£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled
Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
Thanks Marky,
I guess that no one here will be surprised at the generosity of our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster spending other’s money as usual.
The BBC will also be recruiting ‘instructors’ to ‘teach’ these subjects at a starting salary of circa £25,000 per annum ( 16 weeks) increasing to £50,000. Generous expenses package included. Previous experience not required. Educational qualifications not essential. English speaking not essential. Turning up every day to ‘teach’ not essential. Only those of a ‘multicultural’ origin need apply.
Somalians are the most ferocious Islamists, most illiterate in their own language , 80% unemployed. Lifetime cost of one Somalian on welfare benefits is £1million/Somalian (MigrationWatch), logical the open borders BBC are their biggest sponsors, read 2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain by David Vincent, if you still can.
The Duchess of Sussex is the guest editor on the September issue of British Vogue and has brought together 15 women including actress Jane Fonda and climate change campaigner Greta Thunberg for the cover who are described as "united by their fearlessness in breaking barriers"
Conversly its now quite definitley racism againt the whites,as can be seen throughout the social media, TV and the BBC-white people will soon be sidelined wherever possible, the big take over is underway. The Muslim baby boom is far out numbering those from Non-Muslim mothers. Changes they are a’coming, but changes we may not all want.
It looks like that list of the BBC’s best scientific experts.
Chief scientific advisor, Greta Thunberg, a science lecturer, a science author, three modellers, experts in the science of dance, politics and boxing and six actors acting as scientific experts. All women, so not very diverse at all.
Blimey ! I cant believe that June Sarpong and Afua Hirsch didn’t make the cut with Meghan.
Honest to God would Vogue, the Clooneys, Winfrey and the rest, be the slightest bit interested in a 2 bit soap actress, (who couldn’t get the major Hollywood studios to sign her up), if she wasn’t married into British royalty. Of course not.
How much have any of these women physically done to improve the lives of people, in comparison to the uncounted, faceless civil servants have done, using money provided by millions of tax payers?
The Pledge on Media Bias
.. Many surreal parts
.. The incredulous expression on Sarpong and Rachael Johnson’s face
as they show they create their own bubbleword thru selective vision , cos when the topic is introduced as MSM and then narrowed down to broadcast media bia, they fail to hear that last bit
..and the incredible arrogance they then frame Brexit and Brexiteers as.. they really do think 100% of Brexiteers are thick
– And note Grg Dykes BS “we get complaints from both sides”
(an example of the Middle Ground Fallacy)
– Dewberry is always sane, and Ferrari is mostly, but the others are full on metro-libs
See the ITBB discussion http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.com/2019/07/brexit-such-idiotic-proposition.html
The initial reactions of the Remainer cabal on the panel gave the game away. The smug smiles and eye rolls the announcement of the topic prompted were telling. Their subsequent mealy-mouthed words were totally unconvincing.
LastChanceSaloon… that language of yours is really offensive. Really, really, very offensive indeed. There is no place for such language on this site and you should be ashamed.
The BBC should not be referred to as a ‘broadcaster’. Given its limited number of topics and obsessions, it is technically a ‘narrowcaster’.
Did everyone notice that immediately after we were told about Boris’ northern rail plan BBC News had Andy Burnham, Greater Manchester Mayor, on to tell us that this was nothing new? (One can pretty well guarantee than any Conservative government policy announcement will be paired up with reasons why it is bad).
The next story up was the SMMT (motor industry) declaring that a ‘no deal’ Brexit would be a disaster. Strangely there wasn’t time for the ‘balancing’ comment that a) this isn’t news and b) it’s rubbish.
Catching up on Feedback on Sunday I hear that the BBC would never use the ‘racist’ word to describe Donald Trump, (though it was quite clear that Roger Bolton thought he was). That didn’t match up with the excellent analysis over at IsTheBBCBiased in which all the BBC kids line up to throw racist stones. Apparently if a politician identifies with a country that they don’t live in and criticises the country they do live in it is ‘racist’ to disagree with them. We should all use racist thread to hold our knickers up as I’m sure it will stretch further than elastic.
Sunday also gave us the last of The Absolutely Radio Show, which has a degree of novel comedy, but blotted its copy book with a ‘the world would be a better place without Donald’, getting a cheer rather than a laugh. Unfortunately Annika Stranded will drag on for at least another week. Please what is it about/for? (Don’t bother, I’m long past caring).
Moneybox clearly left all the dross for its last episode. We had an actor playing a woman whose deceased mother had been conned. The main point seemed to be that Moneybox was great because it got her money back, but then they won’t tell us about all the listeners’ pleas that are ignored or their failures will they? Then some silly story about a young woman who can’t get a credit score. Obviously she has been watching too much commercial TV as every boxer dog knows that one should check one’s credit score hourly. That makes even less sense to me than Annika Stranded. (Oh, I think ‘Annika’ this week told us that reindeer means ‘deer deer’ in Norwegian – perhaps that is its purpose?).
Arriving home I’m delighted to find that TV Licencing have come up with yet another new design of threat letter! The programmes stay the same, the threats keep changing!
The northern rail plan includes the ability to travel from Pickering to Leyburn once the level crossings have been repaired near Northallerton. However the rolling stock is very old and even includes steam engines at both ends of the line.
So if we have a ‘No Deal’ and as a result we cannot buy, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Citroen cars, what are we going to drive? British cars perhaps ?
If we can’t buy French cheese, French wine, French lamb, Spanish onions, pasta etc etc what are we going to eat ? British produce perhaps ?
And what will happen to the workers who produce all these commodities in Germany, France, Italy, Spain + 21 others ? Will they be saying to their dictatorial Governments and un elected Officials “Well done for not giving in to the British in their demands for a ‘free trade’ deal. It has given us much more time to spend at home with our families while searching for another job.”
Do any of these bureaucrats really believe that the beleaguered EU does not need our £700 billion trade and our £90 billion deficit resulting from that trade can be disregarded?
You cannot blame Labour for this, it is entirely the fault of the useless cowarly incompetent Tories who after being told by referendum in Manchester that the people did not want a Mayor decided to impose a Labour one anyway.
Cameron was enormously incomptent and incapable of seeing what might go wrong. His crazy idea of Police comissioners resulted in the politicsation of the Police and we now have the absurd situation of Labour police squads investigating alleged Tory misbehaviour.
You couldn’t make this stuff up, it is impossible to be any more incompetent than the present Tory government, nor more cowardly.
Panorama tonight, reporting on the problems and practices employed by the manufacturer of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft during its design process. Interviews with employees and engineers who speak of a culture of cost cutting, pressure and lack of resource to do their jobs.
Why do al Beeb keep on and on with this one? I really don’t recall quite the level of concern when other aircraft have crashed.
Could it have something to do with the Ethiopian incident? That flight was full of NGO reps and ‘charity’ workers, with hardly any locals on board….and are they also trying to spin a line re air-travel and so called climate change?
I won’t be watching, but I’m sure there’s an agenda here.
Boeing dared to blame the Ethiopian pilot is one of the reasons, another will be the money they make in Trumps America. You will also have somebody who was a nobody thinking they where somebody at Boeing blaming senior management and the share holder first approach. However there is no doubt that the max concept was not fool proof and further development is required. After all the 737 is based on the 707 which was designed in the 50s using jet engines (hence the low ground clearance to engines) they are competing against the A321 NEO when what they really need is a new airframe to accomodate larger diameter engines.
Last chance – your 0917 comment was deleted because you used the N word . If I could have bunged it in the trash straight way I would have but I don’t sit on the site all day . Do that again and I’ll take down you comments without even reading them . Please don’t bother replying or objecting as I will trash them all .
Have a nice day …..
The BBC should refrain from reporting on what are the current ‘High-Tec’ industries and focus on what, in Britain particularly, will be the ‘new’ industries of the late 2020’s and 2030’s. As there is a natural limit of the number of corner stores and taxis the muslim community can operate, we should see a surge in businesses connected to islam. Nothing ‘High-Tec’ you understand as the emerging businesses will have to be sharia compliant (that will put the EU set standards to shame). Anyone predicting the future in this regard should look for examples in the past. Not recent past. Go back to the 700’s and work forward.
What’s that you say? “War” is the one overarching attribute of the muslim. Well yes, but surely these people will have, ‘integrated’ into the West by then. Surely?
Piece on Cotswolds losing grassland and various species……Reading Uni guy. ‘I’m not bashing farmers but’
Piece on the decline of beneficial insects on farm land (it’s bug week apparently). Talking head beeboid interviewing landowner ‘It would be wrong to blame farmers, but’….
Yet more sneaky slight of hand agenda pushing.
Toady now on, in panic due to the newspapers reporting unprecedented marketing blitz on no deal…
BBC off the blocks with anti-Boris this morning. Apparently Boris is off to Scotland to try to form alliances and to announce a plan to hand over a load of cash to the Scots. Naga interviewing an obviously anti Boris and probably anti-English and pro-EU Scot talking head and both managed to get the focus sharply and very clearly on what they called Boris’s “Bluff and Bluster” style.
Digging at Boris’s credibility in this obvious and sneering way, trying to undermine his standing is going to be the BBC’s tactic of choice and loaded with such blatantly clear bias it’s breathtaking!
It makes me wonder if those good folk at OFCOM even bother to watch BBC.
“It makes me wonder if those good folk at OFCOM even bother to watch BBC.”
These “Good Folk” are just more trough sniffling lefties who have never had a proper job, who do the opposite of what they are paid for.
The behaviour of the Boris bashing BBC is in sharp contrast to their 24/7 promotion of the May Remain surrender document.
Time Boris pulled his finger out and set fire to all the Lefty QANGOs.
Sack the lot, no appeals, no pensions, no redundancy, SFA.
Send them all a P45 and and a map of London Food Banks.
This is the moderate version, I would have them breaking rocks on Dartmoor with a toffee hammer and no food if quotas are not achieved, if quotas are achieved increase them and take the hammer away.
Saw it Digg and was just about to post a comment about it when i saw yours.
Derek Mackay was his name and he was probably one of the smarmiest folk you will see on your TV this year.
Like you say, a CLEAR as day Anti Boris piece and he was allowed to ramble on, uninterrupted for what seemed a eternity. No deal this, no deal that, no deal catastrophe , guaranteed recession, bad for households, bad for business, massive job losses. It was actually a completely pointless interview facts wise, but fitted the BBC anti Boris, anti Brexit narrative perfectly so got prime time.
I found a new Project Fear . It’s a bit weaker than than the normal ‘ we’re all gonna die because of no water , meds , power , food – everything ‘-
This one- which I’ve heard twice on the BBCin the last couple of days is this –
The 31st of October is not the end . We ll be coming out of the ReichEU for years ( and we don’t want that do we?).
This is supplemented by the – because of brexit and domestic policies won’t be happening .
As I write Dominic Raab – his entire being a lawyer – is being interviewed by Meeshaall on Toady . The difference in intellectual capacity between the two is stark . The BBC person sound like a child says no ‘ mummy can we go now ?’ And then not listening to the answer .
I still think the new cabinet is best placed not wasting their time with the state broadcaster .
There can be no gain from talking to it . Save the effort . Bit like writing about it again and again .
When we leave the likes of the BBC are going to be grief struck in the same way as the reaction to the referendum result . Anger , denial , and the other 3 .
Although the 5th stage – acceptance – is unlikely to be something the dreadfully biased BBC people will experience .
“…..When we leave the likes of the BBC are going to be grief struck ….”.
No, no, no, not “grief struck”. Just, substitute all the negativity for, the ‘Told you so’ mode. Condemnation of everything, as usual in their unique and focused way of applying the Cultural Marxist philosophy and, in particular, ‘Critical Theory’.
BBC doing its best from the kick off. Dominic Raab on Breakfast…interviewed by Charlie Hairdoo – questions like ‘should people be afraid of no deal’ and generally anti Brexit attitude
Now DR is on R4 and Mishal Airhead starts with ‘How can we trust a Government..’ and typical negative questioning. DR handles her well..despite her incessant pushing him on issues one after the other that she doesn’t have any answers for but just a list to keep pushing him – and her personal views just allowed to be put forward without substantiation. This isn’t an interview it is a round of mastermind where the quiz master doesn’t have the answers..but can tell the contestant they are wrong..She is clearly looking for a news bite as the next headline..”DR says No deal will….Blah blah..BBC speak”. To be honest Mishal sounds a bit thick today..like the auto cue isn’t working properly…..
Why doesn’t the BBC do a programme on the potential opportunities from Brexit or the risks of staying in the EU?
James – you nailed it – meeshaall has a ‘ mastermind ‘ approach to interviewing .
It went – brexit – Northern Ireland – Scotland – brexit – Iran – brexit – Hong Kong – Washington – brexit – Boris ..I’ve started now I’ll finish – I must hurry you – and now the sport … politicians must roll their eyes when they sit down opposite her . Maybe they stay calm and done bite because they put a bet on about how bad she is going to be …
Great reporting by the BBC. Just as they have shown the same stringent reporting of the violent policing on the streets of our nearest neighbours wearing yellow vests!
The government might be stepping up its no-deal Brexit planning but businesses “remain hampered by unclear advice, timelines, cost and complexity”, according to the Confederation of British Industry. After interviewing thousands of firms of all sizes and sectors, the lobby group concludes neither the UK or EU is prepared for a no-deal scenario, and says 24 of 27 areas of the UK economy are likely to experience disruption. The government says it has done more to prepare than the CBI’s report implies. Meanwhile, the chief executive of car manufacturer Vauxhall tells the Financial Times it could move all production from its Ellesmere Port factory if Brexit makes it unprofitable. The move would put at risk the Cheshire plant and 1,000 jobs.
The CBI? Headed by ex-BBC Carolyn Fairburn? There’s a thing.
Luckily, Steve is to hand with real news. Well, ‘analys…’ opinion.
How Love Island reached audiences other shows couldn’t
The people quickest to criticise Love Island are often those who haven’t actually watched it. And it’s an easy show to throw stones at. On the surface it seems pretty superficial – good looking people wearing bikinis, lying around in the sun, going on nice dates. So what has made Love Island so successful?
Perhaps most importantly, it’s relatable… “The dramas they go through, the conflicts they have to navigate, they’re things many of us have to navigate ourselves,” says Lucy Beresford, psychotherapist and author of Happy Relationships. “There’s also a bit of schadenfreude – viewers think ‘thank goodness we haven’t made that much of a mess of some particular situation!'”
The killing rate in Londonistan is running at about 1 a day . Yet when a shooting happens in the USA where the shooter – readily described as ‘ white’ by the BBC – along with 3 others – dies – the BBC is all over it like a TV licence inspector going for a 75 year old . I can feel the ‘ Far right’ narrative being rolled out but if he turns out to be a Muslim convert this story will disappear faster than a ‘ Jim ll fix it ‘ repeat .
I wrote a preamble piece for this thread about the BBC fixation with America- particularly the President – at the expense of UK domestic events . I didn’t publish it as it crossed over TruuToo .
The BBC is saving money . It’s repeating news from earlier in the year where the CBI has said the UK isn’t ready for Brexit . Seems to be a plague of groundhogs these days .
Yes I noticed the use of ‘people described a white man..’.. funny witnesses for BBC never describe a ‘black man’ . When will they realise it doesn’t work…I am sure he is French and angry at garlic appropriation
Regarding the Beeb’s fixation with America.
I have always wondered why the BBC News website, which has sections on ‘UK’ and ‘World’ on the top row – have never got round to dedicated news pages on ‘EU’ which they love, plus another on ‘USA’ which they seem to hate, even more so now that Donald is in charge.
Jim, the naughty thought occurred to me that if the French decide to close Ellesmere Port, then maybe General Motors, with the US economy reviving after help from the President, would want to buy Vauxhall back.
Ford closed the Transit factory in Southampton (in the EU) and moved production to a factory in Turkey (not in the EU). They got an EU loan paid for in part with British taxpayers’ money. We actually helped to pay to move British jobs abroad.
I used to have dealings with Peugeot in Ryton. Then they closed it to move production to Slovakia as it was cheaper. The BBC did not make a big deal of it, as it was just a few proles losing their jobs, nothing to do with Brexit.
Ryton was more productive than their South of France factories but it was far cheaper to sack the UK workforce. French employment laws carried a far higher and longer lasting ex-employee financial support legacy. It was inevitable that the decision was made.
“Meanwhile, the chief executive of car manufacturer Vauxhall tells the Financial Times it COULD move all production from its Ellesmere Port factory if Brexit makes it unprofitable. The move would put at risk the Cheshire plant and 1,000 jobs.”
There it is again …… that word that Project Fear love … COULD !!!
I wonder how many of the failed applications by failed CEOs to the UK motor manufacuturing companies failed because in their first and only interview they stated:
Well, gentlemen, if I could get the job I “think” my plans for the company “could” bring in 10 % rise in sales.
Well, ladies, if I was given the CEO job, my thoughts re expanding this company is I “think” or may I say “I’m sure” that my ideas “could” bring about better sales.
The BBC have managed to re-start the Civil War in Syria. The report did at least acknowledge the uselessness of the United Nations. Maybe the next report will actually observe that the UN may have been part of the problem.
Just a thought… maybe the beeb is VERY keen on Women in sport, due to the fact no one else wants to broadcast and its far cheaper to obtain the sponsorship?
Lineker will be pleased the beeb can afford his salary still on the back of the people who pay for the tele tax
Talking of sports hosts I note that David Gower’s contract with Sky cricket will not be renewed . I also note that Botham is being marginalised. They are of course being replaced by those who fit more comfortably into the ‘modern global world’. I’m sure that Botham’s clear patriotism has sat very uncomfortable with Sky executives for years and I suspect that Gower may not be quite their cup of tea either. Just another tiny step towards cleansing the airwaves of anyone who doesn’t sign up 100% to the multiculturalism, feminist , Globalist world view. Atherton who certainly does do that is likely to take over the lead role.
The BBC have managed to re-start Carolyn Fairbairn. I wonder if any of their well-resourced, highly paid, vast numbers of journalists looked at the CBI web-site without the need to leave their desks.
“CBI membership will help your business to succeed”
“Drive the changes your business needs to see”
“Plan with confidence to secure growth”
“Be inspired and explore opportunity”
In the absence of MSM investigative reporting – a site called vote-watch has a piece on the corrupt Peterborough bi election showing the connection between a convicted Asian vote rigger and the Labour Party …. won’t get that on Panorama
R4 Amol Rajan – another beauty – promoting his narrative vehicle about getting into the elite..asked a lovely question- does class matter more than gender or ethnicity? He answers well if you add both of those in a black female will be earning on average £20k less than a white male doing the same job.. Now I am sure they haven’t done these calculations so how he can say that is beyond me….but it fits the narrative…how about a black female educated at private school and then Oxford compared to a comprehensive white boy educated at UCLAN?
It is all so bloody predictable….
I would like to draw your attention to an article in today’s Conservative Woman by Andrew Carman. In it he outlines that Boris may well deliver Brexit but that he will not roll back the liberal ascendency any further and although Brexit will be a set back to Globalists such is their domination right across the West that they will bounce back very quickly. Increasingly I see Brexit as an important demonstration of people power but I am far from certain that by itself it will be a turning point in history, perhaps more of a hiccup. But who is there who can build on Brexit and continue to drive the Globalists out of our lives? No one in the UK for sure. It’s a paradox that the UK should be the first country to leave the EU but a country with no political party that is actually anti Globalist. In France for instance Frexit led by Le Pen would have been genuinely anti Globalisation I don’t think that Brexit is.
Put simply we leave the EU, thus achieving Brexit, all ‘Brexiteers’ happy. Then the UK mirrors every directive that the EU makes, keeping all the ‘remainers’ happy! (There is a worry though that ‘populist’ democracy might stop the government passing the necessary laws. Being in the EU ‘for real’ avoids that little problem).
Thinker- one really needs also to read the article by the Rev Julian Mann together with Cadman’s. It will throw further light on the reason for the decay of UK society. You realise suddenly that there is a spiritual and philosophical vacuum at the heart of all endeavour, which others are enthusiastically filling, and why they are meeting little or no resistance. If and when Brexit has happened, we will notice this vacuum more easily, even though every effort will be made to fill it with great projects, much money-spending, perhaps an election – anything to distract form the lack of social glue and a core of meaning.
Double, there is a difference between ‘globalism’ and ‘globalisation’.
The latter should benefit all around the world with increasing peace, trade, employment and prosperity. The former is really only for the few, not the many, and benefits ‘the elite’ as a certain well-known magazine cover may soon reveal.
Up2 ,
I did know that they were different. I tend to lump them together. Which ever it is that drives decent jobs to be exported to third world at the expense of ordinary folks in the developed world, or promotes mass migration of third worlders into our little country , is the one which I am strongly opposed.
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search: Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532; Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8; Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
Marky ,
Being sad – I looked up the list of trustees of the children in need charity – one Rosemary Miller – a bbc reporter . Can any one guess in which London Borough Rosey Lives .
Of the maybe 12? Trustees – 11 have white faces ……and no children ….
BBC Give to Banooda Aid Foundation … the link for the company goes to HOME DESIGN COMPANY!?!?!?!
£28,980 From BBC Children In Need.
Banooda Aid Foundation Hammersmith and Fulham
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
Trustee board
Trustee Other trusteeships Charity status
Abdirahman Sheikh Ibrahim (Chair) Community Education Forum Up-to-date
Nuur Ahmed None on record
Fartun Ali Sheikh None on record
Yaqub Ishaq None on record
Habibo Khayre None on record
Every time the Children in Need boondoggle comes around, they are keen to stress that not all the money goes to Africa, much of it goes to children in Britain.
But when the children in Britain are in fact African, what difference does it make?
I notice that the cash takings are going down, so perhaps more people are cottoning on to the reality of this scam.
Re : Banooda Aid Foundation
If you set a search to the last 12 months mothing comes up cept BBC
… Twitter shows a volunteer office recruiting a Teaching Assistant for them in Feb 2018
“Become a Teaching Assistant for Key Stage 2,3 and 4 with the Banooda Aid Foundation. ”
They have a Facebook page ..last post a political share was April 2018
You’ve got a list of BBC-CiN projects
It’s not the whole country it’s London and South East England in 2017
Appears to list 589 projects
LOCATIONS : Hackney x 53 Lambeth x 48 Tower Hamlets x 41 Camden x 35
TOPICS : disabled/disabilities x 98 ..women x 38 ..social skills x 46 .. sport x 26 .. play x 70 (slight overlap) .. deprived/deprivation x 77 .. health x 151 .. mental x 51 .. art/arts x (about 30)
refugee x 33 .. asylum x 20 ..migrant x13 (slight overlaps)
RELIGION : Jewish x 13 .. Muslim/Islam/Mosque : zero .. Christian : ONE
It’s as I said in an earlier post. There needs to be a credible populist party in the Uk. It will have to be a genuine democratic party which is willing to combat the msm in all it forms. The Brexit Party is not set up to be such nor can it be.
Ukip is involved in a civil war at the moment, however, If the ‘Kent Golf Club’ faction lose control and the true populists are freed from restraint then they may soon evolve into something worthwhile.
Whoops! posted in wrong place. Meant to be in reply to Doublethinker and Jim S above.
Re my earlier comment regarding Boris’s Scot trip bashing on the morning news.
A quick browse of the Guardian website reveals the same horse-muck pretty much word-for-word on the home page. So it appears the BBC got the story directly from their scriptwriters at the Guardian.
Nothing unusual there except you would think they have enough of our dosh to make up their own drivel!
The BBC have managed to re-start the IndyRef 1 campaign as an IndyRef 2 campaign, no doubt to try and disrupt the current PM’s promotional efforts to maintain and strengthen the union. Anyone would think the BBC are trying to promote division. Funny thing, they were complaining, with other contributors, that ‘the country is divided’ just the other day.
“”Ryanair hit by air fare battle and Brexit uncertainty””
“”Chief executive Michael O’Leary said the two weakest markets were Germany, where Ryanair faced fierce competition on price, and the UK, where there were Brexit uncertainties.””
“”Meanwhile in the UK, “Brexit concerns weigh negatively on consumer confidence and spending”.””
Nothing to do with the German economy being on its knees then !!! Although you’d never know it as the BBC never mention it. Funny that, seeing as the EU is the holy grail of growth and stability.
10am Talk Radio’s Mike Graham will be talking about Meghan’s Vogue cover etc.
Listen live to Mike Graham ► (link: http://talkradio.co.uk/live) talkradio.co.uk/live
► Boris Johnson pledges £300m in Scotland to ‘strengthen the union.’
► Vauxhall to move Astra production outside UK if Brexit makes it ‘unprofitable’
► Is the legalisation of cannabis in the UK now imminent?
I wonder what other radio presenters and journalists think of this?? blocking people you’ve never interacted with just cause they have a different view point!! Aren’t @LBC a talk radio show not an echo chamber? Change the book title too @IainDale@NickFerrariLBC@Iromg@JuliaHB1pic.twitter.com/0yn4487iOc
Have been blocked by @mrjamesob despite never tweeting him. Not sure any of the followers in his echo chamber ever require an apology from him and that’s why the arrogant idiot thinks he’s always right ???? pic.twitter.com/jkB3SZMnrS
Mishal, a highly paid (YES) knowledgeable (NO) journalist (?)
on a different subject
Wimmins hour..discussion on wimmins only short lists ..on the one hand “they want them elected on merit2 … but with “extra help'”
Now it might be me but why is it they need extra help? Merit implies equal…
When will Wimmin’s hour do a whole hour without slagging off men?
JA, dunno – is the short, quick, easy answer. That’s why I stopped listening regularly a decade ago.
In the usual ‘way of mid-life things’, the radio would have been left on R4 for most of the day. Then the misandry appeared on a near-daily basis. Too much, already! Off switch exercised.
In 2000 I had had enough from a feminist lecturer at the University of Westminster . I angrily stood up and said that I was sorry that she hated men so much but she should get over it and not prejudice us with her hatred. Afterwards the other women in the class said it was well said but at the time they stayed silent . That is the problem if people don’t fight prejudice in all its forms directly when it happens it becomes acceptable.
Oh well, its 10.00am and James O’Brien has just started his show on LBC. For those people who have the same view of this rabid anti-brexit, anti-UK champagne socialist as me, have a look at this while I do my usual station retune, you might enjoy this…
The Stock Market – both the FT-SE100 and FT-SE250 – appears to view a No-Deal-Brexit rather favourably. The latter Index is threatening to bounce back above 20,000 sometime this week.
I can’t bear to watch these BBC unhistorical dramas any more. The insult to our history is just too offensive to me. However, since I am not a protected minority, the BBC can offend me as much as it likes.
The Times article about Carl Beech is not paywalled
So I will quote the end
\\ But there was no more enthusiastic promoter of the “Nick” allegations than the LBC radio presenter James O’Brien.
He had Watts on for six unctuous encounters, in which they jointly denigrated those who dared suggest “Nick” was a compo-seeking fantasist.
And what did O’Brien — author, hilariously, of How to Be Right — tweet after Beech’s conviction?
“We gave his allegations against dead politicians a lot of coverage on the show & it turns out he was bullshitting everyone.”
I can’t improve on Matthew Scott’s response:
“They were not just ‘allegations against dead politicians’.
Don’t call it ‘bullshitting’ as though it was all just a practical joke.
They were life-changing defamations against living men, including two D-Day heroes.
Shouldn’t you apologise to them?”
But those who feel no shame also feel no need to apologise.
I don’t suppose I’m alone in fantasising a really sweet and powerful swing with a baseball bat in close proximity to J O’Brien?
Naughty, I know. But nice.
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect. I feel that by going back to the normal work of writing and journalism I could be more useful than I am at present.
If I was Boris I would say to the bbc (and the other lefty broadcasters) that nobody from his Party will do any interviews with them until they become impartial.
If this is repeated often enough and the bbc only get lefties, Marxists and commies to appear on their shows, I wonder if there would be a reaction from the viewers asking why only the left are represented.
If Boris keeps pushing the “bbc is a left wing biased broadcaster” would they take notice if lots of viewers started to complain (as opposed to we few)
I believe more are becoming aware of the bbc and it’s lefty bias but it’s slow going.
It’s obvious to us but seems to wash over most of the population.
A simple “we will come back to appear on your shows when you are no longer biased to the left” repeated often enough should make many more aware of their non impartiality and might get the message across.
Heard this part of an interview on another board … The Today Programme Mishal Hussein interviews Dominic Raab .. the Guardian reports …
He (Raab) claimed that the Vote Leave campaign has always acknowledged that the UK might have to leave the EU without a deal. When Husain said Vote Leave had never raised this as a possibility during the 2016 referendum campaign, Raab replied:
The mandate certainly was not leave the EU if the EU let us. It was an in/out referendum and we made clear, those on the campaign, that we should strive for a good deal, but if that wasn’t available, that we should go on and make a success of Brexit.
Raab also claimed that in interviews at the time he and other Vote Leave figures had repeatedly said, if a deal could not be struck, the UK might have to leave without one. Husain said she did not remember this, and Raab replied with a swipe (Guardian speak) at the BBC.
Raab “In fairness, the institutional memory of the BBC is a bit sketchy on this as a whole, so you are not alone.”
Couldn’t find the actual interview clip .. but is was a good one by Raab as he keeps his cool. They don’t like it up ’em I’m afraid but I think there will be more of this from the new cabinet. Let’s hope so.
From the day after the referendum the BBC has been banging on about a No Deal Brexit.
They immediately and deliberately set a new narrative, and they have never stopped.
Today’s radio and TV news coverage is all about No Deal this and No Deal that. We never voted for a Deal or No Deal.
They could talk about a True Brexit, a Clean Brexit, a Pure Brexit, a Democratic Brexit, a Proper Brexit, a Real Brexit, but no it’s all about this blooming “deal”.
It is never about our sovereignty or our democracy or our freedom.
So, just shut the f… up BBC, stop conning people, and stop your blatant, divisive anti democratic agenda.
Understandable sentiments Ed, but if the BBC were to stop conning people with blatant, divisive anti-democratic propaganda they’d have to close.
Mind you, that said….
The BBC report offers no upside against the threat made by the FT & PSA to quit Vauxhall car production in the UK. Not even the mixed blessing of a tumbling £ is suggested as a way in which European production in the UK might be profitable.
Government enforced 'D' notice on MSM reporting of news. When the establishment is worried that the truth might get out about what is happening all over the #EU utopia and in particular in #France that's one of the tools they have at hand. #GiletsJaunes#YellowVests#Brexit
— Makerel_Sky #BritishIndependence???????????????????????? (@Makerel_Sky) July 29, 2019
Good example of BBC not being 1. correct and 2. ignoring unwanted messages that don’t suit narrative
Talking with Elaine Bedell (who sounded okay) ex BBC from long while ago. They big her up (fair enough) but say she brought Top Gear to BBC – no she didn’t..she bought Clarkson interviews..and fail to mention she was one of the first women Jeremy was caught snogging while still married and she was at BBC…now that would have been a much more lively discussion..
Now if it were Boris on…they might just have brought it up
German media report that an Eritrean man pushed a mother and her eight-year old boy in front of an ICE train pulling into Frankfurt station. The boy was killed and the mother seriously injured.
The Eritrean made further attempts to push people onto the rails, before he was arrested.
More of Merkel’s ‘enrichment’ of German culture?
I forgot to mention that a similar incident happened in Germany in a small place called Voerde, last week. The ‘pusher’ was from Kosovo in that instance.
You won’t see this any time soon in a BBC headline, however you will be able to read all about a couple who are objecting to their children being exposed to horrible Christian values at a Christian operated primary school, and how nice China is handling the horrible rioters in Hong Kong, How Greta is going to sail not fly to head the UN Climate Conference, How the full weight of the Police is being deployed to bang up a woman who shouted at people at a Pride event, How the rain is causing travel chaos so soon after the Sunshine did the same thing and how Trump is denying being a racist even though “everyone” knows he is!
Although isolated, he is in a much better situation than the previous solitary confinement. He has a TV, an exercise room with bike and a courtyard. He also has Julian Assange as a neighbor (though I don’t think that is a plus) and can apparently chat to him through a wall.
So I’m wondering if eminent colleagues here have any ideas on what might have produced this change of tactics on the part of the authorities. He was of course jailed before Boris became PM and changed his cabinet, appointing a Remainer as Justice Minister.
Who in authority had the power to assure Tommy’s relative safety and comfort at the time and why did he/she do it?
Could be it finally got through to the powers-that-be that they were behaving like brutal third-world dictators and they decided to moderate their behavior, aware that many across the world are glued to Tommy’s struggle for justice.
Yes, isn’t that weird. Apparently we have to be thankful that this time aroundTommy was not shoved into imminent danger of being killed by a Muslim prison gang .
And this in an allegedly civilised, allegedly first-world country.
Project fear in full swing – Labour MP about Vauxhall and potential closure – are these people stupid..it is not Brexit – that is just the excuse.
Vauxhall was taken over by the French PSA who have have already said that it will be more expensive for them to shut German production rather than UK.
It wouldn’t matter if we stayed in EU – car production has already moved and was going before the referendum
And the great UK car industry sat on its a.se as electric cars were clearly the future.
The BBC never look at the global picture preferring to focus on whatever suits their view..
Oh, how I love watching those old B/W movies where I always see the British Copper driving round white London in British made, British Designed, British financed Automobiles .
Apparently stabbings are soaring along the Spanish coastline. I wonder who’s behind that and what else has been happening on the Spanish coast?
No doubt Al beeb will tell us.
Muslim spokespersons employ a peculiar style of deceptive propaganda that so far has caught the media off-guard. It takes advantage of a common assumption among those who have only been exposed to other religions – the assumption that the statements of religious leaders can be taken at face value because religious leaders want people to understand their religion.
… Thus a Muslim religious leader should not be seen in the same way as most religious leaders. He should be viewed as a combination of politician and religious leader. When addressing a non-Muslim audience, he should not be viewed as a typical missionary, but as an astute politician addressing a hostile audience who won’t like all of his policies – he will tell you what you want to hear.
Good see Lammy sticking up for the less well off !!! Of course, his constituents are struggling on low pay / universal credit whilst he tweets all day and takes £170K per year in expenses and all the other perks of being a MP.
A real man of the people is our Dave !!.
He could actually give 500 of his poor constituents £340 each just from his expenses claims alone. Surely that would help them better David rather than tweeting on their behalf 24/7 and generally trying to cause division and hatred.
Parasite !!!
No excuse for this. 4 million Brits living in deep poverty. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson plans to spend £100,000,000 over the next three months to spread No Deal propaganda.https://t.co/Vj2Xmog0Ci
Meanwhile, also the Graun about the BBC, as promoted by the BBC, in what may be a bit of an unsurprising mutual back rub.
"Dooley is a one-off: a working-class woman who left school with no qualifications, swears like a trooper, reports from the world’s most hostile territories and frequently tops the TV ratings charts"
At times the definition of ‘deep poverty’ can be adapted to suit circumstances. In some cases the poverty appears not to exclude plasma TV, diet Coke, Sky and fags – life’s essentials topped up at the local food bank.
ITV local news
#1 Here we are at this Foodbank lunch club that will run twice a week during the school holidays.
…The small boy appeared to be eating baked potato with beans
#2 Here we are at the Lincoln Cathedral play with the director who is asking punters to bring along items to donate to the foodbank in Lincoln .. poverty poverty.
Isn’t he (Lammy – sorry mis posted) in Canada looking at load of cannabis – figuring out how we can legalise it? I bet he flew first class and his stay extends way past the duration of the official visit ..I could be wrong…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled
Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
Very informative. The UK has certainly changed over the years.
Thanks Marky,
I guess that no one here will be surprised at the generosity of our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster spending other’s money as usual.
Indeed, we are not surprised …. but those who donated might be!
Backlinks to weekend thread
– page 2 started 7pm Saturday and went thru to 3pm Sunday
– So we had a few posts on page 3 to finish at 10pm
The BBC will also be recruiting ‘instructors’ to ‘teach’ these subjects at a starting salary of circa £25,000 per annum ( 16 weeks) increasing to £50,000. Generous expenses package included. Previous experience not required. Educational qualifications not essential. English speaking not essential. Turning up every day to ‘teach’ not essential. Only those of a ‘multicultural’ origin need apply.
The Prime Minister seems to think that immigration is great.
Perhaps at the next PMQs someone could ask him what the Somalis have ever done for us?
Only joking of course, none of our gutless MPs would dare.
3 projects in that list support Grenfell kids
£30K total
I would have thought they would already be catered for.
Somalians are the most ferocious Islamists, most illiterate in their own language , 80% unemployed. Lifetime cost of one Somalian on welfare benefits is £1million/Somalian (MigrationWatch), logical the open borders BBC are their biggest sponsors, read 2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain by David Vincent, if you still can.
I didn’t notice any bias on State Broadcaster today.
Then again my total viewing was the German GP highlights on C4 – so an easy win.
OT, but LOL.
One for HRH and Greta to grapple with.
Here have a close up pic
Is she The Duchess of Wokes ?
……. or The Princess of Wokes ?
The BBC article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-49145664
The editor of Vogue has put out an article
One of the women on the list is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
BTW Sinead Burke doesn’t mind people saying she has dwarfism , but the BBC article doesn’t mention her status
Conversly its now quite definitley racism againt the whites,as can be seen throughout the social media, TV and the BBC-white people will soon be sidelined wherever possible, the big take over is underway. The Muslim baby boom is far out numbering those from Non-Muslim mothers. Changes they are a’coming, but changes we may not all want.
It looks like that list of the BBC’s best scientific experts.
Chief scientific advisor, Greta Thunberg, a science lecturer, a science author, three modellers, experts in the science of dance, politics and boxing and six actors acting as scientific experts. All women, so not very diverse at all.
Blimey ! I cant believe that June Sarpong and Afua Hirsch didn’t make the cut with Meghan.
Honest to God would Vogue, the Clooneys, Winfrey and the rest, be the slightest bit interested in a 2 bit soap actress, (who couldn’t get the major Hollywood studios to sign her up), if she wasn’t married into British royalty. Of course not.
I was hoping that was the crew for America’s next one way Moon shot.
How much have any of these women physically done to improve the lives of people, in comparison to the uncounted, faceless civil servants have done, using money provided by millions of tax payers?
And if it was 15 men it would be Sexist, disgusting, demeaning and discussed for a hour on Loose Women !!!!! INFURIATING !!!
The Pledge on Media Bias
.. Many surreal parts
.. The incredulous expression on Sarpong and Rachael Johnson’s face
as they show they create their own bubbleword thru selective vision , cos when the topic is introduced as MSM and then narrowed down to broadcast media bia, they fail to hear that last bit
..and the incredible arrogance they then frame Brexit and Brexiteers as.. they really do think 100% of Brexiteers are thick
– And note Grg Dykes BS “we get complaints from both sides”
(an example of the Middle Ground Fallacy)
– Dewberry is always sane, and Ferrari is mostly, but the others are full on metro-libs
See the ITBB discussion
Of course, now the Pledge has done its bit to reset anti-brexit bias by inviting Femi.
The initial reactions of the Remainer cabal on the panel gave the game away. The smug smiles and eye rolls the announcement of the topic prompted were telling. Their subsequent mealy-mouthed words were totally unconvincing.
Another new BBC story
Kenya , female bikers
..if only they had ELECTRIKE motorbikes
Kenya left Europe on the 12th December 1963, but the bikes were probably stolen in Europe after that date.
Note: no licence plate in sight.
Why is this ‘news’?
LastChanceSaloon… that language of yours is really offensive. Really, really, very offensive indeed. There is no place for such language on this site and you should be ashamed.
The BBC should not be referred to as a ‘broadcaster’. Given its limited number of topics and obsessions, it is technically a ‘narrowcaster’.
I note the lack of diversity.
Did everyone notice that immediately after we were told about Boris’ northern rail plan BBC News had Andy Burnham, Greater Manchester Mayor, on to tell us that this was nothing new? (One can pretty well guarantee than any Conservative government policy announcement will be paired up with reasons why it is bad).
The next story up was the SMMT (motor industry) declaring that a ‘no deal’ Brexit would be a disaster. Strangely there wasn’t time for the ‘balancing’ comment that a) this isn’t news and b) it’s rubbish.
Catching up on Feedback on Sunday I hear that the BBC would never use the ‘racist’ word to describe Donald Trump, (though it was quite clear that Roger Bolton thought he was). That didn’t match up with the excellent analysis over at IsTheBBCBiased in which all the BBC kids line up to throw racist stones. Apparently if a politician identifies with a country that they don’t live in and criticises the country they do live in it is ‘racist’ to disagree with them. We should all use racist thread to hold our knickers up as I’m sure it will stretch further than elastic.
Sunday also gave us the last of The Absolutely Radio Show, which has a degree of novel comedy, but blotted its copy book with a ‘the world would be a better place without Donald’, getting a cheer rather than a laugh. Unfortunately Annika Stranded will drag on for at least another week. Please what is it about/for? (Don’t bother, I’m long past caring).
Moneybox clearly left all the dross for its last episode. We had an actor playing a woman whose deceased mother had been conned. The main point seemed to be that Moneybox was great because it got her money back, but then they won’t tell us about all the listeners’ pleas that are ignored or their failures will they? Then some silly story about a young woman who can’t get a credit score. Obviously she has been watching too much commercial TV as every boxer dog knows that one should check one’s credit score hourly. That makes even less sense to me than Annika Stranded. (Oh, I think ‘Annika’ this week told us that reindeer means ‘deer deer’ in Norwegian – perhaps that is its purpose?).
Arriving home I’m delighted to find that TV Licencing have come up with yet another new design of threat letter! The programmes stay the same, the threats keep changing!
The northern rail plan includes the ability to travel from Pickering to Leyburn once the level crossings have been repaired near Northallerton. However the rolling stock is very old and even includes steam engines at both ends of the line.
So if we have a ‘No Deal’ and as a result we cannot buy, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Citroen cars, what are we going to drive? British cars perhaps ?
If we can’t buy French cheese, French wine, French lamb, Spanish onions, pasta etc etc what are we going to eat ? British produce perhaps ?
And what will happen to the workers who produce all these commodities in Germany, France, Italy, Spain + 21 others ? Will they be saying to their dictatorial Governments and un elected Officials “Well done for not giving in to the British in their demands for a ‘free trade’ deal. It has given us much more time to spend at home with our families while searching for another job.”
Do any of these bureaucrats really believe that the beleaguered EU does not need our £700 billion trade and our £90 billion deficit resulting from that trade can be disregarded?
Latest News.
TSB be using money obtained from other, not so stupid, customers to pay stupid people.
You cannot blame Labour for this, it is entirely the fault of the useless cowarly incompetent Tories who after being told by referendum in Manchester that the people did not want a Mayor decided to impose a Labour one anyway.
Cameron was enormously incomptent and incapable of seeing what might go wrong. His crazy idea of Police comissioners resulted in the politicsation of the Police and we now have the absurd situation of Labour police squads investigating alleged Tory misbehaviour.
You couldn’t make this stuff up, it is impossible to be any more incompetent than the present Tory government, nor more cowardly.
Panorama tonight, reporting on the problems and practices employed by the manufacturer of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft during its design process. Interviews with employees and engineers who speak of a culture of cost cutting, pressure and lack of resource to do their jobs.
Why do al Beeb keep on and on with this one? I really don’t recall quite the level of concern when other aircraft have crashed.
Could it have something to do with the Ethiopian incident? That flight was full of NGO reps and ‘charity’ workers, with hardly any locals on board….and are they also trying to spin a line re air-travel and so called climate change?
I won’t be watching, but I’m sure there’s an agenda here.
Boeing dared to blame the Ethiopian pilot is one of the reasons, another will be the money they make in Trumps America. You will also have somebody who was a nobody thinking they where somebody at Boeing blaming senior management and the share holder first approach. However there is no doubt that the max concept was not fool proof and further development is required. After all the 737 is based on the 707 which was designed in the 50s using jet engines (hence the low ground clearance to engines) they are competing against the A321 NEO when what they really need is a new airframe to accomodate larger diameter engines.
“Boeing dared to blame the Ethiopian pilot”
I would board a flight run by 90% of world Airlines.
100% of African Airlines.
Bad start to the week.
It had a “not” before reformatting.
Last chance – your 0917 comment was deleted because you used the N word . If I could have bunged it in the trash straight way I would have but I don’t sit on the site all day . Do that again and I’ll take down you comments without even reading them . Please don’t bother replying or objecting as I will trash them all .
Have a nice day …..
Yep the “don’t argue with the umpire” rule applies ..move on
The BBC should refrain from reporting on what are the current ‘High-Tec’ industries and focus on what, in Britain particularly, will be the ‘new’ industries of the late 2020’s and 2030’s. As there is a natural limit of the number of corner stores and taxis the muslim community can operate, we should see a surge in businesses connected to islam. Nothing ‘High-Tec’ you understand as the emerging businesses will have to be sharia compliant (that will put the EU set standards to shame). Anyone predicting the future in this regard should look for examples in the past. Not recent past. Go back to the 700’s and work forward.
What’s that you say? “War” is the one overarching attribute of the muslim. Well yes, but surely these people will have, ‘integrated’ into the West by then. Surely?
Farming today watch.
Piece on Cotswolds losing grassland and various species……Reading Uni guy. ‘I’m not bashing farmers but’
Piece on the decline of beneficial insects on farm land (it’s bug week apparently). Talking head beeboid interviewing landowner ‘It would be wrong to blame farmers, but’….
Yet more sneaky slight of hand agenda pushing.
Toady now on, in panic due to the newspapers reporting unprecedented marketing blitz on no deal…
Bring it on. Business will find a way.
BBC off the blocks with anti-Boris this morning. Apparently Boris is off to Scotland to try to form alliances and to announce a plan to hand over a load of cash to the Scots. Naga interviewing an obviously anti Boris and probably anti-English and pro-EU Scot talking head and both managed to get the focus sharply and very clearly on what they called Boris’s “Bluff and Bluster” style.
Digging at Boris’s credibility in this obvious and sneering way, trying to undermine his standing is going to be the BBC’s tactic of choice and loaded with such blatantly clear bias it’s breathtaking!
It makes me wonder if those good folk at OFCOM even bother to watch BBC.
“It makes me wonder if those good folk at OFCOM even bother to watch BBC.”
These “Good Folk” are just more trough sniffling lefties who have never had a proper job, who do the opposite of what they are paid for.
The behaviour of the Boris bashing BBC is in sharp contrast to their 24/7 promotion of the May Remain surrender document.
Time Boris pulled his finger out and set fire to all the Lefty QANGOs.
Sack the lot, no appeals, no pensions, no redundancy, SFA.
Send them all a P45 and and a map of London Food Banks.
This is the moderate version, I would have them breaking rocks on Dartmoor with a toffee hammer and no food if quotas are not achieved, if quotas are achieved increase them and take the hammer away.
Saw it Digg and was just about to post a comment about it when i saw yours.
Derek Mackay was his name and he was probably one of the smarmiest folk you will see on your TV this year.
Like you say, a CLEAR as day Anti Boris piece and he was allowed to ramble on, uninterrupted for what seemed a eternity. No deal this, no deal that, no deal catastrophe , guaranteed recession, bad for households, bad for business, massive job losses. It was actually a completely pointless interview facts wise, but fitted the BBC anti Boris, anti Brexit narrative perfectly so got prime time.
And they say they are impartial. Joke outfit.
Cheer yourself up about Brexit with this discusssion: the irrepressible Alexander Mercouris.
it must be true an Illegal immigrant told us
I found a new Project Fear . It’s a bit weaker than than the normal ‘ we’re all gonna die because of no water , meds , power , food – everything ‘-
This one- which I’ve heard twice on the BBCin the last couple of days is this –
The 31st of October is not the end . We ll be coming out of the ReichEU for years ( and we don’t want that do we?).
This is supplemented by the – because of brexit and domestic policies won’t be happening .
As I write Dominic Raab – his entire being a lawyer – is being interviewed by Meeshaall on Toady . The difference in intellectual capacity between the two is stark . The BBC person sound like a child says no ‘ mummy can we go now ?’ And then not listening to the answer .
I still think the new cabinet is best placed not wasting their time with the state broadcaster .
There can be no gain from talking to it . Save the effort . Bit like writing about it again and again .
When we leave the likes of the BBC are going to be grief struck in the same way as the reaction to the referendum result . Anger , denial , and the other 3 .
Although the 5th stage – acceptance – is unlikely to be something the dreadfully biased BBC people will experience .
“…..When we leave the likes of the BBC are going to be grief struck ….”.
No, no, no, not “grief struck”. Just, substitute all the negativity for, the ‘Told you so’ mode. Condemnation of everything, as usual in their unique and focused way of applying the Cultural Marxist philosophy and, in particular, ‘Critical Theory’.
BBC doing its best from the kick off. Dominic Raab on Breakfast…interviewed by Charlie Hairdoo – questions like ‘should people be afraid of no deal’ and generally anti Brexit attitude
Now DR is on R4 and Mishal Airhead starts with ‘How can we trust a Government..’ and typical negative questioning. DR handles her well..despite her incessant pushing him on issues one after the other that she doesn’t have any answers for but just a list to keep pushing him – and her personal views just allowed to be put forward without substantiation. This isn’t an interview it is a round of mastermind where the quiz master doesn’t have the answers..but can tell the contestant they are wrong..She is clearly looking for a news bite as the next headline..”DR says No deal will….Blah blah..BBC speak”. To be honest Mishal sounds a bit thick today..like the auto cue isn’t working properly…..
Why doesn’t the BBC do a programme on the potential opportunities from Brexit or the risks of staying in the EU?
James – you nailed it – meeshaall has a ‘ mastermind ‘ approach to interviewing .
It went – brexit – Northern Ireland – Scotland – brexit – Iran – brexit – Hong Kong – Washington – brexit – Boris ..I’ve started now I’ll finish – I must hurry you – and now the sport … politicians must roll their eyes when they sit down opposite her . Maybe they stay calm and done bite because they put a bet on about how bad she is going to be …
Thanks for that summary of Michele’s interviewing technique. Normally I have to reach for the off-switch as soon as I hear her whiny voice.
How can these “presenters” be so unrelentingly negative? How unhappy they must be.
Great reporting by the BBC. Just as they have shown the same stringent reporting of the violent policing on the streets of our nearest neighbours wearing yellow vests!
This a reply to Andyjsnape above. Came out in the wrong place.
BBC Online News:
“”Business lobby group CBI says UK not ready for no-deal Brexit””
“”CBI chief Carolyn Fairbairn has previously called for a Brexit deal that unlocks confidence””
‘Brexit Bashing Corporation’ gets it’s continual ‘bashing’ lined up ‘early’ in the week.
Director Carolyn Fairbairn is a ‘former’ BBC Director. Funds received from the EU.
What could go wrong as regards impartiality for both the BBC and CBI?
BBc moaning emole.
Business ‘not ready for no-deal Brexit’
The government might be stepping up its no-deal Brexit planning but businesses “remain hampered by unclear advice, timelines, cost and complexity”, according to the Confederation of British Industry. After interviewing thousands of firms of all sizes and sectors, the lobby group concludes neither the UK or EU is prepared for a no-deal scenario, and says 24 of 27 areas of the UK economy are likely to experience disruption. The government says it has done more to prepare than the CBI’s report implies. Meanwhile, the chief executive of car manufacturer Vauxhall tells the Financial Times it could move all production from its Ellesmere Port factory if Brexit makes it unprofitable. The move would put at risk the Cheshire plant and 1,000 jobs.
The CBI? Headed by ex-BBC Carolyn Fairburn? There’s a thing.
Luckily, Steve is to hand with real news. Well, ‘analys…’ opinion.
How Love Island reached audiences other shows couldn’t
The people quickest to criticise Love Island are often those who haven’t actually watched it. And it’s an easy show to throw stones at. On the surface it seems pretty superficial – good looking people wearing bikinis, lying around in the sun, going on nice dates. So what has made Love Island so successful?
Perhaps most importantly, it’s relatable… “The dramas they go through, the conflicts they have to navigate, they’re things many of us have to navigate ourselves,” says Lucy Beresford, psychotherapist and author of Happy Relationships. “There’s also a bit of schadenfreude – viewers think ‘thank goodness we haven’t made that much of a mess of some particular situation!'”
Read full analysis >
Steven McIntosh
Entertainment reporter, BBC
Toady 2
The killing rate in Londonistan is running at about 1 a day . Yet when a shooting happens in the USA where the shooter – readily described as ‘ white’ by the BBC – along with 3 others – dies – the BBC is all over it like a TV licence inspector going for a 75 year old . I can feel the ‘ Far right’ narrative being rolled out but if he turns out to be a Muslim convert this story will disappear faster than a ‘ Jim ll fix it ‘ repeat .
I wrote a preamble piece for this thread about the BBC fixation with America- particularly the President – at the expense of UK domestic events . I didn’t publish it as it crossed over TruuToo .
The BBC is saving money . It’s repeating news from earlier in the year where the CBI has said the UK isn’t ready for Brexit . Seems to be a plague of groundhogs these days .
Yes I noticed the use of ‘people described a white man..’.. funny witnesses for BBC never describe a ‘black man’ . When will they realise it doesn’t work…I am sure he is French and angry at garlic appropriation
One is sure Jane Hill may get up to Sweden soon from Cologne station to ask the Mayor a few questions.
Or, not.
Regarding the Beeb’s fixation with America.
I have always wondered why the BBC News website, which has sections on ‘UK’ and ‘World’ on the top row – have never got round to dedicated news pages on ‘EU’ which they love, plus another on ‘USA’ which they seem to hate, even more so now that Donald is in charge.
Or, ‘French car maker, PSA, says it might move production to France’.
As in PSA closes Ryton, Coventry in 2006, moving production to France, ‘despite the UK being in the EU’.
Plus ça change, as we say down the Islington wine bar.
Jim, the naughty thought occurred to me that if the French decide to close Ellesmere Port, then maybe General Motors, with the US economy reviving after help from the President, would want to buy Vauxhall back.
Ford closed the Transit factory in Southampton (in the EU) and moved production to a factory in Turkey (not in the EU). They got an EU loan paid for in part with British taxpayers’ money. We actually helped to pay to move British jobs abroad.
I used to have dealings with Peugeot in Ryton. Then they closed it to move production to Slovakia as it was cheaper. The BBC did not make a big deal of it, as it was just a few proles losing their jobs, nothing to do with Brexit.
Thanks EU, however will we manage without you?
Ryton was more productive than their South of France factories but it was far cheaper to sack the UK workforce. French employment laws carried a far higher and longer lasting ex-employee financial support legacy. It was inevitable that the decision was made.
“Meanwhile, the chief executive of car manufacturer Vauxhall tells the Financial Times it COULD move all production from its Ellesmere Port factory if Brexit makes it unprofitable. The move would put at risk the Cheshire plant and 1,000 jobs.”
There it is again …… that word that Project Fear love … COULD !!!
I wonder how many of the failed applications by failed CEOs to the UK motor manufacuturing companies failed because in their first and only interview they stated:
Well, gentlemen, if I could get the job I “think” my plans for the company “could” bring in 10 % rise in sales.
Well, ladies, if I was given the CEO job, my thoughts re expanding this company is I “think” or may I say “I’m sure” that my ideas “could” bring about better sales.
You never know guys n gals – It “could” happen.
Vauxhall, the “British” company which has been owned by foreign companies for over thirty years.
I think it has been owned by foreigners since 1925.
How do these people manage to run companies? What have they been doing for the last three years?
TOADY Watch #1
The BBC have managed to re-start the Civil War in Syria. The report did at least acknowledge the uselessness of the United Nations. Maybe the next report will actually observe that the UN may have been part of the problem.
“The BBC have managed to re-start the Civil War in Syria”
Quick, where’s Mr – the reason why the war ended was because of my walking into Baghdad with little kids round me ankles – Simpson.
Just a thought… maybe the beeb is VERY keen on Women in sport, due to the fact no one else wants to broadcast and its far cheaper to obtain the sponsorship?
Lineker will be pleased the beeb can afford his salary still on the back of the people who pay for the tele tax
Talking of sports hosts I note that David Gower’s contract with Sky cricket will not be renewed . I also note that Botham is being marginalised. They are of course being replaced by those who fit more comfortably into the ‘modern global world’. I’m sure that Botham’s clear patriotism has sat very uncomfortable with Sky executives for years and I suspect that Gower may not be quite their cup of tea either. Just another tiny step towards cleansing the airwaves of anyone who doesn’t sign up 100% to the multiculturalism, feminist , Globalist world view. Atherton who certainly does do that is likely to take over the lead role.
TOADY Watch #2
The BBC have managed to re-start Carolyn Fairbairn. I wonder if any of their well-resourced, highly paid, vast numbers of journalists looked at the CBI web-site without the need to leave their desks.
“CBI membership will help your business to succeed”
“Drive the changes your business needs to see”
“Plan with confidence to secure growth”
“Be inspired and explore opportunity”
The CBI. Not ‘doing what it says on the tin’.
The BBC. Not ‘doing what is says on the tin’.
“The BBC have managed to re-start Carolyn Fairbairn.
“CBI membership will help your business to succeed”
“Drive the changes your business needs to see”
“Plan with confidence to secure growth”
“Be inspired and explore opportunity”
So if the UK is going down the tubes – like the BBC claims – how come the adds are so excited about the future of said applicants?
In the absence of MSM investigative reporting – a site called vote-watch has a piece on the corrupt Peterborough bi election showing the connection between a convicted Asian vote rigger and the Labour Party …. won’t get that on Panorama
R4 Amol Rajan – another beauty – promoting his narrative vehicle about getting into the elite..asked a lovely question- does class matter more than gender or ethnicity? He answers well if you add both of those in a black female will be earning on average £20k less than a white male doing the same job.. Now I am sure they haven’t done these calculations so how he can say that is beyond me….but it fits the narrative…how about a black female educated at private school and then Oxford compared to a comprehensive white boy educated at UCLAN?
It is all so bloody predictable….
At least Jon Snow will stay calm.
I posted on page 2 5:35pm of the last thread
– I dug up Amol’s CV
for FFS he got a gap Year at the FCO ..how could you get ttat without connections ?
Is that the editor of the failed Independent newspaper on the left, or has he transformed into a student geek on the right?
I would like to draw your attention to an article in today’s Conservative Woman by Andrew Carman. In it he outlines that Boris may well deliver Brexit but that he will not roll back the liberal ascendency any further and although Brexit will be a set back to Globalists such is their domination right across the West that they will bounce back very quickly. Increasingly I see Brexit as an important demonstration of people power but I am far from certain that by itself it will be a turning point in history, perhaps more of a hiccup. But who is there who can build on Brexit and continue to drive the Globalists out of our lives? No one in the UK for sure. It’s a paradox that the UK should be the first country to leave the EU but a country with no political party that is actually anti Globalist. In France for instance Frexit led by Le Pen would have been genuinely anti Globalisation I don’t think that Brexit is.
It’s an interesting idea.
Put simply we leave the EU, thus achieving Brexit, all ‘Brexiteers’ happy. Then the UK mirrors every directive that the EU makes, keeping all the ‘remainers’ happy! (There is a worry though that ‘populist’ democracy might stop the government passing the necessary laws. Being in the EU ‘for real’ avoids that little problem).
Thinker- one really needs also to read the article by the Rev Julian Mann together with Cadman’s. It will throw further light on the reason for the decay of UK society. You realise suddenly that there is a spiritual and philosophical vacuum at the heart of all endeavour, which others are enthusiastically filling, and why they are meeting little or no resistance. If and when Brexit has happened, we will notice this vacuum more easily, even though every effort will be made to fill it with great projects, much money-spending, perhaps an election – anything to distract form the lack of social glue and a core of meaning.
Double, there is a difference between ‘globalism’ and ‘globalisation’.
The latter should benefit all around the world with increasing peace, trade, employment and prosperity. The former is really only for the few, not the many, and benefits ‘the elite’ as a certain well-known magazine cover may soon reveal.
Up2 ,
I did know that they were different. I tend to lump them together. Which ever it is that drives decent jobs to be exported to third world at the expense of ordinary folks in the developed world, or promotes mass migration of third worlders into our little country , is the one which I am strongly opposed.
I thought Cadman was a bit sour and grudging. As one of the comments said, Boris is making the right noises; let’s give him a chance.
This story has caught local attention.
Not least because the three main protagonists mentioned, other than the bus owner, are a rabid leftie HT editor, a BBC reporter and a local Limp.
So far, it stays faithfully in the world of ‘quotes’ and ‘apparently’.
I wonder if the mystery will ever be clarified? Or, given the piece, there is incentive to do so.
We are only a newspaper; we shouldn’t dream of sending some one to go and look.
@GW Did you spot the grammar in that local knewspaper ?
“they already new about the bus,”
BBTW a full angle shot shows it only blocked the layby NOT the road
Its a free advert for The Brexit Party. It draws the media attention somewhat ?
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
Marky ,
Being sad – I looked up the list of trustees of the children in need charity – one Rosemary Miller – a bbc reporter . Can any one guess in which London Borough Rosey Lives .
Of the maybe 12? Trustees – 11 have white faces ……and no children ….
BBC Give to Banooda Aid Foundation … the link for the company goes to HOME DESIGN COMPANY!?!?!?!
£28,980 From BBC Children In Need.
Banooda Aid Foundation Hammersmith and Fulham
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
Banooda Aid Foundation
Trustee board
Trustee Other trusteeships Charity status
Abdirahman Sheikh Ibrahim (Chair) Community Education Forum Up-to-date
Nuur Ahmed None on record
Fartun Ali Sheikh None on record
Yaqub Ishaq None on record
Habibo Khayre None on record
https://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=1119903&subid=0Banooda Aid Foundation
banooda website, should be a charity, goes to a home design company … http://banooda.org/about/
Every time the Children in Need boondoggle comes around, they are keen to stress that not all the money goes to Africa, much of it goes to children in Britain.
But when the children in Britain are in fact African, what difference does it make?
I notice that the cash takings are going down, so perhaps more people are cottoning on to the reality of this scam.
We need to get that Batmanjelly woman back to sort things out (I don’t think she is in gaol).
Re : Banooda Aid Foundation
If you set a search to the last 12 months mothing comes up cept BBC
… Twitter shows a volunteer office recruiting a Teaching Assistant for them in Feb 2018
“Become a Teaching Assistant for Key Stage 2,3 and 4 with the Banooda Aid Foundation. ”
They have a Facebook page ..last post a political share was April 2018
You’ve got a list of BBC-CiN projects
It’s not the whole country it’s London and South East England in 2017
Appears to list 589 projects
LOCATIONS : Hackney x 53 Lambeth x 48 Tower Hamlets x 41 Camden x 35
TOPICS : disabled/disabilities x 98 ..women x 38 ..social skills x 46 .. sport x 26 .. play x 70 (slight overlap) .. deprived/deprivation x 77 .. health x 151 .. mental x 51 .. art/arts x (about 30)
refugee x 33 .. asylum x 20 ..migrant x13 (slight overlaps)
RELIGION : Jewish x 13 .. Muslim/Islam/Mosque : zero .. Christian : ONE
It’s as I said in an earlier post. There needs to be a credible populist party in the Uk. It will have to be a genuine democratic party which is willing to combat the msm in all it forms. The Brexit Party is not set up to be such nor can it be.
Ukip is involved in a civil war at the moment, however, If the ‘Kent Golf Club’ faction lose control and the true populists are freed from restraint then they may soon evolve into something worthwhile.
Whoops! posted in wrong place. Meant to be in reply to Doublethinker and Jim S above.
Cue Ems, Kirsty and VD circling the BMW Z3s.
Speaking of Editors, here’s one gunning for a BBC gig.
“If fighting the climate apocalypse means saving lives,
then part of our perspective must be open borders. “
Bad President Tump for being racist about Baltimore being rat infested, says BBC.
BBC does not mention that the new Deputy Police Commissioner of Baltimore was mugged at gunpoint.
Not a safe place indeed.
Another, ‘Rory Stewart’ looking bloke and probably equally as dim.
Looks like Baltimore have found their own version of Cressida Dick.
Baltimore really is a crime infested shithole.
It has also been run by the Democrats since the year dot.
Could there possibly be a connection?
Baltimore is disproportionately black
The temptation among the police must be to let things “sort themselves out”.
Re my earlier comment regarding Boris’s Scot trip bashing on the morning news.
A quick browse of the Guardian website reveals the same horse-muck pretty much word-for-word on the home page. So it appears the BBC got the story directly from their scriptwriters at the Guardian.
Nothing unusual there except you would think they have enough of our dosh to make up their own drivel!
TOADY Watch #3
The BBC have managed to re-start the IndyRef 1 campaign as an IndyRef 2 campaign, no doubt to try and disrupt the current PM’s promotional efforts to maintain and strengthen the union. Anyone would think the BBC are trying to promote division. Funny thing, they were complaining, with other contributors, that ‘the country is divided’ just the other day.
Mishal appears to not know that the EU Referendum was a UK-wide decision, the vote being counted across the whole – not individually in the four home nations. Mishal, a highly paid, knowledgeable, journalist Presenter does not appear to know about the existence of this booklet and certainly does not appear to have read it. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/why-the-government-believes-that-voting-to-remain-in-the-european-union-is-the-best-decision-for-the-uk
BBC Online News:
“”Ryanair hit by air fare battle and Brexit uncertainty””
“”Chief executive Michael O’Leary said the two weakest markets were Germany, where Ryanair faced fierce competition on price, and the UK, where there were Brexit uncertainties.””
“”Meanwhile in the UK, “Brexit concerns weigh negatively on consumer confidence and spending”.””
The Brexit Bashing Corporation continues it’s rampage.
O’Leary is famously anti-Brexit. After Brexit, he really will have cause to moan when Ireland’s economy plummets.
Nothing to do with the German economy being on its knees then !!! Although you’d never know it as the BBC never mention it. Funny that, seeing as the EU is the holy grail of growth and stability.
10am Talk Radio’s Mike Graham will be talking about Meghan’s Vogue cover etc.
Listen live to Mike Graham ► (link: http://talkradio.co.uk/live) talkradio.co.uk/live
► Boris Johnson pledges £300m in Scotland to ‘strengthen the union.’
► Vauxhall to move Astra production outside UK if Brexit makes it ‘unprofitable’
► Is the legalisation of cannabis in the UK now imminent?
His listeners are tweeting about how James O’Brien has suddenly blocked them for no reason other than they follow Mike Graham
Mishal, a highly paid (YES) knowledgeable (NO) journalist (?)
on a different subject
Wimmins hour..discussion on wimmins only short lists ..on the one hand “they want them elected on merit2 … but with “extra help'”
Now it might be me but why is it they need extra help? Merit implies equal…
When will Wimmin’s hour do a whole hour without slagging off men?
JA, dunno – is the short, quick, easy answer. That’s why I stopped listening regularly a decade ago.
In the usual ‘way of mid-life things’, the radio would have been left on R4 for most of the day. Then the misandry appeared on a near-daily basis. Too much, already! Off switch exercised.
In 2000 I had had enough from a feminist lecturer at the University of Westminster . I angrily stood up and said that I was sorry that she hated men so much but she should get over it and not prejudice us with her hatred. Afterwards the other women in the class said it was well said but at the time they stayed silent . That is the problem if people don’t fight prejudice in all its forms directly when it happens it becomes acceptable.
Oh well, its 10.00am and James O’Brien has just started his show on LBC. For those people who have the same view of this rabid anti-brexit, anti-UK champagne socialist as me, have a look at this while I do my usual station retune, you might enjoy this…
The Stock Market – both the FT-SE100 and FT-SE250 – appears to view a No-Deal-Brexit rather favourably. The latter Index is threatening to bounce back above 20,000 sometime this week.
BBC 1 Poldark: Nineteenth century population of Cornwall, according to the BBC:
I have been watching a TV series about Simon Bolivar on Netflix. The Poldark scene looks more like 19th Century Caracas.
I can’t bear to watch these BBC unhistorical dramas any more. The insult to our history is just too offensive to me. However, since I am not a protected minority, the BBC can offend me as much as it likes.
I think the Beeb may have misinterpreted the title.
Those young BBC researchers; don’t ya just love um!
Lets hope those same young BBC researchers get the same kind of job at TV Pakistan.
Twill be the last time we see them.
Remember when the BBC report on events you might have to look a bit deeper ….
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
Just imagine if the current Beeb “Journos” were reporting the Battle of Britain. ‘RAF impedes free movement of Europeans’.
The Times article about Carl Beech is not paywalled
So I will quote the end
\\ But there was no more enthusiastic promoter of the “Nick” allegations than the LBC radio presenter James O’Brien.
He had Watts on for six unctuous encounters, in which they jointly denigrated those who dared suggest “Nick” was a compo-seeking fantasist.
And what did O’Brien — author, hilariously, of How to Be Right — tweet after Beech’s conviction?
I can’t improve on Matthew Scott’s response:
But those who feel no shame also feel no need to apologise.
O’Brien should visit Beech in jail, though. He gave the show great material, after all. //
Contrast JOB’s 2013 tweet : sneering at at anyone who deletes an embarrassing tweet
with JOB’s 2019 message : “i’ve deleted this tweet”
I don’t suppose I’m alone in fantasising a really sweet and powerful swing with a baseball bat in close proximity to J O’Brien?
Naughty, I know. But nice.
Review of BBC2 prog:
A badly missed opportunity: How the Middle Classes Ruined Britain reviewed
@HR The comments
another Rod Liddle article
… https://disqus.com/home/discussion/spectator-new-www/weve_made_morons_of_our_police_force_16/
If there is a blocking screen, that is cos you haven’t tapped the Esc key quick enough… before that block loaded
More discussion
BBC 1943 ….
. . .
BBC 2019 … Shiites Muslims say Nigeria goment order to ban dem be like comedy show
Di order wey court give goment to ban Shiites Muslims wey be Islamic Movement of Nigeria, na like comedy show, according to tok tok pesin for di Shiites, Ibrahim Musa.
If I was Boris I would say to the bbc (and the other lefty broadcasters) that nobody from his Party will do any interviews with them until they become impartial.
If this is repeated often enough and the bbc only get lefties, Marxists and commies to appear on their shows, I wonder if there would be a reaction from the viewers asking why only the left are represented.
If Boris keeps pushing the “bbc is a left wing biased broadcaster” would they take notice if lots of viewers started to complain (as opposed to we few)
I believe more are becoming aware of the bbc and it’s lefty bias but it’s slow going.
It’s obvious to us but seems to wash over most of the population.
A simple “we will come back to appear on your shows when you are no longer biased to the left” repeated often enough should make many more aware of their non impartiality and might get the message across.
“….the bbc only get lefties, Marxists and commies to appear on their shows,…. “. No change in the normal daily fare then.
Heard this part of an interview on another board … The Today Programme Mishal Hussein interviews Dominic Raab .. the Guardian reports …
He (Raab) claimed that the Vote Leave campaign has always acknowledged that the UK might have to leave the EU without a deal. When Husain said Vote Leave had never raised this as a possibility during the 2016 referendum campaign, Raab replied:
The mandate certainly was not leave the EU if the EU let us. It was an in/out referendum and we made clear, those on the campaign, that we should strive for a good deal, but if that wasn’t available, that we should go on and make a success of Brexit.
Raab also claimed that in interviews at the time he and other Vote Leave figures had repeatedly said, if a deal could not be struck, the UK might have to leave without one. Husain said she did not remember this, and Raab replied with a swipe (Guardian speak) at the BBC.
Raab “In fairness, the institutional memory of the BBC is a bit sketchy on this as a whole, so you are not alone.”
Couldn’t find the actual interview clip .. but is was a good one by Raab as he keeps his cool. They don’t like it up ’em I’m afraid but I think there will be more of this from the new cabinet. Let’s hope so.
From the day after the referendum the BBC has been banging on about a No Deal Brexit.
They immediately and deliberately set a new narrative, and they have never stopped.
Today’s radio and TV news coverage is all about No Deal this and No Deal that. We never voted for a Deal or No Deal.
They could talk about a True Brexit, a Clean Brexit, a Pure Brexit, a Democratic Brexit, a Proper Brexit, a Real Brexit, but no it’s all about this blooming “deal”.
It is never about our sovereignty or our democracy or our freedom.
So, just shut the f… up BBC, stop conning people, and stop your blatant, divisive anti democratic agenda.
Understandable sentiments Ed, but if the BBC were to stop conning people with blatant, divisive anti-democratic propaganda they’d have to close.
Mind you, that said….
When did all this talk about “deals” come in? What was made very clear was that we should leave all the EU institutions, i.e a clean break.
The BBC report offers no upside against the threat made by the FT & PSA to quit Vauxhall car production in the UK. Not even the mixed blessing of a tumbling £ is suggested as a way in which European production in the UK might be profitable.
Several more clips on @KTHopkins
Good example of BBC not being 1. correct and 2. ignoring unwanted messages that don’t suit narrative
Talking with Elaine Bedell (who sounded okay) ex BBC from long while ago. They big her up (fair enough) but say she brought Top Gear to BBC – no she didn’t..she bought Clarkson interviews..and fail to mention she was one of the first women Jeremy was caught snogging while still married and she was at BBC…now that would have been a much more lively discussion..
Now if it were Boris on…they might just have brought it up
German media report that an Eritrean man pushed a mother and her eight-year old boy in front of an ICE train pulling into Frankfurt station. The boy was killed and the mother seriously injured.
The Eritrean made further attempts to push people onto the rails, before he was arrested.
More of Merkel’s ‘enrichment’ of German culture?
I forgot to mention that a similar incident happened in Germany in a small place called Voerde, last week. The ‘pusher’ was from Kosovo in that instance.
Der Spiegel headline: “Boy Hit by Train”
You won’t see this any time soon in a BBC headline, however you will be able to read all about a couple who are objecting to their children being exposed to horrible Christian values at a Christian operated primary school, and how nice China is handling the horrible rioters in Hong Kong, How Greta is going to sail not fly to head the UN Climate Conference, How the full weight of the Police is being deployed to bang up a woman who shouted at people at a Pride event, How the rain is causing travel chaos so soon after the Sunshine did the same thing and how Trump is denying being a racist even though “everyone” knows he is!
According to the eminent Ezra Levant, Tommy Robinson has a suite in prison.
Although isolated, he is in a much better situation than the previous solitary confinement. He has a TV, an exercise room with bike and a courtyard. He also has Julian Assange as a neighbor (though I don’t think that is a plus) and can apparently chat to him through a wall.
So I’m wondering if eminent colleagues here have any ideas on what might have produced this change of tactics on the part of the authorities. He was of course jailed before Boris became PM and changed his cabinet, appointing a Remainer as Justice Minister.
Who in authority had the power to assure Tommy’s relative safety and comfort at the time and why did he/she do it?
Could be it finally got through to the powers-that-be that they were behaving like brutal third-world dictators and they decided to moderate their behavior, aware that many across the world are glued to Tommy’s struggle for justice.
What say you?
True Too
President Trump has a phone
Good point. The eminent Trump might have had a word with Teresa, who was still PM when Tommy was jailed a few weeks back.
TR might be thinking about appealing
#1 the verdict. … #2 the sentence
They might be saying we’ll give you soft treatment if you don’t appeal.
Gandhi was jailed 13 times.
I think Tommy knows by now that the ‘justice’ system is thoroughly bent and he would lose an appeal.
Interesting! His being made safe is as mysterious as his previously being put into danger of his life. What a country this has become!
Yes, isn’t that weird. Apparently we have to be thankful that this time aroundTommy was not shoved into imminent danger of being killed by a Muslim prison gang .
And this in an allegedly civilised, allegedly first-world country.
Original tweet deleted. Was in response to this pic
Project fear in full swing – Labour MP about Vauxhall and potential closure – are these people stupid..it is not Brexit – that is just the excuse.
Vauxhall was taken over by the French PSA who have have already said that it will be more expensive for them to shut German production rather than UK.
It wouldn’t matter if we stayed in EU – car production has already moved and was going before the referendum
And the great UK car industry sat on its a.se as electric cars were clearly the future.
The BBC never look at the global picture preferring to focus on whatever suits their view..
“Project fear in full swing”
Oh, how I love watching those old B/W movies where I always see the British Copper driving round white London in British made, British Designed, British financed Automobiles .
Apparently stabbings are soaring along the Spanish coastline. I wonder who’s behind that and what else has been happening on the Spanish coast?
No doubt Al beeb will tell us.
Probably trying to stab sharks?
Muslim spokespersons employ a peculiar style of deceptive propaganda that so far has caught the media off-guard. It takes advantage of a common assumption among those who have only been exposed to other religions – the assumption that the statements of religious leaders can be taken at face value because religious leaders want people to understand their religion.
Thus a Muslim religious leader should not be seen in the same way as most religious leaders. He should be viewed as a combination of politician and religious leader. When addressing a non-Muslim audience, he should not be viewed as a typical missionary, but as an astute politician addressing a hostile audience who won’t like all of his policies – he will tell you what you want to hear.
It’s called taqiya. And I dont give a ff if I spelt it wrong.
Good see Lammy sticking up for the less well off !!! Of course, his constituents are struggling on low pay / universal credit whilst he tweets all day and takes £170K per year in expenses and all the other perks of being a MP.
A real man of the people is our Dave !!.
He could actually give 500 of his poor constituents £340 each just from his expenses claims alone. Surely that would help them better David rather than tweeting on their behalf 24/7 and generally trying to cause division and hatred.
Parasite !!!
Meanwhile, also the Graun about the BBC, as promoted by the BBC, in what may be a bit of an unsurprising mutual back rub.
A few working class girls who have achieved much might even deserve the ‘one off (in W1A)’ accolade too. Who knows?
No, I’m sorry, the Guardian has the franchise, and nobody else can be included.
At times the definition of ‘deep poverty’ can be adapted to suit circumstances. In some cases the poverty appears not to exclude plasma TV, diet Coke, Sky and fags – life’s essentials topped up at the local food bank.
I’m sure £25 per ‘deep poverty’ person would go a long way!
If we had told the EU to get lost in March we could have handed the poor nearly £10k each.
ITV local news
#1 Here we are at this Foodbank lunch club that will run twice a week during the school holidays.
…The small boy appeared to be eating baked potato with beans
#2 Here we are at the Lincoln Cathedral play with the director who is asking punters to bring along items to donate to the foodbank in Lincoln .. poverty poverty.
Isn’t he (Lammy – sorry mis posted) in Canada looking at load of cannabis – figuring out how we can legalise it? I bet he flew first class and his stay extends way past the duration of the official visit ..I could be wrong…