The Biased Far Left BBC knows full well that the new British Prime Minister is no great fan of it . This will lead to a concerted effort to destroy him before he either achieves a successful Brexit and/or turns his attention to reforming a State Broadcaster which has lost its way and is no longer ‘British’.
Obviously making the BBC British and unbiased again can’t be done with the current corrupt Parliament in place . Boris has a long list of issues to repair the damage done by Mrs May to our country . But with help he must start to drain the corrupt swamp including the Biased BBC. Good luck Bo.
I feel like i’ve won the lottery with trump and boris reminds me of that joke.A guy says to his wife pack your bags i’ve won the lottery ,what shall i pack, something light ,something heavy, just pack em and eff off. And that song,Happy days are here again.
Mackers, enjoy it while it lasts. I’m not so sure. Certainly, we now have the Americo-British Trump as PM.
But I’m thinking of the words of another song: “You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone. You pay paradise and put up a parking lot.” – we won’t know until the end of Bojo’s time in Office what we have gained and what we have lost.
What we have got for certain is: unpredictability. 🙂
Up2 – I agree about the need for caution . Both President Trump and BoJo are ‘entertainers ‘ so will be good for the vast number of people who are lucky enough not to follow this stuff as closely as the likes of us .
It’s the same phenomenon which lumbered Labour with Corbyn . He’d been ranting in the wilderness for 30 years then he got a bigger audience and a ‘chant’.
If bojo can get us out in accordance with existing law and do something about elderly social care i d think about voting Tory again . If not they will be gone .
As an aside – I wonder why IDS didn’t get a big job . He seems to be a ‘spokesman ‘ for bojo but nothing more . He is being targeted for eviction from his constituency by a labour Asian woman and a lot of canvassing is going on as though it’s an election period .
I hope Bojo delivers Brexit on 31 October, Fed.
His problem is that his er … ahem… generous (unthinking? – very Trump?) verbal commitments have set him up for a continuous narrative of fail, fail, FAIL, FAIL from our friends (I use that term loosely, very loosely) at the BBC. His spending and tax cutting commitments have been extremely foolish and we all know who is most likely to pay for them – especially with Sajid Javid at Treasury – don’t we?
If I had been Bojo, during the campaign I would have kept my mouth firmly shut on everything specific except Brexit.
Then, on day 2 (Friday) I would have had my Chancellor (J R-M, not Javid) announce £350million per week for the NHS, with some conditions attached, across the four home nations.
Then I would have sat back and watched the meltdown in the media and among the Opposition benches in the House. 🙂
Mr Johnson’s government should cut foreign aid by 90% and only give assistance to those who are friendly to our country and are in need of assistance, unlike muslim countries and India and China.
I wouldn’t even think about giving an amnesty for illegals. On the contrary, I’d make it an important objective to get rid of them including any ethnics who have expressed any anti- English and/or anti-Christian views.
And I’d free Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange, immediately. They are both political prisoners and so should be set free by politicians.
I would do everything that you list above JC if I had absolute power. But Boris doesn’t and after Brexit he and his fellow Brexiters , including NF, all say that they will continue to have immigration in one form or another and that they will continue to accommodate Muslim views in our country. I’m afraid at present there is no wish to confront Islam in anywhere but on the fringe of British politics.
He’ll have enough money if we don’t pay the EU ransom.
Paved paradise, surely.
Let’s see what transpires on 31st October first. Until the fat lady sings it ain’t over. And let’s not forget Boris is an open borders fan.
And with his cabinet still heavy with remainers (now suddenly reborn leavers) I’m expecting some kind of ‘son of Withdrawal Agreement’ to be tabled..and it to drag on and on ad infinitum.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC making fools and horses (asses) of themselves
One of my esteemed colleagues on here observed, correctly I think, that when a PM heads to the Palace for an audience with the Monarch to resign his or her Office, then the Cabinet resigns in totality also at that point. A new PM therefore starts from scratch.
On TWT last night (Ritula Shah) and this morning on TOADY they keep talking about the devastation that Bojo has wreaked upon the Cabinet, ‘the night of the blond knives’, the carnage, etc.. Ritula possibly has some excuse but Nick Robinson on TOADY was previously Political Editor for the BBC. That is the top political journalistic post in the Corporation.
Rick Nobinson really should know better! Or does the BBC have some sort of agenda in its reporting of the appointments by the new Prime Minister to his new Cabinet?
I wonder . . . ……..
Remember that old film that introduced us to ‘sandraulics’, the pharoh’s tomb that would be locked from the inside?
Imaging May and all the Remaniacs in politics and the media marching into an underground bunker, never to betray us again!
And as the people look on at the distant pyramid they say’will they ever learn’.
Bbc has an agenda? Surely not.
Forced penetration: If a woman forces a man to have sex, is that rape?
I guess if the man is white and British, it doesn’t matter
Stupid question!
Well, I would have thought yes, women want equality, so where’s the issue.
The BBC today – continuing with the Anti Boris hint of hiding bias…
Also Climate Change – 11 years left now…
and advice on how to deal with heat – FFS..drink water was one piece of advice…The BBC really isn’t a News organisation at all …it is a dumbed down daily Mirror..and if the EU are prepared for a no deal then why not get on with it…
OT, but Pesto tries to out BBC the old place. Fails.
Yes Pesto – and it is infantile, elitist snowflakes like you, who despise those of us that disagree with your opinions that has enabled this to happen.
Poor baby, difficult times
His editorial accuracy also a wonder to behold.
Peston admitted to living in a bubble and not understanding how the majority feel. Yet admitting that had no effect on him . Like all metro types – the only thing that matters is what happens in central London postal codes .
They just don’t get it . And I don’t understand why they don’t .
FE2 – I think the likes of Peston were the first of the snowflake generation who as kids were probably insulated of the effects of their negative actions by fawning elitist parents.
they claim to “get it” but in reality they see us great unwashed as specimens on a petri dish which can be fiddled on and experimented with and ultimately “chucked away” if the results dont turn out right(just as they have already done with TR)
Because of both their physical distance and their mental disconnect from real society , they can indulge all of their progressive theories and naive compassion (such as we can fill up the country with people from mainly hostile cultures) and they never really experience the physical negative effects of their actions.
To them money really does grow on trees as most of them do not ever really work in the true sense, just use their connections to slide into msm/bbc type jobs for life.
Of course one day the effects of their actions may well affect them in some ways, but by then it will be too late for the rest of us.
hence why they need to be fought now
and hence why I still dont really trust any of them (including Boris and Reece mogg) and to some extent Farage.
I guess it really is all a game – and explains why interviewees being questioned by offensive BBC types don’t just use a very bad word , deck the interviewer and walk off .
They are all playing a part whilst the punter lives with the consequences of that these characters do . Watching MPs or any type just attempting to point score and impress their Whips is pretty depressing – and shows up the lack of quality these over paid time servers are these days ….
As for trust – I trust Farage to a point because he must have been offered so many bribes across the years to give up on the brexit quest and declined them …
Peston – being the son of a labour peer – is instantly disqualified from real life .
So when reality does show itself – such as 29 Brexit Party MEPs being voted in it comes as a bit of a shock .
Except that they weren’t anti Brexit protesters were they? According to the reports I’ve heard they were climate protesters and/or Greenpeace. But the BBC won’t let facts get in the way of their narrative.
I think the former PM was very successful.
In uniting the country.
Against her.
Yes I think she deserves commendation for serving the country she loves……on a silver platter, to the EU!
Well she tried.
Dyst, what d’you mean?
Weird …now have this unwelcome strange vision …. most peculiar of … some scantily clad dancing by a woman before she beheads herself (that would be an achievement!) and then carries the platter with her head on it to Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels. Now, that’s a horrible legacy.
Eeeeeeek! I’m off to stick my head into some cold water.
The thought of TM dancing, even in a boiler suit without the rest of it, is enough to chill me completely to sub-Antarctic levels. I need to go and warm up!
Up2. I didn’t mean that she served herself up to the EU. Urgh! I don’t even want to imagine whether she did or how!
It was a play on words regarding those who claimed that she had served her country.
She would have served OUR country to the EU upon a silver platter had she managed to force her so called withdrawal agreement through parliament.
As for her claim that she “served the country she loved”, did she mean Belgium or Germany?
Dyst, (Eric Morecambe-style) “Oh.”
Belgium or Germany? Both have some lovely countryside, hilly enough for the former PM’s future walking holidays. Germany may even have a mountain or two.
Nice one Robert though if you think a couple of unemployed ‘protestors for hire’ constitute the country, you need to get your head out of your arse.
Another snipe from Charlie Stayte this morning on breakfast..
Shows photos of three members of the new cabinet – Matt Hancock Gavin Williamson Jacob Rees-Mogg together.
Says, with a smirk, “ Matt Hancock, Gavin Williamson, and on the far right, Jacob Rees-Mogg..”
What a pillock Stayte is..
TODAY Watch #2 – Getting all the right commentators
You can add Nick Boles MP to Charlie in-a Stayte, then davy lad.
Boles said, in effect, – of his Party colleagues(!) – “They are a Cabinet packed full of the Far Right.” Bit miffed at not getting a job, eh, Nick?
I think the term far right must mean sensible.
I would now consider it a badge of honour.
There seems to be a choice
Right – as in right wing terrorists
Hard Right
Far Right
Extreme Right
Extreme Far Right
I wish the BBC would publish the definitions . ‘ hard right ‘ seemed to be the designated term during the arrival of the new Cabinet …
Dyst, I hope you and Fed both realise that if you go far enough, Far Right actually becomes Far Left before you work through the circular route of increasingly moderate Leftinesses to normality where most of us – in truth – exist.
Matt Hancock is thoroughly unpleasant weasel of a man.
Do you wonder why the MSM uses the same off stage faces as their commentators ? Alibibrown ( who Left UK yesterday ) Toynbee , ( misery Parris ) Owen Jones , hirshi bar and demented MPs like Nicky Boles ?
Is it laziness ? Are they personal friends of BBC people who get a bung from their appearance fees ?
I was half asleep when I heard the loon Nick Boles complaining that the Tory Party has been taken over by Conservatives . It’s true but It seems like the behaviour of an elephant at the end of its life which returns to its home before the end . It certainly will be if they fail to get us out .
98 days to go . Again .
U.S 2020 election’s going to be a walk in the park for trump, time to have some of that even money odds . Then come back for some more nearer the time.Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Mackers – two lumps of optimism in a day is a lot for this site ….!
The BBC alumni do seem of a certain hue.
I’m surprised this incident hasn’t been treated with more seriousness than it got . If one of those protestors got shot I think we’d have heard more about it ….
If one checks out XR training manuals, an idiot child getting martyred is what the old, pony-tailed Wolfies are praying for.
And their mates in the media.
Fully agree with you.
And if this was the American Presidents car this fella would be 1) shot. 2) run over by an American escort secret service guy.
When Paul is extolling the brave virtue of these Greenpeace protestors, maybe he could take a moment to read what Dr Patrick Moore (one of the Greenpeace founding fathers) thinks of all of this climate change nonsense.
Indeed Payne by name I did read a full report of Dr Patrick Moore some time ago following his resignation from Greenpeace- he saw the nonsence being banded about and its dangers the results of which we are experiencing now, egged on by the uninformed media and the duplictous elist/politics. I beleve he intimated then the likely hood of the world warming was now more to do with a form of pullution. Wise man, it would be well to hear from him again.
Yes, he tried to point out that CO2 isn’t, and never has been, a pollutant. Rather that it’s an integral part of life on Earth and ultimately we need more of it rather than less of it if we want a greener, more fertile Earth.
Oh my god….R4 they have a Labour woman Laura Pidcock who just said she has Black friend who said we now have a Prime Minister who has racist views…and Boris is hard line Tory MP (what a surprise)..when asked if she is opposed to Brexit…she didn’t answer ..what a piece of Sh..te..especially as she represents a vote leave area..
But at 31, shoehorned into a safe seat, without every held a proper job she is typical of many MPs these days ..and someone who said in the past..”I absolutely no intention of being friends with any Tories”….a bigot..
And now two more Boris haters…wow will it never end
So racist that he has a Muslim chancellor.
BBC moaning emole.
“North Korea ‘fires missiles into sea’
There is tension on the Korean peninsula, with South Korea’s joint chiefs of staff claiming the North fired two short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan (or East Sea) early on Thursday. It comes amid anger from the North over planned military exercises between South Korea and the US, which Pyongyang says could affect the resumption of denuclearisation talks. One arms control analyst suggests the missiles in question are capable of delivering a “nuclear-weapon sized payload… far enough to target most US forces in South Korea”.
Say what you like about Kim’s Katushyas, they seldom seem to miss… the sea.
There was a peach of an interview on LBC this morning.
Nick Ferrari was talking to a Guardian journalist who isn’t much of a Boris fan.
He complained that BoJo’s Downing Street speech was light on detail and all rhetoric.
What on earth was he expecting? An in depth prospectus for the next three years? He’d be standing there waffling for hours.
He’d just got back from the palace, hadn’t set foot inside number 10 and hadn’t appointed anyone.
Every Prime Minister’s Downing Street acceptance speech is always full of rhetoric; that’s what it’s about.
What made me laugh though was when he said that Priti Patel would be a disaster as Home Secretary. This is a woman who has stated she wants to make the streets safer, more police, longer sentences for violent criminals and believes in the death penalty.
Meanwhile in the red corner we have Diane Abbot…
A Graun piece the BBC may need to remove from the auto share.
Apparently the average over 65 person watches 33 minutes of television news a day, whilst the 16-24 year olds only watch 2 minutes a day. Here’s an alternative analysis: any person could watch BBC news programmes for 33 minutes, yet still only get 2 minutes of actual news (and that includes the titles and the credits).
Guest – I too -was going to alert fellow sufferers to this happy piece about the void that is BBC news .
If snowflake youngsters aren’t watching it – and the audience tends to be the habitual elderly – then why is the editorial aimed at metro kidult snowflakes ! ?
Or are they just so deep inside their bunker bubble that they just try to out ‘ right on ‘ each other ….
There is this phenomenon – maybe akin to group think – where someone comes up with a terrible idea – but it’s a ‘ tick box ‘ so no one else is brave enough to say “ you’re joking right ?” And the idea gets adopted . Time passes and it turns into a disaster for the organisation – with people at the end coming up with “ how the hell did that happen ? “
Example -PBS is repeating the Ken Burns Vietnam war series again . It’s excellent . If you watch episode one you see an example of what I’m talking about .
“If snowflake youngsters aren’t watching it – and the audience tends to be the habitual elderly – then why is the editorial aimed at metro kidult snowflakes ! ? ”
Could it be that the editorial employees are of the snowflake millennium generation themselves, with no one older than 40 to answer to, hence the reason we have such crap and unfunny programmes that just give work to celebrities (who seem to be on a loop system in their appearances).
I watched it all, despite certain misgivings.
Having visited Vietnam, North and South, I confess to being better informed as a result.
What was most interesting was the roles of the French, Kennedy and Johnson administrations, though Nixon too was dire.
Not ‘brexitty’ enough! and there’s clearly some extremely dubious characters on the list.
Priti Patel and Dominic Raab have a job on their hands.
Generally speaking, if our agencies (police, border control etc.) were capable of or willing to enforce the rule of law we would be in a much better position. The problem is the infiltration of these agencies by …. [take your pick]
VD seems put out at the ‘balance’.
All of a sudden.
Just ones fired up and headed by bbc staff?
TOADY Watch #3 – before I switch off the PC & screen in order to cut global warming
What has happened to the Ambassador Kim Gone-Well, formerly known as Kim Ill-Gone? He has disappeared from my BBC radio. Funny, he was all over it just the other day.
And Boris has got to appoint a new ambo – headline in the making ….
In his team, Prime Minister Johnson needs a ‘rottweiler’ to take on the media, especially the BBC. He (or she?) needs to be constantly harrying them with them with threats of dire consequences unless they broadcast fairly. He (?or she) should also take a knife to Ofcom, a body stuffed with ex-BBC and other media types.
Getting rid of the foul BBC would fit well alongside a Brexit agenda. Strike now Boris liberate us from Brussels and the BBC if one fell swoop.
in the last few days have we seen a point of no return from all media outlets since boris has been confirmed PM.
like do we either go back to being impartial & neutral or fall on our sword / Double down on our leftist media agenda.
Just an observation
It certainly looks that way…but the BBC think they got it about right
Human beings only have a limited time and energy with which to live their lives. It follows that the time and energy a society dedicates to the pursuit of material wealth, the less it will have for other things, such as community or political engagement. Taken to its extreme, such a society may end up extremely affluent, but comprising of individuals who are alienated, disengaged and lonely-and not so rich at all. As we are experiencing today-The truth is that among us live almost an entire generation that may live in the lands of plenty and conspicuous consumption but our children are deeply and traumatically unhappy, concerned with trivia like the rest of us and often increasingly unable to cope with the harsh realities of life and finding solace instead in ‘celebrity’ and cultic designer fashions. The pressure from this aided by the avarice media adds to their confusion with the world. With austerity measures exacerbating the situation our society of plentiful conspicuous consumption is slowly but surely collapsing around us all and nobody seems to give a dam, or know what to do about it. A supporter of the new Prime Minister? Yes after hearing his speech outside No 10-I am encourged with the hope like us all that he can bring about the changes so desperately needed, BUT the forces of invasion remain a contentious issue, that could rock the boat.
tarien good observations.
Ive been thinking along similar lines recently especially the limits on ones psychological space. With a finite amount of time and energy, how much mental activity is now taken up by self-doubt, critical theory-driven uncertainty at every turn, combative ‘debate’ and fighting to keep thought and speech aligned to what others deem appropriate? It could and should be used for better things… psychological, spiritual or just sitting and feeding the ducks.
The encroachment on inner space and stability really is a battleground.
Agree, however I find it more confusing to distinguish one from the other-speaking one’s mind once was accepted within reason, but now in this time such a venture would be deemed inappropriate and possibly deemed as hate crime! Of what crime I have no idea-see what I mean?All so confusing with self doubt and as you say critical theory-driven uncertainty being at the heart of the problem.
A comment in Guido
‘No way should Cox have remained as attorney general. He’s a europhile and hates anybody that is British and to the right, especially Tommy!’
Back to UKIP folks, start building
It’s probable that if a vote of No Confidence in the PM is raised after today by Labour, it will be too late for a GE before Brexit day.
This would mean that Boris is safe from being deposed until after Brexit.
Dover – I’m not sure about that – I understand that there are 6 weeks between the calling of an election and the election itself .
So the early part of September – before the party conferences seems more likely –
I looked at the conference dates ( sad – and they run from mid September to the first week of October ) .
Fed. This may help.
Calling Ian Rushlow, Calling Ian Rushlow….
Prime Minister Johnson has read with interest the information you provided…
“Today’s flight:
1830 Lufthansa to Frankfurt, arriving 2100
2205 Ethiopian Airlines to Addis Ababa, arriving 0555
0830 Ethiopian Airlines to Entebbe, Uganda, arriving 1035”
and has reactivated The Defence of The Realm Act (Dora), which states that…
“No person shall by word of mouth or in writing spread reports likely to cause disaffection or alarm among any of His Majesty’s forces or among the civilian population.”
… The PM has asked me to tell you that you have done the UK a great service.
Oh PLEASE send this to her Twitter feed !!! She was a bloody disgrace this morning on Sky – even Adam Boulton gave up on her, which takes some doing.
But doesn’t he always give one the impression that he’s given up on everything.
Apart from mars bars
I was just in the car and listened to Mike Portillo being interviewed by Emma Barnet, and he was absolutely brilliant
Told her directly that the civil service were biased towards remain, and had undermined the negotiations, and even questioned the BBC status in reporting Brexit (which was quickly avoided by the presenter)
I would recommend you listen to (pod cast or what ever other format they offer these interviews in)If you get the chance to listen to the interview.
I dont know how to save as a link but the time was between 10 and 10.30 25/07/2020
Thanks for that Fiter. I listened to the interview on BBC Sounds. It’s very useful when someone puts up a link or says when or where they heard or saw anything.
The BBC doesn’t do comedy . But today can I recommend the Parliament Channel. JRM is doing House questions stand up comedy …,
Certainly very lively. Bojo is handling it well.
Over in the USA Mueller has appeared before the Congressional committee to answer questions about his report. The outcome, according to the liberal media CNN, MSNBC , NYT etc , let alone Fox, was bad for the democrats who wanted to impeach the President. Mueller was unable to provide them with any more ammunition. Increasingly the democrats and never Trumpers are left clinging to ever smaller pieces of wreckage of the SS Impeachment.
Curiously though if you read the reports in the Times (London ) and the Daily Telegraph or listen to the BBC you are left with the impression that things didn’t go too badly for the Dems yesterday. These two newspapers and the odious BBC behave as though they still think impeachment is likely and that the prosecution of the plotters in the Obama WH isn’t going to happen. But in my view impeachment will never happen, the plotters will be exposed , household names will be prosecuted and the President will be re-elected next year. If ever there was a time to stop reporting on behalf of the Globalist liberal elite plotters , it is now, otherwise you are very likely to die from a massive dose of egg on face.
I agree. If the Democrats had a brain cell between them, they would have realised that if Mueller had found any evidence against the President, he would have put it in his report. That was the whole bloody point. The fact that he put no such evidence in his report was because he could not find any.
There will be no impeachment of President Trump. To impeach a President, you have to have evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanours”. There aren’t any. If the Democrats want to defeat President Trump, they will have to do it the old fashioned way, by winning an election. So far it looks like they have no chance.
Meanwhile, the Attorney General is investigating the people who conspired to construct a fake narrative of collusion with Russia, the likes of Comey, Strzok, Steele and the rest of the deep state scum who tried to bring down a President. There may yet be some people going to gaol, but President Donald J Trump will not be one of them!
It was a great night on Fox last night!
From a couple of months ago — the NYT has a section called ‘The Ethicist’ which gives an interesting insight into the sorts of conundrums that occupy the modern progressive thinker.
By Kwame Anthony Appiah (British-born Ghanaian-American philosopher and author of “Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers” and “The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity”): Was I Right to Call the Cops on a Black Man Breaking Into a Car?
—”I immediately felt a pang of guilt for calling the police and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, given the tragic way things too often end between police and people of color.”
Only when we’ve suppressed all sense of moral duty will we be able to achieve the truly inclusive society they showed us in the brochures.
Keep it all nice and woolly. Never let facts get in the way of a show of virtue. Never ask WHY things sometimes end badly between the police and people of colour. Just go on with the Marxist “victims and oppressors” narrative.
> 90% of the Blacks killed in the USA are killed by other Blacks.
Although Whites are > 60% of the US population, Blacks (13%) are many times more likely to kill Whites than vice versa.
Blacks in the US commit 52% of the homicides – four times what you would expect if they were no more or less violent than any other group.
Over 70% of Blacks are brought up in single-parent homes. This is about five times the level of the early 1960s (before Johnson and welfare statism).
The title of the piece was enough – hats off to kwame to get a cheque for even coming up with such a ridiculously racist piece .
Mike Graham (Talk Radio) “Boris Johnson absolutely ripping Jeremy Corbyn apart…”
Corbyn destroyed by Boris. Spin that BBC.
Maybe someone can email this to the BBC Comedy dept?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Sat down to watch the BBC’s live coverage of Parliament in order to enjoy our new Prime Minister’s first address. Imagine my surprise when, as Boris started to speak, that the BBC’s coverage conked out.
Has anyone else experienced this suspicious break in transmissions?
Maybe it’s Russian interference, Steve.
Hadn’t thought of that. Anyway, Ivan has reconnected the wire and I am now enjoying a small return on my investment in the BBC.
If they let you hear what he says they won’t be able to tell you what they want you to think he said later.
A quick rule of thumb: Whatever he says is “racist”. BBC is protecting you from having to listen and you should be grateful.
Spot on. A recent egregious example is the way the MSM quoted President Trump as saying those 4 troublemakers in Congress should go back to where they came from. Anyone who bothered to check the tweet concerned will have seen that wasn’t what he said.
Same with their reporting of Mueller yesterday. A distortion of reality and the truth for consumption by the Plebs. Upshot? – Lurking in the background is still an inherent dishonesty.
When is Boris going to do something about the blatant bias ?
He knows it is .
Watching it on the parly channel – all clear..
Pretty Patel supports the death penalty.
While I don’t disagree that some people deserve the death penalty I would not have it brought back for one big reason.
I don’t trust those who would be controlling it.
If they make a mistake there is no way back and in the past, plenty of those found guilty have later been cleared.
Another danger is that the state can use it to get rid of those who disagree or oppose it. Some confected charge or a fit up.
I don’t trust our politicians (or judges/police/the rest of them)
One only has to look at Tommy Robinson’s unlawful imprisonment. The judges made up the law as they went along.
Unfortunately capital punishment will be an academic discussion . I think banging people up for a long time – such as 40 years is cruel and expensive .
The double murder sentenced this week deserves nothing less that to be hanged . I know the arguments about the potential effect of juries but the decision should not be for them .
Turned on Twato late, within its last 20mins. One interviewee, I think labour, referred to Boris’ background, Eaton etc. and his privileged upbringing. I wondered how Lady Brooke would treat that line of conversation being privileged ‘an all herself…………….
You mean the humble “Guernsey girl” Sarah Montague? Hmmm.
It was funny when Boris pointed out on TV that Dimbleby major had himself been in the Bullingdon Club.
Beyond the borders of Albeebistan Queen Nadiya Hussain is being criticised for using spaghetti hoops.
Nadiya was always passionate about spaghetti but eating it was always a challenge for her, as this video shot three days before her first appearance on The Great British Bake Off (and her drastic makeover).
I think you will agree that spaghetti hoops were a godsend (allahsend?) for this pasta loving young woman.
I was in a Greggs bakery once at lunchtime (well sometimes there’s nowhere else to go if you only have half an hour for lunch) and I saw one of these ladies trying to eat a baguette.
Whatever kind of hijab/niqab she had on it was one of the lift-the-hood-from-the bottom types.
I caught a glimpse of her lower jaw while she was stuffing her face. And I felt it was a bit of a tragic scene really.
Even though I’m very ready to whinge on about toxic feminism in the west – their particular religion must be seriously twisted to think any man will suddenly be overcome by raging sexual desire on seeing a chin and some teeth.
They’re plainly backward and/or mad, and our Governments have horribly failed us for allowing this to happen, and to pretend this is somehow normal or that there ever will be integration with us natives. I suppose it might happen 3 or 4 generations down the line, but meanwhile we (and our descendents) will be paying out shedloads in welfare for this patently incompatible culture.
What the dickens is this Muslim female telliung us how to cook and what to eat. I find this quite offensive, seriously-won the bake off, how I don’t know having seen the results of her baking efforts and as for the insult of a cake she presented to the Queen, just awful-suddenly we have this female full face on our TV screens instructing us on British cuisine.
Completely agree. Her winning the Bake Off turned me off the programme for good as it was almost certainly a fix judging by her very poor effort that she had the cheek to set before the queen. It is exactly this lying and social engineering that is stopping people watching the BBC. We refused to be told what to think and to be brainwashed.
Bake Off was a programme designed for cake and bread bakers, yet here we have a ‘winner’ with her own set of programmes suddenly able to produce meal recipes without any previous experience apart from knocking up family meals. How can that be ? I doubt there would be many Muslim households who eat typically English food – I know I rarely see Muslim families out doing the shop in Sainsburys – because they stick to their own food shops for their own ingredients.
The Beeb have attempted to westernise Nadya by making her ‘typically ‘ English, and I’ve no doubt that someone behind the scenes is cobbling together a few recipes for her to announce as her own on air. I honestly cant see many women in hijabs conjuring up lemon drizzle cakes at home, they’re too busy stirring the curry pot.
I honestly feel sorry for the previous winners of Bake Off who haven’t had a millimetre of the publicity that Nadya has benefitted from, and who were probably a lot better bakers.
Laura Kuenssberg, so het up that she has dropped all pretence of being a journalist and revealed herself like so many others at the BBC to be an activist.
An unbelievably politicized and biased call to arms rather than a news report ……
BBC News’ Political Editor has delivered a warning to MPs in the House of Commons who want to stop Britain leaving the European Union without a Brexit deal. Laura Kuenssberg claimed, according to a source, that if MPs want to be “sure” there is no chance of no deal, they need to move quickly. She wrote on Twitter: “So according to a source who knows their way around the machinations of Whitehall… if MPs want to be sure there is no chance of leaving without a deal they need to call and win a vote of no confidence today or the first day of recess.”
Good old Laura Kuenssberg’s, the BBC’s political officer who like their namesake from an old Russian submarine is there to tell us all how we should be processing and ‘understanding’ the news segments that we have just seen.
It’s amazing really. The Beeb show you a piece that is already overtly and covertly filled with bias but then they wheel Laura out to tell you want to think, just in case you didn’t digest the agenda that they wanted you to.
Boris butchered Corbyn and McDonnell today.
The BBC don’t mention it and now lead with the wevva.
Here’s Corbyn being slaughtered:
SUPERB !!. Corbyn’s face !!!!
yes, looked like evil thoughts to me. Maybe imagining having a bare knuckle fight with Bojo.
digg- this is nothing new, regrettably. Bbc ‘journalists’ frequently go beyond merely expressing a biased opinion, and try to co-ordinate opposition to the government, advise them on strategy (as they see it) and generally make little effort to hide their partisanship.
A master at this game is Evan Davis, who -on R4 News at 17h00- will frequently interrupt/ attempt to bully/steer his interviewees to ‘see it his way’; it would be interesting to see if contributors to this site can think of anyone else quite as blatantly manipulative and partisan….
LK would definitely be prone to this. I get the feeling that she sees herself as very much a mover and shaker at the heart of UK politics, rather than a reporter/commentator. I do wonder how many over-75 pensioners are going to have to bite the licence-fee bullet to keep all her fancy outfits up to date?
Are there any even still vaguely impartial? Norman Smith perhaps -sometimes; he prefers a wry comment or a little sting in the tail of an otherwise relatively neutral assessment.
But that is merely my perception, and perceptions vary, so anyone else who has strong opinions on this topic, please, let’s hear them!
I think it might be easier for contributors to think of those who do not earn the ‘manipulative and partisan’ label. Andrew Neill springs to mind of course, but adding to the list beyond that point is not a simple nor lengthy task.
As for ‘Shriekin’ Norman, I’d admire to agree with your assessment, but it’s not one I would personally recognise.
I think part of the problem is the BBC employee is alone with the interviewee for a limited amount of time . They seem to think limiting interview time makes it better radio or TV .
Because of this the interviewer goes into adversarial mode but takes it too far by trying to stop statements which conflict with the bbc group think – so the interruptions and aggressive chalenges come in
Many interviewers now start from that point . The likes of Naughtie – who saw himself as a kind of Walter kronkite – took this to the extreme with questions so convoluted as to be sense less .
Dimbleby junior does the same
Humph and paxo allowed their egos to take over rendering them cliches which the likes of lady Brooke and maitless have tried to copy . Same with Robinson who also allowed his ego personality to replace journalism . Even Brillo occasionally stands guilty of this
The BBC seemed to give up on having 2 opposing voices with a journo as referee – presumably because they didn’t want people to hear the bias as it becomes a 2 to 1 argument – QT takes this to extremes by having a 5 to 1 ratio of remainer to brexiter – something which carries on even though academic research has proved the bias beyond reasonable doubt
So generally we are not served well by these characters – and that I suggest applies to those who think the BBC is unbiased and’ fair ‘
The other class of course is the incompetent – meeshal , the beekeeper , the collective auto queue readers like myrie and the one now doing QT.
Declaration – I might be out of touch on these overpaid characters because I don’t want their news much any more and actively limit exposure .
It is so refreshing to watch an extended interview conducted by (for instance) Peter Whittle with some one who has something interesting to say, but of course we depend on independent broadcasters for that. Interrogation has its place, but endless interrogation is wearisome and not informative.
Can the bbc please define extreme right wing please. According to the bbc definition then Corbyn is a centerist.
john- yes, I’d love to hear it.
The problem is that -for the PC crowd- this is now potentially no more than a term of abuse. It lacks any political content, and can be modified as desired, by adding ‘extreme’ or ‘hard’ or ‘far’, or any combination of these.
We virtually never hear about the ‘hard’ or ‘extreme’ left. There are some politicians who don’t mind describing themselves as ‘centre-left’, which presumably signals virtue.
It has been interesting to observe the ‘Kampf gegen Rechts’ – the ‘battle against the Right’ in Germany, which has become especially popular since Merkel decided to throw a few laws and constitutional obligations overboard, resulting in the creation of the AfD, and which any self-respecting politician or journalist must subscribe to. Needless to say, the term has become a movable feast, and a free ticket for Antifa shock troops to bash in a few heads, shop windows, or set a few cars alight.
I have always wondered whether this state of mind would become popular in the UK, being such a wonderfully flexible weapon. Less likely now with Boris in charge, although I have made a mental note to check on exactly what term was used by the outgoing Home Secretary, when he officially established a link to the term ‘terrorism’, leading me to wonder whether Merkel and her fellow socialists had finally got the export done…
The BBC no longer do definitions, and I have the letter from them confirming that.
Instead they leave it up to each presenter to use their own definition. This leaves the viewer / listener with a terrible ignorance as to what any presenter is talking about as none of them appear to be aware that there is no recognised definition for any of the isms & fauxbias they witter on about.
Rees-Mogg has today stated that he is not in favour of proroguing Parliament and regards it as abuse.
Perhaps he might get the advice of the last PM to prorogue – the pseudo-statesman John Major, perhaps the most minor of those to hold the post, though Mrs May will soon take that honour.
Daily Express:
“”Pound to euro exchange rate: Sterling climbs to hit July high””
“”The improvement comes as UK markets continue to absorb the news that Boris Johnson has become Prime Minister.””
Not mentioned by the BBC. If it had fallen though….
Leeds big drugs trial
I note the media name I the Paranoid Pete gang
rather that name it after the drug lord Errol Powell
Here’s another aspect of bias which I ask readers to make themselves aware of, not just the BBC, but the whole NUJ controlled media.
“A No Deal Brexit would be terribly bad for Britain.”
That’s it, no deal, no explanation, no expansion ever elicited or expected. This is project fear all over again, and it’s being allowed to go unchallenged.
Questions which should be asked go thus:
In what way would a No Deal be bad for Britain?
Why would a No Deal be so bad?
Nigel Farages policy is that No Deal would lead very quickly to an advantageous trade agreement why would this scenario be bad for Britain?
The problem is of course that there isn’t just a black and white ‘No Deal’ as the BBC and others are suggesting.
If the UK left the EU with No Deal and failed to enter into any kind of trade agreement with any country in the world, then it would indeed be catastrophic, and that is the scenario the Remainers are presenting and the BBC is allowing to stand unchallenged.
We all if we get the chance through phone ins or appearances or face to face need to ask these questions the media doesn’t want asked.
How would a No Deal Brexit be so catastrophic if we left on day one and within a month had the most advantageous trade deal the world has seen?
No Deal is project fear, and it’s a meaningless prophecy of doom without further expansion.
From time to time Sir John Redwood MP tells us via his blog that the UK/EU have resolved various technical matters, i.e. mini-deals are being made all the time. I believe that we have also concluded other deals with other countries that will come into effect when we leave the EU. I have no doubt that various companies involved in trade between the EU/UK will also have plans in place.
All this means that there can’t be a ‘cllff edge’, the very worst ‘no deal’ will be some deal because that is where we are now. ‘No deal’ is fake news.
And that £350m figure on a red bus has been proved to be accurate in court. Remember the recent crowd-funded Remainer stunt to prosecute Boris?
I always remind Remainers 🙂
Personal or crowd funded legal stunts, like all things Left/Remain, seem very much one way.
Good in the case above or that of Darren (until crashing and burning), but an assault on free speech in the case of David Lammy’s even less smart apparent younger relative Femi.
Teressa May went to Lords today……result we collapsed !
She really does attract failure.
As an aside, what comes after this gen? Z and a half?
‘It is this equilibrium that has allowed our own citizens, but also state-paid actors with ill intent, to spread disinformation
Too often with a £5,000,000,000 annual budget, Sean.
Sean has company.
‘The problems faced by communicators of climate change are compounded by the fact that we now live in a world where education, knowledge and critical thinking are being replaced by unicorns, flying pigs and fairy tales.’
And the filters and channeling of the BBC, overseen by such as McGrath, Harrabin and Shuckman, plus all staff tweeting Greta.
BBC are not a National broadcaster, they are a National DISGRACE !!!!
A far left propaganda outfit who’s sole purpose is seemingly to divide the nation it is meant to serve !!! DISGUSTING !!!!
Don’t forget everyone that T Blair went to the most expensive fee paying school in Scotland namely Fettes-
What proportion of the BBC staff were privately educated? And what does it matter?
Banania – it matters to the envious.
Along with guilt, envy is the driving emotion behind PC.
That is not to say that compassion and altruism are absent.
Is Al Beeb and the MSM confusing “Eva” with “on record”?
When did records start and are there more monitoring station now than there were at the start of record taking ?
Sorry to be a bucket of cold water – on this very sunny day but
That’s more houses needed then ? Even more encouragement for even more illegals heading here?
And more dare I say it – ahem, cough CO2, (x7 in fact increase when they move from the 3rd world to developed countries) but ahem we wont talk about that as diversity is our strength!
i was corrected today by my lefty son who told me most of these migrants are forced to come here because of global warming. Of course free housing, money, healthcare , and education have nothing to do with it.
Oaknash – can he explain to you why they’re fleeing global warming to come to sweltering Britain?
Of course, those things that ‘have nothing to do with it’ are his answer, as you say.
Cold water please! And plenty of it. I hope it pours down tonight. It’s been an exercise in endurance today in the Southeast. Perhaps it’s nice and cool in other parts of the UK but the office I work in hit 102F today. (96 degrees outdoors). It’s been brutal for about 3 days. It’s not some false lefty narrative. It really is too hot.
More immigration means more reservoirs. Less space .
Watching BBC News: The reports on Boris and his cabinet and climate change would disintegrate if they took the words ‘could’, ‘may’ and ‘might’ out of them.
There’s a new Prime Minister but the BBC news at six spent its first ten minutes covering the weather. There’s apparently a link between today’s “climate event” (i.e. a hot July day) and “climate change” (I.e. Armageddon).
There was plenty of stuff about the heatwave in London and about drought conditions over in France.
So, in the interests of journalistic balance, here’s my report from up north today,
Well, it has certainly been hot, but I’ve known it hotter for a lot longer and it’s not anywhere as hot as down south. Haven’t had to use the hose pipe yet, unlike in some past years.
It is a bit like summer really. It does remind me of those long, hot summer days we enjoyed when we were kids. Lovely.
In the last hour we’ve heard some thunder and had a refreshing splash of rain.
This comes after a mixed bag in recent weeks – some cool days, some quite warm, a reasonable amount of rain. A normal, northern summer really.
Indeed, nothing much to shout about but this is, of course, deepest Brexitland, well away from the BBC’s metropolitan bubble.
So now it’s time to sign off from the frontline, and hand you back to not the six o’clock news…..
Ed, I’m sorry I don’t remember England or Wales ever being THIS hot in my childhood. Nearly 7pm now and still 87F. Very uncomfortable, Impossible to enjoy.
Don’t you remember it being 100 degrees back in the nineties (I can’t remember which year)?
Lucy, check out the heatwave stats for June 1976. I was 12 at the time and it was so hot we had to sleep outside our tent. The roads melted and trains had to run slow. My brother and I fried an egg on the pavement, although it took around 10 mins. My dad also had a car with black vinyl seats (pure class) and we had to put towels on them so we could sit down! It went on for weeks.
If the same conditions had occurred in July it would have been even hotter. I believe 77 also had some very hot days. There’s a chap on twitter who compared the sun’s activity of 76/77 to 2018/19 and showed it produced similar results.
Breaking ………….Borris has told Junker that he wants a deal but the back stop must be got rid of , abolished ?
No deal ? Stand by UKIP and The Brexit Party, for a general election .
Come on Al Beeb, catch up and update us with the ‘gen’.
taffman- beeb will be more than happy they have a ‘reason’ not to mention the Brexit party or UKIP.
You have to hand it to the Tories: their drawn-out leader selection process, as well as the flamboyant Boris and his colourful cabinet, have kept them in the public eye. Nigel appeared once, in NY, but Gerard would have to do something really spectacular to make the news.
Anyway, the renegotiation process with the EU will be entertaining….
Despite their landslide victory in the recent EU election, Al Beeb is conspicuous by its lack of discussion with, or lack of reporting of The Brexit Party. What are they afraid of
\\Nicola Sturgeon: Indyref2 ‘more essential than ever’//
So, the SNP wants independence from Great Britain jumping from the ‘frying pan into the fire’ of the EU?
Take the scenario – Britain leaves the EU and also leaving the Europe with a financial black hole.
Scotland relies on money from the UK …………
Click to access Main_est_Scot_18_19_webpagev.pdf
Will the EU allow Scotland to join ?
Remember the problems Spain has with Catalonia ?
What currency will Scotland use ?
Will all UK military bases in Scotland be moved south taking much needed jobs from Scotland ?
Will Scotland’s fishing grounds be subject to EU trawlers ?
Any answers from our Scottish readers ?
IMHO, Along with Al Beeb, there are a number of MPs in the UK that would be quite happy to undermine our negotiations with the EU in order to keep us in the EU ?
Is this Treason ?