The final week of a failed PM and the Parliament . Normal service is meant to shut down . The BBC adults hand over to the children until September .The bias is usually even easier to spot.
Start the Week Open Thread 22 July 2019
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Looks like the knives have moved here now……………………….
BBC Online News:
“”Trump on Johnson” (Video)
“”Trump on Johnson: ‘They call him Britain Trump’ “”
“”US President Donald Trump has congratulated Boris Johnson on winning the race to be next UK prime minister.””
“”Speaking to conservative high school students in Washington, Mr Trump also searched the crowd for Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, suggesting Mr Farage would work well with his political rival.””
It gets better and better 🙂
tutti frutti, good booty and if its tight, its all right, if it’s greasy make it easy
Just saying thats the original lyrics
Yo Dude Boris!
Not directly bias – but car crash BBC TV – plane spotting live .
The silly season is with us –
Watch while you can – there won’t be any planes flying after October 31st!
(Except ‘Climate Emergency’ flights for Attenborough, Thompson and Greta’s mum. Not forgetting the need for Professor Cox to demonstrate the force of gravity atop the High Andes rather than in a Salford basement).
Trailer just now on BBC2
promoting Michelle Obama reading excerpts from her book on BBC Sounds
When a council passes a Climate Emergency motion
who pays for all the extra costs of banning stuff
and implementing green gimmickery ?
Doh, it’s the public
The BBC supporting Extinction Rebellion’s : Divest Out of Fossil Fuels
… is basically a Divest out of Britain Campaign
What kind of investor is going to invest in a Britain where
child activists drive a policy of arbitrary rule changes on business
.. and impose extra green taxes on you so they can SUBSIDISE the hreen biz of their mates
Lincoln both Labour & Tory just voted thru the motion
City of Lincoln Council is pleased to announce
that it is hoping to tackle the problem of global warming head-on,
and declare a Climate and Environment Emergency for the city this evening.
The BBC was there in the local evening news
promoting the cause by their reporter Lindsey Smith doing a fawning report with eco-activists
First at a “fossil fuels site” where the protesters had No Fracking signs even though there is no fracking cos its a conventional well
Then after video of an old Hull demo it asked “What happens if councils don’t honour these Climate Emergency declarations ?..nothing”
– Then with a Lincolnshire regional Councillor
– Then at a school … they mislocated
.. they emotionally blackmailed us with a 2 kid interview
In the afternoon the BBCHumberside reporter had put out a weird tweet in her own name and again in the station
\\ Environmental campaigners say Yorkshire & Lincolnshire councils
need to back up promises to tackle climate change with clear action.//
Weird cos there was no actual news story she just put out a photo of forest.
The relentless march of the “it’s not all their fault” ideology continues.
we read….
“Risks posed by right-wing extremists in the UK are to be included in the terror threat level system from now on.
Previously the system only assessed the threat from “international terrorism”.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid said the assessment will now cover all forms of terrorism “irrespective of the ideology that inspires them” – including right-wing, Northern Ireland, and Islamist.”
FFS….. just list all the attacks by right wing extremists will you compared to the tally of the religion of peace?
There is no end to the contortions these evil people will go to to cover their obnoxious behaviour.
This will be dealt with in due course but not by any government we currently have it will take a people sickened by the lies and cover ups to rise up against it!
The relentless march of the “it’s not all their fault” ideology continues.
we read….
“Risks posed by right-wing extremists in the UK are to be included in the terror threat level system from now on.
Previously the system only assessed the threat from “international terrorism”.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid said the assessment will now cover all forms of terrorism “irrespective of the ideology that inspires them” – including right-wing, Northern Ireland, and Islamist.”
FFS….. just list all the victims of attacks by right wing extremists compared to the death tally of the religion of peace?
There is no end to the contortions these evil people will go to to cover their obnoxious behaviour.
This will be dealt with in due course but not by any government we currently have, it will take a government appointed by indigenous people sickened by the lies and cover ups to rise up against it and question why we have jihadi sympathisers and enablers in our government!
The BBC/ state is dropping the term ‘Far Right ‘ and now going to plain ‘ Right Wing ‘
Notice there is no ‘ Left Wing ‘ mentioned . No bias there then .
Danny Tommo update on TR
Safe and well so far.
Ezra’s report
He is going to keep visiting and monitoring.
Loved this:
TheRightToArmBears at The Conservative Woman
OT, but this looks… ‘novel’.
It’s been a good day.
Especially as the BBC are distraught at the success of Boris.
Also, Trump today has commended Boris and Lord Nigel of Farage.
And, and….May will be gone tomorrow!!
So reading the BBC headline – Europe braces for second heatwave.
Usual guff , but this got my attention at the end
” a world meteorological organization spokeswoman said the heatwave bore , the hallmark of climate change ”
So, not the fact that there is low pressure to the West of the uk, high pressure to the East so sucking up hot air from Africa, (in the height of SUMMER) on a direct southerly wind ????? Nope, not that , it’s climate change !!!!!
It’s pure bollox , it’s tedious and relentless and it’s never questioned by the BBC !!!! Rancid outfit.
Time for a new hot thread – because it’s the middle of Summer .
Here is everything which is wrong with Britain’s public sector, Tory cowardice and incompetence in their inability to halt something clearly wrong and the wating of millions of pounds of public money.
Unaccountable malign fools heading government quangos going after those they dislike, and despite the elites having full knowledge of what they have been getting up to, doing what they do best – absolutely nothing.
The case is too long and too flawed to type here, it’s well worth a read. It’s about the persecution of a Brexit campaigner by a government body, which has failed to be held accountable.
I suppose it’s only natural: various Governments over the decades have striven to promote the liberal (Marxist) concept of, ‘anything goes’ for the public. Just think how homosexuality has morphed into LGBTXYZ. Meanwhile the arms of the State have been constrained mainly by statute. Surely, the time is right for these arms of the State to say, “Well, that’s it, for decades we’ve watched the public go, ‘independent’ and individually pursue a wayward path, now it’s our turn. Sod the governing statute”. Who is to stop or correct them? Certainly not the law or any form of individual decency. Feltham Young Offenders ……………………….
The natural erosion and downfall of Liberalism.
Katya has read the chicken bones.