Both EU and UK law stipulates the UK will leave on October 31st.
The only way this can change is if the government (not parliament) ask for an Extension.
If Boris does not ask for an extension and basically does nothing we leave on 31st October and there is NOTHING parliament can do to stop it so you might as well just get used to it.
Six days later, still nothing on the local or national BBC News about The Day of Diversity Looting and Assaulting. The Aldi store in question is literally over the road from Warwickshire County Cricket Club, so I expect there will be an increased police presence to protect the spectators for The Ashes this week.
Twitter kindly tells me I joined a decade ago today – more than enough of an excuse to disappear for a bit – keep up with @BBCPolitics and @BBCNews – see you on the other side
Sneaking a promo for a future Islamic England under the radar isn’t new but is a bit of extra wordplay starting to emerge?
Try and imagine the BBC ever going with “The Olympics will be good for England, praise the Lord” or “by the ineffable grace of Christ it’s coming home, it’s coming home…”
Something that should be read, which clearly states the state of play affecting our (Uk)education. From anarticle worth reading-
The Idiocy of the Latest Educational Framework:
America’s education system is driven decade after decade by a never-ending stream of jargon. Left-wing educators seemingly never get tired of reproducing their pap in schools of education and not-for-profit organizations. Their jargon continuously reconfigures and is infinitely creative in saying the same thing in different ways; decade after decade educational jargon expresses educational models that produce fewer and fewer diligent, capable, informed, goal-oriented students. The successive models since the 1890s can, in a general sense, be called “progressive education.” These models express the desire of the government and the educational powers that be to engage in social engineering. This social engineering aspires to replace the parents and the family as the basic unit for passing on social and individual values and morality. We can see that progressing here.
The government — that “global village” that superintends society, as Hillary Clinton expressed years ago — begins to bear responsibility for raising the little ones in the ways they should go in every respect. This progressive model of social engineering leads to a perpetual dumbing down of each generation. Depicts the inadequacies of modern education.
Being of a certain age, I have family and friends with links to a fair number of young folk going through universities of various kinds.
Talking with many of these it is apparent that they are all to a greater or lesser extent being filled with a “communistic” outlook on life where they are being led to believe that power must return to the individual within a collective.
The concept of ability and reward is thus alien and unwanted, viewed as elitist, exclusive and thus to be stamped out.
What is not imparted or understood is that for such a society to function it will require firm unelected “faces” at the top controlling everything to keep it on course and under unwavering control. Remember the USSR?
The BBC of course being rammed full of such individuals is in the vanguard of this thinking and the EU it’s model and goal for securing that control.
Unfortunately, it is made 10x worse by the fact that they will rarely, if ever, engage in debate or serious discussion involving any depth or, horror of horrors, historical perspective. They seem to be unable to think on their feet when confronted with views with which they are unfamiliar.
When I was their age, youthful BS was almost invariably challenged by people who had acquired some maturity and knowledge of how the world really works. It could be brutal but that’s how we grew up. Try that now and you’ll be accused of bullying – often by some other, overprotective “adult” in the room.
Hate to admit it but, with a few exceptions, I avoid most “youth”. There’s no excitement; they bore me rigid.
Helen I have seen and felt that response too. Trying to suggest a reasoned alternative viewpoint is met with almost horror, as if I were trying to convert them to satan.
Often an awkward silence ensues that speaks volumes as they run out of mental road and any concept or evaluation of any alternative to the single-minded blinkered view planted in their minds.
One of the root causes is the lack of the command of the English language. Many people are simply not equipped to analyse argument or counter them in their mother tongue.
I sympathise Digg. Sadly the ideal of a communistic lifestyle that the young think they aspire to is a fantasy promoted by other fantasists, who have absolutely no concept of what living under a communist regime entails.
Those in education and those of yuppy age above them, are ok with their comfortable living, good paying jobs, latte to go, big tv on the wall, and an App for most of their needs, while pontificating about power to the people, more rights, more funding for everything, housing for everyone etc etc etc.
BUT, take all their good life away from them, and plonk them down in an environment of REAL communism and they’ll soon be crying for Mum.
I was in Russia towards the end of the Gorbachov era, and communism meant no marketing so no adverts, no unleaded petrol so diesel fumes spewed out from the clapped out lorries, buses, and the big black sedans that only the government used. Not many cars for the ordinary guy in the street. Most of the shops in GUM the department store adjoining Red Square were empty, and there were queues around the block if there was a new consignment of shoes arrived. On the plus side, yes everyone had a roof over their head, even though it was an apartment with extended families sharing the facilities. Full employment ? yes, even old ladies were on the streets in winter shovelling snow from the pavements. Choices ? not much. Black faces ? never.
Of course Communism came crashing down in Russia, so Moscow now is unrecognisable to the place I visited in the 80’s, its caught up with the rest of the world. And of course, isn’t it worth mentioning to those who want that true communistic lifestyle, that if it seems so good, why did Russia ditch it for a more workable regime.
Oh how I would love to see the likes of Owen Jones, and all the other lefties spend 6 months in the environment I’ve described, they’d soon be glad to get back home and tolerate whichever party was in power, and be thankful !
I don’t know whether this has already been reported but tap ‘Waltham Forest pride’ in to YouTube and you’ll find an angry letterbox type yelling “shame on you” at gay people! ????
Our lying msm must be in knots over this one ????
Regardless of the pros and cons of this, I like the line the protestor used of “God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”.
Or as they say in Rotherham, Rochdale and Burnley:
“God created Adam and Tracey (13), Charlene (14), Lorraine (15) and Suzie(12)”
“they’d soon be glad to get back home and tolerate whichever party was in power, and be thankful !”
How true. Especially if that party supported remaining in the EU, hyper immigration from the third world, LGBTP rights, believed in global warming, promoted Islamification, supported the BBC and hated its own people.
Oh wait a minute, that’s all of them…
Ditto. About the same time: Latvia still under Russian control. I was looking at potential industries/businesses with which to negotiate Western involvement. Their industries – what disasters. They didn’t understand any legal principles of Contract Law. I developed the abbreviation: ‘NQR’ (‘not quite right’) to explain their products. In their haste to steal western technology they ultimately manufactured many products which were incompatible with their perceived western counterparts. Mainly in size/dimensions which meant nothing would ‘marry’ up easily with similar western made products. Like you, I’m sure I’ve some real ‘tales’ to tell and agree that the likes of Owen Jones simply don’t have a clue.
I didn’t think Ainsley was welcome in the Caribbean seeing as he is descended from a slave owner.
It’s true! I heard it on the BBC! “Hoping to trace the origins of the Harriott family name further back, Ainsley returns to Jamaica. Parish registers take him to 1803 and the baptism of his great-great grandfather, James Gordon Harriott, a white man who – Ainsley is astonished to discover – traded in slaves. “One moment you’re feeling this hatred for people who dominated and controlled and at times abused… and yet, my own grandfather, only twice removed, was a slave owner himself.””
I'll definitely watching Dispatches on @Channel4@8pm tonight. In "Young, British & Depressed" reporter (& trainee clinical psychologist) Sanah Ahsan investigates the rise in depression in young people & the risks of over-medicalization. Crucial issues.
— David Murphy – BPS President (@ClinPsychDavid) July 29, 2019
#HearMe ???? a is a podcast featuring Anisha, Kieran, Ahmed, Emma and Phoebe sharing their personal stories about what it is like growing up in the UK today.
“Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!” (Dale Arden)
Movie: Flash Gordon. 1980
Sorry couldn’t resist.
Dismayed that that film that I remember was made so long ago.
Interesting that in those days people used to talk about ‘The Earth’ saving the Earth etc, whereas these days it’s always ‘The Planet’, we have to save the Planet, as if there was more than one.
Best line in the film. Flash was fighting the villain on a rotating disc which had random 4-foot spikes jabbing up through the surface. Dale’s information caused Flash to give an understabable WTF look.
.@piersmorgan: Two months ago, Meghan was reportedly ‘too busy caring for her baby’ to meet the President of her own country on his state visit to the UK. Now we discover she was in fact preoccupied with the birth of another elitist production – Vogue
I wonder how popular Sparkles is, in the UK and in the USA. I can’t take to her; I don’t like looking at her, she reminds me too much of that other freak, Miss Occasional-Cortex.
From the D/Express……. “MEGHAN Markle was desperate to find a British man before meeting Prince Harry, as it has been revealed that the Duchess secretly swapped messages with X Factor winner Matt Cardle just months before befriending her husband-to-be. ”
I wonder at what point it will dawn on Harry exactly what he has done. Not at the moment, he’s still too much in awe of her.
I’m not on Twitter or any social media, but clicked on this feed to read more. My God ! the vitriol and language by people with clearly only half a brain cell is unbelievable.
I’ve read about twatter trolls and “twatter lighting up” but I never realised how hateful this form of social media is. WHY would anyone subscribe to it ? Most sound like they didn’t finish their education, and some of the pictures look like they only dine out on McDonalds.
The Tellygoon tax collectors of Al Beeb have sent me an other love letter telling me that an investigation is ‘active’ on my property and demanding an answer about my nonpayment of their telly tax.
This time the letter is a new design . Must have cost them a bit ?
taffman, think they may have been advised that their communications were in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and a re-write would be necessary. I wonder who told them that?
I’ve seen a few pieces in the MSM recently about the value of the pound falling. Now they’re saying the cause is uncertainty resulting from a ( what they always call) no deal Brexit.
Couldn’t it actually be because lots of people go abroad on holiday at this time of year and are buying foreign currency? Once the school holidays are over, in my limited experience, the value of the pound begins to rise again. Isn’t this just a case of supply and demand?
The BBC 24 hour propaganda channel is at it as I write, linking the falling £/$ to a no-deal Brexit. It’s the rising Dollar that is driving the currency markets following the strong US economy (Trump).
This comment by a past resident of Baltimore is very worth watching as are most of his comments generally. I’m sure Dr Steve Turley is well known to contributors here. Note the emphasis that the City has been democrat for ever and the majority is black. Evidence of how the democrats (and blacks) have failed to self-manage miserably.
I used to watch The Wire. That put me off the idea of ever visiting Baltimore. It is a complete dump, run by Democrats, as if you couldn’t have guessed.
The BBC need to investigate why UK Democracy died in 1998.
I’ll explain to make it easy for them.
Blair was elected in 1997 and in 1998, the UK saw a massive upturn in immigration that has continued ever since.
Why was this? Jack Straw commented that he wanted to rub the nose of the Right in Diversity and would incidentally create more Labour voters.
The raw numbers meant more Labour voters, but of course they replicated into more and more Labour voters.
Prosecutions for voting fraud have centred upon the Muslim population.
So there you have it. Labour Votes created by:
1. Importation of 3rd World Labour Voters. (They never vote Conservative).
2. Replication by high birth rate of 1. above.
3. Voter Fraud to add to 1. and 2. above.
Over to you BBC. Try and prove that Labour’s Strategy as above did not exist.
Here’s some facts:
“”Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser””
“”Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.””
The huge increases in migrants……..were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
Spot on and we are already paying a heavy price but one which will get much higher in coming decades. Effectively New Labour and the Globalist governments which followed then have destroyed our country.
A good start would be to fire a shot across their bows, stop their reintroduction of the licence fee for over 75s, win votes and prepare the BBC for more action.
The Daily Mail says: Mr Johnson was given a Royal Navy ‘foulie’ jacket emblazoned with ‘Prime Minister’ as a gift by the Ministry of Defence as he visited Faslane Naval Base in Scotland.
The wet weather gear came in useful on his visit to the west coast home of the nuclear submarine fleet as part of a visit to Scotland to discuss Brexit and the Union.
It echoes a coat worn by US president Donald Trump and his predecessors, who were each presented with a green US Navy flight jacket with their name and ‘Commander-in-Chief’ written on it.
Similar jackets were worn by Barack Obama and his predecessor George W Bush, who wore one during a summit with then prime minister Tony Blair.
I bet the ‘impartial’ Nick Robinson didn’t ‘tweet’ about St. Obama.
Plainly the Jacket was provided by the RN for the benefit of the person dishing out the outer wear for visitors on that day when their duties/walk was in the rain etc.
Al Beeb excusing their favorite terrorists again. FFS this kid is 18 at trial although 14 when committed the offense, and he gets lifelong anonymity as it might fundamentally undermine his rehabilitation, is autistic, and might be vulnerable to exploitation and reradicalisation.
Beebs defense is that Venables and Thompson, and Mary Bell got it…but they were named in court!
it’s even worse – after I read the Telegraph’s report, he got life with a minimum of five years!!! So, he will be out next year. Really, WTF. People need to wake up. 18! He’s got his whole life in front of him to rehabilitate….or cause mayhem.
Just reading the BBC news on the train into Manchester absolutely nothing positive about Brexit tales of horror from Wales should we leave without a no deal. So how long do we have to put up with this total unrelenting bias towards thier view of the world surely some government someday will do somthing about it. Yes I understand some people like the same sex , yes some men like dressing up as women yes yes yes I get it but stop using my money and millions and millions of NORMAL people’s money to push your agenda and please Boris do somthing about it.
I for one would gladly pay my £140 a year towards a UK digital infrastructure get free broadband and fibre in every home….they have the means to collect so think radical abandon the ultra left mouth piece of the BBC and use the money to provide the UK with a world beating digital infrastructure……..I’m now at Victoria.
Mr Khan an idea to assist with the stabbings situation and get the figures down.
Push for a new law which would carry the following:
1. Possession of a concealed knife in any public space without reason:
2 years in prison. No parole.
2. Using a knife to inflict injury without death:
5 years in prison. No parole.
3. Using a knife which results in loss of life:
Life or min 20 years in prison.
4. Stop and Search normalised.
You might squirm at these suggestions but a lot of people wouldn’t die who otherwise certainly will. Accept the uncomfortable to avoid the unthinkable.
Your quite right Digg.
2. Using a knife to inflict injury without death:
5 years in prison. No parole.
As regards your above suggestion.
The courts have the powers already to imprison anyone for life for this offence. Under section 18 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 – causing Malicious Wounding With Intent, however it is unfortunate that the courts seem reluctant to use these powers nowadays.
They were in a BBC breakfast woodland area where two years ago, they planted hundreds of trees , why were they back there today I wonder ??? CLIMATE CHANGE of course was the story , head of the Forest trust lecturing us along side the BBC woman about how trees can stop climate change !!!!! It’s never ending.
Then news at 7am. Anti Boris headline , BBC overly happy to show yesterday’s booing in scotland, in fact they had no talking at that point so the viewers could hear the booing even more clearly !!!!!! More anti Boris stuff and then climate change !!!! Even Mrs doobster78 couldn’t take anymore.
I wonder if the Beeb will run stories about how their favourite councils e.g. Sheffield , have knocked down trees so they don’t have to bother maintaining the mature ones. How the environmentally aware luvvies have culled the older wind facing trees and wonder why they are getting trees falling down as they are no longer protected. Any forest manager who actually studied and practised forestry would be able to educate them. But that would go against the narrative of doing their bit for the environment.
Seems Aunty’s eco Wunder Jugend has solved the problem of meeting AOC in New York harbour by floating across the pond in a replica of Kon Tiki, with her dad, a prince, and assorted ‘filmmakers’.
So far this PR triumph…. could be going better.
No doubt Jon Sopel will be hitching a ride on the Great Pink Sea Snail on his red eye shuttles in future as it can fit his Fiat 500 in the trunk.
Shouldn’t this idiot-savant be admonishing the likes of Vogue for the use of natural resources and energy to produce their magazine? After all it’s just an indulgence for its subscribers and not essential to human existence.
What a happy coincidence that what the BBC is reporting as the hottest day on recorded history in the UK happened to be recorded at Cambridge University botanical unit!
The inference I guess is that therefore we shouldn’t doubt this in any way as they are all very, very clever folk there and couldn’t possibly get it wrong or tell porkies.
It’s just that of all the places in the UK where this might have occurred. ( My allotment, The middle of the M1, Brighton Beach, Oxford Street in London etc. etc. ), luckily it took place where there are loads of very clever, and therefore impeccable authorities on hand to back it up.
And how fortuitous that Cambridge University have also recently launched a new Climate Change Research facility too!
The site where the hottest evah recording was made may have been scientifically significant once, but not any longer.
If you look at the attached link you can see the mass of buildings
related to the botanical unit that will distort those readings to include UHI effects.
Terrific link to a site I was unaware of Jazznick thanks! and I have to say the site tagline sums up why we are all on this site….
““We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. – J Robert Oppenheimer.”
Thanks,A few years ago Anthony Watts (WUWT website) in the US established that a vast number of weather stations in the US failed to meet the installation guidelines due to encroachment by buildings, roads, a/c units, parking lots etc so that all they measured was UHI.
A favourite site in the UK is Gravesend that pops up all the time
and, in conjunction with WUWT and ‘tallbloke’s talkshop’ site they did an in depth analysis of the site – the attached is very interesting and I’m sure not unique.
They probably took the temperature from a sensor located adjacent to the discharge (hot) air coming from the condensing units for their air conditioning.
BBC favourite, Alastair Campbell, has been on to mourn for his Labour Party and attack Brexit and criticise Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. Interesting that Keir Starmer is Al’s MP. Wouldn’t be helping in a leadership challenge, would you Al?
I reckon Corbyn’s standing will have improved by five points in the last hour.
We got up early this morning, Alistair Campbell is very effective. The BBC Today got their headline, ‘Alistair Campbell no longer wants to be a member of the Labour Party while Jeremy Corbyn is leader’. I thought that the Labour Party didn’t want him and had expelled him. Mishal didn’t ask him about it while I was listening.
But thanks Snuffy, I hadn’t joined the dots about why AC was on.
Is AC the only Alistair in the world? My predictive text offers Campbell as the only option.
Deborah, Al Campbell on the radio wakes you up? The Beeb are in danger of sending me to sleep! Or making me switch off. Alastair Campbell, Blair & Brown are so snoozeville, so yesterday.
Think the BBC narrative for the next 93 days will be to attack Bojo, to attack Corbyn (esp. if he fails to call a vote of No Confidence in the House) and attack a No-Deal-Brexit and by extension, Brexit itself. The likely recipients of the BBC’s approval over that period: der Starmer, Jo Swinson, Nicola Sturgeon and anyone in N.Ireland who will worry over the border and terrorism.
TOADY is worried about the £. It is at its lowest level for two years
Simon Calder – travel advisor – is changing his money at the airport. Worst place to do it, Simon. If you book your holiday travelling non-NetZero Carbon Emissions in January, then the wise traveller buys currency over the next eight months. All this talk of hols, no mention of Carbon NetZero, no mention of Anthropogenic Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Climate Damage, Climate Destruction, Climate Disaster, Climate Emergency, Extinction No.6, Extinction Rebellion, Sixth Mass Extinction, etc., etc..
BBC anti Boris you say ?? Would they use a photo like this of Corbyn, Lammy, Abbott, Obama , Jones, etc etc ……. NO they wouldn’t. Funny how when its a more Right sided figure, the left can do / say what the hell they like and its just a bit of FUN …. but do this to someone on the Left and its labelled Racist, bullying etc and they would never be off the BBC demanding apologies……only have to look at the Soubry incident to see that.
Disgusting, childish BIAS.
News Daily: PM talks farming amid no-deal concern, and viral hit breaks US record
Following on from my last post re hottest day on record. Watching the morning news it seems clear that the BBC had planned a follow-up today using its roving reporter style.
Unfortunately the arrival of storms and rain appears to have put a damper on that but they bravely carried on anyway.
Item 1. a Beeboid chap at a water company up North with a bloke who more or less said “nothing to see here, business as usual!”
Item 2. A Beeboid lass in a field with some new trees. Asking why are so many new trees planted in rural rather then urban areas? I think we probably all know the answer to that one so I won’t dwell on it.
I think having shipped all their tackle at great cost no doubt to these places to stamp home the hottest day, end-of-world thingy they just had to desperately try to salvage some crumbs from the wreckage.
Normal deceitful Project Fear interview with someone from the NFU . The NFU has been “hard Remain “ for ever .
As always self interest takes primacy and these business people – let’s call them farmers – get subsidies from the EU UK taxpayer for land use . So they don’t want to lose the freebies .
But this isn’t the line the BBC take – in its normal biased way . There is no blame attached to the EU which says it will impose 40% tariffs on sheep meat exports .
As usual the BBC is completely uncritical of the EU – . If the EU bought in a policy of killing the first born of British Wimmin after brexit the BBC would just parrot – how are we going to achieve it ? Why can’t we kill more kids if that’s what their beloved EU want .
I’ve said here before that Tory MPs in the new government should avoid the BBC for the next 95 days – I stick with that as a counter to the Project Fear and they more desperate attempts by the BBC to stop democracy .
By the way – the next time they exhume Heseltine to be an EU mouthpiece remember he gets £90000 a year cheque from the EU for his land …
So R4 gave @campbellclaret a prime slot on Today to launch a tirade to try and get rid of Corbyn in order to assist his battle to stop Brexit. He was hardly interrupted at all and given the kid gloves treatment by @MishalHusain . He must be pleased with his morning's work!
So I suppose she didn’t ask him about his mental health – which he admits varies every day . The chai isn’t right but is still given the air of publicity despite having no more value in his view than you dear reader .
He ll be doing a press conference showing him signing up for the Liberal Party some time soon .
TOADY are oblivious of the cost of good quality cuts of meat on their vast salaries. Their probably computerised, automated standing order for Ocado for their shopping at Waitrose is just a number in the monthly credit card bill.
In the Snuffy household, meat is an occasional treat at up to £18 a kilo for lamb. The Welsh sheep farmers, in the event of a No-Deal-Brexit, could be doing really well feeding the UK market with much lower costs compared to exporting produce over greater distances. Lower vets bills. Lower fuel costs. Lower transport charges. Better for the environment, too. 😉
Exports are good for the country but where they come at the expense of the UK consumer, are they really that good? Especially if the UK then has to import approximately 60% of its food from abroad. If the politicians (and BBC) are really serious about Carbon NetZero, then trade miles will become as important for reduction as the car miles and the air miles.
Bring on (a No-Deal) Brexit – the Bitter Pill for the Beeb.
Snuff- Don’t come with any FACTS! This is about bullying beeb propagandist, Robinson, discourteous to the point of being obnoxious, using Welsh farming to spearhead project Fear for the day.
Manipulative, as ever, Robinson sounds almost as if he is trying hard to inspire and co-ordinate civil unrest in Wales, a prospect which clearly delights him. I’m sure that’s not what the bbc would want to do, you know- undermine democracy and encourage unrest, but then they need to be a little more cautious.
Our patriotic state broadcaster has identified what it sees as a weak spot for the hated “hard right” Boris, and is going at it hammer and tongs!
As we know, our friends at the beeb haven’t a clue as to what the term “right” actually means, politically-speaking, and are happy to use terms like “hard”, “extreme”, “far” etc as an insult, with gay abandon.
Up 2
Agree . Lamb is now a luxury food and if the farmers can’t make it affordable in the UK them someone else will .
Anyway – back to Toady and Comrade Robinson .
His brother in Marxist – Comrade Corbyn has set out Labour Party policy of banning fracking because of so called’ Climate change’ .
Fair enough – but Comrade Robinson doesn’t then follow up with the question – so labour would ban coal mining as well on the same grounds . ?
But Labour loves coal miners – all that coal dug out of the ground has warmed the planet and Labour has loved it . So Maggie thatcher did the planet a favour taking on the miners – right ?
Fed, Prof Minstead explained before and during the EU Referendum Campaign that leaving the EU would be tough for UK farmers but that lower prices all round would not necessarily wipe out their businesses. They would have to learn and adapt to compete outside the blatant protectionism of the EU just as Kiwi & Aussie farmers had to do the same when we joined the EEC in ’73 and turned our back on the Commonwealth.
Apparently, Corbyn, in a bid to shore up his leadership position among ‘da yoof’ is all set to have Labour ban fracking in the UK if they are elected to Government sometime in the future. An anti-fracking campaigner who appears to be not the sharpest twig on the tree in the forest is challenged by Nick: “Is it better to import gas over vast distances (inference: by extremely dirty polluting ship) or to obtain it locally for local consumption?”
“We should not be using gas at all.” is the bombshell reply from the wimmin anti-fracking campaigner.
It’s OK for wimmins because on average they have different and more body fat than men and, consequently, do not feel the cold as much. But relying on solar & wind-farm electricity plus all those wonderful unicorn farts will not keep that wimmin anti-fracking campaigner warm enough in winter with her food cooked and her magic bus charged to get her to the next demo, as well.
I don’t know much about fracking – but I’m against it. . I see our gas reserves as a strategic energy security issue in the same way that America sees its own oil reserves .
Until recently exporting oil from the USA was banned . I think we should leave the gas in the ground until it is really needed – and import it from elsewhere .
I know if you take this argument forward then we would not be taking oil out of the North Sea .
There is no long term benefit from what has been done there – governments chose to use the profits as opposed to building a sovereign wealth fund – which is a great shame .
Fed, it is a useful resource and I would not disagree that keeping it in reserve might be a wise thing. However, to do that we need to establish where the fields are, how large they are and how to get at them economically with minimal disruption. Labour Party and the mentalistenviros will probably try to ban all of that exploration and testing, not just extraction.
The US exports of gas and oil were not banned, Fed. They had nothing to export. The US was a net importer until recently when they sorted out their deep field extraction problems. They do not have enough on land oil, at an extractable rate, sufficient for their needs.
The really big danger is that various large economy Governments have been stupid enough to signal the end of transport use for oil. The oil companies will increasingly look at their extraction costs and say “Nah, can’t make much profit on that! Let’s not bother and put up solar panels and windmills instead.”. They will increasingly choose to leave the stuff under the sea.
I may be wrong but I thought the US decided it would rather import foreign oil than use its reserves . I’ll read up on it .
As for fracking – I’m thinking of a time when we really really need fuel and can’t get enough from overseas sources at affordable levels . Corbyn would be long dead – I’m talking 10 20 30 years out .
But thinking on it I don’t know how a UK sharia based government would handle that …
“Boris Johnson’s Downing Street is being quite clear that if the EU wants to talk then it needs to be prepared to reopen the withdrawal agreement. If the EU isn’t prepared to budge on this, the message is that there will be no deal.
The EU isn’t inclined to take this threat that seriously right now.
The EU view is that parliament will find a way to block the UK leaving without a deal or Boris Johnson will get cold feet. Even if the UK does leave without a deal, many in the EU reckon that within months the UK will be so keen to come back to the table that it’ll end up accepting the current agreement after all.”
GW – a work of PR genius, enthusiastically given top billing on Toady/news.
One wonders who dreamt it up, not that it was that difficult, being an obvious answer to allegations of carbon producing flying, etc
Let’s see if she keeps it up, as it’s time consuming for a jet-setter!
I’m sure they’re hoping it’s a one-off we will soon forget!
Greta has declared she has stopped eating meat, dairy and eggs – urging her family to do the same, saying: “You say you love your children above all else and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.”
“Greta has declared she has stopped eating meat, dairy and eggs – urging her family to do the same, saying: “You say you love your children above all else and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes”
Sounds more like one of those irritating “Life Insurance” TV adds were the viewer is supposed to go on a guilt trip by thinking of our grand children.
Why do vegetarians and vegans want their food to look like…… meat? In my Co-op there is, what looks like mince with the label “The Meatfree Farm”. There is a pressed ‘concoction’ of God knows what with the label “chicken free roll” – I laugh, – why include the word ‘chicken’ if there is no trace of it ????? and don’t get me started on the burgers and sausages.
So, if this lot do not want to eat meat or animal products, then WHY do they want their food to look like the stuff the rest of us eat ?
It’s a good point. Possibly because we have an innate need and desire to eat meat as we are, after all, hunters and omnivores. Contrarywise, nature does not seem to have pre-programmed us to seek out chemical concoctions, stem cells and the factories that assemble them and, as of yet, scientists have been unable to find the gene responsible for wanting to drink a skinny white made with soya milk. Each according to his/her/its own, but vegetarianism and veganism are unnatural in a biological sense (‘I beg to to disagree’ – A.Hitler).
“Sounds more like one of those irritating “Life Insurance” TV adds were the viewer is supposed to go on a guilt trip by thinking of our grand children.” LOVE IT !
I don’t have kids, so therefore no grandkids, and I’m just spending all my hard earned on………………. ME !!!
In the past I’ve given nieces and nephews cheques of 3 figures for weddings/birthdays/xmas, and I’m I thought any more of ? or even received a letter of thanks ? Have I hell, so its No.1 from now on, and sod the lot of ’em.
I like those adverts and I’m going to miss the free money PPI adds as well .
Bring a friend to this site and get a free Parker pen …
I also suspect that the bloke in the tank top is having a mad fling with his ‘ neighbour ‘ June who seems to spend an unhealthy amount of time ‘ next door’ ….
Fed, ah but have you noticed that ‘June’ has had her mouth altered from saying “oh yes I’ve seen the ads with Parky”, to now saying “oh yes I’ve seen the ads on tv”.
Clearly ‘Parky’ took issue with having his name used without payment, so they’ve changed the dialogue.
Any body know the following remark by a daughter to her dad when their neighbour calls round to see what else the householder can flog to her:
“Its June Dad”
June – who is the name of the neighbour – walks in opened mouthed, gurning to camera as if she’s just seen a ghost streaking down her hallway holding her dentures in its hands.
Its the TV add for a: “Pay for your funeral in”.
Its the add where certain – fresh from the Botox celebrities – try to twist your arm up your back in order to earn their own equivalent of a EU MPs salary promising those suckers who fall for the add and survive long enough – after 80 yrs saving @ £50 a month will be rewarded with the huge amount of £5 quid to pay for one’s funeral.
Note: however, if one lives to 80 and forgets to pay the monthly amount due the previous month you loose every £ you’ve paid in. Everything.
Then there are the equity release ads. Although this system of borrowing money against your property until you die or go into care, has been around for a couple of decades, before I cash in my chips I want to see if there is any scandal ready to erupt as I’m sure there’s bound to be.
Those that have already had their lump sums in the past must surely be coming up to going into care, or passing on, then we’ll see what the relatives have to say about this system when there’s no money left in the pot, due to the rolling interest every year.
I just feel that like the endowment mortgages that were flogged at the height of the property boom, which didn’t increase the pot as the salesmen said it would, so everyone caught colds year later, I think the same might happen with this equity release lark.
Council flat AirBnB corruption
Saturday 13th July on FooC
“Caroline Davies has been finding out what lessons policy makers can learn from the Viennese approach to housing. ”
She waxed lyrical about the SUBSIDISED council housing Karl Marx Hof.
… And I’m thinking YOU STUPID WOMAN, if the housing is SUBSIDISED then I bet there is the corruption of subletting.
Then today comes up this story about this guy being fined £100K
An LBC caller saying the thing is in her area
“so in my people have put a chalet type sleepout shed in their garden for their parents, who then rent out their own council houses.”
.. Another caller tells us a council worker told him that she would often spot council flats advertised for rent in estate agents windows, but the fraud squad was too busy to chase it up.
Rest of the Fooc Blurb \\ A hundred years ago, the passing of the Addison Act spurred a huge expansion in council housing across the UK. Austria too has been remembering when it began building social housing around 100 years ago. In Vienna today more than half of its population live in subsidised apartment blocks.
Some of these are of vast scale, such as Karl Marx Hof, more than half a mile long.
Caroline Davies has been finding out what lessons policy makers can learn from the Viennese approach to housing. //
Those coincidences when BBC just happen to interview someone after a Guardian interview
#1 The Guardian’s Amelia Hillwrites about Rosemary Blenkinsop
Extinction Rebellion pensioner: ‘I get arrested for the planet’
We know the BBC and the Left hate Britain … they NEVER focus on the good news, even though there is plenty of it. Its a strange old game when you are seemingly desperate your OWN COUNTRY to fail. Weird.
Anyone stupid enough to use airport exchange booths for anything other than immediate small quantity access deserves precisely what they will get – but the message from the Independent overlooks this simple truth. Elsewhere the pound will get 1.9 euros – about the same as last year at this holiday time – and another little coincidence the Risibly Less Than Independent ignores.
The real potential news item, to take the money-changers to court for illegal usury and financial distortion, would not be in the public interest. Evidently.
I had time in a departure area of a UK airport recently and saw the rate Moneycorp quoted . I was so shocked I took a picture and was challenged – apparently airport bylaws – but theft is theft ( yes I know it’s free will and free markets ).
One of the consequences of BBC bias is that there are many dramas that we try to avoid like the plague. That presents the problem, what can we watch without being insulted, wasting our time, or throwing a brick at the telly?
Can I make a suggestion? Can we have a thread from time to time in which people can list programmes (any source) that are actually worth watching? I know that suggestions already come up from time to time, and I’ve found them very useful.
I’d start the ball rolling with Chernobyl (SKY, HBO), which was far better than I expected.
I know that this is not the primary function of BiasedBBC, but one way to prise people away from the licence fee is to present them with alternatives.
Helen – thanks for the idea – or maybe an -avoid like the plague – thread – which has the instant fault of being very long .
Lucky TVs and radios don’t have blood pressure monitors attached . Monitoring tick box insertion of non whites/ whites , Muslims / kaffirs . Wimmin / non Wimmin might be a start .
Fauda is a good one. Israel-Palestine drama, and you think (a) Israel is a good place (b) Will the hostility ever be ended? It is fair-minded in a way the BBC would be incapable of.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Found this elsewhere and may be of interest:-
Just to put remainers out of their Misery ….
Both EU and UK law stipulates the UK will leave on October 31st.
The only way this can change is if the government (not parliament) ask for an Extension.
If Boris does not ask for an extension and basically does nothing we leave on 31st October and there is NOTHING parliament can do to stop it so you might as well just get used to it.
Six days later, still nothing on the local or national BBC News about The Day of Diversity Looting and Assaulting. The Aldi store in question is literally over the road from Warwickshire County Cricket Club, so I expect there will be an increased police presence to protect the spectators for The Ashes this week.
Note how The Birmingham Mail uses the term ‘teenagers’ to describe the criminals.
Laura is going to disappear for a bit.
Which is nice.
Extended propaganda piece for Islam masquerading as ‘Sport Insight’ on cricketer Adil Rashid. Of course it features his Bradford mosque, including such hilarity as when the Imam jokes to his congregation: “We were all supporting England…as soon as Pakistan were knocked out.”
Sneaking a promo for a future Islamic England under the radar isn’t new but is a bit of extra wordplay starting to emerge?
Try and imagine the BBC ever going with “The Olympics will be good for England, praise the Lord” or “by the ineffable grace of Christ it’s coming home, it’s coming home…”
I guess that would be the sadistic, ignorant, stupid psychopath called _allah_, a character from muslim fiction.
… and a Google search for “BBC + Jesus” showing top image and video results. Textbook revisionism at work
That photo was taken at Rotherham.
Makes you wonder whether the people at the BBC believe Jews like Danny Cohen, and Alan Yentob are actually Black because they are Jewish !
Presumably the two overpaid birds in the background, looking none too pleased to be so labelled?
Something that should be read, which clearly states the state of play affecting our (Uk)education. From anarticle worth reading-
The Idiocy of the Latest Educational Framework:
America’s education system is driven decade after decade by a never-ending stream of jargon. Left-wing educators seemingly never get tired of reproducing their pap in schools of education and not-for-profit organizations. Their jargon continuously reconfigures and is infinitely creative in saying the same thing in different ways; decade after decade educational jargon expresses educational models that produce fewer and fewer diligent, capable, informed, goal-oriented students. The successive models since the 1890s can, in a general sense, be called “progressive education.” These models express the desire of the government and the educational powers that be to engage in social engineering. This social engineering aspires to replace the parents and the family as the basic unit for passing on social and individual values and morality. We can see that progressing here.
The government — that “global village” that superintends society, as Hillary Clinton expressed years ago — begins to bear responsibility for raising the little ones in the ways they should go in every respect. This progressive model of social engineering leads to a perpetual dumbing down of each generation. Depicts the inadequacies of modern education.
Being of a certain age, I have family and friends with links to a fair number of young folk going through universities of various kinds.
Talking with many of these it is apparent that they are all to a greater or lesser extent being filled with a “communistic” outlook on life where they are being led to believe that power must return to the individual within a collective.
The concept of ability and reward is thus alien and unwanted, viewed as elitist, exclusive and thus to be stamped out.
What is not imparted or understood is that for such a society to function it will require firm unelected “faces” at the top controlling everything to keep it on course and under unwavering control. Remember the USSR?
The BBC of course being rammed full of such individuals is in the vanguard of this thinking and the EU it’s model and goal for securing that control.
That explains much to me.
I know what you mean.
Unfortunately, it is made 10x worse by the fact that they will rarely, if ever, engage in debate or serious discussion involving any depth or, horror of horrors, historical perspective. They seem to be unable to think on their feet when confronted with views with which they are unfamiliar.
When I was their age, youthful BS was almost invariably challenged by people who had acquired some maturity and knowledge of how the world really works. It could be brutal but that’s how we grew up. Try that now and you’ll be accused of bullying – often by some other, overprotective “adult” in the room.
Hate to admit it but, with a few exceptions, I avoid most “youth”. There’s no excitement; they bore me rigid.
Helen I have seen and felt that response too. Trying to suggest a reasoned alternative viewpoint is met with almost horror, as if I were trying to convert them to satan.
Often an awkward silence ensues that speaks volumes as they run out of mental road and any concept or evaluation of any alternative to the single-minded blinkered view planted in their minds.
One of the root causes is the lack of the command of the English language. Many people are simply not equipped to analyse argument or counter them in their mother tongue.
Their guidelines nicely set out in order.
Saul Alinsky’s ’12 Rules for Radicals’.
As quoted verbatim in XR training videos.
No wonder AOC, Greta, Gove, Milipede, the Greens, Limps and BBC are smitten.
G: Interesting.
“RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.””
Explains why comedy is under attack.
I sympathise Digg. Sadly the ideal of a communistic lifestyle that the young think they aspire to is a fantasy promoted by other fantasists, who have absolutely no concept of what living under a communist regime entails.
Those in education and those of yuppy age above them, are ok with their comfortable living, good paying jobs, latte to go, big tv on the wall, and an App for most of their needs, while pontificating about power to the people, more rights, more funding for everything, housing for everyone etc etc etc.
BUT, take all their good life away from them, and plonk them down in an environment of REAL communism and they’ll soon be crying for Mum.
I was in Russia towards the end of the Gorbachov era, and communism meant no marketing so no adverts, no unleaded petrol so diesel fumes spewed out from the clapped out lorries, buses, and the big black sedans that only the government used. Not many cars for the ordinary guy in the street. Most of the shops in GUM the department store adjoining Red Square were empty, and there were queues around the block if there was a new consignment of shoes arrived. On the plus side, yes everyone had a roof over their head, even though it was an apartment with extended families sharing the facilities. Full employment ? yes, even old ladies were on the streets in winter shovelling snow from the pavements. Choices ? not much. Black faces ? never.
Of course Communism came crashing down in Russia, so Moscow now is unrecognisable to the place I visited in the 80’s, its caught up with the rest of the world. And of course, isn’t it worth mentioning to those who want that true communistic lifestyle, that if it seems so good, why did Russia ditch it for a more workable regime.
Oh how I would love to see the likes of Owen Jones, and all the other lefties spend 6 months in the environment I’ve described, they’d soon be glad to get back home and tolerate whichever party was in power, and be thankful !
I don’t know whether this has already been reported but tap ‘Waltham Forest pride’ in to YouTube and you’ll find an angry letterbox type yelling “shame on you” at gay people! ????
Our lying msm must be in knots over this one ????
Regardless of the pros and cons of this, I like the line the protestor used of “God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”.
Or as they say in Rotherham, Rochdale and Burnley:
“God created Adam and Tracey (13), Charlene (14), Lorraine (15) and Suzie(12)”
the speecie has a great article on this one
and the gay peoples odd tolerance of this abuse lmao
as some brain pointed out pressing escape as the page loads bypasses the speecie firewall
“they’d soon be glad to get back home and tolerate whichever party was in power, and be thankful !”
How true. Especially if that party supported remaining in the EU, hyper immigration from the third world, LGBTP rights, believed in global warming, promoted Islamification, supported the BBC and hated its own people.
Oh wait a minute, that’s all of them…
Ditto. About the same time: Latvia still under Russian control. I was looking at potential industries/businesses with which to negotiate Western involvement. Their industries – what disasters. They didn’t understand any legal principles of Contract Law. I developed the abbreviation: ‘NQR’ (‘not quite right’) to explain their products. In their haste to steal western technology they ultimately manufactured many products which were incompatible with their perceived western counterparts. Mainly in size/dimensions which meant nothing would ‘marry’ up easily with similar western made products. Like you, I’m sure I’ve some real ‘tales’ to tell and agree that the likes of Owen Jones simply don’t have a clue.
BBC 1 9pm
So when does she have time to be anxious and depressed then ?
great viewing, if you bother to turn over 🙂
I hope he falls off the boat and gets eaten by a shark. Am I allowed to say that?
dont be like that, we can send an HMS Destroyer to pick him up
I didn’t think Ainsley was welcome in the Caribbean seeing as he is descended from a slave owner.
It’s true! I heard it on the BBC!
“Hoping to trace the origins of the Harriott family name further back, Ainsley returns to Jamaica. Parish registers take him to 1803 and the baptism of his great-great grandfather, James Gordon Harriott, a white man who – Ainsley is astonished to discover – traded in slaves. “One moment you’re feeling this hatred for people who dominated and controlled and at times abused… and yet, my own grandfather, only twice removed, was a slave owner himself.””
Channel4 8pm
Channel5 8pm

Ortis Deley
Bob, Carol, Ted And Alice so last media cycle.
“Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!” (Dale Arden)
Movie: Flash Gordon. 1980
Sorry couldn’t resist.
Dismayed that that film that I remember was made so long ago.
Interesting that in those days people used to talk about ‘The Earth’ saving the Earth etc, whereas these days it’s always ‘The Planet’, we have to save the Planet, as if there was more than one.
I prefer to speak of saving the world. It sounds so bloody stupid.
Best line in the film. Flash was fighting the villain on a rotating disc which had random 4-foot spikes jabbing up through the surface. Dale’s information caused Flash to give an understabable WTF look.
The Today Programme
No-deal Brexit: 10 ways it could affect you.
The BBC seems to rely on that word. A lot.
Could, Might, Despite are also popular words from the eu.bc
Piers Morgan’s new article
I wonder how popular Sparkles is, in the UK and in the USA. I can’t take to her; I don’t like looking at her, she reminds me too much of that other freak, Miss Occasional-Cortex.
Give her enough rope, she’ll soon hang herself.
From the D/Express……. “MEGHAN Markle was desperate to find a British man before meeting Prince Harry, as it has been revealed that the Duchess secretly swapped messages with X Factor winner Matt Cardle just months before befriending her husband-to-be. ”
I wonder at what point it will dawn on Harry exactly what he has done. Not at the moment, he’s still too much in awe of her.
I’m not on Twitter or any social media, but clicked on this feed to read more. My God ! the vitriol and language by people with clearly only half a brain cell is unbelievable.
I’ve read about twatter trolls and “twatter lighting up” but I never realised how hateful this form of social media is. WHY would anyone subscribe to it ? Most sound like they didn’t finish their education, and some of the pictures look like they only dine out on McDonalds.
Your BBC Posting has been removed
Theresa May to resign as prime minister
And she cries…just like a woman
Grossly offensive, but the poor little dears at the BBC might not have heard of Bob Dylan
You can monitor deleted comments here
Although yours was from a few weeks back.
The Tellygoon tax collectors of Al Beeb have sent me an other love letter telling me that an investigation is ‘active’ on my property and demanding an answer about my nonpayment of their telly tax.
This time the letter is a new design . Must have cost them a bit ?
My collection now has:
– three colours of envelope
– two sizes of envelope
– four styles of envelope
– two styles of address
– seven styles of threat
Would that we had that much variety in BBC ‘comedy’!
taffman, think they may have been advised that their communications were in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and a re-write would be necessary. I wonder who told them that?
Al Beeb are very proud to tell us that the £ is at a 2 year low but are very quiet about the rise in the FTSE ? I wonder why?
Bbc for academic progress!
Get your PhD in Social Engineering there.
No one can do it like them!
I’ve seen a few pieces in the MSM recently about the value of the pound falling. Now they’re saying the cause is uncertainty resulting from a ( what they always call) no deal Brexit.
Couldn’t it actually be because lots of people go abroad on holiday at this time of year and are buying foreign currency? Once the school holidays are over, in my limited experience, the value of the pound begins to rise again. Isn’t this just a case of supply and demand?
Uncertainty ?
Yes we should have left long ago – end of uncertainty .
The BBC 24 hour propaganda channel is at it as I write, linking the falling £/$ to a no-deal Brexit. It’s the rising Dollar that is driving the currency markets following the strong US economy (Trump).
Greta’s boat is made of carbon! Oh the irony.
Trump wasn’t being ‘racist’; he was telling the truth!
This comment by a past resident of Baltimore is very worth watching as are most of his comments generally. I’m sure Dr Steve Turley is well known to contributors here. Note the emphasis that the City has been democrat for ever and the majority is black. Evidence of how the democrats (and blacks) have failed to self-manage miserably.
I like Dr. Turleys reports – I watch them regularly, and they go a long way to cheering me up!
I used to watch The Wire. That put me off the idea of ever visiting Baltimore. It is a complete dump, run by Democrats, as if you couldn’t have guessed.
The Wire was a fav of mine too!
This report by Paul Craig Roberts is an eye opener. It’s a reasonably long read but worth the time.
In short, it chronicles the descent of the US police in several states into blatent criminality including the killing of innocent people:
Beboids def wouldn’t show this –
It’s from March 2019 when the AfD announced they support Brexit
version with open comments
The BBC need to investigate why UK Democracy died in 1998.
I’ll explain to make it easy for them.
Blair was elected in 1997 and in 1998, the UK saw a massive upturn in immigration that has continued ever since.
Why was this? Jack Straw commented that he wanted to rub the nose of the Right in Diversity and would incidentally create more Labour voters.
The raw numbers meant more Labour voters, but of course they replicated into more and more Labour voters.
Prosecutions for voting fraud have centred upon the Muslim population.
So there you have it. Labour Votes created by:
1. Importation of 3rd World Labour Voters. (They never vote Conservative).
2. Replication by high birth rate of 1. above.
3. Voter Fraud to add to 1. and 2. above.
Over to you BBC. Try and prove that Labour’s Strategy as above did not exist.
Here’s some facts:
“”Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser””
“”Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.””
The huge increases in migrants……..were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
Spot on and we are already paying a heavy price but one which will get much higher in coming decades. Effectively New Labour and the Globalist governments which followed then have destroyed our country.
The big change will be when they no longer need to vote Labour.
Nick might need to take another entrance to the one with that statue.
I bet he remembers it more easily than Nick Robinson does trying to remember that the BBC is supposedly politically unbiased.
Al Beeb doesn’t like Boris.
Boris knows it .
And what’s Boris going to do about it then?
asser Dasmibehbi
A good start would be to fire a shot across their bows, stop their reintroduction of the licence fee for over 75s, win votes and prepare the BBC for more action.
The Daily Mail says:
Mr Johnson was given a Royal Navy ‘foulie’ jacket emblazoned with ‘Prime Minister’ as a gift by the Ministry of Defence as he visited Faslane Naval Base in Scotland.
The wet weather gear came in useful on his visit to the west coast home of the nuclear submarine fleet as part of a visit to Scotland to discuss Brexit and the Union.
It echoes a coat worn by US president Donald Trump and his predecessors, who were each presented with a green US Navy flight jacket with their name and ‘Commander-in-Chief’ written on it.
Similar jackets were worn by Barack Obama and his predecessor George W Bush, who wore one during a summit with then prime minister Tony Blair.
I bet the ‘impartial’ Nick Robinson didn’t ‘tweet’ about St. Obama.
Of course, Jim, that all happened a long time ago, so the BBC have forgotten!
What about all this kit then…
His name tape had been sewn in behind his neck of course!
Look at all the Left hatred in the replies to Nick. Not one of them aware that their Lefty heroes have done EXACTLY the same.
The tolerant left hey.
Plainly the Jacket was provided by the RN for the benefit of the person dishing out the outer wear for visitors on that day when their duties/walk was in the rain etc.
Anzac Day terror plot: Blackburn boy granted anonymity
Al Beeb excusing their favorite terrorists again. FFS this kid is 18 at trial although 14 when committed the offense, and he gets lifelong anonymity as it might fundamentally undermine his rehabilitation, is autistic, and might be vulnerable to exploitation and reradicalisation.
Beebs defense is that Venables and Thompson, and Mary Bell got it…but they were named in court!
The judge who granted the terrorist anonymity is ‘Dame’ Victoria Sharp. Presumably that will be the same ‘Dame’ Victoria Sharp who jointly decided the fate of political prisoner Tommy Robinson at the Old Bailey earlier this month.
And presumably the same ‘honourable lady’ who doesn’t like striking workers:
it’s even worse – after I read the Telegraph’s report, he got life with a minimum of five years!!! So, he will be out next year. Really, WTF. People need to wake up. 18! He’s got his whole life in front of him to rehabilitate….or cause mayhem.
Just reading the BBC news on the train into Manchester absolutely nothing positive about Brexit tales of horror from Wales should we leave without a no deal. So how long do we have to put up with this total unrelenting bias towards thier view of the world surely some government someday will do somthing about it. Yes I understand some people like the same sex , yes some men like dressing up as women yes yes yes I get it but stop using my money and millions and millions of NORMAL people’s money to push your agenda and please Boris do somthing about it.
I for one would gladly pay my £140 a year towards a UK digital infrastructure get free broadband and fibre in every home….they have the means to collect so think radical abandon the ultra left mouth piece of the BBC and use the money to provide the UK with a world beating digital infrastructure……..I’m now at Victoria.
Mr Khan an idea to assist with the stabbings situation and get the figures down.
Push for a new law which would carry the following:
1. Possession of a concealed knife in any public space without reason:
2 years in prison. No parole.
2. Using a knife to inflict injury without death:
5 years in prison. No parole.
3. Using a knife which results in loss of life:
Life or min 20 years in prison.
4. Stop and Search normalised.
You might squirm at these suggestions but a lot of people wouldn’t die who otherwise certainly will. Accept the uncomfortable to avoid the unthinkable.
Your quite right Digg.
2. Using a knife to inflict injury without death:
5 years in prison. No parole.
As regards your above suggestion.
The courts have the powers already to imprison anyone for life for this offence. Under section 18 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 – causing Malicious Wounding With Intent, however it is unfortunate that the courts seem reluctant to use these powers nowadays.
Caught BBC breakfast between 6.50am and 7.03am.
They were in a BBC breakfast woodland area where two years ago, they planted hundreds of trees , why were they back there today I wonder ??? CLIMATE CHANGE of course was the story , head of the Forest trust lecturing us along side the BBC woman about how trees can stop climate change !!!!! It’s never ending.
Then news at 7am. Anti Boris headline , BBC overly happy to show yesterday’s booing in scotland, in fact they had no talking at that point so the viewers could hear the booing even more clearly !!!!!! More anti Boris stuff and then climate change !!!! Even Mrs doobster78 couldn’t take anymore.
Nothing more than a far left propaganda machine.
Seems you can get a gun licence in certain parts if you stick a few dozen saplings in the soil.
I am hoping to get a Maxim guy which, ironically, Hiram used to cut a tree down.
I wonder if the Beeb will run stories about how their favourite councils e.g. Sheffield , have knocked down trees so they don’t have to bother maintaining the mature ones. How the environmentally aware luvvies have culled the older wind facing trees and wonder why they are getting trees falling down as they are no longer protected. Any forest manager who actually studied and practised forestry would be able to educate them. But that would go against the narrative of doing their bit for the environment.
Seems Aunty’s eco Wunder Jugend has solved the problem of meeting AOC in New York harbour by floating across the pond in a replica of Kon Tiki, with her dad, a prince, and assorted ‘filmmakers’.
So far this PR triumph…. could be going better.
No doubt Jon Sopel will be hitching a ride on the Great Pink Sea Snail on his red eye shuttles in future as it can fit his Fiat 500 in the trunk.
PR triumphs abound.
When’s she doing Love Island in a few years, by pedalo.
Shouldn’t this idiot-savant be admonishing the likes of Vogue for the use of natural resources and energy to produce their magazine? After all it’s just an indulgence for its subscribers and not essential to human existence.
Think of all the helicopters keeping an eye on the green boat
What a happy coincidence that what the BBC is reporting as the hottest day on recorded history in the UK happened to be recorded at Cambridge University botanical unit!
The inference I guess is that therefore we shouldn’t doubt this in any way as they are all very, very clever folk there and couldn’t possibly get it wrong or tell porkies.
It’s just that of all the places in the UK where this might have occurred. ( My allotment, The middle of the M1, Brighton Beach, Oxford Street in London etc. etc. ), luckily it took place where there are loads of very clever, and therefore impeccable authorities on hand to back it up.
And how fortuitous that Cambridge University have also recently launched a new Climate Change Research facility too!
An amazing piece of luck for them hey!
They really do think we proles have our heads in buckets don’t they? I for one find it insulting.
The site where the hottest evah recording was made may have been scientifically significant once, but not any longer.
If you look at the attached link you can see the mass of buildings
related to the botanical unit that will distort those readings to include UHI effects.
Terrific link to a site I was unaware of Jazznick thanks! and I have to say the site tagline sums up why we are all on this site….
““We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. – J Robert Oppenheimer.”
Thanks,A few years ago Anthony Watts (WUWT website) in the US established that a vast number of weather stations in the US failed to meet the installation guidelines due to encroachment by buildings, roads, a/c units, parking lots etc so that all they measured was UHI.
A favourite site in the UK is Gravesend that pops up all the time
and, in conjunction with WUWT and ‘tallbloke’s talkshop’ site they did an in depth analysis of the site – the attached is very interesting and I’m sure not unique.
They probably took the temperature from a sensor located adjacent to the discharge (hot) air coming from the condensing units for their air conditioning.
TOADY WATCH #1 – the Bounce
BBC favourite, Alastair Campbell, has been on to mourn for his Labour Party and attack Brexit and criticise Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. Interesting that Keir Starmer is Al’s MP. Wouldn’t be helping in a leadership challenge, would you Al?
I reckon Corbyn’s standing will have improved by five points in the last hour.
We got up early this morning, Alistair Campbell is very effective. The BBC Today got their headline, ‘Alistair Campbell no longer wants to be a member of the Labour Party while Jeremy Corbyn is leader’. I thought that the Labour Party didn’t want him and had expelled him. Mishal didn’t ask him about it while I was listening.
But thanks Snuffy, I hadn’t joined the dots about why AC was on.
Is AC the only Alistair in the world? My predictive text offers Campbell as the only option.
Deborah, Al Campbell on the radio wakes you up? The Beeb are in danger of sending me to sleep! Or making me switch off. Alastair Campbell, Blair & Brown are so snoozeville, so yesterday.
Think the BBC narrative for the next 93 days will be to attack Bojo, to attack Corbyn (esp. if he fails to call a vote of No Confidence in the House) and attack a No-Deal-Brexit and by extension, Brexit itself. The likely recipients of the BBC’s approval over that period: der Starmer, Jo Swinson, Nicola Sturgeon and anyone in N.Ireland who will worry over the border and terrorism.
I don’t want to be a member of the Labour Party but I don’t make a song and dance about it.
TOADY Watch #2 – the Bottom
TOADY is worried about the £. It is at its lowest level for two years
Simon Calder – travel advisor – is changing his money at the airport. Worst place to do it, Simon. If you book your holiday travelling non-NetZero Carbon Emissions in January, then the wise traveller buys currency over the next eight months. All this talk of hols, no mention of Carbon NetZero, no mention of Anthropogenic Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Climate Damage, Climate Destruction, Climate Disaster, Climate Emergency, Extinction No.6, Extinction Rebellion, Sixth Mass Extinction, etc., etc..
Funny that.
TIP – avoid Euro based shops at Airports as their rate of charge will be a pound less value than the euro . Eg .93 to the pound – which is theft .
Apologies, just reported Up2Snuff instead of replying.
Debs, I shall cower under the stairs in case Mishal Husain pops round to put the frighteners on!
BBC anti Boris you say ?? Would they use a photo like this of Corbyn, Lammy, Abbott, Obama , Jones, etc etc ……. NO they wouldn’t. Funny how when its a more Right sided figure, the left can do / say what the hell they like and its just a bit of FUN …. but do this to someone on the Left and its labelled Racist, bullying etc and they would never be off the BBC demanding apologies……only have to look at the Soubry incident to see that.
Disgusting, childish BIAS.
Following on from my last post re hottest day on record. Watching the morning news it seems clear that the BBC had planned a follow-up today using its roving reporter style.
Unfortunately the arrival of storms and rain appears to have put a damper on that but they bravely carried on anyway.
Item 1. a Beeboid chap at a water company up North with a bloke who more or less said “nothing to see here, business as usual!”
Item 2. A Beeboid lass in a field with some new trees. Asking why are so many new trees planted in rural rather then urban areas? I think we probably all know the answer to that one so I won’t dwell on it.
I think having shipped all their tackle at great cost no doubt to these places to stamp home the hottest day, end-of-world thingy they just had to desperately try to salvage some crumbs from the wreckage.
Normal deceitful Project Fear interview with someone from the NFU . The NFU has been “hard Remain “ for ever .
As always self interest takes primacy and these business people – let’s call them farmers – get subsidies from the EU UK taxpayer for land use . So they don’t want to lose the freebies .
But this isn’t the line the BBC take – in its normal biased way . There is no blame attached to the EU which says it will impose 40% tariffs on sheep meat exports .
As usual the BBC is completely uncritical of the EU – . If the EU bought in a policy of killing the first born of British Wimmin after brexit the BBC would just parrot – how are we going to achieve it ? Why can’t we kill more kids if that’s what their beloved EU want .
I’ve said here before that Tory MPs in the new government should avoid the BBC for the next 95 days – I stick with that as a counter to the Project Fear and they more desperate attempts by the BBC to stop democracy .
By the way – the next time they exhume Heseltine to be an EU mouthpiece remember he gets £90000 a year cheque from the EU for his land …
The NFU may be ‘hard Remain ‘ but most farmers are hard Brexiteers and agree they will cope with Brexit when it happens.
I think the NFU is the agricultural equivalent of the CBI. I am sure they have a hired spokesman who says, “What agriculture wants…”
Another ex Beeboid?
From Countryfile?
And there are those who say the LF is not worth it.
Who is surprised in the least?
So I suppose she didn’t ask him about his mental health – which he admits varies every day . The chai isn’t right but is still given the air of publicity despite having no more value in his view than you dear reader .
He ll be doing a press conference showing him signing up for the Liberal Party some time soon .
The BBC is creating a new chatshow fronted by him and Greta, apparently.
Where they only interview politicians and celebrities who are a few walnuts short of a Waldorf salad, but with empathy.
It is going to be called ‘The BBC News’.
The viewer is not expected to notice any change.
World Scouting by State Broadcaster – only an African refugee, girls and the adventurer off C4 were given voice.
This was a Breakfast report to reinforce campaign objectives set by the UK political party that no one votes for.
TOADY Watch #3 – the Bitter Pill
TOADY are oblivious of the cost of good quality cuts of meat on their vast salaries. Their probably computerised, automated standing order for Ocado for their shopping at Waitrose is just a number in the monthly credit card bill.
In the Snuffy household, meat is an occasional treat at up to £18 a kilo for lamb. The Welsh sheep farmers, in the event of a No-Deal-Brexit, could be doing really well feeding the UK market with much lower costs compared to exporting produce over greater distances. Lower vets bills. Lower fuel costs. Lower transport charges. Better for the environment, too. 😉
Exports are good for the country but where they come at the expense of the UK consumer, are they really that good? Especially if the UK then has to import approximately 60% of its food from abroad. If the politicians (and BBC) are really serious about Carbon NetZero, then trade miles will become as important for reduction as the car miles and the air miles.
Bring on (a No-Deal) Brexit – the Bitter Pill for the Beeb.
Snuff- Don’t come with any FACTS! This is about bullying beeb propagandist, Robinson, discourteous to the point of being obnoxious, using Welsh farming to spearhead project Fear for the day.
Manipulative, as ever, Robinson sounds almost as if he is trying hard to inspire and co-ordinate civil unrest in Wales, a prospect which clearly delights him. I’m sure that’s not what the bbc would want to do, you know- undermine democracy and encourage unrest, but then they need to be a little more cautious.
Our patriotic state broadcaster has identified what it sees as a weak spot for the hated “hard right” Boris, and is going at it hammer and tongs!
As we know, our friends at the beeb haven’t a clue as to what the term “right” actually means, politically-speaking, and are happy to use terms like “hard”, “extreme”, “far” etc as an insult, with gay abandon.
Up 2
Agree . Lamb is now a luxury food and if the farmers can’t make it affordable in the UK them someone else will .
Anyway – back to Toady and Comrade Robinson .
His brother in Marxist – Comrade Corbyn has set out Labour Party policy of banning fracking because of so called’ Climate change’ .
Fair enough – but Comrade Robinson doesn’t then follow up with the question – so labour would ban coal mining as well on the same grounds . ?
But Labour loves coal miners – all that coal dug out of the ground has warmed the planet and Labour has loved it . So Maggie thatcher did the planet a favour taking on the miners – right ?
Fed, Prof Minstead explained before and during the EU Referendum Campaign that leaving the EU would be tough for UK farmers but that lower prices all round would not necessarily wipe out their businesses. They would have to learn and adapt to compete outside the blatant protectionism of the EU just as Kiwi & Aussie farmers had to do the same when we joined the EEC in ’73 and turned our back on the Commonwealth.
TOADY Watch #4 – the Bombshell
Apparently, Corbyn, in a bid to shore up his leadership position among ‘da yoof’ is all set to have Labour ban fracking in the UK if they are elected to Government sometime in the future. An anti-fracking campaigner who appears to be not the sharpest twig on the tree in the forest is challenged by Nick: “Is it better to import gas over vast distances (inference: by extremely dirty polluting ship) or to obtain it locally for local consumption?”
“We should not be using gas at all.” is the bombshell reply from the wimmin anti-fracking campaigner.
It’s OK for wimmins because on average they have different and more body fat than men and, consequently, do not feel the cold as much. But relying on solar & wind-farm electricity plus all those wonderful unicorn farts will not keep that wimmin anti-fracking campaigner warm enough in winter with her food cooked and her magic bus charged to get her to the next demo, as well.
I don’t know much about fracking – but I’m against it. . I see our gas reserves as a strategic energy security issue in the same way that America sees its own oil reserves .
Until recently exporting oil from the USA was banned . I think we should leave the gas in the ground until it is really needed – and import it from elsewhere .
I know if you take this argument forward then we would not be taking oil out of the North Sea .
There is no long term benefit from what has been done there – governments chose to use the profits as opposed to building a sovereign wealth fund – which is a great shame .
Fed, it is a useful resource and I would not disagree that keeping it in reserve might be a wise thing. However, to do that we need to establish where the fields are, how large they are and how to get at them economically with minimal disruption. Labour Party and the mentalistenviros will probably try to ban all of that exploration and testing, not just extraction.
The US exports of gas and oil were not banned, Fed. They had nothing to export. The US was a net importer until recently when they sorted out their deep field extraction problems. They do not have enough on land oil, at an extractable rate, sufficient for their needs.
The really big danger is that various large economy Governments have been stupid enough to signal the end of transport use for oil. The oil companies will increasingly look at their extraction costs and say “Nah, can’t make much profit on that! Let’s not bother and put up solar panels and windmills instead.”. They will increasingly choose to leave the stuff under the sea.
I may be wrong but I thought the US decided it would rather import foreign oil than use its reserves . I’ll read up on it .
As for fracking – I’m thinking of a time when we really really need fuel and can’t get enough from overseas sources at affordable levels . Corbyn would be long dead – I’m talking 10 20 30 years out .
But thinking on it I don’t know how a UK sharia based government would handle that …
I for one would be more than content with my sunni-powered Istfahan carpet.
There has been a long term benefit for Norway, because they salted the money away.
Extract from an article in The Spectator:
“Boris Johnson’s Downing Street is being quite clear that if the EU wants to talk then it needs to be prepared to reopen the withdrawal agreement. If the EU isn’t prepared to budge on this, the message is that there will be no deal.
The EU isn’t inclined to take this threat that seriously right now.
The EU view is that parliament will find a way to block the UK leaving without a deal or Boris Johnson will get cold feet. Even if the UK does leave without a deal, many in the EU reckon that within months the UK will be so keen to come back to the table that it’ll end up accepting the current agreement after all.”
Let’s hope the WA will NOT be reopened. That would be a terrible outcome.
This is assuredly a PR work of genius, not least highlighting how all the rest, including Harrabin, Shuckman et Al will still be getting there.
GW – a work of PR genius, enthusiastically given top billing on Toady/news.
One wonders who dreamt it up, not that it was that difficult, being an obvious answer to allegations of carbon producing flying, etc
Let’s see if she keeps it up, as it’s time consuming for a jet-setter!
I’m sure they’re hoping it’s a one-off we will soon forget!
Think of all those news helicopters following the green boat …
A period in the doldrums would be ironic.
Gets better.
Hard tack all round on SS. SJW.
Not to mention dubious choices in the BBC canteen.
So Greenhouse Gas emissions could be reduced by up to 50% if we all went vegan. I bet that other gas emissions might increase, though …….
It would be better for all of us, if she were to just stop eating, altogether.
Oh, cruel! (But understandable.)
“Greta has declared she has stopped eating meat, dairy and eggs – urging her family to do the same, saying: “You say you love your children above all else and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes”
Sounds more like one of those irritating “Life Insurance” TV adds were the viewer is supposed to go on a guilt trip by thinking of our grand children.
Cheesed off? Perhaps because Greta has morphed so grindingly into grater.
Why do vegetarians and vegans want their food to look like…… meat? In my Co-op there is, what looks like mince with the label “The Meatfree Farm”. There is a pressed ‘concoction’ of God knows what with the label “chicken free roll” – I laugh, – why include the word ‘chicken’ if there is no trace of it ????? and don’t get me started on the burgers and sausages.
So, if this lot do not want to eat meat or animal products, then WHY do they want their food to look like the stuff the rest of us eat ?
It’s a good point. Possibly because we have an innate need and desire to eat meat as we are, after all, hunters and omnivores. Contrarywise, nature does not seem to have pre-programmed us to seek out chemical concoctions, stem cells and the factories that assemble them and, as of yet, scientists have been unable to find the gene responsible for wanting to drink a skinny white made with soya milk. Each according to his/her/its own, but vegetarianism and veganism are unnatural in a biological sense (‘I beg to to disagree’ – A.Hitler).
Re: AH, is that why Germany became known as the farterland?
“Sounds more like one of those irritating “Life Insurance” TV adds were the viewer is supposed to go on a guilt trip by thinking of our grand children.” LOVE IT !
I don’t have kids, so therefore no grandkids, and I’m just spending all my hard earned on………………. ME !!!
In the past I’ve given nieces and nephews cheques of 3 figures for weddings/birthdays/xmas, and I’m I thought any more of ? or even received a letter of thanks ? Have I hell, so its No.1 from now on, and sod the lot of ’em.
I like those adverts and I’m going to miss the free money PPI adds as well .
Bring a friend to this site and get a free Parker pen …
I also suspect that the bloke in the tank top is having a mad fling with his ‘ neighbour ‘ June who seems to spend an unhealthy amount of time ‘ next door’ ….
Fed, ah but have you noticed that ‘June’ has had her mouth altered from saying “oh yes I’ve seen the ads with Parky”, to now saying “oh yes I’ve seen the ads on tv”.
Clearly ‘Parky’ took issue with having his name used without payment, so they’ve changed the dialogue.
I know, I’m sad, but I do notice these things.
Any body know the following remark by a daughter to her dad when their neighbour calls round to see what else the householder can flog to her:
“Its June Dad”
June – who is the name of the neighbour – walks in opened mouthed, gurning to camera as if she’s just seen a ghost streaking down her hallway holding her dentures in its hands.
Its the TV add for a: “Pay for your funeral in”.
Its the add where certain – fresh from the Botox celebrities – try to twist your arm up your back in order to earn their own equivalent of a EU MPs salary promising those suckers who fall for the add and survive long enough – after 80 yrs saving @ £50 a month will be rewarded with the huge amount of £5 quid to pay for one’s funeral.
Note: however, if one lives to 80 and forgets to pay the monthly amount due the previous month you loose every £ you’ve paid in. Everything.
Sounds criminal too me?
Why not open a bank account, that’s what I say.
Bye the way “Its June Dad” is doing my head in.
I’m waiting for Dad to shove one of his parsnips down her throat !
Then there are the equity release ads. Although this system of borrowing money against your property until you die or go into care, has been around for a couple of decades, before I cash in my chips I want to see if there is any scandal ready to erupt as I’m sure there’s bound to be.
Those that have already had their lump sums in the past must surely be coming up to going into care, or passing on, then we’ll see what the relatives have to say about this system when there’s no money left in the pot, due to the rolling interest every year.
I just feel that like the endowment mortgages that were flogged at the height of the property boom, which didn’t increase the pot as the salesmen said it would, so everyone caught colds year later, I think the same might happen with this equity release lark.
Good for you!
Council flat AirBnB corruption
Saturday 13th July on FooC
“Caroline Davies has been finding out what lessons policy makers can learn from the Viennese approach to housing. ”
She waxed lyrical about the SUBSIDISED council housing Karl Marx Hof.
… And I’m thinking YOU STUPID WOMAN, if the housing is SUBSIDISED then I bet there is the corruption of subletting.
Then today comes up this story about this guy being fined £100K
An LBC caller saying the thing is in her area
“so in my people have put a chalet type sleepout shed in their garden for their parents, who then rent out their own council houses.”
.. Another caller tells us a council worker told him that she would often spot council flats advertised for rent in estate agents windows, but the fraud squad was too busy to chase it up.
Rest of the Fooc Blurb
\\ A hundred years ago, the passing of the Addison Act spurred a huge expansion in council housing across the UK. Austria too has been remembering when it began building social housing around 100 years ago. In Vienna today more than half of its population live in subsidised apartment blocks.
Some of these are of vast scale, such as Karl Marx Hof, more than half a mile long.
Caroline Davies has been finding out what lessons policy makers can learn from the Viennese approach to housing. //
Those coincidences when BBC just happen to interview someone after a Guardian interview
#1 The Guardian’s Amelia Hill writes about Rosemary Blenkinsop
Extinction Rebellion pensioner: ‘I get arrested for the planet’
#2 The BBC’s Chris Waring’s video report about Rosemary Blenkinsop
‘I wake up angry and I go to bed angry’: meet the protesting pensioners”
Peter Hitchins is on Talk Radio now
We know the BBC and the Left hate Britain … they NEVER focus on the good news, even though there is plenty of it. Its a strange old game when you are seemingly desperate your OWN COUNTRY to fail. Weird.
Anyone stupid enough to use airport exchange booths for anything other than immediate small quantity access deserves precisely what they will get – but the message from the Independent overlooks this simple truth. Elsewhere the pound will get 1.9 euros – about the same as last year at this holiday time – and another little coincidence the Risibly Less Than Independent ignores.
The real potential news item, to take the money-changers to court for illegal usury and financial distortion, would not be in the public interest. Evidently.
I had time in a departure area of a UK airport recently and saw the rate Moneycorp quoted . I was so shocked I took a picture and was challenged – apparently airport bylaws – but theft is theft ( yes I know it’s free will and free markets ).
One of the consequences of BBC bias is that there are many dramas that we try to avoid like the plague. That presents the problem, what can we watch without being insulted, wasting our time, or throwing a brick at the telly?
Can I make a suggestion? Can we have a thread from time to time in which people can list programmes (any source) that are actually worth watching? I know that suggestions already come up from time to time, and I’ve found them very useful.
I’d start the ball rolling with Chernobyl (SKY, HBO), which was far better than I expected.
I know that this is not the primary function of BiasedBBC, but one way to prise people away from the licence fee is to present them with alternatives.
Helen – thanks for the idea – or maybe an -avoid like the plague – thread – which has the instant fault of being very long .
Lucky TVs and radios don’t have blood pressure monitors attached . Monitoring tick box insertion of non whites/ whites , Muslims / kaffirs . Wimmin / non Wimmin might be a start .
Fauda is a good one. Israel-Palestine drama, and you think (a) Israel is a good place (b) Will the hostility ever be ended? It is fair-minded in a way the BBC would be incapable of.