ‘back home’ and then return to ‘show us how it is done’. So Trump’s tweet wasn’t a general ‘go back home’ but a request that certain ‘know-it-all’ individuals should stop complaining about the USA until such time that they could show that they were competent. Alihibai-Brown and Lammy come in the same class.
Never mind that the story was based on ‘fake news’, Vine is out to stir up hate. Lots of us encounter people that upset us, we ignore it, we move on. But Vine wants us to pick at the wound, to inflame and spread the infection.
I caught the end of the social worker item. Ditto hate spreading. Logically anyone who is of a particular sex, race, religion, political or sporting persuasion should never do social work – they might have to deal with someone outside their demographic.
The same rules should apply to impartial BBC presenters!
R4 now discussing recent report from Army
Why does the BBC feel the need to keep repeating that all the issues are because the Army is run by white middle aged men?
I cannot imagine them saying are all the issues with Muslim rape gangs because Mosques are run by Old black men or Old Muslim men?
Why is this obvious hypocrisy allowed to continue
Imagine: We are at war and the Army are out there trying to save our necks –
‘Why does the BBC feel the need to keep repeating that all the officers and men of rank on the front line are all white middle aged men….’
Useful. Fifth Columnists.
It’s the kind of idle nonsense airheads talk about when they see no prospect of being directly threatened . Admittedly the style of warfare seen in the 20th c is unlikely ( won’t bother with the reasons )
But a cyber war turning off the power /water supply would soon see a need for military intervention because a majority snowflake police consisting of community coherence officers ain’t gonna last long ….
In the last World War we were confronted by a highly competent and efficient war machine, highly organised (provided their leader kept out of day-to-day decision making!) and driven. On this current ongoing invasion, we are confronted by a force which is half moron and half savage albeit both are driven by big business/media and the Globalists as their tools, and we cannot deal with it? Decisively. The moral fibre in the leadership is just not there any more. In that I refer to the likely incumbent of No.10 and his response to President Trumps attack on the “Squad”. This alone, indicates that Johnston cannot be trusted in any way.
This has all the hallmarks of the beginning of a BBC Flank Attack. Another “how nasty the army are” is out there re sex pests now.
The BBC have never liked the Military (along with their idol Soros) and I can bet these are just the opening shots in a running derogatory campaign… watch this space!
I am going to save them as a list and batter the BBC with it relentlessly. wherever I can.
There are many of us out there who see through their nasty devious lying ways and I believe we should relentlessly confront them wherever we can, here, social media, BBC complaints Dept etc. en-mass to weaken their foul “this is what you need to think” propaganda.
Although the POTUS comment about the democrat girls is domestic – it’s good to see him repeating the comment on Twitter again today . Keeps putting the cat amongst the Twitters .
Just watched the Rod Liddle ambush by the newsnight mouthpiece . 10 minutes on YouTube . She diverted the discussion about brexit by going for him on a race issue .
A Soros mouthpiece was there allowing Maitlis to do his work for him .
Liddle let himself down by being less than coherent is expressing himself – which is a shame as he let the 17.4 million and more down .
Glad I don’t bother with newsnight or any thing with that dreadful woman in it …or pay her wages .
Newsnight has been off my viewing list for years. This Week has been my last contact with State Broadcaster’s TV news. The last studio edition went out last Thursday.
Today, The Daily Politics (since renamed), Channel 4 News and Newsnight are another country. Did I leave my country or did my country leave me?
A few daring women in Iran's capital have been taking off their mandatory headscarves, or hijabs, in public, risking arrest and drawing the ire of hard-liners. Many others stop short of outright defiance and opt for loosely draped scarves.
“….though it doesn’t answer why the BBC think it appropriate to go there….”. All to do with using BBC resources in support of finding any evidence that will assist the Democrats in impeaching the POTUS. Simples.
AOC, Ilhan Omar repeatedly REFUSE to condemn Antifa attack on ICE! | Keean Bexte
and another
Will @AyannaPressley condemn Antifa after their attempted attack on the Tacoma ICE detention center? @TheRealKeean asks: Why are you scared to answer the question? Are they your voter base?
The Muslim terrorist mass murderers ( in BBC speak ‘local men ) have been ruled ‘lawfully killed ‘ by the brave cops who took them on. Tea and Medals all round boys .
Perhaps the BBC will put the footage up of them being shot again – always cheers me up .. including the bit where the firearms cops forgot to put the handbrake on the Range Rover ….
Which snowflake is going to be the first one to say ‘whitewash ‘ and the local men should have been taken alive so they could change their ways ….. ‘and face justice ‘ . In my view a piece of high speed metal placed in their head seems very humane for what they did …
As an addition – the BBC online report describes the event but not the motivation – really can’t think why – bias by omission for the favourite BBC ‘religion ‘.
There were 183 forced marriage cases intercepted by police across Yorkshire and the Humber last year. Of the 183 cases, 128 were linked to forced marriages being set up in Pakistan.
A further 18 were linked to Romania, five to Bangladesh and less than five to India.
Across the UK, there were a total of 1,764 cases the UK’s Forced Marriage Unit gave advice and support to
Gay parenting can the BBC talk about that ?
Yep today episode 1
\\ David Gregory-Kumar is a BBC journalist, and he’s also a gay dad.
Across three editions of One to One, he’s exploring different aspects of gay parenting.
Today he speaks to DaJon, the surrogate who carried his, and his husband Suraj’s, baby girl. //
I can see which one Gregory-Kumar is but, “…..DaJon, the surrogate who carried his, and his husband Suraj’s, baby girl”. Would Dajon be the bearded one on the right? Who knows anymore?
The speaker has resigned! Well – the French Speaker – who is now the resigned ‘ environmental minister ‘ – caught out on ‘lavish meals ( in France ) paid for by the French taxpayer ?
Obviously a politician reared in the ways of the EU….
Farm murders in South Africa: over the weekend Ina and Sakkie van der Berg were murdered near Boshoff, in the Free State Province.
Today a farmer and his son were shot in the chest near Muldersdrift, Gauteng Province, when about 5 attackers broke down the back door of their home.
6-8 September is a White Cross commemoration weekend. There is a mountainside covered by hundreds of white crosses, one for every farmer/family member murdered in SA in recent years.
The ANC which, for many years set out to make the country ungovernable, is not particularly interested in the war on farmers.
The bbc is unlikely to report on this issue. Possibly because the attacks are almost daily occurences, one supposes.
If you think about other possible reasons, you’ll find it easy to work out.
They do report about a white football star getting shot
\\ South African former footballer Marc Batchelor has been shot dead near his home in Johannesburg.
“He died inside the car and they drove away without taking anything.
He was very close to some well-known figures in the Johannesburg underworld, which is why there is strong speculation about his killing being a hit.//
The BBC as we all well know would dearly like to see a move to a Marxist style State. However the Army are likely to be a problem with that.
So we are seeing the usual lefty steps to secure the high ground.
Their narrative:-
1. The young are being oppressed by old white males. (Get youth on-side)
2. The male atmosphere in the Army is sexist for women. (Get women on-side)
To follow in the next few episodes?
3. Coloured folk and immigrants are discriminated against by the Army (Get diversity on-side option 1)
4. The Army is intolerant of LGBT folk. (Get diversity on-side option 2)
Hoped for outcome?
Make the UK Military appear as obsolete and not-nice and therefore disposable paving the way for a Global Jurisdiction to replace it. (For more read up on Common Purpose, the go-to outfit for BBC staff).
If this country god forbid ever does find itself in a Nation against Nation war again I hope there are still enough people with backbone, courage and fortitude to take on the task and I hope those people will bring a day of reckoning with the toads who conspired with it.
“….. I hope there are still enough people with backbone, courage and fortitude to take on the task and I hope those people will bring a day of reckoning with the toads who conspired with it.” A rapidly diminishing number aging.
Which reminds me – wasn’t there meant to be a peer asking the state what actions their prison service was taking to protect TR? In the Hords Monday? Didn’t hear about it …
Should the BBC have dropped the Wimbledon final then? Just wondering. They usually put something escapist on BBC2 for sport refugees (this year it was Call Me Madam with Ethel Merman, Donald O’Connor and a terrific Irving Berlin score, they don’t make ’em like that any more). Swapping that for cricket really wouldn’t go down that well with Middle England you know!
There’s an Ashes series ahead. I’ll bet that whatever’s happened by the end of it, and especially if England win back the urn, the World Cup will be reduced to a footnote to the summer. After all, it’s real cricket, not a limited overs novelty knockabout.
Apparently a written question was submitted by Lord Pearson on 11 July.
Tommy Robinson: Written question – HL17121
Ministry of Justice
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they are taking to ensure the safety of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon in prison.
No response by the look of it.
Perhaps someone should also ask the Home Office to explain why they are obstructing Geert from visiting.
Thanks the island – I think the government is worried that if he goes to belmarsh he might meet people who have been locked up for the offence of ‘upsetting the state ‘.
Al Beeb often bleats ‘Brexit Uncertainty’ after its economic reports.
If we had left the EU by now there would be no Brexit uncertainty .
It is this uncertainty that is stifling our economy.
Boris , get us out of the United States of Europe or you and the Tory Party will be finished .
Vote and support Ukip and The Brexit Party!
“The age limit for playing the National Lottery could be raised to 18, the government has said.”
Meanwhile The Welsh Assembly wants to lower the voting age to 16.
Compare and contrast.
ITV did an iten promoting She-Fest
A wimmin only performer festival
The first ever She Fest arts festival at @ertheatre is ramping up this week. It’s a female-led festival celebrating local women in the arts through everything from graffiti workshops to cabaret and sip-and-sing sessions. I’ll have more on @itvcalendar at 6pm
Looks like a good place to pick up girls – for those in the market (Fedup – you’re not allowed to say things like that – how many times do you need to be told ?)
Right, then just be ‘ok’ at throwing food together to make something passable to eat. Be capable of making coloured icing sugar to cover a cake that’s not entirely good enough to set before your Queen. Enter a cookery competition and hide your failings with a bit of face gurneying, oh and being an ethnic minority certainly helps you past the winning post.
If your lucky our national broadcaster sees you as a poster person, and then gives you a make-over – away with the hijab, and in comes an array of fetching turbans. Non-descript cooking shows /overseas documentaries come your way with ghost written cookery books by the cart load. Don’t worry about the recipes because you clearly don’t have time to know that many with bringing up 3 kids on fish fingers and only eating tinned vegetables.
And after around 4 years, you too could be a millionaire, courtesy of me and my licence fee.
9pm BBC2 Inside the Social Network: Facebook’s Difficult Year
bet they tell us the only problem is “the Russians”
Wheres what I see is material from Labour front groups like HnH being constantly pushed at me
Like that #EUReferendum, #Leave scraping in with less than 52%. In any case, Dr. von der Leyen she got 9 votes above the t h r e s h h o l d ???? Her actual majority was 383 votes to 327.
If there'd been a comparable threshold for the referendum…….
Unbelievable £7.75m more on Cultural events while kids die on our streets because he says he has no more money for extra police!! Sadiq Khan Has Spent Millions On Cultural Festivals, Despite Knife Crime Crisis – LBC
BBC version of ‘reductio ad Hitlerum – a play on the very real logic term reductio ad absurdum’ with it’s own twist!
The UK’s Boris Johnson compared the EU to the Nazis during the Brexit campaign; a UN investigator used the comparison for Israeli actions in Gaza; Russian television has applied the label to the West over the Aleppo crisis.
Funny that because I read somewhere that one of the Nazis who ran their banking system wasn’t executed after the war but got a job in the West German Government and then used his Reich model for the New common market .
I’ll try and find the article ….
Racism ?
If your London family moves to Manchester
and you all spend years bitching about it and say London is much better ..and people say “if you think London is better then you’ll go back then”
Are those Manchester people being racist ? NO
And if other families who also moved to Manchester say the same to you ..are they being racist ? Nope
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
TOADY Watch #1
Off switch utilised a couple of times in protest after switching on at 6.40am. Second time came in Prime Interview slot when Mishal just had to interview a wimmin who landed on the moon in 1969.
Or not.
Switched back on during an interview with someone running NASA (a man – not a wimmin – boo, men bad, wimmin good). NASA Man wants to go back to the Moon within five years and then on to Mars.
Mishal didn’t ask about Anthropogenic Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Emergency, Climate Crisis, Climate Disaster and Carbon NetZero.
I wonder why?
(Question too complicated for a man, needed a wimmin in charge at NASA to answer that sort of question? Mishal not bright enough to ask? Mishal told by a wimmin, Sarah Sands, to not ask that inconvenient question because it might reveal an inconvenient truth?)
I’ve heard there’s a lot of junk and rubbish that’s been left on the moon from the earlier visits so it’s a no brainer that we should send up a couple of wimmin next to tidy up a bit.
I’m unable to find this website when searching google, this has been an ongoing problem for a few days. If you search for this website via – the website does show
I don’t see such a problem from here
Google is not hiding BiasedBBC
Of course your own Google results are customised based on what you searched before
So if you ended up on The Canary page many times before
It will push you there again.
Hi Stew: I know that people making corrections on this site are annoying, but I feel compelled to point out a problem with your post.
You should have said “Google is not hiding BiasedBBC…….Yet.
I google ‘biased bbc’ to find the site. It used (until a year or two ago) come up when I just typed ‘bia…’ now I have to type in the whole word ‘biased’ and it comes up as about the 4th suggestion.
I would bookmark if I were you Andy, I think this is only going to get worse.
The suggestions I get now on Youtube tend to be my music preferences and many of my political sites that used to be recommended have disappeared. I have now started asking for notifications but the number that appear drive me mad.
Excruciating on Toady this morning.
Between about 0740 and 0750 we had continuous anti Trump pro multicultural pro mass immigration garbage, including an anti Trump polemic even on Thought for the Day.
Needless to say, Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein was her normal impartial self. Not.
As the BBC does precisely that. But is too blinded by TDS to realise as they put it in the top spot of their news page.
TOADY Watch #2
President Trump is a thoughtless oaf. That’s not the BBC saying that, it is me writing that. He really should either get off Twitter or think more and for much longer before he Tweets.
He was popular with BAME Americans who helped him win the Presidency in 2016. In return, he helped find them more jobs and better jobs. He has now damaged his standing in some key electoral States, like Florida. There will be plenty who believe what the Democrats say about ‘that Tweet’ and may vote accordingly in 2020.
The BBC are, of course, saying “President Trump is racist” and are busy helping others say “He is a racist.”
Can someone on here put up that first Tweet (all of it) on this web-site. Maybe pin it to the top of a Thread? I suspect that yesterday and today the BBC have been deliberately omitting part of it while running it – sometimes as first item – in News bulletins.
I would like to know if there is a ‘missing’ sentence.
I have heard that it’s down there, at the end of the original Tweet, BBC.
Care to read it out on air, BBC?
No, I thought not.
I think these are what you’re after.
But I’d have to disagree. He’s far from a thoughtless oaf. He thinks these things through very strategically. The Democrats have been trying to distance themselves from these four, as they are extreme and very off putting to many potential Democrat voters. Remember Nancy Pelosi attacked them recently and, surprise surprise, was called a racist. Now the Democrats have been forced to show these ladies as the face of the party. Trump evidently considers that voters lost by the Democrats will outweigh any he has alienated.
Note he’s never mentioned any names, and also said they should come back. Who he is referring to has simply been assumed.
Good point – it has been assumed who he was talking about…and he did say come back….all of which gets dropped from the BBC..and why Boris and Hunt even commented on it if they didn’t have the real facts is a poor sign..
RD & JA, I think you are both wrong. President Trump could have tweeted in a way that made ‘his point’, didn’t alienate any swing or Republican voters and could not be edited by the hostile MSM.
The president is now running the risk of losing key or swing BAME States (eg. Florida) and putting his core vote at risk in other key or swing States like Ohio.
Bad move. Very bad move. Bad, bad, bad …. greatly bad.
But thanks for putting up the whole two Tweets, RD. Were they made late at night or in the wee small hours?
Apparently, according to BBC R4 6pm News today (18th July), President Trump has gone even more for broke at a campaign event last night and he’s having to apologise for winding up some extreme elements chanting ‘Send her back’ in relation to Ilhan Omar.
This could be the start of President Trump losing to someone who should not be getting the Democratic nomination. Quite crazy to put so much at risk – at this stage – for no real gain. He needs to re-inforce his vote – with the key successes he has had – not weaken it. His campaign team will have their heads in their hands.
I’ll take the thoughtless oaf for PM thank you.
“…and what is there for defence can also be used for attack”.
Thanks theisland certainly worth a listen.
Peter Hitchens has said that the BBC should be able to have
presenters and reporters with opinions and let the interviewee
answer them really personally . It would make good TV and Radio.
Well it looks like to me that BIG BROTHER at the BBC has sent out
a directive informing his or her or it’s editors that is now the BBC’S
policy to call Donald Trump a RACIST.
So be it. Presenters such as the liberal bigots Jo Coburn and
Emily Maitliss have never been able to hide their bigotry. Let
them and the rest take the full force of those they are interviewing.
We saw a bit of it from Rod Liddle on Newsnight last night. I
reiterate, it makes for riveting television.
If the BBC has decided to come completely out of the closet and
have become the left wing converse of Fox News in the USA ,that’s
fine . But of course they will have to forgo their license fee for this.
Well BIG BROTHER. Be you a he, a she, or an it, is it worth it?
“they will have to forgo their license fee”
This makes perfect sense.
State Broadcaster won’t agree.
“Recorded drug deaths in Scotland highest in EU”
why bother mentioning the EU at the end?? and whats the EU got to do with it
Was this a survey restricted to the EU?
Has someone popped up yet to blame Tory cuts?
What’s it got to do with EU.
(Sorry Andy, it seemed funny at the time)
Is that the reason stabbing killings are dropping in Scotland ? The same group is on drugs ?
The left will use it as another reason for legalising drugs …..
I don’t care if people make a ‘lifestyle ‘ choice of taking illegal drugs – that’s personal choice for which the individual is responsible – including the risk -but I don’t like the innocent being harmed or taxpayers having to pick up the tab .
Do the statistics for “drug deaths” include overdose from legally obtained drugs? Do they include deaths at the hands of incompetent health workers?
Fed up
yes that was my smile this morning – a few weeks ago the BBC was banging on about the success of Scotland with knife we know why – they are all to doped up to stab each other…so much for the success of making knife crime into a public health emergency – if it causes drug taking to become one..
On the subjects of deaths and statistics, here are a couple which will be decidedly unwelcome to the Libtards in the BBC ‘newsroom’.
1. The islamophobic, anti EU, unequal, racist, UK presided over by the evil Tories has….errr….the fourth lowest suicide rate in the EU. Among other things between a half and a third of that of EU friendly …..Belgium!
2. A deep dive statistical survey from the US showed that suicide rates among transgender people are very high and INCREASE as they go further through gender re-assignment.
Click to access AFSP-Williams-Suicide-Report-Final.pdf
Distinctly inconvenient for the Guardianista ‘journalists’ at our impartial state broadcaster.
This is the kind of thing that happens when politics overrules common sense and Mother Nature is given the two finger salute.
“the fourth lowest suicide rate in the EU”
I can’t find specific references but I’m pretty sure that we have been told on numerous occasions that we are one of the unhappiest countries in the world. And there we are, down there with that easy-going Mediterranean lot.
The EU doesn’t seem to be spreading much joy, does it?
Suicide rate?
Culprit No. 1. Our Marxist State Broadcaster pumping out its condemnation of practically everything minute by minute. ‘Critical Theory’ maximised.
More disturbing reads about the subject and how censorship of the “wrong” views is prevalent:
There’s a whole lot more of this out there as well. Very disturbing and a danger to the young and vulnerable people whose interests are purportedly being looked after by the transactivists. Another case of ideas being perceived as more important than real people.
I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the sooner we get to the bottom of this Marxist/islamist conspiracy in the West to destroy everything proven, sensible and logical, the better. That can only come about by sedition followed by revolution. Serious times need serious action. Things changing so quickly (sorry, ‘deteriorating’) renders the ballot box redundant. In the UK the 2016 Referendum proved that fact so, what’s good for the Government in ignoring the ballot box is good for us all. The quicker we hit rock bottom, the quicker we can recover. I’ll probably not be around to witness the civil unrest that will come after, probably some minor incident triggering it. Unless of course, nothing changes and I’ll be led out of my home in my eighties along with others to a local sports ground to be beheaded by young bearded men shouting, ‘Alluha Akbar’ on each beheading.
There’ll be no “sedition followed by revolution”, in the Former UK – they don’t do that sort of thing, any more. Life is far too comfortable, and the masses are far too blinkered and lost in their ipads, fast food, sport and televisions to indulge in any of that…
Then I have to be content with beheading. It is quick.
Tommy Robinson “report” by the beeb
Goes onto say “A small crowd” surrounds etc etc
If this report showed the same amount people protesting for example against Pres.Trump – the report might read massive turn out 🙂 Many times as the beeb used a different angle to portray an illusion of many in the crowd!
Is there any news about Tommy being moved from Belmarsh? I read somewhere that low risk prisoners are only held there for a short time pending appraisal for which prison and category is most suitable.
If he’s moved –
it will be to a Muslim prison ( ain’t they all ?)
It will be difficult to travel to
Away from the London Bubble
Have a history of ‘accidents ‘
A long nine weeks but not out of sight out of mind ….
I hope some non snowflake lawyer gets to appeal….
According to @OzraeliAvi legal team visit planned for Wednesday to discuss his appeal.
The BBC London historian
continues to show that the SocialistJustice Warrior people have compassion and the moral high ground
..NOT ..just the normal nasty sneering and derogatory attacks.
Fedup2, this one is for you
Ha Thanks Lucy – I was worried what this character was going to do but he did hit a 1 to 5 hit rate for getting popcorn was where is was meant to go …. why film someone eating popcorn ? Is there a website – sponsored by butterkist ?
That violent husband beating police cautioned labour MP Sarah Champion now on Politics Today attacking Donald, if fact no body is defending or putting his case. And no one any where on the MSN is exposing the “terrible fours” racist anti-semetic tweets, comments anywhere.
Not to mention the outrageous support for Isis et al. Oh! hang on, sorry, our State Broadaster supports Isis (as a minority group, of course) as well.
I’m beginning to understand what previous invaded felt like. At least this time, there is comparatively little rape and pillage, so far…….We can’t bank of that for the future though.
“there is comparatively little rape and pillage”
You sure about that G?
Admittedly, the rape and pillage are separated somewhat. Rape in Rotherham, and pillage whenever the police ‘dis’ a drug dealer. It’s probably difficult, if not impossible, to rape someone and carry a 60″ flat screen TV at the same time.
“Comparatively” as in previous invasions.
Yes, I can read, but I’d say that 1510 (latest figure) rape victims, and even more actual crimes in a place that isn’t even a city, is pretty good going, even in an historical context.
Well it would help if the media would context it
… but theyd rather ignore it.
If it affected each victim for one year then over 20:years the 1,510 would be 75 per year
but Im guessing the ordeal often went on for 3 or 5 years
Please don’t………..
It’s a shame that the daily express bit of rod Liddle on newsnight is only 39 seconds long . I’d like to see it all. I grew up watching News night ( anorak ) but it lost its way long ago and should be replaced by repeats of the excellent ‘homes under the hammer “ where capitalist pigs exploit the proletariat by making homes for them and then making them pay to occupy them .
When the glorious revolution comes we will grow a forest of money trees from which all will take what they need .
For the many not the few , no ifs no buts , strong and stable , brexit means brexit , british jobs for british workers ,this is not a time for sound bites,
“We’re alright , we’er Alright “
Is that Kinnock before, or after he fell into the North Sea?
Goat – yes I was wondering whether to include the Kinnock one but I remember watching it live and thinking – don’t do that if you want to win and fortunately he didn’t. ….
But his family has done well out of the ReichEU
Wasn’t it Brighton……
What’s Newnight matter no one watches it ?
There’s going to stacks on the box this week about the astonishing events of fifty years ago, the moon landing. I remember it well and it got me thinking…
I know that people of a certain vintage often adopt the rose tinted spectacles, but…our country seemed much more at ease with itself then.
I don’t recall the the divisions in society we see today. People weren’t perennially offended. If you disagreed with someone you weren’t automatically called a racist, a bigot, or a phobe of some sort.
We didn’t have masked lefties screaming “Nazi” at anyone they disliked…and that’s almost everyone other than Islamist terrorists and Comrade Corbyn.
We didn’t have the stabbings, the shootings or the acid attacks. I don’t think we could even have imagined such atrocities.
Gangs of Muslim child rapists that are protected from prosecution by the media, the police and politicians, would have been beyond our understanding. It’s insane.
I remember that lovely old Roger Miller song that celebrated how peaceful London was, with the line “Bobbies on bicycles, two by two.” What’s happened?
In those days we looked askance at violent crime in America and were horrified at the state control of people in Russia and East Germany. Now we’ve got both.
We now seem to be a nation at war with itself. We’re an angry, unhappy and disconnected people.
Perhaps it’s too easy to point the finger, but I honestly believe that multi-culturalism was deliberately designed to cause the mayhem it has so clearly inflicted.
I took a nostalgic ramble around my old childhood manor the other day. I remembered the sunny Sunday on the day of the moon landing and me and my mates playing cricket on a small patch of green near our flats. The long summer holidays had begun and the world seemed idyllic.
You couldn’t play cricket there now, they’ve just built a massive great mosque on the site. And my dad’s old pub is now a Halal butcher.
I didn’t stay long…
Jeff ah yes – I remember being 9 and watching . In my memory it was live but late at night…
The Krays were career criminals and although violent scum were at least semi organised scum.
The half witted vermin stabbing each other on a daily basis have brought third world tribal warfare to our streets.
We’ve imported poverty, stupidity and a level of brute violence unheard of our once beautiful country.
Fedup2 – we went to Vienna thatyear. I saw the blast off in school in England, the early morning replay of the walking on the moon in Bavaria and the splash down in Austria.
Jeff, I remember things were largely better, especially as a child when the teachers weren’t trying to politically indoctrinate you from 5 years old. Although we did have a local kiddie fiddler, we felt much safer playing football, cricket or just walking miles when we were kids.
However, when Ted Heath won in 1970 a TU official said on television that “we will now do whatever we can to get rid of them”. Seems little now but the unions tried to get Heath out from his election point until they succeeded in 1974. Yes he lied to us, but the unions wereonly objecting to the fact that he was a Conservative. They got so much into the habit that they ultimitaely did the same to their own Callaghan government.
When Thatcher was elected they started name calling from day 1 and were accusing her basically of being a fascist, racist, extreme right-winger etc. It’s got worse ever since, They even called Major and Cameron right-wingers!
They were doing the same in the USA at the same time. After the criminal Nixon, we had the idiot Ford who was hit on the head too often from his football days. Then Reagan was an idiot, and then a right-wing extremist who wanted war with the USSR. The Bushes were idiots too, as is Trump (amongst all his other crimes).
All the hate and lies started from the left and they’ve got worse and have become terroristically violent.
Ah, 1969! The moon landings! the Stones free gig in Hyde Park! The Met get around doing something about gang violence, knife and gun crime in East London (the Krays finally rounded up, convicted and sent down)!
And I bet there wasn’t a single brown face in the crowd throwing rocks, iron bars and spiked sticks at peaceful civil rights marchers at Burntollet Bridge and subsequently in Derry. And every single one of them a self-declared Christian.
Jeff… Yep I was 21 at the time and remember vividly watching the landing in grainy black and white, while Sinatra was played in the background singing Fly Me To The Moon ! The 60’s can be picked over negatively -mainly by those who weren’t even born or too young to remember ! but at least I have memories of remembering the shooting of both the Kennedy’s, the joy of winning the World Cup, my first Mary Quant mini skirt, paying 10 shillings (50p) to see the Beatles at Margate Winter Gardens, and again yep ! WWW no diversity to deal with or even bother about, no mobile phones and no social media to f…k things up.
So, was it a happy time ? you betcha, I had the best of times.
Mary Quant minis…Now you’ve started something!
I look back on those days as being cheerful and optimistic. No period is ever perfect, but I reckon it was better than most.
Wasn’t there ‘only’ about 100,000 members of that peaceful cult in the 60s, compared with about 4 million now? Imagine if the number had stabilised at the 60s level.
anyone see Jonny Ball on Piers Morgan this morning – apparently he was called a racist for saying the truth about maths and Islam at a recent presentation..but he at least is fighting back and not apologising
OK not beeb bias but I wonder why this petition has so few signatories?
I’m the only 1 in my area!
I wouldn’t sign it
He quotes the First Amendment as
“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech”
The Actual quote is
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
In reality freedom of expression is limited
– Illegal to incite violence
– Illegal to deal with child porn
I won’t sign any of that nonsense again as it makes Westminster think it is legitimate when it isn’t .
Aye. These Government Petitions = worthless ‘democratic’ veneer.
Sorry, meant to slip in, ‘illusory’ before, “…democratic….”
Yes, I suppose I should have thought harder about that.
Vine has on Felix the ethnic-African social worker Sheffield University threw out for quoting anti-gay parts of the bible on his Facebook page
.. who has just won the case in high court against the university.
Vine is not sure what to say
Peter Tatchell is now on saying it’s a free speech thing.
I turned off Vine right at the start when he asked us “are you from an ethnic minority in Britain and have been told ‘to go home’?”
For a start President Trump didn’t tell anyone ‘to go home’, rather he said they should return to fix the problems ‘back home’ and then return to ‘show us how it is done’. So Trump’s tweet wasn’t a general ‘go back home’ but a request that certain ‘know-it-all’ individuals should stop complaining about the USA until such time that they could show that they were competent. Alihibai-Brown and Lammy come in the same class.
Never mind that the story was based on ‘fake news’, Vine is out to stir up hate. Lots of us encounter people that upset us, we ignore it, we move on. But Vine wants us to pick at the wound, to inflame and spread the infection.
I caught the end of the social worker item. Ditto hate spreading. Logically anyone who is of a particular sex, race, religion, political or sporting persuasion should never do social work – they might have to deal with someone outside their demographic.
The same rules should apply to impartial BBC presenters!
R4 now discussing recent report from Army
Why does the BBC feel the need to keep repeating that all the issues are because the Army is run by white middle aged men?
I cannot imagine them saying are all the issues with Muslim rape gangs because Mosques are run by Old black men or Old Muslim men?
Why is this obvious hypocrisy allowed to continue
Imagine: We are at war and the Army are out there trying to save our necks –
‘Why does the BBC feel the need to keep repeating that all the officers and men of rank on the front line are all white middle aged men….’
Useful. Fifth Columnists.
It’s the kind of idle nonsense airheads talk about when they see no prospect of being directly threatened . Admittedly the style of warfare seen in the 20th c is unlikely ( won’t bother with the reasons )
But a cyber war turning off the power /water supply would soon see a need for military intervention because a majority snowflake police consisting of community coherence officers ain’t gonna last long ….
In the last World War we were confronted by a highly competent and efficient war machine, highly organised (provided their leader kept out of day-to-day decision making!) and driven. On this current ongoing invasion, we are confronted by a force which is half moron and half savage albeit both are driven by big business/media and the Globalists as their tools, and we cannot deal with it? Decisively. The moral fibre in the leadership is just not there any more. In that I refer to the likely incumbent of No.10 and his response to President Trumps attack on the “Squad”. This alone, indicates that Johnston cannot be trusted in any way.
This has all the hallmarks of the beginning of a BBC Flank Attack. Another “how nasty the army are” is out there re sex pests now.
The BBC have never liked the Military (along with their idol Soros) and I can bet these are just the opening shots in a running derogatory campaign… watch this space!
I am going to save them as a list and batter the BBC with it relentlessly. wherever I can.
There are many of us out there who see through their nasty devious lying ways and I believe we should relentlessly confront them wherever we can, here, social media, BBC complaints Dept etc. en-mass to weaken their foul “this is what you need to think” propaganda.
If it works for them it should work for us.
Although the POTUS comment about the democrat girls is domestic – it’s good to see him repeating the comment on Twitter again today . Keeps putting the cat amongst the Twitters .
The “ upset “ threshold is very low these days .
Just watched the Rod Liddle ambush by the newsnight mouthpiece . 10 minutes on YouTube . She diverted the discussion about brexit by going for him on a race issue .
A Soros mouthpiece was there allowing Maitlis to do his work for him .
Liddle let himself down by being less than coherent is expressing himself – which is a shame as he let the 17.4 million and more down .
Glad I don’t bother with newsnight or any thing with that dreadful woman in it …or pay her wages .
“Glad I don’t bother with newsnight”
Newsnight has been off my viewing list for years. This Week has been my last contact with State Broadcaster’s TV news. The last studio edition went out last Thursday.
Today, The Daily Politics (since renamed), Channel 4 News and Newsnight are another country. Did I leave my country or did my country leave me?
Sadly I have blown my free quota, but….
Iran2 BBC makes deal to hold back Farsi language programming
\\ The BBC has agreed to conditions set by the Islamic Republic of Iran to not share reporting materials it gathers in Iran with its Persian-language channel, BBC Persian, an internal email obtained by HuffPost reveals.//
“….though it doesn’t answer why the BBC think it appropriate to go there….”. All to do with using BBC resources in support of finding any evidence that will assist the Democrats in impeaching the POTUS. Simples.
AOC, Ilhan Omar repeatedly REFUSE to condemn Antifa attack on ICE! | Keean Bexte
and another
Very telling. Either they are ignorant or complicit but they all seem really arrogant …
In other news
The Muslim terrorist mass murderers ( in BBC speak ‘local men ) have been ruled ‘lawfully killed ‘ by the brave cops who took them on. Tea and Medals all round boys .
Perhaps the BBC will put the footage up of them being shot again – always cheers me up .. including the bit where the firearms cops forgot to put the handbrake on the Range Rover ….
Which snowflake is going to be the first one to say ‘whitewash ‘ and the local men should have been taken alive so they could change their ways ….. ‘and face justice ‘ . In my view a piece of high speed metal placed in their head seems very humane for what they did …
As an addition – the BBC online report describes the event but not the motivation – really can’t think why – bias by omission for the favourite BBC ‘religion ‘.
Just in one UK region 183 interceptions of forced marriage last year
Yet Saturdays Yorkshire Post headline is invisible to Twitter and almost to Google
Children as young as 13 saved from clutches of forced marriage across Yorkshire
Print Title “Girls saved from fate as child brides”
There were 183 forced marriage cases intercepted by police across Yorkshire and the Humber last year. Of the 183 cases, 128 were linked to forced marriages being set up in Pakistan.
A further 18 were linked to Romania, five to Bangladesh and less than five to India.
Across the UK, there were a total of 1,764 cases the UK’s Forced Marriage Unit gave advice and support to
and the BBC what do they make Radio4 progs about ?
#priorities. “look over there”
The BBC does have a Forced Marriage page, but gives it little publicity
US Problem = Trump’s fault.
UK ‘brown-eyed girl’ problem = No problem, don’t rock the boat.
YP story #2
YP story #3
The BBC can investigate sex abuse in the military
There is a prog tonight
Gay parenting can the BBC talk about that ?
Yep today episode 1
\\ David Gregory-Kumar is a BBC journalist, and he’s also a gay dad.
Across three editions of One to One, he’s exploring different aspects of gay parenting.
Today he speaks to DaJon, the surrogate who carried his, and his husband Suraj’s, baby girl. //
The BBC does like sourcing internally.
As a topic, why not?
However beyond a puff piece it is clearly not going to be easy to find conflicts of interest affecting the edit.
I can see which one Gregory-Kumar is but, “…..DaJon, the surrogate who carried his, and his husband Suraj’s, baby girl”. Would Dajon be the bearded one on the right? Who knows anymore?
The speaker has resigned! Well – the French Speaker – who is now the resigned ‘ environmental minister ‘ – caught out on ‘lavish meals ( in France ) paid for by the French taxpayer ?
Obviously a politician reared in the ways of the EU….
Farm murders in South Africa: over the weekend Ina and Sakkie van der Berg were murdered near Boshoff, in the Free State Province.
Today a farmer and his son were shot in the chest near Muldersdrift, Gauteng Province, when about 5 attackers broke down the back door of their home.
6-8 September is a White Cross commemoration weekend. There is a mountainside covered by hundreds of white crosses, one for every farmer/family member murdered in SA in recent years.
The ANC which, for many years set out to make the country ungovernable, is not particularly interested in the war on farmers.
The bbc is unlikely to report on this issue. Possibly because the attacks are almost daily occurences, one supposes.
If you think about other possible reasons, you’ll find it easy to work out.
They do report about a white football star getting shot
\\ South African former footballer Marc Batchelor has been shot dead near his home in Johannesburg.
“He died inside the car and they drove away without taking anything.
He was very close to some well-known figures in the Johannesburg underworld, which is why there is strong speculation about his killing being a hit.//
The BBC as we all well know would dearly like to see a move to a Marxist style State. However the Army are likely to be a problem with that.
So we are seeing the usual lefty steps to secure the high ground.
Their narrative:-
1. The young are being oppressed by old white males. (Get youth on-side)
2. The male atmosphere in the Army is sexist for women. (Get women on-side)
To follow in the next few episodes?
3. Coloured folk and immigrants are discriminated against by the Army (Get diversity on-side option 1)
4. The Army is intolerant of LGBT folk. (Get diversity on-side option 2)
Hoped for outcome?
Make the UK Military appear as obsolete and not-nice and therefore disposable paving the way for a Global Jurisdiction to replace it. (For more read up on Common Purpose, the go-to outfit for BBC staff).
If this country god forbid ever does find itself in a Nation against Nation war again I hope there are still enough people with backbone, courage and fortitude to take on the task and I hope those people will bring a day of reckoning with the toads who conspired with it.
“….. I hope there are still enough people with backbone, courage and fortitude to take on the task and I hope those people will bring a day of reckoning with the toads who conspired with it.” A rapidly diminishing number aging.
It has to be said he was asking for this.
Though after looking at his history I don’t think the author meant it to come across that way.
I don’t think I can put this better.
Don’t worry Shami, Cherie Blair and Amnesty International will be right on this…
…sometime never.
Which reminds me – wasn’t there meant to be a peer asking the state what actions their prison service was taking to protect TR? In the Hords Monday? Didn’t hear about it …
Should the BBC have dropped the Wimbledon final then? Just wondering. They usually put something escapist on BBC2 for sport refugees (this year it was Call Me Madam with Ethel Merman, Donald O’Connor and a terrific Irving Berlin score, they don’t make ’em like that any more). Swapping that for cricket really wouldn’t go down that well with Middle England you know!
There’s an Ashes series ahead. I’ll bet that whatever’s happened by the end of it, and especially if England win back the urn, the World Cup will be reduced to a footnote to the summer. After all, it’s real cricket, not a limited overs novelty knockabout.
What she couldn’t afford a genealogist? Yep bonkers and BBC indulge
Apparently a written question was submitted by Lord Pearson on 11 July.
Tommy Robinson: Written question – HL17121
Ministry of Justice
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they are taking to ensure the safety of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon in prison.
No response by the look of it.
Perhaps someone should also ask the Home Office to explain why they are obstructing Geert from visiting.
Thanks the island – I think the government is worried that if he goes to belmarsh he might meet people who have been locked up for the offence of ‘upsetting the state ‘.
Is Henry the 8th still on the throne ?
Al Beeb often bleats ‘Brexit Uncertainty’ after its economic reports.
If we had left the EU by now there would be no Brexit uncertainty .
It is this uncertainty that is stifling our economy.
Boris , get us out of the United States of Europe or you and the Tory Party will be finished .
Vote and support Ukip and The Brexit Party!
Ursula von der Leyen wants to kick the ‘Brexit can’ further down the road and wants to take over from where Napoleon left .
Good for Sarah !…………..
“The age limit for playing the National Lottery could be raised to 18, the government has said.”
Meanwhile The Welsh Assembly wants to lower the voting age to 16.
Compare and contrast.
16 year olds voting is them gambling with other peoples money
The Welsh Government were one of the first to declare a Climate Emergency when London got its XR protests.
Now as a reward Cardiff has its own protest complete with South Wales Police road closures.
ITV did an iten promoting She-Fest
A wimmin only performer festival
Looks like a good place to pick up girls – for those in the market (Fedup – you’re not allowed to say things like that – how many times do you need to be told ?)
Bet the queue for the loos will be a horror .
Want to become a millionaire?
Right, then just be ‘ok’ at throwing food together to make something passable to eat. Be capable of making coloured icing sugar to cover a cake that’s not entirely good enough to set before your Queen. Enter a cookery competition and hide your failings with a bit of face gurneying, oh and being an ethnic minority certainly helps you past the winning post.
If your lucky our national broadcaster sees you as a poster person, and then gives you a make-over – away with the hijab, and in comes an array of fetching turbans. Non-descript cooking shows /overseas documentaries come your way with ghost written cookery books by the cart load. Don’t worry about the recipes because you clearly don’t have time to know that many with bringing up 3 kids on fish fingers and only eating tinned vegetables.
And after around 4 years, you too could be a millionaire, courtesy of me and my licence fee.
9pm BBC2 Inside the Social Network: Facebook’s Difficult Year
bet they tell us the only problem is “the Russians”
Wheres what I see is material from Labour front groups like HnH being constantly pushed at me
Hugh. Impartial as ever.
Tackle Khanifecrime ?
nah have a Khanaval instead
Don’t waste time
getting disinformed by watching the news
Esta es una terrible grabación!
I’d thought it was only me who had trouble with distorted sound.
That said it was a better five minutes spent than wasting my time listening to the news (which was the point of SG’s link).
Now that we are all ‘nazis’ (see next comment) the real haters try racism.
Imho, only God and the individual truely knows what is in their heart
French journalist Jacques Mallet du Pan famously observed during the French Revolution that “like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.”
BBC version of ‘reductio ad Hitlerum – a play on the very real logic term reductio ad absurdum’ with it’s own twist!
The UK’s Boris Johnson compared the EU to the Nazis during the Brexit campaign; a UN investigator used the comparison for Israeli actions in Gaza; Russian television has applied the label to the West over the Aleppo crisis.
Funny that because I read somewhere that one of the Nazis who ran their banking system wasn’t executed after the war but got a job in the West German Government and then used his Reich model for the New common market .
I’ll try and find the article ….
Racism ?
If your London family moves to Manchester
and you all spend years bitching about it and say London is much better ..and people say “if you think London is better then you’ll go back then”
Are those Manchester people being racist ? NO
And if other families who also moved to Manchester say the same to you ..are they being racist ? Nope