The Far Left biased BBC , being naturally anti American , will spin the 50th anniversary of the landing of a Man on the Moon in its current propaganda mode .
So it’s all about – waste of money – not green – no Wimmin -no blacks -no gays -no Muslims . Why no disabled astronauts ? Why hasn’t The great EU sent a rocket yet ?
I Still feel pleased to have watched it live on TV live though .
And what will they all do when we go all electric, back to their tents in the deserts as before as they have achieved nothing other than live off oil revenue
Saudi 15 year old kids driving Maseratis immune from prosecution when they kill other drivers, , saudis infesting Mayfair gambling drinking consuming vast quantities of cocain and whoring whilst enforcing strict sharia law at home, saudi slavery and abuse of their searvants paid minimum wages, they deserve everything that is coming to them, lazy hyproctitical feckless B@stards is the least of their sins
Sod our arms industry and any others that pander to this lot. “fair trade”? hmm does not seem to apply here
BBC Online News:
“”British Airways flights to Cairo cancelled””
Those darn Quakers and their desires for world conquest are at it again. The BBC don’t mention the religion, so I must assume its those troublesome Quakers.
Al Quaker, I think they’re called…?
The very quakers that stripped the Giza pyramids facings to make their mosques….class act that lot
If they can’t kill they smash it up
“Philip Hammond will ‘not exclude’ backing no confidence vote to stop no-deal Brexit”
If they bring Boris down or if Boris tries another ‘Brino’, there will be a General Election. The Brexit Party should form a coalition with Tory ‘leave’ MPs and UKIP .
Presently Parliament is against the people . Parliament holds the opinion that London is the UK and the UK is London. There are a great number of people outside London that hold a different view and are being ignored and taken for granted . For a preview of the outcome ? Just look at the party that won the most seats in the recent EU elections.
Parliament has delayed Brexit deliberately to wear down the nation’s vote for independence .
An interesting titbit from an interview with the Voice of Golf, Peter Alliss.
When questioned about his lack of an honour; his reply…..
“I turned down an OBE. It was for services to golf. That’s my job. Why would I need an award for it ? I was brought up in an era when people didn’t get awards for being good at their sport. It all started with West Indian cricketers – probably for a political reason. …………….”
And we get June Sarpong whose only talent is to change wigs frequently, getting an MBE for services to Broadcasting and Charity.
The voice of golf speaks a lot more sense than Hammond the voice of Gulf
Long and enlightening discussion about the BBC and “diversity” with Robin Aiken here:
Essential viewing!
Brilliant but why the repeated interruptions in sound?
\\HS2: High-speed line cost ‘could rise by £30bn’//
How many MPs have a vestige interest in this ‘Poject’?
There are 66m in the UK
living in 27.2 million households
So every £10bn spent costs each household £368
£55.7bn costs each household £2,050
in theory the gov might earn a lot back in rent.
I’m guessing that most Britons will never use the line
so like owning a share in a Tuscan villa you never use.
Expenditure in Great Britain on social security benefits (incl. state pension) and tax credits is forecast at £212.0 billion in 2016/17, equivalent to 28.4% of total public expenditure or 11.3% of UK GDP.
Countryfile will be promoting off-grid living in Cornwall
It was called Butlins 30 years ago.
take the bbc rabble and extinction road block marxists with you and do us all a favour, and anyone else with piercings and purple hair, especially if off grid means we dont get their opinions shoved own our throats for a few weeks oh, and the vegans please, as long as the bus runs on dolphin friendly fair trade squirell shit
And invite some of your cherished “disenfranchised” young black male Londoners, sleep well in the woods……….and try no means no ….and do remember your pin number
” sleep well in the woods……….”
They sure will. They are sleeping in that custom made very costly looking timber hut behind them.
Nothing like living in the backwoods of the UK to toughen kids.
Oh dear, the Royal Navy doesn’t have enough ships!
Beeb news at ten tells us this.
Tsk, tsk. Has someone been negligent then?
Never mind: the Roses almost won against NZ, and the Lionesses still get the odd mention, so who needs fuel?
No, no. we don’t want to send any signals of ‘escalation’ in the Straits of Hormuz!
And those nice people in Paris and Berlin don’t want to offer more than lip service (von der Leyen ran the German military into the ground anyway, before she rushed off to be a big deal in Brussels)…
But how to protect tankers when we don’t have the ships and we don’t want to offend the Revolutionary Guards by ESCALATING?
Surely we don’t have to go to that nasty racist in DC and ask for help?
I mean, he HAS offered, but musn’t get too close, you know…
May would pull her nose up, and she IS still Prime Minister.
And Hammond, wouldn’t like it, even though he has been packing to move out; (something to cheer about AT LAST!!)
(Maybe we could also get rid of Bercow and Grieve? That would mean THRICE JOY).
And about the Royal Navy not having enough ships, and what with us not wanting to escalate, maybe LESSONS ARE BEING LEARNED?!
Just imagine if Boris actually stood up to be counted.
I can see him do it.
But alas, it takes a lot of imagination…
(PS, Beeb: please can we also have footage of Ms May packing?)
when the royal navy knew exactly how to deal with such problems
Excellent video. Thanks. Noted that Pellew and his fleet helped destroy the Muslim slavers in Algiers and freed 1,200 Christian slaves. It was the end of the Muslim Barbary slavers who had terrorised Christian Europe for hundreds of years.
The BBC will not be making a documentary. Their airbrush is far too busy elsewhere.
“Oh dear, the Royal Navy doesn’t have enough ships!”
It happened overnight.
Who needs ships when you can appease?
When are people going to wake up?
It looks like the European Union Army already exists, but without using the word “Army”. The EU Army (MPCC) has Military Planning and Conduct Capability and has 2,500 troops and 154 bureaucrats with the Military Capability to Plan and Conduct Armed operations. The head of the European Union Army is General Esa Ilmari Pulkkinen. Under him are three Army Commanders responsible for exercising military command authority on the ground. General Christian Habersatter, General Maurizio Morena and General Hermínio Maio. General Pulkkinen is the EU Army’s Operational Commander (OpCdr). He will also exercise the responsibilities related to deployment and recovery of EU military missions and war games such as the rumoured Operation Sea Lion II, the European Union Army plans to invade Britain to help the Remainers overthrow Brexit.
Click to access BSC-2018_Programme.pdf
Click to access EPRS_BRI(2019)635533_EN.pdf
I’m awake and well remember my mk 2 ford esort and a mini with good old british steel that both rotted away within 5 years. luckily one of our “travelling” community, you know, those poor old opressed minorty….called at my door and asked if I wanted to sell the escort, I refused but, lo and behold next day it was gone, funny that hope they broke their necks in it and did the rest of the human race a favour
Something else to avoid reporting
After years of delays
Court sets July 22 & 23 for deposition of complainant in sexual harassment case against R K Pachauri
No more adjournments, pass over(s) will be granted to Pachauri or his lawyers: Court
Foreign murderers and child rapists are STILL in UK two years after THESE Left-wing activists blocked deportation in Stansted flight sabotage
‘Stansted 15’ cut through fence at Essex airport in March 2017 in criminal protest
Locked themselves to plane removing 60 people to Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone
These included 25 criminals imprisoned in UK jails for offences including murder
Protesters claim criminals were ‘at risk of persecution’, their action ‘saved lives’
Of the 25 criminals on the flight, 19 were later deported but six remain in the UK
They are pictured, above, celebrating outside court in February this year.
Nathan Clack, 30. Born in Newcastle but now a London activist.
Edward Thacker, 29. The son of West End theatre director David Thacker.
Benjamin Smoke, 27. A freelance journalist.
Nicholas Sigsworth, 29. Electronic musician with the stage name Klaus.
Helen Brewer, 29. A London artist and film-maker.
Emma Hughes, 38. Member of Switched On London, an energy campaign group.
May MacKeith, 33. From an activist family that leads immigration protests.
Jyotsna Ram, 33. Holds a PhD in planning and sustainable design.
Joseph McGahan, 35. The co-founder of Hempden, a hemp and CBD company.
Ruth Potts, 44. A lecturer in alternative economics and an anarchist baker.
Lyndsay Burtonshaw, 28. Works for Quakers In Britain.
Alistair Tamlit, 30. Member of Plane Stupid, a climate campaign group.
Laura Clayson, 28. Previously arrested for protesting against fracking.
Melanie Evans, 35. A climate activist.
“Anarchist baker” FFS says it all…..
So not one “real” job amongst any of them then. Doesn’t that speak volumes?
Extinction Rebellion founder in race storm: Vile anti-Semitic posts found on Facebook page run by Left-winger behind climate change movement
Posts were on page run by Left-winger Gail Bradbrook, one of those behind XR
A supporter asked why one post linked the Government to the Skripal poisoning
Bradbrook said: ‘People are free to post information in the general subject area’
Guilt by association fallacy from the Mail
Simon Bramwell and Gail Bradbrook might well be clueless Marxists
..but just cos some clowns posted anti-Semitic stuff of the Facebook page and they fail to show up and take them down.. doesn’t make them Anti-Semitic themselves.
She does have the best tweets.
Katty Kay best be careful. This brunette has wicked skills.
German US ambo decides on a TDS outing.
Does not go well.
bBc likely getting even more fascinated with meatless burgers than ever until it’s safe.
\\ #Stauffenberg was a racist and antisemite,
– and just afraid Germany my lose the war because of Hitler //
Hand in glove?
Pretty sure the BBC has an embedded Ball Waxing Editor by now.
Google pushing this at me
Buchi Emecheta’s 75th Birthday – Google
“I work toward the liberation of women. My books are about survival, just like my own life,” said the Nigerian novelist Buchi Emecheta, whose life and work are .celebrated in today’s Doodle.
Married at age 16, Emecheta moved to London with her husband in 1962. She supported her five children by working at a library,
an immigrant single mother battling poverty
I think this doodle is not worldwide but only Britain & Nigeria.
☑ Non-white ☑ Woman ☑ Feminist activist/writer ☑ London
And we have to celebrate her birthday, because ????? – Another question, who the bloody hell is she ?????
What about all the 75 year olds in this country who have also struggled throughout their life, and don’t have time to write sodding books because they are busy looking after partners who are ill / suffering with dementia/ and are now having their free tv licenses cancelled. Oh, and in their teenage years certainly couldn’t afford to move to another bloody country !!
Rant over.
Brissles – Rant away to your heart’s content!
I agree with every word!
Gav and Emily still as one.
Impartially. Of course.
“sources say” BS
last week Maitlis retweeted a claim that Defra had plans to cull & bury 9 million sheep
cos EU wouldn’t be taking British lamb
Without those two words bbc ‘reporting’ would be reduced to verified facts.
If Ems said she had a 10yo son who ran political polls of his schoolmates I’d still need to check how deranged she is.
I heard something similair on R4 last week.
Aunty really is starting to scrape the barrel on Brexit.
Support Remain or the “sheep get it”
I wonder what in North London do they think actually happens to sheep in the real world?
Living in the west country I can tell you that most farmers here only keep sheep for ornamental reasons, they are never slaughtered and tended by comely shepherdesses in lace and frills with ornamental crooks.
I thought everyone knew that.
Was she equally cross with Blair’s government when they carried out that mass slaughter during the last outbreak of foot & mouth disease?
“Civil unrest”. Too right, but not on the side they’re suggesting…………….
“civil unrest”
Or do they mean Snowflakes blowing bubbles, blowing balloons and candlelight vigils.
Just an idea.
How about renaming Scotland as Northern England.
Do you think the Scots (or Northern English as they would be known) would just love to be more included.
Been there, done it. It was not unusual to put ‘NB’ (North Britain) as a postal address. There was a North British (i.e. Scottish railway once).
Welsh , Picts, Scots etc – Ancient British .
The British. Why does anyone living in Great Britain object to be called British. We are the British.
Penn and Teller : The right not to be offended
..liberal use of the F-word
BBC nirvana. Even a woman of colour for good measure !!! It’s just relentless. Really is.
Ems knows what she likes.
See, fair’s fair.
“Philip Hammond plans to quit if Johnson becomes PM”
Rats beginning to jump ship?
It appears that the Tory Party has been infiltrated by the Liberal Democrats for a long, long time . Hence over three years to get us independence and out of the Federal State of Europe.
The Brexit Party are watching and waiting .
Boris, if you want to make a name for yourself , behave like Churchill and fill your cabinet with ardent Brexiteers !
Is that a story ?
It assumes that Boris wanted Hammond
Man resigns just before getting sacked is not news.
49.8% in Philip Hammond’s constituency of Runnymede & Weybridge voted Leave at EUref.
And if Tommy voted twice ?
Spot the difference:
Rochdale Councillor accepts police caution after having sex twice with two young girls. He said he did not realise that having separate sex with two different underage girls was an offence and said he misunderstood the signs both underage girls gave him and he made a genuine mistake.
May and Hunt.
Government declined an American offer last week to run a joint navel security operation to beef up security in the Gulf amid fears of looking too close to Donald Trump.
1h1 hour ago
This is why F. Office needs major overhaul. Bad, small minded, weak advice meant our ship seizure clearly could have been prevented.
Even I can’t game it to think that may and hunt brought this on on purpose to damage Boris as he takes over – or give an excuse for the traitorous commons to sit longer or be recalled .
They wouldn’t be that clever – just incompetence . Will they seize another one or some ‘british tourist ‘ dumb enough to be in that country – ? Will Radcliffe mouth off again to add fuel to the fire ?
No british passport holders on that ship can only be a plus .
I have just done a long post in reply to TT focusing on some of the harms that President Trump’s foolish Tweet had done. I didn’t realise that there was another really ‘live’ example right there with the oil tanker.
Head in hands + face palm moment.
Fed, as far as Bojo is concerned the BBC wish to allide and ally Bojo with Trump. In fact, in the Beeb’s thinking, almost certainly: Trump = Bojo. Bojo = Trump. While Mark Mardell was doing that on TWT, I was mischievously thinking on behalf of Bojo ‘What about appointing Richard Ratcliffe as Ambassadors Deputy (if there is such a thing) to Iran?’
I think they were going to try and declare the BBC spy girl a diplomat to get her out but it didn’t happen .
The May government had achieved a high level of incompetence in not putting enough resources into the protection of gulf shipping after arresting the Iranian ship last week.
Plus of course it’s a good way of testing out the resolve of `POTUS by going for the soft target which is in a self imposed state of flux .
The Iranians play chess.
Iran has learnt that the Tory Government is a bunch of pacifists.
Can’t or won’t protect our children from invading rape gangs, can’t or won’t defend our ships.
Admiral Mucho Pompo Soubry has pronounced.
She personally sank the Armada, you know.
1h1 hour ago
This is why F. Office needs major overhaul. Bad, small minded, weak advice meant our ship seizure clearly could have been prevented.”
Afraid the “bad” and the “small minded” and of course the “weak advisors” are probably the effeminate within the MOD. (but unfortunately they were busy doing their annual “Pride-walk” on the streets of London along with their fellow British Police calypso dancers lorry).
ves, the MoD is way overstaffed. Apparently at one point during Afghanistan & Gulf 2, it leaked out that they had more top brass wearing hats with scrambled eggs at the MoD than in the separate parts of our military.
I can well believe kit.
But of course those “top brass” individuals have the funny idea that the British public can’t read books nor study those facts.
Of course we have learned – by past experience – to avoid the “facts” coming out of the mouths of those BBC defence reporters.
12 years ago this was a parody. Today ?
Alexei Sayle (a ‘comedian’ who’s about as funny as a festering toe) interviewed on the quasi religious programme SML, clearly didn’t appreciate the humour of the old school comedians who learned their trade in Working Mens Clubs. In fact he said after listening to their unacceptable jokes, he needed to go home and shower ! and then had the realisation that comedy had to go in a different direction.
Well, I for one have never ‘got’ any of the so called ‘alternative’ comedy that started to entrench itself in the late 80’s – Ben Elton and Sayle included. The easy humour of Charlie Williams , (who was black and threatened to come and live next door to you if you didn’t laugh at his jokes !), and the rest of that generation who told their jokes with no malice were so much easier to understand.
So try this one – Boris takes over Grieve Gauke Hammond and the other traitor remainers support a vote of no confidence . Election 6 weeks later .
Remainers split Labour Libs
Leavers split Tory – Brexit Party .
Then play the outcome ….
What will people think if A50 is withdrawn or delayed again ?
Madness .
Madness indeed.
All because Parliament would not obey the Democratic vote to Leave.
They think they know best.
If there is a General Election and Labour win, will the Conservatives demand another election as the electorate didn’t know what they were voting for? And drag it out for over three years?
Once Democracy is damaged, it’s difficult to repair.
I think what is happening is that the so called democracy of 2 parties really is failing at last – it’s been there for a long time – but brexit has exposed it – example being the immigration policies of both parties always finding reasons to import large numbers of foreigners of various shades for always good reason – playing the moral high ground each time but turning cities and big towns into cess pits .
In a way – it’s bigger than brexit – which politicians ( and the traitorous BBC ) always come down to trade and the short term economy – never Freedom or Nationhood because they believe in neither any more.
If they had adopted that approach in 1939 we’d be speaking German now
Do you notice the failures of Brussels- the corruption – just does not get mentioned by the BBC ? Bit like when corrupt biased uk public bodies such as the Electoral Commissions -get found out in court
These are not comedians, they are activists. They realised two or three decades ago that traditional humour – the sort that attracts involuntary laughter rather than that awful attention seeking applause – was very efficient at undermining their sanctimonious hypocrisy.
Tyrants have never been known for their sense of humour. It had to be stamped out.
“Tyrants have never been known for their sense of humour. It had to be stamped out.”
That may explain why Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
“…involuntary laughter rather than that awful attention seeking applause…”
That is an excellent distinction and most useful. Thank you.
Yet again we see the likes of Hammond etc not accepting a democratic result.
Hammond especially really does think his vote is worth more than anyone else’s .
If successful, Boris will be PM having gone through a democratic process, but these scumbags don’t do democracy !!!!. Not the result they want, again, so it’s toys out of the pram again until it goes their way.
Scumbags the lot of em . Who the hell do they think they are !!!!
From the introuction to this thread.
“The Far Left biased BBC , being naturally anti American”
Well it is not just anti American day on the BBC.
Final day of the Open Golf Championship.
Held in Northern Ireland, for the first time since 1951.
A golfer from the ROI currently has a six shot lead and the anti-Protestant, anti-Unionist, terrorist loving, BBC are wetting their collective pants with joy at the possible outcome.
The only way the situation could be improved would be if a prominent half Indian queer was there to present the trophy.
I have been listening and watching a variety of coverage over the last few days…..and its not just the BBC who are relishing an ‘Irishman’ winning on the ‘island of Ireland’.This is right across the board….all the networks have been pushing this great event in ‘Ireland’…..
The Leader of the Republic is on the bog. He is shitting himself in case the UK leaves with No Deal. That would wreck the Republic from end to end as two thirds of their exports comes through the UK. Any sensible UK negotiating team would have subtly indicated this years ago and pointed out the fate of Eire depended on UK good will. It would have been a powerful lever to have used to get a sensible trade deal. But of course the UK negotiating team were Remainers and never for a moment wanted to leave. Instead they accepted the confected Irish backstop , or perhaps even have dreamt it up themselves, and turned a strength into a weakness.
The lamentable Coveney this morning was clearly desperate. And he kept talking about the three years of effort he had put into the “agreement”, as though we had some obligation towards him personally.
Last Chance-To be honest unless Tiger Woods or Serena Williams
wins the golf , the BBC is not interested.
“The dude who engraves the trophy has gone early. He’s put Lowry’s name on it. That’s official”
Reports the delighted BBC.
Well the Dude was much happier when Els won the trophy than when Calcavecchia did.
I see in the Sunday times that several countries, France Germany and Ireland amongst them, are reported as sounding out Boris’s buddies on how a No Deal exit can be avoided. Of course they may merely be trying to see if a few cosmetic changes and a bit of repackaging will be enough to persuade the new PM to go back to the HoC with what in effect would br Mays awful WA. I expect the Irish buffoon is shitting himself at the thought of No Deal which will wreck the Republic.
But if there is more to it than that and the prospect of a No Deal exit has got them worried and prepared to offer more of the stuff we want , then it shows that removing No Deal was an act of sabotage or criminal stupidity by the MPs and civil servants. I suspect that civil servants were the saboteurs and the MPs the criminally insane. Either way if we get a good deal in the end by threatening to walk away, those involved in the last two years of ‘negotiations’ must be held to account and punished. The time for letting bygones be bygones is long past, Remainers have shown that they refuse to play by the rules of past convention and so they must pay a heavy price for their attempt to thwart democracy. In the old days the gates of London would have been adorned with heads of traitors and quarters of their dismembered bodies sent to the key provincial cities for public display. Perhaps things have moved on a bit since then and public humiliation and removal pensions will suffice.
“In the old days the gates of London would have been adorned with heads of traitors and quarters of their dismembered bodies sent to the key provincial cities for public display. Perhaps things have moved on a bit since then ……”.
Bring back the old days, I say!
The likes of traitors like olly robbins will be punished with a peerage and a ‘liaison job’ awarded by his traitor boss.
The msm go on about intemperate language – but’ traitor ‘ is appropriate for them and the 500 or more liars who were elected on manifestos promising brexit …
Just discovered the following video of the most outrageous, pro-Abortion, BBC propaganda I have ever seen on any BBC programme. It may be from a few years back but the BBC pro-death agenda is clear from the off:
Yes, presumably on the basis that if the facts don’t suit your case, it is necessary to invent some. BBC Goebbelspeak.
So BBC Radio4 , your Profile prog will be on 3 times this weekend
Which important person of the moment have you chosen to profile ?
My hard right friends would probably put forward some wacky conspiracy theory
about how you only profile lib lefties & minorities so you can Virtue Signal
– This week – Ilhan Omar
The Somali-born US congresswoman who’s become a thorn in President Trump’s side.
– PREVIOUS – Ursula von der Leyen .. next president of the European Commission.
– Megan Rapinoe’s US national team has made it to the Women’s World Cup final.
– Sir Mark Sedwill is Cabinet secretary and the UK’s national security adviser.
– Joshua Wong has gone from schoolboy protester to Hong Kong’s leading activist.
– Jo Swinson, the favourite to be the next Liberal Democrat leader.
– Sadiq Khan : The man Donald Trump described this week as a ‘stone cold loser’.
– Sonita Alleyne is the first black woman to lead an Oxbridge college.
Ah you have a DIVERSE varirety of programming
Who was the topic of the 4:30pm poety prog ?
The 5pm File On Four doco was about how The military fails women as a safe place to work
cos expert only amateurish military police investigate sex-crime in the military
..whereas for murder professional civilian police investigation teams are brought in.
This is not new cos the Times reported that 10 months ago…/military-police-unfit-to-run-sex-assault-cases-50j56mtrn
Aah, Stew, those “professional civilian police investigation teams are brought in” are they like the ones in the Metropolitan Police about which their chief said, in effect, they are not solving crimes?
Thought so.
Making the army a safe place to work. Says it all!
Safe -er place to work
ie the danger shouldn’t come from your own colleagues
“Labour launches anti-Semitism guide for party members”
So what about the 2016 Chakrabarti Inquiry?
“If the new UK prime minister wants to “tear up” the existing withdrawal agreement with the EU “we’re in trouble”, Ireland’s deputy PM has said. ”
Yes, the Republic of Ireland would definitely be in trouble because we the UK are their biggest market . Most of their trade goes to the UK .
How about the Republic of Ireland holding another referendum ? They voted out the first time until the EU told them to vote again ?
Gert that – ‘vote again’.
Get that – ‘vote again’.
The EU will require Eire to secure its border with a third party ( uk ) . I hope they choose a nice colour for the border checkpoints they need to put up .
May never exploited Eire with Brussels so the drunks knew that her heart wasn’t in it and played it along .
At the same time she played with British public with empty promises about ‘ Brexit means brexit ‘ . I can’t understand how a politician who has lied so much and for so long wasn’t forced out long ago .
OT, but as a FoBBBC, I think worth a share for the lolz.
How come everything GOOD the US does is classed as HUMAN achievement
…. but everything BAD the US does is classed as an AMERICAN EVIL ?
The Apollo 11 mission patch:
No American flag. ..”Jim Lovell suggested the eagle, the NATIONAL bird of the United States, as the focus of the patch”
(it carries an olive branch as it does in the American symbol)
No space hardware….No Astronaut names
…. well the patch is too small for so many words/things
“In that regard, unique among space emblems” NDT’s tweet admits he made an error cos the Apollo 13 patch is similar with Mustang horses .
Views their own.
Via the Hive, mind.
Assuming a ‘No Deal’ Brexit takes place, there needs to be a Royal Commission to investigate how May handled the lengthy Brexit negotiations.
“”Royal Commissions are called to look into matters of great importance and usually controversy. These can be matters such as government structure, the treatment of minorities, events of considerable public concern or economic questions.””
May was a Remainer, and she still is. She will no doubt vote against the Government. Unusually for an outgoing PM, she has decided to remain as an MP. Her constituency of Maidenhead voted in 2016 to Remain.
She requested secret negotiations with the EU to protect her ‘bargaining position’. We now know that secrecy was imposed to protect her deception towards the British people. At no time did she mention ‘No Deal’ in the negotiations. Her discussions with the EU were centred upon remaining, and the sum total was the WA.
She has been found out.
Her acts have caused far, far more damage to the UK than anything TR has ever been accused of.
Dover Sentry
I’ll second that, and how about adding a Royal Commission to investigate Al Beeb ?
Exactly, Taff.
Remain = treason.
The policy of the EU is to destroy all the states of Europe.
Verckoffyoutwat favours destruction of the EU via the integration of Africa and EU.
Everyone still in favour of remaining in the EU must have their right of abode in the UK permanently withdrawn, and be violently expelled from it.
If they like the EU that much they can live there.
The Royal Commission should be in the Farage Manifesto.
“If they like the EU that much they can live there.”
I thought that they had gone already ?
They cried “they were leaving” when the country voted to leave .
Are there any Remoaners left ?
Thank God for that, netball over.
New Zealand, with a netball playing population of 32, beat Australia to win Gold.
Having beaten England in the semi-final.
Heads must roll, before the next competition, which the BBC helpfully tells us is in Capetown, we need changes in the England team selection.
Perhaps some mobile letter boxes are required.
Countryfile the off-grid/off-net kids are having a lesson on the evils of fast fashion
… by dying cloth with natural dyes
Next farmers against badger killing
Whatever the BBC touch, they twist it towards Left wing/Remain politics.
They have to go and soon.
When are our EU chums getting the oil tanker out of the Iranian hands ?