The Far Left Failing Biased BBC keeps on giving doesn’t it ? It doesn’t even pretend to be neutral any more . There is just one ‘approved ‘ story ;facts which don’t fit the narrative are minimised or ignored . And people are forced to pay for it .
And if you think the MPs see it as biased – think again – the link below is to the debate on the useless petition about BBC bias
From time to time over the past three years politicians have needed to be reminded of what Brexit means in the minds of most Leave voters, and what was needed – in broad terms – to achieve it. This is what this government needs to be reminded of: 1. All ministers must now openly back Brexit, whichever way they voted
2. They must embody a confident and positive vision of a post-Brexit Britain
3. Forget ‘forms of words’ and legal fudging, success requires clear, unequivocal objectives
4. The UK has red lines based on the simple fact that the people voted to leave
5. This means exiting all EU structures and controls
6. These will NOT be replaced with anything that has broadly the same effect as being a Member State
7. Specifically, there will be :
• No membership of the Single Market or anything like it
• No membership of the Customs Union or anything like it
• No ‘regulatory alignment’ of British goods, except for exports to the EU
• Full ability to implement new international trade deals from October 2019
• No jurisdiction by the ECJ
• No freedom of movement – full autonomy
• No submission to Common Agriculture or Fisheries Policies
• No involvement in EU defence union in any form
• No change in status of Northern Ireland and Gibraltar in any way
8. UK will act as an independent country in all respects
9. EU to be offered a generous free trade deal – zero tariffs
This is what one person had to say just a day or so ago:
I urge ALL elected MPs (especially remain voting MPs), to remember they won their Westminster seats by a MAJORITY electoral vote.
ALL MPs are able to vote (when required to divide) on issues raised by members, and they do so because it’s democratic.
So when the electorate return the largest ever vote in British history, and SOME MPs are upset at the instruction they were given, they are worthy of an ‘anti-democratic’ tag – The electorate are not stupid, and we NEVER forget.
Some MPs are not worthy to sit on the green benches whilst they ignore the MAJORITY electorate (“majority” being the operative word).
MPs ignoring 17.41 MILLION voters should think carefully about their privileged taxpayer funded Westminster seat.
When the MUPPETS (MP’s) vote in Parliament, the majority wins that vote – and one vote is enough to win.
When the electorate are asked to vote, the same applies.
There is one sitting MP with a TWO VOTE majority, but no-one yelled foul play? Everyone just got on with life.
When Boris is elected his first job must be to flush the Remainer turds in May’s cabinet down the toilet and spray the country with optimism freshener.
I quote from The House of Commons paper ‘Can the Withdrawal Agreement be renegotiated and can Parliament prevent ‘no deal’?
Because leaving the EU is an EU law process, at the national level a ‘no-deal’ Brexit can only be avoided if:
The Government unilaterally revokes Article 50 TEU and stays in the EU; or
Parliament approves and the Government ratifies the Withdrawal Agreement.
Nothing else that the Government or Parliament can do can be relied upon to stop a ‘no-deal’ Brexit on 31 October.
Of course the new Prime Minister could as Edward Heath did in 1972, he used the Crown Perogative to side line Parliament and push through the Uk becoming a member of the EU or in this present case the UK coming out with a No Brexit Deal. This really will be the only for us to proceed.
There will be no ‘new deal’ with the EU . They won’t move . We’re going to leave without a sell out on the 31st October – as I mentioned earlier – in 103 days …
If Boris supports leaving.
I do hope you are right with that ‘prophecy’, 😉 Fed. It can’t happen soon enough for me.
On the subject of Brexit postponements and attempts to sabotage a No-Deal departure on 31 October, in the immortal words of Indiana Jones: “I have an extremely bad feeling about this.”
“There is one sitting MP with a TWO VOTE majority, but no-one yelled foul play.” That is SUCH an important point, and the key to so much of our recent trouble.
Isn’t the news format so predictable now.
We start off with the anti Trump section where everyone virtue signals over something mis reported that Trump has said, done or tweeted.
Next, the anti Brexit section where the old tired project fear is pushed out again and the all too familiar ‘because of Brexit/despite Brexit’ news item is discussed by a panel of remainders.
These top two are usually interchangeable depending on which has got the lefties most upset.
Then, we get a crime section where a ‘person’ has knifed/shot/beheaded someone, or on the rare occasion a white local has done it, we get names, pictures, the lot, with the usual talking heads coming on and blaming whitey of racism or more often, a warning not to have a backlash against the usual perps, although there almost never is.
Then there’s the story of the good ‘enricher’ who has made the world a better place (by baking a cake for some old people or something like that)
Next, pictures of turtles with a straw in their nose or a plastic bottle in the sea followed by various warnings of how long we have left to save the planet.
All interspersed with any negative stories about Farage, TBP, UKIP and the others that our ‘worlds most trusted’ hates.
We all know the ‘impartial’ bbc’s bias against Trump and Brexit as well as their pro immigration, agw, wimmin, enrichers, eu, the far left, antifa, sjw….. you all know who.
They could put the same news out every day and it would be little different from what they put out now. It’s always the same old formula.
And more and more of us are becoming aware of the far left bias. Not just the ‘worlds most trusted’ but the likes of sky as well.
Still waiting for the bbc’s First pro Brexit program.
Ha ha – a summary indeed – one you left out – and which they really really love now … is ‘the first woman too… “ as in the first woman to screw up a brexit …”
There is also of course the Language and ‘key phrases’ to cover up stuff they don’t want to say – such as the crimes of non white /foreigners … ‘local man’ – if it wasn’t so sad and sick it would be funny in a way …
For those of you not even interested in ” The Proms” but still
take this website as ” Biased BBC ” seriously, just look at the main features on the BBC website dedicated to the Proms. It will make
you want to VOMIT. It says that one of the priorities of the Proms is
to have gender equality on new compositions by 2022.
Look at the picture of the composers for this years Proms. You
couldn’t make it up. I really do think that the lunatics are in charge
of the asylum at the BBC.
For those of you that would like to give CLASSICAL music a chance
and would like to go to the Proms or listen on the radio. Give
one of the three Bruckner symphony’s a go. I must warn you that
Bruckner was one of those many B’S who were white and were
MEN. I am surprised that the BBC even allows such works still to be played.
The BBC was today blasted for its ‘deeply upsetting’ plan to send squads of TV licence fee ‘police’ to pensioners’ homes to demand they pay the annual £154.40 fee. A BBC spokeswoman said, “Outreach teams will chase those who fail to pay ‘as sympathetically as possible’.
Listening to this, I was suddenly reminded of ‘The Bottom Inspectors’ that used to appear in Viz, many years ago.
Ah, the BBC…oh well, never one to avoid kicking a man when he is down…
I used to like “The Modern Family”, “Farmer Palmer” and “Thieving Gypsy Bastards”, but they had to stop using that one because it was “rascist”!
I doubt this will happen. The Tories will stop it and the BBC will have to give in. Politics as usual.
Staggering and blatant bias by Joanna Gosling (Victoria Derbyshire) on Donald Trump’s tweetgate. The general impression she gave was that he had said that they (the four women) “…should go back”. She then goes on to read the entire tweet verbatim. Here is the complete tweet.
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly……
….and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how….
But guess which sentence she did not read.. the last sentence which reads “Then come back and show us how”.
The BBC peddles the lie that he tweeted that they should leave. It would be demonstrably accurate instead to have explained that he had said they should see if their absurd ideology works in the broken countries of their origin and then come back and show us how. But let’s not let the facts get in the way of an opportunity to shout “racist” at the Donald.
I think State Broadcaster took a view to omit ‘come back’ from all its output from Breakfast to This Week.
“But guess which sentence she did not read.. the last sentence which reads “Then come back and show us how”.”
Don’t worry, the licence payers of this wonderful nation have well and truly cottoned-on to the BBCs tricky deceits.
Just how many of these bBC outreach polis is the bBc intending to hire?
Up to 3.5 million doors to be knocked is a lot of doors………and what might be behind them could throw up some challenges
Knock Knock
Well – D’ye like sex?
Dye like Travel
Aye Aye
Well go and get **ucked.
I listened to R4 Moon in car – which is quite good except for the still childish voice over..just spoils it..
Sat down switched R4 on in the hope something good on and it is some form of ‘comedy’ a strange form – it isn’t funny…it isn’t even clever but the canned laughter must keep them going.
Jesus they think they can compete with Netflix…
Apparently the coming ‘britbox’ will cost £5.99 a month for something people have already paid for through the TV Tax .
I bet the take up figures will either not be published ( for ‘commercial reasons ‘ the term used to cover up thing people won’t like ) or just be falsified .
The number of subscriptions taken up by ‘public bodies ‘ and MPs will also be interesting .
On the upside – perhaps this will be the first nail in the coffin of the TV tax – but in reality – how many people would choose to pay for the BBC instead of the likes of Netflix, amazon and the other platforms coming along ….
Even the name britbox is insulting to me . I think the IRA populised the term ‘brit’ in their propaganda campaign with their cursed political wing – now its being used by the British Broadcasting Collective.
Agree – why should we pay for something we have already funded and if they do make money will it go back into BBC to reduce licence fee?
No of course not – it will go into their commercial arm – lost to the public.
I think they are hoping the Americans will pay for it…fat chance
Doubtless guided by BBC editorial integrity on what and who is pushed uncritically ad nauseam and who or what is ignored or misrepresented.
This extract from GW’s link has a couple of interesting BBC job-titles:
“”The BBC will be represented by Controller of Factual Commissioning Alison Kirkham; Head of Specialist Factual and Natural History Commissioning Tom McDonald; “”
BBC oxymorons?
Alison Kirkham, BBC Controller of Factual Commissioning.
This is what George Orwell said about controlling the facts.
If you can make people believe that “two and two is five”, then facts no longer exist, and people will believe whatever you say. Winston said “There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” Except that holding onto truth makes you mad in the eyes of the state.
Or in other words
If the BBC can make people believe that “two and two Kelvin is five Kelvin”, then facts no longer exist, and people will believe whatever the BBC says. Richard said “There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the consensus, you were not mad.” Except that holding onto truth makes you mad in the eyes of the BBC.
Odds of this being ‘in’ as a story bbc editorial-integritywise, or…. ‘out’?
I see Sajid Javid has jumped on the Trump Bashing bandwagon and has stated “Imagine if someone said about me “send him back”.
President Trump never said send anyone back anywhere.
He told them they could choose to go back.
He had no control over the people chanting “send them back”.
Fake news and Sajid Javid probably knows full well.
Any opportunity to make Muslims victims when it wasn’t even a Muslim issue.
Boris needs to send him packing never mind sending him back.
Javid is associating ‘so-called’ far right extremism with Islamic terrorism. That’s fine except for the fact that Islamic terrorism is happening on an industrial scale and globally. Not so with the right wing, unless you could hurty feelings on Twitter and someone pretending to be outraged about something someone might have thought about something someone said.
All this ramping of hate crime is a prelude to totalitarianism.
Javid must go
Not surprised. The Tories are scared stiff. They need a pact to win the next election . Something tells me one is in the offing .
‘We must act now’.
Nothing to worry about there.
At all.
Javid Savid is playing a long term game. Be nice to Farage now he has dropped his criticism of Islam and distanced himself from the far far far right. Get Boris out of the way after a media campaign destroys his role as PM. Savid then emerges as the BBC and Establishment choice, and bingo, on with the immigration and suppression of the far far far right criticism of his kind.
G.W.F. – good point re his comments on Farage, there was no reason to make them other that strategic positioning.
I have always seen Javid as the potential shoo in for PM on account of his religion. The “nasty party” virtue signals its continued existence whilst betraying its core Conservative values. The democratic process will ultimately deliver an anti-democratic ideologically driven regime in the UK, it is a demographic certainty.
When will these people realise that the public have seen through them?
Facts speak louder than words and it doesn’t matter how much they say Right wing terrorism is the greatest threat when nobody has been killed by Right wing extremists.
We are all fed up with being told we are an ‘ist’ with every word we utter and listening to the constantly offended brigade…and where are the Far Left in all these pronouncements – never heard it on BBC
Sunny = Climate change
Rainy = Climate change
Warmer = Climate change
Colder = Climate change
Extinction Rebellion London (⧖) tweeted
The rain is a sign of things to come.
The climate emergency is upon us.
So we call for action. Rain or shine. #ExtinctionRebellion #SummerUprising
Beardy Branson is concerned about the so-called climate emergency. In an exclusive interview with the BBC he tells us that we all need to do something about it. Somehow the irony escapes critique when in the next sentence he is asked about his space ambitions. He hopes to go into space in a matter of months. Leaving aside that the entire CO2 contribution to climate change is a monumental scam and myth (other opinions are available) wouldn’t he better serve the ideology of the alarmists by not going into space?
Asked about air travel (which I happen to agree is a modern necessity, forget about persuading people not to fly) he says all airlines need to do their bit. He explains that Virgin is doing its bit by encouraging aerospace manufacturers to use more ecological materials in the production of aircraft. No problem with fuel though, even though a 747 uses four litres per second. That’s over twenty thousand gallons (in Queen’s English) of fuel to go from London to Necker Island – it’s his birthday today and he’s off to his island tonight. The Department of Transport says that private cars averaged 7900 miles in 2015. Quite happy to tell us, via the BBC, that we all need to do our bit, probably by buying a bicycle, and then pumping twice as much CO2 into the atmosphere in one birthday trip than two ‘plebs’ do in a year. I don’t know how much fuel his rocket will use but a Saturn V rocket needs 770 000 litres of kerosene to get into orbit. Again, I support the idea of space exploration but this is vanity.
Oh yes, and according to Branson, no-deal bad. No deal means disaster for the economy. BBC boxes properly ticked in one interview. Happy birthday Dick.
“Do our bit”? To what purpose, exactly? To prorogue a changing climate (to coin a current phrase)? It’s going to continue changing, whether or not we approve. If we were all to die tomorrow, the climate would continue to change in its own time. I do wish these holier-than-thou hypocrites would shut their collective faces, and desist from telling us what to do, and what not to do.
They know it’s a scam – anyone with half a brain knows, but they think that we will willingly submit to alarmism and fearmongering over a non-event, and especially one which is purported to be an “emergency”n and just keep quiet and do as we’re told. I wish we could fight back, I really do – but our only recourse is to deliberately use the services and products that they disapprove of, with abandon. The problem with that, of course, is that it costs US an arm and a leg, and them nothing.
Unfortunately, as the non-Brexit process shows, the establishment doesn’t need our consent to spend our money. Treason May simply announced the pointless, unachievable, dangerous and monumentally expensive carbon neutral goal and it was voted through without challenge, debate or scrutiny. This is the new reality of our so-called democracy.
As we all know Tommy Robinson has been found guilty of contempt of court. At the moment he’s still in Britain’s most notorious terrorist nick, where only the very worst offenders end up. This is where they put bombers, sex offenders and serial killers.
It’s been argued that this situation will change when a place becomes available elsewhere. Hmmm…
I find this argument difficult to swallow. Although he’s high profile, in the broad scheme of things, this is a relatively minor offence. It’s not a bloody murder charge and no-one’s been hurt.
Undoubtedly due to the religion and nature of a huge number of the inmates he’ll, once again, have to spend his time in solitary confinement.
I don’t think he’s been treated fairly and the great and the good are queuing up to condemn him.
I was hoping we might hear something from Cherie Blair. In 2010, when sentencing a defendant, Shamso Miah, for assault, she announced that she would suspend his prison sentence after describing him as a “religious man.” Just out of interest Shamso had broken a man’s jaw following a row…
In 2015 she defended Rwandan spy Emmanuel Karenzi Karake against accusations that he had conspired to murder three Spanish NGO workers and a Canadian priest. A real charmer!
So far not a single human rights lawyers has come forward to offer their services to Mr Robinson.
There’s a surprise…
Ezra has said that he is to visit TR in belmarsh this coming Tuesday . I still take the view that they’ll leave him in Belmarsh and when attention dies down a bit there’ll be a security lapse caused by understaffing ….
Ezra says he ll report on conditions after the visit . I suppose the BBC will hold on the hit piece on Panorama with Sweeney until the appeal process is ended. …
Ezra has also said he’ll come over every week to see Tommy, if necessary.
Trump bad – how often will they misquote him
Brexit bad – Hammond good
Javid good – Right wing bad – not a mention of Islam directly
NHS poor consultants have breached their £1m pension pot. What none of these consultants say is that they don’t do a 40 hr week ( but do over time at extra cost and locum work) and earn money off the back of NHS in private even said one of her friends was selling her house – probably buying bigger one.
Why do I not feel sorry for them on the gold plated NHS pension?
The BBC rarely dig into the real reasons, preferring to play a narrative…oh so transparent
R4 News @ 1300: on with the pips; off 1310. Just to hear our bigot Home Secretary doubling as mouthpiece for the Muslim Council is enough. The rise in extremism he says. Problem is, Mr Mouthpiece, the bulk of the population are not in agreement with you that the UK needs many millions more immigrants, particularly from Africa and the Middle East as you set out a couple of weeks ago –
And, day by day, week by week, you, Mr Mouthpiece and people like you are responsible for the erosion of the rights of the indigenous Brits to object. You, Mr Mouthpiece along with others that infest the Commons and Lords, are pushing the British population on and on toward the only action they can take to resist the ongoing invasion. And, when it happens, you’ll cry, “We didn’t understand”, that, when you turn the Army and SWAT teams on the people. Your, ‘enforcers’ that are about to receive a large pay increase……..
Me? I would welcome that day because it has to be sorted one way or another – soon.
No wonder the BBC is institutionally biased. Read this journalists background.
Bromsgrove constituency is not terribly ‘diverse’ afaik.
So who voted for this joker?
G- What interested me about the news at 1.00 was that it was not the news at all. It was a carefully-crafted piece of propaganda from Mark Mardell, which lasted more than 20 minutes. It (naturally) contained the now compulsory anti-Trump session. It also covered the ground you did, but actually suggested Mr Javid as Chancellor next week.
Classic bbc R4 propaganda stunt.
So, we are about to find out what Boris is made of….
Good old Wahhabi s infiltrating ‘ running the NUJ – makes sense if one sees the stepping process of taking over ..
They have three months to get the paperwork. And for all they know, Brexit could be cancelled or put back ten years for a People’s Vote.
Anyone who’s spent time driving on the continent knows that there is one UK registered HGV for every thousand continental trucks. We simply don’t export enough for this empty threat to have any meaning to British companies.
I know that DFDS won’t allow me to board a ferry if I haven’t bought a ticket and brought my passport. Guess what, I generally try to make sure that I have before entering the port.
classic : Green-dogmatist is so accustomed to dehumanising political opponents by comparing them to Nazi-supporters that he doesn’t know he’s doing it

So why in the UK do we get wall to wall DramaGreens
.. but no TV counterview, cos SkyUk was persuaded to drop FoxNews rebroadcasts ?
Jul 18, 2019 Tucker Carlson – Climate Change Wasn’t About the Environment At All
Stew – I thought I’d seen the depth of this woman’s insanity, nop.
“The world is going to end in 12 years”.
Hilarious…12 years…made me laugh her writer who lied was Chakrabarti. Ring any bells – we have our own over here who writes misleading reports…
‘Business Insider’ goes into full-blown anti-Boris mode, claiming that Mr Johnson had asked whether Ms Merkel had been in the Stasi.
This is intended to be another black mark against Boris, but it is an entirely reasonable question.
I have been studying the astonishing Merkel rise to fame (her real name was Kasner) for some time, and recognised a skillful layer (Merkel/Kasner) of smoke and mirrors, slipperier than an eel, who would have done Le Carre proud. Her net worth:11.5 million dollars
Guenther Lachmann (ex “Welt”) and Ralf Georg (ex-“BILD”) did a lot of research for a biography of Merkel. “The first life of Angela Merkel”, which sees her as being secretary for Agitprop in the SED-related “Free German Youth”.
They are merely a few of many.
Looking at what she has been up to since she became Chancellor, I’d say Boris asked an entirely logical and legitimate question…
Of course, the anti-Boris campaign is now in full swing, and a marvel to behold!
Funny I just assumed that Merkel would have been a member of the communist party / stazi . Membership gave all the advantages to make life that more comfortable – better home , job , education , health care , pension . You’d be insane not to join up .
I take it Merkel had Parkinson’s or similar disorder . No friend of us .
Fedup – Merkel (whose real name is Kasner) wouldn’t be about to admit to Parkinson’s, even if she had it. She will do nothing to cut short her grip on power, having recently elevated two of her buddies into important political offices; lots more damage to be done.
She would certainly have come out at the top of the SED (Communist) in the former GDR, had that survived. My own feeling is that she is a very Green socialist, who -had she been genuine in Germnay post 1989- would have joined the Greens. (She has also recently developed into a strong Feminist.) But for her, the most promising route to power is what counts, and they weren’t it.
She is an extremely shrewd/cunning politician, utterly ruthless, and currently doing all the national anthem stuff in a sitting position. ‘Her people’ don’t seem to mind the humiliation. But then, for many years they’ve entrusted her with the cheque book, and she’s ‘gone to town’. She couldn’t give two hoots. Whatever it takes.
“Funny I just assumed that Merkel would have been a member of the communist party / stazi”
Although I’ll bet she’s ditched her L pill ages ago.
Electric mini-digger “Zero emissions M.. A….”
That is brilliant Stew..
Two Brexiteers found guilty of calling Anna Soubry a Nazi and Traitor and will be sentenced next week…no throwing of fluid just how hard do you think they will be treated compared to the chap who threw milkshake at Nigel?
Harder I bet, because ‘names break bones and sticks and stones never will’ – oh sorry it is around the other way in Lefty land.
The BBC just said Sourberry was surrounded by Brexiteers but the video doesn’t show that at all – she was surrounded by police unless I missed something…
I wonder what would happen if some BBC comedian joked that instead of hurling abuse at Soubry they hurled battery acid?
It’s never going to happen, is it?
“Podcast asks why Somali families aren’t in jail for 2016 contempt like [redacted]”
James Goddard in court pleads guilty
“His fellow defendant at Westminster Magistrates Court, Brian Phillips, 55, from Kent, also pleaded guilty to causing alarm and distress using threatening or abusive language.
Both men were released on bail ahead of sentencing on Monday afternoon.”
AFAIK he had been in prison for some weeks after breaching bail conditions.
The court heard Ms Soubry was left “very shaken” after her TV interview was interrupted by shouts from protesters on 7 January this year.
They must have dropped a charge cos there were 3 before
– “harassed” Soubry
– Racial harassment cos Said to a Czech born policeman , ‘why are you here ?’
“CPS have said they will accept a guilty plea to racially aggravated public order offence against a police officer and a public order offence against Anna Soubry.”
\\ However the defendant is considerably agitated by the presence of Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot on the bench. “Say what I told you to say”, he tells his lawyer. “Her husband is a Tory MP who is against No Deal Brexit”. Goddard wants her removed from his case.
Judge tells him:
“As it happens I don’t know Anna Soubry, we don’t know any of the witnesses in this case, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here.”
She adds: “I didn’t see the original news items.” //
The State does enjoy the process of crushing dissent doesn’t it. ? Tell an MP what you think of them – in the presence of police who do nothing – and you’ll get the full force of punitive bail conditions followed a long while later by a courtesy prosecution in front of a potentially biased judge . ( see TR too )
I wonder if they’ll open a separate Wing in Belmarshistan for Political Prisoners .
Yet – climate protesters get a free pass enabling city centres to be screwed up and sons not being able to be with their parent as they die .
Something is going wrong .
But at least The Sun is telling the general public about the bias of the BBC with regard to Brexit
And a judge had ruled the the corrupt biased Electoral Commission wronglg prosecuted , crushed and fined an individual Brexit campaigner .
They’ll use tax payers cash to appeal – betcha
Why do news reports not quote and context the alleged “cacial abuse of an officer”
Various tweets say he said it to an Asian officer or to a black officer”
There is a 15 second video but no officers face is there, rather it looks like the very end of a long pushing back of Goddard and those are his walking way words .. just like someone says in frustration “shut up fatty”
It certainly is not like Goddard open with a long stream of racial abuse or something
The words we hear are “If you want a war I’ll give you a war” “you ain’t even British”
.. that could be he knows the officer is foreign or has a foreign accent etc.
It was reported as “a Lithuanian Police Officer ” by
Maybe an EU officer not a British officer
Some EU seconded officers wear a non-British flags on their lapel
On an earlier occasion Dec 2018 Goddard was ordered by 2 female tourist police to get down from a wall
He replies “I don’t take orders from foreigners”
“I am here working pay taxes like everyone else” so please get down ?’
I asked Casciani
A Goddard’s own new video
‘every single one of the media scum reported that the police officer was Asian, and they won’t correct even though the officer was not British but is actually Lithuanian’
The HateyNoHopers just lost a libel case from libelling someone last August
..I didn’t see it reported
Why didn’t HnH let it go to court and not correct it much earlier ?
New17 min vid from the JG Youtube Channel
correction New 17 min vid from the JG Youtube Channel
The oficer is named by the Independent
\\ When PC Mindaugas Sciukas responded
“I’m not deaf, there’s no need to shout at me”,
Goddard shouted:
“You ain’t even f***ing British.”//
It still doesn’t make it clear that the officer is not British and had only been in the UK 2 years
Ezra is Live now
I wound the video back and doubled the speed so I can catch up.
Thanks for the link Stew
Ezra is visiting TR in prison on Tuesday to see the conditions for himself.
R4 news – “Donald Trump obviously racist” the presenters throughout today pushing and pushing everyone today to call POTUS a racist..pathetic especially as nobody agreed..
BBC is a disgrace ..and still haven’t played the full quote
James – you should have heard the toxic Evan Davis (R4) trying to publicly bully/browbeat Nad Zahawi into admitting that the Conservative party was full of ‘racists’ (having finished his anti-Trump duties). It was a thing to behold…
I think we are currently seeing R4 swinging way over to the ‘left’, in the face of Boris taking over. The ‘impartiality’ narrative is being ditched, big time. The lunchtime Mardell theme was that Javid should become Chancellor, so that’s the plan…
True arrogance knows no bounds.
Excellent summary. Thank you.
Bbc justice warriors all over this?
“Police Appeal for Witnesses” – (Stevenage 2 car crash last night)so says the headlines in the 7pm news.
Well, how many more do they want ? according to other news reports they have 130 witness statements so far. Can the population of Stevenage please form an orderly queue, as the local police don’t really trust the views of those 130 already interviewed. 🙂
This may see the bbc appearances pause for a week.
Except Newsnight. After BIJ they are past caring.
He’s the licencee of the Clock Tower pub in Torquay
\\Iran ‘seizes British-flagged oil tanker’//
This was on the cards .
Where is our Royal Navy ?
A bit late Mr Hunt ? …………………
Looks like fate has given Mrs May a headache to leave office with – hostages and piracy . We ll find out how strong and stable she is . Unless – of course – the report is a bit over egged .
er….what Royal Navy? The Mary Rose is almost sea-worthy. Well, one half is.
The Royal Navy was formed to protect our Merchant Fleet. Something’s gone wrong, minister. Very wrong.
Who will Great Britain rely on for support, the EU Defence Force or NATO ?
\\Donald Trump: Boris Johnson ‘will do a great job as PM’//
Looks like our special relationship with the USA is still there.
Not one ship but two .
The POTUS is also backing us in this maritime crisis. Have Al Beeb reported that yet ?
Now, where is the EU………… ?
Treezer is probably working on a compromise – pay off the Iranians, blame Trump for the trouble and thus present the ayatollahs in a favourable light
Does our Home Secretary want to end Great Britain’s longstanding tradition of ‘Freedom of Speech ‘ ?
Will he be having a word with Boris about letter boxes ?
Quite likely – the swamp in action
This all dovetails rather conveniently with Treacherous Theresas signing last year of the UN ” Migration Compact” and of course Javid (who did rather nicely thanks to an education which we all helped pay for) is setting himself up as the smiling “assassin” who will teach all of us old racists a lesson we wont forget.
I am sorry Savid you were told to go back home at school or whatever – but kids are always nasty and have probably all grown up now – just a pity you have not.
Not BBC but I bet they know all about it.
Note: its a report by FOX TV:
“Planned Parenthood president ousted after just 8 months on the job”
Apparently, she wasn’t killing enough babies.
Why do they call their name “Planned Parenthood”?
Shouldn’t it be called “Planned Abortions”?
a somewhat delayed TWatO Watch #1 and only
Bizarrely, TWatO covered the centenary of the Luton Riot where returned servicemen were excluded from celebrations for the end of WW1.
Strange that Radio4 completely missed the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles which ended World War One but remembered and commemorated that event in Luton.
Have been listening to Any Questions on R4. (8.02 pm on)
Just discovered there’s a stacked audience.
Off switch in protest.
Up2snuff, I agree with you … and I listen to this exercise in pseudo-democracy less and less. “Any Answers” is better, though not perfect, because there’s more balance thanks to the callers. ‘Thoughtful’, who posts here, has been on it at least twice!
I think “Any Questions” would be better without an audience. Modern communications mean that people could send in questions by e-mail or text or even phone them in to a call-handling facility.
The panel could then have a civilized discussion and time would not be wasted on applause from organized ‘claques’ strategically positioned near to the microphones. The temptation for panel members to play to the gallery (of noisy Leftists) would also be reduced. The intimidation of those with unfashionable conservative views might be reduced.
Some audiences are better than others and J Dimbleby did once admit that they can be biased because, unlike “Question Time” on TV, it’s a case of ‘first come, first serve’ rather than a (scientifically?) selected studio audience. J Dimbleby has now gone but the format needs a shake up.
Mustapha, long time no read. Welcome back. I often found with Any Answers, pre-Anita Anand, that the listeners contributions were better than those of the Panel. Guess that would be the case, esp. if Thoughtful was involved.
The Dimbleby used to apologise on a regular basis for ‘stacked’ audiences but I think the Beeb were not to unhappy at the bias in the applause.
You have a good idea there. It would certainly suit a NetZero lifestyle for the UK. No need to travel a Chair, Panel, engineers and audience around the UK.
I gave up AQ when some of the audiences started shrieking. I wonder if any one has managed to stope them doing it.
There’s a dangerous heatwave coming for a part of the globe, this unnamed BBC author tells us.
Temperatures are expected to hit 40°C (104°F) this weekend.
I have news for the BBC. Temperatures of 45°C+ are routine for the Midwest and southern Central Canada in summer. In winter in those locations, temperatures are equally excessively low. Across the whole USA even more so. This chart, courtesy of Wiki is rather revealing about AGW, CC, etc..
I expect the BBC will be at the best neutral over the oil tanker being
“taken” by Iran. But it wouldn’t surprise me if they actually
supported Iran.
Remember “I counted them out and I counted them back” during the Falklands War, after a certain air raid?
My free translation: Message to the Argentine Junta – try harder next time, you didn’t score any hits and it might undermine Thatcher if you do manage to do so.
The BBC loves Britain’s enemies; balance and impartiality are in the BBC’s DNA, after all.
“The BBC loves Britain’s enemies; balance and impartiality are in the BBC’s DNA, after all. ”
What do you expect from that shower!
The BBC employ “activists” NOT “journalists”.
Lots on Twitter point out @bbBreaking tweets the Goddard conviction story
..but NOT the Grimes appeal win
neither does @bbcNews tweets the Grimes appeal win
BBC proms, four presenters one is white, here are the others:×960.jpg
The BBC are calling it the ‘revamped’ proms, so not the proms at all then ?
Nice to see the image inserts are working well as usual !
Oh goody the proms!
I cant wait to hear Stormzies rendition of “Finlandia”
@Thoughtful are you suggesting that the BBC has some kind of obsessions with the Kanneh Mason’s ?
10 Presenters, 4 are non-white

Old : Katie Derham, Suzy Klein and Tom Service
– New : Jess Gillam 20, star of the 2018 Last Night of the Proms joins the BBC Proms television presenting line-up alongside
: Clara Amfo, Cerys Matthews, Isata Kanneh Mason* and Kwame Ryan (photo above)
Returners : Danielle de Niese and Petroc Trelawny
Clara Amfo
Danielle de Niese
* Isata Kanneh-Mason to make her TV presenting debut on the Prom in which her brother, Royal wedding cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason is the soloist in Elgar’s Cello Concerto

BBC Online News:
“”Labour MP Emily Thornberry taken to hospital after bicycle accident””
Road closed for resurfacing overnight.
Was it a Boris Bike ?! Can we somehow blame BoJo for the accident ?
Brexit assassin attacks Lady Nugee . White van man sought .
Lady Nugent knocked of her bike
it was the Iranians they mistook her for an oil tanker
While the Iranians nab a British tanker, the bbc presents ‘Any Questions?’ in Melton. The predictable bias runs riot: the first two questions are attempts to denigrate and connect Trump and Boris. The beeb has somehow managed to locate lefty questioners (surprise?) and a howling, lefty mob for an audience. In Melton & Rutland, apparently 56% LEAVE!!! Only the bbc could manage that!
Needless to say, all 4 panellists hasten to assure us they think Trump is a racist. The loud-mouthed stars of the show are Jess Phillips (Lab) and somebody Wishart SNP.
Question 3 is a further attempt to discredit the Tories: OBR pessimism. Phillips is having a field day.
When it comes to figuring out why there are a high level of child mental health problems, the two stars suddenly turn out to be clueless. As soon as anything slightly more deep and complex arrives, their loud-mouthed, self-assured and superficial sloganeering runs dry.
Meanwhile, the tanker floats away into the sunset…
Its two tankers.
No worry, our ally Trump is backing us. Well done Donald I say . Trump comes up Trumps!
Where was Mrs Chamberlain and our Secretary of State For Defence ?
taffman- your question would have been too difficult for the luvvies gathered at Melton, i suspect!
(Past governments may also have found ‘defence’ to be not trendy and also uncool. Not focused on ‘inequality’, ‘diversity’ and ‘social justice’ loud enough. Not enough ‘openness’ and ‘tolerance’! So they neglected it. No prizes for guessing that THAT will come back to bite you in the posterior, big time, what with not EVERYONE being quite so wild about tolerance…)
Of course Trump is backing ‘us’ he would back anyone who Saudi told him to back, it’s that simple. Meanwhile Boris who has been compromised by the Iranians remains silent on the issue
Unite Union people issuing “more than yogurt threats against Farage for when he comes to Dundee
Twitter thread
Guido ( sadly ) reports that The Guardian is to formally apologise to Isabel Oakeshotte the reporter who broke the UK ambo story for defaming her last week . The lefty rag is also to pay her 5 figure compensation .
It’s a shame it didn’t go to court where the rag could have been shredded and with a bit of luck bankrupted.
Time for the new thread ….