The Far Left biased BBC , being naturally anti American , will spin the 50th anniversary of the landing of a Man on the Moon in its current propaganda mode .
So it’s all about – waste of money – not green – no Wimmin -no blacks -no gays -no Muslims . Why no disabled astronauts ? Why hasn’t The great EU sent a rocket yet ?
I Still feel pleased to have watched it live on TV live though .
May be first so am glad I ducked out of Any Questions early. My reward. 😉 Thank you to the brave soul, fakenewswatcher, who provided an update of what I (gladly, in retrospect) missed from the rest of the programme. Our thoughts will no doubt be with the crews of the oil tankers over this weekend.
I wonder what the Foreign Secretary will be up to?
I posted in the week that President Trump was an oaf for making those Tweets that could be abused and used in edited form by unscrupulous folk including our BBC. I think I was right and am proved right now because they have travelled around the world and arrived at our door, duly weaponised, courtesy of the Home Secretary today. That’s a great shame on all directly involved.
Those two Tweets will now cause trouble for everyone here. 🙁
I wish you all a good weekend.
Backlinks to previous thread : page 4 most of Friday’s posts
starting at 10:40 am
Ctrl-F helps search a page
eg searching on “July 20,” would find new Saturday replies
Good weekend to you too Up2snuff.
I have to disagree re the tweeting Trump and his pointed insult to the dreadful Squad.
I paraphrase:
If all you can do is moan and groan about America, what are you doing here? Go back home, see if you can fix the problems in your own countries first and then come back and tell us how it’s done.
The Defamestream lefty media propagandists in the US, UK (with the BBC leading the pack, of course) and elsewhere flung that last phrase down the Memory Hole. No doubt Trump knew they would do that. But he also knows that he can spread his message effectively to the tens of thousands who attend each of his rallies and that it will also be reproduced faithfully on Fox News, conservative blogs and social media – well, for now while it is still possible.
(Contrast that with the absurd mockery of a ‘press conference’ with the Squad broadcast by MSNBC – the one I linked to above. The four were given perhaps 95% of the time to spout their hatred of Trump and then deigned to answer only three questions – which they then dodged with no follow up from the ‘press’ there. This is what a press conference looks like in a third world dictatorship, which is precisely what the Squad would love America to be in time – with them in charge, of course.)
I have seen Trump’s demolition of his opponents from the Republican Primaries to the presidency. And there is a consistent theme throughout: he has shown no respect at all for political correctness. He is blunt, direct, honest and outspoken and people adore him for it: they know he has the well-being of Americans – and people beyond America – at heart. Yes, he is also coarse and insulting, but so what? We all have our little faults.
He has highlighted the division between the hysterical left and the right, between those who think they should get everything for nothing and those prepared to work and contribute to society. There is no evidence that his leadership style has diminished his support. If anything, it’s grown because people are sick of the slick political correctness and hypocrisy of the left.
To get back to the UK, I was disappointed in the way in which Boris fielded the question from Dale re the infamous Trump tweet. It would have been so refreshing if he had just said he agrees with Trump – if you have so much hatred for the country that took you in and sheltered and sustained you, why don’t you go back to your own country, help fix it and then return. Well, probably Boris hadn’t tuned into any media that included that last important bit.
More worrying is the probability that Boris is a globalist, and will not therefore really fight for Brexit.
IMO, the “Squad” have brought it on themselves:
The real racism behind the Trump/Omar furore
“It is also the case that she and the three other members of the “Squad” of ultra-left congressswomen lose no opportunity to bash America and claim it is fundamentally bigoted against non-white people, while openly promoting an agenda to transform its culture out of all recognition.”
Helen Richardson,
True. As an American might say, the Squad don’t know squat.
In fact, the outspoken Kellyanne Conway used that very word in her angry denunciation of them:
These people in the so-called Squad, who have done squat in Congress other than pose on magazine covers and go on late-night comedy shows and cause trouble in their own caucus…
Perceptive article from Melanie Philips, as usual. But she doesn’t seem to like Trump much.
What I find amusing about this whole episode is that as far as I’m aware ( not on Twitter) nowhere in the first tweets did he mention names but they (the squad) bravely stepped forward to claim the outrage crown thereby triggering support from the rest of the Democratic Party who had previously been trying to distance themselves from them. I predict many buckets of popcorn will be needed next year.
Helen, that’s standard Democrat fare. We get the same from Labour, the Greens and to a lesser extent the LibDems here in the UK. It grates. But it shows the poverty of their arguments and their policies.
Unfortunately, President Trump has now turned the arguments and policies of the Liberal and Socialist wing of politics into pure gold. Trump has found and used a political Philosopher’s Stone on behalf of the opposition.
I like your re-write, TT. I have been doing the same myself for the last couple of days. If only …. . . .
Here’s one of my efforts:
‘We have some inspirational women in Congress and USA. These four Democrat Congresswomen, instead of criticising ALL the time, could make a real difference by returning to their country of origin, fixing problems there and using transferable concepts back home here to help make America great again.’
(298 characters – OK for a long Tweet?)
Listening to The Squad in that Press Conference, I am hearing lies about President Trump and the USA – but ..BUT …BUT…. it was those thoughtless, stupid, Tweets by Trump that gave them that platform and the PR opportunity to push for an Impeachment Vote that, thankfully, failed.
Trump was elected as President in 2016 by winning key swing States such as Ohio and Florida that were not really his to win. Democrat/Roman Catholic (Ohio) and a high BAME/Roman Catholic population (Florida) were the losses that did for Hillary Clinton. Whoever gets to run for the Democrats in 2020 will be able to call up those idiotic Tweets from Trump and pin them to a Republican rosette.
I think President Trump may have lost the 2020 Election in this last week. That is a shame as I think he had been on track to win.
What is worse, President Trump has needlessly lit a flame that will probably burn us all here in the UK and in other countries like France and Germany. Could it also affect Israel? Did you note what some of The Squad said?
You have me scratching my head a bit, and here’s why: the husband of the eminent Kellyanne Konway, a senior Trump personage, has come out publically against Trump, calling him a racist – and thereby going against his wife. I gleaned the info from the link in my comment above.
Not only that, the Fox News couple who interviewed Kellyanne seemed uncomfortable with Trump’s infamous tweet. That’s unusual. (Not the infamous tweet, but the Fox reaction.)
In a country that has been schooled for decades by lefty media and educators that to even think a racist thought is akin to being a mass murderer, the Tweeter-in-Chief has caused quite a commotion. Even his daughter, Ivanka, has apparently urged him to disavow the Send her back chant directed at Ilhan Omar during his recent rally, as it might damage the Party. I say “apparently” since the link is to that awful rag, the New York Times, whose reporting is about as trustworthy as that of the BBC.
Trump did say that he didn’t support the chant, but the NYT doesn’t believe him. I do, because he often smiles at similar chants during his rallies. This time he seemed to almost frown.
You’ll have to shave 18 characters off your tweet to make it fit Twitter’s limit. I had to ask Google for help there since I hardly ever use Twitter. The BBC and fellow-travelers would shave off a lot more. They would replace your comma after ‘origin’ with a full stop and omit the rest. Since any hint of racism has now become a capital offence in the West (as long as perpetrator and victim are the politically-correct colours) your tweet would simply be regarded as polite racism, as bad as the impolite kind, if not worse.
Trump has made similar statements and tweeted similar tweets on several occasions, apparently without long-lasting negative effects.
I can’t see how the tweet will impact negatively on countries outside the US. The two squaddies who stem from Iraq and Somalia are serious anti-Semites. It’s unsurprising since they stem from countries which instill hatred of Jews in their populations practically from birth. Many Israelis will applaud Trump’s stand against those real racists. Many others will condemn the tweet.
People either love Trump or they hate him. Will the tweet create a significant swing towards the haters? I doubt it.
I can sense your confusion if you are a Trump fan, TT, and have a touch of myopia about the damage he has almost certainly done to himself & his Party, as well as to others. The thing I found a bit chilling from that QuadSquad pre-Impeachment Motion Press Conference was the inference that there will be a ‘world uprising’ (or words to that effect) over this.
Now, I consider one of the massive achievements of President Trump’s first term to be the recognition by the USA of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I’m sure the extremists supporting the QuadSquad would love to see a Gaza and West Bank uprising with someone other than Trump in the WH.
Then, closer to home at the micro level. I know a family with a white Mother and some mixed race children. They are what I would call friends, especially the children’s grandmother, although not close friends. Because the media, especially the BBC, have not reported the full two Tweets by President Trump, they have made ‘it’ out to be a ‘racist’ Tweet. Indeed, that is what some people in the Republican Party have assumed hence their chants at a subsequent meeting.
What will probably happen now is that other children will go up to the (mixed race) children I know and say “President Trump says you should go home.” or “The American President says you should go back where you came from.” In addition, in school by other children or even by teachers, those children will be told “President Trump is a racist.” or “Republican Party members are racists.” or “Some (Many?) white people are racists.”
Can you see now how an ill-considered, hasty, Tweet has the potential to do much damage?
In addition to the above, there is no doubt that the Race Industry here will pick on that Tweet and its distortion by the media and ‘make hay’ whether the sun is shining or not. I hope it all blows over but it may not, probably will not, and in November 2020 we will look back at the day Twitter destroyed a Presidential second term.
The reason people like Presidents (and PMs) have Chiefs of Staff and Directors of Communications is because a simple slip can cause a lot of damage. (Think Bojo trying to escape what he said about Nazanin Zhagari Ratcliffe.)
Please Mr. President: stay off Twitter. Stay off Twitter especially when it is late at night.
Strange how the Al-Beeb fail to mention the comments of Congresswomen Ms Omar. Her derision of the US’s humanitarian efforts in Somalia circa early 1990s. Her dismissive comments regarding the terror attack of 9/11. Her Anti-semitic rants. Oh and not forgetting the alleged tax fraud she being investigated about, which involved her apparently marrying her brother. You couldn’t make it up.
BBC London droning on about the ‘Housing Crisis’ .
There just aren’t enough homes for the ‘growing population’.
I would point out that with an ongoing nett mass immigration of round 300,000 per year we need a lot of new houses, not paid for by the said immigrants needless to say, just to stand still.
Unfortunately if I did point this out, I would be excused of being an extremist, according to the latest in-denial commission report proudly described prominently this morning on the BBC.
Joining the dots. A game our state broadcaster chooses not to play.
And its not going to get any better with a Home Sec and a future PM who are hell bent on “rubbing the rights nose in diversity”
Of course the “right” these days is everyone not living in the metropolitan areas and/or possesses any sort of viewpoint to the right of the Guardian.
After making a reasonable start as Home Sec (after the Shamima Begum case) I think this last few weeks we have seen the true Savid Javid – a vengeful and bitter globalist determined to break and remake this country in his own image.
Alongside cowardly, pro migration Boris (who it seems now will always genuflect to a militant BBC) I believe once united in power this pair of clowns will be just as dangerous as Corbyn when it comes to maintaining our culture, our society and yes – our borders.
Leopards never change their spots, and it would seem these days neither do Tories.
“…and remake this country in his own image.”
Surely you mean ‘islamic image’?
Yes you are right G. To be perfectly honest I am starting to consider him a very dangerous man. He has proved he is more than willing to play the “racist” card as soon as anyone questions him on anything to do with this subject.
Originally I thought he might have been OK – But it seems he is planning to flood us with people who will not respect our culture and traditions and instead will just want free stuff, whilst trashing what is left of our country.
Apparently “populism” is “dangerous”. What he means is “populism” is dangerous to the aspirations of destructive globalists like him as in the presence of weak governments and in absence of any common sense based migration policies, it is the only way the indigenous/settled population have left of expressing their opposition to the policies of these hateful globalists.
He is a Muslim. He swore on the Koran when he entered Parliament. This man’s loyalty was never in question.
Javid made great protest of the atrocity in a NZ mosque. An unusual occurence.
But no protests from him at the continuous ongoing slaughter of Christians in Muslim countries.
London is virtually unrecognisable as an English city. How can this be. How has this travesty been allowed to happen.
The fault lies with us. The EU threatens our political independence so TBP. Islam threatens our very existence as a culture and nation. So UKIP.
There is no housing crisis. A housing crisis occurs when there is a mismatch between people numbers and the availablity of affordable, suitable housing i.e. too many people, not enough housing. If there really was a housing crisis, the government wouldn’t be increasing the population by 300,000+ plus each year through immigration. If there really was a housing crisis, it would be spending money on building new homes. For instance, instead of spending £14 billion a year on so-called foreign aid, it would construct approximately 100,000 new starter homes and flats per year with the money instead. It is doing neither of these things, therefore there obviously isn’t a housing crisis.
We do have an unemployment crisis. (Generally agreed limit in the distant past for that was greater than 750,000, in the more recent past, it was 1 million+.) The great achievement of the Coalition and Cameron administrations was the recovery of employment from the 2007-2009 crash & recession.
Theresa May’s fine words outside No.10 Downing Street in 2016 were not matched by actions in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Hammond & Carney ran inflation far too high. Unemployment is stuck stubbornly at that 1.3m+ level that it sat at – to their shame – all through a Labour Government’s time in power.
That 1.3 million figure may start to turn into a floor, a new normal. That is unacceptable.
Agree in principle, but whete Ian are they to construct these new houses/housing-we are running out of land, and by that I mean land suitable for such. No immigrant coming from outside Europe should be entitled to anything ahead, of firstly the indigenous Brit, then those that are from one of the 26 nations within the EU-proably impossoble under liberal imposition.
Our over crowding, and that is what it is at the moment with a populaton statistically of over 70 million, now quite definitely unsustainable in its efforts to maintain the services necessary for the country to function, let alone the appalling state of societies behaviour-rats in a trap-I have lived in many cities in the UK and Europe as well as having been lucky enough to also live in the countryside, where I am now thank God. There is still reasonable peace, discounting the agricultural traffic, and where again in the main people appear more friendly and happy to have a chat without thinking your’e after their money ! However even in such areas the encroachment of certain immigrants is begining to change the face of the scene in Market Towns and villages so much enjoyed over the past years. As an Englishman with an ancestry going back many centuries, -this land this secepted Isle, set in a silver sea, this England- for how much longer may one ask can we expect to enjoy the peace?
The housingf needs will continue to rise even if immigration is stopped as new immigrants have 5 children per generation, as well as import spouses.
The UK is headed to become an Islamic nation in the very near future. I’m astonished that we are going quietly into the night. Absolutely mind boggling.
Yes NCBBC I am afraid your assumption is likely to become what you say it might or will-like you I ‘m more than perplexed at the overly ingratiating attitude towards this duplictous political ideology now creeping in great numbers across our nation’s green and once pleasant land. Those that follow the teachings of Islam are now flooded across our TV screens, every programme, discussion type, sitcom type, sport type, political type, introduces one or more Muslim. I could hardly believe it when T May gave the job of Home Secretary to S Javid, a strong follow of Islamic values as I am told-then we have that Mayor of Londonstan Khan, and others as heads of major Councils, holding top Policing postions, Sharia Law not the law of our nation but neverthe less is imposing itself upon us. Well I’m not handing in my gun. …
What is disconcerting is that Muslims are allowed to
take office swearing with hands on the Koran.
I hope people realise that the Koran advocates mandatory slaughter of the Infidel. Jews and Christians may be allowed to convert to Islam or pay the Jizya “willingly”.
Amazing ignorance.
50 years since Apollo 11 Moon landing. Population of the UK 55.46 Million. 2019, population of UK 66.98 Million! No wonder our welfare and education and housing are at a crises. Not to worry the government of the day will fix it all by? More immigrants. Problem solved!
I challenge anyone to show me footage of any spacecraft that has gone more than 70 miles in a straight line upwards,cgi doesn’t count. nasa in hebrew means deceit and lies.
The BBC and the Lib Dems favour unlimited immigration. No borders, in other words.
When would our population be too much? Perhaps at 300 million?
Would a wall then be built?
TOADY Watch #1 and only …. probably
Dover, I noted with some irony that on TOADY they were talking about glow worms. The Humph was interviewing a gent from some ‘body’ (Natural England?) and needless to say an element of doom and gloom was incorporated: “Are they in decline?” he asked. The reply was yes but not seriously so at which point the The Humph muttered “something to do with building” or somesuch or “human intrusion”.
I immediately thought of all the homes that are being built along with solar farms and …. HS2 = another R4 News item.
A nation of 50 million supporting 250 million dependents will require a wall to be built to keep people in.
The Warsaw pact socialist nations were an example. N Korea now.
Surprise Surprise, the old Russian collusion smear
The people protecting London
..couldn’t even protect their own Twitter account
.. if only they had another £10bn /year
Ah tweet deleted .The Met took an hour to get back control and delete the 5 tweets.
I keep screenshots
So you’ve been sending out homophobic tweets
and come up with this pathetic excuse that you have been hacked ?
“couldn’t even protect their own Twitter account ”
All their budget is seeping out of their bank accounts in order to fund the Madeleine McCann coffee mornings.
If there is anything the last week should have taught everyone around the world is: think before you sign up to Twitter and, if you have, think just as carefully – maybe more so – before Tweeting anything.
A science institution get hijacked by the entryism of Global Warming alarmists
and awards a top propagandist
(spearheading is one typo)
An implausible conjecture backed by false evidence and repeated incessantly has become politically correct ‘knowledge,’ and is used to promote the overturn of industrial civilization. What we will be leaving our grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress, but a record of unfathomable silliness as well as a landscape degraded by rusting wind farms and decaying solar panel arrays. Professor Richard Lindzen.
Click to access Lindzen-AnnualGWPF-lecture.pdf
The Medal should go to Climate Scientist, Karl Zeller, who sums up the discovery that pressure, not CO2, determines a Planets surface temperature.
For Mars, use the Grey body temperature and air pressure, not the Black body temperature of 207 Kelvin, not the four times doubling of CO2 increasing the temperature to 210 Kelvin. Not the Black Body Temperature of Mars of 81.5 percent that of the Earth. The surface has a 7 millibar CO2 Atmosphere. So if the “Hoax” was true and Mars could be used as a proxy for “Global Warming” then a proxy equivalent of a 7,000 ppm CO2 Atmosphere on Earth would produce a temperature of 3.68 Kelvin, way short of the 32 Kelvin needed to prove the silly Hoax. But even the 3.68 Kelvin on Mars is now proven to be a Hoax.
If I can bring to your attention that there is a crowdfunding page (Currently at £50,000 with 15 days to go) run by the esteemed David Keighley sponsored by the Conservative Woman website:
I think it has a good legal case. There is not much point us all waiting for the next bolloxed ‘Charter review’. We have to state the obvious and point out that the BBC is well outside its Charter of (so called) impartiality (and stands to loose all public funding) amongst a long list of ‘biased’ political issues, the most serious is its outright dedication to Brussels no matter what the electorate voted for. We have a legal case, lets support this crowdfunding initiative! Please support as best you can. If we can’t fund it who can?
What will happen is that the BBC will get a, very big fine! piled on to future negative publicity arresting grannies for non payments. They have been warned before about EU bias and simply ignored it:
I have already made a donation to this, as I believe we are entering a critical time for both our politics and our media.
Critical because many people I speak to have now woken up to the quite insane pro EU exhibited by the treacherous BBC and if we just moan and do nothing the media and politicians will continue to treat us with contempt over this issue.
The politicians from the PM downwards also appear to be champing at the bit to introduce anti “populist” (read anti freedom) legislation. This is being spearheaded by state broadcaster seemingly staffed by activists.
Anything that highlights the dishonest nature of this organisation at this time has to be a good thing.
Me Too, ah ah. I agree the time is ripe for a concerted effort to mobilise the millions seething with resentment over the EU bias of the BBC and the millions more who will be angered by their predations on the over 75’s . But the judicial review won’t get anywhere because the judges are part of the establishment and will never go against the BBC. But it will provid valuable publicity on which mass education into the BBC bias could be hung and a campaign to refuse to pay the LF could be started. For instance will the BBC dare to send over 75 non payers to prison, I doubt it. So there must be a legal argument that this sets a precedent for under 75’s not to pay the LF and not be incarcerated. The law can’t be ageist surely?
But if the BBC is so full of its own ‘goodness ‘ that it does send an over 75 to prison, they will have provided a martyr for the cause which will outrage m many,’ the elderly being sacrificed to pay Gary Lineacker ‘ , would be a great headline.
If the BBC is fined, whose money do they pay with?
Its a joke isn’t it .
The fools that pay the Telly Tax .
I heard that Neil Armstrong wasn’t really an ethnic American but from an ethnic minority border reiver tribe from the debatable lands between England and Scotland. The tribe has a crest that includes a strong arm with the motto Invictus maneo (I remain unvanquished). The Armstrong tribe were able to raise three thousand horsemen and were said to be at one point in control of the debatable lands. In 1610 the last tribal Chief Archibald Armstrong of Mangerton was hanged. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk upon the Moon, took with him a piece of the Clan Armstrong tartan to the Moon. In 1972, Neil Armstrong was made the first freeman of the burgh of Langholm, Scotland the seat of the Clan Armstrong, and therefore happily declared the town his home. But then Neil Armstrong hastily left his home town and returned to America for safety reasons, when the Justice of the Peace read out an unrepealed 400-year-old racist law that required him to ethnically cleanse any ethnic Armstrong found in the town, by hanging them. This was how Neil Armstrong was subjected to racism by the Scots, and therefore never returned back to his home town.
When a reiver was caught his thumbs were cut off. I knew a Northumbrian who had a reiver’s thumb in a tobacco tin, a curled black object.
A little doodle on the week. I suspect Britain’s best hope is that Macron gets so irritated with Boris that he tells the EU to just walk away, the alternative is a September election which (when it shifts the parliament to Remain) will cause the EU to realise the game is up and that their “deal” won’t be happening
10pm news on Friday evening when a static car event for CHARITY turned into a car chase for boy racers. I think it would have been interesting to know which charity and maybe have a spokesman from the said charity comment. But the BBC chose not to. I don’t know what was really going on but the way the BBC reported it left me wondering.
The opening comment on this thread is perfect.
I happened to catch the end of an interview on TV yesterday and for some reason the interviewee visibly shoehorned the comment “we must send women to the Moon next time” in their last breath. The interviewer agreed and that was literally the end.
Box ticked, ears ringing, in our minds a fifty year injustice has to be put right. State Broadcaster loves to fly the flag for its favoured causes.
NG – “we must send women to the Moon next time”
Its a bloody good idea, “the word on the street is that in fact last night just such a mission was planned. Apparently the spacecraft commander Commander was Mrs Quisling with a crew consisting of fatbot, Emily Fatberry, Jess Phillips, “Baroness” Warsi, Anna Soudbry, Emily Maitless, Victoria Derbyshire, Gina Miller and of course Jeremy Vine.
Mrs Quisling as PM would of course have the correct calibre to organise the mission with the likes of Diane Abbot and Lady Nugee in charge of the food supplies. Gina Miller in charge of the navigation systems.
Of course after we have landed them brave gals they should go out and explore. If there are aliens there, hopefully Jess Phillips, Soudbry, Warsi, Maitless, can go out and meet them and hopefully after being taken to their leader the aliens will be scared off from any attempts at invading the earth. If Lady Quisling negotiates we are doomed.
If not planned correctly there may not be enough fuel to bring them back or food and O2 for them all to survive – they may well have to eat each other – Oh dear – how sad never mind.
And when it all finally goes wrong – Queen Jeremy can make the last broadcast to earth complete with sobbing. “Oh the humanity of it all – the brightest and the best, lost, lost, lost”
Actually I just realised it never happened – Because Mrs Quisling put Gina Miller in charge of Nav systems, they never went anyway and just remained instead.
Oak, great post. Now there’s a radio comedy show in the waiting. Maybe we should do our own scripts, here on Biased BBC
Thanks for the chuckle, Oaknash. But you made one mistake. Abbopotamus would not be in charge of the food supply but navigation. The mission would then take off and land back on earth immediately, giving Abbopotamus and Brawnberry the opportunity to gorge on the food supply and stuff as much of it as possible into the pockets of their space suits while waiting to be rescued.
Do you think the rescue would be undertaken by Magic Grandpa using his 50 cc Honda Melody (with reinforced rear suspension)?
As the song said “all you need is love”
50th anniversary of the landing of a Man on the Moon
This was an achievement by engineers. Most of the engineers were working for Lockheed and other aero-space firms, and some with NASA.
The proof – when things are going well, one notes administrators, politicians and token people taking the credit, but when things go wrong, its blame the engineers.
As for lack of women and “people of colour” (disgusting Newspeak) in the space program – at the time, astronauts were mainly top rank fighter pilots – mostly white men. This is the case even now, even though it is far safer as men have done the hard work.
Engineers who made it all possible, were mostly White men. Even now, engineers in the West are mostly men – White or Asian.
I wonder when Labour finally get into power whether we will have a national holiday to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Diane Abbot “landing” on the planet Jeremy.
Mission Control we have “touchdown”
Hope everyone has had their lunch!
Don’t forget Emma Barnett.
Jeremy Vine on Friday had a female astro-physicist telling us that ‘within a decade a woman will land on the moon and that will be incredible!’.
Do we have to go through the whole of history and ‘right all these sexual wrongs’?
Twentieth century achievement, man goes where no man has gone before, the Moon.
Twenty-first century achievement, man goes where no man has gone before, female ‘bathrooms’.
LOL x 5, excellent humour this a.m.
‘in a decade a woman will land on the moon and that will be incredible!’.
It will still be an achievement of male engineers – past and present. Mostly past. And it will be incredible only in the sense of political correctness bigotry and not any new technical achievement.
Apparently special couches and seats are to be installed in new spacecraft to prevent any male astronauts engaging in ‘manspreading’.
Fifty years ago, we chose to go to moon, not because it was easy but because it was hard. Now we choose to build silly seats, because we’ve lost the plot and pretend that men and women don’t have different skeletal characteristics.
Read the link. What a terrible idea.
Men spread their legs as constricting them squashes the penis and testicles. This is uncomfortable, as well as leads to overheating and perspiration in the crotch. Bad hygiene as well detrimental to sperm count.
Women have no such problem. Moreover, women generally wear skirts. Spreading their legs leads to excess ventilation and cold.
This designer is brainwashed in PC feminist doctrine. Bad trait for engineering design work.
‘satisfied that the behaviour was neither systemic nor representative’
Wait until Complaints gets wind of this one.
Thanks, GW. A good link.
In addition to high pressure demands on the over 75’s by the BBC Enforcement Squads, criminals will now pose as BBC agents to steal money from the vulnerable.
Thinking about it, what’s the difference between criminals and the BBC?
Dover Sentry:
Thinking about it, what’s the difference between criminals and the BBC?
The BBC has a bit more support from the government?
The BBC likes red Tories who assume socialist ideas . Communal playgrounds must not be divided between the private owner and the council type . So no paying for selection , choice or privacy any more .
So all those big walls which shield big houses from outside access can go – on that principle .
Declaration – I grew up in relatively poor environment – although obviously as a youngster you don’t know that – but I’m a great believer in property rights – which the current red Tories seem to find distasteful .
Obviously all the bbc broadcasters operate ‘open property ‘ with no walls or boundaries in their ‘classless ‘ world view .
Nick’s tweet about what is written on the wall of W1A gets more pathetic daily.
A nice piece in the Mail online raising the issue of unbiased BBC broadcasters working in a private capacity . No requirement to declare it to the BBC – self policing .
Apparently the Fiona Bruce one and the Simon Jack one pulled out of a conference run by a company which helps rich foreigners (maybe criminals ) get a nice Blighty passport .
Great to hit them where it hurts .
Come now Fed, have a heart. Surely you must be as conscious as I am about the mental health of the likes of Jeremy Husain, Nick Humphrys, Sara Kearney, Martha Marr, Lady Brooken and all the rest. They are all totally interchangeable in their roles. Male, female (and naturally any ‘inbetweeners’ – although there’s nothing ‘natural’ about that), black, yellow or whatever, it doesn’t matter.
Whilst we can either, (at present), choose to not listen to our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcasters distorted and massaged view of so-called, “News” or, even simply shut the radio/tv off, the BBC staff have to digest a diet of their master’s propaganda daily, hour by hour, minute by minute. Its even fed to them via an earpiece. I Imagine they even sleep with the earpiece in place pumping out a version of the propaganda in case they try and avoid it otherwise. ‘Conditioning’. This has to take a toll of their mental health. Just think, day in day out, for example, Brexit or Trump. Most normal human beings would be driven quite mad with that daily diet. On and on and on. Happily, I guess, with such a good employer, the counseling bills will be covered at license payers expense.
I applauded people making money . I’m not one for envy . But what I deplore his socialism and its’ hypocrisy- encouraging poorer people to give to overbloated charities when they themselves are being paid large amounts of cash to sell the message – just an example .
Likewise – minimising tax by avoiding PAYE and taking lowered taxed dividends to reduce taxes paid – then reporting about others who do it from a moral high horse .
I think in 1984 there wasn’t an off switch of the box in the corner . That’s the next step after 24 hour bias …
“I think in 1984 there wasn’t an off switch of the box in the corner . That’s the next step after 24 hour bias …”
Precisely what I was alluding to when inserting, “…(at present)…”
@Fedup Times frontpage tells a top British broadcaster has lost £1m in a offshore pension scam …sad ????
Stew – let it be someone from the finance unit so busy predicting brexit doom for the last 3 years that they didn’t see a get rich quick tax avoidance scam ( presumably ) coming .
Bit like all that solid advice to invest in Neil Woodford Units currently going through a fire sale- despite he taking the management fees every day ( declaration – I’m not affected by this ) .
Guest Who,
Funnily enough, I was just thinking about Nick Robinson’s twisted perception of BBC hacks as noble disciples of Orwell, himself included, no doubt.
And I was thinking of a way to turn that quote from Orwell around so that it accurately reflects the BBC:
If liberty means anything at all it means the right to mock what the BBC wants us to hear.
“NHS trusts are in the midst of a nurse staffing crisis, struggling to fill around 40,000 vacancies. The situation is set to get even more difficult. Our analysis with the King’s Fund and Health Foundation shows that the gap will actually grow even with a range of actions over the next five years – unless, that is, we can bring in around 5,000 more nurses each year from other countries.” So say the Nuffield Trust –
Meanwhile, let’s head over to A&E to see what’s going on there:
“In June 2019, 13.6% of people attending A&E spent more than 4 hours from arrival to admission, transfer or discharge – the worst performance for any June on record. Performance was worse than in December 2018, and there was a 4.5 percentage point increase on June 2018.” –
“Wot abhat the GP’s?” I hear you ask:
“The shortage of GPs, especially in rural areas, is becoming a national crisis that needs to be urgently addressed. As our investigation reveals, large parts of England and Wales have no family doctors at all close by.” (paywall)
Happily the Government have a cunning plan to deal with these growing shortages in healthcare, housing and all the rest of the infrastructure:
Here, let our Home Secretary, Sajid Javid explain in more detail:
WILL be coming to a town or City near you soon, as early as 2020.
Have fun…………….
“WILL be coming to a town or City near you soon, as early as 2020.”
And remember, if you don’t like it, you are free to……………..
I left ten years’ ago. From my location (top secret), the UK looks like a madhouse.
The wealthy and non city dwellers probably pretend things are okay . But life seems to be becoming more fragile – luckily people don’t think about it as they’re just running their lives – but when the next hiccup comes along – cyber outage – no phone / power – supermarket / petrol supply problem – the pains will come ….
And will the BBC froth at the mouth – blame – all pulling together – neighbours – brave emergency services …. you know the tune and lyrics …
It puts the Brexit issue into perspective. Boris and Nigel have both said that immigration should continue after Brexit, which in effect means more third worlders. We need a Salvini and quickly.
We have one – Gerrard Batten, but the government, MSM and of course Farage have done their level best to prevent him gaining any traction. I suppose the globalist plan is too flood us until we are a minority in our own land. It will all be a bit late then.
Anne Marie Waters is your only chance. It is quite amusing that it takes an Irish woman to stand up for the rights of the natives to defend themselves from the muslim hordes. It sums up just how pusillanimous Englishmen have become.
Fear certainly plays a large part in our helplessness in the face of the rapidly ongoing Islamification of our country. Fear of losing your job and your pension, losing your liberty , losing your friends and even your family, not to mention fear of physical assault. All of this in a country where in living memory there was a proud tradition to be able to speak your mind and mob violence was so rare as to be almost unknown. In the UK we live in a police state where those groups the government favours can do as they please , whereas groups the government doesn’t like are subject to the full force of the state to intimidate and suppress them.
Why can’t we train our own? OK we are well and truly overcrowded with 70 million people all vying for space and a life-that is where the problem lies but no Government would want to tackle such a problem of ridding the country of say 10 million people. So where are these new members of the health service supposed to come from? Countries that no doubt desperately need medical trained staff themselves. Next is the language problem if these new people come from countries where the English language is not their mother tongue. Where will they be housed? Who is going to pay for all this development? Of course as someone has pointed out the UK needs to stop paying out money it cannot afford to countries that really need to get there own house in order and tackle the monumental corruption within their countries, allowing the money to actually do some good. We need that money here now more than ever. Javid is way outside understanding the real problems now facing us all, no matter one’s age.
The BBC is only the messenger, but as they don’t in any way demur from this proposition
Primary schools in England should start teaching pupils about female genital mutilation when a new curriculum is introduced next year, campaigners say.
I will criticise all concerned.
Informing innocent little girls about this practice will cause anxiety but the girl will be unable to prevent the evil intentions of her parents.
Perhaps stricter action against the barbarians in our midst would be a better approach
Needless to say, the BBC hacks and campaigners (often one and the same, of course) don’t think straight or check their message for consistency and logic. The article begins with the phrase “Primary schools in England should start teaching pupils about female genital mutilation”. A few sentences later we get “Earlier this year, England saw its first successful prosecution of an FGM case, which involved a three-year-old girl mutilated by her mother”, followed by a link to “FGM being performed on UK babies”. Right. Neither three year old girls or babies attend primary school, so how would this help them become aware of the problem? Still, I suppose we should be thankful that the BBC used a photograph of a pair of black hands holding a razor blade to illustrate the ‘some communities’, rather than a white hand holding a knife.
BBC news website headline on Iran seizing UK flagged tanker.
“UK ” Deeply Concerned” Over Tanker Seizure”
Subtle headline just below. “Was the tanker crisis avoidable?”
Nice to see our broadcaster is showing the flag. Not.
I took a screen shot as the headlines always change
Not directly BBC but they probably contributed to the PC world we have today. I was looking at the Daily Mail Magazine which had some quotes from Norman Tebbit.
One telling one was a snipe at our great “leader” TM. He crashed his plane in a field. “Theresa May famously said she ran through a cornfield when she was younger- I set one on fire!”
The other was how firemen saved his life after the Brighton bombing defying the “elf and safety” rules to stay clear until the bomb disposal squad gave the all clear. The lead firemen said “You know the rules- If it’s a bomb we cant go in until the Bomb Squad have cleared. But I think it’s a gas explosion don’t you?” I wonder what would happen now.
Here is totally useless piece of information on the grossly inflated salaries of BBC star “journalists”.
But what the heck!
What did you do about the RACIST president ?
Headline news that the Iranians have taken a couple of oil tankers in the gulf.
Now comes the time for the useless cowardly inept Tories to show what they truely are.
Fine words and posturing is all they can manage, they deliberately underfunded the armed forces to finance mass migration, and other Marxist policies, and they followed the US lead on imposing sanctions together with the EU.
Where is the EU on this issue by the way?
Our single warship in the region is incapable of protecting all of the tankers flying flags of convenience – not one single British seaman on any of the captured tankers, and we now learn the useless incompetent Tories are sending surface to air missile systems and Army personel to Saudi !
WTF??? An oil tanker is captured by small raiding craft, how is an anti air system supposed to prevent that?
We are back to the same problem as in the past. Conflict between Saudi and Iran (Sunni & Shia Islam) and Western politicians being bribed by both sides.
“[Iran’s Foreign Minister] H.J. Ansari Zarif’s senior advisor: “If Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on U.S. then we will reveal which western politicians and how much money they had received during nuclear negotiations to make #IranDeal happen
The following day after Trumps announcement, and Irans statement about bribery Boris Johnson travelled to the USA and appeared on Fox News attempting to persuade Trump NOT to end the Iran nuclear treaty. There is a great deal of Prima Facie evidence to suggest Johnson has been compromised by the Iranian government and might have accepted bribe money.
I had a happy moment last night……… watching that torturous programme The Pledge.
It was June Sarpong and Rachel Johnnson being told they were insulting by Michelle Dewberry. She raised the subject of how the media were biased against Brexiteers, which sent Sarpong into gales of giggles and much eye rolling from Johnson. Dewberry then laid into both of them and said their behaviour was disgusting, with slight back up from Ferrari. Sarpong’s face was a picture as though no-one had spoken to her like that ever – and on tele. It sure as hell shut her up though, and the tension across the table was not faked. A moment of great tv.
I think it was Sarpong who used to review the papers on SKY occasionally. I always had the impression she had a brain the size of a walnut.
And I have always suspected that she must have cosied up to someone who could get the ear of the Awards Office, because how a pea brain like her gets an MBE is beyond reason.
Perhaps it wasn’t an ear ‘they cosied up to’?
A classic token if ever there was one.
Far be it from me to take the side of the appalling Ayatollahs + Revolutionary Guards regime in Iran, but following the crazy seizure of an Iranian vessel off Gibralter by our government, their action seizing a British-owned oil-tanker in the Gulf is at least understandable. The British-EU policy on Syria seemed to me idiotic from the start for reasons already commented on in this blog.
Is it an optical illusion or is the Stena Impero (oil tanker seized by the Iranians) really asymmetric along its centreline? There also appears to be an impressive ‘ding’ in the prow at the waterline and possibly just below. Maybe Lt.Philips has been, while on shore leave, doing some moonlighting and part-time ‘steering’ for the Merchant Navy in order to earn an extra rum ration or two?
BBC Home Page –
You’ll have to hurry to look. The Home Page usually changes during the day.
We wonder why Farage is so weak against Antifa
..but I notice in Nov 2017 “Nigel Farage drops claim about Hope not Hate being ‘violent’ in face of libel threat – Politics live ”
Yes they have a lot of resources to pursue libel
cos they don’t call for direct violence , it’s just that people at their rallies are often very fired up and violent , and don’t seem to be held back by HnH
Trump mocked Antifa at a recent rally, I think it was. He said, they’ll violently attack one journalist, but they don’t attack Bikers for Trump!
LOL, as they say in the classics.
Another beauty.
The beeb has been campaigning to have Sajid Javid as Chancellor. What makes them think they have control over Boris’ appointments, is a mystery to me. Does arrogance reach that far?
Personally, I would much prefer to see Secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss, in that position. She knows her stuff.
Up to Boris. As long as Hammond is out (preferably somewhere in Caithness, planting veg) I’ll be happy. I’ll be even happier if our new Home Secretary clamps down on immigration, regardless of predictable MSM howls of outrage, as well as sorting out the police.
Of course, if Hunt is elected, we may well have Javid as Chancellor? Following on a statement by Jeremy H that ‘Brexit means Brexit’?
Javid Savid needs to be removed from the cabinet; he has revealed his colours in his remarks on extremism and policy on immigration. As long as he is in the Cabinet he will be ready, backed by the BBC, to replace Boris. Not that I give a damn about Boris, but I fear the forces behind Savid.
CS gas released on underground. Picture of culprits released before they got out of the station. Now why would they put the suspects pictures up so fast ???
Halifax -Beeb lunchtime news was also keen to describe them as ‘white’. One can well imagine circumstances in which neither picture, nor comment, would have been released. We would have been told their age. End of.
One can only imagine, with the greatest of difficulty, beeb actually stating the race of any other suspect (unless ‘white’ -of course; or -as former beeb DG, Dyke, put it: ‘hideously white’).
Beeb racism…
Surprised they didn’t say…..suspects are white Christian males….
And no doubt Brexit supporters.
The BBC is absolutely obsessed with gender issues. It’s been
going on for a longtime now, but it is now reaching a crescendo
of absurdity.
The main feature right now on the website is the women’s Ashes
cricket match . England have lost all the other matches between
themselves ad Australia and the most likely scenario is that they
will lose this one unless it rains, then England may get a draw.
This is the main feature , you couldn’t make it up.
Then we come to the Proms. I wrote about this yesterday, Just
look at the Proms web pages on the BBC . It’s like something
out of Monty Python. You know the 100 meters for those with
weak bladders. The gun goes off and everybody runs for the toilets.
That how the pages made me laugh. I expect before long BIG BROTHER at the BBC will give instructions that for gender equality
there will be NO male composers at the Proms with an initial B !!
These spineless politicians make me laugh.
Whenever they talk bravely about tackling “extremism” they always make sure that the usual suspects, the largely mythical “far right” get a mention.
Thus far this lot largely consists of a bloke who made his girlfriend’s dog do a Nazi salute, an odd group who gave their kids peculiar names and some geezers who swore at the sweet natured and delightful Anna Soubry.
Not exactly a catalogue of horror, is it?
Of course those who behead soldiers, stab policemen and blow up our daughters are also mentioned, but their atrocities could hardly be ignored.
I don’t consider being a bit rude really compares to mass murder and carnage.
Our heroic politicians know only too well where the real threat comes from. If you visit London take a look at all the hideous bollards around Westminster. They’ve made bloody certain that they’re well protected. All around St James’s Park and the elegant Regency side streets are scarred by these concrete carbuncles.
They’ve not been put there to protect our MPs from a verbal assault by Tommy Robinson.
Much as they deserve it…
Goodness, the primary school timetable is going to be overflowing with all this LGBT Relationship Education, Transgender Surgical Procedures and Female Genital Mutilation. Will there be time for nursery rhymes? Multiplication tables?
Due to Theresa May and Michael Gove, science is to be replaced by environmentalism were marks are only available for candidates who choose to parrot the sustainability agenda. In exam questions the words carbon dioxide and global warming will always get a mark regardless of the question. The fact is that children’s ability to pass their exams and hence their future life prospects appears to depend on being able to demonstrate their climate change orthodoxy.
For one hundred years, Tories have regarded Socialists as nasty and Socialists have regarded Tories as nasty. Theresa May was the first Tory leader to regard the Tories as nasty, proving to us that she is a Socialist. She has therefore sided with Extinction Rebellion by introducing a policy of indoctrinating Primary School children to lobby nasty Tory MP’s and go on climate strike. Political and Environmentalist indoctrination has now replaced all but the hardest Maths exams. Under this system, clever people get zero out of ten and people like Greta Thunberg get ten out of ten and a job with the BBC as one of its best scientific advisors or correspondents. This system replaces the old fashioned system where high levels of intelligence lead to people getting good qualifications, with a system were low IQ people with posh parents and a high level tendency for robotic conformity getting the good qualifications necessary for a job at the BBC.
This is the Legacy that Theresa May will leave us with.
As a left-wing Socialist, I presume Theresa May will now dedicate herself to campaigning against Donald Trump, by supporting those four nasty communist candidates who want to be President of America.
“Will there be time for nursery rhymes? ”
As long as you don’t upset the violent activists.
After 8 years “dropped from a West Sussex library for mentioning God in some of its songs.”
But transvestites – no problem
It’s like watching the last days of ancient Rome.
Possibly more like watching Frankie Howard in ‘Up Pompeii!’ than watching the last days of Rome, but the parallels are intriguing. Around 90% of the population of Rome were immigrants and slaves (think London in another 20 years, 10 if Khan continues). The armies of Rome were far from home still winning great victories, whilst the Barbarians were at the gates (think military adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran). On the plus side: although the Western Empire collapsed into degeneracy, incompetence and over-reach, the Eastern Empire continued for another 1,000 years. Time to get those tickets for Warsaw, Budapest, Sofia, Kiev and learn a new language…
How come the kids didn’t run out of the room screaming ??? They’re more terrifying than Steven King’s ‘Pennywise Clown” !
“How come the kids didn’t run out of the room screaming ??? ”
I would think because these slimy predators must be listened too no matter the children’s reactions. Parents? Forget them.
I’d like to know who permitted deviants like this to gain access too impressionable children?
I suppose it couldn’t be fellow deviant judges and MPs?
Very like ancient Rome, Rob. In fact it is very like any major civilisation in history which has accepted aberration as the norm – it has been the clearest and most easily identifiable symptom of collapse among several historical examples, from Egypt onwards. BBC historians, the ones that ‘bring you living history’ prefer to gloss over the sad reality – there are, after all, so many other achievements to talk about.
Multiplication tables? The only maths needed is the answer to the question ‘What do 2 plus 2 make?’. And as Orwell wrote in 1984: “Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once”
BBC forgot to put up a story about the sentencing of the Moroccans who raped 2 backpackers and beheaded one ?
\\ Three radical Islamic #Terrorists who #Beheaded two female backpackers in the Atlas Mountains in #Morocco have been sentenced to death by firing squad.
(but in effect it will be commuted to life) //
Third world countries where western tourists are killed always manage to find the ‘killers’ to make the story go away and keep their tourist industry going ….
July 10 Laurie Taylor show
‘ah engineers are the problem , see how Islamic terrorists and the far right are so often engineers
“..left-wing extremism,
in which engineers are absent while social scientists and humanities students are prominent.”
Thursday in Japan an ‘artist with a grudge‘ killed 33
My comment 8 days ago about that show
Here’s Boris from the final event with Hunt:
…I’m incredibly proud, having cunningly stationed my ancestors around the world, before I became foreign secretary, [a bit of laughter from those in the audience who caught the joke] the people I was proud to be mayor of is the most diverse city on earth – we can be incredibly proud of that because it shows what an amazing magnet we are for talent [and of course for those intent on leeching off the generous welfare system, some of whom at the same time plot to destroy the UK and actually carry out terrorist attacks].
Well, at least Boris would not then satisfy Dale by agreeing that Trump’s tweets were ’racist.’
I was impressed by him calling the diminutive ‘mayor’ of London “invertebrate.” A fitting description.
Can’t find the part right now where he gets really enthused about a literacy project for children all around the planet, but specifically in Africa. I’d like him to be that enthused about extricating Britain from the EU. Perhaps he is, but it’s concerning that his evident globalism might trump his commitment to the country.
I am so disappointed with Boris and he hasn’t
been elected yet. I think he is another big let down we will experience in our leaders. I think he will be another globalist. Saying what is needed and being careful what he says. It makes me very upset to think that there is not one politician in the UK that can lead us. Oh how I want a Trump figure here.
Cromwell . I think the announcement is Wednesday . Then the conservative and unionist party elect him as PM . Unless they try to kill him through a no confidence led by Grieve and other traitors .
BoJo is PM for a day then parliament goes on its well deserved holidays until 3 September .
All that traitoring must make for a lot of tired MPs .
The EU was making A50 delaying noises again yesterday but I think even the thickest Red Tory knows that is they fail to take us out by 32 October most will be looking for a new career in the BBC .
I haven’t given up on Boris yet.
He might just have enough fire and commitment to get the country out of the EU.
Ministers pledge to end ‘poor doors’ in new build housing
Here’s a story on the BBC telling us “the separate entrances for social housing tenants living in new builds “stigmatise” and divide them from private residents, the government said.”
Tory minister “James Brokenshire said he had been “appalled” by the examples of segregation he had seen.”
As is so often the way, or esteemed national broadcaster quotes a piece from the Guardian too…
…in some cases, social housing tenants have been excluded from using some facilities, and made to use different entrances from those which give access to privately owned homes.
In March, one development in south London was reported by the Guardian to have blocked children living in social housing from using a communal playground.
(Is there anything else the social tenants want for free? How about use of the private owners’ cars and sitting rooms).
And our esteemed Mayor Khan said it’s an “appalling form of social segregation.”
I work in finance in London with many highly educated, affluent people who I see buying their first homes. It’s typical that around Canary Wharf a 2 or 3 bed flat (nothing luxurious) costs £650k – £1m. My colleagues then spend the next 20 years of their life paying off the mortgage.
Often, around half of the flats in a new development are “social or affordable” or whatever. Many of the developments are undertaken by housing associations for the sole purpose of providing social housing – they rip off those private buyers and the money taken funds subsidised housing for social tenants. (This is possible in part because housing associations can borrow at lower interest rates and thus undercut private developers.)
So we’re left with a situation where my colleagues working 14 hour days are “bonded” to the social tenants; 20 years working themselves into the ground to pay a mortgage that is providing housing to someone else.
Now imagine that Tory minister Brokenshire having had to do this in his early 30s. I bet he wouldn’t have.
My colleagues endlessly tell me about the antisocial behaviour – noise, bicycles in the corridor, smells, damage etc. in their buildings full of million pounds flats (I’ll give you a clue: it’s not caused by the bond traders who live there). It’s a toxic housing market; houses are too expensive because of a lack of supply but to get planning permission you’ve got to build a load of “social housing” paid for by the private buyers.
Clearly this is a form of redistribution outside the tax system. But what has this to do with BBC bias?
A Tory minister is virtue signalling; unable to identify the real problem he says it’s “appalling segregation.” Conservatives are clearly appeasing the BBC. They no longer identify the actual issues – that, in economic language, “new household formation” and supply restrictions have inflated property prices. The “correct” viewpoint is that people who are given almost free housing in the world’s capital city are “victims”.
Pandering to the BBC / Guardian socialist views, appearing virtuous etc. in my view makes government policy worse because ministers aren’t focusing on identifying the problem. You need to be clear precisely what a problem is before you can hope to fix it.
Because of the BBC et al we’re seeing London – the city that should be a bastion of capitalism and freedom in the world – dragged down by increasingly socialist policies.
I’m sure it will be an awfully long time until we see a BBC article looking at the economic harm and iniquity of 45% tax payers spending 20 years of their lives paying for social housing via their mortgagees.
On another note, thanks to you all for this site. I glance at it when I can and I see some perceptive and intelligent insights. It’s a small refuge of common sense in a world being captured by the Bolsheviks.
I said the same earlier – how the Red Tories lost their way is beyond me . They seem to be against any advantage personal money – wealth – gives – but I bet they pay to send their kids to private ( segregated ) schools , have private health care for their families and the other identifiers for people with assets .
With a bit of luck the likes of Brokenshire will be caste into the dark when a new cabinet is formed .
Conservatism seems lost as the moment – I’m not one as I’m further towards libertarianism than those reds.
Sam – A lot of people are going to have to work very, very hard, because there are many, many takers, who work little or not at all, and redistribution has to make sure the money flows from the one to the other.
For, along with redistribution, the hunt is on for ‘fairness’: ‘inequality’ between the hard workers and the many takers needs to be addressed. So the hard workers are going to have to work ever harder. Not only because of ‘inequality’, but because there are going to be ever more takers. And socialism requires they be mixed: hence the noise, smells, damage etc
The wonders of socialism have begun to infest ‘Conservative’ parties, and not only in Britain: look across to Germany, where the CDU has morphed into something a Ludwig Erhard would never recognise. Even a Willie Brandt or Helmuth Schmidt wouldn’t recognise it, and they were happy to be called social democrats…
Richard Pinder put in another piece of the jigsaw puzzle for us, a little further up. It all helps for a picture to emerge from the present confusion. And it ain’t pretty.
We will shortly know whether Boris can remember what conservatism was once about. His first cabinet appointments will start telling the story…
Brokenshire is a literal moron.
He has had to apologise to Sir Roger Scruton for sacking him after the New Statesman deliberately misquoted him in an article. Even they have had to apologise. Clearly Brokenshire, who looks like a Thunderbirds puppet, and has the brain to match, never thought that a left wing magazine might carry out a political hit job on the finest living Conservative philosopher.
The man is so unfit for purpose it is beyond a joke, but this is the sort of rubbish the so-called Conservatives come up with these days.
Rob- Brokenshire is not fit to wipe the dirt from Sir Roger’s shoes…
And he would not even begin to understand why that is.
Ugh \\ Sobbing mum finds her *teenage* daughter having sex with four men in house of hell drugs den //
I think it was yesterday but it may have been Thursday – Woman’s Hour. Discussion about what a fantastic year it has been for women’s sport. I cannot tell you how many times the word ‘lionesses’ were mentioned (they did win the world cup…. didn’t they?)
Then we had to have a discussion about diversity in women’s sport. No I don’t mean of the LGBQT variety but by race. Young women discussing and they all seemed to need role models. One mentioned that she was having problems finding I think a net ball club where there were people like her ie wearing a hijab. But she would have had in common with the other club members that she was female and enjoyed netball but, no, for her to feel comfortable there would need to be other muslim girls. Well I am Jewish and frequently attend meetings where I may be the only one of my faith but unless it is a religious meeting I am not going to look for fellow Jews. I have also never needed a role model but I decide what I want to do – and I guess Mrs Thatcher felt the same. Theresa of course was disappointed that she was not the first female British prime minister but as she has been such a disaster I am hoping that one she has left office she is quickly forgotten.
as the only long haired middle aged biker in the club I go too ,perhaps I should insist everyone grows their hair and arrives on two wheels
you know just to make me comfortable
That is called diversity, and has been practised by true British for centuries, i.e. the general acceptance of individuality, our new marxist / nazi diversity is a different kettle of fish as we on this site all know, go to any induction run by a public organisation as I did a while ago and see all the photos of black faces and wimmin, I saw one white male pic but only the back of his head, probably polish though, or gay
Then walked out into the office and saw all these white males, at least 60%, funny that
Paul Joseph Watson is in love with Ilhan Omar.
Well, not really. He just sees her as good for Donald Trump, because Trump with his tweet against the Squad forced the more moderate Democrats to rally behind the Squad, which is now the face of the Democrat Party, which in turn makes Trump’s 2020 victory that much more certain.
PJW sees it as a “master stroke” from Trump. I tend to agree.
It’s also good to see POTUS re tweet a message by Katie Hopkins – who in turn is linked to TR in the good fight . It might remind the British State that if TR is harmed there will be powerful people outside the British swamp keeping an eye ….
Now where’s that Appeal ?
I’m not much of a Twitterer, so I didn’t know about Trump retweeting Katie Hopkins.
The man really has shown that he is one with the people. No snob he.
Trump retweeted a whole series of Hopkins anti-Khan tweets
.. It’s big news to Twitter and the US libmob seem very triggered
“Oh US cities have a much higher murder rate”
sure they do..its apples vs oranges
: London’s rate isn’t going in the right direction considering the improvement in medical care.
TT, that assumes that the Democratic Party is split by The Quad Squad.
What I think is more likely is that some BAME Republicans will be too ashamed to support Trump and campaign for him. We have just had that lesson – big time – here in the UK in the Local Authority and the EU Elections. The Brexit Party’s success came on the back of Conservatives being unwilling to campaign and even vote Conservative.
In the US, The Quad Squad supporters are more likely to unite behind any Democratic candidate, just to get President Trump out of the White House. You have the evidence in front of your eyes: four years of bile have failed so far to defeat him in Election and remove him from power.
Now Donald Trump has done ‘a David Cameron and Theresa May’ and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Crazy! Just with one Tweet.
its not about representatives or senators and what they think
trump has made the four anti-Semitic anti-white communist vaginas of the apocalypse the face of the democrats
the only remotely moderate democrat tulsi gabbard is being blanked by the party as they try to out radical each other , trump is forcing them ever leftward, making corbyn look centrist
the american people are being given a simple binary choice
News Flash on the BBC News channel: England have lost the netball match against New Zealand.
For those of you who are inconsolable with grief, here is the Apollo 11 photograph that NASA did not want the public to see:
BBC Online News:
“”Anti-Brexit protesters hold ‘No to Boris’ march””
“”Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of central London in a march against Brexit and Conservative Party leadership hopeful Boris Johnson.””
“”The pro-European March for Change is holding a “No to Boris, Yes to Europe” event, and includes a blimp depicting him.””
Hundreds? And the BBC choose to report this?
Interesting that their Boris Blimp depicts the £350m Red Bus. That figure was verified at the High Court recently. Why are Remainers still quoting it as being false?
Rentacrowd still in business then?
Probably one of Soros’s subsidaries by now.
“Rentacrowd still in business then? ”
They also bring in Dogs to do TV Adds. Though the cost of dogs are £500 a day the Soros crowd will be much higher than that hence so few of them on the street of London.
Ten points in understanding the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines:
(1) The BBC seeks to establish left-wing fake news and use the lowest reporting standards to provide coverage that is unfair and inaccurate.
(2) The BBC tries to reflect the views and experiences of its staff, so that its output as a whole includes no significant diversity of opinion and strand of thought outside of low IQ middle-class left-wing circles.
(3) The BBC seeks to under-represent the majority views on politics and the EU and censors the views of people with PhDs in Physics.
(4) The BBC is dependent on environmental activists posing as scientists to arrange and compromise its editorial integrity on climate science.
(5) BBC propaganda is designed to insist that there is a ‘false balance’ between a climate scientist who denies that CO2 can cause Climate Change due to the latest discoveries in Atmospheric Physics, and an environmental activist who knows bugger all about Atmospheric Physics but advises the BBC on it.
(6) The BBC do not require absolute neutrality on every issue due to the political views of its staff.
(7) The BBC exists to deliver low quality content that misinforms, indoctrinates and insults its audiences.
(8) Inaccuracy, bias and prejudice are given such prominence that the BBC can produce programmes of the lowest quality and content that audiences can complain about.
(9) BBC Audience Services are employed to fob off those complainants mentioned above.
(10) Fraser Steel, head of the BBC complaints unit, is employed to fob off complaints from important complainants such as Lord Lawson, Members of Parliament, Scientists and important members of organisations such as Mensa.
point 11 : muslim or black person in every possible photo unless it is a crime then white person,(white hands holding knives when reporting black knife crime) muslim mentioned in every possible news story unless a crime then either not mentioned at all unless unavoidable i.e muslim rape gangs and then suddenly becomes “asian” rape gangs. An insult to all other asians who never get mentioned in news stories anything like the muslims.
The biggest sexual scandal in this countries history then demoted to local news wherever possible, the BBC as peadophile enablers through complete lack of editorial condemnation, or asking their “questions” they aalways seem to be asking about other “scandals”, unless you are Cliff Richards or Harvey Weinstein or Epstein,,, Jewsish names seem to get the full BBC treatment.
Einstein posited that nothing was faster than the speed of light, we are approaching that with the speed multiple convicted muslim rape gang reports are moved from the BBC front page to local news on numerous occasions while any white or Jewish accused of sexual crimes e.g. Weinstein, Epstein, Trump while not tried or convicted, remain on the front page.
Pretty comprehensive – I bet that list will be circulated within that extra smug section of the State Broadcaster for their amusement .
It fits well with a TV report I saw yesterday by a minor correspondent reporting on the trial of the chaos who upset a barrister MP called Soubry .
The venom and hatred in the BBC reporters piece was actually tangible – often they are quite snide in their words – cutting and adding to please their boss and get a better posting – the character in question might have been one of those Summer Types the BBC tries out whilst the adults are away .
Unusually though he was neither ethnic or female
BTW anyone who thinks wimmins football is popular because people just “like it” as the BBC would love us to think maybe think again, this appeared then disappeared pretty quick for some reason:
Senior Marketing & Communications Manager (Women’s Euro 2021) FTC until Aug 2021 The FA
any football tournament worth its salt would be overwhelmed with ticket applications but this lot need to pay someone to promote (i.e. shove it down our collective throats whether we like it or not) it for two years…..
And advertise it then quickly withdraw it in case anyone else noticed maybe
Who funds this position ? its funding partners – the Premier League, The FA and the Government, via Sport England
Therefore we are all paying a (wimmin no doubt) a fat salary to market something the no one really wants otherwise it does not need to be marketed whilst constantly being told by the BBC that it is so popular ? doesn’t quite add up
But when has that ever bothered our national broadcaster and their “world class” journalists exercising their second class blairite partial education
Unusually this “job” has been comptely hidden now unlike most other positions one cannot even look at the details of it but a search will reveal it appeared on many jobsites last week although it remains on Linkedin:
Apparently they need a “ticket marketing strategy” maybe they could give them away if you buy a funeral care plan or compare the market car insurance ?
Senior Marketing & Communications Manager – UEFA Women’s EURO 2021
Fixed term contract until August 2021
The role
This key role will develop and implement an integrated marketing and communications strategy for UEFA Women’s EURO 2021 to be held across England in July 2021.
With a particular focus on ticket marketing – maximising ticket sales across the various Host Cities and Venues, leading the implementation and delivery of the marketing strategy, communications strategy, above and below the line campaigns, digital marketing, CRM and brand management are key deliverables.
This is a senior marketing role and will involve building and leading a small team, reporting into the Head of Tournament Delivery.
Key responsibilities
Develop and implement the tournament marketing and communications strategy and plan, helping to raise Tournament awareness, engage the local population and promote the Tournament.
Establish a ticketing marketing strategy and campaign for the general public and dedicated target groups for the Tournament.
Work in close collaboration with The FA Head of Marketing, The FA Communications Director and Head of Commercial & Marketing for Women’s Football to implement the various campaigns and activities contained in the promotional plan.
Liaise with the UEFA Promotion Manager and key figures within the UEFA Marketing team on the roll-out of UEFA’s new brand and global campaign development.
Act as the contact person with the Host Cities and central Government in implementing the various campaigns and activities at a local level.
Developing and delivering digital and mobile campaigns and content.
Working with sponsors and partners on activation programmes and plans.
Develop, manage and source relevant local content for UEFA, the English FA and local Tournament websites.
Contract and manage external insight/research to support tournament.
Manage external agency support.
Support management and delivery of chosen ticketing solution/provider.
Execute additional tasks as required in order to meet the Tournament’s changing priorities.
Build, own and leverage relationships with key internal and external stakeholders.
The successful candidate will have the following skills/experience:
Significant marketing experience
· A good understanding of the sports market place
Sports Marketing and/or ticket marketing experience
Experience of developing and managing integrated marketing and communications campaigns
Digital marketing and campaign skills
Strong agency management skills
Strong CRM knowledge and expertise, including building and developing databases
Experience with communications role, solid understanding of the sports media environment
Experience in project management and delivering multiple tasks to deadline.
Proficient managing all elements of the marketing mix
Strong marketing training, with an ability to turn strategy into action and lead 360 marketing campaigns
Proven track record of leading, managing and motivating a team & delivering high quality, results through others
Fifty years ago my dad got me an Apollo mission portfolio from the US Embassy in London. It says that it was sent by the NASA overseas agent in the American Embassy information centre in London, to my fathers working address. I just got it out of the filling cabinet today. It includes the Apollo 11 flight plan, Apollo Saturn V rocket plan, Apollo 11 Lunar landing and orbit chart, a Lunar Module plan, a copy of the Lunar landing plaque, a First Man on the Moon gramophone record, a 3D map of the Moon, biographical data on Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, and lots of nice big colour photographs.
Dad also brought the family to visit the Planetarium at the top of the North bay cliff in Scarborough. The planetarium and cliff lift have now been closed down.
That’s what started my interest in Astronomy.
Must now get ready to watch the “Moon Landing Live” at 8pm on Channel 4. Nothing on the BBC today.
If only the skies could be dark again . My refractor has been in its box for a long time …. nice to see James Burke resurface for the anniversary – I think he saw what the BBC was turning into and got out …..the JB thing is on the radio ….I remember him presenting on the night .
I mentioned the other day the extract from his programme ‘
connections ‘ where he talks to the camera about how rockets work – and I asked if anyone could put it here as it has to be one of the best pieces of timed TV ever . That was when the BBC was worth something ….
That was a take James Burke had to get in one. I doubt there were any other launches scheduled for that day!
The BBC told lies, even back then!
Burke is talking about the combustion of two gases, oxygen and hydrogen, held in liquid form, as in a ‘Thermos’ flask, pointing to the first stage of the Saturn V behind. Unfortunately that stage burns liquid oxygen and RP-1, (kerosene), and his science is wrong as it as liquids that they enter the combustion chamber, It is the combustion products that are a gas, the fuels never get to that state.
He adds to his bad science by pointing the the launch of Voyager 2. The vehicle for that used two solid fuel boosters, no ‘Thermos’ flask there, and a liquid-fuelled first stage burning Aerozine 50 and Di-nitrogen tetroxide.
Burke has an MA in Middle English. plus ça change.
There’s always some one coming on this site talking rocket science ????
Or economics …. . . . 🙂
Richard, what a fabulous collection, and doesn’t it say something about having a great Dad who would get you that !
My hero ‘moment’ of my Dad, came in 1963 when he came home with two tickets, 5/– each (25p) and a lot of money then, for me and a friend to see the Beatles at Margate Winter Gardens. God love him.
Well I certainly got a rocket up my arse from my Dad when I played Deep Purple too loud, sometimes Saturn 5 strength when I got hold of Made in Japan
Annu, love it !!!!
Women’s football, blimey!
They could’ve put that on for Malcolm McDowell in a Clockwork Orange when his eyes are kept forced open as torture ????????
Make it topless might sell a couple more tickets, linesperson and refs in black stockings, basques and garters, Benny Hill theme tune as the teams arrive on the pitch with Phil Neville chasing them in a policemans uniform waving a truncheon, I will suggest this to the BBC see how that goes down…
I am convinced they will take this on board as a vast improvement and thank me for the suggestion and insist I get the marketing job
Ann Summers as main sponsor and kit supplier
\\HS2: High-speed line cost ‘could rise by £30bn’//
Scrap it and spend the money on the Royal Navy.
\\”Poor doors segregate people who are living side by side, they drive a wedge between our communities,” he said at the time.//
What a load of tosh. More important, is the fact that there is a shortage of houses brought on by the mass of people coming into the country. One of the main reasons that the UK voted for Brexit.
“Tanker seizure: Jeremy Hunt urges Iran to release Stena Impero”
He is beginning to sound like an appeaser .
Lucky there were ( apparently ) no british passport holders on the British registered ship otherwise they’d have been paraded in Tehran on the TV by now .
At least we won’t be hearing from the Comrade Corbyn about it since he is so fond of going on Iranian State TV for money …
…. and where is the PM on this ? Busily dubbing her walking boots for next week end ….
Apparently Hunt has called the Iranian behaviour inappropriate. I get the feeling that we will hit them hard with a retaliatory strike of teddy bears ,candles and flowers by the Royal Corps of Snowflakes. Led by a numpty playing “Imagine” on a piano. That’ll show them..