I think that’s 2.1% up on same quarter last year. But that’s still 4 times the forecast for Germany for 2019. BTW how often does the Beeb inform its audience that the UK is outperforming the Fourth Reich. Not that it matters with these tiny estimates. Nor because economic growth should now be over with a slowly shrinking “real” population. And shouldn’t that be good news for the Swedish Cyborg?
I watched a fair bit of Boris’s speech in Manchester on Youtube this morning – and I was impressed. But what I found interesting were the live comments on youtube. One even said ‘#notmypm – stop Boris, get him out NOW!
I mean, jeez. Give the man a chance. Are they afraid he’s going to make a success of Brexit and lead us all to the sunny uplands :0)
Taffman-The BBC has had great success promoting LGBT and BAME with their relentless “positve discrimination ” and “diversity” programme.
They have been followed by all asunder in the media and large
corporations in advertising, to the point that the norm for a
British family so far as advertising is concerned, to see a mixed race
family with one black kid and one white one.
It’s very easy to get paranoid about it. One can get to the situation
that you think that all the wimmin liberal bigot presenters on
the BBC are sarcastic and ridicule Boris Johnson because he is a
Caucasion male.
The paranoia can go even further when you are shocked because
you see Barclay’s Bank actually using a young white boy to
advertise their on line banking. Please send a couple in white
coats to pick me up.
Reminds me of a conversation we had with a couple of middle class tourists travellers just back from Thailand a few years ago. You know the type: “We know the REAL Thailand”, “Anything you can do we can do cheaper” etc. They got on to expressing their disgust at the sight of European men seen with Thai girls. Now we all know that Thailand attracts its fair share of sleazebags, but some also form lasting relationships. They wouldn’t accept this. You can imagine their reaction, however, when we drew a comparison with the number of black men seen with white (often blond) women.
” whereas they appear to be a small percentage of the indigenous population of the UK ? ”
Spot on.
I suppose you could liken that to say a BBC presenter being parachuted into a open bit of Brazilian jungle landing into a tribe of unknown pygmies, then threatening the elder of said tribe with death if they refused to turn their village into a tribe of big white men.
In other words you can never make big white men into a pygmy in the same way you cannot make a gay/straight man into a woman .
Looks like the PR team have issued a line to take.
It’s funny how the same people who say I don’t understand anything about anything, are the ones who expect me to know everything about a T-shirt that can be bought everywhere with many different captions, and that it apparently -according to some – can be linked to violence. >>
Yes sweetheart, but having Antifa in 2in letters across the front is a bit of a giveaway, even for one of little political perception if not intelligence.
Not least how the entire MSM appears to take what has to be a major operation at face value as just some kid doing her thing.
The T shirt really doesn’t worry me much. Being ‘anti fascist’ is not the same as Antifa and the world is full of dumb kids wearing stuff they have no clue about.
But I am interested in the support network. Even if a savant, what are her actual skills in science, especially if school is down to fours days a week, with 2019 off at O levels to travel the world, meet people and see CO2 (a joke, apparently).
Who fields the calls? Books the trips? Whose people confer with her people? Handles the travel. Accommodation. Funding.
My wife was once involved with the movie industry and especially child actors. At this age the rules were darn stiff, rightly so. Chaperones, education allotments.
Does she handle all this herself on her My Little Pony laptop?
All the msm fuss over a hot day, I remember many other hot days, 1976 springs to mind, and environmenal arguments to one side, what amazed me was the absolute inability of people to cope with a warm day.
That day and yesterday I was working in London and spent an hour on the notorious Central line and another on Bakerloo so adjusted and coped as everyone else I was with did there must be a snowfake element at work that says this is intolerable, no it is not, one adapts, as I did getting home from Kings Cross as everyone else did and the pics are a typical Kings Cross crowd everyday, no one has commented about those who were helping all the poor whingeing people getting escorted off a train by men in full protective gear with helmets in the same heat
It seems to me this Blairite partially educated bunch who infest the BBC and the others who create “twitter” storms are so willing to protest at length with no academic qualifications and a complete lack of common sense but the ability to demand and protest and verbally and physically attack those who they disagree with without any idea f how they would run a country
I strongly suspect that “we” have bred a generation that have been indoctrinated at school will whine forever on twitter complain about the stess of exams and the stress of being a teenager and use the word racist as often as they can without any understanding of the true meaning of the word
Sadly its also the parents who have instilled that their kids ‘have rights’ and to have their say, with the words “unacceptable” used as often as possible. In return for giving kids ‘their rights’ (apart from going to school on their own) , “We” threw discipline, common sense, and responsibility out of the window.
Stress for this ‘lot’ of teenagers has only come with social media. Back in the 60’s it was whether we got up the duff and have a shotgun wedding. The 70’s was how the glamrock look could be achieved without looking stooopid. The 80’s if you admitted to being stressed, your parents thought you were ‘bored’ so gave you chores to do. In the 90’s, stress meant that you didn’t get that Sony Discman you wanted for Christmas. I’m still trying to work out the ONE thing that the Milleniums get wound up about !!!
For some reason I started thinking about kids dolls as 2019 Christmas presents
– I imagined a My Angry Antifa doll, that screams “Nazi” in the same vein as that blond woman did to the old Brexiteer guy who was surrounded.
I suppose you’d have te race-baiter dolls in the same vein as Lammy, Aboott and Yab
.. And a whole pack of BBC pixies with little hammers smacking a Trump doll.
There’s something very strange about the Sports Direct delayed results and that tax bill from Belgium. The BBC are just accepting what they have been told, it appears, without question. I’m afraid that BBC Business reporting has gone downhill under Simon Jack and if it wasn’t for Dominic O’Connell it would be a total disaster.
According to the 2018 Annual Return SD’s accounts are made up to 29 April 2019. If a tax bill has been received from the Belgian authorities that relates to prior years, that does not affect the position for the year to 29 April 2019. It raises some questions about the in-house Accounts Department at SD and their capabilities in identifying provisions for tax that should have been made. It also raises questions about the capabilities of SD’s tax advisors.
No questions asked by Simon Gompertz, however, perhaps because he is more used to dealing with personal finance matters. No author named for the rest of the article, either, a practice that I thought the BBC had pledged to end.
The big question that Pesto would be airing, had he still been in his old job: “Are SD going to have to stop trading?” If I recall correctly, if current assets are insufficient to meet liabilities, then they need to stop trading.
LOL, Annu. On another note, there’s a lot of discounting going on. My e-m Inbox is getting bombarded with extra discount offers and they’re not from Nigerian Princes, either, but established retailers.
Nigerian Princes ? FFS I am just helping one get his hands on his inheritance, has he contacted you as well ? I WAS FIRST and he has MY bank details so back off…
although if you have some time to spare, I am looking for a best man for my wedding to some russian bint when I have paid for her mums cancer treatment and her visa and flight
BTW bloody stupid banks, just checking my statement, Vladivostock JD Sports and Argos and Lagos T K Maxx, whats going on there they need their head examined
I only went to bloody Cromer this summer and paid cash for the caravan and those fat cat bankers are charging me for a chanel handbag and something called leg waxing whatever that is
In the absence of TV – I thought radio4extra might fill the void . Oh dear three hours of ‘protest ‘ with Billy Bragg – real name Steven William Bragg .
That Barking born proper socialist has made a living from being angry about people accumulating wealth for probably 30 years . I remember that in the 1980s he was very fond of burning coal by supporting miners busily digging it out of the ground – or actually striking to get more money to warm the globe that bit more .
. In 2011 mr Bragg and family moved his family from a council hovel in Londonistan to a detached mansion in Burton Bradstock. Dorset valued then at £1.5 million . A celeb website has his personal wealth at £5 million .
It’s nice that the BBC continues to support such socialists. And it’s good that he is comfortable in a country pile whilst campaigning for whatever is fashionable at the time ….
So in view of this 3 hours worth of right on socialism I replaced it with the sound of a tap dripping . Far more honest methinks .
I heard a trailer for this programme several times and was bemused to hear some young female claim that ‘grime’ would change the world!
I say bemused because I remember Clare Short, (MP from 1983 to 2010), some years ago describing the 1960s saying that she thought then that music would change the world but she was wrong. Bragg, eleven years younger still hasn’t learnt the lesson, but then, as you say, the BBC keeps funding this non-hit wonder so why would he?
Dont get me started on music and the bbc, if its black it is sacred otherwise forget it, I am no fan but a band like iron maiden have sold out venues around the world for 30 years and regularly play to hundreds of thousands in live concerts but a black man sings along to a CD i.e. karaoke at “Glastonbury”and feted by the bbc WHY ? because of the organisers political views NOTHING to do with the music RE Knebworth
The morons buy tickets to a concert without any idea who is playing QED
and the bbc were so deilighted to broadcast them all dancing to Rolf Harris and his stairway to heaven oh what a jest, whearas when the real Led Zepplein played at Knebworth in 79 NOTHING
Snowflakes who have no education and can only appreciate music that is politically correct and performed by those who have never studied music and have no idea of how to use a musical instrument as study is so stressful
“We were served up cocktail lounge versions of the Marvin Gaye hit I Heard It Through the Grapevine and Aretha Franklin anthem Say a Little Prayer, neither of which was written or released in 1969. It was left to amiable Lancashire poet Lemn Sissay to justify these odd choices, associating Gaye and Franklin with the US civil rights movement. We should be indebted to Sissay for correcting a lifelong mispronunciation of Moog. It actually rhymes with “Vogue”, apparently.”
Ann, I think in ’79 and after, was the year that most of the current BBC staff were born, and as they’ve grown up and acquired jobs in the national broadcaster, decided to change the format to suit their own needs. Hence all the jollies for staff at these gigs.
Prior to that we had mature men in suits who gave us good dramas, humour, documentaries etc, BUT these suits were men of our Dad’s age who thought that Top of the Pops was enough music to satisfy our youthful needs, and unless it was a sporting event then it wouldn’t have been prudent financially to have expenditure on outside broadcasts at a pop concert !
I have to laugh at the way these leading headlines are put together by the beeb to give the appearance of, ‘just asking the question alright?’. In this case it is; ‘Jacob-Rees Mogg: Is he right to ban these words?’
Well clearly the article is already shifting towards the ‘no’ answer simply by the implication in the headline but just for good measure, the report gives the opinions of some ‘fellow’ MP’s (Labour haha) and some expert or another who, I bet, has some lefty leanings, to find out what they thought. You can guess the replies.
These tedious headlines abound on the bbbc website:
“Is Boris Johnson a dirty rotten stinking blighter??”
“Is today’s weather hotter and more difficult to live in than the balmy weather enjoyed by luck luck lucky baby-boomers?”
What Al Beeb does not like it vilifies and lampoons.
When is Boris going to sort them out ?
I have no doubt that he visits this site and so do members of his cabinet.
I hope he does Taff ‘cos there are some highly intelligent people on here that make ‘Brains’ on Thunderbirds look like some kind of dumb kid with glasses.
I often have to click on the online dictionary to complete my understanding of certain posts. It can put me in a state of high-dudgeon!
But of course we have nothing to fear from the genocidal doctrine of islam, because we can see a muslim cricketer playing for England, right bang in the centre of a picture above the article contents.
I’ve just read the BBC article you linked. I laughed at the final paragraph, headed According to the Guardian. Well the Grauniad has always been the pinnacle of English grammar and clarity of expression.
Apologies for the grammer Jacob.
I use the Manchester to Leeds train daily and its absolutely packed every day. However only about 20% of the people getting on at Manchester are going direct to Leeds. 80% Are using it to get to Todmorden , Rochdale etc the latter despite being served by a tram. So absolutely no need for a high speed anything just more carriages and electrification no single point anywhere to anywhere thank you.
Absolutely, HS is just an acronym for another bunch of designers and anyone else involved to charge high pricesto deliver something that could easily be delivered by efficiency RE ST Pancras trains vs Kings Cross, I have just discovered I can arrive 30 minutes earlier by going to St Pancras waiting on an air conditioned platform in an air conditioned train rather than packed onto a train at Kings Cross
And despite all the “news” stories this week it functioned perfectly, all week every day 35 miles out of London and home by 6:30 pm
Too many snowflakes looking for scapegoats, who have no solutions just educated to whine and complain
[Editorial, senior “journalist” required, well no.]
The criminal justice system has been failing victims of rape for a long time
[The Guardian has been failing victims since before the publication assisted attempts to organise the prosecution of Nick Griffin.
BBBC published, a few weeks ago, my response to a disgusting opinion article by #2 Guardian Jew, Cohen.
In which Cohen criticised Carl Benjamin for declaring “I would not even rape you” to some dim lefty bint.
One whole, outraged, article, about a non rape.
Compared and contrasted by me, with the Guardian outraged response to the tip of the iceberg (Rotherham) report about millions of rapes perpetrated by Muslims. Muslims imported by Blair and Co so they could have multiple postal votes for Labour.
When Polly Tuscan-Villa and other caring Guardianettes denounced the publication of the truth.
Truth about RACIST, PAEDOPHILES, voting Labour, still mass raping, still indulging in electoral fraud.
Electoral fraud not investigated by the Common Purpose Non-Police.
Electoral fraud approved by the Left-Electoral Commission.
Everything disgusting in the troubled UK in which we live has your mass murdering Lefty fingerprints all over it.]
what about white ENGLISH schoolgirls taken out of school during the day in paki taxis NOTHING said their lives ruined by paki rape gangs NOTHING said on the bbc what about syrian asylum seekers who have not got the guts to fight for their country and run away not to the next country or the next countrty to that but somehow, arrive on our shores BBC has a lot to say about them as victims
BTW some music posts earlier if we want our “world class” journalists to comment on out wonderful musical landscape just remember, you ignored this on your doorstep: the first time they played in this country after 5 years and … you missed it
and they had no CDs to sing along to ….not black enough ?
someone who studied their art and worked at it for many years in relative poverty without whingeing and complaining at the world at large and found joy in the process of playing and writing without attacking anyone and everyone RE Stormzy and any other black so called musician in this country who are completely lacking in talent or gaining any musicial ability through practice or study and yet fascinated by violence, misogyny and rape
And we are REQUIRED to welcome these into our country and told they add something to our culture and enrich us, why are the tax payers who fund this scum not consulted as to how they wish to be enriched
Guest ,
Nice piece of local video thanks – Katie Hopkins has twittered it too.
I have to say – I have no idea how the BBC is going to deal with the issue of Homosexual ‘Rights’ and Muslim ‘rights’ or beliefs . The BBC consistently favours both group so what will it do when Islam takes increasingly hostile attitudes to towards rainbow people ?
Presumably because the issue is in the ‘difficult’ box it will do the normal thing of either ignoring , burying of spinning some kind positive thing of ‘all in it together ‘ type false hood .
The spark for the next upward hostility will be more serious attacks by either ‘side’ against the other -becoming public as opposed to being suppressed by not naming those charged or just describing them as ‘local’ .
Boris says letterboxes/bankrobbers/ islamaphobia in the Tories and the Boris ‘bounce’ can’t last.
Just another day on Sly news and the Beeb zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Idly listened to POV as I was making breakfast this morning (I know, idle bar steward having only just got up).
Dopey bint segues from bemoaning break up of her relationship to worshipping the Swedish oracle through modern mass tourism threatening the beautiful cities and places she has visited or lived in.
Typical Al Beeb selfishness, ok for me but not for the plebs!
The demonisation of Greta Thunberg by pathetic old right wing commentators is one of the most disgusting things of our cultural debate. The stigmatising. The lies. She bases her arguments on facts and science, not schoolyard insults. And unlike them, she actually is a schoolkid.
Scanning replies to Haig’s twit – if that’s the correct term – is an education, in that it so neatly encapsulates what we are up against. The number of comments dogmatically demanding that little Greta’s ‘science’ is incontrovertible and that challenges can only come from elderly right-wingers is as biased as it is revealing. Obviously, comments from accredited climatologists don’t merit any credence if they contradict the accepted ‘science’.
So that’s your ‘cultural debate’ is it Mr Haig? Seems you too might still be a ‘schoolkid’.
Send her up Bury Park Road Luton or Rotherham or Sheffield etc etc in her school uniform, she will be welcomed, I am sure, for her climate opinions and invited to many little flats above paki shops to display her talents, as so many teenagers have before, and if she survives may have a different opinion on fossil fuel when it gets her little arse out of there quickly in a diesel taxi
The glorification of Greta Thunberg by pathetic young left wing commentators is one of the most delusional things of our cultural debate. The worshiping. The ignorance. She bases her arguments on assumptions and environmentalism, not atmospheric physics. And like them, she actually is a schoolkid.
That’s the essence of the problem, isn’t it Richard? Especially the worship. The ‘science’ has become a religion with all the illogicality, faith and fervour that imbues. And as we know to our cost, challenging or confronting religious beliefs costs lives.
Is is not just 'phew it was hot (or cold or wet or windy) today'
So why are so many supposedly intelligent adults so willing to be lectured and manipulated about climate by a deluded autistic child only born in 2003?
And it is to be hoped her tour T shirt stylist is properly prepped to get in the new bits… but not too obviously.
At the #PowerBeyondBorders camp we are highlighting the connections between the injustices of climate change, racism, refugee treatment and the HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT ????
Another dusky maiden of colour graces the bbc screens.
MUST WATCH!! We are asking @BBCNews and @Ofcom to explain this presenters personal comments/bias on a press conference in Manchester today. We will be taking this further should you not reply to our requests. This is simply unacceptable! H/T
£250K/year Rajan counts himself as outside the elite
he may have been born in India but I’m guessing his family is well connected.
“He read English literature at Cambridge University”
his wife : Dr Charlotte Faircloth is a Lecturer in the Department of Social Science at UCL Institute of Education
AFAIK He first edited the student magazine Varsity*
The previous editor Oly Duff went to work at the Independent.
“Rajan worked briefly for the London Evening Standard before moving to Channel 5 and then the Independent
He enjoyed a rapid rise “through the ranks to become one of Lebedev’s closest confidantes.
He was a media adviser for the young Russian proprietor for two years, ”
* BTW Jeremy Paxman previously edited the same student magazine
\\Rajan’s appointment was especially welcomed by Fleet Street’s contingent of Asian journalists, jokinging called “hackistan”//
\\ “My dad was very keen on either my brother or me going to Oxbridge. He was a very Indian dad in that way, a ferocious disciplinarian, very strict about the importance of doing well at school. //
Amol wrote “When I was 18 I joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). My gap year there ” we’ve all done he had connections to get that
I wonder if his father was a diplomat ?
By chance, I listened to Moral Maze on R4 yesterday evening. Subject? – Anti Semitism. Panel included Mona Sadiqi from some Scottish Uni and a woman whose name I forget. I think she is some sort of editor in the UK MSM. Having lived and worked in the Middle East, I thought this would be a very interesting debate as, certainly, my knowledge and personal experience affirms the reality of islamic utter revulsion of Israel and it’s people. They have their own expression, simply, “Death to Israel”. Tells you all you want to know.
Very quickly any objective listener to the programme had to realise that any involvement or reference to islam in this debate had been categorised as banned. Only one interviewee, a UK Bishop, made any reference to islam – and that was tangentially in support but his references were not in the context of the subject matter!
Needless to say, the, “Panel” stayed on que with zero meaningful references to islam – the main underlying motivation Worldwide in anti-semitism.
How on earth the BBC can promote this style of pseudo, ‘cultural’ debate anymore without any reference to the, RoP beats me. That’s the depth of fiction they now stoop to to support their favoured cult.
Sentry – Bbc will be happy to pick up any criticism of Trump, but more than happy if they can call him ‘racist’, in the process, whether there was actually anything on race contained in his words doesn’t matter. Nothing will be said about the truth, or otherwise, of what Cummings had to say, which is what really kicked this all off. Trump attacked Cummings, and Cummings is black, therefore automatically a “victim”; being a victim accords you a special place in the ‘liberal’ pantheon. It means nothing you could have said or done may be open to criticism. Having your attacker labelled ‘racist’ is simply a part of this setup.
Beeb will also go with the Dems, regardless of the facts. You can take any situation, say on R4 at 22h00 for example, and the presenter will call on a Dem congressman/woman for comment. To attack Trump. This is now as natural for the beeb as breathing.
It’s racist of Pelosi to equate blacks with ‘rats’ for god’s sake. When we say ‘rat-infested’ we’re talking about a dump that attracts the rats – simple as that. Pelosi made the connection ffs.
It was the same with the royal couple and the monkey picture. The racists are those who believe the monkey was a mixed-race child.
If Parliament tries to frustrate this process, the PM should avoid any legislation in the House which could be a vehicle for wrecking amendments; he should introduce the commencement order for leaving and sit it out. In the extremis of a vote of no confidence or shenanigans he should engineer a general election period whereby Parliament is automatically suspended until after 31 October.
That is what should happen. There is a danger that what will happen is that the faint-hearted will attempt to bribe the electorate with sweeties and sweet talk while attempting merely to remove the Backstop from a revamped and repackaged Withdrawal Treaty, a very bad BRINO hailed as a triumph. The primary objectives of this would be to see off Labour and to marginalise the Brexit Party – power and Party first.
Such a deal would see the UK tied very closely to the EU, sharing defence command and capability, sharing fisheries, acquiescing to restriction on our tax freedoms and committing to further contributions and handing over more than £39billion. It would also require a two-year transition during which nothing changes except that we have no say and are at the mercy of the EU.
Never again will I vote conservative unless I hear some form of guarantee that all immigration without employment secured from wherever will stop, forthwith. Any ‘jam’ on it would include plans to assist repatriation.
G – You can safely vote for a conservative, but make sure it’s a real one, and not one from the Conservative Party. There are not that many conservatives in the ‘Conservative’ party.
You will not hear anything significant about immigration from the Conservative Party, for its ambition is to create ‘modern’ Britain. ‘Modern’ here does not mean ‘trendy’ or something of that nature. It is code for something rather different.
I think he (John Longworth) means we would have no control over anything the EU does/introduces during a so-called ‘transition period.’ Not that we ever had any real control anyway. Obviously we don’t want any sort of transition – we’ve had long enough. We should be OUT of EVERYTHING by Oct 31. TBP can probably (hopefully) be trusted over Brexit – but I doubt over immigration and other pressing issues, such as deportations.
I may be mistaken – but I think Cameron inherited a remote Island off the west coast of Scotland? Think his dad gave it him.
So he did all right.
Can’t understand why the BBC employees have never done a documentary about it seeing that non of their BBC bosses participate in deer shooting – alledgedly?
I haven’t seen BBC1 Sunday Morning Live for months and I see nothing has changed in BBC land.
I channel flick onto BBC1 and they are doing a piece about gays, then show a black trans man women thing talking to a Muslim, then more Muslims, then a piece about trying to change the church into some kind of stand up comedy festival, then back to two more Muslim “comedians”, all presented by two black presenters.
Even when the programme ended there was a trailer for Poldark showing a black woman then straight into the next programme, ‘Homes under the hammer’ with another black presenter.
Judging by the last 20 minutes of BBC1 I would guess the UK population is 50% black, 45% Muslim and 5% white.
Jared O’Mara, the misogynistic and homophobic Labour MP who defeated Nick Clegg at the last general election, is resigning as an MP in September after he has collected another couple of months’ MP’s salary for doing nothing.
But the bBBC is very keen to hide that he was elected as a Labour MP. You have to go 12 paragraphs down, to the bottom of their ‘news’ item, to find any mention of Labour.
Jared O’Mara: Sheffield MP to resign from Parliament
Feelings of despair at the news that Embalmer Hammond had secret talks with Popeye Starmer just before Boris was elected should be disregarded. The more such self-serving traitors conspire to thwart democracy, the more power and impetus to the Brexit Party.
As per usual, history is being ignored as irrelevant but the echoes of 1642 are there to be heard.
Its important that we reveal how the BBC bias is not only in open-display these days but it has always been there in one kind of guise or another. In the following example, we see BBC Mr SNOW hatred for this great nation of ours:
“HC Deb, 06 may1982.
1982: Falklands War
During the Falklands War, the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and some Conservative MPs believed that the BBC was excessively even-handed between Britain and Argentina, referring to “the British” and “the Argentines” instead of “our forces” and “the enemy”.
On 2 May during a report for Newsnight, Peter Snow remarked:
“Until the British are demonstrated either to be deceiving us or to be concealing losses, we can only tend to give a lot more credence to the British version of events”.
The Conservative MP John Page complained that the programme was “totally offensive and almost treasonable”.
Answering a question from Page on 6 May, Thatcher said that
“many people are very concerned indeed that the case for our British forces is not being put over fully and effectively. I understand that there are times when it seems that we and the Argentines are being treated almost as equals and almost on a neutral basis. I understand that there are occasions when some commentators will say that the Argentines did something and then “the British” did something. I can only say that if this is so it gives offence and causes great emotion among many people”
Thank goodness St Jeremy made things crystal clear on Sophy Ridge today.
Labour will vote against a tory deal and a no deal brexit. They would negotiate their own deal with the EU then campaign against it to remain.
Oh and there’s no place for anti semitism in the labour party ( perish the thought).
Well he definately cleared things up for me this morning.
Hands up those who favour immigration without limit and an amnesty for 500,000 illegals already here. No, really? Well our new Prime Minister Johnson favours BOTH. Read my latest column on here and please share it if you agree!
But surely no is surprised by this are they ? It’s been the policy of BoJo and of Farage , more or less, for sometime now. Brexit’s relevance to the existentialist immigration issue is only that if out we would have , theoretically, the ability to limit immigration. But NO UK political party that has any hope of influencing events in the next few years has a policy other than continued mass migration. I think that we have gone beyond the tipping point , parties need the votes of ethnics and ethnics want more folks of their ethnicity. So politicians court them whilst at the same time ganging up to prevent any coherent anti immigration party from being formed. Things will probably never get better but if by chance they do they will have to get a lot worse first.
Dear BBC,
I and others have been so disgusted by the one sidedness of the BBC So here are some suggestions of subjects for future discussion.
*German Economy
*Secret Selection of EU Leaders
*The EU plans for an Army
*Failure of our last PM
*The rampant use of the word Far Right used by the BBC to describe anyone not Labour supporting
*The failure of the London Mayor
*Why the BBC has become so unpopular
*Have Labour become ineffective
*Is electing women/BAME by default a good idea or should jobs go to best candidate
*Should children under 11 be taught ‘sex subjects’ at school
*The positive aspects of leaving the EU
*How the Common Market turned into the EU
The EU budget and MEP’s rewards
*Does the EU manipulates companies to relocate
*Does the new Mercosur beef trade deal threaten beef farmers
*The manipulation of the Irish Taoiseach by the EU
*How the EU has really treated Ireland from the unsecured Bond Holders to the threat to their huge income from low corporate tax
*The manipulation of the N. Ireland border to secure the £39b
*How we can flourish as a nation outside the EU
*How BJ’s first days have energised the country
*The Carbon Tax scandal
*Normal climate fluctuations versus Global Warming, an honest discussion
I could go on and on, but I got bored typing as the list is endless. Perhaps you should take a long hard look at yourselves and see how your methods have dragged this country to such low levels and the contempt and bias you have openly shown has encouraged others to hate. If you don’t your days are clearly numbered. Your values are rock bottom.
Does your religion allow you hatred of others, and to rape teenage girls, attack and murder homosexuals, attack and murder Jews and lie and cheat and sell drugs to anyone that is not of your religion ? and, if it does, is it actually a vicous anti humanitarian, anti peace, fascist organisation and not a religion ?
And another one:
How many wars in this world, and genocide, orgainised rape and torture are perpetrated by your religious beliefs?
And BTW yes christianity was in the dark ages we are not in the dark ages
And does your religion require you to fast ? and yet you and still apply for jobs in the emergency services where you have no ability to operate during the day putting lives at risk and demanding that co workers do not eat in front of you ? well done on your integration
“”Every home in Britain will get a leaflet to prepare for No Deal Brexit: Boris Johnson’s ‘war cabinet’ planning £10m PR blitz and will meet every week to make sure the UK leaves the EU on October 31 ‘by any means necessary’ “”
I’ve just watched an excellent discussion from way back in 2012 between Peter Robinson, host of Uncommon Knowledge, and Andrew Roberts authors of numerous history books but this discussion was about his book , The Storm of War. The whole discussion , last about 40 minutes , and is interesting but the bit that I want to draw you attention to is the last five minutes or so . In this section Roberts reflects on the issues which face Europe , or rather faced Europe, in 2011, eight years ago. This was after the banking scandal collapse but well before the immigration crisis reached its zenith. It was also before Douglas Murray published his Strange Death of Europe and well before Cameron ever thought about a referendum.But Roberts and Robinson touch on all these issues as being of great concern at that time, 2011. Sadly I think nothing has been done about most of these issues , many of them of actually got worse and in some instances such as Muslim migration I simply cannot imagine that two academics , even right of centre academics, would dare to discuss the issue so openly. Rather than make progress we have regressed on these existentialist issues.
I’ve just watched Pogles Wood, that witch was scary I understand that it was banned as so many children were frightened by it, I will remember that next time in London surrounded by teeanage Somalis with zombie knives demanding my wallet
Thanks for the memory. I used to rush in from the garden to watch Pogles Wood, that and Nogging the Nog. But the scariest thing I remember from kids TV back then was the Singing, Ringing Tree.
“In the Lands of the North, where the black rocks stand guard against the cold sea, in the dark night that is very long, the men of the North Lands sit by their great log fires, and they tell a tale…”
from a distant timeme..long long ago …when the BBC was a national treasure and made generally decent programmes (RIP)
I’m sure that BBC news will be reporting that the Christian preacher who was ‘ detained ‘ and had his bible seized whilst preaching the gospel out side a tube station in London just got £2500 of taxpayers police money from the London police for his treatment.
There is footage on twitter somewhere . I’ve sure the copper doing Satan’s work will keep his job … diversity for some … but not for others .
Strange that when the evil mullah preaching outside Finsbury Park got the road closed for him and helped out by plod ….
I think its the one where BBC news got some great promotion shots for the local mosques that showed Muslims on their knees – in the centre of said narrow road – showing every one what their local backsides looked like while praying to their “unknown God” Acts 17:23.
Note: the King James version has it in capitals.
So, you BBC people listen up. ” he who has an ear” kind of hint.
Well, God at times does feel the need to Shout at us.
funny look on youtube NOTHING about that despicable two years he was allowed to preach hate in public hate of our country and our culture and our laws whislt claiming our benefits, with police allowing him to do so and yet a search on finsbury park and muslims guess what they are all victims of course
The most vicious human beings on this world, anti humanitarian, anti empathic demading, whingeing, complaining whilst displaying complete and utter intolerance as any simple examination of a country they control will reveal
Radio 4’s The Food Programme on BBQ food was hijacked by a woman mouthing off about how we should celebrate ‘multiculturalism’ in BBQ food. Then a black continuity announcer follows promoting a Radio 4 programme on Monday titled ‘The Empire Strikes Black’ about how black people are turning down honours because of what the British Empire did to black people (ties in with the latest outbursts from David Lammy saying black people who vote Conservative have sold their souls).
Over the years I’ve worked with a lot of black people and when asked, not one said they listened to radio 4. I wonder who these programmes are aimed at because black people do not listen to Radio 4.
Multiculturalism? Black people can’t even celebrate each other, look who is doing the stabbing and look at the victims (sorry Pollyanna…not).
The BBC continues besmirch this country and run it down. It shows itself to be anti-British and I have no doubt the lot running it now would ‘celebrate’ Nazi Germany if they were around at the time of WW2. The pro black, asian, Muslim and migrant propaganda is relentless.
Trump said that go back to your countries of origin, solve the problems AND then return and tell us how you did it. My approach to this is more direct; if you dislike this country, then return to your country of origin….and stay there.
ASIAN how dare you :- ) my wife is totally ashamed as are the millions of asians over who have spent thousands on english exans and not bribed the examiners like some and have no taste for english schoolgis like some and it is time these asians stood up for themselves but hey are a culture that wish to integrate quitely as any sane person would do……
“The BBC continues to besmirch this country and run it down. It shows itself to be anti-British and I have no doubt the lot running it now would ‘celebrate’ Nazi Germany if they were around at the time of WW2.”
There were indeed such people around at that time. So many that Noel Coward satirised them in his song, “Don’t Let’s Be Beastly to the Germans”. The BBC banned the song for a while. It includes the lyrics:
Don’t let’s be beastly to the Germans
You can’t deprive a gangster of his gun
Though they’ve been a little naughty
To the Czechs and Poles and Dutch
I can’t believe those countries
Really minded very much
Let’s be free with them
And share the BBC with them
We mustn’t prevent them basking in the sun
Let’s soften their defeat again
And build their bloody fleet again
But don’t let’s be beastly to the Hun
Noel Coward was the writer of many brilliantly witty and sophisticated song lyrics, among his innumerable other talents. When you look back at the history of British culture, the patriotic Coward is a towering figure that I guess many of us on this site would regard as worthy of celebration.
Turn on the BBC today and what are they celebrating? Delinquent subcultures spewing out crude doggerel.
Seems quite a bit of TR news
#1 Avi has won against The Daily Star
#2 has put out a video distancing itself from the BNP calling it skin-colour racist, and other people it says are anti-Semitic
.. They have in turn answered that TR is a centre of an Israeli conspiracy
We did it, the pressure worked! The emails, phone calls and finally the official complaint I submitted on behalf of #TommyRobinson to the IPSO have forced the @DailyStar to remove their fake news story about Tommy being ‘bashed on his first day in jail’.
— Avi Yemini ???????????????? (@OzraeliAvi) July 28, 2019
The BBC Home Duty Correspondent of course tweeted the first ridiculous story using their hashtags : #bbcpapers #tomorrowspaperstoday
and will hide behind the excuse that she was only quoting.
On the second issue I see that ex-cop Secret Sources has put herself on the other side and said it about “white peoples culture”
She closed he old Youtube and put it on Bitchute
Then she’s started a new YouTube cooperating with Mark Collet latest video
In a letter welcoming the new Prime Minister, Harun Khan, Secretary General of the MCB, said: “We wish you, our new Prime Minister, well as you attempt to navigate the country through the Brexit process.”
With the rise of the far-right mirroring a rise in Islamophobia, he added: “The new incumbent in Downing Street provides an opportunity to transform the government’s relationship and engagement with Muslim communities by recognising our sincerely-held concerns about the rise of the far-right and Islamophobia, by understanding the importance of defining the hatred we face and by taking urgent steps to tackle Islamophobia wherever it is found.
yep nothing about muzzie rape gangs, muzzie protests outside primary schools frightening children just us us us and our interests as a 9 % bloody minority in this country that NO OTHER minority feels the need to impose its opinions and hatred upon the country that has the grace to accept them
Why the Fk do they demand the Govt “engage with them” it is as if they are an invading force. there is no other minority in this country that has the temerity to demand this…;.. oh wait now I get it
Muzzie rules or else, we will take your council houses and benefits and passport then destroy you we hate Jews and homosexuals but happy to call anyone racist who disagrees with us, and have NOTHING to say about our men raping your children but a LOT to say about the free education you provide us with as it is unacceptable for OUR children
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I think that’s 2.1% up on same quarter last year. But that’s still 4 times the forecast for Germany for 2019. BTW how often does the Beeb inform its audience that the UK is outperforming the Fourth Reich. Not that it matters with these tiny estimates. Nor because economic growth should now be over with a slowly shrinking “real” population. And shouldn’t that be good news for the Swedish Cyborg?
I watched a fair bit of Boris’s speech in Manchester on Youtube this morning – and I was impressed. But what I found interesting were the live comments on youtube. One even said ‘#notmypm – stop Boris, get him out NOW!
I mean, jeez. Give the man a chance. Are they afraid he’s going to make a success of Brexit and lead us all to the sunny uplands :0)
Does Al Beeb over represent the LGBGT & BME in the UK, whereas they appear to be a small percentage of the indigenous population of the UK ?
does the pope shit in the woods, or something
Taffman-The BBC has had great success promoting LGBT and BAME with their relentless “positve discrimination ” and “diversity” programme.
They have been followed by all asunder in the media and large
corporations in advertising, to the point that the norm for a
British family so far as advertising is concerned, to see a mixed race
family with one black kid and one white one.
It’s very easy to get paranoid about it. One can get to the situation
that you think that all the wimmin liberal bigot presenters on
the BBC are sarcastic and ridicule Boris Johnson because he is a
Caucasion male.
The paranoia can go even further when you are shocked because
you see Barclay’s Bank actually using a young white boy to
advertise their on line banking. Please send a couple in white
coats to pick me up.
Hang on NOT mixed race couple has to be a black man with a white women, get it right,
Reminds me of a conversation we had with a couple of middle class
touriststravellers just back from Thailand a few years ago. You know the type: “We know the REAL Thailand”, “Anything you can do we can do cheaper” etc. They got on to expressing their disgust at the sight of European men seen with Thai girls. Now we all know that Thailand attracts its fair share of sleazebags, but some also form lasting relationships. They wouldn’t accept this. You can imagine their reaction, however, when we drew a comparison with the number of black men seen with white (often blond) women.The conversation didn’t last long.
“Didn’t last long” about as long as the enriching man lasts when the blond lady gets pregnant
The more of those couples there are, the more mixed race couples there are going to be.
” whereas they appear to be a small percentage of the indigenous population of the UK ? ”
Spot on.
I suppose you could liken that to say a BBC presenter being parachuted into a open bit of Brazilian jungle landing into a tribe of unknown pygmies, then threatening the elder of said tribe with death if they refused to turn their village into a tribe of big white men.
In other words you can never make big white men into a pygmy in the same way you cannot make a gay/straight man into a woman .
You can’t make people into anything. They themselves have to say what they are, and lo! it is so.
Looks like the PR team have issued a line to take.
Yes sweetheart, but having Antifa in 2in letters across the front is a bit of a giveaway, even for one of little political perception if not intelligence.
get her a barbie doll she will be happy
Or even an ‘Action Man’ ?
That parses as if written by an adult PR person
..rather than a 15 year old asperger’s girl.
It’s all very odd.
Not least how the entire MSM appears to take what has to be a major operation at face value as just some kid doing her thing.
The T shirt really doesn’t worry me much. Being ‘anti fascist’ is not the same as Antifa and the world is full of dumb kids wearing stuff they have no clue about.
But I am interested in the support network. Even if a savant, what are her actual skills in science, especially if school is down to fours days a week, with 2019 off at O levels to travel the world, meet people and see CO2 (a joke, apparently).
Who fields the calls? Books the trips? Whose people confer with her people? Handles the travel. Accommodation. Funding.
My wife was once involved with the movie industry and especially child actors. At this age the rules were darn stiff, rightly so. Chaperones, education allotments.
Does she handle all this herself on her My Little Pony laptop?
“Being ‘anti fascist’ is not the same as Antifa
Almost the opposite.”
It clearly is.
All the msm fuss over a hot day, I remember many other hot days, 1976 springs to mind, and environmenal arguments to one side, what amazed me was the absolute inability of people to cope with a warm day.
That day and yesterday I was working in London and spent an hour on the notorious Central line and another on Bakerloo so adjusted and coped as everyone else I was with did there must be a snowfake element at work that says this is intolerable, no it is not, one adapts, as I did getting home from Kings Cross as everyone else did and the pics are a typical Kings Cross crowd everyday, no one has commented about those who were helping all the poor whingeing people getting escorted off a train by men in full protective gear with helmets in the same heat
It seems to me this Blairite partially educated bunch who infest the BBC and the others who create “twitter” storms are so willing to protest at length with no academic qualifications and a complete lack of common sense but the ability to demand and protest and verbally and physically attack those who they disagree with without any idea f how they would run a country
I strongly suspect that “we” have bred a generation that have been indoctrinated at school will whine forever on twitter complain about the stess of exams and the stress of being a teenager and use the word racist as often as they can without any understanding of the true meaning of the word
Sadly its also the parents who have instilled that their kids ‘have rights’ and to have their say, with the words “unacceptable” used as often as possible. In return for giving kids ‘their rights’ (apart from going to school on their own) , “We” threw discipline, common sense, and responsibility out of the window.
Stress for this ‘lot’ of teenagers has only come with social media. Back in the 60’s it was whether we got up the duff and have a shotgun wedding. The 70’s was how the glamrock look could be achieved without looking stooopid. The 80’s if you admitted to being stressed, your parents thought you were ‘bored’ so gave you chores to do. In the 90’s, stress meant that you didn’t get that Sony Discman you wanted for Christmas. I’m still trying to work out the ONE thing that the Milleniums get wound up about !!!
God help all the boys working in the steel works . Life goes on and work goes on …………
dint do tony iomi much harm
As it is Saturday and in the absence of comedy on the BBC I hope this will raise a titter.
Welome to the forum Frankie Howard
There’s a film about Greta Thunberg and her special powers on Netflix
For some reason I started thinking about kids dolls as 2019 Christmas presents
– I imagined a My Angry Antifa doll, that screams “Nazi” in the same vein as that blond woman did to the old Brexiteer guy who was surrounded.
I suppose you’d have te race-baiter dolls in the same vein as Lammy, Aboott and Yab
.. And a whole pack of BBC pixies with little hammers smacking a Trump doll.
There’s something very strange about the Sports Direct delayed results and that tax bill from Belgium. The BBC are just accepting what they have been told, it appears, without question. I’m afraid that BBC Business reporting has gone downhill under Simon Jack and if it wasn’t for Dominic O’Connell it would be a total disaster.
According to the 2018 Annual Return SD’s accounts are made up to 29 April 2019. If a tax bill has been received from the Belgian authorities that relates to prior years, that does not affect the position for the year to 29 April 2019. It raises some questions about the in-house Accounts Department at SD and their capabilities in identifying provisions for tax that should have been made. It also raises questions about the capabilities of SD’s tax advisors.
No questions asked by Simon Gompertz, however, perhaps because he is more used to dealing with personal finance matters. No author named for the rest of the article, either, a practice that I thought the BBC had pledged to end.
The big question that Pesto would be airing, had he still been in his old job: “Are SD going to have to stop trading?” If I recall correctly, if current assets are insufficient to meet liabilities, then they need to stop trading.
Cut to the chase for goodness sake, any cheap trainers going ?
LOL, Annu. On another note, there’s a lot of discounting going on. My e-m Inbox is getting bombarded with extra discount offers and they’re not from Nigerian Princes, either, but established retailers.
Nigerian Princes ? FFS I am just helping one get his hands on his inheritance, has he contacted you as well ? I WAS FIRST and he has MY bank details so back off…
although if you have some time to spare, I am looking for a best man for my wedding to some russian bint when I have paid for her mums cancer treatment and her visa and flight
BTW bloody stupid banks, just checking my statement, Vladivostock JD Sports and Argos and Lagos T K Maxx, whats going on there they need their head examined
I only went to bloody Cromer this summer and paid cash for the caravan and those fat cat bankers are charging me for a chanel handbag and something called leg waxing whatever that is
Who the hell is Louis Vuitton ? I don’t remember him in Cromer maybe he was singing in the pier show bloody expensive though
In the absence of TV – I thought radio4extra might fill the void . Oh dear three hours of ‘protest ‘ with Billy Bragg – real name Steven William Bragg .
That Barking born proper socialist has made a living from being angry about people accumulating wealth for probably 30 years . I remember that in the 1980s he was very fond of burning coal by supporting miners busily digging it out of the ground – or actually striking to get more money to warm the globe that bit more .
. In 2011 mr Bragg and family moved his family from a council hovel in Londonistan to a detached mansion in Burton Bradstock. Dorset valued then at £1.5 million . A celeb website has his personal wealth at £5 million .
It’s nice that the BBC continues to support such socialists. And it’s good that he is comfortable in a country pile whilst campaigning for whatever is fashionable at the time ….
So in view of this 3 hours worth of right on socialism I replaced it with the sound of a tap dripping . Far more honest methinks .
I heard a trailer for this programme several times and was bemused to hear some young female claim that ‘grime’ would change the world!
I say bemused because I remember Clare Short, (MP from 1983 to 2010), some years ago describing the 1960s saying that she thought then that music would change the world but she was wrong. Bragg, eleven years younger still hasn’t learnt the lesson, but then, as you say, the BBC keeps funding this non-hit wonder so why would he?
Dont get me started on music and the bbc, if its black it is sacred otherwise forget it, I am no fan but a band like iron maiden have sold out venues around the world for 30 years and regularly play to hundreds of thousands in live concerts but a black man sings along to a CD i.e. karaoke at “Glastonbury”and feted by the bbc WHY ? because of the organisers political views NOTHING to do with the music RE Knebworth
The morons buy tickets to a concert without any idea who is playing QED
and the bbc were so deilighted to broadcast them all dancing to Rolf Harris and his stairway to heaven oh what a jest, whearas when the real Led Zepplein played at Knebworth in 79 NOTHING
compare and contrast
Snowflakes who have no education and can only appreciate music that is politically correct and performed by those who have never studied music and have no idea of how to use a musical instrument as study is so stressful
Well done, who would like to meet anyone of these thugs late at night
hopefully some bbc females and see how no means no works and dont forget your pin number
And then there’s the relentless dumbing down:
Prom 11: 1969: The Sound of a Summer, review: this odd mix was no one’s idea of the Summer of Love
“We were served up cocktail lounge versions of the Marvin Gaye hit I Heard It Through the Grapevine and Aretha Franklin anthem Say a Little Prayer, neither of which was written or released in 1969. It was left to amiable Lancashire poet Lemn Sissay to justify these odd choices, associating Gaye and Franklin with the US civil rights movement. We should be indebted to Sissay for correcting a lifelong mispronunciation of Moog. It actually rhymes with “Vogue”, apparently.”
Ann, I think in ’79 and after, was the year that most of the current BBC staff were born, and as they’ve grown up and acquired jobs in the national broadcaster, decided to change the format to suit their own needs. Hence all the jollies for staff at these gigs.
Prior to that we had mature men in suits who gave us good dramas, humour, documentaries etc, BUT these suits were men of our Dad’s age who thought that Top of the Pops was enough music to satisfy our youthful needs, and unless it was a sporting event then it wouldn’t have been prudent financially to have expenditure on outside broadcasts at a pop concert !
I have to laugh at the way these leading headlines are put together by the beeb to give the appearance of, ‘just asking the question alright?’. In this case it is; ‘Jacob-Rees Mogg: Is he right to ban these words?’
Well clearly the article is already shifting towards the ‘no’ answer simply by the implication in the headline but just for good measure, the report gives the opinions of some ‘fellow’ MP’s (Labour haha) and some expert or another who, I bet, has some lefty leanings, to find out what they thought. You can guess the replies.
These tedious headlines abound on the bbbc website:
“Is Boris Johnson a dirty rotten stinking blighter??”
“Is today’s weather hotter and more difficult to live in than the balmy weather enjoyed by luck luck lucky baby-boomers?”
And so on. And so on.
What Al Beeb does not like it vilifies and lampoons.
When is Boris going to sort them out ?
I have no doubt that he visits this site and so do members of his cabinet.
I hope he does Taff ‘cos there are some highly intelligent people on here that make ‘Brains’ on Thunderbirds look like some kind of dumb kid with glasses.
I often have to click on the online dictionary to complete my understanding of certain posts. It can put me in a state of high-dudgeon!
You also may notice that this site is often first for breaking news way before Al Beeb.
Ie, have they reported this news yet ? Judge Nigel Lickey QC said the motive for the killing “may never be known”………………………………
They did report this but I missed it for some reason ?……………
\\Judge Nigel Lickey QC said the motive for the killing “may never be known”.//
But of course we have nothing to fear from the genocidal doctrine of islam, because we can see a muslim cricketer playing for England, right bang in the centre of a picture above the article contents.
I’ve just read the BBC article you linked. I laughed at the final paragraph, headed According to the Guardian. Well the Grauniad has always been the pinnacle of English grammar and clarity of expression.
Is a white schoolgirl safe near a paki muslim ? just asking
Apologies for the grammer Jacob.
I use the Manchester to Leeds train daily and its absolutely packed every day. However only about 20% of the people getting on at Manchester are going direct to Leeds. 80% Are using it to get to Todmorden , Rochdale etc the latter despite being served by a tram. So absolutely no need for a high speed anything just more carriages and electrification no single point anywhere to anywhere thank you.
Absolutely, HS is just an acronym for another bunch of designers and anyone else involved to charge high pricesto deliver something that could easily be delivered by efficiency RE ST Pancras trains vs Kings Cross, I have just discovered I can arrive 30 minutes earlier by going to St Pancras waiting on an air conditioned platform in an air conditioned train rather than packed onto a train at Kings Cross
And despite all the “news” stories this week it functioned perfectly, all week every day 35 miles out of London and home by 6:30 pm
Too many snowflakes looking for scapegoats, who have no solutions just educated to whine and complain
Fri 26 Jul 2019 17.40 BST
The Guardian view on rape and the justice system: victims deserve more than this
[Editorial, senior “journalist” required, well no.]
The criminal justice system has been failing victims of rape for a long time
[The Guardian has been failing victims since before the publication assisted attempts to organise the prosecution of Nick Griffin.
BBBC published, a few weeks ago, my response to a disgusting opinion article by #2 Guardian Jew, Cohen.
In which Cohen criticised Carl Benjamin for declaring “I would not even rape you” to some dim lefty bint.
One whole, outraged, article, about a non rape.
Compared and contrasted by me, with the Guardian outraged response to the tip of the iceberg (Rotherham) report about millions of rapes perpetrated by Muslims. Muslims imported by Blair and Co so they could have multiple postal votes for Labour.
When Polly Tuscan-Villa and other caring Guardianettes denounced the publication of the truth.
Truth about RACIST, PAEDOPHILES, voting Labour, still mass raping, still indulging in electoral fraud.
Electoral fraud not investigated by the Common Purpose Non-Police.
Electoral fraud approved by the Left-Electoral Commission.
Everything disgusting in the troubled UK in which we live has your mass murdering Lefty fingerprints all over it.]
what about white ENGLISH schoolgirls taken out of school during the day in paki taxis NOTHING said their lives ruined by paki rape gangs NOTHING said on the bbc what about syrian asylum seekers who have not got the guts to fight for their country and run away not to the next country or the next countrty to that but somehow, arrive on our shores BBC has a lot to say about them as victims
BTW some music posts earlier if we want our “world class” journalists to comment on out wonderful musical landscape just remember, you ignored this on your doorstep: the first time they played in this country after 5 years and … you missed it
and they had no CDs to sing along to ….not black enough ?
There’s some great fret and pick work especially prominent the last minute.
someone who studied their art and worked at it for many years in relative poverty without whingeing and complaining at the world at large and found joy in the process of playing and writing without attacking anyone and everyone RE Stormzy and any other black so called musician in this country who are completely lacking in talent or gaining any musicial ability through practice or study and yet fascinated by violence, misogyny and rape
I wonder if Nick drove his car to the airport and left it in the short stay as it’s closer?
Sir. Boaty may be distant at the Xmas party.
And we are REQUIRED to welcome these into our country and told they add something to our culture and enrich us, why are the tax payers who fund this scum not consulted as to how they wish to be enriched
The BBC is flying Mehdi Hasan over to discuss this with Ben Hunte.
To appease Greta, he is flying cattle class.
Guest ,
Nice piece of local video thanks – Katie Hopkins has twittered it too.
I have to say – I have no idea how the BBC is going to deal with the issue of Homosexual ‘Rights’ and Muslim ‘rights’ or beliefs . The BBC consistently favours both group so what will it do when Islam takes increasingly hostile attitudes to towards rainbow people ?
Presumably because the issue is in the ‘difficult’ box it will do the normal thing of either ignoring , burying of spinning some kind positive thing of ‘all in it together ‘ type false hood .
The spark for the next upward hostility will be more serious attacks by either ‘side’ against the other -becoming public as opposed to being suppressed by not naming those charged or just describing them as ‘local’ .
Can’t hide the truth for ever…..
Boris says letterboxes/bankrobbers/ islamaphobia in the Tories and the Boris ‘bounce’ can’t last.
Just another day on Sly news and the Beeb zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Idly listened to POV as I was making breakfast this morning (I know, idle bar steward having only just got up).
Dopey bint segues from bemoaning break up of her relationship to worshipping the Swedish oracle through modern mass tourism threatening the beautiful cities and places she has visited or lived in.
Typical Al Beeb selfishness, ok for me but not for the plebs!
OT, but his twitter bio is surprising.
I fibbed. It is not surprising.
Scanning replies to Haig’s twit – if that’s the correct term – is an education, in that it so neatly encapsulates what we are up against. The number of comments dogmatically demanding that little Greta’s ‘science’ is incontrovertible and that challenges can only come from elderly right-wingers is as biased as it is revealing. Obviously, comments from accredited climatologists don’t merit any credence if they contradict the accepted ‘science’.
So that’s your ‘cultural debate’ is it Mr Haig? Seems you too might still be a ‘schoolkid’.
Send her up Bury Park Road Luton or Rotherham or Sheffield etc etc in her school uniform, she will be welcomed, I am sure, for her climate opinions and invited to many little flats above paki shops to display her talents, as so many teenagers have before, and if she survives may have a different opinion on fossil fuel when it gets her little arse out of there quickly in a diesel taxi
The glorification of Greta Thunberg by pathetic young left wing commentators is one of the most delusional things of our cultural debate. The worshiping. The ignorance. She bases her arguments on assumptions and environmentalism, not atmospheric physics. And like them, she actually is a schoolkid.
That’s the essence of the problem, isn’t it Richard? Especially the worship. The ‘science’ has become a religion with all the illogicality, faith and fervour that imbues. And as we know to our cost, challenging or confronting religious beliefs costs lives.
The LWCs are pathetic, but expected.
What disappoints, but probably are no surprise now, and even more pathetic are the pols of all hues in her thrall.
The image of ‘Pede, Gove and that bizarre looking Limp looking up at her with their gobs open in adoration was quite disturbing.
By chance…
And it is to be hoped her tour T shirt stylist is properly prepped to get in the new bits… but not too obviously.
What is a schoolyard? Well, I know really, but why does he call it that?
Another dusky maiden of colour graces the bbc screens.
Professionally and impartially, of course.
Amol the merrier ups the ‘Boom’ stakes in a clear challenge to the award-circle girlies.
“Admits he feels at home in Islington”
“Amol Rajan”
Bet yer mates in that photo Raj didn’t sport a top of the range Gold wrist watch like you posed with on’t TV this morning eh?
Then again, if they progress on the BBC ladder as thou hast down maybe they also will be quite wealthy enough to afford their own copy you eh?
£250K/year Rajan counts himself as outside the elite
he may have been born in India but I’m guessing his family is well connected.
“He read English literature at Cambridge University”
his wife : Dr Charlotte Faircloth is a Lecturer in the Department of Social Science at UCL Institute of Education
AFAIK He first edited the student magazine Varsity*
The previous editor Oly Duff went to work at the Independent.
“Rajan worked briefly for the London Evening Standard before moving to Channel 5 and then the Independent
He enjoyed a rapid rise “through the ranks to become one of Lebedev’s closest confidantes.
He was a media adviser for the young Russian proprietor for two years, ”
* BTW Jeremy Paxman previously edited the same student magazine
\\Rajan’s appointment was especially welcomed by Fleet Street’s contingent of Asian journalists, jokinging called “hackistan”//
\\ “My dad was very keen on either my brother or me going to Oxbridge. He was a very Indian dad in that way, a ferocious disciplinarian, very strict about the importance of doing well at school. //
Amol wrote “When I was 18 I joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). My gap year there ” we’ve all done he had connections to get that
I wonder if his father was a diplomat ?
Hey folks, don’t worry.
A lesbian muslim character will be joining Eastenders, so obviously we have nothing to fear from islam.
Will she be shouting at busses?
BBC Online News:
“”No-deal Brexit now ‘assumed’ by government, says Gove””
Not a headline that the BBC wanted to write.
Why is the word ‘assumed’ a problem for the BBC? He said, so why attribute it?
By chance, I listened to Moral Maze on R4 yesterday evening. Subject? – Anti Semitism. Panel included Mona Sadiqi from some Scottish Uni and a woman whose name I forget. I think she is some sort of editor in the UK MSM. Having lived and worked in the Middle East, I thought this would be a very interesting debate as, certainly, my knowledge and personal experience affirms the reality of islamic utter revulsion of Israel and it’s people. They have their own expression, simply, “Death to Israel”. Tells you all you want to know.
Very quickly any objective listener to the programme had to realise that any involvement or reference to islam in this debate had been categorised as banned. Only one interviewee, a UK Bishop, made any reference to islam – and that was tangentially in support but his references were not in the context of the subject matter!
Needless to say, the, “Panel” stayed on que with zero meaningful references to islam – the main underlying motivation Worldwide in anti-semitism.
How on earth the BBC can promote this style of pseudo, ‘cultural’ debate anymore without any reference to the, RoP beats me. That’s the depth of fiction they now stoop to to support their favoured cult.
BBC Online News:
“”Trump’s ‘rat-infested’ attack on lawmaker was racist, says Pelosi””
“”Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi has accused US President Donald Trump of “racist attacks” in his tweets about an African-American lawmaker.””
“”The president described Mr Cummings’ majority-black district in Baltimore as a “rodent-infested mess”.””
“”Mr Cummings was a “bully”, Mr Trump wrote, for criticising the treatment of migrants at the US-Mexico border.””
“”The tweets, Ms Pelosi wrote, were “racist attacks” on Mr Cummings, whose district’s population is more than 50% black according to US census data.””
The BBC don’t give an alternative view, of course.
They could ask as to how it is ‘racist’ to ‘criticise’ allowing ‘swarms’ of rats ‘in’ a residential area? Think of the ‘children’?
Aren’t BBC ‘inspired’ inverted commas ‘fun’?
Sentry – Bbc will be happy to pick up any criticism of Trump, but more than happy if they can call him ‘racist’, in the process, whether there was actually anything on race contained in his words doesn’t matter. Nothing will be said about the truth, or otherwise, of what Cummings had to say, which is what really kicked this all off. Trump attacked Cummings, and Cummings is black, therefore automatically a “victim”; being a victim accords you a special place in the ‘liberal’ pantheon. It means nothing you could have said or done may be open to criticism. Having your attacker labelled ‘racist’ is simply a part of this setup.
Beeb will also go with the Dems, regardless of the facts. You can take any situation, say on R4 at 22h00 for example, and the presenter will call on a Dem congressman/woman for comment. To attack Trump. This is now as natural for the beeb as breathing.
It’s racist of Pelosi to equate blacks with ‘rats’ for god’s sake. When we say ‘rat-infested’ we’re talking about a dump that attracts the rats – simple as that. Pelosi made the connection ffs.
It was the same with the royal couple and the monkey picture. The racists are those who believe the monkey was a mixed-race child.
A good article by John Longworth.
If Parliament tries to frustrate this process, the PM should avoid any legislation in the House which could be a vehicle for wrecking amendments; he should introduce the commencement order for leaving and sit it out. In the extremis of a vote of no confidence or shenanigans he should engineer a general election period whereby Parliament is automatically suspended until after 31 October.
That is what should happen. There is a danger that what will happen is that the faint-hearted will attempt to bribe the electorate with sweeties and sweet talk while attempting merely to remove the Backstop from a revamped and repackaged Withdrawal Treaty, a very bad BRINO hailed as a triumph. The primary objectives of this would be to see off Labour and to marginalise the Brexit Party – power and Party first.
Such a deal would see the UK tied very closely to the EU, sharing defence command and capability, sharing fisheries, acquiescing to restriction on our tax freedoms and committing to further contributions and handing over more than £39billion. It would also require a two-year transition during which nothing changes except that we have no say and are at the mercy of the EU.
Never again will I vote conservative unless I hear some form of guarantee that all immigration without employment secured from wherever will stop, forthwith. Any ‘jam’ on it would include plans to assist repatriation.
G – You can safely vote for a conservative, but make sure it’s a real one, and not one from the Conservative Party. There are not that many conservatives in the ‘Conservative’ party.
You will not hear anything significant about immigration from the Conservative Party, for its ambition is to create ‘modern’ Britain. ‘Modern’ here does not mean ‘trendy’ or something of that nature. It is code for something rather different.
not enough for me , there has to be some check they are not undercutting natives , no matter the “skill” level
“…except that we have no say…”. Forgive my ignorance: what ‘say’ is that then……………..
I think he (John Longworth) means we would have no control over anything the EU does/introduces during a so-called ‘transition period.’ Not that we ever had any real control anyway. Obviously we don’t want any sort of transition – we’ve had long enough. We should be OUT of EVERYTHING by Oct 31. TBP can probably (hopefully) be trusted over Brexit – but I doubt over immigration and other pressing issues, such as deportations.
We never did have any ‘control’ exemplified by the vile Cameron who sought changes but received nowt.
I may be mistaken – but I think Cameron inherited a remote Island off the west coast of Scotland? Think his dad gave it him.
So he did all right.
Can’t understand why the BBC employees have never done a documentary about it seeing that non of their BBC bosses participate in deer shooting – alledgedly?
I haven’t seen BBC1 Sunday Morning Live for months and I see nothing has changed in BBC land.
I channel flick onto BBC1 and they are doing a piece about gays, then show a black trans man women thing talking to a Muslim, then more Muslims, then a piece about trying to change the church into some kind of stand up comedy festival, then back to two more Muslim “comedians”, all presented by two black presenters.
Even when the programme ended there was a trailer for Poldark showing a black woman then straight into the next programme, ‘Homes under the hammer’ with another black presenter.
Judging by the last 20 minutes of BBC1 I would guess the UK population is 50% black, 45% Muslim and 5% white.
……the UK population is 50% black, 45% Muslim and 5% white.
That low Tabs ?
Jared O’Mara, the misogynistic and homophobic Labour MP who defeated Nick Clegg at the last general election, is resigning as an MP in September after he has collected another couple of months’ MP’s salary for doing nothing.
But the bBBC is very keen to hide that he was elected as a Labour MP. You have to go 12 paragraphs down, to the bottom of their ‘news’ item, to find any mention of Labour.
Jared O’Mara: Sheffield MP to resign from Parliament
Feelings of despair at the news that Embalmer Hammond had secret talks with Popeye Starmer just before Boris was elected should be disregarded. The more such self-serving traitors conspire to thwart democracy, the more power and impetus to the Brexit Party.
As per usual, history is being ignored as irrelevant but the echoes of 1642 are there to be heard.
Its important that we reveal how the BBC bias is not only in open-display these days but it has always been there in one kind of guise or another. In the following example, we see BBC Mr SNOW hatred for this great nation of ours:
“HC Deb, 06 may1982.
1982: Falklands War
During the Falklands War, the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and some Conservative MPs believed that the BBC was excessively even-handed between Britain and Argentina, referring to “the British” and “the Argentines” instead of “our forces” and “the enemy”.
On 2 May during a report for Newsnight, Peter Snow remarked:
“Until the British are demonstrated either to be deceiving us or to be concealing losses, we can only tend to give a lot more credence to the British version of events”.
The Conservative MP John Page complained that the programme was “totally offensive and almost treasonable”.
Answering a question from Page on 6 May, Thatcher said that
“many people are very concerned indeed that the case for our British forces is not being put over fully and effectively. I understand that there are times when it seems that we and the Argentines are being treated almost as equals and almost on a neutral basis. I understand that there are occasions when some commentators will say that the Argentines did something and then “the British” did something. I can only say that if this is so it gives offence and causes great emotion among many people”
And the BBC broadcast the Paras position prior to the Goose Green attack. Questions were raised then.
BBC reporters; more you learn about them the more the rest of this nation can thank the Lord that they never covered WW1 and WW2.
Thank goodness St Jeremy made things crystal clear on Sophy Ridge today.
Labour will vote against a tory deal and a no deal brexit. They would negotiate their own deal with the EU then campaign against it to remain.
Oh and there’s no place for anti semitism in the labour party ( perish the thought).
Well he definately cleared things up for me this morning.
But surely no is surprised by this are they ? It’s been the policy of BoJo and of Farage , more or less, for sometime now. Brexit’s relevance to the existentialist immigration issue is only that if out we would have , theoretically, the ability to limit immigration. But NO UK political party that has any hope of influencing events in the next few years has a policy other than continued mass migration. I think that we have gone beyond the tipping point , parties need the votes of ethnics and ethnics want more folks of their ethnicity. So politicians court them whilst at the same time ganging up to prevent any coherent anti immigration party from being formed. Things will probably never get better but if by chance they do they will have to get a lot worse first.
Dear BBC,
I and others have been so disgusted by the one sidedness of the BBC So here are some suggestions of subjects for future discussion.
*German Economy
*Secret Selection of EU Leaders
*The EU plans for an Army
*Failure of our last PM
*The rampant use of the word Far Right used by the BBC to describe anyone not Labour supporting
*The failure of the London Mayor
*Why the BBC has become so unpopular
*Have Labour become ineffective
*Is electing women/BAME by default a good idea or should jobs go to best candidate
*Should children under 11 be taught ‘sex subjects’ at school
*The positive aspects of leaving the EU
*How the Common Market turned into the EU
The EU budget and MEP’s rewards
*Does the EU manipulates companies to relocate
*Does the new Mercosur beef trade deal threaten beef farmers
*The manipulation of the Irish Taoiseach by the EU
*How the EU has really treated Ireland from the unsecured Bond Holders to the threat to their huge income from low corporate tax
*The manipulation of the N. Ireland border to secure the £39b
*How we can flourish as a nation outside the EU
*How BJ’s first days have energised the country
*The Carbon Tax scandal
*Normal climate fluctuations versus Global Warming, an honest discussion
I could go on and on, but I got bored typing as the list is endless. Perhaps you should take a long hard look at yourselves and see how your methods have dragged this country to such low levels and the contempt and bias you have openly shown has encouraged others to hate. If you don’t your days are clearly numbered. Your values are rock bottom.
Yours etc …………
Should children under 11 be taught ‘sex subjects’ at school
BBC ARE interested in that when Muzzies ask the question
A further question for potential BBC inclusion:
Does your religion allow you hatred of others, and to rape teenage girls, attack and murder homosexuals, attack and murder Jews and lie and cheat and sell drugs to anyone that is not of your religion ? and, if it does, is it actually a vicous anti humanitarian, anti peace, fascist organisation and not a religion ?
And another one:
How many wars in this world, and genocide, orgainised rape and torture are perpetrated by your religious beliefs?
And BTW yes christianity was in the dark ages we are not in the dark ages
And does your religion require you to fast ? and yet you and still apply for jobs in the emergency services where you have no ability to operate during the day putting lives at risk and demanding that co workers do not eat in front of you ? well done on your integration
“The manipulation of the Irish Taoiseach by the EU ”
Not too sure this guy needed to be manipulated.
Daily Mail:
“”Every home in Britain will get a leaflet to prepare for No Deal Brexit: Boris Johnson’s ‘war cabinet’ planning £10m PR blitz and will meet every week to make sure the UK leaves the EU on October 31 ‘by any means necessary’ “”
Strange, I can’t find this ‘news’ on the BBC.
I’ve just watched an excellent discussion from way back in 2012 between Peter Robinson, host of Uncommon Knowledge, and Andrew Roberts authors of numerous history books but this discussion was about his book , The Storm of War. The whole discussion , last about 40 minutes , and is interesting but the bit that I want to draw you attention to is the last five minutes or so . In this section Roberts reflects on the issues which face Europe , or rather faced Europe, in 2011, eight years ago. This was after the banking scandal collapse but well before the immigration crisis reached its zenith. It was also before Douglas Murray published his Strange Death of Europe and well before Cameron ever thought about a referendum.But Roberts and Robinson touch on all these issues as being of great concern at that time, 2011. Sadly I think nothing has been done about most of these issues , many of them of actually got worse and in some instances such as Muslim migration I simply cannot imagine that two academics , even right of centre academics, would dare to discuss the issue so openly. Rather than make progress we have regressed on these existentialist issues.
By the way ,The BBC have always used historians to further their agenda and they get away with it because too few people are concerned enough to complain even if it involves serious slander. See this eg from
I’ve just watched Pogles Wood, that witch was scary I understand that it was banned as so many children were frightened by it, I will remember that next time in London surrounded by teeanage Somalis with zombie knives demanding my wallet
My goodness, how we have progressed as a society
Thanks for the memory. I used to rush in from the garden to watch Pogles Wood, that and Nogging the Nog. But the scariest thing I remember from kids TV back then was the Singing, Ringing Tree.
Noggin the Nog:
“In the Lands of the North, where the black rocks stand guard against the cold sea, in the dark night that is very long, the men of the North Lands sit by their great log fires, and they tell a tale…”
from a distant timeme..long long ago …when the BBC was a national treasure and made generally decent programmes (RIP)
from a distant ti
I’m sure that BBC news will be reporting that the Christian preacher who was ‘ detained ‘ and had his bible seized whilst preaching the gospel out side a tube station in London just got £2500 of taxpayers police money from the London police for his treatment.
There is footage on twitter somewhere . I’ve sure the copper doing Satan’s work will keep his job … diversity for some … but not for others .
Strange that when the evil mullah preaching outside Finsbury Park got the road closed for him and helped out by plod ….
One rule for one …
You mean the one that the nasty Americans have locked up ? that we let loose ?
I think its the one where BBC news got some great promotion shots for the local mosques that showed Muslims on their knees – in the centre of said narrow road – showing every one what their local backsides looked like while praying to their “unknown God” Acts 17:23.
Note: the King James version has it in capitals.
So, you BBC people listen up. ” he who has an ear” kind of hint.
Well, God at times does feel the need to Shout at us.
My Authorized Version (Acts 17:23) has: I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god.
Just enquiring.
Are you sure it is the Authorized Version.
Most if not all modern Bible versions translate Acts 17:23: “to an unknown god”
All ancient translations translate that part of that verse: “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD”
Capital G. for God.
And the word “THE” and not “an”
funny look on youtube NOTHING about that despicable two years he was allowed to preach hate in public hate of our country and our culture and our laws whislt claiming our benefits, with police allowing him to do so and yet a search on finsbury park and muslims guess what they are all victims of course
The most vicious human beings on this world, anti humanitarian, anti empathic demading, whingeing, complaining whilst displaying complete and utter intolerance as any simple examination of a country they control will reveal
Attacks on Jews increasing, attacks on homosexuals increasing I wonder why
Radio 4’s The Food Programme on BBQ food was hijacked by a woman mouthing off about how we should celebrate ‘multiculturalism’ in BBQ food. Then a black continuity announcer follows promoting a Radio 4 programme on Monday titled ‘The Empire Strikes Black’ about how black people are turning down honours because of what the British Empire did to black people (ties in with the latest outbursts from David Lammy saying black people who vote Conservative have sold their souls).
Over the years I’ve worked with a lot of black people and when asked, not one said they listened to radio 4. I wonder who these programmes are aimed at because black people do not listen to Radio 4.
Multiculturalism? Black people can’t even celebrate each other, look who is doing the stabbing and look at the victims (sorry Pollyanna…not).
The BBC continues besmirch this country and run it down. It shows itself to be anti-British and I have no doubt the lot running it now would ‘celebrate’ Nazi Germany if they were around at the time of WW2. The pro black, asian, Muslim and migrant propaganda is relentless.
Trump said that go back to your countries of origin, solve the problems AND then return and tell us how you did it. My approach to this is more direct; if you dislike this country, then return to your country of origin….and stay there.
ASIAN how dare you :- ) my wife is totally ashamed as are the millions of asians over who have spent thousands on english exans and not bribed the examiners like some and have no taste for english schoolgis like some and it is time these asians stood up for themselves but hey are a culture that wish to integrate quitely as any sane person would do……
“The BBC continues to besmirch this country and run it down. It shows itself to be anti-British and I have no doubt the lot running it now would ‘celebrate’ Nazi Germany if they were around at the time of WW2.”
There were indeed such people around at that time. So many that Noel Coward satirised them in his song, “Don’t Let’s Be Beastly to the Germans”. The BBC banned the song for a while. It includes the lyrics:
Don’t let’s be beastly to the Germans
You can’t deprive a gangster of his gun
Though they’ve been a little naughty
To the Czechs and Poles and Dutch
I can’t believe those countries
Really minded very much
Let’s be free with them
And share the BBC with them
We mustn’t prevent them basking in the sun
Let’s soften their defeat again
And build their bloody fleet again
But don’t let’s be beastly to the Hun
Noel Coward was the writer of many brilliantly witty and sophisticated song lyrics, among his innumerable other talents. When you look back at the history of British culture, the patriotic Coward is a towering figure that I guess many of us on this site would regard as worthy of celebration.
Turn on the BBC today and what are they celebrating? Delinquent subcultures spewing out crude doggerel.
attacks on our laws increasing
Seems quite a bit of TR news
#1 Avi has won against The Daily Star
#2 has put out a video distancing itself from the BNP calling it skin-colour racist, and other people it says are anti-Semitic
.. They have in turn answered that TR is a centre of an Israeli conspiracy
The BBC Home Duty Correspondent of course tweeted the first ridiculous story using their hashtags : #bbcpapers #tomorrowspaperstoday
and will hide behind the excuse that she was only quoting.
The mirror also removed its article
Dozens of FBPE tweeted the story saying it was good news etc
but now their tweets lead to a “Page not found”
On the second issue I see that ex-cop Secret Sources has put herself on the other side and said it about “white peoples culture”
She closed he old Youtube and put it on Bitchute
Then she’s started a new YouTube cooperating with Mark Collet latest video
In a letter welcoming the new Prime Minister, Harun Khan, Secretary General of the MCB, said: “We wish you, our new Prime Minister, well as you attempt to navigate the country through the Brexit process.”
With the rise of the far-right mirroring a rise in Islamophobia, he added: “The new incumbent in Downing Street provides an opportunity to transform the government’s relationship and engagement with Muslim communities by recognising our sincerely-held concerns about the rise of the far-right and Islamophobia, by understanding the importance of defining the hatred we face and by taking urgent steps to tackle Islamophobia wherever it is found.
yep nothing about muzzie rape gangs, muzzie protests outside primary schools frightening children just us us us and our interests as a 9 % bloody minority in this country that NO OTHER minority feels the need to impose its opinions and hatred upon the country that has the grace to accept them
Why the Fk do they demand the Govt “engage with them” it is as if they are an invading force. there is no other minority in this country that has the temerity to demand this…;.. oh wait now I get it
Muzzie rules or else, we will take your council houses and benefits and passport then destroy you we hate Jews and homosexuals but happy to call anyone racist who disagrees with us, and have NOTHING to say about our men raping your children but a LOT to say about the free education you provide us with as it is unacceptable for OUR children
Muzzie rules or else, rape our kids and complain about thier kids free eduation
with the rise of muzzies mirroring attacks on jew and homosexuals and white english schoolgirls would make that letter a damned site more accurate